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Description Proud, strong, and independent, the Gerudo are a society amazons in Aelfgard. Gerudo are humans who have tan skin and some shade of red hair. In all other respects they look identical other humans. Gerudo men are rare and have very little rights in the community. Known for their matriarchal society and their skill with horses, the Gerudo do a limited trade with the rest of the world. Typically Cantlin is the only town that will see Gerudo trade and even then only rarely. This is mostly due to their extreme isolation. While the Gerudo do not live under the Kings rule, they do coexist quite peacefully with the government. If the King wanted to, he could certainly conquer the Gerudo, but given the mountains area that they live in, it would be a victory not worth the cost. of to

History Long before there was an organized government in Aelfgard, a group of women broke off from the tribes that lived in the area. Lead by a woman named Gerud, these hardy women left the lives of oppression behind them. Leaving behind sewing needles for hunting bows, the Gerudo as they were called tamed their valley and made it there own. Over the years, several groups have tried to conquer them but none have succeeded. When the Tolusians came into power they made peace with the Gerudo and this has lasted ever since. Politics While there are many nuances in the Gerudo culture, one simple rule guides them all. Women are superior to men. This is why the Triforce are represented as Goddesses and not Gods. The Gerudo are run by a matriarch who is a direct descent of Gerud. Men learn the same teachings that women learn but are given no say in the valleys politics. In all sense, the Gerudo live a truly Amazonian life. Any males who do not like this life style are welcome to leave but the surrounding area outside the valley is extremely dangerous and thus no one leaves alone. Gerudos culture is neutral, though like all humans, Gerudo often vary in their alignment. Classes Gerudo are humans so their highest class is always their favorite class. However, their typically make the best rangers and druids. Their lack of academic resources make them poor wizards and clerics but they do still exist. The matriarch and her family all receive clerical instruction. Racial Traits Human racial traits: These include 1 extra bonus skill point, 1 extra feat, and any favored class.

+2 racial bonus to Ride, Handle Animal, and +2 bonus Survival Mountains. This reflects the environment they are brought up in and the rich heritage of their culture. -2 racial penalty to Diplomacy, Bluff, and Sense Motive. Most Gerudo are xenophobic and rarely leave the valley. Lack of contact with other cultures coupled with an extremely blunt society has left them devoid of many social skills. Improved Mounts: Any horse trained by Gerudo receives a +2 racial bonus to Con. This reflects their cultural superiority with horse training. Half Price Mounts: A Gerudo character coming into play may select from a mount at the PHB price. This reflects their easy access to such animals.

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