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Drug Study (Stugeron) C Antihistamine H Cerebral & peripheral circulatory disorders, equilibrium disturbances, migraine, vertigo E TID 25mg/tab

x 5 days P.O C Stugeron should not be given to patients with known hypersensitivity to cinnarizine. K Inform patient that it may cause epigastric discomfort Inform the patient that stugeron should be taken after meals to reduce stomach upset
Inform patient to avoid alcohol while you are being treated with cinnarizine as it will increase drowsiness

(Kalium Durule) C Electrolyte H Prevention and correction of potassium deficiency E TID 1 tab P.O C Contraindicated with patients with oliguria, anuria, acute dehydration and heat cramps K Caution patient not to chew or crush tablets; have patient swallow tablet whole Take the drug after meals or with full and a full glass of water to decrease GI upset Check for the electrolyte lab result of the patient Report tingling of hands, feet unusual tiredness or weakness, feeling of heaviness in legs

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