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Nasir Arif

Hamza Gujjar

Supervised by

Mr.Saqlan Shamsi


Our project title as SMART Management is basically a web based project. The system is developed to provide a solution how to monitor & evaluate different tasks and milestones regarding project. User can view most detail information like messages, tasks, milestones, and files are related to a specific project. However, users can have access to several projects. This makes it possible that users can work on several projects at a time and different group members can collaborate on the same project. 1.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW In the last view years, web-based systems have witnessed an exponential growth in worth, size and usability. projection indicate that this trend will increase heavily in coming couple of years. with the help of fast growing computerized environment the people are emphases on project management because it can be seen from history most of the biggest projects failed due lack management Smart management is one of the project management tool that can be use to easily manage all project tasks, milestones and activities from the start to end of project.

1.2 PROJECT SCOPE The following areas are being covered in the system. 1.2.1 Multi-client Multi-client capability provide facility to simultaneously 1.2.2 Rights Management 2-Level rights management: will be provided. 1. 2. Administrator Client manage projects of different clients

1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7

Manage Milestones project milestones are efficiently. Manage Time Duration for specific milestone in a project is managed by gantt chart. Upload Files Files can be upload related to different project. Assign Tasks project tasks are assign to different project members. Create Project (as a non-administrator) Non-administrator person can create a project privileges is assigned by administrator.


Change Milestone Status Milestones status can be edit.


PROPOSED SOLUTION As we know now that a days management is a back bone of every project. If we see

all-round mostly project are failed due to mismanagement so that s why We are going to develop an online smart management system that will resolve these issues. This tool will provide help to users to managed all the tasks and milestones related to project online so that projects are completed on time scheduled. Scheduling is managed by providing facility of gain charts in this project.


PROPOSED SYSTEM COMPONENTS The key components of the proposed system are as follow.


Project project is combination of different milestones. The core component of this system is project that will be created and manged.

1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4

Project Milestone Milestones are project different phases to complete the project. Project Deliverable End product deliverer to customer. Assign Tasks Any activity to complete milestone

1.4.5 Admin Administrator is the person of this project that controls all the functions and working of this project. I.4.6 Client Client is a person that who will provide new project for development. 1.4.7 Scheduling Scheduling is a process of time setting of milestones from start to end. 1.5 PROPOSED SYSTEM OUTPUT

At the end this project we ill deliver a smart management system that will useful to manged all activities regarding project in well defined manners. 1.6 MAIN FEATURES OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM The proposed system has the following main features. 1.6.1 EFFICIENCY

Efficiency of any system is concerned with the minimum processing time as well as the optimal use of system resources in designing the proposed system; the efficiency factor has been taken well into consideration.



The interface our system is designed under consideration user requirements it should be user friendly, attractive, easy to understand, navigate & learn and self explanatory. The interface of Admin side has been also kept simple, so that Admin can perform manipulation operations on data such as data retrieval, editing, insertion and deletion with ease and handle database efficiently. 1.6.3 MINIMUM REDUNDANCY The database our system contains all the records stored in unique tables under consideration of cardinality and constraints. This data is easily accessible through unique primary and foreign keys reduce the chances of redundancy and data duplication. 1.6.4 FACILITATED DATA INPUT

In order to facilitates the user simple forms are provided on front-end interface to easily entry data in database. On back-end side well designed Admin panel is provided to facilitate the Admin of the system, which contains simple forms designed to enable data entry controls to view, insert, update, and delete the fields of a record.



As database our system is fully secure no single persons enter into system without login. Each user of system provide unique user name and password which based upon their roles granted Admin of the system, so that no person can perform unauthorized operations. Direct calls for data, can not be made through tables themselves. Since there is a single point of control for data manipulation, therefore it provides excellent data security.



Our solution is aimed to provide with: industry. Business Abundance Technology

In our technology driven society how one will ensure his businesss place in a competitive

We aimed to provide the choice for customer system and furthermore their users to pick and choose which objectives could be important for them. Control

Our advancement allows our clients to maintain control n their business with ease. They get information automatically which necessities to updating their system. 1.6.8 EXTENSIBILITY

The key feature of the proposed solution would be its extensibility. Our solution enables a new level of remote automation, programmability and extensibility using the modern technologies. 1.6.9 SCALABILITY Scalability of Smart management can be defined as the ease with which a system or component can be modified to fit the problem are. 1.6.10 ADHERENCE TO STANDARDS Our aim is to develop install and support the globally acknowledged technologies that serve the continuum of business procedures for older rules to the modern business process management skills.



1.7.1 ADOBE DREAMWEAVER Adobe Dreamweaver web design software provides an intuitive visual interface for making and editing HTML websites and mobile apps. Use new Fluid Grid Layout designed for cross-platform compatibility to create adaptive layouts. Review designs with the enhanced multiscreen preview before publishing. Dreamweaver is an industry standard for a web development environment. It allows any type of users, from beginners to professionals, from designers to developers, to easily and conveniently create simple or complex dynamic websites. 1.7.2 EDRAW MAX

Edraw Max is diagramming software that uses vector graphics to create diagrams.

1.7.3 WAMP SERVER WAMP stand for Windows, Apache, MySql, PHP/Perl/Python.WAMP is a form ofminiserver that can run on almost any Windows Operating system. WAMP includes Apache 2, PHP 5(SMTP ports are disabled), and MySql (phpMy Admins installed to manage your database) 1.7.4 ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 2010 Photo shop is a graphics and image editing program by Adobe Systems. It is what most professionals (and laypeople) consider to be the leader and industry standard in commercial and personal image (photo) manipulation. It is used to manipulate or enhance digital photographs and to create original digital artwork.

1.7.5 ADOBE DREAMWEAVER Design, develop and maintain standard based web applications. Design visually or directly in code, develop pages with content management system, and accurately test browser compatibility.

1.7.5 PHP PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. It is server side scripting language. PHP scripts are executed on the server. It supports many databases (MySql, Oracle etc.)

1.7.6 HTML HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is a type of computer language that is primarily used for files that are posted on the internet and view by the web browser. 1.7.7 CSS CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. Styles define how to display HTML elements. External Style sheets can save a lot of work. External style sheets are stored in CSS files.


2.0 Software Requirement Specification There are the following requirement specification consider under. 2.1 Introduction Smart management system is a collection of technologies and methodologies used to define how the project are to manged in well defined manners to overcome failures of projects due to mismanagement 2.2 Purpose we will cover the following era of management. 2 level rights management. Possibility to limit rights client users per project. Manage Message Manage Milestones Manage Time Assign Tasks Manage Project Manage User Manage Profile


Proposed System Overview: This is web based project management system. In this system user can create project,

all the activities regarding project can be managed from envisioning to stabilizing stage of software project development life cycle (SDLC).The basic purpose of this system is deliver a product on the time Scheduled.


Modules of the System There are the following modules of the system under consideration.


Admin is a competitive authority of this system that can grant rights and privileges to each user of this system. Admin can controls all the functionalities and working of this system. Manage Messages User messages can be managed. Manage Tasks Different tasks are managed using gantt chart. Manage Time Time is managed using colander Milestones are managed using gain chart. Manage Project Project can be managed. 2.3 Specification Requirements There are three types of specification requirements. 2.3.1 Functional Requirements:

Functional requirements are the capabilities and functions that our System must be able to perform successfully. . User roles are managed assigning different privileges. User can manage their messages. Project milestone can be managed. Time can be managed by using calendar. Milestones status can be change. Admin manage user Admin can manage profile 2.3.2 External Interface Requirements:

User friendly interface. Easy to understand. Performance. Availability. Maintainability.

2.3.3 Performance Requirements Performance Time Response time of this system is very less therefore the system is efficient because the efficiency of the system is inversely proportional to its response time.


General Constraints: 2.4.1 The Product:

For our product to work properly, following constraints must be kept in mind: Wamp server must installed.


Hardware Constraints:

For Server

Hardware Platform: At least 1 GB Ram. Operating System: 32-bit Windows OS Software Platform: Wamp Server For Client Pentium-4 s pc required and with 1 GB RAM


Guidelines: Connection should be reliable and fast, assuring that no time is wasted.

2.5 Project Objectives: The main objective of this system is to provide a web based smart management system that will manage projects all activates to complete project on the scheduled time without any delay.



Fully dress Use Cases:

Use case UC01: Log-in

Primary Actor: Owner company, Client company, Administrator User: Wants to sign in. Pre-conditions: User already registered. Main Success Scenario (or Basic Flow): Actors Actions 1. User wants to log in. 3- Submits user name and password. 5- Administrator is Log-in 7- User wants to log in. 9- Submits user name and password 11- User is log in. System Response 2- Asks for user name and password. 4- Validates authenticated details. 6- Session started successfully. 8- Asks for user name and password. 10- Validates authenticated details. 12- Session started successfully.

Use case UC02: Manage Project

Primary Actor: Admin User: Wants to create project. Pre-conditions: user wants to create project. Main Success Scenario (or Basic Flow): Actors Actions 1-User wants to manage project. System Response 2- System allows to manage project. 4- system store information in database.

Use case UC03: Manage Tasks

Primary Actor: Owner company, Administrator User: Wants to assign tasks. Pre-conditions: Admin wants assign tasks. Main Success Scenario (or Basic Flow): Actors Actions 1. Admin want to manage tasks. System Response 2- system allows admin to manage tasks 3- system stores information in database.

Use case UC04: Manage User

Primary Actor: Owner company, Administrator Admin: Wants to manage User Pre-conditions: Admin wants manage user Main Success Scenario (or Basic Flow): Actors Actions 1. Admin wants to manage user System Response 2- system allows to manage user 3- system stores information in database.

Use case UC05: Schedule Project

Primary Actor: Owner company, Administrator Admin: Wants to manage schedule project. Pre-conditions: Owner company/Admin wants manage time. Main Success Scenario (or Basic Flow): Actors Actions 1. Admin wants to schedule project. System Response 2- system allows to schedule project 3- system stores information in database.

Use case UC06: Manage profile

Primary Actor: Administrator Admin: Wants to manage profile Pre-conditions: User wants upload file. Main Success Scenario (or Basic Flow): Actors Actions System Response

1- User wants to manage milestones.

2- system allows to manage milestones. 3- system stores information in database.

Chapter 3

SOFTWARE DESIGN 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Use Cases (Diagram) Class Diagrams Activity Diagrams Sequence Diagrams Collaboration Diagrams Component Diagrams Deployment Diagrams ERD Data Dictionary



Use case diagrams show the interaction of users of the system with the functionality of the system.



3.2.1 Login

3.2.2 Add Project

3.2.3 View Project

3.2.4 Edit Project

3.2.5 Delete Project

3.2.6 Add Client

3.2.7 View Client

3.2.8 Delete Client

3.2.9 Edit Client

3.2.10 Schedule Project

3.2.11 Edit File

3.2.12 Add Task

3.2.13 Delete Task

3.2.14 View Task

3.2.15 Edit Task

3.2.16 View Profile

3.2.17 Edit Profile

3.3 Collaboration Diagrams

A collaboration diagram models the interactions between objects or parts in terms of sequenced messages. Collaboration diagrams represent a combination of information taken from Class, Sequence, and Use Case Diagrams describing both the static structure and dynamic behavior of a system.

3.3.1 Login

3.3.2 Add Project

3.3.3 View Project

3.3.4 Edit Project

3.3.5 Delete Project

3.3.6 Add Client

3.3.7 View Client

3.3.8 Delete Client

3.3.9 Edit Client

3.3.10 Schedule Project

3.3.11 Add Task

3.3.12 Delete Task

3.3.13 View Task

3.3.14 Edit Task

3.2.15 View Profile


Class Diagrams
A Class diagram shows the static structure of the system. It defines model elements

such as classes, interfaces, and user-defined data types, their internal structure, and their relationships to each other.


Component Diagrams
A component diagram depicts how components are wired together to form larger components and or software systems. They are used to illustrate the structure of arbitrarily complex systems.

3.6 Deployment Diagrams

A deployment diagram models the physical deployment of artifacts on nodes.


Data Dictionary

As this project involves management of database at server side so a database design is also crucial in the design model so that it can easily be deployed in the implementation phase.


FIELD NAME Project_id Project_tittle DATA TYPE int varchar SIZE 11 100 CONSTRAINTS Primary key Not null

NAME: Client
FIELD NAME Client_id Client_name Client_email DATA TYPE Int Int Varchar SIZE 11 11 50 CONSTRAINTS Primary Key Not null Not null


FIELD NAME Admin_id Admin_name Admin_email DATA TYPE Int Varchar Varchar SIZE 11 50 50 CONSTRAINTS Primary Key Not Null Not null

TABLE NAME: Milestone

FIELD NAME Milestone_id Milestone_name DATA TYPE Int Varchar SIZE 11 50 CONSTRAINTS Primary key Not null


FIELD NAME Task_id Task_name End date Start date DATA TYPE Int Varchar Date Date SIZE 11 50 15 15 CONSTRAINTS Foreign Key Not Null Not null Not null

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