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COURSE NAME: Human Resource Management SEMESTER: (I) COURSE CODE: CREDITS: (4) Facilitator: Prof. Monalika Rath Contact: e mail id:
Introduction to the course Organizations now recognize that the source of competitive advantage often comes not from having the most ingenious product design, the best marketing strategy, or the most state-of-the-art production technology, but rather from having an effective system for sourcing, mobilizing, and managing the organizations human capital. A number of recent developments, including demographic changes in the labor force, increased global competition, restructuring of organizations and public policy attention to work force issues have made human resource management increasingly important for organizations. Course Objective: To expose the students to the intricacies of Human Resource Management practices and Human behavior at work. To provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the area of HRM. To expose the students to the legal framework of HRM specially in relation to the Bottom of Pyramid Markets To hone the skills of students for meeting the HR requirements. COURSE STRUCTURE This course will be offered in the 1st Semester for 4 credits. A student has to undergo a minimum of 42 Hrs of Class room Instruction and 14 hrs of Practice sessions. Session 1 and Evolution of HRM: Early Industrialization and Welfare Movement; Readings : Bratton. J ;The 2 Large Scale Industrialization and Personnel human resource Management; Growth of Trade Unions and Management Phenomena; Emergence of Strategy of Industrial Relations; McMillan Globalization and Emergence of Strategic HRM & OB;) Student Activity: Bring several business publications such as Business Today & Human Capital to class. Based on their contents, compile a list entitled What HR Managers & Departments Do Today. Session - 3 Concept and Contours From People at work i.e employees as the Readings : Bratton. J ;The of HRM main focus of Personnel management, the human resource paradigm shift in HRM is towards all people Management Phenomena; who effect or get effected by an organization; McMillan namely the employees, employers, Case Analysis: Jack Nelsons customers, shareholders and the community. Problem Session 4,5 HR Planning: Macro dimensions of HR Planning Decisions Technology, Product & Labour Market Conditions, and Corporate Competitiveness for the Skills. Micro dimensions of HR Planning Decisions Corporate policy, Organization Structure, Management Processes; HR Demand Analysis, Job Analysis Readings : Aswathappa, K ; Human Resource management, chapter 4 PP : 88 110. Case Analysis:Promoting the Protg

Activity 2 : The Groups will develop a job description format and write job descriptions for various positions. Session -6,7 Employee Sourcing- I Sources of HR SupplyInternal (Manpower Readings : Dessler.G ; Adjustments) / External Chapter 5. Recruitment Direct and Indirect; Methods of RecruitmentAdvertisement, Scouting, (Case Analysis)Finding Employment Exchanges, , Drop- in - people who are passionate Applicants; Placement Consultants and about what they do. Electronic methods of Recruitment and other methods Government and Corporate Recruitment Policies Sons of the soil Policy, Reservation Policies, Company policies like dependents of current employees etc.

Activity1: Activity : (Presentation) Each group will make a presentation on the sources of recruitment such as, 1. Recruitment Agencies. 2. Govt employment exchanges. 3. Online Recruiters. 4. Campus Recruitment. 5. Referral and walk Ins. 6. Media(Print) Session -8,9 Selection- Models- Predictor - Criterion, Multiple Cut-Off and Multiple Hurdles Models; Methods- Application Blank, Preliminary Selection, Tests, Interviews, Reference Checks, Assessment Centers; Selection Errors: False Positive, False Negative, True Positive and True Negative Promotion, transfer and succession Planning Students Activity: Role Play on Selection Process(Group-2) Session 10,11 Employee Placement and Induction, job designing, and 12 Engagement- I Grievance redressal and Discipline (Individual Focused) Session - 13 Session 14 and 15 Session 16,17,18,19 and 20. Employee Engagement- II Employee Engagement- III Employee Development Team- building & Small Group Activities like quality circles (Group Focused) Promoting healthy work and organizational Culture, Administering Organizational Justice, Communication and Feedback, Performance Management (Organization Focused) Training and Development, Performance Management & MBO, Human Resource Development- Matrix and Methods, Employee Sourcing -II Readings :Dessler.G ; Chapter 6 Case Analysis: Wanted: Professional Social Worker

Readings :Dessler.G ; K .Aswathappa

Readings : Dessler.G ; Chapter 16 Reading : Dessler,G; Chapter 8 and 9 Case Analysis: Reinventing the wheel at Apex Door Company.

Additional Reading : Mello.J ; Designing Management Training and development for competitive advantage: Lessons from the best Activity 1 : (Experiential Activity) Pick out some task with which you are familiar-mowing the lawn, making a salad or studying for a test. Develop a job instruction training for it.(Group-3) Activity 2 : The groups need to develop a Performance appraisal format for the university teaching staff.(Group-4) Activity 3 : (Activity) How safe is my University?(Group-5,6,7) Session Managing Legal consideration ; Readings : Dessler,G; Chapter 21and 24 Compensation payment of wages Act (1936) and Minimum 11,12 wages Act Corporate policy, competitive strategy and Case Analysis : Salary compensation. inequities at Acme Establishing Pay Rates. Broad-Banding, Manufacturing Incentives (Individual, group and Organization wide) ESOP . Activity: Divide the class into groups. The group will perform the job evaluation of the positions of dean, H.O.D.& Professor using the ranking method. Did the group end up with same results? How did they differ & why.(Group8,9,10) Session 25 and Employee Benefits Legally required benefits, Voluntary benefits, Readings : Dessler,G; Chapter 26 and services Retirement Benefits (managing Social 13 Security of Superannuated Employees like pension, provident fund and gratuity (Employee Provident Fund Act 1952; Payment of Gratuity act, 1976), Administering benefits Each group will Prepare a presentation on the Structure of benefits offered by different organization choosing from the following industry. Pharmaceuticals, Banking, Manufacturing, IT, Paints, NGOs.(Group-11,12,) Session 27,28 Employee Retention Charting employee careers, Mentoring, Work- Readings : Dessler,G; Chapter and 29 Life Balance strategies 10

Activity: Choose the occupations such as management Consultant, HR Manager or Sales person. Make an assessment of the future demand for this occupation in the next 10 years. Does this seem like a good occupation to pursue? Why or why not?.(Group-13,14) Session 30 Managing Separations Corporate responses to downsizing Readings : Gomez-mejia, imperatives of economic reforms and global Balkin, Cardy ; Chapter - 6; economic slowdown; types of separation K. Aswathappa. (Voluntary and Involuntary) Session 31 HR Information and Audit System Session 32 and Understanding Concept and contours of IR (Industrial Readings : CB Mamoria 33 Industrial Relations Disputes Act, 1947) Unions and Collective Bargaining Managing IR through Participative Management Additional Reading : Bhattacherjee D ; Organized labour and economic liberalization India: Past, present and future; IILS Activity 1 : The groups must submit a report on Trend analysis of Major Strikes and Lock outs occurred in India in the last Decade the antecedents and approaches to Settlement..(Group-15) Session 34,35 Legal Framework of Employee State Insurance Act, 1946; HRM: (Unorganized Workmens Compensation Act, 1923; Sector Laws) Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Equal Remuneration Act, 1976; Inter-State Migrant workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Employment) Act;1946 Session 36 Course Wrap Up and submission of Personal learning Paper. Evaluation Components: The internal evaluation of 60% will be done through both group and individual assessment. The students will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria. Attendance / Class Participation 5% Quizzes. 20% Project/ Assignment /Presentations & Viva voce 20 % Mid Term 15% End Term 40% Guidelines for Presentation : 1. All groups has to be present on the day of presentation. 2. The maximum no of presenters from a group should not exceed 2. 3. The members will be called in random to make the presentation. 4. The time allotted will be a maximum of 8 minutes for each group. Failed to adhere time limit will result in reduction in marks. 5. 2 minutes will be allotted to Q&A session. 6. At the time of Q&A session all members should be present. 7. Audience can choose anyone among the group to answer his/her queries. 8. If any member remains absent without any solid and appropriate reason, the group will loose 2 marks. 9. Indiscipline in any form will result in reduction of marks or suspension from further presentations. Evaluation Criteria PPT 2 Content relevance and organization of presentation. 3 Elocution 1 Body Language 1 Time Management 1 Q&A 2 Guidelines for Writing Assignments : Assignments must be presented in the following format: Assignments must be word-processed in 12 font Arial and double spaced All pages must be numbered The assignment must have a front cover containing, course title, Course name, the title of the assignment, name of the person submitting the work and submission date

Margins must be as follows: Top: 1 inch, Bottom: 1 inch (2.5 cm), Left: 1.25 inches, Right: 1.25 inches (3.2 cm) Headers and footers may be outside these margins. Footnotes should be included within the margins. Assignments not complying with this format will be returned to students unmarked.

Books For Reference: Aswathapa, Human Resource & Personnel management, TMH (Text) V S P Rao , Human Resource & Personnel management, EXCEL (Text) Dessler,G. A framework of Human resource Management.(10th Edition) Pearson. SubbaRao. Essentials of Human resource Management and Industrial relations; Himalaya Publishing. Rao,T.V.Human resource development. Response books. Decenzo,D. Robbins S.P. Fundamentals of Human resource management. John Wiley and sons. Venkatratnam,C.S, Srivastava, B.K. Personal management and human resources, TMH Mello,A.Jeffery.Strategic human resource management, Cengage learning.

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