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Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh MRU

4-days Sevika Varg 2012 report

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh Mauritius,has successfully conducted 4-days Sevikas Shibir- 2012 ( Mon 10 Dec 2012 to Fri 14 Dec 2012) at Petit Paquet, Montagne Blanche. There were 27 Sevikas along with 5 Shikshikas from 9 places. Amidst them, 50% were new comers.

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh MRU.

4-days Sevika Varg 2012 report
It was conducted in the presence of: Ragoonath Deeal ji Sandip Paithankar ji Sadanand Sapre ji Kunal Sonatun ji Lalit ji -----The President (Sanghchalak) The HSS Mauritius Coordinator Vishwa Vibhag Joint Coordinator HSS Mauritius Saha - Sharireek Pramukh Ghosh Shikshak

The Shikshika team members are: 1. Anushka Mungla ji - Baudhik Pramukh & Shikshika for Yogaasan and Samata 2. Dhrishti Bunomally ji - Shareerik Pramukh, Ghosh Member for Aanak & Shikshika for Yogchap and Achar Vibhag 3. Divyadarshinee Seeboo ji - Shikshika for Vyayamyog and Khel 4. Ashmita Seetal ji - Shikshika for Dand and Padavinyaas 5. Keerti Seenauth ji - Shikshika for Niyudh

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh MRU

4-days Sevika Varg 2012 report
10th Dec The sevikas were welcomed as from 14 00 at Deeal jis house where they were registered and served juice and snacks. The event was then inaugurated by Shree Ragoonath Deeal ji and Shree Sapre ji in the evening at 19 00.

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh MRU

4-days Sevika Varg 2012 report
Time table briefing As per the time table, 5am was the Wake Up time and after that there were full activities the whole day. Daily, 3 and half hours Physical Exercise Training which included DAND, NYUDDHA, YOGASAN, PADAVINYAS, Various SHAKHA KHEL, YOGACHAP, SAMATA, ACHAR PADHHATI and VYAYAMYOG. Breakfast was served at 08 00 after ghosh practice. Baudhik sessions were conducted followed by lunch.

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh MRU

4-days Sevika Varg 2012 report

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh MRU

4-days Sevika Varg 2012 report
Concerning the lunch, the sevikas were divided into 3 groups every day and hence, each group was welcomed by different senior Swayamsevaks families. Thus, they were able to interact with the villagers and share their experience with each other.

Baudhik & Charcha In everyday Informative, Baudhik and Charcha sessions, the following topics were covered by knowledgeable karyakartas of Mauritius: Mme.Sonatanji( Mahila Sabha Pramukh) Ma. sadanand Sapre ji Mme.Rashmi Lalbiharee ji
Anushka Mungla ji (jnt. Coordinator)

--How to manage social activity --Bhagwa Dhwaj - Our Guru --HSS work around the world
--Qualities of sevikas & Vishwa Prarthana

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh MRU

4-days Sevika Varg 2012 report
The saayam vandana was recited along with bhajaans and kirtans sung by the sevikas before dinner.

All sevikas were then gathered in mandir hall for dinner which was arranged by different families each day.

Ratri Karyakram The ratri karyakram consisted of: Life of Swami Vivekananda, Introduction of SSV by Dhrishti ji, Quiz Competition and Cultural Evening. The cultural evening programme was held on the 13th Dec evening after the Samaroh; bhajans were sung by the sevikas from Le Hochet, Vallee des Pretes and Camp de Masque sevikas while cultural dances and dramas were performed by all sevikas.

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh MRU

4-days Sevika Varg 2012 report
Outing Day On the 12th Dec, an outing was organized to Riche Fond. There, games like Khabadi were enjoyed by sevikas. Lunch was also served there itself on that day.

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh MRU

4-days Sevika Varg 2012 report
Samarop (Demonstration) Day

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh MRU

4-days Sevika Varg 2012 report

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh MRU

4-days Sevika Varg 2012 report

The samarop was conducted on the 13th Dec evening. It started with a wonderful Sanchalan in Petit Paquet which was appreciated a lot by the natives. Further, the different shareerik subjects were beautifully demonstrated by the sevikas. Anushka ji delivered the welcome speech. The event was also marked by the inspirational speeches of the chief guests, Shreya Seenauth ji and Shree Raghoonath Deeal ji.

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh MRU

4-days Sevika Varg 2012 report
Shreya ji, a very active social worker in Petit Paquet and President of the Mahila Sabha of Petit Paquet, addressed that HSS is doing a wonderful work in Mauritius and the importance of its activities in our society. On the other hand, Shree Ragoonath Deeal, President (Sanghchalak) of HSS Mauritius discussed aim and objectives (To unite and consolidate Hindu Community) of HSS in his speech. Delicious dinner was served to all guests whose presence honored the evening, after the programme. It was an inspiring, vibrant, memorable varg and everyone left determined to do sangh work in the future.

Shibir Geet Chal Niranter Chal Niranter A few lines: Chal niranter chal niranter chal niranter chal chal chal Mrutyunjay hum santati manu ki Mrutyunjay hum hindu karate, tatva chintana pal pal pal Chal niranter chal chal chal

Awards Essay competition on Swami Vivekananda was organized and 2 sevikas won the Best Essay award; Farshinee Rughoonundan ji and Yashika Ubheeram ji. Additionally, the Best Sevika 2012 award went to Swati Bheecarry ji. Furthermore, Saraswatee group won the 1st prize for the quiz competition.

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh MRU

4-days Sevika Varg 2012 report
Memories The outing day was memorable as all sevikas had really enjoyed the mahakhels and the beautiful rain along with the marvelous place. Besides, the lunch was extremely delicious. Further, most sevikas had been adoring the sunrise and the mountain view in the morning as clouds covered the peak due to rain, and also the sunset when we conducted the evening shakha at the football playground. In addition, since it was after a long that such a wonderful thing like the Sanchalan incurred in Petit Paquet, the inhabitants had appreciated the marching whereby many people took lots of photos. Point to be noted, it is the first time that a sevika, Dhrishti ji from Albion, has played the Aanak during Sanchalan and this great day has been printed in everyones heart. Moreover, the cultural evening was extremely fun.

Feedback Farshinee ji stated:

FarShy Rughoonundan

[ was my second time in hss was quite different this year as boys and girls were separated. but this have shown that we ;girls can manage very well without boys. This varg took place at petit paquet mt.blanche...i was staying at udhin's house which was a very beautiful house. and every morning as i opened the window in the kitchen i used to see the magificent mountain view surrounded by beautiful fog..i was left speechless..the weather was quite rainy but i enjoyed myself playing in the rain. this time i learnt many things like making my own tea ,how to manage a house, to do households, to be polite ,to share my things with others, to tolerate others behaviour...but one day when we went for lunch at an inhabitant; an old lady who was very polite,very nice..she started to praise her son who was a sevak in hss and suddenly she started to cry as she lost her son. this was quite emotional..i also like the company of many people special whose who was staying in the same house.they really

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh MRU

4-days Sevika Varg 2012 report
helped in some way. and i would like to thank everyone for giving me such nice moments. would definitely come next year..]

Ashmita ji statement:
Ashmita Ourvashee Seetal

[The varg was a successful one however there was less interaction between sewikas since there were two niwaas. New sewikas failed to mingle with senior ones. The varg should have been extended as 4 day is not enough for one to acquire a good knowledge on a specific subject. Gana should be divided properly so as not to slow fastlearners or those who already have a solid base on that particular subjects. Sewikas should be given more opportunities to play management and business games so as to develop their intellectual skills. We understand the absence of Saulickji, our Sanchalika for this varg. However the participation of Reshmeeji, our samraksika and Vidyajii, our sayomjika would have been highly appreciated since many sewikas are unaware of their existence.]

Keerti ji claimed:
[As this varg was my fifth one, my experience for sevika varg was awesome this year. At last HSS decided to have a separate varg for swayamsevak and swayamsevikas which was successful on the wing of sevikas. I feel proud as we, sevikas, were able to conduct our Sanchalan and Samaroh by ourselves. This proves that we are not less than the sevaks. I also got the chance to be a shikshika even if I was not a good one. Sometimes I was nervous especially when Deepa ji was standing beside me, seeing if I was doing well. This year sevikas from other villages came to Petit Paquet to attend the seminar. The way they behaved seemed like they really like the way it was and they also got the chance to get to know some senior sevaks/sevikas and their family. In some way, everyone helped their friend; when Farshinee ji had to do her essay and Dhrishti ji had to pratice her yogchap schedule for the next morning class. I dont know about others but this varg has really helped me; to develop my voice [to have a commanding voice], not to be shy in front of others, to be open. I thank you all for helping me and also to give me this opportunity to be a shikshika. Thanks -Keerti Seenauth]

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