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21st/ 22nd December 2012


Manama, chanting "Resign, Khalifa!" and waving Bahraini ags.

Bahrain protesters demand departure of PM

Thousands of Shiite protesters in Bahrain Saturday demanded a transition government and the removal of Prime Minister Sheikh Khalifa bin Salman al-Khalifa, who has been premier since 1974, witnesses said. They said the demonstrators marched in the village of Diya near the capital

The Shiite opposition in the tiny Sunni-ruled Gulf kingdom is led by Al-Wefaq, which wants a government of technocrats to rule in a transition leading to a constitutional monarchy. Since February last year, Bahrain has been shaken by opposition protests that the authorities accuse of being exploited by Shiite Iran across the Gulf. Read More Demonstrators gathered in Diya village near the capital Manama carrying ags and chanting "Resign, Khalifa!", while west of the capital, in the village of Sanabis a rally assembled near the Pearl Monument also calling for change. In the meantime, Bahraini men and women waved the national ag and chanted during an anti-government demonstration in the western Manama suburb of Jidhafs. Read More

When Bahrain Said: Get Lost

BAHRAIN, one of Americas more repressive allies, tries to keep many journalists and human rights monitors out. I recently tried to slip in anyway. The jig was up at the Bahrain airport when an immigration ofcer typed my name into his computer and then snapped to attention. Go

back over there and sit down, he said, looking at me in horror and keeping my passport. Well call you. The Sunni monarchy in Bahrain doesnt want witnesses as it tightens its chokehold over a largely Shiite population. Almost every evening, there are clashes between the police and protesters, with both sides growing more enraged and violent. Read More

Our Oppressive Ally, Bahrain

My Sunday column looks at oppression by a close American ally, Bahrain There are nastier countries around the world, but among close American allies Bahrain pretty much takes the cake for hostility to democracy and human rights. And it seems to me that if were going to

Bahrain Shiite majority demands transitional government (PHOTOS)

A number of Shiite rallies have been held across Bahrain as thousands of protesters demanded a transition government and the ousting of the prime minister who has been running the island since 1974.

complain about human rights violations by Iran or Syria (as we should) then we also have to speak up about torture and extra-judicial killings by an ally like Bahrain. The Obama administration has tried a policy of quiet diplomacy, but that has manifestly failed: The situation in Bahrain is getting worse, and both sides are becoming more violent and extreme. Read More Khalifa, the protesters staged protest rallies in several villages in the tiny Persian Gulf island on Friday. The demonstrators also paid tribute to those killed during previous anti-regime rallies. Some even blocked roads by burning tires and threw Molotov cocktails at security forces. Read More

More anti-regime rallies held in Bahrain

Anti-regime protesters have taken to streets in Bahrain again, defying the Al Khalifa regimes ongoing crackdown on peaceful protests, Press TV reports. Chanting slogans against King Hamad bin Isa Al

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