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Phones: 9990660851, 9013827023


Dear Friend,
We have formed an association of retired DU teachers to advance and protect the
individual and collective interests of its members: to promote education and the
professional, social and economic status of all members, and work in cooperation with
other organizations to obtain these goals
1. To accord the status of Adjunct Faculty to all the retired teachers of the university and
its colleges to build a resource pool of qualified academicians. The retired teachers have a
crucial role to play in teaching and research in the university and they should be
encouraged to assist with their depth of experiences acquired in the past. The Association
will explore all such possible areas of academic collaboration in the university and
negotiate contract agreements, monitor and influence internal university governance in
this regard.
2. Work to maintain and improve benefits for the teachers Retirement System. Fixation
of pension on the same lines as revision of pay scales for regular employees.
3. To streamline and augment health facilities with special emphasis on opening zonal
health centers. Take steps to provide complementary or alternative health care services.
Form mutual support groups as emotional and psychological security. Also create a pool
of care givers and counselors.
4. Extend all academic facilities i.e. library, computer, research and a minimum of
infrastructural support to enable them to pursue their academic interests. Organise
seminars and workshops on academic issues of interest to members. Construct a web-site
creating a data base of all the members giving their academic and social profile to enable
members of common pursuits to interact with each other. Publish an on-line news
magazine to keep members informed regarding all issues of their interest.
5. To organize cultural and social activities and leisure outlets. Association members
may also volunteer virtually any service in the community from Countless opportunities
to be worked out to match ones interests and available time. Appropriate steps will be
taken to work out schemes and projects in this regard in consultation with members.
If you want to continue to use those skills you used in your career, now is the opportunity
for you to come back to the mainstream. You may be glad to know that the association
has been pursuing the issue of pension revision of university and college teachers and that
has been settled to the satisfaction of all and it will be governed by PB-4 for retied
readers and also clause 4.2 for retired readers and professors.
With best regards,
V. P. Jain


Phones: 9990660851, 9013827023


Department/College retired from

Date of Retirement
Subject and Papers taught

Residential Address

Contact Links: Phones

Any other information you like to submit regarding your academic profile and
other activities you are engaged/interested in. Please attach a separate sheet or
e- mail to if need be.


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