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3.1 3.2 Traditional medicines Modern medicines 3.2.1 Analgesics 3.2.2 Antibiotics 3.2.3 Psychotherapeutic medicine 3.3 Drug abuse

4.0 5.0 6.0

Discussion Conclusion References


Medicines are chemicals that help to cure infection and maintain our health and well being. Medicines can be obtained from natural sources or synthetic chemicals. Any chemical that is used as medicine is called a drug. Medicines that are obtained from plants and animals are called traditional medicines. Medicines can be classified as traditional medicines and modern medicines.

State examples of traditional medicines, their sources and uses State the types of modern medicines and their examples State the functions of each type of modern medicines Describe the possible side effects of using modern and traditional medicines Decribe the correct usage of modern and traditional medicines


3.1 Traditional medicine
Traditional medicines are derived from plants or animals. Any Traditional medicines are usually not processed.

medicinal plant containing alkaloid is potentially toxic to the liver. Traditional medicines can cause serious side effects.

More research on the toxic and adverse effects of traditional medicines should be carried out in order to ensure the safety of these medicines to the public.

3.1.1 Some common medicinal plants and their function

Traditional medicine Aloe vera (lidah buaya) Centella asiatica (pegaga) Uses To treat skin wounds To treat depression and for longevity Eurycoma longifolia (tongkat To increse the male libido ali) Orthosiphon aristatus (misai To treat gout, diabetes and kucing) Andrographis (hempedu bumi) Ocimum basilicum (selasih) rheumatism paniculata To treat diarrrhoea, fever and diabetes To treat coughs, colds and bronchitis

3.1.2 Animals that have medicinal properties

Medicinal animal Sea cucumber (gamat) Funtions To treat Japanese encephalitis and hole in the heart To treat lockjaw convulsions To treat hepatitis B and

Centipede Ant

Side effects of traditional medicines

1. It is generally believed that traditional medicines have little side effects compared to modern medicines. In fact, traditional medicines are sometimes used to counteract the side effects of some modern medicines. 2. However, taking high doses of quinine for a prolonged period may cause hearing loss. German health officials recently reported 40 cases of liver damage which were linked to the herbal medicine containing kava-kava. 3. While the use of traditional medicine is rising globally, health experts have insufficient data about how it affects patients. 4. The World Health Organisation( WHO) hopes to set up a global monitoring system to monitor the adverse side effects of traditional medicines.

3.2 Modern medicine

Before the 20th century, most medicines were extracted from plants (herbal medicines). Since 1900. Thousands of modern drugs have been synthesised from organic compound. Modern medicines can be classified as follows based on their effects on the human body. Some examples of modern medicines are analgesics, antibiotics, psychotherapeutic drugs. Modern drugs have a trade name and a generic name. For example, the analgesic aspirin (generic name) is sold under different brand names such as Caprin and Disprin. Similarly, paracetamol (generic name) is sold under the trade name of Panadol. Modern medicines usually contain a mixture of

active ingredients prepared in different forms, such as capsules, pills, solutions or suspensions. For example, Alka-Seltzer (used as an antacid) contains sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), citric acid and aspirin. It is the sodium bicarbonate then neutralizes the excess stomach acid.Modern medicines can be classified into a few categories according to their effects on body:( a ) Analgesics ( b ) Antibiotics ( c ) Psychotherapeutic medicines

3.2.1 Analgesics
Analgesics is to relieve pain without causing numbness or affecting consciousness. Analgesics relive pain but do not cure the disease. Example of common analgesics are aspirin, paracetamol and codeine. (a) Aspirin Aspirin is used for relief, particularly where there is inflammation involved, such as arthritic pain and dental pain. The active ingredient in aspirin is

acetylsalicylic acid. Aspirin has the following structural formula.

Side effects: Can cause bleeding in the stomach because aspirin is vey acidic. Can cause allergic

reactions, skin rashes and asthmatic attacks (b) Paracetamol Paracetamol have the following structural formula.

Thus, unlike aspirin, paracetamol is neutral in nature. Paracetamol is similar to aspirin in its

effects (that is, reduces fever and relieves pain) but it does not reduce inflammation. Paracetamol

also reduces or relieves flu symptoms such as fever, bone aches and runny nose. An overdose of

paracetamol can cause liver damage. (c) Codeine Codeine is an analgesic used in headache tables and in cough medicines. synthesized from morphine. drowsiness when it taken. Most codeine is Codeine may cause Abuse of this

medicine may lead to addition, depression and nausea.

3.2.2 Antibioties
Antibiotics are chemicals that destroy or prevent the growth of infectious microorganism. Two examples

of antibiotics are penicillin and streptomycin. Antibiotics are used to treat diseases caused by bacteria. Antibiotics are not effective against

diseases caused by viral infections such as influenza, measles, or small pox. Examples of antibiotics are (a) Penicillin
Penicillin is derived from the mould Penicillium notatum. Penicillin are used to treat diseases, caused by bacteria, such as pneumonia, gonorrhea and syphilis. Penicillin is

only effective on certain bacteria. For example, it cannot be used to treat tuberculosis.

(b) Streptomycin
Streptomycin is an antibiotic produced by soil bacteria of the genus Streptomyces. It is used to treat tuberculosis,

whooping cough and some forms of pneumonia.

Both penicillin and streptomycin are broken down by the acid in the stomach. Therefore, these antibiotics

are usually given by injection and are not taken orally. Patient take full course of the antibiotics tomake sure that all the bacteria are killed. Otherwise, he may

become ill again and the bacteria may become more

resistant to the antibiotic.

The side effects of

antibiotics are headache, allergic reaction, diarrhea.

3.2.3 psychotherapeutic medicine

Good metal health is fundamental and essential to personal wellbeing and the ability to lead a healthy, balanced and productive life. People with mental illness are not in control of their thoughts, feeling and behaviours. These conditions can be helped with the use of psychotherapeutic medications. Psychotherapeutic medicines are used to alter abnormal thinking, feeling or behaviours. These medicines do not cure mental illness. However, they can reduce many of the symptoms of mental illness and help a person to get on with life.

Psychotherapeutic medicines are divided into three categories based on the symptoms for which they are primarily used as shown below.

psychotherapeutic medicine

stimulantto reduce fatigue

Antidepressentto reduce tension and anxiety

Antipsychoticto treat psychiatric illness








psychotherapeutic medicines. (a) Stimulant

Example Methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine, amphetamine Side effects High dose or excessive use of stimulants over long periods of time can lead to anxiety, hallucinations, severe depression, or physical and psychological dependence.

(b) Antidepressant
Example Tranquilisers Side effects Tranquilisers cause drowsiness, poor coordinationor lightheadadness. Overdose of these drugs can lead to respiratory difficulties, sleeplessness, coma and even death Barbiturates cause addition. People who rely on barbiturates to fight against insomnia sometimes kill themselves accidentally by taking an overdose


(c) Antipsychotic
Example Chlorpromazine, haloperidol and clozapine Side effects Antisphychotic medicines cause drowsiness, rapid heartbeat and dizziness.

3.3 Drug Abuse

Taking drugs excessively and without a doctor prescription s called drug abuse. The use of certain drugs like ecstacy causes depression which can last for weeks after it s consumed. The other examples of drug is ice causes stroke and injuries to the liver and kidneys.

Any natural or artificially made chemical which is used as a medicines is called drug. Without the drug, a rug addict shoes withdrawal symptoms. Common withdrawal symptoms include nervousness, depression, stomach cramps, cold, sweat, teary eyes, vomiting and diarrhea.

Abuse potential
Depending on the actual compound, drug abuse may lead to health problems, social problems, physical dependences or psychological addiction.

Some drugs that are subject to abuse have central nervous system ( CNS ) effects, which produce changes n mood, levels of awareness or perceptions and sensations. Most of these drugs also alter systems other than the CNS. But not all the centrally acting drugs are subject to abuse, which suggests that altering consciousness is not sufficient for a drug to have abuse potential. Among drugs that are abused, some appear to be more likely to lead to uncontrolled use than others suggesting a possible hierarchy of drug-induced effects relative to abuse potential.

Approaches to managing drug abuse

In addition to being a major public health problem, some consider drug abuse to be a social problem with far-reaching implications. Stress, poverty, domestics and societal violence and various diseases ( i.e. , injecting drug users as a source for HIV/AIDS ) are sometimes thought to be spread by drug use. Studies have also shown that individuals dependent on illicit drugs experience higher rates of comorbid psychiatric syndromes.

4.0 Discussion
Differences between traditional medicines and modern medicines
Traditional medicines -they are usually not processed -they are derived from plant or animals Modern medicines -they are usually processed in laboratories -they are synthesized based on substances found in nature

Correct ways of using medicines

In taking any medicine, we should know why the medicine is prescribed, how the medicine should be used, what special precautions should be followed, what special diet should be followed, what are the side effects, and what storage conditions are needed. In addition, we should note the following points : 1. Self-medication Do not prescribe medicines for yourself (self-medication) or for other people. Discuss

with your doctor and listen to him concerning the medicine to be taken. 2. Follow the instructions given Follow the instructions given by your doctor or pharmacist concerning the dosage and method of taking the medicine. 3. Medicines for adult and children Medicines for adult should not be given to children and vice versa. 4. Side effects Visit the doctor immediately if there are symptoms of allergy or other effects of the drugs. 5. Expiry date Like foods, medicines also have expiry date. Do not take medicines after their expiry dates.


Traditional medicines Analgesics Antibiotics

Modern medicines

Psychotherapeutic medicines

Aspirin Paracetamol Codeine

Penicillin Streptomycin

Stimulant Antidepressant Antipsychotic Drug abuse

5.0 Conclusion
A medicine is used to prevent or cure diseases or to relieve pain. Medicines can be classified as traditional medicines and modern medicines. Traditional medicines are medicines which are obtained from natural sources without being processed chemically. Traditional medicines also refers to health practices, approaches, knowledge and beliefs incorporating plant, animal and mineral based medicines, spiritual therapies, manual techniques and exercises, applied singularly or in combination to treat, diagnose and prevent illnesses or maintain well-being. Since the olden days, man has used plants, animals and minerals to treat diseases. The traditional medicines include ginger, aloe vera, mint leaves, garlic, lemon grass, quinine and cocoa.

Modern medicines are produced chemically and often involve drugs. Modern medicines are produced in the form of pills, capsules, emulsion, paste and solution. Modern medicines include analgesics, antibiotics, psychoterapeutic drugs, hormones and steroids. Analgesics are medicines that relieve pain by acting on receptors on the nerve cells of the spinal cord or brain. Examples of analgesics include aspirin, paracetamol and codeine. Antibiotics are obtained from mold or other

microorganisms. It used to treat infection due to bacteria. Examples of antibiotics include penicillin and streptomycin.

Psychotherapeutic drugs are used to treat psychiatric patients by altering the emotions as well as the behaviour and thoughts of the patient. Therefore, this category and of medicine should not consumed doctor.

indiscriminately Psychotherapeutic

without can

prescription be

from into





antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs. Stimulants are used to enhance or stimulate the mental activity, emotions as well as the activity of the body of the patients. Examples of stimulants are amphetamine and caffeine. Antidepressants are used to control depression, grim feelings, worry, anxiety and panic in patients. Some examples of antidepressants in the market today are tranquilizers and barbiturates. Antipsychotic drugs are used to treat symptoms of a type of psychotic illness or mental disorder known as schizophrenia. Common antipsychotic medicines are chlorpromazine, haloperidol and clozapine.

Besides this, taking drugs excessively and without a doctors prescription is called drug abuse. The use of certain drugs like ecstasy and ice produce harmful side effects. In addition, some types of medicines may cause harmful side effects if being misused without a doctors instructions. The

harmful side effects posed by medicines should be seriously attended to and the doctors advice and instructions should be strictly followed.

6.0 References
1 ) Lim Eng Wah, Low Swee Neo, Lim Yean Ching, Eng Nguan Hong and Umi Kaithom Binti Ahmad, 2006. Chemistry Form 5. Runz Creative Sdn. Bhd.

2 ) Vijaya Viswanathan B.Sc. , Catherine Lee B.Sc.Ed.( Hons. ), 2007. New Vision Chemistry SPM. Marshall Cavendish ( Malaysia ) Sdn. Bhd.

3 ) Jess Tan Bsc ( Hons ) Ed, MED : COMPLETE Text & Guide SPM ARAHAN PENDIDIKAN


medicine, Modern medicine,

5 ) Lim Eng Wah, Low Swee Neo, Lim Yean Ching, Eng Nguan Hong, 2007. Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

5.3 : Medicine
A medicine is a substances used to prevent or cure disease or to reduce pain and suffering due to illness.


Local name


Aloe vera Betel Bitter gourd Coconut Garlic Ginger Ginseng Hibiscus Turmeric

Lidah buaya Sireh Peria Kelapa Bawang putih Halia Ginseng Bunga Raya Kunyit

Sap used to relieved pain from burns Leaves relieved sore eyes Fruit used to cure diabetes Young coconut water reduces fever Reduces infection and hypertension Reduces inflammation and improves blood circulation and digestion Roots maintain good health Leaves relieves headache and hair loss Cures pimples

Traditional medicines Derived from plants and animals


Modern medicines Chemicals that are extracted from plants and animals

Type of modern medicine Analgesics Antibiotics Psychotherapeutic medicines



Relieve pain Aspirin, paracetamol Kill or inhibit growth of Penicillin, streptomycin infectious bacteria Control symptoms of Stimulants, mental illness antidepressants

Side effects of medicines Both traditional and modern medicines have side effects Some traditional medicines help people lose their weight by speeding up their metabolism. The side effects are an increase in blood pressure and heart rate Birth control pills are an example of modern medicine. Women who use them experience side effects such as hypertension, acne, and abnormal bleeding. Correct ways of using medicines Use the correct amount or dosage and using it for the correct purpose For example, using antibiotics to treat infections caused by viruses is drug misuse. This is because antibiotics have no effect on viruses. Drug abuse is using drug for its intoxicating effect. For example, the use of Morphine, Viagra and ecstasy pills.

Sources and medicines
suffering due to illnesses. 2. Traditional medicines are medicines derived from natural sources such as plants and animals without being processed chemically. 3. Since ancients, mankind had used various types of plants and roots, animals and animal part to cure diseases. 4. Medicines obtained from plants are known as herbal medicines. The sources and uses of some herbal medicines are shown in table below : Plant Garlic Ginger Part of the plant used Corm Rhizome (horizontal Uses For preventing flu attack For reducing high blood pressure For treating stomach pain due to




1. A medicine is a substance used to prevent or cure diseases or to reduce pain and

underground and leaves


wind in the stomach For supplying heat energy to keep the body warm For preventing flu attack For preventing itchy skin For treating burns (scalding) on the skin For treating boils or abscesses on the skin For preventing flu attack For treating skin diseases For treating malaria For preventing muscle cramps As a tonic to improve the overall health of human beings For increasing energy, endurance and reducing fatigue Has antibacterial and antifungal properties For treating cough As a tonic for after a birth and general health

Aloe vera


Lemon (lime)


Quinine Ginseng

Bark of Chinchona tree Roots

Lemon grass


Tongkat Ali


Modern medicines
1. Before the 20th century, most medicines were extracted from plants (herbal medicines). Since 1900. Thousands of modern drugs have been synthesised from organic compound. 2. Modern medicines can be classified as follows based on their effects on the human body. 3. Some examples of modern medicines are analgesics, antibiotics, psychotherapeutic drugs. 4. Modern drugs have a trade name and a generic name. For example, the analgesic aspirin (generic name) is sold under different brand names such as Caprin and Disprin. Similarly, paracetamol (generic name) is sold under the trade name of Panadol.

5. Modern medicines usually contain a mixture of active ingredients prepared in different forms, such as capsules, pills, solutions or suspensions. For example, Alka-Seltzer (used as an antacid) contains sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), citric acid and aspirin. It is the sodium bicarbonate then neutralizes the excess stomach acid.

Fucntion of each type of modern drug

Analgesics 1. Analgesics are medicines that relieve pain. Examples of analgesics are aspirin, paraccetamol, and codeine. Analgesics are sometimes called painkillers. 2. Aspirin and paracetamol are mild painkillers whereas codeine is powerful painkillers. 3. Analgesics relive pain but do not cure the disease. 4. Aspirin : pain relief and anti-inflammatory action a) The IUPAC name of aspirin is acetyl aslicylec acid. Aspirin contains two functional groups, a carboxylic acid group and the ester group. Thus, aspirin is aicidc in nature. b) Uses of aspirin Aspirin reduces fever and inflammable as well as relives pain. Aspirin is used to : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 5. Paracetamol a) Paracetamol have the following structural formula. Thus, unlike aspirin, paracetamol is neutral in nature. b) Paracetamol is similar to aspirin in its effects (that is, reduces fever and relieves pain) but it does not reduce inflammation. c) Paracetamol also reduces or relieves flu symptoms such as fever, bone aches and runny nose. 6. Codeine a) Codeine is an organic compound that contains the elements of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. b) Codeine is an analgesics and is used to relive mirror to moderate pain. Codeine is more powerful than morphine. Codeine and morphine are narcotic drugs

Reduce fever Relieve headaches, muscle aches and joint aches Treat arthritis, a disease caused by inflammation of the joints Act as an anticoagulant. It prevents the clotting of blood and reduce the risk of the heart attack and strokes.

c) Codeine is also used in cough mixtures for suppressing coughs.

Antibiotics : antibacterial medicine 1. Antibiotics are chemicals that destroy or prevent the growth of infectious microorganism. 2. Two examples of antibiotics are penicillin and streptomycin. 3. Antibiotics are used to treat diseases caused by bacteria. 4. Antibiotics are not effective against diseases caused by viral infections such as influenza, measles, or small pox. 5. Penicillin a) Penicillin is derived from the mould Penicillium notatum. b) Penicillin are used to treat diseases, caused by bacteria, such as pneumonia, gonorrhea and syphilis. c) Penicillin is only effective on certain bacteria. For example, it cannot be used to treat tuberculosis. 6. Streptomycin is the antibiotic that is effective in treating tuberculosis. Psychotherapeutic medicines 1. Psychotherapeutic medicines are a group of drugs for treating mental or emotional illnesses. 2. Psychotherapeutic drugs can be divided into a few groups as shown in table below : Types of psychotherapeutic drugs a) Stimulants b) Antidepressant c) Antipsychotic agents Example Caffeine, amphetamine Prozac Chloropromazin


Stimulants a) Stimulants are naturally occurring or synthetic drugs that stimulate (excite) the activity of the brain and central nervous system.

b) Adrenaline is a stimulant that the body produces when it needs to prepare for demanding or energetic activities. c) Stimulants make a person more alert, more energetic, less tired and more cheerful. d) Examples of stimulants are caffeine and amphetamines. Caffeine is a week, naturally occurring stimulant and is found on coffee, tea and Cola drinks. e) Amphetamines are strong synthetic stimulants and increase alertness and physical ability. f) Amphetamines increase the heart and respiration rates, as well as the blood pressure. As a result, it causes the body to postpone the need of sleep and can reverse, partially and temporarily, the symptoms of fatigue. 4. Antidepressants a) Depression is a chronic illness. Most cases of depression are caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. b) People experiencing depression feel hopeless. They experience a loss of interest in everyday activities such as work or hobbies. c) There is a strong correlation between the amounts of special chemicals (called neurotransmitters) in the brain and a persons mood. If these chemicals get too low, the person may feel depressed. d) Antidepressants are medicines that increase the brains level of neurotransmitters, thus improving mood. e) Antidepressants make a person feel calm and sleepy. 5. Antipsychotic medicines a) Psychosis is the serious mental illness in which people lose touch with reality. People with psychosis may, Hear voice and see things that are not really there (hallucinations) Have belief that are not based on reality (delusions) b) In psychiatry, there are a number of disorders that are classified under psuchosis, such as schizophrenias (madness), psychotic depression, mania and so on. c) Psychotic patients have extreme mood swings. Their mood changes rapidly from high spirit to deep depression. d) Antipsychotic medicines do not cure symptoms to help the person live a more normal life.

Side effects of traditional medicines

1. It is generally believed that traditional medicines have little side effects compared to modern medicines. In fact, traditional medicines are sometimes used to counteract the side effects of some modern medicines. 2. However, taking high doses of quinine for a prolonged period may cause hearing loss. German health officials recently reported 40 cases of liver damage which were linked to the herbal medicine containing kava-kava. 3. While the use of traditional medicine is rising globally, health experts have insufficient data about how it affects patients. 4. The World Health Organisation( WHO) hopes to set up a global monitoring system to monitor the adverse side effects of traditional medicines.

Side effects of modern medicines

Type of modern drug Aspirin

Side effects Can cause bleeding in the stomach because aspirin is vey acidic. Can cause allergic reactions, skin rashes and asthmatic attacks People who abuse amphetamines are excitable and talkative. Psychologically additive and can cause heart attack. Can cause anxiety, sleeplessness, aggressive behavior and decrease appetite. Can cause enlarged pupils, heavy perspiration and trembling hands. Can cause addiction. Can cause allergic reactions. Can cause death for people who are allergic to it. Can cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, rashes and fever. Can cause loss of hearing following long-term use. Can cause addiction. Can cause addiction. Can cause headaches, grogginess and loss of appetite. Can cause dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary retention, constipation. Can cause tremor and restlessness. Sedation (make people calmer, or to make people sleepy)


Codeine Penicillin Streptomycin Stimulants Antidepressants Antipsychotic drugs

Correct ways of using medicines

In taking any medicine, we should know why the medicine is prescribed, how the medicine should be used, what special precautions should be followed, what special diet should be followed, what are the side effects, and what storage conditions are needed. In addition, we should note the following points :

1. Self-medication Do not prescribe medicines for yourself (self-medication) or for other people. Discuss with your doctor and listen to him concerning the medicine to be taken. 2. Follow the instructions given Follow the instructions given by your doctor or pharmacist concerning the dosage and method of taking the medicine. 3. Medicines for adult and children Medicines for adult should not be given to children and vice versa. 4. Side effects Visit the doctor immediately if there are symptoms of allergy or other effects of the drugs. 5. Expiry date Like foods, medicines also have expiry date. Do not take medicines after their expiry dates.


Medicines Sources & Uses of Traditional Medicines Modern Medicines - Functions of each type of Modern Meds Side Effects of Traditional Medicines

Side Effects of Modern Medicines Correct Ways of Using Medicines

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