Zuleika Beyruth Mapastral

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Zuleika Beyruth Sex F Sao Paulo 0 Brazil 06-18-1949 17:45 Julian day 2433086.36 Adjust 3.00 ST 11.

26 Lat -23.31 Long 46.31

Zodiac in degrees 0.00

Placidus Orb:0

Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Lilith

Gemini Aries Gemini Cancer Gemini Aquarius Virgo Cancer Libra Leo Aries

27.15 0.59 8.59 13.59 6.17 0.52 R 1.17 0.32 12.24 R 14.46 6.59 23.41


Capricorn 2.10 Capricorn 25.51 Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Cancer Cancer Leo 21.13 20.44 24.42 29.44 2.10 25.51 21.13 20.44 24.42 29.44

Midheaven Virgo XI XII Libra Scorpio

Asc node Aries AstroMar t Internet version 2, (c) F. Burns 2002

Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus

in VI in IV in VI in VII in VI in II in IX in VI

Signs masculine Signs feminine Signs cardinals Signs fixed Signs mutable Chiron Ceres

7 3 4 2 4

Signs of fire Signs of earth Signs of air Signs of water

2 1 5 2

Sagittarius Virgo

4.30 R 0.23

Neptune Pluto Lilith

in Midheaven in VIII in IV

Pallas Juno Vesta Fortune

Leo Cancer Sagittarius Libra

4.22 12.01 18.58 R 5.53 23.41

Asc node in IV

South node Libra

Planet Sun Sun Sun Moon Moon Moon

Aspect Square

Planet Moon

Orb/ Valu e 3.43 3.16 -72 350 -91 272

Conjunction Uranus Opposition Sextile Square Square

Ascendant 4.55 Jupiter Uranus 0.07

0.27 -111 -72 613 86 -66 35 -17 19 113 36 -49 25

Ascendant 1.11 2.42 3.25 1.35 5.25 4.60 6.07 0.46

Mercury Conjunction Mars Mercury Trine Venus Mars Mars Mars Saturn Saturn Uranus Square Trine Square Trine Sextile Trine Opposition Neptune Neptune Jupiter Saturn Neptune Uranus

Ascendant 0.53 Ascendant 1.38 Pluto 2.21

Neptune Sextile

1549 -478 1071 Birth Chart

This birth chart shows the positions of the planets The planets in the signs The position of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac has an influence on the character of the individual and these influences form a large part of the individual psyche. Sun in Gemini She is an opportunist. She can express herself easily and learns quickly. She is welcoming and gentle. She likes travel and intellectual work. Weaknesses: a changeable and diffuse nature. Wastes energy by doing too many things. She lacks persistence in achieving set goals. Moon in Aries She is autonomous, emancipated, courageous. Self-assured, with energetic activities. She is ambitious and enthusiastic.

Weaknesses: impulsiveness, domination, aggressiveness, great impetuousness. Constant changing of job. Mercury in Gemini Quick and alert mind. Suited to lengthy research. Likes changes and travel, she is always on the search for novelty. Likes movement and commotion. Facility with the spoken word. She likes writing. Weaknesses: excitable in the extreme, mental strain. Venus in Cancer She is affectionate, loves family life, the home, the nest, comfort. Fertile imagination, love of children, she is sociable and likes the country, nature. She is romantic, pleasant, at ease in relationships. She always dreams of the "Great Love". Weaknesses: changing emotions. The subject easily becomes attached to people, she is inconstant, extravagant, whimsical, always in pursuit of the impossible. Not an authoritative parent, avoiding family conflict for the quiet life. Mars in Gemini She speaks a lot, likes to spar verbally, discussions, disputes, polemic, criticism. Weaknesses: she scolds and declaims. Words can be bitter and aggressive. Jupiter in Aquarius Ambivalent feelings, generous, philanthropic. She is tolerant and indulgent. Weaknesses: an idealist prone to rebel or revolt. Saturn in Virgo She likes order, harmony, method and balance. She can undertake long-term medical or scientific studies. Weaknesses: she is intransigent, stubborn. Misuse of medicines, or asking for too much medicine. Uranus in Cancer She is impressionable, ticklish and excitable. Neptune in Libra Likes the Arts, music, beautiful voices, poetry. Emotional, with fine feelings. Pluto in Leo Gives her all her strength. Sign and ascendant Gemini ascendant Capricorn The planets in the houses The planetary positions in the houses express the facts relative to destiny. Sun in VI Not much social ambition, she wants to work in the medical environment and progress step by step. Moon in IV She likes family life, peace and quiet; she likes to stay at home, surrounded by loved ones, in agreeable circumstances. Positively influenced by the mother. Mercury in VI Medical profession. Serviceable and generous nature. Meets their soul brother at work, or (if not) through family contacts. Venus in VII Her fate depends a lot on marriage. Marries for love, children, happy emotional life. Mars in VI She works with great pleasure and flat out but meets with problems at work, where professional rivalry blocks her ideas and enjoyment. Jupiter in II Easygoing over money matters, no credit problems, increases her inheritance. She earns good money, without too much effort. She enjoys what she has. Saturn in IX She is studious, patient, rigorous, austere. She likes reflection, meditation. She carries out all the plans she makes. She is a stay-at-home. Uranus in VI She is independent, undisciplined, eccentric and rebellious. She has a blunt character. She has problems in holding down a job, must work independently without relying on anyone else. Neptune in X She has great ambition, which obsesses her. She always wants to check work already done, she is terrified of being less than perfect. The houses in the signs Ascendant in Capricorn If childhood and youth are not very scholarly periods, with little success, maturity and old age will see the arrival of success. The rise will be slow, and she will be self-taught, spending all her life studying and instructing herself. House II in Capricorn Success in professional life will be long and laborious. Continuously working towards it, she will finally achieve universally acknowledged success. House III in Aquarius

She is always at the forefront of progress. Likes everything that is new, original and ingenious. Likes every new idea, as long as it improves life and naturally is good for everyone. She is happy to travel even at a moment's notice, likes a life full of change and meetings. House IV in Pisces She is very susceptible to the mood of those around her. A hard difficult upbringing can mark her for life. When a child, has to be protected, given confidence. House V in Aries Full of initiative. Things are done to the full, with energy, vigor and strength of purpose; It is the same with love life. Children will be hardy and rarely ill. House VI in Taurus Completely trusted at work. Knows how to keep a secret and is of irreproachable honesty. Weak point: the throat. House VII in Cancer Marriage, a nice little family. The spouse will not always be easy to live with, a little too mad. House VIII in Cancer Small inheritances. House IX in Leo She is tolerant, accepts all differences and respects them. She is honest and loyal. House X in Virgo All medical, paramedic or social work are recommended. House XI in Libra Looks for friends among "well-placed" people, artists known even regionally, influential people in society, the social or political world, likes high class evenings. House XII in Scorpio Work in the police field, likes investigating other people's private lives. Interplanetary aspects The interplanetary aspects have a strong influence on the character and disposition of the individual and, consequently, on her destiny. The conjunction aspect is variable and depends above all on the nature of the conjoint planets. 613 Conjunction Mercury - Mars She likes to discuss, likes polemic. She has good judgement and is determined. She is a worker and has lots of energy. She has a lively intelligence and goes to the heart of things. 350 Conjunction Sun - Uranus She is above all independent and original. She likes change, reforms, she is allergic to everything routine. She has a strong personality, and has many friends. 272 Sextile Moon - Jupiter She is frank, honest, optimistic and generous. She likes good cooking, her comforts. Her friendships are sincere. She is a worker and knows how to surround herself with the right people; she is appreciated at work. 113 Sextile Saturn - Uranus She knows how to be on top of the situation. She perseveres, is determined but ingenious and original. She is very practical. She proceeds slowly, but is always bound to achieve her objectives in the end. -111 Square Moon - Uranus She has a feverish, non-constructive restlessness. She is too susceptible. While her life is full of change, she is full of hot air. She is eccentric, irritable and stubborn. She has difficulty concentrating on a job. Nervous strain. Her friendships are like her professional and love life - unstable. -91 Opposition Sun - Ascendant She has a lot of ambition, but is pretentious, vain and does not realize when her schemes are too ambitious, and therefore unattainable. 86 Trine Mercury - Neptune She can put down in writing everything that her imagination and intuition dictates. -72 Square Sun Moon

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