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3 Techniques Needs in Technical Writing Definition - there is a need to define technical terms in reports, which the readers are

not familiar with.

Classification - a systematic process of dividing materials into kinds or classes. Partition - the analysis that divides a singular term into aspects, parts or steps.

Mechanism - is an assembly of movable parts having one part fixed with respect to a frame of
reference and designed to produce an effect.

Process - consists of series of steps to be followed in getting something done

Are the five basic techniques in technical writing?

Mechanism Description - explains the arrangement and shape of an

object in space. Such a description may involve movement; complex motions are better handled with the process description. Typically, the parts of mechanism description answer the following questions in order: What is it? What is its function? What does it look like? How does it work? What are its principal parts? Give a detailed description of each part. Each of these parts may require a mechanism description of its own.

Process Description - explains the arrangement of a sequence in chronological order.

In organization, it is similar to mechanism description, except that the "part-by-part" becomes step by step: What is it? What is its function? Where and when does it take place? Who or what performs it? How does it work? What are its principal steps?

Process description includes sequence, instructions and procedure; however, only instruct if you expect your reader to perform the process you describe. Try to keep separate these two concepts: "How to do something" and "How something occurs" The first calls for instructions or procedure; the second, for sequence.

Classification - involves grouping things together (on the basis of similarities) and
dividing them (according to differences). Classification assists in the complete consideration of a topic .Note the danger of Faulty Coordination.

Partition - is the act of dividing things into their component parts; very similar to
classification, and an inevitable part of mechanism description and process description. Partition could be spatial (how each part looks) or functional (how each part works).

Definition - uses words to fix the meaning of a thing -- to make it "definite". The
short definition (a paragraph or a single sentence) is essential to technical writing.

For instance, the Mechanism Description and the Process Description each begin with a call for a definition. A definition answers the question "what is it?" Good definitions employ the following formula: Species = genus + differentia thing to be defined = group to which the thing belongs + specific details that separate it from other things in its group A batten is a tapered piece of wood that fits into a pocket in the trailing edge of a sail, helping it hold the shape that allows it to propel a boat.

Sometimes definitions might be much longer than one sentence, in which case you are still trying to answer "what is it?" but will be using most other patterns to help answer it: you can define by describing, classifying, comparing, etc.

Five Skills Every Technical Writer Needs:

Facility with technology - you have to be somewhat technical, although there

are many different kinds of technical ESE. You may have a bent towards one of the sciences, and can understand the inner workings of cells or atoms. Or you may be web savvy and know how to interpret code. Or maybe youre just curious about how things work. You can learn technologies you dont understand, if you have the motivation. I personally enjoy learning about complicated systems. This understanding brings a sense of achievement and knowledge that is rewarding at the end of the day.

Ability to write clearly

The essential skill of any technical communicator is to

disambiguate (to use a word my father introduced to me the other day). Your core job will consist of taking complicated things and trying to explain them in easy-to-understand ways. You cant just pass off an explanation you only half understand. Writing about something (as opposed to talking about it) requires you to understand it thoroughly. Avoid passive sentences and long constructions. Go from old ideas to new. Define acronyms and avoid assumptions about what the user knows. Make the reader feel smart.

Talent in showing ideas graphically - I underestimated the importance of

using Visio until just a few months ago. Any time you can show an idea graphically, you score a hundred points with the reader. Almost everyone is a visual person. People understand better when you can communicate your ideas visually (and Im not just talking about screenshots here, although they do count for something). It is surprisingly easy to create half-decent diagrams in Visio. They go a long way toward making your writing clear.


Patience in problem-solving/troubleshooting - Unless you have

patience, youll never make it. I think 80 percent of IT work consists of problem solving. What do you do when you cant figure out how to do something? Do you slam your fist into your keyboard? Do you scream and curse when you cant immediately figure something out? Its amazing how you can see a seemingly impossible problem through with patience and persistence

Ability to interact with SMEs - I talked about this in my last pod cast on Tech
Writer Voices. Interacting with SMEs is one the most overlooked skills in technical writing. You have to be part investigative reporter, part journalist. You cant be shy about going after certain people to extract information. And

you cant be too proud to ask the dumb technical questions that make engineers do double takes. A lot of this interaction can come about if youre lucky enough to simply sit near SMEs.

Definition of Mercury Thermometer

The mercury thermometer is one of the oldest ways to tell temperature. Designed using a tube and a liquid metal, it can be calibrated to identify subzero temperatures all the way passed boiling. Great caution should be taken with mercury thermometers, as the metal is poisonous to humans.

Parts of the Thermometer Mercury

The Thermometer Mercury

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