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Arab Israeli conflict -the beginning at the end of 19 cent.

. Zionism Arab Nationalism Zionism Theodor Herzl movement creation of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine Jewish, Christians and Muslim religious arguments for beliefs and interpretation of the idea of the chosen people, the Promised Land and Chosen City In the late 19 cent. European Jews purchased land from the Ottoman sultan. Kibutzim collective farms were built Before WWI the Middle East under control of the Ottoman Empire for nearly 500 years Primacy of the Turks led to discrimination against the Arabs. The promise of liberation from the Ottomans led Jews and Arabs to support allied powers during WWI emergence of Arab nationalism, Arab revolts against OE German ally, Lawrence of Arabia 1917- Balfour Declaration pledge of the establishment of a national home for Jewish people in Palestine Arab opposition- pledge was not fulfilled + restriction of Jewish emigration into Palestine British Mandate of Palestine Jewish emigration increasing after the Nazis came to power in Germany. Arabs threat to their identity protests, revolts WWII, Holocaust Jews - demand of the establishment of the Jewish state, Arabs opposing, British trapped between these competing demands 1948 turning problem to the United Nations May Jews proclaimed the State of Israel, accepting the frontiers proposed by the UN in its effort to partition Palestine between Jews and the Arabs. The Arab League refused partition and went to war

1. 1948 - 49 Israels war of Independence Israeli victory, many Arabs were expelled from Israel, or fled, Palestinian refugees and their descendants - troubling, continuing problem till today 2. 1956 - The Suez Crisis Gamel Abdul Nasser - Egyptian nationalist plan for economic development, Aswan dam, pledges for loans from the USA, GB, the World Bank, played the two Cold War antagonists off against one another and secured loan from Soviets The USA, GB,WB canceled support for the dam Nasser retaliated by seizing the privately owned Suez Canal Company Israel[supported by USA,GB,France] launched a preemptive strike against Egypt World opinion, condemnation, diplomatic isolation, withdrawal Nasser remained hostile toward Israel, Soviets supplied the Arab states, the USA aided Israel 3. 1967 June The Six-Day War Egypt, Syria, Jordan troops massed along Israels borders Israel attacked - occupied A. Egypts territory east of the Suez Canal{Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula B. Syrias Golan Heights

C. Jordans holdings on the West Bank of the Jordan River An armistice was signed War humilitated not only Arabs, but the Soviet Union 4. 1973 October The Yom Kippur War Egypt and Syria staged a surprised attack on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar {October 6 } Israel caught off guard and unprepared, and took three days to fully mobilize The Soviet Union threatened military intervention, the USA wary of nuclear war secured a ceasefire Golda Meir Israel didnt give up the territories occupied in 1967 necessary for its security Arab Oil Embargo 5. 1978 The Camp David Accords Jimmy Carter, Anvar Sadat, Menachem Begin A formal peace treaty Israel agreed to return the occupied Sinai Peninsula to Egypt Gaza Strip remained under Israeli control, to be included in future Palestinian state, the same the West Bank of the Jordan River and the Golan Heights 1981 - Sadat assassinated by nationalists Hosni Mubarak { till 2011 the Arab Spring} continued the moderate foreign policy 6. Civil war in Lebanon The Palestinian refugees a major obstacle Palestinian Liberation Organisation {PLO } Yasir Arafat expelled from Jordan -demanded the return of the Israeli occupied lands and creation of a separate Palestinian state Many Palestinians took refuge in Lebanon creating a virtual state within a state joined with the Lebanese Moslems in an attempt to overthrow the Christian dominate government Syria moved and established its military control a civil war Palestinians have attacked Israel from Lebanon, Israel has responded 7. Palestinian terrorism Since 1970s terrorist attacks, Munich Olympics Massacre 1972 The first Intifada mass Palestinian uprising against Israeli rule in the Palestinian territories violence, general strikes, boycotts of Israeli products, stone throwing 1993 peace talks in Oslo Oslo Accords- Yitzhak Rabin, Bill Clinton, Yasser Arafat Israel recognized the PLO as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people PLO recognize the right of Israel to exist and to renounced terrorism Oslo II Agreement 1995 Detailed division of the West Bank The Nobel Peace Prize 8. Present situation The Second Intifada series of suicide bombing, rocket attacks, abductions of Israeli soldiers {Gilad Shalid } Israel - rethink its policies toward the Palestinians Operation Defensive Shield, complicated system of road blocks checkpoints, settlement construction in the West Bank Ariel Sharon unilateral withdrawal Hamas .Hezbollah, Fatah 2006 - the Lebanon War Hezbollah fighters crossed the border from Lebanon into Israel, damaged mostly Lebanon 2008 Hamas attacked Israel on December 24 2009 Israel a settlement freeze on the West Bank

2010 Hamas - a Palestinian militant movement initiated a terror campaign to disrupt peace talks between Israel and Palestinian authority Iran Pahl avi dynasty ruled 1925 - 79 1953 with support of the USA democratically elected Iranian popular prime minister, who nationalized Irans petroleum Industry, was overthrow and Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi continued with American aid an oil royalties, shah buit up his military power and launched the White revolution industrial and agriculture development modernization campaign offended many traditional Moslems, political repressions + widespread corruption increased opposition to the shah 1979 revolt broke out against shah, he fled country Islamic republic Ajatolah Chomejni, ardent Moslem, nationalist, anti- American, anti- Soviet, anti Israeli became a Supreme Leader, a theocratic constitution When the USA gave refuge to the exiled shah, dying of cancer, Iranian students seized the American embassy in Teheran, taking more than 50 Americans as hostages for 444 days 1980 -88 Iran Iraq war Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein started 1.sought to expand Iraqs access to the Persian Gulf by acquiring territories that Iraq had claimed earlier from Iran during shahs rule, 2. was afraid of Shiite Muslem theocratic state being established, Shiits live in Iraq, but Sunnis had a leading position and Hussein preferred pan-Arab but non religious ideology Iran sought to export his Islamic revolution to Iraq Iraq used chemical weapons War ended in stalemate, Iran accepted a truce mediated by the UN, Iraq was supported by Western 90s pro business policy, rebuilding economy, freedom of expression, tolerance, civil society, free market, good diplomatic relations with other states 2005 president Mahmoud Ahmadinedad - a conservative populist 2009 misled presidential election, Ahamadinedzad reelected -vote were fraudulent great demonstrations, many people imprisoned Supreme Leader Ajatolah Ali Khamenej has supported president and declared demonstrations as illegal Iran drives to gain the capacity to nuclear weapons

Iraq 1921 - 1958 monarchy Republic of Iraq

1979 Saddam Hussein president {overthrowing his close friend} 1982 -88 Iran Iraq Saddams regime was notorious for its human rights abuses A genocidal campaign targeted the Kurdish population in Iraq, killing 50 100 00 civilians, using chemical weapons Gulf War 1990 -91 Iraq was faced with economic disaster after I-I War Kuwait increased its oil production, Iraq claimed that Kuwait slant drilling its oil wells into Iraqi territory, invaded Kuwait, Hussein declared Kuwait as Iraqis province. heavy objections from many countries and the United Nations UN passed economic sanctions and demanded its immediate withdrawal from Kuwait, Iraq refused Security Council voted unanimously for military action against Iraq the USA led an international forces that had more advanced weaponry Iraqs military was one of the largest armed forces in Western Asia Iraq responded by launching Scud missile attack against Israel and Saudi Arabia Hussein hoped to stir up anti Israeli sentiment when Israeli would be drawn into the war and neighboring Arab countries would support Iraq. Husseins gamble failed as Israel reluctantly accepted a U.S demand to remain out of the conflict the Iraqi military forces were quickly destroyed, before withdrawal Hussein ordered to sabotage Kuwaits oil wells, they were set ablaze, causing an economic and ecological disaster in Kuwait 2003 USA - led invasion reason for invasion Iraq failed to abandon its nuclear and chemical weapons development program in violation of UN Resolution The USA further justified the invasion by claiming that Iraq had or was developing weapons of mass destruction and stating a desire to remove an oppressive dictator from power and bring democracy to Iraq G.W.Bush declared that Iraq was a member of the Axis of Evil and that ,like North Korea and Iran , Iraqs attempt to acquire weapons of mass destruction posed a serious threat to US national security. These claims were based on documents that were provided to him by the CIA and government of the UK {later these documents were questioned and CIA has been suspected of misinformation} Sadam Hussein was found , was brought to court for trial, and hanged Iraq is managed by Iraqi government and US forces ended combat mission in August 2010, they will leave country on December 31,2012, remainig troops are in an advisory role. Iraqi security forces struggled to suppress influx of crime, kidnappings, robberies, bomb assaults, shootings

Arab Spring Arab awakening is a revolutionary wave of demonstration and protests occuring in the Arab world that began in December 2010 Revolutions in Tunisia Egypt a civil war in Libya, civil uprising in Bahrain, Syria,, Yemen, Algeria, Jordan, Kuwait, Marocco, Oman, minor protests in Lebanon, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Women2 Drive, Sudan and Western Sahara Causes- authoritarian states, extreme poverty, government corruption, human rights violations, inflation, kleptocracy, sectarianism, unemployment Goals democracy, human rights, free and fair elections, regime changes

The protests have shared techniques of civil resistance, strikes, demonstrations, marches, and rallies, use of social media to organize, communicate, violent responses from governments and the counterdemonstrations Major slogan the people want to bring down the regime International reactions - affecting oil prices- 2011 energy crisis Present situation- December 2012 Egypt The next step in this crisis is whether or not President Mohamed Morsi is going to be able to hold a referendum on the constitution, now scheduled for December 15. The only way in which the crisis can be resolved is if a constitution is approved, so that there is power sharing between an elected parliament, the courts and the president. Until a constitution is approved, that cannot happen and this decree that Morsi issued is going to remain in force, partly because there is nothing else. The problem now is that some judges are still threatening to boycott the elections, in the sense of refusing to supervise the referendum and presumably the elections that would follow the referendum if it is approved. So the question is whether the controversial constitution is going to be approved and whether there will be an election afterward refusing to supervise the referendum. the country is very divided. Let me add that what we are seeing in Egypt is exactly what we saw in Turkey in the past, and it is still going on in Turkey to some extent today. Essentially Egypt has been dominated the way Turkey was by a secular elite that really represented the minority of the country. That secular elite has been in power in Egypt essentially since the British left in 1956, and that is what put the imprint on the country. And now there is a very large majority which tends towards the Muslim Brotherhood. They are people who are less educated, who are more pious, that are very conservative, and not necessarily at ease with the secular direction that the previous elite put on the country. And the two elites are struggling with each other. It's not just a matter of who is in the government now, but really a question of which elite will prevail overall

In Turkey after the first Islamist party was elected, not the Justice and Development Party (AKP) that has been in power now for ten years, but before that there was an election of a much more radical Islamist party and that party was disbanded by the court. The courts in Egypt, in a sense had been trying to do the same thing. They have not dared dismiss the Muslim Brotherhood, or disband the Freedom and Justice Party, which is the party the Muslim Brotherhood has created, although there are lawsuits for the party to be disbanded.

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