Evaluating Web Sources Scavenger Hunt

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Evaluating Web Sources-Scavenger Hunt

Go to the following website: http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Internet/Evaluate.html

and answer the following questions:
What can the URL tell you?
1) What two things do evaluating web pages skillfully require you to do, at once?
a) ______________________________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________________________
2) What are two ways you can identify whether or not the website is someones personal page?
a) ______________________________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________________________
3) What are the implications of using a personal web page?
4) What domains come from a government cite?
a) _________
b) _________
c) _________
5) An educational site?
a) _________
6) A non-profit organization?
a) _________
7) Where can you find the publisher of the web page?_____________________________________

8) What are the implications of determining the entity of the publisher of the source?
Scan the perimeter of the page, looking for answers to these questions:
9) What are the 3 techniques for Web Evaluation?
a) ____________________________________________________________________________
b) ____________________________________________________________________________
c) ____________________________________________________________________________
10. What are the 3 questions to ask? Briefly describe the justification for asking that particular
a) _________________________________________________________________Explanation:
b) _________________________________________________________________Explanation:
c) _________________________________________________________________Explanation:
Look for indicators of quality information:
11) What are the 3 techniques for Web Evaluation?
a) ____________________________________________________________________________
b) ____________________________________________________________________________

c) ____________________________________________________________________________

12) What are the 3 questions to ask? Briefly describe the justification for asking that particular
a) _________________________________________________________________Explanation:
b) _________________________________________________________________Explanation:
c) _________________________________________________________________Explanation:
(Scroll down to the bottom of page)
Does it all add up?
13) What are the 3 techniques for Web Evaluation?
a) ____________________________________________________________________________
b) ____________________________________________________________________________
c) ____________________________________________________________________________
14) What are the 3 questions to ask? Briefly describe the justification for asking that particular
d) _________________________________________________________________Explanation:
e) _________________________________________________________________Explanation:

f) _________________________________________________________________Explanation:
WHY? Rationale for Evaluating What You Find on the Web

Complete the following questions for at least of the sites you will use for your Synthesis paper:
Checklist for Evaluating Web Sites
1. Read it through carefully and answer each question directly on this web page.
2. After filling out the page (type directly into boxes), print it and hand it in to your instructor.
3. Attach a printout of the first page of the Web site you are evaluating to this Checklist.
What is the URL or Web address of the Web site you are evaluating?
What is the title of the Web site?


Anyone who knows a little HTML coding and has access to a server can create and load a Web site. It is
important to find out who is the author and what are the author's qualifications or expertise, in order to
determine the credibility and reliability of the information.
Who is the author of the Web site?
I couldn't tell.
The author is:
What part of the URL (Web address) gave you clues about authorship? Check all that apply:

(.com).a company
(.edu) academic institution
(.gov) U.S. Government agency
(.mil) U.S. military site
(.net) network of computers

(.org) non-profit organization

(.uk) country sponsored site
(www.jamieoliver.com) a personal Web page
Other? Please describe:

What are the qualifications of the author or group that created the site?
I couldn't find this information.
The author's qualifications are:


Determine the purpose of the Web site by looking closely at the content of the information. Some sites provide
links to information about our organization or a Mission Statement, detailing the purpose in creating the Web
site, while the purpose of others might not be obvious at first. Take the time to thoroughly explore a Web site to
determine if the information is subjective (biased or opinionated) or objective (factual), or mixed.
What is the purpose of the Web page or site? Check all that apply:
a personal Web page.
a company or organization Web site.
a forum for educational/public service information.
a forum for scholarly/research information.
for entertainment.
an advertisement or electronic commerce.
a forum for ideas, opinions or points of view.
Other? Please explain:
In your own words, briefly describe the purpose of the Web site.
What does the Web site provide? Check one:
Balanced, objective or factual information.
Biased, subjective or opinionated statements.
Are the arguments well supported? YesNo
Both objective and subjective information.
I couldn't tell.
Other? Please explain:
Does the Web site provide any contact information or means of communicating with the author or
Yes, the site provides:
CURRENCYThe currency or regularity of updating information is vital for some types of
Web sites, and not so important for others. For example, Web sites that provide
historical information, such as the presidential papers of George Washington, do not

have to be updated as often as sites that provide news stories or stock market

When was the Web site last revised, modified or updated?

I couldn't tell.
It was updated:
Is currency important to the type of information available on this Web site?
Yes. Please explain:
No. Please explain:
Is the site well-maintained?
I couldn't tell.
Are links broken (Error 404 messages)?
I couldn't tell.
Design, organization and ease of use are important considerations. Web sites can provide useful sources of
information. However, if they are slow to load or difficult to navigate, search and read, then their contribution
and usefulness will be lost.
In your opinion, how does the Web site appear overall? Check all that apply:

Well designed and organized.

Easy to read and navigate.
HELP screens are available.
A search feature/site map is available.

Poorly designed and organized.

Difficult to read and navigate.
HELP screens are unavailable.
A search feature/site map is unavailable.

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