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Detailed Yearly Forecast from 01/01/2013 till 02/01/2014 for Sushil

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Detailed Yearly Forecast from 01/01/2013 till 02/01/2014 for Sushil

Introduction Your Charts: Natal and Transits Your January Forecast Your February Forecast Your March Forecast Your April Forecast Your May Forecast Your June Forecast Your July Forecast Your August Forecast Your September Forecast Your October Forecast Your November Forecast Your December Forecast Your January Forecast Conclusion

4 5 9 28 45 63 83 103 123 137 156 174 192 210 228 229

Detailed Yearly Forecast from 01/01/2013 till 02/01/2014 for Sushil

Astrological techniques, used for millennia and fine-tuned throughout centuries, provide information on events and feelings that we are likely to experience in different fields: affective life, social and professional life, financial life etc. Among astrological forecasting techniques, the Transit technique is the most commonly used worldwide and is deemed the most reliable one: it is precisely what we use for our Forecast Report. The Transit technique superimposes the actual position of transiting planets of the period considered over the natal chart. Then, it analyzes all the aspects formed among transiting planets and natal strategic points, that is to say, mainly fast planets - the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars - the Ascendant and the Medium Coeli. Each forecast text displays several pieces of information in its heading: - a comment summing up the major trend of the period, - the nature of the active transit, the planets involved and the type of major aspect (in forecasting, it is hazardous to use minor aspects), - the period considered, with automatic spotting of the previously repeated transit, if any, - 5 coloured stars point out an important forecast: the level of importance is computed on the basis of the duration of the transit and its nature. 4 or 5 coloured stars highlight an important period with possible concretely noticeable events. 3 stars indicate an average importance and 1 or 2 stars, a transient and less important influence. The red colour signals a period with tensions (please keep in mind that tensions are factors of progress and evolution and are not useless). The gold colour heralds a period of satisfaction, sometimes a passive one. Our Detailed Forecast takes into account "slow transits", considered to be the most important ones because they are long lasting and produced by slow planets, as well as "fast transits", i.e. those of the Moon, Mercury, Venus and
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the Sun. It implies that our Report provides you at the same time with predictions and with a valuable diary of possible minor events and experiences: it constitutes the most detailed delineation that can be carried out in terms of forecasting. It is important to understand that slow transits are the real mainspring of the climate that you are going to experience, whereas fast transits bring about minor fluctuations only, although sometimes very active. It is the reason why the titles of the texts introducing slow transits are underlined, which is not the case for fast transits, since the latter can only alter the nature of the event forecasted and can never produce it. Therefore, fast transits must be considered as nothing more than complements to major slow transits influences. Please, discover now your forecast for the period you ordered and keep in mind that, more than ever for this type of report, the stars incline but do not compel: astrology is a tool, the sole usefulness of which is to improve our life, to take advantage of harmonious periods or to step back during more sensitive periods. Astrology is not to be subjected to, but it is meant to be helpful. Important note: some paragraphs are repeated several times. It is normal and deliberate for clarity's sake. Indeed, when they are seen from Earth, the stars, our system of reference in astrology, periodically move in the retrograde mode and therefore, they may contact sensitive points of your natal chart several times and produce exactly the same influences later on.

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Your Charts: Natal and Transits

Sushil, born February 16, 1978, at 08:05 PM, Kathmandu (Bagmati), Nepal [85.19E ; 27.43N]
Natal Planets Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Node Lilith Chiron 2734' 1600' 1923' 341' 2330' R 2606' R 2706' R 1624' 1802' 1628' R 642' R 003' R 144' Aquarius Gemini Aquarius Pisces Cancer Gemini Leo Scorpio Sagittarius Libra Libra Cancer Taurus In House House 5 House 9 House 5 House 6 House 10 House 9 House 11 House 2 House 3 House 1 House 1 House 10 House 8 House 1 House 2 House 3 House 4 House 5 House 6 House 7 House 8 House 9 House 10 House 11 House 12 Natal Houses 016' 2826' 2852' 016' 141' 207' 016' 2826' 2852' 016' 141' 207' Libra Libra Scorpio Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Aries Taurus Cancer Leo Virgo

* In keeping with the common practice, we consider that a planet posited within 1 degree of the next house belongs to that house. We allow an orb of 2 degrees for the ASC and the MC.

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Your Transits
Chart of your transits as of Tuesday 1 January 2013, the first day of your forecast

N.B.: only active transits are analysed, and some transits which are displayed are not. Although fleeting transits are not displayed, they are analysed.

Caption Conjunction Opposition and Square Trine and Sextile Semi-square and Sesqui-quadrate Semi-sextile, Quintile and Bi-quintile Inconjunct

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Your Transits
Chart of your transits as of Thursday 2 January 2014, the last day of your forecast

N.B.: only active transits are analysed, and some transits which are displayed are not. Although fleeting transits are not displayed, they are analysed.

Caption Conjunction Opposition and Square Trine and Sextile Semi-square and Sesqui-quadrate Semi-sextile, Quintile and Bi-quintile Inconjunct

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Your January Forecast

Annoyances and... Fits of Bad Temper
Opposition Moon Sun

Valid on Tuesday 1 January, the transit orb is 0'

It is likely that this day is marked with fits of bad temper. You are concerned about your public image and therefore, you are more sensitive than you usually are. The slightest detail offends you... So, an inappropriate word hurts you, a badly formulated concept brings about incomprehension. In such a context, it is advisable to cool down and wait until the dust settles before you discuss essential matters. When people get worked up, it may be because you are too pernickety: it is better to slow down. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Dialogue at Home
Conjunction Mercury Nadir

Valid on Tuesday 1 January, the transit orb is 112'

At home, within your clan or in your dwelling, dialogues are favoured as exchanges of ideas create a general cheerful atmosphere. Communication lines flow smoothly and everyone easily understands the other's motivations and desires. The general trend is reassuring, and it is not owing to the weather but to a promising astrological climate that includes an extraordinary listening capacity. You have the feeling, and you are probably right, that, eventually, you understand those among your close friends who have seemed mysterious so far. Take advantage of this state of receptivity in order to re-establish contacts.

Listening and Tenderness!

Sextile Venus Mercury

Valid on Tuesday 1 January, the transit orb is 103'

This period proves ideal for any romantic reunion. Problems seem to fade and give way to a true mutual listening. You are on the same wavelength and you enjoy it very much. If you are in search of your soul-mate and you are single, it is the right time to hope for a meaningful encounter! In all cases, you feel a breath of fresh air that brings about exaltation. You find a lot of pleasure in expressing your emotions and giving free rein to your heart's impulses. The
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natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Heart and Mind in Unison

Sextile Mercury Venus

Valid from Tuesday 1 January till Thursday 3 January included (particularly active on Wednesday 2 January, the transit orb is 039')

In the love department, magic is on your side! Your charm operates proportionately to your tactfulness and your timeliness. You seem to be able to read your partner's thoughts... It is the right time to suggest a few moments of evasion so as to create souvenirs that will endure in your memory. Protect your moments of intimacy as much as you can. These days are ideal for giving a present, the best one being the closeness we all dream of and that allows to grasp the hidden meaning of our partner's words... The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

A Heart Open to the Unknown

Conjunction Neptune Venus

Valid from Tuesday 1 January till Thursday 2 January included (particularly active on Saturday 16 March and on Friday 6 September, the transit orb is 0')

Neptune and Venus have in common that they involve the core part of our affectivity. With the difference that for Venus, affections are primarily memories and models, whereas Neptune radically changes their nature. You don't love any more what is available, and even lesser, what you know. With your "heart open to the unknown", you discover love's new dimension that is as unavoidable as difficult to express. "There's nothing I can do"... Your romantic life unfolds as an odd dream. Love coming from elsewhere plays tricks on you! You follow your heart's impulses in an idyllic climate, far from the ordinary constraints of reality. You exude a peculiar, discreet and subtle charm that is the source of your disconcerting sensitiveness. It is likely that moments of intense excitement are in store. But this paradise may be too good to be true. Because your motivations are totally sincere and they don't match facts or conventions, the danger may be that you let yourself be carried away in a dream without future. Clear-sightedness is absolutely needed, here as elsewhere. However, for many of you, this period is the opportunity to discover the magical, implacable and essential aspects of your affectivity.
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Some degree of letting-go is the only way to be fully sensitized to the unknown and to allow all potentialities to arise. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Minor Tensions with Your Close Friends

Moon in House XI
Valid on Tuesday 1 January

During this period, your need for communication may be repressed. Exchanges are not very easy and your sensitivity is a bit shaken up, especially with your friends! Tomorrow is another day... Ask yourself if you don't attach too much importance to the group... And keep in mind that you are definitely able to find solutions to your problems, all by yourself. You can also implement your projects on your own or give them a new orientation, should they stagnate for the time being. You will see, you will gain so much autonomy!

Fruitful Quietness
Moon in House XII
Valid from Wednesday 2 January till Thursday 3 January included

Even though people have the feeling that you are avoiding them, don't hesitate to zone out if you are so inclined. It is likely that you need peace and quietness in order to ponder over your problems and to sort out what is real from what is imaginary. You also need solitude to assess the situation and to find the right answers to your questions. Silence helps you deepen your thoughts about spirituality and also encourages your meditation. Take full advantage of this short constructive retreat to recharge your batteries...

Self-control and Good Mood

Sextile Moon Mars

Valid on Thursday 3 January, the transit orb is 01'

After a few tensions, timely serenity is back. The news is reassuring and, all of a sudden, the steps you have to take seem easier and require no exaggerated effort... It is just about time. In spite of demanding circumstances, you can eventually enjoy some respite and let go. You control your aggressiveness
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better and you solve problems, one after the other, without clash. You highly value your small daily victories. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Gentle Way of Life and Good Mood

Moon in House I
Valid from Friday 4 January till Saturday 5 January included

Today, you feel fine, balanced, at peace with yourself and you are willing to show yourself in the most favourable light. Your feelings, your emotions and your imagination are increased and you perceive the world around you in a very personal way. Like a radar picking up your close friends' feelings, you need to be in tune with them, you share their happiness or you find the right word to comfort them. You are always there when you are needed and you are caring. Nevertheless, be careful not to become overwhelmed. This lovely day belongs to you, therefore take care of yourself and have fun!

Increased Comprehension and Sensitivity

Trine Moon Mercury

Valid on Saturday 5 January, the transit orb is 044'

You carry out your investigation relentlessly and you try to understand people's motivations. As you find some behaviour intriguing, you ask your entourage questions in order to better figure out what is currently at stake. Is there anything that is hidden from you? It won't take long until you find out. Thanks to your acute and deep clear-sightedness, you quickly guess what is going on... You won't be trapped as your sensitivity on the alert endows you with a sixth sense. No matter how complex the situation may be, you play your game well. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Love and Construction, Getting Closer Affectively

Sextile Venus Sun

Valid from Saturday 5 January till Tuesday 8 January included (particularly active on Monday 7 January, the transit orb is 022')

Excellent resolutions were made, particularly in the sentimental sphere. Your commitments remain to be fulfilled. Start right now. Positive outcomes will manifest before long! In the romantic department, a bright spot is in sight. Your partner is sensitive to the sincerity of your words and seeks a lasting well being with you. Your budding relationship tends towards fusion, with each partner striving to remain in phase with the other one's demands and dreams. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Good Mood and Romantic Harmony

Trine Moon Venus

Valid on Sunday 6 January, the transit orb is 019'

It all starts with a moment of intimacy, a privileged minute that strongly boost your spirits! All of a sudden, everything becomes possible. You begin to dream of more poetry and your contagious tactfulness commands your partner's respect. Let yourself be carried away by the tide since the outcomes can only be positive... On the romantic plane, this is an ideal day to programme a few hours of escape and forget yesterday's misunderstandings. Choose a place conducive to a serene tte--tte. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Unreasonable Expenses...
Moon in House II
Valid from Sunday 6 January till Monday 7 January included

Attention, place your bets... Rien ne va plus... Financial worries are on the agenda! A friend who lent you money shows up because he wants it back? You receive a call from your banker informing you that you overspent this month? The expected salary increase is put off? Whatever the reason, you are worried and in a bad mood because you don't know how you can solve these problems quickly. In order to forget them, you may be tempted to buy
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yourself a few presents, but you must beware of "compulsive shopping"! It may be more reasonable to postpone until tomorrow...

Restlessness and Nervousness

Square Moon Mercury

Valid on Monday 7 January, the transit orb is 109'

You put aside your habits, you shelve all kinds of conformism that have started to smother you. Your entourage is going to be surprised! It is the time to take action according to your aspirations, your whims and your dreams... You intensely experience a situation in full transformation. Ideas abound in such great numbers that you find it difficult to make a synthesis of all the pieces of the jigsaw... Because of your relatively restless mind, you may not be able to keep this highly complex game under control. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Gentle Way of Life at Home

Conjunction Venus Nadir

Valid from Monday 7 January till Thursday 10 January included (particularly active on Wednesday 9 January, the transit orb is 011')

Venus travelling at the bottom of your chart improves your life setting. You are sensitive to the comfort of you home and more particularly, to the harmony that must reign there. You make yourself comfortable and you seek a special way of life that is harmonious in every respect. This is a healthy attitude that very pleasantly opens an auspicious period. Your abilities to listen and conciliate can be used to the fullest: gentleness, sense of subtleties, receptivity and sociability are on the agenda. Therefore, you are able to earn your entourage's confidence and esteem.

Emotions and Minor Frustrations

Square Moon Venus

Valid on Tuesday 8 January, the transit orb is 054'

There is a minor frustration amid an affective quite fulfilling atmosphere. Would your partner be in a bad mood? Or are your expectations out of touch? It may not be the right time. Calm things down because hastiness can only
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lead to a foolish mistake. It is better to allow spirits to cool off without influencing events. An obvious tension is likely to linger and, as a result, blunt explanations and temporary turbulences may cloud the idyllic atmosphere for a few hours. Let the storm blow over! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Minor Misunderstandings Ahead

Moon in House III
Valid from Tuesday 8 January till Wednesday 9 January included

It seems that good mood is not accepted during this period and that you find it hard to communicate. Exchanges with your entourage are marked with distrust and they weigh heavy on you. You don't find the words you need to explain yourself and misunderstandings may lead to quarrels. Therefore, don't start discussions that result in nothing positive and save your arguments for better days. If you prefer to isolate yourself and make a break, you are right because, as you know well, sometimes, silence is golden...

Sensitivity All on Edge...

Opposition Moon Moon

Valid on Wednesday 9 January, the transit orb is 135'

The Moon is playing tricks on you: the weather today is stormy, full of turbulences and excitement. It will be difficult to stay serene as your habits are upset. In this context, you must remain clear-sighted in order to thwart traps caused by hasty actions. Turmoil stems from your high sensitivity to danger: whether you are right or wrong, you don't feel safe, as if some unknown element troubled your peace of mind. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

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Increased Comprehension and Sensitivity

Sextile Moon Mercury

Valid on Wednesday 9 January, the transit orb is 147'

You carry out your investigation relentlessly and you try to understand people's motivations. As you find some behaviour intriguing, you ask your entourage questions in order to better figure out what is currently at stake. Is there anything that is hidden from you? It won't take long until you find out. Thanks to your acute and deep clear-sightedness, you quickly guess what is going on... You won't be trapped as your sensitivity on the alert endows you with a sixth sense. No matter how complex the situation may be, you play your game well. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Good Mood and Romantic Harmony

Sextile Moon Venus

Valid on Thursday 10 January, the transit orb is 106'

It all starts with a moment of intimacy, a privileged minute that strongly boost your spirits! All of a sudden, everything becomes possible. You begin to dream of more poetry and your contagious tactfulness commands your partner's respect. Let yourself be carried away by the tide since the outcomes can only be positive... On the romantic plane, this is an ideal day to programme a few hours of escape and forget yesterday's misunderstandings. Choose a place conducive to a serene tte--tte. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Whimsical Mood at Home!

Conjunction Moon Nadir

Valid on Thursday 10 January, the transit orb is 217'

People who are lucky enough to live in a serene family atmosphere can fully enjoy the day. Thanks to your family ties, auspicious hours are in store. For other people, it is advisable to get back to more moderation in order to repair the damages done during stormy days. You extended the usual limits of your life setting and finally, the result is a rather positive situation. However, you must have your extreme and quite inflexible attitudes forgiven. Prove that you
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are acceptable and your family life will be positively impacted.

Romantic Improvement
Sextile Venus Venus

Valid from Thursday 10 January till Sunday 13 January included (particularly active on Saturday 12 January, the transit orb is 032')

The romantic improvement continues. Your caring and wild behaviour is charming. You seem to be able to read your partner's heart like an open book As a result, your relationship is marked by a deep intensity. Let's hope that the flame never dies and that it stands the test of time. Indeed, routine is romanticism's worst enemy. As days go by, you learn how to establish an atmosphere at the same time nice, serene and devoid of violent passion but favourable to your hearts' blossoming. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Home Sweet Home!

Moon in House IV
Valid from Thursday 10 January till Friday 11 January included

How great it is to be at home! Today, you want to enjoy the comfort and gentleness of your home where you feel good and in security. There, you can dream at leisure of the improvements you want to bring to your cosy little nest for the sake of your family's well being, unless you prefer to dive in the nostalgia of your souvenirs and your photo albums... If you are in a more active mood, you may want to clean up the house from floor to ceiling or you may try to implement your lovely arrangement and decoration ideas... In short, the atmosphere is nice and, if your close friends share your activities, you experience a deep feeling of inner peace.

War Ardour: Caution

Opposition Sun Mars

Valid from Friday 11 January till Tuesday 15 January included (particularly active on Sunday 13 January, the transit orb is 001')

Your objectives clash with the situation. After days of tension, a hot discussion is likely to take place. You will display an unusual
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straightforwardness, preferring to tackle relationship issues rather than to constantly undergo the pressure they generate. Even if you settle the scores in quite a harsh way, and flexibility is not your forte today, a sunny spell is in sight... However, it is advisable to curb your warring ardour because an uncontrolled skid remains probable and in that case, you can't expect events to let you off lightly! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Renewed Personal Balance

Trine Mars Moon

Valid from Saturday 12 January till Thursday 17 January included (particularly active on Tuesday 15 January, the transit orb is 008')

During this period, events are likely to concern your domestic sphere, your habits and your major bases. Anything involving your private life will be particularly highlighted. Whether you have to sort out a personal problem or to take an action related to your family life, you display a great deal of energy. You find the strength needed to get a situation out of the rut. In order to make your intimate realm evolve the way you want it to, action is more efficient than words. The situation develops quickly, very quickly. Facts prompt you to respond and to adjust your pace and your behaviours to the constraints of a situation that is new to you, in many respects. A chief preoccupation: how is it possible for you to feel at ease and to be in good shape? You try to find a balance between your peace of mind and your cravings, between your desire for quietness and your need to have your desires fulfilled in an intense way. This may be a very good time to improve your daily life... in sheer simplicity. You do not allow anyone or anything to hinder your efforts towards a new personal balance. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Luck and Seduction !

Moon in House V
Valid from Saturday 12 January till Sunday 13 January included

Today, luck smiles on you! Nothing in your daily life weighs heavy on you, life is beautiful and you are ready to savour all its simple pleasures. Your imagination stirs up your sensitivity and the idea occurs to you to carry out some artistic activity in order to give your creativity free rein. Are you going to
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decorate your house, take up your brushes again, resume playing an instrument or just listen to your favourite song? Your children are the centre of your attention and you are willing to spend some time with them. Unless you dedicate your emotions to the games of love... One thing is certain, the day is going to be gorgeous!

Gentle Way of Life

Trine Moon Moon

Valid on Sunday 13 January, the transit orb is 103'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Dialogue and Intuition

Conjunction Moon Mercury

Valid on Sunday 13 January, the transit orb is 218'

You can expect your relations to be favoured today. Your entourage don't have to spell things out since you are able to easily pick up what they mean. This acute intuition allows you to catch major information! For the time being, the best thing is to pretend you heard nothing, because tomorrow, what you have learnt will prove to be valuable. Do not hesitate to chat and to initiate dialogues, the stake of which will emerge only as the conversation goes by. A fortuitous encounter may trigger something off in your mind. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Caution with Your Contacts

Opposition Mercury Mars

Valid from Monday 14 January till Wednesday 16 January included (particularly active on Tuesday 15 January, the transit orb is 015')

Facts sometimes prove incompatible with ideals. This is what you are likely to experience... You don't have the same viewpoints? Are your opinions diverging? That's fine! It is from these contradictions that will emerge the right solution and the path to a sustainable evolution. Make use of your sagacity and your analytical skills: thanks to your diplomacy, you don't reach the breaking point and you maintain the balance. You cleverly manage to leave your interlocutor a most honourable way out. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Emotions and Feelings, such Pleasant Moments...

Conjunction Moon Venus

Valid on Monday 14 January, the transit orb is 224'

The Moon travels on your natal Venus and your heart is pounding wildly! Everything is conducive to romanticism and finer feelings. Flights of lyricism are on the agenda, of course, provided that you want to find the suitable partner who will understand your frame of mind. In any case, there is little room today for half-hearted and dull loves... You deploy a formidable arsenal of seduction and you play around with lots of tact. Let yourself be carried away by the tide: charming hours are in store for you The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Minor Tension Among Colleagues

Moon in House VI
Valid from Monday 14 January till Wednesday 16 January included

Today, you find it difficult to work because you are irritated by constraints, distressed by the heavy atmosphere and you feel disheartened. In short, you are stressed and it affects your physical condition. You are not going to come over faint, are you? Take a break to catch your breath! Haven't you set your standards too high? Is your perfectionism your executioner? You have your limitations too and you have the right to be tired. Don't always strive to do
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more, quickly give up your inferiority complex because everybody fully appreciates you. Therefore, wait until you recover your energy and in the meantime, don't forget... Let go!

Sensitivity All on Edge...

Square Moon Moon

Valid on Tuesday 15 January, the transit orb is 057'

The Moon is playing tricks on you: the weather today is stormy, full of turbulences and excitement. It will be difficult to stay serene as your habits are upset. In this context, you must remain clear-sighted in order to thwart traps caused by hasty actions. Turmoil stems from your high sensitivity to danger: whether you are right or wrong, you don't feel safe, as if some unknown element troubled your peace of mind. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Favourable Contacts, Possible Encounter with a Female

Conjunction Moon Descendant

Valid on Wednesday 16 January, the transit orb is 157'

The Moon stirs up the sector of your natal chart attributed to relationships. In this regard, the day is likely to prove important. Your opinion is sought after and your intervention too. It is essential that you do not disappoint and that you choose the good strategy right away. The decisions you take today may have happy consequences in the future, provided that you take into account some people's needs and other people's desires. It is the moment to sign a contract or to start an action involving various sorts of knowledge. It is obvious that your solitary period is drawing to a close, to the benefit of more collective actions.

Lively Talks
Conjunction Mars Mercury

Valid from Wednesday 16 January till Tuesday 22 January included (particularly active on Saturday 19 January, the transit orb is 004')

You demonstrate an alert mind and a strong will. You take your decisions promptly and you implement them straight away. Your great mobility endows
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you with a formidable efficiency. Dialogues are lively and words, brilliant. It is hard to counter your arguments. During this period, you adjust amazingly well to complex surroundings and you know how to quickly impose your ideas. Straightforward explanations may break a deadlock. In the relationship department, the pace speeds up with an encounter leading to new prospects or a contact that proves helpful, here and now. It may also be the beginning of a dialogue or some initiative that requires a follow-up. In all cases, it seems interesting to pay special attention to any new relationship, although and particularly if you don't fully realize its importance yet. In the short or longer-term, contacts established during this period will yield nice fruits. Of course, it is up to you to make the first steps... The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Minor Annoyance With Your Contacts

Moon in House VII
Valid from Thursday 17 January till Friday 18 January included

In the communication area, the day is not really impressive. Whether at work or at home, you have the feeling that everyone has become deaf. No one hears you and what you say receives no echo. Instead of complaining about an unwillingness to understand and taking the risk to create misunderstandings and conflicts, try to write down everything... And since you feel that you are cut off from the world, stay in your own! It is better than to follow the crowd at any cost and be influenced by people. Indeed, you may not forgive them, later on. Quietly wait until they get out of their personal bubble!

Calm Down! Tensions are subsiding soon!

Square Moon Mars

Valid on Friday 18 January, the transit orb is 005'

Thrills are on the agenda! Were you seeking intense emotions? There you are. Nevertheless, amid this idyllic climate, clear-sightedness remains indispensable. A glitch is all it takes to jeopardize your plans, a minor incident, the regrettable consequences of which develop as time goes by. Therefore, it is advisable to anticipate and to avoid traps right from the start. Hold back your impatience because feverishness may block the energies of the day. More than ever, self-control is indispensable. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

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Good Mood and Romantic Harmony

Sextile Moon Venus

Valid on Saturday 19 January, the transit orb is 203'

It all starts with a moment of intimacy, a privileged minute that strongly boost your spirits! All of a sudden, everything becomes possible. You begin to dream of more poetry and your contagious tactfulness commands your partner's respect. Let yourself be carried away by the tide since the outcomes can only be positive... On the romantic plane, this is an ideal day to programme a few hours of escape and forget yesterday's misunderstandings. Choose a place conducive to a serene tte--tte. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Anxiety and Doubts

Moon in House VIII
Valid from Saturday 19 January till Sunday 20 January included

Today, you may feel swamped by overflowing emotions and too many muddled and wild feelings, the reasons of which are beyond you. All these factors move you deeply. Destabilizing anxiety, fears and distress follow one another and upset you to the extent that you always imagine the worst scenario. Is there a delay? You immediately think of an accident... Does your partner exchange a glance with someone else? You think that love is gone... Is it the reality or only your imagination playing tricks on you? You want to understand the reasons behind your deep insecurity but you seem to lack clear-sightedness. Don't search any longer! Your imaginary world is a bit intrusive and your fears are totally unwarranted. Remain Zen...

Restlessness and Nervousness

Square Moon Mercury

Valid on Sunday 20 January, the transit orb is 142'

You put aside your habits, you shelve all kinds of conformism that have started to smother you. Your entourage is going to be surprised! It is the time to take action according to your aspirations, your whims and your dreams... You intensely experience a situation in full transformation. Ideas abound in such great numbers that you find it difficult to make a synthesis of all the pieces of the jigsaw... Because of your relatively restless mind, you may not be able to keep this highly complex game under control. The natal planet
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involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Annoyances and... Fits of Bad Temper

Square Moon Sun

Valid on Monday 21 January, the transit orb is 154'

It is likely that this day is marked with fits of bad temper. You are concerned about your public image and therefore, you are more sensitive than you usually are. The slightest detail offends you... So, an inappropriate word hurts you, a badly formulated concept brings about incomprehension. In such a context, it is advisable to cool down and wait until the dust settles before you discuss essential matters. When people get worked up, it may be because you are too pernickety: it is better to slow down. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Idealism and Need to Escape

Moon in House IX
Valid from Monday 21 January till Wednesday 23 January included

Today, your horizon line is cloudless. You think big and it is with optimism that you consider the outer world. There are no limits any more and it seems that nothing can hinder the projects you want to undertake. Your feelings and your opinion are tinted with idealism. You need to isolate yourself for a short while, so you can think, meditate, and perhaps, find the answers to your philosophical questions. Do you have a sudden desire for faraway travels? Should the opportunity arise, don't hesitate! Unless you are contented with long imaginary journeys, the departure of which you constantly postpone... In any case, you are far from material contingencies... What a great wisdom!

Good Mood and Romantic Harmony

Trine Moon Venus

Valid on Thursday 24 January, the transit orb is 118'

It all starts with a moment of intimacy, a privileged minute that strongly boost your spirits! All of a sudden, everything becomes possible. You begin to
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dream of more poetry and your contagious tactfulness commands your partner's respect. Let yourself be carried away by the tide since the outcomes can only be positive... On the romantic plane, this is an ideal day to programme a few hours of escape and forget yesterday's misunderstandings. Choose a place conducive to a serene tte--tte. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Moon in House X
Valid from Thursday 24 January till Saturday 26 January included

Today, everything in the social and professional area prompts you to put yourself under the spotlight. You dedicate your entire sensitivity and intuition to the service of other people and you are in tune with them. You enjoy a very positive public image and your popularity increases significantly. You are appreciated and loved, you are told so, and moreover, you are given evidence of your fame! Salary increase? Promotion? Preferment? All sorts of favours are possible... You have a good sense of timing and you can jump at opportunities when they arise. Take full advantage of them... This is your day of glory!

Romantic Outburst of Anger: Caution

Opposition Venus Mars

Valid from Saturday 26 January till Tuesday 29 January included (particularly active on Sunday 27 January, the transit orb is 028')

In the love department, electricity is in the air! Admit that you never overlook your partner's slightest mistake and that you are often irritated... You are now extremely annoyed by some traits of behaviour, whereas you readily accepted them so far. Your pernickety side surprises your entourage. It is, perhaps, a way to make your couple's life evolve. The positive feature of this influence remains: extreme passion, desire for unrestrained emotions, hearts pounding wildly... The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

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Trial of Strength
Conjunction Mars Sun

Valid from Sunday 27 January till Friday 1 February included (particularly active on Tuesday 29 January, the transit orb is 022')

There is a touch of heroism in your attitude... You display dynamism and an enterprising spirit. You try to implement your projects and to take action in areas where, so far, you have been nurturing your plans only. Far from yesterday's renunciation, you can mobilize your energy as much as you like. Should events impose trials of strength on you, it is very likely that you will be able to cope with them. Instead of harming you, confrontations reinforce your position and allow you to assert your choices. If your situation is stuck or slowed down by external forces, you must take action and face adversity. It is important that you achieve what you have not dared to undertake, so far. This is a constructive period, even though you must confront the facts and prove yourself. With this configuration, the only danger may be that you overestimate your strength and you set out to conquer an objective that is still inaccessible. But the will to do and dare may brush aside many doubts and suppress reservations and limitations that used to paralyse your life. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Intellectual Fertility
Trine Mercury Moon

Valid from Sunday 27 January till Tuesday 29 January included (particularly active on Monday 28 January, the transit orb is 009')

Imagination is back in full force. It is an excellent day for exchanging ideas and viewpoints. A few interesting debates may give birth to a very attractive project that makes you dream, in a period that is far too serious to you! A dawning hope has every chance to develop and bear fruit in the near future... Your intellectual fertility is obvious and it seems that you live on all the pieces of information provided by your more than ever conducive environment. In this context, curiosity is the most charming flaw. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

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Favoured Friendships
Moon in House XI
Valid from Sunday 27 January till Monday 28 January included

Today, you prefer to exchange ideas with your close friends rather than to attend to your material and routine affairs. Make the most of it! Connections are established smoothly, you are on the same wavelength and communication is favoured by a harmonious atmosphere. You may talk about all and nothing pleasantly or you may carry out lengthy debates so as to reinvent a world that is up to your ideals! Besides, you may want to become part of a group or an association that shares your centres of interest. However, don't forget that your family may feel a bit neglected...

Nice Contacts and Playful Mood!

Conjunction Mercury Mercury

Valid from Tuesday 29 January till Thursday 31 January included (particularly active on Wednesday 30 January, the transit orb is 001')

Your perspicacity reaches its heights! Your playful attitude commands admiration... You play some kind of cat and mouse game, with a curious strategy that leads you to say white and, shortly afterwards, black! You make false statements in order to discover the truth... As time goes by, truth must be restored. This is a constructive step, which will bear fruit and provide you with new reasons to take action. Your time is coming soon, with enriching contacts looming on the horizon... The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Fruitful Quietness
Moon in House XII
Valid from Tuesday 29 January till Wednesday 30 January included

Even though people have the feeling that you are avoiding them, don't hesitate to zone out if you are so inclined. It is likely that you need peace and quietness in order to ponder over your problems and to sort out what is real from what is imaginary. You also need solitude to assess the situation and to find the right answers to your questions. Silence helps you deepen your thoughts about spirituality and also encourages your meditation. Take full advantage of this short constructive retreat to recharge your batteries...

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Gentle Way of Life and Good Mood

Moon in House I
Valid from Thursday 31 January till Friday 1 February included

Today, you feel fine, balanced, at peace with yourself and you are willing to show yourself in the most favourable light. Your feelings, your emotions and your imagination are increased and you perceive the world around you in a very personal way. Like a radar picking up your close friends' feelings, you need to be in tune with them, you share their happiness or you find the right word to comfort them. You are always there when you are needed and you are caring. Nevertheless, be careful not to become overwhelmed. This lovely day belongs to you, therefore take care of yourself and have fun!

Your February Forecast

Gentle Way of Life
Trine Moon Moon

Valid on Friday 1 February, the transit orb is 057'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Gentle Way of Life and Conviviality

Trine Sun Moon

Valid from Saturday 2 February till Wednesday 6 February included (particularly active on Monday 4 February, the transit orb is 007')

You try to assert the validity of your choices. You need your family and your close friends' circle to follow you. It is probably because your self-confidence is a bit weakened and needs to be reinforced and revived. In your intimate sphere, these days are very important: you will successfully demonstrate the validity of your projects and you will have your merits acknowledged. More
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than ever, you manage the boat of your daily life very well. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Minor Financial Satisfaction

Moon in House II
Valid from Saturday 2 February till Sunday 3 February included

Matters connected with possessions and finances are on the agenda. You need to check your accounts, to pay your debts and to reconsider your budget in order not to overspend. You may also make an appointment with your banker in order to optimize your investments. In any case, you seek safety in this area and you are provident for the future. Even when you must make a purchase, your choices are wise and you manage your patrimony as best you can. You select valuable artefacts or pieces of furniture for your home decoration with the will to invest and preserve your capital. In short, you definitely are an "ant"...

Skill and Exacerbated Communication

Conjunction Mercury Sun

Valid from Sunday 3 February till Tuesday 5 February included (particularly active on Monday 4 February, the transit orb is 033')

You cleverly avoid a pitfall and you defuse a conflict before it blows up! Your strategic skills work wonders and give you a good time: you take malicious pleasure in organizing human relationships from behind the scenes, even if it means minding other people's business... Therefore, be careful: your entourage may not appreciate it too much. However, if you behave with minimal discretion, your strategy will pay off: your intellectual qualities are unanimously acknowledged. You are excelling yourself! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Exalted Feelings
Conjunction Mars Venus

Valid from Sunday 3 February till Saturday 9 February included (particularly active on Wednesday 6 February, the transit orb is 009')

You successfully mobilize all your affective and instinctive resources and you let your sensitivity guide your decisions and your actions. Moods prevail over reason. During this period, you should take advantage of the exaltation of your vital forces. You feel the desire to intensely experience each instant and to give your awakened feelings free rein. You may be tempted by passionate love or any other adventure that includes a fair share of thrills. You give your affectivity a new impetus, you express your passions with force and fieriness and you can tell whom your really love. You may experience an encounter that changes the nature of your love life and contrasts sharply with your habits. It may also be an opportunity to reveal your essential desires and to overcome some limitations. More than ever, you display an amazing sincerity and you do not seek anything but a life in harmony with your affective aspirations. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Annoyances and... Fits of Bad Temper

Square Moon Sun

Valid on Monday 4 February, the transit orb is 048'

It is likely that this day is marked with fits of bad temper. You are concerned about your public image and therefore, you are more sensitive than you usually are. The slightest detail offends you... So, an inappropriate word hurts you, a badly formulated concept brings about incomprehension. In such a context, it is advisable to cool down and wait until the dust settles before you discuss essential matters. When people get worked up, it may be because you are too pernickety: it is better to slow down. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Contacts and Pleasant Short Trips

Moon in House III
Valid from Monday 4 February till Wednesday 6 February included

During this period, you feel like moving around, discovering and learning. Although you probably dream of faraway horizons, short trips are enough to make you happy. Go to your lady neighbour's place to share a nice cup of coffee and reinvent the world while having fun with words! You may also visit a close friend who will be delighted by your sensitivity, your understanding and the way you look at the world. It is clear that you need to communicate and, wherever you are, your pleasant conversation and your negotiating talents are unanimously appreciated. In any case, you can't be stopped just like that ...

Cleverness and Good Communication

Conjunction Sun Mercury

Valid from Tuesday 5 February till Sunday 10 February included (particularly active on Thursday 7 February, the transit orb is 027')

Your capacity to listen and to exchange works wonders! Your close friends trust you and events follow on from each other, according to your wishes. The only important thing is that you take all points of view into account and that you fit together all the differing opinions composing the jigsaw. You know how to make use of your intellectual synthesis abilities, which command your entourage's respect. You are able to find original and new solutions no one thought of. Therefore, fruitful negotiations are to be expected. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Contentment and Serenity

Sextile Moon Sun

Valid on Wednesday 6 February, the transit orb is 032'

This is an excellent day to make a pause and enjoy your recovered serenity. It is the right time for you to be forgiven for your fits of bad temper and to regain the sympathy that your aloof attitude may have lessened. Above all, it is the right time for innovative projects that radically change life! Things unfold smoothly... On the social and professional planes, everything seems to develop very naturally: you let yourself be carried away by the stream and you carefully avoid all forms of tension or aggressiveness. The natal planet
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involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Charm, Cleverness, Seduction!

Conjunction Mercury Venus

Valid from Wednesday 6 February till Friday 8 February included (particularly active on Thursday 7 February, the transit orb is 024')

Evasion, pleasant encounter or charming stroll... The Tradition underlines the pleasant aspect of the astrological influences you are experiencing. If you are single or lonesome, it is time to get ready for an unprecedented adventure and a different lifestyle... Outings, change of air, here are the events that may lead to a new deal in your romantic life! For well-established couples, the climate is more perilous. It is wiser not to blindly and thoroughly explore adventurous paths. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Home Sweet Home!

Moon in House IV
Valid from Thursday 7 February till Friday 8 February included

How great it is to be at home! Today, you want to enjoy the comfort and gentleness of your home where you feel good and in security. There, you can dream at leisure of the improvements you want to bring to your cosy little nest for the sake of your family's well being, unless you prefer to dive in the nostalgia of your souvenirs and your photo albums... If you are in a more active mood, you may want to clean up the house from floor to ceiling or you may try to implement your lovely arrangement and decoration ideas... In short, the atmosphere is nice and, if your close friends share your activities, you experience a deep feeling of inner peace.

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Luck and Seduction !

Moon in House V
Valid from Saturday 9 February till Sunday 10 February included

Today, luck smiles on you! Nothing in your daily life weighs heavy on you, life is beautiful and you are ready to savour all its simple pleasures. Your imagination stirs up your sensitivity and the idea occurs to you to carry out some artistic activity in order to give your creativity free rein. Are you going to decorate your house, take up your brushes again, resume playing an instrument or just listen to your favourite song? Your children are the centre of your attention and you are willing to spend some time with them. Unless you dedicate your emotions to the games of love... One thing is certain, the day is going to be gorgeous!

Authority, Prestige and Popularity

Conjunction Moon Sun

Valid on Sunday 10 February, the transit orb is 229'

Your social life has the place of honour. Your qualities are acknowledged without your having to put yourself forward in an exaggerated way. You are in harmony with the ambient mood and you are able to convince your entourage to follow a project that is well devised. You exude some kind of natural aura that reinforces your prestige and endows you with undisputable authority. Take advantage of this favourable astrological climate to implement smoothly the course of action you are dreaming of. You easily find your place within your social and professional environment. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Good Mood and Efficiency at Work

Moon in House VI
Valid from Monday 11 February till Tuesday 12 February included

Today, you are in good spirits! Your recover your energy, your health improves and you are in great form, fit for work. You do not hesitate to solve minor problems with precision and you attend to your affairs with pleasure. You are all the more interested that you expend a great deal of imagination at the service of your work and of people. You are willing to help and be of assistance, and your dedication is almost boundless. Should you want to make yourself indispensable, you couldn't succeed better! Don't overdo because your unfailing efficiency may arouse jealousies or envies...
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Self-control and Good Mood

Trine Moon Mars

Valid on Tuesday 12 February, the transit orb is 039'

After a few tensions, timely serenity is back. The news is reassuring and, all of a sudden, the steps you have to take seem easier and require no exaggerated effort... It is just about time. In spite of demanding circumstances, you can eventually enjoy some respite and let go. You control your aggressiveness better and you solve problems, one after the other, without clash. You highly value your small daily victories. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Heart and Mood on the Same Wavelength

Trine Venus Moon

Valid from Wednesday 13 February till Saturday 16 February included (particularly active on Thursday 14 February, the transit orb is 026')

Within your couple, the current astrological climate favours evolution based on exchanges. It is wise to take your partner's points of view into account. Even though, for the moment, you do not have the same approach, the best solution is probably a compromise that can be reached only through a sincere dialogue. The time to go it alone belongs to the past! Life is to be built together... The desire to please may bring about miracles and you will see it for yourself before long. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Birthday: Stimulation and Starting Afresh

Conjunction Sun Sun

Valid from Wednesday 13 February till Monday 18 February included (particularly active on Saturday 16 February, the transit orb is 027')

The return of the Sun to the position it was in when you were born is called "Solar Revolution". It occurs each year at a date close to your birthday. It is an important moment that is experienced as a new start or a rebirth. It is the right time to give your activities a new impetus and to redefine your projects. More than ever, you are concerned about your public image and stimulated by it. Everything you launch today will develop in the course of the next twelve
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months The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Conviviality and Receptivity

Moon in House VII
Valid from Wednesday 13 February till Thursday 14 February included

Today, you don't get bored because you feel the need to reach out to others. Your sensitivity is high and the exchanges with your partner or your entourage arouse various stimulating emotions. You vibrate in unison and the probability that you get along well in many areas is excellent. Take advantage of this nice influence to pass messages and to take initiatives because your partner will receive them positively. In the romantic realm, it is likely that everything is so perfect that words become useless. You may also want to put your sensitivity at the service of some humanitarian work... A lovely altruistic day in sight!

Increased Comprehension and Sensitivity

Sextile Moon Mercury

Valid on Thursday 14 February, the transit orb is 023'

You carry out your investigation relentlessly and you try to understand people's motivations. As you find some behaviour intriguing, you ask your entourage questions in order to better figure out what is currently at stake. Is there anything that is hidden from you? It won't take long until you find out. Thanks to your acute and deep clear-sightedness, you quickly guess what is going on... You won't be trapped as your sensitivity on the alert endows you with a sixth sense. No matter how complex the situation may be, you play your game well. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Minor Lies or Deceit

Square Mercury Moon

Valid from Thursday 14 February till Monday 18 February included (particularly active on Saturday 16 February, the transit orb is 007')

You will surprise your entourage if you go against the current. You are present where you are least expected! It is obvious that you do not share your close friends' analysis. It is with determination and panache that you manage your personal boat, without fearing diverging opinions. Of course, you rightly take the opposite course regarding certain habits: however, not everybody appreciates your sudden surges of extravagance and your whimsical behaviours. Know where your limits are and abide by them... Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Good Mood and Romantic Harmony

Sextile Moon Venus

Valid on Friday 15 February, the transit orb is 211'

It all starts with a moment of intimacy, a privileged minute that strongly boost your spirits! All of a sudden, everything becomes possible. You begin to dream of more poetry and your contagious tactfulness commands your partner's respect. Let yourself be carried away by the tide since the outcomes can only be positive... On the romantic plane, this is an ideal day to programme a few hours of escape and forget yesterday's misunderstandings. Choose a place conducive to a serene tte--tte. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Affective and Intellectual Osmosis and Partnership

Conjunction Venus Mercury

Valid from Friday 15 February till Tuesday 19 February included (particularly active on Sunday 17 February, the transit orb is 003')

In the love department, the astrological weather of the moment is conducive to dialogue. Both of you are looking for a new impetus and a more open horizon... You expect a lot from your partner and you are right to do so. Together you will find the keys to a sustainable evolution and you will choose
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the strategy that suits a tensed context best. Carry out dialogues, relentlessly. A lengthy debate may yield new and original solutions that are more promising than your previous attempts. Your major asset remains an appealing eloquence. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Anxiety and Doubts

Moon in House VIII
Valid from Friday 15 February till Sunday 17 February included

Today, you may feel swamped by overflowing emotions and too many muddled and wild feelings, the reasons of which are beyond you. All these factors move you deeply. Destabilizing anxiety, fears and distress follow one another and upset you to the extent that you always imagine the worst scenario. Is there a delay? You immediately think of an accident... Does your partner exchange a glance with someone else? You think that love is gone... Is it the reality or only your imagination playing tricks on you? You want to understand the reasons behind your deep insecurity but you seem to lack clear-sightedness. Don't search any longer! Your imaginary world is a bit intrusive and your fears are totally unwarranted. Remain Zen...

Self-control and Good Mood

Sextile Moon Mars

Valid on Sunday 17 February, the transit orb is 208'

After a few tensions, timely serenity is back. The news is reassuring and, all of a sudden, the steps you have to take seem easier and require no exaggerated effort... It is just about time. In spite of demanding circumstances, you can eventually enjoy some respite and let go. You control your aggressiveness better and you solve problems, one after the other, without clash. You highly value your small daily victories. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

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Annoyances and... Fits of Bad Temper

Square Moon Sun

Valid on Sunday 17 February, the transit orb is 156'

It is likely that this day is marked with fits of bad temper. You are concerned about your public image and therefore, you are more sensitive than you usually are. The slightest detail offends you... So, an inappropriate word hurts you, a badly formulated concept brings about incomprehension. In such a context, it is advisable to cool down and wait until the dust settles before you discuss essential matters. When people get worked up, it may be because you are too pernickety: it is better to slow down. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Idealism and Need to Escape

Moon in House IX
Valid from Monday 18 February till Tuesday 19 February included

Today, your horizon line is cloudless. You think big and it is with optimism that you consider the outer world. There are no limits any more and it seems that nothing can hinder the projects you want to undertake. Your feelings and your opinion are tinted with idealism. You need to isolate yourself for a short while, so you can think, meditate, and perhaps, find the answers to your philosophical questions. Do you have a sudden desire for faraway travels? Should the opportunity arise, don't hesitate! Unless you are contented with long imaginary journeys, the departure of which you constantly postpone... In any case, you are far from material contingencies... What a great wisdom!

Increased Comprehension and Sensitivity

Trine Moon Mercury

Valid on Tuesday 19 February, the transit orb is 006'

You carry out your investigation relentlessly and you try to understand people's motivations. As you find some behaviour intriguing, you ask your entourage questions in order to better figure out what is currently at stake. Is there anything that is hidden from you? It won't take long until you find out. Thanks to your acute and deep clear-sightedness, you quickly guess what is going on... You won't be trapped as your sensitivity on the alert endows you with a sixth sense. No matter how complex the situation may be, you play your game well. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations
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(artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Affective Blossoming
Conjunction Sun Venus

Valid from Tuesday 19 February till Sunday 24 February included (particularly active on Friday 22 February, the transit orb is 023')

A few minutes for you alone, a moment of exoticism, this is all it takes your romantic barometer to be set fair! What you thought to be impossible materializes concretely, all of a sudden... Will you achieve together the dream you both aspire to? Probably yes, and it is highly desirable for your couple's blossoming. These days highlight the harmony between your affective life and your ideals, and the beginning of a relationship made of closeness and understanding. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Hustle and Bustle

Square Mars Moon

Valid from Tuesday 19 February till Sunday 24 February included (particularly active on Friday 22 February, the transit orb is 008')

Tension is rising, particularly in your intimate sphere, and the atmosphere is getting quite electric. Your habits may be disrupted and your daily life sometimes seems restrictive. Your mood is affected during this period. You are irritable and you do not hesitate to raise your voice. Your first targets are your close friends and all the members of your intimate realm. Although it is possible that some events justify your bad language and behaviour, it is prudent to control the soaring fever... Otherwise, there may be a danger that you spark off quarrels and private conflicts. Another important point: this period may prove constructive in the end, if you relinquish laziness and inertia. Force of habit conflicts with needs and passions. Of course, tensions may lead to unsuspected perspectives and set you free. However, the vagaries of this period must be avoided and the balance of your private life must be kept under control, as much as possible. In short, it is all about finding your own pace of life. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

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Increased Popularity
Conjunction Moon Midheaven

Valid on Wednesday 20 February, the transit orb is 05'

The transit of the Moon over your Midheaven sends your popularity to its heights today. Your attitudes are marked by letting-go and fantasy and they catch the attention of an entourage that is eager for entertainment! Your loved ones are not disappointed by the endearing and poetic image you project. You develop an acute sense of public contacts. Should your occupation lend itself to the hypothesis, this is a perfect day to increase your influence and your notoriety. In any case, this planetary configuration underlines your place in society.

Moon in House X
Valid from Wednesday 20 February till Friday 22 February included

Today, everything in the social and professional area prompts you to put yourself under the spotlight. You dedicate your entire sensitivity and intuition to the service of other people and you are in tune with them. You enjoy a very positive public image and your popularity increases significantly. You are appreciated and loved, you are told so, and moreover, you are given evidence of your fame! Salary increase? Promotion? Preferment? All sorts of favours are possible... You have a good sense of timing and you can jump at opportunities when they arise. Take full advantage of them... This is your day of glory!

Exacerbated Sensitivity
Conjunction Moon Mars

Valid on Friday 22 February, the transit orb is 146'

Your fighting spirit overcomes adversity. You win a battle through sheer energy. It has absolutely nothing to do with triumphing diplomacy, far from that! It is about the victory of determination and persistence. You did not give in, you did not weaken and events prove you right. Now, you can confess that you were not far from the point of no-return... The positive outcome: the impetus is restarted and hurdles are removed. Your fighting spirit seems to be the source of a significant evolution. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

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Love, Heart Matters... It Is so Good to Indulge Oneself

Conjunction Venus Sun

Valid from Friday 22 February till Monday 25 February included (particularly active on Sunday 24 February, the transit orb is 029')

With an unusually strong romantic spirit, you seek answers to your affective questionings. Not only because you are prey to doubts, but also because you feel the urge to experience more sincerity and passion. You need to love without sham and without restraint... You forget reasonable behaviours for a while, and you give free rein to your heart's impulses. This is likely to be the time for reunion: do not hesitate to set time aside for those intimate moments that remain in the hearts for ever. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Minor Tensions with Your Close Friends

Moon in House XI
Valid from Saturday 23 February till Sunday 24 February included

During this period, your need for communication may be repressed. Exchanges are not very easy and your sensitivity is a bit shaken up, especially with your friends! Tomorrow is another day... Ask yourself if you don't attach too much importance to the group... And keep in mind that you are definitely able to find solutions to your problems, all by yourself. You can also implement your projects on your own or give them a new orientation, should they stagnate for the time being. You will see, you will gain so much autonomy!

Restlessness and Nervousness

Opposition Moon Mercury

Valid on Sunday 24 February, the transit orb is 1'

You put aside your habits, you shelve all kinds of conformism that have started to smother you. Your entourage is going to be surprised! It is the time to take action according to your aspirations, your whims and your dreams... You intensely experience a situation in full transformation. Ideas abound in such great numbers that you find it difficult to make a synthesis of all the pieces of the jigsaw... Because of your relatively restless mind, you may not be able to keep this highly complex game under control. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others).
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Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Emotions and Minor Frustrations

Opposition Moon Venus

Valid on Monday 25 February, the transit orb is 02'

There is a minor frustration amid an affective quite fulfilling atmosphere. Would your partner be in a bad mood? Or are your expectations out of touch? It may not be the right time. Calm things down because hastiness can only lead to a foolish mistake. It is better to allow spirits to cool off without influencing events. An obvious tension is likely to linger and, as a result, blunt explanations and temporary turbulences may cloud the idyllic atmosphere for a few hours. Let the storm blow over! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Feeling lonely
Moon in House XII
Valid from Monday 25 February till Tuesday 26 February included

You are very certainly under the influence of old fears that are resurfacing again. There are days like that. Try not to keep turning over your problems because you would only complicate and increase them. Moreover, it is very likely that you are imagining wrong things! Solitude is not good for you today, don't isolate yourself to escape facts, even though they are unpleasant. You probably have a close friend who readily wants to help you. Confide your worries because, as he is more lucid and objective than you, your friend may be able to make you gain awareness of a couple of things. Strength through unity!

Sensitivity All on Edge...

Square Moon Moon

Valid on Tuesday 26 February, the transit orb is 033'

The Moon is playing tricks on you: the weather today is stormy, full of turbulences and excitement. It will be difficult to stay serene as your habits are upset. In this context, you must remain clear-sighted in order to thwart
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traps caused by hasty actions. Turmoil stems from your high sensitivity to danger: whether you are right or wrong, you don't feel safe, as if some unknown element troubled your peace of mind. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Home Sweet Home...

Conjunction Moon Ascendant

Valid on Wednesday 27 February, the transit orb is 016'

The Moon travels over your Ascendant and prompts you to let go. The emphasis is on your inner life and your family, and more generally, on your fundamental bases. You are in search of peace of mind and you turn away from external concerns in order to take stock of your intimate realm. People may be surprised by your restless and quite pernickety mood, but your creativity is high. The astrological climate of the day inclines to inactivity, contemplation and stirs up your artistic chord. A moment of poetry in sight...

Led by Your Heart... You Are Right!

Conjunction Venus Venus

Valid from Wednesday 27 February till Saturday 2 March included (particularly active on Thursday 28 February, the transit orb is 036')

In the love department, these days are ideal to take stock of the situation, rekindle an old flame or, if your heart is free, to open the way to a new relationship or an unsuspected attachment. Romantic matters take the first place and your thirst for love is very real. However, you may have to demand that more pleasure and passion be expressed, in accordance with your heart's dictates. The current sky coincides with a positive stage of your love affairs. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

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Gentle Way of Life and Good Mood

Moon in House I
Valid from Wednesday 27 February till Friday 1 March included

Today, you feel fine, balanced, at peace with yourself and you are willing to show yourself in the most favourable light. Your feelings, your emotions and your imagination are increased and you perceive the world around you in a very personal way. Like a radar picking up your close friends' feelings, you need to be in tune with them, you share their happiness or you find the right word to comfort them. You are always there when you are needed and you are caring. Nevertheless, be careful not to become overwhelmed. This lovely day belongs to you, therefore take care of yourself and have fun!

Gentle Way of Life

Trine Moon Moon

Valid on Thursday 28 February, the transit orb is 223'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Minor Lies or Deceit

Square Mercury Moon

Valid from Thursday 28 February till Monday 4 March included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 14 February till 18 February (particularly active on Saturday 2 March, the transit orb is 005')

You will surprise your entourage if you go against the current. You are present where you are least expected! It is obvious that you do not share your close friends' analysis. It is with determination and panache that you manage your personal boat, without fearing diverging opinions. Of course, you rightly take the opposite course regarding certain habits: however, not everybody appreciates your sudden surges of extravagance and your whimsical behaviours. Know where your limits are and abide by them... Because the
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natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Your March Forecast

Contentment and Serenity
Trine Moon Sun

Valid on Friday 1 March, the transit orb is 011'

This is an excellent day to make a pause and enjoy your recovered serenity. It is the right time for you to be forgiven for your fits of bad temper and to regain the sympathy that your aloof attitude may have lessened. Above all, it is the right time for innovative projects that radically change life! Things unfold smoothly... On the social and professional planes, everything seems to develop very naturally: you let yourself be carried away by the stream and you carefully avoid all forms of tension or aggressiveness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Conquering Spirit
Trine Mars Mars

Valid from Friday 1 March till Wednesday 6 March included (particularly active on Sunday 3 March, the transit orb is 018')

It is the moment to take action. Not under any circumstance, nor upstream. Whether it is granted to you or you provoke it, you have the opportunity to highlight your dynamism without gratuitously offending your entourage. This is how you can best manage trials of strength. If you want to settle the scores without causing irreversible harm, it's now or never. When it is fully controlled, a forceful action proves quite an irresistible asset! Your conquering spirit often opens the path to new possibilities. If you find it hard to get out of the rut, it is now a good time to attempt a healthy confrontation and to "take the bull by its horns". Should the context be calmer, you can take advantage of this planetary configuration through audacity and boldness. Do not hesitate to face up to things and accept challenges. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.
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Minor Financial Satisfaction

Moon in House II
Valid from Saturday 2 March till Sunday 3 March included

Matters connected with possessions and finances are on the agenda. You need to check your accounts, to pay your debts and to reconsider your budget in order not to overspend. You may also make an appointment with your banker in order to optimize your investments. In any case, you seek safety in this area and you are provident for the future. Even when you must make a purchase, your choices are wise and you manage your patrimony as best you can. You select valuable artefacts or pieces of furniture for your home decoration with the will to invest and preserve your capital. In short, you definitely are an "ant"...

Annoyances and... Fits of Bad Temper

Square Moon Sun

Valid on Sunday 3 March, the transit orb is 22'

It is likely that this day is marked with fits of bad temper. You are concerned about your public image and therefore, you are more sensitive than you usually are. The slightest detail offends you... So, an inappropriate word hurts you, a badly formulated concept brings about incomprehension. In such a context, it is advisable to cool down and wait until the dust settles before you discuss essential matters. When people get worked up, it may be because you are too pernickety: it is better to slow down. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Self-control and Good Mood

Trine Moon Mars

Valid on Sunday 3 March, the transit orb is 143'

After a few tensions, timely serenity is back. The news is reassuring and, all of a sudden, the steps you have to take seem easier and require no exaggerated effort... It is just about time. In spite of demanding circumstances, you can eventually enjoy some respite and let go. You control your aggressiveness better and you solve problems, one after the other, without clash. You highly value your small daily victories. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.
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Fits of Bad temper, Nervousness...

Square Sun Moon

Valid from Monday 4 March till Friday 8 March included (particularly active on Wednesday 6 March, the transit orb is 007')

These days are placed under the sign of tension and risk. The risk of uncontrolled skid, with a regrettable propensity to say, loud and clear, what you should keep to yourself. But there is nothing you can do, because the trend of the day is certainly not towards conciliation: you must protect your intimate realm and your private life from surrounding tumults and disruptions caused by social obligations. Fortunately, they are short-lived. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Contacts and Pleasant Short Trips

Moon in House III
Valid from Monday 4 March till Tuesday 5 March included

During this period, you feel like moving around, discovering and learning. Although you probably dream of faraway horizons, short trips are enough to make you happy. Go to your lady neighbour's place to share a nice cup of coffee and reinvent the world while having fun with words! You may also visit a close friend who will be delighted by your sensitivity, your understanding and the way you look at the world. It is clear that you need to communicate and, wherever you are, your pleasant conversation and your negotiating talents are unanimously appreciated. In any case, you can't be stopped just like that ...

Minor Annoyances at Home

Moon in House IV
Valid from Wednesday 6 March till Thursday 7 March included

You are not willing to receive anybody today and you feel like sticking the notice "Do not disturb" at your door. You are not in the mood for dialogue and therefore, communication may be difficult, even with your parents or your children, since the points of dissension deal with the family and daily life themes. In order to feel in security and regain inner calm and peace of mind, you probably need to isolate yourself in your corner or to withdraw into yourself until tensions and worries subside and your good mood is back. Be careful, don't zone out for too long and don't cut yourself off from the world
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as if you were a hermit...

Calm Down! Tensions are subsiding soon!

Opposition Moon Mars

Valid on Thursday 7 March, the transit orb is 146'

Thrills are on the agenda! Were you seeking intense emotions? There you are. Nevertheless, amid this idyllic climate, clear-sightedness remains indispensable. A glitch is all it takes to jeopardize your plans, a minor incident, the regrettable consequences of which develop as time goes by. Therefore, it is advisable to anticipate and to avoid traps right from the start. Hold back your impatience because feverishness may block the energies of the day. More than ever, self-control is indispensable. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Luck and Seduction !

Moon in House V
Valid from Friday 8 March till Saturday 9 March included

Today, luck smiles on you! Nothing in your daily life weighs heavy on you, life is beautiful and you are ready to savour all its simple pleasures. Your imagination stirs up your sensitivity and the idea occurs to you to carry out some artistic activity in order to give your creativity free rein. Are you going to decorate your house, take up your brushes again, resume playing an instrument or just listen to your favourite song? Your children are the centre of your attention and you are willing to spend some time with them. Unless you dedicate your emotions to the games of love... One thing is certain, the day is going to be gorgeous!

Dialogue and Intuition

Conjunction Moon Mercury

Valid on Saturday 9 March, the transit orb is 034'

You can expect your relations to be favoured today. Your entourage don't have to spell things out since you are able to easily pick up what they mean. This acute intuition allows you to catch major information! For the time being, the best thing is to pretend you heard nothing, because tomorrow, what you have learnt will prove to be valuable. Do not hesitate to chat and to
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initiate dialogues, the stake of which will emerge only as the conversation goes by. A fortuitous encounter may trigger something off in your mind. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Excessive Emotionalism... Pull Yourself Together Again!

Square Venus Moon

Valid from Saturday 9 March till Tuesday 12 March included (particularly active on Sunday 10 March, the transit orb is 026')

Beware of excessive emotionalism and don't court disaster! Although nice romantic opportunities arise, rash relationships are not favoured. Of course, it is tempting to get into it but you may feel sorry for it when the first moments of excitement fade away. Will you be able to overcome the dangers that threaten thrill-loving souls? Obviously, your sensitivity all on edge may play a nasty trick on you. Here again, self-control is compulsory. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Fighting Spirit - Beware of Immoderation - and Communication

Conjunction Mars Descendant

Valid from Saturday 9 March till Friday 15 March included (particularly active on Tuesday 12 March, the transit orb is 003')

It is the right time to negotiate a deal that serves your interests, to champion your objectives and get a contract that matches the demands of the moment. The energy you display earns you the admiration of your entourage and... wears them out! You move quickly, you are present on all fronts and you disconcert your partners. Will you keep up the same tension during the coming weeks? In any case, the efficiency of your actions is undeniable and it can only break a deadlock in a situation you find too static. You wield fighting spirit and the art of diplomacy with cleverness...

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Emotions and Feelings, such Pleasant Moments...

Conjunction Moon Venus

Valid on Sunday 10 March, the transit orb is 01'

The Moon travels on your natal Venus and your heart is pounding wildly! Everything is conducive to romanticism and finer feelings. Flights of lyricism are on the agenda, of course, provided that you want to find the suitable partner who will understand your frame of mind. In any case, there is little room today for half-hearted and dull loves... You deploy a formidable arsenal of seduction and you play around with lots of tact. Let yourself be carried away by the tide: charming hours are in store for you The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Minor Tension Among Colleagues

Moon in House VI
Valid from Sunday 10 March till Monday 11 March included

Today, you find it difficult to work because you are irritated by constraints, distressed by the heavy atmosphere and you feel disheartened. In short, you are stressed and it affects your physical condition. You are not going to come over faint, are you? Take a break to catch your breath! Haven't you set your standards too high? Is your perfectionism your executioner? You have your limitations too and you have the right to be tired. Don't always strive to do more, quickly give up your inferiority complex because everybody fully appreciates you. Therefore, wait until you recover your energy and in the meantime, don't forget... Let go!

Sensitivity All on Edge...

Square Moon Moon

Valid on Monday 11 March, the transit orb is 132'

The Moon is playing tricks on you: the weather today is stormy, full of turbulences and excitement. It will be difficult to stay serene as your habits are upset. In this context, you must remain clear-sighted in order to thwart traps caused by hasty actions. Turmoil stems from your high sensitivity to danger: whether you are right or wrong, you don't feel safe, as if some unknown element troubled your peace of mind. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres
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of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Efficient Action
Trine Sun Mars

Valid from Monday 11 March till Friday 15 March included (particularly active on Wednesday 13 March, the transit orb is 023')

The electrical climate subsides, eventually, and gives way to a sunny spell! The situation stabilizes gradually. It may be caused by the virulent explanations that occurred during the past few weeks: new rules were set up and normalization is in sight. At the same time, you feel that you keep the course of events under tighter control. Your energy seems to be funnelled and handled in a coherent way, as if it were supported by your aspirations. Therefore, your actions are coordinated and well devised. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Favourable Contacts, Possible Encounter with a Female

Conjunction Moon Descendant

Valid on Tuesday 12 March, the transit orb is 041'

The Moon stirs up the sector of your natal chart attributed to relationships. In this regard, the day is likely to prove important. Your opinion is sought after and your intervention too. It is essential that you do not disappoint and that you choose the good strategy right away. The decisions you take today may have happy consequences in the future, provided that you take into account some people's needs and other people's desires. It is the moment to sign a contract or to start an action involving various sorts of knowledge. It is obvious that your solitary period is drawing to a close, to the benefit of more collective actions.

Conviviality and Receptivity

Moon in House VII
Valid from Tuesday 12 March till Thursday 14 March included

Today, you don't get bored because you feel the need to reach out to others. Your sensitivity is high and the exchanges with your partner or your entourage arouse various stimulating emotions. You vibrate in unison and the
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probability that you get along well in many areas is excellent. Take advantage of this nice influence to pass messages and to take initiatives because your partner will receive them positively. In the romantic realm, it is likely that everything is so perfect that words become useless. You may also want to put your sensitivity at the service of some humanitarian work... A lovely altruistic day in sight!

Gentle Way of Life

Sextile Moon Moon

Valid on Wednesday 13 March, the transit orb is 157'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Contentment and Serenity

Sextile Moon Sun

Valid on Thursday 14 March, the transit orb is 046'

This is an excellent day to make a pause and enjoy your recovered serenity. It is the right time for you to be forgiven for your fits of bad temper and to regain the sympathy that your aloof attitude may have lessened. Above all, it is the right time for innovative projects that radically change life! Things unfold smoothly... On the social and professional planes, everything seems to develop very naturally: you let yourself be carried away by the stream and you carefully avoid all forms of tension or aggressiveness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Charm, Cleverness, Seduction!

Conjunction Mercury Venus

Valid from Thursday 14 March till Wednesday 20 March included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 6 February till 8 February (particularly active on Sunday 17 March, the transit orb is 157')

Evasion, pleasant encounter or charming stroll... The Tradition underlines the pleasant aspect of the astrological influences you are experiencing. If you are single or lonesome, it is time to get ready for an unprecedented adventure and a different lifestyle... Outings, change of air, here are the events that may lead to a new deal in your romantic life! For well-established couples, the climate is more perilous. It is wiser not to blindly and thoroughly explore adventurous paths. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Love and Sensuality... Live Intensely!

Trine Venus Mars

Valid from Friday 15 March till Monday 18 March included (particularly active on Saturday 16 March, the transit orb is 027')

Passion is on the agenda. Your conquering spirit can but facilitate the revival of your love story. In the romance department, euphoria reigns! Everything seems possible, owing to the genuineness of your passion and your fieriness. However, a few questions need to be answered and you will have to tackle them in due course. Why don't you do so right now? If you start a dialogue based on your partner's inner needs as well as on your own, you will tremendously benefit from this favourable climate, beyond all expectations! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Anxiety and Doubts

Moon in House VIII
Valid from Friday 15 March till Saturday 16 March included

Today, you may feel swamped by overflowing emotions and too many muddled and wild feelings, the reasons of which are beyond you. All these factors move you deeply. Destabilizing anxiety, fears and distress follow one another and upset you to the extent that you always imagine the worst scenario. Is there a delay? You immediately think of an accident... Does your
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partner exchange a glance with someone else? You think that love is gone... Is it the reality or only your imagination playing tricks on you? You want to understand the reasons behind your deep insecurity but you seem to lack clear-sightedness. Don't search any longer! Your imaginary world is a bit intrusive and your fears are totally unwarranted. Remain Zen...

Self-control and Good Mood

Sextile Moon Mars

Valid on Saturday 16 March, the transit orb is 204'

After a few tensions, timely serenity is back. The news is reassuring and, all of a sudden, the steps you have to take seem easier and require no exaggerated effort... It is just about time. In spite of demanding circumstances, you can eventually enjoy some respite and let go. You control your aggressiveness better and you solve problems, one after the other, without clash. You highly value your small daily victories. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Restlessness and Nervousness

Square Moon Mercury

Valid on Saturday 16 March, the transit orb is 202'

You put aside your habits, you shelve all kinds of conformism that have started to smother you. Your entourage is going to be surprised! It is the time to take action according to your aspirations, your whims and your dreams... You intensely experience a situation in full transformation. Ideas abound in such great numbers that you find it difficult to make a synthesis of all the pieces of the jigsaw... Because of your relatively restless mind, you may not be able to keep this highly complex game under control. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Emotions and Minor Frustrations

Square Moon Venus

Valid on Sunday 17 March, the transit orb is 016'

There is a minor frustration amid an affective quite fulfilling atmosphere. Would your partner be in a bad mood? Or are your expectations out of touch? It may not be the right time. Calm things down because hastiness can only lead to a foolish mistake. It is better to allow spirits to cool off without influencing events. An obvious tension is likely to linger and, as a result, blunt explanations and temporary turbulences may cloud the idyllic atmosphere for a few hours. Let the storm blow over! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Idealism and Need to Escape

Moon in House IX
Valid from Sunday 17 March till Tuesday 19 March included

Today, your horizon line is cloudless. You think big and it is with optimism that you consider the outer world. There are no limits any more and it seems that nothing can hinder the projects you want to undertake. Your feelings and your opinion are tinted with idealism. You need to isolate yourself for a short while, so you can think, meditate, and perhaps, find the answers to your philosophical questions. Do you have a sudden desire for faraway travels? Should the opportunity arise, don't hesitate! Unless you are contented with long imaginary journeys, the departure of which you constantly postpone... In any case, you are far from material contingencies... What a great wisdom!

Daydreaming and Good Mood...

Conjunction Moon Moon

Valid on Monday 18 March, the transit orb is 043'

You take advantage of a change in habits or situations and you enhance your daily life... You may pretext some unexpected obligations in order to get more freedom of action and spend this leisure time doing what you have not had the time to do. Your creativity occupies the place of honour! You tend to let go and to let destiny take action: if it is at all possible, allow the tide to carry you away and do not try to exceedingly control the situation. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as
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abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Will to Communicate and Openness

Conjunction Sun Descendant

Valid from Monday 18 March till Friday 22 March included (particularly active on Wednesday 20 March, the transit orb is 01')

Associations are established when each party notices the importance of affinities at play and understands that they are a good match. All of a sudden, it becomes obvious that the relationship has strong complementary features and partnership becomes natural. After a straightforward explanation, you are in a position to assert your rights and your viewpoints: it was just about time to get out of the rut. You successfully restart the mechanism that was jammed of late, you find new supports and you eloquently put forward the reasons behind your decisions. This time, your entourage follows you without balking.

Contentment and Serenity

Trine Moon Sun

Valid on Tuesday 19 March, the transit orb is 029'

This is an excellent day to make a pause and enjoy your recovered serenity. It is the right time for you to be forgiven for your fits of bad temper and to regain the sympathy that your aloof attitude may have lessened. Above all, it is the right time for innovative projects that radically change life! Things unfold smoothly... On the social and professional planes, everything seems to develop very naturally: you let yourself be carried away by the stream and you carefully avoid all forms of tension or aggressiveness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Words of Love
Conjunction Venus Descendant

Valid from Wednesday 20 March till Saturday 23 March included (particularly active on Friday 22 March, the transit orb is 014')

Your partner means a lot to you, more than ever, and more than anything? Don't hesitate to express your feelings and to repeat words of love, because
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what is at stake now is the strengthening of your romantic life, indeed. In all cases, a brand new situation brings about a rewarding romantic context and allows you to get off the beaten path and to dive into a realm full of crazes and twists and turns. Passion is back in force at the right time, just as you started to get tired of too much quietness. Let's state it straight away, you are tempted by adventure!

Moon in House X
Valid from Wednesday 20 March till Thursday 21 March included

Today, everything in the social and professional area prompts you to put yourself under the spotlight. You dedicate your entire sensitivity and intuition to the service of other people and you are in tune with them. You enjoy a very positive public image and your popularity increases significantly. You are appreciated and loved, you are told so, and moreover, you are given evidence of your fame! Salary increase? Promotion? Preferment? All sorts of favours are possible... You have a good sense of timing and you can jump at opportunities when they arise. Take full advantage of them... This is your day of glory!

Exacerbated Sensitivity
Conjunction Moon Mars

Valid on Thursday 21 March, the transit orb is 232'

Your fighting spirit overcomes adversity. You win a battle through sheer energy. It has absolutely nothing to do with triumphing diplomacy, far from that! It is about the victory of determination and persistence. You did not give in, you did not weaken and events prove you right. Now, you can confess that you were not far from the point of no-return... The positive outcome: the impetus is restarted and hurdles are removed. Your fighting spirit seems to be the source of a significant evolution. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

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Minor Tensions with Your Close Friends

Moon in House XI
Valid from Friday 22 March till Sunday 24 March included

During this period, your need for communication may be repressed. Exchanges are not very easy and your sensitivity is a bit shaken up, especially with your friends! Tomorrow is another day... Ask yourself if you don't attach too much importance to the group... And keep in mind that you are definitely able to find solutions to your problems, all by yourself. You can also implement your projects on your own or give them a new orientation, should they stagnate for the time being. You will see, you will gain so much autonomy!

Gentle Way of Life

Sextile Moon Moon

Valid on Saturday 23 March, the transit orb is 02'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Annoyances and... Fits of Bad Temper

Opposition Moon Sun

Valid on Sunday 24 March, the transit orb is 054'

It is likely that this day is marked with fits of bad temper. You are concerned about your public image and therefore, you are more sensitive than you usually are. The slightest detail offends you... So, an inappropriate word hurts you, a badly formulated concept brings about incomprehension. In such a context, it is advisable to cool down and wait until the dust settles before you discuss essential matters. When people get worked up, it may be because you are too pernickety: it is better to slow down. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is
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likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Fruitful Quietness
Moon in House XII
Valid from Monday 25 March till Tuesday 26 March included

Even though people have the feeling that you are avoiding them, don't hesitate to zone out if you are so inclined. It is likely that you need peace and quietness in order to ponder over your problems and to sort out what is real from what is imaginary. You also need solitude to assess the situation and to find the right answers to your questions. Silence helps you deepen your thoughts about spirituality and also encourages your meditation. Take full advantage of this short constructive retreat to recharge your batteries...

Self-control and Good Mood

Sextile Moon Mars

Valid on Tuesday 26 March, the transit orb is 138'

After a few tensions, timely serenity is back. The news is reassuring and, all of a sudden, the steps you have to take seem easier and require no exaggerated effort... It is just about time. In spite of demanding circumstances, you can eventually enjoy some respite and let go. You control your aggressiveness better and you solve problems, one after the other, without clash. You highly value your small daily victories. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Minor Annoyances
Moon in House I
Valid from Wednesday 27 March till Thursday 28 March included

Your imagination may flare up today and the slightest issue may blow out of proportion because you are over-sensitive to people and things. You are prey to fears and anxiety, without knowing why exactly. Your overflowing emotions make you feel insecure and prompt you to seek comfort and security from your close friends instead of moving ahead and taking action. You feel paralyzed, unable to do anything and you don't like the image you project. You wish to be taken care of, to be reassured and protected, and to regain your self-confidence. However, don't demand too much from your
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Calm Down! Tensions are subsiding soon!

Square Moon Mars

Valid on Thursday 28 March, the transit orb is 031'

Thrills are on the agenda! Were you seeking intense emotions? There you are. Nevertheless, amid this idyllic climate, clear-sightedness remains indispensable. A glitch is all it takes to jeopardize your plans, a minor incident, the regrettable consequences of which develop as time goes by. Therefore, it is advisable to anticipate and to avoid traps right from the start. Hold back your impatience because feverishness may block the energies of the day. More than ever, self-control is indispensable. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Minor Financial Satisfaction

Moon in House II
Valid from Friday 29 March till Saturday 30 March included

Matters connected with possessions and finances are on the agenda. You need to check your accounts, to pay your debts and to reconsider your budget in order not to overspend. You may also make an appointment with your banker in order to optimize your investments. In any case, you seek safety in this area and you are provident for the future. Even when you must make a purchase, your choices are wise and you manage your patrimony as best you can. You select valuable artefacts or pieces of furniture for your home decoration with the will to invest and preserve your capital. In short, you definitely are an "ant"...

Restlessness and Nervousness

Square Moon Mercury

Valid on Saturday 30 March, the transit orb is 207'

You put aside your habits, you shelve all kinds of conformism that have started to smother you. Your entourage is going to be surprised! It is the time to take action according to your aspirations, your whims and your dreams... You intensely experience a situation in full transformation. Ideas abound in such great numbers that you find it difficult to make a synthesis of all the
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pieces of the jigsaw... Because of your relatively restless mind, you may not be able to keep this highly complex game under control. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Self-control and Good Mood

Trine Moon Mars

Valid on Saturday 30 March, the transit orb is 159'

After a few tensions, timely serenity is back. The news is reassuring and, all of a sudden, the steps you have to take seem easier and require no exaggerated effort... It is just about time. In spite of demanding circumstances, you can eventually enjoy some respite and let go. You control your aggressiveness better and you solve problems, one after the other, without clash. You highly value your small daily victories. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Renewed Personal Balance

Sextile Mars Moon

Valid from Saturday 30 March till Thursday 4 April included (particularly active on Tuesday 2 April, the transit orb is 022')

During this period, events are likely to concern your domestic sphere, your habits and your major bases. Anything involving your private life will be particularly highlighted. Whether you have to sort out a personal problem or to take an action related to your family life, you display a great deal of energy. You find the strength needed to get a situation out of the rut. In order to make your intimate realm evolve the way you want it to, action is more efficient than words. The situation develops quickly, very quickly. Facts prompt you to respond and to adjust your pace and your behaviours to the constraints of a situation that is new to you, in many respects. A chief preoccupation: how is it possible for you to feel at ease and to be in good shape? You try to find a balance between your peace of mind and your cravings, between your desire for quietness and your need to have your desires fulfilled in an intense way. This may be a very good time to improve your daily life... in sheer simplicity. You do not allow anyone or anything to hinder your efforts towards a new personal balance. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality,
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politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Emotions and Minor Frustrations

Square Moon Venus

Valid on Sunday 31 March, the transit orb is 134'

There is a minor frustration amid an affective quite fulfilling atmosphere. Would your partner be in a bad mood? Or are your expectations out of touch? It may not be the right time. Calm things down because hastiness can only lead to a foolish mistake. It is better to allow spirits to cool off without influencing events. An obvious tension is likely to linger and, as a result, blunt explanations and temporary turbulences may cloud the idyllic atmosphere for a few hours. Let the storm blow over! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Contacts and Pleasant Short Trips

Moon in House III
Valid from Sunday 31 March till Monday 1 April included

During this period, you feel like moving around, discovering and learning. Although you probably dream of faraway horizons, short trips are enough to make you happy. Go to your lady neighbour's place to share a nice cup of coffee and reinvent the world while having fun with words! You may also visit a close friend who will be delighted by your sensitivity, your understanding and the way you look at the world. It is clear that you need to communicate and, wherever you are, your pleasant conversation and your negotiating talents are unanimously appreciated. In any case, you can't be stopped just like that ...

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Your April Forecast

Increased Comprehension and Sensitivity
Sextile Moon Mercury

Valid on Monday 1 April, the transit orb is 011'

You carry out your investigation relentlessly and you try to understand people's motivations. As you find some behaviour intriguing, you ask your entourage questions in order to better figure out what is currently at stake. Is there anything that is hidden from you? It won't take long until you find out. Thanks to your acute and deep clear-sightedness, you quickly guess what is going on... You won't be trapped as your sensitivity on the alert endows you with a sixth sense. No matter how complex the situation may be, you play your game well. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Minor Lies or Deceit

Square Mercury Moon

Valid from Monday 1 April till Thursday 4 April included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 28 February till 4 March (particularly active on Wednesday 3 April, the transit orb is 016')

You will surprise your entourage if you go against the current. You are present where you are least expected! It is obvious that you do not share your close friends' analysis. It is with determination and panache that you manage your personal boat, without fearing diverging opinions. Of course, you rightly take the opposite course regarding certain habits: however, not everybody appreciates your sudden surges of extravagance and your whimsical behaviours. Know where your limits are and abide by them... Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

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Good Mood and Romantic Harmony

Sextile Moon Venus

Valid on Tuesday 2 April, the transit orb is 007'

It all starts with a moment of intimacy, a privileged minute that strongly boost your spirits! All of a sudden, everything becomes possible. You begin to dream of more poetry and your contagious tactfulness commands your partner's respect. Let yourself be carried away by the tide since the outcomes can only be positive... On the romantic plane, this is an ideal day to programme a few hours of escape and forget yesterday's misunderstandings. Choose a place conducive to a serene tte--tte. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Heart and Mood on the Same Wavelength

Sextile Venus Moon

Valid from Tuesday 2 April till Friday 5 April included (particularly active on Thursday 4 April, the transit orb is 036')

Within your couple, the current astrological climate favours evolution based on exchanges. It is wise to take your partner's points of view into account. Even though, for the moment, you do not have the same approach, the best solution is probably a compromise that can be reached only through a sincere dialogue. The time to go it alone belongs to the past! Life is to be built together... The desire to please may bring about miracles and you will see it for yourself before long. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Home Sweet Home!

Moon in House IV
Valid from Tuesday 2 April till Wednesday 3 April included

How great it is to be at home! Today, you want to enjoy the comfort and gentleness of your home where you feel good and in security. There, you can dream at leisure of the improvements you want to bring to your cosy little nest for the sake of your family's well being, unless you prefer to dive in the nostalgia of your souvenirs and your photo albums... If you are in a more
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active mood, you may want to clean up the house from floor to ceiling or you may try to implement your lovely arrangement and decoration ideas... In short, the atmosphere is nice and, if your close friends share your activities, you experience a deep feeling of inner peace.

Gentle Way of Life and Conviviality

Sextile Sun Moon

Valid from Wednesday 3 April till Sunday 7 April included (particularly active on Friday 5 April, the transit orb is 008')

You try to assert the validity of your choices. You need your family and your close friends' circle to follow you. It is probably because your self-confidence is a bit weakened and needs to be reinforced and revived. In your intimate sphere, these days are very important: you will successfully demonstrate the validity of your projects and you will have your merits acknowledged. More than ever, you manage the boat of your daily life very well. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Lively Talks
Sextile Mars Mercury

Valid from Wednesday 3 April till Monday 8 April included (particularly active on Saturday 6 April, the transit orb is 002')

You demonstrate an alert mind and a strong will. You take your decisions promptly and you implement them straight away. Your great mobility endows you with a formidable efficiency. Dialogues are lively and words, brilliant. It is hard to counter your arguments. During this period, you adjust amazingly well to complex surroundings and you know how to quickly impose your ideas. Straightforward explanations may break a deadlock. In the relationship department, the pace speeds up with an encounter leading to new prospects or a contact that proves helpful, here and now. It may also be the beginning of a dialogue or some initiative that requires a follow-up. In all cases, it seems interesting to pay special attention to any new relationship, although and particularly if you don't fully realize its importance yet. In the short or longer-term, contacts established during this period will yield nice fruits. Of course, it is up to you to make the first steps... The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Luck and Seduction !

Moon in House V
Valid from Thursday 4 April till Saturday 6 April included

Today, luck smiles on you! Nothing in your daily life weighs heavy on you, life is beautiful and you are ready to savour all its simple pleasures. Your imagination stirs up your sensitivity and the idea occurs to you to carry out some artistic activity in order to give your creativity free rein. Are you going to decorate your house, take up your brushes again, resume playing an instrument or just listen to your favourite song? Your children are the centre of your attention and you are willing to spend some time with them. Unless you dedicate your emotions to the games of love... One thing is certain, the day is going to be gorgeous!

Listening and Tenderness!

Sextile Venus Mercury

Valid from Friday 5 April till Monday 8 April included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 1 January till 1 January (particularly active on Saturday 6 April, the transit orb is 017')

This period proves ideal for any romantic reunion. Problems seem to fade and give way to a true mutual listening. You are on the same wavelength and you enjoy it very much. If you are in search of your soul-mate and you are single, it is the right time to hope for a meaningful encounter! In all cases, you feel a breath of fresh air that brings about exaltation. You find a lot of pleasure in expressing your emotions and giving free rein to your heart's impulses. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Gentle Way of Life

Trine Moon Moon

Valid on Friday 5 April, the transit orb is 013'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet
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receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Authority, Prestige and Popularity

Conjunction Moon Sun

Valid on Saturday 6 April, the transit orb is 151'

Your social life has the place of honour. Your qualities are acknowledged without your having to put yourself forward in an exaggerated way. You are in harmony with the ambient mood and you are able to convince your entourage to follow a project that is well devised. You exude some kind of natural aura that reinforces your prestige and endows you with undisputable authority. Take advantage of this favourable astrological climate to implement smoothly the course of action you are dreaming of. You easily find your place within your social and professional environment. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Diplomacy and Smooth Relations

Sextile Sun Mercury

Valid from Sunday 7 April till Thursday 11 April included (particularly active on Tuesday 9 April, the transit orb is 025')

Please, acknowledge the fact that despite tensions and divergences, you did quite well! Your strategy was good and the subtle way you managed the boat of your enterprises is bearing fruit, at last. Today again, diplomacy is the best tool at your disposal in order to thwart traps and to put forward your plans. It is a favourable time for negotiations, even for signing an agreement. You are in a position of strength, with the capacity to reach a compromise that fulfil each partner's goals. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Good Mood and Efficiency at Work

Moon in House VI
Valid from Sunday 7 April till Monday 8 April included

Today, you are in good spirits! Your recover your energy, your health improves and you are in great form, fit for work. You do not hesitate to solve minor problems with precision and you attend to your affairs with pleasure. You are all the more interested that you expend a great deal of imagination at the service of your work and of people. You are willing to help and be of assistance, and your dedication is almost boundless. Should you want to make yourself indispensable, you couldn't succeed better! Don't overdo because your unfailing efficiency may arouse jealousies or envies...

Fruitful Dialogues
Trine Mercury Mars

Valid from Monday 8 April till Wednesday 10 April included (particularly active on Tuesday 9 April, the transit orb is 004')

Dialogues overcome a good many oppositions and you are going to experience this theory. Masks are taken off, illusions vanish into thin air, and the only things that remain are facts and the necessity to move on. An exchange of opposing points of view allows you to find the keys to a sustainable evolution. It is the time to define a safe route that fully reassures people who doubted the validity of your choices. Your horizon is brightening up although a long-term task awaits you. But, as you know it better than anyone else, it is worth it. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Romantic Outburst of Anger: Caution

Square Venus Mars

Valid from Monday 8 April till Thursday 11 April included (particularly active on Wednesday 10 April, the transit orb is 032')

In the love department, electricity is in the air! Admit that you never overlook your partner's slightest mistake and that you are often irritated... You are now extremely annoyed by some traits of behaviour, whereas you readily accepted them so far. Your pernickety side surprises your entourage. It is, perhaps, a way to make your couple's life evolve. The positive feature of this influence remains: extreme passion, desire for unrestrained emotions, hearts pounding wildly... The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the
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House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Uncontrolled Skid
Square Mars Mars

Valid from Tuesday 9 April till Sunday 14 April included (particularly active on Thursday 11 April, the transit orb is 016')

There is a storm brewing... This period lends itself to all sorts of skids and exaggerations. Therefore, you must not let your impulsiveness prevail over reason. Of course, there are times when a forceful action bears fruit and when the situation requires strong determination. However, don't overdo. Hastening the course of events does not seem to be the best solution. A bit of moderation will turn your dogged determination to win into an efficient tool. You may feel the urge to make a firm and final intervention. Nevertheless, as it is well-known, vehemence is a double-edged weapon. It can clear the air in case of dormant conflicts, but it can also speed up a vicious circle process where provocations and reactions follow one another. It is wiser to wait for an upswing before you attempt to settle the scores... The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Comfort and Solace

Conjunction Jupiter Moon

Valid from Tuesday 9 April till Monday 6 May included (particularly active on Tuesday 23 April, the transit orb is 001')

During this period, you can successfully re-organize your intimate life and get back on the right track. Your optimism may speed up events and favour the enhancement of your life setting. On the private plane, everything seems to go smoothly... Moments of hope and euphoria. You are dreaming of comfort, solace and expansion of the family circle. You avoid tensions or play down their consequences. If you have been hurt in your private life recently, it is now time to sign a peace agreement! The stake? To accept the rules - or the compromises - that guarantee the balance of your personal life. Therefore, you may legalize a relationship and seek a perspective that offers continuity and security. According to the Tradition, this planetary influence favours marriage or having children... This is only a hypothesis that mainly depends on the current context of your life! One of the means to create a fulfilling intimate life. You are going through a period that is conducive to the redefinition of your bases and your lifestyle. The only danger may be that you sacrifice an
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essential part of yourself for the sake of your daily comfort, the habits and commodities of the moment. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Minor Annoyance With Your Contacts

Moon in House VII
Valid from Tuesday 9 April till Wednesday 10 April included

In the communication area, the day is not really impressive. Whether at work or at home, you have the feeling that everyone has become deaf. No one hears you and what you say receives no echo. Instead of complaining about an unwillingness to understand and taking the risk to create misunderstandings and conflicts, try to write down everything... And since you feel that you are cut off from the world, stay in your own! It is better than to follow the crowd at any cost and be influenced by people. Indeed, you may not forgive them, later on. Quietly wait until they get out of their personal bubble!

Calm Down! Tensions are subsiding soon!

Square Moon Mars

Valid on Wednesday 10 April, the transit orb is 132'

Thrills are on the agenda! Were you seeking intense emotions? There you are. Nevertheless, amid this idyllic climate, clear-sightedness remains indispensable. A glitch is all it takes to jeopardize your plans, a minor incident, the regrettable consequences of which develop as time goes by. Therefore, it is advisable to anticipate and to avoid traps right from the start. Hold back your impatience because feverishness may block the energies of the day. More than ever, self-control is indispensable. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

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Love and Construction, Getting Closer Affectively

Sextile Venus Sun

Valid from Thursday 11 April till Sunday 14 April included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 5 January till 8 January (particularly active on Saturday 13 April, the transit orb is 011')

Excellent resolutions were made, particularly in the sentimental sphere. Your commitments remain to be fulfilled. Start right now. Positive outcomes will manifest before long! In the romantic department, a bright spot is in sight. Your partner is sensitive to the sincerity of your words and seeks a lasting well being with you. Your budding relationship tends towards fusion, with each partner striving to remain in phase with the other one's demands and dreams. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Good Mood and Romantic Harmony

Sextile Moon Venus

Valid on Thursday 11 April, the transit orb is 048'

It all starts with a moment of intimacy, a privileged minute that strongly boost your spirits! All of a sudden, everything becomes possible. You begin to dream of more poetry and your contagious tactfulness commands your partner's respect. Let yourself be carried away by the tide since the outcomes can only be positive... On the romantic plane, this is an ideal day to programme a few hours of escape and forget yesterday's misunderstandings. Choose a place conducive to a serene tte--tte. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

War Ardour: Caution

Square Sun Mars

Valid from Thursday 11 April till Monday 15 April included (particularly active on Saturday 13 April, the transit orb is 013')

Your objectives clash with the situation. After days of tension, a hot discussion is likely to take place. You will display an unusual straightforwardness, preferring to tackle relationship issues rather than to constantly undergo the pressure they generate. Even if you settle the scores in
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quite a harsh way, and flexibility is not your forte today, a sunny spell is in sight... However, it is advisable to curb your warring ardour because an uncontrolled skid remains probable and in that case, you can't expect events to let you off lightly! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Hypersensitivity and Intuition

Moon in House VIII
Valid from Thursday 11 April till Friday 12 April included

During this period, your intense emotions and deep feelings endow your inner and psychical life with extreme strength. You are hypersensitive and you can switch from laughter to tears with no real reason. Your intuition also is very developed and it gives you some sort of sixth sense that proves very useful for finding the answers to all your questions, whether they are of a practical or more metaphysical order. You may also have premonitory dreams... Topics such as finances, sexuality, the unconsciousness and even the beyond, may catch your attention. Unless, enriched with all these emotions, you just let your creativity flow freely...

Annoyances and... Fits of Bad Temper

Square Moon Sun

Valid on Saturday 13 April, the transit orb is 119'

It is likely that this day is marked with fits of bad temper. You are concerned about your public image and therefore, you are more sensitive than you usually are. The slightest detail offends you... So, an inappropriate word hurts you, a badly formulated concept brings about incomprehension. In such a context, it is advisable to cool down and wait until the dust settles before you discuss essential matters. When people get worked up, it may be because you are too pernickety: it is better to slow down. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Favoured Communication, Numerous Exchanges

Conjunction Mercury Descendant

Valid from Saturday 13 April till Monday 15 April included (particularly active on Sunday 14 April, the transit orb is 018')

Events may allow you to establish new contacts that prove fruitful beyond your expectations... Your future partners listen to you and associations are taking shape. Yesterday's reluctances are forgotten. As you are forgiven for a foolish mistake, the situation brightens up. Everyone finds one's marks and the atmosphere is relaxed. In this context, you may obtain what has been denied to you so far, for trivial reasons. It is the time to carry out negotiations aiming at a sustainable evolution that may impact your future in a significant way.

Idealism and Need to Escape

Moon in House IX
Valid from Saturday 13 April till Monday 15 April included

Today, your horizon line is cloudless. You think big and it is with optimism that you consider the outer world. There are no limits any more and it seems that nothing can hinder the projects you want to undertake. Your feelings and your opinion are tinted with idealism. You need to isolate yourself for a short while, so you can think, meditate, and perhaps, find the answers to your philosophical questions. Do you have a sudden desire for faraway travels? Should the opportunity arise, don't hesitate! Unless you are contented with long imaginary journeys, the departure of which you constantly postpone... In any case, you are far from material contingencies... What a great wisdom!

Trial of Strength
Sextile Mars Sun

Valid from Sunday 14 April till Friday 19 April included (particularly active on Wednesday 17 April, the transit orb is 01')

There is a touch of heroism in your attitude... You display dynamism and an enterprising spirit. You try to implement your projects and to take action in areas where, so far, you have been nurturing your plans only. Far from yesterday's renunciation, you can mobilize your energy as much as you like. Should events impose trials of strength on you, it is very likely that you will be able to cope with them. Instead of harming you, confrontations reinforce your position and allow you to assert your choices. If your situation is stuck or slowed down by external forces, you must take action and face adversity. It is important that you achieve what you have not dared to undertake, so far. This
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is a constructive period, even though you must confront the facts and prove yourself. With this configuration, the only danger may be that you overestimate your strength and you set out to conquer an objective that is still inaccessible. But the will to do and dare may brush aside many doubts and suppress reservations and limitations that used to paralyse your life. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Dynamism and Conquering Mind

Sextile Sun Sun

Valid from Monday 15 April till Friday 19 April included (particularly active on Wednesday 17 April, the transit orb is 003')

You show an amazing optimism and an energy that you have been lacking! The situation favours your projects and hopes, which lends you wings. You are full of self-confidence again and nothing seems impossible. Therefore, the most ambitious objectives are likely to be achieved. However, beware of obvious utopias! Play it safe and try to find, on the spot, the efficient tools you need for the achievement of your ideals. Your wonderful determination is up to your aspirations. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Good Mood and Romantic Harmony

Trine Moon Venus

Valid on Tuesday 16 April, the transit orb is 05'

It all starts with a moment of intimacy, a privileged minute that strongly boost your spirits! All of a sudden, everything becomes possible. You begin to dream of more poetry and your contagious tactfulness commands your partner's respect. Let yourself be carried away by the tide since the outcomes can only be positive... On the romantic plane, this is an ideal day to programme a few hours of escape and forget yesterday's misunderstandings. Choose a place conducive to a serene tte--tte. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

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Romantic Improvement
Sextile Venus Venus

Valid from Tuesday 16 April till Friday 19 April included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 10 January till 13 January (particularly active on Thursday 18 April, the transit orb is 016')

The romantic improvement continues. Your caring and wild behaviour is charming. You seem to be able to read your partner's heart like an open book As a result, your relationship is marked by a deep intensity. Let's hope that the flame never dies and that it stands the test of time. Indeed, routine is romanticism's worst enemy. As days go by, you learn how to establish an atmosphere at the same time nice, serene and devoid of violent passion but favourable to your hearts' blossoming. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Moon in House X
Valid from Tuesday 16 April till Thursday 18 April included

Today, everything in the social and professional area prompts you to put yourself under the spotlight. You dedicate your entire sensitivity and intuition to the service of other people and you are in tune with them. You enjoy a very positive public image and your popularity increases significantly. You are appreciated and loved, you are told so, and moreover, you are given evidence of your fame! Salary increase? Promotion? Preferment? All sorts of favours are possible... You have a good sense of timing and you can jump at opportunities when they arise. Take full advantage of them... This is your day of glory!

Favoured Friendships
Moon in House XI
Valid from Friday 19 April till Saturday 20 April included

Today, you prefer to exchange ideas with your close friends rather than to attend to your material and routine affairs. Make the most of it! Connections are established smoothly, you are on the same wavelength and communication is favoured by a harmonious atmosphere. You may talk about all and nothing pleasantly or you may carry out lengthy debates so as to reinvent a world that is up to your ideals! Besides, you may want to become part of a group or an association that shares your centres of interest. However,
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don't forget that your family may feel a bit neglected...

Emotions and Minor Frustrations

Opposition Moon Venus

Valid on Sunday 21 April, the transit orb is 209'

There is a minor frustration amid an affective quite fulfilling atmosphere. Would your partner be in a bad mood? Or are your expectations out of touch? It may not be the right time. Calm things down because hastiness can only lead to a foolish mistake. It is better to allow spirits to cool off without influencing events. An obvious tension is likely to linger and, as a result, blunt explanations and temporary turbulences may cloud the idyllic atmosphere for a few hours. Let the storm blow over! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Favoured Romantic Life

Sextile Sun Venus

Valid from Sunday 21 April till Thursday 25 April included (particularly active on Tuesday 23 April, the transit orb is 011')

Demands remain prevalent but your romantic life is brightening up. Indeed, both of you become aware of what is at stake: improving your relationship, gaining more transparency and, especially, more profoundness. Love is not a matter to be taken thoughtlessly! If you are single, the current influences favour exotic encounters... If you are in a couple, you can admire your partner's soul in the mirror of your own aspirations. The challenge is to eventually create the close relationship you are dreaming of. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

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Fruitful Quietness
Moon in House XII
Valid from Sunday 21 April till Monday 22 April included

Even though people have the feeling that you are avoiding them, don't hesitate to zone out if you are so inclined. It is likely that you need peace and quietness in order to ponder over your problems and to sort out what is real from what is imaginary. You also need solitude to assess the situation and to find the right answers to your questions. Silence helps you deepen your thoughts about spirituality and also encourages your meditation. Take full advantage of this short constructive retreat to recharge your batteries...

Exalted Feelings
Sextile Mars Venus

Valid from Monday 22 April till Saturday 27 April included (particularly active on Thursday 25 April, the transit orb is 004')

You successfully mobilize all your affective and instinctive resources and you let your sensitivity guide your decisions and your actions. Moods prevail over reason. During this period, you should take advantage of the exaltation of your vital forces. You feel the desire to intensely experience each instant and to give your awakened feelings free rein. You may be tempted by passionate love or any other adventure that includes a fair share of thrills. You give your affectivity a new impetus, you express your passions with force and fieriness and you can tell whom your really love. You may experience an encounter that changes the nature of your love life and contrasts sharply with your habits. It may also be an opportunity to reveal your essential desires and to overcome some limitations. More than ever, you display an amazing sincerity and you do not seek anything but a life in harmony with your affective aspirations. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Home Sweet Home...

Conjunction Moon Ascendant

Valid on Tuesday 23 April, the transit orb is 222'

The Moon travels over your Ascendant and prompts you to let go. The emphasis is on your inner life and your family, and more generally, on your fundamental bases. You are in search of peace of mind and you turn away from external concerns in order to take stock of your intimate realm. People
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may be surprised by your restless and quite pernickety mood, but your creativity is high. The astrological climate of the day inclines to inactivity, contemplation and stirs up your artistic chord. A moment of poetry in sight...

Intellectual Fertility
Sextile Mercury Moon

Valid from Tuesday 23 April till Wednesday 24 April included (particularly active on Wednesday 24 April, the transit orb is 043')

Imagination is back in full force. It is an excellent day for exchanging ideas and viewpoints. A few interesting debates may give birth to a very attractive project that makes you dream, in a period that is far too serious to you! A dawning hope has every chance to develop and bear fruit in the near future... Your intellectual fertility is obvious and it seems that you live on all the pieces of information provided by your more than ever conducive environment. In this context, curiosity is the most charming flaw. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Gentle Way of Life and Good Mood

Moon in House I
Valid from Tuesday 23 April till Wednesday 24 April included

Today, you feel fine, balanced, at peace with yourself and you are willing to show yourself in the most favourable light. Your feelings, your emotions and your imagination are increased and you perceive the world around you in a very personal way. Like a radar picking up your close friends' feelings, you need to be in tune with them, you share their happiness or you find the right word to comfort them. You are always there when you are needed and you are caring. Nevertheless, be careful not to become overwhelmed. This lovely day belongs to you, therefore take care of yourself and have fun!

Gentle Way of Life

Trine Moon Moon

Valid on Wednesday 24 April, the transit orb is 037'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire
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to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Protection and Sense of Contacts

Sextile Mercury Mercury

Valid from Thursday 25 April till Friday 26 April included (particularly active on Thursday 25 April, the transit orb is 053')

Your social life is at the forefront. A significant evolution may be triggered by someone else, a fortuitous encounter, a short trip or any other context that favours exchanges of viewpoints. Carefully listen to your entourage: since some projects have been revised, you need the help of your close friends in order to sort out truth from lies. Your friends will be there at the right time to lead the way and have every door open for you. Trust them! The high quality of your relationships is currently your best asset... The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Minor Financial Satisfaction

Moon in House II
Valid from Thursday 25 April till Friday 26 April included

Matters connected with possessions and finances are on the agenda. You need to check your accounts, to pay your debts and to reconsider your budget in order not to overspend. You may also make an appointment with your banker in order to optimize your investments. In any case, you seek safety in this area and you are provident for the future. Even when you must make a purchase, your choices are wise and you manage your patrimony as best you can. You select valuable artefacts or pieces of furniture for your home decoration with the will to invest and preserve your capital. In short, you definitely are an "ant"...

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Caution with Your Contacts

Square Mercury Mars

Valid from Saturday 27 April till Sunday 28 April included (particularly active on Sunday 28 April, the transit orb is 028')

Facts sometimes prove incompatible with ideals. This is what you are likely to experience... You don't have the same viewpoints? Are your opinions diverging? That's fine! It is from these contradictions that will emerge the right solution and the path to a sustainable evolution. Make use of your sagacity and your analytical skills: thanks to your diplomacy, you don't reach the breaking point and you maintain the balance. You cleverly manage to leave your interlocutor a most honourable way out. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Minor Misunderstandings Ahead

Moon in House III
Valid from Saturday 27 April till Sunday 28 April included

It seems that good mood is not accepted during this period and that you find it hard to communicate. Exchanges with your entourage are marked with distrust and they weigh heavy on you. You don't find the words you need to explain yourself and misunderstandings may lead to quarrels. Therefore, don't start discussions that result in nothing positive and save your arguments for better days. If you prefer to isolate yourself and make a break, you are right because, as you know well, sometimes, silence is golden...

Sensitivity All on Edge...

Opposition Moon Moon

Valid on Sunday 28 April, the transit orb is 055'

The Moon is playing tricks on you: the weather today is stormy, full of turbulences and excitement. It will be difficult to stay serene as your habits are upset. In this context, you must remain clear-sighted in order to thwart traps caused by hasty actions. Turmoil stems from your high sensitivity to danger: whether you are right or wrong, you don't feel safe, as if some unknown element troubled your peace of mind. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.
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Whimsical Mood at Home!

Conjunction Moon Nadir

Valid on Monday 29 April, the transit orb is 029'

People who are lucky enough to live in a serene family atmosphere can fully enjoy the day. Thanks to your family ties, auspicious hours are in store. For other people, it is advisable to get back to more moderation in order to repair the damages done during stormy days. You extended the usual limits of your life setting and finally, the result is a rather positive situation. However, you must have your extreme and quite inflexible attitudes forgiven. Prove that you are acceptable and your family life will be positively impacted.

Contentment and Serenity

Sextile Moon Sun

Valid on Monday 29 April, the transit orb is 212'

This is an excellent day to make a pause and enjoy your recovered serenity. It is the right time for you to be forgiven for your fits of bad temper and to regain the sympathy that your aloof attitude may have lessened. Above all, it is the right time for innovative projects that radically change life! Things unfold smoothly... On the social and professional planes, everything seems to develop very naturally: you let yourself be carried away by the stream and you carefully avoid all forms of tension or aggressiveness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Romantic Lightness, Minor Misunderstandings...

Square Venus Mercury

Valid from Monday 29 April till Thursday 2 May included (particularly active on Tuesday 30 April, the transit orb is 036')

You don't treat your partner tactfully and you may be criticized for your lack of thoughtfulness. You forget your partner's needs because you prefer to suggest your own path and move forward according to your desires. Your attitude is double-edged and minor misunderstandings are likely to bring about a temporary tiff, yet a real one. Whereas the context demands a lot of subtlety and attention, you tend to be satisfied with superficial chats. It would be wise to make efforts towards more authenticity and deepness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others).
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Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Multiple and Fruitful Contacts and Interests

Sextile Mercury Sun

Valid from Monday 29 April till Wednesday 1 May included (particularly active on Tuesday 30 April, the transit orb is 011')

It is the right time to explore new avenues and to establish new relationships: gratuitous gestures and empty talks turn out to be useful later. Do not hesitate to make use of apparently frivolous chatters and approaches because their positive consequences will not fail to manifest when the time comes. Increase the number of contacts and experiences, as their outcomes are valuable. Steps taken today may open up the road to unsuspected horizons, including in the professional area. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Fruitful Contacts
Trine Jupiter Mercury

Valid from Monday 29 April till Sunday 19 May included (particularly active on Thursday 9 May, the transit orb is 005')

This period favours fruitful relations and useful dialogues. You easily mobilize your adaptation and insertion abilities. You display more diplomacy than ever, you make the most of your contacts and you make use of your improvisation skills. The influence favours any sensitive enterprise requiring persuasion powers. You charm and convince your entourage. Business or commercial initiatives are also protected... if your life context agrees, of course. You enjoy some degree of relaxation because you try to negotiate and dispel surrounding tensions. Social life prevails over individualism and personal plans. You are likely to make an encounter that offers new prospects, an agreement or a contract. In order to make the most of your current negotiations, you must constantly remain clear-sighted during your debates. Your open-mindedness may bring about amazing prospects. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Home Sweet Home!

Moon in House IV
Valid from Monday 29 April till Wednesday 1 May included

How great it is to be at home! Today, you want to enjoy the comfort and gentleness of your home where you feel good and in security. There, you can dream at leisure of the improvements you want to bring to your cosy little nest for the sake of your family's well being, unless you prefer to dive in the nostalgia of your souvenirs and your photo albums... If you are in a more active mood, you may want to clean up the house from floor to ceiling or you may try to implement your lovely arrangement and decoration ideas... In short, the atmosphere is nice and, if your close friends share your activities, you experience a deep feeling of inner peace.

Your May Forecast

Heart and Mind in Unison
Sextile Mercury Venus

Valid from Thursday 2 May till Saturday 4 May included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 1 January till 3 January (particularly active on Friday 3 May, the transit orb is 0')

In the love department, magic is on your side! Your charm operates proportionately to your tactfulness and your timeliness. You seem to be able to read your partner's thoughts... It is the right time to suggest a few moments of evasion so as to create souvenirs that will endure in your memory. Protect your moments of intimacy as much as you can. These days are ideal for giving a present, the best one being the closeness we all dream of and that allows to grasp the hidden meaning of our partner's words... The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Love and Sensuality... Live Intensely!

Sextile Venus Mars

Valid from Thursday 2 May till Sunday 5 May included (particularly active on Saturday 4 May, the transit orb is 011')

Passion is on the agenda. Your conquering spirit can but facilitate the revival of your love story. In the romance department, euphoria reigns! Everything
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seems possible, owing to the genuineness of your passion and your fieriness. However, a few questions need to be answered and you will have to tackle them in due course. Why don't you do so right now? If you start a dialogue based on your partner's inner needs as well as on your own, you will tremendously benefit from this favourable climate, beyond all expectations! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Luck and Seduction !

Moon in House V
Valid from Thursday 2 May till Friday 3 May included

Today, luck smiles on you! Nothing in your daily life weighs heavy on you, life is beautiful and you are ready to savour all its simple pleasures. Your imagination stirs up your sensitivity and the idea occurs to you to carry out some artistic activity in order to give your creativity free rein. Are you going to decorate your house, take up your brushes again, resume playing an instrument or just listen to your favourite song? Your children are the centre of your attention and you are willing to spend some time with them. Unless you dedicate your emotions to the games of love... One thing is certain, the day is going to be gorgeous!

Authority, Prestige and Popularity

Conjunction Moon Sun

Valid on Friday 3 May, the transit orb is 111'

Your social life has the place of honour. Your qualities are acknowledged without your having to put yourself forward in an exaggerated way. You are in harmony with the ambient mood and you are able to convince your entourage to follow a project that is well devised. You exude some kind of natural aura that reinforces your prestige and endows you with undisputable authority. Take advantage of this favourable astrological climate to implement smoothly the course of action you are dreaming of. You easily find your place within your social and professional environment. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Good Mood and Efficiency at Work

Moon in House VI
Valid from Saturday 4 May till Sunday 5 May included

Today, you are in good spirits! Your recover your energy, your health improves and you are in great form, fit for work. You do not hesitate to solve minor problems with precision and you attend to your affairs with pleasure. You are all the more interested that you expend a great deal of imagination at the service of your work and of people. You are willing to help and be of assistance, and your dedication is almost boundless. Should you want to make yourself indispensable, you couldn't succeed better! Don't overdo because your unfailing efficiency may arouse jealousies or envies...

Self-control and Good Mood

Trine Moon Mars

Valid on Sunday 5 May, the transit orb is 032'

After a few tensions, timely serenity is back. The news is reassuring and, all of a sudden, the steps you have to take seem easier and require no exaggerated effort... It is just about time. In spite of demanding circumstances, you can eventually enjoy some respite and let go. You control your aggressiveness better and you solve problems, one after the other, without clash. You highly value your small daily victories. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Pride or Love? Caution!

Square Venus Sun

Valid from Monday 6 May till Thursday 9 May included (particularly active on Tuesday 7 May, the transit orb is 011')

On the affective plane, you must redefine the rules of the game and put forward your demands. Otherwise, the situation may get stuck and love may grow dull as days go by... You have to face it and to honestly sort out major problems without looking away. Your couple's fulfilment mainly depends on the sincerity of your exchanges. Above all, be careful not to hurt your partner's pride: under such skies, this is a very sensitive spot. Sometimes, a mere compliment is enough to restart a positive impetus. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.
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Conviviality and Receptivity

Moon in House VII
Valid from Monday 6 May till Tuesday 7 May included

Today, you don't get bored because you feel the need to reach out to others. Your sensitivity is high and the exchanges with your partner or your entourage arouse various stimulating emotions. You vibrate in unison and the probability that you get along well in many areas is excellent. Take advantage of this nice influence to pass messages and to take initiatives because your partner will receive them positively. In the romantic realm, it is likely that everything is so perfect that words become useless. You may also want to put your sensitivity at the service of some humanitarian work... A lovely altruistic day in sight!

Increased Comprehension and Sensitivity

Sextile Moon Mercury

Valid on Tuesday 7 May, the transit orb is 052'

You carry out your investigation relentlessly and you try to understand people's motivations. As you find some behaviour intriguing, you ask your entourage questions in order to better figure out what is currently at stake. Is there anything that is hidden from you? It won't take long until you find out. Thanks to your acute and deep clear-sightedness, you quickly guess what is going on... You won't be trapped as your sensitivity on the alert endows you with a sixth sense. No matter how complex the situation may be, you play your game well. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Differing Opinion, Disagreements

Square Sun Mercury

Valid from Tuesday 7 May till Saturday 11 May included (particularly active on Thursday 9 May, the transit orb is 021')

You took the exact opposite view and you went against your close colleagues' stand. It does not matter: you did not really have the choice. However, you must now justify your decisions and explain the various reasons behind your sudden aloofness. As you say "no", you will see that you are also gaining friends. But it may be wise to avoid a cutting style and dialogues that uselessly disrupt social life. More than ever, you must be careful not to offend your partners' susceptibilities. The natal planet involved in the transit is in
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your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Anxiety and Doubts

Moon in House VIII
Valid from Wednesday 8 May till Friday 10 May included

Today, you may feel swamped by overflowing emotions and too many muddled and wild feelings, the reasons of which are beyond you. All these factors move you deeply. Destabilizing anxiety, fears and distress follow one another and upset you to the extent that you always imagine the worst scenario. Is there a delay? You immediately think of an accident... Does your partner exchange a glance with someone else? You think that love is gone... Is it the reality or only your imagination playing tricks on you? You want to understand the reasons behind your deep insecurity but you seem to lack clear-sightedness. Don't search any longer! Your imaginary world is a bit intrusive and your fears are totally unwarranted. Remain Zen...

Self-control and Good Mood

Sextile Moon Mars

Valid on Friday 10 May, the transit orb is 149'

After a few tensions, timely serenity is back. The news is reassuring and, all of a sudden, the steps you have to take seem easier and require no exaggerated effort... It is just about time. In spite of demanding circumstances, you can eventually enjoy some respite and let go. You control your aggressiveness better and you solve problems, one after the other, without clash. You highly value your small daily victories. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Annoyances and... Fits of Bad Temper

Square Moon Sun

Valid on Friday 10 May, the transit orb is 214'

It is likely that this day is marked with fits of bad temper. You are concerned about your public image and therefore, you are more sensitive than you usually are. The slightest detail offends you... So, an inappropriate word hurts
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you, a badly formulated concept brings about incomprehension. In such a context, it is advisable to cool down and wait until the dust settles before you discuss essential matters. When people get worked up, it may be because you are too pernickety: it is better to slow down. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Clumsy Relations
Square Mercury Mercury

Valid from Friday 10 May till Saturday 11 May included (particularly active on Friday 10 May, the transit orb is 102')

You are playing with fire. Clumsiness in your relations is not recommended in this tensed context! Fortunately, your perspicacity is on the alert... You have the unpleasant feeling that something is hidden from you and you are irritated, rightly. You will do your utmost in order to clear up the oddities of the moment and to understand underground stakes, as well as dealings that are going on without your knowledge. It is some sort of detective role that is assigned to you, some sort of hide-and-seek game of which you must come out with your head held high. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

A Few Minor Affective Doubts

Square Venus Venus

Valid from Saturday 11 May till Monday 13 May included (particularly active on Sunday 12 May, the transit orb is 008')

Some adjustments seem necessary in the love department... And it is only natural. You are not necessarily on the same wavelength or in total understanding. Viewpoints sometimes differ, and it is just fine! Without these moments of doubt, life would be too dull... However, it is better to avoid useless confrontations and to prefer mutual respect, freedom of action and of thought. Thanks to an upcoming improvement, current question marks will be dispelled. Exercise some patience as serenity will be back soon. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

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Idealism and Need to Escape

Moon in House IX
Valid from Saturday 11 May till Sunday 12 May included

Today, your horizon line is cloudless. You think big and it is with optimism that you consider the outer world. There are no limits any more and it seems that nothing can hinder the projects you want to undertake. Your feelings and your opinion are tinted with idealism. You need to isolate yourself for a short while, so you can think, meditate, and perhaps, find the answers to your philosophical questions. Do you have a sudden desire for faraway travels? Should the opportunity arise, don't hesitate! Unless you are contented with long imaginary journeys, the departure of which you constantly postpone... In any case, you are far from material contingencies... What a great wisdom!

Increased Comprehension and Sensitivity

Trine Moon Mercury

Valid on Sunday 12 May, the transit orb is 011'

You carry out your investigation relentlessly and you try to understand people's motivations. As you find some behaviour intriguing, you ask your entourage questions in order to better figure out what is currently at stake. Is there anything that is hidden from you? It won't take long until you find out. Thanks to your acute and deep clear-sightedness, you quickly guess what is going on... You won't be trapped as your sensitivity on the alert endows you with a sixth sense. No matter how complex the situation may be, you play your game well. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Fruitful Dialogues
Sextile Mercury Mars

Valid from Sunday 12 May till Monday 13 May included (particularly active on Sunday 12 May, the transit orb is 049')

Dialogues overcome a good many oppositions and you are going to experience this theory. Masks are taken off, illusions vanish into thin air, and the only things that remain are facts and the necessity to move on. An exchange of opposing points of view allows you to find the keys to a sustainable evolution. It is the time to define a safe route that fully reassures people who doubted the validity of your choices. Your horizon is brightening up although a long-term task awaits you. But, as you know it better than
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anyone else, it is worth it. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Efficient Action
Sextile Sun Mars

Valid from Sunday 12 May till Thursday 16 May included (particularly active on Tuesday 14 May, the transit orb is 021')

The electrical climate subsides, eventually, and gives way to a sunny spell! The situation stabilizes gradually. It may be caused by the virulent explanations that occurred during the past few weeks: new rules were set up and normalization is in sight. At the same time, you feel that you keep the course of events under tighter control. Your energy seems to be funnelled and handled in a coherent way, as if it were supported by your aspirations. Therefore, your actions are coordinated and well devised. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Increased Popularity
Conjunction Moon Midheaven

Valid on Monday 13 May, the transit orb is 044'

The transit of the Moon over your Midheaven sends your popularity to its heights today. Your attitudes are marked by letting-go and fantasy and they catch the attention of an entourage that is eager for entertainment! Your loved ones are not disappointed by the endearing and poetic image you project. You develop an acute sense of public contacts. Should your occupation lend itself to the hypothesis, this is a perfect day to increase your influence and your notoriety. In any case, this planetary configuration underlines your place in society.

Moon in House X
Valid from Monday 13 May till Wednesday 15 May included

Today, everything in the social and professional area prompts you to put yourself under the spotlight. You dedicate your entire sensitivity and intuition
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to the service of other people and you are in tune with them. You enjoy a very positive public image and your popularity increases significantly. You are appreciated and loved, you are told so, and moreover, you are given evidence of your fame! Salary increase? Promotion? Preferment? All sorts of favours are possible... You have a good sense of timing and you can jump at opportunities when they arise. Take full advantage of them... This is your day of glory!

Caution in Communication...
Square Mercury Sun

Valid from Tuesday 14 May till Wednesday 15 May included (particularly active on Tuesday 14 May, the transit orb is 032')

A weird poker game is starting. Without revealing your plans, you manage to prepare the ground for an evolution that you have in mind. A secret project no one knows about. Be cautious, don't exaggerate and don't let dissimulations reach the point where they border on scheming. Otherwise, a trap may backfire on you! If you attract attention and take on the major role, you may make a foolish mistake... In such a context, it is better to avoid being at the forefront. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Beware of Blunders
Square Mars Mercury

Valid from Tuesday 14 May till Sunday 19 May included (particularly active on Thursday 16 May, the transit orb is 009')

Electricity can be felt in the air! Your impulsiveness does not facilitate smooth relations and contacts. You are prone to verbal clumsiness and thoughtless actions. Your state of mind brings about criticisms and controversy. If you cannot take action, you will probably demonstrate verbal violence. If, on the contrary, you cannot explain yourself honestly, your foolish actions will probably provoke forceful events. Beware of all kinds of blunders! It is certain that this climate favours latent conflicts that are likely to break out in broad daylight, forcing straightforward and constructive explanations to take place. But as we all know, settling of scores is not devoid of danger. For instance, there is the danger to overstep the line, at least verbally, and to utter loud and clear words that you had better kept to yourself. Therefore, even though you feel the urge to interfere, you must control yourself and strive to count to ten before you shout out words that cause irreversible harm. This is how you can get the best of this planetary configuration: straightforwardness that dispels many a misunderstanding. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your
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5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Exacerbated Sensitivity
Conjunction Moon Mars

Valid on Wednesday 15 May, the transit orb is 112'

Your fighting spirit overcomes adversity. You win a battle through sheer energy. It has absolutely nothing to do with triumphing diplomacy, far from that! It is about the victory of determination and persistence. You did not give in, you did not weaken and events prove you right. Now, you can confess that you were not far from the point of no-return... The positive outcome: the impetus is restarted and hurdles are removed. Your fighting spirit seems to be the source of a significant evolution. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Minor Self-questioning
Square Sun Sun

Valid from Thursday 16 May till Monday 20 May included (particularly active on Saturday 18 May, the transit orb is 008')

These days are favourable for a minor change of direction: you may forsake something you are keen on and you accept to follow a different path. Destiny exposes you to new elements that force you to reconsider your course of action. You must adjust to the context before you start anew, and this is likely to occur quite soon. Hold on, once again! Don't be too sensitive to criticism: your public image is not at stake and an extreme touchiness would only make you waste your time. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Love misunderstandings
Square Mercury Venus

Valid from Thursday 16 May till Saturday 18 May included (particularly active on Friday 17 May, the transit orb is 008')

In the love department, a strange poker game is being played! You don't reveal your true feelings, you prefer to take action behind the scenes and allow some doubt to linger. In the best case, your strategy pays off, finally. Your charm works wonders and the mystery you maintain deliberately is part of your seduction kit. However, don't display too much cruelty. If you keep on inflaming too many hearts, you may get burnt and jeopardize this budding relationship that is delightfully subtle. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Minor Tensions with Your Close Friends

Moon in House XI
Valid from Thursday 16 May till Friday 17 May included

During this period, your need for communication may be repressed. Exchanges are not very easy and your sensitivity is a bit shaken up, especially with your friends! Tomorrow is another day... Ask yourself if you don't attach too much importance to the group... And keep in mind that you are definitely able to find solutions to your problems, all by yourself. You can also implement your projects on your own or give them a new orientation, should they stagnate for the time being. You will see, you will gain so much autonomy!

Restlessness and Nervousness

Opposition Moon Mercury

Valid on Friday 17 May, the transit orb is 03'

You put aside your habits, you shelve all kinds of conformism that have started to smother you. Your entourage is going to be surprised! It is the time to take action according to your aspirations, your whims and your dreams... You intensely experience a situation in full transformation. Ideas abound in such great numbers that you find it difficult to make a synthesis of all the pieces of the jigsaw... Because of your relatively restless mind, you may not be able to keep this highly complex game under control. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters,
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leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Emotions and Minor Frustrations

Opposition Moon Venus

Valid on Saturday 18 May, the transit orb is 223'

There is a minor frustration amid an affective quite fulfilling atmosphere. Would your partner be in a bad mood? Or are your expectations out of touch? It may not be the right time. Calm things down because hastiness can only lead to a foolish mistake. It is better to allow spirits to cool off without influencing events. An obvious tension is likely to linger and, as a result, blunt explanations and temporary turbulences may cloud the idyllic atmosphere for a few hours. Let the storm blow over! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Fruitful Quietness
Moon in House XII
Valid from Saturday 18 May till Monday 20 May included

Even though people have the feeling that you are avoiding them, don't hesitate to zone out if you are so inclined. It is likely that you need peace and quietness in order to ponder over your problems and to sort out what is real from what is imaginary. You also need solitude to assess the situation and to find the right answers to your questions. Silence helps you deepen your thoughts about spirituality and also encourages your meditation. Take full advantage of this short constructive retreat to recharge your batteries...

Sensitivity All on Edge...

Square Moon Moon

Valid on Sunday 19 May, the transit orb is 158'

The Moon is playing tricks on you: the weather today is stormy, full of turbulences and excitement. It will be difficult to stay serene as your habits are upset. In this context, you must remain clear-sighted in order to thwart traps caused by hasty actions. Turmoil stems from your high sensitivity to
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danger: whether you are right or wrong, you don't feel safe, as if some unknown element troubled your peace of mind. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Conquering Spirit
Sextile Mars Mars

Valid from Sunday 19 May till Saturday 25 May included (particularly active on Wednesday 22 May, the transit orb is 004')

It is the moment to take action. Not under any circumstance, nor upstream. Whether it is granted to you or you provoke it, you have the opportunity to highlight your dynamism without gratuitously offending your entourage. This is how you can best manage trials of strength. If you want to settle the scores without causing irreversible harm, it's now or never. When it is fully controlled, a forceful action proves quite an irresistible asset! Your conquering spirit often opens the path to new possibilities. If you find it hard to get out of the rut, it is now a good time to attempt a healthy confrontation and to "take the bull by its horns". Should the context be calmer, you can take advantage of this planetary configuration through audacity and boldness. Do not hesitate to face up to things and accept challenges. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Tenderness and Conviviality

Conjunction Venus Moon

Valid from Monday 20 May till Friday 24 May included (particularly active on Wednesday 22 May, the transit orb is 011')

It is urgent that you dedicate some time to your sentimental life and that you care more. Consideration is the key to real improvement... If you make the first step, you will start a process of exchanging favours. As a consequence, tenderness will be back in force. The coming days may comfort lonely hearts and give much hope to your family members. You display an undeniable sociability, which creates a serene affective atmosphere, reassuring to everyone. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.
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Minor Annoyances
Moon in House I
Valid from Tuesday 21 May till Wednesday 22 May included

Your imagination may flare up today and the slightest issue may blow out of proportion because you are over-sensitive to people and things. You are prey to fears and anxiety, without knowing why exactly. Your overflowing emotions make you feel insecure and prompt you to seek comfort and security from your close friends instead of moving ahead and taking action. You feel paralyzed, unable to do anything and you don't like the image you project. You wish to be taken care of, to be reassured and protected, and to regain your self-confidence. However, don't demand too much from your entourage...

Calm Down! Tensions are subsiding soon!

Square Moon Mars

Valid on Wednesday 22 May, the transit orb is 111'

Thrills are on the agenda! Were you seeking intense emotions? There you are. Nevertheless, amid this idyllic climate, clear-sightedness remains indispensable. A glitch is all it takes to jeopardize your plans, a minor incident, the regrettable consequences of which develop as time goes by. Therefore, it is advisable to anticipate and to avoid traps right from the start. Hold back your impatience because feverishness may block the energies of the day. More than ever, self-control is indispensable. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Curiosity, Creativity and Imagination

Conjunction Mercury Moon

Valid from Wednesday 22 May till Friday 24 May included (particularly active on Thursday 23 May, the transit orb is 001')

These days are placed under the sign of entertainment, leisure and social life. You communicate smoothly and your imagination is given free rein. As a result, the climate is playful and conducive to the launching of new experiences and activities. Trivial matters prevail over more serious ones, temporarily: however, it is for a good cause! Contacts established during this period will have a major influence in the future. Nevertheless, you find it hard to focus on the essentials, owing to your wide-ranging curiosity. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels Copyright 2002 - 2012 Astrotheme, all rights reserved This document has been downloaded on the Website


real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Minor Romantic Gap

Square Sun Venus

Valid from Wednesday 22 May till Sunday 26 May included (particularly active on Friday 24 May, the transit orb is 011')

Is your partner unable to take a decision? This is something you quite rightly find irritating! However, it is wise to postpone an explanation. Give time to people who don't share your reasons to force destiny's unfoldment. In love, one must know to give in and lose some ground in order to be revived later on. Indeed, it is your demand that is at stake: love does not always seem to you an idyllic model since desires and aspirations sometimes clash. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Minor Financial Satisfaction

Moon in House II
Valid from Thursday 23 May till Friday 24 May included

Matters connected with possessions and finances are on the agenda. You need to check your accounts, to pay your debts and to reconsider your budget in order not to overspend. You may also make an appointment with your banker in order to optimize your investments. In any case, you seek safety in this area and you are provident for the future. Even when you must make a purchase, your choices are wise and you manage your patrimony as best you can. You select valuable artefacts or pieces of furniture for your home decoration with the will to invest and preserve your capital. In short, you definitely are an "ant"...

Self-control and Good Mood

Trine Moon Mars

Valid on Friday 24 May, the transit orb is 023'

After a few tensions, timely serenity is back. The news is reassuring and, all of a sudden, the steps you have to take seem easier and require no exaggerated
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effort... It is just about time. In spite of demanding circumstances, you can eventually enjoy some respite and let go. You control your aggressiveness better and you solve problems, one after the other, without clash. You highly value your small daily victories. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Protection and Sense of Contacts

Trine Mercury Mercury

Valid from Friday 24 May till Saturday 25 May included (particularly active on Saturday 25 May, the transit orb is 026')

Your social life is at the forefront. A significant evolution may be triggered by someone else, a fortuitous encounter, a short trip or any other context that favours exchanges of viewpoints. Carefully listen to your entourage: since some projects have been revised, you need the help of your close friends in order to sort out truth from lies. Your friends will be there at the right time to lead the way and have every door open for you. Trust them! The high quality of your relationships is currently your best asset... The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Listening and Tenderness!

Trine Venus Mercury

Valid from Friday 24 May till Sunday 26 May included (particularly active on Saturday 25 May, the transit orb is 006')

This period proves ideal for any romantic reunion. Problems seem to fade and give way to a true mutual listening. You are on the same wavelength and you enjoy it very much. If you are in search of your soul-mate and you are single, it is the right time to hope for a meaningful encounter! In all cases, you feel a breath of fresh air that brings about exaltation. You find a lot of pleasure in expressing your emotions and giving free rein to your heart's impulses. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Wrong Timing
Square Mars Sun

Valid from Saturday 25 May till Thursday 30 May included (particularly active on Tuesday 28 May, the transit orb is 019')

Heroism is valuable, provided it is relevant to the situation. Otherwise, your attitudes, as honest and direct as they may be, may only worsen existing tensions. Things speed up and if the situation is stuck, you manage to forcefully break the deadlock. You lack neither energy nor fighting spirit. But it is likely that you will often take action at an inopportune moment and be carried away by impulsive and thoughtless initiatives. Therefore, this period may be filled with regrettable incidents. You are prone to make blunders. Beware of clumsiness, take advantage of your punch and your fighting spirit but don't start anything that cannot be undone and don't handle your entourage roughly. More than ever, you must calm things down and dispel misunderstandings because an uncontrolled skid is bound to happen. Do not get carried away by any provocation, or by your own determination to sort out problems and to put an end to disputes once for all. Other periods are more suitable for these final settlements... For the time being, try to make use of your exacerbated fighting spirit as wisely as possible. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Contacts and Pleasant Short Trips

Moon in House III
Valid from Saturday 25 May till Sunday 26 May included

During this period, you feel like moving around, discovering and learning. Although you probably dream of faraway horizons, short trips are enough to make you happy. Go to your lady neighbour's place to share a nice cup of coffee and reinvent the world while having fun with words! You may also visit a close friend who will be delighted by your sensitivity, your understanding and the way you look at the world. It is clear that you need to communicate and, wherever you are, your pleasant conversation and your negotiating talents are unanimously appreciated. In any case, you can't be stopped just like that ...

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Minor Annoyances at Home

Moon in House IV
Valid from Monday 27 May till Tuesday 28 May included

You are not willing to receive anybody today and you feel like sticking the notice "Do not disturb" at your door. You are not in the mood for dialogue and therefore, communication may be difficult, even with your parents or your children, since the points of dissension deal with the family and daily life themes. In order to feel in security and regain inner calm and peace of mind, you probably need to isolate yourself in your corner or to withdraw into yourself until tensions and worries subside and your good mood is back. Be careful, don't zone out for too long and don't cut yourself off from the world as if you were a hermit...

Calm Down! Tensions are subsiding soon!

Opposition Moon Mars

Valid on Tuesday 28 May, the transit orb is 03'

Thrills are on the agenda! Were you seeking intense emotions? There you are. Nevertheless, amid this idyllic climate, clear-sightedness remains indispensable. A glitch is all it takes to jeopardize your plans, a minor incident, the regrettable consequences of which develop as time goes by. Therefore, it is advisable to anticipate and to avoid traps right from the start. Hold back your impatience because feverishness may block the energies of the day. More than ever, self-control is indispensable. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Multiple and Fruitful Contacts and Interests

Trine Mercury Sun

Valid from Tuesday 28 May till Thursday 30 May included (particularly active on Wednesday 29 May, the transit orb is 033')

It is the right time to explore new avenues and to establish new relationships: gratuitous gestures and empty talks turn out to be useful later. Do not hesitate to make use of apparently frivolous chatters and approaches because their positive consequences will not fail to manifest when the time comes. Increase the number of contacts and experiences, as their outcomes are valuable. Steps taken today may open up the road to unsuspected horizons, including in the professional area. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations
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(artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Luck and Seduction !

Moon in House V
Valid from Wednesday 29 May till Thursday 30 May included

Today, luck smiles on you! Nothing in your daily life weighs heavy on you, life is beautiful and you are ready to savour all its simple pleasures. Your imagination stirs up your sensitivity and the idea occurs to you to carry out some artistic activity in order to give your creativity free rein. Are you going to decorate your house, take up your brushes again, resume playing an instrument or just listen to your favourite song? Your children are the centre of your attention and you are willing to spend some time with them. Unless you dedicate your emotions to the games of love... One thing is certain, the day is going to be gorgeous!

Encounter or Intellectual Satisfaction

Conjunction Mercury Midheaven

Valid from Thursday 30 May till Saturday 1 June included (particularly active on Friday 31 May, the transit orb is 003')

An encounter with important stakes is likely to take place. Don't waste any opportunity to carry out desultory conversations and don't hesitate to make false statements in order to discover the truth... In the course of an apparently ordinary dialogue, you may suddenly find the solution to a problem that has become urgent. Interpersonal matters are at the core of your concerns and constitute your best asset. You attract attention and everything you do is watched closely. If your occupation allows such a hypothesis, and provided that your professional context is favourable, a contract may be in sight.

Love and Construction, Getting Closer Affectively

Trine Venus Sun

Valid from Thursday 30 May till Sunday 2 June included (particularly active on Saturday 1 June, the transit orb is 028')

Excellent resolutions were made, particularly in the sentimental sphere. Your commitments remain to be fulfilled. Start right now. Positive outcomes will manifest before long! In the romantic department, a bright spot is in sight. Your partner is sensitive to the sincerity of your words and seeks a lasting well
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being with you. Your budding relationship tends towards fusion, with each partner striving to remain in phase with the other one's demands and dreams. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Affective Matters and Wisdom

Trine Saturn Venus

Valid from Friday 31 May till Wednesday 14 August included (particularly active from Friday 5 July till Friday 5 July, the transit orb is 1.08')

Nothing is simple with Saturn, the planet of interrogations and challenges. When the influence is harmonious, it becomes a drive for evolution, as one seeks the essentials in the relationship. During this period, if on the one hand it seems difficult to be contented with superficial loves, on the other hand, you find it easy to make use of the profoundness and sincerity of your feelings. You cannot be satisfied any more with shams and risky compromises. Your attitude is changing. The stage of falling in love head over heels is over. It is the time for enduring affairs, for true love matching your aspirations and your heart of hearts. More than ever, you must consider your affective life from a long-term perspective and consolidate your acquisitions or build up a relationship that is stable because it is loyal, and rich because it is based on mutual confidence and respect. It is time to ask your partner, and yourself, real questions, without fearing the "adventure" that any questioning constitutes. It is under this condition, and this condition only, that you can develop the mutual esteem without which all relationships remain shaky. You have passed a major step, that of relinquishing the illusions of the day so as to discover love's true roots. Wisdom is traditionally associated with this planetary configuration. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Good Mood and Efficiency at Work

Moon in House VI
Valid from Friday 31 May till Saturday 1 June included

Today, you are in good spirits! Your recover your energy, your health improves and you are in great form, fit for work. You do not hesitate to solve minor problems with precision and you attend to your affairs with pleasure. You are all the more interested that you expend a great deal of imagination at the service of your work and of people. You are willing to help and be of
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assistance, and your dedication is almost boundless. Should you want to make yourself indispensable, you couldn't succeed better! Don't overdo because your unfailing efficiency may arouse jealousies or envies...

Your June Forecast

Heart and Mind in Unison
Trine Mercury Venus

Valid from Saturday 1 June till Monday 3 June included (particularly active on Sunday 2 June, the transit orb is 013')

In the love department, magic is on your side! Your charm operates proportionately to your tactfulness and your timeliness. You seem to be able to read your partner's thoughts... It is the right time to suggest a few moments of evasion so as to create souvenirs that will endure in your memory. Protect your moments of intimacy as much as you can. These days are ideal for giving a present, the best one being the closeness we all dream of and that allows to grasp the hidden meaning of our partner's words... The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Possible Romantic Encounter...

Conjunction Venus Midheaven

Valid from Saturday 1 June till Tuesday 4 June included (particularly active on Monday 3 June, the transit orb is 013')

Your romantic barometer is set fair and inclines to some kind of adventure or project that may take you off the beaten path. Your partner will approve your choices, provided you show them under an advantageous angle. This is a game in which you excel. It's your turn to play: be daring and make your dreams come true! Your mood is conciliating and your desire for seduction may have positive consequences in all areas, including your profession.

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Explosive Temper
Square Mars Venus

Valid from Sunday 2 June till Saturday 8 June included (particularly active on Wednesday 5 June, the transit orb is 004')

You display strong impulsiveness. Your sensitivity all on edge may turn your life setting into battlefields! If you are a thrill-lover, you will certainly get what you want. Perhaps a bit too much, if you give free rein to your whimsical moods and your explosive temper. Your exacerbated sensuality may seduce your partner. However, the violence of your feelings gives you no respite. During this period, your instincts override reason. For better and probably for worse. Sensual exaltation turns into outrageousness. It is likely that you listen to the sole intoxication of transient love or feelings. Hearts are pounding wildly. This heated climate is very good for putting an end to a monotonous life devoid of adventure and to a meaningless love. Romanticism becomes impetuous and prevails. One knows that love lives on passion and fevers. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Conviviality and Receptivity

Moon in House VII
Valid from Sunday 2 June till Monday 3 June included

Today, you don't get bored because you feel the need to reach out to others. Your sensitivity is high and the exchanges with your partner or your entourage arouse various stimulating emotions. You vibrate in unison and the probability that you get along well in many areas is excellent. Take advantage of this nice influence to pass messages and to take initiatives because your partner will receive them positively. In the romantic realm, it is likely that everything is so perfect that words become useless. You may also want to put your sensitivity at the service of some humanitarian work... A lovely altruistic day in sight!

Gentle Way of Life

Sextile Moon Moon

Valid on Monday 3 June, the transit orb is 023'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day
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business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Contentment and Serenity

Sextile Moon Sun

Valid on Tuesday 4 June, the transit orb is 026'

This is an excellent day to make a pause and enjoy your recovered serenity. It is the right time for you to be forgiven for your fits of bad temper and to regain the sympathy that your aloof attitude may have lessened. Above all, it is the right time for innovative projects that radically change life! Things unfold smoothly... On the social and professional planes, everything seems to develop very naturally: you let yourself be carried away by the stream and you carefully avoid all forms of tension or aggressiveness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Vitality and Popularity

Conjunction Sun Moon

Valid from Tuesday 4 June till Saturday 8 June included (particularly active on Thursday 6 June, the transit orb is 003')

It is a favourable time to assert the validity of your choices. You feel great and you are driven by an infectious enthusiasm. Your popularity is soaring! You know how to have your projects adopted smoothly and to merge them into a setting that becomes receptive to your ideas. Your entourage understands your views and your approach. There is a "little something" reassuring about your attitudes and, probably because your entire energy is mobilized, your merits are naturally acknowledged. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

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Romantic Improvement
Trine Venus Venus

Valid from Tuesday 4 June till Friday 7 June included (particularly active on Thursday 6 June, the transit orb is 029')

The romantic improvement continues. Your caring and wild behaviour is charming. You seem to be able to read your partner's heart like an open book As a result, your relationship is marked by a deep intensity. Let's hope that the flame never dies and that it stands the test of time. Indeed, routine is romanticism's worst enemy. As days go by, you learn how to establish an atmosphere at the same time nice, serene and devoid of violent passion but favourable to your hearts' blossoming. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Hypersensitivity and Intuition

Moon in House VIII
Valid from Tuesday 4 June till Thursday 6 June included

During this period, your intense emotions and deep feelings endow your inner and psychical life with extreme strength. You are hypersensitive and you can switch from laughter to tears with no real reason. Your intuition also is very developed and it gives you some sort of sixth sense that proves very useful for finding the answers to all your questions, whether they are of a practical or more metaphysical order. You may also have premonitory dreams... Topics such as finances, sexuality, the unconsciousness and even the beyond, may catch your attention. Unless, enriched with all these emotions, you just let your creativity flow freely...

Optimism Reigns
Trine Jupiter Sun

Valid from Wednesday 5 June till Tuesday 25 June included (particularly active on Saturday 15 June, the transit orb is 0')

You can give your projects a new impetus and jump at opportunities when they arise. Your presence of mind immediately proves to be a valuable asset in the social and professional spheres. When it is well integrated, this planetary configuration awakens your ideals. Then, you nurture projects and you mobilize the energy needed for their implementation. You know where you are heading to and how to overcome your entourage's possible resistances. It
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is likely that your choices will prevail and that you will be successfully integrated in a setting that acknowledges your merits and your abilities. You are deemed trustworthy and doors are thrown open... everything seems simple, perhaps too simple: the danger lies in an exaggerated optimism and an overestimation of your chances of success. Your major asset is a state of mind that allows you to obtain what you have been dreaming of, so far without believing that it could ever come true. Malicious gossips may say that the optimism that allows you to break deadlocks is but an extreme form of opportunism. In any case, it is the right time to undertake what you have never been able to achieve. Events prompt you to get over limitations and borders and to excel yourself. It is likely that your entourage - and your specific way of taking advantage of it - are involved. More than ever, your pragmatism turns out to pay off. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Self-control and Good Mood

Sextile Moon Mars

Valid on Thursday 6 June, the transit orb is 113'

After a few tensions, timely serenity is back. The news is reassuring and, all of a sudden, the steps you have to take seem easier and require no exaggerated effort... It is just about time. In spite of demanding circumstances, you can eventually enjoy some respite and let go. You control your aggressiveness better and you solve problems, one after the other, without clash. You highly value your small daily victories. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Emotions and Minor Frustrations

Square Moon Venus

Valid on Friday 7 June, the transit orb is 031'

There is a minor frustration amid an affective quite fulfilling atmosphere. Would your partner be in a bad mood? Or are your expectations out of touch? It may not be the right time. Calm things down because hastiness can only lead to a foolish mistake. It is better to allow spirits to cool off without influencing events. An obvious tension is likely to linger and, as a result, blunt explanations and temporary turbulences may cloud the idyllic atmosphere for a few hours. Let the storm blow over! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the
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atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Idealism and Need to Escape

Moon in House IX
Valid from Friday 7 June till Sunday 9 June included

Today, your horizon line is cloudless. You think big and it is with optimism that you consider the outer world. There are no limits any more and it seems that nothing can hinder the projects you want to undertake. Your feelings and your opinion are tinted with idealism. You need to isolate yourself for a short while, so you can think, meditate, and perhaps, find the answers to your philosophical questions. Do you have a sudden desire for faraway travels? Should the opportunity arise, don't hesitate! Unless you are contented with long imaginary journeys, the departure of which you constantly postpone... In any case, you are far from material contingencies... What a great wisdom!

Daydreaming and Good Mood...

Conjunction Moon Moon

Valid on Saturday 8 June, the transit orb is 004'

You take advantage of a change in habits or situations and you enhance your daily life... You may pretext some unexpected obligations in order to get more freedom of action and spend this leisure time doing what you have not had the time to do. Your creativity occupies the place of honour! You tend to let go and to let destiny take action: if it is at all possible, allow the tide to carry you away and do not try to exceedingly control the situation. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Diplomacy and Smooth Relations

Trine Sun Mercury

Valid from Saturday 8 June till Wednesday 12 June included (particularly active on Monday 10 June, the transit orb is 023')

Please, acknowledge the fact that despite tensions and divergences, you did quite well! Your strategy was good and the subtle way you managed the boat
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of your enterprises is bearing fruit, at last. Today again, diplomacy is the best tool at your disposal in order to thwart traps and to put forward your plans. It is a favourable time for negotiations, even for signing an agreement. You are in a position of strength, with the capacity to reach a compromise that fulfil each partner's goals. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Increased Popularity
Conjunction Moon Midheaven

Valid on Sunday 9 June, the transit orb is 222'

The transit of the Moon over your Midheaven sends your popularity to its heights today. Your attitudes are marked by letting-go and fantasy and they catch the attention of an entourage that is eager for entertainment! Your loved ones are not disappointed by the endearing and poetic image you project. You develop an acute sense of public contacts. Should your occupation lend itself to the hypothesis, this is a perfect day to increase your influence and your notoriety. In any case, this planetary configuration underlines your place in society.

Contentment and Serenity

Trine Moon Sun

Valid on Sunday 9 June, the transit orb is 019'

This is an excellent day to make a pause and enjoy your recovered serenity. It is the right time for you to be forgiven for your fits of bad temper and to regain the sympathy that your aloof attitude may have lessened. Above all, it is the right time for innovative projects that radically change life! Things unfold smoothly... On the social and professional planes, everything seems to develop very naturally: you let yourself be carried away by the stream and you carefully avoid all forms of tension or aggressiveness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Moon in House X
Valid from Monday 10 June till Tuesday 11 June included

Today, everything in the social and professional area prompts you to put yourself under the spotlight. You dedicate your entire sensitivity and intuition to the service of other people and you are in tune with them. You enjoy a very positive public image and your popularity increases significantly. You are appreciated and loved, you are told so, and moreover, you are given evidence of your fame! Salary increase? Promotion? Preferment? All sorts of favours are possible... You have a good sense of timing and you can jump at opportunities when they arise. Take full advantage of them... This is your day of glory!

Exacerbated Sensitivity
Conjunction Moon Mars

Valid on Tuesday 11 June, the transit orb is 154'

Your fighting spirit overcomes adversity. You win a battle through sheer energy. It has absolutely nothing to do with triumphing diplomacy, far from that! It is about the victory of determination and persistence. You did not give in, you did not weaken and events prove you right. Now, you can confess that you were not far from the point of no-return... The positive outcome: the impetus is restarted and hurdles are removed. Your fighting spirit seems to be the source of a significant evolution. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Minor Tensions with Your Close Friends

Moon in House XI
Valid from Wednesday 12 June till Friday 14 June included

During this period, your need for communication may be repressed. Exchanges are not very easy and your sensitivity is a bit shaken up, especially with your friends! Tomorrow is another day... Ask yourself if you don't attach too much importance to the group... And keep in mind that you are definitely able to find solutions to your problems, all by yourself. You can also implement your projects on your own or give them a new orientation, should they stagnate for the time being. You will see, you will gain so much autonomy!

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Gentle Way of Life

Sextile Moon Moon

Valid on Thursday 13 June, the transit orb is 027'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Annoyances and... Fits of Bad Temper

Opposition Moon Sun

Valid on Friday 14 June, the transit orb is 009'

It is likely that this day is marked with fits of bad temper. You are concerned about your public image and therefore, you are more sensitive than you usually are. The slightest detail offends you... So, an inappropriate word hurts you, a badly formulated concept brings about incomprehension. In such a context, it is advisable to cool down and wait until the dust settles before you discuss essential matters. When people get worked up, it may be because you are too pernickety: it is better to slow down. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Fruitful Quietness
Moon in House XII
Valid from Saturday 15 June till Sunday 16 June included

Even though people have the feeling that you are avoiding them, don't hesitate to zone out if you are so inclined. It is likely that you need peace and quietness in order to ponder over your problems and to sort out what is real from what is imaginary. You also need solitude to assess the situation and to find the right answers to your questions. Silence helps you deepen your thoughts about spirituality and also encourages your meditation. Take full advantage of this short constructive retreat to recharge your batteries...
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Self-control and Good Mood

Sextile Moon Mars

Valid on Sunday 16 June, the transit orb is 04'

After a few tensions, timely serenity is back. The news is reassuring and, all of a sudden, the steps you have to take seem easier and require no exaggerated effort... It is just about time. In spite of demanding circumstances, you can eventually enjoy some respite and let go. You control your aggressiveness better and you solve problems, one after the other, without clash. You highly value your small daily victories. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Dynamism and Conquering Mind

Trine Sun Sun

Valid from Sunday 16 June till Thursday 20 June included (particularly active on Tuesday 18 June, the transit orb is 009')

You show an amazing optimism and an energy that you have been lacking! The situation favours your projects and hopes, which lends you wings. You are full of self-confidence again and nothing seems impossible. Therefore, the most ambitious objectives are likely to be achieved. However, beware of obvious utopias! Play it safe and try to find, on the spot, the efficient tools you need for the achievement of your ideals. Your wonderful determination is up to your aspirations. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Professional Success and Favoured Destiny

Conjunction Jupiter Midheaven

Valid from Sunday 16 June till Monday 8 July included (particularly active on Thursday 27 June, the transit orb is 003')

In the professional area, the transit of Jupiter over your Midheaven gets a very good press. Under such skies, it is likely that luck is smiling on you! You get your own means to fulfil your ambitions and you show a particularly constructive pragmatism. Doors are open or half-open. Of course, it is up to you to make the most of the nice opportunities of the moment. Whether it is about a promotion or a professional challenge to be taken up, the situation is conducive to a sunny spell. You pay particular attention to all possibilities in
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order to enhance your social life. Obviously, this behaviour pays off and you will see positive changes, mainly brought about by your resolutely optimistic and conquering attitude. You cleverly take over everywhere you go and you are able to jump at the chance when it arises. Your authority is reinforced during this period of expansion.

Gentle Way of Life and Good Mood

Moon in House I
Valid from Monday 17 June till Tuesday 18 June included

Today, you feel fine, balanced, at peace with yourself and you are willing to show yourself in the most favourable light. Your feelings, your emotions and your imagination are increased and you perceive the world around you in a very personal way. Like a radar picking up your close friends' feelings, you need to be in tune with them, you share their happiness or you find the right word to comfort them. You are always there when you are needed and you are caring. Nevertheless, be careful not to become overwhelmed. This lovely day belongs to you, therefore take care of yourself and have fun!

Increased Comprehension and Sensitivity

Trine Moon Mercury

Valid on Tuesday 18 June, the transit orb is 006'

You carry out your investigation relentlessly and you try to understand people's motivations. As you find some behaviour intriguing, you ask your entourage questions in order to better figure out what is currently at stake. Is there anything that is hidden from you? It won't take long until you find out. Thanks to your acute and deep clear-sightedness, you quickly guess what is going on... You won't be trapped as your sensitivity on the alert endows you with a sixth sense. No matter how complex the situation may be, you play your game well. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Good Mood and Romantic Harmony

Trine Moon Venus

Valid on Wednesday 19 June, the transit orb is 032'

It all starts with a moment of intimacy, a privileged minute that strongly boost your spirits! All of a sudden, everything becomes possible. You begin to dream of more poetry and your contagious tactfulness commands your partner's respect. Let yourself be carried away by the tide since the outcomes can only be positive... On the romantic plane, this is an ideal day to programme a few hours of escape and forget yesterday's misunderstandings. Choose a place conducive to a serene tte--tte. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Concrete Results and Positive Potentialities

Conjunction Sun Midheaven

Valid from Wednesday 19 June till Sunday 23 June included (particularly active on Friday 21 June, the transit orb is 0')

These days are important in the social and professional areas, and you may find that your efforts yield concrete results, eventually. People trust you and everything become possible, or almost everything... No more stagnation and steps that take forever. It is precisely the moment to risk everything, to influence events, if necessary, in order to take advantage of a totally supportive context! Your entourage approves of your decisions. Therefore, you can fulfil your responsibilities without encountering major obstacles, for the time being.

Strategy, Cleverness and Action

Conjunction Mercury Mars

Valid from Wednesday 19 June till Wednesday 3 July included (particularly active on Wednesday 26 June, the transit orb is 022')

This planetary configuration is ideal for learning the lessons of a new experience and seizing opportunities arising on the spot. Yesterday's confrontations become your research fields! In the interpersonal sphere, a major event may occur. All of a sudden, one of your detractors accepts your strategy and, even better, takes sides with you. Therefore, it seems that going against the tide may yield unexpected positive responses. However, keep in mind that people who used to criticize you will never become your friends.
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The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Renewed Personal Balance

Conjunction Mars Moon

Valid from Wednesday 19 June till Wednesday 26 June included (particularly active on Sunday 23 June, the transit orb is 014')

During this period, events are likely to concern your domestic sphere, your habits and your major bases. Anything involving your private life will be particularly highlighted. Whether you have to sort out a personal problem or to take an action related to your family life, you display a great deal of energy. You find the strength needed to get a situation out of the rut. In order to make your intimate realm evolve the way you want it to, action is more efficient than words. The situation develops quickly, very quickly. Facts prompt you to respond and to adjust your pace and your behaviours to the constraints of a situation that is new to you, in many respects. A chief preoccupation: how is it possible for you to feel at ease and to be in good shape? You try to find a balance between your peace of mind and your cravings, between your desire for quietness and your need to have your desires fulfilled in an intense way. This may be a very good time to improve your daily life... in sheer simplicity. You do not allow anyone or anything to hinder your efforts towards a new personal balance. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Unreasonable Expenses...
Moon in House II
Valid from Wednesday 19 June till Thursday 20 June included

Attention, place your bets... Rien ne va plus... Financial worries are on the agenda! A friend who lent you money shows up because he wants it back? You receive a call from your banker informing you that you overspent this month? The expected salary increase is put off? Whatever the reason, you are worried and in a bad mood because you don't know how you can solve these problems quickly. In order to forget them, you may be tempted to buy yourself a few presents, but you must beware of "compulsive shopping"! It may be more reasonable to postpone until tomorrow...

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Restlessness and Nervousness

Square Moon Mercury

Valid on Thursday 20 June, the transit orb is 155'

You put aside your habits, you shelve all kinds of conformism that have started to smother you. Your entourage is going to be surprised! It is the time to take action according to your aspirations, your whims and your dreams... You intensely experience a situation in full transformation. Ideas abound in such great numbers that you find it difficult to make a synthesis of all the pieces of the jigsaw... Because of your relatively restless mind, you may not be able to keep this highly complex game under control. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Passion and Emotions, Don't Struggle...

Conjunction Venus Mars

Valid from Thursday 20 June till Sunday 23 June included (particularly active on Saturday 22 June, the transit orb is 01')

Are you advised to be more reasonable? You do exactly as you please, with passion as your only guide. In fact, the really important thing is to live an experience right to the end, even if it means accepting its possible unfortunate consequences. Although your partner tries to suggest that you be more reasonable, you will only listen to your heart, for it is the ruler of these days. Therefore, wild passions punctuated with peaks of incredible and extreme emotions are to be expected. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Emotions and Minor Frustrations

Square Moon Venus

Valid on Friday 21 June, the transit orb is 13'

There is a minor frustration amid an affective quite fulfilling atmosphere. Would your partner be in a bad mood? Or are your expectations out of touch? It may not be the right time. Calm things down because hastiness can only lead to a foolish mistake. It is better to allow spirits to cool off without influencing events. An obvious tension is likely to linger and, as a result, blunt explanations and temporary turbulences may cloud the idyllic atmosphere for
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a few hours. Let the storm blow over! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Minor Misunderstandings Ahead

Moon in House III
Valid from Friday 21 June till Saturday 22 June included

It seems that good mood is not accepted during this period and that you find it hard to communicate. Exchanges with your entourage are marked with distrust and they weigh heavy on you. You don't find the words you need to explain yourself and misunderstandings may lead to quarrels. Therefore, don't start discussions that result in nothing positive and save your arguments for better days. If you prefer to isolate yourself and make a break, you are right because, as you know well, sometimes, silence is golden...

Sensitivity All on Edge...

Opposition Moon Moon

Valid on Saturday 22 June, the transit orb is 113'

The Moon is playing tricks on you: the weather today is stormy, full of turbulences and excitement. It will be difficult to stay serene as your habits are upset. In this context, you must remain clear-sighted in order to thwart traps caused by hasty actions. Turmoil stems from your high sensitivity to danger: whether you are right or wrong, you don't feel safe, as if some unknown element troubled your peace of mind. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Increased Comprehension and Sensitivity

Sextile Moon Mercury

Valid on Saturday 22 June, the transit orb is 209'

You carry out your investigation relentlessly and you try to understand people's motivations. As you find some behaviour intriguing, you ask your entourage questions in order to better figure out what is currently at stake. Is
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there anything that is hidden from you? It won't take long until you find out. Thanks to your acute and deep clear-sightedness, you quickly guess what is going on... You won't be trapped as your sensitivity on the alert endows you with a sixth sense. No matter how complex the situation may be, you play your game well. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Good Mood and Romantic Harmony

Sextile Moon Venus

Valid on Sunday 23 June, the transit orb is 112'

It all starts with a moment of intimacy, a privileged minute that strongly boost your spirits! All of a sudden, everything becomes possible. You begin to dream of more poetry and your contagious tactfulness commands your partner's respect. Let yourself be carried away by the tide since the outcomes can only be positive... On the romantic plane, this is an ideal day to programme a few hours of escape and forget yesterday's misunderstandings. Choose a place conducive to a serene tte--tte. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Whimsical Mood at Home!

Conjunction Moon Nadir

Valid on Sunday 23 June, the transit orb is 211'

People who are lucky enough to live in a serene family atmosphere can fully enjoy the day. Thanks to your family ties, auspicious hours are in store. For other people, it is advisable to get back to more moderation in order to repair the damages done during stormy days. You extended the usual limits of your life setting and finally, the result is a rather positive situation. However, you must have your extreme and quite inflexible attitudes forgiven. Prove that you are acceptable and your family life will be positively impacted.

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Favoured Romantic Life

Trine Sun Venus

Valid from Sunday 23 June till Thursday 27 June included (particularly active on Tuesday 25 June, the transit orb is 024')

Demands remain prevalent but your romantic life is brightening up. Indeed, both of you become aware of what is at stake: improving your relationship, gaining more transparency and, especially, more profoundness. Love is not a matter to be taken thoughtlessly! If you are single, the current influences favour exotic encounters... If you are in a couple, you can admire your partner's soul in the mirror of your own aspirations. The challenge is to eventually create the close relationship you are dreaming of. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Home Sweet Home!

Moon in House IV
Valid from Sunday 23 June till Monday 24 June included

How great it is to be at home! Today, you want to enjoy the comfort and gentleness of your home where you feel good and in security. There, you can dream at leisure of the improvements you want to bring to your cosy little nest for the sake of your family's well being, unless you prefer to dive in the nostalgia of your souvenirs and your photo albums... If you are in a more active mood, you may want to clean up the house from floor to ceiling or you may try to implement your lovely arrangement and decoration ideas... In short, the atmosphere is nice and, if your close friends share your activities, you experience a deep feeling of inner peace.

Lively Talks
Trine Mars Mercury

Valid from Tuesday 25 June till Sunday 30 June included (particularly active on Friday 28 June, the transit orb is 019')

You demonstrate an alert mind and a strong will. You take your decisions promptly and you implement them straight away. Your great mobility endows you with a formidable efficiency. Dialogues are lively and words, brilliant. It is hard to counter your arguments. During this period, you adjust amazingly well to complex surroundings and you know how to quickly impose your ideas. Straightforward explanations may break a deadlock. In the relationship
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department, the pace speeds up with an encounter leading to new prospects or a contact that proves helpful, here and now. It may also be the beginning of a dialogue or some initiative that requires a follow-up. In all cases, it seems interesting to pay special attention to any new relationship, although and particularly if you don't fully realize its importance yet. In the short or longer-term, contacts established during this period will yield nice fruits. Of course, it is up to you to make the first steps... The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Luck and Seduction !

Moon in House V
Valid from Tuesday 25 June till Wednesday 26 June included

Today, luck smiles on you! Nothing in your daily life weighs heavy on you, life is beautiful and you are ready to savour all its simple pleasures. Your imagination stirs up your sensitivity and the idea occurs to you to carry out some artistic activity in order to give your creativity free rein. Are you going to decorate your house, take up your brushes again, resume playing an instrument or just listen to your favourite song? Your children are the centre of your attention and you are willing to spend some time with them. Unless you dedicate your emotions to the games of love... One thing is certain, the day is going to be gorgeous!

Gentle Way of Life

Trine Moon Moon

Valid on Wednesday 26 June, the transit orb is 14'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

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Dialogue and Intuition

Conjunction Moon Mercury

Valid on Wednesday 26 June, the transit orb is 142'

You can expect your relations to be favoured today. Your entourage don't have to spell things out since you are able to easily pick up what they mean. This acute intuition allows you to catch major information! For the time being, the best thing is to pretend you heard nothing, because tomorrow, what you have learnt will prove to be valuable. Do not hesitate to chat and to initiate dialogues, the stake of which will emerge only as the conversation goes by. A fortuitous encounter may trigger something off in your mind. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Emotions and Feelings, such Pleasant Moments...

Conjunction Moon Venus

Valid on Thursday 27 June, the transit orb is 137'

The Moon travels on your natal Venus and your heart is pounding wildly! Everything is conducive to romanticism and finer feelings. Flights of lyricism are on the agenda, of course, provided that you want to find the suitable partner who will understand your frame of mind. In any case, there is little room today for half-hearted and dull loves... You deploy a formidable arsenal of seduction and you play around with lots of tact. Let yourself be carried away by the tide: charming hours are in store for you The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Minor Tension Among Colleagues

Moon in House VI
Valid from Thursday 27 June till Saturday 29 June included

Today, you find it difficult to work because you are irritated by constraints, distressed by the heavy atmosphere and you feel disheartened. In short, you are stressed and it affects your physical condition. You are not going to come over faint, are you? Take a break to catch your breath! Haven't you set your standards too high? Is your perfectionism your executioner? You have your limitations too and you have the right to be tired. Don't always strive to do
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more, quickly give up your inferiority complex because everybody fully appreciates you. Therefore, wait until you recover your energy and in the meantime, don't forget... Let go!

Sensitivity All on Edge...

Square Moon Moon

Valid on Friday 28 June, the transit orb is 002'

The Moon is playing tricks on you: the weather today is stormy, full of turbulences and excitement. It will be difficult to stay serene as your habits are upset. In this context, you must remain clear-sighted in order to thwart traps caused by hasty actions. Turmoil stems from your high sensitivity to danger: whether you are right or wrong, you don't feel safe, as if some unknown element troubled your peace of mind. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Favourable Contacts, Possible Encounter with a Female

Conjunction Moon Descendant

Valid on Saturday 29 June, the transit orb is 052'

The Moon stirs up the sector of your natal chart attributed to relationships. In this regard, the day is likely to prove important. Your opinion is sought after and your intervention too. It is essential that you do not disappoint and that you choose the good strategy right away. The decisions you take today may have happy consequences in the future, provided that you take into account some people's needs and other people's desires. It is the moment to sign a contract or to start an action involving various sorts of knowledge. It is obvious that your solitary period is drawing to a close, to the benefit of more collective actions.

Minor Annoyance With Your Contacts

Moon in House VII
Valid from Sunday 30 June till Monday 1 July included

In the communication area, the day is not really impressive. Whether at work or at home, you have the feeling that everyone has become deaf. No one hears you and what you say receives no echo. Instead of complaining about an
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unwillingness to understand and taking the risk to create misunderstandings and conflicts, try to write down everything... And since you feel that you are cut off from the world, stay in your own! It is better than to follow the crowd at any cost and be influenced by people. Indeed, you may not forgive them, later on. Quietly wait until they get out of their personal bubble!

Your July Forecast

Calm Down! Tensions are subsiding soon!
Square Moon Mars

Valid on Monday 1 July, the transit orb is 129'

Thrills are on the agenda! Were you seeking intense emotions? There you are. Nevertheless, amid this idyllic climate, clear-sightedness remains indispensable. A glitch is all it takes to jeopardize your plans, a minor incident, the regrettable consequences of which develop as time goes by. Therefore, it is advisable to anticipate and to avoid traps right from the start. Hold back your impatience because feverishness may block the energies of the day. More than ever, self-control is indispensable. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

A Fair Dose of Seduction

Trine Jupiter Venus

Valid from Tuesday 2 July till Monday 22 July included (particularly active on Friday 12 July, the transit orb is 003')

This planetary configuration is well thought of. It suggests a fruitful stage in romance that is favourable to some sort of legalization (such as getting married) or to perfect bliss. However, this interpretation must be relativized: of course, your forte lies in your seductive abilities and your capacity to adjust your desires to the constraints of the moment. Although feelings are wild, you don't lose the sense of realities. Therefore, more than usual, you arouse a sympathy for which you are willing to compromise. In most cases, you discover in yourself a new interest for socializing. You may seek easy contacts, sometimes in superficial ways. Love has got a price and you are ready to pay. The danger may be that you accept several concessions that turn out to be impossible to bear in the long run. The euphoria of the moment must be carefully balanced. Finally, this period is excellent for expressing (Jupiter is the planet of language) your feelings (Venus) and translating your heart's reasons into actions. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th
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House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Anxiety and Doubts

Moon in House VIII
Valid from Tuesday 2 July till Wednesday 3 July included

Today, you may feel swamped by overflowing emotions and too many muddled and wild feelings, the reasons of which are beyond you. All these factors move you deeply. Destabilizing anxiety, fears and distress follow one another and upset you to the extent that you always imagine the worst scenario. Is there a delay? You immediately think of an accident... Does your partner exchange a glance with someone else? You think that love is gone... Is it the reality or only your imagination playing tricks on you? You want to understand the reasons behind your deep insecurity but you seem to lack clear-sightedness. Don't search any longer! Your imaginary world is a bit intrusive and your fears are totally unwarranted. Remain Zen...

Restlessness and Nervousness

Square Moon Mercury

Valid on Wednesday 3 July, the transit orb is 0'

You put aside your habits, you shelve all kinds of conformism that have started to smother you. Your entourage is going to be surprised! It is the time to take action according to your aspirations, your whims and your dreams... You intensely experience a situation in full transformation. Ideas abound in such great numbers that you find it difficult to make a synthesis of all the pieces of the jigsaw... Because of your relatively restless mind, you may not be able to keep this highly complex game under control. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Emotions and Minor Frustrations

Square Moon Venus

Valid on Thursday 4 July, the transit orb is 222'

There is a minor frustration amid an affective quite fulfilling atmosphere. Would your partner be in a bad mood? Or are your expectations out of touch? It may not be the right time. Calm things down because hastiness can only lead to a foolish mistake. It is better to allow spirits to cool off without influencing events. An obvious tension is likely to linger and, as a result, blunt explanations and temporary turbulences may cloud the idyllic atmosphere for a few hours. Let the storm blow over! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Idealism and Need to Escape

Moon in House IX
Valid from Thursday 4 July till Saturday 6 July included

Today, your horizon line is cloudless. You think big and it is with optimism that you consider the outer world. There are no limits any more and it seems that nothing can hinder the projects you want to undertake. Your feelings and your opinion are tinted with idealism. You need to isolate yourself for a short while, so you can think, meditate, and perhaps, find the answers to your philosophical questions. Do you have a sudden desire for faraway travels? Should the opportunity arise, don't hesitate! Unless you are contented with long imaginary journeys, the departure of which you constantly postpone... In any case, you are far from material contingencies... What a great wisdom!

Trial of Strength
Trine Mars Sun

Valid from Saturday 6 July till Saturday 13 July included (particularly active on Tuesday 9 July, the transit orb is 019')

There is a touch of heroism in your attitude... You display dynamism and an enterprising spirit. You try to implement your projects and to take action in areas where, so far, you have been nurturing your plans only. Far from yesterday's renunciation, you can mobilize your energy as much as you like. Should events impose trials of strength on you, it is very likely that you will be able to cope with them. Instead of harming you, confrontations reinforce your position and allow you to assert your choices. If your situation is stuck or
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slowed down by external forces, you must take action and face adversity. It is important that you achieve what you have not dared to undertake, so far. This is a constructive period, even though you must confront the facts and prove yourself. With this configuration, the only danger may be that you overestimate your strength and you set out to conquer an objective that is still inaccessible. But the will to do and dare may brush aside many doubts and suppress reservations and limitations that used to paralyse your life. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Moon in House X
Valid from Sunday 7 July till Tuesday 9 July included

Today, everything in the social and professional area prompts you to put yourself under the spotlight. You dedicate your entire sensitivity and intuition to the service of other people and you are in tune with them. You enjoy a very positive public image and your popularity increases significantly. You are appreciated and loved, you are told so, and moreover, you are given evidence of your fame! Salary increase? Promotion? Preferment? All sorts of favours are possible... You have a good sense of timing and you can jump at opportunities when they arise. Take full advantage of them... This is your day of glory!

Heart and Mood on the Same Wavelength

Sextile Venus Moon

Valid from Tuesday 9 July till Friday 12 July included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 2 April till 5 April (particularly active on Wednesday 10 July, the transit orb is 03')

Within your couple, the current astrological climate favours evolution based on exchanges. It is wise to take your partner's points of view into account. Even though, for the moment, you do not have the same approach, the best solution is probably a compromise that can be reached only through a sincere dialogue. The time to go it alone belongs to the past! Life is to be built together... The desire to please may bring about miracles and you will see it for yourself before long. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

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Action and End Results!

Conjunction Mars Midheaven

Valid from Wednesday 10 July till Wednesday 17 July included (particularly active on Saturday 13 July, the transit orb is 018')

With Mars on your Midheaven, events follow on from each other in the social or professional area. Even better: you are the one who creates the event! You take up a challenge and you score valuable points. Your situation is strengthened, with an aura of courageous, and even rash, action. Of course, the danger is that you may go too fast or too far. However, it is likely that the boldness of your conceptions can overcome a good many obstacles! It is the right time to assert your rights, to say out loud who you really are, and to draw the line beyond which your reactions will be fearsome. In your occupation, it is the right time to start healthy confrontations and debates aiming at clarifying the future. Nevertheless, the current influence is not devoid of danger as latent conflicts, repressed for too long, are likely to blow up. Your colleagues can expect a few out-of-proportion reactions! This is the price for a positive liberation that is indispensable to your balance.

Favoured Friendships
Moon in House XI
Valid from Wednesday 10 July till Thursday 11 July included

Today, you prefer to exchange ideas with your close friends rather than to attend to your material and routine affairs. Make the most of it! Connections are established smoothly, you are on the same wavelength and communication is favoured by a harmonious atmosphere. You may talk about all and nothing pleasantly or you may carry out lengthy debates so as to reinvent a world that is up to your ideals! Besides, you may want to become part of a group or an association that shares your centres of interest. However, don't forget that your family may feel a bit neglected...

Romantic Lightness, Minor Misunderstandings...

Opposition Venus Mercury

Valid from Friday 12 July till Monday 15 July included (particularly active on Saturday 13 July, the transit orb is 015')

You don't treat your partner tactfully and you may be criticized for your lack of thoughtfulness. You forget your partner's needs because you prefer to suggest your own path and move forward according to your desires. Your attitude is double-edged and minor misunderstandings are likely to bring about a temporary tiff, yet a real one. Whereas the context demands a lot of
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subtlety and attention, you tend to be satisfied with superficial chats. It would be wise to make efforts towards more authenticity and deepness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Fruitful Quietness
Moon in House XII
Valid from Friday 12 July till Saturday 13 July included

Even though people have the feeling that you are avoiding them, don't hesitate to zone out if you are so inclined. It is likely that you need peace and quietness in order to ponder over your problems and to sort out what is real from what is imaginary. You also need solitude to assess the situation and to find the right answers to your questions. Silence helps you deepen your thoughts about spirituality and also encourages your meditation. Take full advantage of this short constructive retreat to recharge your batteries...

Dynamism and Courage, Don't Slacken!

Conjunction Sun Mars

Valid from Saturday 13 July till Thursday 18 July included (particularly active on Monday 15 July, the transit orb is 019')

Dynamism is back in force at the right time. The situation requires some adjustments and your creativity works wonders. It is likely that you will find new solutions to issues that have poisoned your daily life so far. How could you convince your close friends of the worth of your strategy? This is a difficult task because some sacrifices are probably necessary, as well as sound decisions. You must put aside your frames of mind. What prevails from this influence is a constructive orientation that will be validated by the test of facts. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

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Home Sweet Home...

Conjunction Moon Ascendant

Valid on Sunday 14 July, the transit orb is 203'

The Moon travels over your Ascendant and prompts you to let go. The emphasis is on your inner life and your family, and more generally, on your fundamental bases. You are in search of peace of mind and you turn away from external concerns in order to take stock of your intimate realm. People may be surprised by your restless and quite pernickety mood, but your creativity is high. The astrological climate of the day inclines to inactivity, contemplation and stirs up your artistic chord. A moment of poetry in sight...

Gentle Way of Life and Good Mood

Moon in House I
Valid from Sunday 14 July till Monday 15 July included

Today, you feel fine, balanced, at peace with yourself and you are willing to show yourself in the most favourable light. Your feelings, your emotions and your imagination are increased and you perceive the world around you in a very personal way. Like a radar picking up your close friends' feelings, you need to be in tune with them, you share their happiness or you find the right word to comfort them. You are always there when you are needed and you are caring. Nevertheless, be careful not to become overwhelmed. This lovely day belongs to you, therefore take care of yourself and have fun!

Gentle Way of Life

Trine Moon Moon

Valid on Monday 15 July, the transit orb is 04'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

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Contentment and Serenity

Trine Moon Sun

Valid on Tuesday 16 July, the transit orb is 104'

This is an excellent day to make a pause and enjoy your recovered serenity. It is the right time for you to be forgiven for your fits of bad temper and to regain the sympathy that your aloof attitude may have lessened. Above all, it is the right time for innovative projects that radically change life! Things unfold smoothly... On the social and professional planes, everything seems to develop very naturally: you let yourself be carried away by the stream and you carefully avoid all forms of tension or aggressiveness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Exalted Feelings
Trine Mars Venus

Valid from Tuesday 16 July till Sunday 21 July included (particularly active on Friday 19 July, the transit orb is 019')

You successfully mobilize all your affective and instinctive resources and you let your sensitivity guide your decisions and your actions. Moods prevail over reason. During this period, you should take advantage of the exaltation of your vital forces. You feel the desire to intensely experience each instant and to give your awakened feelings free rein. You may be tempted by passionate love or any other adventure that includes a fair share of thrills. You give your affectivity a new impetus, you express your passions with force and fieriness and you can tell whom your really love. You may experience an encounter that changes the nature of your love life and contrasts sharply with your habits. It may also be an opportunity to reveal your essential desires and to overcome some limitations. More than ever, you display an amazing sincerity and you do not seek anything but a life in harmony with your affective aspirations. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

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Unreasonable Expenses...
Moon in House II
Valid from Tuesday 16 July till Thursday 18 July included

Attention, place your bets... Rien ne va plus... Financial worries are on the agenda! A friend who lent you money shows up because he wants it back? You receive a call from your banker informing you that you overspent this month? The expected salary increase is put off? Whatever the reason, you are worried and in a bad mood because you don't know how you can solve these problems quickly. In order to forget them, you may be tempted to buy yourself a few presents, but you must beware of "compulsive shopping"! It may be more reasonable to postpone until tomorrow...

Annoyances and... Fits of Bad Temper

Square Moon Sun

Valid on Thursday 18 July, the transit orb is 106'

It is likely that this day is marked with fits of bad temper. You are concerned about your public image and therefore, you are more sensitive than you usually are. The slightest detail offends you... So, an inappropriate word hurts you, a badly formulated concept brings about incomprehension. In such a context, it is advisable to cool down and wait until the dust settles before you discuss essential matters. When people get worked up, it may be because you are too pernickety: it is better to slow down. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Pride or Love? Caution!

Opposition Venus Sun

Valid from Thursday 18 July till Monday 22 July included (particularly active on Saturday 20 July, the transit orb is 0')

On the affective plane, you must redefine the rules of the game and put forward your demands. Otherwise, the situation may get stuck and love may grow dull as days go by... You have to face it and to honestly sort out major problems without looking away. Your couple's fulfilment mainly depends on the sincerity of your exchanges. Above all, be careful not to hurt your partner's pride: under such skies, this is a very sensitive spot. Sometimes, a mere compliment is enough to restart a positive impetus. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is
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likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Contacts and Pleasant Short Trips

Moon in House III
Valid from Friday 19 July till Saturday 20 July included

During this period, you feel like moving around, discovering and learning. Although you probably dream of faraway horizons, short trips are enough to make you happy. Go to your lady neighbour's place to share a nice cup of coffee and reinvent the world while having fun with words! You may also visit a close friend who will be delighted by your sensitivity, your understanding and the way you look at the world. It is clear that you need to communicate and, wherever you are, your pleasant conversation and your negotiating talents are unanimously appreciated. In any case, you can't be stopped just like that ...

Contentment and Serenity

Sextile Moon Sun

Valid on Saturday 20 July, the transit orb is 144'

This is an excellent day to make a pause and enjoy your recovered serenity. It is the right time for you to be forgiven for your fits of bad temper and to regain the sympathy that your aloof attitude may have lessened. Above all, it is the right time for innovative projects that radically change life! Things unfold smoothly... On the social and professional planes, everything seems to develop very naturally: you let yourself be carried away by the stream and you carefully avoid all forms of tension or aggressiveness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Home Sweet Home!

Moon in House IV
Valid from Sunday 21 July till Monday 22 July included

How great it is to be at home! Today, you want to enjoy the comfort and gentleness of your home where you feel good and in security. There, you can dream at leisure of the improvements you want to bring to your cosy little nest for the sake of your family's well being, unless you prefer to dive in the
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nostalgia of your souvenirs and your photo albums... If you are in a more active mood, you may want to clean up the house from floor to ceiling or you may try to implement your lovely arrangement and decoration ideas... In short, the atmosphere is nice and, if your close friends share your activities, you experience a deep feeling of inner peace.

Luck and Seduction !

Moon in House V
Valid from Tuesday 23 July till Wednesday 24 July included

Today, luck smiles on you! Nothing in your daily life weighs heavy on you, life is beautiful and you are ready to savour all its simple pleasures. Your imagination stirs up your sensitivity and the idea occurs to you to carry out some artistic activity in order to give your creativity free rein. Are you going to decorate your house, take up your brushes again, resume playing an instrument or just listen to your favourite song? Your children are the centre of your attention and you are willing to spend some time with them. Unless you dedicate your emotions to the games of love... One thing is certain, the day is going to be gorgeous!

Authority, Prestige and Popularity

Conjunction Moon Sun

Valid on Wednesday 24 July, the transit orb is 127'

Your social life has the place of honour. Your qualities are acknowledged without your having to put yourself forward in an exaggerated way. You are in harmony with the ambient mood and you are able to convince your entourage to follow a project that is well devised. You exude some kind of natural aura that reinforces your prestige and endows you with undisputable authority. Take advantage of this favourable astrological climate to implement smoothly the course of action you are dreaming of. You easily find your place within your social and professional environment. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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A Few Minor Affective Doubts

Opposition Venus Venus

Valid from Wednesday 24 July till Saturday 27 July included (particularly active on Thursday 25 July, the transit orb is 006')

Some adjustments seem necessary in the love department... And it is only natural. You are not necessarily on the same wavelength or in total understanding. Viewpoints sometimes differ, and it is just fine! Without these moments of doubt, life would be too dull... However, it is better to avoid useless confrontations and to prefer mutual respect, freedom of action and of thought. Thanks to an upcoming improvement, current question marks will be dispelled. Exercise some patience as serenity will be back soon. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Good Mood and Efficiency at Work

Moon in House VI
Valid from Thursday 25 July till Friday 26 July included

Today, you are in good spirits! Your recover your energy, your health improves and you are in great form, fit for work. You do not hesitate to solve minor problems with precision and you attend to your affairs with pleasure. You are all the more interested that you expend a great deal of imagination at the service of your work and of people. You are willing to help and be of assistance, and your dedication is almost boundless. Should you want to make yourself indispensable, you couldn't succeed better! Don't overdo because your unfailing efficiency may arouse jealousies or envies...

Self-control and Good Mood

Trine Moon Mars

Valid on Friday 26 July, the transit orb is 106'

After a few tensions, timely serenity is back. The news is reassuring and, all of a sudden, the steps you have to take seem easier and require no exaggerated effort... It is just about time. In spite of demanding circumstances, you can eventually enjoy some respite and let go. You control your aggressiveness better and you solve problems, one after the other, without clash. You highly value your small daily victories. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course
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of your destiny or your career.

Minor Annoyance With Your Contacts

Moon in House VII
Valid from Saturday 27 July till Sunday 28 July included

In the communication area, the day is not really impressive. Whether at work or at home, you have the feeling that everyone has become deaf. No one hears you and what you say receives no echo. Instead of complaining about an unwillingness to understand and taking the risk to create misunderstandings and conflicts, try to write down everything... And since you feel that you are cut off from the world, stay in your own! It is better than to follow the crowd at any cost and be influenced by people. Indeed, you may not forgive them, later on. Quietly wait until they get out of their personal bubble!

Increased Comprehension and Sensitivity

Sextile Moon Mercury

Valid on Sunday 28 July, the transit orb is 147'

You carry out your investigation relentlessly and you try to understand people's motivations. As you find some behaviour intriguing, you ask your entourage questions in order to better figure out what is currently at stake. Is there anything that is hidden from you? It won't take long until you find out. Thanks to your acute and deep clear-sightedness, you quickly guess what is going on... You won't be trapped as your sensitivity on the alert endows you with a sixth sense. No matter how complex the situation may be, you play your game well. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Calm Down! Tensions are subsiding soon!

Square Moon Mars

Valid on Sunday 28 July, the transit orb is 219'

Thrills are on the agenda! Were you seeking intense emotions? There you are. Nevertheless, amid this idyllic climate, clear-sightedness remains indispensable. A glitch is all it takes to jeopardize your plans, a minor incident, the regrettable consequences of which develop as time goes by. Therefore, it is advisable to anticipate and to avoid traps right from the start.
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Hold back your impatience because feverishness may block the energies of the day. More than ever, self-control is indispensable. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Good Mood and Romantic Harmony

Sextile Moon Venus

Valid on Monday 29 July, the transit orb is 007'

It all starts with a moment of intimacy, a privileged minute that strongly boost your spirits! All of a sudden, everything becomes possible. You begin to dream of more poetry and your contagious tactfulness commands your partner's respect. Let yourself be carried away by the tide since the outcomes can only be positive... On the romantic plane, this is an ideal day to programme a few hours of escape and forget yesterday's misunderstandings. Choose a place conducive to a serene tte--tte. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Hypersensitivity and Intuition

Moon in House VIII
Valid from Monday 29 July till Tuesday 30 July included

During this period, your intense emotions and deep feelings endow your inner and psychical life with extreme strength. You are hypersensitive and you can switch from laughter to tears with no real reason. Your intuition also is very developed and it gives you some sort of sixth sense that proves very useful for finding the answers to all your questions, whether they are of a practical or more metaphysical order. You may also have premonitory dreams... Topics such as finances, sexuality, the unconsciousness and even the beyond, may catch your attention. Unless, enriched with all these emotions, you just let your creativity flow freely...

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Annoyances and... Fits of Bad Temper

Square Moon Sun

Valid on Wednesday 31 July, the transit orb is 035'

It is likely that this day is marked with fits of bad temper. You are concerned about your public image and therefore, you are more sensitive than you usually are. The slightest detail offends you... So, an inappropriate word hurts you, a badly formulated concept brings about incomprehension. In such a context, it is advisable to cool down and wait until the dust settles before you discuss essential matters. When people get worked up, it may be because you are too pernickety: it is better to slow down. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Idealism and Need to Escape

Moon in House IX
Valid from Wednesday 31 July till Friday 2 August included

Today, your horizon line is cloudless. You think big and it is with optimism that you consider the outer world. There are no limits any more and it seems that nothing can hinder the projects you want to undertake. Your feelings and your opinion are tinted with idealism. You need to isolate yourself for a short while, so you can think, meditate, and perhaps, find the answers to your philosophical questions. Do you have a sudden desire for faraway travels? Should the opportunity arise, don't hesitate! Unless you are contented with long imaginary journeys, the departure of which you constantly postpone... In any case, you are far from material contingencies... What a great wisdom!

Your August Forecast

Strategy, Cleverness and Action
Conjunction Mercury Mars

Valid from Friday 2 August till Monday 5 August included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 19 June till 3 July (particularly active on Sunday 4 August, the transit orb is 018')

This planetary configuration is ideal for learning the lessons of a new experience and seizing opportunities arising on the spot. Yesterday's confrontations become your research fields! In the interpersonal sphere, a major event may occur. All of a sudden, one of your detractors accepts your
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strategy and, even better, takes sides with you. Therefore, it seems that going against the tide may yield unexpected positive responses. However, keep in mind that people who used to criticize you will never become your friends. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Good Mood and Romantic Harmony

Trine Moon Venus

Valid on Saturday 3 August, the transit orb is 001'

It all starts with a moment of intimacy, a privileged minute that strongly boost your spirits! All of a sudden, everything becomes possible. You begin to dream of more poetry and your contagious tactfulness commands your partner's respect. Let yourself be carried away by the tide since the outcomes can only be positive... On the romantic plane, this is an ideal day to programme a few hours of escape and forget yesterday's misunderstandings. Choose a place conducive to a serene tte--tte. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Excessive Emotionalism... Pull Yourself Together Again!

Square Venus Moon

Valid from Saturday 3 August till Tuesday 6 August included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 9 March till 12 March (particularly active on Sunday 4 August, the transit orb is 027')

Beware of excessive emotionalism and don't court disaster! Although nice romantic opportunities arise, rash relationships are not favoured. Of course, it is tempting to get into it but you may feel sorry for it when the first moments of excitement fade away. Will you be able to overcome the dangers that threaten thrill-loving souls? Obviously, your sensitivity all on edge may play a nasty trick on you. Here again, self-control is compulsory. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

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Moon in House X
Valid from Saturday 3 August till Monday 5 August included

Today, everything in the social and professional area prompts you to put yourself under the spotlight. You dedicate your entire sensitivity and intuition to the service of other people and you are in tune with them. You enjoy a very positive public image and your popularity increases significantly. You are appreciated and loved, you are told so, and moreover, you are given evidence of your fame! Salary increase? Promotion? Preferment? All sorts of favours are possible... You have a good sense of timing and you can jump at opportunities when they arise. Take full advantage of them... This is your day of glory!

Gentle Way of Life and Conviviality

Sextile Sun Moon

Valid from Tuesday 6 August till Saturday 10 August included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 3 April till 7 April (particularly active on Thursday 8 August, the transit orb is 006')

You try to assert the validity of your choices. You need your family and your close friends' circle to follow you. It is probably because your self-confidence is a bit weakened and needs to be reinforced and revived. In your intimate sphere, these days are very important: you will successfully demonstrate the validity of your projects and you will have your merits acknowledged. More than ever, you manage the boat of your daily life very well. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Minor Tensions with Your Close Friends

Moon in House XI
Valid from Tuesday 6 August till Wednesday 7 August included

During this period, your need for communication may be repressed. Exchanges are not very easy and your sensitivity is a bit shaken up, especially with your friends! Tomorrow is another day... Ask yourself if you don't attach too much importance to the group... And keep in mind that you are definitely able to find solutions to your problems, all by yourself. You can also implement your projects on your own or give them a new orientation, should they stagnate for the time being. You will see, you will gain so much autonomy!
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Restlessness and Nervousness

Opposition Moon Mercury

Valid on Wednesday 7 August, the transit orb is 225'

You put aside your habits, you shelve all kinds of conformism that have started to smother you. Your entourage is going to be surprised! It is the time to take action according to your aspirations, your whims and your dreams... You intensely experience a situation in full transformation. Ideas abound in such great numbers that you find it difficult to make a synthesis of all the pieces of the jigsaw... Because of your relatively restless mind, you may not be able to keep this highly complex game under control. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Emotions and Minor Frustrations

Opposition Moon Venus

Valid on Thursday 8 August, the transit orb is 029'

There is a minor frustration amid an affective quite fulfilling atmosphere. Would your partner be in a bad mood? Or are your expectations out of touch? It may not be the right time. Calm things down because hastiness can only lead to a foolish mistake. It is better to allow spirits to cool off without influencing events. An obvious tension is likely to linger and, as a result, blunt explanations and temporary turbulences may cloud the idyllic atmosphere for a few hours. Let the storm blow over! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Feeling lonely
Moon in House XII
Valid from Thursday 8 August till Friday 9 August included

You are very certainly under the influence of old fears that are resurfacing again. There are days like that. Try not to keep turning over your problems because you would only complicate and increase them. Moreover, it is very likely that you are imagining wrong things! Solitude is not good for you today, don't isolate yourself to escape facts, even though they are unpleasant. You probably have a close friend who readily wants to help you. Confide your
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worries because, as he is more lucid and objective than you, your friend may be able to make you gain awareness of a couple of things. Strength through unity!

Sensitivity All on Edge...

Square Moon Moon

Valid on Friday 9 August, the transit orb is 041'

The Moon is playing tricks on you: the weather today is stormy, full of turbulences and excitement. It will be difficult to stay serene as your habits are upset. In this context, you must remain clear-sighted in order to thwart traps caused by hasty actions. Turmoil stems from your high sensitivity to danger: whether you are right or wrong, you don't feel safe, as if some unknown element troubled your peace of mind. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Love and Sensuality... Live Intensely!

Sextile Venus Mars

Valid from Friday 9 August till Monday 12 August included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 2 May till 5 May (particularly active on Sunday 11 August, the transit orb is 023')

Passion is on the agenda. Your conquering spirit can but facilitate the revival of your love story. In the romance department, euphoria reigns! Everything seems possible, owing to the genuineness of your passion and your fieriness. However, a few questions need to be answered and you will have to tackle them in due course. Why don't you do so right now? If you start a dialogue based on your partner's inner needs as well as on your own, you will tremendously benefit from this favourable climate, beyond all expectations! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

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Differing Opinion, Disagreements

Opposition Sun Mercury

Valid from Friday 9 August till Wednesday 14 August included (particularly active on Sunday 11 August, the transit orb is 023')

You took the exact opposite view and you went against your close colleagues' stand. It does not matter: you did not really have the choice. However, you must now justify your decisions and explain the various reasons behind your sudden aloofness. As you say "no", you will see that you are also gaining friends. But it may be wise to avoid a cutting style and dialogues that uselessly disrupt social life. More than ever, you must be careful not to offend your partners' susceptibilities. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Home Sweet Home...

Conjunction Moon Ascendant

Valid on Saturday 10 August, the transit orb is 051'

The Moon travels over your Ascendant and prompts you to let go. The emphasis is on your inner life and your family, and more generally, on your fundamental bases. You are in search of peace of mind and you turn away from external concerns in order to take stock of your intimate realm. People may be surprised by your restless and quite pernickety mood, but your creativity is high. The astrological climate of the day inclines to inactivity, contemplation and stirs up your artistic chord. A moment of poetry in sight...

Gentle Way of Life and Good Mood

Moon in House I
Valid from Saturday 10 August till Monday 12 August included

Today, you feel fine, balanced, at peace with yourself and you are willing to show yourself in the most favourable light. Your feelings, your emotions and your imagination are increased and you perceive the world around you in a very personal way. Like a radar picking up your close friends' feelings, you need to be in tune with them, you share their happiness or you find the right word to comfort them. You are always there when you are needed and you are caring. Nevertheless, be careful not to become overwhelmed. This lovely day belongs to you, therefore take care of yourself and have fun!

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Calm Down! Tensions are subsiding soon!

Square Moon Mars

Valid on Monday 12 August, the transit orb is 154'

Thrills are on the agenda! Were you seeking intense emotions? There you are. Nevertheless, amid this idyllic climate, clear-sightedness remains indispensable. A glitch is all it takes to jeopardize your plans, a minor incident, the regrettable consequences of which develop as time goes by. Therefore, it is advisable to anticipate and to avoid traps right from the start. Hold back your impatience because feverishness may block the energies of the day. More than ever, self-control is indispensable. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Contentment and Serenity

Trine Moon Sun

Valid on Monday 12 August, the transit orb is 209'

This is an excellent day to make a pause and enjoy your recovered serenity. It is the right time for you to be forgiven for your fits of bad temper and to regain the sympathy that your aloof attitude may have lessened. Above all, it is the right time for innovative projects that radically change life! Things unfold smoothly... On the social and professional planes, everything seems to develop very naturally: you let yourself be carried away by the stream and you carefully avoid all forms of tension or aggressiveness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Minor Financial Satisfaction

Moon in House II
Valid from Tuesday 13 August till Wednesday 14 August included

Matters connected with possessions and finances are on the agenda. You need to check your accounts, to pay your debts and to reconsider your budget in order not to overspend. You may also make an appointment with your banker in order to optimize your investments. In any case, you seek safety in this area and you are provident for the future. Even when you must make a purchase, your choices are wise and you manage your patrimony as best you can. You select valuable artefacts or pieces of furniture for your home
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decoration with the will to invest and preserve your capital. In short, you definitely are an "ant"...

Self-control and Good Mood

Trine Moon Mars

Valid on Wednesday 14 August, the transit orb is 103'

After a few tensions, timely serenity is back. The news is reassuring and, all of a sudden, the steps you have to take seem easier and require no exaggerated effort... It is just about time. In spite of demanding circumstances, you can eventually enjoy some respite and let go. You control your aggressiveness better and you solve problems, one after the other, without clash. You highly value your small daily victories. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Conquering Spirit
Conjunction Mars Mars

Valid from Wednesday 14 August till Wednesday 21 August included (particularly active on Saturday 17 August and on Sunday 18 August, the transit orb is 0.19')

It is the moment to take action. Not under any circumstance, nor upstream. Whether it is granted to you or you provoke it, you have the opportunity to highlight your dynamism without gratuitously offending your entourage. This is how you can best manage trials of strength. If you want to settle the scores without causing irreversible harm, it's now or never. When it is fully controlled, a forceful action proves quite an irresistible asset! Your conquering spirit often opens the path to new possibilities. If you find it hard to get out of the rut, it is now a good time to attempt a healthy confrontation and to "take the bull by its horns". Should the context be calmer, you can take advantage of this planetary configuration through audacity and boldness. Do not hesitate to face up to things and accept challenges. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

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Sweet Feelings
Conjunction Venus Ascendant

Valid from Thursday 15 August till Sunday 18 August included (particularly active on Friday 16 August, the transit orb is 026')

In the romantic department, these days are important... and positive! You can find the right words to express what your partner needs to hear and that you have been willing to confide for a long time. Finally, the simplest things deserve attention. Otherwise, unnecessary misunderstandings may emerge and take root. Your love story goes through a rebirth. The influence is promising and you can naturally find the appropriate pace and get back to the same wavelength.

Contacts and Pleasant Short Trips

Moon in House III
Valid from Thursday 15 August till Friday 16 August included

During this period, you feel like moving around, discovering and learning. Although you probably dream of faraway horizons, short trips are enough to make you happy. Go to your lady neighbour's place to share a nice cup of coffee and reinvent the world while having fun with words! You may also visit a close friend who will be delighted by your sensitivity, your understanding and the way you look at the world. It is clear that you need to communicate and, wherever you are, your pleasant conversation and your negotiating talents are unanimously appreciated. In any case, you can't be stopped just like that ...

Increased Comprehension and Sensitivity

Sextile Moon Mercury

Valid on Friday 16 August, the transit orb is 118'

You carry out your investigation relentlessly and you try to understand people's motivations. As you find some behaviour intriguing, you ask your entourage questions in order to better figure out what is currently at stake. Is there anything that is hidden from you? It won't take long until you find out. Thanks to your acute and deep clear-sightedness, you quickly guess what is going on... You won't be trapped as your sensitivity on the alert endows you with a sixth sense. No matter how complex the situation may be, you play your game well. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.
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Intellectual Fertility
Sextile Mercury Moon

Valid from Friday 16 August till Saturday 17 August included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 23 April till 24 April (particularly active on Friday 16 August, the transit orb is 059')

Imagination is back in full force. It is an excellent day for exchanging ideas and viewpoints. A few interesting debates may give birth to a very attractive project that makes you dream, in a period that is far too serious to you! A dawning hope has every chance to develop and bear fruit in the near future... Your intellectual fertility is obvious and it seems that you live on all the pieces of information provided by your more than ever conducive environment. In this context, curiosity is the most charming flaw. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Good Mood and Romantic Harmony

Sextile Moon Venus

Valid on Saturday 17 August, the transit orb is 133'

It all starts with a moment of intimacy, a privileged minute that strongly boost your spirits! All of a sudden, everything becomes possible. You begin to dream of more poetry and your contagious tactfulness commands your partner's respect. Let yourself be carried away by the tide since the outcomes can only be positive... On the romantic plane, this is an ideal day to programme a few hours of escape and forget yesterday's misunderstandings. Choose a place conducive to a serene tte--tte. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Clumsy Relations
Opposition Mercury Mercury

Valid from Saturday 17 August till Monday 19 August included (particularly active on Sunday 18 August, the transit orb is 019')

You are playing with fire. Clumsiness in your relations is not recommended in this tensed context! Fortunately, your perspicacity is on the alert... You have the unpleasant feeling that something is hidden from you and you are
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irritated, rightly. You will do your utmost in order to clear up the oddities of the moment and to understand underground stakes, as well as dealings that are going on without your knowledge. It is some sort of detective role that is assigned to you, some sort of hide-and-seek game of which you must come out with your head held high. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Home Sweet Home!

Moon in House IV
Valid from Saturday 17 August till Sunday 18 August included

How great it is to be at home! Today, you want to enjoy the comfort and gentleness of your home where you feel good and in security. There, you can dream at leisure of the improvements you want to bring to your cosy little nest for the sake of your family's well being, unless you prefer to dive in the nostalgia of your souvenirs and your photo albums... If you are in a more active mood, you may want to clean up the house from floor to ceiling or you may try to implement your lovely arrangement and decoration ideas... In short, the atmosphere is nice and, if your close friends share your activities, you experience a deep feeling of inner peace.

Minor Self-questioning
Opposition Sun Sun

Valid from Sunday 18 August till Thursday 22 August included (particularly active on Tuesday 20 August, the transit orb is 003')

These days are favourable for a minor change of direction: you may forsake something you are keen on and you accept to follow a different path. Destiny exposes you to new elements that force you to reconsider your course of action. You must adjust to the context before you start anew, and this is likely to occur quite soon. Hold on, once again! Don't be too sensitive to criticism: your public image is not at stake and an extreme touchiness would only make you waste your time. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Luck and Seduction !

Moon in House V
Valid from Monday 19 August till Tuesday 20 August included

Today, luck smiles on you! Nothing in your daily life weighs heavy on you, life is beautiful and you are ready to savour all its simple pleasures. Your imagination stirs up your sensitivity and the idea occurs to you to carry out some artistic activity in order to give your creativity free rein. Are you going to decorate your house, take up your brushes again, resume playing an instrument or just listen to your favourite song? Your children are the centre of your attention and you are willing to spend some time with them. Unless you dedicate your emotions to the games of love... One thing is certain, the day is going to be gorgeous!

Dialogue and Intuition

Conjunction Moon Mercury

Valid on Tuesday 20 August, the transit orb is 022'

You can expect your relations to be favoured today. Your entourage don't have to spell things out since you are able to easily pick up what they mean. This acute intuition allows you to catch major information! For the time being, the best thing is to pretend you heard nothing, because tomorrow, what you have learnt will prove to be valuable. Do not hesitate to chat and to initiate dialogues, the stake of which will emerge only as the conversation goes by. A fortuitous encounter may trigger something off in your mind. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Emotions and Feelings, such Pleasant Moments...

Conjunction Moon Venus

Valid on Wednesday 21 August, the transit orb is 044'

The Moon travels on your natal Venus and your heart is pounding wildly! Everything is conducive to romanticism and finer feelings. Flights of lyricism are on the agenda, of course, provided that you want to find the suitable partner who will understand your frame of mind. In any case, there is little room today for half-hearted and dull loves... You deploy a formidable arsenal of seduction and you play around with lots of tact. Let yourself be carried away by the tide: charming hours are in store for you The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health,
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maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Caution in Communication...
Opposition Mercury Sun

Valid from Wednesday 21 August till Friday 23 August included (particularly active on Thursday 22 August, the transit orb is 027')

A weird poker game is starting. Without revealing your plans, you manage to prepare the ground for an evolution that you have in mind. A secret project no one knows about. Be cautious, don't exaggerate and don't let dissimulations reach the point where they border on scheming. Otherwise, a trap may backfire on you! If you attract attention and take on the major role, you may make a foolish mistake... In such a context, it is better to avoid being at the forefront. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Good Mood and Efficiency at Work

Moon in House VI
Valid from Wednesday 21 August till Thursday 22 August included

Today, you are in good spirits! Your recover your energy, your health improves and you are in great form, fit for work. You do not hesitate to solve minor problems with precision and you attend to your affairs with pleasure. You are all the more interested that you expend a great deal of imagination at the service of your work and of people. You are willing to help and be of assistance, and your dedication is almost boundless. Should you want to make yourself indispensable, you couldn't succeed better! Don't overdo because your unfailing efficiency may arouse jealousies or envies...

Favourable Contacts, Possible Encounter with a Female

Conjunction Moon Descendant

Valid on Friday 23 August, the transit orb is 229'

The Moon stirs up the sector of your natal chart attributed to relationships. In this regard, the day is likely to prove important. Your opinion is sought after and your intervention too. It is essential that you do not disappoint and that
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you choose the good strategy right away. The decisions you take today may have happy consequences in the future, provided that you take into account some people's needs and other people's desires. It is the moment to sign a contract or to start an action involving various sorts of knowledge. It is obvious that your solitary period is drawing to a close, to the benefit of more collective actions.

Conviviality and Receptivity

Moon in House VII
Valid from Friday 23 August till Saturday 24 August included

Today, you don't get bored because you feel the need to reach out to others. Your sensitivity is high and the exchanges with your partner or your entourage arouse various stimulating emotions. You vibrate in unison and the probability that you get along well in many areas is excellent. Take advantage of this nice influence to pass messages and to take initiatives because your partner will receive them positively. In the romantic realm, it is likely that everything is so perfect that words become useless. You may also want to put your sensitivity at the service of some humanitarian work... A lovely altruistic day in sight!

Gentle Way of Life

Sextile Moon Moon

Valid on Saturday 24 August, the transit orb is 016'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

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Minor Romantic Gap

Opposition Sun Venus

Valid from Saturday 24 August till Wednesday 28 August included (particularly active on Monday 26 August, the transit orb is 015')

Is your partner unable to take a decision? This is something you quite rightly find irritating! However, it is wise to postpone an explanation. Give time to people who don't share your reasons to force destiny's unfoldment. In love, one must know to give in and lose some ground in order to be revived later on. Indeed, it is your demand that is at stake: love does not always seem to you an idyllic model since desires and aspirations sometimes clash. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Contentment and Serenity

Sextile Moon Sun

Valid on Sunday 25 August, the transit orb is 146'

This is an excellent day to make a pause and enjoy your recovered serenity. It is the right time for you to be forgiven for your fits of bad temper and to regain the sympathy that your aloof attitude may have lessened. Above all, it is the right time for innovative projects that radically change life! Things unfold smoothly... On the social and professional planes, everything seems to develop very naturally: you let yourself be carried away by the stream and you carefully avoid all forms of tension or aggressiveness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Love misunderstandings
Opposition Mercury Venus

Valid from Sunday 25 August till Monday 26 August included (particularly active on Sunday 25 August, the transit orb is 035')

In the love department, a strange poker game is being played! You don't reveal your true feelings, you prefer to take action behind the scenes and allow some doubt to linger. In the best case, your strategy pays off, finally. Your charm works wonders and the mystery you maintain deliberately is part of your seduction kit. However, don't display too much cruelty. If you keep on
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inflaming too many hearts, you may get burnt and jeopardize this budding relationship that is delightfully subtle. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Hypersensitivity and Intuition

Moon in House VIII
Valid from Sunday 25 August till Tuesday 27 August included

During this period, your intense emotions and deep feelings endow your inner and psychical life with extreme strength. You are hypersensitive and you can switch from laughter to tears with no real reason. Your intuition also is very developed and it gives you some sort of sixth sense that proves very useful for finding the answers to all your questions, whether they are of a practical or more metaphysical order. You may also have premonitory dreams... Topics such as finances, sexuality, the unconsciousness and even the beyond, may catch your attention. Unless, enriched with all these emotions, you just let your creativity flow freely...

Self-control and Good Mood

Sextile Moon Mars

Valid on Tuesday 27 August, the transit orb is 052'

After a few tensions, timely serenity is back. The news is reassuring and, all of a sudden, the steps you have to take seem easier and require no exaggerated effort... It is just about time. In spite of demanding circumstances, you can eventually enjoy some respite and let go. You control your aggressiveness better and you solve problems, one after the other, without clash. You highly value your small daily victories. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

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Heart and Mood on the Same Wavelength

Trine Venus Moon

Valid from Wednesday 28 August till Saturday 31 August included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 13 February till 16 February (particularly active on Friday 30 August, the transit orb is 018')

Within your couple, the current astrological climate favours evolution based on exchanges. It is wise to take your partner's points of view into account. Even though, for the moment, you do not have the same approach, the best solution is probably a compromise that can be reached only through a sincere dialogue. The time to go it alone belongs to the past! Life is to be built together... The desire to please may bring about miracles and you will see it for yourself before long. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Idealism and Need to Escape

Moon in House IX
Valid from Wednesday 28 August till Thursday 29 August included

Today, your horizon line is cloudless. You think big and it is with optimism that you consider the outer world. There are no limits any more and it seems that nothing can hinder the projects you want to undertake. Your feelings and your opinion are tinted with idealism. You need to isolate yourself for a short while, so you can think, meditate, and perhaps, find the answers to your philosophical questions. Do you have a sudden desire for faraway travels? Should the opportunity arise, don't hesitate! Unless you are contented with long imaginary journeys, the departure of which you constantly postpone... In any case, you are far from material contingencies... What a great wisdom!

Increased Comprehension and Sensitivity

Trine Moon Mercury

Valid on Thursday 29 August, the transit orb is 059'

You carry out your investigation relentlessly and you try to understand people's motivations. As you find some behaviour intriguing, you ask your entourage questions in order to better figure out what is currently at stake. Is there anything that is hidden from you? It won't take long until you find out. Thanks to your acute and deep clear-sightedness, you quickly guess what is going on... You won't be trapped as your sensitivity on the alert endows you
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with a sixth sense. No matter how complex the situation may be, you play your game well. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Daydreaming and Good Mood...

Conjunction Moon Moon

Valid on Thursday 29 August, the transit orb is 223'

You take advantage of a change in habits or situations and you enhance your daily life... You may pretext some unexpected obligations in order to get more freedom of action and spend this leisure time doing what you have not had the time to do. Your creativity occupies the place of honour! You tend to let go and to let destiny take action: if it is at all possible, allow the tide to carry you away and do not try to exceedingly control the situation. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Increased Popularity
Conjunction Moon Midheaven

Valid on Friday 30 August, the transit orb is 002'

The transit of the Moon over your Midheaven sends your popularity to its heights today. Your attitudes are marked by letting-go and fantasy and they catch the attention of an entourage that is eager for entertainment! Your loved ones are not disappointed by the endearing and poetic image you project. You develop an acute sense of public contacts. Should your occupation lend itself to the hypothesis, this is a perfect day to increase your influence and your notoriety. In any case, this planetary configuration underlines your place in society.

Moon in House X
Valid from Friday 30 August till Sunday 1 September included

Today, everything in the social and professional area prompts you to put yourself under the spotlight. You dedicate your entire sensitivity and intuition
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to the service of other people and you are in tune with them. You enjoy a very positive public image and your popularity increases significantly. You are appreciated and loved, you are told so, and moreover, you are given evidence of your fame! Salary increase? Promotion? Preferment? All sorts of favours are possible... You have a good sense of timing and you can jump at opportunities when they arise. Take full advantage of them... This is your day of glory!

Minor Lies or Deceit

Square Mercury Moon

Valid from Saturday 31 August till Monday 2 September included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 1 April till 4 April (particularly active on Sunday 1 September, the transit orb is 022')

You will surprise your entourage if you go against the current. You are present where you are least expected! It is obvious that you do not share your close friends' analysis. It is with determination and panache that you manage your personal boat, without fearing diverging opinions. Of course, you rightly take the opposite course regarding certain habits: however, not everybody appreciates your sudden surges of extravagance and your whimsical behaviours. Know where your limits are and abide by them... Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Listening and Tenderness!

Trine Venus Mercury

Valid from Saturday 31 August till Tuesday 3 September included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 24 May till 26 May (particularly active on Monday 2 September, the transit orb is 026')

This period proves ideal for any romantic reunion. Problems seem to fade and give way to a true mutual listening. You are on the same wavelength and you enjoy it very much. If you are in search of your soul-mate and you are single, it is the right time to hope for a meaningful encounter! In all cases, you feel a breath of fresh air that brings about exaltation. You find a lot of pleasure in expressing your emotions and giving free rein to your heart's impulses. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Your September Forecast

Exacerbated Sensitivity
Conjunction Moon Mars

Valid on Sunday 1 September, the transit orb is 029'

Your fighting spirit overcomes adversity. You win a battle through sheer energy. It has absolutely nothing to do with triumphing diplomacy, far from that! It is about the victory of determination and persistence. You did not give in, you did not weaken and events prove you right. Now, you can confess that you were not far from the point of no-return... The positive outcome: the impetus is restarted and hurdles are removed. Your fighting spirit seems to be the source of a significant evolution. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Favoured Friendships
Moon in House XI
Valid from Monday 2 September till Wednesday 4 September included

Today, you prefer to exchange ideas with your close friends rather than to attend to your material and routine affairs. Make the most of it! Connections are established smoothly, you are on the same wavelength and communication is favoured by a harmonious atmosphere. You may talk about all and nothing pleasantly or you may carry out lengthy debates so as to reinvent a world that is up to your ideals! Besides, you may want to become part of a group or an association that shares your centres of interest. However, don't forget that your family may feel a bit neglected...

Restlessness and Nervousness

Opposition Moon Mercury

Valid on Tuesday 3 September, the transit orb is 107'

You put aside your habits, you shelve all kinds of conformism that have started to smother you. Your entourage is going to be surprised! It is the time to take action according to your aspirations, your whims and your dreams... You intensely experience a situation in full transformation. Ideas abound in such great numbers that you find it difficult to make a synthesis of all the pieces of the jigsaw... Because of your relatively restless mind, you may not be able to keep this highly complex game under control. The natal planet
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involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Gentle Way of Life

Sextile Moon Moon

Valid on Tuesday 3 September, the transit orb is 215'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Romantic Outburst of Anger: Caution

Square Venus Mars

Valid from Wednesday 4 September till Saturday 7 September included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 8 April till 11 April (particularly active on Thursday 5 September, the transit orb is 01')

In the love department, electricity is in the air! Admit that you never overlook your partner's slightest mistake and that you are often irritated... You are now extremely annoyed by some traits of behaviour, whereas you readily accepted them so far. Your pernickety side surprises your entourage. It is, perhaps, a way to make your couple's life evolve. The positive feature of this influence remains: extreme passion, desire for unrestrained emotions, hearts pounding wildly... The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

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Fruitful Dialogues
Sextile Mercury Mars

Valid from Wednesday 4 September till Friday 6 September included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 12 May till 13 May (particularly active on Thursday 5 September, the transit orb is 001')

Dialogues overcome a good many oppositions and you are going to experience this theory. Masks are taken off, illusions vanish into thin air, and the only things that remain are facts and the necessity to move on. An exchange of opposing points of view allows you to find the keys to a sustainable evolution. It is the time to define a safe route that fully reassures people who doubted the validity of your choices. Your horizon is brightening up although a long-term task awaits you. But, as you know it better than anyone else, it is worth it. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Fruitful Quietness
Moon in House XII
Valid from Thursday 5 September till Friday 6 September included

Even though people have the feeling that you are avoiding them, don't hesitate to zone out if you are so inclined. It is likely that you need peace and quietness in order to ponder over your problems and to sort out what is real from what is imaginary. You also need solitude to assess the situation and to find the right answers to your questions. Silence helps you deepen your thoughts about spirituality and also encourages your meditation. Take full advantage of this short constructive retreat to recharge your batteries...

Fits of Bad temper, Nervousness...

Square Sun Moon

Valid from Friday 6 September till Tuesday 10 September included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 4 March till 8 March (particularly active on Sunday 8 September, the transit orb is 0')

These days are placed under the sign of tension and risk. The risk of uncontrolled skid, with a regrettable propensity to say, loud and clear, what you should keep to yourself. But there is nothing you can do, because the trend of the day is certainly not towards conciliation: you must protect your intimate realm and your private life from surrounding tumults and disruptions caused by social obligations. Fortunately, they are short-lived. Because the
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natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Love and Construction, Getting Closer Affectively

Trine Venus Sun

Valid from Saturday 7 September till Tuesday 10 September included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 30 May till 2 June (particularly active on Monday 9 September, the transit orb is 023')

Excellent resolutions were made, particularly in the sentimental sphere. Your commitments remain to be fulfilled. Start right now. Positive outcomes will manifest before long! In the romantic department, a bright spot is in sight. Your partner is sensitive to the sincerity of your words and seeks a lasting well being with you. Your budding relationship tends towards fusion, with each partner striving to remain in phase with the other one's demands and dreams. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Minor Annoyances
Moon in House I
Valid from Saturday 7 September till Sunday 8 September included

Your imagination may flare up today and the slightest issue may blow out of proportion because you are over-sensitive to people and things. You are prey to fears and anxiety, without knowing why exactly. Your overflowing emotions make you feel insecure and prompt you to seek comfort and security from your close friends instead of moving ahead and taking action. You feel paralyzed, unable to do anything and you don't like the image you project. You wish to be taken care of, to be reassured and protected, and to regain your self-confidence. However, don't demand too much from your entourage...

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Calm Down! Tensions are subsiding soon!

Square Moon Mars

Valid on Sunday 8 September, the transit orb is 108'

Thrills are on the agenda! Were you seeking intense emotions? There you are. Nevertheless, amid this idyllic climate, clear-sightedness remains indispensable. A glitch is all it takes to jeopardize your plans, a minor incident, the regrettable consequences of which develop as time goes by. Therefore, it is advisable to anticipate and to avoid traps right from the start. Hold back your impatience because feverishness may block the energies of the day. More than ever, self-control is indispensable. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Communication Skill
Conjunction Mercury Ascendant

Valid from Sunday 8 September till Tuesday 10 September included (particularly active on Monday 9 September, the transit orb is 004')

Your friends can rely on your help and your discerning abilities: today, people resort to your negotiating talent... Are you requested to arbitrate a debate? A quarrel in which you are not involved but to which your opinion can be decisive? In any case, your interpersonal skills are being called upon. You are more lively than usual. You search for new intellectual horizons and you increase the number of your experiences and centres of interest. You approach the unknown without prejudice.

Good Mood and Romantic Harmony

Trine Moon Venus

Valid on Monday 9 September, the transit orb is 204'

It all starts with a moment of intimacy, a privileged minute that strongly boost your spirits! All of a sudden, everything becomes possible. You begin to dream of more poetry and your contagious tactfulness commands your partner's respect. Let yourself be carried away by the tide since the outcomes can only be positive... On the romantic plane, this is an ideal day to programme a few hours of escape and forget yesterday's misunderstandings. Choose a place conducive to a serene tte--tte. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the
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Unreasonable Expenses...
Moon in House II
Valid from Monday 9 September till Tuesday 10 September included

Attention, place your bets... Rien ne va plus... Financial worries are on the agenda! A friend who lent you money shows up because he wants it back? You receive a call from your banker informing you that you overspent this month? The expected salary increase is put off? Whatever the reason, you are worried and in a bad mood because you don't know how you can solve these problems quickly. In order to forget them, you may be tempted to buy yourself a few presents, but you must beware of "compulsive shopping"! It may be more reasonable to postpone until tomorrow...

Restlessness and Nervousness

Square Moon Mercury

Valid on Tuesday 10 September, the transit orb is 001'

You put aside your habits, you shelve all kinds of conformism that have started to smother you. Your entourage is going to be surprised! It is the time to take action according to your aspirations, your whims and your dreams... You intensely experience a situation in full transformation. Ideas abound in such great numbers that you find it difficult to make a synthesis of all the pieces of the jigsaw... Because of your relatively restless mind, you may not be able to keep this highly complex game under control. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Emotions and Minor Frustrations

Square Moon Venus

Valid on Wednesday 11 September, the transit orb is 033'

There is a minor frustration amid an affective quite fulfilling atmosphere. Would your partner be in a bad mood? Or are your expectations out of touch? It may not be the right time. Calm things down because hastiness can only lead to a foolish mistake. It is better to allow spirits to cool off without influencing events. An obvious tension is likely to linger and, as a result, blunt
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explanations and temporary turbulences may cloud the idyllic atmosphere for a few hours. Let the storm blow over! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Minor Misunderstandings Ahead

Moon in House III
Valid from Wednesday 11 September till Thursday 12 September included

It seems that good mood is not accepted during this period and that you find it hard to communicate. Exchanges with your entourage are marked with distrust and they weigh heavy on you. You don't find the words you need to explain yourself and misunderstandings may lead to quarrels. Therefore, don't start discussions that result in nothing positive and save your arguments for better days. If you prefer to isolate yourself and make a break, you are right because, as you know well, sometimes, silence is golden...

Sensitivity All on Edge...

Opposition Moon Moon

Valid on Thursday 12 September, the transit orb is 105'

The Moon is playing tricks on you: the weather today is stormy, full of turbulences and excitement. It will be difficult to stay serene as your habits are upset. In this context, you must remain clear-sighted in order to thwart traps caused by hasty actions. Turmoil stems from your high sensitivity to danger: whether you are right or wrong, you don't feel safe, as if some unknown element troubled your peace of mind. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Increased Comprehension and Sensitivity

Sextile Moon Mercury

Valid on Thursday 12 September, the transit orb is 217'

You carry out your investigation relentlessly and you try to understand people's motivations. As you find some behaviour intriguing, you ask your
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entourage questions in order to better figure out what is currently at stake. Is there anything that is hidden from you? It won't take long until you find out. Thanks to your acute and deep clear-sightedness, you quickly guess what is going on... You won't be trapped as your sensitivity on the alert endows you with a sixth sense. No matter how complex the situation may be, you play your game well. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Romantic Improvement
Trine Venus Venus

Valid from Thursday 12 September till Sunday 15 September included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 4 June till 7 June (particularly active on Saturday 14 September, the transit orb is 003')

The romantic improvement continues. Your caring and wild behaviour is charming. You seem to be able to read your partner's heart like an open book As a result, your relationship is marked by a deep intensity. Let's hope that the flame never dies and that it stands the test of time. Indeed, routine is romanticism's worst enemy. As days go by, you learn how to establish an atmosphere at the same time nice, serene and devoid of violent passion but favourable to your hearts' blossoming. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Whimsical Mood at Home!

Conjunction Moon Nadir

Valid on Friday 13 September, the transit orb is 057'

People who are lucky enough to live in a serene family atmosphere can fully enjoy the day. Thanks to your family ties, auspicious hours are in store. For other people, it is advisable to get back to more moderation in order to repair the damages done during stormy days. You extended the usual limits of your life setting and finally, the result is a rather positive situation. However, you must have your extreme and quite inflexible attitudes forgiven. Prove that you are acceptable and your family life will be positively impacted.

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Home Sweet Home!

Moon in House IV
Valid from Friday 13 September till Sunday 15 September included

How great it is to be at home! Today, you want to enjoy the comfort and gentleness of your home where you feel good and in security. There, you can dream at leisure of the improvements you want to bring to your cosy little nest for the sake of your family's well being, unless you prefer to dive in the nostalgia of your souvenirs and your photo albums... If you are in a more active mood, you may want to clean up the house from floor to ceiling or you may try to implement your lovely arrangement and decoration ideas... In short, the atmosphere is nice and, if your close friends share your activities, you experience a deep feeling of inner peace.

Efficient Action
Sextile Sun Mars

Valid from Saturday 14 September till Wednesday 18 September included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 12 May till 16 May (particularly active on Monday 16 September, the transit orb is 017')

The electrical climate subsides, eventually, and gives way to a sunny spell! The situation stabilizes gradually. It may be caused by the virulent explanations that occurred during the past few weeks: new rules were set up and normalization is in sight. At the same time, you feel that you keep the course of events under tighter control. Your energy seems to be funnelled and handled in a coherent way, as if it were supported by your aspirations. Therefore, your actions are coordinated and well devised. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Gentle Way of Life

Trine Moon Moon

Valid on Monday 16 September, the transit orb is 135'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet
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receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Luck and Seduction !

Moon in House V
Valid from Monday 16 September till Tuesday 17 September included

Today, luck smiles on you! Nothing in your daily life weighs heavy on you, life is beautiful and you are ready to savour all its simple pleasures. Your imagination stirs up your sensitivity and the idea occurs to you to carry out some artistic activity in order to give your creativity free rein. Are you going to decorate your house, take up your brushes again, resume playing an instrument or just listen to your favourite song? Your children are the centre of your attention and you are willing to spend some time with them. Unless you dedicate your emotions to the games of love... One thing is certain, the day is going to be gorgeous!

Authority, Prestige and Popularity

Conjunction Moon Sun

Valid on Tuesday 17 September, the transit orb is 115'

Your social life has the place of honour. Your qualities are acknowledged without your having to put yourself forward in an exaggerated way. You are in harmony with the ambient mood and you are able to convince your entourage to follow a project that is well devised. You exude some kind of natural aura that reinforces your prestige and endows you with undisputable authority. Take advantage of this favourable astrological climate to implement smoothly the course of action you are dreaming of. You easily find your place within your social and professional environment. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Intellectual Fertility
Trine Mercury Moon

Valid from Wednesday 18 September till Friday 20 September included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 27 January till 29 January (particularly active on Thursday 19 September, the transit orb is 005')

Imagination is back in full force. It is an excellent day for exchanging ideas and viewpoints. A few interesting debates may give birth to a very attractive project that makes you dream, in a period that is far too serious to you! A dawning hope has every chance to develop and bear fruit in the near future... Your intellectual fertility is obvious and it seems that you live on all the pieces of information provided by your more than ever conducive environment. In this context, curiosity is the most charming flaw. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Good Mood and Efficiency at Work

Moon in House VI
Valid from Wednesday 18 September till Thursday 19 September included

Today, you are in good spirits! Your recover your energy, your health improves and you are in great form, fit for work. You do not hesitate to solve minor problems with precision and you attend to your affairs with pleasure. You are all the more interested that you expend a great deal of imagination at the service of your work and of people. You are willing to help and be of assistance, and your dedication is almost boundless. Should you want to make yourself indispensable, you couldn't succeed better! Don't overdo because your unfailing efficiency may arouse jealousies or envies...

Renewed Personal Balance

Sextile Mars Moon

Valid from Thursday 19 September till Wednesday 25 September included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 30 March till 4 April (particularly active on Sunday 22 September, the transit orb is 001')

During this period, events are likely to concern your domestic sphere, your habits and your major bases. Anything involving your private life will be particularly highlighted. Whether you have to sort out a personal problem or to take an action related to your family life, you display a great deal of energy. You find the strength needed to get a situation out of the rut. In order to make
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your intimate realm evolve the way you want it to, action is more efficient than words. The situation develops quickly, very quickly. Facts prompt you to respond and to adjust your pace and your behaviours to the constraints of a situation that is new to you, in many respects. A chief preoccupation: how is it possible for you to feel at ease and to be in good shape? You try to find a balance between your peace of mind and your cravings, between your desire for quietness and your need to have your desires fulfilled in an intense way. This may be a very good time to improve your daily life... in sheer simplicity. You do not allow anyone or anything to hinder your efforts towards a new personal balance. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Protection and Sense of Contacts

Trine Mercury Mercury

Valid from Friday 20 September till Sunday 22 September included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 24 May till 25 May (particularly active on Saturday 21 September, the transit orb is 02')

Your social life is at the forefront. A significant evolution may be triggered by someone else, a fortuitous encounter, a short trip or any other context that favours exchanges of viewpoints. Carefully listen to your entourage: since some projects have been revised, you need the help of your close friends in order to sort out truth from lies. Your friends will be there at the right time to lead the way and have every door open for you. Trust them! The high quality of your relationships is currently your best asset... The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Vitality and Optimism

Conjunction Sun Ascendant

Valid from Friday 20 September till Wednesday 25 September included (particularly active on Monday 23 September, the transit orb is 021')

You are in top form and you feel more dynamic than during the past few weeks. It is likely that obstacles are removed and the road to new projects is cleared. A few annoyances seem to find radical solutions, for the greater good of a finely devised strategy that is only awaiting the green light to actually be implemented. Optimism is back in force and your tonus is boosted. Your natural authority finds here a privileged field of experimentation: at long last,
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you are able to convince!

Minor Annoyance With Your Contacts

Moon in House VII
Valid from Friday 20 September till Saturday 21 September included

In the communication area, the day is not really impressive. Whether at work or at home, you have the feeling that everyone has become deaf. No one hears you and what you say receives no echo. Instead of complaining about an unwillingness to understand and taking the risk to create misunderstandings and conflicts, try to write down everything... And since you feel that you are cut off from the world, stay in your own! It is better than to follow the crowd at any cost and be influenced by people. Indeed, you may not forgive them, later on. Quietly wait until they get out of their personal bubble!

Calm Down! Tensions are subsiding soon!

Square Moon Mars

Valid on Saturday 21 September, the transit orb is 044'

Thrills are on the agenda! Were you seeking intense emotions? There you are. Nevertheless, amid this idyllic climate, clear-sightedness remains indispensable. A glitch is all it takes to jeopardize your plans, a minor incident, the regrettable consequences of which develop as time goes by. Therefore, it is advisable to anticipate and to avoid traps right from the start. Hold back your impatience because feverishness may block the energies of the day. More than ever, self-control is indispensable. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Anxiety and Doubts

Moon in House VIII
Valid from Sunday 22 September till Monday 23 September included

Today, you may feel swamped by overflowing emotions and too many muddled and wild feelings, the reasons of which are beyond you. All these factors move you deeply. Destabilizing anxiety, fears and distress follow one another and upset you to the extent that you always imagine the worst scenario. Is there a delay? You immediately think of an accident... Does your partner exchange a glance with someone else? You think that love is gone... Is
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it the reality or only your imagination playing tricks on you? You want to understand the reasons behind your deep insecurity but you seem to lack clear-sightedness. Don't search any longer! Your imaginary world is a bit intrusive and your fears are totally unwarranted. Remain Zen...

Restlessness and Nervousness

Square Moon Mercury

Valid on Monday 23 September, the transit orb is 031'

You put aside your habits, you shelve all kinds of conformism that have started to smother you. Your entourage is going to be surprised! It is the time to take action according to your aspirations, your whims and your dreams... You intensely experience a situation in full transformation. Ideas abound in such great numbers that you find it difficult to make a synthesis of all the pieces of the jigsaw... Because of your relatively restless mind, you may not be able to keep this highly complex game under control. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Caution with Your Contacts

Square Mercury Mars

Valid from Monday 23 September till Wednesday 25 September included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 27 April till 28 April (particularly active on Tuesday 24 September, the transit orb is 012')

Facts sometimes prove incompatible with ideals. This is what you are likely to experience... You don't have the same viewpoints? Are your opinions diverging? That's fine! It is from these contradictions that will emerge the right solution and the path to a sustainable evolution. Make use of your sagacity and your analytical skills: thanks to your diplomacy, you don't reach the breaking point and you maintain the balance. You cleverly manage to leave your interlocutor a most honourable way out. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

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Emotions and Minor Frustrations

Square Moon Venus

Valid on Tuesday 24 September, the transit orb is 124'

There is a minor frustration amid an affective quite fulfilling atmosphere. Would your partner be in a bad mood? Or are your expectations out of touch? It may not be the right time. Calm things down because hastiness can only lead to a foolish mistake. It is better to allow spirits to cool off without influencing events. An obvious tension is likely to linger and, as a result, blunt explanations and temporary turbulences may cloud the idyllic atmosphere for a few hours. Let the storm blow over! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Beware of Blunders
Opposition Mars Mercury

Valid from Tuesday 24 September till Tuesday 1 October included (particularly active on Friday 27 September, the transit orb is 016')

Electricity can be felt in the air! Your impulsiveness does not facilitate smooth relations and contacts. You are prone to verbal clumsiness and thoughtless actions. Your state of mind brings about criticisms and controversy. If you cannot take action, you will probably demonstrate verbal violence. If, on the contrary, you cannot explain yourself honestly, your foolish actions will probably provoke forceful events. Beware of all kinds of blunders! It is certain that this climate favours latent conflicts that are likely to break out in broad daylight, forcing straightforward and constructive explanations to take place. But as we all know, settling of scores is not devoid of danger. For instance, there is the danger to overstep the line, at least verbally, and to utter loud and clear words that you had better kept to yourself. Therefore, even though you feel the urge to interfere, you must control yourself and strive to count to ten before you shout out words that cause irreversible harm. This is how you can get the best of this planetary configuration: straightforwardness that dispels many a misunderstanding. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Idealism and Need to Escape

Moon in House IX
Valid from Tuesday 24 September till Thursday 26 September included

Today, your horizon line is cloudless. You think big and it is with optimism that you consider the outer world. There are no limits any more and it seems that nothing can hinder the projects you want to undertake. Your feelings and your opinion are tinted with idealism. You need to isolate yourself for a short while, so you can think, meditate, and perhaps, find the answers to your philosophical questions. Do you have a sudden desire for faraway travels? Should the opportunity arise, don't hesitate! Unless you are contented with long imaginary journeys, the departure of which you constantly postpone... In any case, you are far from material contingencies... What a great wisdom!

Daydreaming and Good Mood...

Conjunction Moon Moon

Valid on Wednesday 25 September, the transit orb is 137'

You take advantage of a change in habits or situations and you enhance your daily life... You may pretext some unexpected obligations in order to get more freedom of action and spend this leisure time doing what you have not had the time to do. Your creativity occupies the place of honour! You tend to let go and to let destiny take action: if it is at all possible, allow the tide to carry you away and do not try to exceedingly control the situation. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Contentment and Serenity

Trine Moon Sun

Valid on Thursday 26 September, the transit orb is 114'

This is an excellent day to make a pause and enjoy your recovered serenity. It is the right time for you to be forgiven for your fits of bad temper and to regain the sympathy that your aloof attitude may have lessened. Above all, it is the right time for innovative projects that radically change life! Things unfold smoothly... On the social and professional planes, everything seems to develop very naturally: you let yourself be carried away by the stream and you carefully avoid all forms of tension or aggressiveness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others).
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Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Romantic Lightness, Minor Misunderstandings...

Square Venus Mercury

Valid from Thursday 26 September till Sunday 29 September included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 29 April till 2 May (particularly active on Saturday 28 September, the transit orb is 018')

You don't treat your partner tactfully and you may be criticized for your lack of thoughtfulness. You forget your partner's needs because you prefer to suggest your own path and move forward according to your desires. Your attitude is double-edged and minor misunderstandings are likely to bring about a temporary tiff, yet a real one. Whereas the context demands a lot of subtlety and attention, you tend to be satisfied with superficial chats. It would be wise to make efforts towards more authenticity and deepness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Multiple and Fruitful Contacts and Interests

Trine Mercury Sun

Valid from Thursday 26 September till Saturday 28 September included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 28 May till 30 May (particularly active on Friday 27 September, the transit orb is 01')

It is the right time to explore new avenues and to establish new relationships: gratuitous gestures and empty talks turn out to be useful later. Do not hesitate to make use of apparently frivolous chatters and approaches because their positive consequences will not fail to manifest when the time comes. Increase the number of contacts and experiences, as their outcomes are valuable. Steps taken today may open up the road to unsuspected horizons, including in the professional area. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Moon in House X
Valid from Friday 27 September till Saturday 28 September included

Today, everything in the social and professional area prompts you to put yourself under the spotlight. You dedicate your entire sensitivity and intuition to the service of other people and you are in tune with them. You enjoy a very positive public image and your popularity increases significantly. You are appreciated and loved, you are told so, and moreover, you are given evidence of your fame! Salary increase? Promotion? Preferment? All sorts of favours are possible... You have a good sense of timing and you can jump at opportunities when they arise. Take full advantage of them... This is your day of glory!

Minor Tensions with Your Close Friends

Moon in House XI
Valid from Sunday 29 September till Tuesday 1 October included

During this period, your need for communication may be repressed. Exchanges are not very easy and your sensitivity is a bit shaken up, especially with your friends! Tomorrow is another day... Ask yourself if you don't attach too much importance to the group... And keep in mind that you are definitely able to find solutions to your problems, all by yourself. You can also implement your projects on your own or give them a new orientation, should they stagnate for the time being. You will see, you will gain so much autonomy!

Gentle Way of Life

Sextile Moon Moon

Valid on Monday 30 September, the transit orb is 152'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

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Love and Sensuality... Live Intensely!

Trine Venus Mars

Valid from Monday 30 September till Thursday 3 October included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 15 March till 18 March (particularly active on Tuesday 1 October, the transit orb is 026')

Passion is on the agenda. Your conquering spirit can but facilitate the revival of your love story. In the romance department, euphoria reigns! Everything seems possible, owing to the genuineness of your passion and your fieriness. However, a few questions need to be answered and you will have to tackle them in due course. Why don't you do so right now? If you start a dialogue based on your partner's inner needs as well as on your own, you will tremendously benefit from this favourable climate, beyond all expectations! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Your October Forecast

Annoyances and... Fits of Bad Temper
Opposition Moon Sun

Valid on Tuesday 1 October, the transit orb is 108'

It is likely that this day is marked with fits of bad temper. You are concerned about your public image and therefore, you are more sensitive than you usually are. The slightest detail offends you... So, an inappropriate word hurts you, a badly formulated concept brings about incomprehension. In such a context, it is advisable to cool down and wait until the dust settles before you discuss essential matters. When people get worked up, it may be because you are too pernickety: it is better to slow down. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Heart and Mind in Unison

Trine Mercury Venus

Valid from Tuesday 1 October till Thursday 3 October included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 1 June till 3 June (particularly active on Wednesday 2 October, the transit orb is 006')

In the love department, magic is on your side! Your charm operates

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proportionately to your tactfulness and your timeliness. You seem to be able to read your partner's thoughts... It is the right time to suggest a few moments of evasion so as to create souvenirs that will endure in your memory. Protect your moments of intimacy as much as you can. These days are ideal for giving a present, the best one being the closeness we all dream of and that allows to grasp the hidden meaning of our partner's words... The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Fruitful Quietness
Moon in House XII
Valid from Wednesday 2 October till Thursday 3 October included

Even though people have the feeling that you are avoiding them, don't hesitate to zone out if you are so inclined. It is likely that you need peace and quietness in order to ponder over your problems and to sort out what is real from what is imaginary. You also need solitude to assess the situation and to find the right answers to your questions. Silence helps you deepen your thoughts about spirituality and also encourages your meditation. Take full advantage of this short constructive retreat to recharge your batteries...

Self-control and Good Mood

Sextile Moon Mars

Valid on Thursday 3 October, the transit orb is 139'

After a few tensions, timely serenity is back. The news is reassuring and, all of a sudden, the steps you have to take seem easier and require no exaggerated effort... It is just about time. In spite of demanding circumstances, you can eventually enjoy some respite and let go. You control your aggressiveness better and you solve problems, one after the other, without clash. You highly value your small daily victories. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

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Pride or Love? Caution!

Square Venus Sun

Valid from Thursday 3 October till Monday 7 October included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 6 May till 9 May (particularly active on Saturday 5 October, the transit orb is 003')

On the affective plane, you must redefine the rules of the game and put forward your demands. Otherwise, the situation may get stuck and love may grow dull as days go by... You have to face it and to honestly sort out major problems without looking away. Your couple's fulfilment mainly depends on the sincerity of your exchanges. Above all, be careful not to hurt your partner's pride: under such skies, this is a very sensitive spot. Sometimes, a mere compliment is enough to restart a positive impetus. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Gentle Way of Life and Good Mood

Moon in House I
Valid from Friday 4 October till Saturday 5 October included

Today, you feel fine, balanced, at peace with yourself and you are willing to show yourself in the most favourable light. Your feelings, your emotions and your imagination are increased and you perceive the world around you in a very personal way. Like a radar picking up your close friends' feelings, you need to be in tune with them, you share their happiness or you find the right word to comfort them. You are always there when you are needed and you are caring. Nevertheless, be careful not to become overwhelmed. This lovely day belongs to you, therefore take care of yourself and have fun!

Increased Comprehension and Sensitivity

Trine Moon Mercury

Valid on Saturday 5 October, the transit orb is 101'

You carry out your investigation relentlessly and you try to understand people's motivations. As you find some behaviour intriguing, you ask your entourage questions in order to better figure out what is currently at stake. Is there anything that is hidden from you? It won't take long until you find out. Thanks to your acute and deep clear-sightedness, you quickly guess what is going on... You won't be trapped as your sensitivity on the alert endows you with a sixth sense. No matter how complex the situation may be, you play your game well. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House,
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the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Gentle Way of Life

Trine Moon Moon

Valid on Saturday 5 October, the transit orb is 221'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Good Mood and Romantic Harmony

Trine Moon Venus

Valid on Sunday 6 October, the transit orb is 141'

It all starts with a moment of intimacy, a privileged minute that strongly boost your spirits! All of a sudden, everything becomes possible. You begin to dream of more poetry and your contagious tactfulness commands your partner's respect. Let yourself be carried away by the tide since the outcomes can only be positive... On the romantic plane, this is an ideal day to programme a few hours of escape and forget yesterday's misunderstandings. Choose a place conducive to a serene tte--tte. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

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Minor Financial Satisfaction

Moon in House II
Valid from Sunday 6 October till Monday 7 October included

Matters connected with possessions and finances are on the agenda. You need to check your accounts, to pay your debts and to reconsider your budget in order not to overspend. You may also make an appointment with your banker in order to optimize your investments. In any case, you seek safety in this area and you are provident for the future. Even when you must make a purchase, your choices are wise and you manage your patrimony as best you can. You select valuable artefacts or pieces of furniture for your home decoration with the will to invest and preserve your capital. In short, you definitely are an "ant"...

Gentle Way of Life and Conviviality

Trine Sun Moon

Valid from Monday 7 October till Friday 11 October included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 2 February till 6 February (particularly active on Wednesday 9 October, the transit orb is 021')

You try to assert the validity of your choices. You need your family and your close friends' circle to follow you. It is probably because your self-confidence is a bit weakened and needs to be reinforced and revived. In your intimate sphere, these days are very important: you will successfully demonstrate the validity of your projects and you will have your merits acknowledged. More than ever, you manage the boat of your daily life very well. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Wrong Timing
Opposition Mars Sun

Valid from Monday 7 October till Tuesday 15 October included (particularly active on Friday 11 October, the transit orb is 003')

Heroism is valuable, provided it is relevant to the situation. Otherwise, your attitudes, as honest and direct as they may be, may only worsen existing tensions. Things speed up and if the situation is stuck, you manage to forcefully break the deadlock. You lack neither energy nor fighting spirit. But it is likely that you will often take action at an inopportune moment and be carried away by impulsive and thoughtless initiatives. Therefore, this period
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may be filled with regrettable incidents. You are prone to make blunders. Beware of clumsiness, take advantage of your punch and your fighting spirit but don't start anything that cannot be undone and don't handle your entourage roughly. More than ever, you must calm things down and dispel misunderstandings because an uncontrolled skid is bound to happen. Do not get carried away by any provocation, or by your own determination to sort out problems and to put an end to disputes once for all. Other periods are more suitable for these final settlements... For the time being, try to make use of your exacerbated fighting spirit as wisely as possible. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Annoyances and... Fits of Bad Temper

Square Moon Sun

Valid on Tuesday 8 October, the transit orb is 213'

It is likely that this day is marked with fits of bad temper. You are concerned about your public image and therefore, you are more sensitive than you usually are. The slightest detail offends you... So, an inappropriate word hurts you, a badly formulated concept brings about incomprehension. In such a context, it is advisable to cool down and wait until the dust settles before you discuss essential matters. When people get worked up, it may be because you are too pernickety: it is better to slow down. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Minor Misunderstandings Ahead

Moon in House III
Valid from Tuesday 8 October till Thursday 10 October included

It seems that good mood is not accepted during this period and that you find it hard to communicate. Exchanges with your entourage are marked with distrust and they weigh heavy on you. You don't find the words you need to explain yourself and misunderstandings may lead to quarrels. Therefore, don't start discussions that result in nothing positive and save your arguments for better days. If you prefer to isolate yourself and make a break, you are right because, as you know well, sometimes, silence is golden...

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Sensitivity All on Edge...

Opposition Moon Moon

Valid on Wednesday 9 October, the transit orb is 206'

The Moon is playing tricks on you: the weather today is stormy, full of turbulences and excitement. It will be difficult to stay serene as your habits are upset. In this context, you must remain clear-sighted in order to thwart traps caused by hasty actions. Turmoil stems from your high sensitivity to danger: whether you are right or wrong, you don't feel safe, as if some unknown element troubled your peace of mind. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

A Few Minor Affective Doubts

Square Venus Venus

Valid from Wednesday 9 October till Saturday 12 October included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 11 May till 13 May (particularly active on Friday 11 October, the transit orb is 026')

Some adjustments seem necessary in the love department... And it is only natural. You are not necessarily on the same wavelength or in total understanding. Viewpoints sometimes differ, and it is just fine! Without these moments of doubt, life would be too dull... However, it is better to avoid useless confrontations and to prefer mutual respect, freedom of action and of thought. Thanks to an upcoming improvement, current question marks will be dispelled. Exercise some patience as serenity will be back soon. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Whimsical Mood at Home!

Conjunction Moon Nadir

Valid on Thursday 10 October, the transit orb is 212'

People who are lucky enough to live in a serene family atmosphere can fully enjoy the day. Thanks to your family ties, auspicious hours are in store. For other people, it is advisable to get back to more moderation in order to repair the damages done during stormy days. You extended the usual limits of your life setting and finally, the result is a rather positive situation. However, you
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must have your extreme and quite inflexible attitudes forgiven. Prove that you are acceptable and your family life will be positively impacted.

Contentment and Serenity

Sextile Moon Sun

Valid on Thursday 10 October, the transit orb is 029'

This is an excellent day to make a pause and enjoy your recovered serenity. It is the right time for you to be forgiven for your fits of bad temper and to regain the sympathy that your aloof attitude may have lessened. Above all, it is the right time for innovative projects that radically change life! Things unfold smoothly... On the social and professional planes, everything seems to develop very naturally: you let yourself be carried away by the stream and you carefully avoid all forms of tension or aggressiveness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Diplomacy and Smooth Relations

Trine Sun Mercury

Valid from Thursday 10 October till Monday 14 October included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 8 June till 12 June (particularly active on Saturday 12 October, the transit orb is 002')

Please, acknowledge the fact that despite tensions and divergences, you did quite well! Your strategy was good and the subtle way you managed the boat of your enterprises is bearing fruit, at last. Today again, diplomacy is the best tool at your disposal in order to thwart traps and to put forward your plans. It is a favourable time for negotiations, even for signing an agreement. You are in a position of strength, with the capacity to reach a compromise that fulfil each partner's goals. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Home Sweet Home!

Moon in House IV
Valid from Friday 11 October till Saturday 12 October included

How great it is to be at home! Today, you want to enjoy the comfort and gentleness of your home where you feel good and in security. There, you can dream at leisure of the improvements you want to bring to your cosy little nest for the sake of your family's well being, unless you prefer to dive in the nostalgia of your souvenirs and your photo albums... If you are in a more active mood, you may want to clean up the house from floor to ceiling or you may try to implement your lovely arrangement and decoration ideas... In short, the atmosphere is nice and, if your close friends share your activities, you experience a deep feeling of inner peace.

Luck and Seduction !

Moon in House V
Valid from Sunday 13 October till Monday 14 October included

Today, luck smiles on you! Nothing in your daily life weighs heavy on you, life is beautiful and you are ready to savour all its simple pleasures. Your imagination stirs up your sensitivity and the idea occurs to you to carry out some artistic activity in order to give your creativity free rein. Are you going to decorate your house, take up your brushes again, resume playing an instrument or just listen to your favourite song? Your children are the centre of your attention and you are willing to spend some time with them. Unless you dedicate your emotions to the games of love... One thing is certain, the day is going to be gorgeous!

War Ardour: Caution

Square Sun Mars

Valid from Monday 14 October till Friday 18 October included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 11 April till 15 April (particularly active on Wednesday 16 October, the transit orb is 012')

Your objectives clash with the situation. After days of tension, a hot discussion is likely to take place. You will display an unusual straightforwardness, preferring to tackle relationship issues rather than to constantly undergo the pressure they generate. Even if you settle the scores in quite a harsh way, and flexibility is not your forte today, a sunny spell is in sight... However, it is advisable to curb your warring ardour because an uncontrolled skid remains probable and in that case, you can't expect events to let you off lightly! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th
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House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Good Mood and Efficiency at Work

Moon in House VI
Valid from Tuesday 15 October till Wednesday 16 October included

Today, you are in good spirits! Your recover your energy, your health improves and you are in great form, fit for work. You do not hesitate to solve minor problems with precision and you attend to your affairs with pleasure. You are all the more interested that you expend a great deal of imagination at the service of your work and of people. You are willing to help and be of assistance, and your dedication is almost boundless. Should you want to make yourself indispensable, you couldn't succeed better! Don't overdo because your unfailing efficiency may arouse jealousies or envies...

Self-control and Good Mood

Trine Moon Mars

Valid on Wednesday 16 October, the transit orb is 102'

After a few tensions, timely serenity is back. The news is reassuring and, all of a sudden, the steps you have to take seem easier and require no exaggerated effort... It is just about time. In spite of demanding circumstances, you can eventually enjoy some respite and let go. You control your aggressiveness better and you solve problems, one after the other, without clash. You highly value your small daily victories. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Clumsy Relations
Square Mercury Mercury

Valid from Thursday 17 October till Friday 25 October included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 10 May till 11 May (particularly active on Monday 21 October, the transit orb is 058')

You are playing with fire. Clumsiness in your relations is not recommended in this tensed context! Fortunately, your perspicacity is on the alert... You have the unpleasant feeling that something is hidden from you and you are
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irritated, rightly. You will do your utmost in order to clear up the oddities of the moment and to understand underground stakes, as well as dealings that are going on without your knowledge. It is some sort of detective role that is assigned to you, some sort of hide-and-seek game of which you must come out with your head held high. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Explosive Temper
Opposition Mars Venus

Valid from Thursday 17 October till Friday 25 October included (particularly active on Monday 21 October, the transit orb is 005')

You display strong impulsiveness. Your sensitivity all on edge may turn your life setting into battlefields! If you are a thrill-lover, you will certainly get what you want. Perhaps a bit too much, if you give free rein to your whimsical moods and your explosive temper. Your exacerbated sensuality may seduce your partner. However, the violence of your feelings gives you no respite. During this period, your instincts override reason. For better and probably for worse. Sensual exaltation turns into outrageousness. It is likely that you listen to the sole intoxication of transient love or feelings. Hearts are pounding wildly. This heated climate is very good for putting an end to a monotonous life devoid of adventure and to a meaningless love. Romanticism becomes impetuous and prevails. One knows that love lives on passion and fevers. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Conviviality and Receptivity

Moon in House VII
Valid from Thursday 17 October till Friday 18 October included

Today, you don't get bored because you feel the need to reach out to others. Your sensitivity is high and the exchanges with your partner or your entourage arouse various stimulating emotions. You vibrate in unison and the probability that you get along well in many areas is excellent. Take advantage of this nice influence to pass messages and to take initiatives because your partner will receive them positively. In the romantic realm, it is likely that everything is so perfect that words become useless. You may also want to put your sensitivity at the service of some humanitarian work... A lovely altruistic day in sight!
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Increased Comprehension and Sensitivity

Sextile Moon Mercury

Valid on Friday 18 October, the transit orb is 0'

You carry out your investigation relentlessly and you try to understand people's motivations. As you find some behaviour intriguing, you ask your entourage questions in order to better figure out what is currently at stake. Is there anything that is hidden from you? It won't take long until you find out. Thanks to your acute and deep clear-sightedness, you quickly guess what is going on... You won't be trapped as your sensitivity on the alert endows you with a sixth sense. No matter how complex the situation may be, you play your game well. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Dynamism and Conquering Mind

Trine Sun Sun

Valid from Friday 18 October till Tuesday 22 October included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 16 June till 20 June (particularly active on Sunday 20 October, the transit orb is 018')

You show an amazing optimism and an energy that you have been lacking! The situation favours your projects and hopes, which lends you wings. You are full of self-confidence again and nothing seems impossible. Therefore, the most ambitious objectives are likely to be achieved. However, beware of obvious utopias! Play it safe and try to find, on the spot, the efficient tools you need for the achievement of your ideals. Your wonderful determination is up to your aspirations. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Good Mood and Romantic Harmony

Sextile Moon Venus

Valid on Saturday 19 October, the transit orb is 112'

It all starts with a moment of intimacy, a privileged minute that strongly boost your spirits! All of a sudden, everything becomes possible. You begin to dream of more poetry and your contagious tactfulness commands your partner's respect. Let yourself be carried away by the tide since the outcomes can only be positive... On the romantic plane, this is an ideal day to
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programme a few hours of escape and forget yesterday's misunderstandings. Choose a place conducive to a serene tte--tte. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Anxiety and Doubts

Moon in House VIII
Valid from Saturday 19 October till Monday 21 October included

Today, you may feel swamped by overflowing emotions and too many muddled and wild feelings, the reasons of which are beyond you. All these factors move you deeply. Destabilizing anxiety, fears and distress follow one another and upset you to the extent that you always imagine the worst scenario. Is there a delay? You immediately think of an accident... Does your partner exchange a glance with someone else? You think that love is gone... Is it the reality or only your imagination playing tricks on you? You want to understand the reasons behind your deep insecurity but you seem to lack clear-sightedness. Don't search any longer! Your imaginary world is a bit intrusive and your fears are totally unwarranted. Remain Zen...

Excessive Emotionalism... Pull Yourself Together Again!

Opposition Venus Moon

Valid from Sunday 20 October till Thursday 24 October included (particularly active on Tuesday 22 October, the transit orb is 004')

Beware of excessive emotionalism and don't court disaster! Although nice romantic opportunities arise, rash relationships are not favoured. Of course, it is tempting to get into it but you may feel sorry for it when the first moments of excitement fade away. Will you be able to overcome the dangers that threaten thrill-loving souls? Obviously, your sensitivity all on edge may play a nasty trick on you. Here again, self-control is compulsory. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

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Annoyances and... Fits of Bad Temper

Square Moon Sun

Valid on Monday 21 October, the transit orb is 014'

It is likely that this day is marked with fits of bad temper. You are concerned about your public image and therefore, you are more sensitive than you usually are. The slightest detail offends you... So, an inappropriate word hurts you, a badly formulated concept brings about incomprehension. In such a context, it is advisable to cool down and wait until the dust settles before you discuss essential matters. When people get worked up, it may be because you are too pernickety: it is better to slow down. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Idealism and Need to Escape

Moon in House IX
Valid from Tuesday 22 October till Wednesday 23 October included

Today, your horizon line is cloudless. You think big and it is with optimism that you consider the outer world. There are no limits any more and it seems that nothing can hinder the projects you want to undertake. Your feelings and your opinion are tinted with idealism. You need to isolate yourself for a short while, so you can think, meditate, and perhaps, find the answers to your philosophical questions. Do you have a sudden desire for faraway travels? Should the opportunity arise, don't hesitate! Unless you are contented with long imaginary journeys, the departure of which you constantly postpone... In any case, you are far from material contingencies... What a great wisdom!

Listening and Tenderness!

Sextile Venus Mercury

Valid from Thursday 24 October till Sunday 27 October included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 5 April till 8 April (particularly active on Friday 25 October, the transit orb is 018')

This period proves ideal for any romantic reunion. Problems seem to fade and give way to a true mutual listening. You are on the same wavelength and you enjoy it very much. If you are in search of your soul-mate and you are single, it is the right time to hope for a meaningful encounter! In all cases, you feel a breath of fresh air that brings about exaltation. You find a lot of pleasure in expressing your emotions and giving free rein to your heart's impulses. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of
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romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Good Mood and Romantic Harmony

Trine Moon Venus

Valid on Thursday 24 October, the transit orb is 029'

It all starts with a moment of intimacy, a privileged minute that strongly boost your spirits! All of a sudden, everything becomes possible. You begin to dream of more poetry and your contagious tactfulness commands your partner's respect. Let yourself be carried away by the tide since the outcomes can only be positive... On the romantic plane, this is an ideal day to programme a few hours of escape and forget yesterday's misunderstandings. Choose a place conducive to a serene tte--tte. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Moon in House X
Valid from Thursday 24 October till Saturday 26 October included

Today, everything in the social and professional area prompts you to put yourself under the spotlight. You dedicate your entire sensitivity and intuition to the service of other people and you are in tune with them. You enjoy a very positive public image and your popularity increases significantly. You are appreciated and loved, you are told so, and moreover, you are given evidence of your fame! Salary increase? Promotion? Preferment? All sorts of favours are possible... You have a good sense of timing and you can jump at opportunities when they arise. Take full advantage of them... This is your day of glory!

Favoured Romantic Life

Trine Sun Venus

Valid from Friday 25 October till Monday 28 October included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 23 June till 27 June (particularly active on Saturday 26 October, the transit orb is 026')

Demands remain prevalent but your romantic life is brightening up. Indeed,
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both of you become aware of what is at stake: improving your relationship, gaining more transparency and, especially, more profoundness. Love is not a matter to be taken thoughtlessly! If you are single, the current influences favour exotic encounters... If you are in a couple, you can admire your partner's soul in the mirror of your own aspirations. The challenge is to eventually create the close relationship you are dreaming of. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Favoured Friendships
Moon in House XI
Valid from Sunday 27 October till Monday 28 October included

Today, you prefer to exchange ideas with your close friends rather than to attend to your material and routine affairs. Make the most of it! Connections are established smoothly, you are on the same wavelength and communication is favoured by a harmonious atmosphere. You may talk about all and nothing pleasantly or you may carry out lengthy debates so as to reinvent a world that is up to your ideals! Besides, you may want to become part of a group or an association that shares your centres of interest. However, don't forget that your family may feel a bit neglected...

Emotions and Minor Frustrations

Opposition Moon Venus

Valid on Tuesday 29 October, the transit orb is 106'

There is a minor frustration amid an affective quite fulfilling atmosphere. Would your partner be in a bad mood? Or are your expectations out of touch? It may not be the right time. Calm things down because hastiness can only lead to a foolish mistake. It is better to allow spirits to cool off without influencing events. An obvious tension is likely to linger and, as a result, blunt explanations and temporary turbulences may cloud the idyllic atmosphere for a few hours. Let the storm blow over! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

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Feeling lonely
Moon in House XII
Valid from Tuesday 29 October till Wednesday 30 October included

You are very certainly under the influence of old fears that are resurfacing again. There are days like that. Try not to keep turning over your problems because you would only complicate and increase them. Moreover, it is very likely that you are imagining wrong things! Solitude is not good for you today, don't isolate yourself to escape facts, even though they are unpleasant. You probably have a close friend who readily wants to help you. Confide your worries because, as he is more lucid and objective than you, your friend may be able to make you gain awareness of a couple of things. Strength through unity!

Sensitivity All on Edge...

Square Moon Moon

Valid on Wednesday 30 October, the transit orb is 124'

The Moon is playing tricks on you: the weather today is stormy, full of turbulences and excitement. It will be difficult to stay serene as your habits are upset. In this context, you must remain clear-sighted in order to thwart traps caused by hasty actions. Turmoil stems from your high sensitivity to danger: whether you are right or wrong, you don't feel safe, as if some unknown element troubled your peace of mind. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Love and Construction, Getting Closer Affectively

Sextile Venus Sun

Valid from Thursday 31 October till Monday 4 November included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 11 April till 14 April (particularly active on Saturday 2 November, the transit orb is 02')

Excellent resolutions were made, particularly in the sentimental sphere. Your commitments remain to be fulfilled. Start right now. Positive outcomes will manifest before long! In the romantic department, a bright spot is in sight. Your partner is sensitive to the sincerity of your words and seeks a lasting well being with you. Your budding relationship tends towards fusion, with each partner striving to remain in phase with the other one's demands and dreams. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of
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romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Home Sweet Home...

Conjunction Moon Ascendant

Valid on Thursday 31 October, the transit orb is 005'

The Moon travels over your Ascendant and prompts you to let go. The emphasis is on your inner life and your family, and more generally, on your fundamental bases. You are in search of peace of mind and you turn away from external concerns in order to take stock of your intimate realm. People may be surprised by your restless and quite pernickety mood, but your creativity is high. The astrological climate of the day inclines to inactivity, contemplation and stirs up your artistic chord. A moment of poetry in sight...

Gentle Way of Life and Good Mood

Moon in House I
Valid from Thursday 31 October till Saturday 2 November included

Today, you feel fine, balanced, at peace with yourself and you are willing to show yourself in the most favourable light. Your feelings, your emotions and your imagination are increased and you perceive the world around you in a very personal way. Like a radar picking up your close friends' feelings, you need to be in tune with them, you share their happiness or you find the right word to comfort them. You are always there when you are needed and you are caring. Nevertheless, be careful not to become overwhelmed. This lovely day belongs to you, therefore take care of yourself and have fun!

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Your November Forecast

Gentle Way of Life
Trine Moon Moon

Valid on Friday 1 November, the transit orb is 219'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Contentment and Serenity

Trine Moon Sun

Valid on Saturday 2 November, the transit orb is 013'

This is an excellent day to make a pause and enjoy your recovered serenity. It is the right time for you to be forgiven for your fits of bad temper and to regain the sympathy that your aloof attitude may have lessened. Above all, it is the right time for innovative projects that radically change life! Things unfold smoothly... On the social and professional planes, everything seems to develop very naturally: you let yourself be carried away by the stream and you carefully avoid all forms of tension or aggressiveness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Gentle Way of Life at Home

Conjunction Venus Nadir

Valid from Sunday 3 November till Thursday 7 November included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 7 January till 10 January (particularly active on Tuesday 5 November, the transit orb is 005')

Venus travelling at the bottom of your chart improves your life setting. You
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are sensitive to the comfort of you home and more particularly, to the harmony that must reign there. You make yourself comfortable and you seek a special way of life that is harmonious in every respect. This is a healthy attitude that very pleasantly opens an auspicious period. Your abilities to listen and conciliate can be used to the fullest: gentleness, sense of subtleties, receptivity and sociability are on the agenda. Therefore, you are able to earn your entourage's confidence and esteem.

Minor Financial Satisfaction

Moon in House II
Valid from Sunday 3 November till Monday 4 November included

Matters connected with possessions and finances are on the agenda. You need to check your accounts, to pay your debts and to reconsider your budget in order not to overspend. You may also make an appointment with your banker in order to optimize your investments. In any case, you seek safety in this area and you are provident for the future. Even when you must make a purchase, your choices are wise and you manage your patrimony as best you can. You select valuable artefacts or pieces of furniture for your home decoration with the will to invest and preserve your capital. In short, you definitely are an "ant"...

Annoyances and... Fits of Bad Temper

Square Moon Sun

Valid on Monday 4 November, the transit orb is 155'

It is likely that this day is marked with fits of bad temper. You are concerned about your public image and therefore, you are more sensitive than you usually are. The slightest detail offends you... So, an inappropriate word hurts you, a badly formulated concept brings about incomprehension. In such a context, it is advisable to cool down and wait until the dust settles before you discuss essential matters. When people get worked up, it may be because you are too pernickety: it is better to slow down. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Self-control and Good Mood

Trine Moon Mars

Valid on Monday 4 November, the transit orb is 209'

After a few tensions, timely serenity is back. The news is reassuring and, all of a sudden, the steps you have to take seem easier and require no exaggerated effort... It is just about time. In spite of demanding circumstances, you can eventually enjoy some respite and let go. You control your aggressiveness better and you solve problems, one after the other, without clash. You highly value your small daily victories. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Heart and Mind in Unison

Trine Mercury Venus

Valid from Tuesday 5 November till Saturday 16 November included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 1 October till 3 October (particularly active on Thursday 14 November, the transit orb is 001')

In the love department, magic is on your side! Your charm operates proportionately to your tactfulness and your timeliness. You seem to be able to read your partner's thoughts... It is the right time to suggest a few moments of evasion so as to create souvenirs that will endure in your memory. Protect your moments of intimacy as much as you can. These days are ideal for giving a present, the best one being the closeness we all dream of and that allows to grasp the hidden meaning of our partner's words... The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Contacts and Pleasant Short Trips

Moon in House III
Valid from Tuesday 5 November till Wednesday 6 November included

During this period, you feel like moving around, discovering and learning. Although you probably dream of faraway horizons, short trips are enough to make you happy. Go to your lady neighbour's place to share a nice cup of coffee and reinvent the world while having fun with words! You may also visit a close friend who will be delighted by your sensitivity, your understanding and the way you look at the world. It is clear that you need to communicate
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and, wherever you are, your pleasant conversation and your negotiating talents are unanimously appreciated. In any case, you can't be stopped just like that ...

Romantic Improvement
Sextile Venus Venus

Valid from Thursday 7 November till Monday 11 November included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 16 April till 19 April (particularly active on Saturday 9 November, the transit orb is 019')

The romantic improvement continues. Your caring and wild behaviour is charming. You seem to be able to read your partner's heart like an open book As a result, your relationship is marked by a deep intensity. Let's hope that the flame never dies and that it stands the test of time. Indeed, routine is romanticism's worst enemy. As days go by, you learn how to establish an atmosphere at the same time nice, serene and devoid of violent passion but favourable to your hearts' blossoming. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Minor Annoyances at Home

Moon in House IV
Valid from Thursday 7 November till Friday 8 November included

You are not willing to receive anybody today and you feel like sticking the notice "Do not disturb" at your door. You are not in the mood for dialogue and therefore, communication may be difficult, even with your parents or your children, since the points of dissension deal with the family and daily life themes. In order to feel in security and regain inner calm and peace of mind, you probably need to isolate yourself in your corner or to withdraw into yourself until tensions and worries subside and your good mood is back. Be careful, don't zone out for too long and don't cut yourself off from the world as if you were a hermit...

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Hustle and Bustle

Square Mars Moon

Valid from Friday 8 November till Friday 15 November included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 19 February till 24 February (particularly active on Monday 11 November, the transit orb is 014')

Tension is rising, particularly in your intimate sphere, and the atmosphere is getting quite electric. Your habits may be disrupted and your daily life sometimes seems restrictive. Your mood is affected during this period. You are irritable and you do not hesitate to raise your voice. Your first targets are your close friends and all the members of your intimate realm. Although it is possible that some events justify your bad language and behaviour, it is prudent to control the soaring fever... Otherwise, there may be a danger that you spark off quarrels and private conflicts. Another important point: this period may prove constructive in the end, if you relinquish laziness and inertia. Force of habit conflicts with needs and passions. Of course, tensions may lead to unsuspected perspectives and set you free. However, the vagaries of this period must be avoided and the balance of your private life must be kept under control, as much as possible. In short, it is all about finding your own pace of life. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Calm Down! Tensions are subsiding soon!

Opposition Moon Mars

Valid on Friday 8 November, the transit orb is 013'

Thrills are on the agenda! Were you seeking intense emotions? There you are. Nevertheless, amid this idyllic climate, clear-sightedness remains indispensable. A glitch is all it takes to jeopardize your plans, a minor incident, the regrettable consequences of which develop as time goes by. Therefore, it is advisable to anticipate and to avoid traps right from the start. Hold back your impatience because feverishness may block the energies of the day. More than ever, self-control is indispensable. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

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Differing Opinion, Disagreements

Square Sun Mercury

Valid from Saturday 9 November till Wednesday 13 November included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 7 May till 11 May (particularly active on Monday 11 November, the transit orb is 004')

You took the exact opposite view and you went against your close colleagues' stand. It does not matter: you did not really have the choice. However, you must now justify your decisions and explain the various reasons behind your sudden aloofness. As you say "no", you will see that you are also gaining friends. But it may be wise to avoid a cutting style and dialogues that uselessly disrupt social life. More than ever, you must be careful not to offend your partners' susceptibilities. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Luck and Seduction !

Moon in House V
Valid from Saturday 9 November till Sunday 10 November included

Today, luck smiles on you! Nothing in your daily life weighs heavy on you, life is beautiful and you are ready to savour all its simple pleasures. Your imagination stirs up your sensitivity and the idea occurs to you to carry out some artistic activity in order to give your creativity free rein. Are you going to decorate your house, take up your brushes again, resume playing an instrument or just listen to your favourite song? Your children are the centre of your attention and you are willing to spend some time with them. Unless you dedicate your emotions to the games of love... One thing is certain, the day is going to be gorgeous!

Emotions and Feelings, such Pleasant Moments...

Conjunction Moon Venus

Valid on Monday 11 November, the transit orb is 217'

The Moon travels on your natal Venus and your heart is pounding wildly! Everything is conducive to romanticism and finer feelings. Flights of lyricism are on the agenda, of course, provided that you want to find the suitable partner who will understand your frame of mind. In any case, there is little room today for half-hearted and dull loves... You deploy a formidable arsenal of seduction and you play around with lots of tact. Let yourself be carried away by the tide: charming hours are in store for you The natal planet
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involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Good Mood and Efficiency at Work

Moon in House VI
Valid from Monday 11 November till Tuesday 12 November included

Today, you are in good spirits! Your recover your energy, your health improves and you are in great form, fit for work. You do not hesitate to solve minor problems with precision and you attend to your affairs with pleasure. You are all the more interested that you expend a great deal of imagination at the service of your work and of people. You are willing to help and be of assistance, and your dedication is almost boundless. Should you want to make yourself indispensable, you couldn't succeed better! Don't overdo because your unfailing efficiency may arouse jealousies or envies...

Efficient Action
Trine Sun Mars

Valid from Wednesday 13 November till Sunday 17 November included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 11 March till 15 March (particularly active on Friday 15 November, the transit orb is 01')

The electrical climate subsides, eventually, and gives way to a sunny spell! The situation stabilizes gradually. It may be caused by the virulent explanations that occurred during the past few weeks: new rules were set up and normalization is in sight. At the same time, you feel that you keep the course of events under tighter control. Your energy seems to be funnelled and handled in a coherent way, as if it were supported by your aspirations. Therefore, your actions are coordinated and well devised. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

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Conviviality and Receptivity

Moon in House VII
Valid from Wednesday 13 November till Thursday 14 November included

Today, you don't get bored because you feel the need to reach out to others. Your sensitivity is high and the exchanges with your partner or your entourage arouse various stimulating emotions. You vibrate in unison and the probability that you get along well in many areas is excellent. Take advantage of this nice influence to pass messages and to take initiatives because your partner will receive them positively. In the romantic realm, it is likely that everything is so perfect that words become useless. You may also want to put your sensitivity at the service of some humanitarian work... A lovely altruistic day in sight!

Gentle Way of Life

Sextile Moon Moon

Valid on Thursday 14 November, the transit orb is 006'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Contentment and Serenity

Sextile Moon Sun

Valid on Friday 15 November, the transit orb is 127'

This is an excellent day to make a pause and enjoy your recovered serenity. It is the right time for you to be forgiven for your fits of bad temper and to regain the sympathy that your aloof attitude may have lessened. Above all, it is the right time for innovative projects that radically change life! Things unfold smoothly... On the social and professional planes, everything seems to develop very naturally: you let yourself be carried away by the stream and you carefully avoid all forms of tension or aggressiveness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters,
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leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Hypersensitivity and Intuition

Moon in House VIII
Valid from Friday 15 November till Sunday 17 November included

During this period, your intense emotions and deep feelings endow your inner and psychical life with extreme strength. You are hypersensitive and you can switch from laughter to tears with no real reason. Your intuition also is very developed and it gives you some sort of sixth sense that proves very useful for finding the answers to all your questions, whether they are of a practical or more metaphysical order. You may also have premonitory dreams... Topics such as finances, sexuality, the unconsciousness and even the beyond, may catch your attention. Unless, enriched with all these emotions, you just let your creativity flow freely...

Self-control and Good Mood

Sextile Moon Mars

Valid on Sunday 17 November, the transit orb is 046'

After a few tensions, timely serenity is back. The news is reassuring and, all of a sudden, the steps you have to take seem easier and require no exaggerated effort... It is just about time. In spite of demanding circumstances, you can eventually enjoy some respite and let go. You control your aggressiveness better and you solve problems, one after the other, without clash. You highly value your small daily victories. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Minor Self-questioning
Square Sun Sun

Valid from Sunday 17 November till Thursday 21 November included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 16 May till 20 May (particularly active on Tuesday 19 November, the transit orb is 012')

These days are favourable for a minor change of direction: you may forsake something you are keen on and you accept to follow a different path. Destiny
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exposes you to new elements that force you to reconsider your course of action. You must adjust to the context before you start anew, and this is likely to occur quite soon. Hold on, once again! Don't be too sensitive to criticism: your public image is not at stake and an extreme touchiness would only make you waste your time. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Idealism and Need to Escape

Moon in House IX
Valid from Monday 18 November till Tuesday 19 November included

Today, your horizon line is cloudless. You think big and it is with optimism that you consider the outer world. There are no limits any more and it seems that nothing can hinder the projects you want to undertake. Your feelings and your opinion are tinted with idealism. You need to isolate yourself for a short while, so you can think, meditate, and perhaps, find the answers to your philosophical questions. Do you have a sudden desire for faraway travels? Should the opportunity arise, don't hesitate! Unless you are contented with long imaginary journeys, the departure of which you constantly postpone... In any case, you are far from material contingencies... What a great wisdom!

Increased Comprehension and Sensitivity

Trine Moon Mercury

Valid on Tuesday 19 November, the transit orb is 035'

You carry out your investigation relentlessly and you try to understand people's motivations. As you find some behaviour intriguing, you ask your entourage questions in order to better figure out what is currently at stake. Is there anything that is hidden from you? It won't take long until you find out. Thanks to your acute and deep clear-sightedness, you quickly guess what is going on... You won't be trapped as your sensitivity on the alert endows you with a sixth sense. No matter how complex the situation may be, you play your game well. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Daydreaming and Good Mood...

Conjunction Moon Moon

Valid on Tuesday 19 November, the transit orb is 246'

You take advantage of a change in habits or situations and you enhance your daily life... You may pretext some unexpected obligations in order to get more freedom of action and spend this leisure time doing what you have not had the time to do. Your creativity occupies the place of honour! You tend to let go and to let destiny take action: if it is at all possible, allow the tide to carry you away and do not try to exceedingly control the situation. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Increased Popularity
Conjunction Moon Midheaven

Valid on Wednesday 20 November, the transit orb is 032'

The transit of the Moon over your Midheaven sends your popularity to its heights today. Your attitudes are marked by letting-go and fantasy and they catch the attention of an entourage that is eager for entertainment! Your loved ones are not disappointed by the endearing and poetic image you project. You develop an acute sense of public contacts. Should your occupation lend itself to the hypothesis, this is a perfect day to increase your influence and your notoriety. In any case, this planetary configuration underlines your place in society.

Moon in House X
Valid from Wednesday 20 November till Friday 22 November included

Today, everything in the social and professional area prompts you to put yourself under the spotlight. You dedicate your entire sensitivity and intuition to the service of other people and you are in tune with them. You enjoy a very positive public image and your popularity increases significantly. You are appreciated and loved, you are told so, and moreover, you are given evidence of your fame! Salary increase? Promotion? Preferment? All sorts of favours are possible... You have a good sense of timing and you can jump at opportunities when they arise. Take full advantage of them... This is your day of glory!

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Conquering Spirit
Sextile Mars Mars

Valid from Thursday 21 November till Friday 29 November included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 19 May till 25 May (particularly active on Monday 25 November, the transit orb is 0')

It is the moment to take action. Not under any circumstance, nor upstream. Whether it is granted to you or you provoke it, you have the opportunity to highlight your dynamism without gratuitously offending your entourage. This is how you can best manage trials of strength. If you want to settle the scores without causing irreversible harm, it's now or never. When it is fully controlled, a forceful action proves quite an irresistible asset! Your conquering spirit often opens the path to new possibilities. If you find it hard to get out of the rut, it is now a good time to attempt a healthy confrontation and to "take the bull by its horns". Should the context be calmer, you can take advantage of this planetary configuration through audacity and boldness. Do not hesitate to face up to things and accept challenges. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Exacerbated Sensitivity
Conjunction Moon Mars

Valid on Friday 22 November, the transit orb is 106'

Your fighting spirit overcomes adversity. You win a battle through sheer energy. It has absolutely nothing to do with triumphing diplomacy, far from that! It is about the victory of determination and persistence. You did not give in, you did not weaken and events prove you right. Now, you can confess that you were not far from the point of no-return... The positive outcome: the impetus is restarted and hurdles are removed. Your fighting spirit seems to be the source of a significant evolution. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

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Minor Romantic Gap

Square Sun Venus

Valid from Saturday 23 November till Wednesday 27 November included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 22 May till 26 May (particularly active on Monday 25 November, the transit orb is 015')

Is your partner unable to take a decision? This is something you quite rightly find irritating! However, it is wise to postpone an explanation. Give time to people who don't share your reasons to force destiny's unfoldment. In love, one must know to give in and lose some ground in order to be revived later on. Indeed, it is your demand that is at stake: love does not always seem to you an idyllic model since desires and aspirations sometimes clash. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Favoured Friendships
Moon in House XI
Valid from Saturday 23 November till Monday 25 November included

Today, you prefer to exchange ideas with your close friends rather than to attend to your material and routine affairs. Make the most of it! Connections are established smoothly, you are on the same wavelength and communication is favoured by a harmonious atmosphere. You may talk about all and nothing pleasantly or you may carry out lengthy debates so as to reinvent a world that is up to your ideals! Besides, you may want to become part of a group or an association that shares your centres of interest. However, don't forget that your family may feel a bit neglected...

Restlessness and Nervousness

Opposition Moon Mercury

Valid on Sunday 24 November, the transit orb is 1'

You put aside your habits, you shelve all kinds of conformism that have started to smother you. Your entourage is going to be surprised! It is the time to take action according to your aspirations, your whims and your dreams... You intensely experience a situation in full transformation. Ideas abound in such great numbers that you find it difficult to make a synthesis of all the pieces of the jigsaw... Because of your relatively restless mind, you may not be able to keep this highly complex game under control. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters,
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leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Gentle Way of Life

Sextile Moon Moon

Valid on Sunday 24 November, the transit orb is 222'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Clumsy Relations
Square Mercury Mercury

Valid from Tuesday 26 November till Friday 29 November included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 17 October till 25 October (particularly active on Wednesday 27 November, the transit orb is 042')

You are playing with fire. Clumsiness in your relations is not recommended in this tensed context! Fortunately, your perspicacity is on the alert... You have the unpleasant feeling that something is hidden from you and you are irritated, rightly. You will do your utmost in order to clear up the oddities of the moment and to understand underground stakes, as well as dealings that are going on without your knowledge. It is some sort of detective role that is assigned to you, some sort of hide-and-seek game of which you must come out with your head held high. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Fruitful Quietness
Moon in House XII
Valid from Tuesday 26 November till Wednesday 27 November included

Even though people have the feeling that you are avoiding them, don't hesitate to zone out if you are so inclined. It is likely that you need peace and quietness in order to ponder over your problems and to sort out what is real from what is imaginary. You also need solitude to assess the situation and to find the right answers to your questions. Silence helps you deepen your thoughts about spirituality and also encourages your meditation. Take full advantage of this short constructive retreat to recharge your batteries...

Self-control and Good Mood

Sextile Moon Mars

Valid on Wednesday 27 November, the transit orb is 143'

After a few tensions, timely serenity is back. The news is reassuring and, all of a sudden, the steps you have to take seem easier and require no exaggerated effort... It is just about time. In spite of demanding circumstances, you can eventually enjoy some respite and let go. You control your aggressiveness better and you solve problems, one after the other, without clash. You highly value your small daily victories. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Gentle Way of Life and Good Mood

Moon in House I
Valid from Thursday 28 November till Friday 29 November included

Today, you feel fine, balanced, at peace with yourself and you are willing to show yourself in the most favourable light. Your feelings, your emotions and your imagination are increased and you perceive the world around you in a very personal way. Like a radar picking up your close friends' feelings, you need to be in tune with them, you share their happiness or you find the right word to comfort them. You are always there when you are needed and you are caring. Nevertheless, be careful not to become overwhelmed. This lovely day belongs to you, therefore take care of yourself and have fun!

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Increased Comprehension and Sensitivity

Trine Moon Mercury

Valid on Friday 29 November, the transit orb is 203'

You carry out your investigation relentlessly and you try to understand people's motivations. As you find some behaviour intriguing, you ask your entourage questions in order to better figure out what is currently at stake. Is there anything that is hidden from you? It won't take long until you find out. Thanks to your acute and deep clear-sightedness, you quickly guess what is going on... You won't be trapped as your sensitivity on the alert endows you with a sixth sense. No matter how complex the situation may be, you play your game well. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Calm Down! Tensions are subsiding soon!

Square Moon Mars

Valid on Friday 29 November, the transit orb is 204'

Thrills are on the agenda! Were you seeking intense emotions? There you are. Nevertheless, amid this idyllic climate, clear-sightedness remains indispensable. A glitch is all it takes to jeopardize your plans, a minor incident, the regrettable consequences of which develop as time goes by. Therefore, it is advisable to anticipate and to avoid traps right from the start. Hold back your impatience because feverishness may block the energies of the day. More than ever, self-control is indispensable. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Fruitful Dialogues
Trine Mercury Mars

Valid from Friday 29 November till Sunday 1 December included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 8 April till 10 April (particularly active on Saturday 30 November, the transit orb is 024')

Dialogues overcome a good many oppositions and you are going to experience this theory. Masks are taken off, illusions vanish into thin air, and the only things that remain are facts and the necessity to move on. An exchange of opposing points of view allows you to find the keys to a sustainable evolution. It is the time to define a safe route that fully reassures
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people who doubted the validity of your choices. Your horizon is brightening up although a long-term task awaits you. But, as you know it better than anyone else, it is worth it. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Good Mood and Romantic Harmony

Trine Moon Venus

Valid on Saturday 30 November, the transit orb is 13'

It all starts with a moment of intimacy, a privileged minute that strongly boost your spirits! All of a sudden, everything becomes possible. You begin to dream of more poetry and your contagious tactfulness commands your partner's respect. Let yourself be carried away by the tide since the outcomes can only be positive... On the romantic plane, this is an ideal day to programme a few hours of escape and forget yesterday's misunderstandings. Choose a place conducive to a serene tte--tte. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Romantic Outburst of Anger: Caution

Opposition Venus Mars

Valid from Saturday 30 November till Sunday 8 December included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 26 January till 29 January (particularly active on Wednesday 4 December, the transit orb is 005')

In the love department, electricity is in the air! Admit that you never overlook your partner's slightest mistake and that you are often irritated... You are now extremely annoyed by some traits of behaviour, whereas you readily accepted them so far. Your pernickety side surprises your entourage. It is, perhaps, a way to make your couple's life evolve. The positive feature of this influence remains: extreme passion, desire for unrestrained emotions, hearts pounding wildly... The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

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Interpersonal Matters
Square Saturn Mercury

Valid from Saturday 30 November till Thursday 2 January included (particularly active on Saturday 21 December, the transit orb is 001')

You ask yourself many questions. Will you find your answers? You are not interested any more in spontaneous relations. Human relations are a sensitive issue and now, you distrust even the simplest situations. What once was clear is not obvious any more. During this period, you will grant your trust to a few close friends only. As a result, some degree of isolation may occur, quite tiresome but necessary. Your clear-sightedness tolerates no compromise, no flaw in your relationships. This planetary configuration inclines to self-questionings and doubts. It is likely that you have to go through this stage, loaded with all kinds of uncertainties, in order to solve numerous issues and ambiguous contacts. Since each and everyone is touchy, it is important not to make a faux pas and to thoroughly weigh your words without giving up the necessary clarification step. Some thoughtless remarks may have regrettable consequences... However, very realistic explanations can be expected. Should contradictions crop up regarding facts management, they will be discussed until a solution is reached. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Unreasonable Expenses...
Moon in House II
Valid from Saturday 30 November till Sunday 1 December included

Attention, place your bets... Rien ne va plus... Financial worries are on the agenda! A friend who lent you money shows up because he wants it back? You receive a call from your banker informing you that you overspent this month? The expected salary increase is put off? Whatever the reason, you are worried and in a bad mood because you don't know how you can solve these problems quickly. In order to forget them, you may be tempted to buy yourself a few presents, but you must beware of "compulsive shopping"! It may be more reasonable to postpone until tomorrow...

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Your December Forecast

Restlessness and Nervousness
Square Moon Mercury

Valid on Sunday 1 December, the transit orb is 0'

You put aside your habits, you shelve all kinds of conformism that have started to smother you. Your entourage is going to be surprised! It is the time to take action according to your aspirations, your whims and your dreams... You intensely experience a situation in full transformation. Ideas abound in such great numbers that you find it difficult to make a synthesis of all the pieces of the jigsaw... Because of your relatively restless mind, you may not be able to keep this highly complex game under control. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Emotions and Minor Frustrations

Square Moon Venus

Valid on Monday 2 December, the transit orb is 017'

There is a minor frustration amid an affective quite fulfilling atmosphere. Would your partner be in a bad mood? Or are your expectations out of touch? It may not be the right time. Calm things down because hastiness can only lead to a foolish mistake. It is better to allow spirits to cool off without influencing events. An obvious tension is likely to linger and, as a result, blunt explanations and temporary turbulences may cloud the idyllic atmosphere for a few hours. Let the storm blow over! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Caution in Communication...
Square Mercury Sun

Valid from Monday 2 December till Wednesday 4 December included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 14 May till 15 May (particularly active on Tuesday 3 December, the transit orb is 002')

A weird poker game is starting. Without revealing your plans, you manage to
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prepare the ground for an evolution that you have in mind. A secret project no one knows about. Be cautious, don't exaggerate and don't let dissimulations reach the point where they border on scheming. Otherwise, a trap may backfire on you! If you attract attention and take on the major role, you may make a foolish mistake... In such a context, it is better to avoid being at the forefront. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Contacts and Pleasant Short Trips

Moon in House III
Valid from Monday 2 December till Tuesday 3 December included

During this period, you feel like moving around, discovering and learning. Although you probably dream of faraway horizons, short trips are enough to make you happy. Go to your lady neighbour's place to share a nice cup of coffee and reinvent the world while having fun with words! You may also visit a close friend who will be delighted by your sensitivity, your understanding and the way you look at the world. It is clear that you need to communicate and, wherever you are, your pleasant conversation and your negotiating talents are unanimously appreciated. In any case, you can't be stopped just like that ...

Increased Comprehension and Sensitivity

Sextile Moon Mercury

Valid on Tuesday 3 December, the transit orb is 031'

You carry out your investigation relentlessly and you try to understand people's motivations. As you find some behaviour intriguing, you ask your entourage questions in order to better figure out what is currently at stake. Is there anything that is hidden from you? It won't take long until you find out. Thanks to your acute and deep clear-sightedness, you quickly guess what is going on... You won't be trapped as your sensitivity on the alert endows you with a sixth sense. No matter how complex the situation may be, you play your game well. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Dynamism and Action!

Conjunction Mars Ascendant

Valid from Tuesday 3 December till Thursday 12 December included (particularly active on Sunday 8 December, the transit orb is 005')

Mars travels over your Ascendant and events speed up. It is the right time to move forward, to show dynamism and fighting spirit. You respond more swiftly and you get started immediately. In this context, it is not advisable to confront you because your reactions may be up to your quarrelsome mood! You will be tempted to take up all the challenges of the moment, even though and especially if you must take risks. Therefore, it is wise to calm things down. You are inclined to be hasty, you want everything and you want them right now. In some cases, your attitude is double-edged. However, your enterprising spirit may open doors: what you dare doing today without shyness is likely to break a deadlock and to widen your field of action. The only important precaution is that you must not let this nice energy turn into unnecessary aggressiveness. Be careful not to offend your entourage!

Good Mood and Romantic Harmony

Sextile Moon Venus

Valid on Wednesday 4 December, the transit orb is 011'

It all starts with a moment of intimacy, a privileged minute that strongly boost your spirits! All of a sudden, everything becomes possible. You begin to dream of more poetry and your contagious tactfulness commands your partner's respect. Let yourself be carried away by the tide since the outcomes can only be positive... On the romantic plane, this is an ideal day to programme a few hours of escape and forget yesterday's misunderstandings. Choose a place conducive to a serene tte--tte. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Home Sweet Home!

Moon in House IV
Valid from Wednesday 4 December till Thursday 5 December included

How great it is to be at home! Today, you want to enjoy the comfort and gentleness of your home where you feel good and in security. There, you can dream at leisure of the improvements you want to bring to your cosy little nest for the sake of your family's well being, unless you prefer to dive in the
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nostalgia of your souvenirs and your photo albums... If you are in a more active mood, you may want to clean up the house from floor to ceiling or you may try to implement your lovely arrangement and decoration ideas... In short, the atmosphere is nice and, if your close friends share your activities, you experience a deep feeling of inner peace.

Fits of Bad temper, Nervousness...

Opposition Sun Moon

Valid from Thursday 5 December till Tuesday 10 December included (particularly active on Saturday 7 December, the transit orb is 024')

These days are placed under the sign of tension and risk. The risk of uncontrolled skid, with a regrettable propensity to say, loud and clear, what you should keep to yourself. But there is nothing you can do, because the trend of the day is certainly not towards conciliation: you must protect your intimate realm and your private life from surrounding tumults and disruptions caused by social obligations. Fortunately, they are short-lived. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Love misunderstandings
Square Mercury Venus

Valid from Friday 6 December till Sunday 8 December included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 16 May till 18 May (particularly active on Saturday 7 December, the transit orb is 002')

In the love department, a strange poker game is being played! You don't reveal your true feelings, you prefer to take action behind the scenes and allow some doubt to linger. In the best case, your strategy pays off, finally. Your charm works wonders and the mystery you maintain deliberately is part of your seduction kit. However, don't display too much cruelty. If you keep on inflaming too many hearts, you may get burnt and jeopardize this budding relationship that is delightfully subtle. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

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Luck and Seduction !

Moon in House V
Valid from Friday 6 December till Saturday 7 December included

Today, luck smiles on you! Nothing in your daily life weighs heavy on you, life is beautiful and you are ready to savour all its simple pleasures. Your imagination stirs up your sensitivity and the idea occurs to you to carry out some artistic activity in order to give your creativity free rein. Are you going to decorate your house, take up your brushes again, resume playing an instrument or just listen to your favourite song? Your children are the centre of your attention and you are willing to spend some time with them. Unless you dedicate your emotions to the games of love... One thing is certain, the day is going to be gorgeous!

Gentle Way of Life

Trine Moon Moon

Valid on Saturday 7 December, the transit orb is 221'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Dialogue and Intuition

Conjunction Moon Mercury

Valid on Saturday 7 December, the transit orb is 1'

You can expect your relations to be favoured today. Your entourage don't have to spell things out since you are able to easily pick up what they mean. This acute intuition allows you to catch major information! For the time being, the best thing is to pretend you heard nothing, because tomorrow, what you have learnt will prove to be valuable. Do not hesitate to chat and to initiate dialogues, the stake of which will emerge only as the conversation goes by. A fortuitous encounter may trigger something off in your mind. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of
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romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Emotions and Feelings, such Pleasant Moments...

Conjunction Moon Venus

Valid on Sunday 8 December, the transit orb is 104'

The Moon travels on your natal Venus and your heart is pounding wildly! Everything is conducive to romanticism and finer feelings. Flights of lyricism are on the agenda, of course, provided that you want to find the suitable partner who will understand your frame of mind. In any case, there is little room today for half-hearted and dull loves... You deploy a formidable arsenal of seduction and you play around with lots of tact. Let yourself be carried away by the tide: charming hours are in store for you The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Minor Tension Among Colleagues

Moon in House VI
Valid from Sunday 8 December till Tuesday 10 December included

Today, you find it difficult to work because you are irritated by constraints, distressed by the heavy atmosphere and you feel disheartened. In short, you are stressed and it affects your physical condition. You are not going to come over faint, are you? Take a break to catch your breath! Haven't you set your standards too high? Is your perfectionism your executioner? You have your limitations too and you have the right to be tired. Don't always strive to do more, quickly give up your inferiority complex because everybody fully appreciates you. Therefore, wait until you recover your energy and in the meantime, don't forget... Let go!

Sensitivity All on Edge...

Square Moon Moon

Valid on Monday 9 December, the transit orb is 028'

The Moon is playing tricks on you: the weather today is stormy, full of turbulences and excitement. It will be difficult to stay serene as your habits
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are upset. In this context, you must remain clear-sighted in order to thwart traps caused by hasty actions. Turmoil stems from your high sensitivity to danger: whether you are right or wrong, you don't feel safe, as if some unknown element troubled your peace of mind. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Diplomacy and Smooth Relations

Sextile Sun Mercury

Valid from Monday 9 December till Friday 13 December included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 7 April till 11 April (particularly active on Wednesday 11 December, the transit orb is 016')

Please, acknowledge the fact that despite tensions and divergences, you did quite well! Your strategy was good and the subtle way you managed the boat of your enterprises is bearing fruit, at last. Today again, diplomacy is the best tool at your disposal in order to thwart traps and to put forward your plans. It is a favourable time for negotiations, even for signing an agreement. You are in a position of strength, with the capacity to reach a compromise that fulfil each partner's goals. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Favourable Contacts, Possible Encounter with a Female

Conjunction Moon Descendant

Valid on Tuesday 10 December, the transit orb is 018'

The Moon stirs up the sector of your natal chart attributed to relationships. In this regard, the day is likely to prove important. Your opinion is sought after and your intervention too. It is essential that you do not disappoint and that you choose the good strategy right away. The decisions you take today may have happy consequences in the future, provided that you take into account some people's needs and other people's desires. It is the moment to sign a contract or to start an action involving various sorts of knowledge. It is obvious that your solitary period is drawing to a close, to the benefit of more collective actions.

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Conviviality and Receptivity

Moon in House VII
Valid from Wednesday 11 December till Thursday 12 December included

Today, you don't get bored because you feel the need to reach out to others. Your sensitivity is high and the exchanges with your partner or your entourage arouse various stimulating emotions. You vibrate in unison and the probability that you get along well in many areas is excellent. Take advantage of this nice influence to pass messages and to take initiatives because your partner will receive them positively. In the romantic realm, it is likely that everything is so perfect that words become useless. You may also want to put your sensitivity at the service of some humanitarian work... A lovely altruistic day in sight!

Contentment and Serenity

Sextile Moon Sun

Valid on Thursday 12 December, the transit orb is 137'

This is an excellent day to make a pause and enjoy your recovered serenity. It is the right time for you to be forgiven for your fits of bad temper and to regain the sympathy that your aloof attitude may have lessened. Above all, it is the right time for innovative projects that radically change life! Things unfold smoothly... On the social and professional planes, everything seems to develop very naturally: you let yourself be carried away by the stream and you carefully avoid all forms of tension or aggressiveness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Anxiety and Doubts

Moon in House VIII
Valid from Friday 13 December till Saturday 14 December included

Today, you may feel swamped by overflowing emotions and too many muddled and wild feelings, the reasons of which are beyond you. All these factors move you deeply. Destabilizing anxiety, fears and distress follow one another and upset you to the extent that you always imagine the worst scenario. Is there a delay? You immediately think of an accident... Does your partner exchange a glance with someone else? You think that love is gone... Is it the reality or only your imagination playing tricks on you? You want to understand the reasons behind your deep insecurity but you seem to lack
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clear-sightedness. Don't search any longer! Your imaginary world is a bit intrusive and your fears are totally unwarranted. Remain Zen...

Restlessness and Nervousness

Square Moon Mercury

Valid on Saturday 14 December, the transit orb is 135'

You put aside your habits, you shelve all kinds of conformism that have started to smother you. Your entourage is going to be surprised! It is the time to take action according to your aspirations, your whims and your dreams... You intensely experience a situation in full transformation. Ideas abound in such great numbers that you find it difficult to make a synthesis of all the pieces of the jigsaw... Because of your relatively restless mind, you may not be able to keep this highly complex game under control. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Minor Lies or Deceit

Opposition Mercury Moon

Valid from Saturday 14 December till Monday 16 December included (particularly active on Sunday 15 December, the transit orb is 005')

You will surprise your entourage if you go against the current. You are present where you are least expected! It is obvious that you do not share your close friends' analysis. It is with determination and panache that you manage your personal boat, without fearing diverging opinions. Of course, you rightly take the opposite course regarding certain habits: however, not everybody appreciates your sudden surges of extravagance and your whimsical behaviours. Know where your limits are and abide by them... Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

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Emotions and Minor Frustrations

Square Moon Venus

Valid on Sunday 15 December, the transit orb is 027'

There is a minor frustration amid an affective quite fulfilling atmosphere. Would your partner be in a bad mood? Or are your expectations out of touch? It may not be the right time. Calm things down because hastiness can only lead to a foolish mistake. It is better to allow spirits to cool off without influencing events. An obvious tension is likely to linger and, as a result, blunt explanations and temporary turbulences may cloud the idyllic atmosphere for a few hours. Let the storm blow over! The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Idealism and Need to Escape

Moon in House IX
Valid from Sunday 15 December till Tuesday 17 December included

Today, your horizon line is cloudless. You think big and it is with optimism that you consider the outer world. There are no limits any more and it seems that nothing can hinder the projects you want to undertake. Your feelings and your opinion are tinted with idealism. You need to isolate yourself for a short while, so you can think, meditate, and perhaps, find the answers to your philosophical questions. Do you have a sudden desire for faraway travels? Should the opportunity arise, don't hesitate! Unless you are contented with long imaginary journeys, the departure of which you constantly postpone... In any case, you are far from material contingencies... What a great wisdom!

Daydreaming and Good Mood...

Conjunction Moon Moon

Valid on Monday 16 December, the transit orb is 039'

You take advantage of a change in habits or situations and you enhance your daily life... You may pretext some unexpected obligations in order to get more freedom of action and spend this leisure time doing what you have not had the time to do. Your creativity occupies the place of honour! You tend to let go and to let destiny take action: if it is at all possible, allow the tide to carry you away and do not try to exceedingly control the situation. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as
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abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Protection and Sense of Contacts

Sextile Mercury Mercury

Valid from Monday 16 December till Wednesday 18 December included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 25 April till 26 April (particularly active on Tuesday 17 December, the transit orb is 009')

Your social life is at the forefront. A significant evolution may be triggered by someone else, a fortuitous encounter, a short trip or any other context that favours exchanges of viewpoints. Carefully listen to your entourage: since some projects have been revised, you need the help of your close friends in order to sort out truth from lies. Your friends will be there at the right time to lead the way and have every door open for you. Trust them! The high quality of your relationships is currently your best asset... The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Contentment and Serenity

Trine Moon Sun

Valid on Tuesday 17 December, the transit orb is 012'

This is an excellent day to make a pause and enjoy your recovered serenity. It is the right time for you to be forgiven for your fits of bad temper and to regain the sympathy that your aloof attitude may have lessened. Above all, it is the right time for innovative projects that radically change life! Things unfold smoothly... On the social and professional planes, everything seems to develop very naturally: you let yourself be carried away by the stream and you carefully avoid all forms of tension or aggressiveness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Dynamism and Conquering Mind

Sextile Sun Sun

Valid from Tuesday 17 December till Saturday 21 December included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 15 April till 19 April (particularly active on Thursday 19 December, the transit orb is 012')

You show an amazing optimism and an energy that you have been lacking! The situation favours your projects and hopes, which lends you wings. You are full of self-confidence again and nothing seems impossible. Therefore, the most ambitious objectives are likely to be achieved. However, beware of obvious utopias! Play it safe and try to find, on the spot, the efficient tools you need for the achievement of your ideals. Your wonderful determination is up to your aspirations. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Moon in House X
Valid from Wednesday 18 December till Thursday 19 December included

Today, everything in the social and professional area prompts you to put yourself under the spotlight. You dedicate your entire sensitivity and intuition to the service of other people and you are in tune with them. You enjoy a very positive public image and your popularity increases significantly. You are appreciated and loved, you are told so, and moreover, you are given evidence of your fame! Salary increase? Promotion? Preferment? All sorts of favours are possible... You have a good sense of timing and you can jump at opportunities when they arise. Take full advantage of them... This is your day of glory!

Exacerbated Sensitivity
Conjunction Moon Mars

Valid on Thursday 19 December, the transit orb is 217'

Your fighting spirit overcomes adversity. You win a battle through sheer energy. It has absolutely nothing to do with triumphing diplomacy, far from that! It is about the victory of determination and persistence. You did not give in, you did not weaken and events prove you right. Now, you can confess that you were not far from the point of no-return... The positive outcome: the impetus is restarted and hurdles are removed. Your fighting spirit seems to be the source of a significant evolution. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 10th House, the House of career and destiny. Therefore, it is likely
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that this period brings about visible and tangible events that influence the course of your destiny or your career.

Authority and Generosity at Home

Conjunction Sun Nadir

Valid from Thursday 19 December till Monday 23 December included (particularly active on Saturday 21 December, the transit orb is 026')

You play the leading part in your group, whether it is your family or your clan. You exude a natural radiance, which wins your entourage's confidence, and an aura that commands respect. These features reinforce your natural authority. You display a deep serenity and you leave electrical attitudes to others... You show generosity and you provide one of your close friends with a valuable support. You are reliable, even and especially when the situation grows bitter. You seldom express your sense of subtleties: your entourage should take note of it!

Minor Tensions with Your Close Friends

Moon in House XI
Valid from Friday 20 December till Sunday 22 December included

During this period, your need for communication may be repressed. Exchanges are not very easy and your sensitivity is a bit shaken up, especially with your friends! Tomorrow is another day... Ask yourself if you don't attach too much importance to the group... And keep in mind that you are definitely able to find solutions to your problems, all by yourself. You can also implement your projects on your own or give them a new orientation, should they stagnate for the time being. You will see, you will gain so much autonomy!

Gentle Way of Life

Sextile Moon Moon

Valid on Saturday 21 December, the transit orb is 103'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your
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batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Multiple and Fruitful Contacts and Interests

Sextile Mercury Sun

Valid from Saturday 21 December till Monday 23 December included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 29 April till 1 May (particularly active on Sunday 22 December, the transit orb is 032')

It is the right time to explore new avenues and to establish new relationships: gratuitous gestures and empty talks turn out to be useful later. Do not hesitate to make use of apparently frivolous chatters and approaches because their positive consequences will not fail to manifest when the time comes. Increase the number of contacts and experiences, as their outcomes are valuable. Steps taken today may open up the road to unsuspected horizons, including in the professional area. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Annoyances and... Fits of Bad Temper

Opposition Moon Sun

Valid on Sunday 22 December, the transit orb is 043'

It is likely that this day is marked with fits of bad temper. You are concerned about your public image and therefore, you are more sensitive than you usually are. The slightest detail offends you... So, an inappropriate word hurts you, a badly formulated concept brings about incomprehension. In such a context, it is advisable to cool down and wait until the dust settles before you discuss essential matters. When people get worked up, it may be because you are too pernickety: it is better to slow down. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

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Dialogue at Home
Conjunction Mercury Nadir

Valid from Monday 23 December till Wednesday 25 December included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 1 January till 1 January (particularly active on Tuesday 24 December, the transit orb is 005')

At home, within your clan or in your dwelling, dialogues are favoured as exchanges of ideas create a general cheerful atmosphere. Communication lines flow smoothly and everyone easily understands the other's motivations and desires. The general trend is reassuring, and it is not owing to the weather but to a promising astrological climate that includes an extraordinary listening capacity. You have the feeling, and you are probably right, that, eventually, you understand those among your close friends who have seemed mysterious so far. Take advantage of this state of receptivity in order to re-establish contacts.

Favoured Romantic Life

Sextile Sun Venus

Valid from Monday 23 December till Friday 27 December included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 21 April till 25 April (particularly active on Wednesday 25 December, the transit orb is 013')

Demands remain prevalent but your romantic life is brightening up. Indeed, both of you become aware of what is at stake: improving your relationship, gaining more transparency and, especially, more profoundness. Love is not a matter to be taken thoughtlessly! If you are single, the current influences favour exotic encounters... If you are in a couple, you can admire your partner's soul in the mirror of your own aspirations. The challenge is to eventually create the close relationship you are dreaming of. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Fruitful Quietness
Moon in House XII
Valid from Monday 23 December till Tuesday 24 December included

Even though people have the feeling that you are avoiding them, don't hesitate to zone out if you are so inclined. It is likely that you need peace and quietness in order to ponder over your problems and to sort out what is real from what is imaginary. You also need solitude to assess the situation and to
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find the right answers to your questions. Silence helps you deepen your thoughts about spirituality and also encourages your meditation. Take full advantage of this short constructive retreat to recharge your batteries...

Heart and Mind in Unison

Sextile Mercury Venus

Valid from Wednesday 25 December till Friday 27 December included, this transit is repeated: it previously occurred from 2 May till 4 May (particularly active on Thursday 26 December, the transit orb is 019')

In the love department, magic is on your side! Your charm operates proportionately to your tactfulness and your timeliness. You seem to be able to read your partner's thoughts... It is the right time to suggest a few moments of evasion so as to create souvenirs that will endure in your memory. Protect your moments of intimacy as much as you can. These days are ideal for giving a present, the best one being the closeness we all dream of and that allows to grasp the hidden meaning of our partner's words... The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 6th House. It deals with daily life, health, maids, work, and the atmosphere with your colleagues or with people working under your responsibility. Therefore, it is likely that these themes are affected by the transit.

Gentle Way of Life and Good Mood

Moon in House I
Valid from Wednesday 25 December till Thursday 26 December included

Today, you feel fine, balanced, at peace with yourself and you are willing to show yourself in the most favourable light. Your feelings, your emotions and your imagination are increased and you perceive the world around you in a very personal way. Like a radar picking up your close friends' feelings, you need to be in tune with them, you share their happiness or you find the right word to comfort them. You are always there when you are needed and you are caring. Nevertheless, be careful not to become overwhelmed. This lovely day belongs to you, therefore take care of yourself and have fun!

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Gentle Way of Life

Trine Moon Moon

Valid on Thursday 26 December, the transit orb is 017'

This is a day of rest, during which you enjoy being in some exotic dream where poetry prevails over reason... You travel, mentally, at least! The desire to escape is very real and you have difficulties in running your day-to-day business. As a consequence, a few annoyances may crop up, but that is the least of your worries... Your concern is to enjoy to the fullest the moment of daydreaming that you badly need. This is your way of recharging your batteries and recovering your mental strength. Because the natal planet receiving the transit is in your 9th House, that of faraway travels - real ones such as journeys in foreign countries - or virtual ones such as abstract centres of interest, philosophy, spirituality, politics, religion etc., it is likely that this period coincides with modifications in these areas.

Contentment and Serenity

Trine Moon Sun

Valid on Friday 27 December, the transit orb is 153'

This is an excellent day to make a pause and enjoy your recovered serenity. It is the right time for you to be forgiven for your fits of bad temper and to regain the sympathy that your aloof attitude may have lessened. Above all, it is the right time for innovative projects that radically change life! Things unfold smoothly... On the social and professional planes, everything seems to develop very naturally: you let yourself be carried away by the stream and you carefully avoid all forms of tension or aggressiveness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Unreasonable Expenses...
Moon in House II
Valid from Friday 27 December till Sunday 29 December included

Attention, place your bets... Rien ne va plus... Financial worries are on the agenda! A friend who lent you money shows up because he wants it back? You receive a call from your banker informing you that you overspent this month? The expected salary increase is put off? Whatever the reason, you are worried and in a bad mood because you don't know how you can solve these problems quickly. In order to forget them, you may be tempted to buy
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yourself a few presents, but you must beware of "compulsive shopping"! It may be more reasonable to postpone until tomorrow...

Annoyances and... Fits of Bad Temper

Square Moon Sun

Valid on Sunday 29 December, the transit orb is 02'

It is likely that this day is marked with fits of bad temper. You are concerned about your public image and therefore, you are more sensitive than you usually are. The slightest detail offends you... So, an inappropriate word hurts you, a badly formulated concept brings about incomprehension. In such a context, it is advisable to cool down and wait until the dust settles before you discuss essential matters. When people get worked up, it may be because you are too pernickety: it is better to slow down. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Contacts and Pleasant Short Trips

Moon in House III
Valid from Monday 30 December till Tuesday 31 December included

During this period, you feel like moving around, discovering and learning. Although you probably dream of faraway horizons, short trips are enough to make you happy. Go to your lady neighbour's place to share a nice cup of coffee and reinvent the world while having fun with words! You may also visit a close friend who will be delighted by your sensitivity, your understanding and the way you look at the world. It is clear that you need to communicate and, wherever you are, your pleasant conversation and your negotiating talents are unanimously appreciated. In any case, you can't be stopped just like that ...

Contentment and Serenity

Sextile Moon Sun

Valid on Tuesday 31 December, the transit orb is 044'

This is an excellent day to make a pause and enjoy your recovered serenity. It is the right time for you to be forgiven for your fits of bad temper and to regain the sympathy that your aloof attitude may have lessened. Above all, it is the right time for innovative projects that radically change life! Things unfold
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smoothly... On the social and professional planes, everything seems to develop very naturally: you let yourself be carried away by the stream and you carefully avoid all forms of tension or aggressiveness. The natal planet involved in the transit is in your 5th House, the House of romantic matters, leisure, entertainment, children or creations (artistic ones or others). Therefore, it is likely that this period coincides with a modification of these areas.

Your January Forecast

Home Sweet Home!
Moon in House IV
Valid from Wednesday 1 January till Thursday 2 January included

How great it is to be at home! Today, you want to enjoy the comfort and gentleness of your home where you feel good and in security. There, you can dream at leisure of the improvements you want to bring to your cosy little nest for the sake of your family's well being, unless you prefer to dive in the nostalgia of your souvenirs and your photo albums... If you are in a more active mood, you may want to clean up the house from floor to ceiling or you may try to implement your lovely arrangement and decoration ideas... In short, the atmosphere is nice and, if your close friends share your activities, you experience a deep feeling of inner peace.

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In astrology, the level of accuracy and importance of events forecast depends on repetitions or development of aspects found in the natal chart. It is crucial to understand one's assets and weaknesses on the basis of one's natal chart. Indeed, when dealing with transits, the phenomenon of resonance considerably increases the probabilities for any given event to actually take place. For instance, transiting Jupiter over your natal Sun will have a more potent influence if, in your natal chart, there is an aspect linking the two planets. This principle holds true regardless of the nature of the aspect, whether it is hard or soft. Therefore, it is important and even crucial that your natal chart or your astrological portrait be thoroughly understood in order to appreciate the validity of the Forecast established for the current year. This is all the more true whenever software programmes are used, as in the case of the current Report. As you order your Comprehensive Astrological Portrait (35 to 40 pages, comprising your Personality Report with dominants and planetary repartitions, your detailed psychological portrait etc., delivered into your e-mail within a few seconds) you become able to make the most of your Forecast and to take into account all the riches of your personality's facets. Re-reading your Forecast and heeding our pieces of advice always prove helpful: astrology discloses a great deal of secrets to those who can observe. The game is worth it. Always keep in mind that you are dealing with a climate, a tendency or a probability, never with fate, and that enterprising spirit and willpower play the most prominent part. Indeed, the best planetary influence in the world won't bring about any concrete event if there is no willingness and action to support it. And conversely, potential dangers indicated in your Forecast can be weakened or cancelled, provided that you remain calm, that you step back and understand how some ordeals can benefit you, be it only spiritually, which means asking real questions about life's purpose, as well as making progress in order to find the answers. An overall remark that can be helpful: never forget that the fact that you know your upcoming planetary climate must never become a burden. Astrology is at the service of the human being and, under no circumstances, must the information provided trouble you. The objective, in each and every case, is to render a service, to help you become stronger, if necessary, to relativize things or on the contrary, to boost your energy. Astrology allows us to realize that everything is part of a cycle and that everything has got ups-and-downs. Therefore, beyond the events that you learn to experience, and based on your knowledge of upcoming influences, the most important thing, far from all worldly contingencies, satisfactions or
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disappointments, is to understand who you are and what you want to do with you life. For instance, you may wonder about the nature of your constantly changing and troubled thoughts and realize that You are... uphill from them. The differentiation between your consciousness of being and your thoughts is the first step towards a spiritual quest. Through the visualisation and concrete observation of endless ups-and-downs, or cycles, that are imposed on us, astrology allows to put experiences in perspective and to pass a step uphill, towards a more authentic reality: it is, indeed, a wonderful side effect of the practice of astrology.

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