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Human Resource Management Institute (HRMI) Edexcel Level 7 - Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership - Batch 1

Unit No/Title: Unit 6: Creative and Innovative Management Assignment No: 1/2 Unit Code: R/602/2064 Assignment Title: Embrace a culture of innovation

Grading Opportunities Available Outcomes/ Grade LO LO LO Descriptors 1.1 1.2 2.1 Outcomes/ Grade LO LO LO Descriptors 4.1 4.2 4.3

LO 2.2 LO 4.4

LO 2.3

LO 2.4

LO 3.1

LO 3.2

LO 3.3

Date Set: 9th December 2012 2013

Due Date: 6th January

Student ID: ______________________ ___________________

Student Signature:

Outcomes/Grade Descriptors Achieved (Please Tick) Outcomes/ Grade LO LO LO LO LO LO Descriptors 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Outcomes/ Grade Descriptors LO 4.1 LO 4.2 LO 4.3 LO 4.4

LO 3.1

LO 3.2

LO 3.3


Assessor: IV Comments:

Signature: ____________________

Date: __/__/__


Signature: ____________________

Date: __/__/__

Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership Unit 6: Creative and Innovative Management

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Unit No/Title: Unit 6: Creative and Innovative Management Assignment No: 1/2

Unit Code: R/602/2064 Assignment Title: Embrace a culture of innovation

Statement of Authenticity:

I certify that this is my own work. The work has not, in whole or in part, been presented or published elsewhere. Where material has been used from other sources it has been properly acknowledged. If this statement is untrue I accept that I have committed an assessment offence. .. Registration Number . Signature

Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership Unit 6: Creative and Innovative Management

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You should submit the assignment on or before the given due date.
This is a take home assignment Submit a hard copy of the documentation and soft copies to be emailed to A hard copy of the first page of this document to be attached to the assignment with your details. All assignments should be spiral bound with Black hard cover as the last sheet. Clearly label the CDs with your student registration number and attach it to the back cover of your assignment. Late submissions will be endorsed with a Late Submission seal. If you are unable to handover your assignment on time, and have valid reasons such as illness, you are required to fill Late Submission Form and may apply in writing for an extension. Non submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic REFERRAL. In such scenario, learner will be asked to complete an alternate assignment. REPORT WRITING GUIDELINES 1. Every assignment should have an Introduction and Conclusion. 2. The standard Table of Contents should be generated. 3. Paper Size - A4 Single Side Print 4. Main heading Font: Arial; Size 16 5. Sub Heading Font: Arial; Size 14 6. Body Text Font: Arial; Size 11 7. Line & Paragraph spacing: Single Line. 8. Margins: Top: 1 Bottom:1 Left:1 Right:1 9. Header: Include the module name on Right side. 10.Footer: Include the page number on the Right side. 11.All sections should have continuity and pages should be clearly labelled. 12. Referencing: Students are required to use Harvard Referencing System. Clear referencing for all the materials, books, articles, websites etc should be given in the following format: Books Authors, year of publication, title, publisher & editor, page no
Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership Unit 6: Creative and Innovative Management

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URL Complete address eg and Date Article, Journals Author of the article, year of publication, title of the article, title of the journal, volume and issue number of the article and page numbers

Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership Unit 6: Creative and Innovative Management

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Assignment 1: How will you prepare your company to embrace a culture of innovation?
Revisit the Vision, Mission and Values and determine its innovation and any need for review relevance to

Examine how vision, mission and values can be made relevant to individuals in order encourage innovation at work

Determine the current state of innovation and steps to enhance the overall innovative state

Focus on establishing overall accountability for innovation at corporate level and at functional / task / individual levels.

Determine how innovation can be incorporated as a competency at all levels and how innovation competency descriptors can help in assessing innovation

Examine how innovation as a strategy could be pursued (strategic direction) Visualize where you should initiate the process of innovation in your organization

Establish where and what needs re-definition as an integral need of innovation (ex: structures)

Examine the extent and the depth you need to go inculcate behavioral changes (attitudes)

Comment on the budgetary provisions required to facilitate innovation Examine the relevance of open innovation strategies to your organization Comment on the fundamental prerequisites to facilitate effective and sustainable innovation

Refer to managing idea pipeline Comment on making innovation everybodys business.

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Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership Unit 6: Creative and Innovative Management

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DESCRIPTORS LO 1.1 Evaluate current creative and innovative management processes in an organisation 1.2 Explain how to lead others to positively embrace innovation and change 2.1 Assess the influence of vision and mission on generation of creative and innovative management processes in an organization 2.2 Use analytical tools to identify potential creative and innovative management ideas 2.3 Assess risks and benefits of creative and innovative management ideas 2.4 Use change models to support the implementation of creative and innovative management ideas 3.1 Produce an appropriate rationale to persuade stakeholders of an organisation of the benefits of a creative and innovative management idea 3.2 Communicate a creative and innovative management idea to stakeholders of an organization


3.3 Establish key goals and priorities for implementation of a creative and innovative management idea using feedback from stakeholders

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