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PockiiChuu: Varion: *After having finally convinced the damn medic Jeremiah to let him loathe in his own

self pity and heal in his own flat, he had packed up. Well. Packed up what he had, which was his computer pretty much. He could care less about the clothes he was wearing on the day of the accident, if they even still existed. Well there was also his phone but that's small and easy to carry around. A pair of crutches leaned against the bed beside him as he sat there, contemplating when to get up. Of course he was procrastinating going upstairs mostly so he could time it just right and not have to. Deal with. anyone commenting on his situation that already didn't know. With a sigh he stood himself up, balancing himself on the one foot as he leaned over and grabbed ahold of the crutches. He's. never actually used them-- not that he can remember. But it can't be hard. Sliding them underneath his arms, he pressed his upper body weight down onto them, to see how it felt. Uncomfortable, but not too terrible. Fucking handicap. He just wanted to be able to walk. Too soon for a solid walking cast though, so he needed to suck it up and deal. He slowly made his way out of the infirmary and towards the elevator. Pressing the call button, he got lucky as the loud contraption happened to be at the lobby. It only took a second to descend, and when it arrived, he .. limped? walked on in and dug a key from his belongings, unlocking and pressing the button for his floor.* <PockiiChuu>aomaoe: Feia: -Having just come from the the gym, she was dressed in a pair of sweat pants and a simple t-shirt. With a broken collarbone and wrist, the most she could do at this point was run on a treadmill until she passed out. It was frustrating but hey, exercise was exercise. Sighing, she walked through the lobby and over to the elevator, pressing the button to go up. Luckily enough, it was just a floor below. As the elevator came to a stop, the doors sliding open with a ding, she looked up and was about to walk in wh-- Oh. Great. The fuck are you doing in here. She stood there for a moment, her face simply full of dismay and a slight bit of disbelief. Wasn't this fucker supposed to be strapped to a bed for the next month? Fuck my life. Wow.<aomaoe>PockiiChuu: Varion: *He was a bit distracted as the contraption began to move, staring blankly towards the doors. Just waiting. As it came to a stop at the lobby, he swore underneath his breah and stood himself up straight, looking a bit. Less pathetic. Just a bit. Inhaling, he put on his emotionless, professional expression but-- when the doors opened to expose Feia-- it seeemed to falter. He narrowed his eyes a bit, concealing a slight wince as the guilt that involved her came back to hit him as hard as the accident a month prior. It seems this accident is only causing him more emotional pain than physical. Jesus christ. With a short sigh, he shifted himself slightly to the side to give her room to join him, since, well, she's probably headed up to her flat. No point in waiting for the next one. . right? Not like he would know. An apology had to be given-- whether it was accepted or not. What he had said was far from appropriate, but it just seemed to happen. He's never one to regret anything-- but it seems the more he works with these people the more he does. It's becoming a bother. He should go back to how he was before, all work, no play. Lock everyone out of his life and focus only on the next assignment. He wouldn't dare look back at her, his attention more focused on the frame of the doors if anything.* <PockiiChuu>aomaoe: Feia: -She stared blankly at him, immediately noticing his focus on the frame. Feeling guilty, asshole? Good. Look me in the eye. I dare you. Normally, she would have let a little comment like the one he made go, but since it concerned the reason as to why she'd lost her eye, and even pretty much insulted the memory of it, she

was determined not to drop it. Especially since he already knew the reason behind the incident. As much as she'd like to say. Fuck you. And take the next one up, she walked in stiffly, squeezing herself to the opposite side of the thing to get as far away from him as possible. Even if she hated him at the moment, she wouldn't let something like him get in her way. Please. She was better than that. Reaching out, she jammed her finger into the button for her floor. What was it again? V11? From the opposite side of the elevator, she kept her eyes trained on him, waiting for the moment when he turned to see her. What he would see would be a cold glare, filled with nothing but contempt and dislike for him. He deserved it.<aomaoe>PockiiChuu: Varion: *He could tell she was burning holes into him with her eyes, it was obvious. The cold stare was to be expected though-- He knew some of her history, but knowing is a lot different than experiencing. Experience. Something he only can recall on with very small bits of his entire life. It's not like the loss of his arm was some sort of emotional trauma that leaves you sensitive on the subject, no, his reasons were far more.. selfish. Looking pathetic? Really? There are people far off worse than you, yet you sit here and try tomake others feel for you? That's more pathetic than having the arm. When she actually entered the elevator,-- he was surprised. He half expected her to either just wait for the next one or go for the stairs. Though didn't she move just recently..? He only heard the basic information on the employee movements, so he wasn't completely. Informed on it. Probably true though-- somewhere higher than before and. Well. Not very fun to climb the stairs to. As the doors slid shut, silence overcame them both. He could still feel her eyes digging into his surface, and finally, after a moment, decided to do something about that. Fixing his posture some, he lifted his head, looking straight back at the shorter woman, locking eyes with her. His expression was professional again, nothing full of guilt and regret. Keep it professional, right. Because the more personal he gets with people, the more they let him down in the end. He'll never forget the words his fa-.. foster father spoke to him. " Don't get attached to anyone. They'll all leave you in the end. " Those are the words he stuck to, even to this day. And he's made it this far, so. They must be true. His "father" wouldn't lie to him. After a short intake of breath, he spoke up,* I apologize for my words during our last encounter. They were not only rude, but also innapropriate. You have no right to forgive me, but I at least will relay this apology, whether you accept or decline. *His words sounded generic, but sincere. His business voice, something he's learned to use from his early days. Keeping his emotional and personal feelings out of it.* <PockiiChuu>aomaoe: Feia: -She kept her gaze locked, not flinching the least when he turned to stare straight back at her. She wasn't the least bit afraid of him. Who would be? Pathetic as he was. Her eyes narrowed as he opened his mouth and it took a moment for her to register that he was making an apology. Or at least faking it. As he spoke, the words registered in her mind, but they did not make up for the situation. In fact, they just enraged her all the more. Just hearing them made her want to go and beat the shit out of him. As sincere as it might have sounded, his apology fell on her ears as nothing more than a rehearsed and empty monologue. She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, opening them again to stare at the wall as the elevator made its way up. She didn't want to hear this kind of crap. Especially not from him, not about the situation it addressed, not in the empty and impersonal tone he delivered it in. Her muscles tensed in an effort to contain her rage, to restrain the need to walk over and punch him in the face. Staring

straight ahead now at the display at the top of the contraption, she made to stand there, ignoring him and pretending that she'd never heard a thing he said. Fuck you. ** aomaoe has left [timed out] ** aomaoe has joined <aomaoe>PockiiChuu: Varion: *He again, expected this much from her. She was angry, she had every reason to be. But, if they're going to be colleagues, they need to be on good terms. Two killers on bad terms is a recipe for destruction. He could tell she was holding herself back, from yelling, lashing out, possibly killing him herself. He'd let her too, actually, might as well give her the chance, right? He took a deep breath, lifting his chin a bit.* If you wish to harm m-- *IDK HOW TO WRITE AN ELEVATOR STOPPING SO YE Expect horrible writing sob. He was cut off suddenly as the elevator seemed to come to a sudden stop, more like a long, violent screeching hault, which would send the both of them falling down, the force of the stop bringing them down. The lights went out, a bright red light flashing on, now the only light that filled the small room that made up the elevator. Varion hadn't expected something like this to happen-- and when his body went went to fall, he was caught by the crutches, which dug into both his underarms, and caused him to instead lose his balance and fall back, his back slamming into the metal wall that held the contraption together. He kept his footing though, holding himself up with his hands still on the crutches, his back pressed against the wall. The force of the stop seemed to send a pain shooting right down his leg, yep, that was to be expected. He had his jaw clenched, his eyes narrowed. What the hell just happened-- a power outage? Fucking elevators. He's taking the stairs from now on. His attention would immediately then find itself towards Feia--- and her situation. since. Being thrown to the ground in an arm cast and a collar bone/shoulder splint is not. fun.* <PockiiChuu>aomaoe: Feia: -She kept her eyes on the display of the elevator, the tension in the small enclosure building to an unbearable level. As he began to speak again, she sucked in a breath of air, just about ready to snap at him to shut up. Again, she didn't want, or need to hear this shit from him. It's not like he cared about his colleagues anyway, hell, he almost even killed Flo that first night at the infirmary. Sure he didn't know what he was doing, but hey, he didn't really feel bad about it afterwards either. Just as she was ready to interrupt his whole wish to harm speech, the elevator came to a crashing halt, and not being as lucky, the momentum of it sent her, completely unexpecting it, toppling onto the floor. As she fell, she scrambled to grab a hold of the railing on the walls but found no purchase. It wasn't as if she could have really grabbed on to anything anyway, with what four fingers she had. With a loud thump, her body met with the floor of the damned contraption, throwing her back against the ground. She let out a small whimper as the air was knocked out her lungs, a sharp pain wracking through her shoulder. Owjesusmotherfucker.<aomaoe>PockiiChuu: Varion: *When he finally seemed to have a grasp on the situation, his mind in reality, he noticed Feia was now. Well on the ground. He slid himseld up the wall a bit more, regaining his footing, using his crutches as support. His body ached again-- even though he wasn't the one on the ground. His arm ached-- mostly where it met his body. The prosthetic seemed to have a bit of pain near the connection, but nothing threatening. He did just basically slam his weight plus more into the crutches. He narrowed his eyes, trying to see a bit better in the dim, red tinted light that flooded the elevator. It was a much darker than normal, but not completely pitch black. He wondered

for a moment where the elevator stopped-- and if they could pry the doors open, to escape. He'd be able to manage something with his strength plus the prosthetic, but not enough. They'd be trapped regardless. Both at a disadvantage with their injuries.. --they were going to have to wait it out. Once he was able to figure out Feia.. situation, he lifted a hand to push his hair back- out of his face.* Are--.. you alright? *Dumb question, doubt she'd even answer. Might as well ask though. They're going to be trapped here, can't exactly just fill the space with an awkward silence.. well. She would probably try, knowing her.* <Golly-chan>Flo: *Lalala, had been walking downstairs to go out for a nice jog or something. WHEN SUDDENLY THE LIGHTS WENT OUT?!?!?!?!?!@!?! She's startled and instantly thinks they're under attack or somethin', good lord. In the darkness she starts making her way down, trying to find a door out* <Blood-and-Spice>Acai: *was in the lobby by the time the lights went out and had the opposite idea. Didn't see anything attacking but began rushing upstairs instead to do survival tip #1, and runs smack into Flo when turning a corner on the stairs* <Golly-chan>Flo: *Bumps into someone, OH NO IT'S AN INVADER!! She immediately reacts by grabbing the mysterious person and shoving them into the nearest wall, her arm pinning down Acai's throat* The hell are you and who are you workin' for. <PockiiChuu>aomaoe: Feia: -Her jaw clenched and she held her breath, simply waiting for the pain to subside. She made no move to get up, letting out a shaky breath from where she lay curled on the floor in pain. Wow. Brought down by an elevator. Lovely. Best way to go. Wow, gold stark for you Varion, you know me so well. Just as he'd expected, she ignored his question, focused on getting over the pain that had erupted from her shoulder. His statement was completely contradictory to his earlier apology as well. What happened to the robot? Either way, this was just great. Stuck in an elevator with the one person she hated the most with a broken arm and a possibly broken collarbone that might have just broken itself again. Just lovely. As much as she would have liked to tell him to shut his whore mouth, the pain in her shoulder distracted her from it. Regardless, she too wondered for a moment where they were.<Blood-and-Spice>Acai: *can't even see who's doing this to him because dumb ass forgot to take off his sunglasses and it's dark. Welp. He squirmed, already in pain* jfasdk *finding it hard to talk with an arm to his throat* <Golly-chan>Flo: ...Whuh? Who? <Blood-and-Spice>Acai: N-No one! *gets it in his head that this may be an intruder since you know, he's being man handled... by a girl but he'll avoid telling that part to anybody* <Golly-chan>Flo: Liar. You better tell me everythin' you know or you're gonna regret it. *Digs her arm harder into the other's throat to choke him a bit, sob I'm sorry Kawaii she thinks you're a baddie* <Blood-and-Spice>Acai: *struggles against the arm* yurmom <aomaoe>PockiiChuu: Varion: *Jesus christ, he needed to sit. The sudden stop also caused him to put a lot of pressure down onto his good leg, and now it ached terribly. Almost as bad as the broken one. When he didn't get a response from Feia, he looked away, more towards the door. Well. Least they're not falling to their death right. No that might be better. .. Yeah. That'd be better. He tried to push himself off the wall, but his legs wouldn't hold. The crutches were basically the only thing keeping him upright. Deciding against it, he pressed his back into the wall, sliding down until his body touched

the ground. Sliding his legs infront of himself, he let a relieved sigh as the pressure and weight his legs were holding was gone, only leaving the dull ache. Like always. They'd both been seated now, in the silence. He thought about trying to talk again until-- he remembered. He has a cell phone, duh. Wonder if he has service. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the phone, the screen was bright, and he could hardly look at it without it burning his eyes, but he managed. He opened his contacts-- first to probably call Cassius, or even just another staff member in the building. Wonder if the outage is targeted for our building or the entire city.. or just a part? Was it a transformer that blew? A car hit a pole? He wondered. The possibilities were endless. He did pass one name in his phone though--.. The hell. The fuck was a boytoy. He disregarded it, better to ignore it for now. He doesn't use his phone much for phone calls can you tell. He scrolled right down to Cassius Novak and hit call, lifting the phone to his ear and waiting..* <Golly-chan>Flo: An' speak clearly I can't understand a dang word you're sayin'. <Blood-and-Spice>Acai: Who. ARe you? <Golly-chan>Flo: You ain't in no position to be askin' me questions. *leans in, glaaring in the dark* You're comin' with me. *Suddenly moves to turn Acai around, yanking him down into a headlock to try dragging him backwards* <Blood-and-Spice>Acai: *being dragged and starts freaking out. He remembers something familiar to this to. No. No. He doesn't wanna go back in that dark alley where his body can be easily dumped. He struggles like hell then gets a bright idea, and tries to pull her down the stairs with him using his weight* <PockiiChuu>aomaoe: Cassius: -Obviously, he was pretty much a normal person, and at this time of night, he was already asleep. In bed. Zzzz time. He cracked an eye open as his phone buzzed at him from the night stand. Jesus christ who calls in the middle of the night? Sighing, he threw out an arm and grabbed the mobile, squinting at the display as it lit up.- .... -With a sigh, he unlocked the screen and answered the call, greeting the man with a tired voice. Water u even doing at this time of night boy.- Varion. -Obviously, it was going to be rather important for him to be calling at all. Well?<Golly-chan>Flo: *Feels Acai's body trying to pull her down and she immediately releases him like nope you go ahead and fall on your own* <Blood-and-Spice>Acai: *and then he uses his amazing Hitman abilities-wait no, his agile thief abili- no oh shit. Tumbles down the stairs* GAH Jfasdkf <aomaoe>PockiiChuu: Varion: *He tried to focus his vision on the wall infront of him, mindlessly listening to the backring on the phone. He was almost too distracted trying to focus when-- Cassius picked up. That didn't take too long. With a bit of an inhale, he glanced back towards Feia absentmindedly.* Question, could you look out your window towards the complex, and tell me. Is the power out? *What a fun question. More than the building old man, please do realize that.* <Golly-chan>Flo: *SCOWLS, she will not let this person get away!! She follows behind him on the stairs very quietly, her footsteps as silent as can be. Make a noise Mr. Intruder I'll find ya* <Blood-and-Spice>Acai: *groans when he'd finally come in contact with one of the floor door's that broke his fall. He ever so slowly tried to get up, despite so many parts hurting, letting his broken glasses fall to the ground since he has realized they're useless here. How much further back was the crazy chick? He didn't know, he was trying to adjust his eyes to the darkness*

<Golly-chan>Flo: *Hears that groan! That's enough to help her locate where he is. But she doesn't come at him yet, staying close yet silent* <Blood-and-Spice>Acai: *ah shit. Where is she. Wait. That thing he hit. A DOOR. Runs out* <PockiiChuu>aomaoe: Cassius: -Sighing, he moved to get out of his bed. Old man joints are creaky, m'boy. Padding over to the window, he squinted.- It looks like your entire block is out.. -He held the phone loosely to his face, too tired for this shit.- You guys okay over there? Feia: -The pain having faded to a bearable amount, she groaned and pushed herself up into a sitting position the best she could. Jesus fuck if her collar bone was broken again, she'd cut a bitch. Through the darkness, she glared at the man, using the light from his phone as a point of interest to glare at. Fuckin Varion. Making the fucking elevator break down. Obviously, she was in no state to attempt to get out of the elevator, and she made no move to try. It was pointless anyway.<aomaoe>Mysterious flashlight glare from above: *Before Flo could chase after Kawaii-- a light would flood the darkened stairwell, followed by a voice.* Hey, is someone down here? I heard somethin' <Golly-chan>Flo: *Hears the sound of that door open and she's just about to rush after Kawaii when she hears that voice, and the flashlight flashes into her eyes. She squints and looks away from the glare, just going to hope this isn't another invader* Yeah you heard somethin', we've been infiltrated an' they're gettin' away! <aomaoe>Darkened figure: *From behind the light, he was hard to recognize. He shined it down some, so he wouldn't blind the girl.* Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions, m'dear. It's just an outage. Are you the only one down here? <Blood-and-Spice>Acai: *leans against the elevator outside, panting and desperately trying to see where the fuck he is* <Golly-chan>Flo: *PARANOID. She still can't make out who that is and she's a bit cautious* Am now. He got away. Who's that up there...? <aomaoe>PockiiChuu: Varion: *Oh great. The block is out. Well. least their lives aren't in danger right? He sighed, shaking his head some before looking back at Feia, still on the phone.* Alright, we're fine, just dandy. Candlelit dinners are always nicer than ones flooded by fake light, right? If you could be a sweetie and find the cause of the outage? Thanks. I'd rather not be stuck in an elevator all night.* His tone was light, sarcastic, normal, for him. He couldn't help but lift a brow, a smirk forming on his lips as Feia continued to glare at him. You're not going to fix anything with that look hun.* <aomaoe>Seventeen: *As he drew closer, he shined the light up, flooding the area with a dim light that was reflecting on them both.* Seventeen here, at ya' service. Who got away? .. <Golly-chan>Flo: *Who are you misterious man with numbers for a name, she don't know u* Some guy, crashin' into me, talkin' nonsense an' not sayin' who he was... You work

<aomaoe>Seventeen: No, I work at the bakery next door and I happened to be on the floor above you for some odd reason at this time of night. Probably delivering some cupcakes or somethin'. Course I work here sweetie. Where'd this guy go? I'll find him. *Walks up closer to her, pointing the light back towards the ground.* <Blood-and-Spice>Acai: *practically wheezing now he pulls a inhaler from his pocket

and takes a nice breath, and sighs. He stared into the darkness for a good moment before he brought a hand up to his head to feel something damp in his hair* ... *Maybe that push down the stairs idea wasn't such a grand idea after all. Starts limping somewhere* <Golly-chan>Flo: *Relaxes a bit at that-- actually no now she's embarrassed omfg that was a stupid question. Time to revert to social awkwardness* Went out the doors... *fidgetfidget, glances
away worriedly*

<PockiiChuu>aomaoe: Cassius: Yes fine okay. -He sighed again. Same old Varion.- I'll call you back when I find out. -Can I just. Call.. someone else to do it omg. Hanging up, he tossed his phone onto the bed and went to grab his laptop. Time for work.Feia: -She continued to glare at him, the smirk on his face causing her to feel chills down her back again. God. You are fucking gross. And then sweetie? The fuck is that about. She sat there, continuing to scowl at him. What else was there to do in an elevator with someone you hate anyway?<aomaoe>PockiiChuu: Varion: *He didn't bother responding to Cassius, and also hung up his end. Now what was there to do but wait. Doubt anyone would think the Elevator at a time like this. He sighed, lowering his phone, only to glance at it. The smirk was gone, only with more a neutral expression as he stared at the device. Doubt Feia would make small talk, so. Let's find something to do to pass the time. Wait--.. his contacts. Bringing that list back up, he scrolled down to the one labeled BoyToy. Who the.. hell.. He's never.. named someone that? Who else has had his phone--.. Wait. He stared at it, thinking back to the time.. yep. He threw his phone at Feia. She probably changed someones name. But.. who. He shrugged a bit to himself and hit the call button on this mysterious boytoy contact, again, bringing the phone up to his ear and waiting..* <aomaoe>Blood-and-Spice: ]] <aomaoe>Seventeen: Aight' *He replied, stepping a bit closer to Flo-- to walk past her, but stopped. He leaned down a b.. more like a lot, to her level and looked at her. He didn't really recognize her. She's kinda cute ;Y Leaning back up, he patted her shoulder and shot her a smile.* You were good to be assertive, because this could've been somethin' more serious. So don't feel bad about attacking someone. <Blood-and-Spice>Acai: *jumps and yelps like bloody murder when something vibrates in his pocket* hnn. oh. -gasp- oh. yeah. that. *pulls it out , not remembering to check the name, but still in a panic* Attack! I'm being helped! *wat* <aomaoe>Varion: *He sat there idly as the phone rang-- but as soon as someone picked up, he opened his mouth to question their identity when--.. the hell. ... Attack-- I'mbeing helped? What the fuck. ... He would think it was a prank call-- but he dialed. What. He sat there confused for a moment before inhaling, opening his mouth to speak.* .. May I ask who this is? <Blood-and-Spice>Acai: *wait. That voice. Something in his scrambled head remembered it and oooh boy* HURLP. GAH. I - *say you need help. You are being attacked. There is an intruder* LOVE YOU BYE*click* *wat* <Golly-chan>Flo: *Okay yay they're gonna go get the OMFGFGF WHAT IS HE DOING!* *Leans back nervously against the wall when numbers-senpai gets so close, but soon relaxes when she gets pats and hears what he said* ...I just hope I didn't hurt nobody...

Varion: *Before he could even attempt to talk again-- he was hung up on. omg rude. Lowering the phone, he stared at the screen for a moment. What the fuck. Just happened. .. He sat there contemplating dialing again. Well he's not in a hurry anywhere. He shrugged and hit redial, returning the phone to his ear. Dont' you hang up on me you little fuck. He couldn't tell who it was mostly because most of the words were yelled and jumbled. The voice was too static to recognize immediately.* <aomaoe>Seventeen: People gotta learn pain one way or another. Don't see any bodies, so you ain't killed anyone yet. *He continued on, opening the door to expose the short hallway that really only lead to another flat. This apartment building was weird as fuck. He shined the light down the hall-- which would expose the slow, limping figure that was Kawaii. He'd heard the scream earlier too, but didn't think too much about it. When Kawaii was spotted-- but not recognized, Seventeen lifted a brow and began towards him.* Hey, you there,<Blood-and-Spice>Acai: *some part of his brain told him it was only manners to answer a phone and so he did. Forgive him, he's not thinking * Hello- *and then a dark figure came from the staircase he was just attacked in and he gave a high girly shrill and bolted the best he could, forgetting his limp for a little bit and running smack into the elevator door since there was, no where else to go. This escape plan wasn't working out* <Golly-chan>Flo: Guess so... *Perks up curiously when the flashlight shines on someone-then watches as he flees with terror* That there's the guy! I know him. <PockiiChuu>aomaoe: Feia: -Wow fuq u. She just sat there. Glaring at him and his stupid phone. Yeah. I know you're fucking popular. Asshole.<aomaoe>Varion: *The hello was more civil-- good he could almost recognize who it was until aN EAR PIERCING SCREAM DEAFENED HIM and he pulled the phone away.* Jesus CHRIST *What was happening. What the s--.. what was that. He looked towards the ground--.. hearing that. Faint thump. The .. what is fucking hapening. He brought the phone back to his ear and listened a bit. .. what. Was that another voice? What. IS GOING ON.* Seventeen: *Oh-- .. wha. Okay that works, smack head first into the elevator doors. Golden. oh. It's kawaii. Whoa, wait, was Flo attacking him? He trotted over.* Hey, kid', you alright? --.. *That was a dumb question. He just done ran himself into a door. Course he's not alright. Oh. He's on the.. phone? .. * <Golly-chan>Flo: *Trots over behind Seventeen, covering her mouth with her hands. SHE DONE GOOFED* y-you alright? Oh, nuts.... <Blood-and-Spice>Acai: *had fallen to the ground with that blow.. that he.. inflicted upon himself. Hey seventeen, keep this a secret would you. He groaned, dizzy* help... <PockiiChuu>aomaoe: Feia: -Woooow. She almost laughed. She could hear that scream from the phone too. Jesus christ. Whoever he was calling had himself a decent pair of lungs.<aomaoe>Varion: Who the hell am I talking to? *He asked into the phone, regardless of the low, 'help' that just responded. He was getting annoyed. Stop acting a fool and just sit on the phone for five minutes jesus christ. The voice seemed familar, but over the phone he really couldn't tell. Not easily at least.* Seventeen: *Trotting over, he lifted the phone, reading it for a moment--.. Varion?! What ARE YOU DOING KID? No wonder you're running into elevators. Hesitantly bringing the phone up to his ear, he gave a short shy laugh before speaking.* Hey, he's

gonna have to call ya' back, bit of an accident. *He spoke fast, before hanging up and slipping the device into his pocket. Kneeling down, he scanned Kawaii over once before handing the flashlight to Flo, *Here, hold this. *He ordered her, not even giving her a chance to reply before he slid his arms underneath Kawaii and lifted him up.* Come on, let's get you down to the infirmary--.. *Wait what is Varion is down there. >____> He'll have to get over it okay.* I'll carry ya'. I'd. Feel better if you weren't walking, alright? Varion: *Before he could even reply again-- the phone clicked. Hung up on again. Mother fucker. But the voice--.. the voice.. familiar. Cocky sounding man. Wait. It's that fucker from the other night. who thought it was okay to make a call while he was down there. Which he still didn't buy. Something was up. He's going to have to shoot somebody here soon oh my god.* <Golly-chan>Flo: *Just nods and wordlessly takes that flashlight. Knowing the way to the infirmary already, she quickly starts walking. Whispers breathily to herself* They're gonna
fire meeee...

<Blood-and-Spice>Acai: *isn't putting up much of a fight, somewhere in between unconciousness and fleeting glimpses of reality* hnn. V-varion? <aomaoe>Seventeen: *He trotted along, Kawaii easily balanced in his arms. Kid's light. They weren't far from it though, so they're good. Afrer soem stairs, they made it down there. It was dimly lit with some emergency lights.* Hey, any of the medics here? *He called out, not really expecting a response. As he entered the Infirmary-- he glanced around, well, towards where Varion is-.. isn't. ...Where did he go. He looked around a bit, is he in the bathroom? .. Walking over, he noticed the bed had been made again. Confused, he lightly put Kawaii down on the bed beside it, turning and looking around again.* Jeremiah: *Having had been hiding in his office, he cracked the door open slightly and looked out. Who is there omg I just got rid of Varion why is there already someone else here.* Y-yes?.. <PockiiChuu>Afrer soem stairs, ) <PockiiChuu>what just happened ) <Blood-and-Spice>Acai: *laid in a bed, looking blankly over at the bed beside him like it was something familiar. Makes an incoherent mumble that was probably a jumble of words he wanted to say* <Golly-chan>Flo: *Turns off the flashlight but keeps holding onto it. Stares down at you Acai. Don't die she'll get in trouble* awful sorry 'bout that.... *then looks up at Jeremiah* I-I think I banged up his noodle, doc. *taps her head for emphasis* <PockiiChuu>aomaoe: Feia: -knocks the fuck out because fuck you** PockiiChuu has left [connection closed] <aomaoe>Jeremiah: *omg it's JUST A POWER OUTAGE. Why are you people fucking crazy. He sighed, lifting himself up and walking out.* A head injury? *His voice much stronger, as well as his posture. When he was working, he was serious. It was quite the odd change. He walked over towards Kawaii, looking him over once before looking at Flo.* What exactly did you do? -Seventeen: *He seemed to be a bit transfixed by the. Empty bed. Where did he go. He shouldn't have been released yet right..? As the medic asked his question, Seventeen piped up.* Wait-- Sorry to interrupt but--.. Where did the Hitman go? Varion? Jeremiah: *Ah, come on now dude. Can't you see I was talking here. He cringed a bit at the mention of Varion's name, but brushed it off.* He asked to be released early, left.. shortly before

the power outage. <Blood-and-Spice>Doesn't even know any more: where...sho-..... .... .... sh- *something gears were turning in the
back of Kawaii's head, and he without warning flopped out of bed like a dying fish and grabbed on to seventeen's pants*

<Blood-and-Spice>woopse)) <Blood-and-Spice>Doesn't even know any more: where...sho-..... .... .... sh- *something gears were turning in the back of Kawaii's head, and he without warning flopped out of bed like a dying fish and grabbed on to seventeen's pants* <Blood-and-Spice>I miss super DAmn )) <Golly-chan>Flo: H-he... uh... knocked him down a flight of stairs? *She's instantly curious from Seventeen's question because she also wants to know where boss-sama is at, but before she gets that answer there goes fish boy. She's startled, doesn't know what to do* <aomaoe>Jeremiah: *DOWN A FLIGHT OF STAIRS WHAT ARHSFRHD-- what the-- the kid just like threw himself off the bed--* A-ah-- I wouldn't be so reckless-*WHAT ARE YOU DOING CHILD Seventeen: Oh-- *He was cut off as Kawaii launched himself from the bed. His hands went right for his belt, to hold his pants up incase Kawaii were to fall omg don't pull down my pants you ass.* The hell are you doing kid?! *He raised his voice slightly as he turned himself to lift Kawaii back up and push him back on the bed.* Stay. Seated. <Blood-and-Spice>Child: GRUAAH! * grabbing at his pocket desperately. It's all that existed in this world. Seventeens... pocket. <Golly-chan>Flo: *Wow is he going for the d* ... *Tries to carefully reach down and pry the child's fingers out of Seventeen's pocket* Geez... * <aomaoe>Jeremiah: .. *Well they all see okay I'm just gonna go back to hiding in my office except I CAN'T q Aq he stands there awkward. Towering them all... BI .. NO HE CAN'T LOOK SERIOUS q Aq. He just waited.* Seventeen: *OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING. I am not your precious Varion, get off my pants man! Oh wait- he's- .. his pocket. He aided Flo slightly to pry Kawaii's hands from him and took a step back.* Jesus christ, try to make words next time. * He huffed, taking out the phone and holding it out to the rabid child omg don't eat my hand.* ** huina has left [connection closed] <Blood-and-Spice>Rabid Child: *snatches the phone when it's offered to him, clicking redial, then stares at it like his life depended on it. Like that would will him to answer* <Golly-chan>Flo: <:Y *Watches the other redialing, awkwardly rubbing her arm. She starts stepping backwards, making her way for the door* ...I oughta go. Don't wanna cause more trouble than I
already have...

Jeremiah: *His attention shot towards Flo. He actually-- for once. Looked a bit angry.* You're n-not going anywhere. I-I have questions for y-you. Seventeen: 8I;; *Kinda just stands there awkwardly. Jfc you didn't have to call him immediately water you doing. Think about yourself. He's probably upstairs sleeping leave him be okay.* Varion: *He was sitting there idly, staring at the wall ahead of him. The red was starting to annoy his eyes. Least give some better emegency lights. Why are they red. Feia had fallen asleep, well, she had just been working out so he expected as much. He'll .. have to somehow get her to her flat. Wow okay. That'll be hard. He contemplated sleeping himself, but he wouldn't really be able to anywa-- oh. His phone is going off. Lifting it

up, he read. Boytoy. Wow okay. So now you're calling me? Well. Okay. Accepting the call, he brought it to his ear, inhaling.* Do you plan to tell me who you are this time? If not, please do not waste any more of my time. <Golly-chan>Flo: *Heart sinks at that angry look, omggg she's in trouble she's gonna be fired. She stops and bows her head unhappily* yessir... <Blood-and-Spice> Rabid Child: *he started to sputter some nonesense but cut himself off and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, replacing it with a calmer, albeit tired and worn voice. * Kawaii: Varion.... Are you... okay? <aomaoe>Jeremiah: *He sighed a bit, straightening himself out some. Okay. Don't lose your temper. He walked over to her, tall, and.. well intimidating. He's normally a frail little scaredy cat, but at work. He's professional.* Explain to me exactly how you accidentally sent another person down the stairs? Varion: *He was about to hang up himself at the first part until--.. words. Whoa now they were able to speak norma.. wait. Is that.. Kawaii? But. Why is he boytoy i.. Feia. Alright, that answers that. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose a bit before he remembered a question was asked.* Oh, I'm perfect. Stuck in an elevator during a power outage with a woman who would rather kill me than speak to me. Just dandy. <Blood-and-Spice>Kawaii: Floor? <Golly-chan>Flo: *Stands awkwardly under the other's gaze, keeping her eyes glued to the floor. So full of SHAME. She rubs her arm awkwardly, voice fading more and more*
It wasn't no accident, sir. I tossed him down... I'm real sorry. Thought he was a intruder.

<aomaoe>Varion: *Shaking his head some, he dropped the second hand, just kinda staring as he spoke on the phone.* I do not know the floor we are at, we traveled a bit from the lobby and out went the lights. Do you really expect me to know from within this death trap? *The world was against him going home.* Jeremiah: ..And you did not think to ask who he was? *He sighed, shaking his head and truning to look back towards Seventeen and Kawaii.* He.. seems to have recovered a bit, but he still has probably suffered some head trauma. *He looked back, a bit serious again.* Think before you act. <Golly-chan>Flo: I... I did, sir, but he didn't answer me... *Trails off, then just nods her head again* Yessir. *lol guilt* <Blood-and-Spice>Kawaii: Sorry.... ... I'm sorry... *he looked up towards Seventeen* He's trapped... elevator.... some where,... *and then he kinda curled up on the bed, holding his phone close* I knew... ... <aomaoe>Varion: Why are you apologizing to me? Unless you would like to sit here and tell me you shut off the electricity. *He continued talking even though he had heard Kawaii begin to speak again-- but this time to someone.. else? Where was he. And why was he talking like he was out of breath? He sighed, leaning his head back on the metal wall, the phone still at his ear. You knew what? Are you even talking to me anymore or the person you're with. He just kept his mouth shut.* Seventeen: *He stared. Whoa. wait. HE'S IN THE ELEVATOR? Ahaha ha sucks to be you- I mean. wait. Shit. That's not good. He glanced up towards Flo and Jeremiah--.. Leaning down, he patted Kawaii on the shoulder and began towards the other two.* Hey, Flo, mind helping me find the elevator? *His tone seemed amused, but. Nonetheless serious. I refuse to let you sleep gooly.* Jeremiah: *.. He's. omg. Stuck in the elevator. Q AQ That's terrible!! He would be

having a panic attack right now if that was him omg. He kinda stepped away, shooting Flo one last glare before walking towards Kawaii to.. well. He wasn't going to fight the phone from him, so he'll wait til he's willing to cooperate.* <Golly-chan>Flo: *Wait a second VARION IS STUCK IN AN ELEVATOR??? Despite still feeling guilty over Jeremiah's judging eyes, she nods* Y-yeah, sounds like he's in a pinch. <Blood-and-Spice>Kawaii: I think I have to go now... *he stared, eyes half lidded up at the doctor patiently waiting* he's waiting...for me.... <aomaoe>Jeremiah: *He looked at Kawaii sympathetically before leaning over and wrapping his hand on the phone.* You're not g-going anywhere. Come on, let me g-get you patched up.. *His voice was soft, even though he was asking the kid of something.* Varion: *He could hear Jeremiah from the device.. wait. Where is Kawaii at.. is he in the infirmary? Why does he sound like he's dying. He's so confused but his head already hurts he doesn't want to. Make it worse. Closing his eyes, he sat there for a moment, before they snapped back open. No. Stay awake, don't fall asleep. Not in here. Lowering the phone, he hung up the call and slowly lowered his hand to his lap. He didn't have anything to say to Kawaii. He was just another worry. Shouldn't have even said anything. Oh- no- before he locked the screen again, he retyped the name in his phone. So instead of Boytoy, he was now Kawaii, and not Elvis like before. He leaned his head back against the metal again, ... closing his eyes all over again. He was tired, in pain, and just wnted to lay down. Confused and angry but also paranoid he'd be stuck in here longer than he would wish.* Seventeen: Yeah, so lets go find him. *He lead Flo out, looking around the basement some before idegaf finding a crowbar that just happened to be lying on the ground, and continuing on.* If he had time to go up-.. lets try from the first floor after the lobby, and we'll work out way up, alright? ** huina has joined ** huina has left [connection closed] <Golly-chan>Flo: *Nods, following along after Seventeen* Mmhm.. ** huina has joined ** huina has left [connection closed] <Blood-and-Spice>Kawaii: *he couldn't put up much of a fight to his phone being taken from him, but didn't seem to since what energy he mustered up for Varion was flushed out, he just laid there staring blankly ahead and possibly not what could be classified as concious* <aomaoe>Seventeen: *They'd come up on the .. well second floor technially, and walked up to the elevator doors.* .. Hmm, I'm gonna try and pry em' open a bit and you look alright? *He positioned the crowbar on the crack where the doors met, and started to try and pry them open.* ** huina has joined <aomaoe>Jeremiah: *idk what to do with him so I guess this rp is technically over so. u nu doctor stuff.* <Blood-and-Spice>obby. That sounds familiar )) <Golly-chan>Flo: Alright. *She tries to help him as best she can with just her hands, and once the doors are pried open enough she tries to look in to see what's up with dat elevator*

<aomaoe>Elevator: *lol up higher bitches* <aomaoe>Seventeen: *He held the doors open, though they woudln't close too quickly. Since. You know the powers out.* Do you see it..? Is it above or below--? ** huina has left [connection closed] <Golly-chan>Flo: *Oh hai elevator!* S'up above, looks like two floors up. *Moves away from those doors, heading for the stairway. Gonna go up to rescue him!!* <aomaoe>Seventeen: Oh that isn't too bad. *He followed after Flo, up the stairs about two stories. The elevator, I want to say, is probably just abit beneath the fourth floor. So. If the doors were to be opened, you've got about a foot of space ok. It's going to be hard to rescue them. Good luck.* <Golly-chan>Flo: *Fix it Flo and Smash it Seventeen are on the case. She stops in front of the elevator and knocks on it* Varion? Can you hear me? <aomaoe>Varion: *His eyes snap open at the knocking and the voice. Whoa that was unexpected. He shook his head some and blinked a few times towards the doors.* No. *Gotta be a smart ass to the end.* <aomaoe>Seventeen: *Stands there. Yep. Gotta be the one. He trotted over to begin to pry the doors open.* ** huina has joined <Golly-chan>Flo: *Yay it's bossu!! She eagerly helps seventeen pry the doors open, then glances down at the elevator. She gets down on her hands and knees, trying to peer into the elevator* How the heck are we gonna get 'em out... ** huina has left [connection closed] <aomaoe>Varion: *Theres a second set of doors on the elevator smart one. Hearing her voice again, he pushed himself up, and slowly slid himself up the wall. Goddamnit. The dull aching pain was back, and worse, as he brought his body up. Taking a short limped step forward, or well more like a few steps, he stood himself infront of the door. He didn't know where she was, or how she was seeing it fron the outside, but he positioned his hands inside the crack where the doors met. Balancing himself mainly on one foot, he focused the weight as he started to try to pull the doors apart. With the power out, the only thing stopping them from opening was the sheer weight of the metal, after a moment, they would begin to slide to either side, opening up the foot in a half, two foot opening that connected the Elevator to the hallway. He was met with Flo's face staring, and he lifted a brow at her.* <aomaoe>Seventeen: `v` *skipo himo* <Golly-chan>Flo: *Lmfao oh hey Varion!* Varion! Don't worry. We'll getcha out. *Still on hands and knees, she glances back at Seventeen* Can we pull him up? <aomaoe>Varion: Please do not strictly pull me from this death trap by my arms, they have suffered enough. *He took a deep breath, staring.* And Feia is down here, I would need assistance to lift her up. *He finished. Or if you want I can sit here and ignore my leg again, hows that sound.* <aomaoe>Seventeen: Ah, I'll. Here, Flo, you wait here and I'll get into the elevator myself, hoist em' both up and you can pull em out. Sound good? <Golly-chan>Flo: *Nodnod-- gets up and steps back so that Seventeen can slip inside* <aomaoe>Varion: *He took a step to the side, to let Seventeen slid in. BI He sat with a glare on his face though because he's stll the fucker who thought he could lie to him and

say he was downstairs to make a call. Sure. I've got my eye on you.* <aomaoe>Seventeen: *As Flo moved, he put the crowbar down and walked over, crouching down and sliding himself into the elevator. Quite a tight fit, but enough to get a person through. Once in there, he looked at Varion only for a second before looking away. First towards Feia, than towards the crutches, and then the small bag Varion had. He started with those. Lifting the crutches, he slid them out, the bag following. He looked at Varion once more to catch the same glare and then decided to go to Feia first. Walking over, he leaned over and slid his hands beneath her, lifting her up slowly so he wouldn't wake her. Since pockii is gone anyway, she isn't gonna wake up. He walked over and lifted her up best he could so Flo could at least reach down and lift her up and out.* <Golly-chan>Flo: *lol leaves by suckers* )) <aomaoe>OMG ]] <Golly-chan>Flo: *Takes those items, setting them safely off to the side. Then-- o it's that girl 8( She doesn't like her, but reluctantly grabs Feia through the crack in the elevator and yoinks her out* <aomaoe>WOO TIME TO INTERACT WITH MYSELF AGAIN ]] <aomaoe>Seventeen: *After Feia was successfully pulled from the elevator, he hesitantly looked back towards Varion. Fucker still scared him. They're the same height too. But just something about him was off. Lifting his hands up as if he was giving up, he stepped off to the side and let Varion walk forward.* Not gonna pick you up like her dude, but I'll give you a boost. *The words were almost smug, like he was going to hold it against the hitmen.* Varion: *He sighed as Seventeen stepped back. Using the wall as support, he walked over to the opening and stared at Flo.* If you drop me I swear I will take your life before you can even ask if I am alright. *He did not want to be dropped. Nope. One, Seventeen would probably hold it against him,and two, he can't exactly catch himself on a broken leg. He'd break it more or fall right back. Lifting his hands, he opened them and waited for her to grab them.* Seventeen: *Meanwhile in Seventeenland, he crouched down, layering his hands as if he was goign to well, give someone a boost. He motioned for Varion to at least use his good foot to help, but the balance would be off. omg he'd have to keep Varion balanced by leaning on him. Eww old man butt in my face.* <Blood-and-Spice>Kawaii: *jealous* )) <aomaoe>Seventeen: Yeah you better be. ]] <aomaoe>Seventeen: I touched your crushes butt and lived to tell the tale. ]] <Golly-chan>Flo: Don't worry, I won't drop ya'. *Reaches down to take the man's hands, using her own body weight to start pulling the man up*

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