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" when you reach the same conclusion after reassessing a view but with the roles reversed.

" ~ PT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the following excerpt taken from an AIJAC article by Adam Frey:
"..the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is promoting language that would criminalise any criticism of Islam under the guise of preventing Islamaphobia and the general defamation of religions. This effort to import Islamic anti-blasphemy laws into international norms

True Justice

undermines the principles of freedom of speech and expression"

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now the same excerpt but with the roles reversed:

"..the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) is promoting language that would criminalise any criticism of zionism under the guise of preventing anti-semitism and the general defamation of religions. This effort to import Zionist anti-blasphemy laws into international norms

undermines the principles of freedom of speech and expression"

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rational people can see the blatant hypocrisy when zionists thunk the rst (self righteous) statement is valid and yet, they would aggressively oppose and attack anyone that would suggest the latter with an onslaught of condemnation & labelling one a holocaust denier and antisemitic.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the following double standards can be found on the 'About Us' page of the AIJAC website.
"Internet racism is a growing area of concern for international Jewry. Through research and published articles, AIJAC has joined international efforts to counter the unfettered proliferation of racist and antisemitic material on the internet." "AIJAC has exposed instances of racism and antisemitism in Australia and has lobbied governments to develop legislative and educative measures to counteract the pernicious effects of racism." "AIJAC supported the US-led coalition in the war against violent Islamism, including the campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq. This also extends to the threat that violent Islamism poses within Western societies." "The growth of Islamic extremism in Asia also constitutes an important issue not only for all Australians, but Israel and the Australian Jewish community in particular. AIJAC maintains strong contacts with regional experts" "In association with the American Jewish Committee, in 1999 AIJAC produced a detailed research study, Islam in Asia: Changing Political Realities. This study was later updated and published in the United States and Australia by Transaction Publications." A GOOGLE Search on AIJAC ABC returns "About 97,300 results"

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