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Jean's all natural stretch marks removal massage remedy - free ebook

before and after photos by actual users of the method introduced below For more before and after photos and testimonials please visit


1. An introduction
1.a) Why this method works when creams and lotions alone don't 1.b) What kind of results to expect 1.c) Who should and who should NOT use this massage remedy

2. The Application
2.a) Identify the causes, and stop new stretch marks from forming 2.b) What's included in the kit 2.c) How to massage your stretch marks away: set up a schedule. the scrub massage the cream massage 2.d) Safety concerns

3. Maintaining stretch marks free

4. Your questions answered/Support 5. Variations and extras

Weigh loss/body toning massage cellulite diminishing massage Breasts correcting (enlarging or firming) massage for women

1. An introduction 1.a) Why this method works when creams and lotions alone don't work
Many of you know this by experience, that topical stretch marks creams and lotions make alone little or no difference to stretch marks. Unlike wrinkles, stretch marks are a deeper problem. If you ran your fingers through them, you will noticed the indentations (in some cases the stretch marks are raised instead indented). Stretch marks are the results of breaking down of the skin's connective tissues, and these breakages are down deep into the skin. Topical creams and lotions alone are simply not powerful enough to bridge these gaps. In order to remove your stretch marks, you will need complete renewal and resurfacing of the skin, traditionally can only be achieved by laser surgery, which is not suitable for everyone and not affordable for most. Here I am sharing with you a secret, that you don't have to go through laser surgery to remove your stretch marks. All you need is put together a few simple things and apply a simple massage. Over all it costs very little money, but requires a little bit of time and effort on your part. Here is how it works. I will share with you how to apply an aggressive massage method for powerful but safe exfoliation and stimulation of skin. It effectively and safely removes the old scared skin tissues, therefore taps into skin's natural healing ability, and promotes new growth with the help of botanical healing creams. This method is based on the principle that our body-including skin heals itself. (Do you know our skin completely renews it self every 4 weeks?) For most people giving the right push we can get the skin to repair these stretch marks. 1.b) What kind of results to expect

For stretch marks, scars, loose skin, uneven skin tone: Everybody has a great chance to succeed with my simple but effective program, by completely removing or at least significantly fading your stretch marks. You will find this out fast, you may start to see changes just after a few sessions, or the very next day after the first session, which many had experienced. However each individual is different as far as their metabolism, age and severity of the stretch marks, diet and nutritional factors and hormonal conditions, etc; and since this is more of a method, your application plays a role as well. If applied correctly, almost everyone should be able to see dramatic removing of the stretch marks and other minor scars as such acne scars (sometimes even surgery scars); dramatic improvement of skin in texture, suppleness and elasticity, correction of uneven skin tone, improvement even elimination of cellulite, etc. It would remove or lighten tattoos as well. The following mentioned results are not typical but they happened to some users. When I came up with the program the focus was totally on stretch marks and didn't expect anything else. Over the years I got enough feed backs from users about their results, and I realized there are wonderful "side effects" that some would receive after consistent application of the massage program as described here. If you look carefully at the before and after photos on the top, you will notice the dramatic difference not only in stretch marks, but also the significant weight loss and toning of the body. The user entirely achieved these results by this massage method and this massage method alone. These "side effects" are not typical results for everybody, however if you are interested in getting these specific results please read these free ebooks, in which I have tweaked the massage to produce these specific results more efficiently: For helping burning fat and losing inches This is illustrated by the before and after photos shown at the top of the page. The vigorous massage produces a good amount of heat which helps to burn fat under the skin. As a result some may lose inches around the area treated. For women only, expect firmer, perkier, sometime even larger breasts The massage in general plays the role of correcting problems, not just skin problems but more. For example when applied regularly on the breasts, some women with under developed breasts reported seeing enlarging of the breasts and increase of the cup sizes, while some with loose sagging breasts reported tightening and toning up when applied

the massage method regularly. 1.C How long does it take to see results Even though everyone is different, but average speaking one should be able to see visible improvement after the first 4-5 sessions. (If not please re-exam your application because most likely you are not doing something right). Time will vary for achieving the ideal results, but generally speaking several months should be enough. Very old and deep stretch marks might take longer for some people. Once you achieve the ideal results, your stretch marks won't come back if you stop the application. But you might want to give it a session or 2 once in a long while to help maintain the youthfulness of your skin. 1.d ) Who should and who should NOT use this massage remedy This massage remedy is all natural and generally safe to use for all, including for young skin of teenagers. Pregnant and nursing woman please use with caution. If you are in the middle of weight loss I encourage you to use it because it helps you lose weight more effectively and tone up the skin while you lose weight. However people with these conditions should NOT use this method until after the conditions are removed: inflammation, open wounds, sores and infections on skin Currently under certain prednisone, cortisone, steroids/hormones related medications extreme sensitivity of skin, including allergic reactions to lotions and creams, easy to bruise etc. this massage remedy removes stretch marks and other minor scars and it is likely to fade or even remove tattoos as well, so use it around your tattoos if you don't want them lightened or removed.

2. The Application
2. a) Identify the cause, and do your best to stop new stretch marks from forming. Stretch marks are hereditary, if your parent(s) have them, you are more likely to have them. However, all stretch marks are not the same, and more often than not, there is no actual stretching of the skin involved. Most likely your stretch marks appeared during or after

one or more of the following experiences:

Pregnancy Rapid weight gain or loss Adolescent growth spur Body building Depression, anxiety Birth control shots/pills Steroids or hormones related medications Drug abuse Poor diet, yo-yo diet, nutrients deficiency,

especially mineral

deficiency Some of these things can not be avoided, such as pregnancy, or if you need to be on certain medications for health reasons. In other cases you can prevent them or reduce the chance of getting them by keeping a healthy, steady life style. In another word if you are genetically predisposed to stretch marks, the stress hormones caused by any shock or sudden extreme changes to your body/mind may cause your skin to break down and crackle up like a 3d atlas. Regular, moderate exercises, and herbal supplements can help the body keep the hormonal balance. Teenagers going through puberty and growth spur are subject to some extreme hormonal changes, taking a mild, balanced herbal supplement such as the superb Hykunene Cha tea would help the body keep the balance (helps with acne as well). In addition, to prevent or slow down new stretch marks, rub a plant based, all natural, non toxic healing cream regularly on skin, such as an Organic grown Aloe Vera or marigold based cream, I do not recommend Retinol A products because of side effects concerns, especially for pregnant woman, improper use may cause problems even defects for the baby. Some of the surprising factors and causes for stretch marks: Stretch marks problem is still a mystery to most of us. I am not a doctor. I know stretch marks from personal experience and I learned more from 10s of thousands of correspondences with stretch marks victim in years of keeping this website. Stretch marks happen to men and women, large people and small people. They are very common for adolescents going through puberty and growth spur. Stretch marks in general don't hurt or irritate physically, but they could be devastating to the bearers' confidence and self esteem. None-pregnancy related stretch marks, especially stretch marks for teenager boys and girls could be especially difficult for them.

Stretch marks usually don't just fade on their own, instead, they tend to expand and worsen over time, to the point of literally cover the whole body. From the thousands of emails I get through the past years regarding stretch marks, some of the most depressing stories are from people with stretch marks caused by medications-usually hormonal, steroids related). Here are a few things that may cause severe stretch marks. This list was compiled by emails from readers only and was never investigated or verified by the author. Please NEVER EVER stop your medications without your doctors orders.

Prescribed for lupus, Nephrotic Syndrome--kidney problem; skin conditions, asthma and a wide range of diseases. On the other hand, I have heard about doctors who would prescribe it for minor skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis and the patients sometimes end up with even more problematic skin. Corticosteroid such as Methyl prednisone Dospak Some anti depression medications may also cause stretch marks. It is also my understanding that depression itself could be linked to skin disorders such as acne and stretch marks. Dianette Birth Control for woman. Some women wrote me about "stretch marks coming from nowhere" after they use it. Mometasone Furoate cream Also Known as Elocon (A type of skin lotion prescribed for skin conditions) Depo Provera Birth control shot. Please note that any medication that affects hormonal activities could potentially cause some people stretch marks, including many forms of birth control methods. You might want to opt for the pills instead of shots. Talk with your doctor first. Body builders be careful with the supplements that heavily impact the hormones. In addition to staying clear from unnecessary hormone altering drugs, keep a steady, stable life style. Avoid anything extreme, such as extreme diets, extreme workouts or anything that would "shock" your body. Everything in moderation is very good rule of thumb for healthy living. Certain mineral deficiency could also cause stretch marks. If you are not on a very balanced diet please consider taking an Ionic liquid trace mineral supplement. Once you identified what may have caused your stretch marks, and

put a stop to that, or at least have the situation under control, you can start taking care of the stretch marks you already have. The older your stretch marks are the more difficult it is to completely erase them without any trace, so you want to take care of them as soon as you can. It would be very nice to not have to carry these marks on your body and in the back of your mind for the rest of your life. This proven to work remedy of mind is very simple, and relatively easy to apply. I am confident almost everyone will get amazing results if everyone do 2 things right: 1st, find the right things to use, 2nd, pay attention to details and follow the instructions closely.

2.b) Things needed: (What's included in the kit and what they are for)

The Essential kit The kit is assembled to achieve the maximum results for stretch marks removal. It was initially developed from my own personal struggle with stretch marks since my teenage years. It has been more than 14 years since I first offered the kit. Since then many improvements and updates were made based on experience, customer feedbacks and new discoveries. It is now more effective than ever. There is a unique purpose for everything included. Please follow each steps closely. 2.b.1) The Optimal Stretch Marks Healing cream:

Even though creams used by themselves are not very effective at eliminating stretch marks, a good healing cream is still a very important factor in this stretch marks removal regime. The Optimal Stretch Marks Healing cream is a rich, safe cream that is first a superb moisturizer with rich botanical oils and butters (see below) that keeps your skin ideally hydrated. It is also jam packed with nature's powerful healing elements (see below) to repair the scar tissues. This is a safe, Paraben free, fragrance free cream. Ingredients are mostly derived from organically grown botanicals:

Aloe Vera extract :

Aloe Vera extract is naturally antibacterial, antifungal and antiinflammatory. It cools and calms the skin and promotes healing for cuts and burns on skin. Organic Marygold extract (Calendula): One of the best plant derived skin healers, Plant pharmacological studies have suggested that Calendula extracts have anti-viral, anti-genotoxic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Calendula in suspension or in tincture is used topically to treat acne, reducing inflammation, controlling bleeding, and soothing irritated tissue. (see wikipedia: for more information). MSM: Some time ago an user of my massage method informed me of this ingredients after he had received excellent results by combining my massage method with a MSM product. MSM is a naturally occurring nutrient (a form of sulfur) found in plants, meats, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables, it feeds the formation of collagen and elastin while preventing and reducing cross-linking between cells, which is the primary cause of wrinkles and scar tissue.

ingredients: Organic shea butter, Organic coconut oil, cocoa

butter, Avocado Oil, Jojoba Oil, Neem Oil, mango butter, Aloe Vera oil, Dimethlaminoethanol, Witch Hazel extract, Vitamin E, Rosemary, Kosher Vegetable Glycerin, Citric Acid There are 2 steps in this stretch marks removal massage method, the first is the "taking away", the 2nd is the "giving back". The The Optimal Stretch Marks Healing cream is an important part of what you give back to the skin, after the "taking away" step. We will talk about this at the APPLICATION section.

2.b.2 The Massage tool :

his is for the pro-active stimulation/exfoliation massage in the "taking away" step. It produces the maximum stimulation and exfoliation needed for the stretch marks removing skin renewing effect. It has been many years and I have changed the remedy more than a few times to make it more effective, but this tool is still the one to use. Any variation is not good. I now send out S shaped ones for better handling for hard to reach areas.

2.b.3) Buffing tool:

Buffing is to polish and to smooth out the "rough spots and edges", and gives the more even, more refined results. The buffing massage gives skin the much needed additional push to regenerate, renew and resurface. This is an improvement from the previous versions. The

glove gives you better control and makes it easier to apply. The glove is made with natural material jute.

2.b.4) the Exfoliation Scrub:

The right scrub is very important as well, you can NOT just use any scrubs and expect to see the same results. It needs to be a specific texture and consistency with specific ingredients. The scrub in the kit is the St. Ives Fresh Skin Apricot scrub. It offers the all the right characters for the unique needs of the stretch marks removal massage remedy. It is all natural and generally safe to use for all people. Made with corn meals and Apricot kernels. I send 10oz tubs because you are going to need generous portions. The scrub is relatively easy to find in local stores. If you already have this you can get a basic kit with healing cream massager and buffing glove only.

The Basic kit

2.c) How to apply the vigorous exfoliation massage 2.c.1) Write it down: set up a schedule and keep a record

This is especially helpful if you have wide spread stretch marks all over your body. Divide the body into different sections. For example, upper and lower part; left and right side, etc. Concentrate on certain areas first instead of trying to cover the whol body in one session, it might get tiring and less effective, slower in see results. (You can choose to work on abdominal area and hips first for example, and take care the rest of your body in a different session.)

Keep a record of the days you apply the scrub massage, and the conditions of your stretch marks. First, look into the mirror; check front and back, side to side. Write down the date you start and the areas where you have stretch marks. Keep checkin regularly and make notes of improvement. It is likely you will treat certain areas mo than others, and you will see better results on the areas that got more care and attention. Make adjustment as needed.

The ideal time to apply the scrub massage is right before bed time, because a long restful "beauty" sleep is your skin's best friend, so much is renewed and repaired while you sleep. Apply the cream massage at least once a day, or as often as desired. Apply the scrub massage only once in a while, schedule would vary according to the specific skin type, but average speaking do not exceed once a week. Some of you would need to customize it to suit your particular needs, but here is a general reference guide

The schedule is flexible as long as you don't do it more often than recommended. It would be something like this: Stage 2: After you have seen visible and significant improvement, switch to Stage 2 schedule. Average speaking this could be anywhere from 6-10 weeks after you first started. (If you don't see any visible change at all by your 4th or 5th scrub massager, it is likely you are not doing everything rightassuming you are using all the right tools and the right cream, please contact Jean for assessment, adjustment and tips.) Reduce the scrub massage frequency to once every 10-28 days. Again, scramble the dates so it is not s set pattern of stimulation. At least one of these cycles Stage 3:

age 1:

rub massage 5-10 days.

eam massage fter a show or much as desired.

e dates so the detect a set timulation.

After you have reached ideal re stop using this method your str will not come back. However, it recommended that you apply t massage once in a while (10-12 example) to keep skin smooth, youthful.


b Massage and age

If you haven't reached the idea assuming you use all the right the right cream, go back and re process of stage 1-2. Or contac assessment, adjustment and ti

eam massage shower or bath d

need to have the full 28 days in between the scrub massages. For example: Day 1, day 14, Day 25, Day 35, Day 63: apply the scrub massage and cream massage. Apply the cream massage only for the rest of the days. It is important you make this adjustment. Because after the initial wave of good results the healing is likely to slow down even stall. The adjustment in the scheduling will help keep up the good results.

b Massage and age

ream massage

ub Massage and age

Cream massage

ub massage and age

le schedule. If session or 2 just re you left off. mportant thing to ages correctly hly.

If you have any questions regarding the scheduling (or any other questions) please Email me.

2.c.2) the scrub massage: the "taking away" of old scar tissues This is a crucial step. The purpose for the scrub massage is to deliver THE Effective amount of exfoliation to the skin, to tap into the amazing self healing ability of the body. All healings eventually come from the within the body, sometimes with the right help and push, be that medicine, surgery, exercise, good nutrition or even a massage. The scrub exfoliation massage is done in such a specific way, that it naturally, gradually, safely and effectively removes scarred top skin tissues, consequently triggers skin to strive to replace the loss by new growth. In essence, you "scrub away" the stretch marks layer by layer, and skin replace the scarred tissue with new normal tissue layer by layer, with the additional help of thehealing cream which supplements skin for the much needed nutrients for the new growth.

It is very important you use the exact massage tools, don't even try to do the whole job with your hands, you'd be removing your finger prints instead of your stretch marks. The exact tools in the pictures above are ideal to deliver the specific exfoliation and stimulation. This is NOT a body brush, nor a comb of any kind. The little wooden nubs are like small fingers sitting on a flexible rubber base, they deliver just the right kind of pressure and stimulation. The simple wooden massage tool has been featured in this massage method for about 14 years now, there still isn't a better alternative. The buffing tool is new to this updated version, which is an improvement from before.

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First, take a soaking bath.

In order to make the scrub massage more effective please arrange a long restful soaking bath if possible (assuming your health condition is good an safe to take a long hot bath). In addition to soften the top skin layers, this also helps to improve circulation. If no bath is available a lengthy shower, even better a steam room like the ones they have in a fitness gym would d Use warm to hot water, but not too hot because it would dry up the skin.

Optional: Here are some things you can put in your bath to help relax, improve circulation, and help skin retain moisture. This is just an example there is no need to use everything listed, 1 or 2 will do:

Milk: if you have expired milk (but not smelly yet) don't pour it in the si Pour it into your bath instead. Epsom salt or bath salt Dry chamomile or green tea or simply some crushed flower pedals Essential oil if available. Next, get away from water, wipe off the excess water on skin with your hand, don't completely dry off, keep the skin moist at all time just take care not to have water running down skin.

Spread a layer of the scrubs to cover the areas treated as shown in the picture. Be generous with the scrubs, add more when needed. Avoid thinn the scrubs too much with running water.

Next, Using the massager, massage skin covered by the scrubs.

take the wooden massager, and massage skin covere with the scrubs. (the pictures didn't show this but th treated should be covered with a layer of scrub as sho the picture above). Keep the scrub mixture moist so t massage motion is smooth. If it gets dry, add just a li water to it, but don't make it too thin or runny.

The specifics: Simply put, the scrubbing is not much different than scrubbing greased up pots and pans. It is almost like you are scrubbing these stretch marks away: 1) Massage in small circular motions anywhere from 1-5 inches radius depends on the areas you are treating. Alternate between fast moving motion and slow steady motion to deliver a wider range of stimulations to the skin. 2)How hard should you apply the exfoliation massage? Everyone's skin is different, in thickness, endurance, sensitivities, etc. I myself can handle the pressure of about 5 pounds, others may handle a little less or a little more. Here is the guideline, it should not be so light as if you are scratching an itch, but not so hard that it causes pain. Generally, 3-6 pounds of pressure would fit most people. Explore it a little, and you can find that most comfortable range for yourself in a couple of sessions. 3)How long should you massage a particular area? Let's say you are scrub massaging the abdominal area, how long should you do it? Start with anywhere between 2-5 minutes for your first session. Watch the skin turns into a healthy reddish pink color during the massage,

indicating vibrant blood circulation and elevated oxygen level in the skin. Some people, especially people with a lots of old dull skin buildup, will not see this until a few sessions. The changing in color is a sign that you are getting it right. Keep the scrub massage a little longer after skin turned red, stop right before or when skin start to tingle a little bit. If it starts to sting a little it is a definite sign to stop going any further. After the massage skin should feel refreshed and awakened. After a couple of sessions you will have a better idea of what is best for you. Let your good sense be your guide, you need to push it to the maximum amount of exfoliation without causing any harm to the skin. My feedbacks are all over the place on this one. Some people say 2 minutes would do for them, some say they need 10 minutes. Generally speaking darker, thicker, and/or duller skin needs longer scrubbing while fairer, thinner skin and more sensitive skin needs less. Again, you may or not find that perfect combination until after a couple of sessions. But don't worry. Once you start, it will all make sense to you and vast majority of people who tried this got it right and saw great results.

Next, Take the buffing glove, first soak it wet then wring out the excess water, put on your hand and give skin (still covered with scrub) a thorough polish. In addition to giving skin the much needed additional kick, this also h to smooth out the rough edges and gives you more refined, unified results. T needs about only 1-2 minutes.

Next, after you have covered all the areas you set out to cover, quickly and thoroughly rinse skin clean of all scrubs. If you have done the job right, your skin should feel slippery smooth like a baby right now. Lightly pat dry skin. And timely apply the cream massage.

2.c.3) the cream massage

Apply thehealing cream first

Then Gently massage both hands

Do this immediately follow the previous step, while your skin is still

reddish/pinkish and warm with robust circulation, to seal in the moisture, and deliver crucial nutrients to help skin regenerate and renew. Generally apply a thin layer to all areas treated, gently massage it in with both hands, fingers and palm, do it in circular motions. After the creams are fully absorbed apply a 2nd layer and massage it in with both hands. If your skin still feels hungry and thirsty for more moisture and more nutrients do a third layer or even a 4th.

Last but not the least, go to bed and get a long restful sleep. There is nothing be than a quality "beauty sleep" after the vigorous scrub massage and the cream mas In addition, put on a "body glove" if you can, such as tights, pantyhose, or snug tig shirts, camisoles, thermal underwear etc, and sleep in it. Let the treated areas be c snuggly. This helps with a number of things, for example:

It helps to seal in the moisture, keep skin hydrated, and maximize the benefits of t cream.

It helps to keep skin warm, improving circulation, promoting metabolism and healin When you wake up you can most likely detect certain improvement in the skin.

Now you have completed the stretch marks removal massage. It is very simple to do but requires attention to details. If you have a lots of stretch marks to deal with opt to massage different areas of the body in different sessions. It could be a little tiring, but it is absolutely worth the effort, and you only need to do this once in a while. The scrub massage is also good for fittness, it tones the skin and body, improves skin's suppleness and elasticity, tightens up loose skin, rids the skin of other minor imperfections such as ingrown hair, body acne, and the acne scars and marks, etc. There is also a little bit detox going on in the skin during the scrub massage, so drink a large glass of water after you are done to help the body quickly rid the toxin released into the blood stream. The massage remedy in a way helps correct some of the things that are not going so right in your body, and I have tweaked this marvelous massage remedy to reap other benefits. Have you noticed in the after photo above how much thinner and lighter the stomach area has become? Yes a common "side effects" of the massage is losing inches and toning up of the body. There are ladies reporting vast improvement on the appearance of their breasts, some gained a cup size or 2, while over sized sagging, loose, fluffy breast firm up and become perkier after continuing using the massage. It is also very effective in improving even eliminating cellulite. Click here to access

these additions. 2.d) Safety Concerns, very important, please read before you start. The massage remedy is all natural, and in general safe for all to use, including young skin of teenagers. But please heed these safety precautions:


NOT apply the exfoliation scrub massage too often, absolutely NOT every day, or even every week. The guide line is the more results you see, the LESS frequently you apply the scrub massage. Follow the schedule as suggested, with a "booster" session now and then in between. Eventually you can stop all together your stretch marks won't come back. Still, many choose to keep applying it once in a great while to keep skin smooth and supple.

NOT tan in the sun or in a tanning bed while you are on this program! This is very important. Avoid exposing

skin to the sun as much as you could, even without the exfoliation, and especially after the exfoliation, which greatly reduces your skin's natural defense to harmful UV A and UV B rays. Long term over exposure to these harmful rays will not only prematurely, terribly and irreversibly age and damage your skin, but also possibly cause skin cancer. If you can not resist the appeal of the copper tone, use a safe spray tan instead. Make sure you are physically healthy enough to follow through the whole thing. Be sensible, and let your good judgment be your guide. Do NOT over exfoliate! Do not injure your skin, Do not expose defenseless skin to too much sun, andemail for help whenever you need it.

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3. Maintaining stretch marks free

First, live and maintain a steady, stable life style if you can help it. Be conscientious not to cause any great shocks to the body, not even with sudden drastic changes in physical excises. If you need to make changes do so gradually and steadily. By avoiding the volatile hormonal changes you can also avoid getting stretch marks (among other unpleasant things).

Secondly, satisfy the skin's nutrition needs. In addition to regularly use a topical cream, also pay a little attention to your diet. Here are some foods for you to consider if they are not in your diet already: Cold water fish that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, such as wild salmon and tuna. If you can't handle fish take fish oil supplements. Animal meat (natural and organic) Almond, walnut Various vegetables and fruits, the deeper or brighter the color the better. Good oils. Such as olive oil, flaxseed oil, sesame oil. Take a ionic trace mineral supplement Please don't let this distress you. Keep it simple, Set doable goals you can reach and keep. Finally, apply the scrub and cream massage once in a great while. You will love what it does to your skin! Thank you and I wish you great results.

4. Support 5. Variations and extras

Weigh loss/body toning massage Cellulite diminishing massage Beasts correcting (enlarging or firming)

massage for women

Iat care sunt!

Flotare n poz diamant

i aezi palmele direct sub stern, cu degetele mari lipite de degetele artoare i palmele rsfirate. Coatele se deprteaz n laterala trunchiului i toracele coboar pe vertical. Dac eti nceptoare, poi executa flotarea pe genunchi sau dac eti mai rezistent fizic, cu picioarele ntinse.

Cori Grmescu le slbete pe femeile din Dubai, China i Japonia

Fluturri din nclinat pe fitball cu benzi elastice

Te aezi pe fitball cu spatele drept i abomenul ncordat, astfel nct tlpile s fie sprijinite pe podea. Picioarele sunt ntinse, iar banda elastic este aezat sub suportul de la fitball. Cu capetele benzii n mini, deasupra pieptului, apropii braele pe vertical, spre tavan i lai minile s coboare lent, pn cnd atingi fitball-ul cu coatele. Este un exerciiu foarte bun pentru piept.

Cori Grmescu: "Eram frustrat din cauza grsimii! Nu m mai aranjam i fugeam de aparatele de fotografiat!"

Exerciiu cu gantere
Se folosesc gantere de 2 sau 3 kg. Din poziia ntins pe spate, mpinge minile pe vertical desupra pieptului, astfel nct coatele s se ntind pe o micare uor circular. Coboar lent coatele pn la saltea i reia micarea.

Eti sedentar? Cori Grmescu i spune ce pericole te pasc!


Stai cu spatele drept, palmele aezate n dreptul sternului, coatele ndoite la 90 de grade i meninnd spatele drept i omoplaii trai ctre spate, presezi constant palmele una n cealalt, ntr-un efort izometric. Menii 10 secunde, apoi faci contracii ritmice de cte o secund fiecare, apoi menii din nou 10 secunde de izometrie i alte 10 contracii rapide.

Nu ai timp sau nu-i place s mergi la sal? Cori Grmescu te nva s slbeti 9 kg n 3 luni, fcnd fitness acas

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Mai mult: Vrei s ai snii fermi i frumoi? Cori Grmescu i recomand patru exerciii uor de fcut i eficiente Vedete de la noi |

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