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Submitted for the fulfillment towards the award of the degree in Master of BusinessAdministration of U.P.Technical. University, Lucknow[2009-2011] S U B M I T T E D B Y S U B M I T T E D T O M O H D . W A H I D D R . V . K . B H A T I A R o l l . N o 0 9 1 5 8 7 0 0 4 1 D i r e c t o r G e n e r a l BA -3 rd Sem TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary Introduction Company Profile Current Market Context Exports Portfolios Corporate Management Research & Innovation Centre Safety & Health Policy Market Strategies HLL Distribution Network Pioneering Channels Hindustan Unilever Ltd. Competitors Research Methodology

Future Scope Findings, Data Analysis& Conclusion Recommendations Suggestions Limitations Bibliography(Annexure) Questionnaire SAFETY AND HEALTH POLICYIntroduction Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) supplies high quality goods a n d services to meet the daily needs of consumers and customers. In doings o , t h e C o m p a n y i s c o m m i t t e d t o e x h i b i t t h e h i g h e s t s t a n d a r d s o f corporate behavior towards its consumers, employees, the societiesand the environment in which we operate.T o w a r d s t h i s , t h e C o m p a n y r e c o g n i z e s i t s r e s p o n s i b i l i t y to ensures a f e t y a n d p r o t e c t i o n o f h e a l t h o f i t s e m p l o y e e s , c o n t r a c t o r s a n d visitors in all its operating sites, which include manufacturing, salesa n d d i s t r i b u t i o n , r e s e a r c h l a b o r a t o r i e s a n d o f f i c e s d u r i n g w o r k a n d work related travel.T h i s P o l i c y d o c u m e n t d e f i n e s t h e v i s i o n , p r i n c i p l e s , a i m , r e q u i r e d actions and scope of the policy application as well as the responsibilityfor execution. Their Vision Their vision is to be an injury free organization. HUL NEWS :We will bring safety on top of mind for all employees andwill integrate it with all business processes. We will realize their Visionthrough an Integrated Safety Management approach, which focuses onPeople, Processes, Systems, Technology and Facilities, supported bydemonstrated leadership and employee commitment at all levels asthe prime drivers for ensuring a safe and healthy work environment. 42

Safety Principles:

HUL's Occupational Safety and Health Policy is based on and supportedby the following eight Principles.These Principles have the same status as the Company's Code of Business Principles: All injuries and occupational illnesses are preventable All operational exposures can be safeguarded Safety evaluation of all business processes is vital Working safely is a condition of employment Training all employees to work safely is essential Management audits are a must Employee involvement is essential All deficiencies must be reported and corrected promptlyIn order to facilitate operationalisation of the Safety Principles, aseparate document has been prepared, which covers:a) Safety Principlesb) Success Criteriac) Illustrative KPI

BIBLIOGRAPHY 1.The Times of India and Hindustan Times2. The Economic Times3. Companys 88

ANNEXURE SPECIMENCUSTOMER SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE NameAgeAddressQ1. How many members are there in your family?Q2. Have you ever heard of HUL (Hindustan Unilever Limited )?YES ______ NO ______ If Yes, from where? Newspaper MagazinesTelevision Others _______Q3. Are you using any HUL product?


N O Q4. If Yes, then are you satisfied?YES NOQ5. If No, then reason beingPoor quality High pricesNo services OthersQ6. Which brand do you use in the following categories : Personal Wash L u x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B r e e z e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dove __________ Others ___________ Laundary Surf Excel _______ Rin ________Wheel Others Skin Care Fair&Lovely ________ Ponds ________Sunslik Naturals ________ Others _ _______ Oral Care

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