Kristopher Cannon - CV - 12-2012

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Department of Communication Georgia State University Atlanta, GA 30303

Ph.D. Georgia State University, Atlanta, ABD, in progress. Department of Communication Moving Image Studies Program Dissertation: Oblique Optics:Visions of Otherness in the Image and its Queer Children. Committee: Alessandra Raengo (advisor), Jennifer Barker, Ted Friedman, Angelo Restivo, and Steven Shaviro M.A. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, 2007 Department of Communication; LGBT Studies Certificate Capstone: Lurking on MySpace: Conceptualizing Lurking on a Continuum of Relational Intrusion Behavior. Committee: Robert Alan Brookey (advisor), Kelly Happe, and Betty LaFrance B.S. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, 2005 Gender Studies Program Thesis: The Marginalization of the queer Queer. Advisor: Kathryn Bond Stockton University of Tampere, Finland, 2004 Womens Studies Program Department of Social Sciences.

Scholarly Work & Research - Publications


Kristopher L. Cannon (2010). Cutting Race Otherwise: Imagining Michael Jackson. Spectator, 30.2, pp. 28-36. Robert Alan Brookey & Kristopher L. Cannon (2009). Sex Lives in Second Life. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 26.2, pp. 145-164.

Kristopher L. Cannon & Jennifer M. Barker (2012). Hard Candy, in Pelle Snickars & Patrick Vonderau (Eds.) Moving Data.The iPhone and My Media, New York: Columbia University Press.

Robert Alan Brookey & Kristopher L. Cannon (2010). Sex Lives in Second Life," in Gail Dines and Jean M. Humez (Eds.), Gender, Race, and Class in Media: A Text-Reader, Third Edition, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, pp. 571-582.


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Kristopher L. Cannon (2010). Chrysanthi Nigianni and Merl Storr (2009) Deleuze and Queer Theory [Book Review]. Deleuze Studies, 4, pp. 432-436. Kristopher L. Cannon (2008). Kathryn Bond Stockton. Encyclopedia Entry in John Hawley (Ed.) LGBTQ America Today, Westport: Greenwood Press.

Kristopher L. Cannon (2012, Jan. 16) "Technological#Failure." in What are these Technological Things?, In Media Res, available at: Kristopher L. Cannon (2011, Feb. 01) "Hedwig Leaves Her Stain on the Shortbus." in The Films of John Cameron Mitchell, In Media Res, available at: hedwig-leaves-her-stain-shortbus

Scholarly Work & Research - Presentations

Kristopher L. Cannon (2011, Oct). "Disfiguring Distance: The Scarred Gap between Presence and Absence." A paper presented at the World Picture Conference, Toronto, Canada. (2011, Mar). How the Digital Imag(in)es Itself: an Inter-face to Unfold Subjects within Stashed Cache. A paper presented at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, New Orleans, LA. (2011, Feb). Tracing Palpable, Plastic Seams: Surface Layer (Object) Orientations in Hirokazus Air Doll (2009). A paper presented at the Rendering the Visible Conference, Atlanta, GA. (2010, Oct). From Picture to Image through Si(gh)tes Un-seen: An Oblique Optic to Illuminate Queer Fetal Photographs. A paper presented at the World Picture Conference, Stillwater, OK. (2009, Mar). Cutting Race Otherwise: Michael Jackson and the Fantasy of Trans-Racial Visual Presence. A paper presented at the National Council of Black Studies, Atlanta, GA. , presented with Robert Alan Brookey (2008, Nov). Researching your Way to the Top: An Independent Study in Sexuality Research. A paper presented at the National Communication Association conference, San Diego, CA. (2008, Sept). Enacting Categorical Resistance:Visual Queerness on A paper presented at the Midwest Popular Culture Association conference, Cincinnati, OH. (2008, May). The Epidermalization of Clothing: Bodies in Second Life. A paper presented at the Cultural Studies Association conference, New York, NY. , co-authored with Robert Alan Brookey (2008, Apr). Sex Lives in Second Life. A paper presented at the Central States Communication Association conference, Madison, WI. Received Top Paper from the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Caucus. (2006, Oct). Monstrous Inscriptions: Discussing Synecdoche in the Film Monster. A paper presented at the Midwest Popular Culture Association conference, Indianapolis, IN. (2006, Oct). The Monstrosity of Michael JacksonShifting from Black Male Rapist to White Female Diva. A paper presented at the Midwest Popular Culture Association conference, Indianapolis, IN. (2005, Jun). Creating a Human Rights Exhibit: The Human Rights Experience at the University of Utah, 1850-2004. A project presented at the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity, New York, NY. (2003, Apr). Disneys Hidden Queer AgendaMulan as an Effeminate Gay Male. A paper presented at the Utah Folklore Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.


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Recognition of Scholarly Work & Research

2010 2007 Outstanding Academic Achievement in Graduate Studies, Department of Communication, Georgia State University. Certificate of Merit, Department of Communication, Northern Illinois University.

Research Awards & Scholarships

2011 - 2012 New & Emerging Media Research Lab, $22,000 Research Fellowship, Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, 2nd Century Initiative, Georgia State University. 2007 - 2011 Graduate Student Assistantship, Department of Communication, Georgia State University. 2006 Graduate Student Travel Award, $500 Travel Stipend, Department of Communication, Northern Illinois University. 2006 Colloquium Grant $5,000, Graduate School, Northern Illinois University. 2005 - 2007 Graduate Student Assistantship, Department of Communication, Northern Illinois University. 2003 - 2004 Human Rights Project Grant $15,000 grant to create an exhibit about human rights history at the University of Utah, Office of the Assistant Vice President for Diversity and Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, University of Utah. 2002 Student Travel Award $1000 travel grant, National Youth Advocacy Summit, Washington D.C. 2000 - 2002 2-year Entrance Scholarship Full funding and renewable, College of Humanities, University of Utah.

Research Specializations

My dissertation, titled "Oblique Optics:Visions of Otherness in the Image and its Queer Children," engages with the intersection between media technology and media art through research that explores how bodily forms function as mediating figures to reveal the queerness of images and visuality. Studies about the strangeness of visuality (how visuality moves strangely, mediates strangeness, or is debased by strangeness) have received little scholarly attention and I aim to make images touch upon, influence, and/or contaminate each other. The range of artifacts I explore include images of sonograms and ultrasound technologies, the film The Body Beautiful (Onwurah, 1991), online social network profiles, Michael Jackson, the film Air Doll (Hirokazu, 2009), digital computer interfaces, and glitch art. My dissertation considers how the sideways sight of the Queer Child provides cross-disciplinary approaches to visuality. The Queer Child offers insight about how we might torque our disciplined approaches to visuality, is a guide for others to perceive indeterminable and transformative movements within the realm of visuality and, ultimately, initiates a path to understand how our perceptions of visuality and (digital) media shift when seen queerly.

(New) Media Studies,Visual Culture Studies, Film Studies, Queer Theory, Critical/Cultural Theory, Technology Studies, Sexuality & Gender Studies, Object Oriented Ontology, Thing Theory, Phenomenology.


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Spr 2009 Fall 2008 Sum 2008 Spr 2008 Fall 2007

Cinema and the Senses (COMM 8980, Special Topics) Seminar on Deleuze (COMM 8980) Television Studies (COMM 8980) New Directions in Cultural Studies (COMM 8980) Queer Theory (ENGL 9050, Topics in Contemporary Theory) Race and Visual Culture: Race as Visual Language of Social Relations (COMM 8980) Game Studies (COMM 8980) Lacan, Hitchcock, Lynch (ENGL 9050, Topics in Contemporary Theory) Comparative Studies in Emerging Media (COMM 8770) Film Theory (COMM 8980) Media Historiography (COMM 8420) Critical Visual Culture Theory (COMM 8980) Communication Pedagogy (COMM 8035) Style & Narrative Analysis: Modernism and its Vernaculars. (COMM 8160)

Teaching Experience


Film Aesthetics and Analysis (FILM1010)* Introductory course to for Film Studies majors.This course emphasizes includes intensive writing instruction and introduces students to methodologies like close-textual analysis. Film Aesthetics and Analysis (FILM1010)* Gender (Trouble) in Film (FILM4765, Gender and Film)* I designed this course to function as a survey of feminist film theory and criticism, which moves into contemporary theories and studies of gender and sexuality in film.This course explores how gender operates within normative frameworks, becoming troubled by images/ performances of non-normative gender and sexuality, and how gender goes awry in film when it is reconfigured in relation to post-human object-oriented philosophies. New Media Studies (Film4780, Special Topics)* I designed this special topics course to introduce film studies students to a range of topics within new media studies.This course aimed to clarify distinctions between "new" media in relation to "old" media within historical and theoretical frameworks.The course was divided by theoretical topics, including digital aesthetics, constructions of cyborgs or post-humans, "mediations" of technology, and virtual realities. Transnational Queer Cinemas (Film 4180, International Cinemas)* I designed this course to consider how international cinema or world cinema would change if categories for national cinemas or national boundaries were to shift toward malleable trans/ national models and conceptualizations. I foregrounded queer theories and methodologies as one pathway destabilize the connection between international cinema and national context. My aim was to facilitate unfixed models to approach trans/national cinemas, peoples and places, whereby our continual re-orientation might allow us to understand (non-US) film differently.


* Instructor of Record


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2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

Film Aesthetics and Analysis (FILM1010)* Gender (Trouble) in Film (FILM4765, Gender and Film)* Film Aesthetics and Analysis (FILM1010)* History of Motion Pictures (FILM2700) History of Motion Pictures (FILM2700) Introduction to Communication (COMS 100)* Rhetoric and the Media (COMS 230) Introduction to Communication (COMS 100)*


* Instructor of Record

Professional Development & Service


2007 - curr. Queer Studies Area Chair Solicit, review, and accept/reject paper proposals for annual conference. Organize accepted submissions into panels for area.

2010 - curr. Editorial Board, Theme Week Curator/Coordinator Solicit, review, and accept/reject curator proposals for theme weeks. Organize, confirm and administer the curations/posts for the theme week. What are these Technological Things? (January 16-20, 2012) "The Gender/Queerness of Lady Gaga." (August 2-6, 2010) "Technological Object Orientations." (January 10-14, 2010) Theme Week Administrator Organize, confirm and administer the curations/posts for the theme week. "Steven Shaviro's Post-Cinematic Affect." (August 29-September 2, 2011)


Co-organizer, Rendering the Visible Conference Moving Image Studies Program, Georgia State University This two day conference included a screening with Phil Solomon, two keynote speakers and conference participants from four continents. Organizational responsibilities included: venue planning, paper solicitation, panel organization, and all conference printing and web-design.


2006 - curr. Member, Midwest Popular Culture Association 2007 - 2008 Member, National Communication Association 2009 - curr. Member, Society for Cinema and Media Studies
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2011 2010 2010 2010 2003 2002 2002 2002 2002

Two-day colloquium with Ernesto Laclau, Department of Communication, Georgia State University. National Science Foundation Communication Ethics and the Responsible Conduct of Research, Georgia State University. Object Oriented Ontology Symposium, The School of Literature, Communication and Culture, Georgia Institute of Technology. Respondent & Participant, Two-day book manuscript workshop for/with Dudley Andrew, Moving Image Studies Program, Department of Communication, Georgia State University. Stop the Hate: Hate Crimes Prevention & Instruction, University of Utah. United Leadership Conference, University of Utah. I-LEAD, Bloomington, Indiana. National Youth Advocacy Annual Summit, Washington D.C. Leadershape, University of Utah.

University Service & Outreach Activity



Discussant, Graduate Student Orientation, Moving Image Studies Program, Georgia State University. 2009 - 2011 Web design for the Moving Image Studies Program and Department of Communication, Georgia State University. 2008 - 2011 Research Assistant for Alessandra Raengo, race and visual culture. 2010 Discussant, "Preparing for comprehensive exams," Professionalization Seminar Brown Bag, Department of Communication, Georgia State University. 2010 Discussant, Graduate Student Orientation, Moving Image Studies Program, Georgia State University. 2009 Invited Lecturer, "Cutting Race Otherwise: Imagining Michael Jackson," African American Cinema Undergraduate Seminar, Georgia State University. 2009 Presenter, Cutting Race Otherwise: Michael Jackson and the Fantasy of Trans-Racial Visual Presence, Professionalization Seminar, Georgia State University. 2007 - 2008 Research Assistant for Jack Boozer, film and adaptation.


Research Assistant for Laura Vasquez, designed syllabus for graduate course on masculinity and film. 2006 - 2007 Second-Year Executive Council Member, GradCOMM 2006 Research Assistant for Kelly Happe, rhetoric and science. 2005 - 2006 First-Year Executive Council Member, GradCOMM

2002 - 2005 University Committees: A. Ray Olpin Student Union Hiring Committee. LGBT Resource Center Hiring Committee.
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LGBT Resource Center Advisory Board Member. University of Utah Diversity Committee. University of Utah Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Committee, Exhibit Chair. 2002 - 2004 LGBT Resource Center Staff Member; grant writer, public relations, marketing. 2003 - 2004 Arts & Special Events Chair, Union Programming Council 2002 - 2003 Co-President, Lesbian and Gay Student Union 2002 - 2003 Performing Arts Chair, Union Programming Council 2001 - 2002 Activities Director, Lesbian and Gay Student Union

Dr. Alessandra Raengo (Dissertation Advisor) E-Mail: Address: Department of Communication, Georgia State University One Park Place, Suite 1046 Atlanta, GA 30303 Dr. Jennifer Barker E-Mail: Address: Department of Communication, Georgia State University One Park Place, Suite 1045 Atlanta, GA 30303 Dr. David Cheshier E-Mail: Address: Department of Communication, Georgia State University One Park Place, Suite 663 Atlanta, GA 30303 Dr. Angelo Restivo E-Mail: Address: Department of Communication, Georgia State University One Park Place, Suite 1051 Atlanta, GA 30303


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