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Traduceri I.
The series of seminars is designed to be a systematic study of translation techniques. The sessions will be divided into two parts. In the first part the instructor will point out the difficulties of translating different grammatical and lexical structures while in the second there will be extensive practice using various translation techniques in relation to the discussed topics/grammar problems. Special emphasis will be laid on vocabulary development. During the course there will be continuous assessment (home assignments, sit-in paper and the take-home translation of a longer text).

VI.2. Seminarii I. Translation techniques. 1. Introduction. How Shall We Translate? Dictionaries. 2. Brief introduction to some basic translation technical procedures: Definition and Classification of Changes. Compulsory and Optional. The levels of changes. Norms of translation. Examples and practice. 2.1. The Definition of Different Changes. Grammatical Changes. Translations confronted with proposed translation. Analyses of changes. Examples and practice. Brief introduction to the Lexical Problems of Translation. 2.1.1. Lexical Changes. Lexical Changes in Sintagms. Generalizing, and Concretizing. The Antonym Translation. The Adaptation. Examples and Practice. 2.2. Addition; Completion; Omission; Contraction and Separation. 2.2.1 Omission 2.2.2 Contraction and Separation Rearrangement. Examples and Practice. Home Assignment Due. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. Polysemy. Words Which Do Not Have a Correspondent in the Other Language Idiomatic Expressions. Synonyms. The Translation of Proper Names. Examples and Practice. Home Assignment Due.

3. The Context. 4. Grammatical Structural Problems of Translation. Automatic Grammatical Concretization and Generalization. 4.1. Proportioning. The Translation Of Verb Tenses. Presnt. Present Perfect. Past Tense. Past Perfect. Examples and Practice. Home Assignment Due. 5.1 Anaphoric and Cataphoric Elements in the Text. 5.2.1. The Pronouns. 5.2.2. The Conjunctions.

4.2. The Auxiliaries. The Translation Of Verb Tenses. Present. Present Perfect. Past Tense. Past Perfect. 5.2.3. Examples and Practice. Home Assignment Due. 5.2.4. The Translation of Verb Tenses. Future, Future Perfect, Future-in-the-past. The Translation of Passive Conjugation. Different Passive Structures: Passive infinitives etc. Examples and Practice, Texts. The Active Passive, Passive Active Change. Home Assignment Due. 5.4. Attributive Structures. The Attribute. Definition. The Apposition. Possessive Attribute. The Omission of the Possesive Attribute. Attribute of Quality. Numerical Attribute. The Translation Of Verb Tenses: Conditional Clauses. Home Assignment Due. 5.3. 2. The Translation Of Limiting; Possessive; Demonstrative; Interrogative; Relative; and Indefinite Adjectives. 5.2.5. Postmodification. Adjectives with Prepositions. Idiomatic construction With Adjectives. Examples and Practice. Home Assignment Due. 5.4. The Translation Of the Infinitive. 5.5. The Translation Of the Gerund. 5.6. The Translation Of the Participles 5.7. The Translation Of the Modals. 5.8 Emphasizing. Examples and Practice. Home Assignment Due. 5.9 Translation of verb tenses: Direct questions and indirect questions. The translation of the subjunctive. The old form of the subjunctive. The Modern form of the subjunctive. Form. Tense. Use. Translation. The Perfect subjunctive. Form. Tense. Use. Translation Other forms which may stand for the Subjunctive. Let. May. Might. Should.Would 5.10 The Translation of Prepositions. Types: Verb, Nouns, Adjectives With Prepositions. Idioms With Prepositions. Examples and Practice. Home Assignment Due. Sitin Paper Bibliografie Banta, A. and Rdulescu, M. Capcanele limbii engleze: False Friends. Bucureti: Teora, 1992. Bart, I., Klaudy K., and Szllsy J. Angol fordtiskola: fordts angolrl magyarra s magyarrl angolra. Budapest: Corvina, 1996. Chamberlin, Dennis and White, Gilian. Advanced English for Translation. Cambridge: Cambrige University Press, 1993. Dewar, Gareth, and Susnszky, Beta. Szvegrts, fordts, tmrts a kzpfok nyelvvizsgn. Szkesfehrvr: Lexina, 1999. Farrington, Olivia. Dificulti ale limbii engleze. Bucureti: Teora, 1998. Fekete, Hajnal, and Fonydi, Jen. rsbeli feladatok az angol nyelvvizsgn. Budapest: Akadmiai kiad, 1998. Heltai Pl. Fordts az angol nyelvvizsgn. Budapest: Donck Kft., 1991.

Kaudy, K., and Feny, S. Angol-magyar fordtstechnika. Budapest: Nemzeti tanknyvkiad, 1996. Molnr, J., and Thomas, H. Hungarian Into English and Back. Budapest. Schinke-Llano, Linda. TIME. We the People: Authentic readings for Students of English. Budapest: Corvina, 1993. Vianu, Lidia. English with a key: Exerciii de traducere i retroversiune. Bucureti: Teora, 1998.

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