MLD-DHV Indonesia E-Newsletter Vol.1

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MLD-DHV Indonesia e-Newsletter • Volume 1 • July - September 2008

From the General Manager of MLD-DHV Indonesia


Warm greetings from Indonesia!

This is the first edition of the MLD-DHV Indonesia e-Newsletter. It is a great pleasure for me
to be able to share our passion and spirit for this great company, through this new
communication tool.

Speech from Mrs. Hendarti, our HR Director The difficult times are nearly behind us. However, lots of works still need to be done to secure
this year’s budget and control our business. Through improvements we will make our company
more sustainable and lay a strong foundation for the years to come. This is not an easy task,
but together we will manage. Among others, because of the endless support we get from
DHV Representative for Indonesia. DHV generates more than 35% of our revenue.

During the past months, the workload in MLD-DHV Indonesia has been stable. Together with
DHV-Water (Indonesia) and DHV-Infra (Asia) we handle many projects. New assignments since
beginning of this year mainly come from market such as mining, oil & gas, energy, and large
developers. To further lead and strengthen MLD's B&I Team, we have recruited an M&E Engineer
with Fire & Safety expertise.
Eating Krupuk Competition

Significant numbers of solid potentials, which are currently under review by Clients, fill our
Happy Independence Day pipeline in the areas of B&I, E&I, and Water.
August 17th is the most important day
Best regards,
for us Indonesians. On this day, 63 years
ago, Soekarno-Muhammad Hatta, our
founding fathers, declared our
independence after more than three
decades of colonial rule. Since then, every
year 17 August has been commemorated
everywhere in Indonesia. The
commemoration, which people call
From the Editor
Agustusan, goes through the whole
month. During this month, all cities, big
Through a long process and so many e-mails, phonecalls, discussions, and you name it, we've
and small, in Indonesia are decorated in
finally come to this end, the first edition of MLD-DHV Indonesia e-Newsletter. Thanks to Paul
red and white, the colors of our national
flag. The flag is hoisted in every house, van Ruiten, DHV Representative for Indonesia, who came with the idea, and to all involved
government offices, buildings, etc., three especially to Hendrik Wittenberg for their never-ending efforts in making this happen.
days before and three days after the 17th.
It's quite a celebration. Information is essential, but it is of no use if we don't share it. Through this newsletter we can
all communicate what is going on within MLD-DHV, especially in Indonesia.
MLD celebrated this year’s Independence
Day with a small gathering in the office, The MLD-DHV e-Newsletter will be issued on a three-monthly basis. We will try to update you
having lunch together and playing with what was happening during the last three months, such as new projects, new staff, and
games that are typical for this celebration, new developments in our organizations. You are all invited to share your information, opinions
such as eating krupuk (crackers) hung and experiences.
on a string and hands tied to the back.
Believe me, it was not easy. But it was fun In this edition, Setiaji Hadiprayitno, better known as Aji, our MLD-DHV Indonesia General
and we all enjoyed it, especially because Manager, extends his warm greetings while expressing his intention to create a better future
it was the boss we could compete with. for MLD-DHV. Our DHV Asia Director, Arnold Galavazi, shares his vision on the challenges and
our strategy in Asia.

Dear Colleagues, we proudly present to you our first e-Newsletter of MLD-DHV Indonesia.
PT Mitra Lingkungan Dutaconsult - DHV Indonesia Connect and enjoy!!!
Ventura Building 4th Floor - Suite 405
Jl. R.A. Kartini # 26 (Outer Ring Road)
Cilandak - Jakarta 12430, Indonesia
Nelly Garlia
Phone : +62 (21) 750 4605
Fax : +62 (21) 750 4610
Email :

Gateway to Solutions
MLD-DHV Indonesia e-Newsletter • Volume 1 • July - September 2008 2

The Challenges in Asia and Our Strategy


As the economies in Asia are expected to continue their rapid growth (China and India approximately 8 to 10%) we can be sure that the
rising standard of living increases the demand for transportation and environmental infrastructure. This demand will increase Government
spending, efforts of International Financing Institutions as well as private sector activities. This rapid growth will also raise a demand for
sustainable development due to environmental degradation and increased health risks that could eventually lead to social instability and
harm economic growth.

Our strategy in Asia involves expanding our activities on behalf of private sector clients, while also providing better service to public sector
authorities and international financial institutes by operating closer to the market through our local companies.

Increased client focus is planned with cross selling of various services to known clients. We profile ourselves with the themes of sustainability,
innovation, and quality. Lack of quality is an issue all over Asia and clients are demanding international quality against local prices. The
need for quality translates into demand for professional project management services for all sectors and is driving growth planned in
buildings and transportation infrastructure. Our core values are top expertise, integrity, respect and trust; these will enable us to keep
providing the service needed.

DHV Asia will continue to develop strong local companies in the home markets of China, India, and Indonesia, devoting much attention
to the recruitment and retention of top talent from the region itself. Furthermore, DHV Asia wants to strengthen regional cooperation and
looks for synergies within the DHV Group. However, the main focus of DHV Asia will remain on the home countries, taking a wider look
for partners and growth opportunities in the region than so far, including, among others, Australia and New Zealand.

And we have to communicate all these … but how… how … … DHV-MLD e-Newsletter !!!

in brief ...

DHV has signed a contract for ADB Regional TA for Benchmarking River Basin Organisations in July 2008. At the same time the
ongoing Nias PDCS project, better known as IREP-3, has included Nias Islands Livelihood and Economic Development Program (Nias
LEDP) as an amendment to the project. The contract for the extension to ISSDP has also been signed.

Early July 2008 Ben Roelofsen, followed by Rob Bellekens a week later, started in Gunung Sitoli for the Nias LEDP. ISSDP has Rick Dierx
started at the same time in Jakarta. Unfortunately, Louis Wetsteijn, from IREP-3, had to return to the Netherlands for medical

Meanwhile, working together with project controllers in Amersfoort, Jan Sjoerd van den Berg, Senior Controller form HDV, has drafted
a structure for administration for region Asia, to transfer the administration to Indonesian. The first step will be to have administrative
support staff in September 2008. The transfer of this system is scheduled for completion by January 2009.

MLD-DHV Indonesia migrated to IBM in May 2008.

DHV Infra Asia office, headed by René Vaandrager, started an office in Jakarta in March 2007. Due to space limitation, it sits in a
separate building, a walking distance from MLD-DHV Indonesia. By February 2009, we expect that we'll all be residing in one new
MLD-DHV Indonesia e-Newsletter • Volume 1 • July - September 2008 3

new projects
MLD – ENVID Study TOP Coal, East Kalimantan


MLD-DHV received an assignment, from Petrosea, to provide
a comprehensive ENVID (Environmental Identification) Study
– planned to complete in October 2008 – as part of the Pre-
Feasibility Study on TOP Coal Mine, covering a huge mine
area (12,000 Ha) that includes railway transport corridor (125
km) and coal loading facility. The mine is planned to produce
10 MTPA of high-grade coal. MLD-DHV is part of a large team
that consists of international names such as Golder and SMGC.
The work is expected to continue with Front End Engineering Design (FEED) stage.

For further information contact: Edy Priatna, email:

DHV - Support to the Implementation of the New Spatial Planning Law, World Bank
The World Bank contracted Paul Kimman from DHV for 3 months to support PU with the implementation of the new Spatial Planning
Law. Paul will prepare academic paper for the new law, review a number of regulations for implementing the law (PP’s), and prepare
a capacity building plan.

For further information contact: Paul van Ruiten, email:

DHV-MLD - Regional Technical Assistance - Benchmarking River Basin Management

DHV-MLD and Deltares have signed a contract with the ADB, in June 2008, to support PU to perform a River Basin Organisation
Benchmarking Study. The basin organisations will be assessed according the international standards of the Network of Asia River
Basin Organisations (NARBO).

For further information contact: Paul van Ruiten, email:

running projects
MLD – Consultancy Services Canadian Red Cross Shelter Construction
In 2007 the Canadian Red Cross (CRC) assigned MLD to design and supervise construction of

1,300 houses, including survey, sanitation, and infrastructure, in Calang, Aceh – a complex project
in terms of logistics for approximately 30 km² coverage, with severely damaged access. Currently,
300 houses are already handed-over to the beneficiaries. The overall hand-over is expected to
take place in December 2008.

For further information contact: Teungku Muhammad Mukhlis, email:

MLD – EPCM for 2x7 MW Coal-Fired Power Plant, Gorontalo

GE Energy appointed MLD to deliver Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM) service for 2x7MW CFPP, providing
Front End Engineering Design (FEED), Contract Management including assisting Client in selecting EPC Contractor and Construction
Supervision. Although this is a new type of project in its kind for us, we have successfully delivered the project as now it embarks its
construction phase, targeted to complete by the second quarter of 2010.

For further information contact: Yusnindar Apriyanto, email:

MLD – National Management Consultant for Java Reconstruction Fund, Jogjakarta

The World Bank has appointed MLD as the National Management Consultant for the Community Settlement Plan (CSP) project – to
reconstruct villages damaged by the earthquake in 2006. The project, financed by Java Reconstruction Fund, covers Central Java and
Yogyakarta provinces. It is aimed at rebuilding the area by addressing aspects such as infrastructure, housing, sanitation, micro-finance,
and cultural heritage. We can say that the Client is very satisfied with our performance; they have indicated their intention to extend our
service until 2010.

For further information contact: Teungku Muhammad Mukhlis, email:

More information on running projects will follow in our next editions.

MLD-DHV Indonesia e-Newsletter • Volume 1 • July - September 2008 4

IBM Migration


MLD-DHV Indonesia has migrated successfully to IBM. Almost 50 users attached to one
server in MLD Jakarta are now consolidated under 1 domain. Muhammad Fahtur Rosi, the
ICT Manager of MLD Indonesia, considers this migration as advantageous. We now have
Global address book and centralized file server. Sharing knowledge with more than 5,000
other DHV users through SharePoint, with countries where offices of DHV exist and already
migrated, is no longer a problem.

For further information contact: Muhammad Fahtur Rosi, email:

IBM Migration team

meet ...

Peter Vroege Adrianus Pangaribuan

Hi, my name is Peter Vroege. Meet Adrianus Pangaribuan,


I’ve started working for DHV t h e n e w E x p e r t G ro u p
in 1998. I am now in Manager for MLD. The former
Indonesia, arrived in Jakarta director of PT Penta Prima
in August, and will live here Perkasa, Adrianus joined the
for at least three years. My company in August 2008 to
wife, who’s Indonesian, with handle matters/ser vices
our two children, will be related to Mechanical &
joining me soon. Electrical as well as Fire &
Safety, a new expertise within MLD. “We are expected to analyze
I’m now the Team Leader for the Pilot Dredging Project in Jakarta. the cause of fire by taking samples and testing them, and draw
This project is to introduce dredging equipment for small canals, accurate conclusion,” he explained about his expertise.
2 to 10 meters wide, in Indonesia. The project includes importing
of dredging equipment to the country and train national Since there are only a small number of companies in Indonesia
operators from DKI in operating the Equipment. It is expected providing this type of service, Fire & Safety has great opportunity
that after 3 months DKI will be able to clean small canals, in in Indonesia. His expertise and experience in this field will assist
particular the Pademangan - Kalimati canal (1300m), in Jakarta MLD in handling projects related to health & safety environment
by dredging them. (HSE), especially in buildings and industries. “By developing this
new expertise, I hope MLD will grow bigger, especially since there
The other prospect from dredging that will come is from the are not many companies that can provide this at the moment, and
World Bank, JEDI (Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative), big we can expand our business by entering this new market in
project for dredging bigger canals in Jakarta, such as the Banjir Indonesia. And that is Fire & Safety,” he said when asked about his
Kanal, and other rivers. expectation by joining MLD.

I’m also here for Business Development of the DHV, especially

in Port & Waterways. I hope DHV will get more projects in water
sector, especially in Port & Waterways.

what’s next ...

• Who is going to be DHV’s new controller for Indonesia?
• New projects on flood management in Jakarta?
dear readers, • South Sumatra Forest Fire Management: Closing a
We welcome your sharing information, project that ran for six years ...
opinions, and experiences with us. Please send
them to

Nelly Garlia
Thank you. Design
Nelly Garlia
Angga Dwi Prasetya

Angga Dwi Prasetya

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