Menu Planning

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Understand the principles of menu planning, applying relevant nutrition guidelines Awareness of available menu assessment tools and standards Be able to apply menu assessment tools to evaluate a menu Understand menu planning for special groups eg. Residential facilities, hospitals, nursing homes, school canteens Understand food service limitations
Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Menu Planning & Assessment

February 2008
Carmel Lazarus
Contact Details Food Service Nutrition Manager & Consultant Dietitian, 0416482199
Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Menu Planning
A fundamental tool in Dietetic practice Encompasses all aspects of the food service system The quality of the menu is dependent on the time invested in the planning process
Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Is the menu important?

Production & Distribution Systems

Stores & equipment



Menu Service

Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Nursing Homes Sports Industry Child Care Sector Corporate Catering Acute Care facilities

Objectives in Menu Planning

Meet nutritional needs - Recognition that food is treatment- part of medical therapy treatmentBDA Better Hospital Food Project (1999)

Meet/exceeds customer expectations Drives purchasing Determines production methods and distribution systems Dictates staffing levels Provides quality, standardisation & predictability
Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Dietitians role in Menu Planning

Hospital Accreditation DAA competencies for entry level dietitians Directly impact customer satisfaction Directly impact nutritional care Drive menu policy Direct customer choice

Balancing act to meet menu objectives and nutrition goals Constraints - Costs, Equipment, Staffing, Skills, Pt preferences VS Standards Food Safety, NRVs, Dietary NRVs, guidelines, menu assessment tools, DOH food and nutrition policies
Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Overseas Experience
Food is important in hospital setting Patient feedback counts increasing influence Influenced food service review
Better Hospital Food project 2001 Food, Fluid and Nutritional Care, 2003, Scotland Food and Well Being, 2003, Wales NHS Plan for the UK

Components of Menu Planning System

Menu Standards and Policy Menu template Menu pattern Menu type Food and nutrition policies Menu objectives Dietary guidelines Influencing Factors Production system Distribution systems Staffing levels Skills of staff Budget Food availability Equipment/storage Menu Basics Nutrition Customer preferences Colour/texture/flavour/va riety Menu descriptions Menu combinations Menu popularity

Controls Food specifications Standardised recipes Ingredients room Standardised portions

Evaluation Client satisfaction surveys Quality activities plate wastage, accuracy audits Pt visits Costing reports Menu assessment
Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Menu Design
Menu Type
selective vs non selective A la carte, cycle menus Spoken menu Choice at point of service

Menu Type
Selective vs non selective menu When would you be likely to use selective menus and non selective menus? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each

Menu Template
No. & type of choices to offer

Menu Pattern
Timing & frequency of meals / 24 hrs
Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Selective Menu

Non-Selective Menu NonDay 1 Poached Fish Creamed Potato Steamed Cabbage Mashed Pumpkin Rice Pudding Orange Juice Creamy Chicken Soup Day 2 Savoury Mince Steamed Rice Peas Corn Semolina Pudding Pineapple Juice Lamb and vegetable Soup
Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Day 3 Roast Chicken & Gravy Pasta Creamed Sweet Potato Steamed broccoli Baked custard Apple juice Ham and Split pea Soup

Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Cycle Menus
McClelland & Williams J Human Nutr Diet 2003 Menu Cycle Length <14 14 15-20 1521 22-27 22>28 1986 % 14 40 5.5 20 1 19.5
Carmel Lazarus February 2008

A la Carte Menu
Apricot Juice Apple Juice Apricot Juice Stewed Pears Stewed Apricots Banana Porridge Weetbix Rice Bubbles Cornflakes White Bread Wholemeal Bread Raisin Bread Muffin Margarine Jam

Vegetable Soup Beef Consomme Potato & leek Soup Potato Salad Pasta Salad Rice Salad

Vegetable Soup Beef Consomme Potato and leek soup Potato Salad Pasta Salad Rice Salad

2001 % 15 58 1 14 0 12

Roast Beef with Gravy Spinach Pie Grilled Fish with Lemon Lamb & Tomato Casserole Fresh Fruit Yoghurt Ice Cream Jelly

Roast Beef with Gravy Spinach Pie Grilled Fish with Lemon Lamb & Tomato Casserole Fresh Fruit Yoghurt Ice Cream Jelly

Carmel Lazarus February 2008

New initiatives

A la carte Menu in tertiary public hospital

A la carte menu on a computerised system 13 mains, 10 salads, 5 desserts Recipes trialled to ensure quality: taste Texture presentation Recipes all analysed Photos displayed of each dish to ensure standardisation and consistency in plating
Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Current Status Poor pt satisfaction scores Consultant review to improve on food service Average LOS was 3/7 Cook chill facility

Carmel Lazarus February 2008


Menu Design Spoken Menu

Advantages Direct pt choice Order selections based on cost, nutrition, popularity Improved pt/staff interaction Streamline selections & production Perceived to be technologically advanced by patients/residents Disadvantages Repetitive for staff Pts from NESB require paper menu Costs with upgrading technology Returned visits if pt unavailable/labour intensive

Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Menu Design Paper Menu

Pts have time to review menu Relatives can select for pt (NESB, dementia) Communication to pt via nutrition messages Use as a marketing tool Healthier selections are easily identified

Room Service Menu

Call centre set up Using a hybrid Short order section in kitchen required Limited room service menu options

Pts can over select Printing costs

Cant direct choice

Data entry/scanning required

Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Carmel Lazarus February 2008


Menu Template
Develop template with number of choices per food category: No. of hot mains No. of vegetables No. of desserts Plan for special days eg. fish on Fridays Colour code items on template to look for repetition

Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Template Order
Fill in hot mains then cold dishes Hot Breakfast Choose accompanying starch then other vegetables Desserts Soup Modified diets planned Use colour coding to check for repetition Checklist, including menu fundamentals Checklist,
Carmel Lazarus February 2008

Sample of a menu template 7 day cycle

Carmel Lazarus February 2008













Fish Pork

In Summary
Objectives Challenges Components of the system Menu Design type cycle, selectivity, pattern template
Carmel Lazarus February 2008

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