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JES2 Command Format and Listing

Description: JES2 = Job Entry Subsystem 2

An MVS subsystem that receives jobs into the system, converts them to internal format, selects them for execution, processes their output, and purges them from the system. In an installation with more than one processor, each processor's JES2 subsystem independently controls job input, scheduling, and output processing.

The following commands can be issued in lower or UPPER case Depending on the site they are prefixed by either or $

AA AJ123 AS123 AT123 AJobname AQ AQ,All AQ,C=M BPRT1,700 BPRT1,DS CA5 CJ888 CS350 CT123 CJ123,DUMP CS123,DUMP CT123,DUMP CJ100-255 CJ789,PURGE CJ789-945,PURGE CJobname CPRT1

Releases all jobs previously held by HA command Releases Job 123 ready for execution Releases Started Task 123 ready for execution Release TSU 123 ready for execution Release the job Jobname ready for execution Release all queues previously held by the HQ command Release all queues Release the M class queue Backspace PRINTER1 by 700 pages Backspace PRINTER1 by one dataset Cancel Automatic command with Id=5 Cancel job no 888 Cancel Started Task 350 Cancel TSU 123 Cancel job no 123 with a Dump Cancel STC 123 with a Dump Cancel TSU 123 with a Dump Cancel jobs numbered 100-255 Cancels the job numbered 789 and Purges the output Cancel jobs numbered 789-945 and Purge the output Cancel job Jobname Cancel the job currently on PRINTER1


Cancel the current reader activity on RDR1 Display the active jobs executing (jobs, printers, readers) Display all jobs on unit record devices Display executing jobs (Jobs only) Display all active system tasks (STCs only) Display all active time sharing users (TSUs only) Display all active jobs executing with step and proc info Display all forms awaiting output Displays the output information for job 789 Displays the forms awaiting output at remote R10 Display all local initiators Display local initiator 1 Display the local initiators from 1 to 4 Display job number 123 Display started task 123 Display TSU 123 Display the job jobname Send message TEXT to remote 20 Send (write) the message TEXT in Joblog of Job 689 (active jobs only) Display the names of all the jobs on the queue for all remotes Display the names of jobs on the queue for remote R20 Display all jobs awaiting execution on the hold queue Displays the number of jobs awaiting output processing Display all jobs awaiting Printing Display all jobs awaiting printing at remote R20 Display all jobs awaiting execution Display all jobs awaiting execution at remote R20 Display all jobs awaiting execution in class A (Note : The above DN can be replaced by DQ which then only gives the number of jobs) Display Operator requests Display outstanding requests Display the status and utilisation of the current spool volume Display the status and utilisation of all spool volumes



Display jobs using over 1% of spool utilisation Display the status and utilisation of spool volume XXXX Display the number of jobs on the various job queues Display all active line, printers, units etc Display all active units, lines, printers etc Display the status of line 100 including sub channel address Display the status of all lines including the sub channel addresses Display all lines that are active Display the current status of the Offload facility Display the status of the transmit facilities of the Offload. The characteristics of the transmitters Outgroup etc may be altered using the set (T) option. Display the status of the receive facilities of the current offload. The relevant characteristics may be altered by the set (T) option Displays the current status of OFFLOAD1. The dsn etc can be altered (normally incrementally) Display status of PRINTER4 Display status of all printers Display status of READER3 Display status of all readers Display the status of REMOTE12 Display status of device PRINTER1 attached to REMOTE1 Display status of all units that are started Displays information on the status of all lines and the JES2/Vtam interface Restart job 123 (same format for STCs and TSUs) Restart (requeue) LINE2 Restart (requeue) PRINTER4. The job that is printing is returned to the queue in total Forward space PRINTER3 by 200 pages Forward space PRINTER5 by one dataset Hold all jobs Hold job 634 (same format for STCs and TSUs) Hold jobs 20 through 75 (same format for STCs and TSUs) Hold all queues Hold all jobs on the class A queue Interrupt the job currently on PRINTER2

ILNE3 IRDR4 LJ333 LJ20-53 LJ401,ALL LJ10-30,ALL LACCOUNT NPRT5 OJ250 OJ11-15 OJ342,C OJ23-760,C OQ,Q=A OQ,Q=AH7 OQ,Q=A,A=2 OQ,Q=Q,H=6 OQ,Q=C,A=3,C P PI PI2 PI1-6 PJES2 PJ468 PJ36-121 PJ999,Q=A PTEST3 PLNE6 PRDR2 PPRT7

Interrupt the job currently on LINE3 Interrupt the job currently on READER4 Displays (lists) the output information for job 333 (same format for STCs and TSUs. Displays (lists) the output information for jobs in the range 20 through 53 Displays held output datasets for job 401 (same format for STCs and TSUs) Display held output datasets for jobs in the range 10 through 30 Displays (lists) output information for the job ACCOUNT Repeat the print of the job currently printing on PRINTER5 Release held output datasets for job 250 (same format for STCs and TSUs) Release held output datasets for jobs in the range 11 through 15 (same format for STCs and TSUs) Deletes the held output datasets for job 342 (same format for STCs and TSUs) Deletes the held output datasets for jobs in the range 23 through 760 (same format for STC' and TSU's) Release all output held in class A Release all output held in classes A, H and 7 Releases all held output in class A older than 2 days old Releases all held output in class Q older than 6 hours old Releases all held output in class C older than 3 days old and deletes it Drain (purge) the system Drain (purge) all local initiators Drain (purge) local initiator 2 Drain (purge) local initiators 1 to 6 Drain (purge) JES2 (initiators, lines, printers etc) Purge job 468 from the system (same format for STCs and TSUs) Purge jobs in the range 36 through 121 from the system (same format for STCs and TSUs) Purges (cancels) all datasets held in output class A for job 999 Purge (terminate) job TEST3 after it completes its current activity Purge (drain) LINE6 Purge (drain) READER2 Purge (drain) PRINTER7 after completion of current print activity


Route all of the output for job 123 to REMOTE 55 (same format for routing output elements for STCs and TSUs) Route all of the queues from REMOTE AA to REMOTE BB Reroute job 955 for execution at NODE 7 Reroute all the jobs on the local system currently queued for execution at NODE 2 for execution at NODE 4 Start system activity (after a manual load of JES2) Start automatic command processing Start all real initiators (local) Start local initiator 1 Start local initiators 2 through 9 Start LINE100 Start the JES2/VTAM interface (LOGONX) Start networking to the relevant application name. Application to application within VTAM definition Starts a VTAM network connection to the node attached via LINE6 to the system Starts PRINTER1 Starts READER4 Starts the inactive spool volume SPOOL2

SSPL,V=SPOOL2,FORMAT,P Starts (adds) and formats a new spool volume SPOOL2 and after formatting drains it. Replacing the P option with a Z would halt it TA,ALL Display all current automatic commands

TA,I=XXX,T=HH.MM,VS,COMMAND Set an automatic command to start at HH.MM and repeat at I=XXX seconds TTEST4,C=F TTEST4,Q=P TI4,D TI4,DE9 TIA-G,P TJ456,C=F TMZ Sets (alters) the input class of job TEST4 from its current class to a class of F Sets (alters) the output class of job TEST4 from its current class to a class of P Sets (alters) local initiator 4 to run input class D jobs Sets (alters) local initiator 4 to run job classes D, E and 9. Priority is given to class D, E and 9 respectively Sets (alters) a block of local initiators A through G to run jobs on the class P input queue Sets (alters) the class of job 456 to F This command condenses the main console display from right to left. It makes viewing the log via SDSF and displays in the control frame easier

TJ123,P=10 TJ1 TS1 TT1 TOJ256,ALL,C

Sets (alters the priority of job 123 within its current job queue to 10 Sets (alters) job numbering back to 1 Sets (alters) started task numbering back to 1 Sets (alters) TSU numbering back to 1 Sets (alters) all sysout datasets for job 256 to an output class of C

TOJ68,OUTGROUP=GROUP4.2,D=N3 Sets (alters) output for job 68 so that the output element for GROUP4 prints the second output element at NODE3 TOJ999,OUTGROUP=1.1.1 Sets (alters) all the output elements from job 999 to the standard default TOJ888,OUTGROUP=1.1.2 Sets (alters) the second copy within the job output element of output group1 TOSC20,D=T TOSC20,D=J TOSC20,D=M TPRT1,F=001,C=6,Q=A Set PRINTER1 to print forms 001, Carriage control of 6, from output class A. The set command can be used to alter all sub-parameter options for the printer (these are displayed with the DU,PRTX command). Output can be selected by class, line size, job number etc. TRDR1,Q=P,C=9 ZA ZI ZI3 ZPRT5 ZRDR2 Sets (alters) the jobs processed by READER1 to an input class of P and an output class of 9 Stops (halts) automatic command processing Stops (halts) all local initiators after each has completed its current activity Stops (halts) local initiator 3 Stops (halts) PRINTER5 Halts local reader READER2 Set console 20 to display time Set console 20 to display job numbers only Set console 20 to display messages only

Useful notes on JES2

Multiple Commands
Commands can be entered in multiples. For example we can enter the following 3 commands TIA,P PPRT4 ELNE57 on the same command line. The command only needs to be prefixed by one and all subsequent commands seperated by a semi colon for example TIA,P;PPRT4;ELNE57

MVS master console control frame

Any of the JES2 display commands and subsequent displays can be retained in the master console control frame without them scrolling off the screen. To do this set the control command to display a set number of lines in the control frame (in our example 12) by issuing K A,12 . This will give a fixed line display area that does not scroll. It retains all MVS displays responses and any JES2 displays suffixed with L=A. For example DU,L=A DU,LNES,ACT,L=A DU,PRT4,L=A To scroll forward enter K D,F To erase display K E,D

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