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The house in the Forest Emanuele nicolosi Begin Year 5015 Gregorian calendar former Year 2025 of Islamic

calendar Year 1020 of Marenit calendar the world had changed, was unrecognizable, the global climate had changed, the earth was hot and humid, the sea level had risen, the Cosmopolis had become rich, powerful and autonomous so as to achieve autonomy and independence from ' dell'continente rest, humanity had expanded the conquest of space and galaxies, all the world powers were united in a coalition and "Earth Federation", led dall'UNMU, the International Union of the United Nations, hunger, thirst and poverty are gone. after the "Black Wind War", and Nazi supremacist militias ended defeats and European retired in the jungles and forests and in mountains, creating fortress and fortificated villages in the swamps, which was the devastating war, the entire Europe was put with iron and fire, with the excuse to drive a "world Nazifascist revolution the powerful "Black Legion", a coalition of Nazi and Fasci militia, who set fire to the Europe, when the war came when the culmination, the coalition forces of China, India, Russia, Korea and Japan, launched an total invasion of Europe, the "European Federation" and the Franco-German coalition forces sided with the forces of Sino-Russian-Indian and the UNMU, the war lasted 5 years, and the "Black Legion" was defeated and destroyed, and the remains and survivors of the "Black Legion" is asseragliarono in the forests and mountains, taking control of small areas of Europe, who were called the "Red Zone". After the devastating war, Europe was divided into two parts: on the one hand, the "FrancoMaghrebia" and the other the "Turkish-Germany", under the management of "Euro-African Union" and "Euro Arab Union and Euro-Islamic Union ", a large part of Europe was entrusted by Poland, still rich and powerful, but in decline after centuries of prosperity, another area of Europe, came under the management of the" Great Ireland ". but now, Europe was reborn from the war, born about new cultures and new languages, the "Marenit" the "Laonit" the "Saranit" the "Tankar" new religions were born and new ideas, but nell'profondo forest militias Nazi started a guerrilla war, like the one that led the Viet Cong against the Americans or the one that led the Taliban against the Americans in the War in Afghanistan (2001-2014). the Forest There was a lot of tension in the Euro-Arab nations and nations Marenit and Laonit, health and military authorities had denied access to rural areas and quarantined in the countryside and forests, the population could not leave cities or megacities , that were isolated dall'resto dell'paese until the state of health alert, would not have been revoked ... Bloggers, the net-journalist (old language) / Web-Author (new language), observers and chroniclers recorded an accumulation of troops to the borders of the'' wilderness'' or'' white'' areas, feared that the new wave of plague could push Soldiers'''' or'''' or'' astati legionnaires'' village-fortress to launch military action against the Franco-German-Turkish Maghrebia or ...

The satelitti and drones flying Towers, sent photos and filming, data and images of the wilderness, it was discovered that there was no longer a living soul, there was no more dog around, whole villages were depopulated or deserted, ruled ghost towns and villages, it was as if the entire population were gone or disappearing, it was all off and off, the web beacons were gone or dead ... The combat robots Werehwolf'''' and'''' and'' Lohengrin'' Templar of odinisti in Germany were turned off and turned off, it was as if all had disappeared or vanished improvissamente from those territories ... The web-television Franco-Maghrebia after services "Sahrnah TV" Franco-Maghrebi children that would be adversely affected negatively by the cartoons' big brazil'' seen as immoral or paperboard of'' Mega Zhonnguo Federation 'or' great Zhonnghua "', which was previously called" China ", seen as violent as an excuse to attack the rival network Asham'' TV'', began to speak of the great plague that spread from the western germany ... For a long time, were there present, the Indo-Chinese peacekeepers and the international contingent dell'UMNU (World union of the United Nations) and O.M.P.S. (World organization for peace and security) to monitor the borders between Western and non-Western European dell'continente ... Climate change had changed the European climate, which had become more and more hot or tropical or dry, and the level dell'mare was increased, the non-Western peoples addattarono instantly all'nuovo climate, finding family while Westerners were not able to ADAPTED climate change, exerted a great influence on the survival of the last white Caucasians, the new European climate was favorable to the non-Western but unfavorable to the white Caucasian ... Climate change was profound and radical influence on the defeat of Nazi pockets in Europe. the "Euro-African Union" and the "Euro-Arab Union" and the "Confederation of Euro-Islamic" pressed for an armed intervention in the "red zones" controlled by the fascists and neo-pagan and Christian militias in Europe, even at the risk of nullifying the negotiations for global disarmament and the abolition of armies and weapons, scrolls and promoted by '"World Organization for Disarmament and Demilitarization" (OMDD) digital printing and mass media flowed into areas where it had happened, a great and incredible gathering of troops and military forces, wherever they went, there were soldiers everywhere, even in rural villages and communities in the Agricultural and rural roads and forests, there were many journalists, reporters and bloggers in the military camps, even if the information came out with the dropper or hiccups in the end, some information was leaked, the UNMU and world authorities, feared that in the "Red Zone "The territories under Nazi control, it Stasse spreading a deadly virus and unknown and the authorities had deployed military forces to impose quarantine and prevent the virus from spreading elsewhere, it was feared the risk that a simple epidemic became a global pandemic. Then came the day of the military spectacular long-awaited troops dell'UNMU were positioned at the edges of the forest, the troops were ordered inserting the "Bionic Armor version BIBV" and it was so ... '' INSERT ... MILITARY SUIT - SEAL HEALTHCARE FOR BIOLOGICAL WARFARE OR VIRAL - UNIT BIBV (Biological - Infectious-Bacteriological - Viral) ACTIVE ... INCLUSION IN PROGRESS ... ENTRY COMPLETED ...

The Franco-Maghreb, along with the coordinates turkish-German troops staged a raid and raids into the territories of white Caucasians, forests, mountains and rural areas, it was a military operation in spectacular style, the largest military operation dell'sud since the invasion of the United States of America as part of the "Great African federation" nell'3950, when it intervened to ensure the independence of the "Republic Afro-American" in the former United States of America, and to fight U.S. Nazi militias. The Bionic troops found villages completely deserted and lifeless, all the inhabitants had died suddenly died quickly and easily, but the thing that impresses the most, and that the virus had spread at an amazing speed and frightening, in a village 200 inhabitants, had died suddenly and instantly the entire population! In fact, the war machines and Robots fighting, were found abandoned and disabled, with no one cared about them and commanded them. The units B.I.B.V. They took samples from virogeni infected corpses and took them in biolaboratories Franco-Maghrebi and Turkish-Germans here, glii Scientists studying the virus strain, they found that he killed and annihilated with extreme ease thoroughbred or humans with a "pool" genetic homogeneous than the mulattos and mixed-blood, just Iimulatti proved to be more resistant to "new virus" than the thoroughbreds humanity to survive these new viruses, had stir and mix, diversify their "pool" genetic, otherwise humanity would have died out, would be swept away ... Nazi propaganda had always lied and lied for so long, they wanted us to believe that the mix would send in shambles humanity, and instead it was the "genetic uniqueness" much heralded by Nazis supremacists and Nazi-Fascists who threatened to send in shambles humanity, that humanity was saved from epidemics of "new virus" and "super virus", it was only thanks to the mix and what I called in a Nazi dispreggiativa "metticiato" but the white Caucasians, did not die at all, the European populations went their separate ways, and divided into two parts, one part was integrated into the new company created dall'UNMU, the Union of the United Nations World, along all'consiglio powers world, which arose nell'mondo, a multicultural and cosmopolitan city, where all diversity lived in peace and harmony, and the other half of the European population, reject the modern world and forged dall'UNMU dall'consiglio world powers, and asseragli in the mountains and forests, putting himself on the side of Nazi factions and Suprematist that weapons in hand, created villages fortress regrededo all'medioevo, under the pretext of "defending the traditions", to "defend the purity of the European Union" to defend The "pure European blood", particularly in Germany, Odinisti were among the strongest militias after the Nazis and the fundamentalist Christians and the white supremacists, but not anymore, the Nazi pockets, pockets of humanity retrograde, were swept away, dall'loro too excessive isolation from their conceit and arrogance of feeling "different" or "different" or "standalone" dall'resto humanity. It was a very enlightening interview conducted by "Share Channel" Web-TV called "Riyan TV" on one of the scientists who had studied the "super virus" taken in "red zones". said so "but the blood and made especially to be mixed, genes are specifically designed to be mixed, there are genes" pure ", no red blood cells" pure "or" authentic "," said Samir Khalaben, assistant professor of biological Science at the University of the city-states of London. The rest of those discovered have been discussed, studied and analyzed in the "Indo-Britannia" by a group of researchers, who have published a report to be released to the powerful of the earth ... A Gathering

how this story ends?? Well, this story ends in a mansion in the British countryside, in an England dominated by '"Big Bharan", or "mega Bharan Federation," which in the past was called "India", here gathered together a group of scientists from all over dell'mondo, among whom was a scientist named Sanjay Indo British Robert, who was among the scientists in bio-laboratories in London, I had studied strains collected in "red zones". gathered in a large room, with an architectural style "Art Nouveau" style mixed with the Victorian era dell'XIX century, with added LED Screens MLD (called "Matter liquid dynamics"), as many as 50 scientists were gathered together, sitting around a long rectangular table, they had to write a report to be presented to the press and mass media, and web agencies Sanjay began his speech. "Distinguished, gentlemen, we are gathered here to discuss the important discoveries and studies derived from analysis dell'BioLaboratorio the" Global University of London " "The first to introduce his speech, explain prevemente, that his theory on the" genetic chaos "and multiformity genetic" said one of the scientists, sitting on the side of the table ... "Now explain veil, distinguished colleagues, I harbor doubt and skepticism, that genetics has an" order "or a" mechanism ", the will of the universe, it will be physical, but NOT genetic, it will seem strange, but so , do not confuse the animals or nature with The genetic mechanisms, we're not nell'XIX century, when scientists biologists confused Biology with Zoology, Zoology that applied to human beings, who had not only primitive Anthropology, but strongly influenced by zoology, and quite different today, today science has explained and clarified clearly that man and animal are different, they are bio-organic entity, but with different genetic mechanisms, and has also clarified that the Genetics and zoology and anthropology are things distant and different from each other, now scientific disciplines are specialized, not like nell'XIX century! the most recent scientific research has clarified and demonstrated that the genetic mechanisms, are a universe unto itself, a world in itself, difficult, complex and difficult to understand, and I repeat that I doubt that a living being is stronger than another, or better than another or "higher" than another, and only diversity, if a living being and with few and small capacity, it does not mean that both "bottom", and a living being with more attributes of another, not makes it "superior", in other words, genes are not perfect, genetics is not perfect, in fact, the flaws and mistakes and mishaps are many, are organic after all, are born, live and die. " "But explained Darwin's" natural selection ", and yet that an" order "a" precise mechanism "in the biological nature! Sanjay count "but Darwin and stuff old and obsolete! biological science has made great strides, when Darwin's "theory of evolution" in biology was not as advanced as today! not even the concept of "gene"!!, did not even know how the hell I worked most basic genetic mechanisms, scientists of the time were at random, went to the blind, remember that DNA was discovered only nell'1950 ! and that the genome has been fully mapped only nell'1999! and distinguished professor Chomn, genetics, and variable and changeable, genes are not fixed and immutable or property, change genes, turn mutate into a single living organism, genes change and transform all the time, and Natural Selection mentioned by Darwin did not refer to genes or genetic, what the hell knew Darwin genes and dell'DNA or mapping dell'genoma?? Darwin was based on visual observations or behaviors and physical characteristics of surface or marginal, and you should know very well that the physical traits, are only a small part negligible genetic dell'patrimonio of a living being, and you can not reduce a genetic to mere external factors and demonstrated that genes adapt to the environment in which he lives a living being, but are adaptations and transformations, "I would add that Darwin could not even know that DNA contains the genetic information of a living being, which is only discovered nell'1944, and only nell'1977, it was discovered that a single gene may give rise to an infinite set of divers gene products or biological " "Exactly, Fayad, the history of science, biology as a science with clear and accurate, and precise

knowledge of genetics and Very recent a thing! very recent in the history of science! and also the branch of science that has developed slower than the other branches of science " "Tell us, the result of experiments and studies of biolabs Londoners, Professor Sanjay ..." "Now I tell you, well, ladies and gentlemen, the mulattoes are supplanting the thoroughbreds, are becoming the new human race, the" Homo Nomines ", the new humanity are coming up and forming new human varieties, which are replacing the old categories, The white Caucasians? The African blacks? Asians? Latin Americans? Del'passato stuff! old stuff! " "What do you mean, Sanjay?" "Simple, distinguished colleagues, I no longer exist thoroughbred, old stuff, stuff dell'passato, now I Mulattos are the dominant race, the" dominant race "to say it in no uncertain terms, not one and the same race, not a genetic block monolithic, but a group of humans, many human "The idea of" race "and unscientific! it has neither scientific foundation bases, the last to support this pseudo-Nazi-Fascists were retrograde and supremacists, for purely political purposes and propaganda! " "And you're right, I myself reject the idea of" race ", what I mean, and that genetics is on the side dell'multiculturalismo and dell'cosmopolitismo, is on the side dell'dialogo and meeting, centuries ago, if I said things that I am telling you now, I would have been called a madman or a fool, but now, and everything shown, even on a scientific basis, humanity is not made of monolithic genetic islands, but a set of diverse and messy and chaotic genes and genetic traits, we are an archipelago biological, in short, there is no "genetic order", there is no "system steps" genetic, there is no genetic groups formed as a monolithic, hard-core, no no no no, cabbage, all human groups are the one set to another, and are melted and mixed forever, and what a little known, but well, all human groups are each connected to the other ... " "Interesting talk, and the conclusion which would it be??" "That is emerging, a new human race, The Mulatto, The Half-Blood, stronger, powerful and intelligent of the common human, why? multiple genes, multiple attributes, put together the gene for an intelligent person, with the gene of a sports person, what comes out? most intelligent and stronger! and the genetic mix to improve and perfect humanity, yet you do not understand? the old man is dying! is developing a new humanity! mixtures are creating not ONE humanity, but human MANY, MANY groups of people, but there will be "strong" and the "weak" there will be "human strong" and "weak human," no, no, no, no, no, the nature and chaotic, and chaotic genetic, genetics has no mechanisms and specific orders, there is a "genetic order" or "genetic able" or "genetic step", genetics and related, damn! " "Wait, you mean ... humanity ... is changing dramatically?? " "CORRECT! just so, we risked a holocaust of mass of humanity, because of virus mutants, the countless new diseases and new viruses appeared out and spread, think already nell'2013 were classified as many as 400 different viruses with a growing number ! and how did humanity to escape a mass murder?? simple, with the genetic mix, Mulattoes have developed a stronger immune system! how?? The various groups and genetic strains, joining and mingling with each other, have created stronger immune systems, compact and durable effect puzzle, you will be told if there is compatibility between different genetic elements, the answer? and ALL compatible! we are all HUMAN, we have the same cells, the same mechanisms as bio-organic, the differences are few and minor, the differences between different human are a tad bit of grass in a meadow vast and infinite, it is only a few gene, which is deals with "store" and not ALL A gene and genes to earlier as "genetic diversity" meant ONE gene and not of ALL genes, humans are all the same and even genetically compatible, The features and melanin are "stored" by A FEW gene or genes, which are genes for the "genetic memory" or "genetic memory" of a human being, and NOT by ALL genes, genes are not a single, monolithic block, but a set of components varied and different " "Enlightening! mixtures have saved humanity, unity is strength, we always say, especially the combination of different and not the stupid locking nuts or attachment to the infantile and regressive own kind " "Just like that! Barasov! "

Kiyamori intervened, a Japanese scientist "but a curious thing, that I belong to the current evolutionary genetics, support that this is a test and demonstration of evolution in living things, but the curious thing, and that natural selection has wiped out The white Caucasians who wanted to reject the modern world and retreat into islands in the forests, and awarded The white Caucasians who have assimilated into modern society in a multicultural society and cosmopolitan, the interesting thing, and that several factors contributed to rout the Nazi-Fascists arrocati forests: Climate change, a warm climate and sub-tropical altered peoples accustomed to cold, dry climates, the advent of new virus which had not developed the immune system, and a lack of genetic Pool and monolithic which weakened the Nazi instead of making them stronger " "Exactly, Kiyamori" said Sanjay "genetic isolation and damage to genes, genetic isolation and genetic damage itself, the genes are imperfect, but are mixtures of different genes and different genes to make stronger genetic isolation only makes Genes weaker and poorer " "Interesting lesson of genetics, Professor Sanjay, but now we spread the report, digital printing is waiting for us, and we also expect politicians and the" social recommendations ", congratulations to you Sanjay, when the report will be revealed all'prossimo Summit Organizations worldwide wing city-state of "New Sydney", you will leave everyone speechless " "I think so, yes" ended Sanjay after this meeting, Sanjay wrote an E-book highly successful with title "universes of genetics journey into the human Babel" which was a bestseller and a great success, and has consecrated the advent of a genetic antiracist and cosmopolitan multicultural, a genetic disorder that can be proved equality among humans, after that publication, Sanjay was awarded the Nobel Prize for Genetics in the city-state of "new Stockholm" (not to be confused with the old and dysfunctional Stockholm, now called " Old Stockholm ") in Europe, the Nazi-Fascists were defeated, but the "World Organization to fight against ideologies and extremism" (OMLIE) gave a warning and warning, which could have emerged from Africa, a black supremacist, asia, a Suprematism Asia and dall'Messico, a "Suprematism Chicano," and launched this warning, Nazi-fascism and racism Western had been defeated, but NOT the other racisms and other suprematismi, the fight continued and went on, but for now, were a risk, for now, the fight against hatred, continued ... years later, some collaborators of the Nazi-Fascists, these civilized areas, the white European Caucasians, took the spaceships and fled on a remote planet, where he established an authoritarian regime called Nazi "Galahan" embargoed and isolated from the "federation Galactic Human "on Galahan, you asseragliarono the last remains and fossils of a corrupt and distorted humanity, fearful towards each other and different, closed a mental fence, which attaches all'simile, for fear of the unknown ...

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