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Turkish Language - The Main Suffixes Suffixes are sometimes called postpositions in grammar.

In Turkish they are suffixed directly to the noun that they modify thus forming new complete words. In English prepositions, in, on, of, by, etc. are placed separately in front of the word they modify. Suffixes and Vowel Harmony In English we have many words which agglutinate (extend) to form other words. Taking the simple word - argue, it can be modified to argument by the addition of a -ment suffix. We can further extend this word with other suffixes - -ative producingargumentative, and even more to argumentatively by adding -ly suffix. This then is the way of Turkish. Even the little words like in, on, at, from are suffixed to their noun thus producing extended words with different meanings. For Example: the addition of suffix -de - in, on, at and suffix -den - from - to an E-Dotted Vowel Form - E ev - house evde [ev-de] - in the house evden [ev-den] - from the house Most suffixes follow the Rule of Vowel Harmony, so similarly adding suffix -da - in, on, at to an A-UnDotted Vowel Form - A I O U oda - room odada [oda-da] - in the room odadan [oda-dan] - from the room The Six Noun Conditions Turkish has a Subject Condition (nominative) which carries no suffix and five conditions each with a typical ending. The vowels of the suffix must match final vowel of the root word according to Vowel Harmony Rules and the initial consonant of the suffix may change according to Consonant Mutation Rules.

The suffixes of the Noun Conditions are: (1) Subject Condition: The noun in its root form without a suffix. The Subject Condition is the subject of a sentence. (called the nominative in classical grammar) (2) Object Condition: Suffix -i/-/-u/- or -yi/-y/-yu/-y when affixed to words ending in a vowel or -ni/-n/-nu/-n when affixed to already extended words ending in a vowel. The Objective is the direct object of a verb, it equates to the in English (the accusative)

(3) Movement Towards Condition: Suffix -a/-e or -ya/-ye when affixed direct to word ending in a vowel or -ne/-na when affixed to already extended words ending in a vowel. Movement Towards equates to to, towards in English. (the dative) (4) Static Position Condition: Suffix -da/-de or -ta/-te according to Consonant Mutation rules or -nde/-nda when affixed to extended words which end in a vowel. The Static is the condition of place equates to in, on, at in English. (the locative) (5) Movement Away Condition: Suffix -dan/-den or -tan/-ten according to Consonant Mutation rules or -nden/-ndan when affixed to extended words which end in a vowel. The Movement Away suffix equates to from, by, via in English. (the ablative) (6)Ownership Condition: Suffix -in/-n/-un/-n or -nin/-nn/-nun/-nn when affixed plain or extended words ending in a vowel The Ownership suffix signifies that the noun "owns" something. (the genitive). This suffix equates to of [of Mehmet] or 's [Mehmet's] There are three other suffixes which can be applied to nouns: (7) With Condition: Suffix -le/-la or -yle/-yla after vowels [It can also stand alone as a separate word - ile]. This suffix means together with, and, also, (8) Without Condition (lacking):

Suffix -siz/-sz/-suz/-sz. This suffix gives the sense of lacking. This suffix equates to without [without sugar] and the various negating prefixes and suffixes of English un-, dis-, non-, -less [unfair, dishonest, nonsense, hopeless] (9) Containing Condition (Furnished with, Containing, Belonging to, Place of): Suffix -li/-l/-lu/-l gives the sense of belonging to somewhere or being contained in something. It equates to with [with sugar] and various "additional and augmenting" suffixes and prefixes in English. [leafy, salty, coloured, numbered] The Subject Condition There is no Turkish word for the Subject Definite Article - only the context tells us when to insert the in English: ay pahal - Tea is expensive ay souk - The tea is cold araba caddede - The car is in the road The subject can be non-specific or made specific in English with insertion of the definite article the

The Object Condition -i/-/-u/-, -yi/-y/-yu/-y, -ni/-n/-nu/-n When the noun is an object of a verb as in Mehmet mended "the radio" Turkish does use an objective (accusative) suffix the. The subject definite article the does not, as a word, exist in Turkish but it does exist as a suffix to specify the object of a verb. In English we make both the subject and object of a sentence substantive by the use of the same definite article the. An example: Adam kapy (kap-y) kapatt The man closed the door. Because the subject is already understood as substantive in Turkish it does not need a definite article. There is no The man as the subject definite article the is already understood in context. However there is an object definite article the in Turkish which appears as the suffix -(y)i, according to vowel harmony: Formation of the Objective The object specifier has the form of a suffix (governed by vowel harmony): -i/-/-u/- is used with root nouns which end in a consonant or used with extended [already suffixed] nouns which end in a consonant

-yi/-y/-yu/-y [buffer letter -y] is only used with root nouns which end in a vowel. -ni/-n/-nu/-n [buffer letter -n] is only used with extended [already suffixed] nouns ending in a vowel. The Direct Object Pointer suffix -i, -, -u, - is suffixed directly to all root words which end in a consonant: ev - house, the house - evi [ev-i] - the house (obj.) sokak - street, the street - soka [soka-] - the street (obj.) - [sokak shows -k to - consonant mutation here] gl - rose, the rose - gl [gl-] - the rose (obj.) It takes buffer letter -y to become -yi, -y, -yu, -y - when added to a root word which ends in a vowel: kedi - cat, the cat - kediyi [kedi-yi] - the cat - as an object of a verb banka - bank, the bank - bankay [banka-y] - the bank (obj.) kutu - box, the box - kutuyu [kutu-yu] - the box (obj.) The buffer letter -y- is only used with simple nouns ending in a vowel which have not already been suffixed. It is also suffixed to extended (already suffixed) nouns which end in a consonant: evim - my house - evimi [ev-im-i] - my house (obj.) sokan - your street - sokan [soka-n-] - your street (obj.) gller - roses - glleri [gl-ler-i]- the roses (obj.) But it takes buffer letter -n- to become -ni, -n, -nu, -n when added as a second suffix to an already extended noun. kedisi - his/her cat - kedisini [kedisi-n-i] - his/her cat - as an object bankas - his/her bank - bankasn [bankasn] - his/her bank - an object. This shift of buffer letter - y to n - enables the listener to discern that the word is already agglutinated (extended) by previous suffixes. To reiterate: The buffer letter -n- is only used on already extended (suffixed) nouns. Nouns both bare and extended ending in a consonant. Adam kilidi (kilid-i) kapatt - THE man locked THE lock The -i suffix makes the bare noun - THE LOCK - substantive as a Direct Object Adam kilidimi (kilid-im-i) kapatt - THE man locked MY lock The -i suffix makes the extended noun - MY LOCK - substantive as a Direct Object

Nouns both bare and extended ending in a vowel Adam kapy (kap-y) kapatt - THE man closed THE door The -y suffix makes the bare noun - THE DOOR - substantive as a Direct Object Adam kapsn (kap-s-n) kapatt - THE man closed HIS door The -n suffix makes the extended (already suffixed) noun- HIS DOOR - substantive as a Direct Object The Direct Object Suffix which makes the object substantive is one of the most difficult hurdles for English speakers to surmount when talking, reading, listening and understanding The Turkish Language. Motion Towards Condition " -e/-(y)e, -a/-(y)a, -ne/-na" Formation of the Motion Towards Condition. This takes the form of a suffix governed by Vowel haromy. -e/-a is used with root nouns which end in a consonant or used with extended [already suffixed] nouns which end in a consonant -ye/-ya [buffer letter -y] is only used with root nouns which end in a vowel. -ne/-na [buffer letter -n] is only used with extended [already suffixed] nouns ending in a vowel. The Motion Towards suffix -a or -e - to, towards is suffixed directly to all root words which end in a consonant: ev - house, the house - eve [ev-e] - to the house sokak - street, the street - sokaa [soka-a] - to the street gl - rose, the rose - gle [gle] - to the rose It takes buffer letter -y- when added directly as the first suffix to a root word which ends in a vowel - thus taking the form -ye, -ya kedi - cat, the cat - kediye [kedi-ye] - to the cat banka - bank, the bank - bankaya [banka-ya] - to the bank It is also suffixed to extended (already suffixed) nouns which end in a consonant: evim - my house - evime [ev-im-e] - to my house sokan - your street - sokana [soka-n-a] - to your street gller - roses - gllere [gl-ler-e]- to the roses But it takes buffer letter -n- when added as a second suffix to an already extended noun - thus taking the form -ne, -na. kedi - cat, the cat - kedisi [kedi-si] - his cat - kedisine [kedi-si-ne] - to his cat

baba - father, the father - babalar [baba-lar] - their father - babalarna [baba-lar-na] - to their father This shift of Buffer Letter -y to -n helps the listener to discern that that noun has already been extended by a previous suffix. To reiterate: The buffer letter -n- is only used on already extended (suffixed) nouns. Examples of Motion Toward Suffix : adama - [adam-a] - to the man adamlara - [adamlar-a] - to the men kediye - [kedi-ye] - to the cat kedi - cat - ends in a vowel so "kedi-y-e" is used - [kedi-e] - would be incorrect. kedilere - [kediler-e] - to the cats eve - [ev-e] - to home evlere - [evler-e] - to the houses kapya - [kap-ya] - to the door kap - door - ends in a vowel so "kap-y-a" is used - [kap-a] - would be incorrect kaplara - [kaplar-a] - to the doors Static Position Condition (Locative) " -de/-da, -te/-ta, -nde/-nda" The Static Position (Locative) Suffix de or da - in, on, at. This suffix shows concrete place (location): odadaym - [oda-da-ym]- I am in the room Ali bey, evdeymi. -[ev-de-ymi] - Ali bey must be at home [-imi - inference] adamda - [adam-da] - on the man adamlarda - [adamlar-da] - on the men kedide - [kedi-de] - on the cat kedilerde - [kediler-de] - on the cats evde - [ev-de] - at home evlerde - [evler-de] - at the houses kapda - [kap-da] - at the door kaplarda - [kaplar-da] - at/by the doors kprde - [kpr-de] - on the bridge

kprlerde - [kprler-de] - on the bridges odada - [oda-da] - in the room odalarda - [odalar-da] - in the rooms For the plural we have added two suffixes -ler (Plural Suffix) and -de (Static Location Suffix) or -lar and -da and tagged them together to make one word in Turkish.

Movement Away Suffix (Ablative) " -den/-dan, -ten/-tan, -nden/-ndan" The suffix -den or -dan - from, by, via, through. This suffix show movment from a location. adamdan - [adam-dan] - from the man adamlardan - [adamlar-da] - from the men kediden - [kedi-den] - from the cat kedilerden - [kediler-den] - from the cats evden - [ev-den] - from home evlerden - [evler-den] - from the houses kapdan - [kap-dan] - from the door kaplardan - [kaplar-dan] - from the doors kprden - [kpr-den] - from the bridge kprlerden - [kprler-den] - from the bridges odadan - [oda-dan] - from the room odalardan - [odalar-dan] - from the rooms For the plural we have added two suffixes -ler (Plural Suffix) and -den (Movement Away Suffix) or -lar and -dan and tagged them altogether to make one word in Turkish.

The Suffix of Ownership (Genitive Case) The form of the ownership suffix is: -in or -nin - [using buffer letter -n-] - when added to words which already end in a vowel, meaning - of, belonging to. This suffix is used for ownership. This suffix is also used grammatically in Turkish to form the Possessive Relationship, which is very important in the Turkish Language. The Possessive Relationship is dealt with at length elsewhere. The sign of the Ownership suffix is in which is added to the noun, singular, plural or extended forms. It is subject to Vowel Harmony, the Vowel Harmonized forms become - in -n -n -un - of , belonging to. A sole exception - su - water The word - su - water. The translation for - of the water is not "sunun", it is - suyun with exceptional buffer letter -y which is always used with the word su - water. This exception also applies to the Possessed Case you cannot say for Fruit Juice - "Meyve Susu" as the buffer letter -y- is always used with the word su - water consequently Meyve Suyu is the correct way to say - Fruit Juice. Formation of the Ownership Suffix The suffix -in/-n/-un/-n is added to the noun. ev - house evin - [ev-in] - the house's, of the house evimin - [ev-im-in] - my house's, of my house evinin - [ev-in-in] - your house's, of your house memurun - [memur-un] - the official's, of the official gzn - [gz-n] - the eye's, of the eye gzlerimin - [gzler-im-in] - my eyes', of my eyes akamn - [akam-n] - the evening's, of the evening tavuun - [tavu-un] - the chicken's, of the chicken bakkaln - [bakkal-n] - the grocer's, of the grocer The Plural Suffix is added as first suffix. The Possessive Adjective is added secondly, and finally the Ownersip indicating Possession. The Ownership Suffix - Nouns ending in Vowels The Suffix changes to -nin/-nn/-nun/-nn - of or belonging to - using buffer -n- in order to keep two vowels apart kedinin - [kedi-n-in] - of the cat, the cat's

kedilerinin - [kedi-leri-n-in] - their cat's, of their cat kedisinin - [kedi-si-n-in] - of his cat, his cat's bankann - [banka-n-n] - the bank's bankasnn - [banka-s-n-n] - his bank's kprnn - [kpr-n-n] - the bridge's Ali 'nin - [Ali-'n-in] - Ali's Londra 'nn - [Londra-'n-n] - London's All suffixes are written apart from any Proper Name which begins with a capital letter. The last two examples above show this accordingly The Ownership Suffix with Extended words (already suffixed) The suffix -in -n -n -un - of , belonging to always takes buffer letter -n- to become -nin -nn -nn -nun when added either to a root word or to an extended word which ends in a vowel. kedinin - [kedi-nin] - the cat's - kedisinin - [kedi-si-nin] - his cat's bankann - of the bank - bankasnn - of his bank arabann - the car's - arabasnn - his car's.. Ali 'nin - Ali 's - Aye 'nin - Ayshe 's kprnn - of the bridge - kprlerinin - of their bridges The suffix -in always becomes -nin whether suffixed to a Simple Noun or to an already suffixed noun. The With Condition - ile, -le, la The Suffix -le -la - with, and, also The word for - with - in Turkish is - ile - this is one word which can stand on its own after the word it modifies. In which case it does not follow vowel harmony rules but is always written and spoken - ile. Mehmed ile - [Mehmed ile] - with Mehmet or Mehmet'le - [Mehmet-'le] - with Mehmet gzlerim ile - [gzler-im ile] - with my eyes or gzlerimle - [gzler-im-le] - with my eyes domuzla - [domuz-la] - with the pig or domuz ile - [domuz ile] - with a (any) pig domuzuyla - [domuz-u-yla] - with the pig or domuzu - [domuz-u ile] - with the pig arkadanla - [arkada-n-la] - with your friend or arkadan ile - [arkada-n ile] - with your friend

Using - ile - with words which end in a vowel When adding - ile - to words that end in a vowel the initial letter -i of -ile changes to a buffer letter -y in order to keep two vowels apart - thus the forms -yla and -yle are used. paltosuyla - [palto-su-yla] - with his overcoat bir arabayla - [bir araba-yla] - with a car kediyle - [kedi-yle] - with the cat kedisiyle - [kedi-si-yle] - with his cat iskemleyle - [iskemle-yle] - with the chair eliyle - [el-i-yle] - with his hand elleriyle - [eller-i-yle] - with his hands babasyla - [baba-s-yla] - with his father If the suffixed form is used then it changes to -yle -yla after vowels. As previously stated, whether to use ile as stand alone or as a suffix is a free choice of the speaker or writer, but there is a change in the meaning: Translation of - ile - and, also When it stands between two nouns the suffix - ile - can be used to translate and when the basic meaning is with, also. Even when it is suffixed as -le/-la or -yle -yla [when added to vowel] it is still translated as and meaning "also". Masada fincanla tabaklar var - There are cups and plates on the table. Ali ile arkada , odaya girdi - Ali and his friend entered the room. Mustafa ile Selim partiye gitti - Mustapha and Selim went to the party. However if the suffix -le/-la does not come between the nouns then it is tranlsted as with, together with. Benimle Mehmet geldi - Mehmet came with me. - [Lit: With me Mehmet came.] Ali arkadayla , odaya girdi - Ali entered the room with his friend. Mustafa, Selim 'le partiye gitti - Mustapha went to the party with Selim. Expanation : If ile is in between two people or things as in Ali ile arkada; Mustafa ile Selim then these sentences are translated into English by the conjunction "and" Ali and his friends; Mustafa and Selim. If ile does not in between two nouns it is translated by "with" - Ali went to party with his friend. Toplantya sekreterimle katldm. - I attended the meeting with my secretary. Patron ile adamlar aniden silahlarn ektiler. - The boss and his men suddenly pulled their guns.

Note that in this type of sentence above ve - and, also could be used in place of ile Ali ve arkada odaya girdi. Mustafa ve Selim partiye gitti. Masada fincan ve tabak var. For the other sentences we can not use "ve" in place of "ile". Benimle Mehmet geldi ("ve" can not be used) ; Ali, arkadayla odaya girdi. ("ve" can not be used.)

The Lacking Condition The Suffix -siz -sz -sz -suz - without, un-, non-, -less, disThis suffix gives the sense of lacking. In English it can be translated as un- as in unavailable or -less - as in worthless or dis- as in distaste. ehliyet - licence - ehliyetsiz - unlicensed [ehliyetli - licensed] renk - colour - renksiz - colourless [renkli - coloured] sabr - patience - sabrsz - impatient [sabrl - patient] iaret - sign - iaretsiz - unsigned [iaretli - signed] ses - noise - sessiz - noiseless [sesli - noisy] eker - sugar - ekersiz - unsugared [ekerli - sugared, sweetened] namus - honesty - namussuz - dishonest [namuslu - honest] Bir ay, ekersiz olsun, ltfen. - A tea, no sugar, please. Sonsuz bir yolculuk gibiydi. - It was like an endless journey. Sensiz gidiyorum - I'm going without you. Deersiz bir saat aldm. - I bought a worthless watch.

kisiz bir aile gazinosuna gittik. - We went to a non-alcoholic family restaurant. Note: ikisiz - without alcoholic drinks - [ie: Alcohol is not served] is seen on many Public Signs We can form plural nouns by adding the -ler or -lar plural suffix to an adjective: sabrszlar - the impatient ones ekersizler - the unsugared ones renksizler - the uncoloured/colourless ones The Containing Condition " -li -l -l -lu" The Suffix -li -l -l -lu - originating from, furnished with, place of, This suffix gives the sense of belonging to something or somewhere. It is used with place names - especially to say where one is from. The li suffix is not separated from a Proper Noun by an apostrophe as other suffixes generally are - "Londra'l" would be incorrect - Londral is correct. Londral - [Londra-l] - a Londoner Londrallar - [Londra-l-lar] - Londoners stanbullu - [stanbul-lu] - an Istanbuli stanbullular - [stanbul-lu-lar] - Istanbulis ngiltereliyim - [ngiltere-li-yim] - I am from England Bolulu - [Bolu-lu] - a person from Bolu inli - [in-li] - a Chinese Man (Chinaman) This suffix also gives the sense of belonging to something or somewhere, it is widely used with place names - especially to say where one is from: ngiltereliyim - I am from England, Manesterliyim - I come from Manchester, Nerelisiniz? - Where (exactly) are you from? An Actual Example of the "containing" suffix. Here is a picture of a sandwich bar's billboard showing the type of sandwiches available :


kark - mixed kaarl [kaar-l] - containing hard cheese sucuklu [sucuk-lu] - containing Turkish type sausage salaml [salam-l] - containing salami sosisli [sosis-li] - containing sausage Here vowel harmony is operating on the suffix -li as it has three of it four forms in this picture. The meaning of - "furnished with" - is used to make attributive adjectives - tuz - salt - giving - tuzlu - salty - is a prime example. Should you use sugar in your tea then you might ask for - ekerli ay - which can mean sweet tea, sugared tea, sugary tea,- according to context. sabr - patience - sabrl - patient kuvvet - strength - kuvvetli - strong yaprak - leaf - yaprakl - leafy imen - lawn - imenli - having a lawn ya - age - yal - old renk - colour - renkli - coloured ses - noise - sesli - noisy yatak - bed - yatakl - furnished with a bed tuz - salt - tuzlu - salty Examples Mehmet sabrl bir adamdr. - Mehmet is a patient man. Ali kuvvetli bir gen. - Ali is a strong youth. Bir yaprakl aa. - A leafy tree. imenli bir ev. - It is a house with a lawn.

Yal bir at. - It is an old horse. kili bir lokantaya gittik. - We went to an alcohol serving bistro. Note: ikili - furnished with alcoholic drinks - [ie: Alcoholic drinks are served] We can form plural nouns by adding the -ler or -lar plural suffix to an adjective: sabrllar - the patient ones kuvvetliler - the strong ones yallar - the aged

Dependent Adverbs These adverbs require that the preceding noun have the Motion Towards (dative) -e/-ye, -a/-ya - to/toward suffix: -e nazaran - compared with buna nazaran - compared to this bunlara nazaran - compared to these una nazaran - compared to that unlara nazaran - compared to those ona nazaran - compared to that onlara nazaran - compared to those Dne nazaran bugn hava daha gzel Compared to yesterday, the weather is better today. Geen yl burada ark syleyen sanatya nazaran, bu akam dinlediimiz kadn o kadar iyi deildi.

Compared to the singer that we heard here last year, the lady we listened to this evening was not as good. Sen bana yardm edebilen tek insansn. You are the only person which/that/who can help me. Modern ngilizcede "that" dier "relative pronoun" 'lara nazaran daha sk kullanlmaktadr. In Modern English the relative pronoun "that" is used more often compared to the other relative pronouns "who, which". Rakiplerine nazaran cretsizdir. Compared to the competitors it is price free. FlashGet'e nazaran iso dosyalarn indirme srecinde bozmaz. Compared to FlashGet it does not spoil iso files while downloading. -e kadar - up to, until, as far as. imdiye kadar. - [imdi-ye kadar] - up to now. Ankara'ya kadar. - as far as Ankara. Gelecek pazara kadar bekleyelim. - Let us wait until next Sunday. arya kadar gidiyorum. - I am going as far as the shops. -e doru - straight toward. bankaya doru - [banka-ya doru] - straight to the bank Eve doru git! - Go staight home! Evden okula doru gidin. - Go straight to school from home. -e gre - according to, compared to bana gre - according to me sana gre - according to you Memed'e gre - according to Mehemet This has both or either the comparing to and according to meanings in a sentence. Yeni plna gre, evimizin arka bahesi kltlecekmi. According to the new plan our back garden wil be made smaller.

Selim'e gre para piyasalar yarndan itibaren hareketlenecekmi. According to Selim the money markets will probably move from tomorrow onwards. Okuduun kitap benimkine gre daha kaln grnyor. The book that you are reading looks thicker than mine. - ("compared to mine" - The example is making a comparison.) Bu gazeteye gre hi yeni haberi daha kmam. According to this newspaper no more new news has happened yet. -e kar - against duvara kar - [duvar-a kar] - against the wall rzgara kar - [rzgar-a kar] - against the wind Garajn kapsna kar bisikletimi brakmm. - I believe I left my bicycle against the garage door.

Rzgara kar ieyen olan.

- I leave this for you all to translate!!

-e ramen - in spite of (in positive sentences), despite (in negative sentences) buna ramen - in spite of this, bunlara ramen - in spite of these una ramen - in spite of that, unlara ramen - in spite of those ona ramen - in spite of that, onlara ramen - in spite of those In English there are many types of -e ramen - although, though, in spite of, despite, notwithstanding, albeit etc..In Turkish however thereare only two words: -e ramen or -e karn.. When using -e ramen or -e karn the sentence should containcontrast, insistence, regret, tenacity or hope. Examples of contrast.

Her eye ramen baarabilirdik. In spite of everything we were able to succeed. Bir sr ey olmu ve baaramamlar. (Pimanlk = regret, remorse) Havann kararmasna ramen, yollarna hl yryerek devam ediyorlard. Despite the weather getting worse, they still carried on walking along the road. Hava kararm/ama hl yrmeye devam ediyorlar. (inat = stubboness, srar = persistence) Odann yeterince scak olmasna ramen, (yine de) zerindeki kaza karmamt. Although the room was warm enough, he did not take off the jumper that he was wearing. Oda scak/ama kazan hl karmyor. (inat = doggedness, obstinacy) Ailev sorunlarnn kafasn ok megul etmesine ramen, derslerine almaya (srarla) devam etti. Even though family responsibilities were keeping him busy, he continued working at his lessons. Sorunlar kafasn megul ediyor/ama hl derslerini alyor. (srar - insistency, inat = tenacity) zerine dorultulan silhlara ramen soukkanlln hi bozmad. Even with the guns pointing directly at him, he never lost his nerve. Silahlar dorultulmu/ama hl soukkanl. (ztlk = contrast, contrariness) Btn bu olumsuz koullara ramen yine de baarabiliriz. Despite all these negative circumstances, he was able to succeed again. Koullar olumsuz/ama yine de baarabilirler. (umut = hope , ztlk = contrast) Hayat boyunca gitar almay renmek istemesine ramen nedense iyi bir keman virtz oldu. Although he had wanted to learn to play the guitar throughout his life, somehow he turned into a violin virtuoso. Oldum olas gitar almay renmek istedii halde, buna karn gzelce kemanc oldu. (ztlk = contrast, contrariness) Akam saat 7den sonra yemek yemenin sala zararl olduunu bilmesine ramen, her gece yatmadan nce attrmaktan kendini alamyordu. (kendini alamamak= cant help) In spite of knowing that eating after 7 o'clock in the evening is dangerous to health, he could not help taking a snack before going to bed.

Akam saat 7den sonra yemek yemenin sala zararl olduu halde bileyerek, her akam yatmadan nce yemek yermi. (inat = doggedness, obstinacy, pigheadedness) -a ramen - despite - (in negative sentences) Ben hibir suum olmamasna ramen pimanm, ya sen? - Despite not being at fault, I am sorry, how about you? Kalan benzinimizin ehre varmaya yetmeyecei belli olmasna ramen, srarla yola devam ettiler. - Despite us not having petrol left to get to town, they insisted on continuing on the road. Explanation olma-ma-s-n-a - this is Negative Infinitive of "olmama(k)" - "to not be", with the addition of -(s) making it a specific definite noun [described by "Kalan benzinimiz" - "which-remains petrol-our"] which is further suffixed with -(n)a to make it part of "ramen" clause. An actual newspaper article - Peugeot Crisis STANBUL, 5 Mart (Reuters) - Fransz otomotiv reticisi Peugeot'nun CEO'su Jean Philleppe Colin, krize ramen Trkiye'ye ilikin yatrm projelerinin devam ettiini, kompakt sedan snf aralarn Trkiye'de retimi iin fizibilite almalar yaptklarn syledi. ISTANBUL, 5 March (Reuters) - The CEO of French car producer Peugeot Jean Philleppe Colin has said that in spite of the crisis, that the investment project concerning the compact sedan class vehicles' production in Turkey feasability studies are on-going. Peugeot krize ramen (kriz-e ramen) Trkiye'ye yatrm projesini srdryor. In spite of the Peugeot crisis the investment project is still carrying on for Turkey. Dependent Adverbs with "-den/-dan" These adverbs require that the preceding noun have the motion away -den/-dan, -ten/-tan - from suffix: -dan dolay - because of. -dan baka - except for, apart from, other than. -dan beri - since. -dan nce - before (in time). this is modern Turkish, and is the preferred form -dan evvel - before (in time). this is the older from from Arabic, but still often used -dan sonra - after. Bundan dolay - because of this Mehmet'in yaptklarndan dolay asla baaramayz! - Because of what Mehmet did we will never be able succeed.

ondan baka - except for that Piyanomdan baka her eyi geri brakacam - Except for my piano I will leave everything behind Ondan beri - since then saat ten beri - since 3 o'clock. - (-ten beri) saat ten beri sizi aryordum. - I have been looking for you since three o'clock Geen haftadan beri hastaym. (This means that I am still ill.) - I have been ill since last week./I have been ill for a week. undan nce/evvel - before that - (in time) Mays ayndan evvel/nce mhendis olarak alyordum. (or almaktaydm.) - Before May I was working as an engineer. Ondan sonra - after that Haziran ayndan sonra emekli olacam. - After July I shall retire (from work).

About Turkish Adjectives Position of Adjectives

Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns - A blue house, a rich man. The adjective always comes in front of its noun as in English. mavi ev - the blue house mavi evler - (the) blue houses zengin adam - the rich man yorgun ocuklar - tired children

But note that when adjectives follow a noun the meaning is entirely different - it becomes a "Statement of Fact" : ev, mavi - the house is blue evler mavi - the houses are blue adam, zengin - the man is rich Uzun geni yol. - The long wide road. - is different to - Uzun yol, geni. - The long road is wide. Geni yol, uzun. - The wide road is long.- is different to - Yol, uzun geni. - The road is long and wide. This shows that the verb - to be - -dir - is lacking in the third person in Turkish, unless it is needed to emphasize the meaning or unless it is a public statement such as a notice etc. as follows: Bu ev, mavidir - This house is blue This last example is emphasized using the verb "to be" -dir - is however normally without emphasis -dir is not required or used in normal conversation. Emphasized and Public Forms Uzun yol, genitir. - The long road is wide. Uzun yol, geni midir? - Is the long road wide? As can be seen above Turkish generally places a comma after the subject - which comes first in the word order of the sentence. The emphasis is is stressed by the use of the verb - "to be" - suffix -dir (Vowel Harmony and Consonant Mutation are observed), which makes it a "statement of fact" - Yol genitir. - The road is wide. Position of the Article bir - a, an, one - can interpose between the adjective and its noun. This has the effect of putting the emphasis on the adjective and/or causes the noun it describes to become definite. bir gzel kz gld - a beautiful girl laughed. In this example some girl or other laughed - an indefinite girl, therefore the adjective follows bir. gzel bir kz grdm - I saw a beautiful girl. In this example a definite girl was seen and moreover she was definitely beautiful - gzel followed by bir emphasizes all these points. Generally speaking if the indefinite article is used with its noun, then Turkish will not separate them as we do in English

byk beyaz bir ev(dir) - it is a big white house yal bir adam - an old man bo bir kutu - an empty box Adjectives used as Nouns Turkish adjectives can also be used as nouns: hasta - ill, sick bir hasta - a patient hastalar hastanede. - the patients are in hospital. zengin - rich bir zengin - a rich person otelde kalan bir zengin var - there is a rich [person] who is staying at the hotel. Intensified Adjectives Many adjectives have an Intensified Form, for instance: yeni - new - yepyeni - brand new beyaz - white - bembeyaz - snow white dolu - full - dopdolu - full to the brim Many of these Intensified Forms are in daily use all the time. Agreement of Adjectives Adjectives do not have to agree with the noun they describe in either number - as in Spanish - or gender - as in French. The adjective precedes the noun as it does in English.

Let us reiterate the basic rules for using adjectives in Turkish 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Adjectives describe nouns. The adjective is always invariable. Adjectives don't have a singular and plural form OR a masculine, feminine and neuter form. Adjectives are always the same! Never add a final -s - (in English) or -lar/-ler - (in Turkish) to an adjective. Adjectives are placed before the noun. Adjectives can be formed from both nouns or verbs as in English. These rules apply both in English and in Turkish.

Attributable Adjectives In Turkish, words can often be recognized as adjectives by their endings. This is similar to English where words can also be recognized as adjectives by their endings. For instance the ending -ful in the word beautiful - "They built a beautiful house in the hill." Thus the ful adjective adds the concept of beauty to the house. There are other adjectival endings in English where English speakers recognize instantly the attribute being added by its ending. One of these adjectival endings is used above, in the heading "Attributable". The following example also uses the "Ability Attribute" -able - "They have built a beautiful, desirable house on the hill". Some other adjectival endings in English may be: -ly as in the lovely view. -ing as in the shaking branch. -ive as in the positive result. -en as in the broken arrow. and some other forms; each ending giving us a differing degree or meaning in concept. This then is the way that Turkish follows and if one learns the Adjectival Endings it is easier to recognize the concept of meaning as we automatically do in our own tongue.


Forms of Adjectives We have just said above that adjectives can often be recognized by their endings. These are of course words in their own right and should not be considered as words with an added suffix. As with English the (adjectival) ending on the word often points to the type of attribute that the adjective supplies to its noun. For instance in English there is a different type of attribute supplied by the adjectives - lovely, loving, loveable, lovelorn, loved although the root word carries the same meaning. The Adjectival Suffix -ik -k -uk -k This suffix usually forms adjectives where the described noun is in a state from which it cannot return - that is - it has assumed a permanent state. From yanmak - to burn - the adjective - yank is formed meaning burnt (as a permanent state) bir dk yaprak - a fallen leaf - [from dmek - to fall] baz krk tabaklar - some broken plates - [krmak - to break] kesik paralar - cut (up) parts - [kesmek - to cut] By recognizing the -ik suffix we can see a permanent adjectival state has been attained. We must take care however not to mistake nouns which end in -ik such as - balk fish - or - szlk - dictionary as being adjectives. A note on the Different Forms of Adjectives If we take the first example above we should note that if we use the present participle -den - which falls /which is falling - as an adjective then the meaning changes: bir den yaprak - a falling leaf den yapraklar - falling leaves Similarly using the past participle: dm olan - which has fallen dm olan yapraklar nemlidir - the leaves which have fallen are damp/the fallen leaves are damp. Adjectives and their Opposites Adjective Opposite

beautiful better big cheap early easy free full good heavy here hot near next old old open



irkin daha kt kk pahal ge zor megul bo kt hafif orada souk uzak son gen yeni kapal

daha iyi worse byk ucuz erken kolay serbest dolu iyi ar burada scak yakn small expensive late difficult occupied empty bad light there cold far

gelecek last ihtiyar eski ak young new shut


quick right

abuk doru

slow wrong

yava yanl

About Turkish Demonstrative Pronouns and Adjectives The Demonstrative Adjectives "this and that, these and those" and Demonstrative Pronouns "this one, that one, these ones, those ones" demonstrate and describe which item is being mentioned. The Simple Form - this and that, these and those bu - this (here) or this (which was just mentioned) bunlar - these u - that (nearby) or that (which follows on) unlar - those (nearby) o - that (over there, yonder) onlar - those (over there) The simple Forms: bu, u, o - this, that, that yonder bu kedi - this cat u fincan - that cup (near to, between us) o adam - that man over there, yonder This and That bu - this (here) OR this (which was just mentioned) and the plural bunlar - these

Turkish has two words for "that, those" u - that (nearby) OR that (which follows on) and the plural unlar - those (nearby) u signifies something near by or something between the speakers. u also means - "that which follows" as in u tavsiye - the following recommendation. O - that (over there, yonder) and the plural onlar - those (over there) O - signifies items far away or which does not lie between the speakers. O - is often used for descriptions of happenings in foreign countries and cities. When adding any suffixes including the plural suffix -lar buffer letter -n- is always used with the demonstratives, thus forming the plurals bunlar, unlar, onlar Turkish has two words for - "that" u - signifies something near by or something between the speakers. It also means - that which follows - eg. u tavsiye - the following recommendation. Care must be taken using - u - and its extensions as it is also used in a derogatory sense (according to context) - see below. u adama bakn! - Look at that bloke! unu istemedim - I didn't want that! - (damn thing) u herif kim? - Who the hell is that fellow? - (herif - "fellow, guy, bloke") O - signifies items far away or which does not lie between the speakers. O - is often used for descriptions of happenings in foreign countries and cities. The Suffixed Forms of the Demonstratives The Demonstrative Pronouns and Adjectives - bu - this, u - that, o- that yonder use buffer letter -n- to become bun-, sun-, on- when adding any further suffixes.This includes the plural suffix -lar buffer letter -n- is always used with the demonstratives, thus forming the plurals bunlar, unlar, onlar Bu - this, this here

The Singular Forms - The Plural Forms bu - this - bunlar - these buna - to this - bunlara - to these bunun - of this - bunlarn - of these bunu - this (object) - bunlar - these (obj.) bunda - in/on/at this - bunlarda - in/etc. these bundan - from this - bunlardan - from these bununla - with this - bunlarla - with these u - that, that there The Singular Forms - The Plural Forms u - that - unlar - those una - to that - unlara - to those unun - of that - unlarn - of those unu - that (object) - unlar - those (obj.) unda - in/on/at that - unlarda - on those undan - from that - unlardan - from those ununla - with that - unlarla - with those O - that over there The Singular Forms - The Plural Forms o - that yonder - onlar - those yonder ona - to that - onlara - to those onun - of that - onlarn - of those onu - that (object) - onlar - those (obj.) onda - in/on/at that - onlarda - on those ondan - from that - onlardan - from those onunla - with that - onlarla - with those The suffix "-ca - concerning"

This is used with the Demonstrative Pronoun to produce - bunca - all this, bunlarca - all these, onca - all that, onlarca - all those. Although "unca" and "unlarca" are not normally in use but they are sometimes used disparagingly. However, in Turkish it could be used to despise something in quantity or magnitude, power. The addition of -ca produces an adjective which means - "all this/that amount (of)". Bunca emeim boa gitti. - All this work of mine was in vain. ("all this amount of my work") Bunca kitab, kitaplkta dursunlar diye mi aldn? - Did you buy all these books (just) to fill the bookcase? ("all this amount of books") Bunca arkadamn arasndan onu mu beendin? - Between all these friends of mine, was it (only) him you liked? ("all this amount of my friends") Bunca yldr bu okuldaym, byle olay grmedim. - I was at this school all these years and I have not seen such a thing (before). ("all these years") Bunca kediyi nasl besleyeceksin ki? - How do you feed all thes cats? ("all this amount of cats") It can be seen that the addition of bunca replaces bu kadar - this amount of and onca replaces o kadar- that amount of in Turkish. The Singular Form bunca - all this - "unca" - Not used - onca - all that The Plural Form bunlarca - all these - "unlarca" - Not used - onlarca - all those Examples: bu ne? - What's this? Bu bir byk kedi - This is a big cat Avluda bunca uzun kuyruklu kedi cirit atyorlar. - All these long tailed cat are running wild in the yard. (cirit atmak - Literally "to throw a javelin" but used here idiomatically meaning "run amok, swarm wildly".) If someone has a small wound and is complaining too much, you could say - unca/uncacik, yaradan lmezsin - You won't die from such a small wound (surely not!) [the "-cik" suffix also shows "downsizing"] bunca and onca are plural and they take a singular object. The substantive that it describes is always in the singular. bunca kedi, onca kedi - all these/those cats - is similar to Bu kediler , o kediler. - these cats, those cats.


A note about the usage of - u: u ne? - what is that (just there)? O bir gazete - that is a newspaper - [u bir gazete - is incorrect and is not used as a pronoun when answering. It is only used as an adjective describing - "the newspaper". as shown in the previous example.] Tm/Btn o gazeteler dnk(dr) - All those newspapers are yesterday's. u ne? - What is that (just there)? The answer - u bir gazete - That is a newspaper - is incorrect. The correct answer is - O bir gazete - as the answer to the question u ne?. Because after you ask the question - u ne? - the person being asks now knows where and what the subject actually is, therefore the answer must be something like - O bir gazete.As a phrase in its own right you can say such as - u bir gazete - That (just there) is a newspaper - but not as an answer to a question like - u ne? - What's that? For example: There are some of your friends in your home and a newspaper (gazete) on the desk in this case,there are two possibilities: If you are asked - u masann stndeki nedir? - What is it on that table? - then you must answer it like - O bir gazete or just - gazete - not u bir gazete. If you want them to know that there is a newspaper, then you must say - u bir gazete - and here if they want to ask you where it is they must ask it like - Nerede o gazete? - not - Nerede u gazete? Summary: Question: u ne? - What is that? - Answer: O bir gazete. - That is a newspaper. u bir gazete - Cannot be a question, but if it causes a question like - Where is that newspaper? - then it must be: Nerede o gazete? - NOT Nerede u gazete? Further Examples: o ne? - what is that over there? - o bir dergi - that is a magazine Bunca dergiyi nereye koyacaksn? - Where are you going to put all these are magazines? ["Bunlarca dergi" - is not generally used in modern Turkish] bunlar ne? - what are these? - bunlar yeil elma. - these (ones) are green apples. unlar ne? - what are those? - onlar beyaz ev. - those are white houses. - [See note on usage of - u - in questions in the last section above.] onlar kim? - who are those (people) over there? - onlar gen kzlar. - those (people) are young girls. Yarn onca gen kz Aye'nin partiye gidiyorm. - All those girls are going to Aye's party tomorrow. (all that amount of girls) Should we use Onlarca kiz or Onca kiz? If you say: onlarca kiz - we understand there are some girls but they are in some groups and each group (has say) 10 girls.

buna bakar msnz? - would you look at (to) this? - [Used as the object of - "to look"] bunlara bakar msnz? - would you look at (to) these? - [Used as an objective pronoun] ona bakar msnz? - would you look at that? onlara bakar msnz? - would you look at those? The disparaging meaning of - u Although unca and unlarca are not normally in use, they are sometimes used disparagingly. In Turkish they can be used to despise something in quantity or magnitude, muscular power. If someone has a small wound and is complaining too much about it then one could say - unca/uncacik yaradan lmezsin - You won't die from such a small wound (surely not!) Care must be taken using - u - and its extensions as they are used in a derogatory sense according to context. u adama bakn! - Look at that bloke! unu istemedim! - I didn't want that! (damn thing) u kahrolasca herif kim? - Who is that damn fellow? [quite strong language] This is a "frozen form" - kahrolasca - kah olmak - to be overwhelmed. The suffixes are made up - ol-a-s-ca - where -as is a now defunct subjunctive ending with an added -ca suffix indicating having the attribute of. However this word is best learned as a single unit; but really it should not be used as it is considered rather rude. You can also say kaholsun! - Let him be dammed! It is really like a swear word in English and not to be taken lightly. Be careful in its use! Adverbial Forms of the Demonstratives: There are further derivations of - bu, u, o - which have produced the words - byle, yle, yle - the meanings are a follows: byle - In this way/thus - Onu byle yaptm - I did it like this - [byle is usually uses with the First Person Pronoun] yle - like that/in that manner - Onu yle yapn! - Do it like that! - [yle is usually used with the inperative] yle - such as that/like that - Onu yle yapt - He did it like that! - [past tense is more distant, hence yle is used] The -ce suffix can also be added to form adverbs: bylece - In this way/thus

ylece is not really used much ylece - such as that/like that The -ce siffix give a sense of completion - bylece i tamamland - and so the job was done thus Some Examples: Byle bir i yapmayn! - Don't do anything like (this) that! [in Turkish Bu and byle are used regarding a specific action, such as "jumping on the bed", wheras English uses the the word "That!" as opposed to the Turkish "This!" for emphasis.] - Bylece onu yapn! - Do it like that! [Turkish Lit: "Do it like this!"] yle byle - just so-so - [Lit: like that, like this - as French "comme ci comme ca"] When asked How are you? then yle byle can be given as an answer "So so, I'm up and down, I'm getting on OK" yle bir saanak yamur yad ki - There was such a downpour that.. The "Formula Speak" yle mi? is used when listening with apparent disbelief to someone describing events, meaning Well I never!, Go on then!, Really?. This formula is used a lot in normal daily conversation. Examples of Extended Forms bu ne? - what's this? Bu bir byk kedi - This is a big cat. Bunca kedi uzun kuyruklu(dur). - All these cats are long tailed Btn bu kediler uzun kuyrukludur. - All these cats are long tailed u ne? - what is that (just there)? u bir gazete - that is a newspaper Onca gazete dnknn. - All those newspapers are yesterday's. Btn o gazeteler dnknn.. - All those newspapers are yesterday's. o ne? - what is that over there? o bir dergi - that is a magazine Bunlarca dergi - All these are magazines.

bunlar ne? - what are these? bunlar yeil elma. - these (ones) are green apples. unlar ne? - what are those? unlar beyaz evler. - those are white houses. onlar kim? - who are those (people) over there? onlar gen kzlar. - those (people) are young girls. Onlarca kzlar gen. - All those girls are young. buna bakar msnz? - would you look after this? - [-a bakmak = to look after, take temporary care of..] bunlara bakar msnz? - would you look after these? ona bakar msnz? - would you look after that? onlara bakar msnz? - would you look after those? Adverbial Forms The are further derivations of - bu, u, o - which have produced the words - byle, yle, yle - the meanings are a follows: byle - In this way/thus yle - like this/ that yle - such as that/like that The -ce suffix can also be added to form adverbs: bylece - In this way/thus ylece - such as that/like that Byle bir i yapmayn! - Don't do anything like that! Bylece onu yapn! - Do it this way.. yle byle - like this, like that - (as French - comme ci comme a) This can be given as an answer when asked - How are you? - [ie. I'm up and down, I'm getting on OK etc..]

yle bir ya yad ki.. - There was such a downpour that.. The "Formula Speak" - yle mi? - is also used a lot when listening with apparent disbelief to some one describing events. It means something like - Well I never, Go on then, Really?? - This formula is used a lot in normal daily conversation.

The Comparison of Adjectives The Degree of Equality The degree of equality is obtained by the use of kadar.. - [Lit: "its amount"] - as.. Londra stanbul kadar gzel. - London is as beautiful as Istanbul. Mehmet Ali kadar zengin. - Mehmet is as rich as Ali. Kar kadar beyaz. - As white as snow. The Negative Equality The negative comparison is marked by the use of - deil - is not - placed after the comparison. Londra stanbul kadar gzel deil. - London is not as beautiful as Istanbul. Aye Deren kadar boylu deil. - Aye is not as tall as Deren. The Degree of Comparison: This comparison is made by using - daha - more - and suffixing the object being compared with -dan or -den - from - thus giving the sense than in the comparison. Mehmet Ali'den daha zengin. - Mehmet is richer than Ali.

stanbul Londra'dan daha gzel. - Istanbul is more beautiful than London. Demir sudan daha ar. - Iron is heavier than water. The Negative of Comparison The Negative First Degree Comparison uses daha az - less(er) Londra stanbul'dan daha az megul. - London is less busy than stanbul. Bulmacalar Trke derslerden daha az ilgin. - Crosswords are less interesting than Turkish lessons The Positive Superlative The Third Degree of Comparison is obtained by using en - the most Mehmet en zengin adam. - Mehmet is the richest man. Dnyann en gzel ehri, stanbul. - Istanbul is the world's most beautiful city. The Negative Superlative The Negative uses - en az - the least - [Lit: the most less..] Dnyann en az zengin memleketleri Afrika'da. - The least richest countries of the world are in Africa. However, the fact is that although possible, usage of - en az - for negative superlatives is not common. The preferred way is to use the superlative form of opposite adjective. So, the preferred way of the example is: Dnyann en fakir memleketleri Afrika'da. - The world's poorest countries are in Africa.

The more common usage of - en az - is - at least... Ahmet en az Mehmet kadar zekidir. - Ahmet is at least as intelligent as Mehmet Sen de en az benim kadar yeteneklisin. - You are at least as talented as me. kadar iyi - as good as.. bu, o kadar iyi - this, is as good as that.

bu onun kadar iyi - this is as good as that. -dan daha iyi - better than.. bu, ondan daha iyi - this, is better than that. en iyisi - the best.. bu, en iyisi(dir) - [Lit: iyisi - the best..] - this, is the best of all Many thanks to Ahmet A. Akin for suggestions to this section - JG Nov. 2006 Further Shades of Degree

ok - too, very, many.. ok para istiyor - he wants a lot of money ok mutluyum - I'm very happy ok odal bir otel - a hotel containing many rooms en ok - the most.. en ok para - the most money En ok para Ali'de - Ali has got the most money tepede en ok ev var - most of the houses are on the hill daha - more.. iki ay daha, ltfen - two more teas, please daha be bira, ltfen - five beers more, please fazla - too much, excessive.. fazla yemek geldi - too much food has arrived fazla para istediler - they wanted too much money daha fazla - much more.. daha fazla yemek geldi - much more food has arrived daha fazla para istediler - they wanted much more money The Negative Forms

az, biraz - a little..


az sonra arya gidiyorum - I'm going to the shops a little later on biraz tuz istiyorum - I want a little salt daha az - Lit: more less(er)] - lesser.. yemee daha az tuz koyunuz - put less salt on the food buralarda, daha az polis var - there are less policemen around here pek az - [Lit: a bit less(er)] - very little.. pek az sigara kullanyorum - I smoke (cigarettes) just a little pek az eker istiyorum - I only want a little sugar ok az - [lit: a lot little(er)] - extremely little.. ok az benzin kalyor - just a small amount of petrol is left ok az para istedi - he only wanted a very small amount of money

Turkish Language - List of Turkish Intensified Adjectives This is a pretty comprehensive list of Intensified Turkish Adjectives and Adverbs - many of them are in constant use both in daily conversation and newspapers and periodicals, plus stories and novels. It is a way that language colours itself. So when you are reading or listening you must always be on the look out for this type of usage as it is very common. If you want to intensify an adjective, you have to follow these steps: - Take an adjective - Find the first vowel of the adjective - Put one of the letters (p,r,s,m) after this first vowel - Add the original adjective again at the very end In this way, you will be 90% successful. There are some exceptions like , parampara, iriliplak etc. In those cases, the difference from the

rule is, you do not put only one letter (p,r,s,m), rather you put 1-2 letters more in between. (-ram- or -ril- as in the examples above) If you should ask how to choose the letter among these 4 - (p,r,s,m). This has no rule, it is just feeling for the one which sounds nicer.Many thanks to Oytun Arslan for noting this. - JG - 19 Sept 2011

Adjective acayip acele ak ayr bakkal baka baya baygn bedava belli beter beyaz bok

Meaning queer in a hurry clear/open separate grocer another common unconscious gratis evident worse white shit

Intensified apacayip, ok acayip alelacele apak apayr bakkal akkal bambaka basbaya aygn baygn besbedava - (little used) besbelli besbeter bembeyaz bombok

Meaning very strange very hastily very clear/open quite separate grocers and the like quite another thing very common languid completely free very clear even worse brilliant white utterly spoilt

bol bo burun buruuk btn canl abuk evre p plak dank dar darack deli deli delice dik

full empty nose creased all alive quickly surroundings rubbish naked untidy narrow pretty narrow madman crazy crazily perpendicular

bosbol bombo baltaburun bumburuuk bsbtn capcanl arabuk epeevre erp rlplak darmadank dapdar dapdarack zprdeli zrdeli deldelice dimdik

filled to the brim quite empty hook nosed wrinkled all over wholly animate very quickly all around sweepings stark naked really untidy cramped, tight-fitting very narrow frantic madman raving mad madly bolt upright


diri dizgin dzlak doru dolu duru dz dz dz geni gcr gndz hzli ince lk slak ssz

alive (stirrup) bald/naked right/correct full limpid flat straight even wide brand new daylight fast thin tepid wet uninhabited

dipdiri doludizgin dmdzlak dosdoru dopdolu dupduru dpedz dmdz dpedz gepgeni gpgcr gpegndz hphzli ipince plk pslak pssz

full of life at full pelt destitute dead right crammed full very clear dead flat dead straight dead even expansive spanking brand new broad daylight very fast very thin lukewarm sopping/all wet desolate


iri kara kaln kark ksa koca kocaman kolay koyu kr kt ktrm kuru ktk kvrak mavi mor

big black thick mixed up short large huge easy dense dark blind bad paralyzed dry a log tidy blue purple

ipiri kapkara kapkaln karmakark kpksa, ksack koskoca koskocaman kopkolay kopkoyu kpkr kpkt - (child talk) ksktrm kupkuru ksktk kskvrak masmavi mosmor

very huge black as night quite thick completely mixed up very short huge enormous very easily really dark absolutely blind very bad completely paralyzed bone dry hopelessly drunk neat and tidy bright blue bright purple


pak pembe perian para pis salam salam sar sefil scak sklam sk sivri siyah irin talan tamam

clean pink miserable/worried bits dirty healthy healthy yellow miserable/poor hot damp tight sharp black charming pillage complete

akpak pespembe perperian parampara pimpis - (child talk) sapsalam sapasalam sapsar sersefil smscak srlsklam smsk sipsivri simsiyah ipirin alantalan tastamam

squeaky clean shocking pink very perturbed in smithereens filthy dirty in fine fettle in fine fettle bright yellow very miserable/poor red-hot sopping wet very tight dead sharp jet black very charming in utter confusion perfect


tatl taze taze temiz top uslu uzun uygun yalnz yass ya yeni yeil yumru yumuak yuvarlak zayf

sweet fresh (food) fresh clean round, ball-like well behaved long suitable alone flat and wide wet new green swollen/round soft globular thin/feeble

taptatl tertaze taptaze tertemiz tortop upuslu upuzun upuygun yapayalnz yamyass yamya yepyeni yemyeil yusyumru yusyumuak yusyuvarlak zapzayf

very sweet blooming/very fresh very fresh squeaky clean quite round very well behaved very long quite adequate absolutely alone very flat all wet brand new bright green very swollen/round very soft absolutely spherical very thin/feeble


All About Personal Pronouns - I, you, he/she/it, we, you, they In Turkish basic pronouns are divided into two categories (1) Stand-alone Pronouns Ben gidiyorum - I am going. (2) Pronouns in suffix form (extended words). Gidiyorum [gidiyor-um] - I am going. The stand-alone personal pronouns are not used widely as the person is evident from the personal verb ending. They are used for emphasis only in their simple form as the verb form itself already points to the person. This is similar to Spanish where a person will say comprendo - I understand instead of Yo comprendo - I understand. However they are used in their extended forms when suffixes are added for all those important little words - to, from, with, etc. Simple Personal Pronouns Singular Plural ben - I sen - you - [familiar] o - He, she, it Examples of Emphasis

biz - we siz - you - [plural and formal singular] onlar - they

gidiyorum - I'm going - but emphasized - ben gidiyorum - I am going kaldk - we stayed - but emphasized - biz kaldk - We stayed Suffixed (Extended) Pronouns The First Person Singular ben - I bana - to me - [irregular - NOT bene] benim - of me, my - [irregular - NOT benin] beni - me (obj.) bende - on me benden - from me benimle or benle - with me The Second Person Singular (familiar) sen - you sana - to you - (irregular) - [NOT sene] senin - of you, your seni - you (obj.) sende - on you senden - from you seninle or senle - with you The Third Person Singular o - he, she, it The First Person Plural biz - we bize - to us bizim - our - [irregular - NOT bizimiz] bizi - us (obj.) bizde - on us bizden - from us bizimle or bizle- with us The Second Person Plural (polite/formal/public) siz - you size - to you sizin your sizi - you (obj.) sizde - on you sizden - from you sizinle or sizle - with you The Third Person Plural onlar - they

ona - to him, her, it onun - of him, his, her, its onu - him, her, it (obj.) onda - on him, her,it ondan - from him, her, it onunla or onla - with him, her, it

onlara - to them onlarn - their onlar - them (obj.) onlarda - on them onlardan - from them onlarla - with them

The Third person spelling changes, all extended forms of - o - use buffer letter -n-. The third person singular pronoun - o - he, she, it - adds letter -n- to become - on- when adding further suffixes. The third person plural is also irregular becoming - onlar - they. When adding the -le/-la suffix ben(im)le, sen(in)le, on(un)la, biz(im)le, siz(in)le are alternatives. The third person plural onlarla is the only alternative, however. It is not correct to say onlarnla. Some Irregularities The personal pronouns show some changes in spelling (irregularities): ben - I - takes the following irregular forms: to me - becomes - bana - [NOT bene]. of me, my - becomes - benim - [NOT - benin]. biz - we - takes the following irregular: of us, our - becomes - bizim - [NOT - bizimiz]. sen - you (sing.) - takes the following irregular form: to you (singular) - becomes - sana - [NOT - sene]. It seems that these changes have naturally occurred over a period of historical daily usage.


Extended Forms of the Personal Pronouns The main use for the Personal Pronouns is to extend them with all the important little words - to, from, with etc. , which of course are suffixes in Turkish. Motion Toward Suffix -e/-a With the -a -e Motion Towards suffix - to, towards Singular bana sana ona to me to you to him, to her , to it Plural bize size onlara to us to you to them

Notice that the first and second person singular forms are bana and sana - they are irregular - bene and sene - would have been expected. This is a shift that has happened historically but some of the Turkic Languages have not made this Vowel Shift so - bene and sene - are used in the Kazakh and Uzbek tongues. Examples With the -a -e suffix: Bana onu verin - Give it to me [This can also mean - "Give that to me." - as - o - translates as both - he/she/it - and as a demonstrative pronoun - that yonder] Onlara baknz - Look at them. - [lit: towards them.] Bize inanyorlar - They believe us. - [lit: believe to us.] Note that the word - inanmak - to believe - takes the Dative Case as its Object - hence Turkish says - bize inann - believe to us. Whereas English uses the direct object for the verb - to believe - thus we say - Believe us. We also have certain verbs in English that do not take the Direct object case - as in - "I am frightened OF the dark." Static Suffix -de/-da With the -de -da Static Condition suffix - in, on, at

Singular bende sende onda in, on,at me on you on him, on her, on it

Plural bizde sizde onlarda on us on you on them

Examples with the -de/-da suffix: Bende para yok - I've got no money - [lit: on me] Sende para var m? - Have you got any money? - [lit: on you] Bizde para var m? - Have we got any money? - [lit: on us] Motion Away -den/-dan With the -den -dan Movement Away suffix - from, via, movement away Singular benden senden ondan from me from you from him, her ,it Plural bizden sizden onlardan from us from you from them

Examples with the -den suffix: Benden bir emsiye alabilirsiniz - You can have an umbrella off me. - [lit: from me] Senden bir sigara alr mym? - Can I have a cigarette off you? - [lit: take from you] Ondan korkuyorum - I am frightened of him - [lit: frightened from him] Ownership Suffix -in/-n/-un/-n With the -in -n -un -n Ownership suffix - of, belonging to Singular Plural

benim senin onun

my, of me your, of you his, hers, its, of him.

bizim sizin onlarn

our, of us your, of you their, of them

Examples with the -in suffix: Benim emsiyemi [emsiye-m-i] alabilirsiniz. - You can take my umbrella. - [emsiye-m-i] - "my umbrella" as a Direct Object. Senin araban yeni mi? - Is your car new? Onlarn arabas eskidir. - Their car is old. Object Suffix -i/-/-u/- With the -i - -u - Objective suffix which signifies the Direct Object Singular beni seni onu me you him, her, it Plural bizi sizi onlar Us You Them

Examples with the -i Direct Object Suffix: Mehmet, beni vurdu - Mehmet shot me. - [ben-i - me as a Direct Object] Ali, araban onard m? - Did Ali repair your car? - [araba-n- - your car as a Direct Object] Mustafa, onu yapt - Mustapha did it.. - [on-u - it as a Direct Object] We have to realize that in English we make both the Subject and Object of a sentence substantive by the use of the same Definite Article "the.": "The man closed the door". We have learnt elsewhere that the Subject is already understood as substantive in Turkish - so it does not need a Definite Article - in fact the Subject Definite Article - "the" - does not exist in Turkish, there is no "THE man..". However there is an Object Definite Article - "the" in Turkish which appears (according to vowel harmony rules) as the suffix -(y)i - "Adam kapykapatt" - "The man closed the door"

This Direct Object Suffix which makes the Object substantive is one of the most difficult hurdles for English speakers to surmount when speaking, reading and understanding The Turkish Language. "with, by" Suffix -le/-la With the -le -la (ile) suffix - with, and, together with Singular ben(im)le sen(in)le on(un)la with me with you with him, her, it. Plural biz(im)le siz(in)le onlarla with us with you with them

Adding the -le -la suffix can be considered as an exception. When adding the -le/-la suffix ben(im)le, sen(in)le, on(un)la, biz(im)le, siz(in)le are alternatives. The third person plural onlarla is the only alternative, however. It is not correct to say onlarnla. The preferred version is added to the genitive -in form of the pronouns, not directly to the root pronoun - except for the third person plural onlarla - with them [not "onlarnla"] Examples with the -le suffix: Mehmet, benimle geldi. - Mehmet came with me. Mehmet and I came. - [ben-im-le - with me or and I] Mustafa, bizimle kalacak - Mustapha will stay with us.. - [biz-im-le - with us] Ali, onlarla geldi mi? - Did Ali come with them? - [onlar-la - with them - see exception note below] For the preferred version the -le or -la - with - suffix is added to the Genitive Form of Pronouns. - Except for the third person plural which retains the basic form - onlarla - with them Thanks to Bahaddin Cankurt for his corrections - JG Feb 2006 Reflexive Pronouns - kendi - "self/own" As an adjective kendi means own kendi bahem - my own garden

kendi evin - your own house -the person agrees with the thing which is owned - kendi arabalar - their own car - [kendi araba-lar] The reflexive pronoun is kendi - self/own The suffixed kendi - self - Personalised Forms kendim - myself kendin - yourself (familiar) kendi(si) himself/herself/itself kendimiz ourselves kendiniz - yourselves (yourself - polite form) kendileri themselves

Note that the third person singular is almost always in the short form - kendi - as the -si suffix is dropped in use. Kendi is also use in its extended (suffixed) forms: kendime - to myself kendinden - from yourself kendinde or kendisinde - on himself - the -si suffix IS USED when further suffixes are added to kendi(si) kendimizle - with ourselves kendinizin - of yourselves kendilerinden - from themselves Kendi is used in many different contexts, especially for emphasizing purposes. (a) Meaning myself, yourself, himself Kendime bir bilgisayar aldm. - I bought a computer for myself. Bence kendini biraz kmsyorsun. - I think you underestimate yourself a bit.


(b) Meaning own (as an adjective) kendi evim or benim kendi evim - my own house kendi dncesi - onun kendi dncesi - her own opinion (c) Meaning on my own or in order to emphasize the subject. Bu resmi ben kendim yaptm. - I made this picture on my own (by myself). Bunu biz kendimiz dndk. - We thought that on our own (by ourselves). (d) To give a formal impression, used for 3rd person singular and plural, always as kendisi or kendileri. Size Mr. Jones'u takdim etmek istiyorum. Kendisi daha nce bir irkette CEO olarak alyordu. - I would like to present you Mr. Jones. He used to work [lit: was working before] as a CEO in a company. If we say o instead of kendisi it sounds a bit informal. kendisi suits the formal situation in a better way. (e) Duplication of kendi. Has somewhat an adverbial meaning. Bilgisayar bozuktu. Ama daha sonra kendi kendine alt. - The computer had broken down. But then, it worked by itself. Kendi kendime konuuyorum. - I am talking to myself. Trke'yi kendi kendime rendim. - I learned Turkish by myself (meaning, I did not get any course or help of someone) One should not confuse Reflexive Verbs with the usage of kendi. For example, I took a bath translates as Ykandm in Turkish {Lit: I washed myself]. Ykadm is I washed, and the -n serves as a suffix with a reflexive meaning. Yet, we don't say "Kendimi ykadm.", we say directly Ykandm. When we want to mean - I got wet., we don't say "Kendimi sladm.", but we say Islandm. See Reflexive Verb Formation Thanks to Oytun Arslan for suggestions and the above addition to this page - September 2011.


Interrogative - who?, whom? - kim?, kimler? The Personal Interrogative Pronoun - kim? - who? The pronoun kim? - who? - has a plural in Turkish: kimler? - who? - whereas English makes do with one form who for both singular and plural. Singular kim kime kimin kimi kimde kimden kiminle or kimle Some Further Examples: Kimi grdnz? - Whom did you see? - [Objective Singular] Kimleri grdnz? - Whom (what people) did you see? - [Objective Plural] Arabay kimlerden aldnz? - From whom (plural) did you buy the car? Paray kime verdiniz? - To whom did you give the money? Bu gzlk kimin? - Whose are these glasses? Kiminle geldi? - Whom did he come with? Translation of - kimse - somebody/anybody/anybody?, nobody.

Meaning who? to whom? whose? whom? (obj.) on whom? from whom? with whom?

Plural Kimler Kimlere Kimlerin Kimleri kimlerde kimlerden kimlerle

The translation of - somebody. - [positive] is - biri, birisi (Paricular) - (singular) OR birileri - (plural) - in Turkish nobody - [negative] is - kimse - in Turkish anybody - [negative] is - kimse - in Turkish anybody? - [positive or negative question] - is kimse in Turkish. The word - kimse (which is used for both singular and plural) - is very much that same as - "personne" - in French, inasmuch as it can mean nobody [negative] or anybody? [positive and negative questions] according to the sentence context. These examples show that the word somebody in Turkish can be a singular somebody - biri, birisi or some plural somebodies - birileri; Biri var., Birisi var., Birileri var - all mean - There is somebody there. - [Positive statement uses - somebody - in English.], and you are told whether it is a singular or plural sombody in Turkish. Kimse var m?, Kimseler var m? - Is there anybody there? - [Positive question uses - anybody..? - in English.] Kimse yok. - There is nobody there. - [Negative statement uses - nobody.. - in English.] Kimse yok mu? - Isn't there anybody there? - [Negative question uses - anybody..? - in English.] Further Examples of Usage imdiden evde biri (birileri) olmal - There must be somebody at home by now. [Positive Statement.] Saat sekizde parkta kimse grnmedi. - At eight o'clock there was nobody to be seen in the park [Negative Statement.] Saat sekizde parkta kimse var myd? - Was there anybody in the park at eight o'clock? [Positive Question.] u anda ofisinizde kimse yok mu? - Isn't there anybody in your office at the moment? - [Negative Question.] Thanks to Nurcan Akaltun ifti for corrections to the above section - JG - May 2008. Special Case - the Diminutive Form - kimsecik - kimsecikler If the diminutive form - kimsecik, kimsecikler - is used with the negative as in - kimsecik yok - the the meaning becomes - nobody at all Odann ierisinde (or iinde) kimse var m? - Is there anybody inside the room? [oda-nn ieri-si-nde = room-of inside-its-at - a Possessive Relationship] Odada kimsecik (kimsecikler) yok. - There is nobody at all in the room. [oda-da - simply - the room-in] Rules to remember - kimsecik, kimsecikler - is only used with negative verbs. The word and kimsecik, kimsecikler is invariable, it does not take any further suffixes. Thanks to K. Murat Aras for corrections to this page 3rd Aug.2006

The Possessive Adjective All about Possessive Adjectives - my, your, her, our, etc: The Possessive Adjective - my, your, his, her ,our, their - is a suffix which obeys vowel harmony rules. It is called a Possessive Adjective because it shows possession and describes a noun. Which cat? - the answer - my cat. The word - my - is a Possessive Adjective describing the noun - cat. In Turkish the suffix -m,-im,-um,-m added to words ending in a consonant or just -m when added to words ending in a vowel means - my. Examples of the Suffixed Possessive Adjective - my The E-Dotted Vowels Singular The E-Dotted Vowels el di gz gl eller diler gzler gller The A-UnDotted Vowels hand tooth eye rose hands teeth eyes roses Singular elim diim gzm glm ellerim dilerim gzlerim gllerim The A-UnDotted Vowels Plural

Plural my hand my tooth my eye my rose my hands my teeth my eyes my roses

ay kz tost sabun aylar kzlar tostlar sabunlar Adding Suffixes

month, moon girl, daughter toast soap

aym kzm tostum sabunum

my month my daughter my toast my soap my months my daughters my toast(s) (slices of) my soap(s) (bars of.)

months, moons aylarm girls, daughters kzlarm toasts (slices of) tostlarm (bars of) soap(s) sabunlarm

The Plural is always the First Suffix Added. The Possessive Suffix follows the Plural Suffix. Examples of tbe plural and additional suffixes: ellerim - [el-ler-im] - my hands odalarmz - [oda-lar-mz] - our rooms Thanks J. R. for correction - Oct 2005 Adding the Possessive Adjective to words that end in a vowel When the word ends in a vowel then the Possessive Suffix drops its own initial vowel. kedi - cat kedim - [kedi-m] - my cat But the Possessive Suffix does not lose a vowel when attached to the plural of a noun as it follows the final consonant of -ler kediler - cats kedilerim - [kedi-ler-im] - my cats


The Third Person Singular Possessive Suffix -i becomes -si (uses Buffer Letter -s-) when added to a noun ending in a vowel. oda - room odas - oda-s- - his room This example shows the addition of the buffer letter -s- in order to keep two vowels apart. Possessive Adjective Reference Summary The suffixes for all the persons viz: my, your, his, our, your, their - are as follows. Note that they all obey Vowel Harmony Rules. Suffixed to Consonants -m -im -um -m -n -in -un -n - -i -u - -mz -imiz -umuz -mz -nz -iniz -unuz -nz -lar -leri The single exception - su - water The word su - water is the single irregular noun in Turkish. It takes a buffer letter -y- with all its suffixes. su - water, suyum - my water, suyun - your water, suyu - his water, suyumuz - our water, suyunuz - your water, sular - their water. Some Examples showing Consonant Mutation when adding Suffixes palto - overcoat paltom - my overcoat paltolarm - my overcoats sokak - street

Meaning my your his/her/its our your their

Suffixed to Vowels -m -n -s -si -su- -s -mz- miz -muz -mz -nz -niz -nuz -nz -lar -leri

sokam - my street sokaklarm - my streets gz - eye gzn - your eye gzleriniz - your eyes armut - pear armudu - his pear armutlar - his pears/their pear(s) The last example (armutlar - his pears/their pear(s)) above can be construed three ways : armutlar - - his pears armut -lar - their pear OR their pears ["armutlarlar" - is wrong, the -lar suffix cannot be re-duplicated]. The context of conversation is usually enough for the correct interpretation to be understood. It seems that "their pears" should be "armutlarlar", but suffixes ending in -lar are never doubled, therefore the context should make clear the singularity or plurality of the noun. However, to be explicit then - onun - his - or - onlarn - their - can be used: onun armudu - his pear - [he has singular pear] onun armutlar - his pears - [he has plural pears] onlarn armudu - their pear - [they have a singular pear] onlarn armutlar - their pears - [they have plural pears] Examples showing difference of singular and plural nouns araba arabamz arabalarmz otobs otobsmz car our car our cars bus our bus oda odas odalar emsiye emsiyeniz room his room his rooms umbrella your umbrella aile ailesi aileleri kulak kulanz family his family their family/families ear your ear

otobslerimiz domuz domuzu domuzlar

our buses pig his pig his pigs/their pig(s)

emsiyeleriniz kap kapm kaplarm

your umbrellas door my door my doors

kulaklarnz gz gzleri gzleri

your ears eye his eyes/their eye(s) his eyes/their eye(s)

The addition of further suffixes to the possessed noun: A noun with the possessive suffix being a noun in its own right can be subject to further suffixes. Buffer letter -n- is used when adding second suffixes to possessed items for third person singular - his, her, its - and third person plural - their : arabasna [araba-s-n-a] - to his/her car elmalarndan [elma-lar-n-dan] - from their apple(s} Here are some examples of extended possessed nouns where further suffixes have been added to make a new word. kedi - cat - Singular - * kedi ends in a vowel so only suffix -m is added kedim - my cat - [kedi-m] kedimden - from my cat - [kedi-m-den] kedime - to my cat - [kedi-m-e] kediler - cats - Plural - * kediler ends in a consonant so suffix -im is added kedilerim - my cats - [kedi-ler-im] kedilerimden - from my cats - [kedi-ler-im-den] kedilerime - to my cats - [kedi-ler-im-e] araba - car - * araba ends in a vowel so only suffix -n is added araban - your car - [araba-n] arabana - to your car - [araba-n-a] arabanda - in your car - [araba-n-da] arabalar - cars - * arabalar ends in a consonant so total suffix -m is added arabalarn - your cars - [araba-lar-n]

arabalarna - to your cars - [araba-lar-n-a] arabalarnda - in your cars - [araba-lar-n-da] elma - apple - * elma ends in a vowel so third person suffix - using buffer letter -s is added onun elmas - his apple - [elma-s-] onun elmasnda - in his apple - [elma-s--n-da] onun elmasndan - from his apple - [elma-s--n-dan] Note: onun - his - is used to show that this apple belongs to one person Remind me about buffer letter -nA noun with the possessive suffix can be subject to further suffixes. Buffer letter -n- is used when adding second suffixes third person singular - his, her, its - and third person plural - their elmalar - apples onun elmalar - his apples - [elma-lar-] onun elmalarnda - in his apples - [elma-lar--n-da] onlarn elmasnda - in their apple - [elma-s--n-da] onlarn elmasndan - from their apple - [elma-s--n-da] onlarn elmalar - their apples - [elma-lar] onlarn elmalarnda - in their apples - [elma-lar-n-da] onlarn elmalarndan - from their apples - [elma-lar-n-dan] Note: onlarn - their is used to show that this/these apple(s) belongs to more than one person ky - village kymz - our village - [ky-mz] kymzde - in our village - [ky-mz-de] kymzden - from our village - [ky-mz-den] kyler - villages kylerimiz - our villages - [ky-ler-imiz] kylerimizde - in our villages - [ky-ler-imiz-de] kylerimizden - from our villages - [ky-ler-imiz-den]

kpek - dog kpeiniz - your dog - [kpe-iniz] kpeinizde - on your dog - [kpe-iniz-de] kpeinize - to your dog - [kpe-iniz-e] Note: The Rule of Consonant Mutation - -k changes to - - is operating here when a vowel suffix is being added to a hard consonant. kpekler - dogs kpekleri - their dogs - [kpek-leri] kpeklerine - to his dogs - [kpek-ler-i-n-e] or to their dog(s) - [kpek-leri-n-e] kpeklerinden - from their dogs - [kpek-leri-n-den] ev - house onlarn evi - their house - [ev-i] onlarn evine - to their house - [ev-i-n-e] onlarn evlerinde - in their houses - [ev-leri-n-de] onlarn evlerinden - from their houses - [ev-leri-n-den] evler - houses onun evleri - his houses - [ev-ler-i] onun evlerinde - in his houses - [ev-ler-i-n-de] onun evlerinden - from his houses - [ev-ler-i-n-den] Remind me again about buffer letter -NA noun with the possessive suffix can be subject to further suffixes. Buffer letter -n- is used when adding second suffixes to possessed nouns and also for third person singular - his, her, its - and third person plural - their - suffixes.

The Possessive Relationship All about Possession There is a special construction in Turkish which means - belonging to In English generally only the Possessor is marked as in - Janet's house 60

where the 's tells us that the house belongs to Janet. However, possession can also be marked by both the Possessor and the Possessed in English as in - the hair of the dog. In this case both words - hair - and - dog - are marked THE hair and OF THE dog. This then is the way that Turkish uses, for both words, the Possessor and the Possessed are always marked viz: kpein ty (Kpe-in ty-) - The hair of the dog [Lit: dog-the-of hair-the] The Possessor In Turkish the possessor is suffixed with -in, -n, -un, -n, or -nin -etc. when suffixed to a word which ends in a vowel. The -in suffix means of, belonging to - in English, and of course is subject to vowel harmony. In grammar this is called the Genitive Case Formation of the Possessor: For words ending in a consonant we add -in, -n, -un, -n - according to Vowel Harmony Rules adamn - (adam-n) - the man's adam - man - adamn - of the man, the man's gz - eye - gzn - of the eye, the eye's All plural forms end in a consonant -ler/-lar. Example: adamlarn - (adam-lar-n) - of the men. adamlar - the men - adamlarn - of the men, the men's fareler - the mice - farelerin - of the mice, the mice's lastikler - the tyres - lastiklerin - of the tyres, the tyres' Nouns ending in vowels use buffer letter -n to form -nin. Example: banyonun - (banyo-nun) - of the bath. banyo - bath - banyonun - of the bath, the bath's kpr - bridge - kprnn - of the bridge, the bridge's Formation of the Possessed

The possessed item in Turkish is suffixed with -i, -, -u, - - his, hers, its. If the word being suffixed already ends in a vowel then the buffer letter -s- is used after this final vowel, thus the forms -si, -s, -su, -s are used. This suffix is also is subject to vowel harmony as shown above. The only exception is su - water. This word historically uses the buffer letter -y- producing suyu (susu is wrong) Formation of the Possessive Relationship Both the Possessor and Possessed are suffixed in Turkish as follows: The Possessor - adam - man with the Possessed - el - hand becomes: adamn eli - [adam-n el-i] - the man's hand, the hand of the man - (Lit: man-of hand-his.) The Possessor - Mehmet - Mehmet - with the Possessed - palto - overcoat - becomes: Mehmet 'in paltosu - [Mehmet-'in palto-su] - Mehmet's overcoat - (Lit: Mehmet-of overcoat-his). So the irregular noun su - water becomes adamn suyu [adam-n su-y-u] - the man's water. When adding suffixes to Proper names that the suffix is separated by an apostrophe. The easy way to remember is that any noun beginning with a capital letter should be separated from its suffix. i.e. Londra - (London) - becomes - Londra'nn - London's, of London. This Possessive Relationship is used to form Compound Nouns (Definite Noun Completion) The Plurals of the Possessive Relationship The plurals are formed by the addition of -ler or -lar to either the possessor or the possessed or to both according to context. The following examples should make this clear: Both Possessor and Possessed Singular adamn arabas - [adam-n araba-s] - the man's car evin dam - [ev-in dam-] - the roof of the house The Possessor Plural and Possessed Singular yldzlarn - [yldz -lar-n -] - the light of the stars adamlarn arabas - [adam-lar-n araba-s] - the men's car

The Possessor Singular and Possessed Plural adamn arabalar - [adam-n araba-lar-] - the man's cars odann duvarlar - [oda-n duvar-lar-] - the walls of the room Both Possessor Plural and Possessed Plural adamlarn arabalar - [adam-lar-n araba-lar-] - the men's cars ocuklarn oyunlar - [ocouk-lar-n oyun-lar-] - the children's games The Possessive Relationship in Use The Possessive Relationship is Compound Noun in its own right and as such can have further suffixes such as -dan, -den - from, -da -de - in, on at , -a , -e - to, towards etc. - added to the Possessed item(s) to modify the meaning according to context: Adamn arkadana kitab verdim - I gave the book to the man's friend Adam-n arkada--na kitab verdim - [Lit: Man-of friend-his-to book-the gave-I] Adamn arkadandan kitab aldm - I took the book from the man's friend Adam-n arkada--ndan kitab aldm - [Lit: Man-of friend-his-from book-the took-I] Possessive Relationship Model Both the Possessor and the Possessed Singular adamn arabas adamn arabasnn adamn arabasna adamn arabasn adamn arabasnda adamn arabasndan adamn arabasyla adamn arabalar the man's car of the man's car, the man's car's to the man's car the man's car (object) in the man's car from the man's car with the man's car the man's cars

The Possessor Singular and the Possessed Plural

adamn arabalarnn adamn arabalarna adamn arabalarn adamn arabalarnda adamn arabalarndan adamn arabalaryla adamlarn arabas adamlarn arabasnn adamlarn arabasna adamlarn arabasn adamlarn arabasnda adamlarn arabasndan adamlarn arabasyla Both Possessor and Possessed Plural adamlarn arabalar adamlarn arabalarnn adamlarn arabalarna adamlarn arabalarn adamlarn arabalarnda adamlarn arabalarndan adamlarn arabalaryla

of the man's cars, the man's car's to the man's cars the man's cars (object) in the man's cars from the man's cars with the man's cars the men's car of the men's car, the men's car's to the men's car the men's car (object) in the men's car from the men's car with the men's car the men's cars of the men's cars, the men's cars' to the men's cars the men's cars (object) in the men's cars from the men's cars with the men's cars

The Possessor Plural and the Possessed Singular

A note on separation of possessor and possessed The Possessive Relationship may be separated by other words such as an adjective or an adjectival phrase: Adamn eski arkadandan - From the man's old friend Adamn byk ve pahal arabasnda - In the man's large and expensive car Chaining Possessors The chaining of Possessors is quite easy in Turkish, as follows: evin kapsnn penceresi - the house's door's window And with various plural forms: evin kapsnn pencereleri - the house's door's windows evlerin kapsnn penceresi - the houses' door's window As you can see each "chained" Possessor takes both the Possessed Suffix in -i and the Possessor Suffix in -in [hence - kap-s -nn - door-theof] , while the item Possessed takes the Possessed Suffix in -i - [hence pencere-si - window-the (Sing.) orpencere-ler-i - windows-the (Plural] Further examples of chaining: Ali'nin defterinin sayfalar yrtlmtr - Ali's notebook's pages are torn - [Lit: have been torn] Bahenin duvarlarnn tulalar krlmtr. - The garden's walls' bricks are broken - [Lit: have been broken] Mehmet'in bisikletinin lastikleri anlmtr - Mehmet's bicycle's tyres are worn down - [Lit: have been worn down] Arabamzn motorunun benzin deposunun doldurma kapa eksiktir - Our car's engine's petrol tank's filler cap is missing - [Lit: is absent, tir makes this definite] - Note that the -tir suffix makes these sentences have a definite meaning. In English we would say something like: Ali's notebook pages are torn. The garden walls' bricks are broken. Mehmet's bicycle tyres are worn down. But in Turkish the "possessed nouns" have to be made definite.


Possessive Constructions Formation of Possessive Constructions A simple basic Possessive Construction is two nouns where the first noun "owns" the second noun. Ev - house and duvar - wall produces a Possessive Construction evin duvar [ev-in duvar-] - the wall of the house - literally in Turkish - "the house-of wall-its". With this we can form a Possessive Construction like - evin duvar [ev-in duvar-] - the wall of the house. The first noun is the Possessor with a Suffix of Ownership (Genitive Suffix) - ev-in - of the house, the house's. Whilst the second noun is the Possessed Object and is given the 3rd Person Suffix - duvar - the (its) wall. Extended Forms of Possessive Constuctions If the motion toward, static or motion away suffix is the added we have: evin duvarna - to the wall of the house [to the house's wall] evin duvarnda - at/on/in the wall of the house [in/on/at the house's wall] evin duvarndan - from the wall of the house [from the house's wall] Consider the following examples Odann iinde yer bulup oturdu. - He found a place in the room and sat down. [In the inside of the room..] Mehmet'in kutuda ne var? - What is in Mehmet's box? Bilmem, onun iine bakmadm. - I don't know, I have not looked (to the) inside (of) it. Bankann iinden bir ses geliyordu. - A sound was coming from (the) inside (of) the bank. Bu odann iindekiler birbiriyle sohbet ediyor. - The people in this room are chatting to each other. [The people that are in the inside of the room are chatting to each other] Omission of the Possessive Suffix In many cases the suffix of Possession may be omitted from the first noun with very little difference in meaning: Fabrikann iinde ok insan alyor. - Fabrika iinde ok insan alyor. Both the above mean - Many people are working in the factory. But in other cases there is a distinction in definiteness and specific meaning when the Possession Suffix is omitted from the first noun.

Definite Possession Frequently the distinction is one of definiteness (or specificity). If the first noun carries the Possessive Suffix, it is definite (specific) and refers to a particular specific object known to the speaker. Bu hayvanlar maarann iinde yaar. - These animals live wall the cave. [a definite cave] Eyalarm kutunun iine koydum. - I put my things into the box. [A definite box] Indefinite Possession If however the Possessive Suffix is absent then the noun becomes indefinite and is often used in a general sense: Bu hayvanlar maara iinde yaar - These animals live wall caves. [caves generally] Eyalarm kutu iine koydum. - I put my things into a box/boxes [Indefinite box/boxes] Idiomatic Forms of Possession Sometimes the Possessive Compound corresponds to an idiomatic expression: Ali'nin dairesi, ehrin iinde. - Ali's office is (right) in the town. Ali'nin dairesi, ehir iinde. - Ali's office is in town. ("downtown" - USA usage) Metaphorical Sense Also the Possessive (genitive) is normally omitted when it is used in a metaphorical instead of actual physical sense: Bir hafta iinde kitabn bitirecek. - He will finish his book within a week. ki gn iinde geri dneceim. - I'll return in(side) two days. Demonstratives are Definite

However, when the first noun is already definite (as in the case of the Demonstrative Pronouns - this and that) then it must have a Possessor Suffix: Bu ehrin iinde ok insan var. - There are many people (living) in this city. Bu bahenin iinde ok eit iek bulunur. - Many type of flowers are to be found in this garden. Yangn, o adamn ofisinin iinde balam. - Apparently [-m] the fire started in that man's office. (chained possession "in the wall of the office of the man") O hayvanlar u maarann iinde yaar. - Those animals live wall that cave. Thanks to Neil A. for suggestions and the above addition to this page - January 2008.

About - var - there is, there are and yok - there isn't, there aren't A sign in Kuadas


A sign in Kuadas at the far end of Ladies' Beach - May 2006 This sign says it all, is there a room empty or not, we wonder? Present Tense Form Note that both - var and yok - are used for either the Singular - there is, there isn't or the Plural - there are, there aren't Basically - var - means - Is existent, It exists, There is, There are. Tepede bir lokanta var - There is a cafe on the hill. Bu aata ok meyve var - There is a lot of fruit on this tree. yok - means - Is non existent, It does not exist, There isn't, There aren't Bahede kzlar yok - There are no girls in the garden. Garajda hi araba yok - There is/are not any car(s) in the garage at all. Yeil kutuda kibrit yok - There is/are no match(es) in the green box. Do not forget that "People are" and "Things is" in Turkish. This is why the last two examples can be singular or plural in meaning. Present Question Form This is formed by adding the Question Particle - mi? - according to Vowel Harmony Rules. The Question Particle is written separately: var m? - means - Does it exist? Is there? Are there?

yok mu? - means - Doesn't it exist? Isn't there? Aren't there? Tepede bir lokanta var m? - Is there a cafe on the hill? Aata meyve var m? - Is there any fruit on the tree? yok mu? - means - Doesn't it exist?, Isn't there?, Aren't there? Garajda hi araba yok mu? - Isn't there a/any car(s) in the garage? Yeil kutuda kibrit yok mu? - Are there not any matches in the green box? In all cases the Question Particle is written separately. Definite Past Form This form is also used for the Past by using the past tense suffix -di according to Vowel Harmony and Consonant Mutation Rules: Thus - var - There is, There are - becomes - vard - There was, There were Tepede bir lokanta vard. - There was a cafe on the hill. Bu aata ok meyve vard. - There was a lot of fruit on this tree. Similarly - yok - There is not, There are not - becomes - yoktu - There was not, There were not Garajda hi araba yoktu. - There wasn't a (single) car in the garage. Yeil kutuda kibrit yoktu. - There were no matches in the green box. Past Tense Question This is formed by adding the Past Tense Question Particle - miydi? - according to Vowel Harmony Rules The Past Tense Question Particle is written separately: var myd? - means - Did it exist? Was there? Were there? yok muydu? - means - Didn't it exist? Wasn't there? Weren't there? var myd? - means - Did it exist? Was there? Were there? Tepede bir lokanta var myd? - Was there is a cafe on the hill? Aata meyve var myd? - Was there is any fruit on the tree? The Past Tense Question Particle is written separately. yok muydu? - means - Didn't it exist? Wasn't there? Weren't there?

Garajda hi araba yok muydu?. - Wasn't there a car(s) in the garage? Yeil kutuda kibrit yok muydu? - Weren't there (any) matches in the green box? The Past Tense Question Particle is written separately. An Actual Example

Here is a sign along the old Lycian Road near Ka in the South Aegean Region of Turkey. Many thanks to Jim Gronsand of Portland, Oregon, USA - Mar 4 2007. It clearly shows that Var (and Yok) always come at the end of the sentence in Turkish. You can see that the writer of the sign has literally translated into English - Care! Dog there is! - thus conserving the natural Turkish word order. More forms of - there is, there are - which are in daily use Other than the basic forms of - there is, there are - as shown above the following more extended forms are in constant use in daily Turkish conversation. The Formal Form


vardr - definitely, surely The formal form acts a statement of fact and is suffixed with the verb - to be - -dir As already mentioned above - vardr - means - Is (definitely) existent, It (definitely) exists, There (definitely) is, There (definitely) are. This form is used in Public Notices and Advices.

2006 Unutma! Her trafik kuralnn bir nedeni vardr. Don't forget, every traffic law has a reason..! Thus showing - vardr as definitely, surely. Formal Public Form

Here is an actual example from a Traffic Propaganda Advertisement seen in Manisa, Turkey, May

vardr - definitely, surely. vardr - means - Is (definitely) existent, It (definitely) exists, There (definitely) is, There (definitely) are. Tepede bir lokanta vardr - There is a cafe on the hill - [definitely] Bir kiloda bin gram vardr - There are 1000 grams in a Kilogram. - [Statement of Fact] yoktur - definitely not, surely not. yoktur - means - Is (definitely) non existent, It (definitely) does not exist, There (definitely) isn't, There (definitely) aren't. Garajda hi araba yoktur - There is (surely) not a (single) car in the garage. - [Statement of Fact] Yeil kutuda kibrit yoktur - There is not a (single) match in the green box. - [Definite Statement] The Conditional Form The Conditional - If there is, If there are - is simply formed by adding the Conditional Suffix -sa as the following examples show: varsa - If there is, If there are.

yoksa - If there is not, If there are not. Present Tense Conditional Tepede bir lokanta varsa, orada yiyelim - If there is a cafe on the hill, let us eat there. Aata meyve varsa, onu koparrm - If there is any fruit on the tree, I will pick it. Garajda hi araba yoksa, o zaman bir taksi tutun - [taxi tutmak - to take/catch a taxi] - If there isn't a car in the garage, then catch/take a taxi Yeil kutuda kibrit yoksa, akman kullan - [familiar method] - If there are no matches in the green box, use your lighter. Yeil kutuda kibrit yoksa, akmanz kullann - [polite method] - If there are no matches in the green box, use your lighter. Thanks to Nurcan Akaltun ifti for corrections to the above section - JG - June 2008. Past Conditional The Conditional Past - If there was, If there were - the forms with var - varsayd and yok - yoksayd are not widely used. The forms with the verb - olmak - to be/to become - and - olmamak - not to be/not to become - may be used instead. olsayd - If there was, If there were. olmasayd - If there was not, If there were not. Tepede bir lokanta olsayd, orada yerdik - If there had been a cafe on the hill, we would have eaten there. Tepede bir lokanta olmu olsayd, orada yerdik - If there had been a cafe on the hill, we would have eaten there. - [the addition of - olmu been - makes this statement a little more formal] Aata meyve olsayd, onu koparrdm - If there had been any fruit on the tree, I would have picked it. Garajda hi araba olmasayd, taksi tutacaktm - If there had not been a car in the garage, I would have taken a taxi. Garajda hi araba olmam olsayd, taksi tutacaktm - If there had not been a car in the garage, I would have taken a taxi. - [the addition of olmam - not been - makes this statement a little more formal] Yeil kutuda hi kibrit olmasayd, akmam kullanrdm - If there weren't any matches in the green box, I would have used my lighte. Yeil kutuda hi kibrit olmam olsayd, akmam kullanrdm - If there weren't any matches in the green box, I would have used my lighter Krmzda gememi olsaydm, kadn yaayacakt., Krmzda gemi olmasaydm, kadn yaayacakt., Krmzda gemeseydim, kadn yaayacakt. - are all different ways of saying - If I hadn't passed on the red light, the lady would have still lived. - [the addition of - olmam not been - makes this statement a little more formal] Thanks to Nurcan Akaltun ifti for corrections to the above section - JG - June 2008.


The Inferential Form The Inferential - It seems that there is/was - is used when the subject has no eyewitness knowledge, it is used for reporting and inference. The Inferential is simply formed by adding the Inferential Suffix -mi as the following examples show. The Inferential Suffix -mi is used for both the Present Tense and the Past tense: varm - It seems that there is/was, It seems that there are/were. yokmu - It seems that there is/was not.. It seems that there are/were not.. Deniyor ki - ["Diyorlar ki.. - They say that.." more formal] - tepede bir lokanta varm, [eer] yleyse orada yiyelim It is said there is a cafe on the hill, if so let us eat there. Aata ok meyve varm - It seems there is a lot fruit on the tree. Garajda araba yokmu - (I think that) there is not a car in the garage. Yeil kutuda kibrit yokmu, mavi olanna [olan--n-a] bakn - (I think that) there are no matches in the green box. have a look in the blue one. At the beginning of fairy tales Turkish usually says - bir varm, bir yokmu - which we should translate as - Once upon a time An explanation of - olan - the which one olan - One [the one that] - [lit: that which is] as an item olanlar - Ones [the ones that] - [lit: those which are] as items Hangi tirt istiyorsunuz? - Which tee-shirt do you want? Mavi olan(n) ltfen - The blue one, please Hangi ayakkablar istiyorsunuz? - Which shoes do you want? Siyah olanlar(n) ltfen - The black ones, please. Note that (-ni) as an accusative direct object ending is grammatically correct in the answers as the the verb - istemek - to want - is understood. But as with all languages sometimes the easy way is used and the direct object suffix is discarded though constant daily conversational usage. See - olan as subject participle Forms with - "iken - while"

varken - While there is, As there is, yokken - While there isn't , As there isn't This formation is var + iken (while) producing varken and similarly yok + iken producing yokken varken - While/As there is, While/As there are. yokken - While/As there is not, While/As there are not. Tepede bir lokanta varken, bakasn amyorlar - While there is a cafe on the hill, they will not open another one. Aata ok meyve varken, onu koparalm - While there is a lot fruit on the tree, let us pick it. Hazr garajda araba yokken, (haydi) iine - or - [oraya] - bisikletimizi brakalm/koyalm. - As there is not a car in the garage, let us put our bicycles in it. Yeil kutuda kibrit yokken, atei yakamam. - While there are no matches in the green box. I cannot light the fire. A Little note about using Var and Yok (1) When enumerating lists of things you must say var or yok after each item. In English the greengrocer may tell us that he has - apples, tomatoes, onions, cherries, etc. In Turkish he will say - elma var, domates var, soan var, kiraz var, vs. (2) If a question is asked that contains a var m? or a yok mu? - the the answer must always be var or yok, whereas in English we tend to use Yes or No as an answer, but the Turk will not usually use the words hayr or evet in answer to a question that contains a var or a yok. Dolapta bir bardak yok mu? - Isn't there a tumbler in the cupboard? Answer: var/evet var or yok/hayr yok accordingly. Kilitte anahtar var m? - Is the key in the lock?. Answer: var or yok accordingly. The English answers can be - Yes [it is]. or No [it isn't]. However the Turkish answers must simply be - Var there is or Yok - there isn't

Ownership - "I have/haven't got" Explanation of Usage: There is no verb to have or to have got in Turkish for - "to have something" - as in - I have a new car. - or - Have you got a new car? - or - Do you have any anything cheaper? All these kinds of sentences use - var - or - vardr - for - to have (got) and in the negative sense - yok - or - yoktur - for - not to have (got). The addition of -dr or its vowel harmonic equivalents does not alter the meaning, its use is optional, but it does show that the statement is a fact and it is often used as - vardr - there (definitely) is or - yoktur - there (definitely) is not in Public Notices and Advices. We will use the simple form as this is more widespread.

To say - I have a cat - or - I have got a cat - we attach the Possessive Adjective Suffix - my, your, his, our etc. - to the item which is possessed with - var - to have.. or yok - not to have. Positive Examples - var- there is - have got kedim var - [kedi-m var] kpein var - [kpe-in var] arabas var - [araba-s- var] evimiz var - [ev-imiz var] baheniz var - [bahe-niz var] ieleri var - [ie-leri var] I have a cat, I have got a cat You have a dog, You've got a dog He/she has a car, He's got a cat We have a house, We have got a house You have a garden, You have got a garden They have a bottle, They have got a bottle

Negative Examples - yok - there is not - have not got kedim yok - [kedi-m yok] kpein yok - [kpe-in yok] arabas yok - [araba-s- yok] evimiz yok - [ev-imiz yok] baheniz yok - [bahe-niz yok] ieleri yok - [ie-leri var] I do not have a cat, I have not got a cat You do not have a dog, You have not got a dog He/she doesn't have a car, He has not got a cat We do not have a house, We have not got a house You do not have a garden, You have not got a garden They do not have a bottle, They have not got a bottle

Explanation of Difference in Turkish - English for - to have, to have got.


kedim var - I have a cat, I have got a cat - [Lit: There is a my cat[ In the sentence above the first person singular Possessive Adjective suffix -im tells us - "whose cat it is" - and in this case it tells us that I have a cat - by using - var kedin yok - You haven't got a cat - [Lit: There isn't a your cat]. Similarly in the second sentence the Second Person Possessive Adjective suffix -in tells us that - You haven't got a cat - by using yok. It is the Possessive Suffix which tells us who owns the object.. Thanks to J. R. for suggestions and corrections - Oct 2005 Positive Questions Using the positive question - var m? - "Is there? Are there?" (1) Evin var m? - Have you got a house? - [Lit: Is there a your house?] In the first example above the literal translation is - Is there a your house? - but in English we must say - "Have you got a house?". (2) Kedisi var m? - Has he/she got a cat? - [Lit: Is there a his cat? Is there a her cat?]. Here the Third Person Singular Possessive Adjective Suffix -(s)i tells us whose cat it is, and in this case it asks us if - Has he/she got a cat? (3) Evleri var m? - (Ev-leri = their house) - Have they got a house? - [Lit: Is there a their house?]

Negative Questions Positive Examples - var m? - is there? kedim var m? - [kedi-m var m?] kpein var m? - [kpe-in var m?] Do I have a cat?, Have I got a cat? Have you a dog?, Have you got a dog?/Do you have a dog?

arabas var m? - [araba-s- var m?] evimiz var m? - [ev-imiz var m?] baheniz var m? - [bahe-niz var m?] ieleri var m? - [ie-leri var m?]

Has he/she a car?, Has he/she got a car? Have we a house?, Have we got a house? Have you a garden?, Have you got a garden? Have they a bottle?, Have they got a bottle?

, and in this case it asks - "Haven't we got a house?" (2) Eviniz yok mu? - Haven't you got a house? - [Lit: Isn't there a your house?]. Similarly in the last sentence the Second Person Possessive Adjective suffix -iniz asks us - "Haven't you got a house?" (3) Evleri yok mu? - [Ev-leri = their house] - Haven't they got a house? - [Lit: Isn't there a their house?]. Finally you can see that we have turned all the above sentences into question form - simply by adding the question tag -mi? - according to Vowel Harmony Rules. Negative Examples - yok mu? - isn't there? kedim yok mu? - [kedi-m yok mu?] kpein yok mu? - [kpe-in yok mu?] arabas yok mu? - [araba-s- yok mu?] evimiz yok mu? - [ev-imiz yok mu?] baheniz yok mu? - [bahe-niz yok mu?] ieleri yok mu? - [ie-leri yok mu?] Have I not got a cat?, Do I not have a cat? Do you not have a dog?, Have you not got a dog? Doesn't he/she have a car?, Has he/she not got a car? Have we not a house?, Have we not got a house? Do you not have a garden?, Have you not got a garden? Do they not have a bottle?, Have they not got a bottle?

Using the negative question - yok mu? - "Isn't there?, Aren't there?" (1) Evimiz yok mu? - Haven't we got a house? - [Lit: Isn't there an our house?] In the sentence above the First Person Plural Possessive Adjective suffix -imiz asks us whose house it is

Some Examples of Possession


Of course all the differing senses of var: varsa, varm etc. and of yok: yoksa, yokmu, etc. - can be used with the Possessive Forms. Yeni bir arabanz var m? - Have you got a new car? Yeni bir arabamz olsayd, beraber/birlikte kasabaya gidebilecektik? - If we had a new car, we could have gone to town together? Orhan'n yeni arabas varm. - (It seems that) Orhan has/had a new car. ekeriniz var m, ltfen? - Do you have any sugar, please? ekeriniz yoksa, sade ieyim. - If you do not have sugar, I'll drink it without. Bo vaktimiz var m? - Have we got time to spare? Bo vakitleri/zamanlar olsayd, bize gelirdiler/gelirlerdi. - If they had had time, they would have come to us. Note that vakit - "a point in time" - loses final vowel when suffixed with another vowel. See list of nouns which lose a vowel Cevab yok - He/She hasn't got the answer Cevab yoksa. - If He/She hasn't got the answer.. Elmalar yok - They haven't got any apples. Elmalar yokmu - (It seems that) they haven't got any apples. Elmalar yok mu? - Haven't they got any apples? Mehmet'in kedisi var - Mehmet has got a cat. Mehmet'in kedisi varken, kpeimi onunla brakamam. - While Mehmet has got a cat, I cannot leave my dog with him. Sadece az param var - I've only a little money. Ali 'nin paras var m? - Has Ali got any money? Yeterli param varsa, yeni araba alrm. Ama o kadar yokmu gibi geliyor..- If I have enough money, I'll buy a new car. But it seems that (like) I have not got that much (money) var and yok - Peronalised Var and yok can also take the personal endings endings of the verb - to be - "I am, you are, etc" Var and Yok - Personalised

The Personalised - Var and Yok with "to be" suffixes added varm varsn var varz I am there/I'll be there You are there/You will be there yokum yoksun I am not there/I'll not be there You are not there/You will not be there He/She/It is not there - He/She/It will not be there We are not there/We will not be there

He/She/It is there - He/She/It will be yok there We are there/We will be there yokuz

varsnz You are there/You will be there varlar They are there/They will not be there

yoksunuz You are not there/You will not be there yoklar They are not there/They will not be there

When stating the future olmak - to become can also be used - var olacam - I will be there. But in practice the shorter way as in the table above is used in conversation. The words here used like varm,varsn,var,varz.... can also have the meaning "I am in!", when talking about interference into an issue. For instance, "Bugn raftinge var msn?" "Evet, varm." "Hayr, ben yokum." A couple of years ago, there was a TV show in Turkey (I am sure you have seen English or NZ versions of it). You are a contestant, you have a box which is closed, and there are also 25-30 other boxes which are also closed. Every box has some amount of money. Some boxes contain 1 million TL, some 250.000, some 100.000, some 1.000, some 250, some 50, some 10 and some 1 TL (also some intermediate values). You don't know which boxes including yours contain which amount, and you have the other boxes open one after another. At first round, you open 6 boxes, next round 5, then 4,and then 3 and then 2. After the end of each round, you get a proposal of money. You can choose to go on for your own box, or you can accept these proposals at the time of proposal. It is something about probability, and when you make big amounts open at the beginning, you get lesser proposals afterwards for sure. And vice versa. Anyway, let's not digress. The moderator was asking to the contestant at the end of each round, right after getting the proposal (he got the proposals via a phone) "Bu x TL iin var msn, yok musun?". That means, he asks if the guy wants to continue, or take the proposed money and finish it here. The contestant says, "yokum"

for the proposal, and he continues. Or, he says "varm" and takes the proposed money regardless of the amount in his box. This TV show was called (as you can guess) "Var msn, yok musun". Many thanks to Oytun Arslan for corrections,suggestions and additions to this page. - JG - 28 Sept 2011 Varsa and Yoksa - Present Conditional Varsa and Yoksa - "If I'm there/If I'm not there" varsam varsan varsa varsak If I am there/I'll be there If you are there/If you'll be there If he is there am there/If he'll be be there If we are there/If we'll be there yoksam yoksan yoksa yoksak I am not there/If I'll not be there If you are not there/If you will not be there If he is not there/If he will not be there If we are not there/If we will not be there

varsanz If you are there/If you'll be there varsalar If they are there/If they will be there

yoksanz If you are not there/If you will not be there yoksalar If they are not there/If they will not be there


Olsayd and Olmasayd - Past Conditions When we are talking about past conditions - var and yok - are replaced by the verb olmak - to be/become Olsayd and Olmasayd - If I had/had not been there olsaydm olsaydn olsayd olsaydk olsaydnz olsaydlar If I'd been there If you had been there If he had been there If we had been there If you had been there If they had been there olmasaydm olmasaydn olmasayd olmasaydk olmasaydnz olmasaydlar If I'd not been there If you not been there If he had not been there If we had not been there If you had not been there If they had not been there

Varm and Yokmu - the Indefinite - mi form. Varm and Yokmu - the Indefinite - mi form. varmm varmsn varm varmz possibly I am/was there/I'll be there possibly you are/were there/you'll be there yokmuum yokmusun possibly I am/was not there/I'll not be there possibly you are/were not there/you'll not be there possibly he is/was not there/he'll not be there possibly we are/were not there/we'll

possibly he is/was there/he'll be there yokmu possibly we are/were there/we'll be yokmuuz

there varmsnz varmlar

not be there

possibly you are/were not there/you'll possibly you are/were not there/you'll yokmusunuz not be there not be there possibly they are/were there/they'll be yokmular there possibly they are/were not there/they'll not be there

This form, which is in constant use, actually means something like - I am there, I'll be there, I'll not be there, etc. Some examples of these forms Yarn ofiste yokum - I will not be at the office tomorrow. Evde var msn? - Are you at home? Kimse var m? - Is anybody there? Kimse yok. - There is nobody (here). Yalnz myz? - Are we alone?, Hayr. Onlar da var. - No, there's them as well.. Gelecek toplantda ben de varm. - I'll be at the next meeting as well. Thanks to Volker Bodegom for corrections in the sections above - JG - Novenber 2009. Idiomatic Use Neyimiz var neyimiz yok depremde kaybettik. - We lost everything what we had/have in the earthquake. Could also be stated thus: Varmz youmuzu depremde kaybettik. - We lost everything what we had/have in the earthquake. Note that yok softens its final -k to - when adding a suffix which begins with a vowel - [yo-umuz-u = our nothings (obj.)] Vaktin varsa, sonra grelim - Let us meet later on, if you have time. Saat onda ofiste yokmusun - It seems you were not at the office at 10 o'clock.

There is also another usage of var/yok: Namely - Varsa yoksa.. Varsa yoksa annesi. - meaning that person is very keen on his mother (a little exaggeration and derision also exists). Varsa yoksa bilgisayar - is suitable when talking about someone who spends a lot of time in front of the computer. Thanks to Nurcan Akaltun ifti for suggestions and examples in the sections above - JG - June 2008.

Finally, the "Yok Yok" Shop

What's in a name? This shop really does belie its name - "the shop with no stock", but you would be wrong in that assumption: Here is a typical usage, "yok" yok. That means, the notion "yok" is "yok", which means "yok" doesn't exist. Hence, that means, everything exists! You can say for instance, Bugn pazara gittim, pazarda yok yoktu. This expresses that there were plenty of things in the bazaar. Verbs


Turkish Language - The Infinitive The Infinitive - description. In grammar, the infinitive is the form of a verb that has no inflection to indicate person, number, mood or tense. It is called the infinitive because the verb is usually not made finite, or limited by inflection (change in meaning - tense, person). The infinitive is often used as the noun form, as for many languages this is the basic form of a verb which is usually presented in dictionaries. In language classes, children are sometimes taught to think of it as the name of the verb. The Infinitive being the name of a verb, therefore per se it is a noun. This is characterized in English by the word - to - ie to walk, to swim. The Turkish Infinitive has four forms of the infinitive, all of which can be used as nouns and can therefore take case endings and personal pronouns when required. The Standard Infinitive ending in -mek or -mak which is often abraded to -me or -ma by dropping the final -k. Forming the Infinitive of Turkish Verbs To form the Infinitive of Turkish Verbs -mek or -mak is added to the verb stem. gelmek [gel-mek] - to come - almak [al-mak] - to take The choice of adding -mek or -mak is bound by the Rules of Vowel Harmony. There is a separate Infinitive form for the negative verb The negative is characterized with the negative particle -me- or -ma (according to vowel harmony rules) added to the positive verb stem. Thus the negative verb root becomes gelme- not come - and alma- not take. By adding the infinitive suffix -mek or -mak we arrive at the negative verbs - gelmemek [gelme-mek] - not to come - and almamak [alma-mak] - not to take. This method of forming the negative is true for all verbs in Turkish. E-Dotted Verbs For verbs of the E-Dotted Group with e i in verb stem the suffix -mek signifies the positive verb and -memek signifies the negative of the verb. Applying Vowel harmony rules then: -mek is added to verbs whose final root vowel is -e vermek [ver-mek] - to give vermemek [verme-mek] - not to give

-mek is added to verbs whose root vowel is -i bilmek [bil-mek] - to know bilmemek [bilme-mek] - not to know -mek is added to verbs whose root vowel is - grmek [gr-mek] - to see grmemek [grme-mek] - not to see -mek is added to verbs whose root vowel is - glmek [gl-mek] - to laugh glmemek [glme-mek] - not to laugh A-Undotted Verbs For verbs of the A-Uotted Group with a o u in verb stem the suffix -mak signifies the positive verb and -mamak signifies the negative of the verb. Applying Vowel harmony rules then: -mak is added to verbs whose root vowel is -a yapmak [yapmak] - to do, make, perform yapmamak [yapmamak] - not to do -mak is added to verbs whose root vowel is - armak [armak] - to ache armamak [armamak] - not to ache -mak is added to verbs whose root vowel is -o kopmak [kopmak] - to snap kopmamak [kopmamak] - not to snap


-mak is added to verbs whose root vowel is -u kurumak [kurumak] - to dry kurumamak [kurumamak] - not to dry The Infinitive as an Object of a Verb The Infinitive being a noun can take all the suffixes that any other noun takes - here we show the infinitive of some verbs in the Object case [suffix -i or -yi after a vowel] as an object of the main verb unutmak - to forget. We can also see that very often the main verb has two objects with the -i suffix. For instance in the last example below "The window " together with "its opening" are both in the Objective case of being "forgotten" as the main verb. If you inspect the other examples below you will see many double objects similarly. Geen hafta devimi yapmay unuttum. - I forgot to do my homework last week. Garajdan arabam almay unuttum. - I forgot to pick up (take) my car from the garage. Ali, sana sylemeyi unuttu. - Ali forgot to tell you. Affedersin, seni aramay unuttuk. - We're sorry, we forgot to call you. - (a secondary meaning of aramak - to look for - is - to call (on the telephone) Filmi izlemeyi unuttum. - I forgot to watch the film. Kediyi beslemeyi unuttum. - I forgot to feed the cat. Mehmet'i sormay unuttunuz - You forgot to ask Mehmet. Kapy kapamay unuttum. - I forgot to close the door. Pencereyi amay unuttular. - They forgot to open the window. About Verbal Objects Some main verbs take Movement Towards suffix [-(y)e or -(y)a] as their objects i when the verb itself signifies movement towards. If we say in English - she is starting to write - then the Infinitive yazmak - to write - is the object of the verb - she is starting ... - and consequently must be suffixed to show its relationship to the verb. As the verb balamak - to start, begin - signifies movement of some sort it governs the Movement Towards Condition in Turkish -a or -e. To effect the addition of the Movement Towards suffix to yazmak the final -k of -mek or mak is dropped and the resulting verbal noun - yazma - is treated as a normal object by the addition of the Movement Towards Condition suffix -(y)a so yazmak - to write - becomes yazmaya balad -she started to (to) write. It should be noted that we also use The Present

Continuous Participle in -ing - (another noun) while translating in English so the above is often rendered in the following manner: - yazmak to write - becomes yazmaya balad -she started writing Special Case - istemek - to want The verb istemek - to want - is a special case as it causes no modification of the verb it governs: yazmak istiyorum - I want to write imek istiyorlar - they want to drink kalmak istemedin - you didn't want to stay almak istemeyecekler - they will not want to work. Note that this also applies in English - we also cannot say - I want writing - or - they want drinking.. The object pointer is not required by istemek - to want as the concept of "wanting.." does not affect the verb being governed in any way. However if istemek governs anything other that a verb then the objective case must be used. We can see from the examples below that istemek is not governing the verb kalmak directly, but it governs a person. Hence the direct object pointer is required. Kalmamanz istiyoruz - We want you not to stay - [Kalmama-nz-] Kalmanz istemiyoruz - We do not want you to stay - [Kalma-nz-] Kalmasn istemiyorlar - They don't want him to stay - [Kalma-s-n-] Kalmamalarn istemiyorum - I don't want them not to stay - [Kalmama-lar-n-] Formation of the Short Infinitive Verbal Noun To effect the addition of the suffixes to the infinitive - as an example imek, the final -k of -mek or -mak is dropped and the resulting verbal noun then ends in -ma or -me becoming ime in this case. It is treated as a normal object the addition of the suffix -(y)i etc. - thus becoming imeyi - [ime-y-i uses buffer letter -y-]. Similarly the Movement Toward Object is formed in the same manner: The Infinitive - yazmak - to write - forms Verbal Noun - yazma - the writing - thence forms the Movement Toward Condition Object - yazmaya - to the writing. Examples of Verbal Nouns in English Unfortunately we do not realize when we are using Verbal Nouns - but if you want to understand Turkish both written and spoken then we must learn to recognize them. The writing is on the wall. The drinking of this water is prohibited.

Smoking is allowed. Leave your suitcase in the waiting room. He is working in the drying shed. Explanation The Positive Verb imek - to drink or to smoke a cigarette - drops it final -k and is used to form ime - drinking, smoking as a noun. With the addition of the accusative case it becomes imeyi - the drinking, the smoking - as the object of a verb. With the addition of the dative case it becomes imeye - to the drinking, the smoking - as the dative object of a verb. The Negative Verb forms its Verbal Noun by dropping its terminal -k in a similar fashion - imemek - not to drink - forms - imeme - not drinking, not smoking - as a noun. The Negative Accusative then becomes - imemeyi - the not drinking, the not smoking - as a direct object and the Movement Toward Object becomes - imemeye - to the not drinking, to the not smoking. A note about Conversational Stress This could be mixed up with the negation suffix -me but the difference is hidden in the stress. When it is a Positive Verbal Noun then the stress is on itself as in - iMEyi. However when it is a Negative Verbal Noun, then the stress is on the preceding syllable -memeyi. We are already aware the negative suffix -me/-ma - itself is never stressed in conversation but always throws the stress on to the previous syllable. Examples of Suffixed Infinitives Note that Vowel Harmony and Consonant Mutation rules are followed when adding the standard suffixes - also the buffer letter -y- is used to keep vowel suffixes apart. gelmeye alt - he tried [to] to come - [Movement Towards Suffix as the verb almak takes a Movement Toward Suffix = to try to..] yzmeyi severim - I like to swim - [I like the swimming] onu yapmaktaym - I am just doing it - [in/at doing it] sigara imeyi braktm - I have given up [the] smoking - [Direct Object suffix] Adding Suffixes to the Standard Infinitive in -mek The infinitive is a noun - then it can be suffixed with any of the case suffixes. We are taking for our model the Positive Infinitive - gelmek - to come - and the Negative Infinitive gelmemek - not to come. The Extended Infinitive Forms

Positive gelmek gelmeye gelmeyi gelmekte gelmekten gelmekle to come to come to come (obj.) in coming from coming by/with coming

Negative gelmemek gelmemeye gelmemeyi gelmemekte gelmemekten gelmemekle not to come to not to come not to come (obj.) in not coming from not comimg by/with not coming

Examples of the various infinitive forms. Kesmeyi brakt - He stopped [the] cutting Srmeyi reniyorum - I am learning [the driving] to drive Glmemeye alyorlar - They are trying not to [to] laugh The Infinitive with Personal Pronoun Endings When the standard infinitive takes the personal pronoun endings it drops its final -k of -mek or -mak in all persons. Positive gitmek gitmem gitmen to go my going your going Negative gitmemek gitmemem gitmemen not to go my not going your not going


gitmemiz gitmeniz gitmeleri

our going your going their going

gitmememiz gitmemeniz gitmemeleri

our not going your not going their not going

The Abilitative Infinitive Form gidebilmek - to be able to go gidememek - to not be able to go gidebilmem - my being able to go gidemememiz - our not being able to go gidebilmesi - his being able to go gidememeleri - their not being able to go These personal forms can further be extended by the addition of noun condition suffixes: Gitmesini bekledim - I expected him to go - [gitme-si-ni - Objective Condition] Kalmanz istiyorum - I want you to stay Kalabilmenizi istiyorum - I want you to be able to stay Kalmamanz istiyoruz - We want you not to stay Kalmanz istemiyoruz - We do not want you to stay Kalmasn istemiyorlar - They don't want him to stay Kalmamalarn istemiyorum - I don't want them not to stay The Little Used Heavy Infinitive: This is formed by affixing -lk or -lik to the standard Infinitive for the positive verb. The final -k of -mek is often dropped when adding the lik suffix. The negative is slightly different in that the -mek or -mak changes to -mez or -maz.

gelmek becomes gelme(k)lik bakmamak becomes bakmazlk The meaning of the heavy infinitive is the same as the standard infinitive and is only used when there may be ambiguity in the context. The heavy infinitive is little used. The heavy infinitive can also have personal pronouns and or case endings added to it. It does not however drop its final -k of -lik as does the common infinitive when suffixes are added although this final -k will mutate to a final - when necessary before an added vowel. Positive gelme(k)lik to come Negative gelmezlik not to come

gelme(k)liim my coming gelme(k)likleri their coming

gelmezliimiz our not coming gelmezlii his not coming

How to say - "To pretend (not) to" The heavy infinitive is little used except for the following "special case": The use of the Negative of the Heavy Infinitive in the ablative case followed by the verb - gelmek - means - to pretend not to... This pretend not to form is a reduplicated negative ie: bakmazlk - becomes bakMAmazlk meaning - to not NOT to see It is mentioned here because in this form it is daily use. Bana bakmamazlktan geldi - He pretended (not) to look at me Onu grmemezlikten geliyorsunuz - You are pretending (not) to see it Aye hanm sevmemezlikten gelir misiniz? - Are you pretending (not) to like Miss Aye? This construction is a special locution and only used with - gelmek - as an auxiliary verb. It is used widely to mean - To pretend not to.


grmemezlikten gelmek - ignore grmemezlikten gelmek - turn a blind eye grmemezlikten gelmek - overlook grmemezlikten gelmek - look through grmemezlikten gelmek - give someone the go by grmemezlikten gelmek - close one's eyes to grmemezlikten gelmek - pretend not to see Thanks to K. Murat Aras for corrections to this page 3rd Aug.2006

Turkish Language - About the verb - to be - Positive The verb - to be - is used in sentences to describe a - state of being The house is blue Mehmet was ill It will be a quick journey If it is a big house If it had not been out of sight. The Verb - "to be" From the History of Turkish The verb "to be" is a now defective verb "imek" whose stem was "i-" which is found in four forms of vowel harmony "i, u,u." It also mutates to "-y" in the past and other forms when being suffixed to a word. This is no longer important in learning Turkish, but it does give the reason for many of the suffixes in modern use for the verb "to be".

The Verb to be takes the form of a suffix in Turkish. It is subject to Vowel Harmony Rules and also Consonant Mutation when added to words ending in a hard consonant. In the present tense only 3rd person singular has consonant mutation. It follows that for vowel harmony and consonant mutation the following forms are used. Person I am you are he/she/it is we are you are they are After all soft consonants -im, -m, -m, -um -sin, -sn, -sn, -sun (-dir, -dr, -dr, -dur) -iz ,-z,-z, -uz -siniz, -snz, -snz, -sunuz (-dirler, -drlar, -drler, -durlar) After hard consonants , f, h, k,p, s, , t (-tir, -tr, -tr, -tur) (-tirler, -trlar, -trler, -turlar) After Vowels -yim, -ym, -ym, -yum -yiz, -yz, -yz, -yuz -

The third person -dir suffix changes to -tir when added to hard consonants - See Consonant Mutation Present Tense only: (This not does not apply to the past tense below) Third Person Plural ending shown in brackets above are very often omitted in conversation. They are added only for emphasis and for public advice, notices and warnings. They are also used when stating an actual fact. [Apples are fruit - Elma meyvedir] You can see the use of -dir in Public Notices on the page Public Signs


Past Tense Suffixes The past tense endings are use in all persons although sometime the -ler/-lar of the plural forms is omitted in conversation. Note the use of the Buffer Letter -y- in the formation of the Past Tense for Verb stems which end in a vowel. This is to keep the final vowel of the verb stem separated by mutating the first vowel of the Past Tense endings -idim etc to -ydim etc. As every person suffix in the past tense begins with a -d then it follows that every person can be subject to consonant mutation to -t when added to a word ending in a hard consonant. Person I was you were he/she/it was we were you were they were Suffix -dim, -dm, -dm, -dum -din, -dn, -dn, -dun -di, -d, -d, -du -dik ,-dk,-dk, -duk -diniz, -dnz, -dnz, -dunuz -diler, -dlar, -dler, -dular Consonant Mutated -tim, -tm, -tm, -tum -tin, -tn, -tn, -tun -ti, -t, -t, -tu -tik ,-tk,-tk, -tuk -tiniz, -tnz, -tnz, -tunuz -tiler, -tlar, -tler, -tular After Vowels -ydim, -ydm, -ydm, -ydum -ydin, -ydn, -ydn, -ydun -ydi, -yd, -yd, -ydu -ydik, -ydk, -ydk, -yduk -ydiniz, -ydnz, -ydnz, -ydunuz -ydiler, -ydlar, -ydler, -ydular

Vowel Harmony

Both the present and past obey the rules of vowel harmony, which are summed up as follows: Both the present and past obey the rules of vowel harmony, which are summed up as follows: The A-Undotted Group Final vowel -a or - is followed by - in suffix. yalyz [yal-yz] - we are old yalydk [yal-ydk] - we were old hastaym [hasta-ym] - I am ill hastaydm [hasta-ydm] - I was ill Final vowel -o or -u is followed by u in suffix. bir vazodur [vazo-dur] - it is a vase. bir vazoydu [vazo-ydu] - it was a vase. yorgunsun [yorgun-sun] - you are tired. yorgundun [yorgun-dun] - you were tired. The E- Dotted Group Final vowel -e or -i is followed by i in suffix. bir deredir [dere-dir] - it is a stream bir dereydi [dere-ydi] - it was stream zenginsin [zengin-sin] - you are rich zengindin [zengin-din] - you were rich Final vowel - or - is followed by in suffix. bir gzdr [gz-dr] - it is an eye. bir gzd [gz-d] - it was an eye. Trk'trler [Trk'-trler] - they are Turkish. Trk'tler [Trk'-tler] - they were Turkish.


Consonant Mutation The present and past tense suffixes which begin in -d- undergo consonant mutation -dir becomes -tir and all the past tense suffixes beginning in -di become -ti after a final hard consonant the letters f h k p s t Consonant Mutation - Present Tense and Past Tense Examples

byktr - it is large bykt - it was large gentirler - they are young gentik - we were young yavatn - you were slow abuktunuz - you were quick sabahtr - it is morning sabaht - it was morning bir mektuptur - it is a letter bir mektuptu - it was a letter Mehmet' tir - It is Mehmet Mehmet' ti - It was Mehmet bir sepettir - it is a basket bir sepetti - it was a basket bir virstr - it is a virus bir virst - it was a virus felakettir - it is a disaster felaketti - it was a disaster bir polistir - it is a policeman bir polisti - it was a policeman Proper names Suffixes are not fixed directly to Proper Names (words which begin with a capital letter), an aphostrophe comma is used instead:

Mehmet' tir - It is Mehmet stanbul' da - In Istanbul Hkmet' ten - From the Government Some Examples zengin - rich zenginim - I am rich zengindim - I was rich yorgun - tired yorgunum - I am tired yorgundun - you were tired pahal - dear, expensive pahaldr - it is dear pahalyd - it was dear kk - small kktr - it is small kkt - it was small hasta - ill hastayz - we are ill hastaydk - we were ill yal - aged/old yalsn - you are old yalyd - he was old yoksul - poor yoksuldurlar - they are poor yoksuldular - they were poor gen - young gentirler - they are young genti - he was young


Interrogative Forms "to be" Questions - Present Positive Singular am I? are you? is he/she/it? (fam.) is he/she/it? formal, public mym? miyim? muyum? mym? msn? misin? musun? msn? m? mi? mu? m? mdr? midir? mudur? mdr?

Asking questions, the interrogative particle -mi? is used to form questions. It is placed after the word it affects, and has the positive or negative present tense personal endings added - here are the forms showing vowel harmony: "to be" Questions - Present Positive Plural are we? are you? are they? (fam.) are they? formal, public myz? miyiz? muyuz? myz? msnz? misiniz? musunuz? msnz? -lar m? -ler mi? -lar mu? -ler m? mdrlar? midirler? mudurlar? mdrler?

Except for the 3rd person form -lar mi? the Positive form of the Interrogative is written separately from the word it affects, but obeys the rules of Vowel Harmony. The longer forms which end in -dir are more formal and are used in instructions and public notices. They are not usually used in general conversation.

Present tense positive question examples

zengin miyim? - am I rich? yorgun musun? - are you tired? pahal m? - is it dear? byk m? - is it big? hasta myz? - are we ill? yal msnz? - are you old? genler mi? - are they young? yoksullar m? - are they poor? Note that the question part is written separately from the verb - but still obeys vowel harmony rules. Interrogative Past Tense - to be The Past tense personal endings are added to the question particle -mi and obeys Vowel harmony but is written separately. deil is used for the negative "to be" Questions - Past Positive Singular was I? were you? mydm? miydim? muydum? mydm? mydn? miydin? muydun? mydn?

is he/she/it? myd? miydi? muydu? myd? "to be" Questions - Past Positive Plural were we? wer you? mydk? miydik, muyduk? mydk? mydnz? miydiniz? muydunuz? mydnz?

are they?

mydlar? miydiler? muydular? mydler?

Note the use of the Buffer Letter -y- in the formation of the Past Tense Questions. This is to keep the final vowel of the question tag -mi by mutating the first vowel of the Past Tense endings -idim etc to -ydim etc. Past tense positive question examples

ac myd? - was it bitter? scak myd? - was it hot? hava souk muydu? - was the weather cold? mutlu muyduk? - were we happy? yorgun muydular? - were they tired? hasta mydnz? - were you ill? or have you been ill? gzel miydi? - was she beautiful? ev byk myd? - was it a large house? Note that the question part is written separately from the verb - but still obeys vowel harmony rules. The Future - will be The Future of the verb - "to be" - is lacking in Turkish. It place is taken by the Future Tense of the Verb olmak - to be, to become. See discussion on - Future of olmak Yarn hazr olacam - I will be ready tomorrow Er ge zengin olacaksn - You will become rich sooner or later [er ge (erge) = sooner or later] Bu gece parti ok gzel olacak - It will be a great party tonight All these are "state of being" sentences but Turkish uses the verb - olmak - to become - to convey the future of the verb - to be Other Tenses in use of "to be"

Suffixed Forms Present Suffix Form evdeyim (I am in the house) Past Suffix Form

Independent Forms Past Past Past Tense Conditional Inferential evdeymiim (apparently I am in the house) Past Inferential Conditional evdeymisem (If I had been in the house) This being a defective verb historical stem is i- and which meaning - be. The missing forms of i- are supplied by ol- the infinitive of olmak, since there is no remaining infinitive of imek. The following table shows the suffixed and independent forms where the stem i- is applied.

evde evdeydim idim evdeysem (I was in (I was (If I was in the house) in the the house) house) evdeydin evdeydi evdeydik evdeydiniz evde idin evde idi evde idik evde idiniz evde idiysen evde idiyse evde idiysek evde idiysek

evdesin evde(dir) evdeyiz evdesiniz

evde imiin evde imisen evde imi evde imise

evde imiiz evde imisek evde imisiniz evde imiseniz


evde(dir)ler evdeydiler

evde idiler

evde idiyseler

evde imiler

evde imiseler

The present tense is not used in an independent form

Turkish Language - About the verb - not to be - Negative The Negative Particle - "deil - not"
The Negative not to be is formed by using the negative particle deil - not. This word is invariable and not subject to vowel harmony rules. To form the negative the personal present tense endings are affixed to deil - not. The resulting verb not to be is written separately from the verb root, whereas the positive forms to be, am, is, are, etc. being added to the root word, are subject to both Vowel Harmony and Consonant Mutation. Present Tense Negative Examples - "not to be" Singular Forms ben deilim - I am not - zengin deilim - I am not rich sen deilsin - you are not - yorgun deilsin - you are not tired ** o deildir - he/she/it is not - pahal deildir - it is not dear [Public, Official] ** o deil - he is not - iman deil - she is not fat [Familiar, Usual]

Plural Forms biz deiliz - we are not - hasta deiliz - we are not ill siz deilsiniz - you are not - yal deilsiniz - you are not old ** onlar deildirler - they are not - gen deildirler - they are not young [Public, Official] ** onlar deiller - they are not - irkin deiller - they are not ugly [Familiar, Usual] Note: ** Generally the third person forms using -dr are not used in day to day conversation. However they are used in Public Signs and Warnings as a reinforcement. The shortened form should always be used. However the use of the -dir form is apparent in Public Signs, Official Instructions and in newspaper reports. For these reasons this longer form is included here. Using The Personal Pronouns for emphasis The Personal Pronouns are only used for emphasis, as the person of the verb is already apparent from the verb ending. This is the same as many Romance Languages such Spanish and Italian. ben zengin deilim - I am not rich - zengin deilim - I'm not rich o hasta deil - HE is not ill - hasta deil - he's not ill Negative Questions To form Negative Questions the positive forms are simply added after deil - not, but written separately. zengin deil miyim? - am I not rich? - aren't I rich? pahal deil mi? - isn't it dear? hasta deil miyiz? - aren't we ill? gen deiller mi? - aren't they young? yorgun deil misin? - aren't you tired? byk deil mi? - isn't it big? yal deil misiniz? - aren't you old? yoksul deiller mi? - aren't they poor?


Past Tense Negative To form the Past Tense of not to be the personal past tense endings are added to deil - not.. deildim - I was not - zengin deildim - I was not rich deildin - you were not - hasta deildin - you were not ill deildi - he was not - yorgun deildi - he/she was not tired deildik - we were not - mutlu deildik - we were not happy deildiniz - you were not - a deildiniz - you were not hungry deildiler - they were not - yoksul deildiler - they were not poor Negative Questions regarding the Past The Negative Question regarding Past Time is formed with deil not, followed by the question forms written separately. Ak deil miydi? - Wasn't it open? Mutlu deil miydik? - Weren't we happy? Hava souk deil miydi? - Wasn't the weather cold? Zengin deil miydiler? - Weren't they rich? Emin deil miydim? - Wasn't I sure? Mehmet megul deil miydi? - Wasn't Mehmet busy? Yorgun deil miydiniz? - Weren't you tired? ocuklar mutlu deil miydiler? - Weren't the children happy? Question Tags The question tags that we use in English: - Isn't it?, Aren't you? , Aren't they?, Can't we?, Weren't they?, Didn't they?. etc - are all translated by the single tag - deil mi? in Turkish for all Persons and all Tenses. The weather is cold, isn't it? - Hava souk, deil mi? The weather was cold, wasn't it? - Hava souktu, deil mi?

You are happy, aren't you? - Mutlusunuz, deil mi? You will be happy, won't you? - Mutlu olacaksn, deil mi? They are ill, aren't they? - Hastadrlar, deil mi? Mehmet can win, can't he? - Mehmet kazanabilir, deil mi? General Examples The word - pek - very, hard, firm, quite - is often used as an intensifier especially in negative sentences. The word - ok - very - can also be used as an intensifier in positive sentences although it is a little more direct as - pek - is a more gentle word. Mutluyum - I am happy yisiniz - You are good Bozuktur - It is spoiled, broken, no good Kolaydr - It is easy Neeliyiz - We are merry ngilizsiniz - You are English Zekidirler - They are clever Pek/ok imansnz - You are very fat ok/Pek naziksiniz - You are very nice Mehmet pek hastadr - Mehmet is quite ill Gen deilim - I am not young Hasta deilsiniz - You are not ill Pek a deilim - I am not very hungry Yksek deildir - It is not high Deli deiliz - We are not crazy Pek/ok abuk deil(dir) - It s not very quick/fast Pek nazik deilsiniz - You are not very nice Pek zeki deildirler - They are not very clever Zengin miyim? - Am I rich? Zengin deil miyim? - Am I not rich?

Hasta msnz? - Are you ill? Ali bey gen mi(dir)? - Is Ali Bey young? Kolay m(dr)? - Is it easy? Zeki miyiz? - Are we clever? Zeki deil miyiz? - Aren't we clever? Deli misin? - Are you crazy? Arkadanz yal mdr? - Is your friend old? Arkadam yal deildir - My friend is not old Evet,arkadam gentir - Yes, my friend is young Mehmet mutlu mudur? - Is Mehmet happy Evet, mutludur - Yes, he is happy Hayr,mutlu deildir - No, he is not happy Hazr msn? - Are you ready? Hazr deil misin bile? - Aren't you ready yet?

Present Continuous Tense The Present Continuous Tense This tense takes the form of - "be doing, be not doing, be saying, be not saying, be going, etc. I am going, are you thinking? we are not staying, are they not trying? etc." Formation of the Present Continuous Tense This tense takes the form of - "be doing, be not doing, be saying, be not saying, be going, etc. I am going, are you thinking? we are not staying, are they not trying? etc."


The Tense sign of the Present Continuous Tense is -iyor- -yor- -yor- -uyor- which is added to the verb root. The tense endings are completed by adding the personal suffixes. When the verb root itself ends in a vowel, as in bekle-mek - to wait, expect becoming bekl-iyor, then this vowel is also dropped as the head vowel of the -iyor tense sign replaces it. The first letter -i- of -iyor- is subject to vowel harmony with the verb stem's final vowel. The Tense Sign -iyor- can be likened to the English Tense sign -ing. The Personal Endings -Present Continuous geliyorum [geliyor-um] bakyorsun [bakyor-sun] giriyor [giriyor] kyoruz [kyor-uz] buluyorsunuz [buluyor-sunuz] glyorlar [glyor-lar] Conjugation Examples gelmek - [gel -mek] - to come geliyorum - I am coming geliyorsun - you are coming geliyor - he is coming geliyoruz - we are coming geliyorsunuz - you are coming geliyorlar - they are coming gelmemek - [gelme -mek] - not to come gelmiyorum - I am not coming gelmiyorsun - you are not coming gelmiyor - he is not coming gelmiyoruz - we are not coming gelmiyorsunuz - you are not coming gelmiyorlar - they are not coming I am coming you are looking he, she, it is entering we are going out you are finding they are laughing

The vowel of gelmek (E-Dotted group) is -e- therefore the tense sign begins with Dotted i -iyor-. The infinitive verb ending -mek is dropped from the verb stem and -iyor- is added together with the personal endings to form the tense.

All Negative Verb roots that end in a vowel as in: gelmemek - [gelme -mek] - not to come also drop this final vowel from the vowel stem so that when the tense sign -iyor- is added two vowels do not occur together. [gelmeiyorum is incorrect]. The Rule is that Negative Verbs drop the final vowel of the root along with -mek or -mak. Examples of the Present Continuous Tense The E-Dotted Vowels Note that the final vowel of any verb stem is dropped when adding -iyor in order to keep two vowels apart. This applies to all negative Verbs in both the A-UnDotted Vowel and the E-Dotted Groups - as they all end in a vowel of the -me or -ma negative particle. As an example see bilme-mek becomes bil-m-iyor in table above. Examples of the E-Dotted vowel group of Verbs vermek to give veriyor vermemek not to give vermiyor bilmek to know biliyor bilmemek not to know bilmiyor grmek to see gryor grmemek not to see grmyor glmek to laugh glyor glmemek not to laugh glmyor

giving not giving knowing not knowing seeing not seeing laughing not laughing

Note that the final vowel of any verb is dropped when adding -iyor in order to keep two vowels apart. This applies to all positive Verbs. (in both A-Nodots and E-Dotted Groups). As an example see kuru -mak becomes kur -uyor and ar -mak becomes ar -yor in table above. All negative verb stems lose their final stem vowel as they end in the negative particle -me or -ma.


The A-UnDotted Vowels Examples of the A-UnDotted vowel group of Verbs yapmak to do, make, perform yapyor yapmamak not to do.. etc yapmyor armak to ache aryor armamak not to ache armyor kopmak to snap kopuyor kopmamak not to snap kopmuyor kurumak to dry kuruyor kurumamak not to dry kurumuyor doing.. etc. not doing.. etc. aching not aching not snapping not snapping drying not drying

Verb Root ending in a Vowel Examples of Verb Root ending in a Vowel beklemek to wait, expect beklememek bekliyorum I am waiting beklemiyorum bekliyorsun you are waiting beklemiyorsun bekliyor he/she/it is waiting beklemiyor bekliyoruz we are waiting beklemiyoruz bekliyorsunuz you are waiting beklemiyorsunuz bekliyorlar they are waiting beklemiyorlar to not wait, expect I am not waiting you are not waiting he/she/it is not waiting we are not waiting you are not waiting they are not waiting

The root of this verb is bekle- but we must also drop this final vowel -e before adding the tense sign-iyor- in order that two vowels do not occur together. [bekleiyorum would be incorrect]. The Rule is that the final vowel of verb stem is dropped along with -mek or -mak

A-UnDotted verbs ending in a consonant The positive verb is bakmak - to look. The negative verb is bakmamak - not to look. bakmak - to look - is a verb of the A-UnDotted Group therefore the tense sign also begins with an undotted -yor-. The tense sign -yor- is then added under vowel harmony rules. A-Undotted verbs ending in a consonant bakmak bakyorum bakyorsun bakyor bakyoruz bakyorsunuz bakyorlar to look, to look at I am looking you are looking he is looking we are looking you are looking they are looking bakmamak bakmyorum bakmyorsun bakmyor bakmyoruz bakmyorsunuz bakmyorlar not to look, not to look at I am not looking you are not looking he is not looking we are not looking you are notlooking they are not looking

For verbs of the A-UnDotted Group with a i o u in verb stem the suffix -mak signifies the positive verb - while -mamak is used for the negative verb. The positive verb is bakmak - to see. The negative verb is bakmamak - not to see


E-Dotted verb ending in a vowel E-Dotted verbs ending in a vowel yrmek to walk yryorum I am walking yryorsun you are walking yryor he is walking yryoruz we are walking yryorsunuz you are walking yryorlar they are walking

yrmemek yrmyorum yrmyorsun yrmyor yrmyoruz yrmyorsunuz yrmyorlar

not to walk I am not walking you are not walking he is not walking we are not walking you are not walking they are not walking

The positive verb is yrmek - to walk. The negative verb is yrmemek - not to walk. yrmek - to walk - is a verb of the E-Dotted Group therefore the tense sign also begins with an dotted -yor-. This verb also has a final vowel in the verb stem which is dropped along with the infinitive sign -mek. The tense sign -yor- is then added under vowel harmony rules.

For verbs of the E-Dotted Group with e in verb stem the suffix -mek signifies the positive verb while -memek is used for the negative verb. The positive verb is yrmek - to walk. The negative verb is yrmemek - not to walk

An Example of a Negative verb Negative Verb Example yapmamak not to do, not to make, not to perform yapmyorum I am not doing yapmyorsun you are not doing yapmyor he is not doing yapmyoruz we are not doing yapmyorsunuz you are not doing yapmyorlar they are not doing This example contains vowels of the A-Undotted Group, so the first vowel of -yor is also undotted. The final vowel of the negative particle ma is also dropped (to keep two vowels apart) Forming Positive Questions To form questions the question particle mi? - (which is subject to Vowel harmony) - is used after -iyor. It is written separately and the personal ending is added making a question tag. However the third person plural is slightly different in that the question particle mi? is always placed last for reasons of ease of pronunciation. The question particle mi? is subject to vowel harmony so can have four forms mi?, m?, mu?, m?. It retains its vowel harmonization even when not attached as a suffix. A Note about Question Formation Generally The Question Particle - m? mi? mu? m? - is placed after the item that you are questioning: It is NOT always the VERB that is in question. This is the same for English. Examples of Question Particle Positioning Mehmet, imdi eve gidiyor mu? - Is Mehmet going home now? [Mehmet, is he going home now?] - Question on the verb. [to go - gitmek]

Mehmet, eve mi gidiyor?- Is it home that Mehmet is going to? - Question on the Object - [home - ev] Mehmet mi, eve gidiyor? - Is it Mehmet who is going home? - - Question on The subject - [Mehmet] Bisiklet, ters mi duruyor? - Is the bicycle upside down? - [The bicycle, is it upside down? - Here the position of the bicycle is in question] Mehmet, kemen mi alyor? - Is Mehmet playing the violin? - [Is it the violin? That he is playing. Here the "violin" is in question.] The verb - almak has two meanings: (1) To play a musical instrument and (2) To steal something - O, kemen mi alyor? - Could mean - Is it a violin that he is stealing? or Isit a violin that he is playing? Bir hirsiz arabam ald - A thief stole my car. Question Tags in Turkish The Positive - Interrogative - Forming Negative Questions gelmek geliyor muyum? geliyor musun? geliyor mu? geliyor muyuz? geliyor musunuz? geliyorlar m? to come am I coming? are you coming? is he coming? are we coming? are you coming? are they coming? gelmemek gelmiyor muyum? gelmiyor musun? gelmiyor mu? gelmiyor musunuz? gelmiyor muyuz? gelmiyorlar m? to not come aren't I coming? aren't you coming? isn't he coming? aren't you coming? aren't we coming? aren't they coming?

About Question Tags The question tags muyum?, musun? etc are always written separately from the verb itself. The tags do however follow vowel harmony rules even that they are not directly suffixed to the verb stem itself. The negative questions are formed in the same manner using the negative verb stem. Note that the vowel harmonized question tag is still written separated from the verb stem

Some Examples yarn ehre gidiyorum - tomorrow I am going to town yarn ehre gitmiyorum - tomorrow I am not going to town benimle gelmiyor musunuz? - aren't you coming with me? kk odada uyumuyorlar m? - aren't they sleeping in the small room? evi boyuyor - he is painting the house - [ev-i - Lit: the house - direct object.] Mehmet kendi evini boyamyor - Mehmet is not painting his own house - [ev-i-n-i - Lit: the house of him - possessed direct object.] From Example (1) above it can be seen that Turkish uses the Present Continuous Tense as a Future Tense of Intention, just as we do in English - ie. - We are going to Turkey next month - [Future of Intention] Spelling Exceptions - Basic Verb Stems Only four verbs change their root spelling from -t to -d when adding a vowel : gitmek - to go - becomes - gidiyorum - I am going ditmek - to shred - (this verb is often used in recipes) - becomes - didiyor - he shreds tatmak - to taste (of) - becomes - tadyor - it tastes (of..) etmek - to do/perform - becomes - ediyorum - I am doing etc. Note: This verb - etmek - includes all verbs containing - etmek such as kaybetmek - to lose and affetmek - to pardon, to excuse All other verbs retain their original spelling, for instance: bitmek - to end - bitiyor - it is finishing - [NOT bidiyor] batmak - to sink - batyor - it is sinking - [NOT badyor] The Present Progressive Tense This tense is coming into use more and more each day. It is especially used in newspapers, but is also being used in conversation. Its base is formed by adding the locative suffix to the infinitive, to which the personal endings of the verb "to be" are then added. It means "I am presently doing something and I am still doing it at the moment". It is best translated into English as "I have been doing (and am still doing)"


Let us take an example beklemek - to wait beklemekteyim [beklemek-te-yim] - I have been waiting (and am still waiting..) Saat beten beri bankada seni beklemekteyim - I have been waiting for you in the bank since five o'clock (and I am still waiting) A newspaper might print - Futbol takmmz talya'da oynamaktadr. - Our football team are presently playing in Italy (and are still there). We mention this tense as it is used very much in newspaper talk, so you should recognize it as such. Abstract from an Academic Thesis on Differences between -Iyor and -mAktA This work examines the verb units Iyor and mAktA in the concept of their running in daily language dialogues and monologs and in academicals texts-speeches with a enunciative approach. These two parts are the markers of the two different qualities of forming the statement by linguistic subject, two different enunciations modes (enunciations states): The enunciator uses Iyor when forming an unfinished statement in which he/she does not keep aloof (in enunciation style) with both content and adressee, when forming an unfinished statement in which he/she keeps aloof the enunciator uses mAktA. In Turkish Iyor is the unfinished unit without aloofness and mAktA is the unfinished unit with aloofness. These two parts are opposed as the markers of the two different enunciation modes (enunciation states) and the opposition between them is enunciative. Using Iyor means "speaking for yourself" and expressing a personal content, attributing the content to yourself, "incident" narration, having a relationship of "me"-"you"; direct address etc.; using mAktA means attributing the content to another, "speaking for another" and expressing a non-personal content, topic narration (informing by transfer) and not having a relationship of "me"-"you"; reported speech etc. The enunciator is an "internal eye"; a narrator; a person (an invidivual) with Iyor whereas he is an "external eye"; a presenter; a reporter (observer), an authority (abstract collective personality) with mAktA. Talat AKASLAN - The Past Progressive Tense The past tense endings can also be added to change the tense - Mehmet evde beni belemekteydi - Mehmet had been waiting for me at home.

Turkish Language - The Simple Present Tense - Positive The Simple Present Tense is also known as the Aorist (Boundless) Tense in some grammar books. It is known as the Geni Zaman - Wide Tense - in Turkish grammar. It does not specify a time of the present, past or future.

This tense is known as the Wide Tense Tense in Turkish grammatical terms as it signifies an unbounded time situation. In Turkish it is called Geni Zaman - The Wide Tense. It is also considered as a gentle tense and is used as a polite imperative or polite request. The three uses of the Simple Present are as follows: (1) Habitual Action This tense is used where verbs are required to signify a timeless situation in meaning: Her gun denizde yzerim. - I swim in the sea every day. Aye hanm dondurmay cok sever. - Miss Ayshe likes ice cream a lot. Her gece eve dnerim. - I come back home every night. Her gn dzenli olarak tra olur. - He shaves regularly each day. Genelikle et yeriz. - Generally we eat meat. Her hafta sonunda futbol oynarlar. - They play football every weekend. In the sentences above there is no indication of future, past or present time. The tense then is used to denote action that is habitual or ongoing. Thanks to Nurcan Akaltun ifti for corrections to the above section - JG - May 2008. (2) Consent or Willingness The tense also shows consent or willingness. Kapy aar msnz? - Would you open the door please? - [a polite request.] Buna bakar msnz? - Would you look at this please - [a polite command.] Evet, onu yaparm. - Yes, I will do the job - [a willing consent.] ki gecelik bir oda tutarz - We will take a room for two nights. In Turkish - would you..? and please.. - are not translated as it is inherent within the tense itself. This tense is a polite tense.


The Polite Command Bakar msnz? - Would you look, please? This is the polite way to get attention of a waiter or any person. It is similar to the Welsh - Look you? - in that it is not rude. The Polite Request Bir ay rica ederim - A tea, please - [Lit: I request a tea.] Pencereyi kapatr msnz? - Would you close the window, please? This is the polite way of asking questions or giving minor orders to strangers. The Polite Consent Ben onu yaparm - I'll do it. This is a nice way of accepting the responsibility of something. (3) Uncertain Future The Simple Present is also used for future events which are not timed. Saatin altnda seni beklerim - I'll be waiting under the clock for you. Parkn yanndaki bankay tabii ki bulursunuz - You'll find the bank all right, next to the Park. Yarn ofiste buluuruz - We'll see each other in the office tomorrow. Positive Form The tense sign is -r which is added directly to the verb stem as follows: Single Syllable Verbs For verbs of one syllable which end in a consonant - the positive tense sign is -ar or -er. There are some exceptions to this general rule. This tense is the only one which shows some irregularity in its formation. Exceptions to Single Syllable Verbs Some 13 single syllable verbs take the tense sign as -ir -r -r -ur these verbs are listed below.

Multi Syllable Verbs For verbs consisting of more than one syllable the tense sign is -ir -r -r -ur - according to Vowel harmony. Verb Stems Which end in a vowel For all verbs ending in a vowel the tense sign is -r-. The Personal suffixes are added to the tense sign to complete the verb in number.. Single Syllable Verb Root ending in a consonant In this case -ar or -er is added after dropping -mak or -mek yapmak yaparm yaparsn yapar yaparz to do, to make kesmek I do you do he does we do keserim kesersin keser keseriz to cut I cut you cut he cuts we cut

yaparsnz you do yaparlar they do

kesersiniz you cut keserler they cut

Some Examples - the tense sign is -r demek - der - to say Dnya yuvarlaktr derler - They say the world is round. yemek - yer - to eat Her gn ekmek yeriz We eat bread every day.

beklemek - bekler - to wait Her gn kede beklersiniz, deil mi? - Every day you wait at the corner , don't you? sylemek - syler - to speak Her zaman "hayr'" derler - They say "No" every time. [the word "hayr'" is a Direct Object] Multi Syllable Vowels Which end in a Consonant Verbs consisting of more than one syllable in the verb stem take tense sign -ir -r -r ur according to vowel harmony. gndermek gnderirim gnderirsin gnderir gndeririz gnderirsiniz gnderirler to send I send you send he sends we send you send they send kazanmak kazanrm kazanrsn kazanr kazanrz kazanrsnz kazanrlar to win I win you win he wins we win you win they win

Some Examples - the tense sign is -ir -r -r -ur kazanabilmek - kazanabilir - to be able to win Her hafta Milli Piyango'yu kazanabilirsin - You can win the lottery every week. -a trmanmak - to climb (to, up to..) Her yl Nemrut Da'na trmanrz - We climb (to)Mount Nemrut every year. Note: - trmanmak - to climb (to, up to) - takes a Dative Object in -a or -e as this verb shows "movement towards"

gtrmek - gtrr - to bring Mehmet, yemeini her gn evden gtrr - Mehmet, brings his lunch from home every day. beenmek - beenir - to like, approve Trk kahvesini beenirler - They like Turkish coffee. The Positive Interrogative Form The interrogative is formed by adding the personalized question particles after the simple tense verb stem ending in -r. They are written separately, but follow vowel harmony rules. bakmak kalmak bitirmek yazmak komak yrmek to look to stay to finish to write to run to walk bakar mym? kalr msn? bitirir mi? yazar myz? koar msnz? yrrler mi? do I look? do you stay? does he finish? do we write? do you run? do they walk?

Translation of - "used to.." If the past tense endings are added to the Wide Tense Positive -r verb stem then the meaning is habitual in the past. This translated by - used to ... - in English. However in Turkish the Simple Present Tense is used with the past tense personal endings habitual in the past.

Sk sk buraya gelirdim. I used to come here very often


** Genken ok glerdin You used to laugh a lot when [Lit: while..] you were young. This is another way of saying: ** Gen olduun zaman ok glerdin. - When you were young you used to laugh a lot. Kuadada (Kuadasnda) kalrken her zaman denizde yzerdi He always used to swim in the sea when staying at Kuadas. Note: Locally people say Kuadada - "in Kuadas" - but grammatically it should be - Kuadasnda - "in Kuadas" 1950 ylndan nce Trkiyede kola iilirdi. Coca-cola used to be drunk in Turkey before 1950. Dersler bittikten sonra uzun zaman/sre beni beklerdin. You always used to wait for me a long time after school finished. Tatilde kamp yaparken hep/daima iyi uyurlard They always used to sleep very well while on holiday while camping. We should note that although iken translates as while in English, it is very often better to translate it as - "when", although this is not literally correct [see * and ** above] Thanks to Nurcan Akaltun ifti for corrections to the above section - JG - May 2008. Proverbs - "Ataszler" Turkish Proverbs are usually written in the Wide Tense habitual tense. Here are some examples in the positive form of the timeless tense. These translations are not literal showing the difficulty of such interpretation from Turkish to English.

Acele ie, eytan karr. If you hurry, the devil intervenes. abuk parlayan abuk sner. A flash is quickly extinguished.

Damlaya damlaya gl olur. Lakes form drop by drop. Emek ver, kulak ver, bilgi ver, ama hibir zaman bo verme. - [the final - verme - is negative] Give labour, ear and knowledge, but never give notice. [never don't bother..]. Fakirlik ayp deil tembellik ayp. Poverty is no shame but idleness is. Gzel gren gzel dnr. Gzel dnen hayattan lezzet alr. An observer of beauty thinks of beauty. Those who think beauty taste life. yilik eden iyilik bulur. Those who do good find goodness themselves. Ne ekersen onu biersin. You reap what you sow. nce dn sonra syle. Think first, speak later. Salam kafa salam vcutta bulunur. A healthy mind is found in a healthy body. Tok iken yemek yiyen, mezarn kendi kazar. Those who eat when they are full dig their own grave. See Turkish proverbs A to Z - at Wikipedia Website.

Present Continuous Tense The Present Continuous Tense This tense takes the form of - "be doing, be not doing, be saying, be not saying, be going, etc. I am going, are you thinking? we are not staying, are they not trying? etc."

Formation of the Present Continuous Tense This tense takes the form of - "be doing, be not doing, be saying, be not saying, be going, etc. I am going, are you thinking? we are not staying, are they not trying? etc." The Tense sign of the Present Continuous Tense is -iyor- -yor- -yor- -uyor- which is added to the verb root. The tense endings are completed by adding the personal suffixes. When the verb root itself ends in a vowel, as in bekle-mek - to wait, expect becoming bekl-iyor, then this vowel is also dropped as the head vowel of the -iyor tense sign replaces it. The first letter -i- of -iyor- is subject to vowel harmony with the verb stem's final vowel. The Tense Sign -iyor- can be likened to the English Tense sign -ing. The Personal Endings -Present Continuous geliyorum [geliyor-um] I am coming bakyorsun [bakyoryou are looking sun] giriyor [giriyor] he, she, it is entering kyoruz [kyor-uz] we are going out buluyorsunuz [buluyoryou are finding sunuz] glyorlar [glyor-lar] they are laughing Conjugation Examples gelmek - [gel -mek] - to come geliyorum - I am coming gelmemek - [gelme -mek] - not to come gelmiyorum - I am not coming

geliyorsun - you are coming geliyor - he is coming geliyoruz - we are coming

gelmiyorsun - you are not coming gelmiyor - he is not coming gelmiyoruz - we are not coming gelmiyorsunuz - you are not geliyorsunuz - you are coming coming geliyorlar - they are coming gelmiyorlar - they are not coming The vowel of gelmek (E-Dotted group) is -e- therefore the tense sign begins with Dotted i -iyor-. The infinitive verb ending -mek is dropped from the verb stem and -iyor- is added together with the personal endings to form the tense. All Negative Verb roots that end in a vowel as in: gelmemek - [gelme -mek] - not to come also drop this final vowel from the vowel stem so that when the tense sign -iyor- is added two vowels do not occur together. [gelmeiyorum is incorrect]. The Rule is that Negative Verbs drop the final vowel of the root along with -mek or -mak. Examples of the Present Continuous Tense The E-Dotted Vowels Note that the final vowel of any verb stem is dropped when adding -iyor in order to keep two vowels apart. This applies to all negative Verbs in both the A-UnDotted Vowel and the E-Dotted Groups - as they all end in a vowel of the -me or -ma negative particle. As an example see bilme-mek becomes bil-m-iyor in table above. Examples of the E-Dotted vowel group of Verbs vermek to give veriyor vermemek not to give vermiyor bilmek to know biliyor bilmemek not to know bilmiyor grmek to see gryor

giving not giving knowing not knowing seeing


grmemek glmek glmemek

not to see to laugh not to laugh

grmyor glyor glmyor

not seeing laughing not laughing

Note that the final vowel of any verb is dropped when adding -iyor in order to keep two vowels apart. This applies to all positive Verbs. (in both A-Nodots and E-Dotted Groups). As an example see kuru -mak becomes kur -uyor and ar -mak becomes ar -yor in table above. All negative verb stems lose their final stem vowel as they end in the negative particle -me or -ma. The A-UnDotted Vowels Examples of the A-UnDotted vowel group of Verbs yapmak yapmamak armak armamak kopmak kopmamak kurumak kurumamak to do, make, perform yapyor not to do.. etc to ache not to ache to snap not to snap to dry not to dry yapmyor aryor armyor kopuyor kopmuyor doing.. etc. not doing.. etc. aching not aching not snapping not snapping

kuruyor drying kurumuyor not drying

Verb Root ending in a Vowel Examples of Verb Root ending in a Vowel beklemek to wait, expect beklememek bekliyorum I am waiting beklemiyorum bekliyorsun you are waiting beklemiyorsun he/she/it is bekliyor beklemiyor waiting to not wait, expect I am not waiting you are not waiting he/she/it is not waiting

bekliyoruz we are waiting bekliyorsunuz you are waiting bekliyorlar they are waiting

beklemiyoruz we are not waiting beklemiyorsunuz you are not waiting they are not beklemiyorlar waiting

The root of this verb is bekle- but we must also drop this final vowel -e before adding the tense sign-iyor- in order that two vowels do not occur together. [bekleiyorum would be incorrect]. The Rule is that the final vowel of verb stem is dropped along with -mek or -mak A-UnDotted verbs ending in a consonant The positive verb is bakmak - to look. The negative verb is bakmamak - not to look. bakmak - to look - is a verb of the A-UnDotted Group therefore the tense sign also begins with an undotted -yor-. The tense sign -yor- is then added under vowel harmony rules. A-Undotted verbs ending in a consonant to look, to look bakmak bakmamak at bakyorum I am looking bakmyorum bakyorsun you are looking bakmyorsun bakyor he is looking bakmyor bakyoruz we are looking bakmyoruz bakyorsunuz you are looking bakmyorsunuz bakyorlar they are looking bakmyorlar

not to look, not to look at I am not looking you are not looking he is not looking we are not looking you are notlooking they are not looking

For verbs of the A-UnDotted Group with a i o u in verb stem the suffix -mak signifies the positive verb - while -mamak is used for the negative verb. The positive verb is bakmak - to see. The negative verb is bakmamak - not to see E-Dotted verb ending in a vowel

The positive verb is yrmek - to walk. The negative verb is yrmemek - not to walk. yrmek - to walk - is a verb of the E-Dotted Group therefore the tense sign also begins with an dotted -yor-. This verb also has a final vowel in the verb stem which is dropped along with the infinitive sign -mek. The tense sign -yor- is then added under vowel harmony rules. E-Dotted verbs ending in a vowel yrmek yryorum yryorsun yryor yryoruz yryorsunuz yryorlar to walk I am walking you are walking he is walking we are walking you are walking they are walking yrmemek yrmyorum yrmyorsun yrmyor yrmyoruz yrmyorsunuz yrmyorlar not to walk I am not walking you are not walking he is not walking we are not walking you are not walking they are not walking

For verbs of the E-Dotted Group with e in verb stem the suffix -mek signifies the positive verb while -memek is used for the negative verb. The positive verb is yrmek - to walk. The negative verb is yrmemek - not to walk An Example of a Negative verb This example contains vowels of the A-Undotted Group, so the first vowel of -yor is also undotted. The final vowel of the negative particle ma is also dropped (to keep two vowels apart) Negative Verb Example yapmamak not to do, not to make, not to perform yapmyorum I am not doing yapmyorsun you are not doing yapmyor he is not doing

yapmyoruz we are not doing yapmyorsunuz you are not doing yapmyorlar they are not doing Forming Positive Questions To form questions the question particle mi? - (which is subject to Vowel harmony) - is used after -iyor. It is written separately and the personal ending is added making a question tag. However the third person plural is slightly different in that the question particle mi? is always placed last for reasons of ease of pronunciation. The question particle mi? is subject to vowel harmony so can have four forms mi?, m?, mu?, m?. It retains its vowel harmonization even when not attached as a suffix. A Note about Question Formation Generally The Question Particle - m? mi? mu? m? - is placed after the item that you are questioning: It is NOT always the VERB that is in question. This is the same for English. Examples of Question Particle Positioning Mehmet, imdi eve gidiyor mu? - Is Mehmet going home now? [Mehmet, is he going home now?] - Question on the verb. [to go - gitmek] Mehmet, eve mi gidiyor?- Is it home that Mehmet is going to? - Question on the Object - [home - ev] Mehmet mi, eve gidiyor? - Is it Mehmet who is going home? - - Question on The subject - [Mehmet] Bisiklet, ters mi duruyor? - Is the bicycle upside down? - [The bicycle, is it upside down? - Here the position of the bicycle is in question] Mehmet, kemen mi alyor? - Is Mehmet playing the violin? - [Is it the violin? That he is playing. Here the "violin" is in question.] The verb - almak has two meanings: (1) To play a musical instrument and (2) To steal something - O, kemen mi alyor? - Could mean - Is it a violin that he is stealing? or Isit a violin that he is playing? Bir hirsiz arabam ald - A thief stole my car.


Question Tags in Turkish The Positive - Interrogative - Forming Negative Questions gelmek geliyor muyum? geliyor musun? geliyor mu? geliyor muyuz? geliyor musunuz? geliyorlar m? to come am I coming? are you coming? is he coming? are we coming? are you coming? are they coming? gelmemek gelmiyor muyum? gelmiyor musun? gelmiyor mu? gelmiyor musunuz? gelmiyor muyuz? gelmiyorlar m? to not come aren't I coming? aren't you coming? isn't he coming? aren't you coming? aren't we coming? aren't they coming?

About Question Tags The question tags muyum?, musun? etc are always written separately from the verb itself. The tags do however follow vowel harmony rules even that they are not directly suffixed to the verb stem itself. The negative questions are formed in the same manner using the negative verb stem. Note that the vowel harmonized question tag is still written separated from the verb stem Some Examples yarn ehre gidiyorum - tomorrow I am going to town yarn ehre gitmiyorum - tomorrow I am not going to town benimle gelmiyor musunuz? - aren't you coming with me? kk odada uyumuyorlar m? - aren't they sleeping in the small room? evi boyuyor - he is painting the house - [ev-i - Lit: the house - direct object.] Mehmet kendi evini boyamyor - Mehmet is not painting his own house - [ev-i-n-i - Lit: the house of him - possessed direct object.] From Example (1) above it can be seen that Turkish uses the Present Continuous Tense as a Future Tense of Intention, just as we do in English - ie. - We are going to Turkey next month - [Future of Intention]

Spelling Exceptions - Basic Verb Stems Only four verbs change their root spelling from -t to -d when adding a vowel : gitmek - to go - becomes - gidiyorum - I am going ditmek - to shred - (this verb is often used in recipes) - becomes - didiyor - he shreds tatmak - to taste (of) - becomes - tadyor - it tastes (of..) etmek - to do/perform - becomes - ediyorum - I am doing etc. Note: This verb - etmek - includes all verbs containing - etmek such as kaybetmek - to lose and affetmek - to pardon, to excuse All other verbs retain their original spelling, for instance: bitmek - to end - bitiyor - it is finishing - [NOT bidiyor] batmak - to sink - batyor - it is sinking - [NOT badyor] The Present Progressive Tense This tense is coming into use more and more each day. It is especially used in newspapers, but is also being used in conversation. Its base is formed by adding the locative suffix to the infinitive, to which the personal endings of the verb "to be" are then added. It means "I am presently doing something and I am still doing it at the moment". It is best translated into English as "I have been doing (and am still doing)" Let us take an example beklemek - to wait beklemekteyim [beklemek-te-yim] - I have been waiting (and am still waiting..) Saat beten beri bankada seni beklemekteyim - I have been waiting for you in the bank since five o'clock (and I am still waiting) A newspaper might print - Futbol takmmz talya'da oynamaktadr. - Our football team are presently playing in Italy (and are still there). We mention this tense as it is used very much in newspaper talk, so you should recognize it as such. Abstract from an Academic Thesis on Differences between -Iyor and -mAktA This work examines the verb units Iyor and mAktA in the concept of their running in daily language dialogues and monologs and in academicals texts-speeches with a enunciative approach. These two parts are the markers of the two different qualities of forming the statement by linguistic subject, two different enunciations modes (enunciations states): The enunciator uses Iyor when forming an unfinished statement in which he/she does not keep aloof (in enunciation style) with both content and adressee, when forming an unfinished

statement in which he/she keeps aloof the enunciator uses mAktA. In Turkish Iyor is the unfinished unit without aloofness and mAktA is the unfinished unit with aloofness. These two parts are opposed as the markers of the two different enunciation modes (enunciation states) and the opposition between them is enunciative. Using Iyor means "speaking for yourself" and expressing a personal content, attributing the content to yourself, "incident" narration, having a relationship of "me"-"you"; direct address etc.; using mAktA means attributing the content to another, "speaking for another" and expressing a non-personal content, topic narration (informing by transfer) and not having a relationship of "me"-"you"; reported speech etc. The enunciator is an "internal eye"; a narrator; a person (an invidivual) with Iyor whereas he is an "external eye"; a presenter; a reporter (observer), an authority (abstract collective personality) with mAktA. Talat AKASLAN - The Past Progressive Tense The past tense endings can also be added to change the tense - Mehmet evde beni belemekteydi - Mehmet had been waiting for me at home. Turkish Language - The Simple Present Tense - Positive The Simple Present Tense is also known as the Aorist (Boundless) Tense in some grammar books. It is known as the Geni Zaman - Wide Tense - in Turkish grammar. It does not specify a time of the present, past or future. This tense is known as the Wide Tense Tense in Turkish grammatical terms as it signifies an unbounded time situation. In Turkish it is called Geni Zaman - The Wide Tense. It is also considered as a gentle tense and is used as a polite imperative or polite request. The three uses of the Simple Present are as follows: (1) Habitual Action This tense is used where verbs are required to signify a timeless situation in meaning: Her gun denizde yzerim. - I swim in the sea every day. Aye hanm dondurmay cok sever. - Miss Ayshe likes ice cream a lot. Her gece eve dnerim. - I come back home every night. Her gn dzenli olarak tra olur. - He shaves regularly each day. Genelikle et yeriz. - Generally we eat meat.

Her hafta sonunda futbol oynarlar. - They play football every weekend. In the sentences above there is no indication of future, past or present time. The tense then is used to denote action that is habitual or ongoing. Thanks to Nurcan Akaltun ifti for corrections to the above section - JG - May 2008. (2) Consent or Willingness The tense also shows consent or willingness. Kapy aar msnz? - Would you open the door please? - [a polite request.] Buna bakar msnz? - Would you look at this please - [a polite command.] Evet, onu yaparm. - Yes, I will do the job - [a willing consent.] ki gecelik bir oda tutarz - We will take a room for two nights. In Turkish - would you..? and please.. - are not translated as it is inherent within the tense itself. This tense is a polite tense. The Polite Command Bakar msnz? - Would you look, please? This is the polite way to get attention of a waiter or any person. It is similar to the Welsh - Look you? - in that it is not rude. The Polite Request Bir ay rica ederim - A tea, please - [Lit: I request a tea.] Pencereyi kapatr msnz? - Would you close the window, please? This is the polite way of asking questions or giving minor orders to strangers. The Polite Consent Ben onu yaparm - I'll do it. This is a nice way of accepting the responsibility of something. (3) Uncertain Future

The Simple Present is also used for future events which are not timed. Saatin altnda seni beklerim - I'll be waiting under the clock for you. Parkn yanndaki bankay tabii ki bulursunuz - You'll find the bank all right, next to the Park. Yarn ofiste buluuruz - We'll see each other in the office tomorrow. Positive Form The tense sign is -r which is added directly to the verb stem as follows: Single Syllable Verbs For verbs of one syllable which end in a consonant - the positive tense sign is -ar or -er. There are some exceptions to this general rule. This tense is the only one which shows some irregularity in its formation. Exceptions to Single Syllable Verbs Some 13 single syllable verbs take the tense sign as -ir -r -r -ur these verbs are listed below. Multi Syllable Verbs For verbs consisting of more than one syllable the tense sign is -ir -r -r -ur - according to Vowel harmony. Verb Stems Which end in a vowel For all verbs ending in a vowel the tense sign is -r-. The Personal suffixes are added to the tense sign to complete the verb in number.. Single Syllable Verb Root ending in a consonant In this case -ar or -er is added after dropping -mak or -mek yapmak yaparm yaparsn to do, to make I do you do kesmek keserim kesersin to cut I cut you cut

yapar yaparz

he does we do

keser keseriz

he cuts we cut

yaparsnz you do yaparlar they do

kesersiniz you cut keserler they cut

The Five Verbs which Show Consonant Mutation Remember also that the five verbs that soften their final -t to -d when a vowel is added in the suffix: gitmek etmek tatmak ditmek gtmek to go to do to taste of to shred to nourish gider ederim tadarlar didersin gderim he goes I do they taste of you shred I nourish..

Exceptions to Single Syllable Verbs These 13 single syllable verbs are exceptions as they form the tense with -ir or -r or -ur or -r. Aide memoir: All these verb stems end in -r or -l - except one - sanmak. almak bilmek to take to know alrm bilir I take he knows

bulmak durmak gelmek grmek kalmak olmak lmek sanmak vermek varmak vurmak

to find to stop, halt to come to see to stay to become to die to suppose to give to arrive to hit

bulur dururuz gelirsiniz grrler kalrm olursun lr sanrz verirsiniz varrlar vururum

he finds we stop you come they see I stay you become it dies we suppose you give they arrive I hit

Verb Stems which end in a Vowel In this case the Tense sign -r is added after dropping -mak or -mek demek derim dersin der to say, mean I say you say he says anlamak anlarm anlarsn anlar to understand I understand you understand he understands

deriz dersiniz derler

we say you say they say

anlarz anlarsnz anlarlar

we understand you understand they understand

Some Examples - the tense sign is -r demek - der - to say Dnya yuvarlaktr derler - They say the world is round. yemek - yer - to eat Her gn ekmek yeriz - We eat bread every day. beklemek - bekler - to wait Her gn kede beklersiniz, deil mi? - Every day you wait at the corner , don't you? sylemek - syler - to speak Her zaman "hayr'" derler - They say "No" every time. [the word "hayr'" is a Direct Object] Multi Syllable Vowels Which end in a Consonant Verbs consisting of more than one syllable in the verb stem take tense sign -ir -r -r -ur according to vowel harmony. gndermek gnderirim gnderirsin gnderir to send I send you send he sends kazanmak kazanrm kazanrsn kazanr to win I win you win he wins

gndeririz gnderirsiniz gnderirler

we send you send they send

kazanrz kazanrsnz kazanrlar

we win you win they win

Some Examples - the tense sign is -ir -r -r -ur kazanabilmek - kazanabilir - to be able to win Her hafta Milli Piyango'yu kazanabilirsin - You can win the lottery every week. -a trmanmak - to climb (to, up to..) Her yl Nemrut Da'na trmanrz - We climb (to)Mount Nemrut every year. Note: - trmanmak - to climb (to, up to) - takes a Dative Object in -a or -e as this verb shows "movement towards" gtrmek - gtrr - to bring Mehmet, yemeini her gn evden gtrr - Mehmet, brings his lunch from home every day. beenmek - beenir - to like, approve Trk kahvesini beenirler - They like Turkish coffee. The Positive Interrogative Form The interrogative is formed by adding the personalized question particles after the simple tense verb stem ending in -r. They are written separately, but follow vowel harmony rules. bakmak kalmak bitirmek to look to stay to finish bakar mym? kalr msn? bitirir mi? do I look? do you stay? does he finish?

yazmak komak yrmek

to write to run to walk

yazar myz? koar msnz? yrrler mi?

do we write? do you run? do they walk?

Translation of - "used to.." If the past tense endings are added to the Wide Tense Positive -r verb stem then the meaning is habitual in the past. This translated by - used to ... - in English. However in Turkish the Simple Present Tense is used with the past tense personal endings habitual in the past.

Sk sk buraya gelirdim. I used to come here very often ** Genken ok glerdin You used to laugh a lot when [Lit: while..] you were young. This is another way of saying: ** Gen olduun zaman ok glerdin. - When you were young you used to laugh a lot. Kuadada (Kuadasnda) kalrken her zaman denizde yzerdi He always used to swim in the sea when staying at Kuadas. Note: Locally people say Kuadada - "in Kuadas" - but grammatically it should be - Kuadasnda - "in Kuadas" 1950 ylndan nce Trkiyede kola iilirdi. Coca-cola used to be drunk in Turkey before 1950. Dersler bittikten sonra uzun zaman/sre beni beklerdin. You always used to wait for me a long time after school finished. Tatilde kamp yaparken hep/daima iyi uyurlard They always used to sleep very well while on holiday while camping.


We should note that although iken translates as while in English, it is very often better to translate it as - "when", although this is not literally correct [see * and ** above] Thanks to Nurcan Akaltun ifti for corrections to the above section - JG - May 2008. Proverbs - "Ataszler" Turkish Proverbs are usually written in the Wide Tense habitual tense. Here are some examples in the positive form of the timeless tense. These translations are not literal showing the difficulty of such interpretation from Turkish to English.

Acele ie, eytan karr. If you hurry, the devil intervenes. abuk parlayan abuk sner. A flash is quickly extinguished. Damlaya damlaya gl olur. Lakes form drop by drop. Emek ver, kulak ver, bilgi ver, ama hibir zaman bo verme. - [the final - verme - is negative] Give labour, ear and knowledge, but never give notice. [never don't bother..]. Fakirlik ayp deil tembellik ayp. Poverty is no shame but idleness is. Gzel gren gzel dnr. Gzel dnen hayattan lezzet alr. An observer of beauty thinks of beauty. Those who think beauty taste life. yilik eden iyilik bulur. Those who do good find goodness themselves. Ne ekersen onu biersin. You reap what you sow.

nce dn sonra syle. Think first, speak later. Salam kafa salam vcutta bulunur. A healthy mind is found in a healthy body. Tok iken yemek yiyen, mezarn kendi kazar. Those who eat when they are full dig their own grave. See Turkish proverbs A to Z - at Wikipedia Website.

Turkish Language - Wide Tense Negative Tense Habitual Situations The negative of the Simple Present tense translates as: I don't go to work on Saturdays. He doesn't like ice cream. We don't keep a pet. They never take a holiday. We'll not see each other for some time. The simple present tense is used in situations in both the present and the future that are untimed. Negative Form - Timless Tense The Negative Wide Tense tense sign is -mez but it has become abraded to -me in the first person singular and plural (no doubt for reasons of daily usage) - So we must accept this as an irregularity (or intrinsic historical variability of Turkish.) Let us take the word - gelmek - to come First of all we must understand that the that the Verbal Negative Infinitive is - gelmemek - to not come - on which most of the negative tenses are based. However the Negative Wide Tense Infinitive is - gelmez - not to come, does not come. This is based on this infinitive ending

with the sign -mez. The negative tense sign is -z which is added to the negative verb stem -as an example: gitmemek - not to go, does not go - then adding -z to the verb stem after dropping -mek we arrive at: gitmez - not to go, does not go - to which the personal endings are added: Some Examples of The Simple Present Negative The Wide Tense Negative Infinitive - gitmez - not to go - Note the changes in First Persons Plural and Singular gitmem - I don't go - [NOT gitmezim] gitmezsin - you don't go gitmez - he doesn't go gitmeyiz - we don't go - [NOT gitmeziz] gitmezsiniz - you don't go gitmezler - they don't go Note that the first persons gitmem - I and gitmeyiz - We drop the -z when adding the personal endings to the negative verb stem, all other persons preserve the -z

tanmamak - not to know somebody Beni tanmazsnz - You don't know me Beni tanmaz msnz? - Don't you know me? imemek - not to drink O bira imez - He doesn't drink beer [generally?] Mehmet, bira imez mi? - Doesn't Mehmet drink beer? - [usually?] If you were to use Accusative Case - biray - in the example above , the object becomes a definite object, but here we are talking about generally the drinking of beer. O biray imez. - He doesn't drink the beer. Mehmet biray imez mi? - Doesn't Mehmet drink the (or that) beer? konumamak - not to talk Onun hakknda konumayz - We don't talk about it giymemek - not to wear

Genellikle bir apka giymez misiniz? - Don't you generally wear a hat? seyretmemek - not to watch Televizyonu seyretmezler - They don't watch the television [in particular] Televizyon seyretmezler - They don't watch television [generally] See note above for Definite and Indefinite Objects. Thanks to Bahaddin Cankurt for his corrections - JG - March 2006 The Negative Interrogative Form The interrogative is formed by adding the personalized question particles after the verb stem ending in -z. They are written separately, but follow vowel harmony rules. bakmamak kalmamak bitirmemek yazmamak komamak yrmemek Some examples Her gn saat bete seni grmez miyim? - Don't I see you every day at five o'clock? Londra'da oturmaz msnz? - Don't you live in London? Ali bey bir bankada almaz mi? - Doesn't Ali Bey work in a bank? Hepimiz bir parti sevmez miyiz? - Don't we all love a party?

not to look not to stay not to finish not to write not to run not to walk

bakmaz mym?/bakmam m? kalmaz msn? bitirmez mi? yazmaz myz? Komaz msnz? Yrmezler mi?

don't I look? don't you stay? doesn't he finish? don't we write? don't you run? don,t they walk?

Saying - "didn't used to" If the past tense endings are added to the Wide Tense negative -mez verb stem then the meaning is habitual in the past. This translated by didn't used to ... - in English. However in Turkish the Simple Present Tense is used with the past tense personal endings habitual in the past : Sk sk buraya gelmezdim. - I didn't used to come here very often Gen iken o kadar glmezdin - You didn't used to laugh very much when you were young. Kuadada kalrken denizde yzmezdi - He never used to swim in the sea when staying at Kuadas. 1950 ylndan nce (1950'den nce) Trkiye'de kola iilmezdi. - Coca-cola did not used to be drunk in Turkey before 1950. Derslerimiz bittikten sonra yerterli zaman iin beni beklemezdiniz - You didn't used to wait long enough for me after school finished. Tatilde kamp yaparken o kadar iyi uyumazdlar - They didn't used to sleep very well while on holiday while camping. Question- "didn't you used to?" Gitmez miydim? - Didn't I used to go? Hatice'yi sevmez miydin? - Didn't you used to love Hatice? Ummaz myd? - Didn't he used to hope? Amaz mydk? - Didn't we used to open Kazmaz mydnz? - Didn't you used to dig? Soan satmaz mydlar? - Didn't they used to sell onions? [note that Soan is not in the direct object case nor is it plural in Turkish, but it is a non-specific object of the family of "onion". In Turkish "things is" and "people are"] kmaz mydlar? - Didn't they used to go out? Her gn seni grmez miydim? - Didn't I used to see you every day? Bkmaz mydk? - Didn't we used to get fed up? Londra'da oturmaz mydn? - Didn't you used to live in London? [Note that oturmak means - to sit (down) - or - to live (at a place) Ali stanbul'da oturur - Ali lives in Istanbul.] Ben, mavi sandalyede oturuyorum - I am sitting in the blue chair.

Atlara binmez miydiniz? - Didn't you used to ride horses? Note that binmek - to get on, to ride, to board - takes the Dative Object -e or -a as "movement towards" is implied in the verb - binmek A final note on "used to" and "didn't used to" In conversational Turkish the Past Imperfect Tense will often be used: Yllar nce Manisa'da alyordum - Many years ago I was working in Manisa Proverbs - "Ataszler" Turkish Proverbs are usually written in the Wide Tense habitual tense. Here are some examples in the negative form of the timeless tense. These translations are not literal showing the difficulty of such interpretation from Turkish to English.

Bo uval ayakta durmaz. An empty sack does stand up. Emek ver, kulak ver, bilgi ver, ama hibir zaman bo verme. - [only the final - verme - is negative] Give labour, ear and knowledge, but never give take notice. Mum dibine k vermez. The bottom of a candle sheds no light. Havlayan kpek srmaz. A barking dog does not bite. Kk suda byk balk olmaz. There are no big fish in small pools. Yuvarlanan ta yosun tutmaz. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

urkish Language - The Irregular Wide Tense Verb List


The famous thirteen irregular single syllable verbs in the Simple Present. Twelve of them end their root in -l or -r. The single exception which root ends in -n (of these famous 13 exceptions) is - sanmak - which has the form - sanr - to suppose Many of these verbs are in common daily use, and should be committed to memory. Turkish Single Syllable Verbs - Undotted Vowel Group - A I O U Regular verbs use the regular tense sign -ar - as an example - The Wide Tense Root of the Regular verb atmak - to throw - becomes - atar - as in - at-ar-m - I throw Infinitive Wide Tense Meaning almak bulmak durmak kalmak olmak sanmak varmak vurmak alr bulur durur kalr olur sanr varr vurur to take/get to find to stop/to halt Causative aldrmak Meaning to make take

buldurmak to make find durdurmak to make stop to take away/to lift to make become (no meaning) to make arrive

to remain/to stay kaldrmak to be/to become oldurmak to suppose to arrive to strike/to hit (lacking) vardrmak

vurdurmak to make strike

Turkish Single Syllable Verbs - Dotted Vowel Group - E


Regular verbs use the regular tense sign -er - as an example - The Wide Tense Root of gemek - to pass - becomes - geer - as in - ge-er-im I pass Infinitive Wide Tense Meaning bilmek gelmek grmek lmek vermek bilir gelir grr lr verir Causative Meaning to make know

to know how to bildirmek to come to see to die to give

geldirmek to make come gstermek to show ldrmek to kill, to murder

verdirmek to make give

Using the Causative Note that one of the duties that the Causative Verb form carries out is to make intransitive verbs (verbs that do not take an object) into a transitive verb (verbs that do take an object). The verb - durmak - to stop/to halt - is such a word: Araba caddede durdu - The car stopped in the street. - (No object in this sentence - it is intransitive) Mehmet, arabay caddede durdurdu - Mehmet stopped the car in the street. - (The object in this sentence is araby - the car - it is a transitive sentence) English may use a different verb for its causative form The translation of the Causative is literal here. We have to consider that in translation we may use a different verb in English. If we look at the first example, the Causative of - to know - has been literally translated as - "to make know, to cause to know" - of course we may translate this verb into English as - to notify, to publish, etc.. We must always bear this in mind when translating Causative Verbs from Turkish into English.

Turkish Language - the Formation of the Future Tense The future tense sign is -ecek- or -acak- to which the personal suffixes are attached. When a personal ending which begins in a vowel is suffixed then the final -k- of this tense sign is softened to a -- thus producing the forms to -ece- or -acaNote that we are showing the third person singular pronoun - o - he/she/it - in the tables below. Usages of the Future Tense The Future Tense is used for : Decisions - lerde doktor olacam. - I'm going to be a doctor. Offers and Promises - Sana bisiklet alacam. - I will buy you a bicycle. Predictions - Hava yarn ok gzel olacak. - The weather will be fine tomorrow. Commands - lk nce bunu bitireceksin. - First of all you will finish this. Obligations - Yarna deviniz bitecek. - By tomorrow our duty must finish. Thanks to - Conjugation of the Future Tense Positive Verb - gelmek - to come geleceim geleceksin O gelecek Negative Verb gelmemek - not to come I shall come you will come he will come gelmeyeceim gelmeyeceksin O gelmeyecek I shall not come you will not come he will not

come geleceiz geleceksiniz gelecekler In pronunciation the Future Negative is often pronounced gelmiyeceim - that is: the Negative Particle -me- or -ma- abrades to -mi- or - mwe shall come you will come they will come gelmeyeceiz gelmeyeceksiniz gelmeyecekler we shall not come you will not come they will not come

Verb Stem ends in a Vowel The buffer letter -y- is used if the verb stem ends in a vowel in order to keep the vowels apart when the -ecek future suffix is added the verb. Positive Verb - aramak - to seek, look for Negative Verb - aramamak - not look for

arayacam [ara-y-acam] - I shall look for aramayacam [arama-y-acam] - I shall not look for arayacaksn - you will look for O arayacak - he will look for arayacaz - we shall look for arayacaksnz - you will look for arayacaklar - they will look for aramayacaksn - you will not look for O aramayacak - he will not look for aramayacaz - we shall not look for aramayacaksnz - you will not look for aramayacaklar - they will not look for

In Conversation If a verb stem ends in -a or -e as does ara-mak above, then the final -a or -e is somtimes pronounced as - and -i the positive future tense. eg:aryacam. Also as the stem of the positive verb ends in a vowel then a buffer letter -y- is inserted to separate two vowels ara-y-acam (as written) or ar-y-acam - (as spoken) Some Examples of this Vowel Change syleyecek - he wil speak - (as written), becomes - syliyecek - he will speak - (as spoken) oksayacaklar - they will caress/stroke - (as written), becomes - oksyacaklar - they will caress - (as spoken) However, the verb stems which end with a final vowel - or -i or -o or - or -u or - do not mutate and retain their original vowel when the future tense sign is added to the verb stem. For Instance yrmek - to walk - retains its final - in the future tense -yryecek and uyumak - to sleep - becomes - uyuyacak Also in fast, local talk (also in television programmes the -ecak/-acak future suffix offen gets abraded in converstation thus: Gideceim - gidicem - I will go Gideceiz - gidicez - we will go Yazacam - yazcam - I will write Yazacaz - yazcaz - We will write Gleceim - glecem - I will laugh Gleceiz - glecez - We will laugh Uyuyakaldm koa koa ofise gidicem imdi - I slept over, now I'll go to the office in a hurry - kept on sleeping - running, running The Interrogative of the Future Tense The interrogative is formed as usual by placing the interrogative personal pronouns after the future tense verb root written separately but observing vowel harmony rules. The Positive Interrogative Future Tense

yrmek - to walk - becomes - yryecek - future verb stem yryecek miyim? yryecek misin? O yryecek mi? yryecek miyiz? yryecek misiniz? yryecekler mi? Shall I walk? - Am I going to walk? Will you walk? - Are you going to walk? Will he walk?- Is he going to walk? Shall we walk? - Are we going to walk? Will you walk? - Are you going to walk? Will they walk?- Are they going to walk?

The Negative Interrogative Future Tense yazmamak - not to write - becomes - yazmayacak - future verb stem yazmayacak mym? yazmayacak msn? O yazmayacak m? yazmayacak myz? yazmayacak msnz? yazmayacaklar m? Shall I not write? - Am I not going to write? Will you not write? Will he not write? Shall we not write? Will you not write? Will they not write?

The Future of the verb - "to be"


In the Present Tense - hazrm - I am ready - and the Past Tense - hazrdm - I was ready - the verb "to be" is suffix, which is affixed to the word it modifies. However there is no future tense of the verb "to be" in suffix form, it does not exist. Therefore the Future of the verb olmak - to become - is employed to form the Future Tense of the verb "to be" - hazr olacam - I shall be ready. As the verb - olmak - to become - is a word in its own right, then it is NOT affixed as a suffix to the word it modified, but is written separately. Positive Future Tense of the Verb - to be The Verb olmak - to be/to become - One of its most important auxiliary functions is its use as the Future Tense of the Verb - to be. Olmak is not a suffix, is written separately. Present Tense hazrm zenginsin yoksuldur yoksuldurlar Future Tense - with olmak I am ready you are rich he is poor they are poor hazr olacam zengin olacaksn yoksul olacak yoksul olacaklar I shall be ready you will be rich he will be poor they will be poor

bugn stanbul'daym today I am in Istanbul

yarn stanbul' da olacam tomorrow I shall be in Istanbul


Negative Future Tense of the Verb - to be The Negative Verb olmamak - not to be/not to become - One of its most important auxiliary functions is its use as the Negative Future Tense of the Verb - not to be. Olmamak is not a suffix, is written separately. Present Tense hazr deilim zengin deilsin yoksul deildi yoksul deiller Future Tense - with olmak I am not ready you are not rich he was not poor they are not poor hazr olmayacam zengin olmayacaksn yoksul olmayacak yoksul olmayacaklar I shall not be ready you will not be rich he will not be poor they will not be poor

imdi stanbul'da deilim I am not in Istanbul now

Yarn stanbul' da olmayacam I shall not be in Istanbul tomorrow

Building Extended Verb Forms - The Active and Passive Mood Future Active - kesmek - to cut O, yarn onu kesecek - He will cut it tomorrow Passive - kesilmek - to be cut O, yarn kesilecek - It will be cut tomorrow Active Potential Future - kesebilmek - to be able to cut O, yarn onu kesebilecek - He, will be able to cut it tomorrow Passive Potential Future - kesilebilmek - To be able to be to be cut O, yarn kesilebilecek - It will be able to be cut tomorrow

Turkish Language - The Past Tenses Was it seen? or Was it heard? The Definite Past Tenses There are two Past Tenses in Turkish. The Definite Past Tenses ("Seen Tenses") are used when you have personal knowledge and witness of the action. These Definite Past tenses are like the English: Past Perfect Tense - I have made it Past Simple Tense - I made it Past Imperfect Tense (Past Continuous) - I was making it Past Pluperfect Tense - I had made it. The Indefinite Past Tenses The Indefinite Past Tenses ("Heard Tenses") are used, by inference, to transfer information that you have not actually seen and witnessed yourself. There is no Inferential Tense as such in English, actually not many languages have one, consequently the idea of inference is communicated by other ways. English speakers do this automatically and just a few of the ways are as follow: I think that I went out - [doubt] Presumably you have left - [possibility] He has left as far as I know - [reportative] I think that we left at - [uncertainty] They say that you went out - [hearsay] Its pretty sure that they have left - [probability] All the examples above show that this tense is used whenever the speaker has not been an eyewitness to the past events. The Inferential Tense used for reporting unwitnessed events, or implying possibility, doubt or uncertainty. It is often used in telling jokes as the content of the joke is just a story. The Inferential Tense is discussed in depth here: About the Inferential

Formation - Definite Past Tenses The Sign of the Definite Past is the addition of the suffix -di-/-ti-, -d-/-t-, -d-/-t-, -du-/-tu- - according to Vowel harmony and Consonant Mutation Rules, to which the Personal suffixes are added. Continuous Past: Geliyordum [Gel-iyor-dum] - I was coming Simple Past: Gelirdim [Gel-ir-dim] - I used to come Future Past (Future in the Past): Gelecektim [Gel-ecek-tim] - I was going to come Pluperfect (Past in the Past): Gelmitim [Gel-mi-tim] - I had come - Note that the -mi suffix here does not convey any inferential meaning in the Pluperfect Tense. Necessitative Past (Obligation in the Past): Gelmeliydim - I had to come Conditional Past: Gelseydim [Gel-se-ydim] - If only I had come Definite Past Tense - Examples This Tense Sign is -di- or -ti- [when added to verb root ending in p, , k, t, The suffixes - -d-, -di-, -du-, -d- or -t-, -ti-, -tu-, -t- - and the personal ending are added to the verb stem, in all cases Vowel harmony and Consonant Mutation rules are applied gelmek (Stem -e-) geldim (gel-di-m) geldin (gel-di-n) (o) geldi (gel-di) geldik (gel-di-k) geldiniz (gel-di-niz) to come I came you came he/she/it came we came you came anlamak (Stem -a-) anladm (anla-d-m) anladn (anla-d-n) (o) anlad (anla-d) anladk (anla-d-k) anladnz (anla-d-nz) to understand I understood you understood he understood we understood you understood

geldiler (gel-di-ler) imek (Stem -i-) itim (i-ti-m) itin (o) iti itik itiniz itiler grmek (Stem --)

they came to drink/smoke I drank/smoked you drank/smoked he drank/smoked we drank/smoked you drank/smoked they drank/smoked to see

anladlar (anla-d-lar) kmak (Stem --) ktm (k-t-m) ktn (o) kt ktk ktnz ktlar

they understood to go out/exit I went out you went out he went out we went out you went out they went out

komak (Stem -o-) to run kotum (ko-tu-m) I ran kotun you ran he ran we ran you ran they ran to find

grdm (gr-d-m) I saw grdn (o) grd grdk grdnz grdler glmek (Stem --) you saw

he/she/it saw (o) kotu we saw you saw they saw to laugh kotuk kotunuz kotular

bulmak (Stem -u-)

gldm (gl-d-m) I laughed

buldum (bul-du-m) I found


gldn (o) gld gldk gldnz gldler

you laughed


you found he found we found you found they found

he/she/it laughed (o) buldu we laughed you laughed they laughed bulduk buldunuz buldular

Indefinite Past - (Inferential) - Tenses The Sign of the Indefinite (Inferential) Past is the addition of the suffix -mi-, -m-, -m-, -mu- - according to Vowel harmony and Consonant Mutation Rules, to which the Past Tense Personal suffixes are added. Continuous Inferential: Geliyormuum [Gel-iyor-mu-um] - It seems (they say) I am coming Future Inferential: Gelecekmiim [Gel-ecekm-i-im] - It seems I shall come Simple Inferential: Gelirmiim [Gel-ir-mi-im] - It seems I come Necessitative Inferential: Gelmeliymiim [Gel-meli-ymi-im] - They say I must have come The form "must have" has been used to give the sense of inference in these examples by showing that there is a doubt in what we are saying. There are many ways of modifying our speech in English to show these various nuances of doubt, uncertainty or hearsay. All these modifications and nuances are inherent in the Turkish Inferential -mi- Tense itself - so the extra words of explanation are not required for clarification purposes. Indefinite Past Tense - Examples The Tense Sign suffix -mi-, -m-, -m-, -mu- and the personal ending are added to the verb stem, in all cases Vowel harmony and Consonant Mutation rules are applied. gelmek (Stem -e-) to come anlamak (Stem -a-) to understand

gelmiim (gel-mi-im) gelmisin (gel-mi-sin) (o) gelmi (gel-mi) gelmiiz (gel-mi-iz)

I must have come you must have come

anlamm (anla-m-m) anlamsn (anla-m-sn)

I must have understood you must have understood he must have understood we must have understood

he/she/it must have come (o) anlam (anla-m) we must have come anlam-z (anla-m-z)

gelmisiniz (gel-mi-siniz) you must have come gelmiler (gel-mi-ler) imek (Stem -i-) they must have come

anlamsnz (anla-m-snz) you must have understood anlamlar (anla-m-lar) kmak (Stem --) they must have understood

to drink/smoke

to go out/exit

imiim (i-mi-im) I must have drunk/smoked imisin (o) imi imiiz imisiniz imiler grmek (Stem -)

kmm (k-m-m) I must have gone out you must have gone out he must have gone out we must have gone out you must have gone out they must have gone out to run

you must have drunk/smoked kmsn he must have drunk/smoked we must have drunk/smoked (o) km kmz

you must have drunk/smoked kmsnz they must have drunk/smoked kmlar to see komak (Stem -o-)

grmm (gr-m-m) I must have seen grmsn (o) grm you must have seen

komuum (ko-mu-um) I must have run komusun you must have run he must have run

he/she/it must have seen (o) komu

grmz grmsnz grmler glmek (Stem --)

we must have seen you must have seen they must have seen to laugh

komuuz komusunuz komular bulmak (Stem -u-)

we must have run you must have run they must have run to find

glmm (gl-m-m) I must have laughed glmsn (o) glm glmz glmsnz glmler you must have laughed

bulmuum (bul-mu-um) I must have found bulmusun you must have found he must have found we must have found you must have found they must have found

he/she/it must have laughed (o) bulmu we must have laughed you must have laughed they must have laughed bulmuuz bulmusunuz bulmular

Negative Forms of Past Tense For the Perfect Past Tense Definite (Seen) the suffix -d-, -di--, -du-, -d- is added to the negative verb form. For the Perfect Past Tense Indefinite (Heard) the suffix -m-, -mi-, -mu-, m- is added to the negative verb form. In both tenses the person is then added to complete the personalized verb. Verb stem ending in -a anlamamak [anlama-mak] - to not understand Past Definite - (Seen) Past Inferential - (Heard)


anlamadm anlamadn (o) anlamad anlamadk anlamadnz anlamadlar

I didn't understand / I have not understood you didn't understand / you have not understood

anlamamm anlamamsn

I must not have understood you must not have understood he must not have understood we must not have understood

he, she, it didn't understand /he has not understood (o) anlamam we didn't understand / we have not understood you didn't understand / you have not understood they don't understand / they have not understood anlamamz

anlamamsnz you must not have understood anlamamlar they must not have understood

Verb stem ending in -e gitmemek [gitme-mek] - to not go Past Definite - (Seen) Past Inferential - (Heard) gitmedim gitmedin (o) gitmedi gitmedik gitmediniz gitmediler I didn't go / I have not gone you didn't go / you have not gone gitmemiim gitmemisin I must not have gone you must not have gone he must not have gone we must not have gone

he, she, it didn't go / he has not gone (o) gitmemi we didn't go / we have not gone you didn't go / you have not gone they don't go / they have not gone gitmemiiz

gitmemisiniz you must not have gone gitmemiler they must not have gone

An Example - A Joke in the Inferential Tense


Here we have a joke told in the Inferential Tense. The joke is not a true event and the use of the inferential shows this. The joke may be considered a little sexist so please do not take offence, it is used merely to demonstrate the use of the inferential in Turkish. Snfta retmen sormu - Dalda kus var, birini vurdum ka tane kalr? ocuk cevaplam - Hi kalmaz retmenim. Olur mu olum? - demi retmen - 2 tane kalr. Olmaz retmenim - demi ocuk - siz birini vurunca dierleri aptal deil ya sesten rkp kaarlar... retmen sasrm ve - Aferin olum! Cevabin yanl ama dnce tarzn beendim. - demi. Sonra ocuk - retmenim, ben de size bir ey sormak istiyorum: Karsdan tane bayan geliyor, de dondurma yiyor, ama biri yalayarak, biri srarak, dieri de emerek yiyor dondurmay. Sizce bunlardan hangisi evlidir? retmen kzm ama, cevap veremedi dedirtmemek iin belli etmemi - Emerek yiyen evlidir - demi. ocuk - Olur mu retmenim ne alakas var, parmanda yzk olan evlidir - demi, - Ama dnce tarznz beendim. If you do want to see the English translation then hover your mouse here. Notes: Quotation marks (" ") are not use in the speech above. It is normal when writing Turkish to use the dash (-) instead. We will not translate this joke as it could be considered a little risqu. This is because in the last line the word - alaka - relevance also has a secondary meaning - "having a romantic interest in.."


Some of the other Past Tenses in general use. Definite Past Continuous Tense (the Imperfect Tense) This is formed in a similar way to English. But the Turkish Forms are suffixed as usual - Verb stem + present tense suffix + past tense suffix (-di-) + personal ending. Positive - gelmek geliyordum [gel-iyor-du-m] geliyordun (o) geliyordu geliyorduk geliyordunuz geliyorlard or - geliyordular All the meanings above must be construed as witnessed (definite) - it is true. to come I was coming you were coming he/she/it was coming we were coming you were coming they were coming Negative gitmemek gitmiyordum [gitm-iyor-du-m] gitmiyordun (o) gitmiyordu gitmiyorduk gitmiyordunuz gitmiyorlard or - gitmiyordular to not go I wasn't going you weren't going he/she/it wasn't going we weren't going you weren't going they weren't going


Indefinite Past Continuous Tense (the Imperfect Inferential Tense) This tense has no direct English equivalent. But the Turkish Forms are suffixed as usual - Verb stem + present tense suffix + inferential tense suffix -mi- + personal ending. Positive - bilmek biliyormuum [bil-iyor-mu-um] biliyormusun (o) biliyormu biliyormuuz biliyormusunuz biliyorlarm or - geliyormular All the meanings above must be construed as "hearsay" (indefinite) It may or may not be true. to come (it seems that) I was knowing you were knowing he/she/it was knowing we were knowing you were knowing they were knowing Negative okumamak okumuyormuum [okum-uyormuum] okumuyormusun (o) okumuyormu okumuyormuuz to not read (it seems that) I wasn't reading you weren't reading he/she/it wasn't reading we weren't reading

okumuyormusunuz you weren't reading okumuyorlarm or okumuyormular they weren't reading


Examples of Indefinite Past/Present Continuous Tense - Negative (Hearsay) anlamamak - to not understand anlamyormuum - it seem that I was not understanding anlamyormusun - it seem that you were not understanding anlamyormu - it seem that he was not understanding anlamyormuuz - it seem that we were not understanding anlamyormusunuz - it seem that you were not understanding anlamyorlarm - it seem that they were not understanding Thanks to Stan Sutherland for corrections to the above - JG, 5 December 2009 gitmemek - not to go gitmiyormuum - I do not think that I was going gitmiyormusun - I do not think that you were going gitmiyormu - I am pretty sure that he is not going gitmiyormuuz - I think that we are not going gitmiyormusunuz - I believe that you are not going gitmiyorlarm - apparently they are not going


Some Examples of the Definite -di and Indefinite -mi Past Tenses Turkish Verb almak aramak bitmek imek English Verb to take to look for to end to drink/smoke Positive Positive Negative Definite Indefinite Definite ald arad bitti iti balad alt geldi grd gld kzd okudu verdi yapt alm aram bitmi imi balam alm gelmi grm glm kzm okumu vermi yapm almad aramad bitmedi imedi Negative Indefinite almam aramam bitmemi imemi

balamak to start almak gelmek grmek glmek kzmak okumak vermek yapmak to work to come to see to laugh to get angry to read to give to do/make

balamad balamam almad gelmedi grmedi glmedi kzmad okumad vermedi yapmad almam gelmemi grmemi glmemi kzmam okumam vermemi yapmam


Examples of Questions in the Definite Past Tenses Note that the mi? question particle follows the full verb in the Past Tense. Okula gittin mi? - Did you go to school? - [Eng: Have you been to school?] Okula gitmeli miydin? [git-meli-m-y-din, the Necessitative] - Did you have go to school? - [Eng: Did you have to go to school?] Aye ders alt m? - Has Ayshe done her lesson? Mehmet televizyon seyrediyor muydu? - Was Mehmet watching television? Mehmet televizyonu seyrediyor muydu? - Was Mehmet watching THE television? Kemal gazete okudu mu? - Did Kemal read a newspaper? - [unspecified object] Kemal gazeteyi okudu mu? - Did Kemal read THE newspaper? - [specified object] Kemal bu gazeteyi okudu mu? - Did Kemal read THIS newspaper? - [demonstrated specific object] Serhan iki iti mi? - Did Serhan drink alcohol? - [iki = alcoholic drink] Serhan iki iiyor muydu? - Was Serhan drinking alcohol? Faruk Ankara'ya gitti mi? - Has Faruk gone Ankara? Faruk Ankara'ya gidebildi mi? - Was Faruk able to go Ankara? Thanks to Nurcan Akaltun ifti for corrections to the section above - JG - May 2008 and June 2009 The Past Perfect Tense - "I had written, etc" This tense signifies the Past in The Past. In English we say "I had done it". As an example of the Past perfect Definite Tense, or "I thought I had done it" as an example of the Past perfect Indefinite Tense. The Past Perfect Definite is formed by adding the Definite past tense suffix to the Past Tense -mi form of the verb. Note that there is no hearsay or doubt in the meaning of this tense as it is made definite and specific by the addition of the Past definite suffix in -di Examples of the Past Perfect Tense

Definite Past Perfect gelmitim [gelmi-tim] - I had come unutmutun [unutmu-tun] - you had forgotten

yrmt [yrm-t] - he had walked bilmitik [bilmi-tik] - we had known kmtnz [km-tnz] - you had gone out anlamtlar [anlam-tlar] - they had understood

Turkish Language - The Inferential Past Tense. Inferential: [adjective] - of reasoning; proceeding from general premises to a necessary and specific conclusion Inference: [noun] - The reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation. In short: - Based on interpretation; not directly expressed.Thanks to The Inferential Tense This tense is used where doubt or hearsay is in the speaker's mind. It is often used in jokes and story telling as a reportative form. The Inferential Suffix is -mi which is suffixed to the verb stem and the personal endings are then added to complete the meaning. In English this tense can be translated as: I believe that he went out. We think that he has arrived. Presumably the train will be on time. All showing some uncertainty or lack of prior knowledge. This tense is widely used on a daily basis in spoken and written Turkish. It is used all the time in daily conversation. We can show some of the (English) shades of meaning by example: kmm - I think that I went out - [doubt]

kmsn - Presumably you have left - [possibility] km - He has left as far as I know - [reportative] kmz - I think that we left at.. - [uncertainty] kmsnz - They say that you went out - [hearsay] kmlar - Its pretty sure that they have left - [probability] All the examples above show that this tense is used whenever the speaker has not been an eyewitness to the past events. As an example Mehmet kt m? - Has Mehmet gone out? - then we could answer in the Past Definite Tense - O kt. - He has gone out. - meaning - Yes he has gone out for sure - (I saw him go). Or (in Turkish) we may answer in the Past Inferential Tense: O km. - He has gone out. - meaning - As far as I know he has left. - (but I did not actually see him go myself.) - All this meaning is within the -mi Inferential Past Tense itself. Negative Forms Examples of the Negative Verb - yapmamak - to not do In all the examples below the words in brackets - I think that are not required in Turkish as the Inferential Tense (The -mi Tense already says it all Ben yapmamm ki - (I think that) I did not do it. Sen yapmamsn ki - (They say that) You did not do it. O yapmam ki - (It seems that) He did not do it. Biz yapmamz ki - (They say that) We did not do it. Siz yapmamsnz ki - (It is reported that) You did not do it. Onlar yapmamlar ki - (Apparently) They did not do it. (but they might have). Note: In the above example - ki - is an object - it or - that - to complete the sentence with an object for a transitive verb. Question Forms and Meanings

The Interrogative Particle -mi, subject to Vowel Harmony, follows the verb and is written separately together with the relevant Personal Pronoun: Example Conjugation of the Positive Interrogative Inferential Note: - That all the ways of stating English inference which are shown in the square brackets do not need to be said in Turkish as they are already understood by usage of the Inferential Tense Note: To show these examples clearly we have supplied an Object - Onu - It in each case: Onu yapm mym? - Have I done it [I wonder]?/ Did I do it, [I'm not sure]? Onu yapm msn? - Have you done it [at all]? / Did you do it [anyrate]? Onu yapm m? - Has he done it [then]? / Did he do it [yet]? Onu yapm myz? - Have we done it [I wonder]? / Did we do it, [I'm not sure]? Onu yapm msnz? - Have you done it [at all]? / Did you do it [anyrate]? Onu yapmlar m? - Have they done it [surely]? / Did they do it [yet]? Example Conjugation of the Negative Interrogative Inferential Note: - Of course there are many ways of showing inference in English, even the tone of the voice can be enough, and we have only shown a few ways in these examples above and below to show doubt, uncertainly and lack of prior knowledge which the Turkish Inferential Tense already inherently contains within itself. To show these examples clearly we have supplied an Object - Onu - It in each case: Onu yapmam mym? - Haven't I done it [I wonder]? / Didn't I do it, [I'm not sure..]? Onu yapmam msn?- Haven't you done it [at all]? / Didn't you do it [anyrate]? Onu yapmam m?- Hasn't he done it [then]? / Didn't he do it [yet]? Onu yapmam myz? - Haven't we done it [I wonder]? / Didn't we do it, [I'm not sure]? Onu yapmam msnz? - Haven't you done it [at all]? / Didn't you do it [anyrate]? Onu yapmamlar m?- Haven't they done it [surely]? / Didn't they do it [yet]? A few more examples km mi? - Has he (seemingly) left? - [would you know? - possibility.] Glmler mi ? - Did they laugh? (at all?) - [a question asking for a report.] Onu yapmam msnz? - Haven't you done it? - [at all? - uncertainty.] Onu yapmam msnz? - You haven't (gone and) done it have you? - [doubt and incredulity]

Turkish Language -The Conditional Tenses In English the Conditional Tenses are formed with that very important little word - if Conditional - if - sentences are often introduced with the word -eer - if or less commonly - ayet - lest, unless In Turkish these words are pointers alerting the listener that a Condition and Result are following. But they do not have any direct meaning, they are "alerters" Condition, Result Here are a few examples of Conditional Sentences. We recognize them and use them with ease in our Mother Tongue- English. As we shall see below Conditional Sentences are not so easy to recognize in Turkish, as they appear as a Mood of the verb itself. It needs practice! If we leave at noon, we will arrive on time. If you hit me, I shall tell my mother. If we had left at noon, we would have arrived on time. If (ever) you join the club we would welcome you. Unless you work hard, you will not be successful. If you do not work hard you may not be successful. We can not go to the races whenever it rains. We can not go to the races if it rains. If it had not rained we could have gone to the races. If ever you go to London you must visit Bucking ham Palace. When(ever) you go to London you can visit Bucking ham Palace. [If ever you go] Please take whichever one that you want. - [If you want that one then take it.] If the sweets are not too dear then we will buy them Sometimes in the place of - if not we can use - unless and in the place of if we can use - if ever, whenever, whatever, whichever, however, or even the simple forms - when, what, which, how, etc. All the modal forms of the verb can be used - can, must, would, might, may, should, etc. The same of course is true for Turkish as we shall see.. However these pages on the Conditional Tense are not written to teach

the use of that tense in English so Manisa Turkish is appending a short overview of the Conditional to make it more understandable for our fellow Turkish Learners. English Methods The Real Conditional is used to express condition and result based on fact in both the Present and the Future. If the kettle gets too hot then it boils. - [Present Tense Condition and Result] Whenever the kettle gets too hot it boils. - [Simple Present Condition - Wide Tense Habitual- Result] It the kettle gets too hot it will boil. - [Future Result of Present Condition] If you practice hard you will win a prize. - [Future Result of Present Condition] If you do not practice hard you will not win a prize. - [Future Result of Present Condition - Negative] The Unreal Conditional used to express unreal results or wishes and desires in the Present and Future. If I practice hard I might win a prize. - [Result - Present Desire] If I was richer I would buy a new house. - [Result - Future Wish] If I were you I would stay in England. - [Result Future Habitual] The Past Conditional is used to state Conditions in the Past that did not happen. often use to express criticism or regret. If I had practiced harder I would have won a prize. - [Regret] If I had been richer, I would have bought a bigger house. - [Unrealized due to Condition] If I were you I would not have stayed in England. - [Criticism of Past Condition] It can be seen that the changes of tense and mood of the verbs show our meaning in English. The same is of course true for Turkish - the Correct tenses and mood of Condition and Result must be used to adequately communicate the correct meaning of the statement. We can see from the above that English uses its normal tenses and the condition is produced by insertion of that little word - if. Turkish however, (along with many other languages) has a special Conditional Tense Form.. The Conditional Suffix.


The Turkish Conditional is characterized by the suffix -se- or -sa- (according to Vowel Harmony rules). A simple example is - var - there is, there are - which becomes varsa - if there is, if there are - with the addition of the -sa Conditional Suffix. The negative of course is based on: yok - there isn't, there aren't - which becomes: yoksa - if there isn't, if there aren't Paranz varsa bana verin. - If you have (any) money (then) give it to me. Bir taksi yoksa burada kalalm. - If there isn't a taxi (then) let's stay here. We can extend this simple example to verb formations as follows: The Conditional Tenses are formed by adding the Conditional Personal endings to the -(y)se- or -(y)sa- suffix to the verb in any suitable tense or mood. The mark of the Conditional Suffix follows Vowel Harmony Rules, therefore there are two forms -se or -sato choose from. Some examples in differing Tenses and Moods are shown below to exhibit how Vowel Harmony affects the -se, -sa Conditional Suffix. The Conditional Suffixes If I -sem or -sam example yaparsam - if I do If you -sen or -san example giriyorsan - if you are entering If he -se or -sa example kesilecekse - if it will be cut, if it is to be cut [In our example above the verb is in its passive form - kesilmek - to be cut - from - kesmek - to cut] If we -sek or -sak example anlamyorsak - if we are not agreeing If you -seniz or -saniz example mutlu olmayacaksanz - if you will not be happy If they -seler or -salar example gelebilecekseler - if they will be able to come Thanks to A.E.R.T for corrections to the above section - JG. Oct. 2009 The Simple Present Conditional The Present Continuous Conditional gelsem yazsan glse isek grebilirseniz If I come If you write If he laughs If we drink If you can see geliyorsam yazmyorsan glecekse iiyorsak If I am coming If you are not writing If he will laugh If we are drinking

grmyorsanz If you are not seeing



If they are doing


If they can do

The Conditional Positive Here are some examples of the main tenses in use of gelmek - to come - and - gelmemek - not to come Simple Actual Conditional gelsem gelsen gelse gelsek gelseniz gelseler Present Continuous geliyorsam geliyorsan geliyorsa geliyorsak geliyorsanz if I am coming if you are coming if he is coming if we coming if you are coming

if I were to come if you were to come if he were to comes if we usually come if you were to come if they were to come

geliyorsalar Simple Habitual gelirsem gelirsen gelirse gelirsek gelirseniz gelirseler Future Intention geleceksem geleceksen gelecekse geleceksek gelecekseniz gelecekseler Past Reality geldiysem

if they are coming

if I (usually) come if you (usually) come if he (usually) comes if we (usually) come if you (usually) come if they (usually) come

if I (will) come if you (will) come if he (will) come if we (will) come if you (will) come if they (will) come

if I came

geldiysen geldiyse geldiysek geldiyseniz geldiyseler

if you came if he came if we came if you came if they came

Past Unreality gelseydim gelseydin gelseydi gelseydik gelseydiniz gelseydiler If only I had come If only had come If only had come If only we had come If only you had come If only they had come

Conditional Negative Tenses


Negative Simple Actual Conditional gelmesem gelmesen gelmese gelmesek gelmeseniz gelmeseler if I were not to come if you were not to come if he were to not comes if we usually do not come if you were not to come if they were not to come

Negative Present Continuous Conditional gelmiyorsam gelmiyorsan gelmiyorsa gelmiyorsak gelmiyorsanz gelmiyorsalar Negative Simple Habitual Conditional gelmezsem gelmezsen if I (usually) do not come if you (usually) do not come

if I am not coming if you are not coming if he is not coming if we are not coming if you are not coming if they are not coming

gelmezse gelmezsek gelmezseniz gelmezseler Negative Future Conditional gelmeyeceksem gelmeyeceksen gelmeyecekse gelmeyeceksek gelmeyecekseniz gelmeyecekseler

if he (usually) do not comes if we (usually) do not come if you (usually) do not come if they (usually) do not come

if I (will) not come if you (will) not come if he (will) not come if we (will) not come if you (will) not come if they (will) not come

Negative Past Real Conditional gelmediysem gelmediysen gelmediyse gelmediysek gelmediyseniz if I had not come if you had not come if he had not come if we had not come if you had not come


if they had not come

Negative Past Unreal Conditional gelmeseydim gelmeseydin gelmeseydi gelmeseydik gelmeseydiniz gelmeseydiler If only I had not come If only you had not come If only he had not come If only we had not come If only you not had come If only they had not come

Examples in other tenses There are other tense form (such as the Inferential Tense) which are used in conditional sentences and one should learn to recognize the -seor -sa- form of the verbal suffix to realize that the conditional - if - should be used. Erken varrsanz, beklemelisiniz. - If you arrive early, you will have to wait. Erken varrsanz, beklersiniz. - If you arrive early, you would have to wait. Erken varsaydnz, bekleyecektiniz. - If you had arrived early, you would have had to wait. Sana yardm edebilirlerse, yardm edecekler. - They will help you if they can. Sana yardm etseler, yardm ederler. - They would help you if they could. Sana yardm edebilseydiler, (yardm) ederlerdi. - [or edeceklerdi] - They would have helped you if they could have. Fazla iersen sarho olursun. - If you drink too much you get drunk. ok almazsan, snav geemeyeceksin - Unless you work hard you will not be able to pass your test. Sigara imeyi brakrsan, daha uzun yaarsn. - If you stop smoking you will live longer. Yamur yamasayd dar kacaktk. - We would have gone out if it had stopped raining. Eer buradan gitseydim sana yazardm. - If I had gone away, I would have written to you.

Verbs of Condition There are some verbs in the Turkish vocabulary that already have a "conditional feeling" within themselves. The can be recognized as they contain "-sa-/-se-" conditional sign within the verb stem itself. The meaning of these verbs is best translated as "to regard as.. + verb". An example of this effect is the verb glmsemek - to smile which becomes glmsiyorum - I am smiling. The "conditional sign" -se- is part of the verb stem, so the verb itself can have the meaning "to regard as laughing". If this method is applied to other "conditional verb stems", then very often we can translate the Turkish easily. kmsemek - to belittle [to consider as small] ktmsemek - to disparage [to consider as bad] benimsemek - to appropriate [to consider as personal] ekimsemek - to refrain from [to consider as absent] gereksemek - to consider as necessary hafifsemek - to take s.o lightly [to consider as light] yaknsamak - to converge [to consider as nearing] umursamak - to care [to have consideration] karsamak - to infer, to deduce [to consider as resulting in] The resemblance between the conditional structure and the suffix "-m-semek" in Turkish is quite by chance. Although this is not really part of the conditional tense itself, it is mentioned here as an aid for understanding when reading Turkish.

Turkish Language - Some Auxiliary (Helping) Verbs


There are two main auxiliary verbs in Turkish: (1) etmek - to do, to make, to perform. This auxiliary is used to make Active Tenses. Babam mutlu ettim - I made my father happy. (2) olmak - to be, to become, to happen, to occur. This auxiliary is used to make Passive Tenses. Seni grnce mutlu oldum. - I became happy on seeing you. Remind me about the ince/-nca/-nce/-unca time suffix. etmek - to do/to perform etmek - is not usually used alone as a verb. Generally it is used an auxiliary verb used with nouns. For example: telefon etmek - to telephone dans etmek - to dance ikyet etmek - to complain tereddt etmek - to hesitate zannetmek - to suppose sabretmek - to be patient affetmek - to pardon seyretmek - to watch kaybetmek - to lose hissetmek - to feel - etc. Note that -etmek is directly joined to single syllable word stems otherwise etmek is written separately. The verb dans etmek is an irregularity (being added to a foreign imported word), as is park etmek, these are written separately. etmek is also used to make verbs from nouns of foreign import into Turkish: izole etmek - to isolate, to insulate - fii izole ettim - I isolated the plug. etmek is also used with many Arabic and Persian words to form verbs where none exist in modern Turkish: teekkr (arabic) - a thanking

teekkr etmek - to thank somebody - teekkr ederim - (I) thank you It should be noted that many Arabic words do not follow the rules of vowel harmony within themselves but any Turkish suffixes added will always be governed by the final vowel in the word, although there are a few exceptions to this. One we have already met saat hour saatler hours. Sometimes in Turkish there are two words in general use for the same meaning, one Arabic using - etmek - to form its verb, whilst the Turkish rooted word will follow normal rules of conjugation. tamir etmek - to repair [arab] or onarmak - to repair [turk] The policy has been to attempt to gradually purify the language by replacing foreign words with a native Turkish vocabulary, but it should be realized that there are many words in daily use where both Arabic or Turkish vocabulary may be used. e.g. kara - black [turk] or siyah -black [arab] yl - year [turk] or sene - year [arab] According to the Redhouse Dictionary - etmek - has nine meanings: 1. - to do, make - kr etmek - to make a profit 2. - to do well or wrong - Ne iyi ettin. - How well you did! - iyi etmedin - you did not do well! 3. - reach (a time) - Ay sonunu etmek - To reach the end of the month 4. - to deprive (someone) of (something) - Bu i beni salmdan etti. (-den etmek) - This job wore me out. 5. - to equal, make - Drt daha yedi eder. - Four plus three makes seven 6. - to be worth - O kitap yz elli lira eder. - That book is worth 150 lira. 7. - to amount to, make - Toplam sekiz dolar ediyor. - The total amounts to 8 dollars 8. - to wrong, treat (someone) unjustly - Bana neler etti. - What (bad things) he did to me. 9. - to soil or wet (one's underpants, bed etc.) - donuna etmek ; yatana etmek Single Syllable Verb Roots with etmek If verbs are formed with a single syllable root then etmek is affixed directly to that root, which if it ends in a consonant will generally double that consonant. af - pardon [Arabic] affetmek - to beg pardon - affedersiniz! - Pardon!

ret - a refusal [Arabic] This being an arabic root takes a doubled "-dd" when adding a verb form reddetmek - to refuse - reddederim! - I refuse! etmek - as a verb of completion The following contribution was written by one of our Turkish readers. Etmek - is essentially an auxiliary verb in Turkish, which helps the completing of other verbs. The very basic meaning though, when it is used alone, is - to do - or - to commit - (like intihar etmek - to commit suicide). For this usage, here goes a example Ben ettim, sen etme, ne olur! - I did, (but) please you, don't, whatever happens! Here the meaning is quite negative, what has been "done" has a negative implication, so it actually bears a meaning of committing something bad or negative as it does with usages alone. The second main usage is to be an auxiliary word for the compound verb structures and used quite frequently like the following examples, in which it can mean anything complementary. kastetmek - to intend,to mean bahsetmek - to mention terketmek - to leave, to quit yardm etmek - to help, to aid kabul etmek - to accept farketmek - to notice, to realize - and very many others The third usage is to utilize the foreign words. For better understanding, here are a few examples. Bunu da download edelim. - Let's download this as well. - (download etmek - to download) Some words are very well settled in the language but the auxiliary hints the foreign origin. Arkadalarmla saatlerce muhabbet ettim. - I conversed with my friends for hours. (Muhabbet is an Arabic word, meaning conversation) Arabay tam buraya park etmitim. - I had just parked my car right here. (Park etmek - to park), Sometimes you can find park yapmak which means exactly the same thing, Turkish has not yet settled on which auxiliary verb should be in general use but park etmek seems to be winning.


Since - etmek - is an auxiliary, it is used like the auxiliary verbs in English. See the following example English: Are you coming to the party tonight? - Yes I am. Turkish: Bu aksamki partiye geliyor musun? - Evet geliyorum. Here, the English short answer includes only - I am - without the verb - coming. Turkish, however, has to include the - geliyorum - part since it does not include an auxiliary like the - to be - verb form of English. English: Did you accept this after all? - Yes I did. Turkish: Hereye ramen kabul ettin mi onu? - Evet ettim. The short answer in English is - I did - without the verb - accept - just like the short answer in Turkish is - ettim - without - kabul. So when etmek - is used, it is used like an auxiliary. About Vowel Harmony - Auxiliary verb is not affected etmek being a verb in its own right does not change its own vowels when so affixed to a foreign root. When it is used as an auxiliary to nouns of more than one syllable then it is written separately and conjugated in the normal manner: End of Turkish reader's contribution. Some examples of Transitive Verbs formed with - etmek Transitive verbs have an Object In these examples onu can either mean it (object) - [from Personal pronoun, "he/she/it"] or that (object) - [from Demonstrative Pronoun - "that yonder"] ayp - a shaming ayp etmek - to cause/make a shame Onun iin Mehmet bana ayp etti - Because of it/that Mehmet shamed me. ["ayp etmek" takes a Motion Toward (Dative Object). In this case "bana - me"] teslim - a delivering [Arabic] teslim etmek - to deliver

Mektubu teslim ettim - I delivered the letter Koliyi teslim ettirdiniz - you had the the parcel delivered (Causative Verb form) tamir - a repairing [Arabic] tamir etmek - to repair Onu tamir etsek - If we repair it/that Onu tamir edemem - I can't repair it/that kontrol - a checking [Eng. Fr.] kontrol etmek - to check Onu kontrol ettiler - They checked it/that Onu kontrol edebilir misiniz? - Would you check it/that? ret - a refusing [Arabic] reddetmek - to refuse Onu reddedeceiz - We shall refuse it/that Onu reddedelim - Let's refuse it/that takdir - an appreciation [Arabic] takdir etmek - to appreciate Ahmet, onu takdir etti - Ahmet appreciated it/that Ali, onu takdir edememi - Ali couldn't have appreciated it/that Note: - that etmek - to do, to perform, to make - forms verbs which are transitive (ie verbs which have a direct object), whereas the use of olmak - to be, to become causes the same verb to be intransitive (ie. a verb which does not have an object). The Passive can be formed with the Passive of etmek - edilmek but is often replaced by the The verb of olmak - to become - or its Passive Form - olunmak - to become - without any change in meaning. olmak - to be/become

This verb meaning to be or to become is also used as an auxiliary with foreign loan words. It is also attached directly to single syllable roots or written separately when used with roots of more that one syllable. It does not change its own vowels as it is a verb in its own right. One of its most important auxiliary functions is its use as the Future Tense and Potential Mood of the verb - to be hazr - ready hazrm - I am ready hazr olacam - I shall be ready [Future] zengin - rich zenginsiniz - you are rich zengin olsaydnz - If you had been rich [Conditional] yoksul - poor O yoksul - he is poor O yoksul olabilir - He may be poor [Potential] If we now show the examples from etmek - the transitive auxiliary verb form above, but with the auxiliary verb as edilmek - the intransitive auxiliary verb - then we can see that the sense has become Passive as opposed the Active sense: teslim - a delivering teslim etmek - to delivered - [Transitive form takes an object] Ali, mektubu teslim etti [Active Sense] - Ali delivered the letter. [Transitive with mektubu in the objective case.] teslim edilmek - to be delivered - [Intransitive form - takes no object] dn teslim edildi - It was delivered yesterday. [Intransitive - no object] mektup teslim edildi - The letter has been delivered [Passive with edilmek and mektup as the subject] These examples show that the main verb can also be made passive by the use of edilmek - to be performed - the passive form of etmek itself. tamir - a repairing tamir edilmek - to repair [passive] O tamir edilecek - It (as subject.) will be repaired O tamir edilemedi - (ed-il-e-me-di) - It (as subject) could not have been repaired

kontrol - a checking kontrol edilmek - to be checked O kontrol edildi - It has been checked Onu kontrol edilebilcek mi? - (ed-il-ebil-ecek mi?) - Can it be repaired? ret - a refusing reddedilmek - to be refused Ben, reddedildim - I was refused O, reddedilince - On it being refused takdir - an appreciation takdir edilmek - to be appreciated Ahmet, takdir edildi - Ahmet was appreciated Ali, takdir edilecek - Ali will be appreciated The Passive use of - olmak When used with loan word to form verbs it gives the sense of being in a state of.. piman - a regretting - piman oldum - I regret/I was sorry - [Lit: I was sorry] fena - bad/ill - fena oluyorum - I feel ill memnun - pleased - memnun oldum - I'm pleased - [Lit: I was pleased] Other Auxiliaries These include: yapmak - to do as an action gelmek - to come kalmak - to remain/stay bulunmak - to be found/to be - [Passive of bulmak]

eylemek - to carry out - [equates with etmek but not common.] eylemek can be used as a substitute for etmek and serves the same purpose. It is usually restricted to the written word and is seldom used in conversation demek - to say dilemek - to wish sylemek - to speak durmak - to stop vermek - to give - [used as an Accelerative Auxiliary thus speeding the action of the verb] yazmak - to write - [but means - "almost to.." - when used as an auxiliary verb] - deyazdm - I almost fell. The usage of the main verbs as auxiliaries is discussed below: Continuative Verbs

-akalmak - "continue, keep on doing" -adurmak - "continue, keep on doing: -ayazmak - "almost to" -ivermek - "to act hurriedly, urgently" Only the first vowel follows the vowel harmony rules. Hence "-ekalmak, -edurmak, -eyazmak, -vermek, -uvermek, -vermek etc". As these are verbs in their own right they retain their spelling. This is similar to the Potential Verb Suffix "-abilmek/-ebilmek". . kalmak and durmak are used to form a continuing action of the main verb giving the sense - to keep on doing.. or to remain in a condition of. To form the Continuative Verb the Infinitive of kalmak or durmak is added directly to the Subjunctive Root of the main verb. The Subjunctive Root is formed by suffixing -e or -a to the basic Verb Stem yzmek to swim yze- Subjunctive stem. Then with the direct addition of kalmak - to remain: yzekalmak - to keep on swimming - yzekald - He kept on swimming alakalmak - to keep on taking - alakalacam - I will keep on taking durakalmak - to keep on stopping - durakalyorsun - You keep on stopping bekleyedurmak - to keep on waiting - bekleyedurabilecek misiniz? - Will you be able to keep on waiting? uyuyakalmak - to oversleep - uyuyakalmak - I overlept kalakalmak - to stand aghast, to be astounded - kalakaldm - I was astounded donakalmak - to petrify - donakaldm - I was petrified, I was scared stiff

The Accelerative Verb Formation of the Subjunctive Mood The Subjunctive Mood Sign is -a or -e which is added to the basic verb stem - according to Vowel Harmony Rules: If the bare verb stem ends in a vowel then the Subjunctive Mood Sign becomes -ya or -ye (Uses buffer letter -y-). However when adding the auxiliary vermek the the a/-e subjunctive ending often abrades according to vowel harmony rules. This can be seen in the examples below - for instance - koa - [the subjunctive root of komak - to run] follows vowel harmony and abrades tokouvermek See full discussion on Subjunctive Mood The verb - vermek - to give - can also be added to the subjunctive verb stem and in this case it gives a sense of urgency and speed of action to the main verb. In this case - vermek - loses its meaning - to give. Then with the direct addition of vermek - to "get a move on.." - [lit: to give]: komak - to run - kouvermek - to hurry up and run yazmak - to write - yazvermek - to scribble/scrawl kouverin! - Hurry up and run! - Imperative ikisini iiverdi - He gulped his drink down gelivereceim - I'll dash along and come When adding the Accelerative - vermek to a verb then the vowel of the subjunctive ending -e narrows to -i or thus: (gle becomes glverin and kese becomes kesiverin), while that of the subjunctive ending -a narrows to - or u thus: (baka becomesbakverin and tuta becomes tutuverin)

The Imperative The Imperative Mood is used in issuing commands. It is formed by using the verb in its simplest root form: Listen!, Sit!, Eat! The Imperative Mood in English occurs only in the second person, and the subject - you - is generally not expressly stated, because it is implied. When the speaker gives a command regarding anyone else, it is still directed at the second person as though it were a request for permission, although it may be a rhetorical statement. This form of the verb is used mainly for giving direct orders, requests, suggestions and in some cases warnings, or even a mixture of all these to a second person. Some examples in English might be:

(You) Look at that.). [order] Don't (you) leave your valuables in the car. [suggestion] Bring me another fork please. [request] Take us to Taksim Square. [order] (You) Be careful in the traffic. [warning] he Imperative does not seem so abrupt in Turkish as it is in English, and it would be difficult to upset anyone when using the Imperative. Formation of the Imperative Vowel harmony operates on the Imperative Suffixes. The First Person - let me, let us The Imperative in the first person singular adds the suffix - (y)aym/-(y)eyim, - as examples - alaym - let me buy, bekleyeyim - let me wait. The first person plural adds - (y)alm/-(y)elim,

alaym - let me buy/take (from almak - to take) bekleyelim - let us wait. (from beklemek - to wait) bakaym - let me look. (from bakmak - to look) grelim - let's see. (from grmek - to see) These forms are not considered true imperatives by the grammar experts , they categorise them elsewhere, but I include them here as they are heavily used in daily speech The Second Person - let you The second person singular (Familiar and Immediate - for addressing friends or showing urgency) is just the basic verb stem after removing the Infinitive Sign -mek or -mak. This forms The Direct Imperative - the most direct form uses the basic verb stem itself formed by dropping the -mek or -mak suffix from the Infinitive. Positive Verb (Direct Form) Negative Verb (Direct Form) Bak - Look! Bakma - Don't look!

Gel - Come! Gelme - Don't come! This is the most direct form, it is usually used to children or for warnings and in some daily "Formula Speak"

Polite Imperative There are two forms of the second person plural - Formal Imperative (addressing strangers or being polite) - adds -in to the verb stem and Public Imperative( for notices etc. or being extra polite) adds -iniz to the verb stem. If, however, you are speaking to someone that you do not know then the direct form is softened by the addition of the suffix -in which is subject to vowel harmony. Then the above examples thus become: Positive Verb (Polite Form) Bakn - Look! Gelin - Come! This Polite Form is used for addressing one person or a number of people in a group. In all the above forms the Negative Particle -me or -ma always remains in it absolute form - ( it does not close to -mi or -m etc.) and the Verb Stem is always accented in speech. Negative Verb (Polite Form) Bakmayn - Don't look! Gelmeyin - Don't come!

Public Imperative This form is characterized by the addition of the suffix -iniz in its various forms. It is used mainly in Public Notices and signs and also in newspapers and on the television. The examples then become: Positive Verb (Public Form) Negative Verb (Public Form)

Baknz - Look! Geliniz - Come! The Public Form is the most polite of all, and can also be used in direct conversation if you wish to be extra polite. In all the above forms the Negative Particle me or -ma always remains in it absolute form ( it does not close to -mi or -m etc.) and the Verb Stem is always accented in speech.

Bakmaynz - Don't look! Gelmeyiniz - Don't come!

Some Examples When speaking the Imperative there is always heavy vocal stress on the Verb Stem as shown below in capital letters. Yapmayn onu - Don't do that! - Spoken - YAPmayn onu! - Don't DO that! ieklere doKUNmaynz - Don't touch the flowers. - (Note that this verb - dokunmak - takes a Dative Object in -e or -a) Third Person Imperative - "Let him do, let him not do" The Third Person - let him, her The third person singular adds -sin directly to the verb stem and the third person plural adds -sinler directly to the verb stem - as in the examples below. (You) Let him do the talking. (You) Let them build the bridge. (You) Give him an allowance. (You) Let sleeping dogs lie.


Turkish is similar as it also uses the second person endings -sin/-sn/-sn/-sun and its plural forms -sinler/-snlar/-snler/-sunlar as a request for the third person imperative by attaching this suffix directly to the Verb stem (ie. there are no tense signs like -iyor- or -ar etc.. used) baksn - (You) let him look bakmasn - (You) let him not look girsin - (You) let him enter girmesinler - (You) let them not enter The third person form of verbs which is in wide use - especially in "formula speak". We re-iterate that this is formed by adding -sin (singular) or -sinler (plural) directly to the basic verb stem -(there is no tense sign intervening). Although this form of the verb appears to be of the second person in -sin it actually is not, and also it cannot be construed as so because the sin suffix is added directly to the verb stem and not to a verb tense base. olmak - to become, to happen olsun - let it be olmasn - let it not be komak - to run - Singular Forms kosun - let him run komasn - let him not run komak - to run - Plural Forms kosunlar - let them run komasnlar - let them not run While in the Hamam - (Turkish Bath) you might say - Keseci gelsin - I am ready for the masseur. - [Lit: Let the masseur come] The Third Person Imperative ending is added directly to the verb stem - Yazsn - Let him write - but if it is added to a tense sign as in yazyorsun - then it is the Second Person tense sign - You are writing - Don't get mixed up.! Some "Daily Turkish" and "Formula Speak" Examples

(1) Sa ol (Saol), Sa olun, Sa olunuz - Thanks very much [Lit: Be healthy.] - This form is used a lot to thank some one for some extra service or for something that has put them out. It is far more stronger than Teekkr ederim - Thank you. If for instance you ask a stranger for the time you could answer - Saol - Stay healthy! - As a thank you for his trouble. (2) Eksik olmayn(z) - [Lit: Don't go missing!] This is used for telling someone you like their company and they should "stick around". (3) Sakn!, Saknnz!, - Be careful! Watch out! Protect youself! The Imperative of the reflexive verb - saknmak - to avoid, to beware - is used as an interjection to warn or advise. Sakn ha! - Just mind out!, Just watch it! Onu yapmaktan saknnz - Be careful of doing that! Sakn bunu bir daha yapma! - Don't you ever do that (this) again! [This is said to warn somebody of a disaster waiting to happen!] Do not mix - sakn! - Mind! Beware! (undotted I) - with - sakn (Dotted ) - calm, quiet - as in sakn olun! - calm down..! quieten down.! Listen to the difference in pronunciation: Undotted letter "" in this word: Dotted letter "i" in this word: Sakn! - "Watch out! Sakin! - "Calm Down!"

(4) Gemi olsun - May it pass (from you) A formula used to people who are ill - ie: Get better soon - or to people who have had an accident or encountered a problem in life - ie: Bad luck (5) Kolay gelsin - May it come easy, Take it easy This is usally said to people who are carrying out a duty or their work.. (6) Neden olmasn? - Why let it not be? This is the same as - Why not? - in English - See note below: I myself used to say - Neden yok - for - Why not? - until it was pointed out to me the this actually means - There is no reason! The Imperative form of - "gelmek - to come"


Singular Persons 1st. geleyim - let me come! - Kasabaya seninle geleyim - Let me come with you to the shops 2nd. gel - come (you)! (familiar) - Buraya gel! - Come (to) here! 3rd. gelsin - let him come! - Mehmet, piknie arabay srsn - Let Mehmet drive the car to the picnic. Plural Persons 1st. gelelim - Let us come! - Bu akam televizyonu seyredelim - Let's watch TV this evening 2nd. gelin (formal) or geliniz (public and more polite) - (you) come..! 3rd. gelsinler - let them come! - Kzlar dans etsinler. - Let the girls dance. The Accelerative Imperative Another form of the imperative involves the use of an auxiliary verb vermek - to give - this is dealt with on the auxiliary verb page. Postaneye kouverin - Run to the Post Office. kouvermek - [The Accelerative verb formed from komak - to run + vermek - to give] - to run hurriedly Onu yapver! - Do it quickly! [English would say "Just get it done right now!"] from yapmak + vermek See about the Accelerative. The Imperative form of - "gitmemek - not to go" Singular Persons 1st. gitmeyeyim - Let me not go! - Sam kestireyim mi kestirmeyeyim mi? - Should I get my hair cut or not? {Let me, Let me not] 2nd. gitme - don't go (you)! (familiar) - Sakn ha, onu yapma! - Careful, don't do that! 3rd. gitmesin - let him not go! - Mehmet, Aye'yi pmesin. - Don't let Mehmet kiss Ayshe Plural Persons 1st. gitmeyelim - let us not go! - Bugn yzmeyelim. - Let's not go simming today. 2nd. gitmeyin (formal) or gitmeyiniz (public and more polite) - (you) do not go..! - Sigara meyiniz - No Smoking - [on a public sign] 3rd. gitmesinler - let them not go! - ocuklar mesajm grmesinler. - Don't let the children see my message.

Vowel Harmony operates on the Imperative Suffixes grsn - let him see! aln - Take (you)! bulsunlar - let them find! bulmasnlar - let them not find! onu yapmayn - Don't do it (you)! glnz - Laugh (you)! More About "Formula Speak" There are many other Formula Speak with this aspect of the verb in daily use in Turkey and a good dictionary or phrase book will always contain them. As the barber might say to you when he has finished cutting your hair - Shhatler olsun! - Good health to you! - said to one who is having a bath, a haircut or a shave. I think this is most known expression which is used wrongly by a lot of people. It should be - Shhatler olsun. Shhat - is the Arabic for Salk. When people say this expression quickly, it sounds like - Saatler olsun - "May the hours (pass)", but it should definitely be - Shhatler olsun! Present Continuous Tense Base Example - yazyorsun - you are writing But attached directly to the Basic verb Stem it becomes the - Let him.. let them.. - form of the verb. yazsn - Let him write yazmasn - Let him not write.. Simple Present Tense Base Example - beklersiniz - you usually wait Again here attached directly to the Basic verb Stem it becomes the - Let him.. let them.. - form of the verb. beklesinler - let them wait beklemesinler - let them not wait These are just a few of the many "Formula Speak" Imperatives in The Turkish Language. Extended Form of the Imperative - Showing Impatience


There is another form of the imperative which can be a little petulant or sound impatient. It may be used if you have been waiting too long or in cases where notice has not been taken. This form should be used with care by the learner. It is at first best translated as: Why do you? or Why don't you? Formation of the Extended Imperative (Showing Impatience) The suffix -sana or -sene is added to the Positive Verb stems, this becomes -sanza or -senize when addressing a group of people. Positive Verb - (Impatient Form) Baksana - Now look here! Gelsene - Come on then! or Come along! Otursanza - Oh DO sit down! or Why don't (you all) sit down!! Here we can see that although there is only a Positive Form in Turkish we can sometimes translate it as negative in English to arrive at the meaning.

Turkish Language - the Passive Mood The Passive Mood: signifies that the verb acts upon the subject of the sentence: "The man (subj.) was bitten by the dog." The Active Mood: signifies that the verb acts on the object of the sentence: "The dog bit the man (obj.)." Order of Verbal Mood Suffixes The order that the suffixes are added to the verb as as follows: 1. Reflexive 2. Reciprocal 3. Causative 4. Passive

acmak - to feel pain (active) acnmak - to feel pain in oneself, to grieve (reflexive) acndrmak - to cause to grieve (causative) acndrlmak - to be made to grieve (passive) tanmak - to know (active) tanmak - to know one another (reciprocal) tantrmak - to introduce (causative) tantrlmak - to be introduced (passive) Negation, -me-, plus ability, -ebil-, and inability, -eme- are added after these. After which the tense suffixes: -iyor-, -ir-, -ecek-, -di-, -mi- are further added to complete the verb. yapmak - to do, yapyorum - I am doing [Active Present Continuous] yaplmak - to be done, yaplyor - It is being done [Passive Present Continuous] yapabilmek - to be able do, yapabilirim - I can do [Active Potential Simple Present] yaplabilmek - to be able to be done, yaplabilir - it can be done [Passive Potential Simple Present] yapmamak - to not do, yapmyorum - I am not doing [Negative Active Present Continuous] yaplmamak - to not be done, yaplmyor - it is not being done [Negative Active Present Continuous] yaplamamak - to not be able to be done, yaplamayacak - it will not be able to be done [Negative Passive Potential Future] Onu yapabileceiz - we will be able to do it [Active Future Potential] Onu yaptrabileceiz [yap-tr-abil-ece-iz] - we will be able to get it done [Causative Future Potential] Thanks to Tuba Demireli for corrections to the section above - 8 April 2010 There are many other tenses and persons that can be built up using the causative and cooperative verbs in all tenses and persons. This is one of the difficulties for Turkish learners - using and recognizing the verb forms and their meanings easily, it takes practice for us, but of course it is second nature to a Turkish national.


Verb Forms of the Passive Mood The Passive Mood signifies that the verb acts upon the subject of the sentence whereas in the Active Mood the verb acts on the object of the sentence. The Active Sentence The Active Verb (in Past Tense) with the subject - Kemal - and the object - the street. Kemal swept the street yesterday. The Passive Sentence The Passive Verb (in Present Continuous tense) here - The street - is the subject and - Kemal - (the person doing the sweeping) is called the agent in grammar. The street is being swept by Kemal The Impersonal Passive The Passive Verb (in Future Tense here) - the street - is the subject without any agent operating on it. The street will be swept every day Or in the Past Tense: The street was swept yesterday Formation of the Passive In Turkish the passive verb stem is formed by adding the passive suffix -il or -in to the basic verb stem. The verb stem of course can be an indicative, co-operative or a causative verb stem. Examples of verbs ending in a consonant For verbs Stems ending in a consonant (Except -l) the suffix -il [subject to Vowel Harmony] is added to the verb stem. For those verb stems which themselves end on -l then the suffix -in [subject to vowel harmony] is added.

Active Mood Positive Passive Mood Positive yapmak kesmek krmak to do to cut to break yaplmak to be done kesilmek to be cut krlmak to be broken

Active Mood Negative Passive Mood Negative yapmamak kesmemek krmamak to not do to not cut to not break yaplmamak to be not done kesilmemek to be not cut krlmamak to be not broken

Examples of Causative and Potential Passive Verbs - Positive The Causative and Co-operative verbs form their Passive with -il in the usual way Active Verb yapmak - Active yaptrmak Active Causative Passive Verb to do yaplmak - Passive to be done to be done

to get something done yaptrlmak - Passive Causative

yapabilmek - Active Potential to be able to do s.o.

yaplabilmek - Passive Potential to be able get s.o. done

Examples of Causative and Potential Passive Verbs - Negative


Active Verb yapmamak

Passive Verb not to do yaplmamak not to be done

yaptrmamak not to get something done yaptrlmamak not to get s.o. done yapamamak not to be able to do s.o. yaplamamak not to be able get s.o. done

Some Causative Passive Verbs anlamak - to understand - Active Verb anlatmak - to explain - Active Mood Causative anlatlmak - to be understood - Passive Verb Causative krmak - to break - Active Verb krdrmak - to break something - Active Mood Causative krlmak - to be broken (itself in a broken state) - Passive Verb krdrlmak - to be broken by somebody - Passive Mood Causative Some Co-operative Passive Verbs bulmak - to find - Active Verb bulumak - to meet/to find each other - Co-operative Active buluulmak - to be met/to be found together - Co-operative Passive anlamak - to understand - Active Verb anlamak - to agree/to understand each other - Co-operative Active anlalmak - to be agreed

arpmak - to hit, collide - Active Verb arpmak - to collide with something - Co-operative Active arplmak - to be in collision with something - Co-operative Passive None of the Causative or Co-operative Verb in the table above have a stem which ends in -l, therefore the -il passive suffix is used. From the examples above it can be seen that by the use of short suffixes Turkish can say in one word which would take many more in English. The use of the differing verb forms is rather difficult at first, but by practice and reading the logic of them quickly becomes clear to the student. Verbs whose stem ends in -L When the verb stem ends in -L then the passive mood is formed by the addition -in (subject to vowel harmony) Active Mood Passive Mood delmek bilmek almak bulmak to pierce to know to take to find delinmek bilinmek alnmak to be pierced to be known to be taken

bulunmak to be found


Verbs whose stem ends in a vowel When the verb stem ends in a vowel then the passive sign is simply -n Active Mood Passive Mood beklemek kapamak yemek to wait/to expect beklenmek to be waited for/to be expected to close to eat kapanmak yenmek to be closed to be eaten

Examples of the Passive Active Verb - Ali, pencereyi kapad - Ali closed the window. Impersonal Passive Verb - Pencere kapand - The window was closed - (ie. not open) Passive Verb - Ali tarafndan pencere kapand - The window was closed by Ali. In the last example above we can see that it was Ali who closed that window: Ali.. Ali is the agent by which the window was closed. Turkish has a particular construction in the Passive to denote the agent acting on the subject. For pronouns such as - my, your, his, our their the agent (the pronoun itself) is placed in the Genitive Case and followed by tarafndan - by... But nouns - in this case - Ali tarafindan - by Ali. are NOT suffixed by the genitive -in.. Causative Forms An Example in the Causative Active Pencereyi kapatt - He closed the window Here (above) the object is "window" and the verb is Causative Active

An Example in the Causative Passive Pencere onun tarafndan kapatld - The window was closed by him. Pencere Mehmet tarafndan kapatld - The window was closed by Mehmet. Here the subject is "window" and the verb is Causative Passive. The Proper Noun - Mehemet - is not suffixed with the genitive -in as he is just the agent who is "closing the window". A Reminder about the agent In the last two examples the agent "who closes" the window is mentioned. Turkish has a particular construction in the Passive to denote the agent acting on the subject. For pronouns such as - my, your, his, our their the agent (the pronoun itself) is placed in the Genitive Case and followed by tarafndan - by. However nouns are NOT suffixed with the genitive -in Pronouns - Examples including the agent in the Genitive. Hesap, benim tarafmdan denecek - The bill will be paid by me. Kitap, onlarn tarafndan yazlacak - The book will be written by them. Proper Nouns - Examples including the agent in the Nominative. Top, Mustafa tarafndan bulundu - (NOT - Mustafa 'nn) - The ball was found by Mustapha. Araba, Ali tarafndan temizleniyor - The car is being cleaned by Ali. If the agent is a Proper Noun then it is just in the Nominative (subject) Case - the Genitive is not used. Note that the subject is followed by a comma, this is a good policy to follow when writing Turkish. There is also the possibility of these being understood a "nicknames" if a break is not put after the subject. For instance: Araba Ali - Auto Ali - may be a name so used and as far a Top Musafa - Ball Mustafa - this is the sort of nickname used in the "Gay Community!". The agent is placed in the Genitive Case and followed by - tarafndan - by but the Genitive Case is used only for Pronouns. For Nouns the Nominative Case is used, just like the preposition - ile with, also, and - so it becomes - benimle - with me - but - with Ahmet - Ahmet'le -(not Ahmet'inle) The Reflexive Form of the Verb

The reflexive form of the verb is used when the action of the verb refers back to the subject as opposed to the object. In English this is usually shown by the use of the reflexive pronouns - myself, yourself, ourselves etc. However in Turkish the feeling of "self" is understood by using the reflexive form of the verb. - Mehmet ykand - Mehmet washed himself. Other Examples of Reflexive Forms in English I shaved myself He washed himself You have cut yourself We helped ouselves This reflexive form of the verb stem is used to convey the reflexive meaning and takes the form of the suffix -in (subject to vowel harmony) or -n after verb stems ending in a vowel. As can be seen the reflexive sign -n is the same as the passive form for those verbs whose stems end in a vowel but the context of the sentence is usually enough to make the meaning passive or reflexive quite evident. Rarely, the -il suffix is used for the reflexive meaning. The verb zmek is to make someone sad and its reflexive/passive zlmek is to get sad (oneself). Katmak is to add/join and its reflexive/passive katlmak is to get added, hence to join, to attend. This is really a "grey area" between passive and/or reflexive. Examples of Use for the Reflexive Verb If we take the verb ykamak - to wash - we would say: amar ykadm - I washed the shirt However - if we say - I washed myself, I had a wash - then the reflexive form must be used: ykandm - I had a wash, I washed myself Similarly the verb soymak - to undress soymak - to undress somebody - [Active] soyunmak - to undress oneself - [Reflexive]


Turkish Language - The Causative Verb The active form of the verb gives the sense of: "doing something" and the passive form "something is being done". The Causative sense is "to have something done by somebody, to get something done by something." In the case where English uses "get done by" or "to have done by" Turkish uses the Causative form of the verb. In English one might say: The Active Verb - I'm going to clean the car - [to clean it myself] The Causative Form - I'll get John to clean the car - [to get, to cause John to clean it.] Use of the Causative One of the duties that the Causative Verb form carries out is to make intransitive verbs (which do not take an object) into a transitive verbs (which do take an object). The verb - durmak - to stop/to halt - is such a word: Araba caddede durdu - The car stopped in the street. - (There is no object in this sentence , it is intransitive) Mehmet, arabay caddede durdurdu - Mehmet stopped the car in the street. - (The object in this sentence is araby - the car - it is a transitive sentence) English may use a different verb entirely for its causative meaning The translation of the Causative is literal here, but in translation a different verb may be used in English. In first example, the Causative of "to know" has been literally translated as "to make know, to cause to know". In English this may be "to notify, to publish, etc." This diffence in English verb use must be considered when translating Causative Verbs from Turkish into English and vice versa. Causative Verb Form The Causative verb stem is usually formed by adding -dir to the basic verb stem or -tir if the verb stem ends in an unvoiced consonant . The suffix follows Vowel Harmony Rules and is subject to Consonant Mutation

Therefore the Causative Suffix possibilities due to the above rules are: -dir-/-tir-, -dr-/-tr- , -dur-/-tur-, -dr-/-trThe resulting causative verb stem can have all mood and tense endings added as required. There are some exceptions to the above rule which will be discussed later. Regularly Formed Examples - Causative Verbs Basic Verb glmek - to laugh ona gldm - I laughed at him ["Glmek" takes a Motion Towards (dative) object] bana gld - He laughed at me bilmek - to know onu biliyorum - I know that. almak - to work Bugn alyorum - I am working today Causative Form

gldrmek - to make laugh/cause to laugh onu gldrdm - I made him laugh beni gldrd - He made me laugh

bildirmek - to make known Mehmed' e haberi bildirdik - We made the news known to Mehmet altrmak - to cause to work Bugn, Mehmed'e altryorum - I am getting Mehmet to work today

unutmak - to forget unutturmak - to cause to forget antam unuttum - Mehmed'e antasn unutturduk - We've I forgot my bag let Mehmet forget his bag.

Examples in the Potential Mood onu gldrebilirsiniz - you can make her laugh beni gldremeyecek - he will not be able to make me laugh bizi gldremediler - they couldn't make us laugh Examples in the Necessitative Mood Mehmet seni gldrmeliydi. - Mehmet must have made you laugh. onu yaptrmalym. - I must have it done. Irregular Causative Forms Basic verb Stems ending in a vowel or -r form their causative by the addition of the suffix -t to produce the causative verb stem Active Verb Causative Verb oturmak anlamak boyamak to sit to understand to paint oturtmak to seat somebody anlatmak to make understand (to explain)

boyatmak to get something painted


Single Syllable Causative Verb Forms Some verbs mainly of a single syllable root form their causative by the addition of -r, that is the initial --d- or -t- of the causative verb sign is dropped. This generally happens when the basic verb stem terminates in - or - but there are other verbs included in this group. It should be noted that some verbs which end in - or - take the full -tir suffix. However the problem of these irregularities is not too great as the number of verbs involved is quite small although some of them are fairly common. These are best learned separately. A list of the verbs which change Basic Verb Causative Verb artmak batmak bitmek domak doymak dmek gemek gmek imek kamak to increase to sink to finish to be born to be filled to fall to pass artrmak batrmak bitirmek to cause to increase to cause to sink to finish off

dourmak to give birth doyurmak to fill up s.o. drmek to cause to fall/to drop s.o geirmek to cause to pass

to move/migrate grmek to evict to drink/smoke to escape iirmek karmak to cause to drink to miss/let escape


pimek amak imek tamak umak

to cook (by itself) piirmek to be surprised to swell to overflow to fly armak iirmek tarmak uurmak

to cook something to surpise s.o. to cause to swell to cause to overflow to cause to fly

Causative Uses One of the duties of the Causative is to make a Transitive Verb (one which takes an Object) out of an Intransitive Verb (which has no Object). This can readily be seen in the examples above: Pimek - to cook (by itself) - i.e. The eggs are cooking in the pan. - which is Intransitive as it has no object. Piirmek - to cook something - i.e. Ali is cooking the eggs in the pan. - which is Transitive as Ali (the subject) is cooking the eggs (the Object) - and therefore the Verb is the Transitive form. If you inspect the examples you will see that some of the Active forms are Intransitive whilst their Causative Form is the Transitive Verb. We should note that this is the reason that the Turkish verb for - to eat - is - yemek yemek - The first - yemek - means - food - and the second - yemek - means - to eat. Yemek - is a Transitive verb in Turkish so therefore must always take an Object, whereas in English the verb - to eat - can be Transitive or Intransitive. Ali, lokantada yemek yiyor - Ali is eating food in the cafe - (must be Transitive), whereas in English we just say - Ali is eating in the cafe. (Intransitive).


Regular Causative Verb Formation Other verbs are regular in their causative formation even if they are single syllable and end in an unvoiced consonant - some examples: Active Verb Causative Verb bakmak itmek komak satmak sevmek to look to push to run to sell to love baktrmak to cause to look ittirmek to cause to push

koturmak to cause to run sattrmak to cause to sell

sevdirmek to cause to love

A few verbs ending in -k take -t as their causative sign. Active Verb Causative Verb akmak sarkmak rkmek to flow to hang down aktmak to cause to flow

sarktmak to hang s.o. up

to have a scare rktmek to startle


There are few verbs which take -ar or -er as their causative sign Active Verb Causative Verb kmak gitmek kopmak onmak to go out/to exit karmak to go to snap itself to mend gidermek to send out to send away/to remove

koparmak to break onarmak to have repaired

One verb is completely irregular Active Verb Causative Verb

grmek - to see gstermek - to show All these are common verbs and should be learnt as irregularities Verb differences to English It can be seen from the meanings in English of the Causative Verb that it is used when an instrument or a person causes a verb action, and as such can have a different verb used in English to show the causative sense. It is therefore sometimes difficult to select the correct English verb in translation from Turkish. Practice and observation are necessary to ensure correct understanding and use of this verb form. For instance if we say: Mutfakta yemek piiyor - The food - (the subject) - is cooking in the kitchen. - [the food is cooking by itself] Mehmet, mufakta yemei piiriyor - Mehmet - (the subject) - is cooking the food - [Causative Verb - Mehmet is cooking the food.] In the case above the same verb - to cook - is used in English for both basic and causative verbs.

But in the following a different verb is used in English: Active Verb -anlamak - to understand - Cevab anladm - I understood the answer. Causative Verb - anlatmak - to explain - [Lit: to cause to understand] - Cevab anlattm - I explained the answer. We have to realise that in English the Causative Verb is often a different verb altogether from the Active Verb whereas Turkish uses its Causative form of the Active Form. Examples of Different Verb U se in English Active Causative to die to see Literal

to kill/to murder [Lit: to cause to die] to show [Lit: to cause to see] [Lit: to cause to halt]

to halt to stop

Causing a Third Party to Act This is basically a doubled causative verb formed by adding -t or sometimes -tir to the regular causative verb. I made him paint the car. I got him to paint the car. I had him paint the car All the above are translated: arabay ona boyattrdm [ boya-t-tr-dm]. In this case we are causing a third party to act as an agent. In these type of sentences the agent has the -a or -e (indirect object) case endings: ie. I caused FOR him to paint the car. The verb is basically a doubled causative form. boya -t -tir -mak. Other doubled causatives are formed similarly: The Doubled Causative The Doubled Causative is used when you get someone else to do the job ie. You cause them to have the job done. For instance - I got my car repaired at the garage - Arabam garajda tamir ettirdim - uses a Single Causative, whereas - I got the garage to repair my car - Arabam garaja tamir ettirttim - uses a Double Causative.

anlattrmak [anla-t-tr-mak] - to have something explained tamir ettirtmek [et-tir-t-mek ] - to have something repaired yaptrtlmak [yap-tr-t-l-mak] - to have something done If two letters -tt- occur together, then they are both pronounced individually. These forms do crop up quite regularly, especially in newspaper reports about agencies, ministers, governments etc. having something carried out by a third party

Turkish Language - The Co-operative Verb Form The Co-operative form of the verb is where the sense given is that the action is performed with another person or persons. The co-operation may be contrary in meaning. - ie. They fought EACH OTHER. In this case Turkish will use its co-operative form of the verb vurumak meaning - to fight EACH OTHER - as opposed to the basic verb - vurmak - to hit. - Many commonly daily used words are of the Cooperative form, and as we learn them we may not realize this. The Co-operative Verb In English it is not always apparent when a verb is co-operative, for instance the verb to collide. You can collide with a wall - (a single occurrence) or with another car - (co-operative occurrence). Turkish does make this distinction: In the first case: - arpmak - to bump, collide Bir duvara arptm - I bumped a wall In the second case: - arpmak - to bump, collide with. Bir arabayla arptm. - I collided with a car Co-operative Verb Formation


The Co-operative verb sign is -i which is added to the verb stem and it is subject to Vowel harmony so the suffix can take the following forms: - or -i or -u or - and - is added to verb stems which end in a vowel. Active Verb vurmak - to hit ona vurdum - I hit him Co-operative Verb vurumak - to hit Birbirleriyle vurutular - They fought each other. [Lit: hit each other] grmek - to see each other/to meet Mehmet ile greceim - I'm going to meet Mehmet [Lit: I will meet (see each other) with Mehmet.] anlamak - to understand each other/to agree Anlayoruz, deil mi? - We agree, don't we? Ali ile anlayoruz. - We agree with Ali. [Lit: understand each other]

grmek - to see Memet'i grdm - I saw Mehmet

anlamak - to understand Ali'yi anlyoruz - We understand Ali

Birbirleriyle - with each other - We should use always - ile - with with co-operative verbs, since the action is done by at least two persons. A note about the the verb - vurmak

When used with The Motion Toward (Dative Suffix -a/-e) - it means - to strike, to hit Mehmet bana vurdu - Mehmet hit me - [to me] When used with Direct Object (Accusative Suffix -/-i/-u/-)- it means - to shoot dead, to kill Mehmet kuu vurdu - Mehmet shot the bird [dead] Thanks to Glin K. for pointing out the differing meanings of vurmak when used with varying objective suffixes - J.G - 7 may 2010


Co-operative Form usage As we mentioned in the heading of this section many Co-operative forms are in regular use and one should begin to get the feeling in Turkish that the -i suffix concerns something that is done in concert (either with or against.) - and can be used with certain nouns to show "a doing together". This "in concert" suffix also shows up in some nouns - for instance - giri - means - entrance - but can be construed to mean - [Lit: - an entering in concert]. Similarly - k - exit - [Lit: - a leaving in concert] Common Co-operative verbs Also as previously mentioned many verbs with regular use are in the Co-operative form: anlamak - to agree - [to understand together] sevimek - to make love - [with each other] pmek - to kiss - [with each other] Although konumak - to speak - [with each other] and almak - to work - [with or at something or other] are not really co-operative verbs we can see that -i- shows that these verbs show "a doing together"

Turkish Language - the Subjunctive Mood This mood is used quite widely in daily conversation, especially the first person singular and plural forms. The Subjunctive Mood gives a sense of doubt, uncertainty or wish. - Let me, Let us or in the negative - Let me not, Let us not

The third person forms are also used regularly. Should a secretary say to the boss that Ahmet bey has arrived then the answer might be - Let him wait or Let him come in then in these cases the Subjunctive Mood would be used. The special third person form of the Imperative is also used quite a lot for wishes and desire, especially in Formula Speak - For instance if a person is ill we will say - I hope he gets better soon. Turkish however will say - Gemi olsun - I hope it passes quickly - [Lit: May it pass (from you)] Subjunctive - formation The Subjunctive Mood Sign is -a or -e which is added to the basic verb stem - according to Vowel Harmony Rules: If the bare verb stem ends in a vowel then the Subjunctive Mood Sign becomes -ya or -ye (Uses buffer letter -y-) The Personal Endings for the Subjunctive mood are as follows: Subjunctive Mood Sign is -e for verbs whose last vowel is -e, -i, -, - Mood Sign -a is used for verbs whose last vowel is -a, -, -o, -u As the Mood Sign is -a or -e - Then it follows that there are only two forms of the Personal Endings as shown above for the Subjunctive (again due to vowel harmony rules). The Singular Personal Endings - Subjunctive -eyim - let me or -aym - let me -esin - let you or -asn - let you -e - let him or -a - let him The Plural Personal Endings - Subjunctive -elim - let us or -alm - let us -esiniz - let you or -asnz - let you

-eler - let them or -alar - let them All the above will use buffer letter -y- when being added to a verb stem ending in a vowel. Thus -eyim becomes -yeyim [after a vowel] etc bekleyeyim - [bekle-y-eyim] - let me wait almayalm - [alma -y -alm] - let us not take Consequently it can be seen that all negative verbs will have this buffer letter as the negative verb end in a vowel. Special Case The third person singular and plural also have an ending suffix -sin and -sinler. This is discussed in The Imperative Mood. E-Dotted Vowel Group gelmek - to come - becomes - gel-e-yim - I better come geleyim - let me come, I better come gelesin - let you come, you should come along gele - let him come, he should come gelelim - let us come, we better come gelesiniz - let you come, you come along geleler - let them come, they ought to come too A-Undotted Vowel Group bakmak - to look - becomes - bak-a-ym - let me look komak - to run - koasn - let him run bulmak - to find - bula - let him find kmak - to leave - kalm - lets go! kamak - to escape, to leave - kaasnz - off you go! korkmak - to be afraid - korkalar - let them fear

Verb Stems ending in vowels In the case of verb stems which end in a vowel -(including all negative verbs) - then -ye or -ya is used - (buffer letter -y) aramak - to look for - arayalm - [ara -ya -lm] - let us look for (it) beklemek - to wait, to expect - bekleyeyim - [bekle -ye -yim] - let me wait etc. The Negative Form of all the above then become: gitmemek - not to go - gitmeyelim - lets not go bakmamak - not to look - Ahmet mektuba bakmaya - Let Ahmet not look at the letter -This is not an order but a wish - Hopefully Ahmet will not look at the letter, but bulmamak - not to find - bulmayalar - Hopefully they won't find it. beklememek - not to wait - beklemeyeyim - I'd better not wait. Subjuctive - Interrogative The Interrogative Particle mi? or m? is written separately but obeys Vowel Harmony Rules: geleyim mi? - should I come (too)? yryelim mi? - should we walk? yrmeyelim mi? - shouldn't we walk? gideler mi? - Should they go (then)? Subjunctive - Past Tense The Past tense of the Subjunctive Mood gives the sense of: I wish that I had, If only we had, etc. And the negative: I wish that I hadn't, If only they hadn't. etc. Then adding the Definite Past Tense personal endings the to Subjunctive Mood base we arrive at: gideydim [gide -idim] - if only I had gone Ahmet gelmeyeydi [gelmeye -idi] - If only Ahmet hadn't come (along) - The spelling gelmiyeydi is also found. arayaydk [araya -idik] - If only we had looked for (it)

How to say - Since This structure has the suffix -li - containing - added to the Subjunctive Verb Stem i.e. Gide plus -li becomes gideli. The subject person is also stated and the tense is taken from the final main verb Other ways of saying since are as follows: -eli, -eli beri, -eliden beri - since All these mean - Since we came to Istanbul it has not rained. except the last example - Since they came to Istanbul it has not rained. Biz stanbul'a geleli hi yamur yamad. Biz stanbul'a geleli beri hi yamur yamad. Biz stanbul'a geleliden beri hi yamur yamad. "since" can also be translated as -di(X) -eli where the person is taken from the tense sign: Mehmet stanbul'a geldi geleli hi yamur yamad. (Ben) stanbul'a geldim geleli hi yamur yamad. (Siz) stanbul'a geldiniz geleli hi yamur yamad. (Biz) stanbul'a geldik geleli hi yamur yamad. (Onlar) stanbul'a geldiler geleli hi yamur yamad The last five examples do not really need the subject - Ben, Siz Biz or Onlar stated as it is already evident from the verb endings - geldi, geldim, geldiniz, geldik and geldikler. From the meanings given above it can be seen that this mood can have a wide interpretation in usage and translation which can only be obtained by practice and observation.

Turkish Language - the Necessitative Mood


Simple Tense of Obligation I must go I ought to go I should go I have to go I have got to go This Mood is formed by attaching the -li Suffix of Obligation to the short infinitive form of the verb. The suitable to be personal suffix is then added to denote the number of the person - I, you, he, we, you, they.. Expressing Obligation. There are a number ways to express obligation in Turkish. The first way is to use the noun zor - trouble, difficulty, worry, problem,difficult, hard zorunda kalmak [zor-u-nda - "in the problem"] - to be left no choice but (to do something) zorunda olmak - to have to, be obliged to (do something) Or one can use an arabic word mecbur - necessity, need to.. mecbur olmak /-a/ (demands a Motion Towards Object) - to be forced to, be obliged to, have to (do something). mecbur kalmak -/a/ (demands a Motion Towards Object) - to feel obliged to, feel that one has to (do something). (Bakmaya mecbur oldum I felt (that) I had to look) zorunda - to be compelled to do something zorunda is conjugated with the Infinitive oynamak - to play oynamak zorundaym - I have to play oynamak zorundasn o oynamak zorunda oynamak zorundayz oynamak zorundasnz oynamak zorundalar

mecbur - to commit to do something mecbur is conjugated with Motion Towards (dative) dnmek - to think dnmeye mecburum - I must think dnmeye mecbursun o dnmeye mecbur dnmeye mecburuz dnmeye mecbursunuz dnmeye mecburlar Use of -meli/-mali as a tense mood Here "I, you, she etc.." is subject in sentence so no need to use the Possessive "-in" ben kitap okumalym sen kitap okumalsn ali kitap okumal biz kitap okumalyz siz kitap okumalsnz onlar kitap okumal(lar) Use of lzm - need or gerek - necessity as an auxiliary. Benim kitap okumam lzm - [lit: My reading book is needed] - means - I should read a book- that's why we use "-im" - "my" to personalize the sentence. Benim kitap okumam lzm or Benim kitap okumam gerek Senin kitap okuman lzm or Senin kitap okuman gerek Ali'nin kitap okumas lzm or Ali'nin kitap okumas gerek Bizim kitap okumamz lzm or Bizim kitap okumamz gerek Sizin kitap okumanz lzm or Sizin kitap okumanz gerek Onlarn kitap okumas (or okumalar) lzm or Onlarn kitap okumas (or okumalar) gerek The Possessive Personalized "-in" is used with both gerek and lzm but not with -meli,-mal tense suffix.

Turkish gerek is now used in preference to the Arabic lzm, although the latter is often used in daily conversation. These methods are widely used especially in notices and newspapers, but the verb itself has a Mood of Obligation which is explained below. There may be some fine differences in meaning and intent within these various methods of expressing obligation, but they can only be learned by experience and observation. A full example with the verb - etmek - to do/to perform In the table below we show all the meanings in English which the Turkish Necessitative replaces. We realize that the English method have slightly differing meanings which are better explained by a grammarian. Suffice it to say that these fine meaning are understood "in context" when speaking Turkish. Necessitative Mood Tenses Positive forms Statement Simple Tense of Obligation - I must, I ought to, I should, I have (got) to, do it.. ben etmeliyim sen etmelisin o etmeli(dir) biz etmeliyiz siz etmelisiniz onlar etmeli(dir)ler ben etmeli miyim? ben etmemeliyim ben etmemeli miyim? sen etmeli misin? o etmeli mi? biz etmeli miyiz? sen etmemelisin o etmemeli biz etmemeliyiz sen etmemeli misin? o etmemeli mi? biz etmemeli miyiz? Negative forms Interrogative Statement Interrogative

siz etmeli misiniz? siz etmemelisiniz siz etmemeli misiniz? onlar etmeliler mi? onlar etmemeliler onlar etmemeliler mi?

I must do I ought to do I should do I have (got) to do

Must I do..? Ought I to do? Should I do? Have I (got) to do?

I must not do I ought not to to.. I should not do I have not (got) to do

Must I not do? (Mustn't I do?) Ought I not to do? (Oughtn't I to do?) Should I not do? (Shouldn't I do?) Have I not (got) to do? (Haven't I (got) to do?)

Obligation Mood - Formation Example of an A-Dotted Verb bakmak - to see The Short infinitive is formed by dropping the final -k from the Full Infinitive thus giving bakma for the Positive Verb stem while the Negative Verb Stem produces bakmama -(from bakamamak - not to see) Then with the addition of the undotted form of the-l Suffix of Obligation we arrive at the necessitative mood verb roots bakmal- for the Positive and bakmamal- for the Negative.. The verb form is completed by adding the personal endings of the verb - to be The Mood of Obligation - A-Undotted Verbs adds -malSuffix bakmalym bakmalsn O bakmal(dr) I ought to see/I must see You ought to see/You must see He ought to see/He must see bakmamalym bakmamalsn O bakmamal(dr) I ought not to see You ought not to see He ought not to see

bakmalyz bakmalsnz bakmal(dr)lar

We ought to see/we must see You ought to see/you must see They ought to see/They must see

bakmamalyz bakmamalsnz bakmamal(dr)lar

We ought not to see You ought not to see They ought not to see

Example of an E-Dotted Verb girmek - to enter Similarly for the E-Dotted Group of Verbs (where because of Vowel Harmony Rules the Suffix of Obligation takes its dotted form -li-) girmek - to enter - will become girmeli- for the Positive and girmemeli- for the Negative The Mood of Obligation - E-Ddotted Verbs add -meli- Suffix girmeliyim girmelisin O girmeli(dir) girmeliyiz girmelisiniz girmeli(dir)ler I ought to enter You ought to enter He ought to enter We ought to enter You ought to enter girmemeliyim girmemelisin I ought not to enter You ought not to enter

O girmemeli(dir) He ought not to enter girmemeliyiz girmemelisiniz We ought not to enter You ought not to enter

They ought to enter girmemeli(dir)ler They ought not to enter


Conjugation Examples Mood of Obligation - Positive Form - Statement Present Tense Ben gitmeliyim Sen gitmelisin O gitmeli(dir) Biz gitmeliyiz Siz gitmelisiniz Onlar gitmeli(dir)ler I must go You ought to go He, She, It should go We have to go You have got to go They have to go

Mood of Obligation - Positive Form - Interrogative Present Tense Ben gitmeli miyim? Sen gitmeli misin? O gitmeli mi? Biz gitmeli miyiz? Siz gitmeli misiniz? Onlar gitmeliler mi? Mood of Obligation - Negative Form - Statement Present Tense Ben gitmemeliyim I must not go

Must I go? Ought you to go? Should he go? Have we to go? Have you got to go? Have they got to go?

Sen gitmemelisin O gitmemeli Biz gitmemeliyiz Siz gitmemelisiniz Onlar gitmemeliler

You ought not to go He should not go We have not to go You have not got to go They have not got to go

Mood of Obligation - Negative Form - Interrogative Present Tense Ben gitmemeli miyim? Sen gitmemeli misin? O gitmemeli mi? Biz gitmemeli miyiz? Siz gitmemeli misiniz? Onlar gitmemeliler mi? Must I not go? (Mustn't I go?) Ought you not to go? (Oughtn't you to go?) Should he not go? (Shouldn't he go?) Have we not got to go? (Haven't we (got) to go?) Have you not to go? (Haven't you to go?) Have they not got to go? (Haven't they got to go?)


Past Definite Necessitative Past Definite - Relates to an actual situation - I should have gone.., He must have gone.., etc.. Mood of Obligation - Positive Form - Statement Past Tense Definite Ben gitmeliydim Sen gitmeliydin O gitmeliydi Biz gitmeliydik Siz gitmeliydiniz Onlar gitmeliydiler I must have gone You ought to have gone He should have gone We had to go You had got to go They had to go

Mood of Obligation - Positive Form - Interrogative Past Tense Definite Ben gitmeli miydim? Sen gitmeli miydin? O gitmeli miydi? Biz gitmeli miydik? Siz gitmeli miydiniz? Onlar gitmeliler miydi? Mood of Obligation - Negative Form - Statement Past Tense Definite

Must I have gone? Ought you to have gone? Should he have gone? Had we to go? Had you got to go? Had they got to go?

Ben gitmemeliydim Sen gitmemeliydin O gitmemeliydi Biz gitmemeliydik Siz gitmemeliydiniz Onlar gitmemeliydiler

I must not have gone You ought not to have gone He should not have gone We had not to go You had not got to go They had not got to go

Mood of Obligation - Negative Form - Interrogative Past Tense Definite Ben gitmemeli miydim? Sen gitmemeli miydin? O gitmemeli miydi? Biz gitmemeli miydik? Siz gitmemeli miydiniz? Onlar gitmemeliler miydi? Obligation in the Future The -meli/-mal necessative has no future form. If you want to say in English "I will have to do it", then you cannot use -meli/-mal in Turkish. Instead gerek, zorunda is used for the Future Bunu yapmak zorunda olacam. - I will have to do this. Onu yapman gerekecek. - You will have to do that.

Must I not have gone? (Mustn't I have gone?) Ought you not to have gone? Oughtn't you to have gone?) Should he not have gone? (Shouldn't he have gone?) Had we not got to go? (Hadn't we got to go?) Had you not got to go? (Hadn't you got to go?) Had they not got to go? (Hadn't they got to go?)

Past Indefinite Necessitative Past of Presumption - relates to an assumption - I suppose that I should have gone, I suppose that he should have gone, etc. Mood of Obligation - Positive Form - Statement of Presumption Ben gitmeliymiim Sen gitmeliymisin O gitmeliymi Biz gitmeliymiiz Siz gitmeliymisiniz Onlar gitmeliymiler Mood of Obligation - Positive Form - Question of Presumption Ben gitmeli miymiim? Sen gitmeli miymisin? O gitmeli miymi? Biz gitmeli miymiiz? Siz gitmeli miymisiniz? Onlar gitmeli miymiler? Mood of Obligation - Negative Form - Statement of Presumption

(I suppose that) I must have gone (I believe that) you ought to have gone (Presumably) he should have gone (In reality) we had got to go (It seems that) you had to go (Probably) they had got to go

Ought I to have gone? (at all?) Should you have gone? (possibly?) (I wonder?) Did he have to go? (I wonder?) Did we have to go? (It seems that?) Did you have to go? (Surely by now?) Must they have gone?

Ben gitmemeliymiim Sen gitmemeliymisin O gitmemeliymi Biz gitmemeliymiiz Siz gitmemeliymisiniz Onlar gitmemeliymiler

(I suppose that) I must not have gone. (I believe that) you ought not to have gone. (Presumably) he should not have gone. (In reality) we had not got to go. (It seems that) you had not to go. (Probably) they did not have to go.

Mood of Obligation - Negative Form - Interrogative of Presumption Ben gitmemeli miymiim? Sen gitmemeli miymisin? O gitmemeli miymi? Biz gitmemeli miymiiz? Siz gitmemeli miymisiniz? Onlar gitmemeli miymiler? Ought I not to have gone? (at all?) (I think that?) Should you not have gone? (I wonder?) Did he not have to go? (I wonder?) Had we not got to go? (It seems that? ) Did you not have to go? (Surely?) must they not have gone?

The Verb "Gerekmek" Gerekmek - to need, to want to - is a verb in Turkish. As such it can be used in all tenses and moods as thes examples show: Present Continuous

Saatimin ayarlanmas gerekiyor. - My watch needs adjusting. Otobse binmem gerekiyor mu? - Do I have to get on a bus? Mehmet'e yardm gerekiyor. - Mehmet needs help. Bir vize gerekiyor mu? - Is a visa necessary? Kn kar yamas gerekmiyor mu? - It's supposed to snow in winter, right? Hakkmda hibir ey renmen gerekmiyor. - You do not need to learn anything about me. Ondan korkmamz gerekmiyor. - We have no need to be frightened of that/it. Simple Present stanbul'a gitmek gerekmez. - It is not necessary to go to Istanbul. Bunun zerinden gmrk demeniz gerekir. - Because of this it will be necessary to pay Customs Duty. Glmek gerekir bazen - One should laugh sometimes. On dakika beklemeniz gerekebilir. - It may be necessary for you to wait ten minutes. Indefinite Past Tense Mutlu olmak iin mutlu etmek gerekmi. - In order to be happy it is necessary to make happiness. Bir bilene sormak gerekmi. - It seem it is necessary to ask someone who knows. ok ey gerekmezmi mutlu olmaya. - Many things are not needed to become happy. Sevmek iin sebep gerekmezmi. - No reason is necessary to love. Hatta kimseye bir ey anlatmas gerekmezmi. - It seems it is not even necessary to let anybody know. Definite Past Tense Kalemler pahal olunca, ek i bulma gerekt. - A the items were expensive, a spare time job was necessary. yle olmas gerekti. - It had to be like that. Baarmamz gerekti aslnda. - Really, we had to succeed. Oraya buraya gitmem gerekti. - I had to go here and there. Senin iyi olduunu grmem gerekti. - I had to see that you were alright. 3 uncu kez denemem gerekmedi. - I did not have to try a third time.

4.vitesten yukar kmam gerekmedi. - It wasn't necessary to change up to 4th gear. Bir defa bile kutusunu amam gerekmedi. - I did not even have to open the box. Future Tense Bu adamlarn adn hatrlamam gerekecek. - I will have to remember these gentlemen's names. Eme'ye yeni bir ytk lmm gerekecek - I will have to get a new bed for Esme. lk nce siteden ifre almanz gerekecektir. - Firstly you must obtain a password from the site. Boyut deitirmemiz gerekecektir - We will have to change the dimensions. Kutuyu bitirdikten sonra yeniden doktorunuza grnmeniz gerekecektir. - After finishing the box it will be necessary to see the doctor again. Present Participle in -en zlenilmesi gerekilen bir Filim - A film which must be seen. Ankara'ya gidince uranlmas gerekilen br yer olduunu dnyorum. - I think that it is a place that must be visited when going to Ankara.. gerekten renmesi gerekilen ok eyler var. - Truly there are many things which are necessary to be learned. Gmrk vergisi denmesi gerekmeyenki arabamla geldim. - I came in my car for which customs duty was not necessary. Sebzelerin tketiminde dikkat edilmesi gerekilen konusu. - The steps that are necessary for the conservation of vegetables. Conditional mood - "if, whether" O an ne yaplmas gerekiyorsa onu yaparm. - I'll do whatever is necessary to do at that moment. Eer gitmem gerekiyorsa giderim - I will go if it is necessary Her ne gerekiyorsa yaparm - I will do whatever is necessary. yle olmas gerekiyorsa yle olur. - If it has to be like that then let it be so. Her Trk asker doar, gerekirse vatan iin ehit olur. - All Turks are born soldiers and if necessary will die as a martyr for the country. Ksaca anlatmak gerekirse byle onu yazaym. - Let me write it like this if it need to be explained in short. Gerekmezse konumam - If it is not necessary, I will not speak. gerek ... gerek ise


English translation: "as well as.." gerek gklerdeki kular, gerek denizdeki balklar, gerek yerdeki hayvanlar, ... It is not "whether" in English, there is not a choice between them. Here the writer wants to say all of them. "The birds in the sky, the fishes in the sea and also the animals on land, all of them" it is similar to "not only but also" in English. The Potential Mood - Positive The Potential Mood (tense) indicates: ability - to be able, can or disposition - may, might yetenek - ability, accomplishment, acumen, adequacy, aptitude, aptness, artistry, bent, calibre, capability, capacity, competence, competency, dexterity, disposition, efficiency, endowment, facility, faculty, fitness, flair, genius, gift, instinct, knack, merit, predisposition, prerogative, qualification, quality, resource, skill, talent, turn, vocation The Potential Mood uses the addition of bilmek - to know - to form its sense of meaning, therefore it always takes the form with a dotted i and is not subject to vowel harmony, as bilmek is a word in its own right. This is similar to the Scottish use of - ken - can, be able to - where they can say - Do you ken the swimming? - "Do you know how to swim?" Positive Potential Mood Verb Stems ending in a Consonant The suffix-ebil- or -abil- is affixed to the positive verb stems which end in a consonant, gelmek - to come forms a new verb and becomes gelebilmek - to be able to come yazmak - to write forms a new verb and becomes yazabilmek - to be able to write yazlmak - to be written [Passive Mood] forms a new verb and becomes yazlabilmek - to be able to be written glmek - to laugh forms a new verb and becomes glebilmek - to be able to laugh gldrmek - to make s.o. laugh [Causative Verb] forms a new verb and becomes gldrebilmek - to be able to make s.o. laugh Verb Stems ending in a Vowel Verb Stems ending in a vowel add -yebil- or -yabil- - (buffer letter -y-) yrmek - to walk forms a new verb and becomes yryebilmek - to be able to walk tamak - to carry forms a new verb and becomes tayabilmek - to be able to carry

In short The various tenses can be formed as normal after dropping -mek or -mak - which are replaced by -e- or -a- to which the verb bilmek - to know - is affixed - thus forming -ebil- or -abil- as the Potential Mood Suffix. In essence what is really being formed is a new verb altogether, which is different from English which uses the auiliary verb - "to be able.." Potential Mood Examples Potential Mood -Present Continuous Tense: gelebiliyorum - I can come, I am able to come, I may come, I might come Potential Mood - Present Simple Tense: gelebilirim - I can come, I am able to come, I may come, I might come Potential Mood - Future Tense: gidebileceksiniz - you will be able to go, etc. Potential Mood - Past Tense: balayabildik - we could have started, etc.. Present Continuous grmek - to see - becomes in the Potential Form - grebilmek - to be able to see grebiliyorum - I can see, I am able to see, I may see, I might see grebiliyorsun - you can see, you are able to see grebiliyor - he can see, he is able to see grebiliyoruz - we can see, we are able to see grebiliyorsunuz - you can see, you are am able to see grebiliyorlar - they can see, they are able to see

Present Interrogative The Interrogative is formed in a similar manner as the Basic Verb by using the correct question tag according to the number of the personal pronoun: gelebiliyor muyum? - Can I come? gelebiliyor musunuz? - Can you come? Future Tense Potential kalmak - to stay, to remain - becomes in the Future Potential Form - kalabilmek - to be able to stay, remain kalabileceim - I will be able to stay kalabileceksin - you will be able to stay kalabilecek - he will be able to stay kalabileceiz - we will be able to stay kalabileceksiniz - you will be able to stay kalabilecekler - they will be able to stay Future Interrogative gidebilecek misiniz? - will you be able to go? Past Definite Tense beklemek - to wait, to expect - becomes in the Past Definite Potential Form - bekleyebilmek - to be able to wait, expect bekleyebildim - I could wait bekleyebildin - you could wait bekleyebildi - he could wait

bekleyebildik - we could wait bekleyebildiniz - you could wait bekleyebildiler - they could wait If we insert the -ir of the Habitual present (aorist wide tense), then the meaning becomes "unreal" beklemek - to wait, to expect - becomes in the Past Definite Potential Unreal - bekleyebilirmek - to be able to wait, expect bekleyebilirdim - I could have waited bekleyebilirdin - you could have waited bekleyebilirdi - he could have waited bekleyebilirdik - we could have waited bekleyebilirdiniz - you could have waited bekleyebilirdiler - they could have waited Past Indefinite Tense dnmek - to think - becomes in the Past Indefinite Potential Form - dnebilmek - to be able to think dnebilmiim - it seems I was able to think dnebilmisin - it seems you were able to think dnebilmi - it seems he was able to think dnebilmiiz - it seems we were able to think dnebilmisiniz - it seems you were able to think dnebilmiler - it seems they were able to think Past Interrogative bekleyebildi mi? - could he have waited? Past Continuous

yapmak - to do, to make - becomes in the Imperfect Past Potential Form - yapabilmek - to be able to do yapabiliyordum - I was able to do yapabiliyordun - you were able to do yapabiliyordu - he was able to do yapabiliyorduk - we were able to do yapabiliyordunuz - you were able to do yapabiliyorlard - they were able to do Imperfect Interrogative durabiliyorlard m? - were they able to stop, halt ? We can see clearly in this example where the verb - bilmek - to know - keeps its dotted i - as it is not subject to vowel harmony rules, being a separate word in its own right.

Turkish Language - The Negative Potential Verb Negative Potential Formation This mood is easily formed in all tenses just by inserting an -e- or -a- before the negative suffix of any negative verb whether it be active, passive, reflexive, reciprocal,or causative - (in effect we form a completely new verb - with its own infinitive): A-UnDotted Verbs bakmamak - to not look becomes: bakamamak - not to be able to look bakamyorum - I can't look bakamadn or bakamyordun - you could not look

bakamyordu - he was not able to look bakamazsak - if we cannot look - (Conditional form) bakamayacaksnz - you will not be able to look bakamadlar or bakamyorlard - they could not look It can be seen above that the tense and personal endings are added to make the full verb form - this includes the "if" forms of the Conditional Mood. E-Dotted Verbs ekmemek - to not pull becomes: ekememek - not to be able to pull ekemem - I can't come ekemiyorsun - you cannot pull ekilemedi - it could not be pulled - (Passive form) ekemeyeceiz - we will not be able to pull ekememitiniz - you had not been able to pull A-UnDotted Verbs ending in a Vowel The buffer letter -y- is used to keep the last vowel of the verb stem separate from the -e- negative potential particle that has been added to the normal negative infinitive. anlamamak - to understand becomes: anlayamamak - (anla-y-a-ma-mak)- not to be able to understand anlayamadm - I could not understand anlamasaydn - if you did not understand anlayamasaydn - if you could not understand - (adding the Negative Potential) anlayamam - it seems he could not understand - (Inferential Tense) anlalamayacaksak - if we will not be able to understood - (Passive form) anlayamazsnz - you cannot understand anlaamadlar - they could not agree - [lit: understand each other] - (Reciprocal form)

E-Dotted Verbs ending in a Vowel beklemek - to wait, expect - becomes: bekleyememek - (bekle-y-e-memek) - not to be able to wait bekleyemesem - if I cannot wait - (Conditional tense) bekletemeyeceksin - you will not be able to let (it/him) wait - (Causative form) beklenemedi - it could not have been expected - [lit: awaited] - (Passive form) bekleyemeyeceiz - we will not be able to wait bekleyemezdiniz - you couldn't have waited bekleyememiler - it seems that they could not wait - (Inferential tense) In speech this negative potential particle -a- (-ya-) or -e- (-ye-) is heavily accented in order to draw the attention of the listener.

Relative Participles -an/-en, -yan/-yen Participles - Adjectives (and nouns) formed from verbs. (verbal adjectives, verbal nouns) "The most important function of participles is to form modifying phrases or adjectives equivalent to the relative clauses found in most European languages. The use of participles in Turkish is rather different than in English and at first sight is difficult to understand. This is mainly due to the fact that the Relative Pronouns - who, what, which, where - are not used in Turkish as in English. Instead, Turkish uses participles of its verbs as adjectives or nouns." Many thanks to zer Kaan for correcting my mistakes in basic grammar on this page. - August 2011 - JG


Formation of the Relative Participle. Strip the -mek or -mak ending from the infinitive of any verb. Add -(y)en if the verb is from the -mek family or -(y)an if it's from the -mak family to he remaining verb stem. [The buffer -y- is only inserted if the verb stem ends in a vowel - to avoid the occurrence of two consecutive vowels.] Examples of Present Participle Construction Infinitive Gelmek Sarlmak Anlamak Beklemek Gelmemek Sarlmamak Anlamamak Beklememek Participle Suffix -en -an -yan -yen -yen -yan -yan -yen The Participle Gelen Sarlan Anlayan Bekleyen Gelmeyen Sarlmayan Anlamayan Beklemeyen English coming (who [whom, that, which] is coming) hugging (who [whom, that, which] is hugging) understanding (who is [whom, that, which] understanding) waiting (who [whom, that, which] is waiting) not coming (who [whom, that, which] is not coming) not hugging (who [whom, that, which] is not hugging)

not understanding (who [whom, that, which] is not understanding not waiting (who [whom, that, which] is not waiting)

The buffer -y- is only inserted if the verb stem ends in a vowel - to avoid the occurrence of two consecutive vowels. Examples:

le yemee gelen adam tanrm. - I know the man who is coming to lunch. Akam yemee geleni tanr msnz? - Do you know who is coming to dinner? Gelenlerden biri tanyorum. - I know one of those who are coming. Bekleyenlere her ey gelir. - Everything comes to those who wait. Zengin olanlar ok ansl. - Those who are rich are very lucky. The Relative Participle can be used as an adjective as in 1 above: gelen adam or as a noun as in 2 above: Geleni tanr msnz? Participle Forms 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Present/Past Relative Participle with the suffix -(y)en/-(y)an Future Relative Paticiple with the suffix-(y)ecek/-(y)acak Past Direct Participle with the suffix -dik/-tik/-dk/-tk/-duk/-tuk/-dk/-tk Past Indirect (Inferential) Participle with the suffix m/-mi/-mu/-m Simple Present Positive Participle (Simple tense) with the suffix -r/-er/-ar/-ir/-r/-ur/-r. Simple Present Negative Participle (Simple tense) with the suffix -mez/-ma.

These forms can function as either adjectives: oynamayan ocuklar - children who do not play or as nouns: oynamayanlar - they/those who do not play. The most important function of participles is to form modifying phrases or adjectives equivalent to the relative clauses found in most European languages. The use of participles in Turkish is rather different than in English and at first sight is difficult to understand. This is mainly due to the fact that the Relative Pronouns - who, what, which, where - are not used in Turkish as in English. Instead, Turkish uses participles of its verbs as adjectives or nouns. Relative Participle Formation The suffix -an or -en is added to the verb stem - (or -yan or -yen after vowels): yrmek - to walk - yryen - who walks, who is walking yrmemek - not to walk - yrmeyen - who doesn't walk, who is not walking beklemek - to wait - bekleyen - who waits, who is waiting

beklememek - not to wait - beklemeyen - who doesn't wait, who is not waiting bakmak - to look - bakan - which looks, who is looking grmek - to see - gren - who sees, who is seeing grmemek - not to see - grmeyen - who doesn't see, who is not seeing

Relative Participle - an actual example of a shop window advertisement. Computer(s) who knows (about) [bilen] lady worker is being sought [Lit: Lady worker who knows (about) computers is being sought.] Thanks to Kvlcm Gnbatt - August 2008 The Relative Participle Let us consider the sentence: I know the man who is sitting in the chair - or - I know the man sitting in the chair Here - who - is a Relative Pronoun referring to - the man - which may be omitted in English - as in the second version above. While - sitting is a Present Participle or Verbal Adjective to describe the state of the man. The sentence above can be broken down to: (1) The man is sitting in the chair. - (2) I know him. One could also say: I can see the bird that is flying in the sky I pulled the rope which was hanging down. In these cases which and that are Relative Pronouns whilst flying and hanging down are Present Participles used as Adjectives. However, in Turkish the Present Participle does the job of both the Relative Pronoun and the Adjective.

Here is a sign in shop window in downtown Izmir - June 2006 "Experienced lady worker who knows [bilen] English is being sought." If we transpose the examples above to the form that Turkish exhibits, then they would convert as follows: Sandalyede oturan adam tanyorum - Chair-in sitting-who-is man-the know-I. Gkte uan kuu grebilirim - Sky-in flying-which-is bird-the see-can-I. Sarkan ipi ektim. - Hanging down-which-was rope pulled-I. This last example is in the past tense, which is taken from the final verb of the sentence.. - Then it can be seen that the Present Participle - sitting etc.. translates the Relative Pronoun by implication ie who is sitting.., which is flying.. etc.. Therefore in Turkish the Present Participle is used as a Relative Pronominal Adjective. This point is important to understand and in translation to English it is always best to add who is, which is, that is, until facility in understanding the Turkish point of view has been reached. Some Examples Relative Participles The suffix -an or -en is added to the verb stem, (or either -yan or -yen after vowels) Arka baheye bakan pencere krld. - The window facing the back garden is broken. - [Lit: Back garden-to looking-at-which-is (facing) broken-is.] Mektup yazan adam ok yaldr - The man writing the letter is very old. - [Lit: Letter-the writing-who-is man-the old-is.] Examples in the Potential Mood: The suffix -an or -en is added to the verb stem, (or either -yan or -yen after vowels) yryebilmek - to be able to walk - produces: - yryebilen - who can walk yryememek - not to be able to walk - produces: - yryemeyen - who can't walk


Thr Relative Participle As the Participle formed is a Verbal Noun, then we can add suffixes to it to change the meaning as we do with all Nouns in Turkish Examples of a Positive and Negative Verbs Noun as Direct Object oturmak - to sit (or to live at) oturan - who is sitting / sitting (adj.) oturan - [oturan-] - who sits / sitter Noun in Movement Toward Condition (Dative)- Singular umak - to fly uan - which is flying / flying (adj.) uana - [uan a] - to that flying / to the flier Noun in Movement Toward Condition (Dative) - Plural yemek - to eat yiyen - who is eating / eater (adj.) yiyenlere - [yiyen -ler-e] - to those eating / to those who eat Noun in Movement Away Condition (Ablative) sarkmak - to hang down (to dangle) sarkan - which is hanging down / hanging down (adj.) sarkandan - [sarkan-dan] - from that which is hanging Example of a Causative Verb Noun in Ownership condition - (Genitive) gldrmek - to cause to laugh

gldren - which makes one laugh/comic, funny (adj.) gldrenin - [gldr - en -in] - of that which makes one laugh/comic, funny Example of a Passive Verb Noun in Movement Toward Condition (Dative) - Plural kesilmek - to be cut kesilen - which is being cut (adj.) kesilenlerinden - [kesilen-leri-nden] - from those that are being cut Adjectival Participle Then we can translate adjectivally, for the singular: Masaya oturan adam tanrm - I know the man who is sitting at the table. - [Lit: Table-to (at) sitting man-the know-I.] In this case - oturan - is an adjective describing - the man And in the plural: masaya oturan adamlar tanrm - I know the men who are sitting at the table - [Lit: Table-to sitting men-the know-I.] Thus using - oturan - as an adjective describing - the men The Participle as a Noun However we could say in Turkish - as a noun - for the singular: Masaya oturan tanyorum. - I know (he) who is sitting at this table. - [Lit: Table-to sitting-he-who-is know-I.] Thus using -oturan - as a relative pronoun - (singular direct object) And in the plural: masaya oturanlar tanrdm - I knew those who were sitting at the table. - [Lit: Table-to sitting-they-who-were knew-I.] Thus using oturanlar - as a relative pronoun - (plural direct object.) Note that the Past tense of this sentence is taken from the final verb.

Modified Participles The Relative Participle can be declined in both Singular and Plural Positive and Negative and in the Passive and Potential Moods of the verbs. The suffix -an or -en is added to the verb stem, (or either -yan or -yen after vowels). The Basic Verb Form Participle - vermek - to give The Positive Verb vermek - to give veren - who gives verenler - those who are giving The Negative Verb vermemek - not to give vermeyen - who doesn't give vermeyenler - those who don't give

Oluma, hediye veren adam onun amcasyd. - The man who gave the present to my son was his uncle. - [Lit: Son-my-to, present gave-who man-the his uncle-was.] Ankara'ya giden otobslerin hepsi doludur. - All the buses which are going to Ankara are full up. - [Lit: Ankara-to going-which-are buses all full-are.] Ankara'ya gidenlerin hepsi erkek. - All the those who are going to Ankara are male. - [Lit: Ankara-to going-those-who-are all male-are.] Passive Mood Examples - beklenmek - to be expected, hoped for, waited for The Positive Verb beklenmek - to be expected beklenen - which is expected The Negative Verb beklenmemek - not to be expected beklenmeyen - which is not expected


beklenenler - those who are expected

beklenmeyenler - those which are not expected

The resulting -an or -en Relative Adjective is used to describe nouns, and can be used as a noun in its own right. Potential Mood Active Examples - alabilmek - to be able to work The Positive Verb alabilmek - to be able to work alabilen - who is able to work alabilenler - those who are able to work The resulting -an or -en relative adjective can be used as a noun in its own right. An actual example The Negative Verb alamamak - not able to work alamayan - which is not able to work alamayanlar - those who are not able to work

Here we see a sign at Ladies Beach in Kuadas for restricted entry into the Gne (Sun) Site of Apartments. This sign just shows how difficult Turkish can be to understand when you are first learning, as the grammatical construction is alien to speakers of English. So let us explain what is happening: Gne sitesine (Gne site-si-ne) - (In)to the Gne Site ait olmayan - who is not concerned - [with the site anyway] aralarn park etmesi - their car's its-parking yasaktr. - is prohibited.

Some Further Examples Yzebilenlere bir madalya verelim - Let us give a medal to those who can swim. In the above example the Relative Adjective is used as a noun with the Dative Suffix -e - to - added - [yz-ebil-en-ler-e] Sokamzda alamayan bir engelli oturuyor. - A disabled man who is unable to work is living in our street In the above example the Relative Adjective - [al-a-ma-y an] - who is unable to work / who can not work - is used to describe the noun engelli - invalid / cripple Sremeyenlerden arabalar geri alnz. - Take away the cars from those who can't drive. In the above example the Relative Adjective - [sr-e-me-y-en-ler-den] - from those who can not (are not able to) drive - is used as noun with the addition of the suffix -den - from Thanks to Nilda for correction to the above - Feb 2006. Potential Mood - Passive Examples This is an example of Turkish turning everything into an adjectival description wherever possible. yaplabilmek - to be able to be done / made yaplabilen - which can be done yaplabilenler - [yaplabil-en-ler] - those which can be done srlememek - not to be able to be driven srlemeyen - which can not be driven srlemeyenler - [srl-e-me-y-en-ler] - those which can not be driven Srlemeyen arabalar karnz - Take away the cars which can not be driven In the above example the Relative Adjective is used [srl-e-me-yen] Yaplabilenleri bitirelim - Let's finish those that can be done In the above example the Relative Adjective - [yaplabil-en-ler-i] - those that can be done (object) - is used as a direct object noun. Special Cases

The Verb - olmak - to be, become It can be deduced that the present participle of the verb - olmak - is - olan - meaning - which, is being or if used in its Pronominal Form means - That, Who, Which, What is This is used with the Infinitive in the Locative Case to form a Present Continuous Participle: Yzmekte olanlar - those who are presently swimming. Denizde yzmekte olanlar tanrm. - - I know those who are presently swimming in the sea. Kalmakta olanlardan - from those who are presently staying. Hrszlar, otelde kalmakta olanlardan para aldlar. - - The thieves stole money from those who are staying at the hotel. Beklemekte olana - to he who is waiting and still is waiting. Bu koliyi, beklemekte olana verin. - Give this parcel to the man (he who is) waiting. olan - being Another use of - olan - is with normal adjectives to describe people and events as the following examples show. In these cases - olan - can sometimes be translated as - being, as a. [Lit: who be's] Satlk olan bir ev aryorum - I am looking for a house which is for sale - [Lit: For sale being a house look for-I ] ok pahal olan bir fotoraf makinesini aldm - I have bought a camera which was very expensive. - [Lit: Very dear being a camera bought-I] Babas kasap olan bir arkadam var - I have got a friend whose father is a butcher. - [Lit: Father-his butcher being a friend-mine there-is] Use of - olan - to mean - the one that An explanation of - olan - the which one olan - One [the one that..] - [lit: that which is..] as an item olanlar - Ones [the ones that..] - [lit: those which are..] as items Hangi tirt istiyorsunuz? - Which tee-shirt do you want? Mavi olan(n) ltfen - The blue one, please Hangi ayakkablar istiyorsunuz? - Which shoes do you want? Siyah olanlar(n) ltfen. - The black ones, please.

The -ni as an accusative direct object ending is grammatically correct in the answers as the the verb - istemek - to want - is understood. But as with all languages sometimes the easy way is used and the direct object suffix is discarded though constant daily conversational usage. Thanks to Nurcan Akaltun ifti for addition of the above section - JG - June 2008. bulunmak - to be found The Verb - bulunmak - to be found, to be This verb - to be found - is the Passive Form of bulmak - to find. It is used very much as in English - one might say to a friend you are meeting later on: When you get to to the hotel tonight, I'll be found in the bar. - [i.e. I'll be in the bar.] Or you might say in a strange place something like: Are there any of today's newspapers to be found at all? This construction is used (is to be found [sic.]) - a lot in Turkish and is often translated more easily by the verb - to be Bankada alan elemanlar iyi deil - The staff working at the bank are no good Bankada almakta bulunan elemanlar ok iyidir - The staff who are presently working in the bank are very good It has been pointed out that the example above is a little awkward - but I leave it in as it shows the usage of - bulunmak. The following relative sentence sounds better however. Bankada alan elemanlar ok iyidir. - The staff who are working at the bank are really good. The use of - bulunan - with adjectives: Similarly another use of - bulunan - is with normal adjectives to describe people and events as the following examples show. In these cases bulunan - can sometimes be translated as - having a.., containing a inde be kitap bulunan kutuyu getirin. - Bring along the box containing the five books. - [Lit: Inside five books-the found-which-are-to-be (containing) bring along.] Bahemizde bulunan gzel iekleri sana gstereyim. - Let me show you the beautiful flowers (which are) in our garden. - [Lit: Garden-ours-in found-which-are-to-be beautiful flowers you-to show-let-me.] Past Tense Participles

There are two types of Past Participle in Turkish: The first type is formed by suffixing -mi to the verb stem and is used when the participle is subject of the sentence. The second type is formed by the addition of -dik to the basic verb stem which is used as an Objective Participle for both the Present and Past Tenses. The Object participle is discussed elsewhere. See Object Participles The -mi Subject Past Participle The Subject Participle in -mi is discussed below. This Past Subject Participle is used when the action is definitely completed. It should be noted that the -mi suffix does not take on a dubative or reportative sense when used as a participle. As with the present Continuous Participle the relation is completed by using the relative participle - olan - that, who, which, is. Examples of Indicative and Passive Verbs vermi olan - given , which is given verilmi olan - given, which has been given vermemi olan - not given , which has not given verilmemi olan - not been given, which has not been given boyam olan - painted, which is painted boyanm olan - painted, that has been painted semi olan - chosen, which is chosen seilmi olan - chosen , that has been chosen Seilmi olan apkay beenirim - I like the hat that has been chosen Semi olan beenirim - I like the one who has chosen Henz gelmi olan adam tanrm - I know the man who has just come Thanks to Nilda G. for corrections - Feb 2006


Official/Public Use The -mitir Past Participle is a happening which is definite in the past - krlmtr - which has been broken - although we usually say in English - which is broken Mav kap krlmtr - The blue door is broken - [Lit. - has been broken] The -mi Past Participle is also used with suffix -dir to make an official definite statement. Trkiye'de yaplmtr - Made in Turkey - [Lit: Turkey-in made-which-has-been-is.] Paslanmaz elikten yaplmtr - Made from stainless steel - [Lit: Stainless steel-from made-which-has-been-is.] zmir' de retilmitir - Produced in Izmir - [Lit: Izmir-in produced-which-has-been-is.] General Examples Turkish to English 1. Batan gemiden ayrlan son adam kaptand The captain was the last man who left the sinking ship. 2. Bisikleti olan ocuk ge kalmad. The boy who had a bicycle was not late. 3. Fabrikann etrafnda hzl bir ekilde yaylan yangn alt saat srd The fire which (that) spread quickly round the factory lasted for six hours. 4. Dn bitirilen i ok zor idi The work which (that) was finished yesterday was very hard. 5. nsan kalabal tarafndan sarlm olan polis ok kzd The policeman who was surrounded by a crowd of people became very angry.

6. Kaaklk limanlarda sk sk grlen bir sutur Smuggling is a crime which (that) often takes place in seaports. 7. Memleketin bu ksmnda kullanlan tarm metotlar ok eskidir The methods of agriculture (which/that) are used In this part of the country are very old. 8. Beni ok dikkatle gzetleyen kimseyi grdm I have seen the person who was watching me very carefully. 9. Aa yukar 418 km. uzunluunda olan Yeil Irmak trkiye'nin nehirden nemli biridir Yeil Irmak, which is about 418 km. long, is an important river in Turkey. 10. Evi ocuklarla dolu olan Ayten Alpman profesyonel arkcdr Ayten Alpman, whose house is full of children, is a professional singer. 11. ki yldr ngiltere'de bulunan karm geen hafta Trkiye'ye geldi My wife, who has been in England for two years, came to Turkey last week. English to Turkish 1. My friends, who had invited me to dinner, were waiting for me In front of the house. Beni akam yemeine davet etmi olan arkadalarm beni evin nnde bekliyorlard. 2. The chair whose legs are broken must be thrown away. Ayaklar krlm olan sandalye atlmaldr. 3. Yaar Kemal, whose novels are still very popular, was born in Hemite village in 1922. Romanlar hl ok popler olan Yaar Kemal 1922 ylnda, Hemite kynde doudu. 4. The girl who is sitting outside is looking for a job. Darda oturan kz i aryor.

5. I wrote a letter to the man who asked for information yesterday. Danma isteyen adama dn bir mektup yazdm. These examples have been previously published by Faruk . over 40 years ago, whom we thank. Manisa Turkish seeks permission to use them for no profit.

Turkish Language - About Object Participles About Object Participles This Participle is used for both Present and Past Tenses. A participle is an adjective which is formed from a verb - and as such it precedes the noun which it describes. Being a relative participle then it can also serve as a noun and therefore have the personal suffixes and the suffixes of declension added thus forming a relative clause. It is used for both the present and past tenses, only the context of the situation pertaining will tell which tense to use in English. Object Participle Formation The -mek or -mak is dropped from the Infinitive of the Verb and is replaced by the suffix -dik - which is subject to vowel harmony. The E-Dotted Vowels gelmek - to come becomes geldik - that came/that which is coming glmek - to laugh becomes gldk - that laughed/that which laughs The A-UnDotted Vowels bakmak - to look becomes baktk - that looked at/that which looks at kmak - to exit becomes ktk - that went out/that which is exiting


Generally this participle is not used in its pure form as above but is always personalized. This participle just happens to be the same as the 1st Person Plural of the Simple Past Definite Tense - (with suffix -dik/-tik or -dk/-tk or -duk/-tuk or -dk/-tkaccording to Vowel Harmony and Consonant Mutation Rules) - but as it seldom used in its pure form then it is not possible to mistake it. Also being a Participle [a Verbal Adjective], it describes a noun so therefore it precedes its noun, and as it is not a verbthen it does not stand last in final position in the sentence. From this is becomes easier to recognize it as a verbal adjective by its position in any sentence. Past Participle with -dik, -dk, -dk, -duk Some of the following material is an extract from "Colloquial Turkish" by Yusuf Mardin which was published in 1976 by RKP. It has been used here as an illustration for our Turkish learners Position in Sentences We must realize that a participle is actually an adjective made from a verb form. As an adjective in Turkish it must precede the noun which it qualifies. This then is how to recognize that it is a an adjective - by its position in the sentence. It looks like a verb, but it is not a verb. The verb always comes last in a sentence, and hence is easy to recognize it as a verb. If it is not last in the sentence then generally speaking it will be an adjective (or sometimes an objective pronoun). Formation; Participle + Possessive Suffix - Noun - Verb

Oturduum [Otur-du-um] ev budur. - This is the house in which I live. En ok sevdiin [sev-di-in ] yemek nedir? - What is the food that you like best? Yazd [Yaz-d-] mektubu aldm. - I have received the letter that he wrote. Geldiimiz [Gel-di-imiz] araba alnm. - The car in which we came has been stolen, they say. Beendiiniz [Been-di-iniz] kuma bulamadm. - I could not find the material that you liked. Yaptklar [Yap-tk-lar] iyilii unutamayacam. - I shall not be able to forget the kindness that they have shown. This participle, which is used for present as well as past time, is identical with the first person plural of the past definite tense, but a possessive suffix (for person) is added to make it equivalent to a relative pronoun. The final -k changes to - before the possessive suffix, except in the plural.

Let is take the first example and personalize it for all persons: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Oturduum ev budur. - This is the house in which I live. Oturduun ev budur. - This is the house in which you live. Oturduu ev budur. - This is the house in which he lives. Oturduumuz ev budur. - This is the house in which we live. Oturduunuz ev budur. - This is the house in which you live. Oturduklar ev budur. - This is the house in which they live.

We already know that adjectives can stand in place of nouns in Turkish, so if we take a further example, showing how this happens: Mehmet, sylediim cevab beenmemi - Mehmet seemed not to like the answer that I spoke. - here the participle - sylediim - that which I spoke - is used as an adjective to describe - cevap - answer (which is in the objective case - cevab, as an object of the final verb beenmemi - not to like (apparently) However we can make the relative adjective into a noun (a relative pronoun) and put this replacing noun into the objective case: Mehmet, sylediimi beenmemi - Mehmet seemed not to like what I said. The Participle used as a Noun Let us give some examples in all persons ( all these relative pronouns are in the objective case as a direct object of the verb - beenmemi: Mehmet, setiimi beenmemi - Mehmet did not like what I chose. Mehmet, yaptn beenmemi - Mehmet did not like what you did. Mehmet, sylediini beenmemi - Mehmet did not like what he said. Mehmet, bulduumuzu beenmemi - Mehmet did not like what we found. Mehmet, aldnz beenmemi - Mehmet did not like what you bought. Mehmet, deitirdiklerini beenmemi - Mehmet did not like what they changed. Object Participle Usage

This -dik suffix is often difficult to recognize as it has so many forms due to Vowel Harmony operating in its internal vowel, and Consonant Mutation operating on both the initial -d and the terminal -k The -dik, -duk, -dk, -dk - Participle is subject to both Vowel Harmony and Consonant Mutation Rules. So you can find -tik, -tuk, -tk, -tk. If a further suffix with a vowel is added the the final -k is also subject to Consonant Mutation: -dii, duu, -d, -d or -tii, -tuu, -t, -t Examples of Use bulmak - to find - Bulduum apka - The hat which I found. semek - to choose - Setiin kitap - The book that you are choosing/chose grmek - to see - Grd araba - The car that he sees/saw yazmak - to write - Yazdmz mektup - The letter that we are writing/that we wrote demek - to say - Dediiniz gibi - Like (what) you say/said sevmek - to like - Sevdikleri dondurma - The ice cream that they liked. Bulduum mendil beyazdr - The handkerchief that I found is white. Yazdmz mektuplar buradadr - The letters that we wrote are here. altm bro (ofis) kapal - The office where I work is closed/ The office where I worked is closed. Syledikleri mantkldr - What they are saying/said is/was sensible. In the above example note the addition of -dr onto mantkl - (lit: logical) - as it is a Statement of Fact. To reiterate; a participle is an adjective so it describes a noun and therefore always precedes the noun (or noun phrase) that it describes. The subject participle describes or signifies the person/thing who is doing something, the subject of the sentence. alan zil - The bell which is ringing.. This description itself can be an Object of another verb: alan zili duyabiliyorum [zil-i] I can hear the bell (obj.) which is ringing. alan zili duyabildim I could hear the bell which was ringing. The passive of almak is alnmak so the above sentence in the Passive is:

alnan zili duyabiliyorum I can hear the bell that is being rung. alnan zili duydum I heard the bell that was being rung. The -an/-en Subject Participle being an adjective does not show the tense. The tense is taken from the main verb at the end of the sentence. Object Participle Description The Object Participle describes the person/thing that is actioned by something as an Object. Mehmet'in ald zili duyabiliyorum I can hear the bell that Mehmet is/was ringing. Mehmet is actioning the "ringing". Similarly in the Passive Mehmet tarafndan alnan zili duyabiliyorum I can hear the bell that is/was being rung by Mehmet. The bell's ringing is being actioned by Mehmet. In Turkish if a Participle is put between the nouns composing "possessive construction" there is no need to use a "possessive suffix" at the end of the second noun. "Mehmet'in ald zilini : This is WRONG - objective "-ni" is not used. Aye'nin okuduu kitabn sen de okumak istiyor musun? : Wrong Aye'nin okuduu kitab sen de okumak istiyor musun? : Correct If an adjective is put between the nouns composing "possessive construction" it is necessary to use a "possessive suffix" at the end of the second noun. Aye'nin kaln kitabn bulamyorum. - I cannot find Ayshe's thick book. Annesi, evin kk odasn ailenin en kk ocuuna verdi. - The mother gave the house's small room to the smallest child.

Lack of Relative Pronouns in Turkish As there is NO Relative Participle in Turkish - that, who, which, when - (Note: No question marks so they are relative pronouns ) then "Turkishified" English will say for these participles: alan zil - the ringing bell/the bell which is/was ringing (-en/-an Subjective Participle - the bell.. is the subject). ald zil - the bell that he is ringing/that he rung rung (-dik Objective Participle) alnd zil - the bell that is/was being rung (-dik Objective Participle) A Further Explanation So if use the Object Participle - geldiim zaman - When I came - ("time" is the object of "my coming") But the Subject Participle - gelen zaman - this means the - time itself is coming (i.e. The future or next time) Tense taken from main Verb Ali'nin geldii zaman, arya GDYORUZ - When Ali COMES we ARE GOING to the shops. Ali'nin geldii zaman, arya GTTK - When Ali CAME we WENT to the shops. Thus it becomes that both ideas - Ali and his "coming" both become a compound Participle (verbal adjective) to describe - zaman (time). This is more suitable to the Turkish point of view than the relative when.. construction which English uses. The use of ki - that The Persian ki can be used to produce a relative clause in Turkish but it is alien to the language and this method should be avoided or you will be marked as a foreigner.. - Biliyorum ki beni seviyorsun. - I know that you love me. - The Persian method - understandable but WRONG. This method is based on Persian Grammar and is more suitable to European thinking. However the construction shown below comes over as more natural to the Turk. Biliyorum ki beni seviyorsun. - NOT the natural Turkish method Beni sevdiini biliyorum. - The CORRECT method according to Turkish Grammar - using the object participle: Beni sevdi-in-i biliyorum. - Lit: Me that-love-you know I Beni - me - sevdiini - that you love [sevdik - that loves + in - you/your + i - object marker for the verb] - biliyorum - I know..

We can see that the correct method uses the -dik Relative Object participle. Thus it becomes that both ideas - the person and their loving become objects of the verb - I know. This is more suitable to the Turkish point of view. Future Objective Participle This Participle in its simple consists of the verb stem with the addition of the Future Tense Sign -ecek or -acak. The -mek or -mak is dropped from the Infinitive of the Verb and is replaced by the suffix -ecek - which is subject to vowel harmony. gelmek - to come - gelecek - that will come glmek - to laugh - glecek - that will laugh bakmak - to look - bakacak - that will look kmak - to exit - kacak - that will go out This -ecek/-acak future participle can be used in its pure form and also personalized. This participle just happens to be the same as the 3rd person singular of the Future Tense but it is not possible to mistake it , as being an adjective it is never last in the sentence - but usually modifies a noun. Yarnki yapacam i nemli - The work that I will do tomorrow is (will be) important Yaplabilecek bir sey yok (yap -il -ebil -ecek) - There is nothing (from a future aspect) that can be done oturacak deilim - I don't intend to sit [Lit: to sit (as a future aspect) I am not] An Actual Example - Future Participle "Hayr" diyemeyceiniz tek lezzet. - [Lit: "No" that-you-will-not-be-able-to-say only taste.]

Here is a slogan from a famous Nut Spread bottle for sandwiches - it can be seen on all supermarket shelves. The only taste that you will not be able to say "No" (to) We can see here that as - di-ye-me-yece-iniz - precedes the noun - lezzet - taste - that it is a Verbal Adjective or Future Participle describing this noun. If we break this Future Participle into its components:

di-ye-me - becomes - not to be able to say di-ye-me-yece - becomes - will not be able to say di-ye-me-yece-iniz - becomes - that you will not be able to say Thus the whole meaning becomes (if we accept that in Turkish the verb - demek - can mean to say, to tell In Turkish English: "No" that-you-will-not-be-able-to-say only taste In English English: The only taste to which you will not be able to say "No" For an explanation of how the verb - demek - to, say, tell - is abraded to di- then look at our FAQ page here: See FAQ (8) about "demek" A "real life" example While walking around the market with my wife in Izmir one time, we were dragged into a carpet shop and plied with both cups of tea and a sales pitch from the carpet seller. We only got away by saying: Bey effendi teekkr ederiz fakat hi bir ey alacak deiliz. Thank you sir but we are not about to purchase anything at all. Another "real life" example Here is an actual email from the web where the writer is asking advice about his employment and it changes. there are many instances of Future Object Participles and Past Tense Object Participles. if you can translate this email into good English then you have understood the Future Relative Participle as it is used in the Turkish language. A little vocabulary - tazminat - compensation, artlar - conditions Merhaba Ben 14 seneden beri ayni firmada sistem mhendisi olarak almaktaydm. Firmam baka bir firma ile birleince i hayatma bu yeni firma altnda devam ettim. Bu gei surecinde istersek iten kabileceimiz ve tazminat alabileceiz sylendi. Biz istemedik. Aradan gecen 16 ayda ynetim tarafnda bir ok deiiklik oldu ve biz artk oluan bu yeni ynetim organizasyonunda olmayacamz ve kmak istediimizi syledik.

Fakat bize dedikleri - "Biz sizi brakmak istemiyoruz, siz bize lzmsnz. Bizler, sizlerden memnunuz." Biz, ie byle bir ynetim altnda devam edemeyeceimizden dolay, ayrlmakta kararl olduumuzu syledik. Onlarda bize bu artlarda tazminat ve dier haklarmzn yanacan sylediler. Ne yapmamz lazm ltfen yardim. How to say - "Instead of" There is a special construction in Turkish when making a choice between future actions. This consists of The future Participle + Person + Dative (motion toward) Particle -a/-e oturacama [oturaca-m-a] - instead of me sitting - (future participle + person + dative particle) Bahede oturacamza salonda oturalm - Instead of sitting in the garden let us sit in the salon Participle examples Relative Object Participles - showing English Object Participle - Past and Present tenses 1. Doduum ehri ziyaret ettim I visited the city where I was born. 2. Bana verdiin paray kaybettim I have lost the money that you gave me. 3. Bu pencereden grdnz evler ok iyi yaplmtr The houses (which/that) you see from this window are very well built. 4. Erkek kardeimin binmi olduu bisiklet bir aacn yannda duruyordu The bicycle (which/that) my brother had been riding was standing near a tree. 5. lk karlatmz yeri hatrlyor musun? Do you remember the place where we first met?

6. Benim ofisimde grdn adam arkadamn babas idi The man (whom/that) you saw in my office was the father of my friend. 7. Erkek kardeim iin getirdiin purolar nerede? Where are the cigars (that/which) you brought for my brother?. 8. Bu masann stne braktm paray kim ald? Who stole the money (which/that) I left on this table? 9. ocuk karma zengin ailelerin korktuu bir sutur Kidnapping is a crime which wealthy families fear. 10. Babamn ina ettii evin iki yatak odas vardr The house (which/that) my father built has two bed-rooms. 11. Kaybetmi olduum dolma kalem bana ait deildi The pen (which/that) I had lost did not belong to me. 12. Czdanm brakm olduum yere dndm I went back to the place where I had left my wallet. 13. Czdanm cebimden kartm olduum zaman hatrlayamadm l couldn't remember the time when (at which) I had taken my wallet out of my pocket. 14. Bindiim tren ok kalabalkt The train (which/that) I took was very crowded. 15. Mehmet, Ali'ye yeni otomobilini satn alm olduu yeri gsterdi Mehmet showed (to) Ali the place where he had bought his new car. 16. Geen hafta sizi tantrdm Mustafa ikinci romann yeni neretti Mustafa, to whom I introduced you last week, has just published his second novel.

17. The plan on which my brother has been working for years is very interesting. Erkek kardeimin yllardr zerinde alt plan ok ilgintir. 18. The electric toys with which the children are playing are extremely dangerous. ocuklarn oynadklar elektrikli oyuncaklar son derece tehlikelidir. 19. The wall over which the prisoners escaped in the middle of the night was twenty meters high. Gecenin ortasnda mahkmlarn zerinden katklar duvar yirmi metre yksekliinde idi. 20. The shelter to which they ran is made of stones. Onlarn katklar snak tatan yaplmtr. 21. The book out of which you took a page belongs to my brother. Bir sayfa koparttn kitap erkek kardeime aittir. 22. The men to whom the President spoke are very patriotic. Cumhurbakannn konutuu adamlar ok vatanperverdirler. 23. The concert to which we listened last night was excellent. Dn akam dinlediimiz konser mkemmeldi. 24. This is the hotel in which I stayed. Kaldm otel budur. 25. Who was the woman who you were talking to when I saw you? Seni grdm zaman konutuun kadn kimdi? 26. This is where the accident took place. Bu kazann olduu yerdir. 27. I saw the man whose house my brother stayed at. Evinde erkek kardeimin kald adam grdm.

28. The day (when/on which) Deren came to Istanbul was very warm. Deren'in stanbul'a geldii gn ok lkt. 29. This is the street where I live. Oturduum sokak budur. 30. The teacher with whom I studied last year was Huyla hanm. Geen yl birlikte altm retmen Huyla hanm d. 31. The person for whom I am waiting is my boss. Beklediim kimse benim patronumdur. 32. The house at which we are looking belongs to my friend. Baktmz ev arkadama aittir. 33. The sport in which I am interested is swimming. lgilendiim spor yzmedir. 34. The book for which I asked is not in the library. Aradm kitap ktphanede deil. 35. I know the man from whose son you bought the car. Olundan otomobili satn aldn adam tanyorum. 36. I remember the morning when they left the city. Onlarn ehirden ayrldklar sabah hatrlyorum. 37. I saw the house where you live. inde yaadn evi grdm. 38. Nejati was born in February. ubat Nejati 'nin doduu ay 'dr.

Examples - Future Obj. Participle 1. Yola kacamz liman zmir 'dir. The port we will sail from is Izmir. 2. Kira ile tutacan evi grdm. [Kiralyacan evi grdm.] I saw the house which you are going to rent. 3. Uan kalkaca zaman bilmiyorum. I don't know what time the plane will take off. 4. Evleneceim kadn grmek isterim I would like to see the woman (that/with whom) I'm going to marry. 2. Tasvir edeceim su geen k bizim kyde vuku buldu The crime (which/that) I am going to describe took place in our village last winter. 6. Hastalm iin uygun tedavi grebileceim yeri ziyaret etmek istedim I wanted to visit a place where I could get proper treatment for my illness. These examples have been previously published by Faruk . over 40 years ago, whom we thank. Manisa Turkish seeks permission to use them for no profit. An Example to work on Here is a joke containing various sorts of participles (highlighted). can you translate it correctly? FAKRLK


Gnlerden bir gn bir baba ve zengin ailesi olunu kye gtrd. Bu yolculuun tek amac vard, insanlarn ne kadar fakir olabileceklerini oluna gstermek. ok fakir bir ailenin iftliinde bir gece ve gn geirdiler. Yolculuktan dndklerinde baba oluna sordu: -nsanlarn ne kadar fakir olabildiklerini grdn m? -Evet! -Ne rendin peki? Olu yant verdi: - unu grdm: Bizim evde bir kpeimiz var, onlarnsa drt. - Bizim bahenin ortasna kadar uzanan bir havuzumuz var, onlarnsa sonu olmayan bir dereleri. - Bizim bahemizde ithal lambalar var, onlar ina yldzlar. - Bizim gr alanmz on avluya kadar, onlarsa btn bir ufku gryorlar. Olu szn bitirdiinde babas syleyecek bir ey bulamad. Olu ekledi: -Teekkrler, baba. Ne kadar fakir olduumuzu gsterdiin iin! Thanks to dehsetfikralari

Turkish Language - Simple Present Tense Participles The Simple Present Tense is called "Geni Zaman - Wide Tense" in Turkish. It is also known as the aorist or timless tense grammar. The Simple Present Tense is used for habitual situations. The Wide tense participle also has this same sense for when used as an adjective and it precedes the noun which it describes. The formation of both the positive -ir -r -r -ur and negative - maz -mez participles is the same as their respective Wide simple present tense bases.


Positive Timeless Participle The simple present tense positive sign -r is used to mark this type of participle. akmak - to flow - becomes akar - that which flows (continually, habitually) If we place the tense base after the noun then it is a verb: Nehir, denize kadar akar. - The river flows as far as the sea. However if we use it in front of a noun then it is an adjective meaning - that which flows Yatak odasnda akar su var. - There is running water in the bedroom. [Meaning water is available in that room.] This is at variance with the Present Participle - akan - which is flowing. Here the meaning is different. Yatak odasnda akan su var. - There is water (which is) flowing in the bedroom. - [The meaning here is that there is leak or maybe the roof is leaking.] It is apparent that the Wide Tense Participle describes what generally happens as a rule and the Present Participle describes what is happening now. Common Noun Forms Many Wide Tense Participles have entered the language as common nouns in their own right. Yazmak - to write. Wide Tense tense base - yazar - which means - writer or author. Bu kitabn yazar Orhan Kemal' dr. - This writer (author) of this book is Orhan Kemal. But if we were to use the Present Participle then the meaning changes. Bu kitab yazan Orhan Kemal' dr - It is Orhan Kemal who wrote this book. Negative Forms This is also used as an adjective mainly to describe the general state of things. We also use this construction in English quite a lot. I saw an unbelievable film last night. - [which is not able to be believed.] It was an unforgettable film. - [which is not able to be forgotten.] Here we in English are using the Negative Participle as an Adjective by placing it in front of its noun.

But it can also take its verbal form as well: The film I saw last night was unbelievable. [It could not be believed..] - as a verb. The film was unforgettable. [It was not able to be forgotten..] - as verb. So we can see it is all a matter of position of the participle. Placed before its noun it is an adjectival description - placed after its noun it becomes a verb. This then is the way Turkish uses these participles, in exactly the same manner as English. Formation of the Negative The simple present tense negative sign -maz/-mez is used to mark this type of participle. akmak - to flow. - becomes - akmaz - That which does not flow (continually, habitually) We can best show it use by example (these examples are in the negative potential form) : nanlamaz bir ey oldu! - An unbelievable thing has happened! [inan-l-a-maz - that which is not able to be usually believed] Dn akam unutulamaz bir filim seyrettik. - We watched an unforgettable film last night. Garajnzda kullanlamaz olan eski bir bisiklet buldum. - I found an old unusable bicycle in your garage. This example shows the addition of - olan -The Present Participle of - olmak - meaning - which is. - thus helping the listener to discern that the participle is an adjective. Common Nouns - Negative Many of these negative participles have also become nouns in their own right. The usual example of this is - kmaz - that which does not exit. This has come to mean a "cul-de-sac", so one can often see the sign - IKMAZ SOKAK - a street with no exit, cul-de-sac. It can also be found on doors which lead nowhere in public buildings - IKMAZ - NO EXIT [Lit Does not exit..]. Saying - As soon as There is one formula to translate - as soon as which uses both positive and negative Wide Tense participles in apposition: Biz gelir gelmez yemek yiyelim - As soon as we come, lets eat (a meal). This formula is quite heavily used in day to day speech. The translation of - as soon as I come/came. - Ben gelir gelmez

As soon as is translated by using the Wide Tense Positive and Negative Participles in apposition: ... mez, as in sen gelir gelmez - as soon as you come/came. 1. The person (subject) has to be stated as it is not apparent from the verb form. 2. The tense is taken from the verb of the final statement. 3. Very often the word - when - can be substituted for - as soon as - in English. Examples showing changes in person: Ben gelir gelmez bir kaza oldu. - As soon as I came an accident happened. Sen gelir gelmez bir kaza oldu. - As soon as you came an accident happened. O gelir gelmez bir kaza olacakm. - As soon as he comes an accident will probably happen. Mehmet gelir gelmez bir kaza olabilir. - As soon as Mehmet comes an accident may happen. Biz gelir gelmez bir kaza oldu. - As soon as we came an accident happened. Siz gelir gelmez bir kaza oldu. - As soon as you came an accident happened. Onlar gelir gelmez bir kaza oldu. - As soon as they came an accident happened. Polis gelir gelmez baka bir kaza oldu. - As soon as the police came another Accident happened. Biz kar kmaz annem gelecekmi - As soon as (when) we go out my mother may arrive. Onlar oraya varr varmaz part balayacak. - As soon as (when) they arrive there the party will begin.

Turkish Language - iken - while.. There are various ways of describing time relationships in English, consider: When I saw him, I waved at him When I see him, I shall wave at him As soon as I see him I shall wave at him

Whenever I see him I wave at him Every time I see him I wave at him If I see him, I shall wave at him It can be seen from above that the Adverbial Clause of time has a slightly different sense in relation to tense, time and duration. The Adverbial Clause of Time are best studied by example, as it is sometimes rather difficult at first to relate the English Constructions to the corresponding Turkish ones. Turkish uses the Relative Adjectival Participles widely and at first sight they may be difficult to analyze. They are logical constructions however, and as such a little reading and study will be rewarding in hastening understanding. iken, -ken, -yken meaning while iken can stand alone or be suffixed as -ken (when added to consonants) or -yken (when added to vowels). It is invariable and does not follow the rules of vowel harmony. It does not take further suffixes. iken is used when the verb action is continuous at a point in time. It may also follow an adjective. iken - with the Present Tenses -ken is always suffixed to the verb tense sign. As the subject is not always evident, then it is normally stated as in the examples below. Mehmet kasabaya yryorken onu grdm - I saw Mehmet while (he was) walking to town Sen kasabaya yryorken, seni grdm - I saw you while (you were) walking to town Ben kasabaya yryorken, seni grdm - I saw you while (I was) walking to town Biz kasabaya yryorken, onu grdk - We saw him while we were walking to town Biz kasabaya yrrken, onu her gn grrz - Every day we see him when (while) we walk to town. [Simple present habitual - yr-r-ken] Siz dans ediyorken, dinleneyim - Let me rest while you are dancing Onlar dans ederken, dinlenelim - Let's rest while they dance In the first three examples above it can be seen that the Personal Subject Pronouns have to be used to point to the subject, as iken can not be suffixed to pronouns. The last three examples show a slight difference in meaning due to the differing use in the Wide Tense and Present Continuous Tenses.

Many thanks to A.E.T for corrections to the above section - J.G. 21 September 2009 iken - with Adjectives iken can be used with adjectives, in this case it can stand alone or be suffixed: Ben, hasta iken (hastayken), uyurum - I sleep while (when) I am ill Biz, o hastayken, merak ettik - While he was ill, we worried Onlar, siz uykuda iken, megul olacaklar - They will be busy while you are asleep Uykudayken, soyuldular - They were robbed while they were asleep - the 3rd Person Plural comes from the last verb - it is in in the Passive Mood thus states the subject. Note the use of the Subject Pronouns to make the meaning clear iken - with the Past Tenses If the action is continuous in the past then iken can be translated into English: - As -were -ing As I was going to town I saw him. As we were going to town I saw him. Past Definite Tense: Ben ngiltere'deyken, yamur yad - While I was in England, it rained Past Continuous Tense: Biz ngiltere'ye giderken, yamur yayordu. - As we were going to England it was raining tam iken - just as A further construction with iken is - just as or right at the moment that. This construction uses the word tam - complete to introduce the Adverbial Clause at the point in time:

Biz tam evden karken, yamur yamaa balad - Just as we were leaving the house it started to rain. Onlar tam kapy aarken, anahtar koptu. - Just as they were opening the door the key broke iken - with Future Tense When attached to the Future Tense the meaning of iken becomes just as I was about to or instead of ngiltere'ye gidecekken, Trkiye'de kaldk. - Instead of going to England we stayed in Turkey This may seem difficult to understand but it can be analyzed that iken - as/while - is suffixed to the Future Participle - gidecek meaning - that about to go/which will go - and the Turkish aspect becomes apparent. We, while about to go to England, did something different - (ie. We stayed in Turkey.) This sense is best translated into English as: instead of -ing Trkiye'de kalacakken, ngiltere'ye gidelim. - Instead of staying in Turkey let's go to England. iken - with Past Participle in -mi This construction produces -miken - means - having done yapmken - having done yaplmken - having been done Bu i bitirilmiken, eve gidelim - This job having been finished, lets go home.. Aklma gelmiken, syleyeyim - Having come to (my) mind, let me tell you.. Hazr gelmiken bir kahveni ielim - Having already come, let us drink a coffee of yours.. iken - with Negative Wide Tense -mezken, -mazken means though not or while it isn't (This is a kind of official language. You can only hear these sentences in news or commercials.) Galatasaray'n yldz futbolcularndan Necati Ates, kendilerine deme yaplamazken, baz yabanc oyuncularn alacaklarnn verildiini duymann znt verici olduunu syledi.

One of the star players of Galatasaray, Necati Ates, has said that it was disappointing to hear that some foreign players' debts had been paid while there can not be a payment for themselves. Konu hakknda henz herhangi bir bilgiye ulalamazken, aratrmalarn devam ettii bildirildi. Here is the "Turkish" English: While any information can't be reached yet about the subject, it has been told that the investigations keep on. Here is the "English" English: Although as yet no information can be communicated about the subject, it has been stated that investigations are continuing. We can see some differences of tense and negation in the change from "Turkish" English to "English" English. This is because of: (1) Basic grammatical structure differences between the two languages. (2) The difference in local daily usage of each language. (3) It also underlines the fact that literal translation between the two languages is often difficult - and it is better to arrive a suitable translation in one's own language. Of course the above examples could be translated into English in a different way whilst still retaining the intended meaning in Turkish. Note that usually a positive statement follows this negative form.. The Conversational Method In order to get the meaning for - Though not... or while it isn't.. As we have noted above the following method is a little formal (although it is correct): almazken susuzum. - Although I have not worked I am thirsty. Srmezken yolu bilirim. - Although I do not drive I know the road. From the last two examples above it can be seen that - iken - takes its person from the main verb at the end of each sentence. In order to get the meaning for - though not or while it isn't we use -a ramen - in spite of, despite - so we can couch these sentences in this manner: almamama ramen susuzum. - Despite not working I am thirsty. Ben srmememe ramen yolu bilirim. - Although I do not drive I know the road. Explanation: Sr-me-me-m-e

1st -me is negation suffix - (sr-me) 2nd -me is noun producing suffix - (sr-me-me) 3rd -m is suffix for 1st sing. Person - (sr-me-me-m). And Finally -e is suffix for movement towards (dative case) (sr-me-me-m-e). Conversational stress is on the first syllable, preceding the negation suffix. A closer look So let us look at this construction more closely bilmememe ramen means Although I don't / didn't know, and this is correct (although it may seem a little strange.) Let us break it down Bilmek - to know (something) Bil - know Bilme - to know (short infinitive positive from bilmek) Bilmeme - to not know (short infinitive negative from bilmemek) Bilmemem - My not knowing - [lit: that (which) I don't know] -e ramen - In spite of Bilmememe ramen - Despite my not knowing / Although I don't/didn't know Another Example Mehmet srememesine ramen yolu bilirmi. - Although Mehmet can not drive it seems that he knows the road. - {Inferential tense} The basic sentence is - Mehmet yolu bilirmi. - It seems Mehmet knows the road. - which we add - "although he can not drive" Explanation: Sr-e-me-me-si-n-e 1st -e-me is negation suffix of inability - (sr-eme-mek) 2nd -me is noun producing suffix - (sr-eme-me) - this is the short Infinitive Verbal Noun from srememek - to not be able to drive 3rd -si is suffix for 3rd. sing. Person - (sr-eme-me-si) - [Mehmet in this case]. And Finally -ne is suffix for movement towards (dative case, including the buffer letter -n-) (sr-eme-me-si-n-e)


Adverbial Clauses Explained This page is something of a preparatory and important explanation of what is a wide subject and which is treated differently in Turkish than English as is explained below. Order of Main and Subordinate Clauses In English we always put the main part of the meaning at the beginning of a sentence as below: I shall go home when the party is over. I went out to the library after (eating) dinner. He put on his pyjamas before he went to bed. We can have supper as soon as we arrive at the hotel. All the above are ways of describing what will or did happen, with the adverb shown in -bold- print. Turkish as always says it backwards. So generally the Turkish construction to put the most important part last, with the main verb at the end of the sentence. English Construction: I shall go home - when the party is over. Turkish Construction: When the party is over, - I shall go home. - Parti bitince, eve gidiyorum. I went out to the library - after (eating) dinner. After (eating) dinner, - I went out to the library. - Yemek yedikten sonra, ktphaneye ktm. Ali put on his pyjamas - before he went to bed. Before he went to bed, - Ali put on his pyjamas. - Ali, yatmadan nce, pijamasn giydi We can have supper - as soon as we arrive at the hotel. As soon as we arrive at the hotel, - we can have supper. - Otele varr varmaz (varnca), akam yemeini yeyebiliriz. This construction puts the main verb last in the sentence, which of course is one of the main rules of Turkish Grammar. Differing Aspects of Adverbial Clauses

"Who did or will do what? and When?" We shall now look in greater detail how Turkish manages all these time modifying words and clauses - (before, after, as soon as, etc.) One of the problems that we have to contend with is the relationship of the temporal adverb with the subjects and objects. This is best shown by example. Let us slightly change one of our examples viz. I went out to the library after dinner. - English Construction After (eating) dinner, I went out to the library - Turkish Construction Yemek yedikten sonra, ktphaneye ktm. Let us show this example in some other forms. We can make the choice to change the subject or objects easily in English. So can, of course, Turkish - but we must be aware that Turkish treats this problem from another angle just because of the different constructions involved Aspects of Time Clauses Note that -dikten sonra means after doing, as an example yazdktan sonra means after writing. The tense and person is taken from the final verb - Mektubu yazdktan sonra ktk - After writing the letter we went out. Or to show a different tense and person - Sen mektubunu yazdktan sonra kabilirsin - After writing your letter you can go out English Model: I went out to the library after (eating)dinner. Turkish Model: Yemek yedikten sonra, ktphaneye ktm. Mehmet went out to the library after he had (eaten) dinner. Mehmet, yemek yedikten sonra ktphaneye kt. You went out to the library after Mehmet had (eaten) dinner. Siz, Mehmet yemek yedikten sonra ktphaneye ktnz. He went out to the library after (eating/having eaten) dinner. O, yemek yedikten sonra ktphaneye kt.

I went out to the library after you had (eaten) dinner. Ben, siz yemek yedikten sonra ktphaneye ktm. They will go out to the library after (having eaten) dinner. Onlar, yemek yedikten sonra ktphaneye kacaklar. I used to out to the library after we had (eaten) dinner. Ben, biz yemek yedikten sonra ktphaneye kardm. You went out to the library after we had (had) dinner. Siz, biz yemek yedikten sonra ktphaneye ktnz. In the examples above we can see that the changes in the final verb tense in Turkish changes the English tense of the actual aspect of "eating dinner". But of course it is not usual for us to state this "eating aspect" in English as it is normally understood and has become redundant. You can see there are many differing aspects of subject, object and tenses in this simple sentence and changes have to be made in Turkish just as in English. The problem does not end here as it can be applied to any adverbial clause - but the same rules apply. Clauses of Place - Where, Wherever English Model: I can not remember where I left my bicycle. Turkish Model: Bisikletimi braktm yeri hatrlayamyorum. [hatrla-ya-m-yorum. = negative potential present continuous = I can not remember(ing)] In truth this example is a Noun Clause grammatically - I cannot remember where I left it - as the pronoun - it - replaces a noun - the bicycle. I can not remember where you left my bicycle. Bisikletimi braktnz yeri hatrlayamyorum. I can not remember where he left my bicycle. Bisikletimi brakt yeri hatrlayamyorum.


I can not remember where I left his bicycle. Bisikletini braktm yeri hatrlayamyorum. We will not remember wherever our bicycles are. Bisikletimizi braktmz yeri hatrlayamyacaz. He can never remember where to leave your bicycle. Her zamanki gibi (Asla) bisikletini brakaca yeri hatrlayamaz. You could not remember where you left my bicycle. Bisikletimi braktn yeri hatrlayamadn. They can not remember where they left their bicycles. Bisikletlerini braktklar yeri hatrlayamyorlar. We just need to be aware of what we are trying to say at the time, and use the Turkish Constructions accordingly A Grammatical Note About - Noun clauses and Adverbial clauses Manisa Turkish is primarily a website to explain Turkish grammatical usage for English Speakers. Many of us do not really know the Grammatical Terms of our own language. However, to try to explain the difference between a Noun Clause and an Adverbial Clause we offer the following examples: Example of a Noun Clause I can not remember where you left my bicycle. This is a Noun Clause as it can be replaced by pronoun it I can't remember it.


Example of an Adverbial Clause I can shop where credit cards are accepted This is an Adverbial Clause - (can only be replaced by an adverb) I can shop there. Thanks to zge hanm for some additions and suggestions to this page - JG - April 2006

Adverbial Clauses of Time Saying - when There are many ways of saying - when - in English and of course the same applies in Turkish. When I've painted the house, I am going on holiday. As soon as I have painted the house, I am going on holiday. After I have painted the house I am going on holiday. On the house being painted, I am going on holiday. We have all these choices in English to fine tune the meaning, and so does The Turkish Language. In some cases the choice is easy - in others it may alter the meaning slightly - so the choice of our expression always relies on the circumstance appertaining at the time. As usual it is backwards in Turkish in order to have the main verb last in the sentence: Further Examples of Construction I shall go to the cafe, when the job is finished - English Construction When the job is finished, I shall to the cafe. - Turkish Construction bitince, lokantaya gideceim

When I got up, it was raining hard. Yataktan kalktm zaman ok yamur yayordu. When I was playing the piano, they were dancing. Ben, piyano alarken onlar dans ediyorlard I was very tired when I returned from the party. Partiden dndmde ok yorgun idim. or (yorgundum) My sister found the money when she was sweeping the carpet. Kz kardeim haly sprrken paray buldu. When the rain stopped we returned to our houses. Yamur durunca evlerimize dndk Common usage examples before -nce or -meden nce I went out to play before I had dinner - English Construction Before I had dinner, I went out to play - Turkish Construction Akam yemeini yemeden nce darya oynamaya ktm. The sun had set in the west before we reached our destination. Biz hedefimize varmadan nce gne batdan batmt. We must go home before it gets dark. Hava kararmadan nce eve gitmeliyiz. We shall have had lunch by the time that the train gets to London. Tren Londraya varmadan nce len yemeimizi yyecektik.

My small brother had eaten all the pie before I got back. Ben dnmeden nce kk erkek kardeim btn brei yemiti. I will finish everything by the time my father comes home. Babam eve gelmeden nce her eyi bitireceim. The party will be over by the time we get there. Biz oraya varmadan nce parti sona erecek. By the time we got there, the meeting had already started. Oraya varmadan nce toplant balamt bile. If there is no verb in the sentence : -dan nce/-tan nce or -den nce/-ten nce is used: Before May - Maystan nce Before April - Nisandan nce Before 5 o'clock - Saat beten nce Before 2 o'clock - Saat ikiden nce. Thanks to Nurcan Akaltun ifti for additions to the above section - JG - May 2008. because of -dan dolay or yznden Because of what Mehmet has done we can never succeed. Mehmet'in yaptndan dolay asla baaramayz Because of what Mehmet has done we can never succeed. Mehmet'in yapt ey yznden asla baaramayz Because of what Mehmet has done we will never be able to succeed. Mehmet'in yapt ey yznden asla baaramayacaz [wll not be able to].

Thanks to Nurcan Akaltun ifti for additions to the above section - JG - May 2008. after, afterwards - sonra or -diktan sonra I turned the lights off after my sister went to bed - English Construction After my sister went to bed, I turned off the lights. - Turkish Construction Kz kardeim yattktan sonra klar sndrdm. After the plane took off, we ate our lunch. Uak havalandktan sonra le yemeimizi yedik. I am going to ask the teacher a question after the class is over. Ders bittikten sonra retmene bir soru soracam. I will write to you after I leave Ankara. Ankara'dan ayrldktan sonra sana mektup yazacam. They went to the theater after they had finished their work. lerini bitirdikten sonra tiyatroya gittiler. We went to Italy after the war broke out. Sava ktktan sonra talya'ya gittik. as -dnda, or -nca or iken Mge went to bed as the clock struck ten - English Construction As the clock struck ten, Mge went to bed. - Turkish Construction Saat onu vurunca Mge yatt.


As we were standing over the bridge, we saw a boat coming. Kprnn stnde ayakta dururken gelen bir gemi grdk. As we went out of the house, we saw a man running down the stairs. Evden dar knca merdivenlerden aa koan bir adam grdk. As the snow was falling, the poor man was going home. Kar yaarken zavall adam evine gidiyordu. As the boy was walking towards the seashore, he met a fisherman. ocuk deniz kysna doru yrrken bir balkya rastlad. just as - tam or iken The phone rang just as I was leaving the house. Just as I was leaving the house, the phone rang. Ben, tam evden ayrlrken telefon ald. Mehmet opened the door just as I began to speak about him. Tam onun hakknda konumaya baladm zaman Mehmet kapy at. Just as I was leaving home, it started to rain. Ben, tam evden ayrlrken yamur yamaya balad. Just as the teacher was cleaning the board, the inspector entered the class. Tam retmen tahtay silerken mfetti snfa girdi. as soon as ..mez


We shall have tea as soon as my father comes home. As soon as my father comes home we shall have tea. Babam eve gelir gelmez ay ieceiz. They turned on the lights as soon as the film ended. Film biter bitmez klar atlar. We will come to see you as soon as the holidays start. Tatil balar balamaz sizi grmeye geleceiz. As soon as Aye had finished her homework, she went out to play. Aye ev devini bitirir bitirmez darya oynamaya kt. We shall go as soon as my father is ready. Babam hazr olur olmaz gideceiz. As soon as you buy this novel, I will borrow it from you. Sen bu roman satn alr almaz onu senden dn alacam. while - iken or esnasnda We stayed at a hotel while we were in Istanbul While we were in Paris, we stayed at a hotel. Biz stanbul 'da iken bir otelde kaldk. While the children were playing in the garden it started to rain. ocuklar bahede oynarken yamur yamaya balad. While you are having your bath, I will listen to the radio. Sen banyo yaparken ben radyo dinleyeceim.

I will accompany the lady while she is singing. Bayan ark sylerken ona elik edeceim. I read the book while I was in hospital. Kitab hastanede iken okudum. While you are in Ankara, I will visit my friends. Sen Ankara'dayken arkadalarm ziyaret edeceim. no sooner than -masyla bir oldu The dance had no sooner started than the lights went out. No sooner had the dance started then the lights went out. Dansn balamasyla klarn snmesi bir oldu. No sooner had I returned from Ankara than l left for Paris. Ankara'dan geri dnmemle Paris'e hareket etmem bir oldu. He had no sooner got into bed than the window was opened. Yataa girmesiyle pencerenin almas bir oldu. Selda no sooner entered the room than the telephone rang again. Selda'nn odaya girmesi ile telefonun tekrar almas bir oldu. Hasan had no sooner put down the receiver than the telephone rang again. Hasan'n ahizeyi yerine koymas ile telefonun tekrar almas bir oldu. No sooner did I see him, than I recognized him. Onu grmemle tanmam bir oldu.


No sooner had the stranger opened the gate than the dog barked at him. Yabancnn bahe kapsn amasyla kpein ona havlamas bir oldu. whenever - her ne zaman Whenever I started to speak English, my friend used to laugh. My friend used to laugh whenever I started to speak English. Her ne zaman ngilizce konumaya balasam arkadam glerdi. You may visit us whenever you come to Istanbul. Her ne zaman stanbul'a gelirsen bizi ziyaret edebilirsin. Whenever I sing a song, my sister goes out of the room right away. Her ne zaman ark sylesem kz kardeim derhal odadan dar kar. Whenever we go to Bursa, we climb up the mountain. Her ne zaman Bursa'ya gitsek daa trmanrz. I can't sleep whenever I drink too much coffee. Her ne zaman ok kahve isem uyuyamam. every time that - her (zaman) Every time I meet her, she wants me to take her to the cinema. Ona her rastlaymda kendisini sinemaya gtrmemi ister. Every time we go to the circus, our children buy Ice cream. Sirke her gidiimizde ocuklarmz dondurma Satn alrlar.


the moment that ..mez I'II ring you up the minute Meral comes here. Meral buraya gelir gelmez sana telefon edeceim. The moment I finished my homework, my father turned the radio on. Ev devimi bitirir bitirmez babam radyoyu at. directly that ..mez I will give him the message directly I get there. Oraya varr varmaz ona mesaj vereceim. Directly I had finished my homework, I realized that I had made a mistake. Ev devimi bitirir bitirmez bir yanl yapm olduumu anladm. immediately that ..mez You are to come home immediately the dance ends. Dans biter bitmez eve geleceksin (gelmelisin). They are going to inform us immediately they hear the news. Haberi duyar duymaz bize bildirecekler. once, when ..mez Once my father leaves home, we can do the dishes. Babam evden ayrlr ayrlmaz bulaklar ykayabiliriz.

Once you have got the habit of playing cards, it is not easy for you to give up. skambil oynama alkanln elde ettiiniz zaman, ondan vazgemeniz sizin iin kolay deildir. Now that, When that -dii zaman Now (that) you mention it, of course I do remember. Ondan bahsettiiniz zaman, elbet hatrlyorum. Manisa Turkish thanks the contributor of the examples shown above - taken from an old Grammar

Turkish Language - About - Ki In Turkish there are 3 types of - ki and its plural -kiler Conjunction: - that, so that, as, but what, but. Pronoun: - that/those which, which, who. Idiom: - thus, like that, so it is. Ki - as a Conjunction This word ki replaces the English words - who, that, which - when joining two ideas in relation to each other. There is only the one word ki in Turkish as of course Turkish has no gender. Note that it is mandatory to use a comma preceding ki in Turkish in this type of usage to show the subject of the sentence clearly. Oran, ki sen bugn grdn, benim en iyi arkadam. - Oran, who you saw today, is my best friend Matematik, ki bir ok insan nefret eder, benim en sevdiim derstir.Maths, which many people hate, is my favorite class. Ki is also used for joining two sentences together, but this method goes against Turkish Grammar rules. Biliyorum ki beni seviyorsun. - I know that you love me. This method is based on Persian Grammar and is more suitable to European thinking. However the construction shown below comes over as

more natural to the Turk: Beni sevdiini biliyorum. - The correct method according to Turkish grammar Whereas - Biliyorum ki beni seviyorsun. - although understandable is NOT the natural Turkish method. The correct Turkish method uses the -dik Relative Object participle: Beni sevdi-in-i biliyorum. - I know that you love me - [Lit: Me that-love-you knowing-am-I] sevdi- - that loves + -in - you/your + -i - object marker for the verb biliyorum - I know Thus it becomes that both ideas - "the person" and "their loving" become objects of the verb - I know. This is more suitable to the Turkish point of view. Ki - as a Suffix Most of the time the suffix ki again signifies - who, that, which - is actually in a locative situation. In Turkish the addition of ki to the object located completes the meaning whereas in English the relative pronoun in this relationship is glossed over or not included at all. Bahedeki ocuk - The child (who is) in the garden. Note that the us of the relative ki - who, which, that - is necessary in Turkish although in English it can be omitted. For instance if we omit the ki and say - Bahede ocuk - then in reality it is meaningless, whereas - Bahedeki ocuk means - The child WHO is in the garden. showing that "the child" is specific. Elimdeki para - The money (that is) in my hand, The money (that) I've got. Yanmdaki para yok - I don't have money with me - [lit: money that is by my side.] Ki - as an Idiom This ki is often used in comparison as in: oysa ki - if it is thus, if that's the way it is, thus, so then hal bu ki - the condition is this, that is the way it is, so then These days these utterances are regularly found written as a single word (in truth they are not), and have found a way into the language as such - oysaki - so, then, halbuki - It's this way, like this..


Ki - as a Relative Pronoun In the completion of descriptive nouns, the suffix -ki can be added to the completed noun and then used in place of the noun + noun completion.

Ali'nin arabas, Aye'nin arabasndan daha gzeldir. Ali's car is better than Aye's car. Ali'nin arabas, Aye'ninkinden daha gzeldir. Ali's car is better than Aye's (one). Bizim koltuklar [Koltuklarmz], Fatmalarn koltuklarndan daha yenidir. Our chairs are newer that Fatma's chairs. Bizimkiler, Fatmalarn koltuklarndan daha yenidir. Our ones are newer that Fatma's chairs. Bahenin domatesi, serann domatesinden daha lezzetlidir. Our tomatoes are tastier than the greenhouse tomatoes Baheninkiler, seraninkinden daha lezzetlidir. The garden ones are tastier than the greenhouse ones. Ahmet'in kitabi yerine Ahmet'inki. Ahmet's one in the place of Ahmet's book. Kiler - in the plural Just as an example: iindekiler - contents [Lit: those which are inside] Odann iindekileri hepsi kiralam - Apparently all the room's contents are on hire


The Suffix -ki (by Omero) The following notes are thanks to - Omero (AllTheLyrics Forum) -ki is really one of the strangest suffixes used in Turkish: -ki when used as suffix. It is used to create adjectives of words, which describe place or time 1. The cat is sick. - Kedi hasta. - The sick cat - Hasta kedi. 2. The cat is at home. - Kedi evde. - The cat, (which is) at home - Evdeki kedi. In No. 1. hasta is originally an adjective, so it can be used as an adjective without any change In No.2 at home is an adverbial expression of place . If you want to use such an expression as an adjective, you have to put a -ki at it. Another example: Sokakta yaayan adam. - The man who lives on the street. (yaayan is regarded as an adjective - it is the present participle - living) Sokaktaki adam. - The man, who is on the street. (as sokakta is not an adjective, but a noun plus suffix, you have to add a -ki to make an adjective of it. If you say: Adam sokakta. - The man is on the street. Here, sokakta is not an adjective but a noun indicating the location - therefore no ki here. Vowel changes to ki -ki is not subject to the vowel changes but with one exception: -k exists, so whenever it is added to a word, the last vowel of which is or , it has to be -k. Bugn sinemaya gidelim - Let us go to the cinema today. Bugnk planmz, sinemaya gitmek. - Our plan for today [Today's plan-our][ is to got to the cinema. Dnk hava ok gzeldi. - Yesterday's weather was nice. In both cases, the words bugn/dn are used in adjective-like functions. If you say the first one without -k Dn hava ok gzeldi. it would mean Yesterday the weather was nice.

Ki as a separate word What about the ki which is written separately, a big problem: The film was so sad, that I had to cry. - Film o kadar zcyd ki, aladm. The weather was so foggy, that I hardly saw anything. - Hava o kadar sisliydi ki, hi bir ey gremiyordum. Herkes bilir ki, dnya yuvarlaktr. - Everybody knows that the world is round. Oturdum ki, biraz dinleneyim - I sat down (in order) to have a rest. There are alternatives to use instead. For example I sat down to rest could also be Dinlenmek iin oturdum Everybody knows that the world is round could also be Herkes dnyann yuvarlak olduunu bilir My suggestion: avoid this separate ki if you are a beginner, until you get used to it. Native speakers use it correctly, but it is not easy to describe, when exactly. The various meanings of -ki (suffix) and ki (stand alone word) The English-Turkish dictionary says for ki : 1. who, which, that 2. so, that, such, that 3. seeing, considering that 4. as, though 5. when 6. ..?, I wonder?? 7. in, of Confused? Me too! So just concentrate on the other -ki which is used to make an Adjective of Location, which is really much more important. Thanks to - Omero


How is -ki used - some examples -ki as a word: (mostly as conjuction) Odadan ieri girmiti ki telefon ald. - The phone rung as (as soon as; when; even as) he came into the room. stanbulun en byk semti, ki yllarca ben orada yaadm, Kadkydr. - The biggest town in (Lit: of) Istanbul is Kadky where I had live for years. Madem ki geldin o zaman konualm. - Now that you came, lets talk then. yi ki erken gelmiiz, yoksa yer bulamazdk. - Fortunately we came early, otherwise we would not have found any free seats. Neden bu kadar sinirleniyorsun ki? - Why are you getting so upset? / What are you getting upset for/about? (If "-ki" is at the end of sentences, it always shows a little shock, emphasizing, exaggeration, curiosity) -ki as a suffix to make adjectives: Perdenin zerindeki sinei grdn m, ne kadar byk! - Did you see the fly on the curtain, how big it is. See -daki suffix of place A little converstaion using ki: - erdeki masann zerinde duran gmlekler yeni mi? - The shirts on the table inside, are they new? - Evet bugn aldm. Seninkileri de grdn m? - Yes I bought Then today. Did you see yours? (Seninkiler = senin gmleklerin) - Yoo, nerede ki? - No, where are they then? (This ki is for showing his curiosity. Yoo is a gentle idiomatic way of saying No! in daily converation.) - Yatak odasndalar. - They are in the bed-room. If ki does not make an adjective, it should be always written separately. Thanks to Uur Grgl - 17 July 2011 About Ki Some examples from the Web, thanks to the unknown contibutor.


(1) who; which; that : bir ocuk ki ok yaramaz - a child whos very naughty. Anlald ki bu ii o yapm. - Its become clear that hes the one who did this. Sanmam ki gelsin. - I dont think hell come. Bir ey yapmadm ki pimanlk duyaym. - I havent done anything that I should feel sorry about. (2) so ... that; such that: yle ucuz ki herkes alabilir. - Its so cheap that everyone can afford it. (3) Would you believe it? : Eve geldim ki kap duvar. - I came home, but ki would you believe it? ki nobody answered the door. Elimi cebime attm ki para yok. - I felt in my pocket for it, but (ki - good heavens! - ki) the cash wasnt there. (4) seeing that, considering that: Adam m ki paltosunu giymi. - The man must have been cold, seeing that he put on his coat. (5) as, though: Cevap vermeseydi bile ki ki verdi ki i olacana varrd. - Even if he hadnt made a reply ki though he did ki the thing wouldnt have turned out any differently. (6) When: Henz uykuya dalmtm ki, bir patlama oldu. - Id just dropped off to sleep when something exploded. (7) I wonder?: Bilmem ki ne yapsam? - What should I do, I wonder? 8. Indicates frustration, disapproval, doubt, or anxiety: O bana inanmaz ki! - She will not believe me, so why should I talk with her? Ama bana verirler mi ki? - But will they actually give it to me, I wonder? 9. Is used for emphasis: yle gzel ki! - Its more beautiful than I can say!

yle bir para dkt ki! - He spent money like it was going out of style! Araba ki ne araba! - Its a car and a half!/Its some car!

Turkish Language - The Demonstrative Pronouns These are called Demonstrative because they demonstrate the item being mentioned. The simple Forms: bu, u, o - this, that, that yonder.. bu kedi - this cat u fincan - that cup (near to, between us) o adam - that man over there The Suffixed Forms of the Demonstratives The Demonstrative Pronouns and Adjectives - bu - this, u - that, o- that yonder - use buffer letter -n- to become bun-, sun-, on- when adding any further suffixes. bu - this, this here bu - this buna - to this bunun - of this bunu - this (object) bunda - in/on/at this bundan - from this bunlar - these, these here bunlar - these bunlara - to these bunlarn - of these bunlar - these (obj.) bunlarda - in/etc these bunlardan - from these

bununla - with this u - that, that there u - that una - to that unun - of that unu - that (object) unda - in/on/at that undan - from that ununla - with that o - that yonder, that over there o - that yonder ona - to that onun - of that onu - that (object) onda - in/on/at that ondan - from that onunla - with that

bunlarla - with these unlar - those, those just there there unlar - those unlara - to those unlarn - of those unlar - those (obj.) unlarda - on those unlardan - from those unlarla - with those onlar - those yonder, those over there onlar - those yonder onlara - to those onlarn - of those onlar - those (obj.) onlarda - on those onlardan - from those onlarla - with those

The Demonstrative Pronouns and Adjectives - this, that, that yonder - use buffer letter -n- when adding further suffixes in all cases.

About Turkish demonstrative pronouns and adjectives These are called demonstrative adjectives this and that, these and those and demonstrative pronouns this one and that one, these ones and those ones because they demonstrate or describe which item is being talked about. Turkish has two words for - that, those bu - this (here) OR this (which was just mentioned) u - that (nearby) OR that (which follows on) o - that (over there, yonder) Turkish has two words for - that, those. (1) u - signifies something near by or something between the speakers. u also means - that which follows - eg. u tavsiye - the following recommendation. (2) o - signifies items far away or which does not lie between the speakers. o - is often used for descriptions of happenings in foreign countries and cities. When adding any suffixes including the plural suffix -lar buffer letter -n- is always used with the Demonstratives - thus forming -nlar as the Plural Suffix. Lets get nasty. Care must be taken using - u - and its extensions as it is also used in a derogatory sense (according to context). u adama bakn! - Look at that bloke! unu istemedim - I didn't want that! - (damn thing)

bunlar - these

unlar - those (n

onlar - those (ov

u kahrolasca herif kim? - Who is that damn fellow? [quite strong language] This is a "frozen form" - kahrolasca - kah olmak - "to be overwhelmed". The suffixes are made up - ol-a-s-ca - where -as is a now defunct subjunctive ending with an added -ca suffix indicating "having the attribute of..". However this word is best learned as a single unit; but really it should not be used as it is considered rather rude. You can also say kaholsun! - "Let him be dammed!" It is really like a swear word in English and not to be taken lightly.. Be careful in its use! Extended (suffixed) forms of demonstrative pronouns These extended suffixed forms show the use of the buffer -n- which is always used with the demonstrative. The suffix -ca - concerning - is used with the demonstrative pronoun to produce - bunca - all this, bunlarca - all these, onca - all that, onlarca -all those. Note that - unca - or - unlarca - are not normally in use. The addition of -ca produces an adjective which means - all this/that amount (of). The substantive that it describes is always in the singular. Bunca emeim boa gitti. - All this work of mine was in vain. ("all this amount of my work") Bunca kitab, kitaplkta dursunlar diye mi aldn? - Did you buy all these books (just) to fill the bookcase? ("all this amount of books") Bunca arkadamn arasndan onu mu beendin? - Between all these friends of mine, was it (only) him you liked? ("all this amount of my friends") Bunca yldr bu okuldaym, byle olay grmedim. - I was at this school all these years and I have not seen such a thing (before). ("all these years") Bunca kediyi nasl besleyeceksin ki? - How do you feed all thes cats? ("all this amount of cats") It can be seen that the addition of bunca replaces bu kadar - this amount of and onca replaces o kadar- that amount of in Turkish. The Singular Forms bunu - this (as an Object of a verb) buna - to this bundan - from this unu - that (nearby) (as an Object of a verb) una - to that (nearby) undan - from that

onu - that (yonder) (as an Object of a verb) ona - to that (yonder) ondan - from that


bunda - in/on this bunca - all this

unda - in/on that unca - see note below

undan is not generally onca - all that

The disparaging meaning of - u Although - unca - or - unlarca - are not normally in use - however - it is sometimes used disparagingly. However, in Turkish it could be used to despise something in quantity or magnitude , or someone in muscular power. For instance, if someone has a small wound due to some reason and complaining too much about it then you could say - unca/uncacik, yaradan lmezsin - You won't die from such a small wound (surely not!) Thanks to Onur stnel for the notes above. - Jan 2007 The Plural Forms bunlar - these (as an Object of a verb) bunlara - to these bunlardan - from these bunlarda - in/on these bunlarca - all these Some examples: bu ne? - what's this? Bu bir byk kedi - This is a big cat

unlar - those (as an Object of a verb) unlara - to those unlardan - from those unlarda - in/on those Not used

onlar - those (as an Object of

onlara - to those

onlardan - from onlarda - in/on

onlarca - all thos

Avluda bunca uzun kuyruklu kedi cirit atyorlar. - All these long tailed cat are running wild in the yard. (cirit atmak - Literally "to throw a javelin" but used here idiomatically meaning "run amok, swarm wildly".) A note about the usage of - u: u ne? - what is that (just there)? O bir gazete - that is a newspaper - [u bir gazete - is incorrect and is not used as a pronoun when answering. It is only used as an adjective describing - "the newspaper". as shown in the previous example.] Tm/Btn o gazeteler dnk(dr) - All those newspapers are yesterday's. u ne? - What is that (just there)? The answer - u bir gazete - That is a newspaper - is incorrect. The correct answer is - O bir gazete - as the answer to the question u ne?. Because after you ask the question - u ne? - the person being asks now knows where and what the subject actually is, therefore the answer must be something like - O bir gazete.As a phrase in its own right you can say such as - u bir gazete - That (just there) is a newspaper - but not as an answer to a question like - u ne? - What's that? For example: There are some of your friends in your home and a newspaper (gazete) on the desk in this case,there are two possibilities: If you are asked - u masann stndeki nedir? - What is it on that table? - then you must answer it like - O bir gazete or just - gazete - not u bir gazete If you want them to know that there is a newspaper, then you must say - u bir gazete - and here if they want to ask you where it is they must ask it like - Nerede o gazete? - not - Nerede u gazete? Summary: Question: u ne? - What is that? - Answer: O bir gazete. - That is a newspaper. u bir gazete - Cannot be a question, but if it causes a question like - Where is that newspaper? - then it must be: Nerede o gazete? - NOT Nerede u gazete? Thanks to Emrah Ayar for explanations about the usage of - u - JG - Jan 2007 Further Examples: o ne? - what is that over there? - o bir dergi - that is a magazine Bunca dergiyi nereye koyacaksn? - Where are you going to put all these are magazines? ["Bunlarca dergi" - is not generally used in modern Turkish] bunlar ne? - what are these? - bunlar yeil elma. - these (ones) are green apples.

unlar ne? - what are those? - onlar beyaz ev. - those are white houses. - [See note on usage of - u - in questions in the last section above.] onlar kim? - who are those (people) over there? - onlar gen kzlar. - those (people) are young girls. Yarn onca gen kz Aye'nin partiye gidiyorm. - All those girls are going to Aye's party tomorrow. (all that amount of girls) Should we use Onlarca kiz or Onca kiz? If you say: onlarca kiz - we understand there are some girls but they are in some groups and each group (has say) 10 girls. buna bakar msnz? - would you look at (to) this? - [Used as the object of - "to look"] bunlara bakar msnz? - would you look at (to) these? - [Used as an objective pronoun] ona bakar msnz? - would you look at that? onlara bakar msnz? - would you look at those? Thanks to Nurcan Akaltun ifti for corrections to the above section - JG - May 2008. Adverbial Forms of the Demonstratives: There are further derivations of - bu, u, o - which have produced the words - byle, yle, yle - the meanings are a follows: byle - In this way/thus - Onu byle yaptm - I did it like this - [byle is usually uses with the First Person Pronoun] yle - like that/in that manner - Onu yle yapn! - Do it like that! - [yle is usually uses with the inperative] yle - such as that/like that - Onu yle yapt - He did it like that! - [past tense is more distant, hence yle is used] The -ce suffix can also be added to form adverbs: bylece - In this way/thus ylece is not really used much ylece - such as that/like that The -ce siffix give a sense of completion - bylece i tamamland - and so the job was done thus Some Examples: Byle bir i yapmayn! - Don't do anything like (this) that! [in Turkish Bu and byle are used regarding a specific action, such as "jumping on the bed", wheras English uses the the word "That!" as opposed to "This!" for emphasis.] - Bylece onu yapn! -Do it this way


yle byle - just so-so - [Lit: like that, like this] - [as French - "comme ci comme ca"] - When asked How are you? - then yle byle can be given as an answer - "So so, I'm up and down, I'm getting on OK" yle bir saanak yamur yad ki - There was such a downpour that.. The "Formula Speak" - yle mi? - is also used a lot when listening with apparent disbelief to some one describing events. It means something like - Well I never, Go on then, Really? - This formula is used a lot in normal daily conversation.

Turkish Language - The Demonstratives - "this and that" These are called Demonstrative Pronouns and Adjectives because they demonstrate which item is being mentioned The Simple Form - "this and that, these and those" bu - this (here) or this (which was just mentioned) bunlar - these u - that (nearby) or that (which follows on) unlar - those (nearby) o - that (over there, yonder) onlar - those (over there) bu kedi - this cat u fincan - that cup o adam - that man over there The Demonstrative Pronouns and Adjectives - this, that, that yonder - use buffer letter -n- when adding further suffixes as the examples show below:.


"bu - this, this here" The Singular Forms bu - this buna - to this bunun - of this bunu - this (object) bunda - in/on/at this bundan - from this bununla - with this The Plural Forms bunlar - these bunlara - to these bunlarn - of these bunlar - these (obj.) bunlarda - in/etc. these bunlardan - from these bunlarla - with these

"u - that, that there" The Singular Forms u - that una - to that unun - of that unu - that (object) unda - in/on/at that The Plural Forms unlar - those unlara - to those unlarn - of those unlar - those (obj.) unlarda - on those

undan - from that ununla - with that

unlardan - from those unlarla - with those

"o - that over there" The Singular Forms o - that yonder ona - to that onun - of that onu - that (object) onda - in/on/at that ondan - from that onunla - with that Turkish has two words for - "that" (1) u - signifies something near by OR something between the speakers. It also means - that which follows - eg. u tavsiye - the following recommendation. Let's get nasty Care must be taken using - u - and its extensions as it is also used in a derogatory sense (according to context) - see below. u adama bakn! - Look at that bloke!

The Plural Forms onlar - those yonder onlara - to those onlarn - of those onlar - those (obj.) onlarda - on those onlardan - from those onlarla - with those

unu istemedim - I didn't want that! - (damn thing) u herif kim? - Who the hell is that fellow? - (herif - "fellow, guy, bloke") (2) O - signifies items far away or which does not lie between the speakers. O - is often used for descriptions of happenings in foreign countries and cities. When adding any suffixes including the plural suffix -lar buffer letter -n- is always used with the Demonstratives - thus forming -nlar as the Plural Suffix. Extended Forms These extended suffixed forms show the use of the buffer -n- which is always used with the demonstrative. The suffix "-ca - concerning" This is used with the Demonstrative Pronoun to produce - bunca - all this, bunlarca - all these, onca - all that, onlarca - all those. Although unca - or - unlarca - are not normally in use - however - it is sometimes used disparagingly. However, in Turkish it could be used to despise something in quantity or magnitude , or someone in muscular power. For instance, if someone has a small wound due to some reason and complaining too much about it then you could say - unca/uncacik, yaradan lmezsin - You won't die from such a small wound (surely not..!.) bunca and onca are plural and they take a singular object. bunca kedi, onca kedi - all these/those cats - is similar to Bu kediler , o kediler. - theses cats, those cats. Thanks to Onur stnel for the notes above. - Jan 2007 Suffixed Demonstratives These extended suffixed forms show the use of the buffer -n- which is always used with the demonstrative. The Singular Forms

bunu buna bundan bunda bunca The Plural Forms bunlar bunlara bunlardan bunlarda bunlarca

this (Obj.) to this from this in/on/at this all this

unu una undan unda (unca - Not used)

that nearby (Obj.) to that nearby from that nearby in/on/at that nearby (Lacking)

onu ona ondan onda onca


to t


in/ all

these (Obj.) to these from these in/on/at these all these

unlar unlara unlardan unlarda (unlarca - Not used)

those (nearby) (Obj.) to those (nearby) from those (nearby) in/on/at those (Lacking)

onlar onlara onlardan onlarda onlarca


to t


in/ all

Examples of Extended Forms bu ne? - what's this? Bu bir byk kedi - This is a big cat. Bunca kedi uzun kuyruklu(dur). - All these cats are long tailed Btn bu kediler uzun kuyrukludur. - All these cats are long tailed u ne? - what is that (just there)? u bir gazete - that is a newspaper

Onca gazete dnknn. - All those newspapers are yesterday's. Btn o gazeteler dnknn.. - All those newspapers are yesterday's. o ne? - what is that over there? o bir dergi - that is a magazine Bunlarca dergi - All these are magazines. bunlar ne? - what are these? bunlar yeil elma. - these (ones) are green apples. unlar ne? - what are those? unlar beyaz evler. - those are white houses. onlar kim? - who are those (people) over there? onlar gen kzlar. - those (people) are young girls. Onlarca kzlar gen. - All those girls are young. buna bakar msnz? - would you look after this? - [-a bakmak = to look after, take temporary care of..] bunlara bakar msnz? - would you look after these? ona bakar msnz? - would you look after that? onlara bakar msnz? - would you look after those? Adverbial Forms The are further derivations of - bu, u, o - which have produced the words - byle, yle, yle - the meanings are a follows: byle - In this way/thus yle - like this/ that yle - such as that/like that


The -ce suffix can also be added to form adverbs: bylece - In this way/thus ylece - such as that/like that Byle bir i yapmayn! - Don't do anything like that! Bylece onu yapn! - Do it this way.. yle byle - like this, like that - (as French - comme ci comme a) This can be given as an answer when asked - How are you? - [ie. I'm up and down, I'm getting on OK etc..] yle bir ya yad ki.. - There was such a downpour that.. The "Formula Speak" - yle mi? - is also used a lot when listening with apparent disbelief to some one describing events. It means something like - Well I never, Go on then, Really?? - This formula is used a lot in normal daily conversation.

Turkish Language - Here and there Formation of Spatials The suffix -re- or -ra- means - place or place of.. For instance - nerede? - means - Where? [Lit: ne-re-de - what-place-at] Earlier we learned bu - this - and u - that - and o - that yonder. Putting these words together with -ra- meaning place of.. - we form the words: bura - here - [Lit: this place] ura - there - [Lit: that place] ora - that yonder - [Lit: that place over there] There words are not very often used in this pure form but are extended to show the place - where... - or - from.. - or - to, towards - by the addition of a suitable suffix. The Basic Spatials

Adding the Static Position Suffix (Locative) -de or -da - in, on, at - we form the basic locations: The Singular - Specific Place burada - here [Lit: bu-ra-da - this-place-at] urada - there orada - over there nerede? - where? The Plurals - Spatially more vague buralarda - hereabouts, around here uralarda - thereabouts, around there oralarda - thereabouts over there, around about over there nerelerde? - whereabouts? Extended Spatials Adding the Movement Away (Ablative) suffix -dan - from or the Movement Toward (Dative) suffix -a - to, towards - then the meanings become: The Singular buradan - from here buraya - to here uradan - from there uraya - to there oradan - from there oraya - to there nereden? - where from? nereye? - where to?

And the Plurals - Spatially more vague buralardan - from hereabouts, from around here buralara - to hereabouts uralardan - from thereabouts uralara - to around there oralardan - from thereabouts (distant) oralara - to thereabouts nerelerden? - from whereabouts? nerelere? - to whereabouts? All the various Noun Conditions can be used to extend the demonstrative pronouns. bura(s) - here buray- here (obj.) buraya - to here burada - at here buradan - from here burann - belonging to here, of here buralar - hereabouts bura(s)yla - with this place here The same is also valid for ura(s), ora(s) and also interrogative - nere(si)? Thanks to Oytun Arslan for addition to this page - JG Oct 2011. Example - Basic Spatials Buralarda bir gzel restoran var m? - Is there a good restaurant around here? Buraya gel! - Come (to) here!

Oradan yeil bir araba geldi. - A green car came from over there. urada byk bir otel var. - There is a big hotel there. Note that ura has a diminutive form urack in general use. The meaning becomes "just here/there, herabouts" - as an example: urackta gazeteyi koyun - Put the newspaper just there/here There are similar forms for bura becoming burack and ora becoming orack. these forms in use, but not as much as the form urack

Turkish Language - Basic Spatials - The suffix of place, position The suffix of place (-re or -ra) The suffix of place is -re or -ra meaning - place/place of Earlier we learned of bu - this - and u or o - that. Putting these words together by suffixing -ra- place of plus the static (locative) suffix -da in, on, at - then we form the words meaning - here and there etc. These words are used for a general sense of location. burada - here - [lit: bu-ra-da - this-place-at] urada - there - [lit: u-ra-da - that-place nearer-at or in between-at] orada - over there - [lit: o-ra-da - that-place yonder-at] nerede? - where? - [lit: ne-re-de? - what-place-at?] In conversation you will hear the above words shortened (abraded) to - burda, urda, orda, nerde? The suffix -deki, -daki - which is on, in, at A little note: There is really no such suffix -deki in Turkish. -deki is actually two suffixes together, -de plus an added -ki. -de means - on, in, at - while -ki is - that which is But you will find most grammar books gloss over this construction although it is in constant daily use to make an Adjective of Location. It is for this reason that I began teaching it as a suffix in its own right - and it was far easier for my students to grasp the intention of meaning.

Therefore I will treat it as a suffix for Manisa Turkish website. Let us call it a "pseudo" suffix. Sokaktaki araba - The car which is in the street [Lit: Sokak-ta-ki street-in-which-is car.] - here we can see that -daki makes an Adjective of Location - that which is in. The pseudo suffix -deki explained. This pseudo suffix is very important as it is used a lot in daily conversation and reading. The -deki or -daki - is added to words to produce an adjective to describe the location of an object. This is best shown by example. For instance if we say: The telephone [which is] in my bedroom is broken, then Turkish trying to turn everything into anadjective will say thus: [lit: Bedroom-of-me-which-is-in telephone broken-is.] - Yatak odamdaki telefon bozuktur. - [Yatak oda-m-daki telefon bozuk-tur]. Here odam-daki telefon is used as an adjective to describe just where the telephone is! - ie. Room-my-in-which-is telephone. This point is a particular difficulty when beginning to learn Turkish as we do not use an adjectival construction. Instead in English we use a Relative Construction - The telephone which is in my bedroom is broken.. It is important to understand this adjectival construction of location, as it is in constant daily use in Turkish. It can also be used as a location in time scale as some of the examples below will show. Note also that the vowel in -ki is invariable - it does not follow Vowel harmony Rules, so the full Suffix of Adjectival Location is either -deki or -daki. Masadaki kitap - The book (which is) on the table. Masadaki kitab bana verin. - Give me the book (which is) on the table. Kilitteki anahtar. - The key (which is) in the lock. Kilitteki anahtar karnz - (Would you) take the key out of the lock. - [Lit: Lock-in-which-is key-the take out!] - [We have used the polite imperative in this example] Kutudaki kibritler nemlidir. - The matches (which are) in the box are damp. It can be seen from the above example that the Turkish aspect is different from English and this can only be appreciated by usage and practice, as it is an alien construction for English speakers An Example in Time Scale nmzdeki hafta. - (n-mz-deki hafta.) - The week in front of us - [Lit: Front-of-us-which-is week.] nmzdeki haftann havas ok gneli olacak. - The week ahead's weather will be very sunny. As already stated this is at first sight a difficult construction and can be assimilated by reading, listening and using whenever possible

Extended Forms showing movement If we need to show movement from or movement to a place or places then we must use a different suffix such as -dan - from or -a - to, towards.. in order to modify the meaning: buradan [bu -ra -dan] - (burdan as spoken) - from here We also use the same construction in English. If a child strays too near to the fire, then the mother will say: "Get away from there!". uradan [u -ra -dan] - (urdan as spoken) - from there oradan [o -ra -dan] - (ordan as spoken) - from over there nereden? [ne -re -den?] - (nerden? as spoken) - where from? Word Adding -a - to, towards: buraya - [bu -ra -ya] - to here uraya [u-ra-ya] - to there oraya [o-ra-ya] - to over there nereye? [ne-re-ye?] - where to? We in English do not say - come to here - or - come to there., although in Older English we did use these forms - Come hither - or - Go hence. However Turkish must use the -a suffix to show movement towards the place. Basically Turkish is using - henceand hither - and even thence and thither - which we in English no longer use in daily speech. To re-iterate, we used to say - hither and thither - in the old days - this is what Turkish is basically doing. Extended Plural Forms The plural forms buralarda, uralarda, oralarda, nerelerde cause the meaning to be: 1. More vague: - buralarda - hereabouts, around here 2. More spatial: - uralarda - thereabouts, around there,over there 3. More generalized: - oralarda - thereabouts, over there, around about 3. Any mixture of the three: - nerelerde? - whereabouts? Here we can see then the meanings have become more generalized in both space and location.

We should also remember that the meanings based on uralarda are in the near vicinity whilst the meanings based on oralarda are more distant (let's say in another country). The Plural Forms are also extended with -dan - from.. and -a - towards.. buralardan (bu-ra-lar-dan) - from hereabouts uralardan (u-ra-lar-dan) - from around there oralardan (o-ra-lar-dan) - over around there nerelerden? (ne-re-ler-den?) - whereabouts from? buralara (bu-ra-lar-a) - to around here uralara (u-ra-lar-a) - to around there oralara (o-ra-lar-a) - to those parts nerelere? (ne-re-ler-e?) - whereabouts to? As we can see the plural forms are vaguer and wider, but they are used just as we in English make these distinctions in place and space. Buralarda bir gzel restoran var m? - Is there a good restaurant around here? Buraya gel! - Come (to) here! Orada yeil araba var. - There is a green car over there. urada byk otel var. - There is a big hotel there. Kredi Bankas nerede? - Where is the Kredi Bank?. ar nerelerde? - Whereabouts are the shops?. Buradan saat sekizde kalm - Let's leave (from) here at 8 o' clock. Particular Locations Particular Locations - right here, right there and just where? If we need to communicate a more particular place and sense of location then as in English we have to be more precise. This precision in Turkish is achieved by using the suffix -i or -si meaning - its. By adding this suffix Turkish makes the place particular: buras (bu-ra-s) - right here [Lit: its place (exactly) here.] uras (u-ra-s) - right there. oras (o-ra-s) - right over there.

neresi? (ne-re-si?) - just where? [Lit: where exactly?] Note that the -si suffix is the Possessed part of the Possessive Relationship and that sometimes the Possessor is "understood", we should really be using this expression as a complete relationship as in: "bankann buras" or "evin uras" or "ngilterenin oras", but this is a bit pedantic. (See note below) More about Exact Locations As Stated above for exact locations the Possessive Adjective suffix -(s) is added to make the meaning become more exact. For instance if someone asks you on the telephone: Neredesin? (ne-re-de-sin?) - Where are you? Then you might answer: Ankara' daym - (Ankara'-da-y-m) - I 'm in Ankara However, if they ask you: Orann neresinde? (ne-re-si-n-de?) - Where (of there) exactly? Then you might answer: banyodaym (banyo-da-y-m) - I am in the bath Here is a little conversation between Ali and his friend Mehmet to explain the above about general and precise location. Ali: Neredesin? - (or Nerdesin? abraded in conversation) - Where are you? Mehmet: skdar' daym - I am in skdar Ali: skdar' n neresinde? - Whereabouts (of Uskudar)? Mehmet: Ahmet emesi' nin yanndaym. - I'm by the Ahmet Fountain. The call sign of Ankara Official Radio Station is buras Ankara - This place (exactly) is Ankara. It is something like British Official Radio whose call sign is "London Calling" Some Examples Some Examples: right here, just there. All these mean exactly - right here or right there or just where? Buras souk. - It is cold right here Burasna gel! - Come (right to) here

Binann burasndan kaalm! - Let's get away from (of) this building. In the last two examples it can be said as a descriptive way when you have a map or something in your hand and show the person some district on the map and tell him to come to the exact place of the district. In normal conversation we can say: Buradan kaalim! - Let's get out of here..! zmir? - Oras gzel. - Izmir? - That very place is beautiful antam, odamn neresine koydum, acaba? - Where exactly did I put my bag in my room I wonder? Or more General: antam nereye koydum acaba? - Where did I put my bag, I wonder? Kitab dolabn urasna koyun. - Put the book just over there in(to) the cupboard. Or more General: Kitab uraya koyun - Put the book just over there. Tam saat sekizde burada grelim. - Let's meet right here at dead on 8 o' clock As you see Buras, uras, Oras - can be only used alone in nominative case; Buras neresi? - where is this (exactly)? uras gzelmi. - Just there is beautiful. Oras gzel. - It is nice over there. In other cases we need an possessor which possesses these - buras suras, oras. Binann burasna gel! - Come right here to the building! Balkonun urasnda bir ku vard. - There was a bird right on the balcony. Ormann orasndan ilgin sesler geliyordu. - There are interesting sounds coming out of forest ('s place.) Example of a Particular Location Here is a snippet of conversation between Mehmet and Ali to show the difference between the nereye? - where to? [Lit: to where?] as a general location and the neresine? - just where to? [Lit: to THE where?] as an exact location type of usage. Mehmet: - Bu akam nereye gidiyorsun? - Where are you going (to) this evening? Ali: - Merkeze gidiyorum. - I'm going to the town center.

Mehmet: - Merkezin neresine? - Where to (exactly) of the town center? Ali: - Byk Efes Oteline gidiyorum - I'm going to the Grand Efes Hotel.

"Lost in Space" - Spatial Relationships The examples shown with an asterisk (*) are taken from an old Turkish Grammar. We are indebted to the anonymous author and crave his indulgence in using then for the interest of our fellow Turkish learners. Some Space Oddities As in English these spatials may either be adjectives or nouns. Consider: The exterior door. The outside wall - here we are using the word exterior and outside as adjectives describing the nouns they possess, in this case - door and wall. But as in English these spatials can also be nouns. Consider: At the back of the house. From the top of the table. We can easily see that in this case both back and top are nouns - it is even pointed out to us by the use of the Definite Article - the back and the top. However when we say At the back of the house.then we can also say The house's back (if needs be in English). This is exactly the same as the Possessive Relationship in Turkish: Evin arkas - The back of the house - [Lit: the house-of the back-its.] Masann st - The top of the table - [Lit: the table-of the top-its.] We can see that Spatial Relationships are just another form of the Possessive Relationship in Turkish where one noun owns the second ev-in arka-s - the back of the house. As we have already learned that is a new Extended Noun then we can apply further small suffixes - to, from, at etc. - to complete the meaning as required. Masann stnden - From the top of the table. (uses -den suffix). Masann stnde. - On the top of the table. (uses -de suffix). Masann stne. - To the top of the table. (Uses -e suffix).

This then is the way that Turkish treats Spatial Relationships and some of the main ones are shown below. Many of these are in use in daily life - it is for this reason that Manisa Turkish has dealt with Spatial Relationships as a topic on its own. Formation of Spatials d / d - Exterior, outside Used as an Adjective (d) d kap - the outside gate d avlu - the outside yard Used as a Noun (d) kapnn d - the outside of the gate bankann dna - to the outside of the bank evin dnda - at the outside of the house bahenin dndan - from the outside the garden A cafe sign "Please do not bring anything to eat and drink from outside."


kapnn dndan - from (the) outside (of the) gate bankann dndan - from (the) outside (of the) bank peronun dna - to (the) outside (of the) railway platform English sometimes drops the little word - of. The noun d - the exterior - takes a buffer letter -n- when adding the -de and -dan suffixes. A little warning: Try not mix this word with di - tooth - which of course is spelt with a Dotted -iAs an Adverb of Place -dardan - from outside A sign in a park cafe in Kuadas "In here which are sold products from outside to bring is prohibited. We thank you."

dardan - from outside - is used without a preceding noun, because it is a adverb of place. dar gidiyorum. - I'm going out. (darya - also could be used) dardan geliyorum. - I'm coming from outside. dardaym - I am outside. (or - dardaym - like - buradaym - which is spoken - burdaym - the shortened forms being generally used in daily conversation). Some further examples

Evin dna kt. - He went out of the house. (to the outside of the house) Kapnn dnda bir adam bekliyordu. - A man was waiting outside the door. (at the outside of..) Evin dndan arabalar geiyor. - Cars are passing outside the house. (by way of the outside of the house) Some Spatial Expressions i - interior, internal -(n)in iine - to the inside of -(n)in iinde - at the inside of -(n)in iinden - from the inside of Used as an Adjective i hastalklar - internal diseases i sava - civil war Used as a Noun odann ii - the inside of the room ormann iinde - in the depths the forest garn iinden - from the inside of the railway station * Some further examples Trenin iinde yer buldu, oturdu. - He found a place in the train and sat down. Bu kutuda ne var? Bilmem, iine bakmadm - What is in this box? I don't know, I haven't looked inside. Odann iinden bir grlt geliyordu - A noise was coming from inside the room Bu odann iindekilerin hepsi kiralktr. [i-i-nde-ki-ler-in hep-si] - The contents of this room are all on hire. Eyalarm kutu iine koydum - I put my things into a box/boxes Eyalarm kutunun iine koydum - I put my things into the box Bir hafta iinde kitabini bitirecek - He will finish his book within a week Bu ehrin iinde ok insan var - There are many people in this town

As an Adverb of Place - ieri - inside ieri - inside - is used without a preceding noun, because it is a adverb of place. ieri gidiyorum. - I'm going in(side). (ieriye - also could be used) ierden geliyorum. - I'm coming from inside. Also - ieri - and - dar can be used with nouns. Ltfen kapdan ieri giriniz. - Please go (pass) inside through (or from) the door. Evimden dar k! - Get out of my house!. yan - side, next to -(n)in yanna - to the side of -(n)in yannda - at/by the side of -(n)in yanndan - from the side of Used as an Adjective yan kap - side gate yan sokak - side road Used as a Noun kapnn yannda - (right/just = -inda) next to the gate bankann yanndan - from next to the bank sol duvarn yanna - next to the left wall duvarn sol yanna - next to the left side of the wall * Some further examples Mehmet, Ali'nin yanna oturdu. - Mehmet sat down next to Ali. Mehmet, Ali'nin yannda oturdu. - Mehmet sat next to Ali. Kitabi, yatan yanndaki masann stne att. - He threw the book on top of the table beside the bed.

taraf - side, side part -(n)in tarafna - to the side part of -(n)in tarafnda - at/by the side part of -(n)in tarafndan - from the side part of Used as a Noun - taraf - is not an adjective - it is only used as a noun kapnn tarafnda - at the side of the gate bankann tarafndan - from the side (of) the bank peronun tarafna - to the side of the railway Platform Some examples with - taraf - side part Arabann alt tarafndan bir seyler damlyor. - Something(s) is dripping from the underside of the car. Sen kimin tarafndasn? Benim mi onun mu? - Whose side are you on? Mine or his? Dolabn st tarafna baktn m? - Have you looked at (to) the topside of the cupboard? st - top, topmost -(n)in stne - to the top of -(n)in stnde - at/by the top of -(n)in stnden - from the top of Used as an Adjective st tepe - the top hill en st pencere - the uppermost window - (superlative) Used as a Noun bardan stnde - on top of the glass aalarn stne - towards the top of the trees arabamn stnden - from the top of the my car

* Some further examples Kitabi, masann stne koydu - He put the book on top of the table Kapnn zerinde byk bir pencere vard - There was a big window over (on top of) the door zeri - over zeri - over, on top of, in addition to, besides -(n)in zerine - over -(n)in stnde - at/by the top of, over the top of.. -(n)in stnden - from the top of, from over the top of.. Used in Construction - zeri - is not an noun or adjective - it is only used in prepositional constructions. elma zerine portakal getir - in addition to apples get (some) oranges binann zerinden - from over the building masann zerindeki fincan - the cup which is on top of the table * Some further examples Bu szn zerine ok kzdm. - Upon these words I became very angry. Bunun zerine ok kzdm.- Upon this I became very angry. alt - under alt - bottom, under, below, underneath -(n)in altna - under, to the under of -(n)in altnda - under, at/by the under of -(n)in altndan - from underneath Used as an Adjective alt kap - the bottom gate alt dolap - the lower cupboard

Used as a Noun Alt dolabn altna fincanlar koyunuz darda - Put the cups (to the) underneath the bottom cupboard Masann altndan topu cekin - Get the ball from under the table Sa ayamn alt kanyor - The underneath of my right foot is itching * Some further examples Kpek dolabn altna girdi, orada yatyor. - The dog went under the cupboard (entered to the underneath the cupboard) and is lying there. Kpek dolabn altnda yatyor. - The dog is lying under the cupboard. Kpeimiz hep ayak altnda. - Our dog is always underfoot. orta - middle, center -(n)in ortasna - to the middle of -(n)in ortasnda - at the middle of -(n)in ortasndan - from the middle of Used as an Adjective orta kap - the middle gate orta oda - the centre room Used as a Noun parkn ortasna - to the middle of the park bahenin ortasnda - in the middle of the garden orta odann ortasndan - from the centre of the middle room * Some further examples Yemein ortasnda geldi - He arrived in the middle of the meal. Her zaman yemek ortasnda gelir - He always comes in the middle of dinner. Sokan ortasnda yryor - He is walking in the middle of the street. Tam sokan ortasnda yryor - He is walking right in the middle of the street. Tam sokan ortasndan yryor - He is walking exactly down the middle of the street.

Ahmed'in kitabinin ortasna kadar okudum - I read as far as the middle of Ahmet's book Buraya hafta ortasnda vard - He arrived here in midweek. Buraya haftann ortasnda vard - He arrived here in the middle of the week. art - behind art - behind, rear side, backside -(n)in ardna - to the behind of -(n)in ardnda - at the rear of -(n)in ardndan - from behind of Used as a Noun - art - is not an adjective - it is only used as a noun kapnn ardnda - at the rear the door, behind the door bankann ardndan - from behind the bank mutfan ardna - to the rear of the kitchen arka - back, rear -(n)in arkasna - to the back of -(n)in arkasnda - at/by back of -(n)in arkasndan - from the back of Used as an Adjective arka kap - the back gate arka bahe - the back garden Used as a Noun kapnn arkas - the back of the door garajn arkasndan - from back of the garage kuyruun arkasna - to the back of the queue

* Some further examples Evimin arkasnda byk bir bahe var - There is a big garden behind my house Masann arkasna baktnz ml? - Did you look behind the table? n - front -(n)in nne - to the front of -(n)in nnde - at/by front of -(n)in nnden - from the front of Used as an Adjective n kap - the front door n pencereler - the front windows Used as a Noun kapnn nnde - in front of the door manavn nne - to the front of the greengrocer's raflarn nnden - from the front of the shelves * Some further examples Otobs, tam evimizin nnde durur.- The bus stops just in front of our house. Bahemizin nndeki duvarda oturduk.- We sat on the wall in front of our garden. yakn - near yakn - near, nearby, close to, in the vicinity of -(n)in yaknna - to the nearby of -(n)in yaknnda - nearby -(n)in yaknndan - from near the

Used as an Adjective yakn kap - the nearby gate yakn bir ofis - an office nearby Used as a Noun kapnn yaknnda - near the gate kapnn yaknlarnda - near by the gate - (plural is more vague) bankann yaknndan - from close to the bank - [Lit: from the near of the bank] otogarn yaknna - in the vicinity of bus station Used as an Adverb of Place - yakn - near bankaya yakn - near to the bank ara - space between -(n)in arasna - in between -(n)in arasnda - between -(n)in arasndan - from between Used as an Adjective ara kap - the door between - (a connecting door between rooms) Used as a Noun hafta aras - mid-week kaplarn arasnda - in between (of) the doors masalarn arasna iskemleyi koyun - Put the chair (to the) between (of the) tables bunlarn arasndan bir tane aln - Take one from between these This word refers to the space between two or more things. it is used in constructions which mean "between" or "among" and is preceded either by a plural noun or several nouns connected by ile - also, and.

* Some further examples Evlerimizin arasnda byk bir bina var. - There is a big building between our houses. O evlerin arasnda bir park var. - There is a park amongst those houses. Amerika ile Avrupa arasnda Atlas Okyanusu var. - The Atlantic Ocean is between America and Europe. kar - opposite, against -(n)in karsna - to the opposite side of, against -(n)in karsnda - at the opposite side of, against -(n)in karsndan - from the opposite side of, against Used as an Adjective kar kap - the opposite gate kar kaldrm - the opposite pavement - (USA: opposite sidewalk) Used as a Noun kapnn karsnda - opposite the gate bankann karsndaki sokak - the street which is opposite the bank Mehmet, kahvenin karsndan kt - Mehmet came out from opposite the cafe * Some further examples Fabrika, evimizin karsnda. - The factory is opposite our house (across from our house). Mehmed'in karsna oturdu. - He sat down facing (opposite, across from) Mehmet. Bir kedi karma kt - A cat appeared in front of me. etraf - around Etraf was originally an Arabic Plural of taraf - side etraf - around, environment, surroundings -(n)in etrafna - to the surrounds of

-(n)in etrafnda - around the -(n)in etrafndan - from around the Used as a Noun - etraf- is not an adjective - it is only used as a noun masamzn etrafna bolca iek koyuldu - Flowers galore were put around our table etrafmda ocuklar oynuyordu - the children were playing (all) around me bostann etrafndan - from around the vegetable garden evre - around, surrounding A sign in a park - "Let us keep our surroundings clean."

evre is synonymous with etraf shown above, and is gradually replacing the Arabic word -(n)in evresine - to the surrounds of -(n)in evresinde - around the -(n)in evresinden - from around the Used as an Adjective evre yolu - circular road - (bypass road) Used as a Noun kentin evreleri - the surroundings of the town bankann evresinde bir park bulunur - there is a park surrounding the bank fabrikann evresine bir engel koydular - they have put a barrier around the factory


In Geometry evre also means perimeter" Karenin evresi 24 cm(dir). - The perimeter of the square is 24 cm. The other words are alan - area and hacim - volume. A building site at Kuadas - May 2006 - evre-miz-e - An actual example "We apologize on account of the dangers and discomforts that we will give to our surroundings during building works."

evre-miz-e - surroundings-of-us-to inaat srasnda - during the building (works) vereceimiz zaralardan - from the damages that we wil give rahat-sz-lk-lar-dan dolay - [lit: discomfortnesses-from because of] - on account of discomfort (the word is just "discomfort" in English -dan dolay - because of/on account of The ["-dan dolay" - "because of"] takes the "movement away from" (ablative) case. Example: "ondan dolay" - "Because of that." Thanks to Oytun Arslan for addition to this page - JG Oct 2011. aa - down, downstairs


-(n)in aas - downwards -(n)in aasnda - below, downstairs -(n)in -aasndan - from below, less than Used as an Adjective aa mahalle - a low town district - (Figuratively: slum) aa kat - the floor below Used as a Noun iniin aas - downhill - [Lit: The down of the hill] merdivenin aasna - to downstairs yolun aasndan yryn - Walk from the bottom of the road Dan aas serin. - It is chilly down the mountain - [Lit: The down of the mountain is chilly.] Dan aasndaki aalar ok gzel. - The trees which are at the lower side of the mountain are very beautiful. Dan aasndan gelen rzgar ok souk. - The wind which comes from the lower side of the mountain is so cold. Used as an Adverb of Place - aa - downstairs aa gidiyorum. - I going downstairs or - aaya gidiyorum. - I going (to) downstairs "Aa" and "yukar" are also used for the geographical terms "upper/lower" in Turkish. As an example Yukar Bavyera - Upper Bavaria, Aa Bavyera - Lower Bavaria. Some places in Turkey called "Lower". Aaazapl, village in Adyaman Province. Aanasrl, a village in the District of Glba. Aa Gkdere, Eridir, Isparta. Aa Pnar, Neolithic excavation in the outskirts of the town of Krklareli. Akbank Aaayranc ubesi, a local bank in Ankara ankaya. Aa Dudullu lkretim Okulu, mraniye, stanbul. Aa Yuval Ky, a village in Gmhane. Aa Hadim Cami, a mosque in Konya.

yukar - above, up upstairs -(n)in yukarsna - upwards -(n)in yukarsnda - up, upstairs -(n)in yukarsndan - from above/more than Used as an Adjective yukar ev - the house above yukar dal - the branch (of a tree) above Used as a Noun yoku yukar - uphill merdivenin yukars - upstairs tepenin yukarsndan indik - We came down from the top of the hill Some places in Turkey called "Upper". Yukar Borandere, Kayseri Yukar Dden elalesi - Antalya Yukar Aadeve, Hamur, Ar Province Yukar Karahayt Hotels Yukar Norgh in Erzurum Yukar Pnarca Ky - Trabzon Yukar Nasrl Turkey Yukar Gkdere, Eridir, Isparta pe - back, the space behind Pe means "the back of a moving object". Usually found in the form peinden which come to mean after. Used (only of a moving object) when something (or someone) follows after something else that is also in motion.

Otobsn peinden gittik - We went after the bus (we followed the "moving rear of the bus") Benim peime dn! - Follow me! (Fall in behind me.) Note: pein, peinat - pre-payment, paid in advance pein para - cash, ready money, spot cash Examples for study Bir adam, vapurun arkasndan suyun iine dutu. - A man fell from the back of the ship into the water. Onlarla bizim aramzda, bahe zerine kavga kt. - A fight arose between them and us over the garden. Byk bir aacn altnda yere yatt. - He lay on the ground under a big tree. Her eyim el altnda. - Everything of mine is at hand. Dkkann arkasnda byk elma aalar var. - There are big apple trees behind the store. Halil her aksam iki ier, gece ortasnda eve gelir. - Halil drinks every evening and comes home in the middle of the night. Size bir paket getirdim, eyalarnzn arasna attm. - I brought you a package and threw it among your things. Bu ks, sizinkinin karsndaki evde oturacaz. - This winter we will live in the house opposite yours. Paketin iindekilerini bize gsterir misiniz? - Will you show us the contents of the package? Evin d ksmna baktk, irine ama girmedik. - We looked at the outside part of the house, but we didn't go inside. Yunus Emre'nin Ahmedin stndeki tesiri ok byktr. - Yunus Emre's influence on Ahmet is very great. Askerler, ehrin nne duvar yaptlar. - The soldiers made a wall in front of the city. Ahmet daima o kzn peinden gider. -Ahmet always follows that girl. Senin koca ayaklarnn yannda yer kalmad. - There is no room left beside your enormous feet.

Turkish Language - Some Street Turkish and Daily Expressions


Invoking the Intervention of Allah. The using of the name of Deity in daily speech is not considered strong talk as it would be to call on Jesus, Christ or God in the English language. The following examples are quite ordinary usage in daily Turkish. Some of the younger people do not use all these invocations, but you will hear them everywhere and read them in newspapers and novels, so to my mind they are useful to know. Some Daily Interjections! Meaning Before beginning something Just at beginning Goodbye! When surprised/disappointed When giving up - (see note below) To get to the end, finish off Promise, swear Show self confidence Fully motivated Bored More bored Give up Invocation nallah Bismillah Allahasmarladk! Allah Allah..!! Eyvallah Ya Allah Vallahi Billahi Eyvallah Alimallah Fesuphanallah Hasbnallah llallah New Turkish umarm - I hope Hoakal! - Keep well! Hadi ya!, Vay canna! - Well now!, What the Yemin ederim - I'm sure Of! - (a sound) Bktm (verb: bkmak) - I am fed up

Great inspiration and motivation Succeeded "Please don't mention it", showing modesty At failure Some notes on the formulas above

Allah, Allah, Allah Maallah Estafurullah Hay Allah

Aferin! - Well done!

Lafi bile olmaz - It is not even worth mentio -

Allahasmarladk - Means Goodbye. - (Lit: We call on Allah) - when leaving company or after making a visit to someone's home. This formula is only spoken by the persons who are actually leaving. Listen to Allahasmarladk - Said by those leaving. Those who are staying behind should reply - Gle gle - (Lit: Go with a smile.) as their own - Goodbye.. to the vistors. Listen to Gle gle - Said by those staying

Eyvallah - Has two more meanings: Thanks (with gratitude) also used to say Goodbye for now. Hard to explain. It is mainly used in conversations between men. Allah is the name of God in the Muslim world. These words above are Arabic, and our Turkish friends use them as they are. Most religious and older people use almost all of these words, but the younger and less religious people use some of them only. Listen to Evallah - Said to show "Thanks" or as a "Goodbye for now"

Estafurullah - If someone compliments you on your ability to converse in Turkish, then your reply is - Estafurullah - "Please don't mention it" which implies a modicum of modesty. I was on holiday recently (May 2007) in Kuadas and I had a meal on Gvercin Adas - Pigeon Island out in the bay which was expertly served by a waiter of advanced age. I told him that I could see that he was an - Usta - expert - at his job. His reply to me was - Estafurullah! Listen to Estafurullah - Said to show modesty

lkemizde her isimize Allah'a braktk.


e balamadan nce - (before beginning something) - INALLAH. Kendimize gvenirsek- (to reassure ourself) - EVVELALLAH. e baslarken- (before beginning something) - BISMILLAH. ten vazgeersek - (if we give up) - EYVALLAH. Sonuna kadar gidersek - (at finalization) - YA ALLAH. Canmz sklrsa - (getting fed up) - FESPANALLAH. e cokuyla sarlnca - (enjoyment) - ALLAH, ALLAH, ALLAH. i baaryla bitirince - (after success) - MARALLAH. baarlamazsa - (if we do not succeed) - HAY ALLAH. Kaygsz - Ergin Asyal Thanks to Alex Taurus, Dicle Dzgn and Ergin Asyal at Kaygsz - for their contributions - May 2008 Street Turkish - Body Language and Sign Language Yes - evet - is shown by a single downward nod of the head. No - hayir or yo(k) - is shown by a single tilt the head backwards while lifting the eyebrows at the same time. Expressing negation or disagreement

Here our unknown friend is signifying "No" by raising his eyebrows with an uptilt of the head.. Quite often one will make the sound "tut" at the same time. Note that, shaking the head from side to side does not mean - "NO". It signifies - I don't understand. This is often a mistake made by Europeans when trying to say - "No" - and is the cause of many misunderstandings - you must tilt your head backwards and raise the eyebrows when indicating negation and saying "No"

If you shake your head to mean - No - you will be misunderstood and the Turk will probably repeat himself thinking that you have not understood their meaning. Here is the hand sign for "Come along"

If someone is trying to express - Come along, Follow me, Continue on. - he hand is held out with the fingers downward and a scooping motion is made to signify the meaning. The fingers are not held upwards as in Europe as this may be construed as being a little rude. The Turkish Trafik Polisi use this gesture when directing vehicles. This is hand sign to use to show enthusiasm and approval.

To signify you approval you should use the French method of holding the fingers and thumb together in an upright position.. Oooh la la! Never use this rude hand sign

Finally never give the "thumbs up" gesture to signify that you like something. This gesture is obscene in Turkish and only used amongst males. It should be noted however that with the influx of tourism in turkey during the last twenty years that this hand sign is now acceptable by the mature and younger generation. When I was in Turkey in 1970's before Turkey had become a tourist trap then this sign was considered rude, and may well be now by the older generation.

Here is a comment from one of our correspondents - lgin Ece Sahin "By the way, that hand sign of thumbs up is not a rude sign generally. Since I've read that you stayed in Manisa and Izmir, I think the sign has something regional about it. South Western Anatolia has a different and very local culture, (it's sometimes very hard to understand local accent and vocabulary, even suffixes!), and that "rude" thing may be some part of it. I assure you it won't make any problem anywhere else." - Thank you lgin Bey - JG - Jan 2007 Common Door signs

AIK - Open KAPALI - Closed GR - Entrance IKI - Exit TNZ - Push EKNZ - Pull TUVALET / WC - Toilet BAY (B.) - Gentleman - Man

ERKEK (E.) - Male - Man BAYAN (Bn.) - Lady - Woman KADIN (K.) - Female - Lady YASAKTIR - Forbidden - Prohibited

Turkish Language - Some Daily Turkish Conversational Locutions Here are a few regularly used locutions translated into Turkish. We all use these kind of sayings in our daily language to help us think and to emphasize our meaning. Using these locutions will make your conversational language seem more fluid and normal in daily speech. You can learn this list one by one below: Click buttons to study individual locutions (192)

A List of Daily Conversational Locutions (192) English According to that At last After all At least Turkish ona gre nihayet ; sonunda nede olsa en azndan

A little At most A little bit At once All day long At random All of a sudden At short notice All of you All over the world At the back All right At the door All set? At the end Almost At the same time

biraz en ok ; azami bir para derhal btn gn rasgele, rast gele birdenbire ksa sre iinde hepiniz btn dnyada arkada peki kapda tamam m? sonunda hemen hemen ayn zamanda


A long time ago As a matter of fact Before long As a rule As for me Besides As if ; as though Better As usual Both of you As you please By airmail At any rate By heart At first By means of At hand

oktan beri nitekim ok gemeden yaknda usulen bana kalrsa bundan baka sanki ; gya daha iyi her zamanki gibi ikiniz de nasl isterseniz uakla her zaman ezberden ilkin aracyla elde


By no means By the way By turns Care of How is that? Come in! How many? Consequently How much. Don't mention it I am sorry! Don't worry Enclosed I am sure Ever since I beg your pardon Every day

asla sras gelmiken sra ile eliyle nasl olur? buyurun ; giriniz ka tane bundan dolay kaa? ; ne kadar? bir ey deil affedesiniz!; zlyorum merak etmeyin iliik olarak eminim o zamandan beri zr dilerim her gn


Face to face I can't help it For ever For God's sake! I don't care For instance If need be For sale If possible For the first time Ill-timed for the time being In a hurry Frequently In any case ; somehow From end to end In due course

yz yze elimde deil sonsuzca Allaha akna! aldrmam! rnein gerekirse satlk kabilse ilk kez olarak zamansz imdilik acele ; ivedili sk sk her halde ; naslsa batan baa zamannda


From now on In due time From this moment In every respect From this time on In fact Full up In front of Good for nothing In no time Good looking In order to Good luck In spite of it Gradually In the end Help yourself

imdiden sonra tam zamannda bu andan sonra her bakmdan bundan sonra esasen ; nitekim dolmutur nnde ; karsnda ie yaramaz bir rpda yakkl amacyla iyi anslar ona ramen git gide sonunda buyurun


In the first place How are you? In the future In the long run In the meantime In the middle No doubt In the morning No harm done In the open Not at all In the shade Now and again ; now and then In the very act In this case In this manner Of course

ilk nce naslsnz? gelecekte sonunda bu arada ortada phesiz sabahleyin zarar yok ak havada hi de deil glgede arada srada Sust bu halde bylelikle tabii


On time Of late In turns On and on Isn't it? Once again Is that so? Once and for all I suppose so Once a week It is all the same Once in a while It is not worth while Once more It is of no use On condition that One by one

tam vaktinde geenlerde sra ile durmadan deil mi? bir daha sahi mi? kesinlikle galiba haftada bir fark etmez ara sra demez tekrar ; bir daha bouna artyla birer birer


Just a moment On foot Just in case On leave Just in time On purpose On the contrary Less Let me alone On the left Let's go On the right Little by little On the other hand Long ago Look out! On top of

bir dakika yryerek ne olur ne olmaz izinli tam vaktinde bile bile ; kasten tersine ; aksine daha az git iine solda gidelim sada azar azar dier taraftan uzun zamandan beri dikkat et! tepesinde


Over again Made to order Over there Maybe Please More or less Providing that Ready made Till morning Return ticket To be sure To let ; to rent Right here Too many Right there Too much Rough and ready

tekrar smarlama orada belki ; olabilir ltfen ; rica ederim aa yukar artyla hazr konfeksiyon sabaha kadar gidi-dn bileti tabii kiralk ite burada pek ok ite orada pek fazla yarm yamalak


Under age Up side down Safe and sound Up to date See you later Up to now Side by side Since a long time Welcome! Well done! Since then What happened? So long What's happening? ; What's up? Sooner or later So-so What's wrong with you?

yaa kk darmadan sa salim modern gene greli imdiye kadar yan yana uzun zamandan beri ho geldiniz bravo! ozamandan beri ne oldu? eyvallah ne oluyor? er ge yle byle neniz var?


So to say So that What's the matter? What next? Thanks a lot Why not? Agreed ; OK! Willy nilly That right With a view to That is to say With no exceptions That maybe With one accord Then The soonest possible With your leave

szde ; sanki yle ki ne kar? ya sonra? teekkrler neden olmasn? anlatk ister istemez doru ; tamam amacyla yani ayrksz olabilir oy birlii ile o zaman ; yleyse bir an nce izninizle


You're welcome

bir ey deil

All about - buyurun - Please be so kind buyurun - or the more formal - buyurunuz - is a widely used word in Turkish. There are many translations in English according to context. It is the second person Singular or Plural of the Simple Present tense of the verb - buyurmak - which basically means: Would you be so kind as to.. - [Literally: Would you deign to, to command, to decree, to make an order] All or any of these meanings can be applied according to context - and in fact this word has become a sort of universal polite request, pleasant command, and is in constant daily use in all areas of Turkish life. A sort of catch-all word for most situations. It is a very important word to learn. Let us consider how it is used:

When calling on someone's house and they say - buyurun it means - Please come in When they point to a chair - buyurun - Please sit down When they serve tea - buyurun - Please drink and enjoy On entering a shop the shopkeeper may say - buyurun efendim - meaning - Can I help you, sir? In a restaurant or cafe when the waiter or bar man says - buyurun -it means - What would you like? In many busy places markets, souvenir shops, cafes etc. there is often a professional barker who will be saying to all passers by - buyurun Come and buy If in a cafe you ask to see what food is being prepared in the kitchen (normal in Turkey) then the answer would be - buyurun - meaning in this case - Of course you may! When answering the telephone you say - buyurun meaning - I'm listening to your call Turkish speakers also say - efendim - on answering telephone phone to say - Hello- in a polite manner. When passing people in narrow places or entering lifts etc. - buyurun - means - After you! You can see there are many cases where - buyurun - is used and there are probably many more, you will hear it all the time when in Turkey.


Many thanks to Onur snel for additions to the above section - Jan 2007, and John Rees for a further addition of - efendim - on answering the telephone - Aug 2009 Be lira, be lira, buyurun! Buyurun - by the way, is pretty much the world's most useful word. It can mean - Welcome, Here you go, Have a seat, Come over here - and who knows what else. - Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Time, Seasons, Months, Days, Weather, Numbers A Time Vocabulary saniye - second an - moment anbean - moment-by-moment, gradually dakika - minute saat (plural: saatler - hours) - hour gn - day gnbegn - day-by-day, gradually hafta - week ay - month [also - moon] yl or sene (arab.) - year - (you will hear both of these words in general use) zaman - time

vakit (vakti..) - time as a particular occasion defa - time (as an event or occasion) kere - time (as an event, occasion or point in time) kez - a point in time The word "time" zaman - time - this word is the main one in use for - "time, occasion" ne zaman? - what time?, when? ka zaman - how long?, how much time? zamandan zamana [zaman-dan zaman-a] - from time to time her zaman - all the time, every time, always her ne zaman - whenever vakit (vakti)- point in time, occasion Note: vakit - loses final vowel when suffixed with a vowel. See Nouns losing internal vowel Some examples vakit (vakti)- point in time, occasion Bo, vaktimiz var m? - Have we got time to spare? vaktim yok, vaktim kalmad - I haven't got time kere - time, point in time drt kere - four times Onu, be kere yaptm - I did it five times kez - time, point in time - This is a provincialism, but is also used regularly in modern daily speech. kez - three times her kez - always bu kez - this time

Thanks to Nurcan Akaltun ifti for additions to the above section - JG - June 2008. What time is it? All about the - to the o'clock, past the o'clock - and - at the o'clock - usages in Turkish to tell the time. Turkish requires or demands different/alternative forms when you want to tell the time. There there are basically four different forms to tell the time. 1. 2. 3. 4. Sentence structure Clause structure Short analog form Digital Form

Now let us classify the suffixes for each structure Structure: It is # min. to # o'clock. -e var Saat iki'ye on (dakika) var - It is ten (minutes) to two Structure: It is # min. past # o'clock -i geiyor Saat iki'yi on (dakika) geiyor. - It is ten (minutes) past two. Structure: At the time that.At # min. to # o'clock. -e kala Saat iki'ye on (dakika) kala. - At ten to two. Structure: At the time that.At #min. past # o'clock. -i gee Saat iki'yi on (dakika) gee. - At ten past two. The Sentence Structure can only be used with the suffix - -ken - while.. - inside another sentence as the examples below show - Saat ka acaba? - What time is it please? - Saat Yedi'yi eyrek geiyor. Some examples

Ne zaman gelirsin? - When (at what time) will you come? Saat yedi'yi eyrek geiyor'da gelirim - (WRONG!) Saat yedi'yi eyrek geiyorken gelirim - (TRUE with -ken) Saat yedi'yi eyrek gee gelirim - (CLAUSE form) or Saat alt'ya be var'da gelirim - (WRONG!) Saat alt'ya be varken gelirim - (TRUE with -ken) Saat alt'ya be kala gelirim - (CLAUSE form) Any of the 3 forms (except for the sentence structure) can be used within a sentence. Let us see some examples Saat 7'yi eyrek gee gelirim - (Clause) Saat 7 eyrekte gelirim - (Analog) Saat 7:15 (yedi onbe) te gelirim - (Digital) When you use the sentence structure, then it is used like this... Saat 7'yi eyrek geerken gelirim. - I will arrive at a quarter past seven. [Lit: I will arrive (come) as (while) a quarter is passing 7 o'clock.] Some times of day Turkish afak kahvalt sabah sabahleyin gn English dawn breakfast morning at morning, in the morning day


btn gn her gn gndz le leden sonra le yemei akam akamleyin akam st akam yemei dn dn sabah dn akam dn gece evvelki gn alacakaranlk [alaca-karanlk] gece

all day long every day daytime, daylight noon afternoon lunch evening in the evening, at eventide teatime, early evening dinner, evening meal yesterday yesterday morning yesterday evening last night the day before yesterday twilight night


geceleyin gece yars Lit: night its-half geen gn geen ay geen sene/yil geen hafta geenlerde erken ge ne zaman ay cumartesi gecesi ertesi gn ertesi hafta evvelki/evvelsi gn geceleri gelecek hafta

in the night, at night midnight the day past, the other day, yesterday last month last year last week recently (in the past), lately early late when (what time, the time that..) month Saturday night the following day the following week the day before yesterday at nights next week


hafta br gn br hafta leleri leyin pazar sabah sabahlar son gnlerde son zamanlarda yarn yl/sene

week the day after tomorrow the week after next at noon times at noon Sunday morning in the mornings in the last few days recently tomorrow year

Saying - How long for?, Since when? Ne i yaparsnz? - What is your job? - [In general, so uses the Simple Present Tense] retmenim. - I am a teacher. Drt yldr retmenim. - I have been a teacher for 4 years. - [ You explain how many years you have been a teacher.] ki bin ten beri retmenim. - I have been a teacher since 2003. - [You explain how long since you became a teacher.] Dnden beri hastaym. - I have been ill since yesterday. Pazar Gnnden /Pazardan beri evdeyim. - I have been at home since Sunday.


Saying - since -meyeli/-mayal oldu/oluyor. - It is/ It was a period time since.. Ben, sinemaya gitmeyeli 3 ay oldu/oluyor. - It was/is three months since I have been to the cinema. Birbirimizi grmeyeli be yl oldu/oluyor. - It is five years since we have seen/are seeing each other. Onlar evleneli sadece/yalnzca 2 ay oldu/oluyor. - It is just two months since they were/are married. Some ways that state the time of an event oktan, bile, zaten - already, besides Hl le yemeini yedin mi? - Have you eaten your lunch yet? Ooo, oktan yedim. - Oh, I have already eaten. Yedim bile. - I have already eaten. Sanrm bir eyler yemek istiyor musun?. - Do you want something to eat.? Bana bir ey getirme. - Do not bring me anything. Ben yedim zaten. - Besides, I have already eaten. Yeni, imdi, henz - just Hasan,ltfen banyoya girme. - Hasan, please don't go into the bathroom. Yeni/imdi/henz temizledim. - I have just cleaned (it). Kurumas gerek/lazm. Tamam m? - It needs to dry. OK? Bana 100 lira dn verir misin Aye? - Can you lend me 100 Tl Aye? zgnm.. - [or Kusura bakma..] - veremem. - I am sorry.. I can't (give). Daha yeni/imdi faturalar dedim. - I have just paid the bills. Daha, henz, hl - yet

Daha/henz devini bitirmedin mi? - Haven't/have you finished your homework yet? Hayr, daha bitirmedim. Henz deil.. - No, I haven't finished yet. Not yet.. Daha gelmediler. - They haven't come yet. imdiye kadar, u ana kadar - So far, up to now, until now Bu k imdiye kadar/u ana kadar kar yamad. - It has not snowed so far this winter. Bugn imdiye kadar/ u ana kadar hibir ey yemedik. - We have not eaten anything so far today. ilk - the (very) first Bu ilk kez araba srm/lk kez araba srdm. - This is the first time I have driven a car. Bu, son iki saatte itiin beinci kahve. - This is the fifth cup of coffee you have drunk in the last two hours. Son be saatte iki fincan kahve itin. - You have drunk two cups of coffee in the last five hours. ilk - means - the very first one, whereas - birinci - means - the first of a series: Dnyann ilk insan Adam adl'd - The world's first man was called Adam Birinci yar balamak zeredir. - The first race is about to begin. hayatmda - ever in my life hayatnda, hayatnzda - ever in your life (familiar = hayat-n-da / formal = hayat-nz-da) onun hayatnda - ever in his life [hayat--n-da = in his life] hayatmzda - ever in our life hayatlarnda - ever in their life Bu hayatmda okuduum en skc kitap. - This is the most boring book I have ever read. Bu hayatmda iinde bulunduum en zor durum. - This is the most difficult situation I have ever been in. Hayatmda tantm en konukan/geveze insan. - He is the most talkative person I have met in my life.

Have you ever been to? There are two methods to translate this in Turkish - (1) The Formal Method - and - (2) The Familiar/Informal method. (1) Formal: -de / -da / -te / -ta bulunmak - to be (found) in/on at a place Hi Ankara' da bulundun mu? - Have you ever been to Ankara? - [Literature - formal] (2) Informal: -a/ -ya, -e/-ye gitmek - to go to a place Hi Ankara' ya gittin mi? - Have you ever been to Ankara [Colloquial Speech - informal) once, twice, several times. bir kez, bir defa, bir kere - once iki kez, iki defa, iki kere - twice birok kez, defa, kere - several times hi - ever [in positive sentences] hi - never [in negative sentences] Neredeydin? - [or colloquial - Nerdeydin?] - Where have you been? / Where were you? Have you ever been to Antalya? - Hi Antalya'da bulundun mu? Have you ever been to Antalya? - Hi Antalya'ya gittin mi? Yes,I have been there once/twice. - Evet, bir defa/iki defa/ orada bulundum. Yes,I have been there many times. - Evet, bir ok kere (bir ok kez/ bir ok defa) oraya gittim. No, I have not been/never been there. - Yo, Antalya'ya hi gitmedim. No, I have not been/never been there. - Yo, Antalya'da hi bulunmadm. Yo is a gentle conversational way of saying "No". It is not so strong as using Hayr - No. It may be a contraction of "yok" - "there is not" Thanks to Nurcan Akaltun ifti for contributing the sections above.. - JG - June 2008. Seasons and the Weather

Names of the Months January - ocak February - ubat March - mart April - nisan May - mays June - haziran July - temmuz August - austos September eyll October - ekim November - kasm December - aralk Names of the Months (and Days of the Week) are usually written without a capital letter in Turkish The Weekday Names

Sunday - pazar - (Lit: market) Monday - pazartesi - (Lit: after Sunday) Tuesday - sal - (undefined) Wednesday - aramba - (Lit: 4 days after Sabbath - from Persian) An idiom: Bu i, aramba pazar gibi. - This job is a complete mess up. [lit: This job is like a Wednesday Market.] Thursday - perembe - (Lit: 5 days after Sabbath - from Persian) Friday - cuma - (Lit: reunion - related to Persian/Arabic) Saturday - cumartesi - (Lit: after Friday) The Seasons of the Year- Yl Mevsimi

ilkbahar - [also bahar is sometimes used] - spring yaz - summer sonbahar - (also - gz) - autumn or fall (American usage) k - winter When saying in the summer Turkish says yazn or in the winter then the word kn is used. This ending -in is an old Instrumental Case which is no longer used much in day to day speaking other than these examples. For in the spring and in the autumn, the Static Condition (Locative) Suffix is used - sonbaharda and ilkbaharda. Very often the simple word bahar can supplant either ilkbahar or sonbahar - it depends on the choice of the speaker.

The Cardinal Points - Drt Yn

Kuzey - North Gney - South Dou - East Bati - West A Weather Vocabulary About the Weather berbat - awful souk - cold scak - hot gzel - good, nice harika - marvellous yamur - rain (noun.) yamur yamak - rain (verb.) yamurlu, yal - rainy (adj.) kar - snow (n.) kar yamak - snow (v.) kar yal, karl - snowy (adj.) frtna - storm gne - sun (n.) gneli - sunny (adj.) hava scakl - temperature scaklk - heat derece - degree(s) emsiye - umbrella lk - warm hava - weather hava tahmini - weather forecast hava durumu - weather condition

dolu - hail hafif - light sert - heavy durmak - stop (v.) yldrm - lightning (n.)

rzgar - wind (n.) yel - wind poyraz - breeze rzgar esmek - to blow wind (v.) rzgarl - windy (adj.)

Some daily expressions about the weather Ne gzel bir gn! - What a lovely day! Hava yarn nasl olacak? - What will the weather be like tomorrow? Yine gneli, fakat biraz rzgarl. - It's sunny again, but a little windy. Ka derece? - What is the temperature? Hava ok scak. . - The weather is very hot. Neredeyse 31 derece. - Nearly 31C (degree Celsius). Erzurumda kar yaacan dnyor musun? - Do you think it will snow in Erzurum? Sanmyorum. Kar iin erken. - I don't think so. It is early to snow. Frtna olacan dnyor musun? - Do you think there will be a storm? Sanmyorum. - I don't think so. Ama Ar'da kar yayor. - But it is snowing in Ar. Orada kar ya ne zaman durur? - When will it stop snowing up there? Yaknda durur. - It will stop soon. Yamur mu balayacak? - Will it start to rain? Evet, birazdan yamur balayacak gibi. - Yes, looks like rain soon. emsiyeye ihtiyacm olur mu? - Do I need an umbrella? Sana emsiyeni yanna alman neririm. - I suggest you to get your umbrella with you. Ne berbat hava! Saat ba deiiyor. - What an awful weather! It changes hourly.

Yamur mu yayor? - Is it raining? Evet, yayor. - Yes, it is (raining). Cardinal Numbers - one,two Cardinal Numbers 0 - 49 sfr 0 bir 1 iki 2 3 drt 4 be 5 alt 6 yedi 7 sekiz 8 dokuz 9 on 10 on bir 11 on iki 12 on u 13 on drt 14 on be 15 on alt 16 on yedi 17 on sekiz 18 on dokuz 19 yirmi 20 yirmi bir 21 yirmi iki 22 yirmi u 23 yirmi drt 24 yirmi be 25 yirmi alt 26 yirmi yedi 27 yirmi sekiz 28 yirmi dokuz 29 otuz 30 otuz bir 31 otuz iki 32 otuz u 33 otuz drt 34 otuz be 35 otuz alt 36 otuz yedi 37 otuz sekiz 38 otuz dokuz39











Cardinal Numbers 1 to 10 - (Listen to mp3) .


Cardinal Numbers 50 - 99 elli 50 elli bir 51 elli iki 52 elli u 53 elli drt 54 elli be 55 elli alt 56 elli yedi 57 elli sekiz 58 elli dokuz 59 altm 60 altm bir 61 altm iki 62 altm u 63 altm drt 64 altm be 65 altm alt 66 altm yedi 67 altm sekiz 68 altm dokuz 69 yetmi 70 yetmi bir 71 yetmi iki 72 yetmi u 73 yetmi drt 74 yetmi be 75 yetmi alt 76 yetmi yedi 77 yetmi sekiz 78 yetmi dokuz 79 seksen 80 seksen bir 81 seksen iki 82 seksen u 83 seksen drt 84 seksen be 85 seksen alt 86 seksen yedi 87 seksen sekiz 88 seksen dokuz 89











Cardinal Numbers 100 - 1,000,000 yz 100 iki yz 200 u yz 300 drt yz 400 be yz 500 iki bin 2000 u bin 3000 drt bin 4000 be bin 5000 alt bin 6000 oniki bin 12000 onu bin 13000 ondrt bin 14000 onbe bin 15000 onalt bin 16000

yirmi iki bin 220

yirmi u bin 230

yirmi drt bin 24

yirm be bin 250

yirmi alt bin 260


alt yz 600 yedi yz 700 sekiz yz 800 dokuz yz 900 bin 1000

yedi bin 7000 sekiz bin 8000 dokuz bin 9000 on bn 10000 onbir bin 11000

onyedi bin 17000 onsekiz bin 18000 ondokuz bin 19000 yirmi bin 20000 yirmi bir bin 21000

yirmi yedi bin 27

yirmi sekiz bin 2 otuz bin 30000 elli bin 50000

bir milyon 10000

Some Notes on Numbers

yz (yz also means - face or reason) Cardinal numbers are followed by singular nouns. iki ev - two houses, be yz araba - five-hundred cars, krk aa - forty trees be yz yirmi bin yedi yz elli sekiz - 523,758 Which may also be written in official papers and banks without any spaces - as: beyzyirmibinyediyzellisekiz - 523,758 When we in English state a small general numerical amount we will say, for instance "Two or three eggs". However Turkish will say - bes yurmurta - three or five eggs In Turkish the number krk - forty is used to signify an uncountable amount. Krk ylda bir - Once in forty years is equivalent to "Once in a blue moon" in English. Ordinal Numbers - first, second, etc. Ordinal Numbers birinci - also - ilk - first ; 1st ikinci second ; 2nd nc third ; 3rd yirmi nc twenty-third ; 23rd otuz drdnc thirty-fourth ; 34th elli beinci fifty-fifth ; 55th

drdnc fourth ; 4th beinci fifth ; 5th altnc sixth ; 6th yedinci seventh ; 7th sekizinci eighth ; 8th dokuzuncu ninth ; 9th onuncu tenth ; 10th

krk altnc forty-sixth ; 46th altm yedinci sixty-seventh ; 67th on sekizinci eighteenth ; 18th doksan dokuzuncu ninety-ninth ; 99th yznc hundredth ; 100th bininci thousandth ; 1000th sfr zero ; 0

Fractions and percentage yarm (noun) - half yarm elma - a half an apple yar (adj.) - half yar elma - a half apple elmann yars - the apple half buuk - half - [an hour, a kilo, a serving] eyrek - quarter of - [an hour, a kilo, a serving] bir - one, #1 - [And is also the indefinite article - a or an] te iki [-te iki] - two-thirds - [lit: three-in two] - written as 3/2 in Turkish. yzde yirmibe - twenty-five percent - [Lit: one hundred-in 25] - written as %25 in Turkish Distributive Numbers - One each, two each, three each Distributive Numbers

yarmar birer ikier er drder beer altar yedier sekizer dokuzar onar on birer yirmier yirmi beer otuzar krkar ellier

half each one each two each three each four each five each six each seven each eight each nine each ten each eleven each twenty each twenty-five each thirty each forty each fifty each


yzer ikier yz - (NOT iki yzer) biner ikier bin - (NOT iki biner) birer milyon- (NOT milyonar NOR bir milyonar) Kzlara ikier elma verin

a hundred each two hundred each a thousand each two thousand each a million each Give the girls two apple each.

Trk Renkleri - Turkish Colours

The Farsi Word - siyah - black - is mainly used for siyah zeytin - black olives (for eating), otherwise the word - kara - black - is used for the colour black - this is really figurative use as in kara dnceleri - black (dark thoughts) but it is used universally for the color black. The word - kara - also has another meaning - land, shore, as in: karayollar - land roads (network), main roads, karakuvetleri - land forces, kara sular - territorial waters, karaburun [Lit: land nose]- peninsular

Qualities of Colours The suffix -(i)mtrak is used with colours to produce adjectives of color quality: karamtrak - blackish, darkish, dusky, sarmtrak - yellowish, sallow, mavimtrak - blueish, blued, steel coloured. This suffix always retains the form -mtrak and does not follow vowel harmony rules. The suffix -(i)msi is used with colours to produce adjectives of color quality: morumsu - purplish, mavimsi - bluish. This suffix follows vowel harmony rules. Words in italics are the intensified form of the colour. Siyah (Farsi.) - Simsiyah Kara - Kapkara Beyaz - Bembeyaz Krmz - Kpkrmz Mavi - Masmavi Turuncu Yeil - Yemyeil Mor - Mosmor Pembe - Pespembe Pembe - Tozpembe Kahverengi Black - Pitch Black Black - Pitch Black White - Snow White Red - Bright Red Blue - Bright Blue Orange Green - Bright Green Purple - Deep Purple Pink - Shocking Pink Pink - Light (dusty) Pink Brown (Lit: coffee coloured)

Sar - Sapsar Gri Renk/Rengi - Renkli - Renkler Ak Renkli Ak yeil Alacal bulucal (Alaca buluca) Koyu Renkli Koyu yeil Ac Renkli Koyu gri Turkuvaz Lacivert Gm Renkli Eflatun Morumsu krmz renk Bej Bordo - [fr. bordeaux]

Yellow - Bright Yellow Grey Color/its colour - Coloured - Colours Light Coloured Light green Many coloured, spotted Dark Coloured Dark green Lurid Coloured Dark grey Turquoise Navy Blue Silver Coloured Lilac Magenta Beige Claret


Metalik rengi Haki rengi Gl rengi Galibarda im rengi ivit rengi Nilgn Zeytin rengi Altuni Sarmtrak altuni metalik rengi Gm rengi Meneke rengi Altn Renkli Gk kua Ala Ak (Old Turkish.) Al (Old Turkish.)

Metallic colour Khaki, Olive drab Rose colour Fuchsia Lime colour (from im - turf, grass, lawn) Indigo colour (dark blue/purple) Darkish Blue Olive colour (zeytin - olive fruit) Gold coloured (altn - gold) Yellowish golden metallic colour Silver color (gm - silver) Violet colour (meneke - the violet flower) Gold Coloured Rainbow Variegated, light brown (alabalk - rainbow trout) White [see note below] Red [see note below]


A note about Old Turkish The Old Turkish Words for - Red - Al and - White - Ak are mostly used in place names and family names. Alsancak - Red Banner (an area of zmir) - Akhisar (a town in Turkey) - Whitefort, Bay Alkan - Mr. Redblood. Otherwise the words - beyaz, krmz- are used Seeing "red" The word kzl means red-coloured and is used in certain situations as these examples show: Kzldeniz - the Red Sea Kzlderili - American Red-indian kzltesi - infra-red kzl sal - red haired Kzlay - the Red Crescent (same as The Red Cross health service) Kzlrmak - the Red River (the longest river in Turkey) Thanks to Umut Odaba for corrections on this page - JG - April 2007

Turkish Language - How to say - "Thank you" Here we point out the difference in usage of - teekkr ederim - thank you and the more sincere - sa olun - stay healthy. What are the services being rendered to us? (1) sa olun - be healthy, be strong - is used as - thank you - for a service which: - Was not necessarily needed to be performed.

- for someone who has gone out of his way to help you. (2) While - teekkr ederim - thank you - [Lit: a thanking perform I - from Arabic] is used: - In normal circumstances and receiving presents. Scenario (1) The waiter puts a nice meal in front of you. Your - thank you - is - teekkr ederim - it is his job. The waiter puts a bottle of wine in front of you. Your - thank you - is - teekkr ederim - it is his job. Then the waiter uncorks the bottle of wine and pours it in your glass. Your - thank you - is - sa olun - he need not have performed this service. The recipient of your gratitude will often answer your - sa olun - with the rejoinder - siz de sa olun - health to you also - [the Polite Version said to to stranger]. Other forms are - sen de sa ol - or quite short - siz de - or - sen de - you too Scenario (2) You ask someone the time. He looks at his watch and says - "Half past three". Your answer is - sa olun - [You have caused him to perform a service to you.] Scenario (3) You drop your handkerchief a stranger picks it up and hand it to you. Your answer is- sa olun - [He need not have done it.] Scenario (4)


Here is a comment one of our readers has made about Manisa Turkish. He has used - sa olun - correctly, thanking us for providing something unasked. Very nice website Very descriptive and helpful, Manisa Turkish has helped me in communicating with my Turkish friends. I just wanted to give you a very big sa olun - for producing such a useful website! - Dan R. - March 2008 See all accolades for the Manisa Turkish website Our accolades Many tourists use - sa olun - wrongly instead of using - teekkr ederim - as they copy the boy waiter's way of thanking - as the waiters often use - sa olun - for misguided effect. The rule is, if in doubt then use - teekkr ederim. How to answer a "thank you" The answer to - teekkr ederim - is - bir ey deil - It is nothing - or - rica ederim - I request! - [same as "bitte schn" in German] Also used is - ne demek? - what does it mean?. This expression - ne demek? - sounds quite comical in English. But it actually means something like: It doesn't matter at all. The answer - Rica ederim - is the politest one. The recipient of your gratitude will often answer your sen saol - with the rejoinder - sen de saol - health to you too. Other Versions are: sa ol - familiar sa olun - polite and/or singular sa olunuz - public and/or plural A simple - teekkrler - also means a very informal - thanks - and is used in shops and for small duties performed. A little caveat or "take care." Many people when first learning Turkish are tempted to use the Present Continuous Tense form - teekkr ediyorum - we would advise you that this form sounds quite comical to the Turkish ear and can also be construed as being sarcastic, so one should always use the Present Simple form - teekkr ederim - and you will not go wrong or be misunderstood.

Expressing need The usual verbs used to say - Do you like something? I like something, I don't like something are as follows: Positive - Negative sevmek - to love, to like - sevmemek - not to love, not to like beenmek - to like - beenmemek - not to like rica etmek - to request - rica etmemek - to not request About - rica etmek The word - rica - is of Arabic Origin and the pronunciation of the last letter -A is very open - pronounced ricAAA ederim and being Arabic, this word does not follow Turkish Pronunciation Rules. Listen to the long "aaa" in Use of the Past Tense When a Turkish person asks if you like something, they normally ask in the past tense - Did you like the apple?, these type of questions are also answered in the past tense, Yes I liked the apple?

Rica ederim

We can see from the examples below that Turkish usually uses the past tense in its questions and answers of preference. It is different in English as we use both present and past tenses in these situations. Asking tormally - with the -iniz form for the polite - you Yemeinizi sevdiniz mi? - Did/Do you like your meal? Yemeinizi beendiniz mi? - Did/Do you like your meal? Yemei sevdim. - I like/liked the meal. Yemei beendim - I like/liked the meal. Or the familiar form using the -in less formal form for - you Trkiye'yi sevdin mi? or Trkiye'yi beendin mi? - Did you like Turkey? Yolculuu sevdin mi? - Did you enjoy the journey? Or you may not have liked it! Trkiye'yi sevdiniz mi? - Do/Did you like Turkey? Trkiye'yi beendiniz mi? - Do/Did you like Turkey? unu sevmedim. - I don't like/ didn't like that. unu beenmedim - I don't like/ didn't like that. This shows the use of unu - that one - in its disparaging meaning. A little "Formula Speak" In Turkish we say seni seviyorum! [Lit: I am loving you!] - I love you! Turkish uses the Continuous Tense to say -I love you - as it is more vivid than the simple tense - I love you - which we use in English. How to say that you do not like something We have learned how to say that we like something using the verbs sevmek and beenmek.. To say that -we do not like somethingwe must use the negative verbs sevmemek and beenmemek. Some Examples of the Negative Yolculuunuzu sevdiniz mi? - Did you like your journey?

Hayr, yolculuumu sevmedim - No, I didn't like my journey. Hayr, onu beenmedim - No, I didn't like it. Bamyay sevmiyor musunuz? - Don't you like okra? Yoo, bamyay sevmem - No, I don't like okra (at all). Ankara'y beendiniz mi? - Did you like Ankara? Ankara'y beenmedim. - No, I didn't like Ankara. Using the Present Continuous Tense in Turkish in this situation conveys vividness. Evet, onu ok seviyorum. - Yes, I like it a lot. Yoo, onu sevmiyorum. - No, I am not liking it (at the moment). Note the use - of - Yoo for No This is a polite conversational way of saying No... It actually comes from yok There isn't but it is gentler than hayr the real No! which conveys a real negative feeling - and is used a lot in conversation. Some other ways of Expressing Need istemek - to want Note: This word is a verb. Need can be expressed with various verbs, the main one being istemek to want This can be answered with the verb rica etmek - to (would) like, to request very much like the - "bitte schn" of German. stediiniz bir ey var m? - Is there anything that you want? Bir havlu rica ederim - I would like (I request) a towel ihtiya - necessity/need/requirement - Note: this word is a noun. Another word which is used quite often is - ihtiya - necessity/need/requirement Bir ihtiyacnz var m? - Is there anything that you require? - [lit: Have you a requirement?] Evet, bir bardak su, rica ederim. - Yes, I would like (I request) a glass of water arzu - wish, desire Note: this word is also a noun. Also there is the use of the noun - arzu - wish, desire Baka arzunuz var m? - Is there any thing else (that you desire)? This word is often used by shop keepers - grocers and the like - Anything else madam? - when daily purchases are being made.

A note about the very important word Ho - agreeable, joyful This word is used in many idioms and daily speech, and has many related meanings. Ho - joy - is used with the auxiliary verb gitmek - to go: Houma gitti [Ho-um-a] - I enjoyed it [lit: It went to my joy], this formula is used a lot in daily Turkish conversation. Some of the many meanings of - ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho agreeable bonny cosy darling enchanting fine graceful pleasant ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho amiable charming cozy debonair engaging genial grateful nice ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho amusing

congenial cuddly delicious

entertainin good tolerant quaint

Other uses of - ho ho used with bir - strange, odd, peculiar O arky duyunca Durmu'un yz bir ho oldu. - When he heard that song Durmu got an odd look on his face. Midem bir ho. - My stomach feels funny. Sami'nin sylediklerine hi aldrma, kafas bir hotur. - Don't pay any attention to what Sami says, his head has gone.

even if - Ho, param da olsa almazdm. - Even if I had the money I wouldnt buy it. anyway, anyhow - Ho, bunu biliyordum. - I knew this anyway. Ho geldiniz! - Welcome! (said to an arriving guest). Ho bulduk! [lit: we found goodness] - Thank you! (said in reply to a welcoming greeting). Ho geinmek /la/ - to get on well (with). Mehmet'le ho geiniyoruz. - We are getting on well with Mehmet. Hoa gitmek - to be pleasing Houma gitti - I enjoyed it. [Ho-um-a] John'un houna gitmi [ho-u-n-a ] - It seems that John enjoyed it. Houna gitmek /n/ - to please Mehmet'in houna gitti. [ho-u-n-a ] - Mehmet enjoyed it. John'un houna gitmi [ho-u-n-a ] - It seem that John enjoyed it. Ho grmek // - to be tolerant of, overlook, condone Polis, onu ho grd. - The policeman tolerated it. Bu kan problemi ho grdk. - We tolerated the problem that happened. Ho karlamak // - to assent to, give one's assent to Belediye, yeni ev planlarm ho karlayacak. - The Town Corporation will give assent to my new house plans. Ho tutmak // - to be nice to, make (someone) feel welcome Ltfen yeni gelen turistleri ho tutunuz. - Please be nice to the newly arrived tourists Very often you are adding suffixes to the important noun - ho - goodness, joy (basically) ho = goodness ho-um = my goodness ho-um-a = to my goodness ho-um-a gitti = I enjoyed it [It went to my goodness] This is a Turkish idiom and much used in daily conversation.

Turkish Language -Turkish Modes of Address Who are you? The usual method of address when you do not know the person's name or title is as follows: For males: Beyefendi - Sir - Daily pronunciation is truncated to: - Beyfendi For females: Hanmefendi - Miss or Madam - Daily pronunciation is truncated to: - Hanfendi - These are used in formal situations and to strangers. Personal Addressing - Formal and Informal As stated, the above are used in formal situations. Once names are known then bey and hanm are used after the first name, this usage is still formal and semi-formal. These titles follow the given-name (Christian name) and are written without a Capital Letter: Mustafa bey - Mr. Mustafa Aye hanm - Miss or Mrs. Aye These are used in formal situations when you know the person's first name but also in informal situations to acquaintances, friends and even to you own family members. Surnames are not usually used in Conversational Turkish, so the Mustafa bey can mean - Mr. Mustafa and Aye hanm can mean Mrs. OR Miss Aye (in a formal situation) or it can mean just a friendly Mustafa or Aye (without the title) between acquaintances. All About Names Turkish has two words for the first name of a person - isim or ad - and they can both be used at any time as they are interchangeable. The Turkish word for surname is soyad - there is no corresponding word for surname based in the word isim

sminiz ne? - What is your first name? smim Aye. - My name is Aye. isim - name - becomes - ism-iniz - your name and ism-im - my name. This is one of the nouns that "apocopate" (ie: loses an internal vowel) See - Apocopating Nouns Adnz ne? - What is your first name? Adm Ali - My name is Ali. Soyadnz ne? - What is your surname? Soyadm Karaca - My surname is Karaca. Finding out about a Third Person The third person suffix is -i or - meaning - his, her, its Onun ismi ne? - What is his name? Onun ismi Mehmet - His name is Mehmet. Onun ad ne? - What is her name? Onun ad Deren - Her name is Deren. Onun soyad ne? - What is his surname? Onun soyad Grses - His surname is Grses. If we are talking about a third person remote from us we may ask the question: What is that man's name?. In this case we must translate the words "man's name" correctly by using the Possessive Relationship to show that the two words belong to each other. adamn ismi - the man's name - [Lit: the name of the man] adamn ad - the man's name adamn soyad - the man's surname O Beyefendinin soyad ne? - What is that gentleman's surname? - [Lit: the surname of the man] O Beyefendinin ismi ne? - What is that gentleman's name?

If we want to make the sentence more conversational we would normally say : I wonder what that lady's name is?. I wonder is simply translated by adding the word - acaba - at the beginning or end of the Turkish question. O Hanmefendinin ad ne, acaba? - I wonder what that lady's name is? Acaba, Mehmet'in soyad ne? - I wonder what Mehmet's surname is? Kz kardeinizin ismi ne, acaba? - What is your sister's name, I wonder? Addressing Letters and Envelopes There is an increasing use of addressing people by their surname - especially used on television in interviews etc. This method uses the word - Sayn - esteemed - before the surname directly. If the interviewee's name is Musafa Kurt, then he may be addressed as Mustafa bey - (formal and informal) or directly by his surname as Sayn Kurt - Esteemed Kurt - (formal and public) or Bay Kurt - Mr. Kurt - (polite and official). Bay - Mr. - and - Sayn - Esteemed - are usually spelt with capital letters, but they can be found without capital letters. Addressing Envelopes Letter Addressed in Turkish Sayn Mustafa Kurt ekmece Mah. Uzunyol Sok. Nolu:24 D:6 Baaras Ky 02332 ZMR - TRKYE Some Abbreviations used in addresses Sok. (Sokak or Soka) - Street Cad. (Cadde or Caddesi) - Road D. (Daire) - Apartment, Suite Apt. (Apartman) - Apartment

Analysis of this Address Esteemed Mustafa Kurt ekmece District Uzunyol Street No.24 Apt No. 6 Baaras Village Post Code. Postal County. Country

Bul. (Bulvar or Bulvar) - Avenue Yol. (Yol or Yolu) - Way, Route Mah. (Mahalle or Mahallesi) - Local District

K. (Kat) - Floor No. (Numara) - Number Nolu. (Numarala) - Numbered

Greetings In semi formal situations there is a four stage greeting procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Welcome: - ho geldiniz or less formal ho geldin - Welcome!. - This is answered by ho bulduk - We found it well! The Greeting: - This is an exchange of merhaba - Hello The Asking after Health Stage: - naslsnz? (formal) or naslsn? (informal) - How are you? The Response: - This is is answered by yiyim, teekkr ederim - I am well, thank you. This then followed by a question about the other's health: siz naslsnz? - You, how are you?

gnaydn - good morning, good day, good afternoon iyi gnler - good day iyi akamlar - good evening - (said in arrival..) iyi geceler - good night - (said on leaving company..) grmek zere - see you soon hoa kal - so long - [Lit: stay joyful] Note that the plural is used in - "Good day, Good evening, Good night" - similar to the Spanish - "Buenos Das" Listen to: Hosa kal - Saying - "Cheerio, Goodbye"

Some Daily Informal Greetings For an informal greeting like Hi! in English, Turkish uses Selam! to which the answer is the same selam! Also one can use What's up? Na'ber? Na'ber? is commonly used in everyday language. It is actually - Ne haber? What news? [Lit: - It's good 386

and from you?]. The answer is generally iyidir, senden? Another informal greeting is ne var ne yok? What is happening? [Lit: What is there (going on?) What isn't there (going on?)]. The answer to this one is iyilik! Goodness! Wellness! A Long Goodbye There is a "Formula Speak" that is used quite lot and is very common for saying your "Goodbyes". This is often used when leaving company or on going away to somewhere. The person(s) who are leaving will say Allaha smalardk! goodbye! [a quasi religious-type formula]. The answer said by those staying behind is gle gle! Cheerio! [Lit: Go with a smile!]. If you use this formula after visiting your Turkish friends they will be suitably impressed. The Muslim Peace Greeting selmnaleykm, (a Muslim peace greeting), answered by aleykmselm This greeting is mainly used between passing strangers, normally both male, during travel or on entry to a crowded room, such as a tea house, when one cannot address everybody personally.

Turkish Language - How to say - Too much.. Too many.. The translation of - too, too much is a common difficulty for the student of Turkish. The dictionary equivalent is - fazla - in excess or lzumdan fazla - in excess of its necessity.

(1) Too meaning - "very" However in daily conversational Turkish - ok - very - is used to convey the meaning too much, too many. In such a sentence as - I didn't buy it, it was too expensive. - the - "too" - should simply be translated by ok - very. Onu almadm, ok pahalyd - I didn't buy it, it was too expensive. (2) Too meaning - "overly, excessively" fazla - in excess - should be used where the context does not make sense by using ok - very Baban, seninle fazla sabrldr - Your father is too patient with you. (3) Too as "ability to" or "inability to" For the type of sentence - He was too tired to undress (himself) - where neither ok - very or fazla - in excess - is not suitable - Turkish uses a special comparative type construction. Soyunamayacak kadar yorgundu - [Lit: He was tired the amount pertaining-to-his-future inability-to-undress.] - He was too tired to get undressed. This third form is explained in detail below. Verb Forms - Basic Infinitive - -mek/-mak soymak - to undress somebody else Reflexive Infinitive soyunmak - to undress oneself Negative Reflexive Infinitive soyunmamak - not to undress oneself Negative Potential Reflexive Infinitive soyunamamak - not to be able to undress oneself

Future Relative Reflexive Participle - -ecek/-acak soyunacak - a future undressing of oneself Negative Future Relative Reflexive Participle soyunmayacak - a future not undressing oneself Negative Future Potential Relative Reflexive Participle soyunamayacak - a future not being able to undress oneself A further example of this type The verb is basically gitmek - to go - which in this sentence takes the form of the Negative Potential - gidememek - not to be able to go Sinemaya gidemeyecek kadar megulm - I am too busy to go to the cinema The construction for - too - therefore is - Future Potential Relative Participle + kadar + comparison verb + person Aye, bu yl tatil yapamayacak o kadar hastayd Aye, this year her-future-inability-to-make-a- holiday that-amount ill she was Aye was too ill to go on holiday this year. Araba gzel zaman iinde duramayacak kadar abuk sryordu The car in-good-time its-future-inability-to-stop that-amount quickly was-going The car was going too fast to be able to stop in time.

Turkish Language -Some Shop Window Signs


A sign in a confectioner's window in Ayvalk - May 2003 Popcorn Cin Msr geldi - Popcorn has come cin - genii, msr - corn cin msr - popcorn geldi - has come (arrived) Nefis Pimaniye Geldi - Fine Sugar Candy Has Arrived nefis - rare, excellent pimaniye - a kind of sugar candy Cevizli Antepli Sucuk Geldi - The Antep Walnut Sweetmeat has come ceviz-li - containing walnuts Antep-li - from Antep - (a town - now called Gaziantep) sucuk - a sweetmeat made of nuts and grape juice Note that: sucuk also means - a savoury sausage Kontrl Telefon - Pay 'Phone (available inside) Kontrl - with counters Telefon - telephone Advertising that the shop has a - "Pay Phone"

Kredi Kart Geerlidir - Credit Cards Valid (accepted) Kredi Kart - Credit Card Geerlidir - (Geer-li-dir) - Valid Advertising that the shop takes - "Credit Card Payments" Szme Aydn nciri Geldi - Dried Figs from Aydin have come Szme inciri - Dried fig(s) Aydn - A town in Western turkey Advertising that "Dried Figs from Aydin" - "Have Come" We have received the following explanation from Gary zm Pestili geldi - Dried Grape Pulp has come zm - grapes - pestil-i - dried fruit pulp - Is this the - "pesto" - as in Italy? Thank you immensely for your excellent website. I had studied some Turkish a few years back and wished to refresh and augment my knowledge of this fascinating and rich language. Just a thought, the Greeks took many terms into their language from the Turks due to the Turkokrateia for so many centuries. This occurs so very often in foods (especially sweets), household items, etc. Many confections sold in Greece are labelled as "pasteli". I wonder if they got this from the Turkish "pestili" or vice versa - both meaning a sort of confection or candy. Many thanks to Gary for this explanation of "pesto" - JG - 28th May 2006 An Explanation of - ak - loose Ak Neskafe Bulunur - Loose Coffee (available) [Lit: Loose coffee powder is to be found] Ak - loose, open Bulunur - Is to be found, (is available) Advertising that Nescafe style coffee powder - "is available"

We have received the following explanation from Zeynep hanm of stanbul, which we translated into English. - Many thanks - JG. Manisa Turkish - March 2006 Here is how Zeynep hanm has explained this usage of - ak - in this situation: Let me try to explain - Aklamaya alaym Nescafe (Neskafe) - nstant olan tm kahve eitleri iin gnlk dilimize yerlemi bir kelimedir. Nescafe (Neskafe) - The word "nescafe" ("neskafe") - has taken its place in our daily language for all types of coffee products. Ak: - "Ambalaj (packages) alarak azar azar (little by little) ya da mterinin istedii miktarda satlan mal" anlamndadr. Open: This means - "Material which is sold in either small amounts or to the customer's requirements from open packages" Bu kelime nohut, fasulye, baharat, deterjan ve benzeri (the like) rnler iin kullanlyor. This word - ak (loose) - is used for chickpeas, beans, spices, detergent and suchlike products. Satn alma sknts olan - pek para kazanamayan - mteriler (customers) iin dnlm bir zm (solution) yoludur. It is the considered solution for people who have hardship in purchasing - those who do not earn a lot of money. nk, maliyeti (cost) daha dk oluyor ve gerektii kadar (needed amount) satn alyor. This is because the cost is lower and they (are able to) buy their required amount. What a Load of Rubbish Izmir bus station sign at Pnarba

zota - Izmir Transport Organization Ltd


Ltfen yerleri kirletmeyiniz.- Please don't dirty the floor(s) - [kirletmek - the Causative Verb form - to make dirty] Sigara izmaritleri ve plerinizi p kutularna atnz - Throw your cigarette ends and rubbish in the rubbish bins. - [your cigarette ends and your rubbish(es) to the rubbish bins throw.]

Turkish Street Signs Advertising a Private School

This is put into shortened newspaper talk: For Success the Only Solution (is the) Correct Choice

baar - success, accomplishment tek zm - (the) single (only) solution zm iin - for (the) solution doru seim - seim - the correct (single/only) choice. semek - to choose - (Is the) correct choice. Note: A noun formed from a verb with -im (vowel harmony) as a suffix is usually a single entity or occurrence. First class, Second class, Third class, Fourth Class. School Days

Be Proud if your School zmir'de doan - Those who are born in Izmir. zmir'de doyan - Those who are raised in Izmir. zmirliyim diyen herkese ar - Those who can call themselves an "Izmir'li" - to everybody the call Yap okulunu - Do your school(ing) Yaat adn! - Make its name live! See explanation of these Participles - do-an, doy-an On The Beach (1)


Ladies Beach - Kuadas - May 2006


Here is a sign on Ladies Beach in Kuadas taken in May 2006. Some points to notice are the first two items are out of position in the Turkish sign below. The definite article "the" is missing from these English Translations - showing that Turkish does not have a Subjective Definite article. "Parents are responsible from their children", a direct translation of the Turkish, the behaviour comes from the children. "Straw" and "chaise lounge" are spelt and written with the Turkish phonetic method. On The Beach (2)


And here is the other side.


You can see the addition of -dir/-tir (3rd Person Impersonal of to be) in its various harmonized forms to show that these notices are a Public Advice or Public Order, it makes them somewhat "official" sounding. Some of the orders in the Polite Imperative -iniz or its harmonic equivalent Plajda yiyecek sofras kurmak yasaktr. - It is forbidden to set up dining tables(s) on the beach. And finally: kendi sorumlu-lu-unuz-da-dir - [Lit: self responsible-ity-of you-in-is] It is your own responsibility On The Beach - again

Keep it clean.. Leave a clean world to those who come after you (including toilets, including beaches, including streets) This country is everybody's. ("hepimizin" [hep-imiz-in] - "everybody's, of everybody")

This world is for everybody. And an explanation: Sizden sonrakilere (siz-den sonra-ki-ler-e) - To those who (come) after you The order is in the Imperative brakn - leave A sign on a driveway

It is obvious that this poor chap has had problems with his car access.. This place is the house door! This place is the garage door!

This place is the garden door! For those who cannot understand the talk here, This place is your mother's door! Note: the use of -dir to make statements of factual importance And no parking here!

And this chap is fed up as well This poor man's parking problems have overridden his respect for the Trafik Polisi His note to the traffic police: "Sayn Trafik Polisleri, Hergn ceza yazyorsunuz. Ltfen, yeter artk. Arabamn kimseye zarar yok. Yer bulunmuyor. Sayglar" "Dear Traffic Policemen, Everyday you are writing a fine. Please, it is enough for now. There is no damage to anyone from my car. A space is not to be found. Respects." Note: Arabamn zarar - the damage from (of) my car - Possessive Relationship broken up by - kimseyse - to anybody

Turkish Language - The Manisa Spor Kebab House Brochure The Manisa Spor Kebab Saloon - Manisa, Turkey

Salnz iin bizi sein. - Choose us for your (good) health. 45 yldr sizinleyiz. - It is 45 years we are with you. The Manisa Spor Kebab House is situated opposite the Main Post Office (PTT) in the centre of Manisa. When I first started visiting it in 1979 it was just another "greasy spoon" serving for the local workers. Of course we must realize that most people eat lunch out in Turkey office workers, factory workers, business men, street cleaners - it is all part of normal Turkish daily life. This particular kebab house has grown to be the most famous which serves Manisa Kebab (the local meat dish) and it is still being run by the owner who you can see standing proudly outside the establishment in the picture below.

It was about the Millennium Year of 2000 when he broke out of the top league of "greasy spoons" and totally revamped and modernized hislokanta (cafe) to what is shown in the brochure - and now they even open on Sundays! Two of the dishes on Offer. mam Bayld - The Priest Fainted A cold dish of slitted and stuffed aubergine (egg plant) with Olive Oil.

Ingredients (for 8 people) 4 Onions 1 Aubergine 3 Tomatoes 1 Lemon 1 Green Bell Pepper 1 Long Green Pepper 3 Cloves Garlic 1 Bunch Parsley 5 Tumblers of Olive Oil, Tumbler of Water 2 Teaspoons Sugar Method Split the aubergines lengthways and salt them. Meanwhile grate the onion and bell pepper finely and saut them in some of the oil, then pour this mixture over the finely chopped and skinned tomatoes together with the sliced (in rings) long green pepper, then add some salt and the sugar and cook for about 20 min.

Add the crushed garlic and finely chopped parsley after cooking. Wash the aubergines after 10 min. salting and place them in a pan of hot oilstuff the inside with the cooked tomato mixture and garnish with a large slice of tomato and sliced bell pepper and drizzle with lemon juice. Then adding some water place the dish in a medium oven and bake for 20 mins. This dish is then served cold.. They say the Imam - the Priest - was so overcome at seeing this dish on offer after his ritual fasting that he fainted right away. Karne Yark - Split Belly A hot dish of slitted and stuffed Aubergine.

Ingredients (for 8 People) 300 g. lambs mince 8 Aubergines 1 Onion 1 Tomatoes 2 Long Green Pepper 2 Cloves Garlic 1 Tumbler Water Tumblers Olive Oil 2 Dessert spoons Tomato Paste (Salcha) 1 Bunch Parsley, Sugar, Salt, Pepper Method


Split the aubergines lengthways and cook in some oil on a high heat. Brown the grated onion with the mince in some of the oil and add a little water together with the tomato paste and grated garlic. Place the split aubergines in a large pan with some oil and water then fill with the cooked mincemeat mixture. Place a round of tomato on top of each with some green pepper rings and cook covered for 20 min. Serve hot garnished with crushed parsley. This dish is then served hot. It is Lunch Time - le yemei The Local Office and Shop Girls lunching out.

In fact we used to go here for lunch from our factory in Manisa and the boys who were serving us then are the well matured waiters who are still there to this day, half a lifetime has passed us all by. One always gets a personal welcome when visiting and only the best will do for their customers - and the class of food served is of the finest quality.


Anafartlar Mah. - Anafartlar District Sinema Park Cad. No 16/B - Cinema Park Road No. 16.B Eski Postane Kars - Opposite the Old Post Office Manisa Spor Kebap Salonu - The Manisa Spor(t) Kebab Saloon Lunch - Turkish Style! The Chefs Work on Your Order Personally.

Here we can see the chefs working away at their orders. All the various types of kebabs have been pre-prepared and when you order you can point to what you require and it is freshly cooked " in front of your very eyes " One can also see the creamed butter cooling in the display cabinet. In the old days it was always added to a Manisa Kebab on serving - but of course in these (health conscious) days our time honoured and long serving waiters will always ask you if you want this addition to your meal. Personally I always - "go for it!"


1956' dan gnmze vazgeilmez lezzet. vazge-il-mez See explanation of this Participle From 1956 to our (present) day an unceasing taste (flavour). Sabah: 10.00'dan. - Morning(s) From 10:00am Aksam 21.00'e dek hizmetinizdeyiz. - (hizmet-iniz-de-yiz) - Until 9:00pm evening(s), we are at your service. - [service-your-at-we-are] Pazar gnleri'de ak. - (de when it means also is not a suffix and is not attached to a noun) - Also open on Sundays The Best Kebab in Town Don't forget the Ayran and the Pide (Pitta) Bread

These Buttered Manisa Kebabs are served with Ayran (a watered yoghurt drink) which is provided at table in 1 litre carafes - but you only pay for the amount that you consume. The kebabs are served up on top of stone baked pitta bread which is specially made and cooked for each order. The whole meal includes a seasonal salad, this may be grated carrot and purple cabbage in winter or spring onion with radishes in summer. No meal in Manisa is complete without the famous Manisa Tomatoes, where they can grow to almost the size of an orange and still

taste like tomatoes used to in the old days. Kebaplarmz tereyaldr. - Our kebabs are buttered. Pidelerimiz zel imalattr. - Our pitta bread is specially made. Ayranlarmz koyun yourdundandr. [yourd-u-ndan-dr] - Our ayran(s) are (made from) sheep's (milk) yoghurt. In the above examples we can clearly see the use of -dir meaning is (definitely) as "an advice" to the customer. The author and friends At a meal in Manisa Spor Salonu - May 2007

It is a long time since I first sat in the Manisa Spor Salonu in the late 1970's. But I learned a lot about Turkish life and customs while in Manisa and its cafes. Here I am then with my then Turkish secretary Aye Hanm who now has her husband Necati and big son Emre to bring her along.

If you ever manage to visit Manisa and drop in at the Manisa Spor Kebap Salonu, you are sure of a warm Turkish Welcome, and if you look around carefully at the photographs on show - then you will find one of the Manisa Turkish author somewhere amongst them. This is one of the places in which I learned a lot of Turkish when I was just beginning to understand it all.

The Turkish Milk Bar - (Soda Fountain for our American Friends) One of the normal parts of life in Turkey is a visit to a Milk Pudding Cafe. These can be found everywhere and some of them can be very upmarket. They serve such items as ice cream, rice puddings and many other dairy based sweet dishes. Usually they are not cheap but as we have stated elsewhere our Turkish friends eat out far more that we do here in England. It is often possible to see a boy and girl enjoying a dish or two and often a family and their children will come along for a treat. Many of these shops are open until quite late in the evenings. They are all of course - ikisiz - that is, they do not serve alcohol. Muhallebici - The Milk Pudding Purveyor A Street Billboard for a "milk pudding" cafe in Hatay Caddesi - zmir


Hasan Usta (from Bolu) St Tatllar - Sweet Milk Dishes Kazandibi - Slightly burnt milk pudding - [lit :Bottom of the Pot] Tavukgs - Chicken Breasts in a sweet milk sauce Kekl - Milk pudding with coconut Sup - a sweet milk soup Frn Stla - Baked [lit: Oven] Rice Pudding Aure - Noah's Pudding - a sweet dish of cereals, sugar, dried fruit. Krem Karamel - Cream Caramel. Ekmek Kadayf - a sweet made of bread dough steeped in syrup. ekerpare - a sugared pastry dish. DONDURMA - Ice cream The owner of this shop is called Hasan Usta - the term Usta means - "skilled, experienced, master of a craft etc." You can address people directly as - Usta bey - to show that you realize that they are plying a craft.

Another Milk Bar, they are everywhere Muhallebici in Main Street - Kuadas

The name of the Cafe is - z St - True Milk or Real Milk. This owner styles himself as Sefer usta - Sefer the expert, he is of course also known as Sefer bey We can see the addition of a couple more dishes on offer at this cafe - Peynir Tatls - Cheese (cake) Dessert and Krem okola - Chocolate Cream and of course Profiterol is the same in English.

Turkish Language - An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


Is there a doctor in the house?

In Turkey many doctors and surgeons and dentists practice privately, normally from out of their own apartments. Consequently There are many separate individual advertisements for specialists and the like. There are also health centres (polyclinics) in many of the dormitory suburbs in the larger cities. Also blood is big business and one can often see signs looking for fresh supplies. Here we can see a myriad of such signs, there is a dentist, an ear nose and throat specialist and other doctors plying for trade from their own homes. A private Clinic offers its services The zkonak - (Private Mansion) - Health Office.


This establishment is offering some medical services. The people operating here are probably not qualified doctors but will be working in the medical field - maybe under the supervision of a doctor. It may also well be a co-operative venture. Normally these places can be well trusted to carry out their ministrations efficiently, safely and cheaply. snnet - circumcision enjeksiyon - injections(s) (given) pansuman - wound dressing, bandaging serum - serum (given) sonda - catheter, surgeon's probe kpe - is an earring - it probably means "ear piercing" kulak ykama - ear syringing - [lit: ear washing] tansiyon lme - blood pressure measuring diki atma ve alma - stitch inserting and removing trnak ekme - nail removing [lit: nail pulling] apse ama - abscess lancing [lit: abscess opening] Another Medical Center

Tbbi Tahliller - Medical Analysis Enfeksiyon Hasalklar - Infectious Illnesses Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Uzman - Clinical microbiology Specialist Feeling Poorly? Private Doctor Advertisments


Cerrahi Merkezi - Surgical Center Bilgisaylar gz muayenesi - Computerized eye examination


Gz hastalklar uzman - Eye diseases specialist ocuk Salkl Hastalklar Mtehasss - Child Health and Sickness Specialist - (Paedictrican) Operator Doktor - HSAN PEKR - GENEL CERRAHI UZMANI - Surgeon Doctor - hsan Pekr - GENERAL SURGEON SPECIALIST YELER Emlak Brosundan - KRALIK EYALI-EYASIZ EVLER - YELER Estate Office-from - RENTED FURNISHEDUNFURNISHED HOMES Are you Insured? The following insurances are on offer


KASKO SIGORTAS - KASKO INSURANCE (Fully Comprehensive Motor Ince.) TRAFK - TRAFFIC (3rd Party, Fire and Theft Motor Ince.) TARIM - AGRICULTURE

KONUT IYER - PLACES of RESIDENCE (House) and PLACES OF WORK. NAKLYAT - TRANSPORT (Shipping) YAT TEKNE - YACHT BOAT ve TM SGORTACILIK HZMETLER - AND COMPLETE INSURERS SERVICES Just underneath the sign for the AKAY KUAFR - AKKAY HAIRDRESSER which is on the 1st Floor. - Kat 1. - we can see the advertisement for the OYAK SIGORTA - OYAK INSURANCE (which incorporates theDoa Insurance.) Pin back your lug-holes! Here is a sign showing an -ip suffix, meaning and also.

Sayn Mterim, - My Dear Customers, Eleman izinli - The employee is on leave Bende belediye hastanesinde - As for me, [Bende] I'm at the municipal hospital Kirli kulam ykatp hemen geleceim - I will get my my dirty ear cleaned and I will return straight away. This equals: Kirli kulam ykatacam hemen geleceim - ykatmak - to have cleaned - is the Causative of ykamak - to clean

Thanks to Yamur Sal on

Turkish Language - Some Turkish "Toilet Talk" This page is written for learning The Turkish Language and Turkish Customs, If it offends anyone then we apologize, but there is nothing rude in this content.. and thanks to for some of the pictures on this page. - JG - March 2007. All about toilets - Turkish style - Umumi Hela - Public Toilets Yz Numara - Number 100

"Sans Numero" yani numarasz esasnda ama Franszca'da "Cent Numero" da ayni ekilde telaffuz edildii iin "Yz Numara" olarak yer etmitir "Sans Numero" basically means "numberless" - (which is slang French meaning - "toilet") - but because the French pronounciation of "Cent Numero" (number 100) is exactly the same then it became transliterated into Turkish as "Yz Numera" (number 100).

Now for some Toilet talk - in pictures


Rubbish is our business, and we do mean business! Literally: Rubbish those-who-throw seen-being-on punished-be-will (beaten-will-be-definitely). Lady - Man matters-it not! Let us try English English: Anyone seen throwing rubbish will be punished (beaten up!). Lady or man it does not matter! Before we all decide not to go to the toilet in Turkey in case we get attacked by the toilet cleaner - please let me put your minds at rest that in this case, I guess that the poor chap had just about had enough with his clients' behaviour A visit to the Toilet

First of all let us hope that the toilet is open. When I'm cleaning windows! Kap pencere(re)ler boyand iin. Tuvat kapal tutuluyor. Because the door windows are being painted, the toilet is being kept closed..

[Note that our toilet keeper has mis-spelt "pencere" as "pencere(re)", and he is going well on spelling today as "tuvalet" has been written as "tuvat"] Once inside we are still under supervision.

Don't forget to pull the chain! Sifonu ektiinizde WC'den knz. - When you have pulled the chain, leave the toilet. ektiinizde - [ek-ti-iniz-de] - on your which having pulled an Objective Participle personalized by "-iniz-" and suffixed with "-de" And keep to the rules on disposals.

Always use the receptacle provided. Ltfen slak p poeterinizi kova ii braknz. - Please leave your wet rubbish wipe inside the bucket. What a shame that after laboriously writing a long sentence as a single word, that the writer has made a spelling mistake - poeter - should be poet And on the way out

Please Adjust you dress before leaving Ltfen pantolon fermuarn veya dmesini tuvaletin iinde ap kapatn - Bakan Please open and close your trouser zip or buttons inside the toilet - Chief Let us separate the suffixes: [Ltfen pantolon fermuar--n- veya dme-si-n-i tuvalet-in i-in-de a-p kapat-n - Bakan] And don't forget to wash you hands

Let us maintain good hygiene standards "Temiz ol ki herkes sevsin" - Be clean so that everybody likes you [sevsin = let them like] One more thing before you leave


And leave the toilet door open Tuvaleti kullandktan sonra - kapy ak braknz After using the toilet, leave the door open. -diktan sonra = after doing. ie. konutuktan sonra = after talking yzdkten sonra = after swimming.. And now, pay up and look happy

Its your money they're after Bu dnyada borcunu vermeyen br dnyaya sulu gider (tuvalet paras). He who does not pay his dues in this world goes to the next world in debt (Toilet Payment). Ltfen! - cretinizi yukarya deyiniz. demeden gitmeyiniz! Please pay your fee upstairs. Without paying you do not go! As you can see it is inescapable to leave without paying - but it looks as if many have tried, and they have left under a curse

And on the ferryboat.

Jolly good boating weather A sign in the toilet on the ferry that plies between Konak and Karya across the Gulf of Izmir I leave the translation of this sign to your imagination but the authorities obviously do not want to soil the sailing waters And a Postscript No translation needed

Showing that kmamak can mean Don't get on to..! - as well as Go out!, Get off!

Picture thanks to - A Ministerial Circular to all provinces on the subject of Public Toilets Umumi Helalar Hakknda Genelge T.C. SALIK BAKANLII Temel Salk Hizmetleri Genel Mdrl SAYI:B100TSH0100005/5847 ANKARA KONU:Umumi Helalar 01.05.2000 GENELGE 2000/36 LG. 25.04.1995 tarih ve 05051 sayl genelgemiz. ehir ve kasabalar ile kylerde yeterli miktarda umumi helann bulunmas, umumi helalarn gerekli teknik ve hijyenik artlara sahip olmalar, fert, toplum ve evre salnn korunmas asndan nem arz etmektedir. 1593 sayl Umumi Hfzshha Kanununun "Shhi Tekilat" balkl birinci babnn," Vilayet Hususi dareleri ve Belediyeler" balkl drdnc fasl, 20nci maddede, umumi mahallerde halkn salna zarar veren amilleri izale, belediyelerin ifayla grevli olduklar grevler arasnda saylmtr. "ehir ve Kasabalar Hfzshhas" balkl on birinci babn " Mecralar ve Mzahrefat mhas" balkl ikinci fasl, 249uncu maddede, belediyelerce ehir ve kasaba dahilinde kirlenmeye meydan vermemek zere uygun mahallerde fenne uygun ekilde helalar tesis olunaca ve mevcutlarn slah olunaca, belediye tekilat olmayan yerlerde bu zorunluluun ky ihtiyar heyetlerine ait olduu, cadde ve sokaklarda, meskenler yaknnda ve belediyelerce tayin edilecek hudutlar dahilinde akta def'i hacet etmenin ( ihtiya giderme) kesin surette men edilecei, 282nci maddede, bu kanunda yazl yasaklara aykr hareket edenler veya zorunluluklara uymayanlar hakknda uygulanacak cezalar, Ek Madde 1'de, bu kanunda yazl sular ileyenler hakknda 303nc maddede yazl kimseler tarafndan dzenlenen tutanaklarn aksi sabit oluncaya kadar muteber olduu, Ek Madde 2'de, bu kanunun 69uncu maddesi gereince alnm olan tedbirlerden evre sal ile ilgili olanlara uyulmamas halinde uygulanacak cezalar, Ek Madde 3'de, bu kanun kapsamna giren ve umumun salna ilikin davalara, mahkemelerce, Mehut Sularn Muhakeme Usul Kanununun 1inci maddesindeki yer ve 2nc maddesindeki zaman kaydna baklmakszn sust hkmlerine gre baklaca ve hkmler kesinletikten sonra bunlarn birer suretinin Cumhuriyet Savclklarnca dorudan doruya Bakanlmza gnderileceine ilikin hkmler yer almaktadr.

19.03.1971 tarih ve 13783 sayl Resmi Gazetede yaymlanarak yrrle giren "Lam Mecras naas Mmkn Olmayan Yerlerde Yaplacak ukurlara Ait Ynetmelik" te, helalar, hela ukurlar ve tasfiye tesislerine ilikin olarak, genel hkmler, yersel koullara gre seilecek sistemlerin eitleri, helalarn ve tasfiye tesislerinin yerletirilmesi, yap esaslar, hesap esaslar, tesislerin projelendirilmesi ve hesaplanmas, dezenfeksiyon, iletme ve bakma dair hkmler ile dier hkmler bulunmaktadr. "TS 8357- Halka ve Mterilere Ak WC'lerin Snflandrlmas ve zellikleri" Standardnda umumi helalarla ilgili zellikler verilmitir. Fert, toplum ve evre salnn korunmas ve gelitirilmesi erevesinde; ehir ve kasabalar ile kylerde, uygun mahallerde, ihtiyaca yetecek lde ve miktarda, gerekli teknik ve hijyenik artlara sahip umumi helalarn belediyeler ve ky ihtiyar heyetlerince tesis edilmesi ve ettirilmesinin, Mevcut umumi helalarn slah edilmesi ve ettirilmesinin, Cadde ve sokaklarda, bulvarlarda, meydanlarda, umuma ak alanlarda, meskenler yaknnda, belediyeler ve ky ihtiyar heyetlerince gerektiinde l ve le Umumi Hfzshha Meclislerinin grleri alnarak tayin edilecek hudutlar dahilinde akta def'i hacet etmenin (ihtiya giderme) kesin surette men edilmesinin, Belediyelerce kanalizasyonu yaplm olan yerlerdeki umumi helalarn atk sular ve sv atklarnn bu kanallara balanmasnn, Kanalizasyon sistemi bulunmayan yerlerde, kanalizasyon ve umumi tasfiye (artm) tesisleri yaplncaya kadar, umumi helalarn, hela ukurlarnn ve tasfiye tesislerinin, " Lam Mecras naas Mmkn Olmayan Yerlerde Yaplacak ukurlara Ait Ynetmelik" te ngrlen sistemler, yerletirilme, projelendirme ve hesap, yap, dezenfeksiyon, iletme ve bakm esaslar ve ilgili hkmlerine uygun olarak tesis edilmesi ve iletilmesinin, Umumi helalarda oluan sv atklar ve atk sularn, tekniine uygun toplanmasnn, evre kirliliine neden olmayacak, haere ve vektrler ile temasn nleyecek, koku ve dier faktrler asndan problem oluturmayacak ekilde kapal bir sistemle ehir kanalizasyonuna verilmesinin, ehir kanalizasyonu yok ise kanalizasyon ve umumi tasfiye tesisleri yaplncaya kadar, " Lam Mecras naas Mmkn Olmayan Yerlerde Yaplacak ukurlara Ait Ynetmelik" hkmlerine, usulne, tekniine ve dier ilgili mevzuata uygun olarak izale ve bertarafnn, Umumi helalarda ime ve kullanma suyu niteliini haiz, srekli akar ve basnl vaziyette su bulundurulmasnn, Umumi helalarn temiz ve bakml, tesisat ve malzemelerinin kullanlr ve alr vaziyette olmasnn, Umumi helalarn gerekli teknik ve hijyenik artlar ile "TS 8357- Halka ve Mterilere Ak WC'lerin Snflandrlmas ve zellikleri" Standardndaki zelliklere uygun olmalarnn, Belediye snrlar ierisindekiler iin Trk Standartlar Enstitsnn ilgili birimlerinden Hizmet Yeterlilik Belgesi alnmas ve aldrlmasnn, Umumi helalarla ilgili her ehir, kasaba ve ky iin bir veya birden fazla sorumlu grevlendirilmesinin, Helalarn yapm, kullanm, bakm ve temizlii ile evre ve toplum sal asndan nemi, vcut hijyeni gibi konularda ilgililerin ve halkn eitiminin temini; Konuya ilikin, Valiliinizce srekli ve periyodik kontrol ve denetimlerin yaplmas ve yaptrlmas; Kontrol ve denetim sonularna gre,

Konuya dair yasaklara aykr hareket edenler, zorunluluklara uymayanlar, alnm olan tedbirlere uymayanlar, Uygun mahallerde, ihtiyaca yetecek lde ve miktarda, gerekli teknik ve hijyenik artlara sahip umumi helalar tesis etmeyen belediyeler ve ky ihtiyar heyetleri, Mevcut umumi helalar slah etmeyenler ve ettirmeyenler, Cadde ve sokaklarda, bulvarlarda, meydanlarda, umuma ak alanlarda, meskenler yaknnda, belediyeler ve ky ihtiyar heyetlerince tayin edilen hudutlar dahilinde akta def'i hacet edenler (ihtiya giderenler), Umumi helalar temiz ve bakml, gerekli teknik ve hijyenik artlara uygun bulundurmayanlar, Umumi hela atk sular ve sv atklarn usulne ve tekniine ve ilgili mevzuatna uygun ekilde izale ve bertaraf etmeyenler, Umumi helalarla ilgili sorumlu/sorumlular grevlendirmeyenler, hakknda ilgili mevzuat dorultusunda, Valiliinizce gerekli her trl ilemin yaplmas ve yaptrlmas; ehir ve kasabalar ile kylerde, yeterli miktarda umumi helann bulunmas, umumi helalarn gerekli teknik ve hijyenik artlara sahip olmalar, akta def'i hacet etmenin (ihtiya giderme) nlenmesi, vcut hijyenine ilikin halkn eitimi iin Valiliinizce gerekli her trl tedbirin alnmas ve aldrlmas; hususlarnda bilgilerinizi ve gereini, genelgemizin Kaymakamlklar, Belediye Bakanlklar, Ky htiyar Heyetleri, l ve le Umumi Hfzshha Meclisleri ve liniz Kamuoyuna ve ilgili birimlere duyurulmasn arz ve rica ederim. Do.Dr. Osman DURMU Bakan .......... (MZA) EK: l standart rnei ( 8 shf.) DAITIM GERE. 81 L VALL (l Salk Mdrl)

Turkish Language - Some signs we may see along the way. A Shopping Mall Car park Warning Sign


This is a warning sign in the public car park of the Ege Park Shopping Mall in Maviehir (Bluetown), a dormitory suburb of Izmir City. ara - vehicle, deer - value, eya - belongings, brakmamak - not to leave This is an example of the uses of the following suffixes -iniz - your, -de - in/on/at, -li - containing/consisting of, -i - his/her/its (as an object pointer) Lets put all the suffixes back on and translate this sign: Aralarnzda deerli eyalarnz brakmaynz. - [Ara-lar-nz-da deer-li eya-lar-nz- brakma-y-nz.] What does it mean...? (hover here over to find out) Electric Blues Here are the signs on an Electricity Transformer Station building in a corner of the Emekliler Parki - Retirees Park - along the High Street in Manisa "lm Tehkliesi" Danger of Death


"Yaklamak ve dokunmak tehlikeli ve yasaktr" To approach and to touch is dangerous and forbidden. Note the use of the verb "to be" -tir - is, tagged on the end of yasak - forbidden - indicating that this notice is an official advice/instruction. Note also the use of the word - ve (instead of "de") - and, also - to introduce difference in meanings of the verbs and their own instruction. Keep out of the Pool


A sign to be seen in the park by the Bostanl Ferry Boat Station in Izmir Havuza girmek - To enter (in)to the pool Tehlikeli ve Yasaktr - is Dangerous and is (definitely) Prohibited Note the use of the verb "to be" -tr - is - as part of a Public Sign Order thus making the meaning definite. A sign in a Sports Club Car Park at Bostanl - zmir.

* Sports Internatonal otopark, sadece kulp yeler ve misafirlerinin tesiste bulunduklar srece kullanmlar iindir. The Sports International car park is only for the use of club members and their guests during the time that they are in attendance at the establishment. * Park yerinin kullanm kulbn al ve kapan saatleri olan 07. /24. aras mmkndr. It is possible to use the car park between 07:00/24:00 hrs at the club's opening and closing times. * Otopark alannn yukarda belirtilen ahslar ye saatler dnda kullanm halinde aralar bulunduklar yerden ekilecektir. Other than the persons mentioned above and any usage outside these hours, cars will be removed from their place.

* Park eden tm aralar sahiplerinin sorumluluu altndadr. Doacak herhangi bir zarardan veya kayptan Sports Internatonal ynetimi sorumlu deildir. All car owners who park are at their own responsibility. Whatever damage or loss may occur is not the responsibility of the Sports International Club Management. Don't forget to wash your hands, Beware of the dog!


Please wash you hands - [El-ler-iniz-i yka-y-nz] Ellerinizi [el-ler-ininz-i] - Your hands (with an Objective suffix -i) Beware of the Dog - [Lit: Careful - there is a dog] And You've got Parking Problems!

"It is the shops entrance. Please do not park" "It is the Fire Brigade exit. To park vehicle(s) is prohibited" You can see the addition of -dir/-tir as both a Statement of Fact - (giridir - it IS an entrance and ktr - it IS an exit), and also as an Official Advice (in the case of yasaktr - it IS prohibited) on these notices.

Don't throw fag ends or ask for credit! "Let us defend (look after) the flowers." "Let us not throw cigarette ends and rubbish."

"Do not propose credit" veresiye - credit is actually made up of the verb stem ver(mek) - to give plus an old Future Subjunctive Tense ending -esi (now not in use except for frozen forms like this) plus the suffix -(y)e meaning - movement towards So the literal meaning of veresiye is - to the future possible giving. In the sign on the far left you can see the addition of -alm/-elim the Third Person Plural Imperative Form which translates as Let us - koruy-alm - let us defend - with a Positive Verb Stem or Let us not when attached to a Negative Verb Stem as at the bottom of the notice. atmay-alm - let us not throw The right-hand sign uses the Public Imperative - "teklif etmeyiniz" - "(You the public) don't ask for (propose) credit"

My Old Man's a Dustman.

Here is a Notice that had been fixed to all the doorways in Zafer Street in Kuadas last May 2006, when there was a change in refuse collection times being made. Notice the word uymayanlar - those who do nor conform. It is very easy to mistake the verb uymak - to conform with uyumak - to sleep. For instance both uymak and uyumak produce uyuyor - he is sleeping or he is conforming - it is all a matter of content and understanding. Just for the record uyumayanlar means those who do not sleep,just one letter -u- in the middle of the word makes all the difference.


The Turkish Licence Plate Numbering System Turkish Cars are licensed locally in the owner's home province. Turkish Licence Plate watching is a an interesting hobby, as you can always tell the stranger or visitor from the locals by the the first two numbers of their licence plate. Where is that car from?

The Turkish Province Code List. The Turkish Car Licence Plate System, and a little about Turkish Traffic Signs. It is easy to see where a Turkish vehicle come from once you know the province codes on the number plate. But before you read on - this is our own car that you will see in Kawerau, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, and our number plate does tell a story. Examples licence plates


Halt the Traffic Monster which is inside yourself! The text format on Turkish Plates is one of the following: PPX9999, PPX99999 or PPXX999, PPXX9999 or PPXXX99, PPXXX999 PP - two (three) digit prefix denoting the location, shows the province code number of the main residence of car holder. X/XX/XXX - one/two or three letters. 9999/999/99 - four/three or two digits suffix depending on the size of letters before, not exceeding than six letters and digits together. In some provinces, numbering is categorized in groups for tax collecting offices of different districts. The colouring and alphabetical coding of Car Licence Plates also indicates what type of user the owner may be. These codings are discussed at the end of this web page. There are 81 province codes as listed below: Turkish Province Codes A private plate from Ankara

(Province Code 06) Turkish Province Codes were originally 67 in number and were in alphabetical order - thus Adana was code 01 to Zonguldak code 67. As time went on some towns were re-named and consequently because they kept their own Province Code Number the alphabetical series was

broken. For instance Mara (code 46) became Kahramanmara - Hero Mara (Hover here) renamed to honour its part in the War of Independence, but still followedManisa (code 45) although the alphabetical series was broken. As time went on the Province Codes (originally totalling 67 from Adana - 01 to Zonguldak - 67) were added to, thus forming a total of 81 codings and these additions are also not in the total alphabetical series. But car plate watching is a fun thing in Turkey. Thanks to H.O.K. of Antalya for corrections to the list. Jan 2006 The Battle of Mara - click here to see the true story Turkish Province Codes The Turkish Province Codes used on car licence Plates #01 - Adana #02 - Adyaman #03 - Afyon #04 - Ar #05 - Amasya #06 - Ankara #07 - Antalya #08 - Artvin #09 - Aydn #10 - Balkesir #21 - Diyarbakr #22 - Edirne #23 - Elaz #24 - Erzincan #25 - Erzurum #26 - Eskiehir #27 - Gaziantep (Antep) #28 - Giresun #29 - Gmhane #30 - Hakkari #41 - Kocaeli (zmit) #42 - Konya #43 - Ktahya #44 - Malatya #45 - Manisa #46 - Mara (Kahramanmara) #47 - Mardin #48 - Mula #49 - Mu #50 - Nevehir

#61 -

#62 -

#63 -

#64 -

#65 -

#66 -

#67 -

#68 -

#69 -

#70 -

#11 - Bilecik #12 - Bingl #13 - Bitlis #14 - Bolu #15 - Burdur #16 - Bursa #17 - anakkale #18 - ankr #19 - orum #20 - Denizli

#31 - Hatay #32 - Isparta #33 - el (Mersin) #34 - stanbul #35 - zmiri #36 - Kars #37 - Kastamonu #38 - Kayseri #39 - Krklareli #40 - Krehir

#51 - Nide #52 - Ordu #53 - Rize #54 - Sakarya (Adapazar) #55 - Samsun #56 - Siirt #57 - Sinop #58 - Sivas #59 - Tekirda #60 - Tokat

#71 -

#72 -

#73 -

#74 -

#75 -

#76 -

#77 -

#78 -

#79 -

#80 -

#81 See Detailed Map of All Turkey (External Link in Turkish) Car Licence Plate Coding Private Vehicles - Turkish A private vehicle plate from Istanbul (Province Code 34)



34 ZD 8866

PP X 99999 to PP XXX 999 (Black characters on white background) - where PP equates to the Province Number and X or XX or XXX is alphabetic.

Official Vehicles - Turkish An official Zabita vehicle plate from Manisa (Province Code 45)


45 M 3767

PP X 99999 to PP XXX 999 (White characters on black background) - where PP equates to the Province Number and X or XX or XXX is alphabetic. Used by Town Corporations and Officials on business. The Zabita are local corporation uniformed officers for control of prices etc.


Province Government Vehicles A Province Government vehicle plate from Aydin (Province Code 09)


09 AA 115

PP A 9999 (Red characters on white background - with single or double letter "A" in red as identifier for Provincial Official Car Licence) This car a Province Government Vehicle for Aydin (Province Code 09). It is parked in the Provincial Government Office car park. Police Vehicles A Police vehicle plate from Aydin (Province Code 09)



09 A 8953

PP A 9999 or PP AA 9999 or PP AAA 999 (White characters on Blue background - with single letter "A" or double letter "AA" or triple letter "AAA" as alphabetic Identifier for police vehicles.) This vehicle is parked outside a local police station in the Province of Aydin. Special Licence Plates Members of International TR 09 B 446 Organizations PP B 999 or 99 B 9999 (Blue characters on White background with single letter B as alphabetic identifier for International organizations such as UNESCO etc..)


Diplomatic Corps Consular Vehicles

TR 06 CF 057 TR 01 CP 445

PP CA 999 to PP CZ 999 (White characters on green background with "CA" to "CZ" as alphabetic identifier) PP CA 999 to PP CZ 999 (Green characters on white background - with letters "CA" to "CZ" alphabetic identifier) PP G 9999 (Black characters on Yellow background - with single letter "G" as alphabetic identifier)

Temporary (One Month) TR 34 G 1757 Vehicles Temporary Customs Vehicles Foreign Temporary Residents TR 35 GMR 86

PP GMR 999 (Red characters on Green background - with letter group "GMR" - gmrk - customs - as alphabetic identifier.) PP MA 999 to PP MZ 999 (Black characters on white background - with "MA" to "MZ" as alphabetic identifier for foreigners with temporary residence permit) PP T 9999 (red characters on white background - with single letter "T" as Test Vehicle Identifier) PP TXX 999 (black characters on white background - with Letter "T" in first position as alphabetic identifier)

TR 16 MB 226

Test Vehicles TR 26 T 2167 Taxis (optional) TR 67 TRF 834

A Taxi vehicle plate from Aydin (Code 09)


Special Official State License Plates State President Members of Parliament Prime Minister and Civil Servants Province Governor CB 001 TBMM 081 0063 45 0026 Yellow on red background in CB ### format. Yellow on red background in TBMM ### format. Yellow on red background in #### format. Yellow on red background in PP 9999 format

where PP is the Province Code No. in this case 45 for Manisa Province

Military Vehicles An official Jandarma vehicle plate.

709 133 Black characters on white background in 999 999 format. Jandarma (the French Gendarme): Military based civil policing body.


Turkish Personalized Plates - zel Kiisel Plkalar Here are some examples of Turkish Personalized car plates. They are more expensive then normal issue. Bursa Spor (1963) Football Club

The Turkish shown above the number translates as: The Mad Crocodiles

Antalya Youth Spor (1966) Football Club

The Turkish shown above the number translates as: 07 Youth

Beikta JK (1903) Football Club

Beikta Jimnastik Kulb (commonly Beikta JK - Beikta Gymnastics Club) is a professional sports club founded in 1903 and based in Beikta district in Istanbul, Turkey. Their nickname is the "Black Eagles" and their playing strip is Black and White stripes. The Turkish written above the number says The Eagle's Nest

Some Signs on the Road Signs on the Road DUR Tek yn Girilmez Tat Giremez Giri k Park yaplmaz/edilmez Park etmek yasaktr ehir merkezi Ara kabilir Askeri blge Hastane Stop/Halt One way No entry (in general) No vehicle entry Entrance Exit No parking No parking City center Vehicles exiting Military Zone Hospital

Yaya geidi Trmanma eridi Yol almas Yol tamiri Yol yapm Servis Yolu Ar Tatlar Sadan gidiniz Dinlenme Alan Servis Alan Uzun ara Trmanma sadan TEM "Tem Oto Yolu" AS. Z. Yol Ver

Pedestrian Crossing Climbing Lane Road work Road repair Road construction Service Road Trucks use right lane Rest area Service area Long vehicle Slower vehicles use right lane Transit European Motorway Military Police (Askeri nzibat) Give Way

A Motoring Vocabulary A Motoring Vocabulary Benzin Kurunsuz Mazot/motorin Tehlikeli Madde Lastiki Sanayi blgesi Otogar Kar Buz Kaza raporu Ksmet Allah korusun Dikkatsiz Dzensiz Gas/petrol Lead free gas Diesel Dangerous materials. (propane, gas, etc.) Tyre repair Repair shop zone Bus station Snow Ice Accident Report Fate May God protect me. (sign on many trucks) Careless Disorder/erratic


Turkish Traffic Signs The following are most of the Turkish Traffic Road signs - and have been gleaned from The World Wide Web in the interests of our Turkish Learners. Turkish Traffic Signs

Yol Ver


Kardan Gelene Yol Ver

Tat Giremez

Tarm Traktr Giremez

Belirli Miktarlardan Fazla Patlayc ve Parlayc Madde Tayan Tat Giremez

Belirli Miktarlardan Fazla Su Kirletici Madde Tayan Tat Giremez

Motorlu Tat Giremez

Kamyonlar iin ndeki Tat Gemek Yasaktr

Azami Hz Snrlamas

Sesli ikaz Cihazlarnn Kullanm Yasaktr

Gmrk - Durmadan Gemek Yasaktr


Hz Snrlamas Sonu

Geme Yasa Sonu

Kamyonlar iin Geme Yasa Sonu

Motosiklet Hari Motorlu Tat Trafiine Kapal Yol

Bisiklet Giremez

Mopet Giremez

Kamyon Giremez

Genilii ... Metreden Fazla Olan Tat Giremez

Uzunluu ...Metreden Fazla Dingil Bana... Tondan Fazla Yk Olan Tat Giremez Den Tat Giremez

Ykl Arl... Tondan Fazla Olan Tat Giremez

Otobs Giremez

Yaya Giremez

At Arabas Giremez

El Arabas Giremez

ndeki Tat... Metreden Daha Yakn Takip Edilemez

Sola Dnlmez

U Dn Yaplmaz

ndeki Tat Gemek Yasaktr

Saa Dnlmez

Treyler Giremez

Ykseklii ...Metreden Fazla Olan Tat Giremez

Motosiklet Giremez

Btn Yasaklama ve Kstlamalarn Sonu


Tat Trafiine Kapal yol

Tat Giremez

Saa Mecburi Yn

Sola Mecburi Yn

leri Mecburi Yn

leri ve Saa Mecburi Yn

Saa ve Sola Mecburi Yn

Sadan Gidiniz

Tek Ynl Yol

Mecburi Bisiklet Yolu

Mecburi At Yolu

Mecburi Asgari Hz

Mecburi Asgari Hz Sonu

Zincir Takmak Mecburidir

Her ki Yandan Gidiniz

Dnel Kavak

leri ve Sola Mecburi Yn

Mecburi Yaya Yolu

Zincir Takma Mecburiyeti Sonu



Park etmek yasaktr

Duraklamak ve park etmek yasaktr

Haftann tek gnlerinde park etmek yasaktr

Haftann ift gnlerinde park etmek yasaktr

Snrl sreli park blgesi Sonu

Park yeri

Snrl sreli park blgesi


Saa Tehlikeli Viraj

Sola Tehlikeli Viraj

Saa Tehlikeli Devaml Virajlar

Sola Tehlikeli Devaml Virajlar

Yaya Geidi

Okul Geidi

Bisiklet Geebilir

Ana Yol - Tali Yol Kava


Soldan Ana Yola Giri

Dnel Kavak Yaklam

Tehlikeli Eim - (ni)

Gevek ev

ki Sadan Daralan Kaplama

ki Soldan Daralan Kaplama

Alan Kpr

Sadan Ana Yola Giri

Yolda alma

Ikl aret Cihaz

Hava Alan - (Alak Uu)

Tehlikeli Eim - (k)

Kontrolsz Demiryolu Geidi

Kontrolsz Demiryolu Geidi Tek Hat

Kontrolsz Demiryolu Geidi En Az ki Hat

Ehli Hayvanlar Geebilir

Tehlikeli Viraj Yn Levhas

Refj Ba Ek Levhalar

Dn Adas Ek Levhalar

Vahi Hayvanlar Geebilir

Kasisli Kpr Yaklam

Kaygan Yol

Gevek Malzemeli Zemin

ki Taraftan Daralan Kaplama


Kontrolsz Kavak


Kasisli Yol

Yandan Rzgar

ki Ynl Trafik

Deniz veya Nehir Kysnda Biten Kpr Yaklam Levhas (Sol) Yol

Kontroll Demiryolu Geidi

Ana Yol - Tali Yol Kava

Ana Yol - Tali Yol Kava

Kavak ve Geit Yaklam Levhalar Kavak ve Geit Yaklam - (Sa) Levhalar (Sol)

Kavak ve Geit Yaklam Levhalar (Sa) BLG ARETLER

Kavak ve Geit Yaklam Levhalar (Sol)

Kavak ve Geit Yaklam Levhalar Engel aretleri (Sa)


Yangn Tehlikesi

erit Kullanm Levhas (Trmanma)

erit Kullanm Levhas (Yol Kenar)


Piknik Yeri

ayhane veya Kafeterya


Okul Geidi

Mesafe Levhas

Meskun Mahal Sonu areti Levhas - (ile Merkezi)

Meskun Mahal Sonu areti Levhas - (ile Merkezi)

Meskun Mahal (Ky) Levhas

Kavak ii Yn Levhas

Kavak ncesi erit seimi Levhas


Yzme Yeri


ncelii Olan yn

Blnm Yol ncesi Yn Levhas

Genlik Kamp

adrl ve Karavanl Kamp Yeri

Kamp Yeri


Motorlu Tat Yolu Sonu

Motorlu Tat Yolu Balangc


Tek Ynl Yol Levhas

Corafi Bilgi (Kpr veya Nehir) levhas

Corafi Bilgi (Da Geidi) levhas

erit kullanm Levhas (Bast)


Kavak i Yn Levhas (Kamp Yeri)

Kavak i Yn Levhas (Hava lerdeki Kavakta Sola Dn Yasan Alan) Gsteren Yn Levhas

Karavanl Kamp Yeri




leri kmaz yol


Otel veya Motel

Anayol Bitimi

Meskun Mahal Sonu (Ky)

Meskun Mahal (le Merkezi) Levhas

Meskun Mahal (l Merkezi) Levhas

l Snr Levhas

Yry Balangc

Akaryakt istasyonu

Trkiye Delvet Snr Levhas

Corafi Bilgi (Da) Levhas



Corafi Bilgi (Gl) Levhas

Yaya Geidi

Kavak ii Yn Levhas (Turistik Mahal)

Meskun Mahal ve Kavak k Mesafe Levhas OTOYOL ARETLER

Girii Olmayan yol Kava

Kavak ncesi Yn Levhas

Girii Olmayan yol Kava

Otoyol Balangc

Otoyol Sonu

Otoyol erit Kapatma Levhas

100m Otoyol k Levhalar



Otoyol Bilgi aretleri -(Kaplama st Yn Levhas)

Otoyol erit Dzenleme Levhas

Otoyol Bilgiaretleri - (Kaplama st Yn Levhas)

Otoyol Band Deitirme YOL ZGLER

Otoyol Bilgi aretleri - (Refj Ortas Yn Levhas)

Otoyol erit Dzenleme Levhas

Gerekli durumlarda bu izgiye geldiinizde mutlaka durmalsnz.

Geilmez. Bu izginin gei amacyla dahi hibir zaman ihlal edilmemesi gerekir.


Bir ynde gei. Kesik izgi tarafndaki tatlar bu izgileri gei amacyla ihlal edilebilirler. Ancak srekli izgi tarafndaki tatlar gei amacyla bu izgileri ihlal edemezler.

Her iki ynde bulunan tatlar gei amacyla bu izgileri ihlal edemezler.

erit ayrma izgisi. Ayn veya ters ynl trafik akolan eritleri ayrmada kullanlabilir. Geilerde bu izgi gerektiinde ihlal edilebilir.

Kavak oklar. Kavaklara yaklamda hangi eritlerde kitatlarn hangi yne dneceklerini belirtir.

Kstlanm alan. apraz izgilerle taranm alana girilmemelidir.

Park yaplmaz hatt. Bu ekilde iaretlenmi alanlara park yaplmamaldr.


Dur izgisi. Bu izgiye geldiinizde mutlaka durmalsnz.

Yaya geidi. Yaya geitlerinde yayalarn geilerine izin verilmelidir.

Model Verb Conjugation Turkish Infinitive - etmek - to do, make, perform Some Notes: All other verb stems which end in -t such as bitmek do not soften the vowel stem to a -d - (bidiyor is wrong - it remains as bitiyor) Verbs conjugated like - etmek - those which soften the verb stem from et- to ed- when a vowel ending is added. etmek - ediyor, etti - to do, perform gitmek - gidiyor, gitti - to go tatmak - tadyor, tatt - to taste of ditmek - didiyor, ditti - to shred Present Continuous Tense (and Future of Intention) Positive Indicative Mood Tenses Statement ben ediyorum sen ediyorsun o ediyor biz ediyoruz Interrogative ben ediyor muyum? sen ediyor musun? o ediyor mu? biz ediyor muyuz? Negative Indicative Mood Tenses Statement ben etmiyorum sen etmiyorsun o etmiyor biz etmiyoruz




o et biz


siz ediyorsunuz onlar ediyorlar I am doing.. I'm going to do..

siz ediyor musunuz? onlar ediyorlar m? Am I doing..? Am I going to do..?

siz etmiyorsunuz onlar etmiyorlar I am not doing.. I am not going to do..



Am Are

Simple Present- Wide Tense (Geni Zaman) The Timless Tense , Habitual, Volition and Uncertain Future ben ederim sen edersin o eder biz ederiz siz edersiniz onlar ederler I usually do.. I'll be doing.. Past Tense Forms - Past Definite The Eywitness Past - It Definitely Happened.. ben ettim ben ettim mi? ben etmedim ben eder miyim? sen eder misin? o eder mi? biz eder miyiz? siz eder misiniz? onlar ederler mi? Do I usually do..? Should I be doing..? ben etmem sen etmezsin o etmez biz etmeyiz siz etmezsiniz onlar etmezler I do not usually do.. I'll not be doing..

ben etm

sen etm

o etmez

biz etme

siz etme

onlar etm

Don't I Shouldn

ben etm

sen ettin o etti biz ettik siz ettiniz onlar ettiler I did do.. I have done.. Past Progressive, Dubitative

sen ettin mi? o etti mi? biz ettik mi? siz ettiniz mi? onlar ettiler mi? Did I do..? Have I done..?

sen etmedin o etmedi biz etmedik siz etmediniz onlar etmediler I did not do.. I have not done..

sen etm

o etmed

biz etme

siz etme

onlar et

Didn't I Haven't

The Past Tense of Report and Preumption (Not Witnessed) ben ediyormuum sen ediyormusun o ediyormu biz ediyormuuz siz ediyormusunuz onlar ediyormular (onlar ediyorlarm) (It seems) I was doing.. (Presumably) I was doing.. ben ediyormu miyim? sen ediyormu misin? o ediyormu mi? biz ediyormu miyiz? siz ediyormu misiniz? onlar ediyormular m? (onlar ediyorlarm m?) Was I doing.(I wonder)..? Was I doing (or not)..? ben etmiyormuum sen etmiyormusun o etmiyormu biz etmiyormuuz siz etmiyormusunuz onlar etmiyormular (onlar etmiyorlarm) (I think) I was not doing.. (Perhaps) I was not doing..


se o



on (o


Indefinite Past - Indefinite Past Wide Tense (Geni Zaman) The Timeless Indefinite Past - Did it used to happen..? ben edermiim sen edermisin o edermi biz edermiiz siz edermisiniz onlar edermiler (onlar ederlermi) (It seems) I used to do.. (Presumably) I used to do.. Past Progressive, Narrative The Past Imperfect - It was definitely happening.. ben ediyordum sen ediyordun o ediyordu biz ediyorduk ben ediyor muydum? sen ediyor muydun? o ediyor muydu? biz ediyor muyduk? ben etmiyordum sen etmiyordun o etmiyordu biz etmiyorduk ben edermi miyim? sen edermi misin? o edermi mi? biz edermi miyiz? siz edermi misiniz? onlar edermiler mi? (onlar ederlermi mi?) Did I used to do.(I wonder)..? Did I used to do (or not)..? ben etmezmiim sen etmezmisin o etmezmi biz etmezmiiz siz etmezmisiniz onlar etmezmiler (onlar etmezlermi) (I think) I used to do.. (Perhaps) I used to do..

ben etm

sen etm

o etme

biz etm

siz etm

onlar e (onlar

Didn't Didn't

ben etmiy

sen etmiyo

o etmiyor

biz etmiyo

siz ediyordunuz onlar ediyordular (onlar ediyorlard) I was doing.. I used to be doing.. Past Perfect, Narrative

siz ediyor muydunuz? onlar ediyorlar myd? (onlar ediyordular m?) Was I doing..? Did I used to be doing..?

siz etmiyordunuz onlar etmiyordular (onlar etmiyorlard) I was not doing.. I did not used to be doing..

siz etmiyo

onlar etm (onlar etm

Wasn't I n Didn't I u

The Pluperfect Definite - I had done.. (actually) ben etmitim sen etmitin o etmiti biz etmitik siz etmitiniz onlar etmitiler I had done.. Doubtful Distant Past The Pluperfect Indefinite - I had done.. (I think that..) ben etmimiim ben etmimi miyim? ben etmemimiim

ben etmi miydim? sen etmi miydin? o etmi miydi? biz etmi miydik? siz etmi miydiniz? onlar etmiler miydi? Had I done..?

ben etmemitim sen etmemitin o etmemiti biz etmemitik siz etmemitiniz onlar etmemilerdi I had not done..

ben etme

sen etmem

o etmemi

biz etmem

siz etmem

onlar etm

Hadn't I n

ben et

sen etmimisin o etmimi biz etmimiiz siz etmimisiniz onlar etmimiler (onlar etmilermi) (Preumably) I had done.. Past in the Future

sen etmimi misin? o etmimi mi? biz etmimi miyiz? siz etmimi misiniz? onlar etmimiler mi? (onlar etmilermi mi?) (I wonder) Had I done..?

sen etmemimisin o etmemimi biz etmemimiiz siz etmemimisiniz onlar etmemimiler (onlar etmemilermi) (I think that) I had not done..

sen et

o etm

biz etm

siz etm

onlar (onlar


The Future of "will" and the Past Definite Participle - "I shall have done.." ben etmi olacam sen etmi olacaksn o etmi olacak biz etmi olacaz siz etmi olacaksnz onlar etmi olacaklar I shall have done... Past Conditional, Narrative

ben etmi olacak mym? sen etmi olacak msn? o etmi olacak m? biz etmi olacak myz? siz etmi olacak msnz? onlar etmi olacaklar mi? Will I have done..?

ben etmi olmayacam sen etmi olmayacaksn o etmi olmayacak biz etmi olmayacaz siz etmi olmayacaksnz onlar etmi olmayacaklar I shall have not done..

ben etm

sen etm

o etmi

biz etm

siz etm

onlar et

Won't I

Definite Past Conditional - the situation actually took place ben etseydim sen etseydin o etseydi biz etseydik siz etseydiniz onlar etseydiler If I have done... Past Conditional, Dubitative Past Conditional of Presumption - the situation might have taken place ben etseymiim sen etseymisin o etseymi biz etseymiiz siz etseymisiniz onlar etseymiler If I had (only) done... ben etse miymiim? sen etse miymisin? o etse miymi? biz etse miymiiz? siz etse miymisiniz? onlar etse miymiler? What if I had (only) done..? ben etmeseymiim sen etmeseymisin o etseymi biz etmeseymiiz siz etmeseymisiniz onlar etmeseymiler If I had (only) not done.. ben etse miydim? sen etse miydin? o etse miydi? biz etse miydik? siz etse miydiniz? onlar etse miydiler? What if I have done..? ben etmeseydim sen etmeseydin o etmeseydi biz etmeseydik siz etmeseydiniz onlar etmeseydiler If I have not done..

ben etmese

sen etmese

o etmese m biz etmese siz etmese

onlar etme

What if I h

ben etme

sen etme

o etse m

biz etme

siz etmes

onlar etm

What if I

Future Simple The Simple Future Tense - it will happen. ben edeceim sen edeceksin o edecek biz edeceiz siz edeceksiniz onlar edecekler I will do.. I'm going to do.. Future in the Past Future in the Past - the Future Stem with the Past Tense of - "to be." ben edecektim sen edecektin o edecekti biz edecektik siz edecektiniz ben edecek miydim? sen edecek miydin? o edecek miydi? biz edecek miydik? siz edecek miydiniz? ben etmeyecektim sen etmeyecektin o etmeyecekti biz etmeyecektik siz etmeyecektiniz

ben edecek miyim? sen edecek misin? o edecek mi? biz edecek miyiz? siz edecek misiniz? onlar edecekler mi? Shall I do..? Am I going to do..?

ben etmeyeceim sen etmeyeceksin o etmeyecek biz etmeyeceiz siz etmeyeceksiniz onlar etmeyecekler I will not do.. I'm not going to do..

ben etmeye

sen etmeye

o etmeyece

biz etmeyec

siz etmeyec

onlar etmey

Won't I no Aren't I goi

onlar edecektiler I would have done.. I was going to do.. Future Dubitative

onlar edecekler miydi; edecek miydiler Should I have done..? Was I going to do..?

onlar etmeyeceklerdi; etmeyecektiler I would not have done.. I was not going to do..

Future Dubitative - the Future Tense with Presumption ben edecekmiim sen etmeyecekmisin o edecekmi biz edecekmiiz siz edecekmisiniz onlar edecekmiler; edeceklermi (I think that) I will do.. I'm going to do (probably).. Future Conditional Future Conditional the Future Stem with the Conditional Endings - "If I am going to do.." ben edeceksem ben edeceksem mi? ben etmeyeceksem ben edecekmi miyim? sen etmeyecekmi misin? o edecekmi mi? biz edecekmi miyiz? siz edecekmi misiniz? onlar edeceklermi mi? (onlar edecekmiler mi?) Shall I do (at all?)..? Am I going to do (doubtful)..? ben etmeyecekmiim sen edecekmisin o etmeyecekmi biz etmeyecekmiiz siz etmeyecekmisiniz onlar etmeyeceklermi (onlar etmeyecekmiler) (It seems that) I will not do.. (Probably) I'm not going to do..

ben etm

sen ede

o etme

biz etm

siz etm

onlar e (etmeye

Will I n Aren't

ben etmey


sen edeceksen o edecekse biz edeceksek siz edecekseniz onlar edecekseler (onlar edeceklerse) If I'm going to do.. Necessitative Mood Tenses Positive forms Statement

sen edeceksen mi? o edecekse mi? biz edeceksek mi? siz edecekseniz mi? onlar edecekseler mi? (onlar edeceklerse mi? What if I'm going to do..?

sen etmeyeceksen o etmeyecekse biz etmeyeceksek siz etmeyecekseniz onlar etmeyecekseler (onlar etmeyeceklerse) If I'm going not to do..

sen etmey

o etmeyec

biz etmey

siz etmeye

onlar etm (onlar etm

What if I'

Negative forms Interrogative Statement


Simple Tense of Obligation - I must, I ought to, I should, I have (got) to, do it.. ben etmeliyim sen etmelisin o etmeli(dir) biz etmeliyiz siz etmelisiniz onlar etmeli(dir)ler ben etmeli miyim? sen etmeli misin? o etmeli mi? biz etmeli miyiz? siz etmeli misiniz? onlar etmeliler mi? ben etmemeliyim sen etmemelisin o etmemeli biz etmemeliyiz siz etmemelisiniz onlar etmemeliler

ben e

sen et

o etm

biz et

siz etm onlar

I must do.. I ought to do.. I should do.. I have (got) to do..

Must I do..? Ought I to do..? Should I do..? Have I (got) to do..?

I must not do.. I ought not to to.. I should not do.. I have not (got) to do..

Must (Must Ough (Ough Shoul (Shou Have (Have

Necessitive Past Definite Necessitive Past Definite - Relates to an actual situation - I should have done.. it. ben etmeliydim sen etmeliydin o etmeliydi biz etmeliydik siz etmeliydiniz onlar etmeliydiler I must have done.. I ought to have done.. I should have done.. I had (got) to do.. ben etmeli miydim? sen etmeli miydin? o etmeli miydi? biz etmeli miydik? siz etmeli miydiniz? onlar etmeliler miydi? Must I have done..? Ought I to have done..? Should I have done..? Had I (got) to do (have done)..? ben etmemeliydim sen etmemeliydin o etmemeliydi biz etmemeliydik siz etmemeliydiniz onlar etmemeliydiler I must not have done.. I ought not to have done.. I should not have done.. I had not (got) to do (have done)..

ben etm

sen etm

o etme

biz etm

siz etm

onlar e

Must I (Mustn Ought (Ought Should (Should Had I n


(Hadn' Nessecitative Past Dubitative Nessecitative Past of Presumption - with the Dubative endings - I suppose that I should have ben etmeliymiim sen etmeliymisin o etmeliymi biz etmeliymiiz siz etmeliymisiniz onlar etmeliymiler ben etmeli miymiim? sen etmeli miymisin? o etmeli miymi? biz etmeli miymiiz? siz etmeli miymisiniz? onlar etmeli miymiler? ben etmemeliymiim sen etmemeliymisin o etmemeliymi biz etmemeliymiiz siz etmemeliymisiniz onlar etmemeliymiler ben sen

o etm

biz e

siz e


(I suppose)I must have done.. (I believe that) I ought to have done.. (Presumeably) I should have done.. (In reality) I had (got) to do..

Must I have done..?(it possibly..?) Ought I to have done..? (at all..?) Should I have done..? (or not..?) (I wonder) Had I (got) to do (have done)..?

(Surely..?) I must not have done.. (Really..) I ought not to have done.. (Definitely..) I should not have done.. (It seems that..)I had not (got) to do (have done)..

(I w (Mu Oug (Ou (I th (Sho (I w (in r

Imperative Mood Tenses Positive forms Negative forms


Statement ben edeyim (the subjunctive is used in 1st person singular) sen et - (Familiar) etsene (more intimate) o etsin biz edelim (the subjunctive is used in 1st person plural) siz etin - (Plural and Polite) etiniz - (Public and Notices) etsenize (more intimate) onlar etsinler Let me do.. Let you do.. Let him do.. Let us do.. Let you do.. Let them do..

Interrogative ben edeyim mi? (the subjunctive is used in 1st person singuler) Lacking o etsin mi? biz edelim mi? (the subjunctive is used in 1st person plural) Lacking onlar etsinler mi? Should I do..? Ought he to do..? Should we do..? Ought they to do..?

Statement Lacking sen etme - (Familiar) o etmesin Lacking siz etmeyin (Plural and Polite) etmeyiniz - (Public and Notices) onlar etmesinler

Don't (you) do.. Let him not do.. D Let them not do..

Note the the 1st Person Imperative is a psuedo imperative it is actually the Subjunctive Tense which is used as in English. Conditional Mood Tenses Positive forms Statement Simple Conditional Tense - If I do... Interrogative Negative forms Statement



ben etsem sen etsen o etse biz etsek siz etseniz onlar etseler If I do..

ben etsem mi? sen etsen mi? o etse mi? biz etsek mi? siz etseniz mi? onlar etseler mi? What if I do..?

ben etmesem sen etmesen o etmese biz etmesek siz etmeseniz onlar etmeseler If I don't do..

ben etmese

sen etmesen

o etmese m

biz etmesek

siz etmesen

onlar etmes

What if I d

Conditional Tense Present Continuous - (and Future of Intention) Present Progressive Conditional - If I am doing.. (Future of Intention - If I am going to do..) ben ediyorsam sen ediyorsan o ediyorsa biz ediyorsak siz ediyorsanz onlar ediyorlarsa If I am doing.. If I'm going to do.. ben ediyorsam m? sen ediyorsan m? o ediyorsa m? biz ediyorsak m? siz ediyorsanz m? onlar ediyorlarsa m? What if I am doing..? What if I am going to do..? ben etmiyorsam sen etmiyorsan o etmiyorsa biz etmiyorsak siz etmiyorsanz onlar etmiyorlarsa If I am not doing.. If I am not going to do..

ben etmiy

sen etmiyo

o etmiyor

biz etmiyo

siz etmiyo

onlar etmi What if I What if I


Timeless Wide Tense (Geni Zaman) Present and Future Conditional Habitual Conditional - If I was to do (all the time).. Future Uncertain - If I were to do... ben edersem sen edersen o ederse biz edersek siz ederseniz onlar ederseler (onlar ederlerse) If I was to do.. If I were to do.. Past Definite Conditional Definite Past Conditional - (it actually happened) - If I had done.. If I have done... ben ettiysem sen ettiysen o ettiyse biz ettiysek siz ettiyseniz ben ettiysem mi? sen ettiysen mi? o ettiyse mi? biz ettiysek mi? siz ettiyseniz mi? ben etmediysem sen etmediysen o etmediyse biz etmediysek siz etmediyseniz ben edersem mi? sen edersen mi? o ederse mi? biz edersek mi? siz ederseniz mi? onlar ederseler (onlar ederlerse) What if I was to do..? What if I were to do ..? ben etmezsem sen etmezsen o etmezse biz etmezsek siz etmezseniz onlar etmezseler (onlar etmezlerse) If I was to not do.. If were not to do..

ben etmezs

sen etmezs

o etmezse m

biz etmezse

siz etmezse

onlar etmez (onlar etme

What if I w What if I w

ben etm

sen etm

o etmed

biz etme

siz etme

onlar ettiyseler If I had done.. If I have done.. Indefinite Past Conditional

onlar ettiyseler mi? What if had done....? What if I have done.. ..?

onlar etmediyseler If I hadn't done.... If I haven't done....

onlar etm

What If What if

Past Uncertain - (It did not really happen) - If only I had done... ben etmisem sen etmisen o etmise biz etmisek siz etmiseniz onlar etmiseler; etmilerse If only I had done.. Subjunctive Mood Tenses Positive forms Statement Interrogative Negative forms Statement Interrogative ben etmisem mi? sen etmisen mi? o etmise mi? biz etmisek mi? siz etmiseniz mi? onlar etmiseler; etmilerse What if only I had done...? ben etmemisem sen etmemisen o etmemise biz etmemisek siz etmemiseniz onlar etmemiseler etmemilerse If only I hadn't done....

ben sen

o et biz

siz e



Simple Tense of Desire and Wish - Let me do (it)... Should I do (it).. ben edeyim ben edeyim mi? ben etmeyeyim ben etmeyeyim mi?

sen edesin o ede biz edelim siz edesiniz onlar edeler Let me do.. Past, Narrative ben edeydim sen edeydin o edeydi biz edeydik siz edeydiniz onlar edeydiler Past, Reportative ben edeymiim sen edeymisin

sen ede misin? o ede mi? biz edelim mi? siz ede misiniz? onlar edeler mi? Should I do (or not)...?

sen etmeyesin o etmeye biz etmeyelim siz etmeyesiniz onlar etmeyeler I should not do....

sen etmeye misin? o etmeye mi? biz etmeyelim mi? siz etmeye misiniz? onlar etmeyeler mi?

Shouldn't I do (or sh

ben ede miydim? sen ede miydin? o ede miydi? biz ede miydik? siz ede miydiniz? onlar ede miydiler?

ben etmeyeydim sen etmeyeydin o etmeyeydi biz etmeyeydik siz etmeyeydiniz onlar etmeyeydiler

ben etm

sen etm

o etmey

biz etm

siz etm

onlar et

ben ede miymiim? sen ede miymisin?

ben etmeyeymiim sen etmeyeymisin


ben etm

sen etm

o edeymi biz edeymiiz siz edeymisiniz onlar edeymiler

o ede miymi? biz ede miymiiz? siz ede miymisiniz? onlar ede miymiler?

o etmeyeymi biz etmeyeymiiz siz etmeyeymisiniz onlar etmeyeymiler

o etme

biz etm

siz etm

onlar e

Some Notes (again) All other verb stems which end in -t such as bitmek do not soften the vowel stem to a -d - (bidiyor is wrong - it remains as bitiyor) Verbs conjugated like - etmek - those which soften the verb stem from et- to ed- when a vowel ending is added. etmek - ediyor, etti - to do, perform gitmek - gidiyor, gitti - to go tatmak - tadyor, tatt - to taste of ditmek - didiyor, ditti - to shred

Turkish Language - Turkish Single Syllable Verb List Turkish has many single syllable verbs - simply because they become very lengthy after addition of suffixes indicating mood, tense and person. You can learn these words individually on this page below. If you can learn this list of words then your vocabulary will be very large. You can find the 13 Wide Tense irregular verbs here. Irregularities in the Causative Form can be studied here. Click buttons to study individual verbs (175)


The A-Undotted Verbs Infinitive amak akmak almak anmak artmak asmak amak atmak bakmak banmak basmak bkmak bozmak bulmak caymak Wide Tense aar akar alr anar artar asar aar atar bakar banar basar bkar bozar bulur cayar Meaning; to open to flow to take/get to mention to increase to hang down to pass over to throw to look to dip into to tread on to be fed up to spoil to find to change one's mind Causative atrmak aktmak aldrmak andrmak artrmak astrmak armak attrmak baktrmak bandrmak bastrmak bktrmak bozdurmak buldurmak caydrmak

comak akmak almak arpmak atmak kmak rpmak domak donmak doymak durmak kamak kalmak kalkmak kapmak katmak kaymak

coar akar alar arpar atar kar rpar doar donar doyar durur kaar kalr kalkar kapar katar kayar

to enthuse to strike to steal/to play a mus. instr. to bump to bump against to go out to beat to be born to freeze to be filled to stop/to halt to escape to remain/to stay to stand up to snatch/to get caught up to join to slip/to slide

coturmak aktrmak aldrmak arptrmak attrmak karmak rptrmak dourmak dondurmak doyurmak durdurmak karmak lacking lacking kaptrmak lacking kaydrmak


kazmak kpmak krpmak krmak ksmak kymak kzmak konmak kopmak korkmak komak koymak kurmak kusmak olmak onmak ovmak

kazar kpar krpar krar ksar kyar kokar konar kopar korkar koar koyar kurar kusar olur onar ovar

to dig to wink/to blink to trim/to clip to break to reduce to chop up to smell of to alight on/to camp to snap to be afraid to run to put/to place to set up/to establish to vomit to be/to become to mend/to heal to rub

lacking kptmak lacking krdrmak kstrmak krdrmak lacking kondurmak koparmak korkutmak koturmak koydurmak kurdurmak kusturmak oldurmak onarmak/ondurmak ovdurmak


oymak salmak sanmak sapmak sarmak sarkmak sarsmak satmak saymak smak skmak szmak sokmak solmak sormak soymak sunmak

oyar salar sanr sapar sarar sarkar sarsar satar sayar sar skar szar sokar solar sorur soyar sunar

to carve to let go to suppose to swerve to wrap up to hang down to agitate/to upset s.o. to sell to count to fit into to squeeze/to press to ooze to insert to fade to ask to undress to offer/to present

oydurmak saldrmak lacking saptmak/saptrmak sardrmak sarktmak lacking sattrmak saydrmak sdrmak sktrmak szdrmak sokturmak soldurmak sordurmak soydurmak sundurmak


susmak amak takmak tartmak tamak tatmak tkmak tutmak umak ummak uymak varmak vurmak yamak yakmak yanmak yapmak

susar aar takar tartar taar tadar tkar tutar uar umar uyar varr vurur yaar yakar yanar yapar

to be silent to be surprised to fix to to weigh to overflow to taste of to cram in to hold/to take hold to fly to hope to suit/to fit to arrive to strike/to hit to rain/to precipitate to burn to ignite to do/to make

susturmak armak/artmak taktrmak tarttrmak tarmak tattrmak lacking tutturmak uurmak umdurmak uydurmak vardrmak vurdurmak yadrmak yaktrmak lacking yaptrmak


yarmak yatmak yaymak yazmak ymak ykmak ylmak yrtmak yolmak yonmak yontmak yormak yummak yutmak

yarar yatar yayar yazar yar ykar ylar yrtar yolar yonar yontar yorar yumar yutar

to split to lie down/to go to bed to spread to write to heap up to demolish to be afraid to tear/to rip to pluck to pare/to sharpen to snip/to chip to tire to close eyes or fist to swallow

yardrmak yatrmak yaydrmak yazdrmak ydrmak yktrmak yldrmak yrttrmak yoldurmak yontturmak yontturmak yordurmak lacking yutturmak

The E-Dotted Verbs Infinitive Wide Tense Meaning; Causative


bimek bilmek binmek bitmek blmek bkmek ekmek izmek kmek zmek demek demek delmek dermek dikmek ditmek dizmek

bier bilir biner biter bler bker eker izer ker zer der deer deler derer diker dider dizer

to reap to know how to to mount/to board to end to separate/to divide to bend to pull to draw to collapse/to kneel to solve to say to touch to pierce/to drill through to collect to sow/sew/erect/plant to shred to line up

bitirmek bildirmek bindirmek bitirmek bldrmek bktrmek ektirmek izdirmek ktrmek zdrmek dedirmek dedirmek deldirmek derdirmek diktirmek dittirmek dizdirmek


dkmek dnmek dvmek drtmek dmek dzmek emmek ermek esmek etmek ezmek gelmek germek gezmek gitmek girmek giymek

dker dner dver drter der dzer emer erer eser eder ezer gelir gerer gezer gider girer giyer

to pour to spin/to turn to beat/to thrash to prod to fall to arrange in place to suck to attain/to reach to blow (wind) to do to crush to come to stretch to stroll to go to enter to dress

dktrmek dndrmek dvdrmek drttrmek drmek dzdrmek emdirmek erdirmek estirmek ettirmek ezdirmek geldirmek gerdirmek gezdirmek gidermek girdirmek giydirmek


gmek gmmek grmek glmek imek imek inmek itmek kentmek kesmek ksmek lmek lmek pmek rmek rtmek tmek

ger gmer grr gler ier ier iner iter kenter keser kser lr ler per rer rter ter

to migrate to bury to see to laugh to drink to bend/to curve to dismount/to alight to push to notch to cut to be offended to die to measure to kiss to knit/to plait to cover/to wrap to sing (bird)

grmek gmdrmek gstermek gldrmek iirmek idirmek indirmek ittirmek lacking kestirmek kstrmek ldrmek ltrmek ptrmek rdrmek rttrmek ttrmek


vmek pimek semek sekmek sevmek sezmek silmek silkmek sinmek skmek snmek svmek snmek srmek srtmek szmek imek

ver pier seer seker sever sezer siler silker siner sker sner sver sner srer srter szer ier

to praise to cook (itself) to choose to hop to love to feel/to perceive to wipe/t o polish to shake off to crouch to undo/to pull up to be extinguished to swear to be extended to stumble to rub with hand to strain/to filter to swell up

lacking piirmek setirmek sektirmek sevdirmek sezdirmek sildirmek silktirmek sindirmek sktrmek sndrmek svdrmek sndrmek srtrmek srttrmek szdrmek iirmek


tepmek ttmek rkmek mek zmek vermek yenmek yermek yetmek yzmek

teper tter rker er zer verir yener yerer yeter yzer

to kick to emit smoke to jump with fright to flock to hurt the feelings of to give to win (game)/to conquer to blame to suffice to swim

teptirmek tttrmek rktmek rmek lacking verdirmek yendirmek lacking yetirmek yzdrmek

Turkish Language - A Few Phrases in Daily Use Some Daily Conversational Items. Click buttons to study individual words (88)

Daily words in constant use


Daily Word List Acele et. Acktm. Affedersiniz. Akam. Allahasmarladk [said by person leaving] Anlamyorum. Anlyorum. Arkada. Bana syleyebilir misiniz? Bana yardm eder misiniz? Bana yardm edin. Bana postaneyi gsterebilir misiniz? Ben de memnun oldum Bey. Biliyorum. Bilmiyorum. Hurry up. I'm hungry. Excuse me. Evening. Bye bye. I can't understand. I understand. At the back. Can you tell me? Can you help me? Help me. Can you show me the post office? Nice to meet you, too. Mr. I know. I don't know.

Daily Word List Bir ey deil. Bugn. Burada. Buyurun ne istemitiniz? Dn. Elimde var. Elimde yok. Einiz nasl? Gece. Gle gle [said by person staying] Gnaydn Hangi? Hanm. Ho geldiniz. lerde. mdat. You're welcome. Today. Here. What would you like? Yesterday. Yes, on hand. No, not on hand. How is your wife/husband? Night. Good bye. Good morning Which? Mrs. Welcome Ahead. Help!

Daily Word List stemiyorum. stiyorum. talyanm. yi akamlar. yi dileklerimle yi geceler. yi gnler yi anslar yi yllar yi yolculuklar yi, teekkrler, ya siz? Ka tane? Kayboldum. Kim? Ltfen. Merhaba I don't want. I want. I'm Italian. Good evening. Best wishes Good night. Good day Good luck Happy new year Have a good holiday Fine, thanks and you? How many? I'm lost. Who? Please. Hello/hi

Daily Word List Mutlu yllar Nasl yardmc olabilirim ? Nasl? Naslsnz? Ne istiyorsunuz? Ne kadar uzaklkta? Ne kadar zamandr? Ne kadar? Ne yapmalym? Ne zaman? Ne? Neden? Nerede kalyorsunuz? Nerede benzin alabilirim? Nerede bir banka bulabilirim? Nerede? Happy birthday How can I help you? How? How are you? What would you like? How far? How long? How much? What must I do? When? What? Why? Where are you staying? Where can I get/buy petrol? Where can I find a bank? Where?

Daily Word List Nerelisiniz? le. nde. nemli. Orada. Oraya nasl gidebilirim? Sabah. Sada. Sa olun, iyim. Sizde para var m? Size yardm edebilir miyim? Solda. Sorun nedir? urada. Susadm. Tam karda ; dosdoru. Where are you from? Afternoon. On/At the front. That's important Over there How can I get there? Morning. On/At the right. Thank you. I'm fine. Do you have any money? Can I help you? On/At the left. What's your question? Just there I'm thirsty. Straight ahead.

Daily Word List Tamam. Tantmza memnun oldum Teekkr ederim. Trkiyeliyim. Trkm. Yarn grrz Yarn. Yine grrz. Ok. Nice to meet you Thank you. I'm from Turkey. I'm Turkish. See you tomorrow Tomorrow. See you later.

A Vocabulary List of Frequently Occurring Words in Turkish Thanks to Princeton University, USA. for this word list. And thanks to Andrew Wroblewski for his corrections to this list - JG - 3 March 2011 You can learn these words individually by clicking the buttons below.

Click buttons to study frequent vocabulary (1100)


Quick Links: There are no words which begin with in Turkish A B C D E F GH I J K L M N O P R S T U V Y Z A abla acaba acele ac a a almak amak ad ada adam det adres affetmek afiyet aabey Back to Top older sister; ma'am I wonder hurry; hastily tart, hot (pepper), bitter hungry, greedy open, bare, empty to open, to clear up to open name, reputation island, city block man (person), human being custom, habit address to forgive, excuse health older brother

aa ar az alamak armak austos aile ait ak akl akll akmak akam alay alak aln almak alveri allah allahasmarladk (said by person leaving) almak alt alt altn altm

tree heavy, difficult mouth; rim, brim to weep, cry, whine to ache, hurt August family concerning, relating to white, clean reason, intelligence, mind wise, intelligent to flow, to leak evening crowd low forehead to get used to, become familiar business, shopping God goodbye! (Reply is Gle Gle) to take, get, buy bottom six gold sixty

ama/amma an ana anahtar ancak anlamak anlatmak anne apartman araba aralk aramak arka arkada armut artk arzu asansr asker aa at ata ate atmak avukat

but, yet, still moment, perception, boundary main (ana yol = main road) key only, merely, just barely, hardly to understand, comprehend, find out to explain, tell, show mother apartment building, block of flats car ; vehicle space, gap, interval to look (for), search the back, rear, reverse friend pear left over, remnant, extra ; for now, henceforth wish, desire elevator soldier the lower part, bottom, inferior horse father, ancestor fire, fever, temperature to throw, drop, send away lawyer

ay ayak ayakkab aydnlk ayna ayn ayran ayr ayrlmak az azalmak B baba bacak ba bal bahar bahe bakan bakkal bakmak balk balkon banka banyo

moon ; month foot, leg, base, pedestal shoe light, brightness mirror the same, identical yoghurt drink separate, distinct, different to part, separate, split small, little, few to become less, lessen, diminish Back to Top father leg, shank tie, string; vineyard tied, connected spring garden, park state secretary grocer to look at fish balcony bank bath ; bath-tub ; bath-room

bardak basmak ba baarmak babakan baka balamak bat batmak bavul bay bayan baylmak bayram bazan/bazen baz bebek beenmek bekr beklemek belediye belge belki belli ben

glass, cup to tread, stand head, chief to accomplish prime minister other, different to begin, start west, western to sink suitcase, trunk Mr. - (used only with surname) lady to faint festivity, holiday sometimes some, certain baby, doll to like, admire single, bachelor to wait municipality document perhaps evident, obvious me, ego

benzin beraber berber beri beslemek be bey beyaz beyefendi bak brakmak biber bildirmek bile bilet bileti bilgi bilmek bin bina binmek bir bira biraz birleik

gasoline together barber here, near to feed, nourish five gentleman white sir knife to leave pepper to tell, inform even, already ticket ticket taker knowledge, information to know, be aware thousand building to get upon, ride one beer a little, some united

birlik bisiklet bitirmek bitmek biz bluz/bulz boaz bol bor bo boy boyun bozmak bozuk bozulmak blge blm brek byle bu buuk bugn bulmak bulumak bulut

unity, union bicycle to finish, complete to be used up, end, be finished we blouse throat; straight; mountain pass plentiful, ample debt, loan empty, free height, stature, length neck, cervix; responsibility to spoil, ruin, destroy broken to go bad, become corrupt region, zone portion, slice, chapter flaky pastry with filling so, thus; such this and a half, (iki buuk = two and a half) today to find, discover to meet cloud

bulvar burada burun buyurmak buz buzdolab bro btn byk C cadde cami can canl ceket cennet cep cevap cins cuma cumartesi cumhuriyet abuk armak

boulevard here nose, beak, tip to command ice, very cold refrigerator office whole, total, unbroken big, large Back to Top main road, thoroughfare mosque soul, life, person, vigor living, animate, living being, alive jacket paradise, heaven pocket answer, reply sort, type, sex, gender, race, stock Friday Saturday republic Back to Top quick, fast, swift, quickly to call, to invite, to shout

alkan alma almak almak anta arpmak aramba ar atal ay ekmek eit evirmek eyrek karmak kmak iek iftlik ikolata irkin ocuk ok orap orba nk

hard-working, diligent work, study to work, study to steal ; to play a musical instrument bag, purse to bump, hit, knock, run (into) Wednesday shopping district, market quarter fork, bifurcation tea to pull, haul, move (a car) kind, sort, variety, assortment to turn, rotate; to refuse; to translate a quarter, one fourth to take out, send out, expel, to publish to go out, emerge, to graduate flower farm chocolate ugly child many, much, very stocking, nose, sock soup because

D da/de da daha daima daire dakika daktilo dans dar davet dede defa defter deer deil deik deimek delik demek denemek deniz derece derhal derin

Back to Top too, also mountain, brand more, than, yet, or always, forever circle; apartment minute typewriting, typist dance, dancing narrow, tight invitation grandfather time, turn notebook price, worth, value not different, varied, changed to change hole, opening to say to test, examine sea step, stair, degree suddenly, immediately deep, profound

ders dert deva devir devlet deyim d dar dier dikkat dikmek dil dilemek dinlemek di domak doru dou doum doksan doktor dokuz dolap dolamak dolmak

lesson, lecture sorrow, sadness, pain remedy age, time state, government, nation saying, expression out, outer, outside outside other care, attention plant, sew, stitch language, tongue to want, desire, to wish to listen tooth to be born correct, true east birth ninety doctor nine cupboard, case to walk to fill

dolmu dolu domates dondurma dost doymak dnmek dn drt dvmek dudak durak durmak durum du duvar duygu duymak dn dkkn dn dnya dmek dnmek dz

(something which is filled) full tomato ice cream friend, lover to be satisfied to go round, circle; to return return four to beat, pound lip stop, stopping place to stop, stand state, position, attitude shower wall feeling, sense, perception to hear wedding feast shop, store yesterday world, earth to fall to think, worry smooth, level, flat

E eczane efendi eer elence elenmek ek ekim ekmek eksik eki el elbette elbise elektrik elli elma emekli emin emir en enerji erkek erken ertesi

Back to Top pharmacy, chemist master, owner if amusement, enjoyment to enjoy, to have a good time supplement; prefix, suffix October; sowing, planting bread; to sow, to cultivate lacking, less sour, tart hand, power certainly dress, clothes electricity fifty apple retired safe, secure, sure, certain order, command width; hefty, huge; most energy man early the next, following

eser eski e eya et etek etmek etraf ev evet evlenmek evli evvel evvel/evvela eylem eyll F fabrika faiz fakat fakir faklte fark fayda fazla

work (of art); written old spouse; husband, wife; one of a pair furniture, things meat skirt to do, make sides, surroundings house yes to marry married first, before firstly action, operation; verb September Back to Top factory interest but poor, destitute department (at a university) difference, distinction profit, advantage, use excessive, extra

felket fena fralamak frn fiil fikir film/filim fincan fiyat/fiat fotoraf G galiba garson gazete gazeteci gazino gece ge geen geirmek geit gemek gelecek gelin gelimek

disaster bad to brush oven, bakery, kiln act thought, idea, opinion film cup price photograph Back to Top perhaps, probably waiter newspaper journalist; newspaper seller cafe, casino night late last, past to fix, insert; to pass (time); to enter; passage; mountain pass to pass, cross; to undergo; to spoil; to faint future; next bride; daughter-in-law to grow up; to develop, prosper

gelmek gemi gen gene/yine genellikle geni gerek gerek gerekmek geri getirmek gezmek gibi gidi giri girmek gie gitmek giyinmek giymek gs gk gl gmlek gndermek

to come ship (n.) young again; still, nevertheless generally wide real, genuine; reality, truth; really necessary; need to be necessary backward, behind; slow (clock); to take/put back to bring, yield to stroll; to go out; to tour, visit like, similar; nearly, somewhat departure; way of life, conduct entrance; introduction to enter; to join; to fit (into); pay desk, ticket window to go; to lead; to suit; to leave; to disappear to dress (o. s.) to wear; to put on breast, chest sky, heavens lake skirt; slip; generation; degree, shade; (snake) skin to send

gre grev grmek grmek gstermek gtrmek gz gzlk gram g gl glmek gn gnaydn gne gney gnlk grlt gzel H haber hafta hak hakikaten hakl

according (to); considering duty; function to see; to visit; to regard; to undergo; to perform to meet, to have an interview; to discuss to show to take (away), to carry; to accompany; to lead eye eyeglasses gram difficult; difficulty rose to smile, to laugh day; period, time good morning/day sun south, southern daily; - days old; for - days; diary; usual [hover mouse here] noise nice, beautiful, good Back to Top news week justice in truth, truly right, just

hal halbuki hal halk hangi hanm hanmefendi hani hareket harita harp hasta hastabakc hastane hat hatrlamak hava hayat haydi hayr hayvan hazr hazrlamak haziran hl

condition; attitude; strength whereas, however carpet, rug people, folk, nation which lady, Mrs., Ms., Miss. lady, madam in fact, besides movement, act, deed map war, battle sick nurse's aide hospital route ; line ; stripe ; contour to remember, to remind air, weather life come on! no; charity animal ready to prepare June still, yet

hediye hele hem.. hem de.. hemen henz hep her herhalde herkes hesap heyecan hrsz hz hi hissetmek hoca ho kal hkmet I srmak smarlamak k i ieri

gift, present above all, especially both ... and right away, almost only, just, just now ; (with negative) yet [hover mouse here] all, the whole every, each probably everyone, everybody account, bill excitement, enthusiasm thief speed never, not at all to feel, to sense teacher fine, government, administration Back to Top to bite to order s.o., to have s.o made light, any source of light Back to Top inside, interior, inner, domestic, kernel inside, interior

iin iki imek idare ihtiya ihtiyar iki iktisadi ila/il iln ile ileri ilgin ilk ilkbahar imza imzalamak inanmak (-a) inmek insan inallah ise isim iskemle istasyon

for, because, so that drink, liquor to drink administration, management, direction need, necessity old, old person two economic medicine, drug notice, advertisement with front part, forward, ahead interesting first, initial spring signature to sign to believe, trust, have faith in to get off (a bus, car, etc.) person I hope that . . . however (after a noun) name chair, stool station

istek istemek i ii iitmek ite itmek iyi iyilik izin izlemek J jeton K kabul ka kamak kadar kadn kahvalt kahve kahverengi kalabalk kaldrmak kale

wish, desire, request to want work worker to hear here! here it is! look! to push, shove good goodness, favor, kindness permission to follow, pursue; watch Back to Top jeton, money token, ferry token Back to Top acceptance how many ... ? to escape as ... as; approximately woman breakfast coffee; caf brown crowd, crowded to raise, endure fortress

kalem kaln kalkmak kalmak kalorifer kan kanun kapal kapamak kap kapc kar kara karakol karanlk karar karde kar karn kark karmak kar karlamak kasaba kasap

pencil, pen thick to get up, rise to remain, be left central heating system blood law closed, covered to close, shut door, gate doorkeeper snow black - see Explanation of Kara police station dark decision sibling wife stomach, abdomen; womb mixed, complex to mix, become confused facing, opposite to go to meet, to welcome small town butcher

kasm ka kak kat kat kavga kavun kaybetmek kaynak kazan kazan kazanmak kt kr ktip kebap kedi kendi kent kere kesmek keyif krk krmak krmz

November eyebrow spoon storey, floor hard, stiff quarrel, fight honeydew melon to lose spring, source, origin large kettle gain, profit, benefit to earn, win, get paper, card profit, benefit clerk, secretary shish kebab cat oneself city time to cut, slice pleasure in life; joy forty to break, crush, grind red

ksa ksm k ky kyma kz kzl kzmak kibrit kilim kilo kilometre kim kimse kira kirli kii kitap koca kol kolay koltuk komu konferans konser

short part, portion, division winter shore, side, outskirts ground meat girl, daughter red; scarlet fever to anger match rug kilogram kilometer who, whoever someone, anyone renting, leasing dirty person, human being book husband, adult arm, sleeve, limb easy, simple armchair neighbor lecture, conference concert

konsolos konumak korkmak komak koymak koyu koyun kfte kmr kpek kpr kr ke kt ky kyl kulak kullanmak kum kuma kurmak kurtarmak kuru ku kutlamak

consul (diplomat) to talk, speak to fear, be afraid to run to put, place thick (liquid) sheep meat patty, meatball coal, charcoal dog bridge blind, dull, dim corner bad village peasant ear; gill to use, drive sand, gravel cloth, fabric to set up, assemble to save, rescue piaster (coin) ; cent bird to congratulate, celebrate

kutu kuvvet kuzey kk ktphane L lamba lzm limon lira lise lokanta ltfen lzum M maalesef madem maden mahalle makina mal manav manzara mart masa

box, case, can strength, power, force north little, small library Back to Top lamp necessary lemon lira (high) school restaurant please necessity, need Back to Top unfortunately since, seeing that mine neighborhood, district machine goods, property greengrocer scene, view March table

maallah mavi mays mna meclis mektep mektup memleket memnun memur mendil merak merdiven merhaba merkez mersi mesele meslek megul mehur metre mevsim mevzu meydan meyve

Wonderful! blue May meaning, sense assembly, council school letter country, land pleased, satisfied civil servant, official handkerchief curiosity stairs, ladder hello center, headquarters thanks! cheers! matter, problem profession busy, preoccupied famous meter season topic, subject open space fruit

millet mill milyar milyon mimar minare misafir mor musluk mutfak mutlaka mutlu mddet mdr mhendis mhim mmkn mracaat msaade mze mzik N nasl ne neden

nation, people national billion million architect minaret guest, visitor purple tap, faucet kitchen absolutely happy period, duration director, head, chair engineer important, significant possible application permission museum music Back to Top how what why

nerede nereli nereye niin nihayet nisan niye niyet niyet etmek normal not numara numara yapmak nutuk nutuk vermek O ocak oda odac odun ofis olan oul okul okumak

where where from where to why finally April why intention; to intend normal note, mark number, size; to act, pretend speech, oration; to make a speech Back to Top January room janitor firewood office boy son school read

olmak omuz on opera ordu orman orta otel otobs otomobil oturmak otuz oynamak oyun br demek dev le renci renmek retim retmek retmen lmek

to be; to happen shoulder ten opera army forest middle hotel bus automobile to sit; to reside thirty to play game Back to Top to other to pay duty; homework noon student to learn instruction; education to teach teacher to measure; to consider

l lmek lm mr n nce nem nemli pmek yle zel zr P pahal paket palto pansiyon pantalon para para park parlak parmak pasaport pasta

measurement to die death life span; amusing front first; ago importance important to kiss like that, so private excuse; defect Back to Top expensive packet, package man's coat boarding house pants, trousers money piece, bit, segment park bright, shining, successful finger, toe, passport pastry, dessert

pastane patates patron pazar pazartesi pek peki pembe pencere perde perembe peynir piknik pilav pis piirmek pimek plaj polis politika portakal posta postane profesr program

pastry shop potato employer, head of a business open market; Sunday Monday very much; hard, firm very good pink window curtain, screen, veil Thursday cheese picnic pilaf dirty, foul, obscene to cook, to bake to be cooked, baked; to ripen, to mature beach police, policeman politics, policy orange post, postal service post office professor program

pul R radyo raf ramen (-a) rahat rak randevu reel renk renkli resim resm ressam rica rzgr S saat sabah sa sade sa salk saha sahi

stamp Back to Top radio shelf in spite (of) comfortable anise flavored alcoholic beverage appointment, rendezvous jam color colored, colorful picture official, formal painter, artist request wind Back to Top watch, clock, hour morning hair mere, simple, pure alive life, health space, field sound, true, correct

sahip sakn salata sal salon sanayi sandalye saniye sanki sanmak sar satc satn almak satmak sava sayfa saymak sebep sebze semek sefer sekiz sekreter seksen selm

owner beware; objection salad, lettuce Tuesday hall, guest room, dining room industries chair second, moment supposing that to think yellow; pale salesman to buy to sell struggle, fight, war page to count cause, reason, source vegetable to choose, select voyage eight secretary eighty greeting, salutation

sen sene serbest sergi serin sert ses sevgili sevin sevinmek sevmek seyahat seyretmek scak sfr sk skmak snf sr sra sigara/cgara sinema siyah siz soan

you year free, independent exhibition cool hard, violent sound, noise, voice beloved, dear joy, delight to be pleased with to love, like journey, travelling to see, to look on warm, hot, heat zero close together, dense to press, squeeze class secret, mystery row, turn, file cigarette cinema black you onion

souk sohbet sokak sol son sonbahar sonra sormak soru sorun soyad sylemek sz szlk spor su subay sultan susmak srmek st air apka arap

cold, frigid conversation, chat street left, left-hand end, result, last fall, autumn afterwards to ask question problem family name, surname to say word, speech, rumour dictionary sport, games water, fluid officer ruler to be silent to drive milk Back to Top poet hat wine

ark art armak amak ehir eker ekerli emsiye ey ikyet imdi irket i ie iman ofr yle u ubat phe T tabak tabii tahsil tahta

east, Orient condition to be confused about to be perplexed town, city sugar, candy sweetened umbrella thing complaint now company, partnership spit, skewer; swelling, swollen bottle fat chauffer in that manner, so, just that, this February doubt, suspicion Back to Top plate, dish of course collection; study, education blackboard; board, plank

takm taksi tam tamam tane tanmak tanmak tanr taraf tarif tarih tarla ta tamak tanmak tatil tatl tavuk taze tebrik tehlike tek teklif tekrar tekrarlamak

set; team taxi complete, entire, perfect OK; completion, end grain; piece; to know to meet, make acquaintance god; God side, direction description; tariff history arable field stone to carry, transport, bear to move to (location) ; be carried to holiday, vacation sweet, drinkable hen fresh, new congratulation danger single, alone proposal, offer repetition to repeat

telefon televizyon telgraf tembel temiz temizlemek temmuz temsil tepe tercih terzi teekkr trnak ticaret tiyatro top toplamak toplant toprak tramway tra/tra tren tuhaf turist turistik

telephone television telegraph, telegram lazy clean, pure, honest to clean July representation hill, summit preference tailor thanks, giving thanks finger nail, toe nail; trade, commerce theater ball, anything round to collect, gather, tidy assembly, meeting earth, soil, land tram, streetcar shaving train uncommon, curious tourist touristic

turuncu tutmak tuvalet tuz tuzlu trl ttn U ucuz uak umak ufak uramak ulus ummak umumiyetle unutmak uyanmak uygun uyku uyumak uzak uzatmak uzun

orange (color) to hold; to catch, seize toilet salt salted, salty various tobacco Back to Top cheap airplane to fly, to evaporate, disappear small to stop by people, nation to hope, expect usually, generally to forget to awake, come to life comfortable, suitable, appropriate sleep (n.) to sleep distant, remote to extend, prolong long

lke mit niversite nl st t ye zere zmek zlmek zm V vakit vali valiz vapur var varmak vatan vatanda vazgemek vazife vaziyet

Back to Top three country hope, expectation university famous top, upper surface flat-iron member at the point of, about to to strain, break; to hurt the feelings of to be worn out grape Back to Top time governor suit-case steamer there is, there are to arrive, to reach native country citizen, compatriot to give up, to abandon duty, obligation position, situation

ve vermek veya vurmak Y ya.. ya da.. yabanc ya yamak yamur yahut yakn yakt yakmak to yalan yalnz yan yanak yani yanl yanmak yapmak yaprak yardm yar

and to give or to hit, kill, steal, swindle Back to Top either ... or ... stranger, foreigner oil, fat, grease to rain rain (n.) or near (to) fuel (for heating) light, ignite lie, fabrication alone, lonely side; neighborhood cheek that is to say error to burn, be on fire to make; to build; to create leaf, grape leaf; layer help half of the

yarm yarn yasak ya yaamak yal yatak yatmak yava yavru yaz yaz yazk yazmak yedi yemek yeni yer yeil yetimek yetmek yetmi ykamak ykanmak yl

half (n.) tomorrow prohibition, ban, prohibited damp, fresh to live; to enjoy old, elderly bed to go to bed slow; quiet young animal summer writing pity, shame to write seven to eat; to spend (money) new place; position green to catch, make; to be in time for to be sufficient seventy to wash; to bathe to be washed; to be bathed year

yine/gene yirmi yiyecek yourt yok yoksa yol yolcu yolculuk yollamak yorgun yorulmak yn ynetici yukar yumurta yumu yurt yksek ykselmek yrmek yz yzmek Z zahmet

again, once more; still, even so twenty food yogurt there is not.., there are not.. or?; if not..? (used in questions) road, path, route traveler; passenger journey, trip to send tired to get tired direction, aspect, angle manager, administrator upstairs; upper egg; testicle soft, tender, gentle homeland of a people or nation high; lofty to rise, ascend to work, to march, to move forward one hundred; face; reason to swim, to float Back to Top trouble

zaman zamir zarf zaten zengin zeytin zil ziyaret zor

time pronoun envelope anyway; besides rich olive (fruit) doorbell, buzzer visit, pilgrimage trouble, worry, difficulty

Turkish Language - List of Suffixes Some of this information is taken from the web. We thank the anonymous authors, as this information is re-published for the interest of Turkish language learners only. These lists are not comprehensive. Root Words There are Word Roots, Extended Words and Suffixes. Word root: After removing both Constructive and Inflectional suffixes from any word we are left with an understandable Word Root. There are two types of Wood roots. 1. Nominal Roots: Consist of Nouns, Names and Subjects. 2. Verbal Roots: Consist of the verbal movement parts of speech of doing and making etc. In Turkish some Word roots can fulfill both Noun and Verbal Roots. gre (wrestler) = gre- (to wrestle) boya (paint) = boya- (to paint) g (migration)= g- (to migrate)

Word Roots: Generally are single syllable, but some are multi-syllable. Centuries ago all Word Roots in Turkish were reduced to single-syllables: dn, dme, dm, ile, ilgi, ilik, ili- (wedding, buttons, knot, with interest, warm, to relate -). There have bee Woor Roots in the Turkish language for uncounted centuries. All words derived from the Word Root are related. Suffixes Suffix: New Word roots or Extended words are created by suffixation. Suffixes are generally single-syllable additions. Multi syllable suffixes are usually made up by adding a further single syllable suffix to an existing suffix.,and a new basic suffix is so formed: dike: (dik + equalizing suffix e). Differing suffixes may have the same form and pronunciation: Gel - ecek yl (next year) - adjectival -ecek Babam Ankara'dan gel - ecek - Mt father will come from Ankara - verbal - ecek There are two types of Suffix 1. Constructive Suffixes (which make new words from word roots - ie beauty - beautiful) 2. Inflexional Suffixes (which modify the meaning of a word root - ie write - writing, house - houses) Suffix Spelling Rules in English Thanks to Paul Shoebottom - Frankfurt International School Derivation Derivation is concerned with the formation of new words from base elements, particularly by the process of affixation. Friend, for example, is the base element for the affixation of un-, -ly, -ness, -less, -ship etc. to produce the words friendly, friendliness, unfriendliness, friendless, friendlessness, friendship, and so on. Derivation is one of the two major aspects of morphology. The other is inflection.

Inflection Inflection is the name for the extra letter or letters added to nouns, verbs and adjectives in their different grammatical forms. Nouns are inflected in the plural, verbs are inflected in the various tenses, and adjectives are inflected in the comparative/superlative. Here are some of the most important inflection rules: English Inflection Rules Original word type Words ending with a sibilant: Inflection Rule -s/-ss/-sh/-ch/x.

Words ending with the letter -o. Add -es in the plural noun or 3rd person singular verb. bus buses (n) / busses (v), miss misses, wish wishes, watch watches, fox foxes, potato potatoes, do does Words ending consonant - y. Change the -y to ie before the ending -s. party parties, study studies, cry cries Words ending consonant - y. Change the -y to i before the endings -ed/-er/-est/-ly. try tried, happy happier, easy easiest Words ending consonant - y. Do NOT change the -y before the ending -ing. carry carrying, try trying Words ending vowel - y. Do NOT change the -y. buy buys, play played

Words ending with the letters -ie. Change the -ie to a - y before the ending -ing. die dying, lie lying Verbs ending consonant -e. Omit the -e before the ending -ing. ride riding, love loving, write writing, provide providing One-syllable words ending consonant-vowel-consonant. (Two or more syllable words ending consonant-vowel-consonant that are stressed on the last syllable.) Double the last consonant before the endings -ing/-ed/-er/-est. hit hitting, stop stopped, wet wetter, fat fattest, begin beginning, prefer preferred Two or more syllable words ending consonant-vowel-consonant that are stressed on the first syllable. Do NOT double the last consonant before the endings -ing/-ed/-er/-est. happen happening visit visited Inflectional suffixes are used to change the properties of a word to express a different tense, mood, voice, or other grammatical category. This is known as conjugation for verbs and declension for nouns, adjectives, and pronouns. Lexical suffixes, on the other hand, are used to create new words entirely, e.g., nouns from verbs or adverbs from adjectives. These are called Constructive suffixes Independently of whether or not word class changes and how significantly meaning is affected, derivation always creates (derives) new words from existing ones, while inflection is limited to changing word form. Suffixes in Turkish Constructive Suffixes 1. From Nouns - Noun Constructive Suffixes 2. From Nouns - Verb Constructive Suffixes

3. From Verbs - Noun Constructive Suffixes 4. From Verbs - Verb Constructive Suffixes Inflexional Suffixes It should be noted that all the following suffixes can be subject to Vowel Harmony and Consonant Change rules. For instance the Equivalent suffix shown as -CA can also have the forms -ce, a or -e. All the suffixes which may undergo these changes are written in Capital Letters in the list below. 1. Noun Inflexional Suffixes Question Suffix - Suffixes which form questions from Verbs, who/, what?, why?, when, etc. Plural Suffix - (Suffix which forms the Plural from the Singular form) Owner (Genitive) Suffix - (Suffixes of Ownership - of, the genitive 's suffix in English) Personal Suffixes - (Suffixes of person - number - I, you, he, we, you, they) Suffixes Of Condition - (Suffixes of Condition - Dative, Ablative, Accusative, Locative - To, for, from, through) 2. Verb Inflectional Suffix Types Question Suffixes (Suffixes which form questions from Verbs, who/, what?, why?, when, etc.) Suffixes of Tense and Mood - (past, present, future, causative, abilitative, subjunctive etc.) Personal number Suffixes - (I, you, he etc.) Verbal Adjective Suffixation - (Adjectival Participle) Adverbial Suffixation - (Adverbial Participle) Constructive Suffixes From Nouns - Noun Constructive Suffixes -A : komuta, gece -A : kra, topa, bakra

-Ak :baak, yanak, solak -Al : genel, yerel, zel -AlAk :kozalak, topalak -An : eren, kken, kzan -At : zet, glet - : ana, ata, orta -CA : karaca, ake, Trke -cAk : bycek, yavrucak -caz: ocukcaz, kzcaz -Ci : evci, savc, gzc, avc -CIk : ksack, ufack, minicik -CIl : insancl, evcil, otul -DA : arkada, yolda, evde -DA : elde, szde, gzde, durakta -Dam : erdem, gndem, yordam -DAn : toptan, neden, iten From Nouns - Verb Constructive Suffixes -A- : boa-, kana-, tre-, oyna-Al- : azal-, oal-, dzel-An- : gcen-, utan-Ar- : suvar-, onar-, basar- kzar-, morar-k- : gecik-, ack-, gzk-kIr- : hkr-, fkr-, pskr-l- : ksal-, kl-, sivril-lA- : anla-, gizle-, yolla-msA- : azmsa-, kmse-, nemse-DA- : alda(t)-, iste- ( izde-) -I- : ar- (ar-), tas-r- : delir-, belir543

-rgA- : yadrga-, esirge-sA- : susa-, boasaFrom Verbs - Noun Constructive Suffixes -Av : grev, dev, snav, ilev -I : bak, gei, at, biti -Ik : blk, ak, yank, atik -ntI : grnt, aknt, dknt -A : sapa, te, erte(le-) -A : tka, saya, kaldra -AGAn: olaan, gezegen, duraan -ACAk: gelecek, yakacak, giyecek -Ak : uak, binek, sapak, dnek -AlAk : yatalak, asalak, kelek -AlgA : izelge, bitelge, konalga -Am : tutam, dnem, kuram -AmAK: tutamak, basamak -An : dzen, bakan, kapan -AnAk : grenek, olanak, de(e)nek -ArI : uar, geri -AsI : olas, veresi (ye) -Ay : olay, yapay, dey From Verbs - Verb Constructive Suffixes Negative Structure -mA- : yazma-, sevme-, grmeCausative Structure

-Ir- : iir-, kar-, batr-, yatr-Ar- : kar-, gider-, kopar-, yakar-Dar- : dndr- (azlarda) , aktar-Dir- : bildir-, kestir-, kotur-, saptr-t- : azt-, akit-, tat-, sapt-, t-z- (+-ir-): emzir- ( em-i-z-ir-), damzPassive Structure -l- : al-, kapl-, kesil-, grl-, bildiril-n- : boyan-, taran-, sslen-, aklan-k- : ayk-, gkReflexive Structure -n- : ykan-, taran-, alin-, sslen-, alin-, bakinFrom Verbs - Verb Constructive Suffixes Reciprocal Structure -- : at-, bulu-, dv-, gr-, Cyclical Structure -AlA- : esele-, gezele-, itele-, ovala-, silkele-, ufala-lA- : atla-ItIr- : kartr-, koutur-, ovutur-, serpitir-klA- : savsakla-, saykla-, srkle-, tartakla-ArlA- : toparla-, yuvarla-mAlA-: sarmala-, trmala-IlA- : drtle-, itile- (azlarda), kakla545

Strengthening Structure -A- : tara-, tka-I- : kaz-, sanc-, sr-k- : burk-, krkInflexional suffixes Noun Inflexional Suffixes Nouns of Condition Plain (Normative) Condition : asker, sng Direction Toward (Dative) Condition : -(y)A asker-e, sng-y-e Positional (Locative) Condition: -DA asker-de, sng-de, gne-te, bacak-ta Movement Away From (Ablative) Condition: -Dan asker-den, sng-den, sabah-tan, bilek-ten Ownership (Genitive) Condition : -In, nIn asker-in, sng-nn Objective (Accusative) Condition) :-I asker-i, sng-y- Equivalent Condition :-CA asker-ce, on-ca, Mehmet-e

Instrumental (by, with, through, via) Condition :-lA asker-le, sng-y-le, arkada-la, otobs-le Personal (number) Suffixes -Im : tfek()-i-m, kasatura-m -In : tfek()-i-n, kasatura-n -I, -sI : tfek()-i, kasatura-s -mIz : tfek()-i-miz, kasatura-mz -Niz : tfek()-i-niz, kasatura-nz -lAr-I : tfek-leri, kasatura-lar Verb Inflexional suffixes Personal Suffixes 1st Group Personal Suffixes (All tenses except past Tenses and Subjunctive Moods) -Im .......... -Iz -sIn ......... -sInIz --- .......... -lAr 2nd Group Personal Suffixes (Past Tenses. Only used with Direct Past -DI and Indirect Past -mI) -m .......... -k -n ..........-nIz --- .......... -lAr 3rd Group Personal Suffixes (Subjunctive Mood only) -Im .......... -lIm -sIn ......... -sInIz --- .......... -lAr

Verbal Adjective (Participle) Suffixes -Dik : bil-dik (adam), tan-dik (insan) -mI : bil-mi (ocuk), tann-mi (sanat) -(y)An: bil-en (renci), tann-an (kii) -r, -Ar: bil-ir (kii), u-ar (birlik) -mAz : utan-maz (kadn), yara-maz (ocuk) -AsI : kahrol-asi (adam), pl-esi (el) -aCaK: gel-ecek (yl), kiril-acak (eya) Adverbial (Participle) Suffixes -(y)A... -(y)A: ko-a ko-a, yr-y-e yr-ye -(y) -AyAk : ko-arak, yr-y-erek -(y) -(y)I : ko-u (ver-), yr-y- (ver-) -(y)Ip : ko-up, yr-y-p -DiIndA : git-tiinde, yaz-dnda -(i)ken : ko-ar-(i)ken, yr-r-(i)ken -(y)AlI : ko-al, yr-y-eli -(y)IncA : ko-unca, yr-y-nce -DI -AlI : gitti gideli, yazd yazal -DI mI gitti mi, yazd mi -DikA : ko-tuka, yr-dke -DiktA : ko-tukta, yr-dkte -mAdAn : ko-madan, yr-meden -mAksIzIn: ko-makszn, yr-meksizin -r / -mAz : gider gitmez, yazar yazmaz


Turkish Language and Grammar from a Turkish point of view. Turkish is not a Classical Structured Language The Turkish grammar is not looked on by the Turks themselves as a Classical Structured Language. They have their own grammar rules which are not based on the Classical System (Latin, Greek etc.). Most Turkish grammars for foreigners are however written by linguists and grammarians (usually in consort with a Turkish national) and they tend to follow what they themselves have learned at school or university in their learning lives. Consequently we find all the best grammars are peppered with such classic terms as, accusative, dative, locative and ablative cases, together with such tenses and moods as those called the aorist, subjunctive etc. I must own up to this fault myself, as having had a grammar school education in the Latin oriented 1940's, I too began to try learning Turkish from a Classical Grammar standpoint. Turkish has its own Grammar Rules It has taken me many years to realize that is incorrect, we would be far better to use the Turkish grammar nomenclature, such as Wide Tense for the Aorist tense and Noun Condition Movement Away for the Ablative case, and many other similar classical grammar terms should be discarded in my mind. The reason that these thoughts were awakened in me was that I began receiving emails from persons, linguists, teachers, professors pointing out my sundry mistakes in my usage of grammar terms, in reality their received knowledge of Classic Language Grammar terms was the yardstick that they were applying to the Turkish language, and in this particular case to Manisa Turkish. Now I do not pretend to know too much about grammar; as I have stated previously I only have a grammar schoolboy's level from 50 years ago. Therefore I started to think a little about our attitude and practice in teaching Turkish grammar.

The first thing that hit me was the concept of Vowel Harmony - I do not think that we find this in Classical Languages; it seems to be a Turkic language peculiarity. We also find some consonant changes to preserve phonetic euphony; we do have a little of consonant change in English but not for the same reason. However, that which that affected my thinking most of all was the fact, that even Prof. G.E. Lewis could not find a suitable grammatical vehicle in either classical or English terminology for what I will call the "possessive relationship". He himself resorted to calling this by a Persian name "izafet", so even the most learned experts seemed to be stumped for a suitable grammatical description. Turkish Grammar - the Turkish way So I scoured the web and found some Turkish Grammar rules as stated in the Turkish way. These have been translated by Manisa Turkish, and for those learners who are interested it may open new roads to learning the language. We have to thank these anonymous Turkish authors - and we have published their writings without permission, for they are from many already published and open sources, solely for the cause of further education and at no profit, (in reality at a personal loss!) Manisa Turkish cannot really comment on the content of these pages on Turkish grammar from the Turkish point of view, but we are always ready to accept any contributions, corrections or suggestion for the betterment of this section on The Turkish Language. If you think we have infringed any copyright - then please forgive us, there is no intention of plagiarism, just a publishing of received knowledge for those so interested. Happy learning JG - Manisa Turkish, Kawerau, New Zealand - January 2009

About Vowels and Vowel Harmony in Turkish Here is a translation of Turkish Grammar Rules about Vowel Harmony (from TDK). Please note that this translation is not verbatim. - JG March 2008

In Turkish voice sounds are separated into two main groups, consonants and vowels. When there is no obstacle to a voice then the sound is called a vowel. There are eight vowels in Turkish: a, e, , i, o, , u, . Vowels are classified thus: (A) According to the position of tongue and exit. Thick vowels: a, , o, u. Thin vowels: e, i, , . (B) According to the lips positioning. Straight vowels: a, e, , i. Rounded vowels: o, , u, . (C) According to the mouth opening. Wide Vowels: a, e, o, . Narrow vowels: , i, u, . Turkish Vowel Qualities Straight Wide Thick Thin a e Narrow - (Undotted) i - (Dotted) Rounded Wide o


(A) Greater Vowel Harmony 1. If the first vowel of a word is found to be thick (a, , o, u) then the subsequent vowels in the word will also be thick: - adm, az, ayak, boyun, boyunduruk, burun, dalga, dudak, duvak, krlang. 2. If the first vowel of a word is found to be thin (e, i, , ) then the subsequent vowels in the word will also be thin: - beik, bilezik, gelincik, gzlk, zengi, vergi, yzk. Examples of Greater Vowel Harmony. So, the suffix -di uses Vowel Harmony for the past tense in all persons and must be compatible with these rules, too: Kalmak: kaldm, kaldn, kald, kaldk, kaldnz, kaldlar Klmak: kldm, kldn, kld, kldk, kldnz, kldlar Komak: kotum, kotun, kotu, kotuk, kotunuz, kotular Vurmak: vurdum, vurdun, vurdu, vurduk, vurdunuz, vurdular Some other conditions and exceptions to Greater Vowel harmony 1. However, there are some Turkish (root) word which do not follow Greater Vowel Harmony rules: anne, dahi, elma, hangi, hani, inanmak, karde, iman. 2. Greater Vowel Harmony is not always found in imported words: ahenk, badem, ceylan, iroz, dkkn, fidan, gazete, hamsi, kestane, limon, model, niasta, pehlivan, selam, tiyatro, viraj, ziyaret. 3. Greater Vowel Harmony is not always found in Compound words: akgz, bilgisayar, ekyat, hanmeli. 4. The suffixes -gil, -ken, -leyin, -mtrak, -yor are unchanging and do not follow Vowel Harmony Rules: akam-leyin, bakla-gil-ler, alr-ken, eki-mtrak, yr-yor. 5. The suffix -da (-ta) is unchanging and does not follow Vowel Harmony Rules: din-da, gnl-da, meslek-ta, lk-da.

6. The -ki suffix (when used for ownership) does not Follow Vowel Harmony Rules: akamki, yarnki, duvardaki, yoldaki, ondaki, yazdaki, onunki. 7. Added suffixes to word always mirror the final vowel in that word: : adalet-li, anne-si, karde-lik, meslekta-mz, iman-lk. 8. Some imported words although consisting of or ending with a thick vowel (a, , o, u) will add suffixes from the thin vowel group (e, i, , ) (therefore violating Greater Vowel harmony Rules): alkol / alkol, hakikat / hakikati, helak / helakimiz, kabul / kabul, kontrol / kontrol, protokol / protokol, saat / saate, sadakat / sadakatten. (B) Lesser Vowel Harmony Note that the reason for two states is the fact that the Turkish Alphabet contains two versions of the the letter -i-, --, and two versions of the letter -u-, --. Lesser Vowel Harmony consists of two states 1. When the vowel in the first syllable in a word is straight (a, e, , i) , then the vowels in the following syllables will be straight: anlamak,yanamak, kayk, srmak, lklamak, seslenmek, yelek, bilek, ilek. 2. When the the first syllable contains a rounded vowel (o, , u, ) then the following syllable will contain narrow rounded (u, ) or wide straight (a, e) vowels: boyunduruk, ocuk, odun, yorgunluk, yoklamak, vurmak, yumurta, zlemek, gremek, srmek. Examples of Lesser Vowel Harmony. So, the suffix -di uses Vowel Harmony for the past tense in all persons and must be compatible with these rules, too: Gelmek: geldim, geldin, geldi, geldik, geldiniz, geldiler Bilmek : bildim, bildin, bildi, bildik, bildiniz, bildiler Blmek: bldm, bldn, bld, bldk, bldnz, bldler Glmek: gldm, gldn, gld, gldk, gldnz, gldler Some other conditions and exceptions to Lesser Vowel harmony

1. However, there are some Turkish (root) word which do not follow Lesser Vowel Harmony rules: avu, avurt, amur, kabuk, kavuk, kavun, kavur-, kavu-, savur-, yamur. 2. Lesser Vowel Harmony is not always found in imported words: aktr, alkol, bandrol, daktilo, doktor, horoz, kabul, kitap, konsolos, muzr, mhim, mmin, mzik, profesr, radyo, vakur. 3. Added suffixes to word always mirror the final vowel in that word: kavun-u, konsolos-lu-u, mmin-lik, mzik-i, yamur-luk. 4. Only the -ki suffix of ownership shows some exceptions to the Lesser Vowel Harmony Rule: bugnk, dnk, brk. Summation of Vowel Harmony Rules a > a, (bakar, alr) e > e, i (geer, gelir) > , a (kl, ksa) i > i, e (ilik, ince) o > u, a (omuz, oya) > , e (l, rdek) u > u, a (uzun, uzak) > , e (t, rkek)

Harmony Narrowing - (a , e i) 1. In Turkish verbs in the Present Continuous Tense which terminate in the vowel -a- will change it to or u while verbs terminating in the vowel -e, -i will change to i or in both writing and pronunciation: balyor, kanyor, oynuyor, doymuyor; izliyor, diyor, gelmiyor, gzlyor. 2. Some multi syllable words and words that that end in a or e will narrow these vowel sounds to or i in speech when adding a further suffix which begins with a vowel (this vowel narrowing is not shown in writing): - balayan, yaayacak, atlayarak, saklayal, atmayalm, gelmeyen, izlemeyecek, gitmeyerek, gizleyeli, besleyelim. 3. However when the word is single syllable it will show these changes in both speech and writing: diyen, diyerek, diyecek, diyelim, diye; yiyen, yiyerek, yiyecek, yiyelim, yiye, yiyince, yiyip. However there are even exceptions to this group as we say and write: deyince, deyip.

C. Long Vowels 1. There are no long vowels in native Turkish words 2. Long vowels can be found in imported word from Arabic or Farsi: air (a:ir), numune (numu:ne), iman (i:man). The full colon (:) in these examples shows the pronunciation of a long vowel. 3. But some words although pronounced with long vowels in their own language are pronounced with short sound in Turkish: beyaz, hi, rahat, ruh. 4. Some of these (imported) words which are pronounced with a short vowel in Turkish, regain their long vowel sound when suffixed or when a verb ending is added; esas / esasen (esa:sen); hayat / hayat (haya:t); kanun / kanuni (ka:nu:ni); ruh / ruhum (ru:hum); usul / usul (usu:l); vicdan / vicdanen (vicda:nen); ahbap olmak (ahba:b olmak), hitap etmek (hita:b etmek). 5. However some of these imported words do not lengthen their vowel when suffixed in Turkish beyaz / beyaz, can / canm, kitap / kitaba, meydan / meydana. 6. Generally, pronounced long vowels are not shown when writing in Turkish. adalet (ada:let), badem (ba:dem), beraber (bera:ber), idare (ida:re), ifade (ifa:de), iaret (ia:ret), kaide (ka:ide), numune (numu:ne), rica (rica:), air (a:ir), ive (i:ve), ube (u:be), vali (va:li), vefa (vefa:). 7. However Interjections are written showing repeated vowels: ooh, aaah. These repeated vowels are not pronounced separately but signify a long vowel sound.

Turkish Language - sm - Nouns Words which express both animate and inanimate objects, feelings, thoughts and notions are called Nouns: kedi - cat, duvar - wall, su water, duygu - feeling, dnce - thought.

According to what is expressed, nouns are divided into three types. I. According to Meaning: (1) Proper Nouns (Names) (2) Common Nouns (things) I. zel simler - Real Names Single objects which exist and are named in the world. Londra - London, Kbrs - Cyprus, Alsancak - a area of Izmir, Mehmet - a person's name, Karadeniz - Black Sea Common Nouns - Writing Conventions Proper nouns are written with a capital letter both at the beginning and within a sentence. Structural suffixes, plural -ler, lar (and the other general suffixes -li, -siz, -ci, -gil, -cik, -ler) are not written separately from their noun. Kbrsl - Cypriot, Ergunsuz - without Ergun (a man's name), Galatasarayc - a supporter of Galatasaray FC., Mehmetgil - the family of Mehmet, Ayecik - little Aye, Krk Haramlar - the Forty Thieves Proper Nouns which end in hard consonants (p, , t, k) retain their spelling when adding suffixes. The suffixes are always used with an apostrophe in written Turkish. However in spoken Turkish they follow Consonant Softening and Vowel Harmony Rules. As Written - As Spoken: Mehtap'n - Mehtabn, Murat' - Murad, Alsancak'a - Alsancaa, Satran - Satranca Proper Name Type Nouns (1) First Names and Surnames of Persons Ergun Krkal, Mehmet Buldanli, Aye Sarkurt (2) Country, Nation and State names: ngiltere, Trkiye, spanya, Avrupa, Teksas, ngiliz, Alman, Fransz. (3) Newspaper, Magazine and Names of Books Sabah, Yeni Asr, Bilim ocuk, al Kuu, Erkeke. (4) Mountain, sea, river, hill, plain, ness, etc. geographical names Toros Dalar, Kavakl Dere, narl Tepe, zmir Boaz, Mausa Krfezi, Karaburun.

(5) Institution, association, school, bank, syndicate, employer organization; etc. names Trk Hava Kurumu, Halk Sanatlar Dernei, Drt Eyll lkokullu, Ziraat Bankas, Kbrs Trk retmenler Sendikas, Orman Bakanl. (6) Heavenly bodies, planets, stars names Ay, Gne, Dnya, Vens, Merkr, Samanyolu, Byk Ay. (7) Language and Religious names ve din isimleri: ngilizce, Trke, Franszca, Almanca, Rusa, Hristiyanlk, Mslmanlk, Protestanlk. (8) Street, road, district, city, town names Yaln Sokak, Uzun Yol Caddesi, Atatrk Bulvar, Basmane Meydan, Bursa, mir. (9) Names of objects Fabrika - factory, duvar - wall, kalem - pen, kpek - dog, insan - person, at - roof, su - water, pencere - window. II. Common Nouns (1) Concrete Nouns - (Somut isim - Substantial Nouns) (2) Abstract Nouns (Insubstantial Nouns - Soyut isim) (1) - Concrete Nouns Concrete nouns are those that you can see, hear, smell and touch or taste. aa - tree, lezzet - flavour, koku - scent, biber - pepper, hava - air, boaz - throat, k - light, yamur - rain , yel - wind, scaklk - heat (2) - Abstract Nouns Abstract nouns are those that we cannot realize with our five senses. We realize these nouns from feeling, thought and emotion. arkadalk - friendship, zenginlik - wealth, dnce - thought, gzellik - beauty, sayglk - esteem, utanma - embarrassment, etki effect, aldatma - deceit.. III. Nouns according to Number


(1) Singular Nouns - (Tekil isimler) (2) Plural Nouns - (oul isimler) (3) Collective Nouns - (Topluluk ismi) (1) - Single Nouns Noun form used for a single object. okul - school, bulut - cloud, lise - high - school, iskemle - chair, gazete - newspaper, kaya - rock, hafta - week. (2) - Plural Nouns Noun form used for two or more items of an object. The plural suffix is -ler or -lar which is added to the root word according to Vowel harmony Rules. okullar - school, bulutlar - clouds, liseler - high - schools, iskemleler - chairs, gazeteler - newspapers, kayalar - rocks, haftalar - weeks. Besides making an object plural there are changes in meaning that the addition of the Plural suffix may indicate, these include: Other indicated meanings of the Plural Suffix (a) Exaggeration: ocuk ateler iinde yanyordu. The child was in a high fever. (b) Uniqueness: kisi de okulun kapsnda annelerini bekliyorlard. Both of then were waiting for their mothers at the school gate. (c) Approximation: Sizi arayan 10 yalarnda bir ocuktu. There as a child aged about 10 looking for you. (d) General Family Encompass: Akama Fatmalar bize gelecek. The Fatma family are visiting us this evening. (e) Showing Esteem: retmen Hanmlar, ieride oturuyorlar. The lady teachers are sitting inside. (f) Similarity: Mustafa Kemaller tkenmez. The followers of Mustafa Kemal will never pass on.


(3) Collective Nouns Collective nouns signify a collection of similar nouns. Dzine - dozen, aile - family, orman - forest, takm - set, ekip - team, ordu - army, grup - group, yn - heap, okul - school, sene - yea.r Collective nouns can also be plural. takmlar - sets, ekipler - teams, ormanlar - forests, srler - herds, flocks. Noun Structures There are three types of noun structures: (1) Simple Nouns (2) Derived Nouns (3) Compound Nouns (1) - Simple Nouns Simple nouns are in their root form, without the addition of suffixes or without compounding with another noun. bardak - tumbler, drinking glass, ay - tea, araba - car, bahe - garden. Simple nouns are un-suffixed nouns (although they may be plural) in their root form and are not part of a compound noun adam - man, adamlar - men, balta - axe, baltalar - axes, cepler - pockets, eki - effect, etkiler - effects. (2) - Derived Nouns Nouns which take a suffix of structure to form a new noun with a new or modified meaning. zmirli - citizen of Izmir - root - zmir dostluk - friendship - root - dost st - milkman - root - st Almanca - German Language - root - Alman vatanda - countryman - root - vatan ii - worker - root - i (3) - Compound Nouns Compound nouns are those made up of two or more nouns (written contiguously) strung together which may take on a new meaning. As

different word make up these compounds the Vowel harmony Rules are not applicable to them. Anayol - main road - ana + yol (main + road) baretmen - head-teacher havagaz - natural-gas kabakulak - thick-eared, eavesdropper hanmeli - honeysuckle. Diminished Nouns - (Nouns Reduced in Meaning) Words which take the reducing suffixes -cik, -ck, -ceiz, -caz, -cek, -cak, -ciim show intimacy (sevgi), pity (acma), reduction (kltme), non-importance (azmsama) and joking (alay gibi). babacm - daddy - [Intimate, Loving] kedicik - pussy - [Reduction, Niceness] adamcaz - "poor old chap" - [Pity] bycek - biggish - (from byk) - [Reduction and Approximation, (sort of.)] bir milyon lirack - one million lira. - [Shows non-importance] ofrck - driver??!! - [Joke] Some words ending in -cik are words in their own right and are NOT reduced nouns. bademcik - tonsil gelincik - poppy, weasel arpack - stye on the eye. Nouns of Condition Nouns of Condition can be the noun itself in its Simple Form. Also it can be suffixed with -i (the Object Condition) Suffixed with -e (the Movement Towards Condition) Suffixed with -de (the Static Condition)

Suffixed with -den (the Movement Away from Condition) All the above suffixes are subject to Vowel Harmony Rules and Consonant Change Rules In Turkish these Noun Conditions are called: sim yaln hali - Noun Simple Condition - (in Classical Terms - Nominative Case) sim i-Hali - Noun -i Condition - (Accusative case) sim e-hali - Noun -e Condition - (Dative case) sim de-hali - Noun -de Condition - (Locative case) sim den-hali - Noun -den Condition - (Ablative case) The Five Conditions of the Noun. (1) - Noun yaln hali - (Signifies the subject noun, this form does not take any suffixes. "the.") gz - eye, the eye, gzler - eyes, the eyes, elma - apple, the apple, elmalar - apples, the apples, tos - dust, yl - year, fra - brush, toprak earth, ziraat - agriculture, tekerlek - wheel, tekerlekler - wheels, denk - bale, masa - table, Ahmet - Mr. Ahmet. (2) - Noun -e hali - (signifies Movement To. or Towards. to the Noun itself - "to., towards.") This suffix has two forms according to Vowel Harmony Rules -e or -a, is added to the root word to produce the e-hali condition. gze - to the eye, gzlere - to the eyes, elmaya - to the apple, elmalara - to the apples, tosa - to the dust, yla - to the year, fraya - to the brush, topraa - to the earth, ziraata - to the agriculture, tekerlee - to the wheel, tekerleklere - to the wheels, denge - to the bale, masaya - to the table, Ahmet'e - to the Mr. Ahmet. (3) - Noun -i hali - (signifies the Direct object - "the" - in English) This suffix has four forms according to vowel harmony rules, (- i, -, -u, -) is added to the root word to produce the i-hali condition. elmay - the apple, elmalar - the apples, okulu - the school, okullar - the schools, zm - the grape, zmleri - the grapes, gz - the eye, gzleri - the eyes, kitab - the book, kitaplar - the books , aac - the tree, aalar - the trees,derdi - the worry, dertleri - the worries, rengi - the color, renkleri - the colours, Ahmet'i - Mr. Ahmet, Ahmet'leri - the Ahmet family

(A) When adding this suffix to a root words which end in a vowel buffer letter -y- is used to produce -ye or -ya in order to keep two vowels apart.

(B) Common Noun Roots which end in the hard consonants (p, , t, k , s, , h, f) change this consonant to its soft form (b, c, d, ) when adding the e-hali suffix , -e or -a C) Proper Noun Roots retain the hard consonant endings (p, , t, k , s, , h, f) in writing, as the e-hali suffix uses a apostrophe. (Mehmet = Mehmet'e as written but spoken = Mehmede) (D) If a noun end in -nk as in denk - bale, renk - colour and ahenk - harmony the the final -k softens to letter -g (not -) when adding a vowel suffix - thus - dengi, rengi, ahengi. This is because it would be impossible to pronounce these words if the normal change had been to - "reni, deni etc." (4) - Noun -de hali - (signifies a Static Condition of the noun - "in, on at.") The suffix -de or -da is added to the root, according to vowel harmony rules. If the last letter of the noun is a hard consonant (p, , t, k , s, , h, f ) - then the suffix takes it own hard form -te or -ta. elmada - in the apple, elmalarda - in the apples, okulda - at the school, okullarda - at the schools, zmde - on the grape, zmlerde - on the grapes, gzde - in the eye, gzlerde - in the eyes, kitapta - in the book, kitaplarda - in the books, aata - in the tree, aalarda - in the trees, dertte - in the worry, dertlerde - in the worries, renkte - in the color, renklerde - in the colours, Ahmet'te - on Mr. Ahmet, Ahmet'lerde in the Ahmet family, sabahta - in the morning,sabahlarda - from the mornings If the last letter of the noun is a hard consonant (p, , t, k, s, , h, f) - then the suffix takes it own hard form -te or -ta (5) - Noun -den hali - (signifies a Movement Away from the noun - "from, via.") The suffix -den or -dan is added to the root, according to vowel harmony rules. If the last letter of the noun is a hard consonant (p, , t, k , s, , h, f ) - then the suffix takes it own hard form -ten or -tan. elmadan - from the apple, elmalardan - from the apples, okuldan - from the school, okullardan - from the schools, zmden - from the grape, zmlerden - from the grapes, gzden - from the eye, gzlerden - from the eyes, kitaptan -from the book, kitaplardan - from the books , aatan - from the tree, aalardan - from the trees, dertten - from the worry, dertlerden - from the worries, renkten - from the color, renklerden - from the colours, Ahmet'ten - from Mr. Ahmet, Ahmet'lerden - from the Ahmet family, sabahtan - from the morning, sabahlardan - from the mornings, zmir'den - from Izmir, via Izmir Translated from Wikipedia. We thank the anonymous author in the interest of learning Turkish.


Noun Completion sm Tamlananlar - There are Four Forms of Noun Completion A noun may take another one or more nouns as describing nouns in order to make its basic meaning clear. These noun groups are called Compound Nouns. The describing nouns are called Completing Nouns - isim tamlayan (belirten) - and the Noun itself is called a Completed Noun - isim tamlanan (belirtilen). Noun Completion Examples Completing (Tamlayan) el antas elma aac su barda ortaokul babakan ayakkab Vowel Harmony does not operate as each word is individual. Completed (Tamlanan) handbag apple tree water glass (tumbler) middle school prime minister shoe Explanation (hand + bag) (apple + tree) (water + drinking glass) (middle + school) (head + minister) (foot + cover)

(1) - Descriptive Noun Completion - Belirtili isim tamlamas


Here the Describing (Completing) Noun shows who or what is owned by the Described (Completed) Noun. Describing Noun (Tamlayan isim) : is suffixed with -in, -n, -n, -un Described Noun (Tamlanan isim) : is suffixed with the third person singular -i, -, -, -u Konan bahesi - The garden of the mansion, The mansion's garden. Shows that "the garden belongs to the mansion". Describing Noun Suffix -n. Described noun Suffix -si uses buffer Letter -s to keep vowels apart. antann fermuar - The zip of the bag, The bag's zip. Shows that "the zip belongs to (is part of) the bag". Describing Noun Suffix -nn uses buffer Letter -n- to keep vowels apart. Described Noun Suffix -. Bankann kaps - The door of the bank, The bank's door. Shows that "the door is part of and belongs to the bank". Describing Noun Suffix, -nn uses buffer Letter -n- to keep vowels apart. Described Noun Suffix, -s uses buffer letter -s to keep vowels apart. Kavanozun kapa - The lid of the jar, The jar's lid. Shows that "the lid belongs to the jar". Describing Noun Suffix -un. Described Noun Suffix -. Its terminal -k mutates to softened sonsonant from on addition of a vowel suffix. A Special case - su (water) The only noun in Turkish which does not conform to Buffer Letter rules is Su - water. Whether as a Describing (Completing) Noun or as a Described (Completed) Noun will take the Buffer letter -y- instead of the normal -s-. This may be for avoiding the ugly - "susu". Suyun sesi - The sound of the water, The water's sound - shows that - "the sound comes from the water". -un - Describing Noun Suffix, -i - Described Noun Suffix, -y - Buffer Letter to keep vowels apart. Elmann suyu - The apple's juice , The juice of the apple - shows that - "the juice (water) belongs to the apple". -n - Describing Noun Suffix, -u - tamlanan eki, -y - kaynatrma harfi Summary of Noun Completion Suffixes

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The Describing Noun suffixes are always -in, -n, -n, -un -(Vowel harmony applies) The Described Noun suffixes are always -i, -, -, -u - (Vowel harmony applies). Describing Nouns which end in a vowel always use buffer letter -n- where required. Described Nouns which end in a vowel always use buffer letter -s- where required. The single exception su - water which takes buffer letter -y- as both a Describing or Described Noun.

(2) - Non-Descriptive Noun Completion - Belirtisiz isim tamlamas Only the Completed Noun takes the suffix of the third person singular -i, -, -, -u . Described Nouns which end in a vowel always use buffer letter -s- where required. Yaz mevsimi - summer season -i - Completed Noun Suffix K tatili - winter holiday -u - Completed Noun Suffix Yolcu gemisi - ferryboat [Lit: traveller boat] -i - Completed Noun Suffix (s - buffer letter for the third person singular.) Armut aac - pear tree - - Completed Noun Suffix - (c - Softened Consonant) (3) - Unrelated Noun Completion - Taksz isim tamlamas In this compound neither Completing or Completed Noun take a suffix. This Compound noun is used for description of the material from which it is made: Plastik sandalye - plastic chair pamuk mendil - cotton handkerchief tahta masa - wooden table demir kpr; - iron bridge cam bardak - glass tumbler benzin depo - petrol dump (4) - Chained Noun Completion - Zincirleme isim tamlamas

More than two nouns can be chained together to produce a Compound Noun incir aacnn yapra - the fig tree leaf paslanmaz elik aydanln kapa - the stainless steel teapot's lid derginin kapann resimleri - the pictures of the magazine cover ngiliz konsolosluun kaps - the door of the English Consulate Manisa Trafik Polis karakolu - Manisa Traffic Police headquarters yolcu gemisinin gvertesi - the deck of the ferry boat Compound Nouns can be plural Portakal baheleri - Orange orchards retmenler toplants - Teachers Meeting ocuklarn defterleri- Children's notebooks evlerin kaplarnn zilleri - house door bells Compound Nouns can take Suffixes of Condition Kiraz baheleri - the cherry orchards - [subject.] Elma bahelerini - the apple orchards - [object.] Portakal bahelerine - to the orange orchards Sebze bostanlarnda - in the vegetable gardens Belediye parklarndan - from the municipal parks Described Nouns which end in a vowel always use buffer letter -n- where required. Personal Name Compound Nouns If a Personal noun consists of more than one title, it is still counted as a single noun. Mustafa Kemal Paa Bulvar - Mustafa Kemal Paa Avenue - Indefinite compound noun

Mustafa Kemal Paa - Describing Noun Bulvar - Described Noun

Turkish Language - Zamrler - Pronouns Words used in place of nouns are termed pronouns. In Turkish basic pronouns are divided into two categories (1) - Pronouns in word form (2) - Pronouns in suffix form Word Type pronouns are divided into four groups (A) Personal pronouns- (Kii zamirleri) (B) Demonstrative pronouns - (aret zamirleri) (C) Indefinite pronouns - (Belgisiz zamirler) (D) Interrogative pronouns - (Soru zamirleri) (A) Personal pronouns Pronouns are used in place of nouns or names. - ben, sen, o .vs. - I, You, He/She/It . etc. Personal pronouns can be Pluralized and may take suffixes of Condition. Singular: Ben, sen, o - I, you, he/she/it Plural: biz, siz, onlar - we, you, they Personal Pronouns with Suffixes of Condition

Simple Form Yaln hl ben - I sen - you(sing.fam.) o - he/she/it biz - we siz - you (pl. polite.) onlar - they

Object Form -i hli beni - me(obj.) seni - you(obj.) onu - him/her/it (obj.) bizi - us (obj.) sizi - you (obj.) onlar - them (obj.)

Movement To. -e hli bana - to me sana - to you ona - to him/her/it bize - to us size - to you onlara - to them

Static Form -de hli bende - in/on/at me sende - in/on/at you onda - in/on/at he/she/it bizde - in/on/at us sizde - in/on/at you onlarda - in/on/at them

Familiar and Polite usage Sen - you (singular) - is used for friends, children and family, whilst - siz - you (plural)" is used for politeness, strangers and to show respect [Similar to " vous." as used in French.] For instance a child instead of saying "My teacher, the head is calling you " - (which uses - sen - friendly, intimate), would say "My teacher, the head is calling you" - (using - siz - polite, respectful). The suffixed form of Pronoun The conventions of using word form pronouns or suffix form pronouns. Generally speaking unless the person is heavily stressed in speech, the suffixed form is used. Stressed Preferred Translation

Benim defterim Senin defterin Onun defteri Bizim defterimiz Sizin defteriniz Onlarn defteri

defterim defterin defteri defterimiz defteriniz defterleri

my notebook your notebook his/her/its notebook our notebook your notebook their notebook(s)

The Reflexive Pronoun - kendi - self, oneself Subject Pronoun Ben - I Sen - you O - he/she/it Biz - us Siz - you Onlar - they Reflexive pronoun Kendim - myself Kendin - yourself Kendi (kendisi) - himself/herself/itself Kendimiz - ourself, ourselves Kendiniz - yourself, yourselves Kendileri - their self, their selves

About - kendi - self Kendi - self - is also a pronoun, it can be pluralized - kendiler - selves - and have suffixes added: Kendi kendine konuuyor. - He is talking to himself Note that in the example above - keni kendine - self to self (literally) - is reduplicated. This often happens with the kendi reflexive pronoun in

Turkish, as a discrete subject is usually stated. Kendi kalemini kullan. - Use your pen yourself Kendimize gvenimiz kalmad. - We are not sure of ourselves Sorunlarn, kendileri zsn. - Let them answer the questions themselves. (B) Demonstrative Pronouns Demonstrative Pronouns are use to point out [Demonstrate.] nouns which have already been stated, as in: Bu, u, o - this, that, that yonder Singular: - Bu, u, o - this, that, that yonder Plural: - Bunlar, unlar, onlar - these, those, those yonder Demonstrative Pronouns can be pluralized and have Suffixes of Condition added to them. Buffer letter -n- is used for all suffixes which can be added to the demonstratives. Demonstrative pronouns with Suffixes of Condition: Yaln hl bu - this u - that o - that yonder bunlar - these unlar - those onlar - those yonder -i hli bunu - this (obj.) unu - that (obj.) onu - that yonder (obj.) bunlar - these (obj.) unlar - those (obj.) onlar - those yonder (obj.) -e hli buna - to this una - to that ona - to that yonder bunlara - to these unlara - to those onlara - to those yonder -de hli bunda - in/on/at this unda - in/on/at that onda - in/on/at that yonder bunlarda - in/on/at these unlarda - in/on/at those onlarda - in/on/at those yonder


Other derived Demonstrative pronouns teki - the other over there, the offside beriki - the other just here, the nearside buras - this place here uras - that place just there oras - that place over there bylesi - this way thus ylesi - that way thus. All these are also considered as Demonstrative Pronouns and as such can be pluralized and suffixed; teki evi aldk - sfat - We bought the other house over there. - Dem. Adj. adjective tekini aldk- iaret zamiri - We bought the other one over there - Dem. Prn. u blme bakla ektik - sfat - We planted broad beans in that area - Dem Adj. uraya bakla ektik - iaret zamiri - We planted broad beans just there - Dem. Prn. O ksm apaladk - sfat - We hoed that part - Dem. Adj. Orasn apaladk - iaret zamiri - We hoed over there - Dem. Prn. Byle insan grmedim - sfat - I haven't seen such a man thus - Dem. adj. Bylesini grmedim - iaret zamiri - I haven't seen one like that - Dem. Prn. yle adamdan hibir ey olmaz - sfat - Nothing comes from a man like that - Dem. Adj. ylesinden hibir ey olmaz - iaret zamiri - Nothing comes from such as that. - Dem. Prn. Qualifying (Possessed) Noun Completion Demonstrative pronouns are used with a noun to form a Qualifying Noun completion Bunun evi - This one's house unun kalemi - That one's pen Onun antas - That one's bag Bunlarn arabas - These's car(s) - (The car belonging to these) unlarn arkadalar - Those's friends - (The friends of those [people])

Onlarn oyuncaklar - Those's toys tekinin sa - The other one's [over there] hair Berikinin pantolonu - The nearer one's trousers Burasnn yolu - This place's road - (the road just here) urasnn havas - The weather there Orasnn zm - That place's grapes - (the grapes from there) ylesinin paras - That type [that such of] of money Bylesinin mal - This type [this such of] of goods About Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns Differences between Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns The words for Demonstrative Adjectives and pronouns are the same. In order not to mix them we should consider the following differences. Demonstrative Adjectives cannot take a plural, whereas Demonstrative Pronouns can do so. Thus - bunlar - these ones, ounlar - those ones, unlar - those ones - are always pronouns. Demonstrative Adjectives describe and qualify the noun and always precede it. The Demonstrative Pronoun is used in place of the noun itself. Inside sentences a comma is placed after the Demonstrative pronouns - Bu, u, o As a demonstrative pronoun - o - it - is used for replacing the noun of things. Also, as a demonstrative pronoun - o - it - is used for replacing the noun of persons. As a demonstrative adjective - o - that - will precede the noun that it qualifies. Examples of the alternatives: O, sularda yaar. - iaret zamiri - That [one - a whale?], lives in water - Dem. Prn. O, devlerini yapamam. - kii zamiri - He/she apparently has not done the homework. - Personal Prn. O plaja biz de gittik. - iaret sfat - We also went to that beach - Dem. Prn (C) Indefinite Pronouns - (Belgisiz Zamir) Where noun is indefinite (not specific) or not apparent it can be replaced with an Indefinite Pronoun

Turkish - English Biri - one birisi - the one birileri - some, the ones birka - a few kimisi - who kimse - anybody, nobody herkes - everybody tm - the lot, the whole pek ou - quite a few, a good few hepsini - all of it bazs - some hibirini - not one, none hibirisi - not one, no one her biri - each one bakas - another, the other bakalar - some others bir ksm - a part brleri - those others

Examples Biri yemeini yemedi. - One of them did not eat his meal. Birisi okula gelmedi. - Nobody came to school. Kimse incinmesin. - Let nobody get hurt. ocuklarn tm otobse binsin. - All the children to get on the bus. Bir ksm ieride kalsn. - Let someone stay inside. Bunlar gitsin, brleri gelsin. - These to go, the others to stay. ocuklarn hibiri geziye gitmiyor. - Not one of the children are going. Indefinite Pronouns can be pluralized and have suffixes of Condition attached. Indefinite adjectives do not. Pek ok ocuk hasta oldu. - Quite a few children were ill. Sfat sim - Adjective - Noun Pek oklar hasta oldu. - Quite a few became ill. Pek ok = Indefinite Pronoun, -lar = Plural Suffi, - = Objective Suffix Indefinite Pronouns can be suffixed with possessive pronouns. Indefinite Adjectives cannot. Birka retmen hasta oldu - A few teachers became ill. Sfat sim - Adjective - Noun Birkamz hasta oldu. - A few of our teachers became ill. Birka = Indefinite Pronoun - -mz = "our" - Possessive Pronoun As with simple pronouns, Indefinite Pronouns can be used in place of nouns. The Indefinite Adjective form describes and precedes its noun. Baz ocuklar geziye gitmedi. - Some children did not go for a walk. Sfat sim - Adjective - Noun Bazs geziye gitmedi. - Some did not go for a walk. Indefinite Pronoun

(D) Interrogative Pronouns - (Soru Zamiri)


Interrogative Pronouns can take the place of a noun. Interrogative Adjectives describe nouns. Ne? - what? kim? - who? kaa? - how much? kan? - which one? nereye? - where to? neyi? what one?. Ne alacaksn? - What will you buy? Kim gelecek? - Who will come? Kaa aldn? - How much did you buy them for? Kan yaptn? - Which one did you make? Nereye gideceksin? - Where are you going to? Neyi beendin? - What did you like? Nereden geliyorsun? - Where are you coming from? They can be pluralized and also take suffixes Marketten neler aldn? - What (items) did you buy from the market? Geziye kimler gidecek? - Who (plural) will go on the trip? Nereden geliyorsun? - Where are you coming from? Neyi setin? - What (one) did you choose? Suffixed Pronouns These are two types (1) Relative Pronouns - (lgi zamiri) (2) Personal pronouns - (yelik zamiri) (1) Relative Pronouns In the completion of descriptive nouns, the suffix -ki can be added to the completed noun and then used in place of the noun + noun

completion. Ali'nin arabas, Aye'nin arabasndan daha gzeldir. - So we can say Aye's car is better than Ali's ca.r Ali'nin arabas, Aye'ninkinden daha gzeldir. - So we can say Aye's one is better than Ali's car. Bizim koltuklar, Fatmalar'n koltuklarndan daha yenidir. - So we can say Our chairs are newer that Fatma's chairs. Bimkiler, Fatmalar'n koltuklarndan daha yenidir. - So we can say Our ones are newer that Fatma's chairs. Bahenin domatesi, serann domatesinden daha lezzetlidir. - So we can say Our tomatoes are tastier than the greenhouse tomatoes Baheninki, serannkinden daha lezzetlidir. - So we can say Ours are tastier than the greenhouse ones. "Ahmet'in kitabi" yerine "Ahmet'inki." - So we can say "Ahmet's one" in the place of "Ahmet's book." (2) Personal Pronouns The addition of the -in - of., belonging to. - suffix to the noun signifies that it is a possessor. It answers the question - Who is the owner? Personal pronouns can also be used in suffix form and are called Personal Suffixes Personal Pronoun Suffix Singular : -(i)m, -(i)n, -(s)i - Singular: my, your, his/hers/its (as suffixes) Plural: -(i)miz, -(i)niz, -leri - Plural: our, your, their (as suffixes) All these suffixes are subject to Vowel Harmony Rules Personal Pronouns Tabulated

Tekil kiiler - Singular antam - my bag antan - your bag (fam.) antas - his/her/its bag

oul kiiler - Plural antamz - our bag antanz - your bag (pol.) antalar - their bag(s)

Buffer Letter (Kaynatrma Harfi) -s- used in third person singular when noun already ends in a vowel - see - antas - his/her/its bag - in the table ab Tekil kiiler - Singular Okulum - my school Okulun - your school Okulu - his/her/its school Tekil kiiler - Singular Kalemim - my pen Kalemin - your pen Kalemi - his/her/its pen oul kiiler - Plural Okulumuz - our school Okulunuz - your school Okullar - their school(s) oul kiiler - Plural Kalemimiz - our pen Kaleminiz - your pen Kalemleri - their pen(s)

Notes on Personal Pronouns The suffix -i of the third person singular must not be mistaken for the suffix -i as an Object Condition suffix. If the -i suffix is directly fixed to a noun then it is the Personal pronoun - he/she/it - otherwise it is the Objective Condition suffix -i Kalemi kaybolmu. - It seems he/she has lost his pen. The -i - his/her - suffix pronoun signifies the owner Kalemi bir dukkandan almtk. - It seems we bought the pen from a shop Here the -i suffix = Object Condition suffix

Generally the Personal Pronoun -i - he/she/it - and the Object Condition -i Suffix are used together. In these cases the first suffix -i is a pronoun and the second suffix -i is an Object Condition Suffix. Kalemini [kalem-i-n-i] bana verdi. - He/She gave his/her pen to me -i = Personal Pronoun (his/her), -n- = Buffer letter between vowels, -i = Object Condition Evini [Ev-i-n-i] satt. - He/She sold his/her house -i = Personal Pronoun (his/her), -n- = Buffer letter between vowels, -i = Object Condition

Turkish Language - Adjectives (Sifat) Words which describe the condition, colour size, number, position and place of nouns are called adjectives. Adjectives precede their noun and are used together with that noun. The formulation of an adjective + noun is called an Adjective Completion. Adjectives are divided into two groups according to their quality: (1) Qualifying Adjectives Adjectives which describe condition, colour or shape are called Qualifying Adjectives. Hasta adam - The sick man - Describes Condition. Krmz elma - The red apple - Describes colour. Yuvarlak masa - The round table - Describes shape. Qualifying Adjectives answer the question How? within a sentence. (2) Descriptive Adjectives

Adjectives which signal (demonstrate), question, show position or number are called Descriptive Adjectives. There are four types of Descriptive Adjectives (a) Demonstrative Adjectives - this, that (b) Interrogative Adjectives - which?, who?, that? (c) Numerical Adjectives - one, two, third, fourth, thee each, five each (d) Indefinite Adjectives - some, any, many, few (A) Demonstrative Adjectives This, that, that yonder - when used with a noun or in place of a noun (as a Demonstrative Pronoun) are called Demonstrative Adjectives as they demonstrate which noun is being qualified. These Demonstrative Adjectives can also be used with the suffix -ki - that which - to mean - nearside, far side, the other nearer, the other further Also -ki - that which - and -deki - that which is located at.. - can be used as suffixes and are also Demonstrative Adjectives. ki itself can be used as an adjective or a suffixed adjective and is called the ki Form. Bu kalem - this pen. u pencere - that window. O araba - that car yonder. teki ocuk - the further child. Beriki bisiklet - the nearby bicycle. Dolaptaki elbise - the clothes (which are) in the cupboard. Beriki da - the nearby mountain. teki kitap - the other book (over there.) Yoldaki araba - the car (which is) in the road. The Demonstrative Adjectives can only be used in the singular and simple form - (that is, not further extended with suffixes) otherwise they are not adjectives but either pronouns or nouns. (B) Interrogative Adjectives

Interrogative Adjectives describe condition, place or number in a question form. Nasl ocuk? - How a child? - (What sort of child?) Hangi okul? - Which school? Ka para? - How much money? Kaar elma? - How many apples each? Kata ka pasta? - How much pasta in how much? Kanc ocuk? - Which child (in a series)? - (Answer might be "The ninth child.") Ne biim bcek? - What sort of insect? Ne tr bitki? - What type of plant? Ne eit meyve? - What sort of fruit? Ne kadar karpuz? - How many water-melons? Neredeki ev? - The house where? (C) Numerical Adjectives These adjectives describe number, order, equality and fractional parts of nouns. Numerical Adjectives have four forms: (i) Simple Numerical Adjectives (Cardinal Numbers) - one, two, three etc. (ii) Number Order Adjectives (Ordinal Numbers) - first, second, third etc. (iii) Partitive Adjectives - a half, a third, a fifth etc. (iv) Fractional Adjectives - two-thirds, three-quarters, twelve percent etc. (v) Numbered Group Adjectives - twin, triple, twins, triplets etc. (i) Simple (Cardinal) Numbers These adjectives describe the number (1, 2, 3, 4.) of the noun. Bir araba - a, one car ki elma - two apples silgi - three rubbers Yirmi kilometre - twenty kilometres Be dzine yumurta - five dozen eggs

On sayfa - ten pages Numerical Adjectives answer the question - How many?, How much? (ii) Adjectives of Numerical Order The suffix -inci, -nc, -uncu, -nc or -nci etc. - after a vowel is attached to the simple number Birinci araba - the first car Onuncu ev - the tenth house Yirminci kilometre - the twentieth kilometre Yirmi birinci yzyl - the twenty-first century To find this type of adjective we ask - Which one? (iii) Partitive (Sharing) Adjective This adjective describes an equal divisions to each person of shared items. The suffix -ar or -er as added to the simple noun. Buffer letter -- is used between vowels. Sekizer kalem - eight pencils each Dokuzar silgi - nine rubbers each Altar elma - six apples each kier kavun - two melons each Buffer letter -- is used after words that end in vowels, so in these cases the the suffix becomes -ar or -er. We ask the question - How many each? - to find this type of adjective. (iv) Fractional Adjectives The Fractional Adjective describes how many equal parts that the whole is divided into and which actual part or parts are being described. To find this adjective we ask Which part of..? or How many part(s) of the whole? Sekizde bir karpuz. - One eighth of a melon Onda elma - three tenths of an apple Yzde yetmi faiz - seventy percent interestt Drtte bir pasta - a quarter of a cake (v) Numerical Group Adjectives This adjective describes a numerical group.

kiz ocuk - twin children (twins) z bebek - triple babies (triplets) (D) Indefinite adjectives This adjective describes the noun approximately and without particularity. Biraz st - some milk Birka ocuk - some children, a few children Birok insan - some people, a few people Birtakm kular - a flock of birds (a set of.) Her anne - every mother Baka gn - another day Herhangi bir konu - whichever subject Hi bir zaman - never (not any time) Be on defter - 5 to 10 books be ay - 3 or 5 months - We say 2 or 3 in English whereas Turkish says 3 or 5 Btn yl - all year (long) Bir gn - one (any) day About the word - bir - a, an one (A) If - bir tane - one piece - or - bir takm - one set - is used then it is not an Indefinite Adjective but a Numerical or Number Group Adjective. (B) Herhangi bir - whichever one - is an Indefinite Adjective. Manavdan bir karpuz aldm. - Say Sfat - I bought a melon from the grocers - Numerical Adjective Bir gn size geleceim. - Belgisiz sfat - One day I will visit you - Indefinite Adjective Bir yaz akam gne erken batmt. - Belgisiz sfat - The sun sank early one summer's day - Indefinite Adjective Types of Adjective I Adjectives of Title

These adjectives describe the rank, duty, degree, station, official position and social standing of the person noun or spoken respect and acknowledgement of the Title or Profession etc. The position of Adjective of Title may come before or after the noun also the can come both before and after in certain circumstances. The Adjectives of Title are written in capital letters. In short, Adjectives of Title are used with names in these three forms: (1) Before the noun Doktor Mehmet - Dr. Mehmet Yzba Hasan - Captain Hasan Bay Cemil - Mr Cemil Demirci Ahmet - (the) Miller Ahmet (2) After the noun Ahmet Bey - Mr. Ahmet Aye Hanm - Miss/Ms/Mrs. Aye Hasan Yzba - Captain Hasan (the Captain) Mustafa Kemal Paa - General Mustafa Kemal (the General) Mehmet Day - Uncle Mehmet (maternal uncle) (3) Both before and after the noun retmen Aye Hanm - Miss Aye the Teacher Doktor Mehmet Bey - Dr. Mr. Mehmet Makinist Ahmet Usta - Machinist Ahmet the Expert II Adjectives of Structure These adjectives are divided into three types. (1) Simple Adjectives The noun does not take a suffix in the simple form. Krk masa - a broken table elma - three apples

Bu ocuk - this child O adam - that man (2) Extended or Derived Adjectives The noun takes a suffix and th Adjective is derived from a noun or a verb. Elmal pasta - Apple cake - derived from the noun "elma - apple" by adding the -li - consisting of.. suffix ekersiz ay - Unsugared tea - derived from "sugar" by adding the -siz - without suffix. Dalgn ocuk - (the) Absent-minded child. - derived from the verb "dalmak - to plunge" using the -gin suffix. Uyuyan kpek - (the) sleeping dog. - derived from the verb "uyumak - to sleep" by adding the -an - who/which/that is.. suffix and using buffer letter -y(3) Coupled Adjectives Adjectives formed from two or more words strung together. Vurdumduymaz ocuk - the thick-skinned child - vurmak (to hit) + duymaz (does not feel) Birka ev - a few houses - bir (a) + ka (how many) Soukkanl insanlar - cold-blooded people - Souk (cold) + kanl (blooded) Akgz kadn - (the) greedy girl - Ak (open) + gz (eye) Cingz Ahmet - Sly Ahmet - Cin (djinn) + gz (eye) III Intensified Adjectives: Adjective forms which deepen, strengthen and intensify their basic meaning. There are four forms of Adjectival Intensification (A). Some adjectives can be Intensified by adding one of the letters - m, p, r, s - to the first syllable of the Simple Adjective. The resulting syllable is prefixed to the Simple Adjective to form an Intensified Adjective. Beyaz nlk - Be + m + beyaz nlk - Bembeyaz nlk - Bright white apron Krmz elma - K + p + krmz elma - Kpkrmz elma - bright red apple Temiz ocuk - Te + r + temiz ocuk - Tertemiz ocuk - squeaky clean child Doru yol - Dosdoru yol - Dead straight road

(B) The repetition of the qualifying adjective before the noun gives a feeling of Intensity. Beyaz diler - Beyaz beyaz diler - white teeth - bright white teeth Scak rekler - Scak scak rekler - fresh buns - really fresh buns Sar kumlar - Sar sar kumlar - yellow sands - bright yellow sands Uzun yollar - Uzun uzun yollar - long roads - really long roads Taze yumurta - Taze taze yumurtar - fresh eggs - really fresh eggs (C) Putting the question particle between repeated qualifying adjectives. Beyaz diler - Beyaz beyaz diler - beyaz m beyaz diler - white teeth - very white teeth Sar sar kumlar - Sar m sar kumlar - yellow yellow sands - the sands are so yellow Scak scak rekler - Scak m scak rekler - very fresh buns - the buns are so fresh Sar sar kumlar - Sar m sar kumlar - bright yellow sands - shining bright yellow sands Uzun uzun yollar - Uzun mu uzun yollar - very long roads - the roads are so long IV Reducing Adjectives: Reducing or narrowing adjectives are formed by adding the suffixes -ce, -cik to qualifiying adjectives or -(i)msi, -(i)mtrak - to colours. Gzel araba - gzelce araba - a niceish car Yeil elma - yeilimsi elma - a greenish apple Mavi anta - mavimsi anta - a bluish bag Ksa pantolon - ksack pantolon - little short pants Kk masa - kck masa - a smallish table Mavi anta - mavimtrak anta - a bluish bag Sar elma - sarmtrak elma - a yellowish apple

Turkish Language - The suffixes and their structure


Suffixes are those little words which are attached to the end of words to either change their meaning or modify the meaning in a sentence. There are two main types of suffix: (1) Inflexional Suffixes - A suffix which changes the meaning of a word in a sentence. Example: drink, drinking [adding -ing suffix changes meaning of a verb] (2) Constructional Suffixes - A suffix which alters the meaning of a noun. Example: a drink, a drinker [adding -er suffix changes meaning of a noun] (1) Inflexional Suffixes and Simple Structured words An inflectional suffix added to a word changes its meaning within a sentence, these extended words are called Simple Structured words. (A) Plural Suffixes: -ler, -lar evler - houses arabalar - cars B) Condition of Noun suffixes: -i, -e, -de, -den evi - the house [obj.] eve - to/toward the house evde - in/on/at the house evden - from/by the house (C) Personal Suffixes: -im, in, -i, -imiz, -iniz, -leri evim - my house evin - your house evi - his/her/its house evimiz - our house eviniz - your house evleri - their house(s) (D) Noun Completion Suffixes: -(n)n, - arabann kaps - the door of the car

evin bacas - the house's chimney sokan tozu - the dust of the street (E) Tense Suffixes: -di, -mi, -ecek, -ar, -yor yazd - he/she/it wrote yazm - apparently he/she/it wrote yazacak - he will write yazar - he writes (habitually) yazyor - he is writing (now) All of the suffixes in (A) to (E) above must conform to Vowel Harmony and Consonant Mutation Rules. (2) Structural Suffixes and Derived Nouns Structural suffixes are those which change the meaning of a noun within a sentence. Such nouns suffixed with a structural suffix are called Derived Words. An non-suffixed noun is called a root. A root (noun) which has taken an inflexional suffix is called a Simple Word. Sometimes roots are call Simple Structured Words. Suffixes of Structure and their Derived Nouns: (A) -ci -i, -c -, -cu -u , -c - - This suffix signifies Profession, Occupation, like "-er" in English - worker. ileki - strawberry grower/seller madenci - miner/mineral worker halc - carpet maker/seller ii - worker bulak - dish-washer yolcu - traveller gzc - watchman (B) -li, -l, - lu, -l - This suffix signifies - containing. furnished with. ekerli - sugared, sugary, sweetened tuzlu - salty, salted baheli - containing a garden [baheli ev - a house with a garden]

selli - flooded stl - milky, containing milk gaml - sad, worried (C) -siz, -sz, - suz, -sz - This suffix signifies - without This suffix has the opposite meaning to the -li suffix above, thus producing - un- ("unsugared"), -less ("sugarless"), without [not containing] ("without sugar") ekersiz - unsugared, sugarless, without sugar, unsweetened tuzsuz - without salt, unsalted, not salty arabasz - without a car stsz - without milk disiz - toothless (D) -lik, -lk, - luk, -lk - This suffix forms abstract nouns. This suffix produces nouns and derivations from other nouns and adjectives. It stands for -ness as in "goodness". It also forms nouns of place - imen - grass produces imenlik- lawn, meadow, grassy place ekerlik - sugar-shaker, sugar producing place tuzluk - salt-cellar, salt bed, salt producing place gzlk - spectacles szlk - dictionary yolluk - travel sazlk - reed bed, place of reeds bozukluk - spoiled, rottenness (E) -gi -ki, -g -k, -gu -ku, -g -k - This suffix forms nouns of action or result of action, mainly from verbs. sevgi (sevmek) - affection sayg (saymak) - esteem iki (imek) - an (alcoholic) drink bilgi (bilmek) - knowledge, data sergi (sermek) - exhibition, show

sorgu (sormak) - interrogation etki (etmek) - effect, influence (F) -gin -kin, -gn -kn, -gun -kun, -gn -kn - This suffix forms nouns and adjectives of resulted action. bilgin - scholar, learned saygn - respected, esteemed zgn - sad, anxious vurgun -stricken, smitten (G) -da -ta (sometimes has abraded to -de) - This suffix signifies a "fellow relationship " - a relationship of co-operation. yurtta - fellow-countryman meslekta- colleague srda - confidant vatanda -patriot, comrade karde -sibling, brother, sister (H) -sal, -sel. This suffix makes adjectives of association often end on -ic in English ("history - historic, historical"). kumsal - strand (of sand) krsal - rural - [kir - countryside] belgesel - documentary bilimsel - scientific sanatsal - artistic kimyasal - chemical In order to establish if a word is a Derived word or a Root, we must inspect as follows: If we remove any syllables that may be considered as suffixes from a word, and a meaning remains, then it is Derived Word, always providing that there is a modified meaning on re-application of the removed suffixes. Let us consider the word - perde - curtain. Now let us remove the syllable -de. The word - per - remains, but there is no such word in Turkish. So in this case -de is not a Structural Suffix, therefore - perde - is a root. The answer is a Simple Structure Word.

Now let us examine the word - perdelik - curtaining. Let us remove the syllable -lik. The remaining word - perde - has a meaning in Turkish therefore it must be a root. Moreover when replacing the suffix there is still a connection in meaning between -perde - and - perdelik. Perde - curtain [Cloth that is hung to cover a window] Perdelik - curtaining [The materials from which curtains are produced] Here we can see that there is a connection in the meaning between both words. From this we can deduce that - perdelik - is a Derived Word and that the syllable -lik is Structural Suffix. Now let us consider the word balta - axe. Let us remove the syllable -ta. The word remaining is bal - honey. If we now replace the syllable ta we find the is no connection between the two meanings, therefore in this case -ta is not a suffix and so the root is -balta - axe - itself. Balta - axe [a tool for chopping] Bal - honey. From this we can see - balta - is not suffixed it is a root word. The syllable -ta is not a Structural Suffix, it is a syllable that is part of the root word. (3) Compound Structural Words Two or more word without taking suffixes or buffer letters can produce a new meaning. These are called Compound Nouns. As each part on the compounded noun is a separate word originally, then vowel harmony rules are not applied to the compound. Gzel + yurt = Gzelyurt - a town in Anatolia - (beautiful + village) Afyon + kara + hisar = Afyonkarahisar - a town in Anatolia - (Afyon + black + fort) Yeil + rmak = Yeilrmak - a town in Anatolia - (green + river) Sivri + sinek = sivrisinek - mosquito - (sharp + fly) Kara + sinek = karasinek - housefly - (black + fly)


Turkish Verbs and their Moods and Tenses Turkish Verbs -Indicative Mood The Indicative Mood shows the state of the verb in tense (time) and person. Indicative Moods Definite Past Tense Tense Suffix:Tense Suffix: -di (-ti), -d(-t), -du(-tu), -d(-t) Example: yaz-d, ko-tu - he wrote etc. Indefinite Past Tense Tense Suffix: -mi, -m, -mu, -m Example: yaz-m, gl-m - (maybe) he wrote etc. Present Continuous Tense Tense Suffix: -(i)yor, -()yor, -(u)yor, -()yor, -yor Example: yaz--yor, anl-yor, gr--yor - he is writing (now) Future Tense Tense Suffix: -ecek (-yecek), -acak (-yacak) Example: yaz-acak, gid-ecek, anla-yacak - he will write Simple Present Tense Tense Suffix: -r, -ar, er, -ir, -r, -ur, r Example: bekle-r, yaz-ar, gr-r, gel-ir - he writes (generally)


Present Continuous Tense This tense describes what is happening now at this moment, It is also used for happenings in the near future. Al veri yapyorum - I am doing the shopping [now] Yarn arya gidiyorum. - Tomorrow I am going to the shops. The Present Tense Suffix -yor "-ing" does not follow vowel harmony rules and always retains the "-yor-" form. Simple Present Tense This tense signifies habitual action. Her akam trene binerim.- I get on the train every evening. The Simple Present Suffix(according to vowel harmony ) is: -ar, -er, -r, -ir, -ur, r, -r. - There are some irregularities in this tense. Past(-di'li) Definite Tense This is the eyewitness tense and it states that something definitely happened in the past. The suffixes for this tense are: -di, -d -du, -d, -ti, -t -tu, -t. Bir saat nce babam eve geldi. - My dad came home an hour ago [Definite: I actually saw him.] Past(-mi'li) Indefinite Tense This tense is use for hearsay and reporting, it is used when the event has not been eye witnessed personally. This tense is also used for stories and jokes. The suffixes for this tense are:-mu, -m, -mi, -m. Bir saat nce babam eve gelmi.- I believe that my dad came home an hour ago [ Indefinite : My mother told me so] The Future Tense

This tense signifies what will happen in the future. The Future Tense suffix (according to Vowel harmony ) is -acak, -ecek. After verb roots ending in a vowel it uses buffer letter -y- to become -yacak, -yecek Mehmet, cuma gn tiyatroya gidecek. - Mehmet will go to the theater on Friday Wish or Desire Tenses This tense signifies wish or desire. There are four divisions: Tense of Wish or Desire Tenses (A) Subjunctive (B) Conditional (C) Obligation (D) Imperative Tense Suffix -(y)e, -(y)a -se, -sa -mal, -meli -(y)in, -(y)n, -(y)un, -(y)n Examples yazayim, bekleyeyim yazsa, gelse yaz-mal, gel-meli oku-yun(uz), yap-n(z)

(A) Tense of Wish or Desire (Subjunctive) This tense signifies a wish or desire - Let me. let us. This tense's suffix according to vowel harmony is: -(y)e, -(y)a imdi affn yazaym- Now let me write a letter of apology (B) Conditional Tense This tense signifies the condition of an event - if. lest..This tense's suffix according to vowel harmony is -se, -sa. Mehmet gelse iyi olur. - It will be good if Mehmet comes.

(C) Necessitative Tense This tense signifies obligation - must. should. ought to.. This tense's suffix according to vowel harmony is: -meli, -mal. Haftada bir kitap okumalym - I should read a book once a week (D) Imperative Tense This tense signifies orders, advice or warnings. This tense's suffix according to vowel harmony is -in (personal, informal), -iniz (public, formal),or unsuffixed (immediate, urgent) onu yapma - Don't do that. (Personal Informal) Sigara meyiniz - Don't Smoke, No Smoking (Public, Official) Sakn ol! - Beware!, Watch out! (Immediate) Examples of Conjugation These are the tenses in general use. There are many others that can be deduced from their formulation. Present Continuous - (Actual) I am drinking now iiyorum iiyorsun iiyor iiyoruz iiyorsunuz Simple Present - (Actual) I drink ierim iersin ier ieriz iersiniz Past Definite - (Actual) I drank itim itin iti itik itiniz

iiyorlar Present Continuous - (Indefinite) It seems I am drinking iiyormuum iiyormusun iiyormu iiyormuuz iiyormusunuz iiyormular Pluperfect Definite - (Actual) I had drunk imitim imitin imiti imitik imitiniz imitiler

ierler Simple Present - (Indefinite) It seems I drink iermiim iermisin iermi iermiiz iermisiniz iermiler Pluperfect Indefinite - (Indefinite) I thought I had drank imimiim imimisin imimi imimiiz imimisiniz imimiler

itiler Past Imperfect - (Actual) I was drinking iiyordum iiyordun iiyordu iiyorduk iiyordunuz iiyordular Future in the Past - (Actual) I will have drank imi olacam imi olacaksn imi olacak imi olacaz imi olacaksnz imi olacaklar

Conditional - (Actual) If I drink iseydim iseydin iseydi iseydik iseydiniz iseydiler Future Perfect Definite - (Actual) I would have drank iecektim iecektin iecekti iecektik iecektiniz iecektiler Necessitative Definite - (Actual)

Conditional - (Indefinite) If I were to drink iseymiim iseymisin iseymi iseymiiz iseymisiniz iseymiler Future Perfect Indefinite - (Indefinite) It seems I will have drank iecekmiim iecekmisin iecekmi iecekmiiz iecekmisiniz iecekmiler Necessitative Past - (Actual)

Future Definite - (Actual) I will drink ieceim ieceksin iecek ieceiz ieceksiniz iecekler Future Conditional - (Actual) If Iam to drink ieceksem ieceksen iecekse ieceksek iecekseniz iecekseler Necessitative Past - (Indefinite)

I must drink imeliyim imelisin imeli(dir) imeliyiz imelisiniz imeli(dir)ler Imperative - (Order, Advice) Drink!. ieyim i isin ielim iin(iz) isinler Conditional - (Real) If I drink Let me drink Drink! Let him drink Let us drink You, drink! Let them drink

I ought to have drunk imeliydim imeliydin imeliydi imeliydik imeliydiniz imeliydiler

It seems I had to drink imeliymiim imeliymisin imeliymi imeliymiiz imeliymisiniz imeliymiler

Present Conditional - (Real) If I am drinking

Simple Present Conditional - (Real) If I(habitually) drink


isem isen ise isek iseniz iseler Past Conditional - (Actual) If I have drank itiysem itiysen itiyse itiysek itiyseniz itiyseler Present Subjunctive - (Wish, desire) Let me drink ieyim

iiyorsam iiyorsan iiyorsa iiyorsak iiyorsanz iiyorlarsa Past Conditional - Indefinite) It seems if I drink imisem imisen imise imisek imiseniz imiseler Definite Past Subjunctive - (Wish, desire) If I had drank ieydim

iersem iersen ierse iersek ierseniz ierseler Future Conditional - (Actual) If I were to drink ieceksem ieceksen iecekse ieceksek iecekseniz iecekseler Indefinite Past Subjunctive - (Wish, desire) It seems if I had drank ieymiim

iesin ie ielim iesiniz ieler

ieydin ieydi ieydik ieydiniz ieydiler

ieymisin ieymi ieydiler ieymisiniz ieymiler

Turkish Grammar - An Overview In Turkish words are changed by fixing other words on to them. These other little important words show motion towards, static location and motion from. These added words change their spelling according to set rules and they must follow the same vowel pattern (Vowel Harmony) as the word they are being affixed to - sometimes they also have a consonant change for ease of pronunciation. Thus little words (suffixes) added to the stem of a verb may indicate its positive or negative form. Further suffixes are added for tense and person. Further meaning to verbs such as - may, might, can, can't, must, ought to are also supplied by an add-on to the original verb, thus producing a new word. Nouns can be also suffixed with possessor and the motion or location words are then added. There is no word for the (the Definite Article) and also there is no gender forms (no le or la as in French). Describing words (Adjectives) precede their noun as in English and always remain in their basic form, no gender thus no agreement is necessary. The sentence form is S.O.V - Subject, Object, Verb. Suffixes

A Turkish word starts with a short root (such as gel- come ). One or more suffixes are added to modify the root (geldik we came ). Turkish uses suffixes to convey it meaning whereas English generally uses small prepositions by, with, from, to. You can make whole sentences in Turkish out of one little word root and a lot of suffixes. - evimdeyim [ev-im-de-yim] - I am at my house, at home Vowel Harmony Suffixes are formed according to Turkish vowel harmony, rules whereby most vowel sounds in a word are made either in the front of the mouth or the back, but not both. Details here - About Turkish Vowels Buffer Letters Suffixes are sometimes preceded by a "buffer letter" such as -y- or -n- or -s- for smooth pronunciation. Stress is usually on the last syllable of a word. See about Conversational Stress in Turkish. Noun Suffixes Plural: -lar, -ler Bankalar - banks Oteller - hotels To, Toward: -a, -e (or -ya, -ye after a vowel) Bankaya - to the bank Otele - to the hotel From: -dan, -den Bankadan - from the bank Otelden - from the hotel

Possessive: -n, -in, ( or -nn, or -nin after a vowel) Bankann - the bank's Otelin - the hotel's With: -l, -li, -lu, -l Et - meat - becomes - etli - with meat St - milk - becomes - stl - with milk, milky Without: -sz,-siz,-suz, -sz Et - meat - becomes - etsiz - without meat, meatless St - milk - becomes - stsz - without milk You may see -, -i, -u or -, -s, -si, -su or -s added to any noun. An ev is a house but the ev that Mehmet lives in is Mehmet'in evi - [Mehmet-of house-his]. Verb Suffixes Infinitive: -mak, -mek Almak - to take or buy Gitmek - to go Simple present: -ar, -er, -r, -ir, -ur, -r Alr - he/she/it takes or buys Gider - he/she/it goes Future: -acak, -ecek, -aca-, -eceAlacak - he/she/it will take, buy Gidecek - he/she/it will go


Simple past: -d, -di, -du, -d Ald - he/she/it took, bought Gitti - he/she/it went Continuous: -yor-, -iyor- (like English '-ing') Alyor - he/she/it is taking, buying Gidiyor - he/she/it is going Question: -m, -mi, -mu, -m Alyor mu? - Is he/she/it taking (it)? Gidecek mi? - Will he/she/it go?

First Person Singular (I):-m, -im, -um, -m Alrm - I take Second Person Singular (you-informal): -sn, -sin, -sun, -sn Alrsn - You take Third Person Singular (he/she/it): (no suffix) Alr - he/she/it takes First Person Plural (we): -z, -iz, -uz,-z Alrz - we take Second Person Plural (you-formal): -snz, -siniz, -sunuz,-snz Alrsnz - You (plural) take; or You (singular-formal) take Third Person Plural (they): -lar, -ler Alrlar - They take. Word Order in the Turkish Sentence shirleyanntr of turkishliving forums has written this article on Turkish word order. We ask permission to repeat (albeit stylistically altered) it here on Manisa Turkish (a free website) for the interest of Turkish learners everywhere.


Most people whose first language is English find Turkish word order difficult. You know many words but trying to put them together to make sense is frustrating. This is really where grammar asserts itself, where knowing the tenses and suffixes and who or what goes where in a sentence is essential. English word order is subject/verb/object (SVO) - I want a book Turkish word order is subject/object/verb (SOV): - Ben kitap istiyorum. - A book want I A sentence may also include time place and other variables 1.Subject who/what 2.Time when 3.Place where 4.Reason - Indirect Object/Direct Object for, to, by, why/who

Many sentences will not be comprised of every component, for instance some might not need time or expression of time or place and expressions of place whilst other sentences might be more complicated and need more explanations of time, place etc. and also indirect object as well as the direct object. For a Turkish sentence whatever it is you want to say put the verb at the end. Whether the verb is - walk, build, make, say bring, take, come, go etc. - it is still last in the sentence. The person or thing (Subject/pronoun) that's doing the action is always in the first place of a sentence. in Turkish you can usually leave that out as its already on the end...BUT I think until you are really confident put the pronoun at the start - I, you, he, she, it, we, they. This is the frame for the sentence, into which time place etc. can be added. Let us give these parts initials to remind ourselves of the basics that you can apply to most situations S. subject T. time P. place O. object V. verb Here are some scenarios. Mehmet is walking to Bodrum on Saturday - Mehmet yryor. - "John is walking" this is the sentence frame - Mehmet Bodrum'a yryor (Lit: Mehmet Bodrum to is walking.) Mehmet Cumatesi gn Bodrum'a yryor - Mehmet Saturday Bodrum to is walking S T P O V Last year we stayed in Marmaris for two weeks - Biz kaldk - "we stayed" this is sentence frame Biz Marmaris'te kaldk (Lit: We Marmaris in stayed.) Biz gecen sene Marmaris'te kaldk - We, last year, Marmaris in, stayed. S T P O V

I will come to Turkey for two weeks in June. - Ben geleceim - "I will come" this is the sentence frame Ben Trkiye'ye geleceim - I Turkey to will come. Ben Haziran'da iki hafta iin Trkiye'ye geleceim - I June in two weeks for Trkey to will come. SPTOV - in this sentence you have a longer time expression 'for two weeks in June'. Nadine is now at home reading a book - Nadine (she) okuyor Nadine is reading this is the sentence frame Nadine imdi evde kitap okuyor . S T P O V Nadine- now- house in- book reading she is - Nadine/subject imdi/time evde/place kitap/object okuyor/verb Ali is at the moment eating food in the lokanta. - Ali yiyor "Ali is eating" is the sentence frame Anli u anda lokantada yemek yiyor - S T P O V - Ali now lokanta in food eating (he) is Deniz and Jale watched a film last night in the cinema. - Deniz Jale ile dn gece sinemada film izlediler. S T P O V - Deniz Jale with last night cinema in film watched. Here is a couple of more complicated sentences but with all the parts in including an indirect object in the shape of Deren's plumber. Hseyin was said to be angry in Ankara last month with the waiter who was smoking Hseyin kzmt - "Hseyin was said to be angry" - this is the frame Hseyin gecen ay Ankara'da sigara ien garsona kzmt S T P O V Hseyin, last month Ankara in, cigarette who-was-smoking waiter was said to be angry the object was the smoking waiter +EN garsonthe waiter who smoked Last week Deren showed the plumber the leak in the bathroom. Deren (she) gsterdi - "Deren showed" - this is the frame Deren hanm, geen hafta tesisatya banyoda olduunu sznty gsterdi S T P I O V Last week Miss Deren the-plumber-to in-the-bathroom leak showed. - the leak is the direct object, the plumber the indirect object. (Last week Deren showed the plumber the leak in the bathroom) If you are making a statement rather than a sentence then you use the helping verb 'to be' on the ends of nouns, and the word order is still the same

Bugn burada hava ok gzel. - Today here at weather very nice is present Bugn burada hava ok gzeldi. - Today here at weather very nice was past (Biz) bugn iyi deiliz. - (Lit: Today good not are we.) - We are not well today (Biz) gecen hafta hastaydk - (Lit: We last week ill were we.) - We were ill last week The Subject always comes first followed by adjectives and nouns as indirect and direct objects, followed by the verb in the last position. The subject of the sentence is often the final suffix (unless the sentence is a question) as the personal pronoun (shown ain bracketa is often omitted): (Ben,) stanbul'a gidecegim - I'm going to Istanbul. (Ben,) Hal almak istiyorum - I want to buy (take) a carpet The Fun Begins Now you can slap a lot of suffixes together and get Afyonkarahisarllastramadklarmzdan msnz?. It's actually a word, and also a complete sentence! But, it must be admitted, it was made up just to show off the agglutinative facility of Turkish. What does it mean? - Are you from among that group of people whom we attempted to make to resemble the citizens of Afyonkarahisar, but were unable to do so? Turkish in a nutshell (1) In Turkish words are changed by fixing other words on to them. These other little important words show motion towards, location and motion from. These added words change their spelling according to set rules and they must follow the same vowel pattern (Vowel Harmony) as the word they are being affixed to - sometimes they also have a consonant change for ease of pronunciation. Thus little words (suffixes) added to the stem of a verb may indicate its positive or negative form. Further suffixes are added for tense and person. Further meaning to verbs such as may, might, can, can't are also supplied by an add-on to the original verb, thus producing a new word. Nouns are also suffixed with possessor and the motion or location words are then added. There is no word for the (the Definite Article) and also there is no gender forms (no le or la as in French). Describing words (Adjectives) precede their noun as in English and always remain in their basic form, no gender thus no agreement is

necessary. The sentence form is SOV - Subject, Object, Verb. Turkish in a nutshell (2) Turkish is characterized by vowel harmony, consonant mutation and agglutination. Post positions are used instead of prepositions. Thus suffixes added to the stem of the verb may indicate positive or negative forms of the passive, reflexive, causative, potential, subjunctive moods plus further additions for tense and person. Nouns are also suffixed with possessor and aspect (movement toward, movement away suffixes etc.). Both the subject definite article and grammatical gender are lacking. Adjectives precede their noun and do not have to agree in number or case. The sentence form is S.O.V Subject, Object Verb. * You can easily spell the words phonetically. * There are no irregular verbs. * There is only one irregular noun. [su - water] * There is no gender: He, she, it are represented by one single pronoun - namely "o" * There is no distinction between adjectives and adverbs.

English Phrasal Verbs converted to Turkish This contribution taken from the word-wide web at LiveMocha. We thank the author for their industry and efforts and crave their indulgence in reproducing them here for the interests of Turkish learners everywhere. Credit has been given for each of these lists; plagiarism is not a consideration as Manisa Turkish is a non-profit and non-advertising website and is solely produced for the Turkish Language learner's community. Thanks to Vahide - Click Buttons to show individual entries (357)


abide by bal kalmak they will abide by their promise szlerine bal kalacaklar. account for nedenini gstermek, hesap vermek she couldn't account for her mistakes. hatalarnn hesabn veremedi. act up kt davranmak, sorun karmak the engine is acting up again. motor yine sorun karyor. add up saylarn toplamn hesaplamak the waiter added the bill up. garson faturay hesaplad. add up to yekun tutmak, - bulmak these numbers add up to 189. bu rakamlar 189 tutuyor. agree with biriyle ayn fikirde olmak we can't agree with you in this matter. bu konuda sizinle ayn fikirde olamyoruz. allow for hesaba katmak, gz nnde bulundurmak

we will go for a picnic, allowing for the rainy weather. yal havay hesaba katarak piknie gideceiz. ask after biri hakknda soru sormak, halini hatrn sormak she was asking after you. senin hatrn soruyordu. ask for ricada bulunmak they asked for some help. yardm ricasnda bulundular. ask in birini eve, ieriye davet etmek she kept them standing at the door and didn't asked them in. onlar kapda bekleyip ieri davet etmedi ask out birini yemee davet etmek he asked me out two days ago. iki gn nce beni yemee davet etti. back away korkudan ieri ekilmek the frightened girl backed away from the dog. korkan kz kpekten geri ekildi. back down/off iddiadan vazgemek, hatal olduunu kabullenmek they backed down and accepted our proposals. hatal olduklarn kabullendiler ve bizim tekliflerimizi kabul ettiler.

back out sznden caymak swear that you won't back out. sznden caymayacana yemin etti. back up cesaret vermek, desteklemek the professor never backs us up. profesr bizi asla cesaretlendirmez. bail out acil bir durumda yardm etmek I hope somebody will bail us out of this. birinin bize yardm edeceini umuyorum. bale out uaktan paratle atlamak the crew could successfully baled out. mrettebat uaktan paratle baaryla atlayabildi. bank on Can we bank on their decisions? -e gvenmek Onlarn kararlarna gvenebilir miyiz? be against We are all against discussing this matter once more. -e kar olmak Hepimiz bu konuyu bir daha tartmaya karyz. be over The party is over, we can go out.

sona ermek Parti bitti, gidebiliriz; Parti sona erdi, gidebiliriz. bear down They couldn't bear down the enemy soldiers. yenmek Dman askerlerini yenemediler. bear out They will bear me out. desteklemek, dorulamak Beni dorulayacaklar. bear up she bore up bravely after her husband's death. yaamn idame ettirmek einin lmnden sonra cesurca yaamn idame ettirdi. be in on We will be in on your plans. katlmak sizin planlarnza katlacaz. believe in Do you believe in what he says? itimat etmek, gvenmek sylediklerine itimat ediyormusun? bite off The small girl wanted to bite off a piece of the chocolate bar. srk almak kk kz ikolatadan bir srk almak istedi.

blow in Aye blew in, we didn't expect to see her today. beklenmeksizin kagelmek Aye kageldi, bugn onu grmeyi beklemiyorduk. blow out He took a deep breath and blew the candles out. fleyerek sndrmek Derin bir nefes ald ve mumlar fleyerek sndrd. blow over These problems will blow over as the time goes by. gemek, yok olmak Zaman getike bu sorunlar yok olacak. blow up The building was blown up by the terrorists. havaya umak Bina terristler tarafndan havaya uuruldu. break away Three prisoners broke away last week. kamak mahkum geen hafta kat. break down this car's engine has broken down. bozulmak, arza yapmak bu arabann motoru arzaland. break in A thief broke in last night but he couldn't find my money.

yasal olmayan yolla ieri girmek Dn gece ieri bir hrsz girdi ama param bulamad. break into someone broke into the shop last night. g kullanarak ieri girmek dn gece biri zorla ieri girdi. break off they broke off. evlilik ncesi nian bozmak nianlarn bozdular. break out the war broke out on October 17th. anszn ortaya kmak, patlak vermek sava 17 Ekim'de patlak verdi. break up the meeting finally broke up. sona ermek toplant nihayet sona erdi. bring about this accident has been brought about by your carelessness. meydana getirmek bu kaza senin umursamazln tarafndan meydana geldi. bring back you may borrow my umbrella but bring it back by tomorrow. geri getirmek emsiyemi dn alabilirsin ama yarn onu geri getir.

bring out the publisher is going to bring this dictionary out very soon. yaynlamak yaync ok yaknda bu szl yaynlayacak. bring through he was very ill. The doctor brought him through. iyiletirmek o ok hastayd. doktor onu iyiletirdi. bring up her mother brought up six children. yetitirmek, bytmek annesi 6 ocuk bytt. brush up George must brush up his German before he takes the final exam. bir eyi alarak ilerletmek George final snavna girmeden nce Almancasn ilerletmeli. bump into I bumped into Helen yesterday. birine rastlamak Dn Helen'a rastladm. burn down The house burned down. tamamen yanmak Ev tamamen yand. buy over He thinks he can buy us over very cheaply.

birini satn almak bizi ok ucuza satn alabileceini sanyor. call back I'll call you back in half an hour. telefonla birini geri aramak seni yarm saat iinde geri arayacam. call down the boss called me down for doing that. azarlamak patron beni onu yaptm iin azarlad. call in Finally, they decided to call in a doctor. yardm iin birini armak sonunda bir doktor armaya karar verdiler. call off The workers called their strike off yesterday. iptal etmek, durdurmak iiler grevlerini dn durdurdular. call on I will call on her to give her book back. birine ksa sreli uramak Kitabn geri vermek iin ona urayacam. call out They called out the fire brigade. acil bir durumda birini armak itfaiyeyi ardlar.

call up I called him up yesterday but there was no reply. birine telefon etmek Dn onu aradm ama aan olmad. calm down He calmed down in a few minutes. sakinlemek birka dakika iinde sakinleti. care about He doesn't care about what I feel. ilgilenmek, umursamamak benim ne hissettiimi umursamyor. care for There is nobody to care for the children. bakmak, ilgilenmek ocuklara bakacak biri yok. carry on she decided to carry on without him. bir ie veya greve devam etmek ine onsuz devam etme karar ald. carry on with Carry on with your work . We are waiting for you to finish it. bir eyi yapmay srdrmek ini yapmay srdr.onu bitirmeni bekliyoruz. carry out They carried out the plan with difficulty.

yerine getirmek, tamamlamak plan zorlukla tamamladlar. catch on They are very quick to catch on. kavramak, anlamak kavramakta ok hzllar. catch up with if you study hard, you'll catch up with the rest of the class. yetimek, geri kalmamak sk alrsan snfn geri kalanna yetieceksin. check in We checked in at the hotel on time. adn kaydettirmek Otele admz zamannda kaydettirdik. check out Mrs. Jones hasn't checked out yet. hesab deyip otelden ayrlmak Bayan Jones henz otelden ayrlmad. check up We'll check up and find out if he is still alive. gemiini aratrmak halen hayatta olup olmadn aratracaz. cheer up He'll cheer up when he sees her. neelenmek, mutlu olmak onu grdnde neelenecek.

chop up we chopped up some wood for the fire. kk paralar halinde kesmek ate iin biraz odun kestik. clean up we will have to clean up after the party. her yeri temizlemek partiden sonra her yeri temizlemek zorunda kalacaz. clear up the weather will soon clear up. havann dzelmesi hava yaknda dzelecek. come about how does it come about that they are here? gereklemek onlarn burada olmas nasl gerekleti? come across I came across some letters in the drawer. rastlamak ekmecede baz mektuplara rastladm. come along would you come along with me, please? elik etmek bana elik eder misin ltfen? come back if he calls, tell him I'll comeback in an hour.

dnmek ararsa ona bir saat iinde dneceimi syle. come down the building came down in the earthquake. kmek bina depremde kt. come down on don't come down on your daughter! birini iddetle eletirmek kzn bu kadar ok eletirme! come down with they all have come down with the flu. bir eyden hastalanmak hepsi grip oldu. come off their plans haven't come off. baarl olmak planlar baarl olmad. come out the stars came out last night. belirmek dn gece yldzlar belirdi. come over I will come over after lunch to discuss the project. uramak le yemeinden sonra projeyi tartmak iin urayacam.

come to he remembered everything after he came to. aylmak ayldktan sonra her eyi hatrlad. come up with she has come up with some fine suggestions. dnmek baz iyi teklifler dnd. count on we can count on him. gvenmek ona gvenebiliriz. cross off I have to cross her name off. listeden karmak adn listeden karmak zorundaym. cross out Don't cross it out until you are sure that it is wrong. kattan silmek onun yanl olduuna emin olana dek onu silme. cut down they cut down all the trees in this area. kesip devirmek bu alandaki btn aalar kesip devirdiler. cut down on we will cut down on unnecessary expenses.

azaltmak, masraf ksmak gereksiz harcamalarmz azaltacaz. cut in he always cuts in when the others are talking. szn kesmek dierleri konuurken o her zaman szlerini keser. cut off the water has been cut off as we haven't paid the bill. telefon, elektrik, su, vb kesilmesi faturay demediimiz iin su kesildi. cut out the engine of the car has cut out again. arzalanmak arabann motoru yeniden arzaland. cut out of the man cut the article out of the newspaper. keserek karmak adam makaleyi gazeteden kesti. cut up my mother is cutting up the onions. doramak annem soanlar doruyor. deal in Mr. Thompson deals in gold. bir eyin ticaretini yapmak Bay Thompson altn ticareti yapyor.

deal with I'm dealing with this matter right now. bir problem yada bir ile uramak u anda bu konuyla urayorum. die away the strong wind and the echoes died away. yok olana dek azalmak kuvvetli rzgar ve yanklanmalar yok oldu. die down the storm died down. g kaybetmek frtna gcn kaybetti. die off these birds are dying off because of the illegal hunting. nesli tkenmek yasa d avlanma yznden bu kularn nesli tkeniyor. do away with many people are in favour of doing away with dog fighting. ortadan kaldrmak ou insan kpek dvtrmeyi ortadan kaldrmay destekliyor. do over we have to do the living room over. yeniden dzenlemek oturma odasn yeniden dzenlemeliyiz. do with I could do with a cup of tea.

istemek bir fincan ay isteyebilirim. do without she will have to do without an assistant. biri yada bir ey olmadan idare etmek. yardmc olmadan idare etmeli. doze off the old woman dozed off during the conference. istemeksizin uykuya dalmak yal kadn konferansta uyuya kald. draw back the dog drew back as they approached. geriye doru hareket etmek onlar yaklanca kpek geri ekildi. draw up the lawyer has drawn up the agreement. hazrlamak, yazmak avukat anlamay hazrlad. dress up there's no need to dress up. resmi bir tarzda giyinmek ciddi giyinmeye gerek yok. drive away this new powder drove the ants away. savmak, uzaklatrmak bu yeni doz karncalar uzaklatrd.

drop in she often drops in for tea. damlamak ay imek iin ska damlar. drop off she dropped of by the fire. uyuya kalmak atein yannda uyuya kald. drop out the one of the players hurt his arm and dropped out of the game. brakmak oyunculardan biri kolunu incitti ve oyunu brakt. drop over they often drop over at tea time. beklenmedik ksa ziyaretler yapmak ay vaktinde ska damlarlar. eat in most of these students eat in. evde yemek yemek bu rencilerin ou evde yemek yer. eat out it's a long time since we last ate out. bir restoranda yemek yemek son kez bir restoranda yemek yememizin zerinden ok zaman geti. end up if you keep eating this way, you'll end up in hospital.

bir ekilde yada bir yerde son bulmak byle yemeyi srdrrsen hastaneyi boylayacaksn. engage someone in don't engage me in gossip! megul etmek beni dedikoduyla megul etme! face up to she faced up to the problem. cesaretle karlamak sorunu cesaretle karlad. fall about she was falling about. glerken kendinden gemek kendinden geerek glyordu. fall back on they have some money to fall back on. acil yada zor durumda kullanmak zor durumlarda kullanlacak biraz paralar var. fall behind the favourite runner fell behind in the race. geride kalmak favori koucu yarta geride kald. fall for Aye has fallen for Kemal. -e abay yakmak Aye Kemal'e abay yakt.

fall in with she has fallen in with some English men. biraraya gelmek birka ngiliz adamla bir araya gelmek. fall in this building's ceiling fell in yesterday. ieri doru kmek dn bu binann tavan kt. fall off their interest has fallen off. azalmak ilgileri azald. fall out they have fallen out again. bozumak yeniden bozutular. fall through our plan to ski on the mountain fell through. planlar suya dmek dada kayak yapma planmz suya dt. feel like I feel like resting for a while. bir eyi can yapmak istemek bir sre dinlenmek istiyorum. figure on are you figuring on a long vacation this year?

planlamak bu yl uzun bir tatil planlyor musunuz? figure out I can't figure out how she stands him. anlamak ona nasl katlandn anlayamyorum. fill out we haven't filled our application forms out yet. bir belge doldurmak henz bavuru belgelerinizi doldurmadk. find out they found out something important about the murder. kefetmek cinayetle ilgili nemli bir ey kefettiler. get across She doesn't want to get her plans across to us. aklamak planlarn bize aklamak istemiyor. get ahead she knows how to get ahead in business. baar olmak, gelimek i hayatnda nasl baarl olacan biliyor. get along they are getting along well with this programme. iyi gitmek, ilerlemek bu programda iyi ilerliyor.

get along well with sb I can't get along well with you. geinmek sizinle geinemiyorum. get at we all hope to get at the truth. ulamak hepimiz geree ulamay diliyoruz. get away with the thieves got away with the precious paintings. bir eyi alp kamak hrszlar deerli tablolar alp kat. get behind with something I've got behind my work, I guess I won't be able to finish it in time. zamannda yapamamak iimden geri kaldm, sanrm onu zamannda bitiremeyeceim. get by The exam was difficult but we got by. zorluklara ramen baarmak snav ok zordu ama biz baarl olduk. get down This bad weather is really getting me down. skmak, bunaltmak bu kt hava beni gerekten bunaltyor. get down to It is hard to get down to work after a nice holiday.

bir eyle ilgilenmeye balamak Gzel bir tatilin ardndan ie balamak zordur. get in The train got in half an hour ago. varmak Tren yarm saat nce vard. get off They got off the bus at the next stop. bir aratan inmek Bir sonraki durakta otobsten indiler. get on I saw the old woman getting on the bus near my home. bir tata binmek Yal kadn evimin yannda otobse binerken grdm. get on This project is too complicated to be getting on with. devam etmek Bu proje devam etmek iin fazla kark. get out This meeting is boring; I will get out as soon as I can. terk etmek Bu toplant ok skc, olabildiince abuk terk edeceim. get out of Get out of my life! kmak Hayatmdan k

get over She's getting over a bad attack of flu. hastalktan iyilemek Onu fena sarsan gribi atlatyor. get sth over I got my homework over in a hurry. bitirmek devimi aceleyle bitirdim. get through What a surprise that she got through all her exams! bir ii baaryla tamamlamak Btn snavlarn baaryla tamamlamas ne srpriz ama! get up The man got up and began working. ayaa kalkmak Adamlar ayaa kalkt ve almaya baladlar. give away She gave her old clothes away to the poor. para almadan vermek eski kyafetlerini fakirlere datt. give back I'm going to give your book back on Friday. geri vermek Cuma gn kitabn geri vereceim. give in Mary and Tom quarrelled until she gave in.

teslim olma, pes etme O pes edene dek Mary ve Tom kavga ettiler. give off The soup begun to give off a strange smell. karmak, yaymak orba garip bir koku yaymaya balad. gave out We gave out their presents to the children. datmak ocuklara hediyelerini dattk. gave a ring You should give them a ring before the meeting. telefon etmek Toplantdan nce onlar aramalsn. gave up The thief gave himself up. teslim olmak hrsz teslim oldu. go about How will I go about this project? bir eyde almaya balamak Bu projede nasl almaya balayacam. go along Everything is going along well at work. ilerlemek, iyi gitmek te her ey iyi gidiyor.

go along with We are going along with them on this subject. desteklemek bu konuda onlar destekliyoruz. go back We are not going back to their house any more. geri dnmek, gitmek bir daha onlarn evine gitmiyoruz. go back on Susan never goes back on her word. sznden dnmek Susan sznden asla geri dnmez. go by Six years went by but he couldn't graduate from university. zaman gemek 6 yl geti ama o niversiteden mezun olamad. go down Inflation will go down this year. fiyat, seviye dmesi Bu yl enflasyon decek. go in for He has gone in for the body building competition. snav yada yarmaya katlmak, aday olmak Vcut gelitirme yarmasna katld. go off the bomb went off when they pushed the button.

infilak etmek, patlamak Dmeye bastklarnda bomba infilak etti. go on Don't disturb Mary; let her go on studying for the exam. devam etmek Mary'yi rahatsz etme, brak snav iin almaya devam etsin. go on with We'll go on reading the story after the break. moladan sonra aktiviteyi srdrmek Teneffsten sonra hikayeyi okumaya devam edeceiz. go out She didn't tell me she was going out. evden, vs'den dar kmak bana dar ktn sylemedi. go over The police went over her room. gzden geirmek, incelemek polis onun odasn inceledi. go through I will go through the accounts. dikkatlice incelemek Hesaplar dikkatlice inceleyeceim. go through with He says that can't go through with the work. tamamlamak i tamamlayamadn sylyor.

go with your hat doesn't go with your suit. uyum salamak apkan giysine uyum salamyor. grow up he want to be a doctor when he grows up. byyp gelimek bydnde doktor olmak istiyor. hand down these traditions have been handed down from father to son. bykten ke geme bu gelenekler babadan oula geirildi. hand in He handed in the money that I gave him last month. teslim etmek ona geen hafta verdiim paray teslim etti. hand out The teacher handed out the worksheets at the end of the lesson. bir eyi bastrarak datmak retmen alma katlarn bastrarak datt. hand over She handed over the pen when I asked for it. vermek Onu istediimde kalemi verdi. hang around These boys have been hanging about for five hours.

bir yerin evresinde avare avare dolamak Bu ocuklar 5 saattir avare avare dolayorlar. hang on The little girl hung on to his grandfather's arm. sarlmak Kk kz bykbabasnn koluna sarld. hang up He hang up unexpectedly. telefonu kapamak beklenmedik bir ekilde telefonu kapad. hang up on she hang up on me while I was still talking. telefonu yzne kapamak ben halen konuuyorken telefonu yzme kapad. hear of I won't hear of such a bad idea. dinlemek bylesine kt bir fikri dinlemeyeceim. hold on the climber could hold on until rescuers reached him. tutunmak trman kurtarma ekibi ona ulaana dek tutunabildi. hold out they could hold out although they didn't have any water supplies left. dayanmay srdrmek hi sular kalmamasna ramen dayanabildiler.

hold up the traffic was held up by an accident. geciktirmek trafik bir kaza yznden geciktirildi. hold with I don't hold with your ideas on that project. kabul etmek bu projede senin fikirlerini kabul etmiyorum. hurry up the teacher hurried the students up. acele ettirmek retmen rencilere acele ettirdi. keep an eye on my brother will keep an eye on my cat while I'm away. -den gz ayrmamak kardeim ben uzaktayken kedime gz kulak olacak. keep away He didn't come to the meeting last week. What kept him away? uzak tutmak Geen hafta toplantya gelmedi.Onu ne uzak tuttu? keep away from Keep away from that dog. It's dangerous. -den uzak durmak O kpekten uzak dur.Tehlikelidir. keep off I hope the snow keeps off.

uzak durmak Umarm kar ya uzak durur. keep on They kept on playing football in spite of the heavy rain. -e devam etmek Youn yamura ramen futbol oynamaya devam ettiler. keep out He kept out because they didn't let him in. darda durmak Darda durdu nk onu ieri almadlar. keep up we should keep up our friendship against all. srdrmek her eye kar arkadalmz srdrmeliyiz. keep up with She has to study harder than me to keep up with class. ayn seviyeyi korumak snfta ayn seviyeyi korumak iin benden daha sk almak zorunda. kick against you shouldn't kick against the rules. -e kar kmak kurallara kar kmamalsn. kick out if I were you, I would kick this servant out. kovmak, kap dar etmek senin yerinde olsaydm bu ua kap dar ederdim.

knock down to the houses was knocked down to make a shopping center. ykmak, devrilmek evler bir alveri merkezi yapmak iin ykld. knock down A bus knocked the little girl down. birini vurarak yere devirmek bir otobs kk kza arparak yere drd. knock off we usually knock off at six. ii brakmak genellikle saat altda ii brakrz. lay aside She laid her diary aside and fell asleep. bir kenara koymak gnln bir kenara koydu ve uykuya dald. lay off The factory has laid off workers because of the drop in the sales. iten karmak Satlardaki d yznden fabrika iileri iten kard. leave out The teacher left her out because she wasn't good enough for the competition. darda brakmak retmen onu darda brakt nk yarma iin yeterince iyi deildi. let down Don't let me down on this subject.

hayal krklna uratmak bu konuda beni hayal krklna uratmak. let in The teacher didn't let her in because she was 20 minutes late to class. birinin ieri girmesine izin vermek retmen onun ieri girmesine izin vermedi nk snfa 20 dk. ge kalmt. let on I'm planning a surprise for Boris, so don't let on. bir srr aklamak Boris iin bir srpriz planlyorum ama bu srr aklama. let out Her father let him out when he finished his homework. dar kmasna izin vermek devini bitirince babas dar kmasna izin verdi. let up the snow began to let up. azalmak kar ya younluunu kaybetmeye balad. line up the people lined up at the entrance of the concert hall. kuyruk olmak, dizilmek insanlar konser salonunun giriinde kuyruk oldular. light up The gas lamp lit up the room. aydnlatmak gaz lambas oday aydnlatt.

listen in Someone was listening in to our telephone conversation. gizlice dinlemek biri telefon grmemizi dinliyordu. live on My grandfather lived on five years after my father died. yaamak babam ldkten sonra bykbabam 5 yl daha yaad. look after I found a baby sister to look after the baby. bir eye bakmak Bebee bakmas iin bir bebek bakcs buldum. look ahead We have to look ahead and save up money for our children. ileriyi dnmek leriyi dnmek ve ocuklarmz iin para biriktirmek zorundayz. look back on we sometimes look back on the past. gemii zlemle anmak bazen gemii zlemle anarz. look down on never look down on such people. hor grmek asla bu tr insanlar hor grme. look for I have lost my book. I am looking for it.

bulmaya almak Kitabm kaybettim.Onu bulmaya alyorum. look forward to We are looking forward to going on a holiday. drt gzle beklemek Tatile kmay drt gzle bekliyoruz. look in on We'll look in on my grandmothers tomorrow. uramak yarn bykannemlere urayacaz. look into the police are looking into the matter. aratrmak polisler konuyu aratryorlar. look on she looked on this house as her real home. dnmek bu evi gerek yuvas olarak dnyor. look out Look out! you will hit the child. dikkatli olmak Dikkatli ol!ocua arpacaksn. look out for I want you to look out for them at the play. -e dikkat etmek Oyunda onlara dikkat etmenizi istiyorum.

look over They looked over the dictionary before they bought it. gzden geirmek satn almadan nce szl gzden geirdiler. look through we looked through the underlined sentences in the book before the exam. bir eye yle bir gz gezdirmek Snavdan nce kitaptaki alt izili cmlelere yle bir gz gezdirdik. look up we want to look them up sometime. uramak bazen onlara uramak istiyoruz. look up to the students look up to their teachers. sayg gstermek renciler retmenlerine sayg gsterirler. make for the train made of Madrid. -e doru gitmek Tren Madrid'e doru gitti. make of We can't make of his proposal. anlam vermek Teklifine bir anlam veremiyoruz. make out She is so weird that I can't make her out.

anlamak O kadar garip ki onu anlayamyorum. make over His mother is going to make them over for him. yeniden yapmak, boyunu uzatmak Annesi onlarn boyunu onun iin uzatacak. make up Deniz and Derya made up at the meeting yesterday. barmak Deniz ve Derya dn toplantda bartlar. make up for They tried to make up for all the trouble they had caused. telafi etmek Sebebiyet vermi olduklar tm felaketi telafi etmeye altlar. meet with She met with a terrible accident yesterday. -ile karlamak, bana gelmek Dn bana korkun bir kaza geldi. mix up I mixed all the ingredients up before I cooked. -i kartrarak hazrlamak Piirmeden nce btn ierii kartrdm. move in They haven't moved in the house which they bought last month. bir yere tanmak Geen ay satn aldklar eve tanmadlar.

move off The train has just moved off. bir yerden hareket etmesi Tren henz hareket etti. pass away She passed away two years ago. lmek O 2 yl nce vefat etti. pass by the road passed by the gas station. nnden yada yanndan gemek Yol benzin istasyonunun nnden geer. pass down these traditions have been passed down from father to son. geirmek, aktarmak Bu gelenekler babadan ola aktarlmtr. pass out She passed out because she hadn't eaten anything for three days. baylmak Bayld nk gndr bir ey yememiti. pay back We'll pay them back for this treatment. almak Bu davrann cn alacaz. pay off She paid off his debts quickly.

borcunu kapatmak Tm borlarn abucak kapatt. pick out I want you to pick out the wrong answers in your exam paper. ayrt etmek, semek Snav kadndaki yanl cevaplar ayrt etmeni istiyorum. pick up She picked her son up and took him to his bed. kaldrmak Olunu kaldrd ve onu yatana gtrd. point out The professor pointed the main idea out. gstermek Profesr ana fikri gsterdi. pull down They pulled the old house down. ykmak eski evi yktlar. pull out The plane is about to pull out. Hurry up! -i terk etmek, ayrlmak Uak kalkmak zere.Acele et! pull over The police pulled over the car. yolun kenarna gemek Polis arac yolun kenarna geti.

pull throught I think she will pull through soon. iyilemek Onun yaknda iyileeceini dnyorum. pull up The taxi driver didn't pull up at the traffic light. durmak, durdurmak Taksi ofr trafik klarnda durmad. put across My students put their ideas across well. dnceleri ifade edebilmek rencilerim dncelerini iyi ifade ediyorlar. put aside We put aside part of our salaries. biriktirmek Maalarmzn bir blmn biriktirdik. put away He put away the scissors when he finished his work. yerine koymak ini bitirince makas yerine koydu. Put down The guards managed to put down the rebellion. bastrmak Gardiyanlar isyan bastrmay baard. put off They had to put off the meeting because of the heavy snow.

ertelemek, geciktirmek Youn kar ya yznden toplanty ertelemek zorunda kaldlar. put on The waiter put on a bit on the bill. eklemek Garson hesaba biraz ekledi. put out She put the lights out for the birthday surprise. sndrmek Doum gn srprizi iin klar sndrd. put up The workers put this building up in a very short time. ina etmek iler bu binay ok ksa srede ina ettiler. put up with I can't put up with lazy people. tahamml etmek Tembel insanlara tahamml edemiyorum. ring back I'll ring you back in 15 minutes. geri aramak Seni 15 dakika iinde geri arayacam. ring up He rang you up about an hour ago. telefon etmek Seni bir saat kadar nce telefonla arad.

ring off A little boy ripped off his wallet in the shop. almak Kk bir ocuk czdann dkkanda ald. rule out These students names have been ruled out. silmek bu rencilerin isimleri silindi. run across He ran across an old friend at the party yesterday. rastlamak Dn partide eski bir arkadaa rastlad. run away The enemy began to run away in all directions. koarak kamak Dman tm ynlere koarak kamaya balad. run away with Bilge ran away with his friend's brother and got married. bir eyle kamak, gitmek Bilge arkadann erkek kardeiyle kat ve evlendi. run down Glhan is always running her son down in public. saygszca konumak, yermek Glhan olunu her zaman toplum nnde yerer. run into We ran into some old friends at their wedding day.

rastlamak Dn gnlerinde baz eski arkadalarla rastladk. run out Our supplies are beginning to run out. tkenmek, bitmek Erzakmz tkenmeye balyor. run out of Do you have any coffee? We have run out of it. tketmek, bitirmek Kahven var m? Bizdekini tkettik de. run over The car ran an old woman over. zerinden ineyip gemek Araba yal kadn ezip geti. run up They have run up their debts. Hesab arttrmak Borlarn arttrdlar. save up we are saving up to buy a motorcycle. bir ama iin para biriktirmek Bir motor almak iin para biriktiriyoruz. see about They'll see about it tomorrow. -i stne almak, -ile ilgilenmek Yarn onunla ilgilenecekler.

see off We want to go to the airport to see our friends off. uurlamak Arkadalarmz uurlamak iin havaalanna gitmek istiyoruz. see through She said she would see the project through. zorluklara ramen bitirmek Projeyi tamamlayacan syledi. see to We'll see to it if you don't have enough time. ilgilenmek Yeterli vaktin olmazsa onunla ilgileniriz. sell off They sold their car off. elden karmak Arabalarn elden kardlar. send for They sent for the doctor. istemek, armak, getirtmek Doktoru getirttiler. send out Cigarette sends out a harmful smoke. karmak, yaymak Sigara zararl bir duman yayar. set aside My father set the newspaper aside.

bir kenara koymak Babam gazeteyi bir kenara koydu. set off We watched the tourists set off. yola kmak Turistlerin yola kn izledik. set up We have to set everything up before the visitors arrive. dzenlemek, ayarlamak Ziyaretiler gelmeden nce her eyi ayarlamalyz. settle down He settled down on his chair with a magazine. oturmak, kurulmak Bir dergiyle koltua kuruldu. show off He loves showing off. gsteri yapmak Gsteri yapmay sever. show up They showed up at midnight. ortaya kmak, kagelmek Gece yars kageldiler. shut off Would you shut the water off, please? kapamak Suyu kapatabilir misin ltfen?

shut up I asked the students to shut up. konumay kesmek, sessiz olmak rencilerden susmalarn istedim. sink in I don't think the mistakes have sunk in yet. fark etmek Hatalarn henz fark edilmediini dnyorum. slow down Please slow down, you're driving too fast. yavalamak Ltfen yavala, fazla hzl kullanyorsun. sort out The journalist sort out the news before presenting them in the meeting. snflandrmak Gazeteciler haberleri toplantda sunmadan nce onlar snflandrrlar. speak for Her husband always speaks for Meltem. lehinde konumak Kocas her zaman Meltem'in lehinde konuur. stand by They stood by and watch the fight. bir ey yapmadan durmak Bir ey yapmadan durup kavgay izlediler. stand for I won't stand for his disobedience.

tahamml etmek, tolore etmek Onun itaatsizliini tolore etmeyeceim. stand out This part of the painting stands out from the rest of it. fark edilmek Tablonun bu blm geri kalanndan kolayca fark ediliyor. stand up for He always stands up for his principles. bir eye kar savunmak O her zaman prensiplerini savunur. stand up to The soldiers stood up to the enemy. kar koymak, direnmek Askerler dmana kar koydu. stay out My children aren't allowed to stay out after dark. ev, bro, vs'nin dnda olmak ocuklarm hava karardktan sonra darda olmaya msaadeli deiller. stick to You must stick to your principles if you want to be successful. devam etmek, -e sadk kalmak Baarl olmak istiyorsan prensiplerine sadk kalmalsn. stick up for Don't stick up for him! savunmak Onu savunma!

switch on They switched the computers on. elektrikle alan bir cihaz amak Bilgisayarlar amak. switch off Switch the television off, please! elektrikle alan bir cihaz kapamak Televizyonu kapat ltfen! take after Ali takes after his father in his character. benzemek Ali karakter olarak babasna benziyor. take away Take away 3 from 5 and you get 2. matematik ileminde karmak 5'ten 3' kar, 2 elde edersin. take apart Muhammed took him apart in the first round. kolayca yenmek Muhammed onu ilk round'da kolayca yendi. take back I'll take those books back in a few days. geri vermek Bir ka gn iinde o kitaplar geri vereceim. take down Could you help me to take those books down, please?

aa indirmek u kitaplar aa indirmeme yardm edebilir misiniz? take in He is speaking very fast, I can't take it all in. anlamak ok hzl konuuyor, hepsini anlayamyorum. take off His plane will take off fifteen minutes later. havalanp umaya balamak Ua on be dakika sonra havalanacak. take on This style has taken on. moda olmak Bu tarz moda oldu. take out The dentist took out four teeth yesterday. ekip karmak Dii dn drt di ekti. take out on Whenever Burak is anxious, he takes it out on his parents. Kzgnln, vs'yi birinden karmak Burak ne zaman endieli olsa bunu anne babasndan karr. take over When his wife died, Mert took over her debts. zerine almak, devralmak Ei lnce Mert onun borlarn zerine ald.

take up His performance is taking up day by day. ilerlemek, iyilemek Performans gn be gn ilerliyor. take up with Ula has taken up with an actor. arkadalk kurmak Ula bir oyuncu ile arkadalk kurdu. talk back to My brother always talks back to my mother. -e kar gelmek Erkek kardeim her zaman anneme kar gelir. talk down to She never talks down to her sisters. patronluk Kz kardelerine asla stnlk taslamaz. tear up The boss decided to tear the contract up. yrtp atmak Patron antlamay yrtp atmaya karar verdi. think of He has too many things to think of. -i dnmek Dnecei ok ey var. Think over Please think it over and let me know.

dnp tanmak Ltfen dn tan ve bana bildir. think through We will think this matter through. dikkatli bir ekilde dnmek Bu konuyu dikkatli bir ekilde dneceiz. think up The students think up excuses whenever they are late to class. uydurmak renciler snfa ge kalnca mazeretler uydururlar. throw away He is throwing himself away on a person like this. dncesizce harcamak Bunun gibi bir insanda kendini harcyor. throw off They have thrown off their old habits. -den kurtulmak Eski alkanlklarndan kurtuldular. throw out He threw the rubbish out. -i atmak p att. throw up His father threw up his job yesterday. istifa etmek Babas dn iinden istifa etti.

tie down I can't accept your invitation. M job ties me down. kstlamak Davetini kabul beni kstlyor. tie in with The things you've said don't tie in with the reality. uymak Sylediklerin geree uymuyor. tie up The thieves tied up the officer and opened the safe. skca balamak Hrszlar memuru balad ve kasay at. tire out These problems tired us out. her adan yorgun dmek Bu sorunlar bizi her adan yordu. touch on We should touch on these interesting points. ksaca deinmek Bu ilgin noktalara ksaca deinmeliyiz. try for Ahmet was trying for a scholarship. -i elde etmeye almak Ahmet bir burs kazanmaya alyordu. try on Try it on!

denemek iin giymek zerinizde deneyin! try out Before you buy a television, you had better try it out. denemek, test etmek Bir televizyon almadan nce deneseniz iyi olur. turn away The waitress turned the beggars away. defetmek, ieri brakmamak Garson dilencileri ieri brakmad. turn down I must turn down his offer to help. reddetmek, geri evirmek Onun yardm teklifini geri evirmeliyim. turn in The children turn in before midnight. yatmak, uyumak ocuklar gece yarsndan nce yatar. turn off This kind of a relationship turns me off. birinin cann skmak Bu tr bir iliki benim canm skyor. turn on Turn off the television and turn on the radio. televizyon vs'yi amak Televizyonu kapatp radyoyu a.

turn out The soldiers turned out at 7 o'clock. -de hazr bulunmak, toplanmak Askerler saat 7'de toplandlar. turn over The truck turned over in the crash. alabora olmak, devrilmek Kamyon arpmada devrildi. turn to She has nobody to turn to. -den yardm yada tavsiye istemek Yardm isteyecek kimsesi yok. turn up She turned up at midnight with her son. anszn kagelmek Gece yars anszn oluyla kageldi. wait on The children waited on until their teacher arrived. beklemeyi srdrmek renciler retmenleri gelene dek beklemeyi srdrdler. wake up I woke up at 11 o'clock yesterday. uyanmak Dn saat 11'de uyandm. wake up to Finally she woke up to the danger but she was too late.

-in farkna varmak Sonunda tehlikenin farkna vard ama ok ge kalmt. walk away with The burglars walked away with lots of jewellery. almak Soyguncular pek ok mcevher ald. walk out The workers of this factory walked out. greve gitmek Bu fabrikann iileri greve gitti. walk out on Don't walk out on us! terk etmek Bizi terk etme! wash out I can wash this spot out of your shirt. ykayarak yok etmek Bu lekeyi gmleinden ykayarak karabildim. watch out for Watch out for your wallet. dikkatli olmak Czdanna dikkat et. wear away The ancient drawings on the stones have worn away by the wind. silmek Talarn zerindeki ok eski izimler rzgar tarafndan silinmi.

wear out This material wore out quickly. eskimek Bu madde abucak eskidi. wipe out This bomb wiped 45 houses out last year. tamamen yok etmek Bu bomba geen yl 45 evi yok etti. work out The plan worked out. baarl olmak Plan baarl oldu. write back He wrote back accepting our offer. mektupla cevap vermek, bildirmek Teklifimizi kabul ettiini bana mektupla bildirdi. write down Write my telephone number down and call me whenever you want. kada yazmak, not etmek Numaram yaz ve her ne zaman istersen ara. write out I wrote out the notes. -in tamamn yazmak Notlarn tamamn yazdm.


Daily Talk Gnaydn: Good morning yi akamlar : Good evening yi geceler : Good night In English the expressions - Good evening and Good night - are singular. In Turkish they are plural [as is the Spanish - Buenos Dias.] Hello

Merhaba - Hello!, Hi! Merhaba corresponds to Hello!, Hi! in English. Its usage is identical in either language. The reply for Merhaba is Merhaba Merhaba is not used for - Hello! - on the telephone. This type of Hello is Alo Selam - Hello!, Hi! Selam is more informal than Merhaba Selamnaleykm: literally means - May God's peace be upon you - and is used by Muslims as a greeting. Aleykmselam - s said in reply to the greeting - Selamnaleykm. Ho geldin (familiar/singular) or Ho geldiniz (polite/plural) corresponds Welcome! in English. The reply for Ho geldin(iz) is Ho bulduk. We found it well. and Goodbye.

Allahasmarladk, Hoca kaln - Goodbye Hoa kal (familiar) or Hoa kaln (polite) corresponds to Stay well. /Keep happy.. in English. Gle gle - Goodbye - [lit: Smiling, smiling.] - The person staying behind, says Gle gle

The person is leaving leaves, says Allahasmarladk or Hoca kaln . Gle gle corresponds Go well. in English. Allahasmarladk - Goodbye - [Lit: I leave you to God's care.]. Either Allahasmarladk or Hoca kaln is correct in informal situations. But in formal situations Hoca kaln is better. yi gnler - Good day, [or: Have a good day.] . Its usage is almost the same as in English. It is also the formal of Allahasmarladk and Hoca kaln . The reply for yi gnler is either yi gnler or Size de - To you also. Grrz - See you later. [Lit: We will see each other.] The reply for Grrz is Grrz. Allah rahatlk versin - This is an informal expression for Good night. [Lit: May God give you peace and comfort.] This is generally used by the members of the family at home or friends before going to bed. The reply for Allah rahatlk versin is Sana da (sing.), Size de (pl.) - And to you also. Thanks and be happy.

Teekkr ederim - Thank you - this is used in all normal situations. The reply for teekkr ederim is Bir ey deil or Rica ederim - You are welcome. saol (familiar) or saolun (polite) [Lit: Health to you. equates to thank you but is more sincere than Teekkr ederim. The reply for sa olun is sen de sa olun - And health to you also. - However we conjugate sa ol for persons. So: sen de sa ol is the response for sa ol and siz de sa olun is the reponse to sa olun. See page about saying "Thank you" Gzn aydn (familiar/singular) or Gznz aydn (polite/plural) [Lit: "May your eyes shine."] - When something which the speaker longing for comes true, he tells the others about it. Their response is Gzn(z) aydn - Your eyes shine - to the speaker. The expression indicates that the others share the speaker's happiness, and that they are also happy about it. The reply for Gznz aydn is Teekkr ederim Hayrl olsun - Let it be with goodness - Used when someone opens a shop or starts a new business, others say Hayrl olsun to him. The expression indicates the speaker's wish that the new business will bring him prosperity, and it will be profitable. The reply for Hayrl olsun is Teekkr ederim

Gle gle kullan / kullann - Use it with a smile. - When someone buys a thing, such as a new clothes, shoes or a car his friends say Gle gle kullan / kullann - This indicates the speaker's wish that use it with joy. Sometimes Hayrl olsun is said in such condition. The reply for both expressions is Teekkr ederim. Have a good jouney.

yi yolculuklar / Hayrl yolculuklar - Have a nice journey. yi tatiller - Have a nice holiday yi anslar - Good Luck yi elenceler - Have a nice time yi seneler / yllar, Mutlu seneler / yllar - Happy new year Doum / Ya gnn kutlu olsun! - Happy birthday! Afiyet olsun - Bon appetite, Enjoy your meal. Well done and take it easy.

Kolay gelsin - May it come easy. - Used when the speaker sees someone working, busy with something. It can be a physical, or mental work. It indicates the speaker's wish that whatever that person is doing at the moment, may be easy for him. The reply for Kolay gelsin is Teekkr ederim Aferin - Bravo, Well done! - Very often used in competition and especially to congratulate young children. Sorry about it.

Afedersin (singular/familiar) or Afedersiniz (plural/polite): Excuse me./Pardon me. Affedersin(iz)! Merkeze nasl gidebilirim? - Excuse me! How can I get to the city centre? zr dilerim: I am sorry.

Sometimes Affedersin(iz) is used instead of zr dilerim. However zr dilerim is more formal, it sounds better in formal situations. Bir ey deil, Rica ederim: You are welcome Used in reply to Teekkr ederim Ways of saying - "Yes" - in Turkish

Evet : Yes - in the sense of answering yes / no questions in English. Tamam : Yes in the sense of - O.K Peki : Yes - in the sense of - All right, O.K, If that's so then. Oldu : Yes in the sense of - That's good, agreed. Evet, efendim : Yes, sir or madam. Var : Yes - there is. [Answers questions which contain - var m.? - Is there.?] Ways of saying No in Turkish

Hayr : No - in the sense of answering yes / no questions in English. Olmaz : No - in the sense of That's not possible, I don't agree with you, That won't do Yok, Yo : informal and gentle saying of No. [Also answers questions containing Yok mu.? - Isn't there.?] Hayr efendim : No sir. / No madam. - "Efendim" must be used in this case else this answer could be construed as being curt. Words of Condolence - What a pity.

Gemi olsun - May it pass away - This expression is used when a friend is ill or has had an accident, like - Get well soon. - in English The reply for Gemi olsun is Teekkr ederim.

Ban sa olsun (singular/familiar) or Banz sa olsun (plural/polite) : Health to your head. - This equates to - My condolences to you., So sorry about it. - in English. The reply for Banz sa olsun is Siz de sa olun, Dostlar saolsun ok yazk! / Ne yazk! : What a pity! ok zldm : I'm sorry to hear that.

Turkish Vowels - Some rules on words and sounds All vowels are pronounced short. Vowels never follow each other. To prevent this, buffer letters are inserted in between, these can be y, n, s but each has it own rules of addition. All vowels obey the 1st and 2nd rule of vowel harmony. Most English prepositions - to, from, in ,on, at etc. - becomes suffixes in Turkish (very few can also be used as separate words). Consonants: Words never start with a soft-g - - there are no exceptions to this rule. Words can not end in: b, c, d, g, (there are a few of exceptions). In words of foreign words, these are converted to p, , t, k. Exceptions to all rules above: (a) Words of foreign origin. (b) Composite words (two words combined together). Turkish Vowel Classification Turkish Vowel Qualities

Straight Wide Thick Thin a e Narrow - (Undotted) i - (Dotted)

Rounded Wide o Narrow u

Vowel Production (A) According to the position of tongue and exit. Thick vowels: a, , o, u. Thin vowels: e, i, , . (B) According to the lips positioning. Straight vowels: a, e, , i. Rounded vowels: o, , u, (C) According to the mouth opening. Wide Vowels: a, e, o, . Narrow vowels: , i, u, First rule of vowel harmony This Rule concerns the Vowels A and E 1. The Vowel A must follow the A-Undotted group A I O U 2. The Vowel E must follow the E-Dotted group E


Vowels are divided into two groups: Thick vowels: a, o, u, Thin vowels: e, , , i Rule: Normally, a word consists of either thick or thin vowels. And all rules applying to one set of (thick or thin) vowels apply symmetrically also to the other set. Examples: Thick Vowels: Konuacamz - that we will speak Thin Vowels: Greceimizi - that we will meet/correspond Some exceptions: (a) Combined words: denizalt [deniz + alt] - submarine (b) Words of foreign origin: otobs [autobus] contains both thick and thin vowels (c) The present continuous tense suffix -yor. - is invariable, there is no vowel change to letter O. The Two Groups of Vowels The eight thick vowels can be grouped as without dots (a, , o, u), and thin vowels as with dots (e, i, , ). This symmetry simplifies the 2nd rule of vowel harmony. Second rule of vowel harmony This Rule concerns the Vowels I, and U, There are two different forms of I () and U () in Turkish - so for Vowel harmony to operate: 1. The Undotted Forms of I or U must follow the A-Undotted group A I O U 2. The Dotted Forms of or must follow the E-Dotted group E Vowel Harmony Reference

When adding: -a or -e suffixes Where Final Vowel is: -a, -, -o, -u Where Final Vowel is: -e, -i, -, - When adding: - or -u undotted suffixes Where Final Vowel is: -a or - Where Final Vowel is: -o or -u When adding: -i or - dotted suffixes Where Final Vowel is: -e or -i Where Final Vowel is: - or - add Dotted add -i - add Undotted add - -u add add -a -e

Following Vowels This vowel can only be followed by either of these vowels: a - is followed by - a, - is followed by - a, o - is followed by - a, u u - is followed by - a, u And (by the 1st rule of vowel harmony) this vowel can only be followed by either of these vowels: e - is followed by -e, i i - is followed by -e, i - is followed by -e, - is followed by -e,

A subsequent (2nd, 3rd) syllable can only contain an a/u/ or an e//i. In the same way, an o or can only occur in the first syllable. with composite words eg: bugn - today = bu (this) + gn (day) - each component word is considered separately for the rules of vowel harmony.

Conversational Stress In Turkish Stress in Nouns Stress in a word often falls on the last syllable (stress shown in bold below). kap = door araba = car pazar = market, bazaar Pazar = Sunday With composite words, one of the sub-parts can take the stress: Pazartesi = Monday [literally: Pazar + ertesi = the day after Sunday] gzel = beautiful gzellik = beauty gzelliin = your beauty gzelliinden = from your beauty Proper names such as city and country names differ. Often the second last syllable takes the stress: Istanbul zmir

Edirne Nikaragua ngiltere An exception: Ankara Stress in a sentence However, in a sentence (or in a phrase), normally only one of the words will have stress, indicating the focus of the sentence. The word with stress is often placed immediately before the verb. Example: - Yesterday the door of my car was broken Dn arabamn kaps krld - (the door) Arabamn kaps dn krld - (it was yesterday, not today) Dn arabamn kaps krld - (of the car I was driving, and not the door of something else) Dn benim arabamn kaps krld - (of my own car, and not someone else's). Note that in this case we do not drop the normally redundant benim. Dn arabamn kaps krld - (it was broken, not scratched) Multiple words may share stress, such as: - Paris'e de, Londra'ya da gittim - I've been to both Paris and London. Stress with suffixes Some suffixes are stressed, some not. With each suffix in the following sections, it will be given whether it is (stressed) or (not stressed). Throughout this guide, the bold typeface, when given, will indicate which syllable in that word or sentence is stressed. A number of suffixes have two (or more) entirely different meanings and uses, one being stressed, the other not. suffix - first meaning (stressed) -ler : plural arabalar = cars

second meaning (not stresse

yeiller - to be (they "are") =


-de,-da : in/or/at arabada = in the car -me : noun form of a verb oturma = the sitting -ki : that of benimki = that of me, mine -sin : let him/her/it - krsn = let him break -le , -(y)le makes a verb from a noun ak = open, clear. akla = explain. kutu = box (noun). kutula(mak) = to box (put in) (verb).

de, da - too,also araba da = t

Negative verb - oturma = do

ki - that (conjunction) dedim

"to be" for second person si rich

-le, -le/-la - with - evle = wit box.

Some of these suffixes can actually be written as a separate word, generally only to distinguish them from their other use; however these can still be c declined with the word they follow.

Some Examples of using -a ramen - despite Translating - although

Yapmamasn ona sylememe ramen gitmeye karar verdi. He decided to go, although I told him not to. Doru olduklarndan emin olmamama ramen cevaplarm kopyalayabilirsin. You can copy down my answers although I'm not sure they're right. Milyonlarca yaama mal olmasna ramen sava kazandlar. They won the war, although it cost them millions of lives.

12 yanda olmasna ramen Mehmet annesinden daha uzundur. Although he's only 12, Mehmet is taller than his mother. Gerekte patronumuz olmamasna ramen, ofisin etkin kontrolne sahiptir. Although she's not officially our boss, she's in effective control of the office. Kk olmasna ramen dairemi ok seviyorum. I like my apartment a lot although it is quite small. Translating - even though

Gerekten vakti olmamasna ramen yardm etmeyi teklif etti. Even though she hasn't really got the time, she still offered to help. Davet edilmeme ramen partiye gitmeyeceim. I won't go to the party even though I was invited. ok ge olmasna ramen almaya devam etti. Even though it was very late, he went on working. 86 yanda olmasna ramen mkemmel bir shhati var. Even though he's 86, he has excellent health. Translating - despite

Havaya ramen yine de hafta sonundan zevk aldm. I still enjoyed the week despite the weather. Mali sorunlara ramen irket baarl. Despite its financial problems, the company is successful. Kara ramen otobsler alyor. Buses are still running, despite the snow. Farkl ehirlerde yaamalarna ramen iki aile yakn ilikilerini srdrmektedirler. Despite living in different countries, the two families have maintained close links.

Havaya ramen piknikten zevk aldm. I still enjoyed the picnic despite the weather. Yamura ramen dar ktk. We went out despite the rain. abalarmza ramen yetkililer okulu kapatmaya karar verdiler. Despite all our efforts , the authorities decided to close the school. Hastalna ramen normal bir yaam srdrebildi. He was able to lead a normal life, despite the illness. Translating - in spite of

Her eye ramen hala onu seviyor. He still loves her in spite of everything. Sorunlara ramen yaamaya devam etti. In spite of the problems, he went on living. Souk algnlklarna ramen ok neeliler. They are very cheerful in spite of their colds. Hastalna ramen James okula gitti. In spite of her illness, James went to school. ok almasna ramen snavda baarsz oldu. He failed the test in spite of studying hard. Newspaper examples

Nisan ortas gelmesine ramen Uluda'da kar 185 santimetre. Snow of 185cm on Uludag although it is the middle of April.


Trkiye'nin nemli k turizm merkezlerinden Uluda'da, tatil sezonunun Mart aynda kapanmasna ramen 185 santimetre kalnlndaki kar, kayak severleri sevindiriyor. Karn gneli havaya ramen kayak yapmaya elverili olmas kayak severlerin ilgisini ekiyor. Uluda'da halen 3 otel hizmet veriyor. Evlendim!

Eimle ailem istememesine ramen evlendim. lerde sorun yaar myz? I got married to my partner in spite of my family not wishing it. Will we live with a problem in the future?

Let's Stop Smoking. A note about this article. Here is a copy of an article about giving up smoking (2000 - FORSENET). We have included it here for our students to read and translate for themselves as a sample of modern published Turkish. If it also helps anyone quit cigarette smoking, then that is a double bonus for us all. We thank the copyright holders for our use of this article and crave their indulgence in the interest of Turkish language learning. Yeni hayatnza HO GELDNZ ! if you do want to see the English translation then hover here.


Cigarette smoking is seriously dangerous to you and to those around you. En sevdiiniz koltua oturun, rahatlayn, bir ay ya da kahve iin. Bir sigara yakn. Arkanza yaslann ve rahatlayn. Duman iinize ekin, dar verin. Keyfini karn. zlmeyin nasl olsa, sigaray yarn brakacaksnz, ya da br gn, ya da br hafta, belki br ay . Bu tamamen size bal, bunu sizin iin bir bakas yapamaz. Kendi kendinize yapmak zorundasnz. Herkes kendi kararn kendisi vermek zorunda, herkesin bamllk durumu farkl. Ancak, her sigara tiryakisinin akcierleri ayn karanlk grne sahip ve vcutlar ac iinde. Sigara ien herkes onun zararlarn biliyor. Tm tavsiyeleri, uyarlar duyuyor, hatta her pakete baktnda onun salk iin zararl olduunu okuyor. Sigarann zararlar ile ilgili kampanyalar istemese de fark ediyor. Ancak bunlarn hi biri yeterli olmuyor. stelik, halka ak yerlerde, kapal mekanlarda, devlet dairelerinde ve pek ok i yerindeki sigara yasaklar da tiryakilerin gnlk sigara tketimini azaltmyor. nk, onlar her zaman bir yolunu bulup istedikleri kadar sigara iiyorlar. Ksacas, eer bir kii sigaray brakmaya hazr ya da kesin kararl deilse, sigara imek iin geerli bir sebep ve uygun bir mekn mutlaka yaratyor. Sigaray brakamam tm tiryakiler bilir bunu. Bazen de sigaray brakmak isteyen bir tiryaki, bir gn hi imedikten sonra, "btn gn dayandm, artk bir sigara iebilirim" der ve her ey yeniden balar. Sigaraya yeniden balamak iin "ok gerildim, ok stres altndaym, bir sigaraya ihtiyacm var" gibi bahaneler de ileri srlr. "Birka sigaradan ne olur" dncesi de bu konuda ok etkilidir.


Sigaray brakmak iin, ilk nce karar vermelisiniz. if you do want to see the English translation then hover here. Alkanlnz ya da ondan nasl kurtulacanz konusunda ne yazk ki bir genelleme yapmak pek mmkn deil. Sizin sigara ime sebepleriniz yada sigara tketiminiz bir bakasnnkiyle ayn deildir. rnein, bir tiryaki hep ayn markay hi deitirmeden iebilir, bir bakas ise srekli deiik markalar kullanabilir. Ne zaman itiiniz, nasl itiiniz, nerede itiiniz ve ne kadar itiiniz tamamen size zeldir. Sigara iilmemesi gereken bir durumda, bir tiryaki uzun sre ok da fazla aba gstermeden dayanabilir, bir bakas bu duruma hi tahamml edemeyerek, kendisine hemen sigara iecek bir ortam yaratabilir. Bunun genel bir kural yoktur. Herkesin kendi kiilii, metabolizmas ve tercihleri vardr. Bir bakas bir dierine mdahale edemez ya da kimse kimseye benzemez. Dolaysyla, sigaray brakma karar da tamamen kiiseldir. Ancak unu unutmamalsnz ki; bu karar verdiinizde krl kacak olan sizsiniz, bylece salkl ve daha rahat bir hayata ulaacanz bilin. Biz bu web sitesinde size, sigarann tm yzlerini, devasa paralar dnen ve sizin salnz pahasna zengin olan bir endstriyi, ayrca bu kt alkanlktan kurtulabilmeniz iin baarya ulam baz metotlar sunacaz. Hangisini uygulayacanza gene siz karar vereceksiniz. Ayrca iradenizi glendirmek iin ve hayat tarznz olduu gibi deitirecek olan bu karar verirken yardmc olacak nerilerde bulunacaz. GEREKTEN! Bu karar kesin olarak verdiyseniz, sigaray hayatnzdan sonsuza dek karabilirsiniz. Thanks to: Btn haklar sakldr. 2000 FORSNET

A Daily Verb List


Common Verbs - You can learn these words individually on this page below: Click buttons to study individual words (231)

A List of Verbs in Constant Use

acele etmek

to hurry up

aklamak ( a)

to explain

almak ()

to be opened


to open

affetmek (i)

to forgive


to cry

almak (a)

to get used to.

almak (i)

to buy

anlamak (i)

to understand


to explain


to tell

anmak (i)

to pay tribute to

araba srmek

to drive


to search

arzu etmek

to wish/ to desire


ayaa kalkmak

to stand

ayrtmak (i)

to reserve

ayrlmak (den)

to leave

barmak (e)

to scream

balk tutmak

to fish

balatmak (i, e)

to get something/to start

bkmak (den)

to get bored with

bildirmek (e, i)

to inform

binmek (e)

to ride


bir araya gelmek

to get together

bitirmek (i)

to finish something


to end

bor almak (i, den)

to borrow money

bor vermek

to lend money

bozdurmak (i, e)

to exchange


to be found

bulunmak (de)

to be found

bymek (de)

to grow up


cevap vermek (e)

to answer

armak (i)

to call out

almak (e)

to work

almak (i)

to play an instrument

evirmek (i)

to translate

karmak (i, den)

to bring out

kmak (den)

to leave

zmek (i)

to solve

datmak (i)

to scatter/disperse


dans etmek

to dance

davam etmek

to continue

davet etmek (e, i)

to invite

davranmak (e)

to behave/ to act


to change

ders almak

to study

desteklemek (i)

to support

dikkat etmek (e)

to pay attention to

dinlenmek (de)

to rest


domak (de)

to be born

dorulamak (i)

to confirm

dnmek (e, den)

to return

durmak (de)

to stop/ to stand

dus yapmak

to shower


to hear


to think (about something)


to organize


to have fun


emekli olmak

to retire

endie etmek (den)

to be concerned

ertelemek (i)

to postpone

eveleme teklif etmek (i, e)

to propose marriage

evlenmek (le)

to marry

ezberlemek (i)

to memorize

fren yapmak

to hit the brakes

ge kalmak (den)

to be late

geirmek (i)

to spend time


gemek (den)

to go by

gelitirmek (i)

to improve

gelmek (e)

to come



gerekmek (e)

to be necessary

getirmek (e, den, i)

to bring

girmek (e)

to enter

gitmek (e)

to go


to wear (clothes)


grmek (i)

to see

grmek (le)

to interview

gstermek (i,e)

to show

gtrmek (e, i)

to take to another place

grev yapmak

to strike

haber vermek (e)

to inform

harcamak (i)

to spend money

hatrlamak (i)

to remember

hazrlamak (i)

to prepare



to get ready

heyecan duymak

to get excited

hissetmek (i)

to feel


to enjoy

smarlamak (i)

to order something

srar etmek (de)

to insist on

imek (i)

to drink

ikna etmek (i)

to persuade




imzalamak (i)

to sign

inanmak (e)

to believe

incelemek (i)

to review

inmek (den)

to get off

inaat yapmak (i)

to construct

iptal etmek (i)

to cancel

istemek (i)

to want

istifa etmek (den)

to resign

itiraz etmek (e)

to refuse


izin almak

to get permission

izin vermek (e)

to give permission

izlemek (i)

to watch

kabul etmek (i)

to accept

karmak (i)

to miss

kalkmak (de)

to get up

kalmak (de)

to stay

kamp yapmak

to camp


to close



to be closed

karar vermek (e)

to decide

karmak (e)

to interfere

kars ikmak (e)

to oppose

karslatrmak (i)

to compare

katlmak (e)

to attend

kaybetmek (i)

to lose

kayt yaptrmak (e)

to register

kaza yapmak

to have an accident


kaza yaptrmak (e)

to cause someone to have an accident


to win


to break

kiralamak (i)

to rent

konumak (la)

to speak

korkmak (den)

to be afraid of


to run


to use

kurmak (i)

to establish



to get angry



merak etmek (i)

to wonder about

mezun olmak (de, e)

to graduate

monte etmek

to put together



nefret etmek (den)

to hate

okumak (i)

to read

onaylamak (i)

to approve


oturmak (e, den)

to sit

oynamak (e)

to play

demek (i)

to pay

renmek (i)

to learn

retmek (i)

to teach


to die


to suggest

nermek (i)

to suggest

nlemek (i)

to prevent


zetlemek (i)

to summarize

zr dilenmek (den)

to apologize


to panic

para kazanmak (i)

to earn money

pazarlk etmek

to bargain


to cook

planlamak (i)

to plan

rahat almak

to feel comfortable

rahatsz etmek (i)

to bother


rejim yapmak

to diet

restore etmek (i)

to remodel

rica etmek (i, den)

to request politely

riski girmek

to take a risk

salamak (i)

to provide

saklamak (i)

to hide

saldrmak (e)

to attack


to have an opinion

sapmak (e)

to turn


satn almak

to purchase

satmak (e, i)

to sell

savamak (la)

to fight (war)

sevmek (i)

to like

seyretmek (i)

to watch


to get bored

snava girmek

to take a test

snrlamak (i)

to limit

sohbet etmek

to chat



to tell

sz vermek (e)

to promise

spor yapmak

to exercise

srmek (i)

to last/drive

arki sylemek

to sing




to be surprised

ikayet etmek (den)

to complain

takip etmek (i)

to follow



to wear (accessories)

tanmak (le)

to meet for the 1st time

tantrmak (a, )

to introduce

tamak (i)

to carry

tavsiye etmek (i)

to recommend

teklif etmek (i e)

to offer

tekrar etmek (i)

to repeat

telefon etmek (e)

to call

temizlemek (i)

to clean


tercih etmek (i)

to prefer

tercme etmek (i)

to translate

teslim etmek (i)

to deliver

teekkr etmek (e)

to thank

umak (le)

to fly

uramak (e)

to stop by

uramak (le)

to be busy with

ummak (i)

to hope

unutmak (i)

to forget


uyarmak (i)

to warn

uyumak (de)

to sleep


to get sad


to arrive

vermek (e, i)

to give

vermek (e,i)

to give

yakalamak (i)

to catch


to burn

yapmak (i)

to do/make



to create

yasaklamak (i)

to ban

yasaklanmak (i)

to be banned

yasamak (de)

to live

yatmak (de)

to go to bed

yazmak (i)

to write

yedirmek (i e)

to feed

yemek (i)

to eat

yenmek (i)

to defeat



to grow


to grow (something)

yolculuk yapmak

to travel

ykselmek (e)

to rise

yrmek (de)

to walk

yzmek (de)

to swim

ziyaret etmek (i)

to visit

zorlamak (i e)

to force

zorluk ekmek (de)

to have a hard time


How to sound Turkish. STANBUL Turkish Daily News 27 July 2007 This article thanks to Turkish Daily News If you have always wondered what the trick is to sounding 100 percent Turkish without using long difficult sentences or even just cursing through adding suffixes, this list should help. While in other countries people get lost mid sentence, Turkish language learners have found that they get lost mid word. Below are some expressions, which you can use at your own discretion and risk. Be sure they will wow and impress Turkish friends, your landlord, the bakkal, taxi drivers. But if they know you don't really speak Turkish and are just pretending, be prepared for chuckles. If nothing else they will be flattered you are trying to tap into the nuances of their language. Turkish expressions:

Tsk! Made by squeezing the tongue in between the front end of the upper palate and front lower gums and by pulling it back fast, it is used to mean "no" with a slight nod of the head toward the back. It can also be used as a reprimand when accompanied with a slow shake of the head from left to right. Yooo (instead of yok) Pronounced yo'oh, it is used to replace "no" (hayr) in more informal conversations. Of ya! is used to express frustration and disappointment. You can prolong the "a" at the end to accentuate the feeling. Bu ne ya!!! Yet another expression to convey frustration. Literally meaning, "What is this?" the expression also shows anger over injustice. Oh be! this expression conveys relief.

Yuh be Communicating a surprise over the sheer volume of something, it is accompanied with a throw of hands and arms into the air to accentuate the meaning. O ha! Along with "" (read chush, with "u" as in the "u" in "cubicle"), the words convey surprise over an unexpected condition. Can be used angrily to a careless driver. The "o" in "o ha" can be prolonged to accentuate the meaning, where as the same can be done by accentuating and prolonging the "" in "." Vay be! This one expresses surprise. Maallah Used to praise qualities of something or someone. Men can use it to convey their likes for female passers but be careful! nallah The literary meaning of the word is "If God willing". It is used to express hope that something will happen. Allah Allah Expresses wonder. Reprimand can be expressed if accompanied with slow shake of head from side to side or anger if used with the throw of one hand in the air toward the front. Allah! Use it when in danger. It is the name of God and a call upon him to save oneself from deep trouble. You will know if he does. Survivors live to tell how God helped them at the most difficult times. Hadi ya! Expresses disbelief. Use with arching of brows to the top and opening of the eyes wide to better get across the feeling. nanmyorum! The literal translation is: "I don't believe it!" Used to express happiness or anger. The trick is using the correct tone of voice and gestures. Also the "u" at the end can be prolonged when conveying happiness. ok gzel Everything is beautiful in life. If you ask Turks how dinner was the night before, it was "ok gzel". The movie is "ok gzel". When asked how something is/was, avoid complicated answers by saying "ok gzel". yle mi? "Is it the way?" This does not convey genuine disbelief but is just a phrase to keep the conversation going. Similar to "Oh really!" in English Gerekten mi? "Really?" (Lit: From the truth?) Yes, we really use this one very often. Efendim! A more polite answer to a call than "Ne?" - "What?" N'apyorsun? It is the short hand version of "Ne yapyorsun?" - "What are you doing?" Do not pronounce the "r" and you will sound very Turkish. You can use it as the second sentence in a phone conversation. For example: "Alo, merhaba. N'apyorsun?"

by on the streets,

N'aber? Used instead of "Ne haber?" the literal translation is "What is the news?" When sending text messages, the shorthand version is "nbr?" Ne var ne yok? The Turkish version of "What's up?" Nasl gidiyor? Literally meaning "How is it going?", you would sound very Turkish if you pronounce it as "Nas gidiyo?" Yr be! A fun expression to convey disbelief. mi/m/mu/m: the quintessential doubter's suffix: If you ever make a statement that on second thought you shouldn't have. Or are not getting social clues that it has landed on the ears of your anyone, just add a mu? at the end. This can even come after a pause, or you have well finished the sentence and a few seconds have passed. For example: "Hadi gidelim mi?" - "Should we go then?" Disclaimer: The TDN (Turkish Daily News) does not take responsibility for funny looks you may receive while using these expressions. Please practice under native Turkish supervision.

About Word Formation in Turkish Word Recognition in Turkish In English we have many little suffixes such as -ness, -ly, -tion etc. which we use to form and modify words and meanings from existing nouns and words. The same exists in the Turkish language and here we list some of the main ones. Sometimes (as in English) the connection of the modified word is not always apparent from the original, however in your studies this list will help you to recognize parts of speech and take an educated guess at the actual meaning of the word in question. It is all part of the language learning curve. Each word has to be learnt but being able to recognize word endings can often be a help in reading and communicating. Forming nouns and adjectives

-lk-/lik-/-luk/-lk Makes concrete and abstract nouns like -ness or -tion in English. iyi - good - forms - iyilik - goodness gz - eye - forms - gzlk - spectacles/eye-glasses gzel - nice, lovely - forms - gzellik - beauty Also forms nouns of place and usage kmr - coal - forms - kmrlk - coal cellar elma - apple - forms - elmalik - apple orchard tuz - salt - forms - tuzluk - salt cellar -l-/li-/-lu/-l Forms adjectives - furnished with, containing, emanating from, and nationalities. ehir - town - forms - ehirli - from town, urban, a towny para - money - forms - paral - moneyed, requiring payment in cash aa - tree - forms - aal - a place of trees, a copse, a glade ngiliz - English - forms - ngilizli - an Englishman -sz/-siz/-suz/-sz Forms adjectives of lacking, lack of, without, -less su - water - forms - susuz - thirsty, waterless para - money - forms - parasz - without money, broke zarar - damage, injury - forms - zararsz - unhurt, harmless, undamaged -ci/-c/-cu/-c or -i/-/-u/- Forms nouns of occupation, work etc. taksi - taxi - forms - taksici - taxi driver kebap - kebab - forms - kebap - kebab seller balk - fish - forms - balk - fisherman yol - road, way - forms - yolcu - traveller -ca/-ce/-a/-e Forms the names of national languages and also adverbs and adjectives. Trk - Turk, Turkish - forms - Trke - Turkish [as a language] ngiliz - English (as an adjective) - forms - ngilizce - English [as a language] spanyol - Spanish (as an adjective) - forms - spanyolca - Spanish [as a language]

aptal - fool - forms - aptalca - foolishly, in a foolish manner yava - slow - forms - yavaa - slowly, in a slowish manner sert - hard - forms - serte - hardish giz, gizli - secret - forms - gizlice - secretly Gives the meaning of likeliness. ocukA davranyorsun. - You are behaving LIKE a child. - childishly nsanCA yasamalyz. - We must live humanLY. Makes a noun into a verb. Davranlar genellikle deliCE(dir). - Her behaviours (plural in Turkish) are generally INS ANE. Gives the meaning - in terms of, on the point of KiloCA senden daha fazla. - He is more than you IN THE TERMS OF of kilos. AklCA birbirinizden farknz yok. - You (in plural) don't have difference from each other IN THE TERMS OF intellect. Gives the meaning - according to SenCE yaptn doru mu? - Do YOU THINK it is right what you have done. BenCE sana yeil ok yakyor. - I THINK green suits you well. Gives the meaning of - muchness, exaggeration YzlerCE kitap okumu. - He has read hundredS of books. Enumerates a time period. By being added to the nouns which is about time, Gives the meaning - equality, for, during (the time), as long as. Bu okulda yllarCA altm. - I worked at this school FOR years. Seni saatlerCE bekledim. - I waited for you FOR hours. Gives the meaning - togetherness, unity Bu karar aileCE aldk. - We took this decision AS ALL the family. SnfA piknie gittik. - We went to picnic ALL TOGETHER WITH the class. Shows the situation. SessizCE beni dinle. - Listen to me quietLY. Onunla gizliCE bulutum. - I met him secretLY. Gives the meaning - downsizing, decreasing, restriction YalCA bir adam bana seni sordu. - An oldISH man asked me for you. - not too old BykE bir ta frlatt. - He threw away a SOMEWHAT large stone. -da

Basically this suffix means -fellow vatan - native country - forms - vatanda - fellow countryman, citizen arka - back, behind - forms - arkada - friend [Lit: the fellow behind] yol - road, way - forms - yolda - fellow traveller -inci/-nc/-uncu/-nc used for ordinal numbers - three - forms - nc - the third be - five - forms - beinci - the fifth -ms/-msi ac - bitter - forms - acms - slightly bitter eki - sour - forms - ekimsi - sourish -cil/-cl ben - I - forms - bencil - selfish insan - person - forms - insancl - humane, caring -n sar - yellow - forms - sarn - blonde -sal kum - sand - forms - kumsal - sandy, beach, shoal kadn - woman - forms - kadnsal - feminine, female, womanly -t ya - age - forms - yat - of the same age yakmak - to burn - forms - yakt - fuel -caz A diminutive suffix, for persons and pets kz - girl - forms - kzcaz - poor little girl ocuk - child - forms - ocukcaz - poor little child -ck/-cik/-cuk/-ck A diminutive suffix for size, quantity. az - little, a bit - forms - azck - just a bit, just a little kk - small - forms - kck - tiny, smallish byk - big - forms - byck - biggish

-t/-ti/-tu/-t horuldamak - to snore, to gurgle - forms - horultu - a snore cvldamak - to chirp, to twitter - forms - cvlt - a chirping, a twittering Forming verbs from nouns or adjectives

-lamak/-lemek su - water - forms - sulamak - to water, irrigate ta - stone - forms - talamak - to pave ; to throw stones at. uur - good luck - forms - uurlamak - to see somebody off. temiz - clean - forms - temizlemek - to clean something; to finish off. -almak az - less - forms - azalmak - to lessen dar - narrow - forms - daralmak - to become narrow -l doru - correct, accurate - forms - dorulamak - to correct, to certify sivri - sharp - forms - sivrilmek - to become pointed, conspicuous -a/-e kan - blood - forms - kanamak - to bleed ya - age - forms - yaamak - to live, to exist tr - a sort - forms - tremek - to derive -ar ya - moist, damp - forms - yaarmak - to fill with tears mor - purple - forms - morarmak - to turn purple -damak/-demek fslt - a mutter - forms - fsldamak - to murmur, whisper horultu - a snore - forms - horuldamak - to snore grlt - noise - forms - grldemek - to rumble -atmak/-etmek yn - direction - forms - ynetmek - to direct, administer gz - eye - forms - gzetmek - to look after, to take care of

-kma/-ikmek ge - late - forms - gecikmek - to be late, to fall behind bir - one - forms - birikmek - to collect, to assemble one by one -msamak/-imsemek az - less, small - forms - azmsamak - to regard as of little value benim - my - forms - benimsemek - to regard as one's own, to embrace in principle kk - small - forms - kmsemek - to regard as small, to condescend -krmak ft - a squirt - forms - fkrmak - to gush haykr - a squeal - forms - haykrmak - to bawl, to holler -lanmak/-lenmak ev - house - forms - evlenmek - to marry -lamak/-lemak aka - joke - forms - akalamak - to joke with each other dar - marrow - forms - darlamak - to get narrow, to get tight souk - cold - forms - souklamak - to get cold -samak/-semek very often means to - regard as. su - water - forms - susamak - to get thirsty garip - odd, peculiar - forms - garipsemek - to regard as strange, curious nem - importance - forms - nemsemek - to regard as important Forming nouns from existing verb roots

-ca/-a -ce/-e dnmek - to think - forms - dnce - thought, opinion elenmek - to enjoy oneself - forms - elence - amusement, entertainment -acak/-ecek This is a form of the Future Participle giymek - to dress - forms - giyecek - clothes, outfit olmak - to become - forms - olacak - suitable, reasonable

amak - to open - forms - aacak - can, bottle opener -ak/-ek yatmak - to lie down - forms - yatak - bed kamak - to escape - forms - kaak - deserter, escapee durmak - to halt/stop - forms - durak - bus stop, a halt -ga/-ge blmek - to divide, partition - forms - blge - zone, area, precinct bilmek - to know how to - forms - bilge - profound, sophisticated sprmek - to sweep. brush - forms - sprge - a broom, a brush, a whisk -gan/-kan/-gen/-ken almak - to work - forms - alkan - industrious unutmak - to forget - forms - unutkan - forgetful kaymak - to slide - forms - kaygan - slippery -g/-gi sevmek - to love, like - forms - sevgi - love, affection almak - to play (mus.) ; to steal - forms - alg - musical instrument asmak - to hang (up) - forms - ask - peg, hanger -g/-gi bilmek - to know - forms - bilgi - info, data, know-how dalmak - to dive, dip - forms - dalg - diver (marine), plunger balanmak - to begin, to be begun - forms - balang - initial, start up -gn/-kn/-gin/-kin/-gn/-kn/-gun/-kun Forms nous and adjectives of description and result bkmak - to be fed up with. - forms - bkkn - bored, fed up yormak - to tire, to become weary - forms - yorgun - tired solmak - to fade - forms - solgun - faded amak - to deviate - forms - akn - bewildered, amazed kzmak - to get angry, to get hot - forms - kzgn - angry, hot -/-i/-u/- Is added to single syllable words ending in a consonant and forms a noun of result from the verb modified. lmek - to die - forms - l - a corpse

yapmak - to make - forms - yap - a construction, a building dolmak - to fill - forms - dolu - full (adj.) kokmak - to smell - forms - koku - a smell komak - to run - forms - kou - a race -c/-ici/-ucu/-c yapmak - to do - forms - yapc - performer, doer, builder grmek - to see - forms - grc - matchmaker (for intended marriage) almak - to take - forms - alc - purchaser, consignee satmak - to sell - forms - satc - seller, dealer, vendor -k/-ik/-uk/-k forms nouns and adjectives of result. kesmek - to cut - forms - kesik - a cut amak - to open - forms - ak - open (adj.) bozmak - to spoil - forms - bozuk - ruined, spoiled, out of order kmak - to go/come out - forms - kk - dislocated, projecting delmek - to bore, to drill - forms - delik - hole samak - to scatter - forms - sak - strewn around, scattered, in disarray -m/-im/-um/-m forms nouns of a single occasion/happening saymak - to count - forms - saym - tally, census, count semek - to choose - forms - seim - choice, election, selection lmek - to die - forms - lm - death, demise lmek - to measure - forms - lm - measurement, size, reading on a scale satmak - to sell - forms - satm - a (single) sale -n/-in/-un/-n ymak - to heap up - forms - yn - heap, stack akmak - to flow, stream out - forms - akn - raid, rush, invasion tt-n - water - forms - ttn - to water ekmek - to plant, sow (v.) ; bread (n.) - forms - ekin - crop, growing grain -in/-in/-un/-n glmek - to laugh - forms - gln - laughable, ridiculous

sevmek - to like, love - forms - sevin - mirth, delight -nt/-inti/-untu/-nt esmek - to blow - forms - esinti - breeze kmak; - to go out, exit - forms - knt - projection, bulge, ledge dkmek - to pour, dump, empty - forms - dknt - spillage, debris, waste -ar/-er/-r/-ir/-ur/-r and -r from the Simple Present participle - Positive gelmek - to come - forms - gelir - income (money.), revenue, takings gider - to go, leave - forms - gider - expenditure, outlay, expense okumak - to read - forms - okur - reader, the reading public -/-i/-u/- this is the Co-operative (in concert) Verb Mood sign oturmak - to sit, to reside - forms - oturu - way of sitting yrmek - to walk - forms - yry - a walk, gait, pace -t/-it/-ut/-t gemek - to pass - forms - geit - passageway, thoroughfare yakmak - to burn - forms - yakt - fuel ; tons deadweight lmek - to measure - forms - lt - criterion, measure of value -t/-ti/-tu/-t belirmek - to emerge, appear - forms - belirti - indication, indicator kzartmak - to redden/chafe ; to grill - forms - kzart - eruption/glow Forming new verbs from existing verbs

-ala/-ele kovmak - to drive away - forms - kovalamak - to chase (after) silkmek - to shake, toss - forms - silkelemek - to shake s.o. out -msa/-imse glmek - to laugh - forms - glmsemek - to smile anmak - to mention - forms - anmsamak - to recollect -n/-in/-un/-n

gezmek - to wander - forms - gezinmek - to roam/lounge grmek - to see - forms - grnmek - to seem, appear sevmek - to love, like - forms - sevinmek - to feel glad, to rejoice tamak - to move - forms - tanmak - to move in/out ; to lodge with -r kamak - to escape - forms - karmak - to miss/let slip ; to kidnap batmak - to sink (by itself) - forms - batrmak - to sink s.o imek - to drink - forms - iirmek - to ply drinks - grmek - to see - forms - grmek - to meet umak - to fly - forms - uumak - to fly away glmek - to laugh - forms - glmek - to laugh at each other -t uzamak - to lengthen - forms - uzatmak - to extend sapmak - to deviate - forms - saptmak - to go crazy, talk gibberish korkmak - to fear - forms - korkutmak - to frighten mek - to chill/to cool down - forms - tmek - to get a chill/cold -l/-il sevmek - to like, love - forms - sevilmek - to be loved/liked (pass.) krmak - to fracture - forms - krlmak - to break s.o. satmak - to sell - forms - satlmak - to be sold ; to vend

Daily words and their opposites


Click buttons to study individual words (133)


The Word List Word and Opposite Meaning beautiful better big cheap early easy free full good heavy here gzel daha iyi byk ucuz erken kolay serbest dolu iyi ar burada ugly worse small expensive late difficult occupied empty bad light there irkin daha kt kk pahal ge zor megul bo kt hafif orada


hot near next old old open quick right Word and Opposite Meaning WORD a little above adult afraid all always anybody TYPE adv adj noun adj adj adv pronoun

scak yakn gelecek ihtiyar eski ak abuk doru

cold far last young new shut slow wrong

souk uzak son gen yeni kapal yava yanl

Turkish az stne ; stnde reit ; ergin korkmu ; korkan butun daima kimse

OPPOSITE a lot below child secure none never nobody

Turkish ok altnda ; aada ocuk gvenli ; salam hi asla hi kimse


anything anywhere awake beautiful begin behind big borrow boy break bright buy cheap close close closed cold

pronoun adv adj adj verb adv adj verb noun verb adj verb adj adj verb adj adj

bir ey her bir yer uyank gzel balamak arkada byk bor almak ; dn almak olan krmak parlak almak ucus yakn kapatmak kapal souk

nothing nowhere asleep ugly end in front little;small lend girl repair dim sell expensive far open open hot

hi bir ey hi bir yer uykuda rkn bitmek nnde kk bor vermek ; dn vermek kz onarmak lo satmak pahal uzak amak ak scak


cooked cool cry dark day dead different dislike divided down dry early easy empty energetic fast fat

adj adj verb adj noun adj adj verb adj adv adj adv adj adj adj adj adj

pimi serin alamak kara gn lm farkl beenmemek ; sevmemek blnm aa ; aada kuru erken kolay bo alkan abuk ; hzl iman

raw warm laugh light night alive;living same like undivided up wet late hard full tired slow thin

i lk glmek kl gece diri ayn beenmek ; sevmek blnmemi yukar ; yukarya ; yukarda slak ge zor dolu yorgun yava ince


few find first found freeze friend frown full give happy hard hate high hot in laugh like

adj verb adj adj verb noun verb adj verb adj adj verb adj adj prep verb verb

birka ; az bulmak ilk ; birinci bulunmu olan dondurmak arkada kalarn atmak dolu vermek mutlu zor nefretmek yksek scak -de/-da ; /-te/-ta (suffix) glmek beenmek

many lose last lost melt ; thaw enemy smile empty take sad easy love low cold out cry dislike

birok ; ok kaybetmek son ; en sonraki kaybolmu olan erimek dman glmsemek bo almak zgn kolay sevmek alak souk d ; darda alamak beenmemek


lock long love low man many more new noisy aged ; old on open open out pick up push put

verb adj verb adj noun adv adv adj adj adj adj adj verb adv verb verb verb

kilitlemek uzun sevmek alak erkek ok daha yeni grtl yal ; eski ak ak amak darda kopmak itmek koymak

unlock short hate high woman few less;fewer old;used quiet young ; new off closed close ; shut in put down pull take

kilidi amak ksa nefretmek yksek kadn az daha az eski sakin gen ; yeni kapal kapal kapamak ; kapatmak iinde koymak ekmek almak ; ektirmek


put down quickly quiet real repair rich right sad safe same sell sick sit slow slowly smile soft

verb adv adj adj verb adj adj adj adj adj verb adj verb adj adv verb adj

brakmak abuka sesiz gerek ; gerekten onarmak ; tamir etmek zengin sa doru zgn gvenli ayn satmak hasta oturmak yava yavaa glmsemek yumaak

pick up slowly loud fake break poor left ; wrong happy dangerous different;other buy healthy ; well stand fast quickly frown hard

almak yavaa grtl sahte bozmak ; krmak fakr sol ; yanl mutlu tehlikeli farkl ; baka satin almak salam ; iyi kalkmak abuk ; hzl abuka kalarn atmak sert


start straight strong stupid sunrise sweet take out tall together turn off under unlock up used wake up warm weak

verb adj adj adj noun adj verb adj adj verb prep verb adv adj verb adj adj

balamak dz kuvvetli aklsz ; budala gne douu tatl karmak uzun boylu beraber kesmek altnda kilidi amak yukar kullanl olan ; eski uyanmak lk zaif

end ; finish off crooked weak intelligent sunset sour ; salty put in short separate ; apart turn on over lock down new fall asleep cool stong

bitmek ; bittirmek eri zaif akll gne bat eksi ; tuzlu koymak ksa boylu atr amak zerinde kilitlemek aa yeni uykuya dalmak serin kuvetli


wet wide working young

adj adj adj adj

slak geni alan gen

dry narrow broken old

k dar bozuk yal

Turkish Language - Verb Forms Showing some Turkish verb forms This content has been taken from the web. We thank our unknown author for his industry. It is shown here for the interest of Turkish learners. The suffix -(y)e, -(y)a The Subjunctive 3rd person singular - indicates repeated or continuing activity simultaneous with the main verb. gee - meaning - passing - from - gemek - to pass, (indicates the time at which something happens): Saat drde on gee geldiler. - They came at ten past four. - [Lit: Hour from-four ten passing they-came.] diye - meaning - saying - from - demek - to say - (indicates what the sigh says): TEHLIKE diye bir levha - A sign saying DANGER - [Lit: DANGER saying a sign.] rasgele (rast gele) - haphazardly or randomly - from - rast gelmek - to meet by chance [indicates the manner of doing] Bazen rasgele dncelerim var. - Sometime I have random thoughts

Repeated, it has an idiomatic use: Gide gide postaneye mi gittin? - Going and going, was it to the post-office you went? - meaning: (After all that, couldn't you find anywhere better to go than to the post office?) Gle gle - (Leave)smilingly - said to someone who is departing. Glmek - to smile. Gle gle kullan! - Use it with smile! - said to someone who has obtained a new item that they desired. -(y)erek, -(y)arak - by doing / as a This adverb is constructed by the addition of the suffix -rek or -rak to the third person singular of subjunctive mood of the verb yields a gerund, meaning by doing or as a. It produces a single act or continued activity simultaneous with or slightly before the main verb. Often meaning by doing or with doing: bilerek = knowingly bilmeyerek = unknowingly Kapy aarak evden gitti. - Opening the door, he left the house. Used with negative verbs bilmeyerek - unknowingly istemeyerek - reluctantly Koarak (ks-a-rak) gitti. - He went a-running. Glerek (gl-e-rek) bakt. - She looked laughingly. Teekkr ederek (ed-e-rek) evden kt. - Thanking (his host), he left the house. Telefon ederek (ed-e-rek) sordunuz mu? - Have you inquired by telephoning? Glmseyerek; (glmsi-ye-rek) karlk vermi. - She answered smilingly. Yryerek (yr-ye-rek) gideceim. - I shall go by foot (by walking). Otomobile atlayarak (atla-ya-rak) kam. - By jumping into a car he escaped. Bavulunu alarak (al-a-rak) taksiyi bindi. - Taking his luggage, he got on a train. Kapy aarak (a-a-rak) odama girdim. - Opening the door I entered the room.


Special case olarak (from olmak - to become) Olarak (ol-a-rak from olmak - to become) is widely used as in following examples: (Best translated by as a or being) Dost olarak - As a friend (being a friend) kesin olarak - definitely (being sure) Memur olarak - As a civil servant ( being a civil servant) ilk kez olarak - for first time (being the first time) -(y)erek/-(y)arak shows an action accompanying or preceding that of the main verb in the sentence. The gerund formed by affixing -rek or rak to the Subjunctive Base [-y)e or -(y)a] is the same for all verbs. The tense and person is taken from the main verb at the end of the sentence. -(y)ip, -(y)p, -(y)up, -(y)p - and, also Used when there are two verbs with identical suffixes joined by and/also to simplify the first one. Kalkp gittik. [not - kalktk gittik.] - We got up and we left Oturup konuuyorlar. ( not oturuyorlar konuuyorlar.) - They are sitting and talking. Gidip bakmalyz - We must go and see. -(y)ince, -(y)nca, -(y)nce, -(y)unca - On doing or When Signifies action just prior to the main verb: This often best easily translated by - On doing or When in English: Otobs gelince kalkarm. - When the bus arrives, I will get up. - [on the bus arriving, I will get up.] -inceye kadar, -inceye dek, -inceye dein - until This signifies - until [lit: to-the-on-doing the-amount] Otobs gelinceye kadar, gidemedik. - Until the bus comes, we cannot go. [the amount to the bus on coming, we cannot go]

Otobs varncaya kadar, gidemedik. - Until the bus arrives, we cannot go. [the amount to the bus on arriving, we cannot go] Otobs duruncaya kadar, inmeyin. - Until the bus stops, do not alight. [the amount to the bus stopping, do not get off] The Turkish here is cumbersome so it is best learned and translated as until -ene kadar, -ana kadar, -ene dek, -ana dek, -ene dein, -ana dein - until The meaning is until but less formal Otobs gelene kadar, gidemedik. - Until the bus arrives, we cannot go. -esiye, -asya - to the point of he meaning is to the point of Derviler baylasya frl frl dndler. - The dervishes whirled to the point of fainting. -eli, -eli beri, -eliden beri, -diX -eli - since All the means since with the -di past ending conjugated as needed. Since we came to Istanbul it has not rained. Biz stanbul'a geleli hi yamur yamad. Biz stanbul'a geleli beri hi yamur yamad. Biz stanbul'a geleliden beri hi yamur yamad. Biz stanbul'a geldik geleli hi yamur yamad. -meden, -madan, -mezden, -mazdan - before, without meaning: before, without - followed by evvel or nce to mean before. Siz gitmeden evvel beni uyandrnz. - Wake me up before you go.

-dikten sonra, -dktan sonra, -dkten sonra, -duktan sonra - after doing after doing, the converse of -meden evvel / -meden nce Beni uyandrdktan sonra gidiniz. - Leave after waking me. -r -mez, -r -maz - as soon as Used to mean , or literally, as I was between the states of doing and not-doing: Ben oturur oturmaz telefon ald. - As soon as I was sitting down, the telephone rang. -dike (-tike), -dka (-tka) - so long as or the more that/all the while that Dnyann dnme hz gittike artyor. - The more the world spins its speeds increases. We can see that gittike - as it goes - can be translated as - gradually Dnyann dnme hz gittike artyor. - The world's spin speed is gradully increasing. Similarly from olmak - to become/to be we can form olduka - as it becomes/as it is which we translate as - quite O kz olduka gzel grnyor - That girl over there is quite good looking. Adam yaadka yalanyor - Man ages as he lives. OR All the time that man is living he gets older. Ben frl frl dndke, frl frl dneceim gelir! - dervi dedi. - "The more I whirl, the more I feel like whirling!", the dervish said. -dikten baka - apart from doing or in addition to doing O, kapy atktan baka, evden gittim. - He, in addition to opening the door, left the house.

-dii mddete - as long as, all the time O alt mddete arki syler. - He sings all the time he works. -dii halde - although or in a state of Bardm halde kimse yardma gelmedi. - Although I shouted, no one came. Baca alda olduu halde eve dnd. - He returned home with his leg plastered. -dii iin, -diinden - because of the Bir hali ald iin, vergi demeliyim. - Because of my purchasing a carpet, taxes I must pay. -dii kadar, -d kadar, -duu kadar, -d kadar, - as much as stediiniz kadar kalnz. - Stay as long as you want. Senin uyuduun kadar ben uyuyamam. - I cannot sleep as much as you do. -eceine, -acana, -ecek yerde, -acak yerde - instead of zmir'e yryeceine, otobs bineceim. - Instead of walking to Izmir, I will ride a bus. -mekle, -makla - with/by Gnm hep yaz yazmakla geirdim. - All of my day I spent by writing.

-mektense, -maktansa, -mekten ise, -maktan ise - rather than Ankara'ya gitmektense, stanbul'a gittim. - Rather than go to Ankara, I went to Istanbul. -meksizin, -makszn, -meden, -madan - without (-meden is more frequently used.) Otobs binmeksizin, stanbul'a gittim. - Without riding a bus, I went to Istanbul. Otobs binmeden, stanbul'a gittim. - Without riding a bus, I went to Istanbul.


Questions and Answers Here are some questions and answers on basic grammar which were on our original Manisa Turkish website. Please click a link in the right panel for a particular exercise. (1) The Articles English to Turkish Exercise 1. That animal is a cat O hayvan bir kedi(dir). [-dir - is - not required in this sentence, being a Description of the Noun hayvan]


2. It is a cat. O bir kedi. 3. Cats are animals. Kediler hayvandr. [-dir - is - is part of this sentence as it is an Assertation of Fact] 4. Some cats are large. Baz kediler byk(tr). 5. A few cats are small. Birka kedi kk(tr). 6. The girls are in the dining room. Kzlar yemek odasnda(dr). 7. One girl is married. Bir kz evli(dir) 8. There are a lot of cars in the street. Sokakta ok araba var. 9. The car is in the garage. Araba garajda(dr). 10. There is a car on the lawn. imende bir araba var. Turkish to English Exercise 1. Su iede(dir). The water is in the bottle. 2. Tarlada bir aa var. There is a tree in the field. 3. Sokakta baz kiiler var mi? Evet, var. Birka kii kouyor(lar). Are there any people in the street? Yes, there are. Some people are running. 4. u odada baz yataklar var m? Evet,var. O odada birka yatak var. Are there any beds in that room? Yes, there are. There are a few beds in that room.

5. Masa nerede(dir)? Masa bahede(dir). Where is the table? The table is in the garden. 6. Hayvan(lar) tarlada(dr). O tarlada baz havanlar var. [baz - some demands a plural - hayvanlar] The animals are in the field. There are some animals in that field. Thanks for correction to the above J. R. - Oct 2005 Some notes on the answers above. Note 1: - You will see that the verb - "to be" -dir is in parenthesis in the answers above. This is because the that it is often omitted in Turkish unless you are making a Statement of Fact ie. Iron is heavy. - Demir ardr. Note 2: - You will also see that one of Turkish words for - some - baz always takes its noun in the plural. For instance above we can see baz yataklar - some beds - and - baz kiiler - some people.. But you will see that the other word in Turkish for - some - always takes a singular noun. From the answers above we can see - Birka kii - Some people - and - birka yatak - some beds. Note 3: We should also note that if the question contains - Var m? - Is/Are there? or Yok mu? - Isn't/Aren't there? - the answer must contain - var or yok in Turkish. Whereas we in English may answer these questions with yes.. or no.. As an example: If we ask in English: Is there a car in the garage? - We can answer - Yes.. or we can answer No.. - with the - there is.. or there is not.. being understood and omitted. This is not possible in Turkish - The only answer to - Garajda bir araba var mi? - must be - Var... or Yok... you cannot answer this type of question with - evet - yes or hayr - no - as we can in English. Thanks to Nicholas Ragheb for comments and corrections on this page - JG - May 2007 (2) Vowel Harmony 1 Answers - Forming Plurals and Vowel Harmony QUESTION: Write down the plural of the following words according to the Vowel Harmony Rules 1. araba - car, cars - arabalar 2. kedi - cat, cats - kediler

3. kpek - dog, dogs - kpekler 4. bak - knife, knives - baklar 5. atal - fork, forks - atallar [Note: The plural suffix -lar/-ler always keeps its full form - hence we have a double -ll- with any noun which ends in -l] 6. kak - spoon, spoons - kaklar 7.cadde - road, roads - caddeler 8. kpr - bridge,bridges - kprler 9. iek - flower, flowers - iekler 10. gn - day, days - gnler 11.ocuk - child, children - ocuklar 12. kap - door, gate, gates - kaplar 13. rmork - trailer, trailers - rmorklar 14. palto - overcoat,overcoats - paltolar 15. saat - hour, clock, clocks - saatler [Note : This word is one of the few exceptions.] 16. ke - corner, corners - keler (3) Vowel Harmony 2 Answers - Vowel Harmony (2) - Adding suffixes 1. portakal - orange, in the orange - portakalda, in the oranges - portakallarda 2. elma - apple, to the apple - elmaya, in the apples - elmalarda 3. domates - tomato, to the tomato - domatese, from the tomatoes - domateslerden 4. renci - student, from the student - renciden, to the students - rencilere 5. saat - clock, to the clock - saate,on the clocks - saatlerde 6. polis - policeman, to the policeman - polise, from the policeman - polisten 7. ev - house/home, to the house/to home - eve, from the house/from home - evden 8. zm - grapes, in the grapes - zmde, on the grapes - zmde 9. okul - school, at school - okulda, to school - okula 10. numaralar - numbers, to the numbers - numaralara, from the numbers - numaralardan 11.yarn - tomorrow, from tomorrow - yarndan, on tomorrow - yarnda

12. postane - post office, to the post office - postaneye, from the post office - postaneden 13. taksi - taxi, in the taxi - takside, to the taxis - taksilere 14. eczane - chemist, to the chemist - eczaneye, from the chemist - eczaneden (4) Consonant Mutation Answers Vowel Harmony and Consonant Change Hint: Do not forget that for the second person - you - or - thee - that both the Singular (-in -in - un -n) and Plural Forms (-iniz -iniz - unuz nz) still exist in Turkish. [See explanation below} Note: When answering these questions please take account of the translation of - you, your, of you, to you, from you - in Turkish. In English we used to distinguish between the Singular form - thee, thou, thy, thine ect.. and the Plural Forms - you, your, yours etc.. Both the Singular (-in -n - un -n) and Plural Forms (-iniz -nz - unuz -nz) still exist in Turkish. The Singular form-in - thee - is used for friends and family and informal situations. ev evin (ev-in) evinde (ev-in-de) evine (ev-in-e) evinden (ev-in-den) evinin (ev-in-n) ev house your (thy) house in your (thy) house to your (thy) house from your (thy)house of your (thy) house house The Plural form -iniz - you - is used for strangers and public and formal situations. ev eviniz (ev-iniz) evinizde (ev-iniz-de) evinize (ev-iniz-e) evinizden (ev-iniz-den) evinizin (ev-iniz-in) evler (ev-ler) house your house in your house to your house from your house of your house houses

evlerin (ev-in) evlerinde (ev-in-de) evlerine (ev-in-e) evlerinden (ev-in-den) evlerinin (ev-in-n)

your (thy) houses in your (thy) houses to your (thy) houses from your (thy) houses of your (thy) houses

evleriniz (ev-ler-iniz) evlerinizde (ev-ler-iniz-de) evlerinize (ev-ler-iniz-e) evlerinizden (ev-ler-iniz-den) evlerinizin (ev-ler-iniz-n)

your houses in your houses to your houses from your houses of your houses

(5) About the Main Suffixes Answers More Suffixes Addition of the individual suffixes is shown in the third line of each example below. 1. Corner. To the corner. His corner. To his corner. Ke. Keye. Kesi. Kesine. Ke. Ke-ye. Ke-si. Ke-si-ne. 2. In the corner. In his corner. From their corner. Kede. Kesinde. Kelerinden. Ke -de. Ke-si-nde. Ke-leri-nden. 3. World. In the world. In our world. His world. Dnya. Dnyada. Dnyamzda. Dnyas Dnya. Dnya-da. Dnya-mz-da. Dnya-s 4. In his world. Their world. From their world (OR From his worlds). To their world Dnyasnda. Dnyalar. Dnyalarndan. Dnyalarna. Dnya-s -nda. Dnya-lar. Dnya-lar-ndan = their world (OR Dnyalar--ndan = his worlds). Dnya-lar-na.

See Possessive Adjectives for an explanation 5. Minute. In a minute. Second. In a second. Dakika. Bir dakikada. Saniye. Bir saniyede. Dakika. Bir dakika-da. Saniye. Bir saniye-de. 6. Hour. In an hour. Day. In a day. Saat. Bir saatte. Gn. Bir gnde Saat. Bir saat-te. Gn. Bir gn-de 7. Week. In a week. Month. In a month. Year. In a year. Hafta. Bir haftada. Ay. Bir ayda. Yl or Sene. Bir ylda or Bir senede. Hafta. Bir hafta-da. Ay. Bir ay-da. Yl or Sene. Bir yl-da or Bir sene-de. 8. Dog. Of the dog. The dog's. A dog's. From my dog. From her dog. Kpek. Kpein. Kpein. Bir kpein. Kpeimden. Onun kpeinden. Kpek. Kpe-in. Kpe-in. Bir kpe-in. Kpe-im-den. Onun kpe-i-nden 9. Mouse. The mouse's. From your mouse. From his mouse. Fare. Farenin. Faren(iz)den. Faresinden Fare. Fare-nin. Fare -n(iz)-den. Fare-si-nden 10. Husband. To her husband. From her husband. From their husbands. Koca. Kocasna. Kocasndan. Kocalarndan. Koca. Koca -s-na. Koca-s-ndan. Koca-lar-ndan. 11. Wife. From my wife. From his wife. From their wives. Kar. Karmdan. Karsndan. Karlarndan. Kar. Kar-m-dan. Kar-s-ndan. Kar-lar-ndan.


12. Apple. In the apple. In my apple. In your apple. In his apple. Elma. Elmada. Elmamda. Elman(z)da. Elmasnda. Elma. Elma-da. Elma-m-da. Elma-n(z)-da. Elma-sn-da 13. It is in my apple. It is in her apple. Those are their apples. O elmamda(dr). O elmasnda(dr). Onlar onlarn elmalar(dr) O elma-m-da -(dr). O elma-s-nda-(dr). Onlar onlarn elma-lar-(dr) 14. Radio. On the radio. On his radio. Of the radio. His radio's Radyo. Radyoda. Radyosunda. Radyonun. Radyosunun. Radyo. Radyo-da. Radyo-su-nda. Radyo-nun. Radyo-su-nun. 15. Shade. In the shade. Sun. In the sun. Cloud. In the clouds. Glge. Glgede. Gne. Gnete. Bulut. Bulutlarda. Glge. Glge-de. Gne. Gne-te. Bulut. Bulut-lar-da. 16. Story. In the story. In his story. His story's. From their story Hikye. Hikyede. Hikyesinde. Hikyesinin. Hikyelerinden. Hikye. Hikye-de. Hikye-si-nde. Hikye-si-nin. Hikye-ler-in-den. 17. Museum. At the Museum. Our museum. From our museum. Mze. Mzede. Mzemiz. Mzemizden. Mze. Mze-de. Mze-miz. Mze-miz-den. 18. Cafe. In the cafe. At your cafe. At her cafe. Lokanta. Lokantada. Lokantan(z)da. Lokantasnda. Lokanta. Lokanta-da. Lokanta-n(z)-da. Lokanta-s-da. 19. Shelf. On the shelf. On the shelves. On his shelf. From their shelves Raf. Rafta. Raflarda. Rafnda. Onlarn raflarndan. Raf. Raf-ta. Raflar-da. Raf--nda. Onlar-n raf-lar-ndan.

Adding Basic Suffixes 1.My ear. In my ear. His ears. From his ears. Kulam. Kulamda. Kulaklar. Kulaklarndan. 2. Your foot. On your foot. Our feet. To our feet. Ayanz/Ayan. Ayanzda/Ayanda or Ayaklarmz. Ayaklarmza. 3. My wrist. Of my wrist. Their wrists. From their wrists. Bileim. Bileimin. Bilekleri. Bileklerinden. 4. My bank. In my bank. Her bank. From her bank. Bankam. Bankamda. Bankas. Bankasndan. 5. My place. In my place. From his place. Of our place. Yerim. Yerimde. Yerinden. Yerimizin. 6. Our door. Our doors. My door's. My doors'[Of my doors]. Kapmz. Kaplarmz. Kapmn. Kaplarmn. 7. Your club. In your club. From his club. Kulbnz/Kulbn. Kulbnzde/Kulbnde. Kulbnden. [Kulb--nden. = from his club whereas Kulbn-den = from your (sing.) club. Although this looks and sounds and is spelt the same, in reality when taken in context there are usually no mistakes.] 8. A manager. My manager. From my manager. He is a manager. Bir mdr . Mdrm. Mdrmden. O bir mdrdr. 9. With your advice. It is my advice. From his advice. dnzle. dmdr. dnden. (dnz ile.)


10. I came from work. I came from my work. ten geldim. imden geldim. 11. A sword. My sword. My swords. My sword's. Bir kl. Klcm. Kllarm. Klcmn. 12. Book. Our book. To our book. In his book. Kitap Kitabmz. Kitabmza. Kitabnda. 13. Letter. My letter. Your Letter. In our letter. Mektup. Mektubum. Mektubunuz/Mektubun. Mektubumuzda. 14. It is my cat. I have got a cat. My cat has got a mouse. Kedimdir. Bir kedim var. Kedimin bir faresi var. 15. There is something in my eye. Gzmde bir ey var. 16. There is a car in the street. It is my car. Have you got a car? Sokakta bir araba var. Benim arabamdr. Arabanz/Araban var m? 17. I have a car. He has a car. Bir arabam var. Onun arabas var. 18. His car is blue. My car is white. Arabas mavi rengidir. Arabam beyaz rengidir. 19. Where are my glasses. Are they on the table? Gzlm nerededir? Masann zerinde midir? 20. The manager's wife's cat is in the garden. Mdrn einin kedisi bahededir.

21. The answers are easier this time. Bu defa cevaplar daha kolaydr. 22. The work is very hard but in the end it is useful. dev ok zor fakat sonunda faydaldr. 23. I have learned a lot from my teacher. retmenimden ou rendim. 24. Debt. My debt. How much do I owe? Bor. Borcum. Borcum kaa? (Borcum ne kadar?) (6) About Adjectives Answers to Simple Adjectives 1. The green car. - Yeil araba. 2. It is the right road? - Doru yol mu? 3. Is it the big house? - Byk ev mi? 4. The room is small. - Oda kk. 5. Is the table bright green? - Masa yemyeil mi? 6. A clever man. - Zeki bir adam. 7. It is a very long queue. - Upuzun bir kuyruk. 8. Is it a short way? - Yol ksa m? Answers to Comparatives 1. Ankara is a large city - Ankara byk bir ehir 2. Adana is as large a city as Ankara - Adana, Ankara kadar byk bir ehir 3. Mehmet is richer than Ahmet - Mehmet, Ahmet'ten daha zengin 4. Mehmet is the cleverest man - Mehmet, en zeki adam

5. Ahmet is not so old as Mehmet - Ahmet, Mehmet'ten daha az yal 6. This is the very last question - Bu, en son soru(dur) (7) Possessive Adjectives Translate to Turkish 1. ekmek - bread, loaf my bread- ekmeim your bread - ekmein her bread - ekmei our bread - ekmeimiz your bread - ekmeiniz their bread - ekmekleri 2. harita - map my map - haritam your map - haritan his map - haritas our map - haritamz your map - haritanz their map - haritalar 3. havlu - towel my towel - havlum your towel - havlun her towel - havlusu our towel - havlumuz your towel - havlunuz their towel - havlular

4. davet - invitation my invitation - davetim your invitation - davetin her invitation - daveti our invitation - davetimiz your invitation - davetiniz their invitation - davetleri - (This word is Arabic Origin so the final -t does not soften to -d) 5. kibrit - match my match - kibritim your match - kibritin his match - kibriti our match - kibritimiz your match - kibritiniz their match - kibritleri - (This word is Arabic Origin so the final -t does not soften to -d) 6. sabun - soap my soap - sabunum your soap - sabunun her soap - sabunu our soap - sabunumuz your soap - sabununuz their soap - sabunlar 7. mektup - letter my letter - mektubum your letter - mektubun his letter - mektubu our letter - mektubumuz

your letter - mektubunuz their letter - mektuplar 8. kpr - bridge my bridge - kprm your bridge - kprn her bridge - kprs our bridge - kprmz your bridge - kprnz their bridge - kprleri 9. kilit - lock my lock - kilidim your lock - kilidin his lock - kilidi our lock - kilidimiz your lock - kilidiniz their lock - kilitleri 10. kpek - dog my dog - kpeim your dog - kpein his dog - kpei our dog - kpeimiz your dog - kpeiniz their dog - kpekleri (8) There is, There are Var and Yok Answers

1. Have you any aubergines please? - Patlcannz var m rica ederim? 2. I've got an empty bag. - Bo torbam var. 3. I haven't got another bag. - Baka torbam yok. 4. Haven't you got another bag? - Baka torbanz yok mu? 5. They've got a new house. - Onlarn yeni evleri var. 6. We've got an old house, haven't we? - Eski evimiz var, deil mi? 7. She has got a new baby. She also has a cat. - Yeni bebei var. Ayrca kedisi var. 8. I haven't got any idea - Hi bir fikrim yok. - (idea - fikir, my idea - fikrim) NOTE:This noun fikir loses its final vowel when adding a suffix which begins with a vowel) 9. Have you got an idea? - Fikriniz var m? - (idea - fikir, your idea - fikriniz) 10. Have you any change? I haven't got any money for the 'phone. - Bozuk paranz var m? Telefon iin param yok. 11. Haven't they got a new car? - Yeni arabalar yok mu? 12. Have you any milk please? - Stnz var m, rica ederim? 13. Have you got a spare tyre? - Yedek lastiiniz var m? 14. We've got a large garden. - Byk bahemiz var. 15. I've got the right answers - Doru cevaplarm var 16. He has sixteen questions for me. - Benim iin onun onalt sorular var (9) The Verb "to be" Positive Past and Present Tenses of the Verb "to be" Positive Note: - You will see the present tense verb - "to be" -dir in the answers below. It is often omitted in Turkish unless you are making a Statement of Fact ie. Iron is heavy. - Demir ardr. Usually it is only added when emphasizing. However, the past tense form is always used in all cases. 1. evim krmzdr - my house is red 2. krmz bir evdir - it is a red house 3. paltom uzundur - my overcoat is long 4. uzun bir paltodur - it is a long overcoat 5. kpeim kktr - my dog is small

6. kk bir kpektir - it is a small dog 7. cadde genitir - the road is wide 8. geni bir caddedir - it is a wide road 9. hastaym - I am ill 10. hastayz - we are ill 11. mutlusun - you are happy 12. mutlu bir kadnsn - you are a happy lady 13. yorgundurlar - they are tired 14. yorgunduk - we were tired 15. kedim mutludur - my cat is happy 16. kedim kahverengiydi - my cat was brown 17. odam yeildir - my room is green 18. odam byktr - my room is big 19. mor renkli bir evdi - it was a purple coloured house 20. ev mor renkliydi - the house was purple coloured (10) The Verb "to be" Negative Answers - "to be" - Negative - Translate into English 1. This is not a glass, it is a cup - Bu bir bardak deil(dir), bir fincandr 2. Is this a glass? - Bu, bir bardak(tr) 3. That black dog is very big - O kara kpek ok byk 4. Is your dog black coloured? - Kpein kara renkli mi? 5. My car is in the street - Arabam, sokakta(dr) 6. My car isn't in the street, is it? - Arabam sokakta deil, deil mi? 7. They are not happy, they are sad - Mutlu deil, zgndrler 8. Are they happy? - Mutlu mudurlar? 9. My mother is very old but she is happy. - Annem ok yal, fakat mutlu(dur) 10. Your mother isn't very old, is she? - Annen o kadar ok yal deil, deil mi? 11. My father is very rich but he is unhappy - Babam zengin fakat mutsuz(dur)

12. Your father wasn't rich last year, was he? - Geen yl baban zengin deildi, deil mi? 13. My sister is young and beautiful - Kz kardeim gen ve gzel(dir). 14. Isn't my sister beautiful - Kz kardeim gzel deil mi? 15. My brother is strong and handsome - Erkek kardeim kuvvetli ve yakl(dr) Translate into Turkish 16. Is your brother handsome? - Erkek kardein yakl m? 17. Our family is very large. - Ailemiz ok byk(tr) 18. Your family is not large - Ailen byk deil(dir). 19. Our house is not small, it is wide and long - Evimiz kk deil, geni ve uzun(dur). 20. Her house is nice, isn't it? - Evi ok gzel deil mi? 21. You are not ill, you are very well - Hasta deil, ok shhatlisiniz 22. Were you ill yesterday? - Dn, hasta mydnz? 23. I am right and he is wrong - Ben, haklym, O yanl(tr) 24. Wasn't I right then! - ylese, doru deil miydim? 25. We are not English, we are German - ngilizliyiz, alman deiliz. 26. I am not a German - Bir alman deilim. 27. The white horses are in the field - Beyaz atlar tarlada(dr) 28. The black cat is not in the garden - Kara renkli kedi bahede deil(dir) 29. The children are at school today - ocuklar, bugn okulda(dr) 30. Tomorrow is a holiday, isn't it? - Yarn bir tatil gn, deil mi?

(11) Present Continuous Tense Translate from Turkish 1. imdi yamur yayor - It is raining now. 2. Otobs imdi geliyor mu? - Has the bus come yet? 3.Babam bu anda radyoyu dinliyor. - My father is listening to the radio at the moment. [The verb dinlemek takes an accuative object in turkish]

4. Bu anda ocuklar denizde yzyorlar. - The children are swimming in the sea at the moment. 5. imdilik bu otelde kalyorum. - At present I am staying in this hotel. 6. Erkek kardeim gelecek ay buraya geliyor. - My brother is coming next month. 7. Mays'ta evleniyoruz. - We are getting married in May. 8. Pazar gn parka ocuklar gtryor musunuz? - Are you taking the children to the park on Sunday? 9. Her zaman gzlm kaybediyorum. - I am always losing my glasses. 10. Daima gzlm kaybetmiyor muyum? - Aren't I always losing my glasses? 11. Trke reniyorum. - I am learning Turkish. 12. Bu yl her gn bahemizi suluyoruz. - This year we are watering our garden every day. 13. Arkadam bekliyorum. - I am waiting for my friend.

(12) Wide Tense Positive Translate from Turkish 1. Ara sra babam stanbul'a gider - My father occasionally goes to Istanbul 2. Bazen Ali iine arabasyla gider - Sometimes Ali goes to work in his car 3. Sk sk sokakta arabalarn ykarlar - They often wash their car(s) in the street 4. Bugnlerde seyrek arkadalarmz grrz - We seldom see our friends these days 5. Daima ak havada yemeklerimizi yeriz - We always eat our meals in the open air 6. Her yl Alanya'da tatillerimi yaparm - I take my holiday in Alanya every year 7. Saatte bir kez otobs Ankara'ya kalkar - The bus leaves for Ankara once an hour 8. Her akam kertenkeleler u kayalarda oynarlar - Every evening lizards play on those rocks

(13) Wide Tense Negative Translate from Turkish


1. Sizi her akam beklerim, olmaz m? - I'll wait for you every evening, alright? 2. Sizi her akama beklerdim, deil mi? - I used to wait for you every evening, didn't I? 3. Trke konumaz msnz? - Don't you speak Turkish? 4. Trke konumaz mydnz? - Didn't you used to speak Turkish? 5. Sigara ier misiniz? - Do you smoke cigarettes? 6. Sigara imez mydnz? - Didn't you used to smoke cigarettes? 7. Bu kitap okumak ister misiniz? - Do you want to read this book? 8. Bir gazete alr msnz, ltfen? - Would you buy a newspaper, please? 9. Kap alyor, ltfen amaz msnz? - The door' s ringing, wouldn't you open it please?

(14) Potential Mood "Can Can't " Translated from Turkish 1. Trke okuyabiliriz, fakat onu konuamayz. - We can read Turkish, but we can not speak it. 2. Bu hafta bizi ziyaret edemez misiniz? - Won't you visit us this week? 3. Gelecek hafta beni ziyaret edebilecek misiniz? - Will you be able to visit me next week? 4. Sizi darda bekleyemez miyiz? - Can't we wait for you outside? 5. Burada konuabilirsiniz, ama sigara iemezsiniz. - You can converse here, but you can not smoke. 6. Ltfen, bana yardm edebilir misiniz? - Could you help me, please Translated from English 1. You can find a taxi in front of the hotel. - Otelin nnde bir taksi bulabilirsiniz. 2. Will you be able to go to Turkey next year? - Gelecek yl Trkiye'ye gidebilecek misiniz 3. This morning I could not find my bag. - Bu sabah antam bulamadm. - (bul -a -ma -dm) 4. Where can English newspapers be found? - (bulun-abil-mek) - Nerede ngiliz gazeteler bulunabilir? 5. Is there anybody who can speak English here? - (konu-abil-en) - Buralarda ngilizce'yi konuabilen var m?


Turkish Language - Intermediate Learner's Section

Here we append some actual test papers form Turkish School entrance examinations. There are subjects in Turkish, Mathematics, Science and Social Knowledge. Many of these have the keys to the questions at the end of the paper, but in reality, if we are learning Turkish then the correct answer is not important, but your understanding of the questions is important. This is is a very good way to improve and polish your Turkish. If at the same time you learn a bit about Turkish culture, geography and even a bit more about your rusty mathematics, then please consider that as a bonus. These tests are published in Turkish newspapers after the event, and I always tried to answer or at least understand the questions during my time in Turkey while I was wrestling with the language in my early days. We at Manisa Turkish feel that those learners who go diligently through these papers can only extend their vocabulary and grammar and general ability in their understanding of this rather difficult foreign language. So, from us at Manisa Turkish - "Good Luck in your endeavors.." Download the Examination Papers (PDF) Paper Class 5A Paper Class 5B Paper Class 6A Paper Class 6B Paper Class 7A Paper Class 7B Paper Class 9A Paper Class 9B Paper OKS 2000 Paper OKS 2001 Paper OKS 2002 Paper OKS 2003 Paper OKS 2004 Paper OKS 2005 Paper OKS 2006 Paper-A OOK 2007 Paper-B OOK 2007 A Newspaper Article

Here is a small article written about the public bus transportation - ESHOT - Elektrik, Su, Havagazi, Otobs, Tramvay Isletmeleri - Electric, Water, Gas, Tramway Utilities - in Izmir from a personal point of view. It is written in everyday Turkish and participles (verbal adjectives) abound. This is good writing to test your understanding of daily written Turkish. The translation is not verbatim - it just gives the "feel" of the humour of the writer. Kltrl, kent zmir'de otobse binmenin pf noktalar Otobs durana geldiiniz zaman ilk yapacanz ey stratejik konumlu bir mevziiye sahip olmanzdr. Az sonra yaayacanz savata bulunacanz nokta geleceiniz acsndan ok nemlidir. te otobs grnd ve tm durak sakinleri hareketlendi. Eer bu otobs sizin bineceiz deilse, bu hareketlenme esnasnda daha iyi bir noktaya geebilme ansnz var demektir. Hover to see the English of the above - Yukardakinin ngilizceyi grmek iin tklayn Sonunda sizin bineceiniz otobs grnd. Konumunuzu, yaklamakta olan otobsn ofrnn gzbebeklerini grebilecek ekilde ayarlaynz. ofr beyin bylelikle nerede fren yapp kapy aacan daha iyi kestirebilirsiniz. Tam nnzde alacak olan kap, sizin hayatnzda yeni bir sayfa alacaktr. Bu hareket esnasnda dier yolcular arasnda bayanlarn ve yallarn olmasna fazla aldrmayn ve vicdannzn sesini bastrmak iin ''tm insanlarn eit olduunu'' dnn. Ts!. Alan kapnn sesini duydunuz. Zaten aporttu bekliyorsunuz. "Vatan, millet Sakarya! Hcuummm!" Hover to see the English of the above - Yukardakinin ngilizceyi grmek iin tklayn Sizinle birlikte tm durak sakinleri de hcuma kalkt iin cepheyi yarma harekatnz pek kolay olamayacaktr. Siz yine de moralinizi bozmayn ve midinizi hibir zaman yitirmeyin. Meydan sava srasnda otobs tekerleklerinin altnda kalmadysanz veya birileri size basamak muamelesi yapmadysa otobse binmi olmanz lazm. Hover to see the English of the above - Yukardakinin ngilizceyi grmek iin tklayn Sizi kutlarm (Bu binme itlii ou zaman otomatik olarak gerekleir. Ayaklarnz yerden kesilmi vaziyette ve havalanm olarak bindiinizi fark edersiniz. .Bu tr binilerin nasl gerekletiinin herhangi bir bilimsel aklamas yoktur.) Bildiiniz zere otobsn n koltuklar harp malullerine ve hamile bayanlara ayrlmtr.

Hamile deilseniz bile daha otobse binerken harp malul, en iyi ihtimalle gazi unvan kazandnzdan dolay, n koltuklara oturma hakkna sahipsiniz demektir. Tabii yer varsa. Bu srada otobse binme srasnda hamile kalmta olabilirsiniz. Kendinizi yle bir yoklayn. Hover to see the English of the above - Yukardakinin ngilizceyi grmek iin tklayn Some Salih Memecen Cartoons Salih Memecan is one of Turkey's most famous and foremost cartoonists. His characters - Sizinkiler - Yours' - appear daily in the Sabah Gazetesi - the Sabah Newspaper. His cartoons are excellent for learning everyday Turkish expressions and vocabulary. I myself always turned straight to this cartoon when reading the Sabah newspaper. The Sabah Newspaper is also very good for reading when beginning to learn Turkish as it is more vivid and interesting than some of the heavier political or financial periodicals. The Main Characters Babiko - Daddy

itit - Mummy

Limon - the daughter


Zeytin - the boy

Limon and Zeytin kardan adam - snowman ciddiye almak - to take seriously


Babiko and Limon "Daddy, how many people are there in the world..?"

Babiko and Limon and Zeytin "The walking ladder" See Subject Participles

Babiko and itit


"Today is Lover's Day" In the second frame that Babiko says - Niye ki? - "Why's that?" The use of Niye? - "Why?" - [Motion Towards Condition (dative) of Ne?] shows indignation. The word "Why?" is usually Neden? [Motion away (ablative) of Ne?] which is a questioning form only. Manisa Turkish has requested permission to reproduce these cartoons in the interest of learning Turkish. To date we have not been answered so we ask Salih Mehmecan for his indulgence in this matter. - JG February 2008 A Hotel Brochure Ottoman Residence, Akyaka - Mula


39 odal butik otelimizde, balay odalar, ift kiilik standart oda ve deluxe odalar olmak zere eitli oda tiplerimiz mevcuttur. Otelimizin mimarisi, muhteem ahap iiliinin n plana kt eski Mula han ve konak tipinin modern mimari ile harmanlanp, birletirilmesinden olumutur.Adndan da anlalaca gibi, otelimiz Osmanl mimarisi figrleri ile bezenmitir. Geleneksel Osmanl mutfa ile dnya mutfaklarndan seme tatlarn sunulduu A' la Carte restoranmzda, hem otel misafirlerimize hem de dardan gelen konuklarmza Azmak kys ve havuz banda keyifli akam yemekleri eliinde tm sezon boyunca hizmet vermekteyiz . Otelimizin evresinde, doayla ba baa keyifli yryler yapabilir, Cleopatra Adas veya Azmak nehrinin gizemli sazlklar iinde , size elik edecek muhteem koylarda tekne gezilerine katlabilirsiniz. Otelimizde yzme havuzu, A' la Carte restoran, havuz bar, oyunlar( tavla, satran ,dart), Nargile ve Kahveci Gzeli kesi, internet odas, sauna ve toplant salonu (60 kiilik), kablosuz internet eriimi bulunmaktadr. Odalarmzda : Klima , su stcs, mini bar, sa kurutma makinesi, televizyon mevcuttur. Balay odalarmzda jakuzi ve mine bulunmaktadr. Deluxe sitlerimiz dubleks olup yatak odas ve oturma odas eklinde dizayn edilmitir. nemli Not: Tesisimize 12 ya alt ocuk kabul edilmemektedir. Here is a machine translation - you can see where it has had difficulty.

Ottoman Residence, Akyaka - Mula 39-room boutique hotel, honeymoon rooms, standard double rooms and a variety of room types including deluxe rooms are available. Architecture of our hotel, spectacular stand out of wood the old Mula been blended with modern architecture of the inns and the host type, as understood by combining olumutur. Adndan, our hotel is decorated with figures of Ottoman architecture. Selection of international cuisine with traditional Ottoman cuisine, offering a taste of la carte in our restaurant, and hotel guests as well as guests from outside the coast and rainfall in the pool over the season with a pleasant dinner are served. Around our hotel, a pleasant walk with nature alone can do, Cleopatra Island or rainfall are the reeds of the river in a mysterious, will accompany you to participate in boating in the bay. Our hotel swimming pool, a la carte restaurant, pool bar, games (backgammon, chess, darts), water pipe and Kahveci Beautiful room, internet room, sauna and meeting rooms (60 seats), wireless Internet access are available. Rooms have air conditioning, water heater, mini bar, hair dryer, television is available. Our honeymoon suite has a jacuzzi and fireplace. Duplex suites and deluxe bedrooms and living rooms are designed in the form. Important Note: children under the age of 12 are not acceptable to our facility. Thanks to 29 Ekim 2010 Cumhuriyet Bayrami Boaz Turu - Kii Bai: 45 TL An email that I recently received advertising a Bosphoros Boat tour. Picture: thanks to


29 Ekim cokusunu karadan deil, Boaz'n ortasndan yasama firsati sunuyor! Boazii kylarna bir kol uzaklkta denize vurmu ay na dokunmak, Cumhuriyet Bayram cokusunu denizin ortasnda yasamak ve dostlarnzla unutamayacanz bir deneyim tatmak Tur Program tm yrekler bir olur, tm gkyz bambaka bir renge brnr her saniye, havai fieklerin byl gsteriiyle. Batan aa tarih kokan, rengrenk olmu sokaklar, caddeler sanki herkesten daha iten kutluyor gibidir bu ok zel gnleri. coku : exuberance, euphoria, excitement, fervor, kick

Hover to see some Turkish translation notes Hareket Saatleri Arnavutky Kalki Saati : 18:00 (Arnavutky Iskelesinden Kalki Olacaktir.) Kabata Kalki Saati : 18:30 (Petrol Ofis n) Beylerbeyi Kalki Saati : 19:00 (Iskelenin 15 Metre Ilersi Park n) Dn Saat : 23:15 Beylerbeyi - 23:30 Kabata - 23:45 Arnavutky Programa Dahil Olan Hizmetler

* Ho geldin Kokteyli

* 5 eit souk meze (ordvr taba) * Mevsim salatas * Izgara (Tavuk Balk Semeli) * Yemek esnasnda 1 Yerli iki (Rak, Bira, arap, Votka) * Yemek esnasnda LMTSZ Alkolsz iecekler (Cola, Fanta, Meyva Sulan) * Mevsim Meyveleri Programa Dahil Olmayan Hizmetler * Yemek ncesi ve Sonras Alman Alkoll ecekler. Rezervasyon : 0212 520 9613 / 520 9617 7724 Rezv. : 0535 930 0031 Some Words from Newspaper Readings Newspaper Words adeta ad geen aakakan aha ahize ahu aksak alamet nearly - almost aforesaid woodpecker here and there receiver (wireless) gazelle limping - lame symbol

alameti farika alakgnll atlkarnca avanak avize avutmak avuntu aygt bakra baldr bayr bitap bitirim bozuntu cahil apaulluk aput

trade mark humble merry-go-round gullible simpleton chandelier to console consolation apparatus copper bucket calf (leg) ascent, slope exhausted smart - appealing embarrassment ignoramus slovenly rag


cenabet cicili bicili cicoz ifte ubuk cihet krk (krk) clz rtkanl rpnmak rek dalavere dalkavuk damadan den gibi -dan zaral kar. darlmak demeye getir. densiz

impure, unclean gaudy all gone - none left agriculture direction, point of view pulley, spinning wheel puny barker to flutter bun trick - intrigue flatterer out of place to come out a loser to fall out to imply tactless


derman dernek derya deveran dourgan dolanmak duba drz dzenbaz -e acmak eci bc elden ge. elem evliya emsal ecnebi enikonu

remedy - strength club, association ocean circulation fecund - prolific to hang around, wrap pontoon - barge scoundrel trickster to feel sorry for ugly bully to review sorrow saint peer - equal foreigner thoroughly


ermek esaret esir eyer fara feraset frtfrtl galip gekin gdklamak hacet hacyatmaz halletmek hamhalat hasise hece heyet

reach - attain slavery P.O.W saddle dust pan sagacity continuously going in and out winner - victor elderly - overripe to tickle need, necessity restless, resilient, urchin to solve clumsy - boorish event - incident syllable commission - committee


hicap (-b) hilaf syle. hner ihanet iki elin on parma kadar iltimas imtihan -in ad ekmek -in Elen kas ipotek rz ispen horozu gibi. ispen istifade et. itibar izlenim kabahat

shame - bashful to tell a lie skill betrayal evil-minded favouritism examination to be talked about - to gain bad reputation to know the best of mortgage chastity cocky bantam cock to take advantage of esteem impression fault


kanck kapmak kasavet kasmak kasnak kay kaytarmak kaza - 1 kaza - 2 Kelime-i ehadet kepazelik keski keyfiyet krk krm kyamet kkne kibrit suyu

bitch - mean to scramble - grab depression, gloom to stretch tight rim, hoop strap - belt to shirk - sneak off mishap admin. district To bear witness ignominy chisel circumstances broken massacre value, worth Damn the whole mess


kudurmak kukla kplere bin. kura ek. kuak lakaba lkn maarif mahal mahcup et. mahmuz mahrem mahsus maksat maksat manita mazeret

to get enraged puppet to get into a rage draw lots generation - girdle nickname however education place, spot to shame s.o. spur secret - private special, peculiar to intention, purpose purpose, intention chick, bird, sweetie pie excuse, apology


medeniyet medet mehut meverete mevki mzmz mebbet hapis muhterem msabaka nadide nazlamak namzet ne gezer (arar)? niyaz et. nutuk ek. nutuk ver. nutuk

civilization aid happy council position whiney life imprisonment respected competition rare, curious to feign reluctance candidate What is that doing here? to ask a favour to sermonize make a speech speech


odak rmek lm kalm para prk pastrmasn kar. pergel ranza refik (-a) resul rezil rezalet sabah san ban yol. sama sapan sahan aheser ahs

focus retch - bellow life and death n rags, fragments to beat up compasses bunk, berth companion - (wife) prophet vile, scandalous scandal early riser to rue stuff and nonsense shallow cooking pan, stair-well masterpiece person


salahiyet (yetki) salak salk ver. salmak saptamak sara sark sathi (yzey) sath (yz) savumak seirtmek sevap sevecen seyis ifa bul. siftah silkmek

authority fool advice to let go fix, determine epilepsy turban superficial surface to sneak off to dash off good deed compassionate groom, steward to recover from illness first sale of the day to shake


siniye ek. srk s tabur tahl talim talimat tarz yap. tasarlamak tatbikat tebdili et. tebeir tehizat teferruat tekmil telkin temenna cak.

to take s.o. lying down pole boiled meat (cold) battalion cereals exercise - practise instructions manner, style to plan, project manoeuvres (ask) to glorify chalk equipment details all of.. suggestion, to inspire to salute


tertibat teskin et. terifat tiftik trabzan trs git. trmalamak tomtopak tuluat ulusal usul uydurmak uygarlk uyumak vacip ol. vukuat yadrgamak

arrangement, mechanism soothe - calm protocol mohair banister to trot to scratch round and lumpy improvisation national method - system to fabricate civilization to come to terms - agree incumbent -necessary incident, crime to find strange


yalazlanmak yalnayak yaramak yarbay yat yavuz - 1 yavuz - 2 yelemek yekinmek yeti yevmiye ylmak -1 ylmak -2 ytk (kayp) yiv yol yordam yolmak

to blaze up barefoot to benefit Lieut. Colonel of the same age inflexible - stern excellent - resolute to prefer hard to get up faculty, power day's pay to grin unpleasantly to act smarmily lost groove, chamfer "ground rules" to pluck


yolmak yonga yre yce uydurmak yumurtlamak zaaf zapt et. zanaat zibidi zihin zpzp

to pluck - tear out chip environs - vicinity lofty to invent, fabricate to blurt out/to lay egg weakness to hold/restrain - conquer handicraft crazy, screwy mind - intelligence marble (toy)

Intensified and reduplicated words Just like English Turkish has reduplication of words to intensify meaning. Some of these words are not true words alone, just as English examples pell mell, helter skelter. Turkish also has the added change of meaning with the use of suffixes. Very often these meanings have become

special as gnden gne - daily, so sometimes it is best not to guess what is being said, but to use a good dictionary to learn these specialized meanings. Reading is one of the best ways to assimilate these kinds of examples, as they appear everywhere, in novels, signs and newspapers. It is all part of the learning process. Click buttons to study individual words (201)

Reduplicated Word List Intensified and reduplicated words abur cubur ak seik (ak saik) adm adm afal afal ar ar ahm ahm akn akn aka paka alacal bulacal (alaca bulaca) in a haphazard manner clean cut, direct, definite, clear step by step, incrementally bewildered, stupefied slow and gradual, atete ar ar kaynamak, to simmer beautiful, excellent, favourable (of a thing) rushing, surging pretty (white skinned, pale complexion) girl many coloured, spotted

alet edevat alk alk allak bullak all pullu anl anl apul apul ard ardna aval aval avu avu bangr bangr bas bas baa ba baka baka baka br bal bana batan baa bata ka

paraphernalia, gadgets stupidly, alk alk bakmak, to gawk, to gorpe at shambolic, allak bullak etmek, to jumble up colorful and decked out with spangles, showily dressed flamboyant, renowned with waddling steps, toddling back to back stupidly (slang) lavishly, in handfuls at the top of one's voice, bangr bangr barmak, to shout loudly at the top of one's voice, bas bas barmak, to shout at the top of one's voice neck-and-neck, dead equal, par one by one, separately, different someone else on one's own, in its own right, independent from top to bottom, end to end, through and through to come down to, with difficulty, to flounder


belli belirsiz bc bc bngl bngl bili bili bire bir boum boum bou bouna bn bn buram buram burcu burcu bklm bklm cayr cayr cazr cazr cr cr cvk cvk cvl cvl cyak cyak

uncertain, indistinct bc bc yapmak, to take a bath (child language) fat and bulging, blubbery, quivering like jelly chuckie, chuckie (a call for chickens) one to one gnarled in vain, needlessly, unnecessarily, uselessly vacantly, bn bn bakmak, to look vacantly a lot, in clouds of fragrant smelling curly, in curls fiercely, burning furiously burning with a crackly noise chattering continuously, a crcr is a cicada yv yv alive and kicking, frisky with a screech; with a squawk


czr czr cik cik cmbr cemaat al rp angl ungul angr ungur atr atr atr utur eit eit ldr ldr ngr ngr p p t t or tt t pt tr tr oluk ocuk r p or er p

with a sizzling noise with a sizzling or sputtering sound the whole lot, the whole caboodle sticks and twigs, brushwood with a clatter or a crash with a clatter or a crash with a crackling noise, with a crunching noise, by force, willy-nilly, easily, with no difficulty breaking with a crack or a crunch assorted, varied, all kinds of brightly, with a sparkle, brilliantly tinklingly, with a tinkle or a rattle child's language taking a bath a snap fastener, press-stud, nail-clipper petite, dainty with a crackling sound, crispy, crunchy wife and children, household litter, sweepings, trash


daldan dala dar darna or dar darna derin derin drdr die di diz dize doru dzgn de kalka eci bc eri br el ele elden ele enine boyuna eski psk estek kstek ev bark falan femekan

from branch to branch, always on the move narrowly, hardly, barely ,narrowly, hardly, barely deeply continuous grumbling, nagging tit for tat, retaliation (from di, tooth) with knees together straight and correct with great difficulty, struggling along/on shapeless, crooked, distorted crinkly, contorted, twisted, gnarled hand in hand, hand by hand, hand to hand from hand to hand in length and breadth, broadly, in length, in depth shabby, ragged, worn-out, threadbare, tattered, tatty so so, that's the way it is hose and home, home and family and so on, etcetera, blah blah


falan filan feryat figan fkr fkr fr fr frl frl frt frt fs fs fsl fsl fsr fsr f f fr fr fokur fokur gani gani gcr gcr gdm gdm gide gide (gitgide) gz gze

and so on, etcetera, blah blah wailing, in squalls lively and flirtatious around and around (from frlamak, to dodge about, pop up) whirling around bumpety bump in whispers, whispering in whispers, whispering with a sizzle or a hissing with a swish or a rustle with a swishing or a rustling bubblingly hot and noisy, frothing up abundantly squeaky clean, brand new inching along, bit by bit as it goes, gradually eye to eye, to eyeball s.o.


gze gz gm gm gmbr gmbr gnden gne gn gnne grl grl gzel gzel haldr haldr hpur hupur harl harl hava cva hrl hrl hr hr hop hop horul horul hngr hngr vr zvr

an eye for an eye, (a tooth for a tooth) with loud thumps, bangs, bumps thundering, with a thunder, rumblingly, with a rumble from day to day, daily to the very day with a gurgling sound, in a loud/rich voice calmly and quietly, peacefully speedily and noisily scoffing food, guzzling assiduously, diligently, intensely, intensively nonsense, stuff and nonsense, bosh, naff wheezy, rattling with a rustling sound stop!, a warning shout snoring loudly crying one's eyes out, sobbing uncontrollably bits and pieces, unimportant details, trifling things


iten ie incik boncuk kap kap kara kara karnca kararnca kar kar kak kak kerli ferli kkr kkr kpr kpr ktr ktr konu komu kr krne ks ks kucak kucak kuu kuu kt kt

inwardly, secretly cheap and tawdry jewelry, baubles, trinkets greedily, in a mad scramble brooding(ly) in a small way every inch of, inch by inch by/in spoonfuls (middle-aged or elderly man) who is dignified and dressed to the nines gigglingly, laughing internally fidgety, restless crisp, crackly, crunchy the neighbours, the whole neighbourhood hit or miss, blindly, carelessly looking neither right nor left by the armloads, by the armfuls, in abundance child's language doggie, bow-wow, woof-woof, used to call a dog pit a pat, a knocking


lami cimi lapa lapa mrl mrl ml ml omuz omuza paldr gldr parl parl pat pat pei peine pl prt pr pr prl prl p p pt pt ptr ptr pisi pisi pisi pisine

There are no "buts" about it!, That's the way it's got to be!, And that's final! (for snow to fall) in big flakes with a mutter, in low, mumbling tones; in a grumbling murmur (sleeping) soundly shoulder to shoulder, side by side headlong, pell-mell, helter-skelter brilliantly, glitteringly, sparklingly chug chug One after another worn-out things, junk, rummage whirring, Get going!, Make tracks!, Head for the hills squeaky clean, gleaming nasty pit a pat pit a pat, clickety click child's language pussycat, pussy, kitty, used in calling cats in vain, uselessly, for nothing


poh poh ptr ptr saati saatine sama sapan salkm saak sapr sapr sere serpe sca scana soy sop sus pus sklm pklm srm srm stliman szm szm akr akr ap ap ap up

flattery, fulsome praise chapped, cracked, or chilblained punctually stuff and nonsense hanging down untidily in great quantities and continuously (moving around) freely, comfortably, (stretched out) at full length, while the iron is hot family relations, ancestors silent and cowering in a crestfallen manner, in a hangdog manner, sheepish to live a life of great misery, be driven from pillar to post very still and silent, dead calm to behave very coquettishly (refers to bodily movements and facial expressions) with a jingle, rattle, or clack. kissy kissy lip smacking, noisy eating


apr upur kr kr p p pr pr rl rl yle byle tak tak takm takm takr takr takr tukur tam tamna tangr tangr tangr tungur teke tek tk tk tkr tkr tk tk

lip smacking, noisy eating with a jingling, clinking, or clicking noise a drip drop sound continuous dripping (flowing) with a gentle, continuous splashing so so, indifferent, comme ci comme ca rat tat tat, knock knock in groups, in platoons very stiff and dry, very stale food clatter bang wallop, used to indicate a rattling, clattering, or banging noise which is unpleasantly loud exact, exactly, just so clatteringly, with a racket with a rude clatter one to one tick tock, rat a tat perfectly, without hesitating or faltering, like clockwork, with a regular click crowded


tklm tklm tngr tngr tir tir tiril tiril topu topu ucu ucuna uslu uslu vzr vzr viyak viyak yaka paa yan yana yana yakla yarm yamalak yava yava yldan yla zangr zangr zehir zemberek

Very crowded, packed, jammed (with people), congested with a continual clanging or rattling sound, completely empty shivering, trembling spotlessly clean, gauzy, gossamer like all in all, all told, altogether ent to end, just about, narrowly polite(ly) (working, moving) continually, constantly squawking forcibly alongside, adjacent complaining(ly) sloppy, slipshod slowly, easingly annually, year on year shaking violently, rattling very poisonous and bitter, vitriolic


zr zr zrl zrl zrt frt zrt prt zrt zrt

noisy in an incessant, nerve-racking way incessantly and unpleasantly (of a sound) at any time whatsoever, whenever one feels like it at any time whatsoever, whenever one feels like it, every so often at any time whatsoever, whenever one feels like it, every so often

The Police Stress Management Official Instructions

The following is from The Sabah Newspaper dated 8th January 2001. It is a reprint of an Instruction in Stress Management for Policemen which was distributed to all Police Stations by the General Security Ministry. Manisa Turkish is using this article to explain some of the daily grammar difficulties for English Speakers and to show that reading is a good way to begin to learn how Turkish really works on a daily basis. It can be seen that it is almost impossible to translate Turkish - English or English - Turkish verbatim. Turkish and English languages have differing aspects of grammar and syntax. One has to learn how to think "Turkish" and how to agglutinate (extend) the words, it takes time and practice, and can be very difficult. Maybe it is best at first just to arrive at the "concept or idea" of the meaning and not try to translate literally. Also of course as we have said elsewhere Turkish is a very adjectival language so all attributes of subjects are placed in front of their nouns and the verb comes last.

Polisin Stress Reetisi - The Police Stress Prescription ANKARA - Emniyet Genel Mdrl, polis memurlarnn ruh sal iin 55 maddelik bir reete hazrlad. ANKARA - The General Security Management has made ready some 55 stress management prescriptions for the mental health of the police. Production of the Booklet Alt psikolog tarafndan kaleme alnarak "Stres ve Ba etme Yollar" adyla Emniyet Genel Mdrl tarafndan bastrlan reete, 20 sayfalk kitapk olarak tm Emniyet Tekilatlarna gnderildi. Here is something like the Turkish English.. Six psychologists by taking their pens "Stress and Coping Methods" named-with the General Security Management by which-is-printed prescription, (a) 20 page booklet it-being all Security Establishments-to sent-has-been. Here is something like the English English.. A 20 page booklet written by six psychologists called "Coping with Stress" has been printed and sent to all Security Establishments by the General Security Authority. Police Stress Symptoms Polislik meslein, stresin en youn yaand meslek gruplarndan birisi olduu belirtilen kitapkta, stresin fizyolojik zihinsel ve davransal adan olumsuz etkilerine yer verilirken, polisin neden stresli olduu u ifadelerle anlatld: Here is something like the Turkish English.. The Police profession, stress-of the-most dense which-arises professional groups-from one-of-the which-is which-makes-known booklet, the stress's physiological, mental and behavioural pain-from negative effects-to place while-being-given, the police-of (the) reason stressed theirbeing the-former statements are-explained.

Let us try to put it into English English.. The booklet explains that the Police profession is one of those professions which are most open to stress situations. It also explains the negative effects which can arise out of physiological, mental and behavioural problems is the reason that policemen are stressed. Reasons for Police Stress Polislik meslei aktif silahl grev, dzensiz alma saatleri, nbet ve vardiya sistemleri grevin riskleri ve sorumluklar, hiyerarik yapdan kaynaklanan alt-st atmalar, her trl su olgusu ve sulularla i ie olma gibi koullarn birlikte ya da tek tek yaratt stresler nedeniyle normal poplasyona gre stres bozukluklarnn sk grld meslek grubudur Here is something like the Turkish English.. The Police profession active gun-with task, irregular working hours, duties and working shift systems, their risks and responsibilities, hierarchical structure-from which-result-from upside down (topsy-turvy) conflicts, every sort of crime event to be in the middle of as if ofthe-conditions together then also each one which-are-formed stresses with-the-reason according to the normal population the stress troubles frequently that-is-seen professional group is. Let us try to put it into English English The Police profession is armed, their working hours irregular with shift systems, their risks and responsibilities myriad, and the policeman himself can be in the middle of every sort of crime with no immediate recourse to a higher authority. For all these reasons the Police can become far more stressed than the normal population. Kitapn indekileri - The Booklet's Contents Kitapkta, "Strese Kar Beden ve Ruh Saln Korunmas" bal altndan yer alan 55 maddelik uyarlara, tm polislerin dikkat etmesi istendi. Bu mutluluk reetesinde, beslenme rejiminden ak hayatna kadar u uyanlar yer alyor. The turkish construction runs something like this: In the booklet - "Stress Against Physical and Metal Health its-Prevention" - heading its-underneath place which-takes 55 clauses to-thewarnings, all the-policemen-of notice to-take-of-them is-required. This fortunate prescription-in, nourishment regime-from love life-its-to the amount those(former) stimuli place take.

Let us try to put it into English English.. This excellent booklet entitled "Prevention of Physical and Mental Problems" contains 55 rules which all police are required to follow. The contents range from the subject of diet to that of love-life. The Prescriptions. - Bu uyarlara dikkat edin - Take notice of these warnings. Manisa Turkish is using this article to show Daily Turkish as it is used: Manisa Turkish has translated these prescriptions into "english" English. The translations are not literal as we feel this is not possible with the Turkish Language. As we have said elsewhere that because of the differences between English and Turkish of grammar and syntax it is always better to translate the "concept or idea" to be able to couch the translation into an acceptable form for the listener (and ourselves). We may be slightly incorrect here and there and would ask that any inconsistencies be communicated to us for correction. Reetede sigara imeyin, uykudan nce korku filmi izlemeyin gibi neriler var. In these prescriptions there is such as - do not smoke cigarettes and do not watch horror films before going to bed.

1. Yava yemek yiyin. Her lokmay ineyip yle yutun. Eat food slowly. Chew every mouthful and thus swallow. 2. Az ve sk yemek yiyin.

Little and often food eat. 3. Sabahlar kahvalt edin. Have breakfast in the mornings. 5. Akam yemeklerinden 3-4 saat sonra yatn. Go to bed three or four hours after evening meals. 6. Yatmadan nce yarm bardak ayran, ya da st iin. Before going to bed drink half a glass of ayran or milk. 7. eitli besin maddelerinden oluan yiyecekleri sein. Choose various nourishing foods for your meals. 8. Tereya ve margarinden kann. Stay away from butter and margarine. 9. eker, ekmek ve tatl gibi karbonhidratl yiyecekleri azaltn. Reduce sugar, bread, desserts and the like of carbohydrate foods. 10. Krmz eti kaldrn, balk ve tavuk eti tercih edin. Leave off red meat and prefer fish or chicken. 11. Az yal st ve yourdu tercih edin. Low fat milk and yoghurt prefer. 12. Yiyeceklerinize fazla tuz koymayn. Do not put too much salt on your food. 13. ekeriniz yoksa bol bol meyve ve sebze yiyin. If you have not got sugar (problems) eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. 14. Alkolden kann. Alkanlk varsa yemek arasnda bol suyla yava iin. Keep away from alcohol. If you are used to alcohol drink a lot of water between your meals 15. Sigara imeyin. Alkanlnz varsa gnde 3-5 sigaradan fazla imeyin. Do not smoke cigarettes. If you are used to smoking, do not smoke more than 3 - 5 daily. 16. Gnde 1-2 kahve, 2-3 bardaktan fazla ay imeyin. Do not drink more than 1-2 coffee, 2-3 glasses of tea daily. 17. Dzenli uyuyun. Sleep regularly. 18. Uykudan nce geveyin. Stretch before sleeping.

19. Uykudan nce korku filmleri izlemeyin. Do not watch horror films before sleeping. 20. Bol dinlenin ve hareket edin. Take rest and exercise often. 21. Yllk dinlenmenizi evreniz dnda yapn. Take your holidays away from your surroundings. 22. Dinlenirken iiniz dndaki olaylarla ilginin. While resting take interest in events outside your work. 23. Dinlenmenin alma olmadn unutmayn. Do not forget your rest is not to work. 24. Spor yapn. Do some exercise. 25. Ailenize zaman ayrn ve ocuklarnzla oynayn. Reserve some time for your family and play with your children. 26. zeletiri yapn. Practice self-criticism. 27. Benliinizle iliki kurun. Cultivate your own personality. 28. Bakalaryla iletiim kurun. Cultivate communication with others. 29. letiim srasnda kendinizi bakalarnn yerine koyun. Put yourself in the others shoes when you are communicating. 30. nerilere ak olun. Be open to suggestions. 31. Kendinize gvenin. Have confidence in yourself. 32. Sorumluluk stlenin. Undertake responsibility. 33. Kendinizi alabildiine zgr ve zerk grmeyin. As far as you can (to the utmost) - do not be proud and aloof. 34. Sorunlar karsnda bkmayn, ezilmeyin, ylmayn.

In the face of problems, do not get angry or be threatening or get scared. 35. Hatalardan ders karn. Learn from your mistakes. 36. Bo zamannz topluma katk salayacak ekilde deerlendirin. Put you spare time to good use by contributing to society 37. Gelimelere yabanc ve uzak kalmayn. Do not look upon progress as strange or keep it at arm's length. 38. Baarszlklarnzdan pimanlk duymayn. Do not feel regret for your failures. 39. inde bulunduunuz an ve yan zelliklerini bilin. Know your own peculiarities of life. 40. Kk grp ezmeyin, byk grp korkmayn. Do not trample over the young nor fear the aged. 41. ocuklara ve genlere ilgi gsterin sevin. Enjoy looking upon youth and children with interest. 42. Sayg duyduunuz duygularnz, inanlarnz, dnceleriniz olsun. Let your feelings, emotions, beliefs and thoughts bear respect. 43. Bakalarnn da sayg duyduu deerleri olduunu unutmayn. Do not forget also that the feelings of others are of value. 44. Banaz ve saldrgan olmayn. Do not be zealous and aggressive. 45. Kar cinsle kendinizi eit grn. Look upon the opposite sex as equal to yourself. 46. Grev ve sorumluluklarnz ertelemeyin. Never postpone your duties and responsibilities. 47. Sorunlarnz biriktirmeyin. Do not pile up your problems. 48. Deer verdiiniz insanlar yitirdiyseniz nedenlerini aratrn. If you have drifted apart from people that you valued then discover the(ir) reasons. 49. Hatalarnz grn. Realize your errors.

50. Zamannz istediiniz gibi kullanmaya aln. Try to use passing time as you think fit. 51. Hayr demeye renin, zorlayacak durumlar hemen boyun emeyin. Learn how to say No, do not give in at all as situation become difficult. 52. Seeneklerin arasnda "hi biri" seeneini bulunduu unutmayn. Do not forget that between alternative choices on can always do nothing. 53. Yapabileceinizle yetinin. Be content with whatever you are able to contribute. 54. Kendinizi srekli takdir edilmesi gereken kii olarak grmeyin. Do not expect yourself to be appreciated all of the time. 55. Farkl olmaktan korkmayn. Do not be scared of being different. All verbs on the end of each advice are the Imperative Mood as an order or suggestion.

An Actual Turkish car insurance policy Here is a translation of an actual Turkish Motor Insurance Policy. It is not verbatim but we do show you how Turkish has used a lot of methods to describe things and events. With a little study it will help you to grasp how to make translations from Turkish to English. We show the transition by first of all translating each section into "Turkish English" before finally changing it acceptable "English English". - JG Manisa Turkish - February 2009 Kasko Sigortas - Comprehensive Insurance The Original Turkish Don't forget, every traffic law has a reason.!


Karayollarnda kullanlabilen motorlu ve motorsuz tatlardan doan irade d sabit veya hareketli cisme arpma, arplma, devrilme, dme, yuvarlanma gibi kazalar ile nc kiilerin kt hareketleri, aracn alnmas, alnma teebbs, yanmas ile oluabilecek maddi zararlar temin edici bir sigorta trdr. Literal English from The Turkish On licensed roads which can be used from engined and engineless conveyances which occur volition outside stationary or moving, grazing, colliding, crashing, overturning, falling, rolling the like accidents with the third party wrong manoeuvres, his car's being collided, being crashed events, fire and which can be material damages assured an insurance is. Put into English style English This Insurance is assured for accidents by engined or engineless vehicles which can be used on licensed roads due to the third party's wrong manoeuvres, collision with his car and any events arising there from including fire and material damage, which occur outside the insured's own volition whether stationary or moving including - grazing, colliding, crashing, overturning, falling, rolling and suchlike accidents. Translation Notes 1. arplma - to be in collision (with.) is the Passive Verb formed from - arpma - to collide (with.) 2. kullanlabilen. - which are able to be used. - this is a Subject Participle of the Passive Mood used as an adjective to describe - tatlar(dan) conveyances 3. doan irade d - lit: which arise will outside-the - involuntary this is a Complex Indefinite Noun completion combination where both doan - which arise. and irade - volition - is used as an adjective to describe d - the outside 4. cisme arpma, arplma devrilme, dme, yuvarlanma - these are all verbal nouns (the abraded Infinitive which drops its final -k) meaning - the colliding - etc.

5. nc kiilerin kt hareketleri - the third persons' wrong manoeuvres. Here this is a noun of Possessive Relationship - (kiilerin hareketleri) - where kt describes the manoeuvres and splits also the Relationship while - nc - third - describes the whole Possessive Relationship. 6. aracn alnmas, alnma teebbs, yanmas - here there are a lot of Possessive Relationships all belonging to the Possessor - aracn - of the vehicle. It begins with - aracn alnmas - the vehicle its-been-stolen - and finishes with - (aracn)yanmas - its-been-burned 7. oluabilecek maddi zararlar - which will-be-able-to material damages-the - this is a Future Relative Participle (verbal adjective) in the potential mood, being an adjective it precedes the noun which it modifies. olu-abil-ecek - that-which-will-be-able-to 8. temin edici bir sigorta - an assured insurance - the suffix -ici signifies regular activity - so - temin edici - means - "it is assuring - (all the time)". If we had used the Subjective Participle Adjective and written - temin eden bir sigorta then we would have meant that only this particular Policy would carry this assurance. But in truth, they all do so. Kasko Sigortasn Ayrntlar - The Kasko Insurance Details Speed does not shorten the road, it shortens your life.!

Grev, lokavt, kargaalk, halk hareketleri sonucu oluacak zararlar. Strike, lockout, disorder, riots the end resulting damages. Any damage arising from strikes, lock-outs, civil disorder and riots. Terrist eylemler ve bu eylemlerden doan sabotajlar nedeniyle oluan zararlar. Terrorist actions and the resulting sabotage with the reason which happen damages. Damage arising from terrorist actions and any result of such sabotage from these actions. Deprem ve yanarda hareketleri nedeniyle meydana gelen zararlar. Earthquake and volcanic movement with the reason which happen damages. Damage arising from earthquake and volcanic eruption.

Sel ve su baskn ile oluan zararlar. Flood and water pressure with which happen damages. Damage arising from flood and water pressure. Sigara ve benzeri maddelerin temas ile oluan yangnlar dndaki zararlar. Cigarettes and such materials' contact with which happen other than fire damages. Damage arising from cigarettes and similar materials with the exception on fire damage. Yetkili olmayan kiilere ektirilen araca verilen zararlar. Unauthorised being people-to which are taken to the vehicle which are given damages. Damage caused by unauthorized people taking away the vehicle. Kullanm ve gelir kaybndan doan zararlar, Usage and income loss-from arising damages. Damages arising from usage and loss of income. Aracn, patlayc, parlayc ve yakc maddeler tamas nedeniyle urayaca zararlar. The vehicle's carrying, explosive, ignitable and inflammable materials reason-with that-will undergo damages. Damages arising from the carrying of explosive, ignitable and inflammable materials. Tatn yarlara katlmas sonucu meydana gelen zararlar, The vehicle's taking part in races the result happening damages. Damages arising from taking part in racing. Ferdi Kaza Koltuk Individual Accident Protection. Personal Accident Protection Bir hasar sonras oranm sresince yapacamz ulam masraflarn ve urayacanz mali kayplar. A Damage result-its it-proportion on-going-along (throughout) our transportation costs that will arise and material losses that we will accrue. Proportional damages arising from accrual of costs of transportation and material losses arising throughout the accident.

Kasko teminat dndaki durumlar. - Conditions outside of Kasko Protection. Let us not be a problem in the traffic, let us be part of the solution.!

Sava, istila, i sava, ihtilal, isyan, ayaklanma, War, invasion, civil war, revolution, rebellion, insurgence, War, invasion, civil war, revolution, rebellion, insurgence Nkleer yakt ve atklardan, iyonlanc radyasyonlarn ve radyoaktivite bulumalarnn neden olaca zararlar, Nuclear fuel and waste, ionization, radiation's and radioactivity's effects from reason which will happen damages. Damages arising from nuclear fuel and waste and the effects from ionization, radiation and radioactivity. Uyuturucu maddeler ve alkoll iki alm kimseler tarafndan kullanlmas srasnda meydana gelen zararla., Narcotic materials and people under in influence of alcoholic drink while using when necessary which arise damages. Damages arising from vehicle usage where necessary by persons under influence of alcohol or narcotics Kamu otoritesi tarafndan ekilme harici, tatta yaplacak her trl tasarruflar. External moving by public authorities, to the conveyance all sort of economy. All costs of external moving by public authorities. Yaszlk, susuzluk, donma, bozulma, eskime, rme, paslanma veya bakmszlk ile meydana gelen zararlar, Without oil, without water, frost, breakdown, wear and tear, rotting, rusting, or neglect with which arise damages. Damage arising from lack of oil, lack of water, frost damage, breakdown, wear and tear, rotting, rusting or neglect.


Tatn mekanik, elektrik ve elektronik donanmnda meydana gelen her trl arza, The vehicle's mechanic, electric and electronic equipment which arrive all type of defect. Any defect in the vehicle's electric or electronic equipment. Tatn src belgesine sahip olmayan kimseler tarafndan kullanlmas srasnda meydana gelen zararlar, The vehicle's driver licence which are not owner persons by the use being when necessary which arise damages. Damages arising during necessary vehicle use by persons other than the owner. Dzenli sefer yapan gemiler ve trenler dnda kara, deniz ve havada tanmas ile oluan zararlar, Regular journey which make boats and trains in external lands, sea and air carrying with which happen damages. Damage arising on regular journeys on boats, trains and carriage by sea or air in foriegn countries. Tama haddinden fazla yk ve yolcu tamas srasnda oluan zararlar Carrying limit than extra load and passenger carrying when necessary which occur damages. Damage caused by necessary overloading of passengers or carriage. Sigortal ya da fiillerden sorumlu olduu veya birlikte yaad kiiler tarafndan tata kasten verilen zararlar ve bu kiiler tarafndan tatn karlmas ya da alnmas nedeniyle meydana gelen zararlar. Insured and also from action responsible which is or together with that are living people by the vehicle deliberately which are given damages and these persons by the vehicle's being taken or also stolen with the reason which come damages. Deliberate damage and acts by those responsible or insured or by persons living together, and damages caused by taking or stealing by these persons. Kasko genel indirimleri - Kasko general discounts Hasarszlk indirimi, Non-damage discount No claims discount?


Ara okluu indirimi, Multi-vehicle discount Multi-vehicle discount Plaka indirimi. Licence plate (type) discount Licence plate (type) discount (according to class) Servis arac indirimi, Service vehicle discount. Service vehicle discount. Kasko zel indirimleri - Kasko private discount. Src indirimi : 35 yan doldurmu ve 10 yllk ehliyet sahiplerine. Driver discount: 35 year old having attained and ten year licensed to the owner.. Driver discount: 35 year old with 10 year driving experience. Bayan src indirimi : Ara sahibi ve ara srcs ayn bayan ise. Lady driver discount: Vehicle owner and vehicle driver same lady if is. Lady driver discount: Providing the lady driver is also the vehicle owner. Emekli indirimi : Ara sahibi ve ara srcs ayn kii ise.. Pensioner discount: Vehicle owner and vehicle driver same person if is. Pensioner driver discount: Providing the pensioner driver is also the vehicle owner. Alarm indirimi: Alarml arac olanlara zel. Alarm discount: alarmed vehicle which are-to particular. Alarm discount: Discounts apply to alarmed vehicles.


Dier ndirimler. - Other discounts. Muafiyet Kasko sigortalarnda. Exempt Kasko Insurances-the-in. Kasko Insurance exempted classes. Primlerin pein dendii hallerde. Premium in advance which has been paid conditions. Discount for premiums paid in advance.

Some Turkish Jokes These jokes have been gleaned from the web and listed here in the interest of learning Turkish. Some of there jokes are in dialect and of course some may not be entirely grammatically correct, but this is exactly what we, as learners, have to contend with in our daily conversations and reading of Daily Turkish.. Manisa Turkish has translated the first ones into English. If any of our readers wish to send us a translation of any of these jokes, then we are only too pleased to publish and put a little annotation of thank- you. Also if any of our Turkish readers wish to give us their translations then, as English is not their first language, we will also publish and credit the translator. For the early and intermediate learner these jokes should not be passed over quickly as they hold a lot of daily conversational Turkish which will always be used on the road to commanding a mastery of communication. The Jokes - Fkralar Ameliyat Yeri

ki sevgili bir aacn glgesinde otururlar. Delikanlnn tatl szleri arasnda bir ara kz sevgilisinin kulana fsldar : - Sevgilim sana apandisit ameliyat olduum yeri gstereyim. Delikanlnn gzleri parlar: - Gster canm gster. Kz eliyle uzak bir yeri gstererek : - Bak u ilerde grnen sar bina var ya, onun nc kat. The Place of the operation Two lovers were sitting in the shade of a tree. In between the youngster's sweet words the girl whispered into her sweetheart's ear: "Darling let me show you where I had my appendix operation." The boy's eyes shone (with anticipation): "Show (me), darling, show (me)" The girl pointing out a place in the distance: "Look in front there's a yellow building in sight, right, on its third floor..." Medeniyet Gmrk kapsndan bir ngiliz, bir Fransz, bir Trk gemek iin bekliyorlarm. Gmrk grevlileri valizlerini kontrol etmeye balam. nce ngiliz'in valizine bakmlar. inden 7 adet don km. - "Niye 7 tane?" diye ngiliz'e sormular. O da "Haftann yedi gn var. Hepsi iin bir tane. Pazartesi, Sal, aramba..." demi. - "Vay be! Helal olsun medeniyete, temizlie bak adamlardaki." Sra Fransz'n valizine gelmi. Amlar bakmlar 8 tane don. "7'yi anladk da niye 8?" diye sormular. Fransz "Pazartesi, Sal, aramba... Hergn iin bir tane, bir tane de ne olur ne olmaz diye yedek aldm" demi. - "Vay be! Adamlardaki temizlie medeniyete bak!" demi grevliler. Sra Temel'e gelince amlar bakmlar tam 12 adet don. "Vay be! Ne varsa bizim insanmzda var. u medeniyete, u temizlie bak!" Sormular "Neden 12 adet?" Bizimki cevap vermi "Ocak, ubat, Mart,......"


Ayn ey Kadnla erkek konuuyorlard : - Sevgilim, syle bana hayatna giren ilk erkek ben miyim? - Tabii canm, ama anlamyorum, nedense btn erkekler hep ayn eyi soruyorlar! The Same thing A boy was talking with a girl: "Darling, tell me, am I the first boy that you have been with in your life?" "Of course my dear, but I do not understand, why do all the boys always say the same thing.." Beni Yeterince Sevseydiniz - If You Had Only Loved Me Enough Gen bir delikanl saatlerdir gen kzn peinden geliyordu. A lad was following a young girl for hours (on end). Gen kz dayanamayp arkasn dnd - Neden saatlerdir beni takip ediyorsunuz? diye sordu. The young girl couldn't help it and turned round - Why do you keep on following me all the time? She asked. Gen erkek - Sizi seviyorum hem de canmdan ok seviyorum! The young man - I love you (miss).. and sincerely, I really do.. Gen kz - Bak benim arkamdan ablam geliyor, o benden daha gzel benden i kmaz sen ona git. .

The young girl - My my elder sister is coming (along) behind me, she is prettier than I, no mattter, go after her.. Delikanl arkasn dnp baknca ok irkin bir kzn geldiini grp sinirlenmi ve gen kza dnm - Neden bana yalan sylediniz? The young man on turning back and looking, saw that an ugly girl was coming, got upset and turned (back) to the young girl. - Why did you tell me a lie? Gen kz - Asl siz bana neden yalan sylediniz? Eer beni yeterince seviyor olsaydnz dnp arkanza bakmazdnz nk gznz benden bakasn grmezdi!! The young girl Really why was it you that told me a lie? If you had loved me enough you would not have turned back because your eyes should not see any other but me!! We have added a word or two in the free translation to make the English flow a little more naturally.. Bir Kari Yastk Nianl bir ift gzel bir pazar gn gezmeye gitmiler. Gittikleri yere ise bir sabah bir de akam otobs varm. ki sevgili gezmiler dolamlar akamn nasl olduunu anlayamamlar akam otobsn karmlar. Gittikleri kasabada yalnzca bir otel varm o otelde de tek oda kalm gen kz bunu duyunca alamaya balam. - Eyvah napcaz imdi ayn odada nasl kalrz biz henz evlenmedik ki. Delikanl : - Sen hi zlme ben sana elemi bile dedirmem, demi. Gece olmu ve odalarna kmlar. Delikanl szn tutmu ve yattklar yatan ortasna yastk koymu ve nianlsna elini bile dedirmemi. Sabah olmu ve eve dnmek iin yola koyulmular. Gen kzn banda da bir apka varm yolda yrrken birden bir rzgar km ve kzn apkas bandan umu yksek bir duvarn arkasna gitmi. Gen kz gene alamaya balam : - Eyvah gitti gzelim apkam, demi. Delikanl : - Sen hi zlme ben imdi duvardan atlayp apkan alrm, demi.

Gen kz : - Hadi ordan dn akam bir kar yastktan atlayamadn da imdi o duvardan nasl atlayacaksn, demi. A Very Short Pillow [Lit: A pillow span] An engaged couple went for a walk on a nice Sunday. There was only one bus service both in the morning and evening to the place they went. The couples went round together being unaware of how fast the time passed and missed the evening service. There was only one hotel in the town they went and only one room left in that hotel so young girl started crying on hearing that. - Oh, what will we do now; we can not stay in the same room as we are not married yet! Young man: don't worry, I even won't touch you. When the night came they went to the room together. The young man kept his word by putting the pillows in the middle of the bed not touching the girl. When the sun rose they set off for home. The young girl had a small hat on her head and while walking, a sudden wind came out and her hat flew behind a high wall. Young girl started crying again. - My God! My lovely hat went away, said the girl. - Young man: Don't worry I will immediately jump over the wall and get it. - Young girl: You couldn't jump over a small pillow last night let alone jumping over this high wall, how come you will do that - said the girl. Translation thanks to Necati Tre - August 2008 BZ TAKP ETMEKTEN VAZ GE (Note: bahriyeli is a naval sailor - a "Jack Tar".) Ahmet ile Sevda parkta gezintiye kmlard. Bir bahriyeli de bir saattir kzlarn peini brakmyordu. Nihayet Karin'in sabr tat, arkasn dnerek bahriyeliye sert bir yzle baktktan sonra hiddetle unlar syledi : - Bak, ya bizi takip etmekten vazge, yahut bir arkadan daha bulup getir. ARPTIIMIZ ARABADAN

Gen kz sevgilisine telefon ediyordu : - Bu gece bize gelmesen iyi olur ekerim. Babamn fkesinden yanna varlmyor. Dn geceki kaamak gezintiyi onun arabasyla yaptmz haber alm! - Ne diyorsun! Nereden haber alm acaba? - Nerden olacak arptmz adam babamm da! GELN ADAYI patan, damat ve gelin adayn karlatrr. Gelin zengin olduundan damat aday ufak tefek kusurlarn balanmas iin nceden uyarlmtr. Gelin aday odaya topallayarak girer. Damat aday patana bakar : - Topal bu, der. patan bayla onaylar. Damat gelinin salarn okamaya kalkar. Peruk elinde kalr. patana baklaryla : - Kel bu, der. patan bayla onaylar. Damat aday odadaki gm takmlara antikalara bakar. Onlarn da sahte olmasndan phelenir. patann kulana fsldamak ister. patan : - Rahat konuabilirsin, duymaz kula sardr, der. HAFTAYA LECEK Ahmet yolda surat iki kar gidiyormu. Arkada grm ve sormu : - Hayrola yahu bu surat ne byle iki kar. - Abi karm ldreceim. Bktm artk ondan, ldreceim. - Elini kana bulayp sonra hapislerde ryeceksin. Daha garantili yolu var bu iin. - Nasl olacak? - Her gn posta sevieceksin, onbe gn sonra karn kendiliinden lr. Sen de kolayca kurtulursun. Aradan bir hafta geer ve adam Ahmet'i ziyarete gelir. Ahmet'in surat km, kamburu km halde arkadan ieri buyur eder. Kars da mutfakta yemek yapmaktadr. Bir

taraftan da yksek sesle ark sylemektedir. Ahmet arkadana dnerek : - Salak kar haftaya lecek, haberi yok. HAYATIMIN EN KUTSAL EY ki sevgili oturmu konuuyorlard. Gen kz : - nan bana sevgilim, sen hayatmn tek erkeisin. Erkek, kzn salarn okayarak cevap verdi : - Beni buna inandrmak senin elinde. Kz bir aralk sustu. Sonra munis bir ekilde devam etti: - Bak, hayatmn en kutsal eyi zerine yemin ederim ki, sylediklerim dorudur. Adam merakland : - Nedir bakalm, dedi. Senin hayatnn en kutsal iki eyi Kz ayn hzla cevap verdi : - ocuklarm KMZE DE YETER Evlenme teklif ettii kzdan ret cevab alr : - Ama ben sizi sevmiyorum ki! Delikanl istifini bozmadan cevaplar : - Olsun, benim akm ikimize de yeter! LK AK Evliliklerinin stnden henz bir ay gemitir. Mutlu koca gen ve gzel karsna sarlr : - lk ak ne kadar tatl, ne heyecanl deil mi? Gen kars yantlar : - Evet ama seni tandma da memnunum

KMN KARISI? Senatrlerden birinin lmesiyle baka bir adam onun sresini doldurmak zere seilmiti. Adam karsna telefon ederek, bu haberi vermek istedi : - Bir senatr kars olmak ister miydin? diye sordu. Kars biraz dnd sonra sordu : - Hangisinin? KM KOYDU BU HEYKEL BURAYA Gzleri pek iyi grmyordu. Seyahatten dnd. Karsnn a, plak bir halde pencerenin yan tarafnda ayakta dimdik duruyordu. Adam karsna sakin bir sesle sordu : - Kim koydu bu heykeli buraya. KMM - ok acayip bir ey oldu, diye adam arkadana anlatr. - Dn gece kapy aldm, karanlkta aan hizmeti kz zannedip ptm. Meer karm deil miymi? - Eee, ne olmu yani? der beriki. - Daha ne olsun be adam? Karm perken karm, dikkat et sevgilim, kocam aniden gelebilir, diye fsldamaz m? MELEKLER UAR MI? Anne kz konuurlar. Kk kz annesine sorar : - Anne melekler uar m? - Uar. - Btn melekler mi? - Evet.

- Peki bizim hizmeti kz neden umuyor? Annesi arr : - Hizmeti neden uacakm kzm? - Babam konuurken ona hep "Meleim!" diyor da. Anne fkeyle frlar : - Ya yle mi, o halde az sonra hemen uar O KARIMAZ ki gen kadn konuurlar : - Peki, bakasndan hamile kalmana kocan kzmad m? - Kzmad. O prensip sahibidir, bakasnn iine karmaz. PS PS Kocas seyahatten vaktinden nce dnen kadn, sokak kapsnn aldn duyunca, heyecan ve korku iinde sevgilisini karyolann altna saklamt . Ne var ki, karyolann somyas eskimi, telleri kmt. stnde kadnla kocas saa sola dndke o kk teller karyolann altndaki sevgilinin urasna burasna batverdi. Adamcaz o acyla "Ah!" diye barnca yataktaki koca pirelendi. Karyolann altna eilip seslendi : - Kim var orada? - Miyav miyav, diye ses geldi aadan ok gemeden yine yatakta hareket Ve alttaki telden can yanan sevgilinin feryad : - Offff! Ve koca yine sordu : - Kim o? - Miyav miyav nc "Ah" da yataktan frlad koca, eildi karyolann altna : - Kim var orada? - Kedi dedik ya


RANDIMAN ALAMADIM Alt aylk gelinin armadk yeri yoktu. ikayetleri anlatmakla bitmeyince, gen damat mdahale etti: - Yani doktor bey, ksacas, ben bundan hi randman alamadm! AKA YAPMI Gen kadn mutfakta yemek yapyordu. Birden kznn sesiyle irkildi. - Anneciim! Hizmeti yatak odanzda bir adamla yatyor! Kadn arm bir ekilde yatak odasnn anahtar deliine bakt ve kza bir tokat att : - Hani birisiyle yatyordu? Kz : - aka yaptm anneciim, yatt kii babamd. Nasl da kandrdm ama AL KM Birka genler kantinde gevezelik ederken ilerinden biri sorar : - Gtenberg kim. Biliyor musunuz? - Hayr, der tekiler. - Gzel, sizde benim gibi gece kurslarna gitseydiniz, Gtenberg'in basm makinasn bulan kii olduunu bilecektiniz . Ya Panmentier'i? - Hayr, der tekiler. - Gzel, sizde benim gibi gece kurslarna gitseydiniz, Panmentier'in patatesi bulan kii olduunu bilecektiniz. Eer gece kurslarna gitmezseniz yaam boyunca . te o zaman, aralarnda lehimci olan fkelenip patlar : - Oldu, anlatk! Gtenberg'i, Panmentier'i bilmiyoruz. Sen Ali kim biliyormusun? - Hayr! - Peki yle ise ren! Ali, sen gece kurslarna giderken karnla yatan heriftir!


TREN BEKLYORUM Yeni evli bir ift tren hatlarna yakn bir yerde ev almlar. Evin beyi her sabah ie gittikten sonra trenler gemeye baslarm ve yatak odasnda bulunan elbise dolabnn kaplar gcrdarm. Buna sinirlenen evin hanm bir sabah ei gittikten sonra arm marangozu. Adam bakm : - Anlamadm bir sorun yok, demi. Evin hanm : - Ama tren geerken gcrdyor, beni sinir ediyor, demi. Marangoz bizimkine : - yi, demi, sen ilerine bak ben dolabn iine girerim. Tren gesin bir bakaym nerede arza var. Kadn : - Tamam, demi evin ilerine koyulmu. Evin reisinin geri gelecei tutmu bakm bir ift erkek ayakkabs kapda. Dalm eve aram taram yatan altna bakm kimse yok. Bizimki am elbise dolabn, adamn biri sinmi bekliyor. - Ne iin var lan senin burada, demi bizimki. Adam da rkek bir sesle cevap vermi : - imdi tren bekliyorum diycem, ama inanmazsn ki!!! ZAMAN GET Kz nianlsn eve ard : - Otur Ali'ciim. Evlenmeden nce tm mazimi sana aka anlatmalym. - yi ama hayatm iki hafta nce anlatmtn ya - O iki hafta nceydi hayatm. ADINI BR TRL EZBERLEYEMEDM Adam eczaneye gelmi : - Sizde asetilsalisilik asit var m? Eczac adama dnm :

- Yani aspirin istiyorsunuz deil mi ? - Evet evet, u meretin adn bir trl ezberleyemedim de. AK DL Hayvanat bahesinde iki ahtapot kollarn birbirine sarm, dolayorlard. Erkek ahtapot eildi, hafif sesle dii ahtapotun kulana fsldad : - Ne gzel bir gece, deil mi sevgilim? Mehtap, yldzlar, sen, ben Ve bu gzel gecede seninle ikimiz byle kolkola kolkola kolkola kolkola kolkola dolayoruz. AYIP OLUR Uakta hostes, papaza sormu : - Viski, cin, arap Ne emredersiniz? - Ka metrede uuyoruz kzm? - On bin metredeyiz peder! - O halde sen bana su getir kzm, patrona ok yaknz, ayp olur! BABA YRE ocuun birisi bir gn babasna sorar : - Baba ben nasl dnyaya geldim, diye. Babas da verecek cevap bulamaynca : - Olum ben bir gn ekmek yiyordum, ekmek krntlar yere dkld sabah kalktm baktm ki sen ordasn. Cevaba inanan ocuk ertesi gn yatarken yatann altna ekmek krntlar koyuyor ve yatyor ekmek krntlarna gelen karncalar sabah kalktnda gren ocuk yatan altndaki karncalara eilerek : - Ben sizi ldrmesini biliyorum ama Baba yrei ite dayanmyor. BABALARI KM

Mahkemede boanma davas grlmekteydi. Yarg kocaya sordu : - Karnzn ailesini geindirmek zorunda kalmaktan ikayetisiniz, deil mi? - Evet. Yarg : - Bu aile kimlerden ibaret? - Be ocuktan yarg bey. - Babalar kim? - ey Benim yarg bey. BASKL Adam akll iman bi adam, bi mddet szde rejim yapar. Zayflayp zayflamadn anlamak iin bi tart zerine knca, elektronik makinede bir yaz belirir : "Ltfen teker teker tartlnz" BAI BELAYA GRMEZ - nsanlarla balklar ayn tabiata sahiptirler. - Nereden biliyorsun? - Azlarn amadklar mddete hi birinin ba belaya girmez. BEN TOKATLIYIM KARIMI Otomobil nasl olduysa yoldan kt, kenardaki yara doru yuvarland. Beye bir ey olmamt, ama kadn baylmt. Bir baka arabadan tesadfen bir doktor indi ve baylan kadn ayltmak iin balad yanaklarn tokatlamaya. Koca utanarak doktora sokuldu : - Ltfen doktor bey, msaade edin de ben tokatlym karm Byle bir frsat tam 25 yldr bekliyordum.

BEN ZEBRAYIM FBI Alman , Trk ve ngiliz arasnda bir seim yapacaktr. Alman'dan en ksa srede en uzun hortumlu fili getirmelerini isterler. 5 dakika sonra fil gelir. Sra ngiliz'de, FBI ngiliz'den de en uzun kuyruklu fareyi getirmesini ister, 5 dakika sonra fare de gelir. Sra Trk'e gelir, Trk'ten bir zebra getirmesi istenir, aradan 1,2 saat geer ve Trk bir fille gelir, FBI sorar zebra nerde diye. Trk : - yice bakarsanz grrsnz, der. Herkes file bakar ve fil yle sayklamaktadr : - Ben Zebraym, ben Zebraym, ben Zebraym. BERABERE Futbol ma balamadan nce iki takmdan birinin kaptan, hakemi bir keye ekip : - Hocam, der. Sen bizim takmn durumunu bilmezsin - Bu ma bize kaybettirecek olursan, bizimkiler seni ne yapar bilir misin? - Ne yapar? - Seni para para ederler Hakem cevap verdi : - Anlald, siz bu oyunda berabere kalacaksnz - Neden? - teki, takmn kaptan da bana ayn szleri syledi de ondan! BERDULAR stanbul'un her eyinin mehur olmas gibi sokaklarda babo gezen berdularnda mehurdu. Bunlardan ikisi ayr birer sutan dolay karakol nezaretinde bir araya gelince biri dierine : - Yahu, birader, sen nerde oturuyorsun bakaym? Deyince, o da : - Ben hi bir yerde oturmuyorum. - Haaa!Seni bir yerden gzm sryordu. Demek ki komuymuuz.

BLGL OLMAK Hanimin biri hizmetisini ard. - Fatma, kzm gryor musun, bu konsolun stndeki toza ismimi yazabiliyorum Hizmeti iini ekti : - Ah hanm, bilgili olmak ne iyi ey BR DL YETYOR Kars lisan kursuna gitmek isteyen adam : - Katiyen olmaz, diye kar kt. Zaten bir dille kafam yeteri kadar iiriyorsun! BLET LTFEN iletmeci ve mhendisin i icab trenle bir seyahate kmalar gerekir. Tren garna giderler. iletmeci 3 bilet ald halde mhendisler tek bilet alr. letmeciler bunun sebebini sorduklarnda mhendisler : - Bekleyin ve grn, derler. Trene binerler ve tren hareket ettikten bir sre sonra mhendis kalkp hep beraber trenin tuvaletine girerler. Biraz sonra kondktr gelir ve iletmeciden bileti alr. Tuvaletin nnden geerken kapy tklatp : - Bilet ltfen, der. Kap alr ve bir el bileti uzatr. letmeciler bunu grrler. Taktii kapmlardr. Dn yolculuu iin yine gara giderler. letmeciler bu sefer tek bilet almlardr. Mhendisler ise hi bilet almaz. sletmeciler yine arp sebebini sorduklarnda mhendisler yine bekleyip grmelerini sylerler. Bir sure sonra yolculuk balar. nce iletmeciler kalkp bir tuvalete girer. Ardndan da mhendisler karsndaki tuvalete. Kondktrn gelmesine yakn bir mhendis kp kar kapy tklar ve : - Bilet ltfen, der. Alan kapdan bir el bileti uzatr. Bileti alan mhendis dier tuvalete geri girer!. . BUYURUN BEYEFEND

Tiyatroda, nl oyuncu rol gerei uaklarna barr : - Atm getirin! O srada mnasebetsiz bir seyirci : - Eek olsa olmaz m? diye seslenir. Oyuncu hi istifini bozmaz : - Hay hay! Buyurun beyefendi! CN 4 tane zencinin her birinin cinden bir dilek dileme hakk vardr. 1. zenci cinden beyaz olmay diler ve beyaz olur. 2. zenci de beyaz olmay diler ve cin onu da beyaza evirir. 3. zenci de ayn ekilde. Bu arada 4. zenci kendi kendine ks ks glmektedir. Ve 4. zenciye cin dileini sorar : - Ne istiyorsun. Zenci : - Bu 3 beyazn yeniden zenci olmasn istiyorum, der. ZGY TAKP ET Yalca bir kadn ishal olmu. Eczaneye gidip bir ila almak istemi. Ancak gittii eczanedeki kalfa biraz dalgnca birisiymi. shal giderici yerine kadncaza yanllkla mshil ilac vermi. Zavall kadn ishalden bir an nce kurtulmak iin hemen orackta ilac imi ve eczaneden ayrlm. Yolda bir gen kadna yaklap o civarda bir eczane olup olmadn sormu. Kadn yle cevap vermi : - Var evladm var. u sar izgiyi takip et bulursun. OK KALDI MI? Adam seyahate kacak kpeine syler: - Ben yokken eve birileri geliyor mu? Gzle, diye tembihler. Adam seyahatten dner ve kpeine sorar: - Birileri gelmise hav de, ieride kalmsa havhav de. Kpek: - Hav. Adam : - ok kaldm? Kpek: - Havuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. [Bow- wowwwwwwwwwwww]

DAL Memur mdre gitti : - stifa ediyorum efendim, arkadalar benimle durmadan "empanze maymun" diye alay ediyorlar, dedi. - Olmaz, dedi mdr. alkan ve drst bir memursunuz. Sizin dairenizi deitireyim. Birlikte irketin eitli dairelerini gsteren byk emann nne getiler. - Evet, hangi dal seiyorsunuz. - Akolsun, dedi memur. Siz de mi mdr bey! DELKTEN BAKIYORUM Hanmefendi, uana nasihat ediyordu : - Bak olum, kapy vurmadan ieriye girmen hi doru deil! Pekala soyunuyor olabilirdim. - Merak etmeyin efendim, soyunuk olmayasanz diye nce anahtar deliinden bakyorum! DOST GENMEL Bir lkede bir bakan, kendisini gazetecilere hi sevdirememiti. Ne yapsa makbule gemiyor, basn her gn kendisiyle urayordu. Nihayet : - yle bir ey yapaym ki, gazeteciler mat olsun, diye dnd ve ilan etti : - Pazar gn saat 10'da bakan denizin zerinden yryerek geecek. Pazar sabah saat 10'da tm basn mensuplar toplandlar orada. Bakan geldi ve elinde bastonuyla denizin zerinde yrmeye balad. Kar kyya kadar da yrd geti. Herkesin gzleri dehetle almt. Fakat ertesi gn tm gazetelerde u balk okundu : - Bakan yzme bilmiyor! DURUM BUNUN TAM TERS


Patron fabrikada personelini toplar ve onlara bir konuma yapar. - Arkadalar dn rakip fabrikay gezdim. Grdm ki onlarda personelin yars eek gibi alyor, dier yars da miskin miskin pinekliyor. ok kr bizim fabrikada durum bunun tam tersi. FLMC Gen kz arkadana dert yanyordu : - Hani o filmci, iman, aksak ve irkin adam vard ya - Uzun zamandr birlikte ktn adam m? - Evet, o ite. Beni ok kt oyuna getirdi. - Niye, filimde mi oynatmad? - Ne oynatmas yahu!Ne zamandr "ne zaman filim ekeceiz" diye onu sktryordum - Eeee! - Ee si,en sonunda dayamad:"Hadi kalk gidelim" dedi, beni apa Tp Fakltesine gtrd. - Allah, Allah!Hasta falan m oldun? - Yok canm. Meerse adamn, ii rntgen filimi ekmekmi. ADAMI GZMN NNE GETRRM Arkada Karadenizliye sormu: - Yalnzken kendi kendine konuma huyun var mdr? - Ben kendi kendime konumam, demi Karadenizli. Adam gzmn nne getiririm, yle konuurum. AALARADAN GREMYORUM Temelle Dursun ormanda yryorlar. Bir ara Temel Dursuna sesleniyor : - Dursun ormann gzelliine bak. Dursun: - Aalardan gremiyorum ki

AIDS dam cezalarnda mahkum istedii lm tarzn seebiliyormu. Temel, AIDS ile lmek istediini belirtmi. rngayla HIV virs zerk edip sonra salvermiler. Temel sevin iindeymi. - Aldattum onlar, diyormu. Kurtuldum saylr. rnga yaplrken prezervatif kullandum. AKAM YEME kisi de fakir olan Temel ile Fadime evlenirler. Aralarnda yle anlarlar : - Her iimizde ak iun yaiyacauk. Bir hafta sonra Temel evine geldiinde Fadime'nin radyatrn zerine oturmu olduunu grr ve sorar : - Ne yapayisun orada karicium? Fadime : - Akam yemeini styirum sevgilum, der. AKAM SERNLNDE Bir mecliste konuulurken, Amerikal : - Biz Mars'a gideceiz, demi. Alman : - Biz yaktsz giden otomobil reteceiz, demi. Fransz : - Atom bombasn etkisiz hale getirecek projelerimiz var, demi. Bizim Karadenizli de onlardan geri kalmamak iin : - Biz de gnee gideceiz, demi. - Gnee gidemezsiniz, demiler. Gne yakar.

Karadenizli glmsemi : - O kadar da enayi deiliz, tabi, demi. Akam serinliinde gideceiz. ALERJ [written in Laz dialect] Temel, Cemal'e : - Fadime'nin krke alerjisi var. - Nerden pileysun? - Ne zaman krk giymi pi avrat crse hastalanay. ALMANYA [written in Laz dialect] Bir gn Temelin aklna esmi ve herkese : - Almanya'ya gidicem, deyip eve saklanm. Karsna da tembih edip : - Kimseye evde olduumu syleme, demi. Ertesi gn Temel'e ihtiyac olanlar gelmi Temel'in evine karsna sormu. Kars da : - Yok, demi. Almanya'da, demi. Bunu duyan Dursun hnc olan Temel'in karsnn yanna gitmi ve bunu temiz bir dvm. Temel de evde sakland yerden Dursunun karsn dvdn grnce : - Ulan Tursin Almanya'da olmasaydm seni ldrrdm, demi. ANADOL YOL STYO [written in Laz dialect] Temel bir gn otobanda, Anadol marka arabasyla gidiyormu. Aksilik bu ya arabann arzalanaca tutmu. Ne yapsn? aresizce ekmi emniyet eridine ve beklemeye balam. Epey bir sre bekledikten sonra grltyle, bir arabann hemen yannda durduunu grm. Son model bir FERRARI ve iinde garnd tuvalet, kara gne gzlkl, salar jleli, tral ve ksacas varlkl ve ok zengin olduu her halinden

belli olan bir adam hafife eilerek seslenmi: - Hemerim! istersen otobann sonuna kadar seni yedee alp ekim! aresiz Temel elbette kabul etmi. Balantlar yapmlar ve son kontrolleri de yaptktan sonra zengin src : - Arkada bak, ben de hz hastal vardr, eer dalgnlkla hzm arttrrsam sen arkadan selektr yaparsn ben de yavalarm olur mu?, demi. Temel buna anlam verememi ama yinede : - Peki!, demi. Nihayet yola koyulmular. nde FERRARI ve arkasnda ANADOL bir sre sakince yol almlar. Ama bir sure sonra da Temel adamn neden bahsettiini anlam. 60 km/h . . 80km/h . . 120km/h . . 150km/h derken Temel bakm olacak gibi deil. Direksiyon zangrdamaya motordan bouk sesler gelmeye balaynca Hemen hatrlam ve ndeki srcye selektr yapmaya balam. Selektr fark eden src de durumu anlayp yavalam. 150km/h . 120km/h . . 60km/h. Ancak gel zaman git zaman bir sure sonra ndeki src yine kendini kaptrp hzlanmaya balaynca Temel bu sefer atik davranm ve malum. Bu olay birka defa daha tekerrr etmi. Uzun bir sure sakince yol almlar. Ta ki byk bir grltyle Temel'in yanndan geip ndeki FERRARI`nin yanna yanaan son model LAMBORGINI`nin ofr FERRARI`nin ofrne kapkara gzlklerinin zerinden bakp : - Kapsalm m Moruk! 140 km ilerideki Kapsalm m Moruk! 140 km ilerideki benzinciye son varan. lk gelenin deposunu fuller. Ne dersin? FERRARI`nin srcs. - Pekala, paralar hazrla. nk kaybeden sen olacaksn, demi ve balamlar yara 80 km/h . 120km/h . . 200km/h . 280km/h . Tam bu srada helikopter ile otobann zerinde trafik denetleme devriyesi grevini yapmakta olan Dursun durumu fark eder ve eline telsizi alarak u mesaj geer - Alo Alo. . Breykk Uan Hamsi`den tm ekiplere u anda otoyolun 85. mevkiinde seyir halinde olan araba otoban emniyetini bozacak ekilde ar hz yapii Arabalar tanmlyorum. FERRARI- LAMBORGINI- ANADOL . FERRARI ile LAMBORGINI kapii, Arkadan ANADOL gemek iin yol istii ANLAMLI ANLAMLI Karadenizlinin biri hemerisine anlatyor : - Dn belediye otobsne bindim, yan koltuktaki adam bilet almamm gibi bana anlaml anlaml bakt. - Sen ne yaptn? - Bende bilet almm gibi anlaml anlaml ona baktm. ARABAM DIARIDA

[written in Laz dialect] Temel krtasiye'ye girmi, tezgahtara : - Pana pir roman lazum, demi. Krtasiye tezgahtar sormu : - Efendim ar m olsun hafif mi? Temel : - Fark etmez, nasul olsa arabam dsarudadur. A Comic letter written in the Laz dialect

This is a comic letter written by a father to his son in the Dialect of the Black Sea area. There is a dialect called Lazca, it very often substitutes letter "p" for "b" and letter "t" for "d" - also there are changes in the tense endings and compacting of other words. It sounds quite quaint to the trained Turkish ear. We have to say that the Laz or Karadenizli are considered as fair game and generally as figures of fun for the rest of the Turks, and there are many jokes about them which have become classics. One of the general attributes of the Laz race is that they have a big nose as well as their speaking of fractured Turkish and a propensity to "buffoonery". We have to say that we are not being rude to our Black Sea friends as we are aware that it is a reputation that they revel in themselves as the butt of Turkish national humour. The archetypical Laz is Temel bey with his friend Dursun and Temel's wife Fatma or Fato. There are many jokes and cartoons about this trio about the various adventures that they encounter. KARADENZL BR BABADAN OLUNA MEKTUP Uy sevgili uaum! Allah'n selami tabiidur. Mektubu ok yava yazayrum, unkim biliyrum ki, okuman zayiftur abuk okuyamazsun. Benden yana sual edersen, Allahuma pin ukur iyiyum, yeni pir i puldum. Yze yakin adamn banda durayrum, hepsi de sessuz sedasuz, kendi hallerinde. Ne i pulduumu soraysan syleyeceum patlama, mezarluk pekcisu oldum. Bacn Emine bir uak doguracak, daha erkek midur, kiz midur, pelli deyul. Haan o yzden saa dayi mi oldin, emice mi oldin syleyemeyrum.

dris emicen de tkkan atu, o da otuza aldnu yirmipee veriy, srmden kazaneyurmu oyle dedi. Bizim kye, findukcularin Temel'i muhtar setuk, akillu uak daa. Geen gn hepimizu zelzeleye karsi ai etturdu. Temel akillidur, hemde drsttr. Geenlerde bir taksinin ofori kye varmu, muhtari arayu, meer yolda pir tavuk ezmu sahibini soraymu. Muhtar Temel tavua pakmi, ha pu bizden deildur, pizum kyde yassu tavuk yoktur, demi. Senin kn smayil ok akillu bir uak kt. Geen gn tepeye varmi, elinde bir ip sallayup duriy. Anan, uy uaim ne edeysun oraya demi. Oda heva turumuna bakayrum demi. ektum oni akam karuma, anlat bakayum u hava turumu iinu dedim. Anlatti, meer ip sallanunca havanin rzcarli olduunu, ip islaninca da yamur yadiunu anlaymi. ok akillu uak vesselam. Sen o yata boyle akillu deildun! Cemal emicenin oli Tursun ok tutumlu pir uak kt, ula deyerum endi endime cenabi rabbil alemin baa niye senin cibu bir savruk uak verdi, geenlerde Tursunun ayna sinek tmti olan sinei eliyle yakalayp pir gzel skt pardanun iine pelki canna ekmitir diye sen olsaydn ayn yarsn terdin, ziyanarsn daa ... Geenlerde Rizedei umhuriyet Meydanina pelediye bir saat tikmu, Tursun hemen kol saatini satti, pizde diyeyruk ha bu uak her saate bakmaya nereye kayboliy ... yakinda da mtahitlie balar bu uak. Onun babas Cemal de ok tutumlu adamdi, ptn hayvanlarinin bir aya eksiktu, neden diye sorduk ta, ula canim her paa isteyince koca hayvanimu keseyum temitu. Senin akillu aabeyin de ona pakmi zenmi, bir kelle yiyeceum diye pizum koca zn kafasn esmi, hayvan ldi pau kesilince tabii. Yaa iste boyle uaum. Memleetten saa pol pol havadis. Yeni havadis olursa yine yazayrum. Baki Hudaya emanet ol. - Baban - (Not: Mektupa para koyacaktum, ama ge akluma geldu, zarfu kapatmium.)

Ninni adl eek (in Turkish) - A Donkey called Ninni (in English) See Ninni Story in English Ergun bey with Ninni in 1988


Otuzbir yl nce (1979) Trkiye'de alyordum. Manisa' daki bir fabrikada, endstriyel zel tipi dizel motorlu arabalar, ngiliz lisans altnda, imal ediyorduk. ki yl boyunca ngiliz firmamzn temsilcisi olarak Trkiye'de alp oturuyordum. Zaman getike bu Trk irketin mdrlerinden biriyle arkadalk kurdum. Trkiye'de iim bittikten sonra ngiltere'ye dndm ve birbirimiz arasnda arkadalmz srdrdk. O zamandan beri her yl ksa bir tatil iin arkadam ziyarete giderdim. Onun ismi Ergun, imdi emekli olarak Eski Foa'da oturuyor. Be yl nce, onu ziyaret ederken, Ergun onun yeni ev hayvann bana gsterdi. Ninni adl bir Eek! O Ergun'un evinin nndeki tarlada, byk bir aacn gvdesine balyd. Ertesi yl tekrar tatilimi Ergunlar'la geirdim. Bu defa Ninni yoktu. Ergun'a - Ninni'ye ne oldu? - diye sordum. - Tuhaf bir ey. Bir sabah uyandktan sonra Ninni' nin yemini vermek iin tarlaya gittim. Ninni yok! Ortadan kaybolmutu. Bu olan biten ay evveldi. imdi'ye kadar onun hakknda hi haber ortaya kmad- diye cevabn aldm. Bir yl sonra Eski Foa'nn otellerin birisinde iki haftalk yaz tatilimi yaparken Ergun'un evine uradm. Selamlatk ve biraz sohbet ettikten sonra, birdenbire yerinde bal Ninni' yi fark ettim. Bu defa eek oradayd. - Ergun Bey, eein geri dnm galiba - n'oldu acaba? - diye sordum.

- Ah! dedi, - Alt ay evvel ilemizin haftalk gazetesinde bir iln kt - yle diyordu -


Babo Bir Eek Bulunmutur Baaras Kyne Bavurmanz Rica Olunur Tel: 45678 Hemen telefonu ap bir iftiyle konutum. Sylediklerine gre bu hayvan Ninni'ye benziyormu. Baaras kyne gidip eee baktk. Gerekten Ninni'ydi, iftiye teekkr ederken, bana - Dur bakalm, bu i o kadar kolay deildir - dedi. iftiye - O niye? - diye syledim. Bana dedi ki - Hayvan bulduumuzda domates tarlasnn yarsn yemiti, daha sonraki u haftalk onu yemle besledik. Domates paras yzbin, besleme paras krkbin, toplam yzkrkbin lira rica ederiz. - Ne yapsam! Yazk ki onun istedii paray demek zorunda kaldm - oook paraaa! Drdnc yl Eski Foa'ya gittim, bu defa Ninni yoktu. Eei satlm m, Ninni'ye kar verdikleri domates parasn geri almm galiba. Ninni'nin cezas budur - yemi iin imdiden almaldr. A Donkey called Ninni (in English) Thirty-one years ago (1979) I was working in Turkey. We were producing an industrial type of Diesel engine under an English Licence at a factory in Manisa. I was living and working as our English firm's representative for a period of two years. As time passed I became friends with one of the Turkish managers of this firm. After my work had finished in Turkey we continued this friendship between us. Since that time I used take a short holiday every year and visit my friend. His name is Ergun and now he is retired and living in Eski Focha. Some five years ago while I was visiting him, Ergun showed me his new pet. She was a donkey called - Ninni! This donkey was tethered to the trunk of a large tree in front of Ergun's house. The following year once again I spent my holiday with The Ergun family. This time Ninni was missing. I asked Ergun what had happened to Ninni. - A strange thing - he answered - One morning after I had woken up I went into the field to feed Ninni. But no Ninni. She had disappeared. All this happened three months ago, and up to now we have had no news of her. A year later while taking my two week summer holiday in one of Eski Focha'a hotels, I dropped in to Ergun's place. After saying hello and making a little gossip I suddenly noticed that Ninni was tethered in her place. This time the donkey was there.


I asked him, - Ergun bey - it looks like your donkey has come back again - what happened I wonder? - Ah! he said - Six months ago there was a notice in our local weekly newspaper. Found - an untethered donkey Please apply to Bagarasi Village Tel No: 45678. Straight away I was on the telephone and spoke to a farmer. According to what he was saying it seemed that the animal resembled Ninni. We went to Bagasari Village and looked at the donkey. It was really Ninni, but while thanking the farmer he said to me - Just a moment, this job is not that easy. - Why is that? I asked the farmer. He said this to me - By the time we had found the donkey she had already eaten half a field of tomatoes, and after that we have had to feed her for three weeks. The tomato cost is 300,000 and the feed 40,000 so we want the total 340,000 lira. - What could I do - I had to pay the amount that he was asking - a lot of money. For the fourth year I went to Eski Focha, this time Ninni was not there. They had sold Ninni. I suppose that they must have got the tomato money back for her. This is Ninni's punishment - she must now work for her food. Unfortunately my friend Ergun bey died at a young age after a short illness. He was a good friend and I wish him Godspeed. - John G. See Ninni Story in Turkish

eftali - The Peach


A true story from my days in the peach orchards of Manisa in 1979. Birka yl nce zmir'de oturup, Manisa'da alyordum. Her alma gn sabahleyin arabamla Manisa'ya gider ve akamst yani paydos ettiimiz zaman zmir'e geri dnerdim.

Some years ago I was living in Izmir and working in Manisa. Each working day in the morning I would go to Manisa in my car and in the evening when we had finished work I used to return to Izmir. Gnler getike Trke'm iyileiyordu ve bundan dolay fabrikamzda baz alan Manisallar ile dostluk korumaya baladm. Bunlarn arasnda Aye adl gen bir sekreter kz vard. As the days passed my Turkish was improving and because of this I began to make friends with some of those who were working at Manisa. Amongst them was a young girl secretary named Ayshe. Aye'nin ailesinin evinde hafta sonlarnda bo vaktimi geiriyordum ayrca Aye'nin babasnn byk bir eftali bahesi vard. eftaliler olgunlanca toplamasna yardm ederdim. I used to pass my spare time at the weekends at Ayshe's family house and besides Ayshe's father owned a large peach orchard. When the peaches had ripened I used to help with the harvest. Toplanma gnlerinde leden sonra parlayan scak gneten kalsn diye yapraklardan yaplm bir ardak altnda dinlenip, hanmlar tarafndan hazrlanan bir tr piknik yemei yerdik. On harvest days in the afternoon we used to rest under a leafy trellis in order to get out of the sunshine and eat a sort of picnic lunch prepared by the ladies.

Bir gn, toplamas bittikten sonra ardan altnda yemek yerken, yemek hazrlayan yal kadnlardan biri bana yaklat. Avucundaki ok gzel, kpkrmz, bol sulu, taptaze eftaliyi uzatarak bana - John Bey, eftali ne demek ngilizce? - diye sordu. One day after we had finished peach picking, while eating the lunch, one of the old ladies preparing the food came up to me. In her hand she had a beautiful, bright red, full juicy, newly fresh peach, and it offering to me - she asked "Mr John, How do you say "sheftali" in English?" - Hanmefendi, eftali'ye ngilizce pi denir - diye cevap verdim.

"Madam," I answered "In English a sheftali is called peach" Etrafmzdaki millet sylediim kelimeyi iitince derhal seslerini kesiverdiler ve hemen arkasndan kahkaha atmaa baladlar. Ben ise, armtm ve ne olduunu anlayamamtm. On hearing the word that I had said all the people around us suddenly fell silent then straight away they started laughing from the back. As for me, I was surprised and could not understand what had happened. Akam vakti zmir'e dndkten sonra Lokalime urayp tandklarma bu tuhaf olay anlattm. Ater returning to Izmir in the evening I dropped into my local bar and told my acquaintances about this strange occurrence. Arkadalarmdan iyi ngilizce bilen biri - John Bey, evine dnnce szln alp pi kelimesine bak fakat Trk okunuuyla olsun - diye glmsedi.

One of my friend who knows English well smiled and said - Mr. John when you get home get hold of your dictionary and look up peach but with Turkish spelling. Son biram itikten sonra arkadalarma - yi Geceler - diyerek, eve gittim. Trke szlm alp Trk telaffuzlu pi kelimesini arayp buldum. After drinking my last beer and saying "good-night" to my friends, I went home. I got hold of my Turkish dictionary and looked up the word "peach" in Turkish pronunciation - p. te o zaman anlamsz glmelerin nedeni ortaya kt ve nihayet ben de gldm. Yabanc diller acayipmi, deil mi.? Right then the reason for the unexplained laughing became clear and in the end I laughed as well." Foreign tongues are strange, don't you think? For those who don't know - "p" - designates a person who's father is unknown - there is a word for this in English. I leave it with the reader.

Turkish Language -OKS - Ortaretim Kurumlar Giri Snav


OKS or Ortaretim Kurumlar Giri Snav - High School Entrance Examination in Turkey has 100 questions which are to be solved within 120 minutes and is mandatory for getting a place in a good high school in Turkey. In the examination, students solve 25 questions of Turkish language (Grammar + Paragraph), 25 questions of Maths (Maths + Geometry), 25 questions of Science (Physics + Chemistry + Biology), 25 questions of Social studies (History + Geography + Religion(5)*) * Students who do not take religion can choose instead to solve 5 geometry and history questions The Examination Papers Some actual Turkish High School entrance examination papers. These are not translated into English or any answers given. Really, answering them correctly is not important. However, for our intermediate learners they provide good practice in reading and comprehension in written Turkish, but if you can answer the questions, then your Turkish is improving. These examination papers and the logo are freely available and have been taken from the web to be used here in the interests of learning Turkish TRKE TEST - TEST No.1 - 2005 1. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde "-yor" eki, eklendii fiile, imdiki zaman anlam katmaktadr? (A) Her sabah, okula ayn yoldan gidiyorum. (B) Yazarlar, alrken yalnz olmak istiyorlar. (C) iler, st aacnn altnda dinleniyorlar. (D) Snfa girince rencileri hazr buluyorum. (E) Tatil gnlerinde tiyatroya gidiyoruz. 2. Aadaki dizelerin hangisinde geili eylem kullanlmtr?

(A) stanbul'u dinliyorum gzlerim kapal. (B) Beyaz bir ay douyor fstklarn arasndan. (C) nce hafiften bir rzgr esiyor. (D) Gzlerimden boanr hicran yalar. (E) Bama da konuyor aman mart kular. 3. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde "-de, -da" eki alm szck "l" kavram vermektedir? (A) Eve geldiinde yemek oktan hazrlanmt. (B) Kye ceviz byklnde dolu yam. (C) alan insan, her yerde baarl olur. (D) ki odal bir dairede oturuyorlar. (E) Seninle okulun nnde bulualm. 4. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde "-ca, -ce, -a, -e" eki, eklendii szce dierlerinden farkl bir anlam kazandrmtr? (A) Her ey gnlnce olsun isterim. (B) Sizce onun yaptklar doru mu? (C) Bu konular aka konumak gerekir. (D) Kendince hakl olduunu dnyor. (E) Bence, oraya giderken dikkatli olmalsn. 5. "rnein dikkatinizi younlatrmaya, szckleri anlam birimi oluturan kmeler hlinde grmeye, dudak kprtlarn nlemeye gayret etmelisiniz." Bu rnek, aadaki dncelerden hangisini aklamak iin verilmi olabilir? (A) Hzl okuyabilmeniz iin kelimeleri tanma, anlama, benzerlerinden ayrma yeteneinizi gelitirmeniz arttr. (B) Anlama endiesi, aklnz srekli megul edebilir. (C) Baz uygulamalar size zor gelebilir, bu durumda baa dnn. (D) Okuma hznz, anlama dzeyinizi engelleyen zararl alkanlklardan kanmalsnz. (E) Hzl okuma yntemlerini iyi renmeli, sonra uygulamalara gemelisiniz.

6. "Yalnz iyi yazlm eserler gelecee kalr. Bilgi okluu, olaylarn ilginlii, bululardaki yenilik lmezliin garantileri deildir. nk bunlar, insann dndadr. Kaybolup giderler. Yaz tarz ise insann ta kendisidir.Kaybolup gitmez." Bu paragrafa gre, bir eseri kalc klan hangi zelliidir? (A) Okuyucuda merak duygusu uyandracak nitelikte olmas. (B) Yazarn konuya yaklam tarz. (C) Bilgi vermesi. (D) slubu. (E) Kullanlan dil. 7. "... edebiyat sanat demek dil demektir. Ressam boyalar, mziki sesleri nasl kullanyorsa edebiyat da kelimeleri ylece kullanr. Siz buna nem vermemisiniz. Hikyelerinizi okurken 1954 ylnda yaayan bir Servet-i Fnun'cuyla karlatm sandm." Bu parada sz edilen hikyeci ile ilgili eletiri aadakilerden hangisiyle ilgilidir? (A) Resim ve musiki ile ilgilenmemesiyle. (B) Yaayan dili kullanmamasyla. (C) Hikyelerinin konusuyla. (D) Servet-i Fnun yazar oluuyla. (E) Sanat anlayyla. 8. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde "belirtili isim tamlamas" kullanlmtr? (A) Hayvanlar, aslann kkremesini duyunca katlar. (B) Karadeniz kylar, batan baa gzel ormanlarla doludur. (C) Yeni yetien nesillere nce insan sevgisini retmeliyiz. (D) Sanat adam, biraz da duygusal adam demektir. (E) Durur alev gibi dallarda kanl blbller. 9. "......... kimileri bu iirlerin, yrin yanan elmaya, dudan kiraza, boyunu serviye, kirpiklerini oka benzetmekten ve de gl ve blbl edebiyatndan bakaca bir ey olmadn ileri srerler." Anlam btnlne gre, bu parann bana getirilebilecek en uygun cmle aadakilerden hangisidir?

(A) Gnmz airleri bar "gvercin"le, tutsakl "zincirle" anlattklar zaman ayn basmakalpla dmyorlar m? (B) Divan iiri, mazmunlar, edatlar, deyiler yarmasdr daha ok. (C) Divan iirine ynelik eletirilerin balcasn tebihlerinin klielemi olmasdr. (D) Trk iiri, her dneminde mazmunlara bavurmutur. (E) Divan iirinde mazmunlar, klielemi szler nemli bir yer tutar. 10. Aadaki "-l, -li, -lu, -l" eki alm olan szcklerden hangisi, tr ynyle dierlerinden farkldr? (A) nsanlar kyl ehirli diye ayrmak yanltr. (B) Dalgal salar onu tanmak iin yeterliydi. (C) O, sadece paral insanlarla grr. (D) ekerli kahve imek istiyorum. (E) iekli aalarn altnda oturduk. 11. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde alt izili fiil, geisiz olduu hlde ekle geili hle getirilmitir? (A) Anneme elbise aldrdm. (B) Onu sonradan gldrdm. (C) Nerede olduunu sordurdum. (D) pleri kapcya attrdm (E) Evi geen yl boyattrdm. 12. "Ahmed Midhat Efendi, tam manasyla Osmanl'nn kalem ampiyonu idi. imdiki yaz makineleri onun parmaklarna nispetle birer oyuncak kalrd. O, iinde durmakszn erimi madenler akan bir frn gibiydi." Bu parada sz edilen kiinin en belirgin zellii aadakilerden hangisi olabilir? (A) Baarl eserler yazmas. (B) Girdii yarmalarda birinci olmas. (C) slubunun ok scak olmas. (D) ok fazla yazmas. (E) Okuyucu ile btnlemesi

13. "Dergimize rnlerini gnderen gen airlerin hemen hepsine yle diyoruz: Sanat, sabr ve alma iidir, birikim ve tecrbe olmadan istediiniz noktaya ulaamazsnz. Canllarn olduu gibi eserlerinden de bir doum vakti vardr. Erken doanlarn ou l doar." Bu paradan iirle ilgili olarak karlabilecek yarg aadakilerden hangisidir? (A) nemli iirler, ileri yalarda yazlabilir. (B) Her yaznn yaymlanmas gerekmez. (C) Gen airlerin yazdklar fazla deer tamaz. (D) Sanatta bugn deil yarn nemlidir. (E) Nitelikli eserler, belli bir deneyimle yazlr. 14. "Kardeimin gnl olursa her ii yapar." Bu cmlede alt izili szckte grlen ses dmesi olay, aadaki seeneklerin hangisinde vardr? (A) Aln bu ocuu, annesine gtrn. (B) Fikrini ak syle, sana kzmayacam. (C) Disiplin ile basky ayrmay bilmeliyiz. (D) Beyin hastalklar uzmanyla greceim. (E) Ben, bu ieklerin kokusunu ok beendim. 15. "..... rnein, Edebiyat- Cedidecilerin, Cenab ehabeddin'in dili, bundan otuz krk yl nce, gzel, ahenkli bulunurdu. Bu gn ise o dil bize pek ho gelmiyor." Bu rnek, aadaki dncelerden hangisini, inandrc klmak iin verilmi olabilir? (A) Trk dili, dnyann en gzel dilidir. (B) Trk dili, zaman iinde sadelemitir. (C) Edebiyat- Cedidecilerin dili gzel ve ahenkli deildi. (D) Dilde, ahenk, gzellik anlay kiiden kiiye gre ve zamanla deiir. (E) Bugnk Trke, dnk Trke'den daha gzeldir. 16. Aadaki cmlelerden hangisinin yklemi yap ynnden dierlerinden farkldr?


(A) Deden, ok yalanm. (B) Kardein ok genmi. (C) Bu elbiseyi dn alm. (D) Arad kitab bulamam. (E) Derdini annesine anlatm. 17. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde alt izili kelime, yaps ynyle dierlerinden farkldr? (A) Bu hrlt nereden geliyor. (B) Yzndeki kzart gittike byyor. (C) Bu il, mideme bulant veriyor. (D) Souk hava karn belirtisidir. (E) Bu kabart tehlikeli olabilir. 18. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde virgln kullanlmamas anlam karklna yol amaz? (A) Zavall, kalabalkta birini aryordu. (B) Hasta, ocua yardm etmek istedi. (C) Bu, kitaplar yerine brakm. (D) Adam, beni grnce ok ard. (E) Aye, Yksel adnda bir genle tanm. 19. "Bir yazar iin dardan etkilenmek doal karlanmaldr. Edebiyat, bu yolla zenginleir, byr. Bu yzden gzmz douya da evirmeliyiz batya da. nemli olan aldklarmz kendimize mal etmek, yazarmzda ise byle bir zellik gremiyoruz." Paraya gre yazarn en byk eksii nedir? (A) Yabanc edebiyatlar daha stn grmesi. (B) Baka edebiyatlarn etkisinde kalmas. (C) Zengin bir anlatma ulaamamas. (D) Byk yazar zelliklerinden yoksun olmas. E) Dardan aldklarn zmseyememesi.

20. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde "ikileme" dierlerinden yap bakmndan farkldr? (A) Memlekette bet bereket kalmad. (B) Kznca beti benzi sarard. (C) Ben para mara almadm. (D) Alayp szlamak fayda etmez. (E) Ana baba her zaman ocuklarn dnr. 21. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde "scak" kelimesi, "souk su iince hastaland." cmlesindeki "souk" kelimesinin anlamca kartdr? (A) Hava scak olduu iin her grdmz yerde dinleniyorduk. (B) Ondan scak bir sz duymaya o kadar hasretim ki. (C) Anamn scak kokusunu bu knal trklerde duyuyorum. (D) Onunla olunca scak baklarn zerimde hissediyorum. (E) Ne scak kanl insan deil mi? 22. "Dklmek" szc, aadakilerin hangisinde "Babamn salar bu yl hayli dkld." cmlesindeki anlamyla kullanlmtr? (A) Bahar gelince herkes krlara dklr. (B) Sakarya, Karadeniz'e dklr. (C) Cevizin yapraklar dklyor. (D) Salar omuzlarna dklyordu. (E) Btn vcudundan ter dklyordu. 23. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde "arta ballk" sz konusudur? (A) Buraya gelse de birlikte gitsek. (B) Hepimiz birbirimizi sevsek, saysak. (C) Param olmasa da mutlu olsam. (D) O gelmese de ben geleceim. (E) Yarn yamur yamazsa tarlaya gideceiz.

24. Aadakilerden hangisi znesi ortak sral cmledir? (A) Bir araya geldiler, sarldlar, kucaklatlar, hasret giderdiler. (B) Kara toprakta yeil adacklar peydahlanmaya balyordu, giderek de bsbtn yeilleniyordu yeryz. (C) O zamanlar salt sevgi vard, ona inanyorlard. (D) nsanlar zgnlklerini yitirdiler; bundan biz de nasiplendik bir oranda. (E) Kmltlar, heyecanlar artyordu, ou, yerinde zor tutuyordu kendini. 25. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde, e ayrm yanl yaplmtr? (A) nsan/bu tr eserlerin hepsine / hayatnn belli bir dneminde / ihtiya duyar. (B) Grdklerimiz ve yaadklarmz /tecrbeyi / okuma da /bilgiyi /kazandrr. (C) Ansiklopedi tr kitaplarda / ilgi alanmza giren konular / okuruz. (D) Okuma dzeyini / ykseltmek iin /hzl okumay / renmeliyiz. (E) Kendi kendimize okuduumuz yazlarda da /bu kurallar / geerlidir. 26. "Eletirmen, yazarla okuyucuyu ortak bir kesime noktasnda buluturmas gereken kiidir. imdilerde okuyucuyla yazarn aras iyice ak. Bu yazarn verimini azaltrken, okuyucuyu da kitaplardan iyice koparyor. Mutlu beraberlik, eletirmenin, hogrl, yol gsterici abalaryla kurulacaktr." Bu parada sylenmek istenen asl dnce aadakilerden hangisidir? (A) Gnmzde eletiri yapmak ok zorlamtr. (B) Kitap okuyanlarn says giderek azalmaktadr. (C) Okuyucu ile yazar arasnda iletiimi kuracak olan kiiler eletirmenlerdir. (D) Eletirmen, hogrl olmaldr. (E) Edebiyatmzn gerek eletirmenlere ihtiyac ok fazladr. 27. Aadaki cmlelerden hangisi bir paragrafn giri cmlesi olabilir? (A) Bir gece nce niyet kp yaparlar. (B) Herkes, kk bir eyasn bu kpe atar. (C) Lle yetitirmek bir sanat saylrm.

(D) Anadolu'da eskiden iek sevgisi ok bykm. (E) iek bayramlar yaplrm. 28. "iiri, dar bir kesimin sesi yapmak isteyenler var. Onlara gre, herkes iirden anlayamaz. airin de herkese seslenmek gibi bir sorumluluu yok. Sekinlere seslenmelidir sanat. Geni kitlelerin duygular, dncelerini anlatmak iirin ii deildir. Ben katlmyorum bu dncelere. air, iinden kt, birlikte nefes ald kalabalklarn sesi olmak zorundadr." Bu parada asl sylenmek istenen aadakilerden hangisidir? (A) iir, belli bir kltr dzeyine ulaan kiilerin anlayaca bir sanattr. (B) Geni kitleler sanatla ilgilenmez. (C) air, toplumun szcs, ortak sesi olmaldr. (D) Kalabalklar, duygularn iirle anlatamazlar. (E) airlerin sorumluluu giderek ok artmaktadr. 29. "ki yz senedir, aydnyla aras ak bir lkedir Trkiye." Bu cmlede yer alan eler, aadakilerin hangisinde doru olarak gsterilmitir? (A) zne-yklem (B) Zarf tmleci-yklem-zne (C) Nesne-zne-yklem (D) Dolayl tmle-zne-yklem (E) zne-nesne-zarf tmleci-yklem 30. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde, alt izili szck yanl yerde kullanlmtr? (A) Yeni alfabemiz, dilimizin hemen hemen btn seslerini gstermeye yetmektedir. (B) Haberi alr almaz, telefonla geleceini bildirdi. (C) u anda, aranzda gelecein yazarlarndan birinin oturmadn kimse syleyemez. (D) Mehmet Emin, bu iirini, 1987 ylnda Yunan sava zerinde yazmtr. (E) mer Seyfettin, birok hikyesinin konusunu tarihimizden almtr?


31. "renci, kendisini seven retmenini dinler ve inanr." Bu cmledeki anlatm bozukluunun nedeni aadakilerden hangisidir? (A) zne-yklem uyumsuzluu (B) Gereksiz szck kullanm (C) Nesne-yklem uyumazl (D) Fiillerde zaman uyumsuzluu (E) Dolayl tmle eksiklii 32. "Kapamak" szc, aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde yanl anlamda kullanlmtr? (A) Sulular cezaevine kaparlar. (B) Sarmaklar, bahe duvarn kapam. (C) Bu yap, manzaray kapad. (D) Ali, aceleyle kapy kapad. (E) O konuyu kapayalm. 33. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde "gereksiz kelime" kullanlmtr? (A) Bu kyn belli bal, nemli adam Muhtar smail'dir. (B) Buraya gelmekle beni ok sevindirdiniz. (C) ocuk, iinde byd bu evi ok seviyordu. (D) Kapnn nnde saatlerce durmak zoruma gitti. (E) Bu haberi, ona ben vermeliyim. 34. "Baz sfat tamlamalarnda hem belirtme, hem niteleme sfat birlikte kullanlr." Aadaki dizelerin hangisinde buna uygun bir kullanm vardr? (A) Beni bu gzel havalar mahvetti. (B) Duydum yaban ieklerinin buruk kokusunu. (C) Korkuyorum bu gecelerden.

(D) Okudum gzlerinde gnlnn byk srrn. (E) Akam vakti sylenir kne arklar. 35. "Kesilmek" szc, aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde, "Biraz sonra, st kattaki grlt kesildi." cmlesindeki anlamyla kullanlmtr? (A) O olaydan sonra bana dman kesildi. (B) Mdr, snfa girince tartma kesildi. (C) ocuk, hastalannca yemeden imeden kesildi. (D) htiyar, yokuu kamadan kesildi. (E) Sular, iki saat sonra kesildi. 36. "Gzlerinde seyrediyorum denizlerin maviliini." Bu cmle iin, aada verilen bilgilerin hangisi dorudur? (A) Bileik-isim-kurall-olumsuz (B) Basit-fiil-kurall-olumlu (C) Bileik-fiil-devrik - olumsuz (D) Bileik-isim-devrik-olumsuz (E) Basit- fiil-devrik-olumlu 37. "Yazarn kuru bir anlatm var." cmlesindeki "kuru" szc, gerek anlamnn dnda kullanlmtr. Benzer bir kullanm, aadaki alt izili szcklerin hangisinde vardr? (A) Evlerine kk bir kedi aldlar. (B) Gmleinde kan lekesi var. (C) ki ihtiyar, ocakta yanan odunlar seyretti. (D) Sava sonrasnda buras, l bir kente dnd. (E) Yahya Kemal, iirde lye nem veren bir airdir. 38. "Sylediklerime o zaman ................... imdi gerei anlamlar." Bu cmlede bo braklan yere, aadaki deyimlerden hangisi getirilmelidir?

(A) kulak kesilenler (B) kulak misafiri olanlar (C) kulak asmayanlar (D) kulak kabartanlar (E) kulak verenler 39. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde "aratrp okuyarak deil, dinleyerek bilgi edinmek" anlamnda bir deyim kullanlmtr? (A) Hepimiz kulak kesilmi, sylenenleri dinliyorduk. (B) Ben onun kulan ekerim, sen merak etme. (C) Byklerin konumalarna kulak misafiri oldum. (D) Sylediklerime kulak verin, ne dediimi iyi anlayn. (E) Kulaktan dolma bilgilerle bu i olmaz. 40. "air, iini renmek iin her gn ok atan bir oku gibi davranmamaldr." Bu cmlenin anlamca yerini tutabilecek en yakn cmle aadakilerden hangisidir? (A) yi air, dili iyi kullanabilen kiidir. (B) iir, birikim gerektirir. (C) ok yazmak, iyi iir yazmak iin yeterli deildir. (D) airler, iyi iire ulamak iin ok yazmaktan kanmaldr. (E) Toplum olaylar airi ok yazmaya zorlamaktadr. TRKE TEST SONA ERMTR Turkish Language - OKS - Ortaretim Kurumlar Gir i Snav OKS [Ortaretim Kurumlar Giri Snav] - High School Entrance Examination in Turkey has 100 questions which are to be solved within 120 minutes and is mandatory for getting a place in a good high school in Turkey. In the examination, students solve 25 questions of Turkish language (Grammar + Usage) 25 questions of Maths (Maths + Geometry) 25 questions of Science (Physics + Chemistry + Biology)

25 questions of Social studies (History + Geography + Religion) - Students who do not take religion can choose instead to solve 5 geometry and history questions Some actual Turkish High School entrance examination papers. These are not translated into English or any answers given. Really, answering them correctly is not important. However, for our intermediate learners they provide good practice in reading and comprehension in written Turkish, but if you can answer the questions, then your Turkish is improving. 2001 OKSYS TRKE TEST 1. evremize ________ bakar, onu ________ daha iyi anlar, daha ok severiz. Bu cmlede bo braklan yerlere hangi szcklerin getirilmesi daha uygundur? A dikkatle-temizlersek B ilgiyle-incelersek C zenle-renirsek D saygyla-eletirirsek 2. "Tertemiz" szc aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde dierlerinden farkl bir anlamda kullanlmtr? A Onun tertemiz bir yrei vardr. B ocuklarn tertemiz giydirir. C Bu kentin sokaklar her zaman tertemizdir. D Evin her taraf tertemiz yapm. 3. Skntmz unutmak, donuk(1) yaantmza biraz renk(2), biraz k katmak iin, tek aremiz(3) kitaplara sarlmaktr(4). Bu cmlede alt izili olarak verilen szcklerden hangisi gerek anlamyla kullanlmtr? A1 B2 C3 D4

4.Aadakilerin hangisinden alt izili szck karlrsa, cmlenin anlamnda daralma olmaz? A Frtna pek ok insann lmne sebep oldu. B Yazarn son romann henz okumadn syledi. C Arkadamn annesi kibar, ll ve temiz bir insand. D Yaklaan bayram nedeniyle kutlama almalar gittike artyor. 5. Sz daarc daha ok, okumakla zenginleir. Yukardaki alt izili szcn cmleye katt anlam, aadakilerin hangisinde vardr? A Toplumlar uygarlk yolunda hzla ilerlemek istiyorlar. B Bale ve mzik elii, gsteriyi renklendirmiti. C Kimileri, ocuka duygularmz ustalkla smrrler. D Sylei yazlar, pazar gnleri daha iyi okunuyor. 6. Sevda bamda ate, gurbet iimde dm... Yangndan kan eya gibi krk dkm. N.F. Ksakrek Bu dizelerde, aadaki duygulardan hangisine yer verilmemitir? A Sitem B zlem C Sevgi D Hzn 7. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde eylemin srekliliinden sz edilemez? A Onu tanrm, arkada gezilerinden holanmaz. B Geceleri yatmadan nce kitap okur. C Sylerim, toplantdan sonra seni arar. D Sporla ilgili izlenceleri karmaz. 8. Yalnzca bakma, gr; yalnzca duyma, dinle; yalnzca konuma, iletiim kur. Aadakilerden hangisi, bu szle verilmek istenen tlerden biri olamaz?

A evreni bilinli olarak gzlemle. B likilerde duygu ve dncelerine yer ver. C Sana sylenenleri dikkatle izle. D Bakalarn eletirmekten ekinme. 9. Yaamda hangi noktaya geldiinizi bilmiyorsanz, nereye gideceinizi de bilemezsiniz. Bu cmlenin anlamca en yakn aadakilerden hangisidir? A Amac olmayan insanlar, rzgarda savrulan tozlara benzer. B Karanlk dnceden aydnlk bir yaam beklenemez. C Yaamn ksaln biliriz de zaman kullanmay bilmeyiz. D nsan yaad ann tadn karmaldr. 10. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde dnceyle davrann birbirinden farkl olduu anlatlmak istenmitir? A Kavgay sevmedii iin sorunlar konuarak zd. B Hep bartan sz ediliyor ama, dnyann pek ok yerinde sava var. C Yneticinin konumasndan sonra gergin hava yumuad. D O iyi bir insandr ve onu tanyanlar da bunu bilir. 11. "Korkun bir grlt sesi duyuldu." Cmlesindeki anlatm bozukluunun benzeri, aadakilerin hangisinde vardr? A Biriken borlar lkenin ekonomik ynden da bamlln salad. B Sanatn tarihsel gemiine gz atmak, ilgin sonularla karlamaya edeerdir. C Olas ihtimal hesaplaryla bir yere varlmaz. D Kuzu etini salkl ve yal olmayan kimseler yemelidir. 12. "Bilim; kiiye, kiinin yaradlna, evreye ve toplum psikolojisine gre deien yarglar vermez." Cmlesindeki dnceyi aadakilerden hangisi desteklemez?


A Bilim, deneysel yntemlere ve gereklere dayanr. B Var olan bilimsel gerekler ancak yeni bilimsel gereklerle deiebilir. C Bilimin kayna, yntemi ve ilkeleri bellidir. D Bilimle uraanlar, onu her eyden stn tutarlar. 13. 1-Her zaman ok konuurken imdi sesi kmaz olmu; dut yemi blble dnmt. 2-Dizgini ele alm, artk ileri ynetmeye balamt. 3-ektii skntlar yznden yaamay istemeyecek duruma gelmi, canndan bezmiti. 4-Sonunda dize gelmi, kendisinden gl olan arkadann buyruunu kabul etme durumuna dmt. Yukardaki cmlelerin hangilerinde, deyimlerden nce anlamlar verilmitir? A 1-4 B 1-3 C 2-3 D 2-4 14. imdi klkszm, fakat Borlarm dedikten sonra htimal bir kat da yeni esvabm olacak Ve ihtimal sen Yine beni sevmeyeceksin. O.Veli Kank iirde ozan aadakilerin hangisinden daha ok yaknmaktadr? A Parasz kalmaktan B Sevgi grememekten C Mutlu olamamaktan D Yalnz yaamaktan 15. Bir ulusun kalknmas demek, her bakmdan gzellemesi, yaay ve dnce biiminde gzele daha ok deer vermesi demektir. (1)Gzellik bir armaandr. (2) irkinlikler iinde kalknma olamaz. (3) Toplumsal deerlere aykr bir yaam uluslar ileri gtremez, gelitiremez. (4) Salkl ve onurlu bir toplum her adan temiz olmay gerektirir. Paragraftaki numaralandrlm cmlelerden hangisi, anlatm akn bozmaktadr?


A1 B2 C3 D4 16. Onun ykc, romanc, ozan, tiyatro yazar, eletirmen, yorumcu, dnr ve mizah ustas olarak kaleme ald yaptlar, yllardan beri, lkemizde ve yurt dnda okunuyor. Bu parada, kiinin yaptlarnn hangi zellii daha ok vurgulanmtr? A Deiik konular zerinde younlam olmas B Sevilerek okunuyor ve ok satlyor olmas C Tm ayrntlaryla incelenmi olmas D Edebiyatn eitli trlerini ieriyor olmas 17. Yaamda bizim iin olumlu, ho davranlar olan insanlara, yaptklarndan honut kaldmz belirtirsek, onlara teekkr edersek insanlar aras ilikiler daha gzelleecektir. Bu parada, insanlar aras ilikilerin gzellemesi, aadakilerden hangisine balanmtr? A Beeni duygularnn dile getirilmesine B Hogrl olmaya nem verilmesine C Yaplan iyiliklere gnl borcu duyulmasna D Bakalarn mutlu etmenin kolay olmasna 18. Trk geleneinde birey ve toplum yapsnn en belirgin zelliklerinden olan alakgnlllk, sayg, zellikle hogr ve deerbilirlilik; krclk, kabalk ve nankrl nleyen en nemli etkendir. yilik grd ve tuzunu, ekmeini yedii bir kimseyi unutmak, toplumumuzda balanamaz tre eksikliklerinden biri saylr. Parada toplumumuzun aadaki hangi zelliinden sz edilmemitir? A yilikbilir olma B ll davranma C Ak szl olma D Sevgi ball olma

19. Byk iler baarm insanlarn yaamlar incelendiinde, yaptklar ilere ve bilgilerine olan inanlar ve alma iin gsterdikleri kararllklar dikkat ekecektir. rnein Thomas Edison elektrii bulma yolunda, yzlerce kez denemeler yapm ve ancak byle baarl olabilmitir. Bu parada, baarya ulamada rol oynayan zelliklerin hangisi zerinde daha ok durulmutur? A Deneyimlerden yararlanmann B Eksik bilgileri tamamlamann C Yeteneklerine gvenmenin D Azimli ve istekli olmann 20. nsan, ocukluk andan kurtuldu mu, gelecekte yaamaya balar ve yaad gnlerle gelecek gnleri karlatrmaktan kendini alamaz. Bu karlatrma, hep yaanan gnlerin zararna olmutur. Para yorumlandnda, aadaki yarglardan hangisine ulalabilir? A Yaama iyilii ya da ktl katanlar insanlardr. B Gelecek kaygsyla yaayanlar, bugnlerine de zarar verirler. C Dn, bugn lmtr, bugn de yarn lecektir. D Gelecei kurup dzenleyecek tek ey bugndr. 21. Dnen kii; dnme yetisini elinde bulunduran, bakalarnn dncelerine yknmeyen ama onlara deer veren ve akl gcne dayanarak, bilgilerinden, yeteneklerinden, deneyimlerinden yararlanp amacn gerekletirmek iin azimle alan kiidir. Parada anlatlan kii iin, aadakilerden hangisi sylenemez? A Baka dncelere nem verdii B Kararl olduu C nceki yaantlarndan yararland D Bakalarn taklit ettii 22. ok yetenekli bir ocuk ama bir o kadar da gayretli. Bu cmledeki anlatm bozukluunun nedeni aadakilerden hangisidir?


A Bala uyumsuzluu B elien szckler kullanlmas C Yanl tmle kullanlmas D zne-yklem uyumsuzluu 23. Aada verilen cmlelerden hangisi "neyi, nerede, nasl" sorularnn tmnn cevabn ierir? A ocukluk anlarn, arkadalarna uzun uzun anlatt. B Anlatmanz istendiinde, yaamnz ayrntlaryla anlatmtnz. C Adna dzenlenen bir toplantda rencilik yllarn cokuyla anlatmt. D Akamlar torunlarn evresinde toplar masallar anlatrd. 24. "Kendi" szc aadaki dizelerin hangisinde, iyelik anlamn pekitirmitir? A Kendi minare boylu Benden glgelik ister. B Kendim gurbet elde gnlm slada. tme garip blbl gnl en deil. C Kendi kyn dururken, El ky vatan m olur? D stedim kendimi bu gle atam, Elimi uzatp yavruyu tutam. 25. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde alt izili ek, uland szce "bir eye benzeme" anlam katmtr? A Bence btn insanlar saygdeerdir. B Yeni elbisesi ipeksi bir kumatand. C Annesinden ayrlan kuzucuk meliyordu. D Tatl dil ylan deliinden karr. CEVAPLAR: 1B 2A 3C 4D 5B 6A 7C 8D 9A 10B 11C 12D 13B 14B 15A 16D 17A 18C 19D 20B 21D 22A 23C 24C 25B


Turkish Language - OKS - Ortaretim Kurumlar Giri Snav 2000 OKS or [Ortaretim Kurumlar Giri Snav] - High School Entrance Examination in Turkey has 100 questions which are to be solved within 120 minutes and is mandatory for getting a place in a good high school in Turkey. In the examination, students solve 25 questions of Turkish language (Grammar + Paragraph), 25 questions of Maths (Maths + Geometry), 25 questions of Science (Physics + Chemistry + Biology), 25 questions of Social studies (History + Geography + Religion(5)*) * Students who do not take religion can choose instead to solve 5 geometry and history questions Some actual Turkish High School entrance examination papers. These are not translated into English or any answers given. Really, answering them correctly is not important. However, for our intermediate learners they provide good practice in reading and comprehension in written Turkish, but if you can answer the questions, then then your Turkish is improving.. The Examination Paper - 2000 1. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde "- lar / - ler" eki szce "aa yukar" anlam vermitir? (A) Annemi grnce dnyalar benim oldu. (B) Beyefendi evdeler mi acaba? (C) rak, yedi sekiz yalarnda bir ocuktu. (D) Teyzem bize geleceklerini mi syledi? 2. Aadaki cmlelerde alt izili olarak verilen szcklerden hangisi soyut bir kavram anlatr?


(A) Tatl yiyelim, tatl konualm. (B) ocuunun baarsndan sevin duydu. (C) O gn hava olduka souktu. (D) Kara bulutlar birden gkyzn kaplad. 3 "kmak" szc aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde deyim iinde yer almtr? (A) Ykannca elbisenin lekesi kt. (B) Ezilen meyvelerin suyu kt. (C) Haberi duyunca sevinle evden kt. (D) Bu ii bitirinceye kadar can kt. 4. "Ama" szc aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde pekitirme amacyla kullanlmtr? (A) Beni hi ama hi dinlemiyor. (B) ok uratm ama problem zlmyor. (C) Sesimi duydu ama anlamazlktan geliyor. (D) Araba olduka eski ama alyor. 5. "Bandan geenleri sakin sakin anlatt." cmlesinde "sakin sakin" ikilemesi cmleye hangi anlam vermek iin kullanlmtr? (A) Yaanlanlarn ok nemli olmadn dile getirmek (B) Davranlarda bir heyecan bulunmadn anlatmak (C) Herkesin bu tr davranlar gstermesini istemek (D) Konuulanlarn bu biimde daha gzel anlala-can vurgulamak 6. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde yanl szck kullanmndan kaynaklanan anlatm bozukluu vardr? (A) Bu iki kavram arasnda nemli bir ayrm var. (B) Kirli havann halk salna zararl olduu sonucuna varlmtr. (C) Sergide, yazarn ressam tarafndan izilmi fotoraf ilgi grd. (D) Gnmzde fabrikalar, kent merkezlerine uzak olan yerlerde kuruluyor.

7. "Gerei buldum" deme, ".........." de! anlatmndaki bolua aadakilerden hangisi getirilirse sz, "snrsz sayda gerek vardr" anlam kazanr? (A) Gerekten korktum. (B) Gerek beni buldu. (C) Gerei hi kaybetmedim ki. (D) Bir gerek buldum. 8. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde verilen deyim, aklamasyla eliir? (A) Az aza vermi, gizli gizli konuuyorlard. (B) Az birlii etmiler, ayn aklamalar yapmlard. (C) ok gzel konumu, azna geleni sylemiti. (D) Bana gelenlerden az yanm, her eyi incelemeye karar vermiti. 9. Aadaki dizelerin hangisinde dile getirilen istek, gerekesiyle birlikte verilmitir? (A) ncecikten bir kar yaar, Tozar Elif Elif diye. (B) Yra selam sylen seher yelleri, kp u yollara naz eylemesin. (C) Gnl gurbet ele kma Ya gelinir ya gelinmez. (D) stanbul'un orta yeri sinema, Garipliim, mahzunluum duyurmayn anama. 10. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde soru anlam vardr? (A) Ne kadar gzel iir okuyorsunuz. (B) Ne yapsak da bu sknty atlatsak. (C) Ne sylemek istediklerini anlayamadm. (D) Ne yapp edip bu ii bitirmeliyiz. 11. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde, pimanlk duyulduu anlatlmaktadr?


(A) Uzun yllar memleketimden ayr yaadm. (B) Her geen gn iimiz zorlayor. (C) Yreime anszn bir hzn kverdi. (D) Bu ie balamasaydm iyi olacakt. 12. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde bir gerekeye dayal gr bildirilmektedir? (A) Son gelimelere bir trl inanamadm. (B) Nedendir bilmiyorum, gmen kular erken geldi. (C) Baarsnda btn arkadalarnn pay var. (D) Bir akam aniden kp geleceini sylemi. 13. "Bakalarna kt davranan insanlar, kendilerinden de holanmayanlardr." Aadakilerden hangisi bu cmleye anlamca en yakn olandr? (A) Hi kimse kt olmak istemez. (B) Kendisini sevmeyenden iyilik beklenemez. (C) Kt davranlarn temelinde bakalar vardr. (D) Ktlkleri engellemek herkesin grevidir. 14. Kitab okumak gerekiyor; yorucu i. Oysa filmini izlemek kolay. Bu szler, aadaki sorulardan hangisinin karl olarak sylenmitir? (A) Kitabn almayp neden filmine gidiyorsun? (B) Sinema m daha doyurucu, kitap m? (C) Kitap zerinde mi yoksa film zerinde mi dnmek daha zevkli? (D) Sanat dal olarak edebiyat m yoksa sinema m daha deerli? 15. "Gel bakma kimseye hor, Halk yorma kendin yor. Ykmak iin ok dn,

Ykmak kolay yapmak zor."- Anonim Bu drtlkten aadakilerin hangisi karlamaz? (A) Alak gnll olma (B) Bir ey yapmadan nce iyi lp bime (C) zverili davranlar iinde olma (D) Bakalaryla ibirlii iinde alma 16. "Dallar msra msra, air tez duyar, Bahar nezle olsa hemen yaz duyar, iek kua dil retir, haz duyar Ulu isteklerde gezer gnlmz..." Bu drtlkteki "kiiletirilmeler", aadakilerin hangisinde birlikte verilmitir? (A) Bahar, yaz, iek, ku (B) Yaz, dallar, bahar, gnl (C) Ku, air, dil, bahar (D) iek, dil, bahar, gnl 17. Ayn olaylar zerinde ortak dnceleri olmayan, birbirine aykr den insanlarn birlikte yaamalar ve bir i zerinde anlamalar olanakszdr. Bu durum, aadaki ataszlerinden hangisine bir rnektir? (A) ki deliye bir uslu koymular. (B) ki el bir ba iindir. (C) ki ba bir kazanda kaynamaz. (D) ki karpuz bir koltua smaz. 18. Yabani hayvanlar ok sever ve yakndan tanrm. ocukluum dalk bir yrede geti. Orada biz ocuklara oyuncak yerine, ay yavrusu, kokarca, tavan, tilki ya da sincap getirilirdi. ....... . Paradaki dncenin akna gre, son cmle aadakilerden hangisi olmaldr?

(A) Oyuncak zevkini pek tadamadk. (B) Onlarla zevkle oynayp, elenirdik. (C) Pahal oyuncaklarla oynayamadk. (D) Byk kentlerin zlemiyle yanardk. 19. Yamur o kadar gzel ve tatl ki damlalar kahkahalarla glyor. Koyu koyu, kat kat yeillikleriyle aalar, puslanm aydnlktan ierek kendilerinden geiyorlar. Sanki bu bir yamur havas deil; iekler damlalardan yapraklar ayor. Her yer bir bahar grnm iinde... Bu paragrafn yazar iin, aadakilerden hangisi sylenemez? (A) Sabrsz olduu (B) Duyarl olduu (C) Cokulu olduu (D) Sevinli olduu 20. (1) Artk dalar, srtlarndan krklerini attlar; fakat henz sabahlar serince olduu iin omuzlarna sislerden bir atk alyorlar. (2) imdi rzgrlar da kuru aa dehlizlerine pek deli gibi komuyor. (3) Bitkilerin ve insanlarn enlikleri mutlaka ilkbaharda yaplyor. (4) Her daln zerinde renkli ve gzel dokulu ipeklerden ufack maskeler kprdyor. (5) Akasyalarn dallarnda kt fenerciklere benzer saysz iekler asl. Yukardaki cmlelerden hangisi paragrafn anlam btnln bozmaktadr? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 21. Yazn alannda ura veren insanlar, szleri ve yazlaryla dile deer kazandrrlar. Bu ii, dile yenilikler getirmekten ok, onun gcn artrarak yaparlar. Dildeki szckleri ilerler, anlamlarn salamlatrp, derinletirirler; onlara allmam tat verirler. Paragrafta aadakilerden hangisi vurgulanmtr? (A) Dilin en gzel rnekleri edebi eserlerdir. (B) Dil, srekli olarak geliir ve deiir.

(C) Herkes dili ayn gzellikte kullanamaz. (D) Dilin en byk ustalar yazarlardr. 22. Aadaki cmlelerin hangilerinde da / de balac, "ama" anlamnda kullanlmtr? I- Size de gidebiliriz bize de. II- alt da alt. III- Senin gibisini de grmedim. IV- Nasl oldu da anmsamadn? (A) I-II (B) I-III (C) III-IV (D) II-IV 23. Aadaki cmlelerde alt izili olarak verilen szcklerden hangisinin ald ek dierlerinden farkldr? (A) K gnlerinde kalnca giyinmeliyiz. (B) Tepeye knca dinleniriz. (C) Hasta ilacn alnca rahatlad. (D) Kalemini krnca alamaya balad. 24. Nasrettin Hoca, ou zaman karsndakini krmamak iin, bencillik, a gzllk, yalanclk gibi birok zr stne alr; kendisi ile alay ediyormu gibi grnr. rnein, bakasnn bostanna girip kavun karpuz armak ister. Bunun yanl olduunu bilmez mi? Elbette bilir. Ama dediimiz gibi onun amac bakadr: Bakasnn malna el srmenin ktln eletirmektir, yapmak istedii. Byle davranmakla " ......." der gibidir. Paradaki bolua aadaki deyimlerden hangisi getirilirse, Nasrettin Hoca'nn vermek istedii ileti vurgulanm olur? (A) Kimsenin tavuuna k deme (B) Kzm sana sylyorum, gelinim sen anla (C) Kime niyet, kime ksmet (D) Leb demeden leblebiyi anla

25. Aadaki birleik szcklerden hangisinin yapl dierlerinden farkldr? (A) mambayld (B) Klbast (C) Gecekondu (D) Kaptkat TRKE TEST BTT.

Turkish Language - OKS - Ortaretim Kurumlar Giri Snav From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia OKS or [Ortaretim Kurumlar Giri Snav] - High School Entrance Examination in Turkey has 100 questions which are to be solved within 120 minutes and is mandatory for getting a place in a good high school in Turkey. In the examination, students solve 25 questions of Turkish language (Grammar + Paragraph), 25 questions of Maths (Maths + Geometry), 25 questions of Science (Physics + Chemistry + Biology), 25 questions of Social studies (History + Geography + Religion(5)*) * Students who do not take religion can choose instead to solve 5 geometry and history questions Some actual Turkish High School entrance examination papers. These are not translated into English or any answers given. Really, answering them correctly is not important. However, for our intermediate learners they provide good practice in reading and comprehension in written Turkish, but if you can answer the questions, then your Turkish is improving..

The Examination Paper 1. doal - biridir - kitap - en - ihtiyalarndan - insanlarn. Yukardaki szcklerle kurall ve anlaml bir cmle oluturulduunda, batan nc szck aadakilerden hangisi olur? (A) doal (B) ihtiyalarndan (C) en (D) insanlarn 2. "Bayramda beyaz bir elbise giymiti." cmlesinde geen "beyaz" szcnn zt anlamls aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde kullanlmtr? (A) Kaptan, karaya yaklatklarn syledi. (B) Ege'de karasularmz geniletilmelidir. (C) Dost kara gnde belli olur. (D) ocuun yanaklar al, gzleri kara idi. 3. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde yanl szck kullanlmasndan kaynaklanan bir anlatm bozukluu vardr? (A) Ereli, Trkiye'nin elik gereksiniminin te ikisini veriyor. (B) Ne zaman o kazay hatrlasam iime fenalk geliyor. (C) e erken baladm gnlerde almalarm daha verimli oluyor. (D) Gelimeleri iine geldii biimde yorumluyor. 4. "Mevcut" szc aadaki cmlelerin hangi- sinden karlrsa cmlenin anlam bozulur? (A) Ayn endielerin sende de mevcut olduuna inanyorum. (B) Kazanmak yle dursun mevcut paray da harcad. (C) Elde mevcut stok olmadndan zor durumda kaldk. (D) Blgemizdeki mevcut yaplar depreme dayankldr.

5. 1. Bugn her zamankinden ok yoruldum. 2. Yaral ku glkle umaya alyordu. 3. Konvoya katlan aralarn yava ilerlemesi gerekir. 4. Yamur altnda zar zor kye dndler. Yukardaki cmlelerde, alt izili olan szcklerden hangilerinin anlam ayndr? (A) 1 ve 3 (B) 2 ve 3 (C) 2 ve 4 (D) 1 ve 4 6. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde zelden genele doru bir anlatm vardr? (A) Petrol rnlerinden benzine zam geldi. (B) Trk tarihinde, anakkale Sava'nn yeri nemlidir. (C) Alfabenin yirmi drdnc harfi t'dir. (D) ocukluk gnlerim mrmn en gzel dnemidir. 7. Bundan byle[1] artk evin iinde[2] sigara imemeye ve kitap okumak[3] iin daha ok[4] zaman ayrmaya karar verdim. Bu cmledeki anlatm bozukluunu gidermek iin, alt izili szcklerden hangisini karmak gerekir? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 8. "Keke daha mutlu olabilsem." diyen bir insan iin aadakilerden hangisi sylenemez? (A) Daha ok mutlulua zlem duyduu (B) Mutsuz olduu (C) Mutsuzluktan holanmad (D) Mutluluunu yeterli bulmad

9. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde sonu, kendisini hazrlayan nedenle birlikte verilmitir? (A) Eve gelince iekleri suladk. (B) Yaktmz bitince yolda kaldk. (C) Kye, hava kararnca ulatk. (D) Konuurken senden de sz ettik. 10. "Bir sorun varsa mutlaka zm de vardr." Cmlesiyle aadakilerden hangisi anlatlmak istenmitir? (A) Olumsuz durumlarda bile umudun yitirilmemesi gerektii (B) Zor anlarda yol gstericiye gereksinim duyulduu (C) Her insann bir sorununun olduu (D) Sknt ekmeden mutlulua erimenin g olduu. 11. Aadaki sral cmlelerin hangisinde, ikinci cmle, birinci cmlenin yorumudur? (A) Sessizlikten korkuyor, yalnzlktan nefret ediyordu. (B) retmenini seviyor, arkadalaryla iyi geiniyordu. (C) Srekli yer deitiriyor, belli ki izleniyordu. (D) Kitap okumaktan holanmyor, televizyon izlemeyi sevmiyordu. 12. almak iin uygun gn ve saat bekleme; istediin gn ve saatte alabilirsin. Yukardaki cmleye anlamca en yakn cmle aadakilerden hangisidir? (A) Hi ara vermeden dzenli almalsn. (B) alma zamann iyi kullanmalsn. (C) alma koullarn kendin yaratmalsn. (D) Her zaman alabileceini bilmelisin. 13. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde yaknma vardr?

(A) Bu kadar olaydan sonra daha dikkatli olmak gerekir. (B) Bir daha ayn hatalara dme. (C) Hibir isteimi yerine getirmedin. (D) Ksa zamanda baarl olacana inanyorum. 14. Kim bilir imdi nerdesin, Senindir yeni akamlar, Merdivende ayak sesin, Rhtm tanda glgen var. (A.H. Tanpnar) Bu drtlkte aadaki ana duygulardan hangisi ilenmitir? (A) Sitem (B) zlem (C) Yalnzlk (D) Pimanlk 15. nsan akln, derin bir denize benzetirsek bilgiler de bu denizin iindeki incilerdir. nsan bu incileri denizden karp kullanmadka, bu incilerin tatan bir fark olmayacaktr. Bu paraya dayanarak, aadaki dncelerden hangisine ulalabilir? (A) Bilgiler yararlanldka deer kazanr. (B) Bilgilerin oalmas zaman alr. (C) En deerli bilgi zor elde edilendir. (D) Bilgiler en az inci kadar deerlidir. 16. lkemizin her eyden nce, niversitelerde, laboratuarlarda, aratrma enstitlerinde, fabrikalarda ve benzeri yerlerde alan bilgili insanlara gereksinimi vardr. Bu bilgili insanlar sayesinde lkemiz, bilim ve teknolojide ileri lkelerle yara girebilecek; toplumsal, ekonomik ve kltrel ynlerden geliebilecektir. Burada vurgulanan amaca ulamada, aadaki nlemlerden hangisi en az rol oynar? (A) Beyin gnn nne geilmesi (B) Teknolojinin eitimde kullanmna nem verilmesi

(C) Yeni i alanlarnn almas (D) Bilimsel aratrmalarn desteklenmesi 17. Folklor bir sevgi bilgisi, bir arnma kaynadr. O kaynaa yaklatmz, ondan yararlandmz lde kendimizi ve toplumumuzu daha iyi anlarz. Bunun iindir ki ulusal bilincin en zengin kayna folklordur. Burada folklorun hangi zellii zerinde durulmamtr? (A) nsan davranlarn etkilemesi (B) Bireylere kimlik kazandrmas (C) Toplumu anlamaya yardmc olmas (D) Zaman iinde deimesi 18. Ben dostluun ve arkadaln bu denli kvan verici olduunu nceleri bilmezdim. Oysa, dostluu ve arkadal kitaplardaki kahramanlarla birlikte yaayarak rendim. Bu parada "nceleri" szyle aadakilerden hangisi anlatlmak istenmitir? (A) ocukluk ve genlik yllar (B) Kitap okumad yllar (C) Arkadalarnn az olduu yllar (D) Arkadalaryla sorunlarnn olduu yllar 19. Byk caddeden kentin merkezine doru inerken, nn Savalarnda ehit olanlarn benim iin de kan dkm olduklar hatrma geliyor. Yanndan geerken Mustafa Kemal'in heykeline dokunmak istiyorum. Bu kiinin, aadaki duygulardan hangisini yaad sylenemez? (A) Yaptklarn yetersiz bulma (B) kran duyma (C) Kendisini borlu hissetme (D) Saygyla anma


20. ocuklarla anlamak, byklerden ok farkldr. ocuk, yaklam biimimizi ok gzel deerlendirir. Yapmack m, gerek mi olduunu ok iyi anlar. Ya kesin bir tavr koyup sizi kendi dnda brakr ya da scack yreiyle sarar; kollaryla, glyle, dokunuuyla kucaklar. Paraya gre, ocuklarla ilgili grlerden hangisine ulalamaz? (A) Sevgilerini deiik biimlerde gsterirler. (B) Kendilerine nasl davranldn fark ederler. (C) Olumsuzluklar abuk unuturlar. (D) ten davranlara olumlu tepki verirler. 21. Doar domaz, konuma dilini duymaya ve zaman getike de konumay renmeye balarz. Dil, "rendim bitti." denecek bir ey deildir. Toplum deitike, dil de deiir. Dilini zenginletirmeye nokta koyan bir kii, onu unutmaya balar. Paraya gre, dille ilgili aadaki zelliklerin hangisinden daha ok sz edilmitir? (A) Toplumda iletiimi salamas (B) nsana zg olmas (C) Toplumsal deerlerden etkilenmesi (D) Srekli gelimesi 22. (1) Her sanat ve bilim yaptnda olduu gibi kitabn da iyisi, kts vardr. Bundan korkulmamaldr. (2) Kitap ayna gibidir. (3)Sonunda her kitap kendi-sine yakan sahibini bulur. (4) Kitap, hi kapris yapmayan dosttur. (5) Ne aksilenir, ne ylr. Hep ayn ruh hali iindedir. (6) Kaprisi olsa olsa, okur yapar. Kitabn birini brakr, tekini alr. Bu para, aklanan dnceler bakmndan iki paragrafa ayrlmak istendiinde, ikinci paragraf hangi numaral cmleyle balar? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 23. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde gereksiz bir szck kullanlmtr?

(A) Okulun bahe duvar yeniden yaplacakm. (B) Giderken ders notlarn da yannda gtrd. (C) Onarmdan sonra evimiz eski gzelliine kavumutu. (D) Hasta, arlar dinince ml ml uyudu. 24. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde oul eki eklendii szce "her" anlamn katmtr? (A) Kardeim sabahlar st ier. (B) Annemi grnce dnyalar benim oldu. (C) Orhan be yalarnda bir ocuktu. (D) Daymlar yarn yine bize gelecekler. 25. Dersten nce okulun btn dersliklerini gezdim. Bu cmlede "da, de" szc, hangi szckten sonra kullanlrsa, okulun baka blmlerinin de gezildii anlam kar? (A) dersten (B) nce (C) okulun (D) dersliklerini TRKE TEST BTT.

Turkish Language - High School Entrance Tests (OKS) - 05 This is the actual 2006 SS (grenci Seme Snav) entance test in Turkish. These questions are not tranlated into English or any answers given. Really, answering them correctly is not important. However, for our intermediate learners they provide good practice in reading and comprehension in written Turkish, but if you can answer the questions, then your Turkish is improving..

The Examination Paper 1. "Brakmak" szc Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde "eski durumunu deitirmemek" anlamnda kullanlmtr? (A) Parann bir ksmn bana brak. (B) Masay yerinde brakt. (C) Gezmeyi haftaya braktk. (D) Sigaray iki hafta nce brakm. (E) Btn eyam orada braktm. 2. "evirmek" szc, Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde "Babam, caddeye kar kmaz bir taksi evirdi." cmlesindeki anlamyla kullanlmtr? (A) Makinenin kolunu hzl evir. (B) ocuklar, sokakta ember eviriyor. (C) Snf kahvehaneye evirdiniz. (D) Arkadam evine gtrmek iin bizi yoldan evirdi. (E) Bizi grnce ban evirdi. 3. Hi durmadan kitap okuyor. Alt izili ifadenin bu cmleye katt anlam aadakilerin hangisinde vardr? (A) Anszn kapmza gelmesi bizi artt. (B) Vakit geirmeden yola knz. (C) Bu konu zerinde ok durduk. (D) Onunla uzun sre mektuplatlar. (E) Srekli olarak ayn ii yapmak insan skar. 4. Aadaki ataszlerinden hangisinde "mecaz" anlaml szckler kullanlmtr?

(A) Bir musibet bin nasihatten iyidir. (B) Bugnn iini yarna brakma. (C) Bin dost az, bir dman ok. (D) A kpek frn deler. (E) Adam adam bir kere aldatr. 5. "yle insanlar vardr ki kendilerine yaplan iyilikle yetinmezler. Daha fazlasn isteyerek a gzllk ederler." Aadaki ataszlerinden hangisi, bu cmleyle ayn anlamdadr? (A) Kseyle alay edenin top sakal kara gerek. (B) Krn istedii iki gz, biri elbiri boz. (C) Krle yatan a kalkar. (D) Kr pazara varmasn, pazar krsz kalmasn. (E) Krler memleketinde alar padiah olur. 6. "Sylenmi bir szn eitli anlamlar, deiik yorumlara ak yanlar bulunabilir." Aadakilerden hangisi, anlam bakmndan bu cmleye en yakndr? (A) Konumalarmz kesin anlaml kelimelerle yapmalyz. (B) Kullandmz kelimelere dikkat etmeliyiz. (C) Bir sz, bir konuma kiilerce deiik ekillerde anlalabilir. (D) Yoruma elverili szler, daha ok ilgi eker. (E) nsanlarla anlaabilmek iin ak szl olmalyz. 7. "Benim yazlarmda sylenmi, yaanm olann dnda bir ey bulamazsnz. Gelecekte de okunacak olmamn tek yolu bence budur." Aadakilerden hangisi anlam bakmndan bu cmleye en yakndr? (A) Gelecee kalmak isteyen yazarlar, ilgin olaylar anlatmaldr. (B) Yarna kalan, beenilen eserler, gerei anlatan eserlerdir. (C) Bir yazar, herkesin syleyemediini syleyen kiidir. (D) Gelecekte de okunabilmek her yazarn en byk arzusudur. (E) ok okunan yazarlar, ayrntlara nem veren yazarlardr.

8. "Sanatn insandan ve hayattan ayr bir gerei olamaz." Aadaki cmlelerin hangisi anlamca bu cmleye en yakndr? (A) Sanatta gerekle hayal i ie olmaldr. (B) Sanat, insann ve hayatn bir tasviri olmaldr. (C) Sanat eserleri, bizde estetik heyecan uyandrmaldr. (D) Sanat, konusunu sanatnn yaantsndan almaldr. (E) Sanat, insan gereinin deerini bilmelidir. 9. "Glgeler gittike koyulayor. Dnemete karma bir su kyor. ncecik de bir rlt duyuluyor ara sra. Suyun iine konmu talara yaln ayak basarak karya geiyorum." Bu betimlemede srasyla hangi duyu organlaryla kavranabilecek ayrntlara yer verilmitir? (A) Grme - iitme - dokunma (B) Grme - dokunma - iitme (C) Grme - koklama - iitme (D) Dokunma - grme - iitme (E) Dokunma - iitme - grme 10.Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde bir "tanmlama" yaplmtr? (A) Arbal edebiyat yazlar iinde en ilgi ekici olan denemedir. (B) Denemeci, kendi kendisiyle konuur gibi yazar. (C) Bir edebiyat tr olarak deneme, serbeste seilen bir konuda yazlan bir dzyaz biimidir. (D) Denemecinin en byk zelliklerinden biri de ak yrekli oluudur. (E) Okurlar, denemeyi hoa vakit geirmek iin okurlar. 11. Aadaki cmlelerde alt izili szcklerin hangisi tr bakmndan dierlerinden farkldr? (A) Akamlar erken yatsan iyi olur. (B) Byle davranrsan sana kzarlar. (C) Onunla kesinlikle konumayacaksn.

(D) teki kitap daha yararlyd. (E) Onunla iyi anlayoruz. 12. "iirlerde, devrik cmlelerde tamlanan, tamlayandan nce gelebilir." Aadakilerin hangisinde bu bilgiyi rneklendiren bir isim tamlamas vardr? (A) Btn yaz bahelerinde ten Kularn o sevdal sesleri iitilir. (B) Tatilleri yannda geiririm annemin Bir aydnlk belirir sararm benzinde (C) Yolun kenarnda yorgun bir yolcu gibi Bir ta eilmi yere, biri boynunu bkm. (D) Beyaz bir sandaldr ay gklerin denizinde ln ufuklarnda hlyalara dalarsn. (E) mrm eski bir masal havasna brnr Mesut gnler yaarm yarnlar anmadan. 13. Aadaki cmlelerden hangisinde alt izili szck, at bakmndan dierlerinden farkldr? (A) Adam, bizi grnce yandaki sokaa sapt. (B) Bu kitab ben de ok severim. (C) Tren, on dakika nce istasyondan ayrld. (D) Daymlar, imdi Gazimausa'da oturuyorlar. (E) ocuk, sevinle arpan otolardan birine bindi. 14. "Salamak" szc, Aadakilerin hangisinde yanl anlamda kullanlmtr? (A) Uygulad yeni yntemle iinde byk baar salad. (B) Bu konuda size yeni imknlar salayacam. (C) Son iinden de byk bir kazan salad. (D) D borlar, lkemizin da bamlln salad. (E) Ben, onunla grmeni salarm. 15. "almak" fiili, Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde "benzemek" anlamnda kullanlmtr?

(A) Bedevler, bizim atlarmz alp ngilizler 'e satmlar. (B) fkeli mteri elindeki radyoyu yere ald. (C) Annesinin kucandaki ocuk biraz babasna alyordu. (D) Mahkemece susuz bulunan sann etekleri zil alyordu. (E) Onu susturmak iin azna bir parmak bal alm. 16. "Baka baka tmleler almas gereken birden ok yklem birbirine balanyor. Bunlardan yalnz birinin tmleci yazlyor, dieri yazlmyor." Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde bu tr bir yanllk yaplmtr? (A) Yllar sonra kyne geri dnd, bir daha da ayrlmad. (B) iir kitaplarn tek tek okur, onlar hakknda eletiriler yazard. (C) Mzii ok seviyor. Dinlemek iin vakit bulamyor. (D) Eski elbiselerini dolaptan ald, valizine yerletirdi. (E) Ressam, kendini doa ile bir tutuyor, onunla yaryor. 17. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisi dncenin akn bozmaktadr? (A) Okullarn varlk nedeni ve temel amac insan eitmektir. (B) Eitmek, ekil vermek, ilemek kavramlaryla anlatlan onurlu ve g bir uradr. (C) Bunu yapabilmesi iin eitimcilerin belli bir dzeyde retim grmeleri zorunludur. (D) nk insan hele genleri eitmek baka trl mmkn deildir. (E) renciler, okulda uyacaklar kurallar kendileri tespit etmelidir. 18. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde zne dier elere gre daha ok vurgulanmtr? (A) Zaman gelen bir fikrin gcne hi bir ordu kar koyamaz. (B) Bir insan almadka ne yapacan kestiremez. (C) Aklllar, aptallardan ok ey renirler. (D) Ayna, kirlenmeden her eyay yanstr. (E) Konumaya balamadan nce ne diyeceini iyi dn.

19. "Lise yllarnda iir ve hikyeler yazmaya balayan Sait Faik'in ilk yazs, Milliyet gazetesinde kmt." Bu cmlede virglden nceki blm, cmlenin hangi esidir? (A) zne (B) Nesne (C) Dolayl Tmle (D) Zarf Tmleci (E) Szde zne 20. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisi yaps ynyle dierlerinden farkldr? (A) Kapy ap ieri girdi. (B) Kitabn yolda drdn sonradan anlad. (C) Alayan ocuklar annelerini grnce sustular. (D) Beki, elindekileri yere brakt. (E) Gn getike zaten bozuk olan sal daha da ktleiyordu. 21. ".............. Hi yabanclk duymadk birbirimize. Birka dakika iinde krk yllk dost olduk sanki. Artk en gizli dncelerimizi birbirimize aabilirdik. Kol kola caddelerde gezebilir, hayatmzn gizli ynlerini birbirimize anlatabilirdik." Bu parann bana Aadaki cmlelerden hangisi getirilmelidir? (A) Onunla dost olmaya -drt buluma yetmiti. (B) O, benim iin esiz bir dosttu. (C) Onu bir an nce tanmak istiyordum. (D) Uzun yllar, onunla ok iyi anlaacam sanyordum. (E) Bir gn onunla karlamak nasip oldu. 22. "Nfusunun byk ounluu okuma yazma bilmeyen bir memlekette, basit fikirleri bile skemeyen kimselere "edeb eser" vermek, karnn doyuramam bir kimseye meyve ikram etmek kadar garip bir davrantr." Bu parann anlatmnda Aadakilerden hangisine bavurulmutur?


(A) rnekleme (B) ykleme (C) Tanmlama (D) Betimleme (E) Tartma 23. "Benim gzlklerimin sihirli olup olmadn sorar dostlarm. nk ben, herkes gibi sokakta, parkta, dolmutaym. Onlar gibi caddelerde gezerim. Film izlerim. Ama benim grdklerim herkesten farkl olur. Bunlar, daha sonra bir iire, bir hikyeye dnr. Ayrntlar karanlar, eserlerimi okuyunca arrlar srekli." Kendisini bu ekilde tantan bir yazar, Aadakilerden hangisiyle nitelendirilebilir? (A) Eserlerinde yalnzca toplum sorunlarn ileyen (B) ncelikle evre tasvirlerine nem veren (C) "Sanat, sanat iindir" anlayna sahip olan (D) evresini ok iyi ve ok farkl gzlemleyen (E) Kiisel duygularn eserlerine katmayan 24. "Kemal Tahir, gnmz Trke'sinin stanbul azn temel olarak alyor. Araya halk deyimleri, kyl az taklitleri, halka mal olmam ve tretilmi szckler katmadan kendine has orta bir yoldan gidiyor. Gnmzn dier romanclarnda durum hi de byle deil." Bu parada sz edilen yazarla ilgili olarak asl anlatlmak istenen aadakilerden hangisidir? (A) Kemal Tahir, romanlarndaki dil ve slp zellikleriyle adalarndan ayr bir yol tutmutur. (B) Kemal Tahir'in dil ve slp anlay btn eserlerinde ayndr. (C) Kemal Tahir, halk diline nem veren bir yazardr. (D) Kemal Tahir, toplum sorunlarn toplumun diliyle anlatmaktadr. (E) Kemal Tahir, mahall dilin kullanlmasn savunan bir yazardr. 25. "Kitap fiyatlar ok pahal. Okumak iin frsat bulamyorum. Doru drst bir kitap yaymlanmyor. Bu mazeretler cidd cidd syleniyor ve nerdeyse genel kabul gryor. Okumamann, kitaptan uzak kalmann yolunu bulmu oluyoruz bylece. Oysa bir kilo domates fiyatna bir kitap. Ya televizyon karsnda geen onca zaman. Okumaynca kitabn iyi mi kt m olduunu nasl anlayacaz ki?" Bu parada aadaki dncelerden hangisine kar klmaktadr?

(A) Gnmzdeki eserlerin insanlarn ilgisini ekmediine (B) Okumamak iin ileri srlen iddialara (C) Kitaplarn yararsz olduu dncesine (D) Hayat artlarnn bizi okumaktan uzak tutuuna (E) Televizyonun hayatmzdaki etkilerine 26. "Yunus'tan bakalar da vard o yzyllarda. Onlar da yaadklar zamann olaylarn anlattlar. Ama ilerinden sadece Yunus geldi bugne. nk o sadece gncele, grdklerine taklp kalmad. Kalc olan bulmay ve ona ulamay baard. Yunus'un sesi bunun iin bu gn de yenidir." Paraya gre, Yunus'un gnmze kadar gelebilmesinin temel sebebi aadakilerden hangisidir? (A) ada airlerden daha bilgili olmas (B) Dier airlerden farkl konular ilemesi (C) Halk dilini kullanmas (D) Sanat toplum iindir grn benimsemesi (E) Konular evrensel ve kalc ynleriyle ele almas 27. "Gvenemiyoruz insanlara. Sevemiyoruz onlar. Haksz da saylmayz. nk, gnmzde insan belirleyen zellikler, artk bencillik, kallelik, yalanclktr. Ama karamsar olmak yanl. Bunlar, insann ireti zellikleri. nsan dediimiz varlk, er ge bu sahte giysilerinden soyunacak, asl kimliine brnecektir." Bu parada 'insan'la ilgili olarak anlatlmak istenen aadakilerden hangisidir? (A) Hibir olumsuzluk, insanla ilgili olumlu dncelerimizi deitirmemelidir. (B) an gelien olaylar insan olumsuz biimde etkilemitir. (C) nsan insan yapan deerleri yeniden kazanmalyz. (D) Gnmz toplumunda insanlar arasnda gven ve sevgi ortadan kalkmtr. (E) Gnmzn deerleri yeniden gzden geirilmelidir. 28."Her millet duygu, dnce ve anlay ynnden kendine zg nitelikler tar. Milleti millet yapan da bir bakma bu farkllktr. yleyse sanat eserleri de hangi topluma aitse o toplumun zelliklerini yanstmaldr. Bunu yaptnz anda baka toplumlara da seslenme imknnz doar. Aksi takdirde bir taklitiden teye gidemezsiniz." Bu parada sanat eserleriyle ilgili olarak anlatlmak istenen asl dnce aadakilerden hangisidir?

(A) Milletlerin kendilerine mahsus gerekleri vardr. (B) Sanatta taklit baarnn yolunu tkar. (C) Sanatta evrensellik en ok tartlan konulardan biridir. (D) Sanatta zgn ve evrensel olmann yolu mill olmaktan geer. (E) Byk sanatlar, yaadklar toplumun sorunlarna ayna tutan kiilerdir. 29. Fkra yazar, edeb bir dil kullanr ve gerektii lde bilimden yararlanr. Ama yazdklar gncel olduu iin bilim ve sanat eserleri gibi yarna kalmaz. Dolaysyla bunlar, ou kez ksa mrl yazlardr. Bu parada sylenmek istenen asl dnce aadakilerden hangisidir? (A) Fkralar, gnlk gazetelerde yaymlanan yazlardr. (B) Fkralar, gncel konular ileyen yazlardr. (C) Edeb dil, fkra yazlarnda da kullanlr. (D) Fkra yazarnn bilimden yararlanmamas dnlemez. (E) Fkralar genellikle kalc deildir. 30. "niversitelerimiz sayca oalyor. Her yl, pek ok ilimize yeni niversiteler alyor. Grnte bilim, yurt genelinde yaygnlayor. Bu ok iyi. Ama unutulmamas gereken bir gerek var: Bu konuda da saysal art yerine eitim kalitesini n plana almak daha tutarl bir yol olsa gerek." Bu parada niversitelerle ilgili olarak asl sylenmek istenen aadakilerden hangisidir? (A) niversite aarken eitimin niteliine daha ok nem verilmelidir. (B) Bilim, dar bir kesimin mal olmaktan karlmaldr. (C) lkede niversite says giderek artmaktadr. (D) niversite says arttka gelimemiz de hzlanacaktr. (E) niversiteler, an gereklerini karlayacak zellikte olmaldr. 31."Dil, bir toplumda iletiim aracdr. Her dilin kendine zg kurallar vardr. Ama bir dil, toplumdaki deiimlerden de etkilenir. Bu etki sonucunda dilde de yeni anlay ve gelimeler ortaya kar." Bu paradan "dil" ile ilgili olarak aadakilerden hangisi karlamaz?


(A) nsanlar, birbiriyle dil araclyla anlarlar. (B) Bir dili baka bir dilden ayran, kendine zg kurallardr. (C) Dilin kurallarna mdahale edilmemelidir. (D) Toplumsal gelimeler, dili de etkiler. (E) Dil, sosyal deiikliklere gre deiir ve geliir. 32. Olaylar karsnda, genel geer dncelere sahip deildi. Bir olayn sebebini, mutlaka bir nceki olayda arar, ayn olayn bir sonraki olaya etkilerini grmeye alrd. Bu bakmdan ou insanla bak as konusunda bir noktada buluamazd. Ama bu durum, onun bakalarnn ne dediini nemsiz grmesine sebep olamazd. Hibir yaklam pein olarak reddetmez, aksine onlar da anlamaya alrd. Parada sz edilen kii iin aadakilerden hangisi sylenemez? (A) Olaylar kendine zg bir bak asyla deerlendiren (B) Olaylar sebep-sonu ilikisi iinde deerlendiren (C) Bakalarnn dncelerine nem vermeyen (D) Deiik grleri de anlamaya alan (E) Kendine mahsus bir dnce yaps olan 33. "Ona gre, seyirci bir oyunu seyrederken yeni bir dnyaya girmeliydi. Sokan, evini, tand insanlar unutmal; sahnede baka bir dnya ile karlamalyd. Baarl bir oyunun ls, izleyiciyi byleme gcnde aranmalyd. Gnlk hayatn ac gerekleri iinde boulanlar, bu masal atmosferinde gzelliin tadn duymal, heyecann doruklarna kmalyd." Bu parann yazar, 'oyun'la ilgili olarak Aadakilerin hangisinden sz etmemitir? (A) Etkileyicilik (B) Geree uygunluk (C) Gzellik (D) lgi ekicilik (E) Seyirciyi coturma 34. Klsik eserleri bugne tayan zellikler, hibir zaman iledikleri konular deildir. Bu konular ne kadar gzel ve ilgin olursa olsunlar, deiik biimde sylenmeselerdi zaman iinde eriyip giderlerdi. Byk yazarlar, ite bu syleyi ustalna ulam kiilerdir. Aadakilerden hangisi bu paragrafta anlatlmak istenen dnceyle ayn dorultuda deildir?

(A) Klsik eserler, yzyllar boyunca deerlerini kaybetmeyen eserlerdir. (B) Klsik eserlerin konular, her okuyucunun ilgisini eken bir gzelliktedir. (C) Klsik eserleri lmsz klan, olaylar deil, onlarn nasl anlatlddr. (D) Klsik eserlerin baars yazarlarnn kiisel uslbuyla ilgilidir. (E) Klsik yazarlar, birer syleyi ustalardr. 35. Eline kalemi alan, iirler, hikyeler yazyor. Ne doru drst cmle yaps, ne yazm kurallarna uygunluk, ne yerli yerince kullanlm noktalama iaretleri. Oysa yazar olmann yolu, ana dilini iyi bilmekten ve iyi kullanmaktan geer. Bir yazarn dedii gibi "Ancak dilbilgisini iyi bilirseniz iyi bir yazar olabilirsiniz." Bu parann anlatmnda Aadakilerden hangisi ar basmaktadr? (A) Benzetme (B) ykleme (C) Karlatrma (D) Tanmlama (E) Tartma 36. "Ar ar kacaksn bu merdivenlerden Eteklerinde gne rengi bir yn yaprak Ve bir zaman bakacaksn semya alayarak" Bu iirde yer alan benzetmede "benzeyen" esi Aadakilerden hangisidir? (A) Gne rengi (B) Sem (C) Ar ar (D)Yaprak (E) Bir zaman 37.Birok yazar ve air, szcklere yeni anlamlar ykleyerek dilin anlatma imknlarn geniletmeye alr. Aadakilerden hangisi bu bilgiye rnek olamaz? (A) Hatralar gibi uzayan, dalga gibi savruk yollar. (B) taraflarda uzunluu elli altm metreyi bulan aalar. (C) Meltem estike gm direklere dnen kavaklar.

(D) Batan gnee bakp da alayan yapraklar. (E) D gndz, ii akam olan orman. 38. ........................ Elbette toplum iindir. Toplum iin olmayan bir ey yoktur ki sanat olsun. Ama sanatn toplum iin olmas ne demek? Yani sanat toplumun meselelerini mi anlatacak, onlar m zecek? Sylemek istediim bu deil. Bu parann bana aadaki cmlelerden hangisi ettirilmelidir? (A) Toplum iin olmayan sanatn bir deeri yoktur. (B) Sanatn ne iin olduu hep tartlmtr. (C) "Sanat, sanat iin midir; yoksa toplum iin midir? " der dururuz. (D) Toplum sorunlar sanat kalplar iinde anlatlmaldr. (E) Sanat da toplumun bir parasdr. 39. "Bana toplumcu temalar ilemediimi syleyenler var, o yzden iirim herkesi ilgilendirmezmi. Dorusu yanlyorlar. Hangi temann toplumla, hangisinin bireyle ilgili olduunu ayrmak mmkn m? Ayrca birey, toplumun bir paras olduuna gre bireyseli anlatmak ayn zamanda toplumsal anlatmak olmaz m? Bence bunlar yapay yaklamlar. Okuyucu benim anlattm sevday yreinde hissediyorsa o iir sadece beni anlatan bir iir olamaz." Bu paradan aadaki yarglardan hangisi karlamaz? (A) airleri, bireyci ve toplumcu diye ayrmak doru deildir. (B) iir, toplumun ortak sesidir. (C) iirde bireyseli ele almak ayn zamanda toplumsal ele almaktr. (D) airle okuyucu, ayn duygu ortamnda bulutuktan sonra konunun niteliinin bir nemi yoktur. (E) air, eserinde kendi duygularn gizlemeli, toplumun sorunlarn ilemelidir. 40. Ahmed Midhat Efendi, bakalar gibi hayatn kimseden karmam; aksine pek ok kiinin yllar sonra da olsa, acnma ya da kmsenme ekingenliiyle anlatmad ocukluk anlarn, yazarlk ve memuriyet hayatnn olaylarn btn itenliiyle dile getirmitir. Bu paradan Ahmed Midhat Efendi ile ilgili olarak aadakilerden hangisi karlamaz? (A) Biyografisini gereki olarak anlatma (B) Hayatndaki gerekleri gizlememe (C) Yazlarnda drst davranma

(D) Baka yazarlardan ayr bir tutum izleme (E) Romanlarnn konusunu tarihten alma TRKE TEST BTMTR

Turkish Language - OKS - Ortaretim Kurumlar Giri Snav Some actual Turkish High School entrance examination papers. These are not translated into English or any answers given. Really, answering them correctly is not important. However, for our intermediate learners they provide good practice in reading and comprehension in written Turkish, but if you can answer the questions, then then your Turkish is improving.. OKS or Ortaretim Kurumlar Giri Snav - High School Entrance Examination in Turkey. There are 100 questions which are to be solved within 120 minutes and is mandatory for getting a place in a good high school in Turkey. The examination consists of: 25 questions of Turkish language (Grammar + Paragraph) 25 questions of Maths (Maths + Geometry) 25 questions of Science (Physics + Chemistry + Biology) 25 questions of Social studies (History + Geography + Religion(5)*) * Students who do not take religion can choose instead to solve 5 geometry and history questions Sosyal Blgler Test (1999) - The Examination Paper (1999) 1. Cilal Ta Devri'nde insanlar gl ve nehir kenarlarnda yaadlar. Toplayclk yaptlar, evcilletirdikleri hayvanlarla beslendiler. Hayvanlarn kemiklerinden ve boynuzlarndan ss eyas ve silah yapp kullandlar. Zamanla topraktan anak yapmay ve bunlar atete piirerek daha dayanakl duruma getirmeyi rendiler.

Bu parada, Cilal Ta Devri'nde yaayan insanlarn hangi zellii zerinde en az durulmutur? (A) Kltrel deerleri (B) Doadan yararlanma biimleri (C) retim ve tketim biimleri (D) Birbirleriyle olan ilikileri 2. Trklerin Orta Asya'daki yaantlarn, yaadklar yrelerin iklimi, bitki rts ve yeryz ekilleri belirlemitir. Trkler ilk zamanlarda gebe bir yaam srmler ve hayvanclkla uramlardr. Paraya gre, Trklerle ilgili aadaki sorular-dan hangisi cevaplanamaz? (A) Orta Asya'nn hangi ksmlarna g etmilerdir? (B) Niin hayvanclkla uramlardr? (C) Gebe bir yaam srmelerinin nedeni nedir? (D) Geimlerini nasl karlamlardr? 3. Anadolu'daki ilk Trk devletlerinden olan Artuklular, Diyarbakr, Mardin ve Harput'a bir ok eser kazandrmlardr. Bu eserlerden biri de Diyarbakr'daki Ulu Cami'dir. Paraya gre, Artuklularla ilgili olarak aadakilerden hangisi daha ok sylenebilir? (A) Anadolu'da kurulan ilk Trk devletidir. (B) Bayndrlk almalarna nem vermilerdir. (C) Yaptklar eserlerin tm olduu gibi durmaktadr. (D) Mimaride Bizans'tan etkilenmilerdir. 4. Lale Devri'nde, ilk matbaann kurulmas, kt fabrikalarnn almas, yabanc yaynlarn evrilmesi gibi baz yenilikler yaplmtr. Bu yeniliklerin, toplumsal yaama daha ok hangi katky getirmek iin yapld sylenebilir? (A) Ticareti canlandrmak (B) Siyasi yapy deitirmek (C) Dnceyi gelitirmek (D) Teknolojiyi yaygnlatrmak 5. Osmanl ekonomisi, byk lde tarm ve ticarete dayanmaktayd. Bu nedenle ehirler aras yollarda gereksinimlere cevap verebilecek biimde birok kervansaray yaplmtr. Buna gre, kervansaraylarn yaplma amac aadakilerden hangisi olabilir?

(A) Tccarlarn gvenliini salamak ve ticareti gelitirmek (B) Ekonomik haberleri kyllere duyurmak (C) Yeni alveri merkezlerinin kurulmasn salamak (D) El sanatlarn gelitirmek ve yaygnlatrmak 6. Avusturya ile 1606 ylnda imzalanan Zitvatorok Antlamasnda u kararlar alnmtr: * Eri, Kanije ve Estergon kaleleri Osmanllarda kalacak * Avusturya'nn her yl dedii vergi kaldrlacak * Avusturya imparatoru, Osmanl padiahna eit saylacak * Avusturya sava tazminat deyecek. Buna gre antlama, Osmanl devleti ile Avusturya arasndaki sorunlardan hangisine zm getirmemitir? (A) Snrlarn nasl olaca (B) Devlet bakanlarnn karlkl siyasal konumlar (C) Sava zararlarndan kimin sorumlu olduu (D) Ticari ilikilerin ne biimde yryecei 7. Osmanllarn Gelibolu'ya yerlemeleri, sonra da Balkanlara doru ilerlemeleri Avrupa'nn dikkatini ekmi, ancak Arnavutluk, Bulgaristan, Srbistan gibi lkelerin birbirleriyle olan ekimeleri nedeniyle Bat bu duruma seyirci kalmtr. Burada, Osmanllarn Balkanlara ilerlemesinde rol oynayan etkenlerin hangisi zerinde durulmutur? (A) Trklerin sava teknikleri (B) Osmanl ekonomisindeki gelimeler (C) Balkanlardaki siyasi danklk (D) Avrupa'daki inan farkllklar 8. Aadakilerden hangisinde verilen olay ile sonu arasnda doru bir iliki yoktur? (A) Olay : Cumhuriyet'in ilan Sonu : Bamszln kazanlmas (B) Olay : Birinci nn Zaferi Sonu : TBMM'nin Londra Konferans'na arlmas (C) Olay : Amasya Genelgesi Sonu : Kurtulu iin mcadeleye ar (D) Olay : TBMM'nin almas Sonu : Halk egemenliinin gereklemesi 9. Trk milletinin, snrlar belli bir corafyada bamsz bir devlet olarak yaama hakkn dnya devletlerine kabul ettirmesi aadakilerden hangisiyle gereklemitir?

(A) TBMM'nin almas (B) Lozan Antlamas'nn yaplmas (C) Bakumandan Meydan Sava'nn kazanlmas (D) Cumhuriyet'in ilan edilmesi 10. Siyasi, askeri zaferler ne kadar byk olursa olsunlar, ekonomik zaferlerle talandrlmaz-arsa elde edilen zaferler kalc olamaz, ksa zamanda snerler. Aadaki uygulamalardan hangisi Atatrk'n yukardaki szlerinin gereklemesine daha ok destek vermitir? (A) Kapitlsyonlarn kaldrlmas (B) Metrenin kabul edilmesi (C) Aar vergisinin kaldrlmas (D) rnek iftliklerin kurulmas 11. Mustafa Kemal, Ordu Mfettii olarak Samsun'a ktnda bir rapor hazrlamtr. Raporunda, yurtta birok yerin igal altnda olduunu ve Trk ulusunun yabanc ynetimi altnda yaa-yamayacaklarn ve bu durumdan bir an nce kurtulmak istediklerini dile getirmitir. Bu raporuyla Mustafa Kemal, stanbul hkmetine daha ok hangi mesaj vermek istemitir? (A) Trk topraklarnn hzla blnd (B) Yabanclarn Samsun dahil tm yurdu igal ettii (C) Ulusal mcadelenin balatlmas gerektii (D) stanbul hkmetinin pek ok eyi bilmedii 12. Atatrk, Kurtulu Sava'nn baarya ulamasn kendine ml etmez ve bu konuda kendisini venlere: "Kazanlan zafer ve salanan baarlar, kahraman erlerin, subaylarn, komutanlarn ve Trk milletinin eseridir." derdi. Bu parada, Mustafa Kemal'e ait zelliklerin hangisinden sz edilmitir? (A) Trk milletine yapt rehberlikten (B) Kararl ve tutarl yneticiliinden (C) Kararlarn lke gereklerine dayandrmasndan (D) Alak gnll bir kiilii olduundan


Yukardaki haritada, baz kentlerimizdeki hava alanlarnn yerleri ve buradan hareket edecek uaklarn uu ynleri gsterilmitir. Uaklar ayn anda hareket edecek, eit hz ve ykseklikte uarak Dnya etrafnda bir tur atacaklardr. Buna gre aadaki illerin hangisinden havalanan uak alana en son ular? (A) zmir (B) Antalya (C) Samsun (D) Van 14. Trkiye'nin aadaki zelliklerinden hangisi jeopolitik nemini en az etkiler? (A) stanbul ve anakkale boazlarna sahip olmas (B) Avrupa ve Orta Dou lkeleri arasnda yer almas (C) Corafi blgeler arasnda belirgin farklar olmas (D) nemli kara ve deniz yollar zerinde olmas 15. Yzlmleri ayn byklkte olan ilden A'da kilometre kareye 80 kii, B'de 60 kii C'de ise 40 kii dmektedir. Bu bilgilerden yararlanarak aadaki sonulardan hangisine ulalamaz? A) C ilinin nfusu B ilinden azdr. (B) A ilinin nfusu C ilinin iki katdr. (C) Kentsel nfus en ok B ilindedir. (D) Nfusu en fazla olan A ilidir.


16. Aadaki grafiklerde baz tarm rnlerinin ayn yla ait ekim alanlar ve bu alanlardan elde edilen rn miktarlar verilmitir:

16. Grafiklere gre, aadaki rnlerin hangisin-den en az verim elde edilmitir? (A) Msr (B) Buday (C) Mercimek (D) eker pancar 17. Keiboynuzu, mee, zeytin ve defne tr aalar, aadaki corafi blgelerden hangisinde grlmez? (A) Gneydou Anadolu Blgesi (B) Dou Anadolu Blgesi (C) Akdeniz Blgesi (D) Marmara Blgesi 18. Akdeniz Blgesi, aadaki enerji kaynaklarnn hangisinden yararlanmada, dier blgelerimize gre daha iyi olanaklara sahiptir? (A) Rzgar (B) Jeotermal (C) Petrol (D) Gne 19. Dou Karadeniz , lkemizin ok fazla ya alan bir blmdr. Buna gre, Dou Karadeniz'de en ok grlen doal afetler aadakilerden hangisinde birlikte verilmitir? (A) Sel ve heyelan (B) Deprem ve sel

(C) Heyelan ve frtna (D) Frtna ve deprem

(20) Yukardaki iklim grafiinin ait olduu yerler iin, aadaki sonulardan hangisine ulalamaz? (A) Yllk scaklk farklar fazladr. (B) Karasal iklim zellikleri grlr. (C) Don olaylar k mevsiminde oluur. (D) Scaklk art balarken ya azalr. 21. Bir giriimci, Trkiye'nin baz illerinde fabrikalar kurmak istemektedir. rnn fabrikaya tanmas srasndaki ulam masraflarnn en az olmas istendiinde giriim-cinin seecei il ve rn aadakilerin hangisinde birlikte ve doru olarak verilmitir? l - rn (A) Zonguldak - Zeytinya (B) Rize - Makarna (C) Konya - Un (D) Urfa - Kat 22. lkemizde vatandalar yargnn kararlarna gvenirler, hatta devletle olan uyumazlklarnn zmlenmesinde bile devletin mahkemelerine bavururlar. Bu duruma, mahkemelerin hangi zellii neden olmaktadr? (A) lke gvenliini salamas (B) Kararlarnda bamsz olmas

(C) Her trl soruna zm bulmas (D) nsanlarn devletle olan ilikilerini dzenlemesi 23. Ayn yurt zerinde yaayan, aralarnda dil, din, rk, tarih, kltr ve lk birlii bulunan ve bu balarla birbirine balanan insan topluluklarna ulus denir. Bu tanmda, bir topluluun ulus olabilmesinde rol oynayan zelliklerin hangisi zerinde daha ok durulmutur? (A) Ortak gemie ve deerlere sahip olmas (B) Bireyler arasnda dayanmann olmas (C) yeleri arasnda iblmnn bulunmas (D) Gl bir gelecek beklentisinin olmas 24. "Yurttalarm! Yurdumuzu, dnyann en gelimi ve ada lkeleri dzeyine karacaz." Mustafa Kemal bu szleri, Trk ulusunun hangi zelliine gvenerek sylemitir? (A) Konuk severlii (B) alkanl (C) Yardm severlii (D) Cesurluu 25. Hibir insan mahkeme karar olmadan tutuklanamaz. Hakim karar olmadka, kimsenin konutuna girilemez. Bu haklarn bulunduu bir lkeyle ilgili olarak aadaki yarglardan hangisine ulalamaz? (A) nsanlarn dokunulmazlklar vardr. (B) zel yaamn korunmasna nem verilmektedir. (C) Toplumda kii zgrl ve gvenlii vardr. (D) Vatandalar yneticilerini kendileri semektedir.

Turkish Language - OKS - Ortaretim Kurumlar Giri Snav


Some actual Turkish High School entrance examination papers. These are not translated into English or any answers given. Really, answering them correctly is not important. However, for our intermediate learners they provide good practice in reading and comprehension in written Turkish, but if you can answer the questions, then . your Turkish is improving.. OKS or Ortaretim Kurumlar Giri Snav - High School Entrance Examination in Turkey. There are 100 questions which are to be solved within 120 minutes and is mandatory for getting a place in a good high school in Turkey. The examination consists of: 25 questions of Turkish language (Grammar + Paragraph) 25 questions of Maths (Maths + Geometry) 25 questions of Science (Physics + Chemistry + Biology) 25 questions of Social studies (History + Geography + Religion(5)*) * Students who do not take religion can choose instead to solve 5 geometry and history questions Soysal Blgler - Din Kltr ve Ahlk Blgs Test (2000) Social Knowledge - Religion and Morals Test (2000) 1. Trkiye'nin doal gzelliklerini grmek iin bir gezi dzenlenmitir. Bu gezide, Ihlara Vadisi'nden bala-yarak srasyla, Manavgat alayan, Pamukkale Travertenleri ve Yedigller Milli Park ziyaret edilecektir. Yukardaki gezi sras dikkate alndnda, izlenecek yol, hangi corafi blgelerden gemektedir? (A) Anadolu - Ege - Karadeniz - Akdeniz (B) Ege - Anadolu - Akdeniz - Karadeniz (C) Akdeniz - Ege - Karadeniz - Anadolu (D) Anadolu - Akdeniz - Ege - Karadeniz 2. Karadeniz Blgesi'ndeki akarsularn yl iinde tadklar su miktarlarnda, dier blgelerimize oranla daha az deime olduu izlenir. Blgenin aadaki zelliklerinden hangisi, bu durumda daha etkilidir? (A) Killi topraklarn geni yer kaplamas (B) Orman varl ynnden zengin olmas

(C) Drt mevsimin de yal olmas (D) Dalarn kyya paralel uzanmas 3. Trkiye Asya, Avrupa ve Afrika ktalarnn birbirine en ok yaklat yerde, taraf denizlerle evrili bir yarm ada konumundadr. Sanayide gelimi Avrupa lkeleri ile az gelimi Orta Dou lkeleri arasnda bir kpr oluturmak-tadr. anakkale ve stanbul boazlar ise Dnya deniz ulamnda nemli bir yere sahiptir. Yukardaki bilgilere gre, Trkiye'nin nemini aadakilerden hangisi daha ok belirler? (A) Siyasi konumu (B) zel konumu (C) Matematik konumu (D) Ekonomik konumu 4. Trkiye'nin i kesimlerinde ormanlar az yer tutar ve yalnzca belirli yerlerde gze arpar. Bozkrlar ise geni alanlar kaplar. Bu durum, aadaki doal koullardan en ok hangisine baldr? (A) klim zelliklerine (B) Toprak yapsna (C) Ykselti durumuna (D) Jeolojik yapya

5. Yukardaki ekilde verilen gerek iklim kuaklarnda, Gney Yarm Kre'ye oranla, Kuzey Yarm Kre'de souk kuak dar, scak ve lman kuak ise genitir. Bu durum zerinde, aadakilerden hangisinin bir etkisi olamaz? (A) Scak ve souk su akntlarnn (B) Kara ve denizlerin dalnn

(C) Ykseltideki farklln (D) Bitki rtsndeki farklln 6. Buday, yetime dneminde bol su, olgunlama dneminde ise ok az su isteyen bir rndr. Buday ekimi yaplan bir blgede nisan aynn az yal, temmuz aynn ise yal gemesi halinde aadakilerden hangisi gerekleir? (A) Buday ekiminin yapld alanlar geniler. (B) Buday tarmnda makine kullanm artar. (C) Yllk buday veriminde nemli d olur. (D) Buday tarm yaplan alanlarda gbreleme gereksinimi artar.

7. Yukardaki ekle gre aadakilerden hangisinin olmas beklenir? (A) Yan byk ksm dalarn gney yamalarna der. (B) Dalk alann kuzey yamalarnda gr bir bitki rts vardr. (C) Dan kuzey yamalar gneyine oranla daha karasaldr. (D) Nem oran dan zirvesinde en yksek deerine ular. 8. Kuzey Yarm Kre'de yer alan baz kentler arasnda zaman fark yoktur ve buralarda Gne ayn anda domaktadr. Bu kentlerin aadaki zelliklerinden hangisi, Gne'in ayn anda domasna neden olmaktadr? (A) Ayn boylam zerinde sralanmalar (B) Dnya'nn dn hzndan ayn biimde etkilenmeleri (C) Ekvator'a eit uzaklkta olmalar (D) Ayn iklim kua ierisinde yer almalar


9. nsanlar, zerinde yaadklar, yurt edindikleri topraklardan kolay ayrlamazlar. Kuraklk, doal afetler, d basklar gibi glkler, toplumlarn yeni yerleim yerleri aramalarna yol amtr. Parada aadakilerden hangisinin daha ok konu edildii sylenebilir? (A) nsanlarn glklerle mcadelesi (B) Yerleik yaama nasl geildii (C) Toplumsal gelimelerin insanlar nasl deitirdii (D) nsanlarn g etme nedenleri 10. Ortaa'da derebeyler surlarla evrili atolarda yaarlard. Kl, kalkan, ok ve yay gibi silahlarla bu atolar ele geirmek olanakszd. Barutun tfek ve top gibi ateli silahlarda kullanlmasyla, krallar atolar yktlar ve Ortaa'n ynetim biimlerinden biri olan derebeylie son verdiler. Bu parada, ateli silahlarla ilgili olarak aadaki dncelerden hangisi vurgulanmaya allmtr? (A) Derebeylerin glerini krallarla birletirmesi (B) Ortaa krallklarn ekonomik ynden glendirmesi (C) Derebeyliin yklmasnda nemli rol oynamas (D) Ortaa devletleri arasnda gerginlii artrmas 11. Aada corafi keiflerin baz sonular verilmitir: Baharat ve pek yollar nemini yitirdi. Akdeniz limanlar eski nemini yitirdi. Atlas Okyanusu kys limanlar nem kazand. Bu sonular aadaki alt balklardan hangisinin altnda toplanabilir? (A) Corafi keiflerin siyasal sonular (B) Corafi keiflerin ekonomik sonular (C) Corafi keiflerin kltrel sonular (D) Corafi keiflerin denizcilik bilgisine katklar 12. Osman Bey dneminde Karacahisar, Bilecik, Yarhisar ve Yeniehir; Orhan Bey dneminde de znik, zmit ve Bursa fethedilmitir. Buna gre, Osman ve Orhan Beyler dneminde devlet politikas olarak aadakilerden hangisine nem verilmitir? (A) lke topraklarn Bizans ynnde geniletmeye (B) Dnya ticaret yollarn ele geirmeye

(C) Osmanl ordusunu kuvvetlendirmeye (D) Anadolu'da Trk birliini kurmaya 13. Mondros Atekes Antlamas'nn baz maddeleri unlardr: Osmanl ordusu terhis edilecek. Orduya ait silahlar, tilaf Devletlerinin emrine verilecek. Haberleme ve ulam aralar tilaf Devletlerinin denetimine verilecek. tilaf Devletleri gvenliklerini tehdit edecek bir durumda herhangi bir stratejik noktay igal ede-bilecek. Antlamann bu maddelerine gre, Osmanl Devleti'nin iine dt durumu aadakilerden hangisi daha iyi ifade eder? (A) stanbul Hkmeti'nin, Anadolu zerindeki otoritesi tamamen yok edilmitir. (B) Osmanl Devleti'nin siyasi varl sona ermitir. (C) Devletin savunma gc elinden alnarak, igallere ak duruma getirilmitir. (D) Osmanl ailesinin hkmranl sona ermitir. 14. 18. yy slahat padiahlar; Deniz mhendis hanesinin almas, Humbarac ocaklarnn dzenlenmesi, stihkam okulunun almas, gibi yenilikler yapmlardr. Bu yenilikler, aadaki sorunlardan hangisini gidermek iin yaplm olabilir? (A) Ekonomik bunalm (B) Bilimde ve teknolojide gerilii (C) Eitimde ve retimdeki yetersizlii (D) Ordudaki bozulmay ve g kaybn 15. Sivas Kongresi'nde, Anadolu ve Trakya'da daha nce kurulmu olan eitli cemiyetler; "Anadolu ve Rumeli Mdafaa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti" adyla tek at altnda toplanmlardr. Bu kurulularn tek at altnda toplanmasyla aadakilerden hangisi amalanmtr? (A) Glerin birlemesini salamak (B) Halkn dncelerine nem vermek (C) Demokrasiye olan inanc gelitirmek (D) Osmanl hkmetiyle ibirlii yapmak

16. Amasya Genelgesi'nde yer alan kararlardan bazlar unlardr: (I) - Vatann btnl ve ulusun bamszl tehlikededir. (II) - Sivas'ta ulusal bir kongre toplanacaktr. (III) - Ulusun bamszln yine ulusun azim ve karar kurtaracaktr. (IV) - Kongreye katlacak delegelerin hemen yola karlmas gerekmektedir. Buna gre, Kurtulu Sava'nn gerekesini ve dayanan belirten Genelge maddeleri aadakilerden hangileridir? (A) I ve II (B) I ve III (C) I ve IV (D) III ve IV 17. Anadolu, dman kuvvetlerinin igali altndayken, yurdun eitli blgelerinde bu igallerden rahatsz olan halk, Kuvayi Milliye ad altnda direni hare-ketlerine balamtr. Buna gre, Kuvayi Milliye hareketinin ortaya kmasndaki temel ama aadakilerden hangisidir? (A) Dzenli bir ordunun kurulmasn salamak (B) Cumhuriyet ynetiminin temellerini atmak (C) lkeyi yabanc glerden temizlemek (D) lkede ekonomik ve siyasal dzeni salamak 18. Kurtulu Sava srecinde, yeni Trk Devleti'nin cephelerdeki baarlar sonunda TBMM, Londra Konferans'na katlm, fakat Konferans bir anlama salanamadan dalmtr. Konferansn en nemli sonucu yeni Trk Devleti'nin tilaf Devletleri tarafndan tannmas olmutur. Bu durum, aadaki yarglardan hangisiyle aklanabilir? (A) Tam bamszlk, ekonomik ve siyasal bamszlkla mmkndr. (B) Askeri baarlar, siyasi baarlar izler. (C) Siyasi zaferlerin kalcl, ekonomik zaferlere baldr. (D) Ekonomik ynden gl devletler, askeri ve siyasi ynden de gldrler. 19. 17 Austos Marmara ve 12 Kasm Dzce depremlerinin aclarn sarmak amacyla Trkiye'ye; Yunanistan, srail, Almanya gibi birok lkeden kurtarma ekipleri gelmitir. Marmara depreminden ksa sre sonra Yunanistan'da olan depreme ise, Trkiye'den kurtarma ekipleri gnderilmitir. Bu durum, aadaki kavramlardan hangisi iin bir rnek olabilir?

(A) Kltrel gelime (B) Uluslararas dayanma (C) Evrensel kltr (D) Toplumsal kalknma 20. Aadaki ifadelerden hangisi, Trk ulusunun eitimle ilgili amacyla dorudan ilikilidir? (A) nsan haklar korunmal ve yaatlmaldr. (B) Ekonomik gelime, ada lkeler dzeyinde olmaldr. (C) Gen kuaklara planl, programl olarak kltrel deerler kazandrlmaldr. (D) Sanata ve sanatya gereken nem verilmelidir. 21. Yasalar toplumun huzuru iindir. Toplumsal yaamn dzenlenmesi ve devam etmesi yasalarn ilemesine baldr. Yasalarn inenmesi durumunda, toplumda karklklar ve huzursuzluklar meydana gelir. Paraya gre, aadaki yarglardan hangisine ulalamaz? (A) Toplumsal mutluluk yasalara uyulmasna baldr. (B) Yasalar, insan davranlarna biim verir. (C) Toplumlarn sreklilii yasalarn uygulanmasna baldr. (D) Yasalar bir toplumun gelimesinde belirleyici rol oynarlar. 22. Yaamn glkleri altnda bunalanlar, dertleecekleri, sohbet edecekleri bir arkada ya da akraba ararlar. Bu nedenle, arkada ve akraba ziyaretleri bireyin mutluluu yannda, toplumun mutluluuna yardmc olurlar. Buna gre, aadakilerden hangisi arkada ve akraba ziyaretlerinin yararlar arasnda yer almaz? (A) Sorunsuz bir yaam srdrme (B) Birlik ve beraberlik duygusu gelitirme (C) Sevgi ve saygy artrma (D) Sevinleri ve sorunlar paylama 23. Olduundan fazla para harcayan insanlara "savurgan" denir. Buna gre, aadakilerden hangisini yapan bir kiinin savurgan davrand sylenebilir? (A) Skt durumlarda bor para alan (B) Gereksiz biimde tketim yapan

(C) Takside dayal alveri yapan (D) Modaya uygun giyinen 24. Bir kimseyi yapmad davranlardan dolay sulamaya ya da o kiide bulunmad halde ona olumsuz bir zellik yklemeye "iftira" denir. Buna gre, aadakilerden hangisi "iftira" sonucunda ortaya kan bir durum deildir? (A) Bireylerin zlmesine neden olmas (B) Toplumda gvensiz bir ortam olumas (C) Bireylerin geleceklerini etkilemesi (D) Bireylerin daha doru davranmasn salamas 25. Doruluk, insann sz ve znn bir olmasdr. Bu, ticaret ve i yaamnda da nemlidir. Doruluk, kalpte, szde ve davranlarda oluur. Doruluktan sapanlar toplumdaki karlkl gveni de sarsarlar. Doru szl bireyler gvenilir, saygn ve onurlu kimselerdir. Bu paradan aadaki yarglarn hangisine ulalamaz? (A) Baz zorunlu durumlarda yalan sylenebilir. (B) Doru szl bireylerden kimseye zarar gelmez. (C) Doruluumuzu davranlarmz belirler. (D) Doruluktan ayrlanlar gvensizlik yaratr. 26. Mustafa Kemal'e "En byk eseriniz nedir?" diye sorulduunda; O, "Benim yaptm iler, biri dierine bal ve gerekli olan eylerdir. Fakat bana yaptklarmdan deil, yapacaklarmdan bahsediniz." diye cevap vermitir. Paradaki soruya, Mustafa Kemal'in vermi olduu cevap, O'nun hangi kiisel zelliine dayanmaktadr? (A) leriye dnk olmas (B) zgrlk dkn olmas (C) Aklc davranlar gstermesi (D) Vatann ok sevmesi 27. Gen Osman padiah olduu dnemde ynetimde baz aksaklklar grm ve bunlar gidermek iin nlemler almtr. rnein: (I) ki yasa koymu (II) Gereksiz harcamalar ksm (III) eyhlislamn yetkilerini kstlamtr. Buna gre, Gen Osman aadakilerden hangisini daha ok yapmak istedii iin bu tr nlemler alm olabilir? (A) Hukuk sistemini deitirmek

(B) Devlet otoritesini kuvvetlendirmek (C) Toplumun eitim dzeyini ykseltmek (D) nsanlar aras ilikileri kuvvetlendirmek 28. Orman alanlarna uzaktan bakldnda belirli aralklarla birbirine paralel yollarn alm olduu grlr. Bunun sebebi, aadakilerden hangisi ile aklanabilir? (A) Daha geni tarm alanlar amak (B) Orman ii yerlemelere ulam salamak (C) Aalandrma almalarn yaygnlatrmak (D) Orman yangnlarn kontrol altna almak 29. nsanln ortak miras olan uygarlk, tm insanlk tarihini iine alan maddi ve manevi deerlerden oluur. Uygarln geliiminde Yunanllarn, Msrllardan ve Hintlilerden; Avrupa'daki dier toplumlarn, slam toplumlarndan; slam toplumlarnn da, Yunanllardan aldklar maddi ve manevi deerler rol oynamtr. Buna gre, uygarln gelimesinde aada-kilerden hangisi daha etkili olmutur? (A) Toplumlar aras bilgi alveriinin olmas (B) Teknolojinin hzla deimesi (C) Kltr merkezlerinin belli blgelerde bulunmas (D) Toplumlarn demokrasiyle ynetilmesi

University Entrance Exam - Turkish - SS - renci Seme Snav SS or [grenci Seme Snav] - Student Selection Exam - is the University Entrance Exam in Turkey administered by SYM. In Turkey, the only way to enter a university is through this exam. 1,510,000 high school graduates took exam in 2006. It is a multiple choice exam (5 options).

2006 SS (grenci Seme Snav) This is the actual entance test in Turkish. These questions are not translated into English or any answers given. Really, answering them correctly is not important. However, for our intermediate learners they provide good practice in reading and comprehension in written Turkish, and if you can answer the questions, then your Turkish is improving. . TRKE TEST (Tr) - 2006 - SS 1. Bu testte 30 soru vardr. 2. Cevaplarnz, cevap kdnn Trke Testi iin ayrlan ksmna iaretleyiniz. 1. D gcm kamlayan, besleyip gelitiren romanlar severim. Yazar bana zgrlk tanmal, beni kapana sktrmamal. Derinlere yaptm yolculuk klavuzsuz olmal ki, srprizlerin hem tedirginliini hem holuunu bir arada yaayabileyim. Bu paradaki alt izili szlerde romanla ilgili olarak anlatlmak istenen aadakilerden hangisidir? A) Anlatm, okurun dikkatini datacak gereksiz ayrntlara bomamak gerekir. B) Deiik anlatm biimleri kullanmak romann okunurluunu artrr. C) Olaylarn srasnn bozulmadan verilii, anlatm monotonlatrr. D) Heyecan ve beklenti okuma hzn etkileyen nedenlerdir. E) Olaylarn nasl gelieceini kestirmek, okuma merakn dondurur, hazzn snrlar. 2. Yazmaya yeni balayanlara, bu alanda yeterli deneyim kazanmam olanlara bir nerim var: nce Trke'nin kurallarn tanyn, inceliklerini renin, daha sonra dil oyunlarna balayn. Dz yolda yrme becerisini kazanmadan ip cambazlna zenirseniz, vay halinize. Bu paradaki alt izili szlerle anlatlmak istenen aadakilerden hangisidir? A) Sz oyunlarna bolca yer vermek, okurlarn anlatlanlar anlamasn engeller. B) Yazar setii konuyla rten, kendine zg, yepyeni bir biem oluturmaldr. C) Herkesin kolayca anlayp tadna varaca bir anlatm biimi yelenmelidir. D) Dili sanatl kullanmadan nce doru, gzel ve etkili kullanmay renmek gerekir. E) Anlatmda tekdzelie dmemeye allmaldr.

3. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde ayn dnce deiik szlerle yinelenmitir? A) Seilen konular ve bunlarn ileni biimi, yaznsal trlere gre deiir. B) Bu iirlerin bir blm yazld gnlerin snrn aamam, yaarln koruyamamtr. C) imdi de yaratma srecinin bir baka yn, konunun alglan biimi tartlmaldr. D) Konuma srasnda, szck seimiyle, ses tonuyla anlam deiiklikleri oluturulabilir. E) Romanda, kiinin doup byd topraklar unutmas, oralardan kopu nedenleri uzun uzun anlatlmaktadr. 4. Alt yl nce aramzdan ayrlan [I] deerli sanatmz, stanbul'da alan bir sergiyle anlyor. Sanat yaam boyunca yaptlarnda ada sanat akmlarn gz ard [II] etmeyen, bunun yan sra [III] geleneklerimizi ve Anadolu Estetiini [IV] de yzeye karmay baaran sanatnn yaptlar 7 ubat 2006 [V] tarihine kadar izlenebilir. Bu paradaki alt izili szlerden hangisinin yazm yanltr? A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V. 5. Artk var olmayan eyleri byk bir zlemle kim bilir ka kez anmzdr ( ) Kimi zaman, yalnzca gemite kalan eylerin deerini anlayabiliyormuuz gibi geliyor bana ( ) Kltrmzn ayrlmaz eleri gn getike yok olmaya yz tutuyor ( ) tarihsel yaplar, mziimiz, bize zg yemekler ( ) Eskiden bilinen birok olaanst yiyecek de unutuluyor artk ( ) hem de bir daha hi yenmemek, tadlmamak zere. Bu parada ayralarla ( ) gsterilen yerlere aadakilerin hangisinde verilen noktalama iaretleri srasyla getirilmelidir? A) (...) (,) (,) (...) (!) B) (.) (.) (:) (...) (;) C) (...) (!) (:) (;) (,) D) (!) (.) (;) (.) (;) E) (.) (...) (;) (:) (,) 6. (I) Bu dnem airleri, dili bir mermer ktlesi gibi grp ileyerek istedikleri biime sokmaya almtr. (II) Bunu yaparken de dilin olanaklarn, snrlarn zorlamtr. (III) Szcklerin anlam ve arm gcn gelitirmeye nem vermitir. (IV) Her air kendine zg bir dil oluturma abas iinde olmutur. (V) Trkenin gcnn bu armlarda gizli olduunu anlam ve anlatmaya almtr. Bu paradaki numaralanm cmlelerden hangisi dncenin akn bozmaktadr?

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V. 7. Kii, karsnda duran bir aaca baktnda, yanndakilerin de kendisiyle ayn eyleri grdn sanr. (I) nk her gr bir seimdir, birok zellii karanlkta brakp biroklarn da aydnla karr. (II) Ayn doa paras karsnda ressamlarn yaptklarnda hibir benzerlik olmamas bundandr. (III) Bu, ayn konuyu, ayn temay ileyen iki romanc, iki air iin de geerlidir. (IV) Sanat, d dnyay, trl olaylar gzleriyle deil, dleri, anlar, zlemleri, tepkileriyle, ksacas btn varlyla grr, daha dorusu yaar. (V) Bu zellik de sanatnn br insanlardan ayrlmasn salar. Bu paradaki numaralanm yerlerden hangisine "Oysa gerek hi de yle deildir." cmlesinin getirilmesi uygun olur? A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V. 8. (I) Yaptlarn okuduum genler unu bilmelidir: Deerlendirmelerimde, vardm yarglarda dostluun, arkadaln en kk bir pay yoktur. (II) Benim bu tutumum karsnda, "Genleri umutsuzlua drmemek, yreklendirmek gerekir." diyenler var. (III) Oysa benim ltlerim deiken bir nitelik tar. (IV) Yazdklarmn hibiri bir dnceye balanmann ya da ortak bir gr savunmann rn deildir. (V) ncelediim rnler arasnda farkl dnya grlerini yanstanlar var. (VI) Ben bu rnlerin duygularm etkileyen ynlerini savunuyorum. Bu paradaki numaralanm cmlelerin hangilerinde yan tutmama sz konusudur? A) I. ve IV. B) II. ve V. C) II. ve VI. D) III. ve V. E) IV. ve VI. 9.I. Bazen bir insan yz, bir olay, bir konuma, bir doa paras yllar nce okuduum yklere gtrr beni. II. Bir ykcnn belleinde iz brakan, sessiz bir anya dnen her ey, zaman geldiinde yazarn yazmaya zorlar. III. yle ykler vardr ki ilk okuyuumda bende brakt izlenimler nedeniyle onu, bir dostu zler gibi zler, zaman zaman onunla birlikte olmak isterim. IV. Kk bir ayrnt, belki bir ocuun bak, bir kedinin kamburunu karp yazarn ayana srtnmesi, ykde etkileyici eler olarak

karmza kar. V. Yazarlar etkileyen, konu sandnda beklemeye braklan nice olaylar, durumlar bir sre sonra ykletirilmeyi ister. Yukardaki numaralanm cmlelerden hangileri anlamca birbirine en yakndr? A) I. ve III. B) II. ve IV. C) II. ve V. D) III. ve IV. E) IV. ve V. 10. Bir ynetmenimiz yle diyor: "Gerek bir film, ayakkabnn iine kaan bir taa benzemelidir." Bu cmlede, filmle ilgili olarak belirtilmek istenen aadakilerden hangisidir? A) Bir durumu eletirel yaklamla ele alp olumlu ve olumsuz ynleriyle yanstmaldr. B) nsan ve toplumu tedirgin eden sorunlar zerinde bizi dnmeye zorlamaldr. C) nsann duygu dnyasn etkileyecek nitelikte olmaldr. D) zleyenlerin, yaam daha iyi tanmasna olanak salamaldr. E) Deiik yollara bavurarak izleyicilerin ilgisini kamlamaldr. 11. I. Bu heykel, insan ruhundan bir soluk flenmiesine canl ve scak duruyor. II. Arkadamn evinde grdm tablolar, bana ocukluumda yaadm yerleri btn ayrntlaryla anmsatt. III. O yllarda yaymlanan dergiler, bize yeni iirleri sca scana ulatryordu. IV. Oyundan, sahneye aktarlamayacak blmleri kardk. Yukardaki cmlelerden hangileri elerinin sralan ynnden ayndr? A) I. ve II. B) I. ve III. C) II. ve III. D) II. ve IV. E) III. ve IV.


12. (I) Ortalk ar ar aydnlanyor, topraktan incecik buular ykseliyordu. (II) Otlar ile pamuk fideleri daha ayrt edilemiyordu. (III) Az sonra gne doacak; kpkrmz, her yan yakan bir gne... (IV) Topraa basamayacak, scaktan soluk alamayacak, bir frnn iine girmi gibi kavrulacak insanlar. (V) Btn bunlara karn, gnein douu sabrszlkla bekleniyor. (VI) Gne demek, yeni bir gn demek, umut demek. Bu paradaki numaralanm cmlelerle ilgili olarak aadakilerden hangisi yanltr? A) I. cmledeki "ar ar" ikilemesi zarftr. B) II. cmledeki "ile" balatr. C) III. cmledeki "kpkrmz" szc pekitirmeli sfatdr. D) V. cmledeki "karn" szc ilgetir. E) VI. cmledeki "umut" szc kk bakmndan isim soyludur. 13. (I) Yaamay retmek iin, ilk nce kendimiz yaamay renmeli, sevmeliyiz, diye balyorsun son mektubuna. (II) evremizde, bize yaam sevdirecek nice durumlarla karlayor; onun gzelliklerini sezdirecek nice olaylar yayoruz. (III) Olaylara ve insanlara bakmay rendike yaam da daha iyi anlayacamz dnyorum. (IV) Geen hafta, rencilerimle bir kr gezisine ktk. (V) ki kilometre ya yrdk ya yrmedik; ama bu yol boyu yle deiik eyler, yle gzel eyler grdm ki ilk kez, yaadmn ayrmna vardm. Bu paradaki numaralanm cmlelerle ilgili olarak aadakilerden hangisi yanltr? A) I. cmle, yklemi imdiki zamanl bileik bir cmledir. B) II. cmle, ortak tmleli, sral bir cmledir. C) III. cmle, dolayl tmleci olan basit bir cmledir. D) IV. cmle, iinde zarf tmleci olan olumlu bir cmledir. E) V. cmle, birden fazla yan cmleden oluan giriik bir cmledir. 14. Yl sonlar, pek oumuzun geen ylla ilgili deerlendirmelere yneldii, gelecek iin planlar yapt bir dnemdir. Bu cmleyle ilgili olarak aadakilerden hangisi yanltr?

A) "-ler, -lar" eki abartma greviyle kullanlmtr. B) "yneldii" ve "yapt" szckleri sfat-fiildir. C) "yl sonlar" sz belirtisiz isim tamlamasdr. D) Yklem, sfat tamlamasndan olumaktadr. E) Belgisiz zamir kullanlmtr. 15. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde bir anlatm bozukluu vardr? A) lgililer bu konuda gr alveriinde bulundular. B) Bu tr etkinliklerin oaltlmas gerektiini dnyorum. C) Gazetelerde yer alan haberleri deerlendirecekler. D) Bundan sonraki amacmz halk bilinlendirmek olacak. E) O dnemde para kat deer kaybetmiti. 16. Aadaki cmlelerin hangisinde bir anlatm bozukluu vardr? A) e ge geleceini hi olmazsa bana haber verseydin bari. B) O anda, dertleebilecei bir dosta ihtiyac vard ; ama yannda kimse yoktu. C) Bu karara varmadan nce, onlarn da gr ve nerilerini dikkate alman gerekirdi. D) Yazda onun resimlerinden pek sz edilmiyor; oysa o, ok yetenekli bir sanat. E) Beendiimiz o evi satn aldk; ancak oraya nmzdeki yl tanabileceiz. 17. Bu davran insandan insana gre deiir. Bu cmledeki anlatm bozukluu aadakilerin hangisinden kaynaklanmaktadr? A) aret sfatna yer verilmesinden B) kilemenin yanl kullanlmasndan C) Gereksiz yere ilge kullanlmasndan D) Tmle kullanlmasndan E) Yklemin geni zamanl olmasndan


18. Yazar, her ykye bir roman grmyor adeta; "Bulmas benden, oaltmas senden." der gibi, okuyucunun nne zengin malzemeler brakyor ve gidiyor. Bu yzden, onu okumak biraz emek istiyor. Bu parada sz konusu yazarla ilgili olarak anlatlmak istenen aadakilerden hangisidir? A) Olaylar, ykye benzeyen bir kalp iinde; ama roman gibi uzun ve ayrntl olarak anlatt B) Kiileri ve olaylar karmak bir yapda anlatarak okuyucunun onlar anlamakta zorlanmasna neden olduu C) Sylediklerinin okuyucu tarafndan geni yorumlar yapmay gerektiren bir nitelik tad D) Her seferinde ok deiik konular ileyerek okuyucuyu artt E) yklerini belli bir sonuca balamadan bitirerek okuyucunun, yaptlarna olan ilgisini canl tutmaya alt 19. Yazar iin yetenekten sz edeceksek bu, sanatnn, anlatt kii olabilme yeteneidir. Bence edebiyattaki en byk yetenek de budur. Yalnzca kadnlar iyi yazamazsn; ya her eyi iyi yazarsn ya da hibir eyi... Bu konuda en gzel sz Flaubert sylemi. Kendisine: "Madame Bovary kim? " diye sormular. "Benim." demi. Bunu gerekten byle hissettiinden eminim. Bana da kadn kahramanlarm sorarsanz, "Benim." derim; ama erkek kahramanlarm da "Benim.". Bu parada vurgulanmak istenen aadakilerden hangisidir? A) Baarl yazar, her kahramann kendisiyle zdeletirerek yaratr. B) Bir yazarn karakter izmedeki baars, onlar toplumsal ynden iyi tanmasna baldr. C) Tannm romanlardaki kiiler, herkesin beenecei sradan insan yanstr. D) Romanda baarnn tek lt farkl karakterleri iyi canlandrabilmektir. E) Yazar, kendisini kahramanlarnn yerine koyarak bir d dnyasnda yaar. 20. Bir gn gen bir yazar, Anatole France'a yazdklarn gstererek: "Yazmaya devam edeyim mi, etmeyeyim mi? " diye sorar. O da: "Yazmamak elindeyse, yazma." der. nk hibir gerek yazar iin yazmama olasl yoktur. Anatole France'n bu szleriyle anlatmak istedii aadakilerden hangisidir? A) Gen yazarlar krmadan, onlara yardm etmek gerekir. B) Henz ustalamam bir yazar, deneyimlilerin izledii yoldan gitmelidir. C) Gen yazarlar, olgunlamam da olsa yaptlarn ortaya karrlar. D) Baarl, usta bir yazar iin yazmak, gl bir tutkuya dnmtr. E) Usta yazarlar, deneyimsiz yazarlara yol gstermekten kanmazlar.

21. Romanclarmz, edebiyatmzn bir dneminde toplumsal sorunlara sahip kmay ilke edinmi, yaptlarnda bunlar yanstmaya almlard. Daha sonra Trkiye'nin ve dnyann deimesiyle bu yaklam da geerliini yitirdi. Romanclarmz toplumsal konular yerine bireysel konular anlatmaya yneldi. Bu ynelim, onlarn kimi dnceleri yanstmamas anlamna gelmez. Elbette her romann yine de bir iletisi vardr. Ama bu, hesapl bir biimde, bir ama dorultusunda yaplyorsa o zaman, yazlan, romanln yitirir; ya reklam metni olur ya da propaganda. Bu parada romanlarla ilgili olarak kar klan nedir? A) Yalnzca insann anlatlmas B) eitli sorunlara zmler nerilmesi C) Dilinin kendine zg nitelikler tamamas D) Bir dnceye balanp onun benimsetilmeye allmas E) Biimsel zelliklerinin nemsenmemesi 22. Hakkmdaki vgleri de yergileri de pek ciddiye aldm syleyemem. vgleri ilk duyduumda yurtdndaydm. Bana moral verdi, beni gdleydi bu vgler. vlmek elbette iyi bir eydir; ama yalnzca bununla yaanmaz ki. Dnsenize, "Ben gelecein yazarym." dersen, bunu ilke edinip oturursan, kendini yenilemekten de kanrsan sonun ne olur? Ortada kalrsn; brak gelecei, bugn bile gremezsin. Bu parada anlatlmak istenen aadakilerden hangisidir? A) Yazarlarn, okurlardan gelecek tepkileri umursamad B) Beenilen yazarlarn da kalclnn, kendilerini srekli gelitirmelerine bal olduu C) Sanatlara olumlu eletiriler yneltmek gerektii D) Kendini belirli ltlerle snrlayan yazarlarn zgn rnler veremeyecei E) Yazarlarn, okurlardan, yazdklarn deerlendirmelerini beklemedii 23. Yazar bu kitabnda, son yllarda yazd denemelerini bir araya getirmi. Krk yl akn bir yazarlk serveninin son rnleri bunlar. Kitabn bir yerinde yle diyor yazar: "Gnmzde yazarla heves eden genlerin ilk rnlerine bakarken duyduum kayglar, ne yazk ki birka kitap yaymlam, nlenmi, gklerde dolaan yazarlar okurken de duyuyorum. Trke'nin bugnk durumuna nasl geldiini bilmiyorlar. "Dil nedir, biem nedir? " diye dnen yok. Bir anadilleri olmasn yazarlk iin yeterli sanyorlar." Bu parada yazarlar hangi adan eletiriliyor? A) Kendilerinden nce yaplm almalardan habersiz olmalar B) Kendi zeletirilerini yapmaktan kanmalar

C) Kitaplar olanlarn, olmayanlar kmsemeleri D) Duygu ve dncelerini yanstrken allmam yollar izlemeleri E) Anlatmlarnn gcn artracak abay gstermemeleri 24. ocukken beni en ok etkileyen kitaplar Michael Strogoff, Kk Prens ve Ptrck dizisi olmutur. Bunlar ocuun d gcn gelitiren kitaplardr. rnein kkken Jules Verne'in romanlarn okumu bir bilgisayar mhendisiyle okumam olan, birbirinden ayrlr; nk okuyan daha yaratcdr. Ayrca, edebiyat retmenlerinin kar kmasna karn, ocukken bizi gzyalarna boan bir yazarmzn kitaplarndan da tat aldm sylemek isterim. nk biz fark etmesek de o kitaplar, aslnda duygusal eitimimizin bir parasyd. Bize acmay, alamay retmiti onlar. ----. Bu, kt bir ey. Bu parada bo braklan yere, dncenin akna gre aadakilerden hangisi getirilmelidir? A) imdiki ocuklar bunlar tatmadan, yaamadan yetiiyor B) Yaamda insan insan klan byle olaylarla karlaacamz dnyorduk C) Bylece duygularmz yanstmay reniyorduk D) O zaman retmenlerimizin yanlmadn anlamtk E) ocuklarn duygularna ar lde yklenmitir bu kitaplar 25. ---- Gerektii yerde gerektii kadar szck... Metinde anlam, tanmlamalarla, artrmalarla, rneklemelerle deil, tek bana kullanlan szcklerle ortaya konuyor. Her tutum, her davran, her olgu, her nesne ayrntlara inilmeden onu en iyi anlatan szckle veriliyor. Bu parann bana dncenin akna gre aadakilerden hangisi getirilebilir? A) Yazlarnn szck rgs, byk bir deikenlik gsteriyor B) Deiik anlatm biimleri kullanmaktan kanyor C) Yazlarnda en az szckle en ok eyi anlatma ilkesine bal kalyor D) Szckleri, temel anlamlar kadar yan anlamlaryla da kullanmaya alyor E) Sylediklerinin kolay anlalr olmasn istemiyor 26. "Hayatm roman olur." diyenlerden zr dileyerek syleyelim: "Yaanm gerei" yklemek bir yazn yapt oluturmaya yetmez. Yaanm bir olay, bir romann, bir iirin k noktasn oluturabilir; ama bir yaptta, "yaanm gereklere" yer verme, yaznsal trlerin gerekli niteliklerinden deildir. nk insanlar sanat yaptlarnda ----. Bu parada bo braklan yere aadakilerden hangisi getirilebilir?

A) yaanm, yaanmakta olan gerekleri yazmann daha kolay olduunu dnrler B) anlatlanlarn ne kadar etkileyici olduunun farkndadrlar C) dsel elere arlk verilmesinin, okurlarn ilgisini ekmediini bilirler D) kendi yaam gerekleriyle anlatlanlarn rtmesini isterler E) geree benzerlii, gereklikten stn tutarlar 27. Deneme, yaananlar, akldan geenleri dnsel ynden derinletirerek yorumlamadr. Belki bir roman, bir yk bir lde zetlenebilir. Ne var ki, denemeyi zetlemeye kalkmak, insan, trnann ucunu gstererek tanmlamaya benzer. ----. Gz gezdirilerek okunmaz. Deneme okuru, eline ald yazy kl krk yararcasna, irdeleyerek okur; dnceler, duygular, gzlemler dnyasnda yeni yolculuklara kar. Bu parada bo braklan yere, dncenin akna gre aadakilerden hangisi getirilmelidir? A) Kiisel grlerin sylei havasnda ilenmesi denemenin zelliklerinden biridir B) Deneme, yaznsal btnl bozulamayan bir trdr C) Denemede sylenenlerin doruluu kantlanmaya allmaz D) Denemeler konusal ynden teki yaz trlerinden ayrlr, deiik duygu ve dnceleri kuatr E) Deneme, yazarna zgrce yazma olana verir, okurun dnce evrenini geniletir 28. Bir kez daha koca bir yl eskitip anlarmzn arasna gnderdik. Henz eskitmediimiz bir yeni yl da tm gizemiyle ald kapmz. Her geen gn solmu bir gl yapra gibi dklp gitti gemie. Anlarmz kurutup zenle koyduk bir kitabn arasna. Yaadmz d krklklar, mutluluklar belki hibir zaman unutulmayacak; ama hibir zaman da bir kez daha yaanmayacak. Doann deimez yasas bu. Bir gn ncesini deil, be dakika ncesini ayn duygularla yaamamz olas deil. Ksacas, ----. Bu parann sonuna aadakilerden hangisi getirilemez? A) yaamn tadna ve anlamna vardmz her dakika bizler iin bir armaandr B) yaamakta olduumuz her an yeniden yaanmayacak kadar deerlidir C) gemiin ac ve tatl yanlarn bir yana brakp gnmz anlaml klmaya almalyz D) kaybedilen zamann bir daha geri gelmeyeceini dnerek, yaam sevgiyle kucaklamalyz E) her dnemde yaamn bize ykledii sorumluluklar farkllk gsterir 29. Yaz insanym ben. Yazdan baka bir ey dnmem. Geimimi de yazarak salyorum. Televizyon habercilii bana, ak, ksa cmlelerle yazmay retti. Bir buuk dakikalk haberde btn gn izlediin olay anlatmak zorundasn. Zaten televizyonda uzun cmleler dikkati datr.

Eline gazete alp okumak gibi deildir. Basnda rportajlar, diziler hazrlarken yerim geniti. Yine de ksa, anlalr yazmaya zen gsterirdim. Reklam iin metin yazmak ise bambakadr. Krk be saniyelik reklamlara metin sdracaksn. Ksacas yazy, yaptm ie uydurmay rendim. Aadakilerden hangisi byle diyen bir yazarn zellii deildir? A) Yaamn yazmaya adama B) Okurlarn ilgisini deerli yaptlara ynlendirme C) Anlatmn younlatrma D) Bir ile ilgili deiik rnler retme E) Yazy trsel zelliklerine gre oluturma 30. "Ak romanyla" ak da ieren roman"lar birbiriyle kartranlar var. Bunlar ayrmak gerek. Oysa bizde bu ayrm yaplmyor. Eer ak romanndan kast, yabanclarn "romance" dedikleriyse benim romanlarm bu grupta yer almyor. nk bu tr romanlara Barbara Cartland'n kitaplarn, pembe dizileri rnek gsterebiliriz ki bunlar bence edebiyatn dndadr. Konusuna akn da sindirildii ya da birtakm olaylarn bir ak etrafnda anlatld romanlar bunlarla bir tutulamaz. rnein Anna Karenina'da toprak reformu da anlatlr. Bu ayrm yapmazsak Anna Karenina'y yalnzca sradan bir ak roman olarak nitelendiririz. Aadakilerden hangisi bu szleri syleyen yazarn dncesiyle badamaz? A) Ak, geree en uygun biimde ancak yabanc romanlarda anlatlr. B) Ak roman sznn anlamsal snr belirlenmelidir. C) Salt ak zerinde younlaan romanlarn yaznsal bir deeri yoktur. D) Dokusunda ak barndran her yapt, ak roman saylmaz. E) Kimi romanlarda ak, toplumsal sorunlarla i ie anlatlr. TRKE TEST BTT.


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