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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Micheal Odunayo Shittu, is an experienced S.M.E.

Expert, Business coach, Businessman, Investor, public speaker and seminar facilator. As an S.M.E. Expert, he has various experience on business development having coached various business starting from the scratch to a big conglomerate in a short period of time; such companies include B.M.O Industries Ltd, Top-up Limited, olex farms, Just to mention a few. Shittu is the C.E.O of Bifty Group, He is an alumnus of Junior chamber international (, centre of information technology system (university of Lagos), Demystifying the Internet (SADC), He is an undergraduate of Political Science, Lagos State University Ojo. You can reach him on this Phone No- 08020790489 or email him at Shittu_007 @ for him to speak at your motivational or business seminars and conferences.


LEGAL DISCLAMER All rights reserved. No part of this Ebook should be reproduced in any from without the permission of the author. Also, it is pertinent to note that ideas contained in this ebook are believed to b e genume and are introduced to the readers with the author best intention. Cones quently readers using out this information are requested to carry out their independent investigation before making an y attempt. The author will not accept any responsibilities for the actions of person or companies mentioned here in even through pains taking checks have been made to confirm that they are reputable.

HOW TO RAISE CAPITAL FOR YOUR BUSINESS WITHOUT GOING TO THE BANKS. It happens everyday. Well prepared entrepreneurs

walking into the banks with brilliant business ideas, with well- developed business plans- and walking out emptyhanded. SMEs in Nigeria have not had much impact on the economic development in the country due to lack of financial resources, which is a vital ingredient to start off a business. A keen reading of the CBN advertorial indicates that the five ailing banks that lost their management team a few months ago in a Bank Massacre, were neck deep in debt reaching the staggering proportion of N740 Billion , a quarter of the nations annual budget. It will amaze you that none of the small business in Nigeria benefited from this staggering sum of money. Here are the 25 alternative ways of raising ways of raising funds for your business without going to these banks.

PERSONAL SAVINGS: The could be through (i) Savings Accounts (ii) Life Insurance Policy (iii) Investments like shares, Debentures, Bonds etc.


FAMILY AND FRIENDS: Informed them about your business dream and ask for their assistance if they are in position to help. This should be prayerfully

and wisely considered. Do not assume they will not help. Take a step of faith by asking from them, the worst request.

they can

do is to

turn down your


PERSONAL PROPERTIES OF can sell your personal

properties to raise the capital for your business e.g gold wristwatches, Necklaces, Chains, Bangles, Trinklets, Books, Cars lands, Houses etc you can also sell liabilities like old television sets or old cars that are no longer in use.

ANGELS INVESTORS: These investors with considerable who are usually on the

are a group of income for Attractive



investment opportunities. They are not necessarily after quick returns. They are mostly elderly people who emphasize the safety of their capital coupled with the need for appreciable returns over a length of time. They are termed they are easily accessible to to their heart with a considerable

Angels because

virtually everyone that needs capital once you are able to get across marketable idea. Angels investors investors workings of the financial well. All they want is the are traditional markets very

excitement that goes

with investing in start-ups and an outstanding idea. Their interest them be benefit capital in upcoming entrepreneurs with to offer to the that vibrant ideas also relate to their desire

of their experience in addition

that will be provided. It is intended,

this will be a good balance to stabilize

characteristics exuberance of most entrepreneurs. WHEN AND HOW YOU CAN TRACK DOWN ANGELS INVESTORS They are mostly senior officials of Government corporate organizations who are retirement. Others and

getting closer to

are actually retirees or corporate

executives. They can also be found in the military circles. They would have had some disciplined investments while in services. They have so much comfort around them and posses so much disposable income they can deploy to the benefit of entrepreneurs investor, through professional with attractive ideas. Angel by references often for example, your advisers, can be contacted mostly

professional advisers who assisted you in preparing your feasibility study or the solicitor who handled your company incorporation may be on your way to accessing part or all and its presentation are convincing enough, then you may be on you to such people who fall under this category. Such references will secure you favourable consideration

and if your idea and its presentation are all of the funding you


enough, then you may be on your way to accessing part or need. Your professional adviser should also be able to help you prepare a presentation package that will get the ear of prospective angels. Another attractive thing about these investors is that they move in groups just like real angels. This means, that once an angel is sympathetic to your cause and decides to put money into your venture, it is certain that other angel give you financial investors will also be disposed to

backing. Once Mr. B hears that Mr. A has already invested in your venture, his confidence level is boosted and he will consider it safe enough for him to invest too. Angel investors of can be directly or contacted through of very


Pensioners the



Government and corporate organization. Another good was is through relevant to your category. Angel internet. Just Angel Investors and search for Investors

type the word

the appropriate group have individual

geographical location or business usually

preference in terms of project type i.e some will prefer Hitech ideas while some go for ideas in food business.




MILLIONAIRES: As an SME Finance expert, I have been able to counsel my clients on how they can

genuinely create wealth from Nigerian millionaires to kick start their businesses. Some of Nigeria philanthropists will pay you if you can help them to solve or render a service. Some of the services you can provide are helping them to set up a foundation, honour them with awards, writing their biographies. I checked my records and I discovered that a lot of Nigeria year by writing their biographies. I checked my records etc are going to and I discovered

that a lot of Nigeria businessmen, CEOs, politicians turn40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80 years, old. If you have passion for writing, target their birthdays and fix a date for the launching. Some of the them have a lot of companies and friends that are ready to donate to the Launching of the book. What are you waiting for? Target a Nigerian millionaire today and become and instant millionaire yourself.
6. PARTNERSHIP: You can go into partnership with

others you can trust with or work with, if you have a business idea, you can go in partnership with someone that the money to finance your business. Do not be afraid that the person you will like to be in partnership with will steal your idea.
7. BARTER (Bartering): The Barter

system has to

do with the exchange of goods and services without

the use of money. It also means to trade one thing for another of equal value. A number of things can be Bartered, we can Barter creative ideas, commodities, jobs and opportunities. For what we really need. Many of the times, we do not really need money but things like shops, equipments etc which can be bartered for. You should know that financial problems can be solved even when money is not available. Wisdom or creative idea is the important key for a business that will thrive.
8. EQUITY FINANCING: Equity financing involves no



to repay any

funds. It does, in your becomes

however, your

involve selling

a partial interest

company. In effect, any equity investor business partners

and will have a degree of

control over how your business is run; there are some financial institution that are private equity providers, they also provider financial advisory service. First fund and Niger Funds provide the services. You can submit your application form at. d
9. LEASING: Unlike loan, leasing is like a long- term

rental. At the end of the lease, you dont automatically own the asset; you have the option to buy it at its

residual value. A lease requires little or no money as down payment and is an alternative to purchasing such items as car machinery, office equipment. A lot of Nigerians have built their transportation business through leasing, some leasing companies in Nigeria have been consistently assisting transporters to buy trailers while small scale industries have been getting equipment equipment to start their business. There are many leasing companies in Nigeria, they

currently have an association called the EQUIPMENT LEASING ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA (ELAN)




FOREIGN COUNTRIES: United states Agency, small business administration (SBA) is collaborating with Nigeria Investment promotion council (NIPC) to assist Nigeria SMEs to midwife direct foreign investment in Nigeria. This has resulted in partnerships joint ventures and other collaboration for the export of SME product to the US. For more information you can contact NIPC in their office at plot 1181 Aguiyi ironsi street, maitama district, Abuja.

GRANTS: A lot of grant seekers have developed their business as a result of their ability to request for foreign grants from foreign grant maker for





(ADF),suppot is focused on community groups, and business where there is active involvement and participation and other underserved populations. Their application form is free,and their office is at 54 Ibrahim Abdulkadir close, off Mississippi Street Maitam, Abuja.





PROGRAMME. Offers a variety of loans to fund and support small businesses through NAPEP. National poverty Eradication programme (NAPEP) was established in 2001 to address the challenge of poverty in Nigeria. NAPEP consists of all relevant programmes and projects that are aimed at eradicating absolute poverty among the people of Nigeria. They are currently helping small business in Nigeria through their loan programmes such as CAPACITY VILLAGE ACQUISITION ECONOMIC PROGRAMMES (CAP), DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS

(VEDS) popularly known as village solution. They are offices in each of the local government areas of the federation.







MANAGER: it is called the SMEs manager limited (SML),which is an investment advisory company

establish by African capital alliance, they have an office Octagon Towers Victoria Island, Lagos. They are set up to promote SME led investment in Nigeria. Also available is new partnership for African

development facility (APDF). They all provide credit analysis support and also assist small business in raising long term credit usually in foreign exchange their office is at 11A Ganges Street, Maltama Abuja. 14. MULTINATIONALS: Some multinationals in their own way the support and to help promotion business have tried

the small scale of microcredit

enterprises, they empower the community through schemes, youth development

programmes. Such programmes are traditionally implemented by NGOs on behalf of the oil companies. NGO like growing business foundation and lift above poverty organization are examples of some NGOs in Nigeria small businesses assistance from the oil that have companies. been helping financial Last year, in Nigeria through

Aspire Nigeria project, a joint partnership between Diamond Bank, Petroleum Development and Grofin south Africa (a specialist company now in Nigeria) are currently company finance given out

loans to Nigeria between

Entrepreneurs give out loans in finance.

N6.5million to N125million

The uniqueness of the Aspire Nigeria vision lies in its ability to guide SME operators to overcome the teething problems encountered during the early stages of the growth of their enterprises. You can also submit a loan application through their online form, 15. AGRICULTURAL government, LOAN: state National and fadama local

Development programme is a world bank, federal government governments income of farmers in Nigeria. The fadama fund is worth $100million which is about N10billion. Interested farmers are advised to get farmers in their category numbering 5-40 because they cannot apply as a single farmer. 16. LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVOLVING loan funds used LOAN FUND as gap

(RLF): Many local governments in Nigeria have revolving financing primarily to bridge the gap between what a

business needs and what it qualified for this type of financial assistants are carried out by the micro fianc banks on behalf of the local government. 17. FROM YOUR GRATUITY: Gratuity is money given in

return for service or a present, this practically

applicable to pensioners who have just retired from companies or government service. Gratuity is the huge sum of money paid to retired, personnel, from their place of work. It can be used by some people to start their own business. 18. SOWING: You can sow or give a specific amount of money as seed faith into a church. Ministry or a manof God you strongly believe in for a definite financial Turn Around. This is one of the ways generate start-up capital prayers. 19. USING time CO-OPERATIVE of our fathers, SOCIETY when they TO SOURCE used to do in which a lot to of people

have not tried. It works if it is done with faith and

FUNDS: Co-operative societies dates back to the communal contribution and communal work

turns. Now this has been mordernised, and cooperatives are very relevant investment development you. You to financial and of business to sign for

can join a co-operative society if you

havent yet, you can form one immediately with a minimum of 10 members. This will give all member easy access to loan co-operative society. as money lenders & other financial institution, find it very easy to work with

20. SHARE CERTIFICATE: If you have a share certificate you can sell it to met emergency expenses when you are starting a business. You can exchange your share certificate for cash with 3 days, and the amount you will receive is directly related to the value of the share certificate. 21. MIDDLE MANSHIP: This is another way of getting

capital to start or grow your business. All you have to do is to be the middlemen between the buyer and the seller, that is connect the seller to the buyer or connect the buyer to the seller and you receive, commission at every transaction that took place. The items may be vehicles, buildings lands, tanigible goods, contracts etc. 22. GETTING FUNDING FROM NGOS: Some NGOs in Nigeria do provide credit facilities for start up in Nigeria. African NGOs General like youth business Growing initiative, business finance,

foundation, livewire

Nigeria etc are currently

assisting small businesses in Nigeria. You can apply for loans at this NGOs below: * YOUTH BUSINESS INITIATIVE (YBI): YBI is part of an international network of youth business initiative. It is a joint venture between the prince of Wales, Mrs. Alero Okotie Eboh Jadesimi. YBI is a

non- profit organization and its aim is to unemployment in Nigeria by disadvantaged young

reduce assisting

people who are unemployed 300 Nigerians have

or underemployed. Over the beneficiaries.

Name Mr. Akande Business Samuel Sales care of Address

benefited from this YBI loan offer. Here are few of

Amount collected

baby 3, Onibudodo Str off N120,000(paid off) Mosalashi str Dopemu Lagos

Mr. Daramola

Elijah Poultry




Rd N102,000(paid off)

Akeasin Lagos Fingerling production 92 Isolo road Ikotun Lagos 6, Victory Ijegun N110,000 off) avenue N188,000 (paid

Mr. Ezekiel Ukpon

Mr. Godwin Ediale

Fish farming

Ojodu Akute Lagos Mr. Okereke Mrs. Philips Mr. Korede Suluka Welding Kingsley Sales Stuff Mosumola Business Centre of food 6, Oladuni Street, N150,000

Idimu, Ejigbo 76, Lagos Barrack opposite st N160,000 Lewis Street N84,600

Dominics Mr. Sunday Wayor Barbing Saloon 15 Oluwani Str, N84,600

Mafoluku Str Miss Oyeyiola Bimpe Hairdressing Saloon 32 Oyekan Str N120,000

Shasha, Lagos

Mr. Mitchel Idem

Sale tiles


fixing 6 Osolo way Dophin N108,000 Estate Lagos Island

To apply for YBI loan, this are requirement: Be 18-35 years old, have full time education unemployment or underemployed, Be a citizen of Nigeria, satisfy YBI that you are unable to raise the necessary finance from other funding sources including family. If you want to apply, all you have to do is to walk into their office at 29 Moloney Street at Obalende in Lagos to collect their application form and fill in the necessary detail. After submitting the application form, you will now face a panel who will ask you questions based on the information in the application form, applications are advised to have a good knowledge of the type of business they want to invest in, you can also call any of these numbers for more information, 0122219055, 014360725. * AFRICAN GENERAL FINANCE (AGF): Is a new

financial institution registered to give out soft loans to Nigerian who genuinely need it, AGF loan is for Nigerians who have strong business plan and moreover confident about it, but dont have adequate finance to put the plan into action and actualize their business. dream of starting up a

AGF has different funding sources available, it is important for entrepreneurs to weigh all of their options in order out loan to Nigerian who has a tofind the right the right type of fiancicng for their new company. AGF gives financial need of N500,00 and above which means there is no maximum amount. AGF office islocated 47 marina (4th Floor) Lagos.
23. YOU


YOUR OWN: Sometimes what is lacking is a Godinspired idea. God inspired ideas are capable marketable things around in your own business.
24. THE INFORMAL SAVING: The most predominant

bringing money to you. An idea can show you you that can generate reasonable amount of money that can get you started

type of informal finance Nigeria is the Esusu. Among the Yorubas it is called either Esusu or Ajo. Among the igbo, it is called isusu or utu while the Edo callit osusu. The Hausa call it Dashi, the Nupe Dashi, the Ibibio etibe while the Kalhar called Oku. Some Esusu operate with written laws while others operate with of allegiance & mutual unwritten laws but on oath

trust. The general practice is that esusu associations contribute a fixed amount periodically and give all or part of the accumulated funds to one or more








benefited from the pool.


can touch someone such as (i) Relative (ii) friends (iii) Christian Brothers & Sisters (iv) Organisation church to give start with. This kind of favour is triggered by (a) prevailing prayers (b)honesty / sincerity people have to know you as a sincere person (c) faithfulness you must be seen as a faithful person(s) who want to help you either by the church or the person hardly give money to someone who will spend it on women parties, or Drinks. You have to prove you worth before people can release money to you even your own family members. you enough money that you (v) A can


You can print voucher without the use of a computer If you want to start with little money, without buying expensive computers, software, or voucher printers, I have some secret you can apply. I normally use. But you need to know how to cheek four email addresses at least. I dont mean it works without email but that is the minimum requirements I think for should have if you want to use this system, because it is internets base some how.

The two companies I know right now are first inland Bank Plc (fin bank). You need to have a mobile phone account with them called flash me cash, it will be opened with your GSM phone number. Once it is opened, you will be given a password and a transaction password that two. When log on follow the menu to vouchers where you can download them and print from the cybercaf printer and walk away with your work smartly. Their website is www. Long onto your account and buy recharge card pins which will be deducted in your account which you have opened with them. You can open the account with one thousand naira, but will advice you to open your account with the money you want to do the business with. Another one is prepaidnigeria.Com. This is another Nigeria site where you can buy recharge card pins and sell; you must have a credit card or inters witch ATM card to buy from them. PRINTING OF VOUCHER WITHOUT COMPUTER You can also print voucher without the use of a computer. This option can only be workable in cities where the company has contacts until they come to your location. You can call their office to know if they have come to, your area. Customer Service Care Line: 01-2704370

The company is call CTTISERVE. There office is located at 368 Ikorodu Road, Maryland, Ikeja, Lagos. You can also contact them through this website: The company call the machine Orange Box this machine will be loaded with airtime in values that you want to print. You start printing from any where you are. Any time you finish the printing the pin in the printers you need to go to their office to reload. The beauty of this method is that is requires no use of computer, software or printer. If the operator network is down this does not affect buying or selling of the airtime via the Orange Box With this machine u can sell all the airtime for all operators i.e. MTN, ZAIN, GLO, RETEL, STARCOM, MULTILINKS, VISAFONE, ETISALAT, and DSTV, HITV. The machine Orange Box is portable and can fit into your pocket or hand bag. The operation of the machine is very easy you can get this in this seminar The machine Orange Box is very durable however, in the event of fault you can contact CTTISERVE NETWORK PARTNER CNPs help desk who we arrange for a trained technician to handle the fault. CITISERVE will provide you with all consumable you need including paper rolls ect.

If the machine got stolen your PIN NUMBER are saved as long as you password is secured the CITISERVE network partners will arrange for a replacement after proper ID verification. And if you forget your password you can contact CITISERVE network partner Empower yourself and reap financial rewards. To become a CNP. 1. Register Register by filling the CITISERVE Network Partnership from, which you can obtain from any CITISERVE office near you or designated GTBank and chartered Bank branches nationwide. 2. Get the Orange Box Pay to obtain the Orange Box, an electronic device that is network independent, from the CITISERVE office near you. 3. Load your Orange Box Load your Orange Box with airtime recharge from any network we offer. 4. Get trained Undergo comprehensive 10 minute training on how to use the Orange Box. 5. Start selling Start selling airtime recharge from the Orange Box (MPOS).






Walk round your environment, make one-on-one contact with the business center in your environment introduce yourself to them and introduce your product to them. Inquire from them the fast selling voucher and the buying price, then give them you own price make sure it is a bit lower than their own even if it is fifty kobo (50k) lower than their buying price, do this to as many foneboot as you can at least about fifty to hundred (50-100) of them, make these one your close customers get all this fast selling voucher and make them available for your acquired customers, make sure you dont wait on till they call on you before they can get the voucher from you. Every morning make sure you pay a visit to them and ask for the needed vouchers make this a daily job, I bet you before the end of the month you will be having between Hundred to Two Hundred Thousand (N100,000.00-N200,000.00) in you Bank Account. HOW TO REGISTER YOUR BUSINESS NAME WITH

THE CORPORATE AFFAIRS COMMISSION IN 21 DAYS OR LESS, WITHOUT A LAWYER AND WITH LESS THAN N10,000. Thank you very much for reading this report. In the next few minutes, I will be revealing to you the secrets of

registering your business name with corporate affairs commission in less than 21 days. The corporate affairs commission (The body responsible for registering of businesses) was established by the companies and allied matters act, which was promulgated in 1990 to regulate the formation and management of companies in Nigeria. The establishment of the corporate affairs Commission as a autonomous body was as a result of the perceived inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the erstwhile company Registry, a department within the federal ministry of Commission and Tourism which was then responsible for the registration of the repealed Companies Act of 1968. If you want to register a business name, you can do it in two ways. One is to engage the services of a lawyer and he will get it done for you with about N10,000. The trouble is that the next time you want to register another business name, you will have to pay him.. Another N10,000 The second way to get your business name registered is to do it yourself, yes, you can walk into any branch of the corporate affairs commission and you will get your business registered.

The trouble with this that if you d not know the secret of going about it, you will spend months trying to get your business name registered. And lve not even considered those that will be asking your for bride before you get your business done. This report will be reveal the secrets to you. Before we go any further, let me make it clear that this process is to get your business name registered and not a limited liability company or an NGO. Just a business name. some people will call it enterprises and venture but you dont have to call yours that. A friend of mine owns a business called Dream Achievers international and it is only a business name. The First Thing You Should Do Once you are ready to register your business name the corporate affair commission, the first thing you should do is to go their office nearest to you. Oh, I did not tell you When you ask for a name reservation, it take about 2 week before the result are returned. It is sometime as fast one week or 10 days but it sometime take 2 week. Now image if your chosen business name is not available, you have to go through that new one is not available as well, you have to go over the process. Again. And.. again. That is why it take people a long time to sort out.

So How Will You Prevent That From Happening To You. Good question and Im glad you asked you see my friends, what you need to do is to choose a name no one else would have chosen. Now, you have to smart and ingenious about it. If you choose just any name, I can assure you someone has registered it. Don t even think about registering names like these.. Emeka Okoro Enterprise, His Grace Ventures, El Shaddia international, Gloria Beauticians, Good News Enterprise, Mike Lawson Venture. And all these kind of common stuffs. If you choose them, there is a high chance they have been taken. Do you doubt me? Let me give you an example. I wanted to register Success Resources International and I was confident it would be available. To my surprise after 2 weeks, it was already taken. Okay, if that sounds common, let me tell you this. I started a sports wears business and I tried to think of unique names to choose. So I chose Sporting Lisbon international and sporting Braga International. I was thinking they were so so unique ( and crazy) so I submitted the form. Two weeks later, I go the results. The Names Were Taken!

So do you believe me when I said you should be ingenious? Today, I think hard before I submit the form. So now, we have sorted that. You will have to wait till the result comes out. There is nothing you can do about that. You just have to wait. All I ll advise you to do is to get ready so when the results come out, you will be prepared to register immediately. Prepare 2 passport photographs, a stapler (believe it, some CAC branches do not have), the details of a partner (you cannot register alone, add photographs, your someone anyone), the partners address (you tiny bits. Here is why Im telling you to be prepared. You see, we want to get your business name registered in record times so we want to move faster than normal. When name reservation results come out, what people normally do is to start studying the new documents they are provided with to fill. I remember one particular occasion when I did not put the local government area in my form. It was returned so I had to comeback the following day because they were about to close for the day. Id wasted another 24 hours.

can use your home address), Telephone

number (use GSM), local government area and a few other

If you prepare early, you will get your registration done once the results are out. Here Is Something Important You Have To

Prepare For.. You see, the CAC requires that you state what your

business is all about. You have to state at least one thing. The maximum is three. They want to know what your. Business is about before they can register the name. This Where A lot of People Waste Time The first time I tried to register a Company, I filled in the following as my object. Internet Marketing Information Marketing Direct Marketing I submitted that rephrased second rejected. It was later that I discovered that there are some kinds of laid down business objects that are allowed for a business name. it is up to you to find an object that best describes what your business is about. it and and it got rejected. I went back and submitted again. I got rejected the getting

time. I kept trying and trying and I was

Advertising / Public Relations Agricultural produce Agricultural tools, machines and Allied Production Alternative Medical Practice Aluminum Manufacturing Architects/ Town Planners Auto Dealers Auto Mechanics and Rewiring Services Auto Spare Parts Dealers Bakery And Fast Foods Beauty Industry (Salon, Pedic, Manic, Barbing ETC) Bookshops/ Stationery Stores Car Washing Services Carpentry/ Woodworks Chattered Secretaries Commission Agents Computer Training, Sales And Services Cosmetic Manufacturers/ Dealers Day Care Centre Dealer and Distributors Electrical / electronics equipments Dealers Entertainment Industry/ Events Managers Estate Agency/ Maintenance Fashion Designers

Fish Farming / Fisheries Food Products and Processing General Construction (Build/ Civil Engr. Contractors) General Contracts General Merchandise / Trading General Tax Consultants Guidance and Counselling Gymnastics and stress Management Horticulture/ Gardening / Landscaping /Equipment Services Hospitals/ Clinics Hotel/ Hospitality Industry Human Resource manager Import/ Export of Goods and Services Industrial Chemical Supply and Service Interior / Exterior Decorations Internet Service Providers Cyber caf) Jewellers Land and Quantity Surveyors Laundry / Dry Cleaning Services Legal Practice and Consultancy Livestock Management Management Consultants Maternity Home

Mechanics / Welding Medical Service) Medical Services/ Laboratory Other Patent Medicine Store / Chemist Petroleum Product Sales/Distribution Pharmaceutical Manufacture/ Services Photography/ Photo Equipment Plastic Manufacturing Poultry Farming Printing/ Publishing Restaurant/ Catering Services Road Transportation Schools/ Nursery , Primary and Second Schools) Supermarkets / Departmental Stores Textile Manufacturers / Distributors Travel Agents Veterinary Clinic/ Services Water Works/ Borehole Drillers and Pharm. Products (Manuf. Sales and

Most businesses will fall under one of these, if not , just use General Merchandise. Now your Are Prepared Once your name reservation you will be is our, speak to any given a file and some officer there and

documents to fill. In some CAC branches, they would have given you this form and file right from the first day your applied for name reservation. You can fill the form right away with your name, phone number, address including LGA, partners details, passport photographs (you will staple it and make sure you write your name sign them). After youre done filling the documents, you can then submit for what is called Verification you just need to submit. Its no longer in your hands. Depending on the CAC branch you go to, the verification process are things like your object, how you filled the form and so on. If you filled everything properly, your verification process, would be a smooth, one time thing. Once you pass the verification process, you will be required to pay your registration fees. As at the time of typing this, it costs N4,000 for you registration. You can ask for the current price but I can bet it is well under N10,000. Right at their office, you will pay the fee and obtain a receipt, you will submit your files and documents (because they will return it after the verification). You will be asked to come back in about one week for your certificate. behind the passports and

Can You Beat That? Easy Stuffs! Just go back home or wherever and come back when you were asked to. On the day, you go there and you will be asked to sign. They will give you your certificate as well as some other documents you can keep. You will be needing such documents like when you want to open a company bank account. That is it. Now go out there to register your business names. You can register as many as possible and you can even make money registering it for others for a fee of about N10,000 to N15,000 each.

Take a look at some of their offices. Please note that these addresses are correct at the time this report was written. The CAC can decided to move to another location if they wish to. LAGOS IKEJA: Elephant Cement House, Assbifi Road, Alausa Ikeja.

Marina: 9th Floor, UBA House, No. 57 Marina- Lagos Island RIVERS: 112 Aba Road, P/ Harcourt, River State OYO: Premium House, Jericho Road, Eleyele Ibadan, Oyo State. EDO: 55, Akpakava Street, Benin City, Edo State ENUGU: 1 Temple Avenue, Off Opara Way, Enugu IMO: 7/9 Wetheral Road, Owerri, Imo State DELTA: Along Anwai/ Illah Okpanam Road, Opp. Ministry Of Works, P.M.B 95095, Asaba Delta State. BENUE: 37 Barracks Road , Makurdi, Benue State KANO: 52, Unity Road, Kano

KADUNA: 22, Bida Road National Bank Building Kaduna PLATEAU: 21, Murtala Mohammed Way, Jos, Plateau State. SOKOTO: No. 3, Sultan Ibrahim Dasuki Road Sokoto BORNO: No. 25, Sir Kashim Ibrahim Way, Chari House, Maiduguri, Borno State. ADAMAWA Galadima, Aminu Way, Jimeta- Yola Chari Adamawa State. BAUCHI Ground Floor, Nicon House , No. 26, Ahmed Abdulkadir Road, Bauchi State. AKWA IBOM: 131, Udo Umana Road, Uyo- Akwa Ibom State. CROSS RIVER No. 10 Calabar Road, Okoi Arikpo House Way By Central Bank ONDO 87, Alagbaka Quarters, Akure KWARA 3rd Floor, M/M

Adam Saadus House, State.

Ahmedu Bello Way, Ilorin, Kwara name

Walk in to the nearest branch to you and ask for

reservation form. It costs just Two Hundred Naira only. You will be given a receipt and a form. On the form, you will be asked to fill in a few details. Details like Your name, Your Address, Your Desired Business Names A Space To Fill The Type Of Business You Want to Register (Choose Enterprises/ Business Name). You will be required to choose tow business names. The reason is that if one is not available , they can reserve the other for you. If none of them is available, you will need to do it all over again. You will have to pay the N200 again and you will have to wait for the result.

WHERE TO GET FREE TRAINING ON GOAT REARING, PIG REARING CATFISH REARING, POULTRY FARMING, FOOD PROCESSING & PACKAGING ETC. With the federal government recent renewal of interest in totally eradicating poverty, unemployment and inculcation of various vocational skill acquisition consciousness and knowledge in the lives of the youths of the nation, there is going to be an expected increase in the Economic position

of the Nation. This is because the youths of any nation represent the catalyst in the arsenal of development of the said nation. Reduction of poverty through productive activities, self reliance and wealth creation through self employment are the major tools to achieve the millennium development goals. According to Mrs. Victoria Awosamo, the state coordinator of the NDE, the national directorate of employment was concurred in 1986 when a group of wise men Commitee was setup by the federal Govt of the Ibrahim Babangida administration to look at ways of steaming the rapid growth of unemployment in the country as at that time. If you take your mind back, you will turn out from the tertiary institution was more than the available vacancies and it became a burden to the government to find a meaningful solution because the government is the single largest employer of labour.

HOW ONE CAN ACCESS THE FREE TRAININGS. a) Interested individual will start by obtaining a free form, to be given at the directorate of employment (N.D.E) office. b) As step two, you will go to the job centre unit for assessment. c) The individual will them be posted to the programmed that is suitable & best fitted according to NDE

programme schedule. The offices to obtain the free training form include: a.The lagos state office of the national directorate of employment which is situated at No 7 Balikisui Iyede Street Onike Yaba Lagos or any other NDE Office Nation Wide HOW TRAINEES AN ACCESS CASH TO START THEIR BUSINESS a) Graduates trainees expected to access going through the section i.e (state your business) section of feasibility studies will on the nature of do.
b) Graduate trainees attracts the sum of N250,00 from NDE

to start business i.e any person who passes through NDE will be given this sum.
c) Artisan attracts N100,000 to start business from NDE



skills are

and an

programmed on four

available main core



programmers areas: Vocational skill development Small scale enterprises Special public works Rural employment promotion VISIT ANY NDE OFFICE NATIONWIDE FOR MOR


WHERE TO BUY VERY CHEAP LAPTOPS I will not hesitate to give you the information about where you can buy very cheap laptops from here in Nigeria, and even two authentic websites from which you can import laptops if you know how to buy things online. The first place I will recommend for you is Westminister near wharf, Apapa-Lagos. You can see laptops to buy from the range of N8, 000 to N35, 000 depending on configuration and size, that is, Pentium 3 to Pentium M. But they are mainly 2nd generation (tokunbo) laptops. Again, there are warehouses at Toyota- Ladipo Road Mushin, such as warehouse A, B, C, where you can get very cheap laptops to buy- both tested and non-tested. The tested are already working ones, loaded with display operating system. While the non-tested are not working, and do not have operating system installed in them.

Then, you can go to computer village at Ikeja-Lagos and buy from these companies: 1. GENUSS COMPUTERS @ No. 13, Adepele Street, off Simbiat Abiola way, computer village, Ikeja. 2. CHUKS PEE @ No 10 Adepele street, off Simbiat Abiola way, computer village, Ikeja. 3. FLORIN TECHNOLOGIES @ No 5, Otigba street, computer village, Ikeja. You can get desktop computers to buy cheaply from the above sources also. WEBSITES FOR IMPORTATION 1. 2.

PRODUCTION OF AIR FRESHENER / DEODORANT MARKET POTENTIALS Air Freshener is used at home, offices, toilets, cars and other places where people desire pleasant odour. The use

of air Freshener or Deodorant has become very necessary due to the constant pollution of the environment, mostly in big cities of Nigeria. Therefore, the demand for Air

Freshener in Nigeria is very high which implies that the venture is profitable MACHINE/ EQUIPMENT Measuring devices Mixer RAW MATERIALS Ampipour Methanol Perfume CMC Water PRODUCTION METHOD Add perfume to liquid water and mix properly Add CMC to the above mixture Add ampipour to the mixture described above Add methanol to the above mixture

Mix properly to ensure adequate solvent, and the product is ready for packaging PACKAGING Packaging of product can be done in various such as 100,200 or 300 I small polythene papers. PRODUCTION CAPACITY Start- off production capacity may be 50 kilograms of Air Freshener everyday INVESTMENT REQUIREMENT Equipment/ machinery Land and rent Raw materials/ packaging Salary and wages Contingency PRODUCTION OF INSECTICIDES MARKET POTENTIALS The presence of insects such as mosquito, housefly, high demand for grammes

cockroach has necessitated the insecticides. Investors

are sure of making profit if this

venture is efficient managed and the product effective in

the elimination and prevention of these unwanted insects. Insecticide is needed in every home particularly highly

populated areas as Lagos

EQUIPMENT Mixer Measuring Plastic RAW MATERIALS Formalin DDV Snipers Kerosene Ind. Camphor Perfume (to cover kerosene odour) water PRODUCTION PROCESS Mix all chemicals in their respective proportion in water until solvency is obtained care must be taken to ensure

that direct contact of product with the nose and mouth is avoided PACKAGING

Packaging could be done in 50ml, 2 liters or 4 liters keg or gallon. The containers should be labeled for identity purpose. PRODUCTION CAPACITY Production of 100 liters everyday INVESTMENT REQUIREMENTS Equipment Raw Materials/ packaging Space rent Salary and wages Contingency PRODUCTION OF BLEACH

Raw Materials Ash soda Chlorine Caustic soda Try poly


The chlorine. Will be put in water (5 litres) we mix together and leave it for 5 minutes, the Ash soda will be put into another 5 litre water, you stir it is leave it for 5 mins, Caustic soda will be pour into another 5 litre of water, we stir it and leave it for 5 mins, try poly will be pour into another 5 litre of water, you will stir it and leave it for 5 mins. You then mix everything together and soak it for 24hrs. GERMICIDES (1Zal) RAW MATERIALS 1. Texapone (Like starch very thick) 2. Pine oil- (Like Water) 3. Phenol (Like Lipton) 4. Lysol (bronze in colour ) 5. Concentrate (milo colour ) 6. Booster (like Kunu) 7. Carbolic acid 8. Whitener (Whitish & Bluish) PRODUCTION PROCESS Whitener first into 10-15 litres of bucket of water, then Lysol, then pineoil, carbolic acid, texapone, then phenol,

then concentrate and lastly booster.

Note: Carbolic acid, phenol and Lysol are for killing bacteria,

germs and washing off dirty whitener gives colour Booster and concentrate gives it the thickness and texture. Pine oil is for concentration make sure every thing is well mixed for a long period dont stop stirring until every thing has been added. DISADVANTAGE 1. The smell is chocking 2. Skin irritation Note: Any chemical that you mix should not be used be kept at least a day before

immediately, it should usage.

WHERE TO BUY THE CHEMICALS FROM: All chemicals can be gotten from Ojota, Ilasa and Mushin; it can also be gotten from the following places: Tolu chemical and investment Ltd.

Address: 1 Sumonu street Pencinema Agege Lagos 1 Jinadu Street Beside Wema Bank (Total) Agege Lagos. YK Plaza, 902 Lagos Abeokuta Express way beside Jomess Filing Agbado Lagos Tel: 08028512026 , 08033745429 R. Sanni commercial Enterprises. Address: 514 Lagos Abeokuta Expressway beside mosco, Ahmadiya b/stop Lagos Tel: 08026662082, 07034254885 Where to buy plastic from Escape plastic is located at Sango Papylon, leopast are located at Sango and Isolo staillion is located at Lagos PVC, scott is located on Fatai Atere way, cascade is located at Ilupeju. Ashrom Industries ltd: Address: 3 Oluwole Close, Km 30 Lagos Abeokuta express road savolo b/stop, Ojokoro Lagos Tel: 7747282 Station Abukan b/ Stop

Labeling: labeling for plastic at the finishing is supplied by the printer at an affordable rate. 25 TUITION FREE UNIVERSITIES IN EUROPE These countries in question offer free university education to all citizens, however they now accept foreigners to study in their schools free of charges. From


to doctorate

degress, discover special

packages and courses they offer: These 25 universities in Europe are totally tuition free: 1. Norwegian university science and technology. www. /page/portal/eksternwebEN/

Lund University: Jonkoping University: www. University of Oslo: University of vaasan: www.uwasa.Fi/KV-asiat/english/ University of Turku: www.utu.Fi/en/ University of Oulu: www.utu.Fi/en/ University of Kuopio: University of Jyvaskyla:

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Tampere university of Technology:
11. 12.

Helsinki university: University of Joensuu:
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

University of Helsinki: Abo Akademi University:

Uppsala University: University of Skovde: University west: University College of Boras: Umea University: Stockholm university:

21. Malardalen University: 22. Lulea university of Tech: www.
23. 24.

Linkopin University:

Gteborgs University:www. S/language id=

25. Chalmers University: www.








DIFFERENT TYPES OF AILMENTS. The power of Garlic, Onion , Charcoal, Honey, Common water, Lemon, Ginger and some powerful medicinal plants in treating all kind of diseases (what they can do chemicalised drugs cannot ) comes with measurement and prescription. NATURAL MEDICINE (These listed below are prescriptions on how to use natural method to cure or prevent some sickness) ASTHMA Get 3 cloves of garlic grind& mix with 1 fruit of lemon Juice & 1tablespoon of pure honey, take 3times daily before meals, Adult 3 tablespoon, children 1tablespoon. (in severe attack) blend 2 cloves of garlic, put in a tea cup, pour hot water over it, add little salt to taste and drink as hot. BLEEDING AFTER CHILD (BIRTH/CUTS) Get a cloves of garlic mix with red pepper and little salt and little cold water then take once.

BOILS (To prevent boils)first, take ground charcoal mixed with

water (II)grind brown leaves of pawpaw with corn silk mix and take as tea. (ON THE BOIL ITSELF) Mix clay and charcoal power with lime or lemon juice to make thick; paste on it. Drink lots of water and lemon juice. (If boils are coming one after the other) simmer 4 bulbs of sliced onions and eat as a meal. BRONCHITIS Grand 4 bulbs of garlic mix with 1 bottle of lemon juice filter & simmer for 15 minutes, mix with glass of honey cook for 5 minute put in bottle. Take 3 times daily before meal.

ATHRITIS (Externally ) Mix ground raw garlic with lemon juice and olive oil, massage the area with pains after making the area warm with hot water and towel.

(Internally) take 1 table spoon of raw lemon juice before each meal and add 2 cloves of garlic to your meal. CATARRH Mix 1 teaspoon each of lemon juice and olive oil and with cotton wool drop into the nostrils, it will smart a bit but heal almost immediately. DIFFICULTY IN CHILD BIRTH If pains arises during labor, grind 2 cloves of garlic, put in a glass, squeeze (fruit of lemon into it, pour hot water to fill the glass drink as hot to relieve. BURNS Immediately, grand garlic, mix with cold water and salt, and pour on the affected areas to get quick relief. CANCER 1. (Advice A ) get fresh pawpaw leaf grind with 2 cloves

of garlic, mix with water and drink 3 times a day 2. (Advice B) Mix clay and charcoal with lemon or lime

juice or little water to make a paste spread over the affected parts, allow it to stay over night on your body CHILDREN DISEASES

(Advice to prevent: Polio, measles, diphtheria, tuberculosis etc) Include garlic in the diet immediately after breast feeding stage, also give lemon & honey to the child. COLD CHILLS, FEVER Blend charcoal powder with 2 cloves of garlic, mix with water, strain and take the mixture to relieve the system. COUGHS Grind 1 clove of garlic, mix with lemon juice and a table spoonful of honey, stir very well & take. DIARRHOEA Mix teaspoon each of charcoal and clay powder 1/3 glass of water and drink. This stops it instantly if it persists, then continue DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS Take lemon juice diluted in warm water, take a cup as first thin upon rising in the morning repeat in the noon and evening till you observe a change. ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION

Grind 4 bulbs of garlic mix with 1 bottle of lemon juice filter and simmer for 15 minutes mix with glass of honey cook for 5 minute put in bottle.

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