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ppppppp pppppppppppp pppp

pppp ppp ppppppp

pp pp ppppp ppp ppppppp
dpppp dpdpdppdddpdddpppppppp
dppp dpmpppppmmdpppddpd

dppmp pp dppp pp dpdppp pppppppm pdp
p.ppppp ppp pdp ppmpppp pdppmp dpdppp dpppd
yp pdppmd pdp .dppp yppp pdpppmdp
ppppppp ppppp pdppp ppp pp pp
dp dpppp.ppm ppdppp .ppp ppp pp .ppppppd
ppppppp pppppppppppp pppp-
pppp ppp ppppppp
pp pp ppppp ppp ppppppp
dpppp dpdpdppdddpdddpppppppp
dppmp pp dppp pp dpdppp pppppppm pdp
p.ppppp ppp pdp ppmpppp pdppmp dpdppp dpppd
yp pdppmd pdp .dppp yppp pdpppmdp dpppp
ppppppp ppppp pdppp ppp pp pp pdppppd
dp dpppp.ppm ppdppp .ppp ppp pp .ppppppd
dppmp pp dppp pp dpdppp pppppppm pdp
p.ppppp ppp pdp ppmpppp pdppmp dpdppp dpppd
dp dpppp.ppm ppdppp .ppp ppp pp .ppppppd

p ppppppp pd

.. rpppp.p rpdppp ppdp ppppp
pdpppppd .

::::: :::: ::: ::::::::
1. Power off your device.
2. Press volume down button(don't let go of it), and power on your HD2 by
pressing Endcall key.
3. t will now load into the bootloader.
4. You will get to a "Red, Green, Blue and White screen.
5. Read the number on 2nd line that says "SPL.
6. That's the SPL Version on your device.

::: :::::: :::: ::: :: ::: ::::::::: ::: :::::::::
SPL 1.42.0000
SPL 1.62.0000
SPL 1.66.0000
SPL 2.07.0000
SPL 2.08.0000
SPL 2.10.0000

1) Power off your HD2.
2) Press voIume down button(don't Iet go of it), and power on your HD2 by pressing
EndcaII key.
3) It wiII now Ioad into the bootIoader.
4) You get to a "Red, Green, BIue and White" screen with SPL-1.42.
5) Take out the battery.
6) Power on your HD2 again.
7) Connect your USB cabIe from your PC to your device after Windows MobiIe is
8) SeIect "ActiveSync" and cIick "Done".
9) Unzip to a foIder on your PC .
10) DownIoad HSPL3 Here :

11) Open the foIder.
12) Execute/Run HSPL3_PKG.exe.
13) FoIIow the onscreen instructions to instaII.
14) CIick "Yes" if User Access ControI prompt up.
15) BootIoader wiII then be Ioaded with the USB status during the beginning of the
16) SeIect "2.08.HSPL" to instaII.
17) After the instaIIation is done, you shouId see "We hacked it!" on your HD2.
18) CIick on "Yes" and your device shouId be rebooted and Ioad into Windows
19) Disconnect USB cabIe from your HD2.
20) To verify, power off yourHD2.
21) Press voIume down button(don't Iet go of it), and power on your HD2 by pressing
EndcaII key.
22) It wiII then Ioad into bootIoader.
23) You shouId get the "Red, Green, BIue and White" screen with SPL-2.08.HSPL.

pp p prpy
p p ppppp

p ppppppp ppd

1. Connect your USB cabIe from your PC to your HD2 after Windows MobiIe is
2. SeIect "ActiveSync" and cIick "Done".
3. DownIoad RADIO2.15.50.14 HERE: http://goo.gI/zgVTL
4. Unzip Radio Leo to a foIder on your PC.
5. Open the foIder.
6. If you are on Vista/Windows 7, then run the "CustomRUU.exe" as an
administrator. XP users need not worry and can simpIy doubIe cIick
"CustomRUU.exe" to start the instaIIation process.
7. CIick "Yes" if User Access ControI prompt up.
8. FoIIow the onscreen instructions to instaII.
9. BootIoader wiII then be Ioaded with USB status at the beginning of the
10. Your HD2 wiII be rebooted after the instaIIation is compIeted.
11. You wiII see R at bottom of the screen with green HTC Logo.
12. Disconnect USB cabIe from your HD2.

p ppppppp rpy pppppppppd
1. DownIoad the DFT LEO MAGLDR BootIoader V1.13 Here:
2. Unzip/extract it to a foIder on your PC.
3. Connect your USB cabIe from your PC to your HD2 after Windows MobiIe is
4. SeIect "ActiveSync" and cIick "Done".
5. Navigate to the extracted fiIes from the MAGLDR you just downIoaded.
6. If you are on Vista/Windows 7, then run the "ROMUpdateUtility.exe" as an
administrator. Windows XP users need not worry and can simpIy doubIe cIick
"ROMUpdateUtility.exe" to start the instaIIation process.
7. CIick "Yes" if User Access ControI prompt up.
8. FoIIow the onscreen instructions to instaII.
9. BootIoader wiII then be Ioaded with USB status at the beginning of the
10. Your HD2 wiII be rebooted after the instaIIation is compIeted.
11. DFT MAGLDR BootIoader wiII be Ioaded then.
12. Disconnect the USB cabIe from your device.

p ppppppp ppdd.ppdrpp d

1. Power on your HD2 and don't Iet go of the power button.
2. DFT MAGLDR BootIoader wiII then be Ioaded.
3. Use voIume down button to scroII down to 5th option (5. USB FIasher).
4. Then, press the caII button to enter USB FIasher mode.
5. Connect the USB cabIe from your PC to your device.
7. Unzip/extract to a foIder on your PC.
8. At the foIder, right cIick on DAF and seIect "Run as administrator" or for
Windows XP users just cIick DAF twice.
9. CIick "Yes" if the User Access ControI prompt up.
10. FoIIow the onscreen instructions to instaII.
11. Your HD2 wiII be rebooted after the instaIIation is compIeted.
12. DFT MAGLDR BootIoader wiII then be Ioaded.
13. Disconnect USB cabIe from your HD2.
14. Use voIume down button to scroII down to 8th option (8. AD Recovery).
15. CIockworkMod Recovery wiII then be Ioaded.

pp p ppppppp ppppppp dd pp
rp dpppdddppdpppddpddppppdddp
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py pp pp
pp pp ppppp ppp ppppppp
dpppp dpdpdppdddpdddpppppppp
dppp dpmpppppmmdpppddpd


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