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Objectives: Define the concept of a vector Learn how to perform basic vector operations using graphical and numerical methods Learn how to use vector algebra to solve simple problems

A vector is a quantity that has: a magnitude a direction (e.g. change in position) V

A scalar quantity has magnitude only (e.g. time)

Numerical Representation
Methods of expressing a vector (V) numerically: its magnitude (V) and direction () with respect to a reference axis its components (Vx, Vy) along each reference axis y Vy V (0,0) Vx x V

Vector Composition
Process of determining a single vector from two or more vectors by vector addition Performed graphically using tip-to-tail method

V1 + V2 V2 V1

copy of


resultant : vector resulting from the composition

Vector Resolution
Process of replacing a single vector with two perpendicular vectors whose composition equals the original vector

V2 V V2 V V1 V1
Another Resolution of V

Resolution into Components

Trigonometry can be used to numerically resolve a vector into its x- and y-components y V cos = sin = V (0,0) Vx Vy x Vx V Vy V

Vx = V * cos Vy = V * sin

Composition of Components
A vector can be numerically composed from its components using geometry and trigonometry y V V = V x2 + Vy2 V (0,0) Vx Vy x Vy Vx

= atan

Composition of 1-Dimensional Vectors

Vectors pointing in same direction: V1 V2 V1 + V2
magnitudes sum, direction remains same

Vectors pointing in opposite direction: V1 V2 V1 + V2 V1 V1 + V2 V2

magnitudes subtract: (larger smaller), direction is that of larger vector

Numerical Vector Composition

1. Draw x- and y-axes 2. Resolve each vector into x and y components 3. x component of resultant = add each component pointing in +x direction and subtract each component pointing in x direction. 4. y component of resultant = add each component pointing in +y direction and subtract each component pointing in y direction. 5. Draw the x and y components of the resultant 6. Compose the resultant from its components



V2 V2y = V 2 sin 2 2 V2x = V 2 cos 2 VRx = V1x V2x VRy = V1y + V2y R VRx

VRy V1 1 V1y = V 1 sin 1 x

V1x = V 1 cos 1

VR = VRx2 + VRy2 R = atan (VRy / VRx )

Alternate Method of Composition

1. 2. 3. 4. Draw vectors tip-to-tail Draw resultant vector to form a triangle Draw x- and y-axes at tail of first vector Determine the angle between the first and second vector in the triangle. 5. Use Law of Cosines to determine the magnitude of the resultant. 6. Use Law of Sines to determine the angle between the first vector and the resultant 7. Compute direction of the resultant from identified angles

V2 VR R 1 V1 x sin sin = VR V2 = asin V2 sin VR V2

VR =

V 12 + V22 2V1V2 cos

R = 1 +

Vector-Scalar Multiplication
If a vector V is multiplied by a scalar n: If n > 0: magnitude of resultant = n * V direction of resultant = direction of V If n < 0: magnitude of resultant = (n) * V direction of resultant = opposite direction of V

V -1 * V

Vector Subtraction
Subtraction of a vector performed by adding (1) times the vector Can be performed graphically or numerically

V2 V1 -1 * V2 V1 V2 -1 * V2

Subtraction as a Change
Subtraction can be pictured as the difference or change between two vectors that originate from the same point y V1 V2 V1 V1 + (V2 V1) = V2


Graphical Solution Using Vectors

1. Establish a scaling factor for the graph (e.g. 1cm = 10 m/s) 2. Carefully draw vectors with the correct length (based on the scaling factor) and direction 3. Use graphical methods of composition, resolution, scalar multiplication, and/or subtraction to find desired resultant 4. Carefully measure the length and direction of the resultant. 5. Use scaling factor to convert measured length to magnitude

Example Problem #1
Two volleyball players simultaneously contact the ball above the net. Player #1 hits the ball from the left with a force of 300 N (67 lb), angled 45 below the horizontal. Player #2 hits the ball from the right with a force of 250 N (56 lb), angled 20 below the horizontal. What is the magnitude and direction of the net force applied to the ball by the 2 players?

Numerical Solutions Using Vectors

1. Sketch the vectors on a diagram of the problem 2. Choose and diagram the coordinate axes, based on:
axes used in the problem statement axes that are physically meaningful

3. Establish and label known magnitudes and angles or x- and y-components 4. Use numerical methods of composition, resolution, scalar multiplication, and/or subtraction to find desired solution

Graphical vs. Numerical Method

Graphical Method Simple Must be done by hand Gives approximate result Numerical Method Requires complex calculations Gives accurate result Can be performed by computer Can perform analyses in 3 dimensions

Example Problem #2
A golfer is teeing off from the center of the fairway for a hole that is located 300 yards away and 30 to the right of center. The golfers tee shot goes 210 yards and 15 to the left of center of the fairway. To reach the hole on the second shot, how far and in what direction must the golfer hit the ball?


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