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Soc 322: Criminal Justice Chapter 1 Crime Control Industry: consists of more than the three components of the

criminal justice system. It includes the businesses that profit from the existence of crime and/or attempts to control crime private security firms, a prison industrial complex, drug testing firms, etc. Criminal Justice System: is a formal mechanism of social control. In theory, it is designed to prevent crime, enforce laws, and mete out justice. The three components of the system are: law enforcement, courts, and corrections Criminalization Model: explores the role of social class in the criminal justice system. It recognizes that the system is used to control certain groups of people accomplished by criminalizing their behaviors and then focusing on them for arrest and incarceration. Social class is the first key component Dual Court System: two general types of courts: trial and appellate Gini Index of Inequality: a ratio between 0 denoting perfect income inequality everyone earns the same amount and 1 denoting perfect income inequality one person earns everything Laws: formal statements of authority that are exercised by the state Life Chances: include the prospect of a healthy and lengthy life the possibility of a college education, the potential for becoming a professional or finding a satisfying occupation, attaining income and wealth, plus, on the negative side, the risk of being a crime victim or an offender Lower Courts: trial courts of limited jurisdiction known as municipal, justice of the peace, city, magistrate, or county courts cases are heard in a rather perfunctory manner and often take as little as one minute, leading to the metaphor assembly line justice Power: and privilege primarily reside with the small percentage of upper-class Americans Presidents Commission Model: nor the wedding cake model focuses on the lawmaking process and the social inequalities in the surrounding economic and political systems in which laws are forged Social Class: refers to the group of individuals or families who have about the same income and occupation and have a similar position within the larger system of economic production in an industrial society Three Branches of Government (executive, legislative, judicial) Wedding Cake Model: the model emphasizes that the system handles different kinds of cases differently celebrated cases, heavy-duty felonies, lightweight felonies, misdemeanors Chapter 2

Capital Felony: a crime punishable by death Corporate Crime: involves two primary categories corporate violence and corporate abuse of power, fraud, or economic exploitation Crime: defined by the legal codes of a state Crimes Known to Police: murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft Dark Figure of Crime: crimes not known to the police Federal Offenses: are those either committed within federal territories (such as national parks), crimes that are carried on across the boundaries of two or more states (e.g., interstate transportation of stolen goods), and attempts to assassinate a government official, such as a president or senator Felony: is a crime punishable by a year or more in prison Index Crimes: Part I offenses murder, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larcenytheft, motor vehicle theft, and arson Indirect Harm: damages perhaps not intended but resulting nonetheless from criminal actions Legal Concept of Crime: refers to crime as a legal category assigned to conduct by authorized agents of the state Local Crimes: or ordinances are those that apply to cities, townships, and countries Mala in se and Mala prohibita: Mala in se: acts that are considered wrong in and of themselves murder, rape, arson Mala Prohibita: offenses are illegal because the law says so prostitution Misdemeanors: are crimes punishable by a fine, forfeiture, or less than one year in a jail National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS): is an attempt to revise the definitions of crime utilized by the UCR it will offer more information on crime known to the police but reliability is still an issue National Crime Victimization Survey: questions about their experiences with crime tried to glean information about the dark figure of crime Self-Report Survey: gather information from individuals about their own criminality Social/Popular Concept of Crime: State Crimes: Uniform Crime Report (UCR):

White-Collar Crime: Chapter 3 Actus Reus: Administrative Law: Adolphe Quetelet: Battered-person Syndrome: Bill of Rights: Case Law/Common Law: Cesare Lombroso: Civil Law: Classical School: Consensus/Pluralist Model: Criminal Law: Critical Model: Due Process Model: Durham Rule: Eighth Amendment: Elements of a Crime: Fifth Amendment: Folkways: Formal Social Control: Fourteenth Amendment: Fourth Amendment: Instrumentalist Perspective: Intent:

Interest Group/Conflict Model: MNaghten Rule Mens rea: Mores: Ordinances: Political Social Control: Positivist School: Procedural Law: Pyrrhic Defeat Theory: Rule of Law: Sixth Amendment: Social Norms: Sociological Imagination: Statutes: Structuralist Perspective: Substantive Law: Torts: Chapter 4 American Dream: Anomie: Cartographic School: Chicago School: Concentric Zone: Control/Social Bond Theory: Critical/Marxist Theory:

Cultural Deviance Theory: Differential Association: Ectomorph: Endomorph: Feeblemindedness: Hedonistic Calculus: Labeling Theory: Mesomorph: Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI): Modes of Adaptation: Phrenology: Primary Deviance: Secondary Deviance: Social Ecology Theory: Social Institutions: Social Learning Theory: Somatotypes: Strain Theories: Chapter 6 Broken Windows Theory: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF): County Law Enforcement: Department of Justice: Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA): Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI):

Federal Law Enforcement: Fifth Armed Force: Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): Internal Revenue Service (IRS): Jurisdiction: Local Law Enforcement: State Law Enforcement: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP): U.S. Marshals Service: U.S. Secret Service: Chapter 7 Bad-Apple Theory: Community Policing: CRASH: Driving While Black (DWB): Grass-Eaters: Group Support Theory: Knapp Commission: Meat-Eaters: Operation Hammer: Order Maintenance: Police Subculture: Policing Styles: Proactive Policing: Racial Profiling:

Reactive Policing: Tribal Police: Chapter 8 Betts v. Brady: Courtroom Workgroup: Dual Court System: In forma pauperis Request: Judiciary Act of 1789: Powell v. Alabama: Prosecutor: Public Defenders: Reorganization Act of 1801: Trial Courts of General Jurisdiction: Trial Courts of Limited Jurisdiction: U.S. Courts of Appeals: U.S. District Courts: U.S. Supreme Court: Writ of certiorari:

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