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IBMTivoliStorage Manager Overview

Why IBM Tivoli Storage manager ? Brief Idea about IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Basic understanding of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 6.1 released on (March 2009) Different components in IBM Tivoli Storage manager Understanding IBM Tivoli Storage manager (Version 5 release5 level 2.1) Features of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (Version 5 release5 level 2.1) Concepts of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Concepts of Storage pool Concepts of Data protection / Recovery Concepts of TSM communications Summary Working with IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (Version 5 release5 level 2.1) Important TSM Commands to Memorize Vaulting Major releases of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager

Introduction to IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 6.1 IBM Tivoli Storage manager connectivity Working with IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Releases of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager

Brief Idea about IBM Tivoli Storage Manager

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Architecture
Administration User Interface


Local Area Network


Database Storage Repository

Servers, Clients, Application systems

Storage Area Network

TSM Clients

TSM Server

TSM Stgpools

Understanding IBM Tivoli Storage manager (Version 5 release5 level 2.1) New Functionality
The TSM Client can be used with Xpress Mount to perform server less backup of data From any point in time. Scripts are also provided that perform backup of Xpress restore snapshots To TSM

- Integration with TSM

Basic understanding of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 6.1 released on (March 2009)

TSM 6.1 has several new features, including:

Data de-duplication The ability to interface with external security products Improved auditing and reporting facilities The ability to move data and metadata between TSM servers, so simplifying load balancing The EXPIRE INVENTORY command will be granular, so you can expire by node or node groups, policy domain or by data type The ability to concurrently copy data between storage pools while migrating to the next pool in the hierarchy, that is, concurrent migration and storage pool backup Conversion of the existing TSM Database to DB2 Complete Out of the Box TSM Reporting and Monitoring Fastback for TSM Integration DRM Support for Active-Data Pools

Different components in IBM Tivoli Storage manager

TSM Components: Administrative Interface Tivoli Storage Manager Server Scheduler Tivoli Storage Manager Database Tivoli Storage Manager Recovery Log Policy-Based Management Storage Pools Tape Library Backup-Archive Client (BA Client)

Understanding IBM Tivoli Storage manager (Version 5 release5 level 2.1) Server Enhancements Migration Thresholds for sequential Disk Concurrent access from FILE storage Pool Restartable server-server Export /Import SAN Device mapping for virtual tape library (VTL) zOS Server Enhancements Client/Server Authentication Using SSL TCP/IP Version 6 (IPV6) Support

Previously, When a FILE volume is opened as an input volume on a mount point One thread is allowed to access the volume at a time The V5.5 server allows many read accesses and one write access at one time If the volume is in use by a session that is writing data, it may still be acquired for input by other session or processes Session needing to write data to a FILE volume will be allowed concurrent access if the Volume is not already in use as output. Only one user will be allowed to write to a FILE volume at a time Since data that is being written has not yet been committed to the volume and it is not yet available For reading, client sessions or processes that need to read Data from a FILE volume being written to can only access data that has been committed to the volume

Restart able Server-Server Export/Import Server to - Server export/import only Provide the ability to isolate and export data based on the creatio time Also provides the ability to isolate data based on range of time Several command modified/added Export node /Export server new parm on command for Todate/Totime Q Process command enhanced Q EXPORT command (NEW) SUSPEND EXPORT (NEW) CANCEL EXPORT (NEW) RESTART EXPORT (NEW)

TSM Commands to memorize

1. QUERY DB (Display information on the database) 2. QUERY LOG (Display information on the recovery log) 3. QUERY DRIVE (Query information about a drive) 4. QUERY PATH (Display a path definition) 5. QUERY STGPOOL (Query storage pools) 6. QUERY SESSION (Query client sessions) 7. QUERY PROCESS (Query one or more server processes) 8. q event * t=a (Query event which is schedule) 9. DEFINE ASSOCIATION (Associate client nodes with a schedule) 10 DELETE ASSOCIATION (Delete the node association to a schedule) 11. QUERY ACTLOG (Query the activity log) 12. QUERY VOLUME (Query storage pool volumes) 13. QUERY LIBVOLUME (Query a library volume) 14. q vol * acc=reado (Query volumes which are in readonly status) 15. q vol * acc=unav (Query volumes which are in unavailable status) 16. select library_name, count(*) as "Scratch Volumes" from libvolumes where status='Scratch' group by library_name (Show you SCRATCH count ) 17. q event * * begind=-1 (status of previous nights client schedules) 18. q stgpool (Query storage pools) 19. q occ (Query occupancy, lists how much space each node is using) 20. run script_name (Run scripts stored on tsm server)

Login Screen for IBM Tivoli Storage Manager

After login in IBM Tivoli Storage Manager

Version lever of Tivoli

Options Menu

Server Administration menu options

Command line

Command Query Node output

Platform is using

Policy name

Node name

See the logs for last night successful backup``

Command to check last night backup for the specified node name

Command to check nodes are associated with which policy

Command to check Drive status

Check the drive is online

Command to check Node in full detail

Client OS level and client version

Query volume status

Volume Name

Percentage utilized volume

Query process command to check currently which process are running

Vaulting What is Vaulting? Vaulting is the process of removing volumes from libraries, moving them to a safe place (vault), waiting for them to become empty and then return them to the libraries for renewed use. Why Vaulting required ? In case of a disaster wiping out your TSM server and library, you need certain information to enable you to rebuild your TSM server. Information like : The placement and size of database volumes. The placement and size of log volumes. Which volume contains your last database backup. Which licenses where enabled. How where your libaries and drives defined. And a lot more...

What should be vaulted ?

Database backup volumes, full and incremental. Database snapshots. Whether you use regular DB backups or snapshots backups or both, it is essential to have a copy of the database in the vault. Without the database to describe the contents of the rest of the volumes, they are worthless. Copy pool volumes. Of course ! Optionally volumes from primary storage pools. In some situations it makes sense to vault primary volumes. It could be an archive pool with data kept for many months. It could also be volumes from a storage pool containing large backups from databases that are to be kept for a long time. In both cases vaulting could be a good idea, either to free space in the library or simply because volumes are safer in a vault. Optionally backup set volumes. Backup sets are typically kept for a long period, and like primary pools containing archive data, it could be sensible to keep them in the vault.

How often should vaulting occur ?

Whether you vault 7 days a week, only Monday to Friday or maybe only once a week, is up to you. The more often you do it, the more up-to-date data you have in case of a disaster. TSMManager provides the scheduling mechanism you need to implement this.

Storage Pool Concepts

Remote office backups and vaulting tapes

Disaster Recovery and TSM

DRM overview Tivoli Storage Manager delivers Tivoli Disaster Recovery Manager (DRM) as part of its Extended Edition. DRM offers various options to configure, control and automatically generate a Disaster Recovery Plan containing the information, scripts, and procedures needed to automate restoration of the TSM Server and helps ensure quick recovery of client data after a disaster. It also manages and tracks the media on which TSM data is stored, whether on site, in-transit, or in a vault, so that data can be easily located if disaster strikes. It generates scripts which assist in documenting IT systems and recovery procedures, as well as providing automated steps to rebuild the TSM server.

Requirements for TSM server Disaster Recovery In the event of a system failure or site disaster, TSM is designed with several means to restore the TSM server. These include: server recovery using database and storage pool backups, restoring your server using mirrored volumes, restoring storage pool volumes, auditing a storage pool volume, and correcting damaged files. In any case, to ensure the ability to restore your TSM server you should have the following components stored offsite. A full database backup Any incremental database backups between the last full backup and the point-in-time to which you are recovering Copy storage pool volumes On removable media: CD, tape, ZIP drive or diskette, or as printouts: Server options file Volume history file Device configuration file with the applicable device information (library, drive, and device class definitions) Database and recovery log setup (the output from detailed queries of your database and recovery log volumes)

Major releases IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 6.1 March, 2009 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5.5 November, 2007 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5.4 January, 2007 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5.3 2005 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5.2 2003 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5.1.5 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 5.1.0 Tivoli Storage Manager 4.2.1 August, 2001 Tivoli Storage Manager 4.2.0 May 2001 Tivoli Storage Manager 4.1 2000 Tivoli Storage Manager 3.7 1999

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