Rooms and Division Management

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Abduvaliev Ziyovuddin 22025690 Managing Rooms Division Operations MNG00135 Aji Divakar 1 (25%) Critically discussion 5pm Friday 3 August 2012 (week 7) 02.08.2012

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Date: 02 / 08 / 2012

Assessment 1a: Anybody can do housekeeping; it is not a skilled profession. Traditionally, housekeeping has been seen as females job performed mostly by low skilled minority ethnic population, mainly immigrant, but nowadays it is changing. O Shanessy states, the housekeeping job does not require any formal qualifications many of the tasks can be trained during the job. But the housekeeper cannot be anybody and it is not an easy job for everyone to become a performer, especially when talking about the physical demanding tasks which require certain motor skills, service skills, communication skills, personal skills, and safety knowledge. These days there are many technologies and softwares which can be used for the safety of the employee, reduce of cost, less time spending and other benefits can be seen by the use of hotel softwares. In order to understand the use of this software housekeepers need basic understanding of interface that is used within the software or the software can be educated to housekeepers. Housekeeping in large luxury hotel involves complex and varied tasks which are nonlinear (Mehrez, Israeli &Hadad 2000, p. 362). To clean a large suite room in 45 minutes according to the hotels standard is not easy. The job has intensified over the years, making housekeeping one of the most hazardous jobs in hotels. They are exposed to various risks during job, adding high level of stress and employee turnover. Thats why housekeepers should be carefully selected, ideally it should be someone who understands the job, with some basic skills training and aspiring to be a professional housekeeper. References for housekeeper and housekeeping: OShannessy, V, Harby, S & Richmond, P2001, Providing Housekeeping Services to Guests, Positions available in housekeeping. Chapter 10, Pearson Education Australia: French Forest, pp295. Optii Solutions.2012, Products. [online] Available at: [Accessed July 19 2012]. Mehrez, A, Israeli, A &Hadad, Y 2000, 'A work measurement application for hotel house-keeping management', Tourism Economics, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 359-370.

Assessment 1b: A concierge should always suggest the hotels own services before suggesting outside entities. The winner of the European Concierge of the 2010 Thomas Munko considers the job if concierge is to help guests to discover new places such as restaurants and make impossible, possible by advising and helping guests in order to satisfy them. These days you have to perform the job better than the internet. In luxury hotels concierge and porters play a crucial role in guest satisfaction (O Shaneessy 2009). Concierge offers assistance to guests with anything and everything and also should play a role in promoting the hotel amenities through expectation and needs of the customer. Witham (1993) has clearly stated that the concierge has to sell its hotel services firstly and then turn to customers special requests. Thomas Munkos argument is that the concierge should always suggest outside entities as for guests needs rather than suggesting hotels entities. However Withiam (1993) looks at the role of concierge in enhancing hotels revenues and encourages concierge to sell inside entities rather than selling outside entities firstly especially by promoting in order to increase the hotels productivity. However, selling only inside entities might decrease the customer satisfaction and concierge should consider about the advantage of providing services for customers rather than promoting hotels own. By the advice of concierge customers can be satisfied and believe that hotel cares about its customers rather than just generating money from guests for its products and services. Customers trusting to the hotels concierge will come back to the hotel again. References for Concierge: Thomas Munko, European Concierge of the Year 2010 euromaxx. 2010. [online] Available from: [Accessed 20 July 2012]. Withiam, G 1993, American Concierge Set Service Standards, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 25-9. O'Shannessy, V, Harby, S and Richmond, P 2001, 'Extract', in Accommodation services, Pearson Education Australia, Frenchs Forest,

Assessment 1c: A hotel can outsource its reservations department. The outsourcing is transferring some parts of activities to other geographical locations in order to get benefit from core competence by cutting costs of products and services generally. As Jones (1999, p. 432) claims hotels are becoming more assembly lines rather than manufacturers also most important trends are transforming from hotel industries. Outsourcing is becoming more on demand business strategy by many organizations, hotels and companies, who outsource in order to cut costs, improve work productivity, time management and other benefits can be found by outsourcing reservation departments. One of the best things in outsourcing is that organizations reduce their operating costs, more time availability and opportunities in considering for core business itself. Departments can be outsourced and the company can benefit by paying attention to Enhanced quality, higher customer satisfaction scores, and efficiency in operations says Patricia (2011) Paying attention and making comparison of advantages and disadvantages of the hotel to outsource its reservation department and of course it depends on the geographical locations, competition of that hotel. For example: for US in order to cut costs Hotels reservation department can be outsourced to other countries like India or Philippines consecutively to cut costs and to pay attention to its core business itself, but talking about disadvantages is that hotel will lose administrative control on reservation department, in some cases there might be value risks, language and educational barriers and so on. The hotel can outsource it is reservation department but hotel must think about References for A hotel can outsource its reservations department: Patricia, S, Lotich. March 25, 2011. Outsourcing - What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing. [Online] Available from: Jones, P 1999, Operational issues and trends in the hospitality industry, Hospitality Management, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 432

Assessment 1d: Automated reception machines cannot replace a majority of reception staff. As new technology comes into use most people prefer to use it without having knowledge about it and without thinking bad influence to human life and knowing how to get by. The negative affect can be found by the use of technology nowadays especially cancers where users of touch screen displays can face Winston, Morton (2003). KIOSK information system has different models of machines that can be used as virtual receptionist, virtual concierge, and so on KIOSK (2012). Coming to nowadays tools for the hotels are developing and it is affecting to labour market also. Hotels are changing becoming more high tech and most of the works are done by the use of these tools Adams B (2004). But still there receptionist in many hotels who are able to provide better services comparing to technologies through better communication skills by understanding human behaviour and cultural ethnics. It is not easy to replace receptionist in hotel with virtual machines due to the cost of the machine, health risk, and some limited functions of the machine. The use of virtual receptionist technology may be better for cost cutting, less expense, 24 hours of free standing on one place services KIOSK (2012), but making example of a guest who is coming to stay in a hotel definitely expects services from human being, rather than talking to robots or technologies. Higgins, SM (2004) agrees with receptionist who should be a person providing services with smiles on the face, talking polite, and telling that if the guest expects something, hotel is ready for fulfilling needs of the guests. Receptionists are front liners and their business is unique being integral to the business. In order for better service, excellence in delivery of message and understanding customers feelings the receptionist must be human being. Receptionist advantages can be found by guests requests and finding better solutions for their expectations only through receptionist.

References for Automated reception machines cannot replace a majority of reception staff: Winston, M. ed (2003). Society, Ethics, and Technology. 2nd ed. ISBN 0-534-58540-X. Belmont, California: Morton Winston and Ralph Edelbach. KIOSK. 2012. Virtual Receptionist. [online] Available at: [Accessed July 28 2012]. Higgins, SM 2004, Guestroom at forefront of guest satisfaction, Hotel and Motel Management, vol. 219, no. 16, pp. 4-5. Adams, B 2004, Hotel owners coming to grip with kiosks, Hotel and Motel Management, vol. 219, no. 11, p. 26.

Assessment 1e: It is essential for hotel General Managers to work for a period of their careers as night auditors. General Managers in short saying GM is an executive of managerial committee. GMs main responsibility is to supervise all operations of employees and to practice organizations works in a proper manner. Stephen R (2010) argues that requirements to apply for a general manager position oblige having a lot of managerial skills including experiences in multiplicity of corporate sectors. However being of the same opinion with Stephen R, It is useful for the career of General Managers to recognize the importance of controlling people working in lower positions by understand their job duties and responsibilities. Without having a practice in Night Audit sector General Manager may face difficulties and issues in payroll controlling systems, PMS software, Yield management systems and so on. Additionally, Ellis and Heneman, (1990) mentions to become successful and to achieve career success General Managers should help individuals to aim for the appropriate career strategies in career development process. Working as Night Auditor during the career for General Managers position helps to get more knowledge and skills in accounting, use of PMS software and problem solving. Worcester, B (1999b) pronounces Night Auditors duties include knowledge in general reception and cashiering, porter duties, switchboard operations, reservations, room services and hotels security. As Stephen R (2010) argument about having experience in multiplicity sectors is a good judgment. However becoming General Manager will take time working in different sectors within the hotel or having experience working as night auditor might require a lot of accounting skills as Worcester, B (1999b) said. By the help of General Manager, staff will be aimed career strategies in career development process says Ellis and Heneman (1990). On the road to become a General Manager of the hotel, GM should pass all the steps working toward as Night Auditor and then turning to General Manager of the hotel which enables to have deeper knowledge about staff operations.

References for General Managers to work for a period of their careers as night auditors: Worcester, B 1999a, Country Inn night auditor holds keys to the kingdom, Hotel and Motel Management, vol. 214, no. 19, p. 100. Worcester, B 1999b, Sheraton night auditor hopes job is stepping stone to accounting career, Hotel and Motel Management, vol. 214, no. 19, p. 102. Ellis, R. and Heneman, H.G. (1990), Career pattern determinants of career success for mature managers, Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol. 5 No. 1, pp. 3-21. Stephen Rampur. 2009. Articles. [online] Available at: [Accessed July 30 2012].

REFERENCES: 1. OShannessy, V, Harby, S & Richmond, P2001, Providing Housekeeping Services to Guests, Positions available in housekeeping. Chapter 10, Pearson Education Australia: French Forest, pp295. 2. Optii Solutions.2012, Products. [online] Available at: [Accessed July 19 2012]. 3. Mehrez, A, Israeli, A &Hadad, Y 2000, 'A work measurement application for hotel house-keeping management', Tourism Economics, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 359370. 4. Thomas Munko, European Concierge of the Year 2010 euromaxx. 2010. [online] Available from: [Accessed 20 July 2012]. 5. Withiam, G 1993, American Concierge Set Service Standards, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 25-9. 6. O'Shannessy, V, Harby, S and Richmond, P 2001, 'Extract', in Accommodation services, Pearson Education Australia, Frenchs Forest, 7. Patricia, S, Lotich. March 25, 2011. Outsourcing - What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing. [Online] Available from: 8. Jones, P 1999, Operational issues and trends in the hospitality industry, Hospitality Management, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 432 9. Winston, M. ed (2003). Society, Ethics, and Technology. 2nd ed. ISBN 0-53458540-X. Belmont, California: Morton Winston and Ralph Edelbach. 10. KIOSK. 2012. Virtual Receptionist. [online] Available at: [Accessed July 28 2012]. 11. Higgins, SM 2004, Guestroom at forefront of guest satisfaction, Hotel and Motel Management, vol. 219, no. 16, pp. 4-5. 12. Adams, B 2004, Hotel owners coming to grip with kiosks, Hotel and Motel Management, vol. 219, no. 11, p. 26. 13. Worcester, B 1999a, Country Inn night auditor holds keys to the kingdom, Hotel and Motel Management, vol. 214, no. 19, p. 100. 14. Worcester, B 1999b, Sheraton night auditor hopes job is stepping stone to accounting career, Hotel and Motel Management, vol. 214, no. 19, p. 102. 15. Ellis, R. and Heneman, H.G. (1990), Career pattern determinants of career success for mature managers, Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol. 5 No. 1, pp. 3-21. 16. Stephen Rampur. 2009. Articles. [online] Available at: [Accessed July 30 2012].

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