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What Are Better Opportunity To Immigrants To Canada Canada is identified as a nation that has opportunities in abundance.

The natural resources, industries and the environment make it an attractive destination for the immigrants. Canada has in place some sound economic policies and administrative capabilities which make it an ideal place to live and work at. Canada also has a diverse demography that hails from different backgrounds, nationality and religions. The cosmopolitan environment makes it easier for the immigrant to adjust well to the surrounding and become a part of the society. The economy of Canada has also shown a good resilience to the ongoing recession and has remained virtually unaffected. The well founded economic policies and the business leaderships have made sure that Canada remains a driving force in the world economy. Still, the government has raised some serious concerns over certain lacunae over the immigration policy that has led to under or un-employment. There is a substantial demand for manpower in areas such as Medicine, Engineering and Business management. This provides an opportunity to the talents and the skilled workforce across the world to realize their true potential at a growing land. The question for most of the intending migrants is what are better opportunity to immigrants to Canada? A good answer comes in the form of the Federal Skilled Worker Visa. The Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism at Canada makes it possible for an individual to live and work in Canada purely on the basis of his skills and talent. For a Federal Skilled Worker Visa, the candidate must meet the minimum visa requirements corresponding to work experience, educational and professional qualifications. The immigration should be of value for both the immigrant and the local economy at Canada. The candidate is also required to obtain the pass marks on the point based assessment. The application that meets all the said criteria and also has the pass marks will acquire Federal Skilled Worker Visa to live & work in Canada, however with certain limitations. The government of Canada has recently made some changes with its FSWP Federal Skilled Worker Program. The amendments now require the applicant to belong to younger age group and also have a good assessment for his official language comprehension. The objective with the changes to the new Federal Skilled Worker Program is to make sure that the immigrant is better equipped to adjust to the demography and resides in Canada for a longer period of time. The Federal Skilled Worker Visa is a better opportunity to immigrants to Canada, but must follow the above said guidelines. What are better opportunity to immigrants to Canada, to which the Federal Skilled Worker Visa seems to be an appropriate opportunity. The applicant should ensure that he or she has an offer in-hand for an arranged employment at Canada and also have relevant work experience at a high demand designated occupation. The application should also be accompanied with a health and character certificate from the designated authorities.

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