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California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Degree Curriculum Sheet

Biology Plan (Major) ________________________________________________ Subplan/Option _____________________________________________ Botany Required Core Courses Course
Foundations of Biology Foundations of Biology Biometrics Genetics Scientific Communication BIO 122/122L BIO 123/123L BIO 211/211L BIO 303 BIO 490

20122013 Catalog Year _______________________ Name____________________________________________ Minimum Units Required ______________ Student ID ________________________________________ 180 Required Support Courses Course
Foundations of Biology (B2, B3) Environment and Society (B5) or Biodiversity Conservation (B5) General Chemistry (B1, B3) General Chemistry General Chemistry Organic Chemistry Elements of Biochemistry Freshman English I (A2) Freshman English II (A3) Health, Nutrition & Integrated Being (E) or General Psychology (E) or Mind, Brain & Behavior: Integrated View (E) or Sci. and Mathematics: Freshmen Exp. I (E) and Sci. and Mathematics: Freshmen Exp. II (E) Calculus for Life Sciences (B4) College Physics College Physics College Physics Basic Soil Science/Lab Statistics with Applications (B4) BIO 121/121L BIO 304 BIO 340 CHM 121/121L CHM 122/122L CHM 123/123L CHM 201/250L CHM 321/321L ENG 104 ENG 105 FN 203 PSY 201 PSY 210 SCI 101/101A SCI 102/102A MAT 120 PHY 121/121L PHY 122/122L PHY 123/123L PLT 231/231L STA 120

TGA__________________________ GWT Satisfied _____Yes ____No

3/2 3/2 3/1 4 1

3/2 4 (4) 3/1 3/1 3/1 3/1 3/1 4 4 4 (4) (4) (1/1) (1/1) 4 3/1 3/1 3/1 3/1 4

General Education Requirements Area

Area A Communication & Critical Thinking 1 Oral Communication 2 Written Communication 3 Critical Thinking Area B Mathematics & Natural Sciences Select at least one lab course from subarea 1 or 2. 1 Physical Science 2 Biological Science 3 Laboratory Activity 4 Math/Quantitative Reasoning 5 Science & Technology Synthesis Area C Humanities 1 Visual and Performing Arts 2 Philosophy and Civilization 3 Literature and Foreign Language 4 Humanities Synthesis Area D Social Sciences 1 U.S. History, Constitution, American Ideals 2 History, Economics and Political Science 3 Sociology, Anthropology, Ethnic & Gender Studies 4 Social Science Synthesis Area E Lifelong Understanding & Self Development



Total Units


Required Subplan/Option Core Courses Course

Principles of Ecology Principles of Evolution Form and Function in Plants California Flora Plant Ecology Plant Physiology Evolution of Plants Plant Anatomy Plant Tissue Culture Basic Microbiology PlantMicrobe Interactions BIO 325/325L BIO 413 BOT 201/201L BOT 343/343L BOT 421/421L BOT 428/428L BOT 434/434L BOT 435/435L BOT 456/456L MIC 201/201L MIC 436/436L


3/1 4 3/1 1/2 3/1 4/1 3/2 2/2 3/1 3/1 2/2


Total Units
American Institutions Courses that satisfy this requirement may also satisfy G.E. Area D1 8


Total Units Elective Support Courses Course



Total Units


Approved electives include any 200, 300, or 400 level courses in 11 the Biological Sciences Department not specifically designed for nonmajors. Only 2 units of BIO 200 or BIO 400 allowed. Only 4 units of BIO 441 or BIO 461 allowed. Only 2 units of BIO 462 allowed. Also included are any advanced Chemistry or Math courses and PHY 304/304L, PHY 410, PLT 131/131L, PLT 220/220L, PLT 323/323L, PLT 404/404L, PLT 421/421L, and PLT 427/427L. See advisor for approval of courses offered by other departments.

American Cultural Perspectives Requirement Refer to catalog for list of courses that satisfy this requirements. Course may also satisfy major, minor, GE, or unrestricted elective requirements. The following required support courses should be taken to satisfy the indicated GE Requirements to achieve the minimum units to degree listed at the top of this sheet.

Freshman English I Freshman English II General Chemistry Foundations of Biology Calculus for Life Sciences or Statistics with Applications Environment of Society or Biodiversity Conservation Health, Nutrition & Integrated Being or General Psychology or Mind, Brain & Behavior: Integrated View or Sci. and Mathematics: Freshmen Exp. 1 and Exp. 2 ENG 104 ENG 105 CHM 121/121L BIO 121/121L MAT 120 STA 120 BIO 304 BIO 340 FN 203 PSY 201 PSY 210 SCI 101/101A & SCI 102/102A

GE Area
A2 A3 B1, B3 B2, B3 B4 (B4) B5 (B5) E (E) (E) (E)

Total Units


The remaining GE requirements may be satisfied by any course approved for that area.

No more than 105 community college quarter units or 36 extension credit quarter units may be applied toward a Bachelors degree.
A minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA is required in core (including option) courses, Cal Poly Pomona courses, and overall work completed in order to receive a degree in this major.

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