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GEOMETRICAL DATA Wall height Footing width Footing thickness Stem height Stem thickness at bottom Stem thickness

at top Toe width Heel width Key depth Key width Cover to center of reinf. Width of backfill at top of wall Height of load PM application MATERIALS DATA AND LOADS Concrete strength Steel Yield Strength Concrete unit weight Soil unit weight Allow. Soil pressure Active eq. fluid weight Angle of internal friction Friction angle between soil and wall Allow. Passive unifrom pressure Vertical surcharge on backfill Equivalent surcharge height Vertical surcharge on top of stem - Vert. comp. Vertical surcharge on top of stem - Horiz. comp. Additional load on wall - Vert. Comp. Additional load on wall - Horiz. Comp. Coefficient of friction Overturning safety factor Sliding safety factor Min. reinf. Ratio Max. reinf. Ratio f'C = fY = wC = wE = sall = kAwE = = = sP = kA = wS = HSU = PTV = PTH = PMV = PMH = f= OSF = SSF = rmin = rmax = 3000 60000 145 110 4000 35 31.15 15.57 3000 0.318 566 5.1 255 0 90 0 0.4 1.5 1.5 0.0033 0.0160 psi psi pcf pcf psf pcf HW = LF = HF = HS = DSB = DST = LT = LH = HK = LK = c= LBF = HPM = 18.00 10.50 24 16.00 12 12 9.50 0.00 2.00 1.00 2.50 0.00 8.00 ft ft in ft in in ft ft ft ft in ft ft


psf psf ft plf plf plf plf

Effect of concentrated load is distributed over a 3 ft wall length Effect of concentrated load is distributed over a 3 ft wall length

VERIFY SAFETY FACTOR AGAINST OVERTURNING ABOUT POINT O Neglet the soil on top of Toe and weight of Heel if present. Overturning Moments Active pressure due to soil behind wall Active pressure due to surcharge Overturning moment due to PTH Overturning moment due to PMH Total overturning moment Stabilizing Moments Wall stem (but "wall butt") Soil & surcharge behind wall ("wall butt" as soil) "Wall Butt" as (conc.-soil) Footing Key Vertical component of soil active pressure Vertical component of surcharge active pressure Vertical loads PTV and PMV Total stabilizing moment S1 = W 1 * b1 S2 = W 2 * b2 S3 = W 3 * b3 S4 = W 4 * b4 S5 = W 5 * b5 S6 = W 6 * b6 S7 = W 7 * b7 S8 = W 8 * b8 SWi = 2320 0 0 3045 290 775 443 345 7218 10.00 = 10.50 = 10.50 = 5.25 = 10.00 = 10.50 = 10.50 = 10.00 = SM = 23200 0 0 15986 2900 8141 4652 3450 58330 ft*lb ft*lb ft*lb ft*lb ft*lb ft*lb ft*lb ft*lb ft*lb

M1 = F1 * a1 M2 = F2 * a2 M3 = F3 * a3 M4 = F4 * a4 SFi =

5670 3240 0 0 8910

6.00 = 9.00 = 18.00 = 10.00 = OM =

34020 29160 0 0 47385

ft*lb ft*lb ft*lb ft*lb ft*lb

Calculated factor of safety =


VERIFY SAFETY FACTOR AGAINST SLIDING Sliding force Key and Toe Passive Resistance Friction Resistance Total Resistance Force Calculated factor of safety = FS = FKT = FF = FR = 8910 lbs 12000 lbs 2887 lbs 14887 lbs 1.67 SAFETY AGAINST SLIDING OK

VERIFY MAXIMUM SOIL PRESSURE Eccentricity of resultant force R Max press. at base of footing Min press. at base of footing DESIGN OF HEEL Weight of soil above heel + surcharge Weight of heel Maximum factored moment Maximum factored shear Heel allow. shear (no shear reinf.) W8 = WH = MU = VU = FVC = 0 0 0 0 24023 lbs lbs ft*lb lbs lbs e= pMAX = pMIN = 3.73 ft R OUTSIDE OF MIDDLE THIRD - NEGATIVE PRESSURES 3174 psi 0 psi MAX PRESSURE < ALLOWABLE


Design tension reinforcement Reinf. Bars Spacing o.c. Area of steel Distance a Resisting moment Check min and max reinf. Ratios Actual steel ratio Developments Minimum development length (<=#6) Minimum development length (>=#7)

#= oc = AS = a= MR =

0 0 in in2/ft #DIV/0! #DIV/0! in #DIV/0! ft*lb

### ### ### ###



ld = ld =

0 in 0 in MINIMUM DEV. LENGTH = 12 in

Longitudinal reinforcement Reinf. Bars Spacing o.c. Area of steel Minimum long. reinf. Ratio Actual steel ratio DESIGN OF TOE Weight of toe Soil pressure directly under point B Maximum factored moment Maximum factored shear Toe allow. shear (no shear reinf.) Design tension reinforcement Reinf. Bars Spacing o.c.

#= oc = AS = rmin = r=

0 0 in in2/ft #DIV/0! 0.0018 #DIV/0!


WT = pB = MU = VU = FVC =

2755 302 156959 25315 24023

lbs plf ft*lb lbs lbs

MU = 1.7*[(pMAX*LT*0.5*LT*2/3)+(pB*LT* VU = 1.7*[(pMAX*LT*0.5)+(pB*LT*0.5)-W T TOE SECTION TOO SMALL FOR SHEAR

#= oc =

8 6 in

Area of steel Distance a Resisting moment Check min and max reinf. Ratios Actual steel ratio Developments Minimum development length (<=#6) Minimum development length (>=#7)

AS = a= MR =

2 1.571 in /ft 3.080 in 141085 ft*lb


ld = ld =

0 in 33 in

Longitudinal reinforcement Reinf. Bars Spacing o.c. Area of steel Minimum long. reinf. Ratio Actual steel ratio DESIGN OF STEM Soil behind wall Surcharge PTH PMH Maximum factored moment Maximum factored shear Toe allow. shear (no shear reinf.) Design tension reinforcement Reinf. Bars Spacing o.c. Area of steel Distance a Resisting moment Check min and max reinf. Ratios Actual steel ratio Developments Minimum development length (<=#6) Minimum development length (>=#7)

#= oc = AS = rmin = r=

5 6 in 2 0.614 in /ft 0.0018 0.0024

M1 = F1 * a1 M2 = F2 * a2 M3 = F3 * a3 M4 = F4 * a4 MU = VU = FVC =

4480 5.33 2880 8.00 0 16.00 0 8.00 79787 ft*lb 12512 lbs 10615 lbs

= = = =

23893 23040 0 0

ft*lb ft*lb ft*lb ft*lb

STEM SECTION TOO SMALL FOR SHEAR #= oc = AS = a= MR = 8 6 1.571 3.080 56265

in in2/ft in ft*lb INCREASE TENSION REINF.



ld = ld =

0 in 33 in

Longitudinal reinforcement Reinf. Bars Spacing o.c. Area of steel Minimum long. reinf. Ratio Actual steel ratio DESIGN OF KEY Maximum factored moment Maximum factored shear Key allow. shear (no shear reinf.) Design tension reinforcement Reinf. Bars Spacing o.c. Area of steel Distance a Resisting moment

#= oc = AS = rmin = r=

5 12 in 2 0.307 in /ft 0.0020 0.0027

MU = VU = FVC =

10200 ft*lb 10200 lbs 10615 lbs


#= oc = AS = a= MR =

5 14 0.263 0.516 10937

in in2/ft in ft*lb


Check min and max reinf. Ratios Actual steel ratio Developments Minimum development length (<=#6) Minimum development length (>=#7)




ld = ld =

16 in 0 in

Longitudinal reinforcement Reinf. Bars Spacing o.c. Area of steel Minimum long. reinf. Ratio Actual steel ratio

#= oc = AS = rmin = r=

5 6 in 2 0.614 in /ft 0.0018 0.0054

= 90 - 2*tan-1(kA1/2) = /2 Unif. Pressure on Ret. Wall due to earthquake loads = 10*HW See soil report Transform Unif. Pressure in equivalent surcharge ==> 10*HW = KAwQ wQ = (10*HW)/kA HSU = (wS+wQ)/wE

3 ft wall length

3 ft wall length

rmin = 200/fy rmax = 0.75*rb

rb = (0.85*f'C*b1/fy)*[87000/(fy+87000)] b1 = 0.85 for f'C <= 4000 psi b1 = 0.80 for f'C <= 5000 psi b1 = 0.75 for f'C <= 6000 psi

F1 = 1/2*(kA*wE*HW2) F2 = kA*wE*HSU*HW F3 = PTH F4 = PMH

a1 = HW/3 a2 = HW/2 a3 = HW a4 = HPM + HF

W 1 = DST* HS*wC W 2 = LBF*(HS+HSU)*wE W 3 = 1/2*(DSB-DST)*HS*(wC-wE) W 4 = LF*HF*wC W 5 = HK*LK*wC W 6 = F1*tand W 7 = F2*tand W 8 = PTV + PMV

b1 = LT+DST/2 b2 = LT-LBF/2 b3 = LT+DST+(DSB-DST)/3 b4 = LF/2 b5 = LT+LK/2 b6 = LF-(LH-(DSB-DST)/3) b7 = LF-(LH-(DSB-DST)/2) b8 = LT + DST/2


SFi FKT = rP * (HK + HF) FF = f * SW i FF+FKT FR/FS

e = LF/2 - (stab M - overt. M)/SW PRESSURES pMAX = SW/LF*(1+6e/LF) pMIN = SW/LF*(1-6e/LF)

from p = P/A + Mc/I from p = P/A - Mc/I

basic equation for bending and axial compression basic equation for bending and axial compression

W 5 = LH*(HS+HSU)*wE W H = LH*HF*wC MU = 1.4*(W 5+W H)*LH/2 VU = 1.4*(W 5+W H) FVC = F*(2*(f'C)1/2)*b*d

Cantiliver beam fixed on A. Neglet upward pressure under heel and consider the surcharge a Dead load F = 0.85 for shear d = effective depth = HF - c

AS = [p*(#/16)2]/(12*oc) a = (AS*fy)/(0.85*f'C*b) MR = F*0.85*f'C*b*a*(d-a/2)

F = 0.90 for bending

r = AS/b*d

d = effective depth = HF - c

ld = 0.024*db*fy/(f'C)1/2 for #6 and smaller ld = 0.03*db*fy*/(f'C)1/2 for #7 and larger

r = AS/b*d

d = effective depth = HF - c

W T = LT*HF*wC pB = pMAX-(a*LT) 0.5*LT*2/3)+(pB*LT*0.5*LT/3)-W T*LT/2 .5)+(pB*LT*0.5)-W T FVC = F*(2*(f'C)1/2)*b*d

Neglet weight of soil above toe where a = (pMAX-pMIN)/LF slope of pressure diaghram Cantiliver beam fixed on B. Use 1.7 for moment from soil pressure since that is due mainly to horizontal forces (ACI). d = effective depth = HF - c F = 0.85 for shear

AS = [p*(#/16)2]/(12*oc) a = (AS*fy)/(0.85*f'C*b) MR = F*0.85*f'C*b*a*(d-a/2)

F = 0.90 for bending

r = AS/b*d

d = effective depth = HF - c

ld = 0.024*db*fy/(f'C)1/2 for #6 and smaller ld = 0.03*db*fy*/(f'C)1/2 for #7 and larger

r = AS/b*d

d = effective depth = HF - c

Cantilever beam fixed at the base. F1 = 1/2*(kA*wE*HS2) F2 = kA*wE*HSU*HS F3 = PTH F4 = PMH MU = 1.7*(M3+M4) VU = 1.7*(F1+F2) FVC = F*(2*(f'C)1/2)*b*d

a1 = HS/3 a2 = HS/2 a3 = HS a4 = HPM Neglet vertical forces on wall for moments. Use 1.7 for moments since they are mostly from horizontal forces. d = effective depth = DSB - c F = 0.85 for shear

AS = [p*(#/16)2]/(12*oc) a = (AS*fy)/(0.85*f'C*b) MR = F*0.85*f'C*b*a*(d-a/2)

F = 0.90 for bending

r = AS/b*d

d = effective depth = DSB - c

ld = 0.024*db*fy/(f'C)1/2 for #6 and smaller ld = 0.03*db*fy*/(f'C)1/2 for #7 and larger

r = AS/b*d

d = effective depth = DSB - c

Cantilever beam fixed at base of footing MU = 1.7*(sP*Hk2/2) VU = 1.7*sP*Hk FVC = F*(2*(f'C)1/2)*b*d

Cantiliver beam fixed at base of footing. Use 1.7 for moment from soil pressure since that is due mainly to horizontal force d = effective depth = DSB - c F = 0.85 for shear

AS = [p*(#/16)2]/(12*oc) a = (AS*fy)/(0.85*f'C*b) MR = F*0.85*f'C*b*a*(d-a/2)

r = AS/b*d

ld = 0.024*db*fy/(f'C)1/2 for #6 and smaller ld = 0.03*db*fy*/(f'C)1/2 for #7 and larger

r = AS/b*d

orces (ACI).

o horizontal forces (ACI).

General Data Project # and Address: PJ071031 192 Majestic Ave, San Francisco, CA Description: Grid line X at B (bottom part) Engineer: A.J.O. Group Design Assumptions: - Design method: Stregth - ASD - Wall type: Cantilever Retaining Wall - loads PTV and PMV considered for Overturning and Sliding stabilization - Upward pressure from soil negletted for Heel design - Surcharge on backfill considered as dead load for Heel design - Weight of soil above Toe negletted for Toe design - Allow vertical component of active pressures: YES - Additional "surcharge" due to earthquake loads wQ = (10*HW )/kA (*) Geometrical Data Wall height HW = 18.00 ft Footing width LF = 10.50 ft Footing thickness Stem height Stem thickness at bottom Stem thickness at top Toe width Heel width Key depth Key width Cover to center of reinf. Height of load PM application Loads Active equivalent fluid weight Vertical surcharge on backfill Vertical surcharge on Stem (**) Additional Point Load (**) Resisting forces Allowable Soil pressure Allow. Passive uniform pressure Coefficient of friction Overturning safety factor Sliding safety factor Material Data Concrete strength Steel Yield Strength Concrete unit weight Soil unit weight Overturning about point O Overturning Moments Backfill Surcharge PTH PMH Totals Stabilizing Moments Wall stem (but "wall butt") Backfill + Surcharge "Wall Butt" (as conc-soil) Footing Key Comp. of active force and surch. PTV and PMV Totals f'C = fY = wC = wE = 3000 psi 60000 psi 145 pcf 110 pcf kAwE = wS = PTV (plf) = PMV (plf) = sall = sP = f= OSF = SSF = 35 pcf 0 psf 255 90 4000 psf 3000 psf 0.40 1.5 1.5 HF = HS = DSB = DST = LT = LH = HK = LK = c= HPM = 24 in 16.00 ft 12 12 9.50 0.00 2.00 1.00 2.5 8.00 in in ft ft ft ft in ft

Soil Bearing Pressure Eccentricity of resultant force R Max press. at base of footing Min press. at base of footing Design of Wall Elements Min. flexural reinf. Ratio Max. flexural reinf. Ratio STEM DESIGN Maximum factored shear Allow. shear (no shear reinf.) Maximum factored moment Tension Reinforcement Resisting moment Actual steel ratio Minimum Development Length Longitudinal Reinforcement Minimum long. reinf. Ratio Actual steel ratio TOE DESIGN Maximum factored shear Allow. shear (no shear reinf.) Maximum factored moment Tension Reinforcement Resisting moment Actual steel ratio Minimum Development Length Longitudinal Reinforcement

e= pMAX = pMIN =

3.73 ft 3174 psi 0 psi

R outside of middle third Soil Pressure Adequate

rmin = rmax = VU = FVC = MU = Bar #

0.0033 0.0160 12512 lbs 10615 lbs 79787 ft*lb Spac. (in)

Increase Stem section

MR = r=

56265 ft*lb 0.0138 min max Increase steel for tension Steel OK for Code req. Steel OK for Code req.

ld =
Bar #

33 in
Spac. (in)

rmin = r=

0.0020 0.0027 Steel OK for Code req.

VU = FVC = MU = Bar #

25315 lbs 24023 lbs 156959 ft*lb Spac. (in)

Increase Toe section

PTH (lb) = PMH (lb) = 0 0 MR = r=

141085 ft*lb 0.0061 Increase steel for tension

ld =
Bar #

33 in
Spac. (in)

CBC 1806.1 CBC 1806.1 HEEL DESIGN Maximum factored shear Allow. shear (no shear reinf.) Maximum factored moment Tension Reinforcement Resisting moment Actual steel ratio VU = FVC = MU = Bar #

6 Top & Bottom

0 lbs 24023 lbs 0 ft*lb Spac. (in)

Heel section OK for Shear

MR = r= #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

ft*lb #DIV/0!

Force 5670 3240 0 0 8910 Force 2320 0 0 3045 290 1218 345 7218

Lever Moment 6.00 9.00 18.00 10.00 34020 ft*lb 29160 ft*lb 0 ft*lb 0 ft*lb 47385 ft*lb Minimum Development Length Longitudinal Reinforcement

ld =
Bar #

0 in
Spac. (in)

(***) KEY DESIGN Maximum factored shear Allow. shear (no shear reinf.) Maximum factored moment Tension Reinforcement Resisting moment Actual steel ratio Minimum Development Length Longitudinal Reinforcement

0 Top & Bottom

Lever Moment 10.00 23200 ft*lb 10.50 0 ft*lb 10.50 0 ft*lb 5.25 15986 ft*lb 10.00 10.50 10.00 2900 12794 3450 58330 ft*lb ft*lb ft*lb ft*lb

VU = FVC = MU = Bar #

10200 lbs 10615 lbs 10200 ft*lb Spac. (in)

Heel section OK for Shear

MR = r=

10937 ft*lb 0.0023 Steel OK for tension

FACTOR OF SAFETY Sliding Total Sliding Force Total Resistance Force FS = FR = 8910 lbs 14887 lbs


ld =
Bar #

16 in
Spac. (in)

5 1.67


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