Code Design and Evaluation For Cyclic Loading - Section III and VIII

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W. J. ODonnell

Fatigue is one of the most frequent causes of failure in pressure vessels and piping components. Fatigue strength is sensitive to design details such as stress raisers, and to a myriad of material and fabrication factors, including welding imperfections. Fatigue is also sensitive to often unforeseen operating conditions such as ow induced vibrations, high cycle thermal mixing, thermal striations, and environmental effects. What is somewhat surprising is the large number of fatigue failures which are directly related to poorly chosen design and fabrication details. The ASME Code, and other International Codes and Standards have not been successful in preventing the use of design and fabrication details that are inappropriate for cyclic service. The ASME Code was one of the rst Codes and Standards to treat design for fatigue life explicitly. The failure of metals from fatigue appears to have been rst documented by Albert in 1838 [1]. Fatigue has long been a major consideration in the design of rotating machinery and aircraft, but the number of cycles for such applications is usually in the millions, and the fatigue stresses are generally not substantially over yield. However, pressure vessels and piping tend to operate in the low cycle regime, where local stresses are far in excess of yield. Useful methods of analyzing fatigue in the low cycle regime were rst developed by Langer [2][4], Cofn [5] and Manson [6] in the 1950s and 1960s. The fatigue design life evaluation procedures in Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code were originally developed in the Naval Nuclear Program. W.J. (Bill) ODonnell worked with B.F. (Bernie) Langer, W.E. (Bill) Cooper and James (Jim) Farr in the late 1950s and early 1960s on the initial formulation of this technology in the Tentative Structural Design Basis for Reactor Pressure Vessels and Directly Associated Components, which became known as SDB-63. Section III of the ASME Code Vessels in Nuclear Service was the rst to include specic Code rules to prevent low-cycle fatigue failure. Its rst edition was published in 1963; Section VIII, Division 2, Alternate Rules for Pressure Vessels followed in 1968. Section VIII, Division 1 of the Code still does not include explicit fatigue design life evaluation methods.

The chief difference between high-cycle fatigue and low-cycle fatigue is that the former involves little or no plastic action, whereas in the latter, only those strains in excess of the yield strain can produce failure in a few thousand cycles. In the plastic region large changes in strain can be produced by small changes in stress. Fatigue damage in the plastic region is caused by plastic strain ranges. Therefore, fatigue curves for use in this region should be based on tests in which strain, rather than stress is the controlled variable. As a matter of convenience, the strain values used in the tests are multiplied by the elastic modulus to give a ctitious stress which is not the actual applied stress, but has the advantage of being directly comparable to allowable stresses and stresses calculated on the assumption of elastic behavior. The general procedure used in evaluating the strain-controlled fatigue data was to obtain a best t for the quantities RA and Se in the equation: S = E 42 N Where E N S Se RA elastic modulus (psi) number of cycles to failure strain amplitude times elastic modulus, psi endurance limit, psi Reduction in area in tensile test, percent ln 100 + Se 100 - RA (39.1)

The consideration of plastic action and the use of strain instead of stress has necessitated some additional departures from the conventional methods of design analysis. In the past, it was common practice to use lower stress concentration factors for small numbers of cycles. This practice is still considered reasonable when the allowable stresses are based on stress-fatigue data, but such a practice is not valid when strainfatigue data are used.



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FIG. 39.1


Figure 39.1 shows typical relationships between stress, S, and cycles-to-failure, N, from (A) strain cycling tests on unnotched specimens, (B) stress-cycling tests on unnotched specimens, and (C) stress-cycling tests on notched specimens. The ratio between the ordinates of curves (B) and (C) decreases with decreasing cycles-to-failure, which is the basis for the commonly-accepted practice of using lower values of K (stress concentration factor) for lower values of N. In (C), however, nominal stress is the controlled parameter, even though material in the root of the notch is really being strain cycled, for the surrounding material is at a lower stress and behaves elastically. Therefore, it should be expected that the ratio between curves (A) and (C) should be independent of N and equal to K or a value less than K for sharp notches. For this reason, the Code contains the recommendation that the same value of K be used regardless of the number of cycles involved.

in Section III and Section VIII, Division 2 of the Code. The Ke factors in the Code are currently being revised to be more accurate. For very sharp notches it is well known that the theoretical factors grossly overestimate the true weakening effect of the notch in the low and medium strength materials used for pressure vessels. Therefore, no factor higher than 5 need ever be used for any conguration allowed by the design rules and an upper limit of 4 is specied for some specic constructions such as llet welds and screw threads. When fatigue tests are made to nd the appropriate factor for a given material and conguration, they should be made with a material of comparable notch sensitivity and failure should occur in a reasonably large number of cycles ( 10,000) so that the test does not involve gross yielding.





Nominal stresses must be multiplied by fatigue strength reduction factors in order to enter the fatigue design curves. Fatigue strength reduction factors include both stress/strain concentration effects and metallurgical notch effects. The choice of an appropriate fatigue strength reduction factor is an essential element of fatigue life evaluation. For llets, grooves, holes, etc. of known geometry, it is safe to use theoretical stress concentration factors for the geometry effects. The use of the theoretical factor as a safe upper limit is usually justied because strain concentrations higher than the stress concentrations only occur when gross yielding is present in the surrounding material. This situation is generally prevented by the use of basic stress limits which assure shake-down to elastic action. However, when the linearized stress range exceeds 3Sm or twice the yield strength, plastic strain concentration effects must be included in the fatigue analyses. This can be done either by using cyclic elastic-plastic nite element analyses, or by using the simplied plastic strain concentration factors, Ke , given

As described in [4], another deviation from prior common practice occurs where the stress uctuates around a mean value different from zero, as shown in Figure (39.2). The evaluation of the effects of mean stress is commonly accomplished by use of the modied Goodman diagram, as shown in Figure (39.3) where mean stress is plotted as the abscissa and the amplitude (half range) of the uctuation is plotted as the ordinate. The straight line joining the stress amplitude for a given number of cycles, SN





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AB have a maximum stress above yield and there is a consequent reduction of mean stress that shifts the conditions to a point on the line AB or all the way to the vertical axis. It may be seen from the preceding discussion that the value of mean stress to be used in the fatigue evaluation is not always the value that is calculated directly from the imposed loading cycle. When the loading cycle produces calculated stresses that exceed the yield strength at any time, it is necessary to calculate an adjusted value of mean stress before completing the fatigue evaluation. The rules for calculating this adjusted value may be summarized as follows If Salt If Salt If Salt Where S

S mean Sy, Smean S mean S mean Sy and Salt Sy, Smean Sy, Smean 0




on the vertical axis (point E) with the ultimate strength, Su, on the horizontal axis (point D) is a conservative approximation of the combinations of mean and alternating stress that produce failure with mean stress. A little consideration of this diagram shows that not all points below the failure line (ED) are feasible. Any combination of mean and alternating stresses that results in a stress excursion above the yield strength will produce a shift in the mean stress that keeps the maximum stress during the cycle at the yield value. This shift is illustrated by the strain history shown in Figure (39.4). In the presence of strain hardening, the feasible combinations of mean and alternating stress in (39.3) are all contained within the 45 degree triangle AOB, where A is the yield strength on the vertical axis and B is the yield strength on the horizontal axis. Regardless of the conditions under which any test or service cycle is started, the true conditions after the application of a few cycles must fall within this region because all combinations above line

Smean Salt Sy

basic value of mean stress (calculated directly from loading cycle) adjusted value of mean stress amplitude (half range) of stress uctuation yield strength

The ASME Code fatigue curves are derived from test results for complete stress reversal, that is, Smean 0. Because the presence of a mean stress detracts from the fatigue resistance of the material, it is necessary to determine the equivalent alternating stress for zero mean stress before entering the fatigue curve. This quantity, designated Seq, is the alternating stress that produces the same fatigue damage at zero mean stress as the actual alternating stress, Salt, produces at the existing value of mean stress. It can be obtained graphically from the Goodman diagram by projecting a line from Su through the point (Smean , Salt) to the vertical axis, as shown in Figure (39.5). It is usually easier, however, to use the simple formula: Seq = Salt Smean 1 Su (39.3)

Where Seq is the value of stress to be used in entering the fatigue design curves which include no mean stresses to nd the allowable number of cycles. The Code has included maximum mean stress effects in most of the fatigue design curves as subsequently described herein.

FIG. 39.4


FIG. 39.5




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The preceding discussion of mean stress and the shift that it undergoes when yielding occurs lead to another necessary deviation from prior procedures. In applying stress concentration factors in cases with uctuating stresses, it was common practice to apply the factor to only the alternating component. This procedure is not logical, however, because the material will respond in the same way to a given load regardless of whether the load is steady or uctuating. A more logical procedure is to apply the concentration factor to both the mean and the alternating component and then consider the reduction that yielding produces in the mean component. It is important to remember that the concentration factor must be applied before the adjustment for yielding is made. The following paragraph illustrates how the common practice of applying the concentration factor to only the alternating component gives a rough approximation to the real situation but can sometimes be unconservative. Consider a material with 80,000 psi tensile strength, 40,000 psi yield strength and 30 106 psi modulus made into a notched bar with a stress concentration factor of 3. The bar is cycled between nominal tensile stress values of 0 and 20,000 psi. Prior practice would call Smean (the mean stress) 10,000 psi and Salt (the alternating component) 1 3 20,000 30,000 psi. The stress-strain 2 history of the material at the root of the notch would be, in idealized form, as shown in Figure (39.6). The calculated maximum stress, assuming elastic behavior, is 60,000 psi. The basic value of S mean mean stress, S mean , is 30,000 psi, but because Salt 60,000 psi Sy and Salt 30,000 psi Sy, Smean and Seq 30,000 = 34,300 = 10,000 1 80,000 Sy Salt 40,000 30,000 10,000 psi

would give the same result regardless of the yield strength of the material; whereas the Code method gives different mean stresses for different yield strengths. For example, if the yield strength is 50,000 psi, Smean would be 20,000 psi and Seq by the Code method would be 40,000 psi. The common practice would give 34,300 psi for Seq and too large a number of cycles would be allowed. For parts of the structure, particularly if welding is used, the residual stress may produce a value of mean stress higher than that calculated by the procedure. Therefore, it was found to be advisable and also much easier to adjust the fatigue curve downward enough to include the maximum possible effect of mean stress. It will be shown here that this adjustment is small for the case of low and medium-strength materials. As a rst step in nding the required adjustment of the fatigue curve, let us nd how the mean stress affects the amplitude of alternating stress that is required to produce fatigue failure. In the modied Goodman diagram of Figure (39.3) it may be seen that at zero mean stress, the stress amplitude for failure in N cycles is designated SN . As the mean stress increases along OC , the amplitude of alternating stress decreases along the line EC. If we try to increase the mean stress beyond C , yielding occurs and the mean stress reverts to C . Therefore, C represents the highest value of mean stress which has any effect on fatigue life. Since S N in Figure (39.3) is the alternating stress required to produce failure in N cycles when the mean stress is at C , S N is the value to which the point on the fatigue curve at N cycles must be adjusted if the effects of mean stress are to be ignored. From the geometry of Figure (39.3), it can be shown that: SN = Sn c Su - Sy Su - SN d for SN Sy (39.4) SN

Sy, then S N When N decreases to the point where SN and no adjustment of this region of the curve is required.

It so happens that, for the case chosen, the former practice gives exactly the same result as the Code method. Thus, yielding during the rst cycle was seen as justication for the common practice of ignoring the stress concentration factor when determining the mean stress component. The former practice, however,



Figures 39.7, 39.8, and 39.9 show the fatigue data that was used to construct the original fatigue design curves used in the Code. This data is quite useful in the fatigue analysis of aged equipment. In each case the solid line is the best-t failure curve for zero mean stress and the dotted line is the curve adjusted in accordance with Equation 39.4. Figure (39.9) for stainless steel and nickel-chrome-iron alloys has no dotted line because the fatigue limit is higher than the yield strength over the whole range of cycles. In Section III a single design curve is used for carbon and lowalloy steels below 80,000 psi ultimate tensile strength because, as noted from Figures (39.7) and (39.8), the adjusted curves for these classes of material are nearly identical. For the case of high-strength, heat treated bolting materials, heat treatment increases the yield strength of the material much more than it increases either the ultimate strength, Su, or the fatigue limit, SN. Inspection of Equation 39.4 shows that for such cases, S N becomes a small fraction of SN and thus the correction for the maximum effect of mean stress becomes unduly conservative. Test data indicate that use of the Peterson cubic equation: Seq = 7Sa 8 - a1 + Smean 3 b Sa

FIG. 39.6




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FIG. 39.7


FIG. 39.8


FIG. 39.9




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results in an improved method for high strength bolting materials. This equation has been used in preparing design fatigue curves for such bolts [7].



The detailed step-by-step procedure for determining the design life for the uctuation of stresses at a given point is given in detail in the Code. This procedure is based on the maximum shear stress theory of failure and consists of nding the amplitude (half full range) through which the maximum shear stress uctuates. Just as in the case of the basic stress limits, stress differences and stress intensities (twice maximum shear stress) are used in place of the shear stress itself. There are three principal stresses, s1, s2, s3, and three stress differences, S12, S23, S31 at each point in the vessel at any given time, and stress intensities are usually considered to not have direction or sign, just as for the strain energy of distortion (Mises Theory). When considering uctuating stresses, however, this concept of non-directionality can lead to errors when the sign of the shear stress changes during the cycle. Therefore, the range of uctuation must be determined from the stress differences in order to nd the full algebraic range. The alternating stress intensity, Salt , is the largest of the amplitudes of the three stress differences. This feature of being able to recognize directionality and thus nd the algebraic range of uctuation when the stresses are reversed is one reason why the maximum shear stress theory, rather than the strain energy of distortion theory is used. When the directions of the principal stresses change during the cycle (regardless of whether the stress differences change sign), the non-directional strain energy of distortion theory fails to track the range of stress acting on a particular plane. It is the corresponding range of shear strain that produces fatigue damage, which Findley and his associates demonstrated experimentally by producing fatigue failures in a rotating specimen compressed across a diameter [8]. The load was xed while the specimen rotated; thus, the principal stresses rotated, but the strain energy of distortion remained constant. The procedure used in the Code is consistent with the results of Findleys tests and uses the range of shear stress on a xed plane as the criterion of failure. The procedure reveals the effect of rotation of the principal stresses by considering only the changes in shear stress that occur in each plane between the two extremes of the stress cycle.

distributed throughout the life of the member, and therefore this assumption was considered to cover the majority of cases with sufcient accuracy. It is of interest to note that for unnotched geometries, having the larger stress cycles near the beginning of life tends to accelerate failure because cracks are initiated early in life and can propagate under lower stress amplitudes. If the smaller stresses are applied rst and progressively higher stresses follow, the cumulative usage factor can be coaxed up to a value as high as 4 or 5. Load sequence effects are reversed for severely notched geometries where notch blunting can occur before crack initiation. The term crack initiation is used to mean that a crack has been generated that is large enough to be treated using continuum fracture mechanics and ignoring microstructural barriers. The process of initiating such a crack is itself a crack propagation process involving the growth of small cracks across microstructural barriers. When stress cycles of various amplitudes are intermixed through the life of the vessel, correct identication of the range and number of repetitions of each type of cycle is important. It must be remembered that a small increase in stress range can produce a large decrease in fatigue life, and this relationship varies for different portions of the fatigue curve. Therefore the effect of superposing two stress amplitudes cannot be evaluated by adding the usage factors obtained from each amplitude by itself. The stresses must be added before calculating the usage factors. Consider, for example, the case of a thermal transient that occurs in a pressurized vessel. Suppose that at a given point the pressure stress is 20,000 psi tension and the added stress from the thermal transient is 70,000 psi tension. If the thermal cycle occurs 10,000 times during the design life and the vessel is pressurized 1000 times, the usage factor should be based on 1000 cycles with a range from zero to 90,000 psi and 9000 cycles with a range from 20,000 psi to 90,000 psi.





In many cases a point on a vessel will be subjected to a variety of stress cycles during its lifetime. The cumulative effect of these various cycles is evaluated by means of a linear damage relationship in which it is assumed that if N1 cycles produce failure at a stress level S1, the n1 cycles at the same stress level would exhaust the fraction n1/N1 of the total life. Failure occurs when the cumulative usage factor, which is the sum n1/N1 n2/N2 n3/N3 . . . . . . is equal to 1.0. Other hypothesis for estimating cumulative fatigue damage have been proposed, some of which have been shown to be more accurate than the linear damage assumption. However, better accuracy could be obtained only if the sequence of the stress cycles were known in considerable detail, and this information is not likely to be known with any certainty at the time the vessel is being designed. Tests have shown that the linear assumption is quite good when cycles of large and small stress magnitude are fairly evenly

Fatigue analyses are not required for vessels that are not subjected to cyclic operation. However, there is no obvious borderline between cyclic and non-cyclic operation. No operation is completely non-cyclic, since startup and shutdown together form a cycle. Therefore, fatigue cannot be completely ignored, and the Code gives a set of rules which may be used to justify the bypassing of the detailed fatigue analysis for vessels in which the danger of fatigue failure is remote. The application of these rules requires only that the designer know the specied pressure uctuations and have some knowledge of the temperature differences which will exist between different points in the vessel. It is not essential for the designer to determine stress concentration factors or to calculate cyclic thermal stress ranges. But the designer must ensure that the basic stress limits of the Code are met, which may involve calculation of the most severe thermal stresses. The rules for exemption from a fatigue analysis are based on a set of assumptions, some of which are highly conservative and some of which are nonconservative. The conservatisms are believed to outweigh the nonconservatisms. These assumptions are: (1) The worst geometrical stress concentration factor to be considered is 2. This assumption is unconservative because K 4 is specied for some geometries. (2) The concentration factor of 2 occurs at a point where the nominal stress is 3 Sm, the highest allowable value of primary-plus-secondary stress. This is a conservative assumption. The net result of assumptions (1) and (2) is that



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the peak stress from pressure is assumed to be 6Sm, which appears to be a safe assumption for a good design. (3) All signicant pressure cycles and thermal cycles have the same stress range as the most severe cycle. This is a highly conservative assumption. (A signicant cycle is dened as one which produces a stress amplitude higher than the endurance limit of the material). (4) The highest stress produced by a pressure cycle does not coincide with the highest stress produced by a thermal cycle. This assumption is unconservative and must be balanced against the conservatism of assumption (3). (5) The calculated stress produced by a temperature difference T between two points does not exceed 2E T, but the peak stress is raised to 4E T because of the assumption that a K value of 2 is present. This assumption is conservative, as evidenced by the following examples of thermal stress: (a) For the case of a linear thermal gradient through the thickness of a vessel wall, if the temperature difference between the inside and the outside of the wall is T , the surface thermal stresses are s = Ea T = .715EaT 2(1 - v) (for y 0.3)

s = 1.83 EaT Thus, the coefcient of E assumed value of 2.0.

(for v 5 0.3)

When two points in a vessel with temperatures that differ by T are separated from each other by more than 2 2Rt, there is sufcient exibility between the two points to produce a signicant reduction in thermal stress. Therefore only temperature differences between adjacent points need be considered. T is always less than the



(b) When a vessel wall is subjected to a sudden change of temperature, T , so that the temperature change only penetrates a short distance into the wall thickness, the thermal stress is s = EaT = 1.43EaT 1 - y (for y 0.3)

(c) When the average temperature of a nozzle is T degrees different from that of the rigid wall to which it is attached, the upper limit to the magnitude of the discontinuity stress is

The design fatigue curves are based primarily on straincontrolled fatigue tests of small polished specimens. A best t to the experimental data was obtained by applying the method of least squares to the logarithms of the experimental values. The design stress values were obtained from the best-t curves by applying a factor of two on stress or a factor of twenty on cycles, whichever was more conservative at each point. These factors were intended to cover such effects as environment, size effect, and scatter of data, and thus it is not to be expected that a vessel will actually operate safely for twenty times its design life. The appropriateness of the chosen safety factors for fatigue was originally demonstrated by tests conducted by the Pressure Vessel Research Committee (PVRC [11] and [26]). In these tests 12-in. diameter model vessels and 3 ft. diameter full-size vessels were tested by cyclic pressurization after a comprehensive strain gage survey was made of the peak stresses. Figure (39.10) shows a summary of the PVRC test results compared to the Code design fatigue curve for carbon and low-alloy steels. It is seen that no

FIG. 39.10




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cracks large enough to be detected at the time of the tests occurred below the allowable stress. Furthermore, no crack progressed through a vessel wall in less than three times the allowable number of cycles. It is also well known that cracks a few thousandths of an inch deep occur below the fatigue design curve in the low cycle regime. Lawton [12] provides additional data.



A compilation and analysis of fatigue data for pressure vessel alloys is given by Jaske and ODonnell [13]. Cyclic stressstrain properties, mean stress effects and other design factors are considered. Some austenitic alloys can cyclically harden such that the 0.2 percent offset yield strength can increase to 150% or 200% of the monotonic value as illustrated in Figure (39.11). This situation is further complicated by the fact that the history of prior strain levels has a signicant effect on the subsequent stress-strain response of austenitic alloys. Step tests carried out on 304 stainless steel gave the upper curve results shown in Figure (39.11), and similar results have been obtained at 800 F on both 304 and 316 stainless steel. The constant amplitude cyclic curve is lower at the low strain ranges of interest, as shown. Periodic overstrains tend to keep the material in the cyclically hardened condition. Cyclic stress-strain behavior is important in evaluating plastic strain concentration effects and mean stress effects on fatigue.


In contrast, Alloy 718 tends to cyclically soften as shown in Figure (39.12). However, since it is primarily strengthened by heat treatment rather than cold working, cyclic history effects for this alloy are not as severe.




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The temperature dependence of the fatigue design curves in the Code is introduced via a required elastic modulus ratio correction. The Code requires that the Salt values used to enter the fatigue design curves be multiplied by the ratio of the room temperature elastic modulus given on the curves to the temperature dependent elastic modulus used in the design analyses. This correction is used regardless of whether the temperature varies during the cycle. Accordingly, the strain controlled fatigue data obtained over the entire range of temperature from 70 F to 800 F are all plotted using the room temperature modulus given on the curves. The lack of conservatism in the original Code fatigue design curve for austenitic stainless steels is particularly prominent in the high-cycle regime. Because the original curve ended at 106 cycles, it was left unchanged, but a new fatigue design curve starting at 106 cycles and extending to 1011 cycles was added. The sharp drop in the allowable stress range between 106 and 107 cycles in the new curve was intended to compensate for the lack of conservatism in the curve ending at 106 cycles. The fatigue behavior of Ni Cr alloy 718 was found to be significantly different than for the materials of Figure (39.13). The 86 data points which were available were analyzed independently. The high yield to ultimate strength ratio of this alloy indicates that mean stress effects can be pronounced. Curves for various mean stresses are derived in [13].

to material imperfections, weldment details and mean stresses. Fatigue design curves that are intended to cover the as-fabricated imperfections show fatigue strength reductions continuing beyond 106 cycles. For carbon and low alloy steels, the reduction is about 40% from 106 to 1011 cycles, and fatigue design curves for this regime were recently added to the Code. Crack propagation technology has progressed to the point where cracks found during in-service inspections can be reliably evaluated using fracture mechanics. Crack propagation technology appears destined to play a major role in the fatigue design methods of the future. Of course, conventional unnotched fatigue specimens are tested well into the plastic regime where elastic-plastic fracture mechanics is needed. J-integral solutions for conventional fatigue test specimens are discussed in [14] through [18]. With respect to fatigue design life criteria, the ASME Code has long played a key role in setting design allowables and criteria world-wide. Recent work is aimed at keeping the Code current with advancing technology (References [19] through [24]). Determination No. 1 Safety margins for the Primary Stress Allowables in pressure vessels are currently being reduced in Section VIII of the ASME Code in recognition of improved technology. With respect to the fatigue design life, PVRC Committees and the Subgroup on Fatigue Strength have reviewed the safety margins and concluded that they are smaller in terms of probability of failure and reliability than the Primary Stress allowable margins, and that no basic Code safety margin reductions can be justied for the fatigue design life. Determination No. 2 The use of nite element analyses has allowed much more accurate thermal transient stress analyses for new pressure vessel and reactor component designs. This has taken a great deal of conservatism out of component fatigue



Experience with cracking from mechanical vibrations and high frequency thermal mixing has placed new emphasis on the very high cycle regime. Fatigue strength in this regime is more sensitive



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design calculations previously performed using conservative approximations. Accordingly, it is necessary to use accurate fatigue design curves which include environmental effects in modern nite element based design analyses. Determination No. 3 The individual factors for surface nish, environmental effects, size effects and scatter in the data which were used to develop the current fatigue design curves in the Code are not accurate. However, the net factors of 2 on stress amplitude or 20 on cycles to failure, whichever is more limiting in each regime, when applied to the mean failure curve, provide the desired consideration of these combined factors, except for the environmental and Ke issues described in Section 39.13 herein. Determination No. 4 The fatigue design curves in the Code are based on data for complete failure and not on crack initiation data. Conventional unnotched strain controlled fatigue specimens are only about 0.25 inches in diameter. Following crack initiation, the fatigue cracks propagate at an accelerating rate in Mode 2 tensile crack propagation and achieve very high propagation rates at a depth of 3 mm (0.12 inches), or half the conventional fatigue specimen diameter. Cracks larger than this propagate at a very high rate. Accordingly, the cycles to failure are not substantially greater for fatigue test specimens or thick walls which are an order of magnitude heavier than conventional fatigue specimens. Further, failure data obtained based on a 25 percent load drop in strain-controlled testing are equivalent to complete failure because the difference in cycles to complete failure is negligibly small. (Of course, the situation is different in notched specimens or components, where the fatigue strength reduction factor is a function of geometry.) Determination No. 5 Analyses of fatigue data and fatigue failures can most effectively be performed by treating crack initiation as the development of a crack large enough to be treated using continuum mechanics without regard to microstructural barriers such as grain boundaries, triple points and the like. The total failure mechanism is then the process of crack initiation, propagation, and nal rupture. A schematic illustration of the crack initiation and propagation behavior is shown in Figure (39.14), modied from [25]. The initiation stage involves the growth of microstructurally small cracks, characterized by decelerating crack growth rates [region A-B in Figure (39.14)]. This initiation stage is quite sensitive to microstructure. Microcracks too small to grow through microstructural barriers, or subjected to low alternating stress levels, are non-propagating cracks, as shown in Figure (39.14). Larger microcracks, or those subjected to higher cyclic stress levels, propagate from grain boundaries across the microstructural barriers. They then begin to propagate at an accelerating rate as Stage II tensile cracks. They are characterized by striated crack growth with the fracture surfaces normal to the maximum principal stress. These cracks are called mechanically small cracks, and they show little or no inuence of microstructure. They can be treated using fracture mechanics continuum theory, using either the linear elastic fracture mechanics stress intensity, K; or elastic plastic fracture mechanics J-integral ( J) approaches. Determination No. 6 In the low cycle regime, the cycles to failure are dominated by crack propagation, as crack initiation


occurs at a small fraction of the cycles-to-failure. In the high cycle regime, once crack initiation occurs, only a small portion of the cycles-to-failure remains. Thus, crack propagation dominates failure life in the low cycle regime and the cycles required for crack initiation dominate life in the high cycle regime. Determination No. 7 The new fatigue design curves under development are intended to maintain the safety margins inherent in the existing air curves. One of the most significant inaccuracies or deficiencies in the current fatigue design criteria in the ASME Code is the treatment of stress raisers and notches. Fatigue strength reduction factors for many notches have been experimentally determined, as, for example, bolting.1 The Code does not currently include much guidance on the factors that should be used.2 By using the high surface strain ranges at notches (converted to fictitious stress amplitudes) the current method does not take credit for the reduction in crack growth rate that occurs when the crack grows past the shadow of the notch. This introduces considerable over-conservatism in some cases. The degree of this conservatism is reduced by the fact that the fatigue crack may be quite large in fracture mechanics terms by the time it gets beyond the notch effect, given that the notch itself tends to add to the effective crack length for K or J purposes. Fatigue strength reduction factors can be derived for any geometry

Of course much work remains to be done on bolting fatigue including consideration of rolled vs. cut threads, and recognition of potentially high strain concentrations in heat treated bolts with high yield to tensile strength ratios. The requirement to use a factor of 4 for llet welds is an example of useful guidance.



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provided that the crack initiation and propagation can be quantified. The ratio of the stress amplitude for the unnotched geometry giving the same cycles-to-failure, divided by the nominal stress amplitude for the notched geometry, is equal to the fatigue strength reduction factor.



The existing ASME fatigue design curves combine austenitic stainless steels, nickel-chromium-iron alloys, nickel-iron-chromium alloys, and nickel-copper alloys into a single fatigue design curve. It has long been recognized that the Alloy 800 and Alloy 600 fatigue properties are signicantly different than series 3XX high alloy steel Properties [13]. The new fatigue design curves proposed for air herein recognize this difference. Moreover, the existing fatigue design curve for the series 3XX austenitic stainless steels was previously recognized as being too high in the regime from about 102 to 106 cycles [13]. In order to correct this problem, an extension to the fatigue design curve was added, starting at 106 cycles and extending to 1011 cycles. This curve reduces the allowable stress amplitude between 106 and 108 cycles by a factor of 2, and was intended to provide protection against high cycle thermal mixing and vibrations. However, corrections for cyclic loading in the 102 to 106 range were not made. Existing fatigue data for austenitic stainless steels in air shows the need to revise the existing ASME Code fatigue design curves for air. Figures (39.15), (39.16), and (39.17) show compilations of

available data for austenitic stainless steels. Figure (39.15) shows the room temperature data, Figure (39.16) shows the data at 550 F and Figure (39.17) shows a compilation. The new best t curves and the proposed new design curve are also shown on all gures. These failure curves were used to derive proposed new design curves including maximum mean stress effects. Figure (39.18) herein shows a comparison of the existing and proposed new fatigue design curves for austenitic stainless steels in air. The fatigue design curves for nickelchromiumiron Alloy 800 and Alloy 600 in air are lumped together with the austenitic stainless steels in the current version of the Code. However, the fatigue properties are signicantly different and a Determination was made that they should be separated. The data for Alloy 800 and Alloy 600 are shown in Figures (39.19A) and (39.19B) from [13]. Figure (39.20) herein shows the proposed new Fatigue design curve for Low Strength Nickel Based Alloys, Alloy 600 and Alloy 800, for temperature not exceeding 800F (427C). Note the warning about stress corrosion cracking in Alloy 600 at elevated temperatures.



High temperature ( 300F, 149C) water has been found to greatly accelerate fatigue crack growth rates in carbon and low alloy steels, and to reduce their S-N fatigue strengths quite signicantly.




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FIG. 39.16


Current ASME Code fatigue design curves are based entirely on data obtained in air. While a factor of two on life was applied to the air data to account for environmental effects, the actual effects have been found to be an order of magnitude greater in the low cycle regime. A great deal of work has been carried out on these environmental effects by talented investigators worldwide. The ASME Code Subgroup on Fatigue Strength has been working for 20 years on the development of new fatigue design methods and curves to account for high temperature water environmental effects. This effort is intended to formulate proposed new environmental fatigue design curves which maintain the

same safety margins as existing Code fatigue design curves for air environments. It has been known for some time that the low cycle fatigue properties of carbon and low alloy steels can be signicantly degraded by elevated temperature water environments. Tests conducted 25 years ago by General Electric [27] and [28] showed that both welded and non-welded material have shown a signicantly reduced fatigue performance. In the 1980s several laboratories worldwide were generating fatigue crack growth rate data in elevated temperature water environments.

FIG. 39.17




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FIG. 39.18

This effort was organized by the International Cooperative Group on Cyclic Crack Growth Rates (ICCGR) and its successor the International Cooperative Group for Environmentallyassisted Cracking (ICG-EAC). Most of this data was included in the EPRI Database on Environmentally-assisted Cracking (EDEAC), [29]. Eason, et. al. [30 and 31], made extensive studies

of the EPRI database. Data showing crack growth rates which were a factor of two or so faster in hot water than in air, and which were independent of the strain rate, were considered to represent general corrosion. Such data were largely covered by the factor of 2 on fatigue design life for environmental effects in the Code.

FIG. 39.19 (A)




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FIG. 39.19 (B)


FIG. 39.20



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Cracking under conditions where growth rates were 10 to 50 times faster than in air, and strongly dependent on cyclic rate, was referred to as environmentally-assisted cracking (EAC). Conditions which produced high crack growth rates included high material sulfur content, high dissolved oxygen in the water (for carbon and lowalloy steels), low cyclic strain rates, elevated temperature, and high stress intensity ranges. The transition threshold conditions from low general corrosion growth rates to EAC were determined using specimen testing at constant K or J. Cyclic rate conditions change crack growth rates by an order of magnitude. It was quite apparent that modication to the ASME Code fatigue design method for pressure vessel steels was needed to quantify the effects of elevated temperature water environments. The ASME Subgroup on Fatigue Strength examined this and other data including corrosion studies being reported worldwide. They determined that the fatigue design curves do not provide the desired margin of safety against failure in two areas: (1) Elevated temperature water environmental effects were not adequately covered by the factor of 2 on life applied to the air data, and (2) The simplied Elastic Plastic strain concentration factors Ke then in the Code were not accurate and needed to be corrected. This determination was presented to the ASME Code Subcommittee on Design which voted unanimously in 1988 to change its policy on corrosion effects. They directed the Subgroup on Fatigue Strength to develop new water environmental fatigue design curves. Important technical issues directly involved include: (1) the extensive use of nite element analysis which removes much of the conservatism previously introduced by simplied hand calculations; (2) metallurgical notch issues associated with material chemistry and heat treatment, weldment and HAZ microstructure and the resulting differences in properties; (3) fabrication issues involving residual stresses, and imperfections acting as potential crack starters; (4) operation issues including water coolant chemistry, corrosion potential and oxygen content, transient rates, and cyclic loading complexities; (5) crevice corrosion effects; (6) operating temperatures; (7) applied thermal and mechanical stress levels; (8) stress corrosion cracking issues; and (9) corrosion accelerated crack propagation. References [15] [20] and [21] show that just the difference in crack growth rates in high temperature water require that the S-N fatigue design curves in the Code which are based on air data alone needed to be corrected. Starting with a compilation of all the strain controlled pressure vessel fatigue data available worldwide [see light data points in Figure (39.22)] J-Integral elastic-plastic fracture mechanics were used to back-calculate the crack growth from the known cycles-to-failure based on the K air curves in Section XI of the ASME Code. The crack growth rates in high temperature water were then used to calculate the growth of cracks from crack initiation to failure of the individual specimens. Crack growth rate tests conducted in dry air or a vacuum show little dependence on the rate of the applied cyclic load. However, crack growth rate experiments conducted in aggressive environments such as high temperature water show an important dependence on the rate of cycling as well as the presence of mean stress. Strain rate and mean stress effects on S-N fatigue life in high temperature water environments can be investigated using appropriate crack growth rate correlations. Crack growth rate correlations which include strain rate effects are shown in Figure (39.21) from PVRC work [32]. Strain rate and mean stress are accounted for in these correlations through the rise time of tensile loading, TR, or u,


and the R-ratio. The curves of Figure (39.21) were obtained assuming a rise time of 600 sec and an R-ratio of 1. This rise time is representative of cyclic conditions experienced by some in-service components in operating plants. The K values were converted to J for use in the analyses. Figure (39.22) shows the original air data (light points with longer lives), and the corresponding fatigue failure points obtained just by correcting the crack growth rates for water environmentally assisted cracking. A comparison of these analytically derived failure points with S-N fatigue failure points obtained in simulated reactor water suggests that for carbon and low alloy steels, EAC accounts for water environmental effects on S-N properties. This would allow the wealth of environmental da/dN data to be used to estimate strain rate effects, mean stress effects, oxygen level effects and temperature on the S-N life. A study of data obtained on carbon and low alloy steels shows that there are signicant temperature effects not included in the existing air fatigue curves. However, operating transients typically occur over a range of temperatures. Curves could be developed for constant temperature cycling of carbon and low alloy steels (due for example to vibrations). However, the summation of damage obtained using constant temperature curves with damage incurred for cycles occurring over a range of temperatures does not provide accurate cumulative fatigue summations. The Code Technical Committees have determined that the additional accuracy that could be achieved in fatigue design life evaluation methods by adding constant temperature fatigue design curves is not sufcient to justify adding this complexity.



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FIG. 39.22


Carbon and Low Alloy S-N Environmental Data

Figures (39.23), (39.24), (39.25), (39.26), and (39.27) show a compilation of available environmental fatigue data on carbon and low alloy steels. Figure (39.23) shows data for carbon steels in simulated PWR conditions. Figure (39.24) shows data for carbon steels in simulated BWR water. Figure (39.25) shows data for low alloy steels in simulated BWR conditions. Figure (39.26) shows the total data compilation for carbon steels and Figure (39.27) shows the total data compilation for low alloy steels.

The environmental effects of interest in carbon and low alloy steels appear to be largely effects on the crack propagation rates. Measurements of crack growth rates in high temperature water show environmental conditions where the rates are an order of magnitude higher than in air. Correlations with S-N data conrm that water environmental effects in carbon and low alloy steels are largely crack propagation effects. The fact that the effects of high temperature water are apparently nil below stress ranges which produce cyclic plastic shear also indicates that such environmental effects on crack initiation are small.





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Of course, the actual S-N environmental data includes crack initiation, propagation, and nal fracture phases of failure, and this data is the basis for the fatigue design curves proposed for Code use. Experimental data suggests that the sulfur content of carbon and low alloy steels is a variable in the determination of environmental effects. However, there is a lack of sufcient experimental evidence to support a threshold value or a correlation with sulfur content. A study of carbon and low alloy steel data shows that there is not enough difference in environmental effects to distinguish materials other than the current dependence on ultimate strength. Although the supporting data on temperature dependence is somewhat meager, water environmental effects on carbon and low alloy steels appear to be less than a factor of 2 on failure life below 300 F. While undoubtedly temperature dependent at higher temperatures, it is not feasible to make the Code fatigue design curves temperature dependent because the plant operating transients which limit fatigue life occur over a range of temperatures. Cumulative fatigue damage must be obtained including varying temperature effects. For carbon and low alloy steels, water environmental effects on fatigue appear to be less than a factor of 2 on life for coolant dissolved oxygen levels below 0.04 PPM. Figure (39.28) from [19] shows the deleterious effects of Dissolved Oxygen Content (PPM) for carbon and low alloy steels, respectively. While these effects are oxygen level dependent above 0.04 PPM, this dependence is tied to the temperature level and therefore changes during the transient. Accordingly, it would not be feasible to make the Code Fatigue Design Life dependent on oxygen levels above 0.04 PPM.3

Such a dependence would also be undesirable for the plant operator, since losing control of the oxygen level could raise future design life regulatory issues.



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m here....

Strain rate4 is a sensitive parameter for high temperature environmental effects on carbon and low alloy steels. Figure (39.29) shows a compilation of the environmental degradation for carbon steels as a function of strain rate from [19]. The data shows that at strain rates faster than 1% in/in/sec., the environmental effects are usually less than a factor of 2 on life. There is also a threshold effect at very slow strain rates. When strain rates are slower than 0.001% in/in/sec. in carbon and low alloy steels, the strain rate effects appear to saturate so that further decreases in strain rate do not produce further degradation of the environmental fatigue life. Thus, the air curve and the (saturated) low strain rate curves provide bounds on the phenomenon. Between these strain rates, it is possible to interpolate between the two extreme curves, based on data such as shown in Figure (39.30). Statistical strain rate models from Argonne, plotted by VanDerSluys in WRC Bulletin 487, are shown in Figure (39.30). Strain rate dependent intermediate environmental fatigue curves were developed by the Subgroup on Fatigue Strength for Code use based on all available data.


Proposed Environmental Fatigue Design Curves for Carbon and Alloy Steels

Figure (39.31) shows a comparison of the data analyses and models developed by Higuchi, and others in Japan, Chopra at

ANL, and Mehta at G.E. The design curve proposed by the Subgroup on Fatigue Strength is also shown in Figure (39.31) for comparison purposes. The data, models, and curves developed worldwide are quite compatible. The heavy curve proposed for Code use curve includes the saturated low strain rate (0.001% in/in/sec) and the oxygen levels, sulfur levels and temperatures of interest in the design of new plants. Its use will prevent downstream regulatory uncertainties and risks. The air curve is suitable for all areas not exposed to high temperature water and for all transients at strain rates exceeding 1% in/in/sec. The latter includes seismic events, mechanical vibrations, including ow induced vibrations and thermal mixing. The environmental curve includes a factor of 10 on life vs. the mean failure curves, whereas the air curve includes a factor of 20. The factor of 2 on stress which is used in the high cycle regime is maintained, but is not controlling because the environmental effects are not prevalent in this regime. The proposed fatigue design curves are intended to maintain current fatigue design safety margins in the Code. The resulting proposed environmental design curves for Carbon and Low Alloy Steels with ultimate tensile strengths below 80 ksi (552 MPA) are given in Figure (39.32). The proposed environmental fatigue design curves for higher strength materials, UTS 115130 ksi (793896 MPA) are given in Figure (39.33). Figures (39.32) and (39.33) do not include the very high cycle regime (N 106 cycles). Figure (39.34) provides the curves for the very high cycle regime beyond 106 cycles where water environmental effects are believed to be covered by the factor of 2 on life. Use of the strain rate dependent intermediate

The strain rate which governs environmental effects is the average strain rate during increasing tensile straining during the cycle.



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FIG. 39.31

FIG. 39.32



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FIG. 39.33

FIG. 39.34



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curves is difcult for the component designer since the operating transient rates are generally not precisely known and may be changed by the system operator. Accordingly, it may be advisable to use the limiting curve for transients not satisfying conditions for using the air curves. Fatigue cycling caused by seismic events, mechanical vibrations and thermal mixing occur at rapid strain rates where the air curve should be used.




The deleterious effects of high temperature water on the fatigue strength of austenitic stainless steels was not recognized until the mid 1980s. The Japanese did some of the earliest work [33] on environmental effects on the important 304 and 316SS series of materials. Many investigators were surprised by test results showing that high temperature water accelerates the fatigue crack growth rates by an order of magnitude and reduces the fatigue life accordingly. Moreover, low dissolved oxygen levels have a greater effect than higher oxygen levels. It became apparent that the ASME Code fatigue design criteria for austenitic stainless steels needed to be corrected to include the effects of high temperature water environments. The ASME Code Subgroup on Fatigue Strength has made a determination that the fatigue design curves do not provide the desired margin of safety against failure in two areas: (1) Elevated temperature water environmental effects are not adequately covered by the S-N sub-factor of 2 on life applied to the air data for austenitic stainless steels. (2) The simplied Elastic Plastic strain concentration factors, Ke, now in the Code, are not accurate and needed to be corrected. New factors have been developed by the Subgroup on Design Analysis under the direction of Steve Adams of KAPL, and are now going through the Code Committee review process.

FIG. 39.36

39.14.1 Austenitic Stainless Steel S-N Environmental Data

For austenitic stainless steels, water environmental effects are surprisingly high at very low coolant dissolved oxygen levels, and show an increasing trend with lower oxygen levels. Consequently, no practical lower bound oxygen threshold level can be used to allow the use of the air curves at lower oxygen levels for stainless steels. Figures (39.35), (39.36), and (39.37) show compilations of reactor water fatigue data for austenitic stainless steels. Figure (39.35) shows the PVRC Bulletin 487 Compilation of Simulated BWR Conditions; Figure (39.36) shows data for 316 NG Stainless Steels obtained under Simulated BWR Conditions, and Figure (39.37) shows the combined PVRC data compilation. Athough the supporting data on temperature dependence is somewhat meager, water environmental effects on stainless steels appear to be less than a factor of 2 on failure life below 360o F (182o C). While the fatigue properties are undoubtedly temperature dependent at higher temperatures, it is not feasible to make the Code fatigue design curves temperature dependent




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because the plant operating transients which limit fatigue life occur over a range of temperatures. Cumulative fatigue damage must be quantied including varying temperature effects. Strain rate 5 is a sensitive parameter for water environmental effects on stainless steels. However, the data shows that at strain rates faster than 1% in/in/sec., the environmental effects are usually less than a factor of 2 on life. There is also a threshold effect at very slow strain rates. When strain rates are slower than 0.0004 % in/in/sec in stainless steels, the strain rate effects appear to saturate so that further decreases in strain rate do not produce further degradation of the environmental fatigue life. The air curve and the saturated low strain rate environmental curves, therefore provide bounds on the total phenomenon. Figure (39.38) shows the results of the Argonne and MITI models for strain rate effects on the austenitic stainless steels taken from the PVRC study of [19]. In addition to the data evaluations of Figures 39.35, 39.36, and 39.37, the models developed by Argonne and MITI, and the studies of [19]), T. R. Leax of Bechtel Bettis [34] performed analyses of temperature and strain-rate effects. For application to the design of new plant components, it is difcult to accurately establish operating temperature and strain-rate conditions for every anticipated and unanticipated operating transient. Moreover, Section III of the Code [NB-3222.4 (e)(5)] requires evaluation of stress ranges from cycles of various origins. The total stress difference range must be used in the fatigue evaluation when it is larger than the stress ranges of individual cycles. Since both temperature and strain rate are varying during cyclic operation, it is very desirable to have fatigue design curves which are independent of temperature and strain rate. Leax [34] developed a model by analyzing the available data on austenitic stainless steels in LWR environments, excluding sensitizing material and high oxygen water data. The remaining fatigue data included 383 failure points. A proposed fatigue design curve was developed for 600 F and low strain rates representative of worst case conditions. A proposed design curve was developed using a factor of ve on the lower bound statistical curve. The corresponding data and lower bound curve are shown in Figure (39.39).


Proposed New Environmental Fatigue Design Curves for Austenitic Stainless Steels

Proposed new environmental fatigue design curves for 304, 310, 316, and 348 Austenitic Stainless Steels were developed by the ASME Subgroup on Fatigue Strength based on the technology represented by Figures 39.35 through 39.39 herein, and all available data. These curves are shown in Figure (39.40). It is possible to interpolate between the two extreme curves, and strain rate dependant intermediate curves are provided as an aid to this interpolation. This is a difcult interpolation for the component designer since the operating transient rates are generally not precisely known and may be subsequently changed by the plant operator. Accordingly, it may be advisable to use the limiting environmental curve for transients not satisfying the conditions for using the air curves. Fatigue cycling caused by seismic events, mechanical vibrations and thermal mixing occur at rapid strain rates where the air curve can be used.



Recent studies of the environmental fatigue data for carbon, low alloy and austenitic stainless steels have shown that reactor water effects are signicantly less deleterious as temperatures are reduced below 350 oC (662 oF). At temperatures below 150 oC (302 oF) the reduction in life due to reactor water environmental effects is less than a factor of 2, and the existing ASME Code Section III fatigue design curves for air can be used. The latter include a factor of 20 on cycles whereas the ASME Subgroup on Fatigue Strength (SGFS) has determined that a factor of 10 should be used on the mean failure curves which include reactor water effects. These factors account for scatter in the data, surface nish effects, size effects, and environmental effects. Reactor water environmental degradation dependence on temperature is determined using variations of the statistical models developed by Chopra and Shack, Higuchi, Iiada, Asada, Nakamura, Van Der Sluys, Yukawa, Mehta, Leax and Gosselin, References [7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 19, 23, 24, 34 thru 38, 40, 44, 48, 51, 53, 57 and 58].

The strain rate which governs environmental effects is the average strain rate during increasing tensile straining during the cycle.



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FIGURE 39.40

Comparisons of the resulting proposed environmental fatigue design criteria with reactor water environmental fatigue data were made. These comparisons showed that the Code factors of 2 and 20 on stress and cycles are maintained for air environments, and the 2 and 10 Code factors are maintained for the reactor water environments. Environmental fatigue criteria are given for both worst case strain rates and for arbitrary strain rates. These design criteria do not require the designer to consider sequence of loading, hold times, transient rates, and other operating details which may change during 60 years of plant operation. Chopra and Shack (References [7, 9 10, 35 38, 44, 57 and 58]) developed statistical models of the temperature dependence of the environmental fatigue properties between 150C and 350C. These models use a linear relationship between (Ln N) and temperature in this range, per Figures (39.41) and (39.42), except that their relation for austenitic materials uses an upper limit of 325C. The latter limit was apparently used because no tests were conducted above that temperature. While the difference is small, the correlation with all of the austenitic data is improved when an upper limit of 350C is used for austenitic materials in lieu of ANLs 325C. This makes the general trend equation of the temperature correction the same for carbon, low alloy and austenitic materials. Of course, the fatigue lives for austenitic materials are quite different than for ferritic steels. The resulting temperature dependence is given by Equation (39.5) in terms of C: In ND = ln Na + (ln Ne - ln Na) (T - 150C) ; 200C for 150C T 350C

Ne = Ne, or Neu = allowable design cycles for the strain rate dependent environmental fatigue curves, Ne; or optionally using curve B which covers unrestricted strain rates, Neu T = Maximum metal temperature in cycle The basic Equation (39.5) in terms of F is as follows: In ND = ln Na + (ln Ne - ln Na) (T - 302F) ; 360F for 320F T 662F



Carbon and Low Alloy Steels


where ND = allowable design cycles including temperature correction and environmental effects allowable design cycles in air Na

Figure (39.41) shows the temperature dependent environmental fatigue data from Figure (16) of NUREG/CR-6909 (Reference [9]) for A333-Grade 6 carbon steel at a strain amplitude of 0.6% (stress amplitude of 180 ksi) at strain rates of 0.002%/sec and 0.004%/sec. The fatigue design lives obtained from the proposed ASME Code design criteria using Figure (39.32) herein (from Reference [24]) and the Equation (39.5) temperature correction, are also plotted on Figure (39.41). Note that the design lives for unrestricted strain rates (Curve B in Figure 39.32) are quite realistic and would allow plant operators complete freedom to reduce the operating transient rates. The proposed ASME Code design criteria also allows the designer to take credit for the presumed strain rate, and the design curve for the 0.004%/sec. test data rate is also shown in Figure (39.41). Curves at 10x the design cycles are shown for the environmental data and at 20x for the air data for comparison with the polished specimen data, Figure (39.34). shows that the proposed reactor water fatigue design curve and the fatigue design curve for air are the same beyond 106 cycles.


Austentic Stainless Steels

Figure (39.42) shows the temperature dependent environmental fatigue data from Figure (47) of NUREG/CR-6909 (Ref. [9]) for



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austenitic stainless steels at a strain amplitude of 0.6% (stress amplitude of 169.8 Ksi) at strain rates of 0.01%/sec and 0.4%/sec. Figure (39.18) shows the proposed new ASME Code fatigue design curve for austenitic stainless steels in air. Note that in the very high cycle regime ( 106 cycles) the existing ASME Code includes three design curves. Only the lowest curve is shown in Figure (39.18) because: (1) the highest existing curve includes no weld residual stress effects, and (2) the intermediate existing curve has been found to apply only to cold worked material cycled at very low nominal (linearized) stress amplitudes. Figure (39.40) shows the proposed new fatigue design curves for austenitic stainless steels in reactor water environments. See Reference [7] for more details. The fatigue design lives obtained from these proposed ASME Code design criteria with the Equation (39.5) temperature correction, are plotted in Figure (39.42). The design lives for unrestricted strain rates (curve B in Figure 39.40) are shown, along with the design curves for strain rates of 0.01%/sec. and 0.4%/sec. Note that the factor of 10 on environmental life data on polished specimens is covered by the proposed unrestricted strain rate design curve.

of Figure (39.40) before temperature correction 32 cycles Applying the temperature correction of Equation (39.5) at 325C (617F): (i) at a strain rate of 0.01%/sec.: ln ND = ln 340 + (ln 175 - ln 340) ND 190 cycles at 325 C (617 F) (ii) at unrestricted strain rates: (325150) 200 ND 43 cycles at 325C (617F) unrestricted strain rates These points are shown as (*) values in Figure (39.42). ln ND = (ln 32 - ln 340) - ln 340) (325150) 200



39.15.3 Illustrative Example Fatigue Design Life Evaluations

I. Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Consider the fatigue design of carbon and low alloy steels corresponding to the test data shown in Figure (39.41): Local strain amplitude 0.6% local stress amplitude 180 ksi strain rate 0.004%/sec max. metal temp in cycle 288C (550F) From Figure (39.32) herein Na allowable design cycles in air 150 cycles Ne allowable design cycles in reactor water at a strain rate of 0.004%/sec. 36 cycles before temperature correction allowable design cycles in reactor water at an unreNeu stricted strain rate from curve B of Figure (39.32) before temperature correction 11 cycles Applying the temperature correction of Equation (39.5) at T 288C: (i) at a strain rate of 0.004%/ sec.: (288 - 150) ln ND = ln 150 + (ln 36 - ln 150) 200 ND = 56 cycles at 288C (550F) (ii) at unrestricted strain rates: (288 - 50) ln ND = ln 150 + (ln 11 - ln 150) 200 ND = 22 cycles at 288C (550F) These points are shown as (*) values in Figure (39.41). II. Austenitic Stainless Steels Consider the fatigue design of austenitic stainless steels corresponding to the test data shown in Figure (39.42): local strain amplitude 0.6% local stress amplitude 169.8 ksi strain rate 0.01%/sec max. metal temperature in cycle 325C (617F): From Figure (39.40) herein: Na allowable design cycles in air 340 cycles Ne allowable design cycles in reactor water at a strain rate of 0.01%/sec. 175 cycles before temperature correction Neu allowable design cycles in reactor water at unrestricted strain rates from curve B

The ASME Code Subgroup on Fatigue Strength (SGFS) has received input from designers attempting to use the NRC Fen criteria (Reference [9]). Differing interpretations of industry senior design analysts suggest that NRC may not agree with many designers interpretations. Fen technology requires consideration of the sequence of the loading, hold times, and transient rates which are not known at the design stage, and may change during 60 years of operation. Section III designers recognize that while Fen technology has worked well using the known operating history of plants seeking license renewal, the S-N approach is much better suited for the design of new plant components. Accordingly, the ASME Code can retain its status as the International Safety Code of choice for nuclear plants by adopting the SGFS proposed updated design-oriented criteria including the temperature corrections described herein.



In addition to the references previously cited as sources of specic data or concepts, other key technical papers have also been published by very talented engineers and scientists in this interdisciplinary eld of expertise. References [39] through [186] make key contributions to the understanding and quantication of high temperature environmental effects on the crack growth and fatigue properties of the materials of interest. References [187] through [210] advance the state-of-the-art in ductile crack propagation technology, including J-integral theory, a very important element of low cycle fatigue. References [211][267] discuss the very difcult and important area of crack initiation, which consists of the growth of microscopic cracks up to the macroscopic sizes which can be treated by conventional continuum fracture mechanics. References [268] through [285] describe international aw acceptance criteria. References [286] through [304] describe stress intensity factors and crack growth. References [305] through [326] cover a variety of directly relevant issues.



W.A.J. Albert, Ubr Treibseile am Harz, Archive fur Mineralogie, Geognosie, Bergbau und Huttenkunde, Vol. 10, 1838, p 215-234 (in German). B.F. Langer, Design Value for Thermal Stress in Ductile Materials, Welding J. Res. Suppl., Vol. 37, September 1958, p 411-s.




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3. 4.

B.F. Langer, Design of Pressure Vessels for Low-Cycle Fatigue J. Basic Eng., Vol. 3, No. 3, September 1962, p.389. B.F. Langer, Section VIII, Division 2 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Guide to Alternate Rules for Pressure Vessels published by the ASME, 1968. and B.F. Langer, Criteria of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for Design by Analysis in Sections III and VIII, Division 2 published by the ASME, 1969. B.F. Langer, Criteria of Section III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for Nuclear Vessels published by the ASME, 1963.

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