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you spoke, we listened and then we acted

iNtroduCiNG: td3 litE SolutioN

FROM JUST E15 a week*

SErViCE rECEptioN CuStomEr iNtErViEw SErViCE bookiNG diaGNoStiC triaGE promotioNal diSplayS
lightweight, customer appeal, tablet technology. SolUtion: td3 litE

workShop tEChNiCiaN tool throuGhput, CapaCity VEhiClE CommS

lightweight, touch Screen, tablet, Simplified, Connectivity SolUtion: td3 litE

tEChdoC 3 Full Capability, primary td3 SyStEm FlaGShip SyStEm VEhiClE CommS VEhiClE mEaSurEmENt oN-SitE iNStallEr pC, kEyboard baSEd


Flagship system, full diagnostic capability, typically 1 per dealership Higher cost Yes, Connects to Dealer Infrastructure via scheduled programme approved installer Keyboard, large, heavy, laptop Optional External Webcam Now

Capability EaSy FiNaNCE VEhiClES CommS ECU rE-programming StatEmEnt of hEalth faUlt CodES (dtCS) VEhiClE mEaSurEmENt
Technician Capacity tool to increase throughput within dealership. Typically 2nd and 3rd Systems Lower cost, easy finance, multiple systems, throughput

faUlt finding ComponEnEtS mUlti mEtEr oSCilliSCopE CoNNECtiVity ErGoNomiCS ENhaNCEd tEChNiCal Support aVailability
Yes, Simple out of box experience, connects to Dealer Infrastructure via easy to follow animated instructions Touchscreen, Small, lightweight tablet Integral Front and Rear Cameras June 2012, Exclusive to Toyota Europe ARs only. Dealership must already have a TD3 Gold system.

td3 lite: two optionS, you chooSe


easy finance for 15 a week

or BUy for onLy 1,750
Lightweight High, Tablet based, Light weight, Yes, 3 year next business day accidental cover with accidental damage Service Reception and workshop Entry point, power efficient Atom processor, 2GB RAM, with 32GB solid state Memory Yes and Stylus pen Yes - Highly Stylised, exclusive to ST to offer enhanced protection from knocks and bumps Yes - New & Exclusive to TD3, Syncs with TD3 Gold system via animated easy to follow video, a few clicks and connected out of the box Lowest entry point 15 per week* 1,765*

workShop rEady CoNSumEr appEal produCt Support ENViroNmENt proCESSor aNd mEmory touCh SCrEEN protECtiVE JaCkEt VEhiClE iNtErFaCE CoNNECtiVity priCiNG EaSy FiNaNCE buy priCE

Fully rugged Workshop rugged

easy finance for 22 a week

or BUy for onLy 2,490

Yes 3 year Loaner support model Workshop Faster Celeron Processor, 2GB RAM, with Larger, 250GB, Capacity Hard Drive Yes and Stylus pen Not required, ruggedised chasis, mil-spec, IP65, rugged design Yes - New lightweight easy to use Gateway, exclusive to Toyota Europe ARs only Syncs with TD3 Gold system via animated easy to follow video, a few clicks and connected out of the box Better than lower 22 per week* 2,490*


Exlcusive to Toyota Europe Only available with TD3 Lite Solution Light weight and ease of use Vehicle Interface Gateway Unique modular design with future proof detachable cable Enhanced 3 year advance replace support

No oN-site iNstallatioN!!
TD3 Lite, Delivered, out of the box, ready to use Automatic, easy to follow animated instructions With a few simple clicks your TD3 Lite syncs with your TD3 Gold System Automatically connects to your wireless infrastructure No waiting for an on-site installer

*Credit available for selected markets, price variable per market, see Snap-on Local Manager, or SMC portal for details.

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