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/Florida Investigator Bob Nygaard's specific conscious detailed May 16, 2011 E-Mail sent to Lee County Sheriff's Economic Crimes Unit Captain Ronald J. Curtis Jr., WARNING Captain Ronald J. Curtis Jr ., he in fact would be held accountable to the Full Extent of The Laws in the event Captain Ronald J. Curtis Jr., intentionally, knowingly, and deliberately engaged in a Unlawful COVER UP, fail/failed to enforce the laws to ARREST Fortune Teller Fraud Spiritualist Advisers Con Artists Miriam Pacheco and Maria T. Torres for their Organized Scheme to Defraud, Grand Theft, and Exploitation of an Elderly/Disabled Person (s) Crimes in fact committed by Miriam Pacheco aka La Madrina Miriam and Maria T. Torres. Captain Ronald J. Curtis Jr., IN FACT engaged in the largest Organized Public Corruption Fortune Tellers Fraud Conspiracy COVER UP Crimes in the History of Lee County Florida against an Elderly/Disabled Person(s), Captain Ronald J. Curtis Jr., violated State and Federal Laws and Florida State Statues RICO Laws, committed Horrific, Horrendous, Inhumane, and Barbaric crimes committed against Enzo Vincenzi in an attempt for Captain Ronald J. Curtis Jr., to exculpate himself from being ARRESTED and criminal prosecuted for using the same Modus Operandi as convicted Detective Jack M. Makler who was sentenced to FIVE Years in Federal Prison for engaging in a Fortune Tellers Fraud Public Corruption Cover Up. For more information about the Public Corruption unlawful wrongdoings in fact committed by Captain Ronald J. Curtis Jr., visit and for more public detailed, specific, and conscious information of the unlawful horrific horrendous CRIMES in fact committed by Captain Ronald J. Curtis Jr., See Lee County, Florida 20th Circuit Court Lawsuit Court Case No.:12-CA-002349 Judge:Micheal T. McHugh filed on August 7, 2012 and December 6, 2012 in the Lee County Court Public Records. ___________________________________________________________________________________ FW: Bob Nygaard-RE: How Come law enforcement agencies all over this country enforce the law against Fraudulent fortune teller/spiritual advisers, but the LCSO ECU refuses to do so?
From: Bob Nygaard [] Sent: Monday, May 16, 2011 2:25 AM To: 'Curtis, Ronald' Cc: 'Day, Keith E.'; '' Subject: Bob Nygaard- RE: How come law enforcement agencies all over this country enforce the law against fraudulent fortuneteller/spiritual advisors, but the LCSO ECU refuses to do so

Captain Curtis, I am sending you this email, as it contains yet another example of a law enforcement agency that took appropriate action after I submitted a fraudulent fortuneteller/spiritual adviser case to them. This time it was the NYPD who obtained an arrest warrant for a fraudulent fortuneteller/spiritual advisor after I met with them. Within a few short days of my having met with detectives from the NYPDs sixth precinct detective squad, the detectives responded to the ofisa/psychic parlor where the fraudulent fortuneteller/spiritual adviser (Sylvia Mitchell) worked. They responded there with the intention of making a SUMMARY ARREST based upon PROBABLE CAUSE. Sylvia Mitchell was no longer at the ofisa, so the NYPD detectives obtained an ARREST WARRANT for her. It only took a little over 30 days from when I handed them my investigation for them to obtain the arrest warrant. Once again, this is yet another case of law enforcement authorities taking the appropriate law

enforcement action against a fortuneteller/spiritual advisor who used the same modus operandi that Miriam Pacheco and her co-conspirators used to defraud Enzo Vincenzi (*Note-I recently sent you a link to a news story that T.V. station WPBF-25 broadcast the other night concerning a case in which the Palm Beach County Sheriff Offices Financial Crimes Unit secured an arrest warrant and subsequently made an arrest of a fraudulent fortuneteller/spiritual adviser based on an investigation that I submitted to them). I have submitted criminal investigations concerning crimes committed by fraudulent fortunetellers/spiritual advisors to other agencies in Florida as well as all around this country. Every single time, I eventually received the cooperation of the law enforcement agencies that I submitted my investigations to and arrests were made and/or arrest warrants were obtained. I submitted a criminal investigation to the Lee County Sheriff Offices Economic Crimes Unit in the beginning of January 2011 and here we are more than four months later still waiting for capias warrants to be issued and arrests to be made. You informed Enzo Vincenzi that the Lee County Sheriff Offices Economic Crimes Unit would not make summary arrests in regards to his case. Why is it that law enforcement agencies all over this country make summary arrests every day yet you, Sgt. Day, Det. Paccione, Det. Zellman, are unable to determine whether probable cause to arrest perpetrators exists? Do you really expect me to believe that between the four of you, you guys cant figure out whether probable cause that a crime has occurred exists? Quite frankly, in my twenty-one years as a sworn police officer and my four years of working closely with law enforcement agencies all over this country, I have never dealt with a law enforcement agency comprised of detectives like you guys in the Lee County Sheriff Offices Economic Crimes Unit who state that you are unable to determine whether probable cause exists and as a result refuse to make arrests. This seriously calls into question whether you, Sgt. Day, Det. Paccione, and Det. Zellman are actually incapable of reviewing a criminal cases that have been submitted to you and determining whether probable cause that a crime has been committed exists or whether there is something else much more insidious going on. You made repeated assurances to Enzo Vincenzi via email that upon completion of your investigation of Enzo Vincenzis criminal complaint, that the Lee County Sheriff Offices Economic Crimes Unit would be forwarding the investigation to the Lee County State Attorneys Office WITH WARRANT REQUESTS. After being informed by you that the investigation had in fact been forwarded to the Lee County State Attorneys Office, both Mr. Vincenzi and I requested to know if the investigation had been forwarded WITH WARRANT REQUESTS as you had indicated and if so for whom. We received no response from you or anyone else in the Lee County Sheriff Offices Economic Crimes Unit. Your lack of response leads us to believe that you purposely misled us when you stated that the investigation would be forwarded to the Lee County State Attorneys Office WITH WARRANT REQUESTS. To put it succinctly, we believe that you flat out lied to us. Furthermore Captain Curtis, you informed Enzo Vincenzi of the following in an email that you sent him and I quote; Later this afternoon your case is going to be delivered to the States Attorney in its entirety. The States Attorney will review the case and make a determination regarding criminality. Do you mean to tell me that between you, Sgt. Day, Det. Paccione, and Det. Zelman, the four of you guys, putting all your heads together, couldnt make a determination as to whether criminality had occurred in regards to Enzo Vincenzis criminal complaint? I sent you an investigation that was gift wrapped, and after four months of investigation, the four of you combined couldnt even

determine whether or not a crime had been committed? Once again this calls into serious question whether you guys are really that inept or whether you guys are just playing stupid and there is something more insidious going on. In any event, here is an example (one of many I might add) of what happens when the appropriate law enforcement action is taken in regards to a fraudulent fortuneteller/spiritual advisor case. After reading the following information, I request that you forward it to the Lee County Assistant State Attorney who is reviewing Enzo Vincenzis case as I believe it will help the State Attorney make the right decision and issue capias warrants for Miriam Pacheco and her co-conspirators. I am not a psychic and dont know if the Lee County State Attorneys Office is going to take the appropriate action in regards to the crimes that were committed against Enzo Vincenzi but it doesnt take a psychic to know that if the appropriate action isnt taken, that you Captain Curtis, Sgt. Day, Det. Paccione,, Det. Zellman, as well as Deputy Scanlon, Deputy Russo and Cpl. Arvin (who failed to take the appropriate law enforcement action back in 2008 when a crime was reported to them) will all be held accountable by a higher authority. I sincerely hope and pray that this does not come to pass because as a former sworn police officer, I do not like seeing law enforcement officers get in trouble, however mark my words when I say that I believe that if you guys keep arrogantly continuing along on you current path, trouble is inevitable. Hopefully the Lee County State Attorneys Office will issue capias warrants for the perpetrators who defrauded Enzo Vincenzi and the Lee County Offices Economic Crimes Unit will arrest the perpetrators, just as the NYPD and law enforcement agencies all over this country do when encharged within investigating and prosecuting fraudulent fortunetellers/spiritual advisors. The following is an example of what happens when appropriate action is taken;

P.I.s Investigation of Fraudulent Psychic Sylvia Mitchell (aka Zena) Leads to Arrest Warrant-Mitchell is believed to have fled to Cannes, France.
Former Greenwich Village psychic, Sylvia Mitchell, is now wanted by the NYPD for perpetrating a fortunetelling scam in which she is alleged to have defrauded a victim of approximately $28,000 (see link- . Private Investigator Bob Nygaard, a member of the National Association of Bunco Investigators, who specializes in the investigation of con-artists, built the criminal case against Mitchell after being hired by the victim, who resides in Florida. Nygaard conducted an intensive investigation, met with detectives from the NYPD sixth squad, provided them with the evidence to obtain an arrest warrant, and the warrant was subsequently obtained. The details of the case are as follows; During the end of July in 2008, the victim, a middle-age woman, was in Greenwich Village in New York City visiting her boyfriend. He had broken up with her and she was devastated by the demise of the relationship. In addition, she had been let go from her job. She was emotionally vulnerable because of these two stressful events that had just occurred in her life. While walking on 7th Ave. S, the victim observed a sign advertising Psychic Zena at 82 7th Ave. S, N.Y., N.Y. Due to the recent one two punch of losing her boyfriend and her job, she was emotionally distraught and searching for answers. She decided to get a reading from Psychic Zena. The victim felt totally lost and thought that maybe a psychic could help her make sense of things as well as tell her what her future might hold. The victim entered the psychic parlor and met with Psychic Zena (AKA Sylvia Mitchell). The victim received a reading during which time Mitchell elicited information from the victim as to the problems that she was experiencing in her life. Mitchell provided the victim with some very general

information in return. The victim paid her $70.00 for the reading. Mitchell told the victim that she could conduct a much more extensive reading, which would reveal much more detailed information, but that it would cost $1,000 for such a reading. The victim left, went to a bank, and withdrew $1,000. The victim subsequently went back to see Sylvia for a second reading (during that same week) at which time she gave Mitchell the $1,000 as instructed. During the second reading, Mitchell told the victim that the cause of all her problems was her strong attachment to money, and that if she ever wanted to better herself and have a more positive life, the victim would first need to learn how to let go of money. Mitchell said that the victim would need to give her $27,000 as an exercise just to prove that she could rid herself of her strong attachment to money. Mitchell explained that it would be a very difficult thing for the victim to do but that it was necessary because the victim would continue to experience problems, such as the ones that she had recently experienced in her life, if she did not perform the exercise. Mitchell assured the victim that it was just a test and that if the victim felt any discomfort at all after giving her the money that she would have the option of getting it back immediately. The victim was desperate and willing to try anything to change her life for the better in light of the negative events that had recently occurred in her life. The victim, who resided in Florida, flew back and arranged to get the $27,000 that Sylvia had convinced her was needed for the exercise. The victim subsequently returned to New York City in August of 2008, and went back to see Mitchell. Mitchell reassured the victim that she would only hold the money temporarily and Mitchell reassured her that it was only a test. Mitchell stated unequivocally that the money would be safe and secure and Mitchell promised that if at any time the victim wanted her money back, she (Mitchell) could easily take care of it by just reissuing the victim a check. Mitchell convinced the victim that she was taking a huge step in terms of bettering herself and Mitchell reiterated that if the victim felt any discomfort whatsoever after giving her the money, that the victim would have the option of getting the money back immediately. By this time, Sylvia Mitchell had gained the victims complete confidence and trust. The victim was thoroughly convinced that Mitchell did in fact possess psychic powers and that she had her best interests at heart. The victim was convinced that everything that Mitchell was telling her was true, so she performed the exercise as instructed and gave Mitchell a personal check for $27,000. The very next day, the victim came to her senses and realized that giving Mitchell the $27,000 had been a huge mistake. The victim realized that her judgment had been severely clouded by the emotionally vulnerable state that she was in due to the demise of her relationship and the loss of her job. The victim had been completely vulnerable to Mitchel's suggestions and she now realized that she had been conned. The victim called Mitchell and told her that she needed her money back immediately and that she wanted to come see her to get it. Mitchell informed the victim that her money was unavailable and that she could not give it back to her. The victim asked Mitchell where she had put it and Mitchell refused to tell her. The victim literally begged Mitchell to give her her money back but Mitchell said that it just was not coming back to her. The victim reminded Mitchell that she had told her that the money was safe and secure and the victim reminded Mitchell of the promise that she had made to her regarding her being able to get her money back anytime she wanted. The victim was in a state of shock. The victim kept calling Mitchell over the course of the next few days in the hopes that Mitchell would do the right thing and give her her $27,000 back. Unfortunately, Mitchell repeatedly refused to give the victim her money back and refused to tell her where it was. The victim finally realized that the promise was merely part of the con and that Mitchell never intended on keeping it. The victim flew back to Florida but continued to call Mitchell demanding her money back but to no avail. In October 2008, the victim called Mitchell and informed her that she was going to report her to the police because she had lied to her and was refusing to give her her money back as promised. Mitchell arranged to make a payment to the victim to prevent from being arrested. Mitchell instructed the victim

to meet her on Grove St. in New York City. The victim met Mitchell on Grove St. in November 2008, at which time Mitchell gave me the victim a personal check. The check was a Chase Bank personal check valued at $4,000 from Sylvia E. Mitchell 1350 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, Florida dated October 31, 2008. The victim subsequently attempted to cash the check but the check bounced due to insufficient funds. The victim subsequently resubmitted it and it cleared. After the victim received the $4,000, she continued to contact Mitchell in an attempt to recover the rest of the money that Mitchell had defrauded her of but to no avail. In January 2009, the victim sent Mitchell a letter notifying her that she was going to take legal action if she did not return the money. Mitchell made a couple of small sporadic payments to dissuade the victim from going to the police and to stay out of trouble, but in April 2010, the payments stopped. The victim now realized that the payments that Mitchell had made were just shrewd attempts to avoid being arrested and an exit strategy for her con. In February of 2010, the victim was browsing the internet when she came upon stories that had been published in the New York Post and the New York Daily News regarding Sylvia Mitchell, in which another woman was alleging that Mitchell had defrauded her as well. The details concerning that case were published in a story that appeared in the New York Post on February 18, 2010. According to the New York Post and a lawsuit that was filed in regards to the case, a woman named Dane Chan alleged that Sylvia Mitchell conned her out of over $10,000 with schemes to cleanse her of "impurities." Mitchell allegedly told Chan that she urgently needed to start "removing blockages" to improve her life. Mitchell purported that she could remove the blockages for $500. Mitchell also told Chan to make a "prayer list" in that she was instructed to write down all her desires and goals for the future in a piece of paper. Chan was instructed to wrap the list in nine $100 bills and place the list into a jar filled with water and spit. Mitchell further instructed Chan to put the jar under her pillow and sleep in a white nightgown for a week. When Chan went back to see Mitchell to give her the jar, Mitchell grabbed the jar, moved it up and down Chans body and then disappeared. Mitchell then came back and the water inside the jar was red. Mitchell claimed that this was due to the impurities, which had been purged. Chan asked for her money back, but Mitchell refused to return it. Mitchell then told Chan that she had to perform the ceremony again with new $100 bills, or else her future fortune would not change. Approximately one week later, Mitchell called the woman and frantically asked the woman how much money she could put on her credit card because she needed supplies to finish cleansing the womans future. Mitchell purportedly went to a Ralph Lauren store and purchased clothes, making two $4,733 charges. After reading this story, the victim, who had up until this time felt embarrassed and ashamed at having been defrauded by Mitchell, now, realized that she was not the only person whom Mitchell had victimized. As a result, the victim decided to contact the police not only for herself but also out of a sense of responsibility to stop Sylvia Mitchell from emotionally abusing and financially devastating others. The victim subsequently called the NYPD and the Manhattan District Attorneys Office but she kept being referred from one person to the next and she just could not find anyone who would take an interest in her case. Not knowing which way to turn and who to go to for help, the victim called Private Investigator Bob Nygaard. Nygaard is a highly decorated retired police officer, headquartered in Manhattan, N.Y. and Boca Raton, Florida, who specializes in investigating Bunco crimes and in the detection and apprehension, of con-artists. Nygaard met with the victim in Florida and agreed to take her case. Nygaard subsequently built a criminal case against Mitchell. Nygaard (a former New York City Transit Police Officer and Nassau County, N.Y. Police Officer) then took the victim to meet with detectives in the NYPD sixth precinct at which time he provided the detectives with sufficient evidence necessary to obtain an arrest warrant. The NYPD gave Private Investigator Nygaard their full

cooperation and subsequently obtained the warrant for Sylvia Mitchell. Mitchell is believed to have fled to Cannes, France at this time. Anyone who has also been defrauded by Sylvia Mitchell (AKA Psychic Zena) or anyone having any information in regards to Mitchells whereabouts should contact Private Investigator Bob Nygaard at (561)-596-3443 or (212)-514-7474 AND NYPD sixth precinct Detective Wheeler at (212)-741-4841.. Lee County Sheriff Economic Crimes Unit Captain Ronald J. Curtis Jr., my name is Enzo Vincenzi the victim you committed Felony State and Federal crimes against in a Organized Public Corruption Fortune Teller's Fraud Cover Up using the same Modus Operandi as Convicted Detective Jack M. Makler who was in fact sentenced to FIVE Years in Federal Prison for engaging in a Public Corruption COVER UP. Captain Ronald J. Curtis Jr., you were IN FACT lawfully Respectfully WARNED numerous TIMES Not To Engage in a COVER UP by N.Y./Florida Investigator Bob Nygaard, you were also warned by Enzo Vincenzi by (Fact) U.S. Certified Legal Notices that have NOW been publicized for the The Public to SEE and READ exactly what kind of Corrupted Crooked Lee County Florida State Law Enforcement Official you are with Numerous Documented E-Mails and FROM YOU proving without a shadow of a doubt in specific detailed evidence you in fact engaged in COVER UP by knowingly, intentionally and deliberately failing to ARREST Miriam Pacheco and her co-conspirators for their Organized Scheme to Defraud Fortune Tellers Fraud Crimes they in fact committed in Lee County, Florida, and were in fact both found Liable for FRAUD on April 8, 2010 by a Lee County Court Jury. (Fact) It is now Publicly Obvious and Evident you Captain Ronald J. Curtis Jr., have NO REGARDS for the Civil, State, and Federal Laws in the State of Florida of the Lee County Residents, and are in fact using your Badge and Title as the Captain of The Lee County Economic Crimes Unit as a Public Servant of the Lee County Tax Payers to Rob and Steal from the Lee County Residents by engaging in Public Corruption COVER UPS your Unlawful Actions are a serious, very serious Federal Felony Offense! Captain Ronald J. Curtis Jr., you IN FACT intentional and maliciously violated State and Federal Laws using your position as a Florida State Official a Lee County Florida a Public Corrupted Paid Employee by the Lee County Tax Payers money to engage in unlawful COVER UP criminal acts, This is in fact a Public Outrage committed by YOU! Captain Ronald J. Curtis Jr., your unlawful conduct is a disgrace to all honest law bidding Law Enforcement Officials in the United States of America and Lee County Residents in The State of Florida, Captain Ronald J. Curtis Jr., You WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE for ALL your unlawful Public Corrupted Actions and illegal conduct to the Full Extent of ALL State and Federal Laws for the CRIMES you knowingly, intentionally, and maliciously committed against Enzo Vincenzi. THERE IS a $250,000. CASH REWARD for any information leading to the ARREST and CONVICTION of Public Corrupted Captain Ronald J. Curtis Jr., engaging in a Organized Fortune Teller's Fraud Public Corruption Cover Up Conspiracy Crimes using the same Modus Operandi as Convicted Detective Jack M. Makler who was in fact sentenced to FIVE YEARS in Federal Prison for engaging in a Public Corruption Fortune Tellers Fraud Cover Up against Elderly/Disabled Persons.

There is an ongoing investigation against Lee County Florida Captain Ronald J. Curtis Jr., for engaging in a Organized Fortune Tellers Fraud Public Corruption COVER UP Conspiracy CRIMES violating State and Federal Laws anyone with any information leading to the ARREST and CONVICTION of Public Corrupted Captain Ronald J. Curtis Jr., call 239-321-4005. Anyone with any information leading to the ARREST and CONVICTION of Fortune Tellers FRAUD Con Artists Miriam Pacheco aka La Madrina Miriam and Maria T. Torres of Botanica 7 Potensias Africanas, Contact N.Y./Florida Investigator Bob Nygaard at 561-596-3443

WANTED Miriam Pacheco aka La Madrina Miriam For Fortune Tellers FRAUD Spiritual Psychics Scams/Organized Scheme To Defraud, Grand Theft, and Exploitation of an Elderly/Disabled Persons.

Any one with any information leading to the ARREST and CONVICTION of Miriam Pacheco aka La Madrina Miriam and Co-conspirator Maria T. Torres of Botanica 7 Potensias Africanas located at 3093 Cleveland Ave, Fort Myers, FL 33901. Contact N.Y./Florida Investigator Bob Nygaard at 561-596-3443 (Fact) Photo of Fortune Teller Fraud Con Artist Convicted Felon MIRIAM PACHECO for Check Fraud, Insurance Fraud, and Assaulting Police Officer's.

(Fact) Miriam Pacheco aka La Madrina Miriam was sent to the United States of America by Fidel Castro on the Mariel Boat Lift from Cuba, Miriam Pacheco has used the Religion of Santeria Africanas to Rob, Steal, and Conspire against Elderly/Disabled persons for their Disabled Checks, and insurance claim, one victim Pedro Garcia a disabled person confined to a wheel chair was run over by a car for an insurance claim that Miriam Pacheco collected money for the death of the victim Pedro Garcia an Elderly/Disabled Person. (Fact) At the Funeral Service of the deceased victim Pedro Garcia, Miriam Pacheco was repeatedly, constantly, hostilely arguing with the deceased victim family members about the insurance claim money from the deceased victim Pedro Garcia run over by car while in a wheel chair belonging to her (Miriam Pacheco) because she had been taken care of the Elderly/Disabled person Pedro Garcia. (Fact) Miriam Pacheco has set up North and Central American Drug Cartels for the F.B.I. Who were

seeking spiritual protection from the law from being arrested, instead got framed and set up by Miriam Pacheco. (Fact) Miriam Pacheco lied on her United States Immigration Application for Citizenship in the United States of America was CAUGHT! For committing perjury by immigration officials for failing to state she was ARRESTED for Assaulting Police Officer's and Check Fraud, in return for setting up Drug Dealers in Lee County Florida for the F.B.I. Miriam Pacheco was granted a Green Card by an Immigration Official, and has been on a CRIME SPREE! ever since in Lee County Florida all due to Public Corrupted Captain Ronald J. Curtis Jr., Engaging in the largest Organized Fortune Tellers Fraud Public Corruption Conspiracy COVER UP!in the History of Lee County Florida, IN FACT Violating Florida State RICO Laws in the State of Florida, violating the Civil, State, and Federal Rights of Enzo Vincenzi for more than four ongoing Organized Public Corruption Conspiracy Cover Up years in the Number One Ranked State in the Nation For Public Corruption, Crooked Politicians, and Fortune Tellers Fraud crimes committed against Enzo Vincenzi of his Home (Florida State Homestead) Motel Business, Real Estate Property located at 1652 North Tamiami Trail North Fort Myers, Florida In an attempt for Public Corrupted Captain Ronald J. Curtis Jr., to exculpate himself from criminal prosecution for all the State and Federal Crimes he in fact maliciously committed against Enzo Vincenzi. (Fact) a Lawsuit has been filed in the Lee County Court Public Records against Public Corrupted Captain Ronald J. Curtis Jr., for engaging a Organized Public Corruption COVER UP in Lee County Court Case No.:12-CA-002349 Judge Micheal T. McHugh.

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