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QCA Expectations:

Some children will not have made so much progress and will: Most children will: Some children will have progressed further and will:


I am learning to collect sounds using a recording device. I am learning to collect different sounds, pictures and writing from around the school. I am learning to recognise how a computer uses different sounds, pictures and text. I can collect sounds using a recording device. I can collect different sounds, pictures and writing from around the school. I can recognise how a computer uses different sounds, pictures and text. I know how to find information using ICT to help me. I know how to collect information using ICT. I know that computers use sound, pictures and text to show what is happening. I know where to click to make something happen. I am learning to describe an object. I am learning to use key words to label objects. I am learning to use key words to sort objects into sets. I can describe an object. I can use key words to label objects. I can use key words to sort objects into sets. I know how to use key words to label and classify objects. I am learning to I am learning to I am learning to I am learning to navigate a CD ROM. search a CD ROM using the index. search a CD ROM using key words. search a CD ROM using the menu.

QCA Expectations
have had opportunities to collect information in various forms and from various sources. know that information exists in a variety of forms and be able to gather it from a variety of sources


1c The information around us

know that information exists in a variety of forms and be able to gather it from a variety of sources


use personal descriptions to describe objects. use key words to label and classify objects. use key words from fixed categories to label and classify objects. navigate a CD-Rom use Go back. search a CD-Rom purposefully; follow straightforward lines of enquiry use index and print. search a CD-Rom purposefully; follow straightforward lines of enquiry; choose the most appropriate search techniques for their purposes use index and search buttons. search a branching database. develop and search a branching database. develop and search a branching database using efficient criteria questions that are focused, based on key characteristics which sort quickly. Carry out searches using two or more criteria

w 1 1-2 1 2

1d Labelling and classifying

2c Finding information

I can navigate a CD ROM. I can search a CD ROM using the index. I can search a CD ROM using key words. I can search a CD ROM using the menu. I can ask a question to sort a collection into two sets. I can ask a question to sort two objects in a branching database. I can draw a branching tree to sort objects in a collection. I can search a branching database on the computer to identify objects. I can create a branching database which I can use to identify any object in a collection. I can talk about why we use a database to analyse data.


2-3 3-4 4 3

4c Branching databases


Analysing data and asking questions: using complex searches 6d Using the internet to search large databases and to interpret information

I can suggest questions that we can answer using the database. I can use the search, sort and graph tools to answer questions. I can decide whether to use search, sort or graph tool to answer a question. I can narrow down a search using AND. I can spot strange values and mistakes and check information for plausibility. I can use a site to find information. With an adult, I can use a search engine to find information. I can select keywords to narrow down a search. I can skim-read web pages, and compare the quality of information. I can decide whether the information is relevant or suitable for my needs. I can present my findings for my chosen audience.

Use AND, or OR =< and => in their searches, Carry out complex searches to check hypotheses search the internet to find appropriate information and copy text and pictures for others to view search the internet taking care when framing questions; understand when the information is valid and present it for a chosen audience search the internet using a range of operators to find a range of information; validate resources and check for bias in presenting to a specific audience

4 4-5

2 3



I am learning to describe an object. I am learning to use key words to label objects. I am learning to use key words to sort objects into sets. I can describe an object. I can use key words to label objects. I can use key words to sort objects into sets. I know how to use key words to label and classify objects. I am learning to create a pictogram. I am learning to enter quantities to create a pictogram. I am learning to say what my pictogram shows. I can enter quantities to create a pictogram. I can say what my pictogram shows. I know how to make a pictogram on the screen. I know how to enter data to make a pictogram. I know how to make a pictogram or a block graph. I know what a pictogram or block graph shows. I can create a pictogram.

use personal descriptions to describe objects. use key words to label and classify objects. use key words from fixed categories to label and classify objects.


1d Labelling and classifying


enter information into a graphing package. use a graphing package to select appropriate icons, recognise quantities and create a pictogram. use a graphing package to select appropriate icons; recognise quantities and create a pictogram; make comparisons, such as twice as many. know that there are different programs for collecting and presenting data; be aware that questions can be asked in different ways to find things out.

W 1

1e Representing information graphically: pictograms


2e Questions and answers

know that there are different programs for collecting and presenting data; ask questions in different ways to find things out. construct different types of questions for different purposes, e.g. questions that can only be answered by yes or no for use with a binary tree or questions that can only have one possible answer. I can enter data and find a record. I can select a field and search for records, for a set of objects that have something in common. I can select a numeric field and sort data to find biggest and smallest. I can produce a bar chart and explain what it shows. I am learning to use search, sort and graph to answer questions. enter data into a database with a predetermined structure and find information in it by matching the query to the question. enter data into a database with a predetermined structure use it to answer straightforward questions and produce bar charts. enter data into a database with a predetermined structure use it to answer straightforward questions and produce bar


3c Introduction to databases

3 3-4

charts; turn questions into search criteria. I can ask a question to sort a collection into two sets. I can draw a branching tree to sort objects in a collection. I can ask a question to sort two objects in a branching database. I can search a branching database on the computer to identify objects. I can create a branching database which I can use to identify any object in a collection. I can collect data to enter it into a database. I can use a database to create bar charts and pie charts. I can compare bar and pie charts, and talk about what they show. I can create a line graph. I can explain how line graphs are better for showing how something changes. I can enter data into cells. I can enter a formula to add the contents of two cells. I can use SUM to add up numbers in a column or row. I can use a spreadsheet to explore what happens when costs are changed. I can talk about why we use a database to analyse data. I can suggest questions that we can answer using the database. I can use the search, sort and graph tools to answer questions. I can decide whether to use search, sort or graph tool to answer a question. I can narrow down a search using AND. I can spot strange values and mistakes and check information for plausibility. I can talk about why we use a database to analyse data. I can suggest questions that we can answer using the database. I can use the search, sort and graph tools to answer questions. I can decide whether to use search, sort or graph tool to answer a question. I can narrow down a search using AND. I can spot strange values and mistakes and check information for plausibility. search a branching database. develop and search a branching database. develop and search a branching database using efficient criteria questions that are focused, based on key characteristics which sort quickly. collect data and enter it into a data handling package and use it to create bar-charts, pie charts and line graphs. collect data in a way that aids entry into a data handling package and use it to create bar-charts, pie charts and line graphs. collect data in a way that aids entry into a data handling package and choose the appropriate form of graph to represent it. Use a spreadsheet to produce a table of data Use a spreadsheet to carry out calculations Use a spreadsheet to carry out calculations; explore the effects of changing the data in a spreadsheet Carry out searches using two or more criteria Use AND, or OR =< and => in their searches, 2-3 3-4 4 2-3 3-4

4c Branching databases

4d Collecting and presenting information: questionnaire and pie charts

3 4 4-5

5d Introduction to spreadsheets

3 4

5b Analysing data and asking questions: using complex searches

Carry out complex searches to check hypotheses Recognise the importance of checking data and that poor quality information leads to unreliable results Interpret, check and question data; recognise that poor quality information leads to unreliable results. Interpret, check and question data; use logical inference to identify implausible and inaccurate data; recognise that poor quality information leads to unreliable results


5c Evaluating information, checking accuracy and questioning plausibility

3 4


use software including a simple adventure game that represents a real or fantasy situation; create a simple representation of a real or fantasy situation with help understand that a computer can represent real or fantasy situations and that these do not replicate the original exactly; know that simple adventure games also represent real or fantasy situations; create a simple representation of a real or fantasy situation using either an objects based graphics program or a painting program use a variety of software including adventure games, to represent real or fantasy situations and identify similarities and differences; explain their decision/choices use a computer graphics package to create a picture 2b Creating pictures I am learning to create a picture on the screen. I am learning to use different tools to help create my picture. I am learning to change my picture on the screen. I can create a picture on the screen. I can use different tools to create my picture. use a computer graphics package to create a picture; select the most appropriate tools to match their purposes. use a computer graphics package to create a picture; select the most appropriate tools to match their purposes; develop an image and modify and correct their work as they go. use simulations to make and test predictions; explore options. recognise patterns within simulations and make and test predictions. identify the relationships and rules on which the simulations are based and test their predictions. use a computer graphics package to develop an image. use a computer graphics package to develop an image using a variety of tools scanner, digital camera, clipart. use a computer graphics package to develop an image selecting the most appropriate tools, and saving drafts.


1a An introduction to modelling

I am learning to explore a CD ROM (adventure game). I am learning to create a picture of a real or imaginary place. I am learning to tell the difference between a real or imaginary place I can explore a CD ROM (adventure game). I can create a picture of a real or imaginary place. I can tell the difference between a real or imaginary place. I know that the computer can be used to make real and fantasy situations. I know how to create real and fantasy situations on the screen. I know the similarities and differences between real and fantasy situations.


1 2


3d Exploring simulations

I understand that computer simulations can represent real or imaginary situations I understand that computer simulations allow users to try things that would be difficult or impossible to do in practice. I can use the simulation to make and explore predictions. I can use the simulation to identify patterns. I can evaluate simulations. I can recognise patterns and make, and test, predictions. I can use graphics tools to create repeating patterns. I can create pictures using a variety of brush sizes and effects. I can select part of a picture, copy and resize. I can use Save As to keep drafts of my work, to show how it has developed. I can import images and work with them to create my own design.

2 3

3-4 2-3 3-4 4


4b Developing images using repeating patterns

4e Modelling effects on screens

I can use FD, BK, RT and LT to move an object on the screen. I can estimate units, and use the correct commands, to move the object to another part of the screen, whichever way it is heading. I can use Repeat (RPT) to make a set of commands happen many times. I can copy a command line and edit a set of commands. I can save a set of commands as a procedure and can use my procedure to draw patterns.

work from an example LOGO design on screen and change the procedure to create their own design; make mistakes and need to amend their work. create a LOGO design using one shape and rotating it; use the repeat instruction to duplicate the shape; change the angle of turn. create LOGO designs using more than one shape and rotating them; use the repeat instruction to duplicate shapes; investigate more complex shapes and sizes; change the angle of turn. Use an object based graphics package to create and manipulate basic objects Use an object based graphics package to create, combine and manipulate objects and explore possibilities Use an object based graphics package to create and explore an accurate graphical model checking predictions and make decisions use a spreadsheet to produce a table of data. use a spreadsheet to carry out calculations. use a spreadsheet to carry out calculations; explore the effects of changing the data in a spreadsheet. use a spreadsheet to calculate totals explore the effects of changing data in a spreadsheet explore the effects of changing data in a spreadsheet; make predictions and use a spreadsheet to test them



5a Graphical modelling

I can use object growing tools to select, resize, colour fill and copy shapes. I can create shapes and group them to make more complex shapes. I can use a graphical model to explore ways of arranging objects on a plan of the classroom I can explain some of the differences between using object drawing tools and a painting program. I can enter data into cells. I can enter a formula to add the contents of two cells. I can use SUM to add up numbers in a column or row. I can use a spreadsheet to explore what happens when costs are changed. I can enter formulae, change data and predict the results. I can copy formulae to create tables of results. I can set up a spreadsheet to model a mathematical investigation.

3 4 4-5 3 4 4-5 2 3 3-4

5d Introductions to spreadsheets 6b Spreadsheet modelling


I am learning to follow and read instructions. I am learning to say what happens when I follow the instructions. I am learning give and write instructions. I can follow and read instructions. I can say what happens when I follow the instructions. I can give and write instructions. I know how to make predictions. I know how to sequence instructions. I know how to sequence instructions so someone else can follow them. I know how to sequence instructions using the words forward, backwards and turn. I am learning to predict where the programmable robot will be after I make it move. I am learning to give instructions that will make the programmable robot move. I am learning to change my instructions so that the programmable robot will move to a different place. I can predict where the programmable robot will be after I make it move. I can give instructions that can make the programmable robot move. I can change my instructions so that the programmable robot will move to a different place. I am learning to make the programmable robot turn in different ways. I can make the programmable robot turn in different ways. I know how to make predictions. I can write instructions using 90 and 180 angles. I know how to combine instructions. I know how to make predictions using patterns. I can use FD, BK, RT and LT to move an object on the screen. I can estimate units, and use the correct commands, to move the object to another part of the screen, whichever way it is heading. I can use Repeat (RPT) to make a set of commands happen many times. I can copy a command line and edit a set of commands. I can save a set of commands as a procedure and can use my procedure to draw patterns.

read a set of instructions and sometimes predict the correct outcome; produce instructions but sequence them incorrectly or make assumptions. read a set of instructions and usually predict the correct outcome; produce an accurate set of instructions for others to follow. read a set of instructions and predict the correct outcome; produce an accurate set of instructions using standardised measurements and agreed language. produce a set of instructions but make mistakes with directions and distances; incorrectly predict or guess the results of a set of instructions. produce an accurate set of instructions but will need to amend them to make them correct; combine three forward movements into one by adding units together; accurately predict the results of a set of instructions. Produce an accurate set of instructions with little need for amendment; incorporate instructions that involve difficult angles other than 90 degrees and 180 degrees; accurately predict results of a set of instructions by identifying patterns. work from an example LOGO design on screen and change the procedure to create their own design; make mistakes and need to amend their work. create a LOGO design using one shape and rotating it; use the repeat instruction to duplicate the shape; change the angle of turn. create LOGO designs using more than one shape and


1f Understanding instructions and making things happen


2d Routes: controlling a floor turtle


4e Modelling effects on screen


3-4 4

rotating them; use the repeat instruction to duplicate shapes; investigate more complex shapes and sizes; change the angle of turn. design and create a simple advertising display which produces a limited number of events; need help to write simple procedures and design the display. 5e Controlling devices I can talk about control systems in the environment. I know that some are controlled by sensors, and have a set of commands which can be repeated many times. I can use the computer to give commands to control a device. I can write a sequence of commands to control a device. I can write a program to control two or more devices. design and create a simple advertising display which produces a combination of events; write simple procedures and be able to link output devices together; amend their procedures to get a desired outcome. design and create an imaginative advertising display which produces a combination of events; write, correct and improve procedures to link output devices together; realise the limitations of the system. carry out experiments with support and/or guidance 5f Monitoring environmental conditions and changes I can explain why a line graph is better than a bar chart to show continuous change. I can attach sensors, collect data and display readings on a screen. I can talk about my line graph, and explain the changes that it shows. I can explain the advantages of using sensors to monitor change. choose the appropriate sensor/s to monitor environmental conditions and changes and carry out experiments safely and independently understand when it might be appropriate to use a computer device for datalogging; select appropriate sensors and carry out the experiments safely and independently; draw simple conclusions from data have problems producing procedures; need help to get the logic correct; need to correct work frequently 6c Control and monitoring What happens when.? I can program a device and wait for something to happen. I can put a loop into my program, so that commands are repeated for as long as I like. I can program a device so that it is controlled by a sensor. I can create and program a model with devices and sensors. produce simple procedures to turn on light and sound alarms; need help with their program and will need to make amendments produce procedures without difficulty and string procedures together; recognise patterns in programming; recognise the weaknesses of the system 3


3 4


2 3



I am learning to type a word on the screen. I can type a word on the screen. I am learning to use a word bank to make a sentence. I can use a word bank to make a sentence. I am learning to enter words into a word processor. I am learning to type a sentence on the computer. I am learning to use the backspace and delete keys to change my sentence. I am learning to save my work. I can enter words into a word processor. I can type a sentence on a computer. I know how to use a spacebar to leave spaces between my words. I can use the backspace and delete keys to change my sentence. I can save my work. I know how to improve my sentence using a word processor. I am learning to create a picture on the screen. I am learning to use different tools to help create my picture I am learning to change my picture on the screen. I can create a picture on the screen. I can use different tools to create my picture. 3a Combing text and graphics 3b Manipulating sound I can point out, and discuss, the key features of layout, e.g. title, text, captions, font and effect. I can alter the look of my text to create an effect. I can amend text and save my work. I can combine graphics and text. I can use an electronic keyboard to choose and change sounds.

enter single words from a keyboard; use a word bank to combine words, with help enter single words from a keyboard; use a word bank to assemble sentences that communicate meaning. use ICT to create sentences that communicate meaning, using the keyboard for the majority of the text. enter words into a word processor use a word processor to produce sentences that communicate meaning

NC LEVEL W 1 1-2 1 2

1b Using a word bank

2a Writing stories: communicating information using text

use a word processor to produce sentences that communicate meaning; refine sentences by adding words and making corrections; alter sentences in the light of comments


use a computer graphics package to create a picture use a computer graphics package to create a picture; select the most appropriate tools to match their purposes. use a computer graphics package to create a picture; select the most appropriate tools to match their purposes; develop an image and modify and correct their work as they go. combine graphics with text combine graphics with text; use appropriate effects and re-size graphics combine graphics with text; choose effects that match their purposes so that the graphics and text complement each other. use music software to create a sequence of musical phrases. use music software to develop and refine a musical composition.

1 2

2b Creating pictures

2-3 2 3 3-4 2 3

I can find and play sounds (on a CD ROM or website). I can record sounds. I can create my own music electronically. I can compare computer generated sounds with real sounds. I can reply to an e-mail. I can create and send an e-mail. I can add an attachment to an e-mail (e.g. picture) and send it. I can use e-mail to communicate with another person. I can compare e-mail with other methods of sending messages. I can format text to create an effect. I can cut and paste to move text. I can delete and insert to improve my writing, and make it more interesting. I can change words by overtyping and using the spellchecker. I can use Find and Replace to make changes automatically. I can talk about the advantages of multimedia and what makes a good page design. I can arrange text and pictures on the screen, and add buttons to play sound. I can link pages together. My multimedia pages present information in a clear and interesting way.

use music software to develop and refine a musical composition. And adapt it in the light of performance. receive and reply to e-mails. send, receive and reply to e-mails; develop and refine text messages. send, receive and reply to e-mails; develop and refine text messages; send text and images as attachments. use features such as spell-check to help them edit their work use the more advanced features of a word- processor to help them match their work to their audience - cut and paste find and replace, bold, change font choose and use the appropriate advanced features of a word processor to increase their efficiency when matching their audience thesaurus, tab stops justification, italic, clip art etc use a multimedia authoring package to assemble images, sound and text on a multimedia page use a multimedia authoring package to organise, refine and present a set of linked multimedia pages, which incorporate images, sound and text use a multimedia authoring package to organise, refine and present a set of linked multimedia pages, which incorporate images, sound and text; create pages which offer users a variety of options; present information that matches the needs of the audience


2 3

3e E-mail


2-3 3-4

4a Writing for different audiences

4 2 3

6a Multimedia presentation



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