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Overview of results from the

2012 PEBB BRFSS Survey of State Employees

Results presented on December 18, 2012 to the Public Employees Benefit Board (PEBB) Board Meeting

Stacey Schubert, MPH, phone: 971/673-1099

Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention, Oregon Public Health Division


What is the BRFSS?

Stands for Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (pronounced \'bur fus\) Cross-sectional telephonic survey of Oregon adults Conducted continuously since 1988 Questions about health behaviors, risk factors and chronic diseases Mainstay of chronic disease surveillance


What is the BRFSS Survey of State Employees?

Designed and supported by OEBB, PEBB and Public Health Division Contains questions on:
Demographics Chronic diseases Risk behaviors Worksite policies and environments that can influence healthful choices


What is the BRFSS Survey of State Employees?

Initial surveying was started in 2005. Have now added 2007, 2009 and 2012. OEBB members added as an analysis group in 2009 PEBB members include employees of:
State agencies Oregon University System


Who was surveyed?

Inclusion Criteria:
Employees as of March 2, 2012

Exclusion Criteria:
Excludes retirees and people receiving insurance postemployment (COBRA) Missing or incomplete residential telephone number


What were survey respondents like?


Respondent Demographics
Worksite Type State agencies Oregon University System Total Proportion of Respondents 70% 30% 100%


Respondent Demographics
Demographic Factor Mean age Women Now pregnant Latino/a Income > $50K College Grad 2012 PEBB 48 yrs old 56% 5% 4% 74% 66%


Data on this slide are unweighted and not age-adjusted

Respondent Demographics by Employer

OUS Mean age Women Now pregnant Latino/a Income > $50K College Grad 47 yrs 52% 5% 4% 74% 83% Agencies 49 yrs 58% 5% 4% 74% 55%


Data on this slide are unweighted and not age-adjusted

What are the results?


How the Results are Organized

2007, 2009 and 2012 PEBB 2012 PEBB versus 2011 employed and insured Oregon adults Among 2012 PEBB:
Oregon University System versus State agencies male versus female


Protective Factors: Overall

Screening Type Mammogram <2 yr ago (50-74 year old women) Pap test <3 yr ago (21-65 year old women) Appropriate colorectal cancer screening (50-75) Eat 5+ servings of fruits and vegetables per day
2007 PEBB 88% 92% N/A 25% 2009 PEBB 85% 93% 69% 26%

2012 PEBB 86% 94% 75% 31%

2011 Oregon 86% 85% 58% 25%


Protective Factors by Employer

Screening Type Mammogram <2 yr ago (50-74 year old women) Pap test <3 yr ago (21-65 year old women) Appropriate colorectal cancer screening (50-75) Eat 5+ servings of fruits and vegetables per day OUS 85% 95% 77% 35% Agencies 86% 94% 74% 28%


Protective Factors by Sex

Screening Type Mammogram <2 yr ago (50-74 year old women) Pap test <3 yr ago (21-65 year old women) Appropriate colorectal cancer screening (50-75) Eat 5+ servings of fruits and vegetables per day Routine checkup in past year PEBB Men N/A N/A 75% 27% 54% PEBB Women 86% 94% 75% 34% 65%


Risk Factors: Overall

Risk Factor Heavy Drinker Binge Drinker Current Smoker No leisure time physical activity Mostly sitting at work
2007 PEBB N/A N/A 10% N/A N/A 2009 PEBB 5% 16% 9% N/A N/A

2012 PEBB 4% 15% 4% 5% 81%

2011 Oregon 7% 19% 16% 15% 52%


* Estimate is unreliable and should be interpreted with caution

Risk Factors by Employer

Risk Factor Heavy Drinker Binge Drinker Current Smoker No leisure time physical activity Mostly sitting at work OUS 5% 15% 3% 4% 77% Agencies 3% 14% 4% 6% 84%


* Estimate is unreliable and should be interpreted with caution

Risk Factors by Sex

Risk Factor Heavy Drinker Binge Drinker Current Smoker No leisure time physical activity Mostly sitting at work PEBB Men 2% 17% 4% 5% 74% PEBB Women 5% 12% 4% 6% 88%


Precursors of Chronic Disease: Overall

Risk Factor High blood pressure High cholesterol Overweight Obese Overweight or obese
2007 PEBB 22% 30% 35% 30% 65% 2009 PEBB 24% 31% 35% 28% 63%

2012 PEBB 20% 27% 33% 24% 57%

2011 Oregon 24% 31% 40% 24% 64%


Precursors of Chronic Disease by Employer

Risk Factor High blood pressure High cholesterol Overweight Obese Overweight or obese OUS 16% 26% 30% 18% 48% Agencies 23% 28% 36% 28% 64%


Precursors of Chronic Disease by Sex

Risk Factor High blood pressure High cholesterol Overweight Obese Overweight or obese PEBB Men 24% 30% 40% 24% 64% PEBB Women 16% 25% 27% 24% 51%


Health Outcomes: Overall

Chronic Disease Arthritis Asthma Cancer (lifetime) Coronary heart disease Diabetes Current depression Missed work last 30 days
2007 PEBB 21% 9% N/A 3% 6% 16% 28% 2009 PEBB 20% 10% 8% 4% 7% 14% 28%

2011 PEBB 17% 10% 7% 3% 5% 14% 19%

2011 Oregon 18% 8% 7% 4% 6% N/A N/A


Health Outcomes by Employer

Chronic Disease Arthritis Asthma Cancer (lifetime) Coronary heart disease Diabetes Current depression Missed work last 30 days OUS 14% 10% 7% 3% 4% 13% 14% Agencies 20% 11% 7% 3% 6% 15% 22%


Health Outcomes by Sex

Chronic Disease Arthritis Asthma Cancer (lifetime) Coronary heart disease Diabetes Current depression Missed work last 30 days PEBB Men 14% 8% 6% 6% 5% 7% 12% PEBB Women 20% 13% 7% 1%* 6% 20% 24%


* Estimate is unreliable and should be interpreted with caution

Weight Management and Loss

Weight-related behaviors Trying to lose or maintain weight Exercise for weight Reduce calories or fat for weight Been advised to lose
2007 PEBB 89% 79% 79% N/A 2009 PEBB 91% 81% 81% 18%

2012 PEBB 90% 90% 76% 13%


Weight Management and Loss

Weight-related behaviors Overall participation in weight-management benefit through PEBB in past year Participation among obese* Participation among overweight* Participation among healthy weight* Participation among men Participation among women * BMI as determined from weight one year earlier

2012 PEBB 19% 30% 17% 10% 10% 26%

Data on this slide are weighted but not age-adjusted

Worksite Environment: Activity

Worksite Conditions Related to Physical Activity
Mostly sitting at work Free parking at worksite Stairs that can be easily used Bike racks at worksite Gym or workout equipment at worksite Discounted public transit Have flextime for PA Among those who have it, use flextime for PA Think it is easy to get physical activity on work days

2012 PEBB
81% 41% 83% 83% 48% 55% 54% 55% 57%

Worksite Environment: Activity

Sitting Free parking Stairs Bike racks Gym Public transit Have flextime Use flextime Easy to get PA 77% 15% 94% 94% 70% 84% 59% 58% 59%

84% 61% 75% 74% 32% 32% 51% 52% 56%


Worksite Environment: Food

Worksite Conditions Related to Food
Vending machines at worksite Vending machines offer healthy options Cafeteria at worksite Choose a healthy option when eating at cafeteria Food is labeled to ID calorie, fat or sodium Candy dishes in public places Think it is easy to eat healthy foods on work days

2012 PEBB
75% 27% 47% 72% 53% 52% 84%


Worksite Environment: Food

Vending machines Vending healthy options Cafeteria Choose healthy option Food is labeled Candy dishes Easy to eat healthy 70% 24% 62% 76% 60% 48% 87%

79% 30% 36% 70% 48% 54% 82%


Worksite Environment: Smoking

Worksite Conditions Related to Tobacco Use Think employees are following smoking rules at worksite Have seen smoking on grounds of worksite Perceive secondhand smoke as harmful 2012 PEBB 89% 80% 97%


Worksite Environment: Smoking

OUS Rules followed? Seen smoking SHS harmful 89% 84% 96% Agencies 89% 77% 98%


Thank you
Stacey Schubert, MPH, phone: 971/673-1099 Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention, Oregon Public Health Division


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