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National Power & Energy Conference (PECon) 2004 Proceedings, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


The Potentials of Palm Oil as a Dielectric Fluid

U. U Abdullahi, S M Bashi, IEEE Member, Robia Yunus, Mohibullah, IEEE Member, Hj.An1ir Nurdin

Abstract-Petroleum and mineral based fluids have, for almost one century, been used for cooling and insulation purposes. Their popularity stems out of their availability and cheapness. However, recent evidence has shown deficiencies witb these fluids: They have low properties especially flash and fire points and most importantly low dielectric break down voltage. The most serious of these shortcomings is the inability to meet up with health and environmental laws. This is because they are notorganic and hence not biodegradable; their spillage takes very long time to decompose. These developments have led to seeking alternatives in vegetable based fluids. The fluids tried and confirmed to be used as dielectric fluids include Castor oil, Cocoanut oi!, Soya bean oil, Rapeseed oil etc. This work has measured the properties of palm oil against the IEEE C637 and ASTM D section for possible use as a dielectric fluid. The result shows that treated palm oil has break down voltage of 75 KV/mm, flash point (>220), fire point (r220) and moisture content (0.08%). Hence this has shown the potential of palm oil as a dielectric fluid. However future work should focus on further investigation before field application. Malaysia as a country stands a lot o r gains in this type of research, since it i s a world is leader in palm oil production.

precipitating failures. Failures of transformers cost millions of dollars to replace, require months to repair, and can leak toxic fluids. Cooling capability ultimately determines the amount of power that can be reliably handled by a transformer. As a result, transformers are designed to maximize heat rejection, and this often means bulky and expensive designs [I]. Transformer, for example, in operation generates heat in the winding, and that heat is transferred to the oil. Heated oil then flows to the radiators by convection. Oil supplied from the radiators, being relatively cool, cools the winding. There are several important properties, such as dielectric strength, flash point, viscosity, specific gravity and pour point, to be considered when qualifying certain oil as transformer oil. The quality of the oil is ,very important. At high voltages, heavily loaded, transformers demand bcttcr quality of oil. While at low voltages, lightly loaded, transformer the demand for high quality oil is not critical [2].

Fluids, Electrical Equipment, Keywurds-Dielectric Vegetable Oils, lnsutating Fuhds, C o d i n g , Palm Oil

Electrical insulating and dielectic materials can be broadly divided into; gaseous, liquids, vacuum and solids. These materials are widely employed i n electrical network components like, circuit breakers, transformers, cables and capacitors.. Liquids dielectrics in .particular are preferred because of their ability to have self-cured to situations leading to partial or total discharges.

The function of dielectric fluid in an appliance is that of cooling and insulation .The insulating oil fills up pores in fibrous insulation and also the gaps between the coil conductors and the spacing between the windings and the tank, and thus increases the dielectric strength of the insulation.
Electromagnetic devices like transformers heat up during operation because of resistive losses in their electrical and magnetic components. The rejection of heat is critical, since excessive temperatures can damage insuiation,

For more than a century, petroleum-based mineral oils purified to transformer oil grade have been used in liquid-filled transformers. Synthetic hydrocarbon fluids, silicone, and ester fluids were introduced in the tatter half of the twentieth century, but their use is limited to distribution transformers. Several billion iiteres of transformer oil are used in transformers worldwide [3]. However recent findings have made the use of mincral and petroleum oils in electric equipment, rather unfit therefore there is the need for either an altcrnative or a total replacement. These oils suffer problems like low fire and flash points, low breakdown voltage and most importantly is the difficulty of disposal after usage. In cases o f equipment failure or spillage their decomposition is very slow; since they are not biodegradable. This is a very serious issue that poses environmental concern. In view of these issues, research is currently going on to find, natural vegetable oils replacements or alternatives to mineral and petroleum oils for electrical equipment insutation.
In line with the problems stated above there is the need to

U. U Abdullahi. S M Bashi, IEEE Member, Robia Yunus. Mohibullah are with Faculty oftngineering, University Putra Malaysia. Hj.Amir Nurdin i s with Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB)

look for altemative solutions. The solutions should not be merely that of managing what is now apparent, but we should come up with alternative means of cooling electrical equipment. Along this line bio or plant based oils are handy. In the past vegetable oils have been used for edible and other domestic applications. Recent research work and industrial research and development have come up with idea that vegetable oils termed as biagradable oils can

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find industrial applications. The engineering applications of these oils have been proved by 3 couple of researchers. There are two reasons why we should be seriously thinking of alternate natural sources of insulating fluids. The reasons are: l~ Transformer oil is poorly biodegradable. It can contaminate our soil and waterways if serious spillso&r. Govemment.regulatory agents are already looking into this problem and are imposing stiff penalties for spills. Many thousands of transformers are located in popuIated areas, shopping centers, and near waterways. Figures 3A and 3B shows some pole-mounted transformers near a coastal region, and pad-mounted transformers in a public area respec tively[4].



CH2-00CR3 ... ., ., Where RI, R2, andR3 are fatty acid chains of same or different types. Saturated fatty acids with eight to 23 carbon atoms are found in oils. Fatty acids with one unsaturated bond have carbon atoms ranging from I O to 21. Fatty acids with di-and tri-unsahiration mostly contain 18 carbon atoms (these are named LBioleic and Lirrolenic acids) [ 5 ] . The fatty acid composition of some vegetable oils [SI is shown in Table I .

ii. Svnthesis,.Prrrification and Testing In this section, a description of how the dielectric fluid is produced and testing of the product. The BIOTEMPB and the Enviroremp FR3@ are used as example; the detaiis about these fluids will be presented in due course. The methods employed.for testing is mostly ASTM [7] or IEC . 60296. In general [ 8 ] the following are the required tests as per the two regulations and even others like ISO, DIN and some local reguIatory and standardization agencies: Appearance, Color- and Color nimiber, Viscosip and Viscosip Itrde.y, Flash and Fire Poirits, Pow Points, Ther-mal Condrrcrivity, Inteifucial Tension, Dielectric Breakdown Voltage, Dielectric Consraiit, Dissipn/i#rr or Power Factor, Acidity, O e c Coirrenr, Moisture Co/ite,it, li Gassing Terrderrcy, Neutralization Xiiuber, 0.ridaric.e Stobiiity. Turbfdip, Pel? arid Fir/-an Coiitenr a i d

Fig. I . Mounting of outdoor transformers

2. Petroleum products (fossil fuels) are eventually goin2 to run out, arid there can be serious shortages even by the mid-twenty-first century. Conserving the petroieum reserves and recycling are vital for petroleum-based products-plastics, pharmaceuticals, organic chemicals, and so on. Until we develop economically viable alternate energy sources, there is no easy replacement for gasoline, jet h e l , and heating oil. Vegetable oils are narural products available in plenty. They are used mostly for edible purposes, but special oils are used for drying and cutting oils. The only significant electrical use of vegetable oils suggested until rhe late 1990s were for power capacitors. Even there, the use is more experimental than commerciai [41.

Eiodegr.adabiiig. Tesr
The starting point, in the production of vegetable oil based dielectric fluid is the -vegetable seeds collected from trees. After separation of solid matter, the oil is treated with special solvents to remove many unwanted components. Bleaching is usualIy done by clay filter presses, which further purify the oil. Deodorization by steam removes volatiles that produce odor. The RBD oil vanes in electrical purity over a wide range from marginal to impure, with conductivities ranging from 5 to 50 pS/m (41. The advantages of biodegradable oils that make them an excellent [ 1 I ] replacement to present oils can be itemized as follows: 1 Reduced environmental impact, so in case of a spill, no hazardous chemicals would have to b e cleaned up and they have less tosicity to living organisms. 2. Safer, they have higher flash and fire points than most mineral based fluids in addition, their toxicity to organisms and humans is minimal. 3. The oils are of food grade in many cases, so they are easy to handle. 4. Reduced dependence on foreign oil, which gives country preservation of foreign reserve.

i. Chemical Composition of Vegetable Oils For a vegetable oil to h i l y qualify as a dielectric fluid its chemical composition is crucial. The vegetable oils suitable for engineering applications have almost common molecular arrangement. Crude vegetable oils extracted from oil seeds have a dark color and contain solid constituents such as proteins and fibers, and liquid (fats and oil). Both fats and oil are triglyceride esters o f fatry acids, but fats. contain a relatively high percentage of saturated triglycerides and would freeze to solid below room temperature. The oily part usually remains as liquid above Ou C; oils with high unsaturation may remain as liquid at -15 to -3.0 C. The triglyceride ester molecule may be represented [4] as,

communities engaged in agricultural production, since the source is that of renewable resources.
5. Enhance economies in

Unsaturated Fatty Acids,%



Canola oil+ Com oil


7.9 12.7




17.8 l7.g 13.3
12.1 75.3




d oil
Peanut oil

Further the Nebraska Public Power District is exploring the use of soybean-based oil in electric transformers. Their product called Biotrans is an earth-friendly, soybean-based transformer cooling oil. A standard distribution-system transfomer is filled with this soybean-based oil, rather than traditional petroleum-based mineral oil. Biotrans transformers offer many benefits over conventional mineral oil transformers. It is biodegradable, in case of a spill or leakage; no hazardous chemicals need to be cleaned up. It provides an innovative new product for crops grown by farmers. It is safer than mineral oil, because of its higher flash point (ignition temperature). It offers a lower transformer lifecycle cost; no hazardous- waste disposal cost required, and it also has a potential recycling value of used soybean oil [IO]. The properties of coconut oil, which is an indigenous product of Sri Lanka, has been investigated, to decide whether it can be used as insulating oil in distribution transformers. An experimental 5-kVA transformer, filled with coconut oil has been constructed and investigated. The study has shown that coconut oil not only appears to possess the necessary electrical properties, but also is environmentally friendly oil and an indigenous resource of Sri Lanka. Thus considering the economic, environmental and social costs, the use of coconut oil for Sri Lanka has become a viable option [23. An altemative transformer cooling fluid was developed from Indian beach oil in 2001. The beach oil is extracted from the Pongamia glabara tree and used for edible purposes. The tree is native to lndia and Sri Lanka, The oil was chosen for that work because of the initial good properties it possesses. The work came up with transformer cooling oil called MEKO and its properties were compared with other oils like Midel 7131 and R. temp [ 1 I]. The researchers found that:

Olive oil



0.6 0.4


6 .I


oil. high

Soybean oil












oil. high oleic

'Low emcic acid variety of rapeseed oil: more recently canola oil conhinrng over 75% monounsatumtc content has been developed.

The minimum health and environmental related requirements for applying a liquid as dielectric insulating fluid are:
Non-toxicity Biodegradability Production of only acceptable and low-risk thermal degradation by-products To be recyclable and readily disposable These oils include Soya- bean oil, Sunflower oil, Coconut oil, Olive oil and oil extracts from the seed of Moringa Oliefera. The sunflower oil, which is 100% environmental friendly, i s used as a transformer oil for special purposes. In some countries, the oil has been proven to be able to sufficiently replace mineral oil, synthetic esters and siIicon oils. Unfortunately the price of sunflower oil is very high when compared to mineral oil [5], [9].

Physical and chemical properties of MEKO are comparable to Midel 7131 and R.temp.fliud. Accelerated ageing studies performed on ester reveals that the Methyl ester is having more chemical stability even without inhibitor towards oxidation and the extent of ageing is very les compared to mineral oil, Midel 7 13 1 and Rtemp fluid.

Based on these available facts and in view of the premise

that Malaysia has the abundance of bio-gradable oils such as those cited above and even many more, the time is now ripe for the expedition into local resources to solve the problems of humankind locally, and obtain a place for the country in this wind of change, which encompasses a shift from environmentally hazardous resources, to safe and environmentally friendly renewable resources The palm oil will be used for this work, because it is an indigenous resource to Malaysia. The oil is also available in plenty so there is then the assurance of sustainability.



In order to canyout the experimental work of this research, samples RBD palm oil and crude palm oil were collected form Delma oils Berhad. The crude palm oil was filtered using a 5 microns filter paper; this was done to reduce the level of impurities in the crude oil. Impurities can cause very easy occurrence of breakdown voltage. After the filtration, the samples were tested for turbidity using the ASTM D 4 18 1 .The turbid meter was for the measurement. The ASTM D6871 standard regarding vegetable oils to be used for electrical equipment maintenance was followed in categorizing the oil. The sampling was done according to ASTM D923. The breakdown voltage was measured using the ASTM D 18 16 and employing the 2.5 mm gap (0.08").
As the break down voltage were observed, ceratin tests

Test Mthod


Oils Teared

Turbidity NTU at room tempratwe ASTM D 6 18 I Dielectric ASTM D 1 S 16AEC296 breakdown

voltage H I


3.12 >go0


50Hz VDE

were performed to verify and have basis for explaining the level. of break down voltage obtained from the ASTM D I S 16 test. The flash and fire points were performed using ASTM D92. The relative density was measured accordins to ASTM D1298, the viscosity was evaluated using the ASTM D88 and D445 and the viscosities were measured at 0" C, 40' C and 100" C. Other tests performed are the thermal conductivity according t o ASTM D2717, the percentage moisture conrent according to ASTM D3277 and visual appearance according to ASTM D1524

electrode 2.5mm gap in KVlmm ,-. Fire point min."C ASTM D92 Flash point min."C ASTM D92 Smoke point min.oC 'Rlativq Density 15" Cl 15" c Max. ASTM D1298 Viscosity ASTM D 88173445






2220 206






0.9 0.87


max.eSt at:

I00"C 40C



I? 300



0C Thermal ASTM D27 I 7 Conductivity (WWK) Thermal





The results obtained from the experiment are presented in tabular form To elucidate comparison properties of normal were displayed SO that the peculiarity o f the properties of palm oil could be appreciated. The percentage of free fatty acid (FFA) of R D B palm oil-0.01% and that of crude palm oil is 5% as obtained form the factory from which the samples. This'percentage is in agreement to the percentages of FFA of vegetable oils as listed in Table 1

(mC w.' ) Thermal Diffusivity (mm!2.l ) Visual Examination ASTM D I524 Moisture content in percentaee ASTM 03277

5.98 6.16



Yellow Red Yellow


0.08 0.16 -


Table 2 shows the results obtained, the breakdown voltage has a good correlation with the turbidity of the oil sample being tested. As it can be seen, the RBD palm oil has the lowest turbidity and its breakdown voltage came out to be the best i.e. up to 75KV/mm. While the crude form has a very high turbidity and the breakdown voltage was 23 KV/mm. This shows that if hrther purification can be carried on the crude palm oil, the turbidity can be reduced and hence raised the breakdown voltage

Table 3 shows some oils with their turbidities taken at room temperature.



Turbidity in NTU










The cost of p.roducing RBD palm oil is high, so for sustainable usage if the furbidity of crude palm oil can be reduced by just filtration at IOW temperature, thus less usage of energy a dielectric fluid could be produced at lesser cost. The other property goes in agreement that good properties ensure a. good dielectric brertkdown voltage of an insulating liquid. For example, the moisture content of RBD palm oil is 0.08% and hence the break down voltage has followed suite. Even though the limit should have been 0.01, but the break down obtained i.e. 75 K V / m obtained for appIications like transformers, where distribution eansfomers voltage is 11KV and 33KV. Even during fault where the voltage goes up to 2.5 times the nominal voltage this break down voltage is quite adequate. Even though the mineral oil appears to have good turbidity, but still the breakdown voltage came out to be 45KV. This so because the moisture content of it is high (about 30%). So the crucial factors that affect the breakdown voltage are the amount of of suspended particles and the moisture content. The flash and fire points have shown that the oil can safely be used even where the temperature is expected to very high, the limit expected for most applications is 100C. The appearance and the relative density are in agreement with the limit of the standard. The viscosity at different temperature shows the suitability of the oil for dielectric use.

228 Panamatam Berhad for providing the samples, Myers Mustea Berhad and Hyrax Oils Berhad for allowing us to some of the samples in their laboratory.

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Oommen T.V.2002 Vegetable Oils for Liquid-Filled Transformers IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine Vol. 18. No. I pp 7-1 I Oommen T.V April 1999, et al., Biodegradable transformer fluid from high oleic vegetable oils, Doble Conference paper Oommen T.V., et a1 2000. A New vegetable oil based transformer fluid: Development and verification, in Proc. CEfDP. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada,, pp. 308-312. Lucas E.W. and Wee, K.C. 1992 Animal and vegetabte fais. oils and waxes, in Riegel j. Handbook i/ Industria! Chemistry, 91h ed.. J.A.Kent, Ed. New York: Van Nostrand-Reinhold, Ch. 8 ASTM Annual Book of Standards 2003 Section Ten, Electrical Insulation and Electronics, : Electrical Insulating Liquids and Gases Volume 10.03 IEC Publication 296: 1982 Specification for unused mincral insulating oil for transformers and switchgear (incorporating Amendment I : I986)] Mcshene C. Patrick JutylAugust 2001Relalive Properlies of the New Combustion-Resistant Vegetable-Oil-Eascd Dietcctric Coolants far Distribution and Power Transformers IEEE Transactions On Industry Applications. Vol. 37, No. 4. [IO] M.Wiison A. C., 19BO.Insulating Liquids: Their Uses, Manufacture and Properties Stevenage. U.K.: Peregrinus. [ I I ] Thomas P. Sridhar S Knshnaswamy K R 2001 Dielectric Fluid from Vegetable Origin-lndian Beach Oil IEEE Transactions on Elcctrical Insulation.

The properties of palm oil have been investigated against standards, and the results shows that the treated oil has a very good potentiality to be used as a dielectric fluid. The breakdown voltage, which is of paramount importance to dielectric fluids, has been found to be adequate The added advantages of vegetable oils in electrical equipment are that . they have good biodegradability. which is well suited to palm oil as an organic natural ester. Hence, the development and usage of dielectric fluid form palm oil base can ensure complacent to environmental and safety

The endeavor will place Malaysia properly in this raising trend and provide it with a means of earning foreign exchange, save it from foreign spending, and shift the country to using products that are environmentally friendly and ensure sustainable development,

The authors would like to show their gratitude to the sponsors of this work. This work is being executed under an IRPA Research project No. 5434900 sponsored by the Ministry of Science Technology and Environment, Putrajaya Malaysia. We are equally grateful to Delma oils

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