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wisdom of ego Ego Whats so important Holding on to erronieous zonhe Blind spots Family comfortable Love fantasy stories

But what is the best use of my time now Rejection by son Want nothing to do whit the choice you made Rebel without a cause Cant wait unitl he grow about ofit Sad thaqt only one you asre attached to are the first you met in life Must brankchout spread your winds Ego and why you need to kibbutz Ego creates great engineering and ego Art anhd ego Ego Antisemitist Minor Ego Watch how George mcnamarra does it Social How to draw on Suspend reality ] Comedy so far from reality Dont want to think it is reality What is it that you really do Why are you so think headed and in denial What is that adaptive advantage to that psychosis Lincoln Doesnt think sarcastic remarks

He died young not because of an assassins pistol. Hung out in chair being a congressman

No exercising.

No actually abe was a jock . Talked about his six pack when he was lying in the rooming house across the street Best way to bullshit you are smart is a bunch of lyrics so vague you dont know wh at they mean Womans goal is to branch you off into the culture of their family Blasting rock music in parents house Now they are doing it to you and its payback time Walks around with a million books Lie around reading roommate Read fast. Shit how do they do thatasks for seconds on the book Music metaphor to abundance American evangelical you will be abundant lectures Exploded over the political scene Amazing meme. What would dawkins say about this GOTTA SIT DOWN AT THE FUCKING TYPE WRITER When you are disciplined You will never get it done Analyisis of miracle of 34th street Do lectures on green screen Must make new friends before I die Not travel Hate traveling If I want to meet them Ill watch them on tv I only like the kind that come over here Except with guns Why do I want to travel If a fucking crazy world. Im not going anywhere And if I have my way I way They aint coming here CAPTION PHOTO ILLUSRATION I love life The eight to ten hours I sleep The eight to ten hours I work eight to ten hours I waste and do personal hygenie The little things Ten minutes of hot sex with my wife sometimes twenty mostly about eight but whos rushing

Important life lessons for an attractive girl running away from men BOOK TITLE It must be true I saw it on TV EGO Doesnt want to back down. Not submit Dont have this in external social circles Social circles are by an large unproductive by nature Only fascist vertical hierarchy do work Biggest bullshit is pretending you give more than a small f*ck about the kids Set says it so it must be alright One day we will be all weepy and sentimental about seth mcfarlane Satire tool man has tool for everything Go through my office with a leaf blower once a year GENERATE funny speech with a video tilt I have a collector adaptation what the fuck is that Use stand up comic in lecture setting Turn on being satisfied best fetish you can have sexually Make sure its mental Music if you arent commited to hearing it Muichael is a professional audience How can we make this work for him ****RULE ONE***** You can always redeem yourself - one of the best ideas of all time into supernatural cynical genius scientologist but tie it

Are you disconnected because you just dont give a shit or that you think Im stupi d Uhhh Both Try to Play music like beatkles Or write captions like seth mc farlane Dont try to do something artistic Why because it sucks But thats subjective Why do you think I went in to the arts Its all amatter of taste so does having a sweater made of poop Ego of being funnty woody allen MAKE videos of these ideas

Only in NY would you have a class in ego and masturbation Im paying for my kid to go to this shit Social media and ego evolutionary psych Walls vs bridges in academias How does the quantum mechanics department relate to the egos in the theology Jesuit school? Only a license to make money What ego to think that someone thinks this shit coming out of you is nice Paul List of people basically never hated his whole life despite his massive ego Charm can go a long way MAKE LOTS OF SHORT BITS SINGERDIGEST is what singer review is SAME fucking idea Best things about us are the things we never did Never cheated on one another sexually Or even talked about it in front of the kids. We didnt have a lot of explaining to do We never tried to kill one another Make other go to stupid kid movies Let you listen to loud music Drink a little Fart in front of you and you pretended not to notice IM SO TIRED mcartneys review of lennons songs WHIO GIVES A FUCK ADMIT you are BP bi polar five hundred pound elephant isnt obvious to otherws Joke abe Lincoln was a jerk society presendite why I hated this bastard!! fake actually a rascist People accuse you of someone who puts up with a bipolar Look that over At least I am not a killer or a philanderer Just like the friendly monster Thank you grace for not inviting a kids pet into the house Father is allergic to everything Ego and height Wwhty the tie Uniforms judge ouitfit Sartorial Akll

People are full a shit about how much thyey accomplish Sit is iyour self ish interest to remain friendly Muprh idid now Only one who has been bipolar would try to accomplish so much Porn as organic Viagra Dont cheat Getting extra spouse Getting extra big boobs on skinny frame Unfair because reverse frames physics doesnt work Face it you will fade off int oblivion Why live than without mylies? Because of infitity Basically up to you You can hate it or love it Juice my mojo know its silly Epiphanies Why I value you until I die fairly soon The existe metn of a spill Is it a memo eor a pshcoyh gene Jew being cheap It does me great p[easuere to be miiseralel I ejjoy hating you what can I say Great caption So sexy this many outlets A hundred years ago no such thing Surround yourself with the high achievements o f man kind SCIENCE Mutatuion pshcyological Whole documentart Point can be conveyed two flashes Short wave communication to mjnd With all due respect dichotomy What not to tell bereved child Wish my wife was smarter Are you stupid No you do not want a smart wifeshe will bust you I guarantee it Better to have young stupid pretty variety Try to pretend to be unaware

Great trick Girls never date a magician If you have to have me explain it your too stupid to talk to Sarah is too much like me for her own sake Most egotistcal people of all time God (of course Jesus, Allah, Moses, (Yesuah, Jehoavoah, Dao, Gaia and all those eastern evolved spirits) George Washington Adolf Ceasar Keep going in video Best feeling is that I will live the rest of my life with you When two maglomaniac egomaniac marry one another Ego and bi polar Too much to keep organized Need a network heirarcy of mind MIRracle on 34th street Lets pretend brainwashing sequence intercut with Clockwork orange A lot of people admire you But for everyone Bell curve of friendship ego Curved same way Same love you same number hate you Many who tried to kill self really though there was another lilfe Get about two dozen of like beleivew Movie Scientologist terrorist Dont worry about picking a direction Just go and see whats out there But pick a likely good one Hate that most about movie characters nothing fucking better to do Wriote great commentaries First one was mystery science theatre Discecting what went wrong in OBS Reputation Soft direction Visionary rebellion over the ego What did go wrong Domination of a group by one ego is rarely Diplomas in office as ego Buid you own workspace Dont have me build it for youthats lame PORN Food porn Body port Nature port You were the horrible thing in life that turned you around

Some times the most self destructive thing you can do is see the good side of so me whos actions are against your best interests Scales of tim,e War geograpihca;l Same delivusion winning of geogray phis always To your benefit More the n usual is so it is hereditary 3. Were getting in the way. Checking an occasional Facebook update via iPhone during dinner is the least of some couples worries. One in five people reach for their phone as a 21st Century replacement for the post-coital cigarette, according to a recent report from mob ile security company LookOut.Its just one more extreme example of how the smartph one has become a third wheel in relationships, says Ursula Ofman, a New York-bas ed therapist. People find all sorts of ways to get back to their own personal spa ce, she says. But clearly its a problem if someone wants to check their iPhone in the bedroom. Some peoples relationship with their God is also being interrupted by that famili ar buzzing sound in their pocketor the pockets of their neighbors in the pews. On e in 10 people check their phones during religious services, another LookOut sur vey says. People dont even tend to think about any of this as a breach of etiquett e anymore, says Chris Young, executive director of The Protocol School of Washing ton. They see their phones as an extension of themselves. Personal responsibility and manners aside, there are other theories about why pe ople cant put their iPhone down. Apples products are addictive, says Larry Rosen, au thor of iDisorder: Understanding Our Obsession with Technology and Overcoming Its Hold on Us. In fact, many users are aware of their attachment to their iPhones. Some 25% of people see their iPhone as dangerously alluring and 41% said losing th eir iPhone would be a tragedy, according to a 2010 Stanford University poll. We dont want to know the truth make sure that they know you buy into their bullshit Success is autonomy of what you do Move beyond com ego engineering Very coolest space ship looking places Best thing about parent dying is that you finally dont have to worry about living up to their unreasonable expectionat. Meme Getting consumers brainwashed about Apple products so as to ignore that so calle d "Apple tax" was easy. STUPID POLICY KIDS HAVE TO GIVE PARENTS GIFTS PSUEDUO NYME RETCHED SINGER Biggesr thatn the sum of your parts humble humanist bibile Also remember your bloind spots How long will it take for you to be come wise ESI Enlightened self interest Distain is a waste of time Most insulting to assume the other is A stupid

Been a stupid for so long Surrender photo caption Dont bother trying to apologize I dont want to apologize I want to explain They dont want to hear it. Your actions explained enough. How can I have a younger Tell grace she is my mirror to the world I see my flaws hiding where I am afraid to face them with you Was time accumulating more money big mistake Ego Whats so important Holding on to erronieous zonhe Blind spots Family comfortable Love fantasy stories But what is the best use of my time now Rejection by son Want nothing to do whit the choice you made Rebel without a cause Cant wait unitl he grow about ofit Sad thaqt only one you asre attached to are the first you met in life Must brankchout spread your winds Ego and why you need to kibbutz Ego creates great engineering and ego Art anhd ego Ego Antisemitist Minor Ego Watch how George mcnamarra does it Social How to draw on

Suspend reality ] Comedy so far from reality Dont want to think it is reality What is it that you really do Why are you so think headed and in denial What is that adaptive advantage to that psychosis Lincoln Doesnt think sarcastic remarks He died young not because of an assassins pistol. Hung out in chair being a congressman No exercising.

No actually abe was a jock . Talked about his six pack when he was lying in the rooming house across the street Best way to bullshit you are smart is a bunch of lyrics so vague you dont know wh at they mean Womans goal is to branch you off into the culture of their family Blasting rock music in parents house Now they are doing it to you and its payback time Walks around with a million books Lie around reading roommate Read fast. Shit how do they do thatasks for seconds on the book Music metaphor to abundance American evangelical you will be abundant lectures Exploded over the political scene Amazing meme. What would dawkins say about this GOTTA SIT DOWN AT THE FUCKING TYPE WRITER When you are disciplined You will never get it done Analyisis of miracle of 34th street Do lectures on green screen Must make new friends before I die Not travel Hate traveling If I want to meet them Ill watch them on tv I only like the kind that come over here Except with guns Why do I want to travel If a fucking crazy world. Im not going anywhere

And if I have my way I way They aint coming here CAPTION PHOTO ILLUSRATION I love life The eight to ten hours I sleep The eight to ten hours I work eight to ten hours I waste and do personal hygenie The little things Ten minutes of hot sex with my wife sometimes twenty mostly about eight but whos rushing Important life lessons for an attractive girl running away from men BOOK TITLE It must be true I saw it on TV EGO Doesnt want to back down. Not submit Dont have this in external social circles Social circles are by an large unproductive by nature Only fascist vertical hierarchy do work Biggest bullshit is pretending you give more than a small f*ck about the kids Set says it so it must be alright One day we will be all weepy and sentimental about seth mcfarlane Satire tool man has tool for everything Go through my office with a leaf blower once a year GENERATE funny speech with a video tilt I have a collector adaptation what the fuck is that Use stand up comic in lecture setting Turn on being satisfied best fetish you can have sexually Make sure its mental Music if you arent commited to hearing it Muichael is a professional audience How can we make this work for him ****RULE ONE***** You can always redeem yourself - one of the best ideas of all time into supernatural cynical genius scientologist but tie it

Are you disconnected because you just dont give a shit or that you think Im stupi d Uhhh

Both Try to Play music like beatkles Or write captions like seth mc farlane Dont try to do something artistic Why because it sucks But thats subjective Why do you think I went in to the arts Its all amatter of taste so does having a sweater made of poop Ego of being funnty woody allen MAKE videos of these ideas Only in NY would you have a class in ego and masturbation Im paying for my kid to go to this shit Social media and ego evolutionary psych Walls vs bridges in academias How does the quantum mechanics department relate to the egos in the theology Jesuit school? Only a license to make money What ego to think that someone thinks this shit coming out of you is nice Paul List of people basically never hated his whole life despite his massive ego Charm can go a long way MAKE LOTS OF SHORT BITS SINGERDIGEST is what singer review is SAME fucking idea Best things about us are the things we never did Never cheated on one another sexually Or even talked about it in front of the kids. We didnt have a lot of explaining to do We never tried to kill one another Make other go to stupid kid movies Let you listen to loud music Drink a little Fart in front of you and you pretended not to notice IM SO TIRED mcartneys review of lennons songs WHIO GIVES A FUCK ADMIT you are BP bi polar five hundred pound elephant isnt obvious to otherws Joke abe Lincoln was a jerk society presendite why I hated this bastard!! fake actually a rascist People accuse you of someone who puts up with a bipolar Look that over At least I am not a killer or a philanderer Akll

Just like the friendly monster Thank you grace for not inviting a kids pet into the house Father is allergic to everything Ego and height Wwhty the tie Uniforms judge ouitfit Sartorial People are full a shit about how much thyey accomplish Sit is iyour self ish interest to remain friendly Muprh idid now Only one who has been bipolar would try to accomplish so much Porn as organic Viagra Dont cheat Getting extra spouse Getting extra big boobs on skinny frame Unfair because reverse frames physics doesnt work Face it you will fade off int oblivion Why live than without mylies? Because of infitity Basically up to you You can hate it or love it Juice my mojo know its silly Epiphanies Why I value you until I die fairly soon The existe metn of a spill Is it a memo eor a pshcoyh gene Jew being cheap It does me great p[easuere to be miiseralel I ejjoy hating you what can I say Great caption So sexy this many outlets A hundred years ago no such thing Surround yourself with the high achievements o f man kind SCIENCE Mutatuion pshcyological Whole documentart

Point can be conveyed two flashes Short wave communication to mjnd With all due respect dichotomy What not to tell bereved child Wish my wife was smarter Are you stupid No you do not want a smart wifeshe will bust you I guarantee it Better to have young stupid pretty variety Try to pretend to be unaware Great trick Girls never date a magician If you have to have me explain it your too stupid to talk to Sarah is too much like me for her own sake Most egotistcal people of all time God (of course Jesus, Allah, Moses, (Yesuah, Jehoavoah, Dao, Gaia and all those eastern evolved spirits) George Washington Adolf Ceasar Keep going in video Best feeling is that I will live the rest of my life with you When two maglomaniac egomaniac marry one another Ego and bi polar Too much to keep organized Need a network heirarcy of mind MIRracle on 34th street Lets pretend brainwashing sequence intercut with Clockwork orange A lot of people admire you But for everyone Bell curve of friendship ego Curved same way Same love you same number hate you Many who tried to kill self really though there was another lilfe Get about two dozen of like beleivew Movie Scientologist terrorist Dont worry about picking a direction Just go and see whats out there But pick a likely good one Hate that most about movie characters nothing fucking better to do Wriote great commentaries First one was mystery science theatre Discecting what went wrong in OBS Reputation Soft direction

Visionary rebellion over the ego What did go wrong Domination of a group by one ego is rarely Diplomas in office as ego Buid you own workspace Dont have me build it for youthats lame PORN Food porn Body port Nature port You were the horrible thing in life that turned you around Some times the most self destructive thing you can do is see the good side of so me whos actions are against your best interests Scales of tim,e War geograpihca;l Same delivusion winning of geogray phis always To your benefit More the n usual is so it is hereditary 3. Were getting in the way. Checking an occasional Facebook update via iPhone during dinner is the least of some couples worries. One in five people reach for their phone as a 21st Century replacement for the post-coital cigarette, according to a recent report from mob ile security company LookOut.Its just one more extreme example of how the smartph one has become a third wheel in relationships, says Ursula Ofman, a New York-bas ed therapist. People find all sorts of ways to get back to their own personal spa ce, she says. But clearly its a problem if someone wants to check their iPhone in the bedroom. Some peoples relationship with their God is also being interrupted by that famili ar buzzing sound in their pocketor the pockets of their neighbors in the pews. On e in 10 people check their phones during religious services, another LookOut sur vey says. People dont even tend to think about any of this as a breach of etiquett e anymore, says Chris Young, executive director of The Protocol School of Washing ton. They see their phones as an extension of themselves. Personal responsibility and manners aside, there are other theories about why pe ople cant put their iPhone down. Apples products are addictive, says Larry Rosen, au thor of iDisorder: Understanding Our Obsession with Technology and Overcoming Its Hold on Us. In fact, many users are aware of their attachment to their iPhones. Some 25% of people see their iPhone as dangerously alluring and 41% said losing th eir iPhone would be a tragedy, according to a 2010 Stanford University poll. We dont want to know the truth make sure that they know you buy into their bullshit Success is autonomy of what you do Move beyond com ego engineering Very coolest space ship looking places Best thing about parent dying is that you finally dont have to worry about living up to their unreasonable expectionat. Meme

Getting consumers brainwashed about Apple products so as to ignore that so calle d "Apple tax" was easy. STUPID POLICY KIDS HAVE TO GIVE PARENTS GIFTS PSUEDUO NYME RETCHED SINGER Biggesr thatn the sum of your parts humble humanist bibile Also remember your bloind spots How long will it take for you to be come wise ESI Enlightened self interest Distain is a waste of time Most insulting to assume the other is A stupid Been a stupid for so long Surrender photo caption Dont bother trying to apologize I dont want to apologize I want to explain They dont want to hear it. Your actions explained enough. How can I have a younger Tell grace she is my mirror to the world I see my flaws hiding where I am afraid to face them with you Was time accumulating more money big mistake

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