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KCP-GNS-PLD-REP-0009 Revision: 03 Kingsnorth Carbon Capture & Storage Project

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Materials Selection and Integrity Protection Report for Offshore Infrastructure

Materials Selection and Integrity Protection Report for Offshore Infrastructure

Kingsnorth CCS De monstration Pro ject The information contained in this document (the Infor ma tion) is provided in good faith. E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Chan ge (DECC) make no representation or wa rranty as to the accuracy, reliability or co mpleteness of the Infor mation and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability wh atsoever for any direct or indirect loss hows oever arising fro m the use of the Infor mation by any party.

KCP-GNS-PLD-REP-0009 Revision: 03 Kingsnorth Carbon Capture & Storage Project

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Materials Selection and Integrity Protection Report for Offshore Infrastructure

Table of Contents 1. Scope and Functional Requirements ................................................................................ 4 1.1. Scope of Document ................................................................................................. 4 1.2. Definitions ............................................................................................................... 4 1.3. Abbreviations .......................................................................................................... 5 2. Material Selection Process ............................................................................................... 7 2.1. General ................................................................................................................... 7 2.2. Technical Compliance ............................................................................................. 7 2.3. Economic Considerations for Material Selection ...................................................... 8 3. Material Selection Considerations .................................................................................... 9 3.1. General ................................................................................................................... 9 3.2. Internal Corrosion .................................................................................................... 9 3.3. External Corrosion................................................................................................... 9 3.4. Internal Erosion ....................................................................................................... 9 3.5. Microbial Induced Corrosion (MIC) .......................................................................... 9 3.6. Dissimilar Metal Combinations ................................................................................ 9 3.7. Dissimilar Material Combinations ............................................................................ 9 3.8. Localised Corrosion............................................................................................... 10 3.9. External Surface Protection ................................................................................... 10 3.10. Corrosion Under Insulation .................................................................................... 10 3.11. Internal Cladding ................................................................................................... 10 4. Operational Considerations ............................................................................................ 12 4.1. Corrosion Allowance and Service Life Corrosion ................................................... 12 4.2. Inspection and Corrosion Monitoring ..................................................................... 12 4.3. Corrosion Management Framework ...................................................................... 13 5. Material Properties ......................................................................................................... 14 5.1. Carbon Steel ......................................................................................................... 14 5.2. Austenitic Stainless Steel ...................................................................................... 14 5.3. Duplex Stainless Steel........................................................................................... 14 5.4. Nickel Alloys .......................................................................................................... 16 5.5. Non-metallic Materials ........................................................................................... 16 6. Material Selection ........................................................................................................... 17 6.1. Process Pipework.................................................................................................. 17
Kingsnorth CCS De monstration Pro ject The information contained in this document (the Infor ma tion) is provided in good faith. E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Chan ge (DECC) make no representation or wa rranty as to the accuracy, reliability or co mpleteness of the Infor mation and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability wh atsoever for any direct or indirect loss hows oever arising fro m the use of the Infor mation by any party.

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6.2. Pressure Vessels and Heat Exchangers ............................................................... 17 6.3. Valves ................................................................................................................... 18 6.4. Seals ..................................................................................................................... 18 6.5. Pumps ................................................................................................................... 18 6.6. Instrumentation ..................................................................................................... 18 6.7. Typical Services .................................................................................................... 19 7. Mandatory References ................................................................................................... 20 7.1. American Standards .............................................................................................. 20 7.2. European Standards ............................................................................................. 20 7.3. International Standards ......................................................................................... 20 7.4. Norwegian Standards ............................................................................................ 20 8. Project References ......................................................................................................... 22 8.1. Project References ................................................................................................ 22 Table of Tables Table 6.1 Process Material and Limitations ......................................................................... 17 Table 6.2 Topside Services ................................................................................................. 19

Kingsnorth CCS De monstration Pro ject The information contained in this document (the Infor ma tion) is provided in good faith. E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Chan ge (DECC) make no representation or wa rranty as to the accuracy, reliability or co mpleteness of the Infor mation and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability wh atsoever for any direct or indirect loss hows oever arising fro m the use of the Infor mation by any party.

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Materials Selection and Integrity Protection Report for Offshore Infrastructure

1. Scope and Functional Requirements

1.1. Scope of Document This document has been produced to outline the philosophy for the material engineering for the offshore facility at the Hewett gas reservoir. The scope of this philosophy for Kingsnorth FEED covers the following equipment: process pipe work; pressure vessels and heat exchangers; valves; seals; pumps; instrumentation; topside services. The intention of this document is to provide guidelines that help narrow down a list of suitable materials aiming for the highest technical integrity whilst being cognisant of CAPEX constraints and operational practicality. Structural steel for the complex items, superstructures and pipelines are outside the scope of this document. It should be noted that the Onshore and Offshore Pipeline Material Selection, Corrosion Protection and Monitoring Philosophy (KCP-GNS-PLD-DPR-0002) section from the onshore Kingsnorth pipeline emergency shutdown valve (ESD) to the riser ESD valve at the Kingsnorth offshore platform is outside the scope of this document. However, due note has been taken of the corrosion management strategy being considered. 1.2. Definitions COMPANY CONTRACTOR VENDOR WORK Shall Should May E.ON UK or its nominated representative The companies designated on the purchase order form as being the selected Contractor of materials and services The companies designated to supply materials and services The task, process or operation being conducted CONTRACTOR on any tier on behalf of COMPANY. Indicates mandatory requirement Indicates preferred course of action Indicates optional course of action by the

Kingsnorth CCS De monstration Pro ject The information contained in this document (the Infor ma tion) is provided in good faith. E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Chan ge (DECC) make no representation or wa rranty as to the accuracy, reliability or co mpleteness of the Infor mation and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability wh atsoever for any direct or indirect loss hows oever arising fro m the use of the Infor mation by any party.

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1.3. Abbreviations
ALARP ASME API CA CAPEX CMM CO2 CP CRA CS CUI EN FEED FMEA GRP HDG HE HIC HSE LCC MIC MRP NACE NPT OD OPEX PED PFD P&ID PPM PSV RBI SCC SLC SWC SSC As Low As Reasonably Practical American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Petroleum Institute Corrosion Allowance Capital Expenditure Corrosion Management Manual Carbon Dioxide Cathodic Protection Corrosion Resistant Alloy Carbon Steel Corrosion Under Insulation Euro Norm Front End Engineering Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Glass Reinforced Plastic (Fibre Glass) Hot Dipped Galvanised Hydrogen Embrittlement Hydrogen Induced Cracking Health and Safety Executive Life Cycle Costing Microbial Induced Corrosion Maintenance Reference Plan National Association of Corrosion Engineers National Pipe Thread Outside Diameter Operating Expenditure Pressure Equipment Directive Process Flow Diagram Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Parts per million Pressure Safety Valve Risk Based Inspection Stress Corrosion Cracking Service Life Corrosion Step Wise Cracking Sulphide Stress Corrosion

Kingsnorth CCS De monstration Pro ject The information contained in this document (the Infor ma tion) is provided in good faith. E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Chan ge (DECC) make no representation or wa rranty as to the accuracy, reliability or co mpleteness of the Infor mation and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability wh atsoever for any direct or indirect loss hows oever arising fro m the use of the Infor mation by any party.

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Materials Selection and Integrity Protection Report for Offshore Infrastructure Sulphide Reducing Bacteria Thermo Sprayed Aluminium

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2. Material Selection Process

2.1. General The material selection process should be based on narrowing down a list of technically compliant materials for a specified purpose. The most economical option shall then be selected for the 40 years operational life within the constraints of health, safety, environmental and sustainable development. Large sections of the plant will be operating above 1.5 bara, hence the requirements of the European Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) shall apply. Internal and external environments shall be defined for normal and abnormal conditions. A review of the process conditions, associated failure modes and the likelihood of their occurrence shall be considered. The consequences shall be assessed by considering the manning levels and the frequency of access by personnel, etc. The material selection process starts with a high level CAPEX & OPEX estimate (+50%/ 25%) aimed at identifying unusually high cost material options. Then initial materials selection for the primary process stream items is carried out during the concept selection stage. For long-lead and/or bulk items (e.g. down-hole tubing and line pipe), key materials decisions should be made during this stage. It is possible that more than one technically suitable material may be taken forward for further consideration. If so, the total lifecycle cost of each alternative shall be calculated, including the quantification of the risks and uncertainties. This process may require several iterations before a solution is reached. When materials selection for secondary process streams is carried out, more refined judgements on corrosion rates, life predictions, and risk assessments should be used to ensure that the proposed materials will be fit for purpose. Then optimal selections can be made to minimise cost whilst keeping within specific project parameters and risk philosophy. 2.2. Technical Compliance There are three groups of degradation: internal corrosion, external corrosion and mechanical degradation. At the material selection stage, the facilities (systems and sub-systems) shall be classified by similar corrosion threats and similar corrosion failure probabilities. In addition, key threats and associated barriers for mitigation shall be identified for assessment. Materials selection for metallic and non-metallic materials shall cover all key service elements including assessment of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. internal corrosion; external corrosion; erosion; microbial induced corrosion; dissimilar metal combinations; dissimilar material combinations; long term coating performance including insulation; pressure containment; external loadings; elevated temperature performance; low temperature fracture resistance. fatigue and creep resistance
Kingsnorth CCS De monstration Pro ject The information contained in this document (the Infor ma tion) is provided in good faith. E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Chan ge (DECC) make no representation or wa rranty as to the accuracy, reliability or co mpleteness of the Infor mation and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability wh atsoever for any direct or indirect loss hows oever arising fro m the use of the Infor mation by any party.

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It is imperative that interfaces are established between E.ON and all Contractors with design responsibility in order to ensure a coherent materials selection philosophy across the Kingsnorth development is established. The materials selection should consider commonality and simplification of approach between existing and new build equipment, and between topside, sub-sea, and onshore work scopes. Correct material selection will mitigate against the risks of catastrophic failure mechanisms such as stress corrosion cracking, (corrosion) fatigue and low temperature embrittlement. Coatings and corrosion inhibition shall not be used as substitutes, except for external corrosion where coatings and cathodic protection (CP) will be used. An exception to the rule is only for vessels. Protecting carbon and low alloy steels by means of internal coatings and liners is acceptable if the integrity is ensured by means of a suitable maintenance programme, which will include detection and monitoring of corrosion. All threats to technical integrity shall be identified and quantified using failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) in terms of probability of failure and its consequences. This information shall be used to populate a risk assessment matrix where they can be ranked in order of consequences for the life cycle of the plant. The aim shall be to mitigate where possible, else propose control and recovery measures to manage the risk to as low as reasonably practical (ALARP) levels. It is inevitable that some materials selected (i.e. carbon steel) will be prone to internal and external corrosion risk, where degradation by corrosion can not be 100% mitigated. Therefore corrosion has to be managed through addition of appropriate wall thickness corrosion allowances (CA) that take into account the expected service life corrosion (SLC). The CO2 corrosion rate is one example where this can be estimated using a proprietary corrosion prediction model. Corrosion monitoring is proposed as a means of managing corrosion for both static and rotating equipment during service life. Compliance checks and verifications will have to be carried out at regular intervals to confirm their effectiveness. Access for replacement of components such as elbows or piping downstream of flow restrictions should be taken into consideration during layout design. A corrosion management manual (CMM) shall be developed. The CMM shall not only be used for a structured approach to corrosion management but also used to capture organisational learning during the life cycle of the plant. The CMM shall define key parameters to be monitored and controlled in order to ensure appropriate inspection and maintenance regimes are put into action. 2.3. Economic Considerations for Material Selection Technically acceptable materials shall be narrowed down through economic assessment of life cycle costing (LCC) for each option. Typical factors for evaluation could include; corrosivity of process fluid and surrounding environment (i.e. risk of failure); frequency and cost of replacement of corroded parts and sections; fabrication costs associated with selected material; cost and probability of success of available corrosion monitoring and inspection techniques.

Kingsnorth CCS De monstration Pro ject The information contained in this document (the Infor ma tion) is provided in good faith. E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Chan ge (DECC) make no representation or wa rranty as to the accuracy, reliability or co mpleteness of the Infor mation and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability wh atsoever for any direct or indirect loss hows oever arising fro m the use of the Infor mation by any party.

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3. Material Selection Considerations

3.1. General Materials of construction selected for any mechanical component shall be suitable for the design conditions stated in the Basis of Design for Studies [Ref(1)]. The mechanical equipment in direct contact with the transported fluid shall be designed for the stated CO 2 properties, whilst all mechanical equipment exposed to atmospheric conditions shall be designed for the stated environmental conditions (i.e. ambient temperature). The following assumptions have been made: pipeline and offshore equipment will be required to cater for both gas and dense phase flow; dryness specification is 24 ppmv with 100 ppmv for short, upset conditions to ensure that liquid water will not drop out in the line resulting in corrosion. However, the CO2 specification delivered to the pipeline will ensure that no free water or hydrate potential will exist in the pipeline or CO2 transport system; it is assumed that the pipeline system will have a design life of 40 years. 3.2. Internal Corrosion Internal corrosion is not anticipated since it is assumed that liquid water will not drop out. 3.3. External Corrosion Providing protection from the elements for equipment located on the topside of the Kingsnorth offshore platform will be extremely difficult in this highly saliferous marine environment. The probability of external corrosion damage is high. Coating of small bore/thin wall piping to prevent external corrosion is not recommended. This is due to the difficulties in ensuring 100% coverage and implications for in service inspection and repair. Therefore materials should be selected that are resistant to chloride-induced corrosion without need for coating (i.e. corrosion resistant alloys (CRA)). 3.4. Internal Erosion Internal erosion is not expected at the Kingsnorth offshore facilities because the CO2 velocities are low and entrained solids are not expected in the fluids. 3.5. Microbial Induced Corrosion (MIC) Microbial-induced corrosion (MIC) is not expected for the Kingsnorth fluid streams. 3.6. Dissimilar Metal Combinations Coupling of dissimilar metals shall be avoided if possible. However, if used then a suitable isolation strategy needs to be employed and the use of isolation joints must be considered. FEED contractor should produce material line diagrams to check such interfaces, particularly at flanges or at points where design responsibility is handed over from one sub-contractor to another. 3.7. Dissimilar Material Combinations Care shall be taken to ensure the compatibility of coupling of dissimilar materials. The properties of one type of material shall not adversely affect the integrity of the other material which is contact.
Kingsnorth CCS De monstration Pro ject The information contained in this document (the Infor ma tion) is provided in good faith. E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Chan ge (DECC) make no representation or wa rranty as to the accuracy, reliability or co mpleteness of the Infor mation and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability wh atsoever for any direct or indirect loss hows oever arising fro m the use of the Infor mation by any party.

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3.8. Localised Corrosion All flanges should be assessed and flange faces clad with CRA weld overlay where there is a risk of localised corrosion. In particular, equipment and piping layouts should be checked to ensure that dead leg zones and low orientation items are suitably protected. Dead legs should be designed out wherever possible. 3.9. External Surface Protection External surface corrosion protection is based on a combination of high quality organic paint coatings and / or thermo sprayed metallic coatings. When considering the most economic solution some corrosion resistant alloy systems are also recommended to be externally paint coated. Thermal insulation is not considered as corrosion protection. Therefore all insulated pipework and equipment shall be coated underneath the insulation. Until recently times, thermo sprayed aluminium (TSAs) was used for a variety of applications including structural coating, pipe coating for high temperature applications, and as part of composite insulation systems. However, recent experience in the offshore industry has given more reasons for concern due to accelerated deterioration and breakdown of TSA layer: 1. TSA shall not be applied for carbon steel or stainless steel protection under insulation o coatings, unless the majority of time in service is spent above 100 C; 2. TSA shall not be used as part of a multi layer anti-corrosion coating system. 3. good TSA coverage of small-bore components is very difficult. Therefore selecting a resistant material is the preferred option, unless the consequence of failure is low and there is ample opportunity to change out the component if it fails. 3.10. Corrosion Under Insulation External corrosion damage due to corrosion under insulation (CUI) is a well documented phenomenon in the offshore industry. Water ingress at breaks in insulation coating (e.g. fittings) and evaporative concentration of chlorides can lead to severe CUI unless appropriate mitigation measures are taken. Insulation also makes drying off wet surfaces difficult. Carbon steel and low alloy steels experience general corrosion while CRA grades are prone to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and pitting. All material types tend to experience CUI within particular operating temperature ranges. Therefore assessment of CUI potential should include review of operating temperature range. Where possible, insulation should be removed or its use avoided altogether. If insulation is required for personnel protection, a guard may be an alternative. Where it is essential to insulate pipework (e.g. safety critical winterisation), the following shall be evaluated; 1. temperature variations along a piping system and temperature cycling which may result in alternating evaporating and condensing conditions; 2. additional protection at low point areas and protrusions; 3. correct specification of corrosion coating underneath insulation; 4. review any philosophies for insulation, winterisation and trace heating. 3.11. Internal Cladding Since corrosion inhibitors are not effective within vessels or piping or valves, internal corrosion protection may be derived from measures such as CRA cladding or organic coating. Where internal cladding has been proven in the past to be cost effective, compared to solid
Kingsnorth CCS De monstration Pro ject The information contained in this document (the Infor ma tion) is provided in good faith. E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Chan ge (DECC) make no representation or wa rranty as to the accuracy, reliability or co mpleteness of the Infor mation and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability wh atsoever for any direct or indirect loss hows oever arising fro m the use of the Infor mation by any party.

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CRA, the degree of CRA cladding and lining (partial or full) will depend on the estimated corrosivity. The main aim of CRA cladding is to provide a corrosion resistant layer between carbon steel and the corrodant. CRA clad carbon steel may provide a preferred solution to mitigating internal corrosion, as opposed to solid CRA options. Internal cladding also removes the need for carbon steel corrosion allowance (CA) and reduces external corrosion risks often associated with using solid CRA grades in offshore topside environments. Where use of internal cladding using CRA is proposed only fully bonded (i.e. metallurgical) manufacturing methods will be acceptable. Liner options shall not be permitted due to integrity risk from elevated temperature use and buckling in service. For integrally clad plates the minimum clad thickness shall be 3mm. Where weld overlay is proposed pre-clad dimensional surveys shall be made to ensure that final machined thickness is 3mm minimum. A minimum of 2 passes shall be made in order to achieve required thickness and reduce iron dilution. Weld overlay should only be carried out after quality heat treatment of carbon steel component has been completed. Post weld heat treatment of weld overlay items shall not be permitted without approval.

Kingsnorth CCS De monstration Pro ject The information contained in this document (the Infor ma tion) is provided in good faith. E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Chan ge (DECC) make no representation or wa rranty as to the accuracy, reliability or co mpleteness of the Infor mation and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability wh atsoever for any direct or indirect loss hows oever arising fro m the use of the Infor mation by any party.

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4. Operational Considerations
4.1. Corrosion Allowance and Service Life Corrosion The corrosion allowance is required to compensate for the service life corrosion (SLC) which is the total estimated wall thickness reduction during the service life of the equipment. The internal SLC shall be calculated by taking into account the duration expected in each type of operating condition, whilst the external SLC shall be calculated by taking into account the duration expected in each type of environmental condition. Thus the corrosion allowance shall account for both internal and external corrosion. If there is any possibility of corrosion cracking under the worst case design pressure and temperature an alternative material shall be considered. Else the worst case design pressure and temperature shall be controlled within the capability of the available materials. 4.2. Inspection and Corrosion Monitoring It is crucial to get early detection of corrosion that has taken place at any time. However, the higher the expected SLC rate, the greater the uncertainty of the prediction, leading to higher frequency and coverage of monitoring and inspection. Therefore OPEX tends to increase rapidly with SLC rate. Monitoring should include surveillance of the active corrosion controls including monitoring of key process variables, analyses, corrosivity, or wall loss. Changes that influence the operating envelope should be carefully noted and processed. Corrosion monitoring shall not rely on measurement devices and coupons alone, as they do not provide a complete picture of the corrosion taking place. Therefore checks shall be made to ensure that the method selected is functioning by monitoring and by planned inspection schedule at specified intervals. If this can not be done for any reason (i.e. inspection of subsea manifolds), then an alternative form of corrosion control, such as selection of a CRA, shall be considered. The main requirement for internal corrosion monitoring is the continuous water content monitoring via online dewpoint sampling or a moisture analyser. Control of temperature is required to eliminate the risk of fracture initiation and propagation. Leak detection is sometimes used for monitoring corrosion failures. Real time transient modelling can be used to implement the leak detection system. Inspection and corrosion monitoring procedures shall be developed to ensure that the technical integrity of all equipment is maintained during the design life. The procedure shall provide guidelines on frequency and locations of inspections. Ultrasonic wall thickness inspection is recommended for the topside section and riser to ensure that no internal corrosion has taken place. The ultrasonic wall thickness measurements need to be carried out at the lowest position of the line. As a minimum, inspection reports shall record operating conditions, criticality of individual systems, corrosion and integrity related design information, and corrosion management manuals should be made available in electronic form. Preferably this information is entered into a database shared with operations staff, from which it can be readily accessed for corrosion management purposes during the operations phase.

Kingsnorth CCS De monstration Pro ject The information contained in this document (the Infor ma tion) is provided in good faith. E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Chan ge (DECC) make no representation or wa rranty as to the accuracy, reliability or co mpleteness of the Infor mation and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability wh atsoever for any direct or indirect loss hows oever arising fro m the use of the Infor mation by any party.

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4.3. Corrosion Management Framework If the selection of corrosion resistant material cannot be justified, the corrosion control measures will have to be put in place to ensure that the corrosion is controlled over the lifetime of the facility. A corrosion management strategy should be in place for all equipment, not just for carbon steel items. Procedural documents shall be produced to underpin the strategy, including: Corrosion Management Manual (CMM); Maintenance Reference Plan (MRP); Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) Plan.

Kingsnorth CCS De monstration Pro ject The information contained in this document (the Infor ma tion) is provided in good faith. E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Chan ge (DECC) make no representation or wa rranty as to the accuracy, reliability or co mpleteness of the Infor mation and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability wh atsoever for any direct or indirect loss hows oever arising fro m the use of the Infor mation by any party.

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5. Material Properties
5.1. Carbon Steel Although carbon steel is susceptible to a variety of internal and external corrosion risks, the suitability of the potentially low cost carbon steel shall be evaluated as a baseline cost to compare with more corrosion resistant alternatives. In the presence of free water, CO2 is extremely corrosive to bare carbon steel. The feasibility of carbon steel as material of construction for this application depends on a rigorous control of the dew point of the CO2 and the suitability of the material to resist the potential lower design temperatures during depressurisation. Carbon steel welds can create risks to the material properties such as hardness and toughness in the heat-affected zones. It should be noted that welds surrounding heat affected areas may have a lower resistance to CO2 corrosion. This is known as preferential weld corrosion (PWC). Therefore welding procedures shall be specified according to the appropriate standards to ensure that PWC is not a risk. These procedures shall take into account geometrical, chemical and metallurgical factors. Carbon steel shall not be used in any of the offshore facilities CO2 handling systems, mainly due to the low temperatures that would be experienced during depressurisation in the offshore piping and valving systems. The more complex nature of the piping components used on the facility, when compared to the pipeline, means that carbon steel is too great a risk to be used in the offshore high pressure CO2 systems. 5.2. Austenitic Stainless Steel Although stainless steels are resistant to corrosion under certain conditions, their resistance is invariably limited by a combination of such factors as temperature, pH level, salinity, etc. Stainless steels suffer both pitting/crevice corrosion and nickel containing stainless steels are susceptible to chloride induced stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in marine atmosphere. Therefore selection has to consider both internal and external risks Pitting and crevice corrosion in saline solutions depends on factors such as the composition of the seawater, turbulence and metal surface condition. Critical crevice corrosion temperatures (CCT) are lower than the critical pitting temperatures; the CCT decreases as the crevice is narrower. The risk for SCC is reduced if the metal surface temperature is kept below 50C for AISI 316L. However a lower temperature limitation should be applied if insulation is proposed. 5.3. Duplex Stainless Steel Both 22Cr duplex and 25Cr super-duplex stainless steels can be susceptible to SCC above 80 C under drop evaporation conditions. This means that accumulation of salt deposits should be avoided. Therefore it is recommended that valves and pump bodies be constructed from super duplex stainless steel. Duplex stainless steels can also suffer from hydrogen induced cracking (HIC). The minimum design temperature for duplex stainless steel is approximately -50C. Although welding procedures are well established, strict procedures should be carefully applied and suitably qualified technicians selected to control this activity. Any welding procedures require close scrutiny because of risk of a brittle zone forming immediately
Kingsnorth CCS De monstration Pro ject The information contained in this document (the Infor ma tion) is provided in good faith. E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Chan ge (DECC) make no representation or wa rranty as to the accuracy, reliability or co mpleteness of the Infor mation and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability wh atsoever for any direct or indirect loss hows oever arising fro m the use of the Infor mation by any party.

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Materials Selection and Integrity Protection Report for Offshore Infrastructure

adjacent to the fusion boundary. This zone will be sensitive to hydrogen embrittlement (hydrogen induced stress cracking) and even brittle fracture if critical flaw sizes are exceeded.

Kingsnorth CCS De monstration Pro ject The information contained in this document (the Infor ma tion) is provided in good faith. E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Chan ge (DECC) make no representation or wa rranty as to the accuracy, reliability or co mpleteness of the Infor mation and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability wh atsoever for any direct or indirect loss hows oever arising fro m the use of the Infor mation by any party.

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5.4. Nickel Alloys Nickel alloys are known for their good performance at high temperatures and in corrosive conditions. However, they can suffer from inter-granular corrosion as per the limits determined by ASTM G 28. 90Cu-10Ni Cupronickel is acceptable for seawater systems provided flow rates do not exceed 3.5 m/s continuous service or 8 m/s intermittent service. Use of this grade should be avoided where stagnant seawater may accumulate. These materials are not recommended for duties where there are possibilities that two surfaces could be rubbed together to cause high friction resulting in localised welding. If this is an unavoidable problem, then the specifications shall call for mitigation measures such as anti-galling compounds or electroplating. 5.5. Non-metallic Materials Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) consist of glass or carbon or aramid fibre matrix in a resin of epoxy or vinyl ester or polyester, or phenolic. In some cases glass fibres might be replaced by either carbon or aramid fibres. The fibre material and resin compound should be selected to suit the service conditions. GRP is particularly suited for seawater duty. Thermoplastics are not considered suitable for offshore duties as they are degraded by UV radiation. In addition, thermoplastics are unsuitable for large bore pipes (i.e. NB > 50mm). Although the high pressure CO2 anticipated at the Kingsnorth offshore facilities will make thermoplastics unsuitable for process fluids, thermoplastics may be considered for utility systems.

Kingsnorth CCS De monstration Pro ject The information contained in this document (the Infor ma tion) is provided in good faith. E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Chan ge (DECC) make no representation or wa rranty as to the accuracy, reliability or co mpleteness of the Infor mation and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability wh atsoever for any direct or indirect loss hows oever arising fro m the use of the Infor mation by any party.

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Materials Selection and Integrity Protection Report for Offshore Infrastructure

6. Material Selection
6.1. Process Pipework The primary materials considered for process pipe work with their limitations are given below in Table 6.1. It should be noted that seawater corrosion should be taken into account for the relevant sections of the down pipes. It should be noted that these materials are not considered exclusive and other alloys may be selected for specific equipment when they can be shown to be more economical. Where a corrosion resistant alloy has been selected to mitigate internal and external corrosion alternatives may be considered. For example where 22Cr DSS is selected it may be possible to use carbon steel with an internal cladding of type AISI 316L stainless steel. Alternatively, where weight saving is a requirement the higher strength 25Cr sDSS or 6Mo super austenitic stainless steel may be chosen. Minimum Design Temperature C -20 -45.6 Maximum Service Temperature C 200 200 60 110 120

Material Carbon Steel (CS) Low Temperature Carbon Steel (LTCS) AISI 316(L) -105 Stainless Steel (SS) 22 Cr Duplex Stainless -45.6 1 Steel (PREn35) (DSS) 25 Cr Super Duplex -45.6 1 Stainless Steel (PREn40) (sDSS) 6 Mo Super Austenitic -101 1 Stainless Steel (PREn40) (6 Mo) Titanium (Ti) -195 90/10 Copper Nickel (CuNi) -20 Table 6.1 Process Material and Limitations


85 32

Note 1. Pitting Resistance Equivalent (PREn) = %Cr + 3.3%Mo + 16%N 6.2. Pressure Vessels and Heat Exchangers AISI 316L stainless steel is acceptable as an internal cladding up to a maximum service temperature of 93C (200F). Above this temperature, or where a low oxygen level cannot be maintained a more corrosion resistant material such as 22Cr Duplex, Super Duplex, 904L (UNS N08904), nickel alloy 825 (UNS N08825), Solid 6Mo, or nickel alloy 625 (UNS N06625) may be required.
Kingsnorth CCS De monstration Pro ject The information contained in this document (the Infor ma tion) is provided in good faith. E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Chan ge (DECC) make no representation or wa rranty as to the accuracy, reliability or co mpleteness of the Infor mation and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability wh atsoever for any direct or indirect loss hows oever arising fro m the use of the Infor mation by any party.

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6.3. Valves Valve material selection will in general be the same as the piping line material specification. Exceptions may be made where, for example, weight saving can be made or the corrosivity requires a higher grade material to minimise maintenance or downtime. For large valves, carbon steel bodies with an internal CRA cladding may be a suitable substitute for solid CRA. 6.4. Seals Compressed carbon dioxide has the ability to diffuse and dissolve in polymeric materials changing their density. This ability is used in colouring and impregnating processes of polymers. In elastomer seals these transport processes are unfavourable because they destroy the structure of the material. Elastomeric seal selection is based on key performance factors, such as; high temperature and/or pressure; presence of naturally occurring impurities; difficult tolerances; vibration; low temperatures. If metal-to-metal seals are required, galvanic corrosion shall be prevented by using noble seal surface material. 6.5. Pumps Pumps will also generally follow the piping specification. Exceptions, where a CRA is specified, may be made for large components which may be made from carbon steel with an internal CRA weld cladding. 6.6. Instrumentation The first choice material for instrumentation shall be type AISI 316L stainless steel. The possibility of external pitting and crevice corrosion shall be considered for high ambient temperatures. Service history and current performance in the field shall be taken into account. Where the operating temperature is above 60C a more corrosion resistant material may be required. Materials selected are nickel alloy UNS N4400 and UNS N08825. Duplex stainless steel UNS S31803 and super austenitic material UNS S31254 are also considered as alternatives.

Kingsnorth CCS De monstration Pro ject The information contained in this document (the Infor ma tion) is provided in good faith. E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Chan ge (DECC) make no representation or wa rranty as to the accuracy, reliability or co mpleteness of the Infor mation and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability wh atsoever for any direct or indirect loss hows oever arising fro m the use of the Infor mation by any party.

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6.7. Typical Services Material selection for topside services shall be based on Table 6.2. Material AISI 316L SS Carbon Steel AISI 316L SS Fresh (Potable) Copper/Nickel Water Copper AISI 316L SS Plastic piping Hydraulic Oil AISI 316L Instrument Air AISI 316L SS Plant Air CS, HDG Alt: 316/316L SS Seal / lube Oil AISI 316L SS Seawater DSS Table 6.2 Topside Services CS : Carbon Steel DSS : Duplex Stainless Steel SS : Stainless Steel System Aviation fuel Diesel Oil Corrosion Allowance Nil 3 mm Nil Nil Comments Use stainless steel where cleanliness is important. 90/10 Cu/Ni > 40 mm. (1.57) Copper to Hard specification. 400 ppm chlorides maximum.

Nil Nil 3 mm Nil Nil Nil

SS may be cost effective.

Kingsnorth CCS De monstration Pro ject The information contained in this document (the Infor ma tion) is provided in good faith. E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Chan ge (DECC) make no representation or wa rranty as to the accuracy, reliability or co mpleteness of the Infor mation and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability wh atsoever for any direct or indirect loss hows oever arising fro m the use of the Infor mation by any party.

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7. Mandatory References
7.1. American Standards Recommended practice for design and installation of offshore production platform piping systems Process piping 7.2. European Standards Metallic industrial piping Thermal Spraying - Wires, Rods and Cords for Flame and Arc Spraying - Classification - Technical Supply Conditions Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials Plastics piping systems for industrial applications Polybutene (PB), polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) Specifications for components and the system Metric series Directive 97/23/EC of the European Parliament and of the th Council of 29 May 1997 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning pressure equipment 7.3. International Standards Petroleum and natural gas industries Steel pipe for pipeline transportation systems Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials Welding procedure test Part 1: Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys Petroleum and natural gas industries Cathodic protection of pipeline transport systems Part 2: Offshore pipelines Petroleum and natural gas industries Glass reinforced plastics (GRP) piping 7.4. Norwegian Standards Design of duplex stainless steel subsea equipment exposed to cathodic protection Surface Preparation and Protective Coating CO2 Corrosion Rate Calculation Model Welding and inspection of piping API RP 14E ASME B31.3

EN 13480 EN ISO 14919 EN 15614-1 EN ISO 15494


ISO 3183 ISO 15614-1

ISO 15589-2 ISO 14692


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8. Project References
8.1. Project References 1. Genesis Report No. J71584-GEN-0001 Rev A1 Kingsnorth Carbon Capture & Storage Project Basis of Design for Studies. 2. Utility Flow Diagram Sea Water System - KCP-GNS-PCD-PFD-0001. 3. P.F.D Offshore & Transport System CO2 Process System Demo Phase (Base Case) KCP-GNS-PCD-PFD-0003. 4. Pipeline Material Selection, Corrosion Protection and Monitoring Philosophy KCP-GNS-PLD-DPR-0002. 5. Material Selection Report for HSE Submission KCP-GNS-OPM-REP-0001 6. Corrosion Assessment and Cathodic Protection Design Report KCP-GNS-CPT-DRP-0001

Kingsnorth CCS De monstration Pro ject The information contained in this document (the Infor ma tion) is provided in good faith. E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Chan ge (DECC) make no representation or wa rranty as to the accuracy, reliability or co mpleteness of the Infor mation and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability wh atsoever for any direct or indirect loss hows oever arising fro m the use of the Infor mation by any party.

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