Parading Around Eztli

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07:07:10 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *avoids eye contact please when he's pushed

forward* Um... hi. *already feels so welcome* 07:08:44 PM** Sanpinchahas left [connection closed] 07:08:54 PM<cutieringtail>Samie: So she started walking over, looking around. Oh, it was that one guy with the hackey sack thing that he'd been kicking around. Yup. Didn't one of the others call him mexican? Either way, she wasn't going to do more than greet him politely and gently, and be polite in general, since besides- didn't sibbi say they were dating now? And not in just that blood bond thing?

<Nyyrikki> Chrykck: "Hello." Despite how calm he seemed, his hair was flashing at quite a rapid pace. Goodness. He saw Samie start to walk over out of the corner of his eye, and offered her a small wave as well. <Golly-chan>Sibbi: Eztli, this is Chrykck! He's very smart. He's even found a way to make paper. *His attention turns to where Chrykck is waving, and he beams a smile at Samie* Samie!! Come here, come meet Eztli! <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: ... Hello.. Chrykck... *trying to remember how he made this one angry, and glances over towards Samie* <cutieringtail>Samie: Ooop, spotted. She gave a shy little grin and bounced over, hiding that pen in her hand as she came and stood by Sibbi. "I think we met- way back a couple months ago- I think something happened and you carried me back to the med hut or something after that." ** wonderwart has joined ** Sanpincha has left [timed out] <Nyyrikki>Chrykck: Oh goodness, angry, who was angry. "Yes, yes. How have you been, Samie?" His fingers drummed against the paper as he looked around at everyone. ** 8---8 has joined <Golly-chan>Sibbi: Aha, that's right~ That was the first time we met. *Grins at Eztli like 'omg this is going soooooooo well'* <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *gives a look at sibbi like. Yeah. Yeah. Sure it is. He stared at Samie* You were being foolish, and not taking care of yourself. ** 8---8 has left [connection closed] <cutieringtail>Samie: "Yeah." She nodded. "But I've changed my ways." She nodded some more, then smiled at Chrykck. "I've been well. And yourself?" <Nyyrikki>Chrykck: "I have been as well as can be expeted." There was a small pause before manners (and some lsight curiosity) prompted him to add; "And you two?" ** wonderwart has joined ** YoYoii has left [connection closed] <Golly-chan>Sibbi: I've been great. *Sets his hands on his hips confidently* I'm spending most of my days training now. Both physically, and with my powers. Today is a special break, though. I want to take Eztli around so that others may get to know him better. Did you hear the silly things they were saying at the meeting? I don't want anyone to think that way. <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: What... did they say? ** Sanpincha has joined ** 8---8 has joined <cutieringtail>Samie: "..." She looked over at Eztli and shrugged, then went to go sit next to Chrykck.

<8---8>Logan: /He's running down the beach, trying to condition his body a little more before going back to meditating. He notices people in the distance but he doesn't pay mind to any of them/ ** 8---8 has left <Nyyrikki>Chrykck: "Yes, that is most excellent." He froze for a second at Sibbi's remark, the corners of his mouth twitching as he figured what would be the best thing to say. "Removing some of the preconceptions that some might have is always a good thing..." he said slowly, eyes narrowing slightly. Sibbi wat are you doing. <Golly-chan>Sibbi: Just worried nonsense. Some of them are afraid of the council. But once they meet you, I'm sure they'll realize they were wrong! *Oh look it's another person. He immediately waves at Logan* Logan!! Come here, I want you to meet someone! ** 8---8 has left [connection closed] ** 8---8 has joined <8---8>Logan: /He hears Sibbi's voice and he tries to run further, but he can't help but look over toward Etzli, frowning. He hasn't met this person. He frowns and reluctantly jogs over/ ** Awa303 has joined <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: Afraid... It's because of my master isn't it... *glances at Logan approaching the group* ** cocowoushi has joined <cutieringtail>Samie: She nodded a little, watching him closely. She could figure it was yet another person who seemed to just dislike her from straight off the bat, so she figured she'd be quiet and keep out of the way and treat him politely as one should. ** cutieringtail has left [connection closed] <8---8>Logan: /He looks about the crowd sort of around Etzli, and pauses/ ... h-hello. Sibbi wants me to meet you? /He looks over at Sibbi to check/ ** cutieringtail has joined <Golly-chan>Sibbi: Well-- yes, a bit. But I'm sure that fear will pass from -you-, sweetheart. *Tries to give Eztli an encouraging smile, and then waves at Logan* Yes! I do. Logan, this is Eztli~ I'm introducing him to people. <8---8>Logan: /His brow raises as he looks at Etzli again before looking at Sibbi again/ ... I see. /He glances back at the blood user and then nods/ Hello. <cutieringtail>Samie: She waved at Logan with a smile. ** cutieringtail has left [connection closed] <Nyyrikki>Chrykck: "You must admit, there is some justification for it." He sniffed a bit at Sibbi's comment and waved at Logan as he approached. ** cutieringtail has joined <Awa303>Tsuyu: *has nothing to do and was starting to get hungry, so she had the idea of having a snack at the beach; there she is, walking around the shore with a sweetsmelling package wrapped in cloth. Once she spotted people ahead, she waved to them* <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *he closes his eyes for a moment at Chrykck's response* Perhaps... *and looks at Logan, nodding his head at him* Hello Logan. *his attention turned to a fimiliar girl coming closer. Oh boy. So many people. Tries to smile. Be friendly* <cutieringtail>Samie: Blinks sloooooooooowly.

<8---8>Logan: /He makes note of that smile before smiling back at Samie and Chrykck, only to turn to Tsuyu. He waves at Tsuyu slightly, sighing a bit before looking back to Etzli/ So, did Sibbi drag you down here? <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Is so very pleased! He puts an arm around Eztli's shoulder, patting his trophy wife's arm* You see? I told you people would be curious to meet you! Why don't you tell them a bit about yourself, kattunge? Does anyone have questions? *Laughs at Logan's words* I suppose you could say that, yes. <Awa303>Tsuyu: *oh hey that's the braid-buddy blood-user farmer... she can't remember his name* ...Oh hello, fancy seeing you again. *brief polite bow and then looks at the others* Is there any meeting happening that I didn't know about? I didn't expect to find a crowd here... <cutieringtail>Samie: "No meeting. It's a chance happening. I think Sibbi has some magnetic pull when he smiles to attract a crowd." She laughed. <Nyyrikki>Chrykck: "It is quite an unusual phenomenon." He nodded a greeting to Tsuyu as she came up. <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *he leaned into Sibbi a little* He has been bothering me to come to this side of the island since before we were even dating. I have been reluctant because of... .. justified.. feelings... *he gave tsuyu a little wave* <8---8>Logan: All the more reason to try to redeem yourself by being yourself. /He shrugs, staring at Etzli the way Locke stares at Logan's beard/ <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Chuckles happily, shrugging a little, but obviously feeling smug* It can't be helped. I just have a very attractive smile. But that is enough about me, we're here for Eztli~ *Smooches the top of the shorter man's head before continuing* Eztli really wants to make friends with you all, but he has been convinced that he will be unable to because of everyone's fear of his partner. I think he is wrong! <cutieringtail>Samie: She smiled. "We are often judged for the company we keep, but if we come forwards alone, perhaps without hiding behind a shield we can create new, positive relationships." <Awa303>Tsuyu: .......... *raises an eyebrow* ...As much as partners tends to look like opposites (and that I can attest for myself), he seems as much safer to be nearer as a partner is not. Besides, I didn't give my thanks for the farm tips from last time. UuU ** cutieringtail has left [connection closed] ** cutieringtail has joined ** cutieringtail has joined ** YoYoii has joined <Nyyrikki>Chrykck: He gave Eztli a measuring look. "Well. One cannot be measured soley by the actions of their partner." It was a start, at least. <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: It was my pleasure. I guess the tips were useful? *he felt more than a little pressured with all these eyes* U-um.. then... where do I start? <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Grins and paps Eztli on the head* Mm. Tell them a bit about your past! How you are from the Aztec Empire. It's very interesting~ And while he does that. *Looks at everyone else* I will catch everyone something to eat. Make yourselves comfortable, I'll be back in a bit with some fish. *And he releases Eztli, moving away from the group and towards the ocean* Feel free to ask him any questions you may have! <Awa303>Tsuyu: There are some of the results to prove right here. *points at the packet she's still holding; she's not sure she wants a history lesson right now, though* ...Isn't it a

little early for fish? *watched as Villi left; she'll stay there with her pamonhas , but thanks Sibbi* <cutieringtail>Samie: She pouted. "It's early for food in general." <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *Feeesh? Well, she's fishing, for once, instead of hunting burds, standing knee-deep in the river in her demon form and scooping them suckers out* >: d ** aomaoe has joined <8---8>Logan: /He clenches his jaw slightly/ Aztec Empire ... /He notices Nehnna from afar and frowns slightly/ Well - it was nice meeting you in any case Etzli. But I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment to stay for too long. I hope it's encouragement enough to just come back here so that we could talk more. /He shrugs as he starts moseying away/ <Sanpincha>Bat *Sitting near by Nehnna but out of her sight and her way, taking a break from training. He was staring at the sea while he spun the ball of shadow he materialized on his hand. Occasionally making it float up high and dropping it back to his hand like a ball.* <cutieringtail>Samie: She caught glimpse of Nehnna as well, and got up to go mosey alongside Logan. "Where're ya goin?" ** cutieringtail has left [connection closed] <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *LALALA GETTING FISH DON'T MIND HIM* <Awa303>Tsuyu: *seems like Samie was right and everyone was only there because Sibbi is some kind of odd magnet* .......... ** aomaoe has left [connection closed] ** cutieringtail has joined <drawingFrog>Nehnna: * Naw, she leaves him be, because, well, not like she had much interest in Eztli. But she does look up at him for a moment and licks her chaps, just in case he gets the idea to start up introductions again* :I ;; ** Nyyrikki has left [timed out] <8---8>Logan: Need to go and exericse and train and meditate. /He murmurs to Samie, frowning slightly to himself/ <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *he watched as a good portion of the group had left when Sibbi did, and turned his head back to the remainder* um... <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *He's still wading out into the water, his pants rolled up, when he looks back and sees everyone leaving* ...Hey! <cutieringtail>Samie: "Can I join you for a slight bit, if you don't mind?" She murmured back, quiet because he was quiet. ** Nyyrikki has joined <8---8>Logan: I suppose. But you really should be with Sibbi and Etzli and everyone - I mean, they're a lot better company than I am, right? <Awa303>Tsuyu: *facepalming* Oh well... *sits down on the sand. She's going to eat her snack because that's what she came to do anyway. But she had time to snicker at the face Sibbi was making* <cutieringtail><b> <cutieringtail>go me)) <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *Fffuuuuu, Sibbi, you scare dem fish with your shouting. Huffing, she moved further down, towards Bat because he was gloriously quiet, her skin

darkening with the deeper shadows about. C'mere fishies >:U * <cutieringtail>Samie: "Not... really. Sibbi's not there, and I don't like crowds." <Sanpincha>Bat *His concentration broke when he heard Sibbi's voice, causing the ball of shadow to 'splash' back into the ground. He peered from his little hiding spot and saw the blond in the shallow water, as well as Nehnna coming towards him. Seeing that they're trying to catch some fish, he waved at Sibbi instead of saying anything.* <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Starts walking back out of the water, calling to Eztli* How rude of them to leave when you were about to talk! I-- *wait, eyezooms, there's Bat and Nehnna over there. More people to introduce? Although he isn't sure in Nehnna's case, he starts to approach them* Hello, you two! Would you like to come meet Eztli? ** cutieringtail has left [connection closed] <Awa303>Tsuyu: *Sibbi are you blind, she and Chrykck are still there* <8---8>Logan: /He sighs, rubbing the back of his head/ It isn't that much of a crowd. /He smiles weakily/ I'll be fine, if that's what you're worried about. <Nyyrikki>Chrykck: He seemed to perk up a bit at the mention of the Aztec Empire. "Interesting. Would you perhaps mind sharing some insight from your experiences with that region?" It's okay Tsu, they are too cool to notice, is all. <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *Another fish gone. Thanks Sibbi. Her ears fan out as she turns to frown at him* No. BI <cutieringtail>Samie: "It's still enough of the crowd that the buzzing gets louder." She frowned. "And I'm only halfway doing this for you, so shush-up." <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *he sighs when sibbi starts chasing after new victims and takes a seat* It was my home. It was where I was born and raised. And I miss it dearly. ** aomaoe has joined <8---8>Logan: Then what's the other half for then? /He wonders as he starts making his way to the east side of the beach/ <Sanpincha>Bat *He blinks as he looks over to Eztli. Have they met before? He looked familiar, but he couldn't remember. He didn't want to be rude, he stood up and took a moment to bow to Nehnna, greeting her silently before he started to make his way to Sibbi.* Um... sure. *He flashed a small smile.* <cutieringtail>Samie: "I'd like to have company, and I do count you as a good friendsomeone I'd like to be around more." <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Stops in front of Nehnna and Bat, looking at the girl* Now, Nehnna, I understand you may dislike his partner. But Eztli is different. He is a wonderful person and he wants to make friends, so please try to be nice. *Then turns his attention to Bat and beams a grin* Wonderful~! Thank you, Bat. Come on. *Motions for the man to follow him, and glances hopefully at Nehnna, before turning to walk back to where Eztli is* <Nyyrikki>Chrykck: "Ah. Yes. Quite an understandable feeling. I often find myself wishing that I was back where I had come from." For once he seemed to have enough tact to not pull out his pen and start writing down everything right then and there. <Awa303>Tsuyu: .....Same... *well she felt the same about the old base in Russia, and Japan, thought not all the time; but could understand the feeling. For another angle, if she tried to console him the same way she usually did to Leon it would be VERY AWKWARD, so nope* ...Want some? *points at the packet of remaining pamonhas

(talking to both Eztli and Chrykck)* <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *She nods at Bat as he bows, but makes little move to follow Sibbi at first. Damn appearances, though--scooping the few fish up in her arms, she stalks over to the group, and decides that curling up next to Chrykck is the best spot, yes. Fire demon and heat and all that. Blinking up at Eztli, she snaps her teeth once by way of greetng before biting off the head of a fish and gulping it down. Hapylizurd* <drawingFrog>happy* <8---8>Logan: /He looks over at Samie and nods quietly/ Yeah, alright. Well, how're you at least? <cutieringtail>Samie: "I'm alright. My head's a little more clear than last time." She smiled softly. "I don't think I'll get upset over something so insignifigant now." <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: Are your homes still there? *he asked sullenly* I'm good. *he said to the offer before looking up at the victims Sibbi brought* Hello. *gives sibbi a look like if you leave me alone again you will regret it* <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Sees Nehnna bite the fish off of that head o mgfg* *quickly clears his throat and glances at the little group* Wh-why don't I get a fire going? Or I could gather frui-- *wait sees that look Eztli's giving him and quickly sits down instead* Nevermind. *ming* Eztli, this is Bat, and you already know Nehnna. <Sanpincha>Bat: *He followed after Sibbi to greet Eztli. Upon walking closer to the group, he began to feel a bit nervous. Avoiding eye contact with others, he scratched at his bad eye as he nodded to Eztil.* Hello. *He greeted a bit quietly. Still not too well around group of people he barely knows.* <Awa303>Tsuyu: ...No, Eztli, it exploded. While we were on that ship. *she thought he knew that already* <Nyyrikki>Chrykck: "Ah, no thank you, Tsuyu. Oh, wWell I would not be welcomed there by any stretch of the imagination. But yes, it is still there." He absently patted Nehnna on the head as she curled up next to him, not seeming to notice that she was now a large lizard demon. <8---8>Logan: ... I'm sorry for upsetting you nonetheless. /He offers as he puts his hands in his pockets, putting his feet in the ocean water/ ** Cinerious has joined <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli:</b> A base was your home? I thought they did horrible things there. <drawingFrog>Nehnna: . . . *Chrykck gets /all/ the points as she purrs happily and keeps snapping up those fish. She watches Eztli, though, her tail flicking behind her* They did. But thisss isss home, forrr now. Unlesss you would like to let usss go ssssightssseing forrrr a few yearrrs. Tsuyu: It was the place where I met my partner, and in any case the little place where we resided was better than the one I was born, for me at least. Although I can understand that you'd find it weird, but I'm not the only one who considered it a home.** 8---8 has left [connection closed]<Golly-chan>Sibbi: That is true. It was not a perfect place, but it was not really 'horrible'. At least, I did not think it was.<Awa303>Tsuyu: The basement was horrible, but the rest not really.

<Sanpincha>Bat *He sat down next to Sibbi since he was the only one there that was most familiar.* The base treated their soldiers well... I am not sure about some of the demons though. *Remembering the first day, seeing the caged demons made him really uncomfortable.* ** cutieringtail has joined <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: So eager to get yourself killed right after we saved your life? *he stared at Nehnna* We're not keeping you here for our own enjoyment. * he turned his attention to the others* Jiao informed me that your old 'home' was a slave camp for demons wasn't it? ** cutieringtail has joined <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *Licking her fingers, she shrugged, then considers Eztli's point* In a way, it wassss. <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Also glances at Nehnna* Unfortunately... he's right. The military is apparently trying to track us down, you know? At least, for now. I'm sure they'll give up after a few years, and then we will be free to leave! *Glances back at Eztli, hesitating* ...What Nehnna said. In a way. <Nyyrikki>Chrykck: "Tehnically speaking, no, though I can see how it was turned into such." He frowned slightly, still absently patting Nehnna on her head. ** Sanpincha has left [connection closed] <cutieringtail>Samie: Welp, after her short walk/talk with logan, she decided to come back, and was coming around in a wide berth from Nehnna, eyeing her suspiciously. ** Sanpincha has joined ** cutieringtail has left [connection closed] ** Sanpincha has left [connection closed] <Awa303>Tsuyu: *she gave a crooked smile* The word is 'experiment'. They wanted to see if it was possible to make an army of bonded demons or similar. We were considered 'failed' because didn't obey and act like the ones pulling the strings wanted. So much that for the coulple years I lived there, it was more of a big confusing and crazy family. ** Sanpincha has joined <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: They were training you to be an army of exterminators... *looks at Chrykck* And did you go willingly? <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Since that question was directed at Chrykck he stays quiet, just casually looking to see if Nehnna has any fish left* ** cutieringtail has joined <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *She eyes Tsu coolly for a moment before her attention flicks to Samie. Licking her chops once more, she started to examine the leftover fish bones, poking their tips before holding one tightly in her palm and frowning, before lookng up at Eztli* Exssterminating ourrr own, yesss. *Nehnna stahp he didn't ask you. Sibbi, I'm sure there are bits of raw fish here and there--just chew around her bitemarks* ** aomaoe has joined ** aomaoe has left [connection closed] <wonderwart>Dalton: *he had heard the various voices and the chatter coming from the group before he ever reached the beach area. Stopping at the line of trees just at the edge, the blond stared out at the group, expressionless* <Nyyrikki>Chrykck: "Oh yes. In retrospect it was not the best of decisions, but with what we knew at that point in time it seemed wise."

<Sanpincha>Bat *He curled up a bit, hugging his knees while listening to others talk. He was mostly clueless as to what the base was expecting to see from their soldiers. He just stared at the ground in silence, thinking.* <cutieringtail>Samie: She blinked at the Nehnna between her and friends. And decided to go around and approach from the other side. Yes. That would be the way to get in and be part of the circle instead of an outlier as always. <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Feeling eyes on them, he turns to look back, spying a Dalton. He quickly frowns and glares at the other, mouthing 'go away' before turning back to the conversation* Not all the demons came so willingly, though. Bell, for one, was taken without consent... *Notices Samie lurking about and pats the spot beside him for her to sit* <cutieringtail>Samie: And boom, spot was taken. ** Blood-and-Spice has left [timed out] <Awa303>Tsuyu: Some gone willingly, some not. Some ended there by chance. Both humans and demons, though I'm sure the number of unwilling demons in there was undeniably higher than of unwilling humans. ** Blood-and-Spice has joined <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: At least here you are safe from human tyranny. And can be given the time to learn about the blessing they forced on you. ** cutieringtail has left [connection closed] <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *She tenses when she hears Dalton nearby, but since he's not coming any closer, she shifts her attention to the writings in Chrykck's lap* Many werrre brrrrought unwillingly, and many rrregrrrretted theirrr decissionsss. *She looked up at Eztli for a moment* Thissss isss trrrue. But trrry getting ssssome to sssee that. ** cutieringtail has joined <Nyyrikki>Chrykck: "Ah, yes, there has been much that I have learned on this island." Unfortunately, Nehnna wouldn't really be able to read any of it, it was written in a shorthand ode to save space. "It is proving to be an interesting experience, in the least, I will say." <wonderwart>Dalton: *giving a finger wave to Sibbi, he takes another step out from the trees and tucks his hands into his pockets. Grinning at he other blonde, he moves yet another step closer* ** cutieringtail has left [connection closed] ** cutieringtail has joined <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Eyezoom, is Dalton coming closer? He glances at Eztli, giving him a sweet smile* I will be right back, go on and continue your conversation. Perhaps tell them more about yourself personally. *Then stands up to go towards Dalton!* <Awa303>Tsuyu: *a wild Dalton appeared. And Sibbi fleed again. Why didn't she bring some tea? At least the food is good* ** 3712 has joined <Sanpincha>Bat *He glanced to whoever started to talk. Not sure what to say he stayed quiet, observing others. He looked up to Sibbi when he stood up and began to walk away. Spotting Dalton in the direction the blond was walking to. He waved to Dalton.* <cutieringtail>Samie: aefikefoiefoijrfoijr NO SIBBI DON'T GO. She frowned as he stood, considering following like the baby duck she was. But no, she stayed where she was.

** Blood-and-Spice has left [connection closed] <Awa303>Tsuyu: *offers food to Samie* ** Blood-and-Spice has joined <wonderwart>Dalton: *Comes closer just another step, then stops when Sibbi starts his way. Tipping his head to one side, he gave a little wave to and the others looking his way* <cutieringtail>Samie: Takes that food with a big bright smile and a nod and nibbles at it <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *sees a Dalton coming but doesn't pay too much mind, taking the chance to speak to them when he wasn't paying attention* I know none of you want to hear a guy talking about himself. Nothing sounds more dull. <Nyyrikki>Chrykck: He looked around the circle that had grown considerably since he had last looked. "I would certainly be interested." Mymymy, when did all of these people get here? <Awa303>Tsuyu: *pats the baby duck Samie's shoulder, then equally offers the pamonhas to awkward turtle Bat* <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *Frowning at that writing, she makes a mental note to ask Chrykck about paper later. But--oho? She watches Sibbi and Dalton with interest, her ears rustling behind her as she continues to listen to Eztli* You would be sssurrprrrissed at how many would dissagrrree with you. <Sanpincha>Bat *He looks to Tsuyu and accepts the food with a small smile. Still being a bit shy, he thanks her quietly. Turning his attention back to Sibbi and Dalton.* .... *They're not going to start fighting again, are they?* o-o;; <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Not wanting to arouse any suspicious, he forces a smile once he's close enough to talk to Dalton, then lowers his voice* Go away. You are forbidden from speaking to Eztli. <Awa303>Tsuyu: *looking at Sibbi* ...Is that related to still not winning that spar session Bell wanted? <cutieringtail>Samie: Oop, gossip. All ears open! She nibbled on that food, eyes wide on Tsu, then on Sibbi, then back again. <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: The what? *interested in anything sibbi* <Awa303>Tsuyu: Bell wanted Sibbi to win a spar against Dalton before she trained him more with his shadow powers. Apparently he's still at it. Even asked me for a spar too as practice, but not hurting
him was hard.

<drawingFrog>Nehnna: *She looks back down at Chrykck's paper, still listening to Dalton and Sibbi. Sparring session? Not something she's interested in unless someone got mauled. That would be a fun story. Nope, just gonna keep staring hard at Chrykck's writing, trying to make out the writing. She can't believe that she's already forgotten how to read letters sobNehnnano* <wonderwart>Dalton: Step away, darling. You're blocking my vision of a handsome latin and mongolian men who's suddenly appeared on the beach. *smiles and begins to move around Sibbi to continue toward the crowd* <wonderwart>of handsome* <cutieringtail>Samie: "... When Sibbi and I sparred last, I came out on top. Has he really improved enough to fight Dalton?" She asked innocently enough. <Nyyrikki>Chrykck: It took him a few moments to realize that Nehnna was starig fixedly at the paper in his lap. "I believe I have some extra left from the last batch I made

if you would like some." NoNehnnanothat'snotitatall. <Golly-chan>Sibbi: Keep away from the latin one!! *Wants to stop Dalton soooo bad, but he also doesn't want to start any scene. Reluctantly lets Dalton walk, but he tries to hurry back first to claim the spot next to Eztli again. GO AWAY IT'S MIEN* <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *Buh, Dalton, Sibbi, you're not interesting at all. She looks up at Chrykck and licks her lips* What do you ussse forrr ink? *But yes, if the eager look on her face means anything, it's that she wants paper. Bad.* <Sanpincha>Bat *He watched the two, seems like they're okay? He looked back to the group as they started to talk about Sparring* I haven't sparred in a while... *He jumped a bit when Sibbi hurried back, wasn't expecting that. He looked back to Dalton, not sure what just happened between the two now.* <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: I see... Why in the world would she refuse to train him? *sounds irritated but not at Tsuyu. He looked over when his boifran rushed back to his spot* Bell refuses to train you? <cutieringtail>Samie: She looked over at Bat. "Would you like to spar? I haven't in a while either." And she smiled at him, batting those big brown eyes. <wonderwart>Dalton: *laughs softly when Sibbi runs away like a jealous girlfriend and moves to slip down beside Bat, grinning up at the shadow user* Hello...are you hiding from me? I never see you around~ <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Yes good, he made it back before Dalto-- wait wut looks at Eztli* What? No! It. It is not like that... She just feels I am not ready to learn more. Which I disagree with, but... <Nyyrikki>Chrykck: "Ah, a variety of things. Charcoal, some berries. A bit of sap to thicken in slightly. Depends on what is available, to be honest." <Sanpincha>Bat *He glanced to Samie when she offered to spar.* Oh, I think that'd be nice actually. *He nodded before his attention was shifted to Dalton.* Hi Dalton. Uh... I've been mostly practicing with my powers here at the beach. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to seem like I've been hiding. I'll try to visit you more often. *He smiled back to Dalton.* <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *She listens to the others while frowning at Chrykck, thinking hard* Do you wrrrrite verrry much? Do you need much ink? >: d ** 3712 has left [connection closed] <cutieringtail>Samie: "Anytime you want-" STARES AT DALTON AS SHE SPEAKS, NOT BLINKING FOR A COUPLE SECS, then looks back at Bat. "I don't think we've met though, yet." <wonderwart>Dalton: *looking back at Sibbi for a brief moment, the blond smirkedamused with Sibbi's explaination. When Bat explained his predicament, he nodded and grinned up at the other, happy by the offer* Please do! I'll be sure to make us something nice to eat for your visit. <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: What is the training? <Nyyrikki>Chrykck: "Oh yes, quite a lot. This is," he held up one of the bundles of paper. "The seventh I am on at the present. The other I am only on my third, however."<Golly-chan>Sibbi: The... ah, training? What do you mean? *His attention sloooowly turns over to Bat and Dalton and he stares at them. STARES. STARES. Omg. That's Dalton's mysterious boyfriend. He has figured it out*<drawingFrog>Nehnna: *Puckering her lips, she nods decidedly* I can make betterrrr ink forrr you. Trrrrue ink. In exsssschange forrr paperr, if you arrrrre willing. O v O ~<Awa303>Tsuyu: Sibbi, I

have not seen Bell in a while to be able to tell what she's thinking, but be it with her or sparring you do need to train. <Sanpincha>Bat *He nodded.* I'll bring Vesper with me too. He hasn't come out to spend time with anyone, so I'm sure he'd like to talk to you again. *He glanced back to Samie.* Oh, my apologies, my name's Bat Kirgiz. I'm bonded with a shadow demon. <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: Perhaps you should speak with Gisele more Sibbi. Maybe she can teach you better than tha-... I mean your... partner... <wonderwart>Dalton: *his grin only grew wider and he reached to give Bat's arm a gentle squeeze* Really? I haven't see the brat in so long...Tell him I'll have plenty of fruit for him, and the house stays dark. *actually giddy, gets a visit from his babbus <3*<Nyyrikki>Chrykck: He was quiet for a moment as he absorbed what she had been saying. His breath slowly hissed out between his teeth, "Yessss, that would be most excellent. Most excellent indeed."<cutieringtail>Samie: "Samie Jean, fire." She smiled and gave him a wave. DALTON, YOU'RE REALLY GETTING IN THE WAY OF MAKING A NEW FRIEND HERE. "Anytime, seriously."<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *eyezoom, they're touching arms. definitely boyfriens. But he turns his attention back to Sibbi* I don't know. The last time I visited her, she wanted me to be able to fill and entire room with darkness. I still cannot really do that. Do you think she would teach me anything? *glances back at Dalton and Bat*<drawingFrog>Nehnna: *She watches him for a moment, before grinning wickedly* Actually, if you would teach me how to /make/ paperrrr, I would teach you how to make the ink--it issss sssimple, essspecially forrrr a firrred demon. e w e<Golly-chan>*BACK TO EZTLI )<Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: If you ask respectfully. <Golly-chan>Sibbi: Mm. Perhaps I will do that... *keepin' his eyes on Dalton and Bat, so distracted* ** aomaoe has joined** cutieringtail has left [connection closed]<Sanpincha>Bat *twitches when Dalton touches his arm, the wounds still bothering him a bit. He tried not to show it though.* He'll be thrilled about that, I doubt he'll ever want to leave. *He chuckled. Going back to Samie.* It's nice to meet you. I'll definately ask you for a spar later. ** cutieringtail has joined<Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *stares over with him like wtf is so interesting. Looses interest in that one guy quick and looks over at Tsuyu* Thank you for training with him though. <cutieringtail>Samie: She nodded, smiling. "Alright then. It'll be a pleasure." Aand she looked over at Sibbi. "And you. I need to spar with you again. I wanna see how far you've come." She patted at him, since she was close.<Awa303>Tsuyu: It's no problem. It was good to pass time and nice for a change. <cocowoushi>Locke: *Nehnna, you'll hear him coming on closer if you weren't too distracted with Chrykck. He had been watching the hubbub for a while from a nice long distance but finally seems to be coming over to be... social? Well he he had his spear either way as he walks slowly towards the gathering.*<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Hm? Oh! Certainly, Samie. I train all the time, now, I am always open for a good spar. *Grins-- then spies a Locke! He waves at the man* Hello, Locke! Would you like to introduce yourself to Eztli?<Awa303>Tsuyu: *alert. walking nose spotted* ** aomaoe has left [connection closed] <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: It always worries me when he's on the other side of the island. He never comes to visit me without something new ruined... *looks towards the nose* <wonderwart>Dalton: *looking away while Samie gets her game on and watches Sibbi, Locke, and Eztli, not wanting to say anything at first* <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *Never too distracted for you bby~ Her head lifts up as she

hears him coming, her ears fanning out slightly. Sorry, Chrykck, you might get batted in the head by one accidentally. Or her excited tail* <Nyyrikki>Chrykck: "Yes, that would be acceptable." Well, he was quite happy with this turnout. Nehnna was givven a few more happy pats on the head as well as a quick scratch behind her ear before he stood up. "I will have to gather things for that, it will take some time. It was...a pleasure to meet you," he addedin Eztli's direction before scooting off back towards camp. <Awa303>Tsuyu: It might help if he gets some real training with diverse people... at least enough so that one can't tickle him into submission again. U,'a <cocowoushi>Locke: *He eases over closest to Nehnna, smiling politely to the others once he is close enough.* Greetings. *He looks towards Eztli.* We've met a couple of times already. <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *nods a goodbye to chrykck* ... *then stares at Tsuyu* he was.. tickled into... *slumps, looking quite glum* ** Nyyrikki has left [timed out] <Awa303>Tsuyu: ...It was the way I found of winning without hurting him. U,'a ** YoYoii has left [timed out] <cutieringtail>Samie: "... Sibbi... Lame." She patted at him again. <Sanpincha>Bat *His attention turns to Locke, suddenly tenses up when he actually remembered someone for once. He kept himself quiet while he avoided eye contact.* <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Waves at Chrykck leaving and then oiahsg TSUYU PLZ. He feels his face go red in shame. Quickly looks at Eztli and laughs, trying to play it off* It was not a serious match, of course! I would never be beaten by 'tickling' otherwise... *then looks at Locke again, subject change time* Would you like to join us? We're just chatting. I am trying to introduce Eztli around, so that others will not fear him so much. <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *Purring happily because PETS, she watches Chrykck leave before hurriedly curling up in Locke's lap, limbs spilling all over. She lazily listens to everyone else, snorting slightly at Tsu's comment and rolling her eyes at Sibbi's* <wonderwart>Dalton: *can't help himself. Before he realizes what he's done, he lets out a snort and begins to laugh at Sibbi's remark. Quicking covering his mouth, he tried to look away* <Awa303>Tsuyu: ...Sibbi, please, if you could do better then you should have done so. *and her face is telling she doesn't believe you gone easy on her, Sibbi* <cocowoushi>Locke: *LIZURD HE WAS NOT SITTING-- Okay I guess he gets dragged down to be so with the others-? He looks rather awkard about her being sprawled out on him with the others here but trrries not to let it show.* Ah- Well.. Talking is good. I was actually wanting to follow up with some of you. About the ideas you proposed the other day. *He does notice Bat. Nice to see him again.... He wanted to talk to HIM too, but with much less ears around.* ** YoYoii has joined <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *looks down right miserable while he's busy imagining horrible horrible things that could happen to sibbi. He covers his face with a hand* <Sanpincha>Bat *Looks over to Sibbi when Dalton starts to laugh, confused expressioin on his face.* Tickling? *He tilted his head, being the one to take sparring seriously, he couldn't really imagine doing so in such playful way.* <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *omfg. He first shoots Dalton a glare, then scoots closer to Eztli and

wraps an arm around the other's waist* Don't worry, don't worry! Like I said, it was not a serious match. I didn't give it my all. *LIES. Probably not very convincing, especially with his shirt torn on his arm and shouler where he still has wounds from Tsuyu and Addy. Turns his attention back to Locke* Oh, did you? I can certainly answer any of your questions. <Awa303>Tsuyu: *bad Tsu, you hurt the braid--- that is, Eztli; looks away and at the nose--- erh, Locke* Oh, right, wich of the ideas? <cutieringtail>Samie: "OH! DALTON!" She sat straight up. "Tsu's here!" <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *SORRY LOCKE. But not really. Pushing her head under his hand for moar pets, she considers Sibbi measuredly before wrinkling her nose. Vles didn't like him enough to spar. She flinches when Samie shouts out, pressing up against Locke's chest* What ideassss? 8< <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: youcanttopanymore.... <wonderwart>Dalton: *blinks, his attention back on Eztli and Sibbi again. He was in the midst of grinning at Eztli when the shot came- causing him to jump away* Y-y-yes? <Awa303>Tsuyu: .......... X_X *Ok, she didn't deserve to hear that. Sibbi. On top? Mindbroke* <Golly-chan>Sibbi: ....... *HORROR* Wh-what? ** Blood-and-Spice has left [connection closed] <cutieringtail>Samie: "Sorry," EMBARRASSMENT. "Sorry, it's just... you said you'd allow us to ask you for help if we were together when we did so... You know, with stuff for the bathhouse." ** Blood-and-Spice has joined <cocowoushi>Locke: *Nehnnaplease. You can feel the hawkwardness as he pats her head lightly.* The bathhouse and wat Sibbi brought up. There seemed to be a lot of interest for the former and I was wondering how and if it was coming along. And for the sparring area- *He trails off as people seemed distracted.* ... Um, what? *DOES NOT HAVE SUPER EARS.* <wonderwart>Dalton: *he tried to collect himself and exhaled* Well it seems she's distracted at the moment...*chuckles awkwardly, keeping his distance from Samie as a precaution* <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *Ew, Eztli, Sibbi, plz. Keep that in the temple. She shakes her head at Locke* Pay it no mind. Assss forrrr the bathhoussse and marrrket--*She looks expectantly at the others* <Awa303>Tsuyu: *sloooowly recovering. Keep talking, Locke, your voice is bringing her back to reality* ...Uh... bath house... right... I've even... asked Jasper, after sparring with Sibbi before... he agreed and seemed happy to help too. <cutieringtail>Samie: "... okay." She nodded and looked down at her hands. She could pretty much feel that distance being kept. It was like copper in the air after rain to her. And those whispers that she was hearing, they pointed it out too. She noticed pretty much the unfriendly environment she was in. "Maybe next time, then..." She murmured, then waited for what was going to be said about the bathhouse from someone else. <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *just keeps hiding his face, don't mind him* <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Face as red as a tomatoe now, but he quickly turns his attention back to Locke* R-right, yes. Jasper will be helping with the bathhouse. As for the

sparring ring and market? <cocowoushi>Locke: *He looks a bit confused.* Jasper..? *Well anyways.* As for the ring, I was wondering if you had a spot in mind yet? I've been looking at spots on the beach within sight of the Med hut. I think all things considered it shouldn't be too far from it? <cutieringtail>Samie: Well, if that was all, she was going to get up and leave. Obviously unwanted, she could feel that heart-pounding skin-shivering desperation for attention that had her shaky and catching her breath, but it wasn't as if she was about to have a moment now. She just swallowed and went to just leave. <wonderwart>Dalton: *keeping his eye on you, Samie. Keeping his eye on you.* ...Then what use do I have to you two wome---*watches Samie and lifts a brow, his attention shifting over to Tsuyu in confusion* ...? <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *She turns to watch Samie for a moment, because, whoa, those vitals. BUt hey, if gurl gonna leave--* The ssssand isss good forrr brrreaking fallsss. But it will be a challenge forrrr shadow ussserrrrsss--which may not be too terrrible. <cocowoushi>Locke: *He does notice Samie starting to head off.* Samie-? <Awa303>Tsuyu: *Samie, don't make those sad pouty eyes, that's a dirty move* Dalton, me and Samie had been searching for you before, that's true. We thought that you could help decorating the bath house to make it more welcoming after it's ready to use. <Golly-chan>Sibbi: Ah, yes, that is perfect! Far enough away to not be damaged by stray fire balls, of course. But near enough in case accidents happen. It should also be safely away from the jungle, to not damage the trees. *Glances at Samie, then at Nehnna* What do you mean, a challenge for shadow users? <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *watching them, with a depressed look on his face, half listening* There is little shade on the beach Sibbi. You should know this already. <cutieringtail>Samie: She paused and looked at Dalton. "And the skills that you have for creating things that help complexion and hair. Since you seem to be the only person on the island who knows how to take care of that stuff." <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *She shrugs, her tail swaying idly* On the beach, how many shadowssss can you have? Yourrrr own, yourrrr oponent'ssss, a nearrrby rrrock orrr trrree. And all the sssun--*She nods at Eztli* <cocowoushi>Locke: *Hmm.. He looks back to the others.* If it's that much of a problem they could practice at night, too. It'd be more of a challange for plant users. I'm not sure how easy it is to.. use those abilities with this sand but it's the best we can do. <wonderwart>Dalton: I see. Well...If it starts some sort of business for me, and I have a profit for giving that out...*sits back on his hands and relaxes in his spot* Build the baths first. *smiles, then hears wind of someone practicing at night. His attention turns back to Sibbi and he chuckles knowingly* ** YoYoii has left [connection closed] <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Whoops, keeps embarrassing himself in front of Eztli* ...Of course! Right. I knew that. *Pats the man's side, still attempting to cheer him up* But it can't be helped. I can certainly go later and mark an official place for the ring to be. Perhaps I can form a ring out of branches or rocks or something. *Hears Dalton's chuckle and frowns at him* ** aomaoe has joined <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: A healthy tip for plant users. Jiao-long carries seeds in his

pockets at all times. It's portable ammunition. <Awa303>Tsuyu: Jiao... Jo? <cutieringtail>Samie: She nodded. "We'll get things up then." She looked over at Tsu. "Hey- let's get the area ready tomorrow. You know, like making sure there's no poison ivy there or anything. But... I suppose I'll see you. And See you, all of you, later," She gave a small wave and started backing away, ready to scurry off, thankful at least they got out the request and a response. <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: Yes. "Jo".... <Awa303>Tsuyu: *calling Jo 'Jiao' sounds odd to her, but she nods at Eztli to show she understood then turns at Samie* Got it... I should get going to. *needs to check on Leon once in a while so that he doesn't cause another shenanigan* <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *She nods as Samie and Tsu get up, before settling back against Locke. Ho-hum* How issss a sssparrring rrrring any differrrrent frrrom ssssimply sparrring, anyway? It ssseemssss like wasssted efforrrrt to me. <cocowoushi>Locke: *Oop there goes Samie. He wanted to talk to her more, too, but ah well. Awe, and Tsuyu too.* Take care. I'd like to come by and see the spot you've picked out soon. *He brushes his hand down Nehnna's neck and shoulder idly but carefully. His eyes go back over to Bat who he slowly grins to, inclining his head slightly.* I don't think I've met you, yet. Call me Locke. <Golly-chan>Sibbi: Ah, goodbye, Samie! And to you, too, Tsuyu. Thank you for coming to speak to him. *grins, then looks back at Locke and Nehnna* It is just a bit more organized. People can gather there when they want to train with others, and find partners more easily. ** Awa303 has left [connection closed] <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *Hehee pets. Yesgood. She looks at Sibbi and licks her lips* Learrrrning frrrom otherrr elementsss isssss a good idea. *She pauses, trying to get the next sentence out* If you would everrrr like to worrrk with me, Ssssibi-- >A> *She could use teaching practice, yes* <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: Do be careful that she doesn't tickle you to death though, Sibbi.... ** cutieringtail has left [connection closed] <Sanpincha>Bat *Has been just sitting there quietly until Locke spoke to him.* O-oh, uh... nice to meet you. *He spoke nervously.* Well, we've sort of met before... but I do believe we never really spoke. *Remembering what happened on the ship wreckage.* My name's Bat Kirgiz.... <cocowoushi>Locke: *Yeeeah, there was no real casual way to start a conversation when your blood has been used to pierce through someone's limbs.* Bat, eh? We should chat more! We're pulling together those interested in helping everyone. You're welcome to come to the next gathering and share your ideas or concerns. <Golly-chan>Sibbi: ...*Pinches Eztli's side* :I *Then looks at Nehnna again* Certainly, Nehnna! I... have a bit of trouble fighting wind elements. Perhaps I could learn something. As for the marketplace, Locke, I think it should be located near the medical hut as well. <Sanpincha>Bat *He began to relax as Locke spoke, seeing that they didn't have to speak of what happened at the wreckage. He nodded.* Oh, yes that does sound nice. I'll do my best to be there and help as much as I can. *He glanced over to Sibbi when he started to speak.*

<cocowoushi>Locke: *He nods to Bat.* Let me know where you can be found and I'll be sure to come by to let you know when the next one is. *He looks back to Sibbi.* Perhaps on the otherside, but I don't know about this idea of "stalls" and the like. People knowing where to go is a good idea but it seems like using resources we don't have to to make it visually appealing to you. Plus if the tide gets high- *He gestures with his free hand to the sea to suggest it'll get swept away.* <wonderwart>Dalton: *he had calmed down for the moment, simply relaxing while he watched and observed. Smiling occasionally to himself, he looked over at Sibbi* You have trouble with -all- elements, Caspersen. Most troubling, your own. <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *Eztli shhhhhhhh, no blowing the cover! But she does snicker* It'sssss difficult to attack ssssomething that issss not there? *She nods at Locke, then purses her lips* Perrrhapsssss the clearrring? People know the arrea well enough, and it isss safe. Sssset one appointed day, or ssssuch, sssso it can be used for otherrrr things, as well. <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *wiggles and frowns more when Dalton talks. * <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *pinch pinch pinches, while keeping his attention focused on Locke and Nehnna. Kinda pouts* Stalls would be so much nicer! And certainly it would be built far enough away from the ocean that things wouldn't be swept away... the clearing? Hm... <Sanpincha>Bat I'm usually out here on the Beach, training. If not, in the forest to look for food. My hut isn't too far from here and it's easy to spot. *He nodded to Locke before his attention shifted to Dalton. He blinked, a bit lost.* But... Dalton, Sibbi's been helping me with Shadow elements. He's taught me well I think. o^o <wonderwart>Dalton: *laughs without holding back at Bat's comment, then lays back in the sand* Oh god help you both! *tucks a hand under his head and relaxes* The blind leading the blind.... <cocowoushi>Locke: *He looks down to Nehnna now.* Perhaps.. And it is better than being in the sun the whole time. I just don't want it to get in the way in case the clearing is needed for.. anything else. *Pointed look. That WAS where he found her and Vles after their rebound. And when he woke up after his visit with Zee.* <drawingFrog>Nehnna: :I *Locke. She looks over at Dalton's guffawing before turning back to the burd* I don't ssssee what otherrrrr optssion there isss, conssssidering how convenient it issss. Eitherrrr there, orrrr the beach. Wherrrre people will complain about sssand in their warrresssss. <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: A bunch of stalls is a waste of time. You're trading, you're not merchants. You'd be better off making it clear what each person is good at doing and spreading that info around, and making sure you get into your own useful niche . <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Stops pinching Eztli to turn and scowl at Dalton* What is so funny! I am an excellent teacher! *then looks back at Eztli* ...Well, fine. But stalls -would- look nicer. Like a cute little market... <drawingFrog>Nehnna: Orrrr hold lesssonsss to teach wanted ssskillssss. <cocowoushi>Locke: I think people already complain about sand in their wheres.. *He says under his breath to her, followed after by a little joking smile to see if she got his play on words. He then looks up towards Eztli.* Well.. I think it's safe to assume there will be some overlap. Bat *He scratched his 'bad' eye, frowining a bit. Wondering what he said that was so funny. He looked to Sibbi then back to Dalton.* Well, I'm willing to learn other ways to have better control over the powers... *He mumbled. As he rubbed his arm.*<Blood-and-

Spice>Eztli: You don't even have currency. *stares at locke* Most of you are still wearing beaten down old clothes. There aren't that many of you. You want to tell me that there isn't some skill that's unique that one person can become an expert on, and trade that skill and their services to others who have become experts in their skill? <drawingFrog>Nehnna: Assss much as you complain about it in yoursss? >v> *Lockenosob. The mention of clothes, though, has her looking pointedly at Eztli, then at Sibbi, and back.* And why not sssimply worrrk togetherrrr? Why wasssste time with a marrrket when you could ssssimply asssssk sssomeone forrr what you need? And then you humansss have a ssssaying-- 'Give a man a fish--' etcssseterrra.<wonderwart>Dalton: *Smiles at Sibbi for a few moments, not about to make a comment just yet at the other. He turned his attention to Bat and sighed* Seek Gisele. Ask for guidance. Don't look to a boy who knows less of his environment than you. It's essential for you as a shadow user to learn to keep your mind on what surrounds you at all times, and he hasn't grasped that yet.<Gollychan>Sibbi: *Pulls away from Eztli and sits up straight, glaaaring at Dalton* I am fully aware of my surroundings, Dalton. And I have been an excelleng teacher to Bat. So back off.<Golly-chan>BRATTTTTTT )<cocowoushi>Locke: *He stares right back.* It would be nice to think that everyone was special in what they can do, but the reality is that it's probably not the case. Several people are skilled in multiple things, and there are only so many things that can be made. I agree we should help those who need it if they can't provide a- *Oop there goes Sibbi. He glances at him.*<wonderwart>Dalton: *closes his eyes* I gave you the night sky, Sibbi, and all you can think of was your own feet. *smirks*<Sanpincha>Bat *He tilted his head.* Gisele? Where can I find-- *interrupted by Sibbi, he looks over with his eyes widened. Surprised.* ...<wonderwart>you could think of*<Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: As great as I'm sure you are Sibbi, Gisele is still better. *still staring at locke.* Because different things have different values. You can do it that way, but depending how well you work as a community it can cause a lot of issues. And if you think all niches are filled you are uncreative and unable to seek solutions to every day problems and needs. Do you know how many Europeans got their last name? <drawingFrog>Nehnna: You jussst sssaid we have no currrrencsssy--what doesss value mean to usss? You need it, you trrrade for it. You arrrre making thisssss too complicated, too-- *Human? At any rate, she shakes her head and nuzzles her cheek against Locke's knee. Babble*<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *FF GLARES AT DALTON. THen looks at Bat, his expression relaxing* She lives in the swamp, you should not go alone. If you want to seek her out, I will go with you. I would like to learn from her, too. *then glances over to look at Eztli and listen in on what he's saying*<cocowoushi>Locke: *He slides his eyes towards Dalton briefly before looking back to Sibbi.* You really should just ignore what he says, Sibbi. It's only his opinion. You don't have to give it weight. *He looks back to Eztli.* I'm not saying they are all filled now. But eventually with trade the .. what's the right word.. the demand will go down. *He then shrugs at the question.* I do not know of "Europeens" except for their ships.<Sanpincha>Bat *He nodded in response to Sibbi.* Alright... maybe I should bring Vesper as well. I'm sure he can learn few things. *He scratched at his eye. Maybe he should make himself an eyepatch.* <wonderwart>Dalton: *turns and smiles to himself. He opens his eyes to watch Locke instead, the expression never changing. He's happy for now that Sibbi and Bat will seek training* You should be quiet, Locke, unless you disagree that Sibbi should not have training. Meaning you prefer him to remain weak.<Golly-chan>Sibbi:*Notices Bat scratching at his eye* Bat, do not

scratch yourself so much. You will leave scars. Err, more scars. *OOOH sensitive spot hit* Call me weak one more time, Dalton. <cocowoushi>Locke: *He just shrugs.* Doesn't mean he needs to get upset at your baiting. <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: I'm sorry the concept of value can only be measured in money to you, but let me try to explain. A forager wants to trade. They trade two dozen apples for a shirt. But they have to pay three dozen for shoes. The shirt and shoes have a different 'value' currency or not. The point of 'Currency' is to be able to have something you can trade for anything, without worry of whether the other party wants that thing or not. And the reason I speak of the Europeans is they had these niches. Professionalization. A person who did one thing, or a small group of them who did that thing. So they would get better at JUST that thing so they wouldn't have to worry about doing other things. And they trade that thing to get the other things that other people specialize in... I'm going on though... *flops on his back* <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *She snorts as Eztli flops back* Brrrillliant. And tell me, when all you can make isss jewelrrry, and nobody wants it, what will you do? Sssstarrrve? Orrr hope ssssomeone elssse will take carrrre of you? At that point, you will wish you had learrrrned to hunt on yourrr own, orrrr to currre sssskinsss. <cocowoushi>Locke: *He gestures vaguely.* Oh, I'm not thinking about money. I don't think that's.. even possible here. But like you say, as someone specializes then others who might not be as good will not get people to come to them. And when everyone has what that person makes.. Then I suppose they need to start a new one? <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: Then you get off your ass and learn something more useful that others don't already have a niche in yet. <wonderwart>Dalton: *chuckles to himself* It would not make you so angry if you didn't think it was true, Sibbi~ <cocowoushi>Locke: *Braces for Sibbi rage--* <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Sibbi rage!* *He says some very angry borking words in Norwegian, and a tendril of darkness comes out from Dalton's shadow to whack the man on the head* <Sanpincha>Bat*He stopped right away and held both of his hands, hugging his knees again to avoid anymore scratching. He listened to Locke and Eztli. Until Sibbi raged in bork.* O-O <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *About to say something, but then she sees what she assumes is Sibbi rage? Her attention strays to Dalton, watching for any sparks that might get sidetracked* <wonderwart>Dalton: *jerks and grabs his head when the shadow hits him* OW!!! *instead of getting angry, the blond bursts into laughter and looks back at Sibbi* Hit the mark, did I? <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli:... Sibbi. Behave. <Golly-chan>Sibbi: Dra til helvete! *GLAAARES. But hearing Eztli, he huffs and tries to calm down. Crosses his arms and avoids looking at Dalton* Right. What were we talking about? <cocowoushi>Locke: *Well then. He looks back down and pats Nehnna followed by a little nudge. His legs were falling asleep.* Trading. But I'll have to continue later. I need

to get some fishing done before it gets too late. <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *She huffs and slides off him before getting up and shaking herself off.* I will go with you--Ssssibbi interrrupted me earrrlierrr. :T <Sanpincha>Bat *Looks back and forth between Dalton and Sibbi. Feeling awkward, hoping they would start to get along soon. He looked to Locke and Nehnna when they announced their leave.* I hope to talk with you again. <wonderwart>Dalton: *relaxes in the sand again and looks over at Locke and Nehnna, his hand still rubbing at the sore spot on his head. He smiled and turned to lay on his back again* Goodbye you two. *moves the hand from his head to wave at the pair* <cocowoushi>Locke: *He offers Bat a grin and a nod as he gets to his feet, brushing some of the sand from his tail feathers the best he can.* You will. *He nods again to the rest before he starts to step away with Nehnna.* <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *pays the two no mind as they wander off, just giving a small huff* <Golly-chan>Sibbi: Yes. Well, goodbye. Thank you for stopping to speak with us. *Relaxes a bit more, glancing at Eztli* Shall we go? I think I've shared you enough today. Perhaps I can take you back to my camp and show you what it looks like on our way. <drawingFrog>Nehnna: *She resists the urge to brush those feathers off for him. Nodding at the group, she walks along with him, looking forward to the prospect of more food* <Sanpincha>Bat *He glances to Eztli and Sibbi.*... um. *He starts to speak nervously to Eztli.* Y-your partner... has he mentioned anything about... killing anyone? Specificly after the whole incident with the demon bird? *Hoping that Zee didn't hold a grudge.* <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *he sat up again like a vampire rising from the crypt* You're the one that got in the way aren't you? <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Loox at Bat, loox at Eztli* <Sanpincha>Bat *He frowned, shrinking a bit as he felt like his question has already been answered.* I... yes. *He answered quietly. Not saying anymore nor did he try to explain himself.* <wonderwart>Dalton: *sits up as well and moves closer to Bat. He looks over at Eztli as well, his humor gone* <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: Why the hell did you do something so stupid? I'd already injured it. We nearly had it. Why did you think that was a good idea? <Golly-chan>Sibbi: <:I;; <Sanpincha>Bat *He spoke up nervously.* I just wanted to save a life... *He gripped on his injured arms.* I didn't understand why it had to die. That demon, what did it do wrong? <wonderwart>Dalton: *just as confused as Sibbi* >>; <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *groans* I'd been chasing that thing ever since it fled Germany. *rubs his temples* It was simply born. That's all it takes. <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Takes Eztli's hand with a nervous chuckle* Yes. Well. We really should be going. <Sanpincha>Bat *He bit on his lower lip, feeling hurt and rather... angry. For the first time in a long time.* H-How is that a reason to threaten anyone's life? *His voice shaking, trying his best not to raise his voice at Eztli. He stood up.* E-excuse me... for

taking your time for this. I-I should go. *He bowed to Eztli before turning to Sibbi.* I hope to see you again soon. Next time I'll show you my progress from training. I'm sorry. <wonderwart>Dalton: *lifts a brow* But I haven't got to speak with Eztli, Sibbi. How unfair...*almost pouts but looks to see Bat rise and does so himself, surprised to see the other upset. A look of genuine concern crossed the blond's face* <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *stands* No. Listen to me. Don't do anything stupid. Even Sibbi could have gotten killed on that boat if he wasn't dropped in the shadows, and now he's... ** Blood-and-Spice has left [connection closed] ** Blood-and-Spice has joined ** Blood-and-Spice has left [connection closed] ** Blood-and-Spice has joined <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Furrows his eyebrows slightly and nods to Bat* Yes. Of course... *He shoots a dirty look at Dalton* You are not -allowed- to talk to him. I'm still upset with you. *Then to his surprise, Eztli stands up! He looks up at the other* ** Blood-and-Spice has left [connection closed] ** Blood-and-Spice has joined <Sanpincha>Bat *He looks back to Eztli.* Yes, and I do regret that I've put him and others in such danger... and I apologize deeply for being so reckless. But I cannot promise what actions I might take if I see someone being threatened again. ** Blood-and-Spice has left [connection closed] ** Blood-and-Spice has joined <wonderwart>Dalton: *his head snaps back toward Sibbi and he glares at him coldly* Be angry with me. Hit me as much as you like, but I'm not going to spar with you, you brat. *turns his head away to keep an eye on Bat and frown, the momentary happiness gone* Be careful, Bat.... <Sanpincha>Bat *He looks back to Eztli.* Yes, and I do regret that I've put him and others in such danger... and I apologize deeply for being so reckless. But I cannot promise what actions I might take if I see someone being threatened again. <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Scoffs* As if I want to! I do not even want to speak with you. *Stands up as well, brushing himself off. He avoids looking at Bat* <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *he shakes his head* If you get in between a fight between gods you're going to hurt someone you don't mean to. I'm saying it to try to help you. The fight itself is only mine because it is Zee's and he makes it so. ** drawingFrog has left [connection closed] <Sanpincha>Bat Thank you for your concern... *He frowned.* I'm sorry that I've caused trouble for you. I will do my best to stay put... I'm just worried about your partner. I understand that he is capable of doing much more than what he has shown at the wreckage. <wonderwart>Dalton: *speaks to Sibbi, though his attention is on Bat* You made a point of speaking to me before I even talked to the rest. But as you wish, I guess I can cook less from now on. *shrugs his shoulders* ** Cinerious has left [connection closed] <Golly-chan>Sibbi: How convenient for you. *Takes Eztli's hand and gives it a slightl squeeze, trying to calm down*

<Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *he sighs* And you're upset for a creature you did not even know... you know it is probably best if there is less creatures like that in the world when you think of it. If only I'd found Aitouxelle before his bond... *squeezes Sibbi's hand back* <Sanpincha>Bat *His expression eased a bit, but still a look of concern.* No, I don't know much of many things. Especially when it comes to demons and creatures alike. But that's why I'm here, I want to understand them, get to know more about them and their ways. *He paused a bit.* I just want to help. <wonderwart>Dalton: *turns his head to Eztli at that remark, his eyes widening. He seems frozen for a moment, before he frowns deeply* If you had found him then, then you would not have met the man standing beside you now. *he remarks coldly* <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Looks at Bat because bawww precious babbu... then turns his attention back to Eztli* I do not like this conversation. Can we go? <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *he frowned at Dalton, ignoring Sibbi for now* I wouldn't have.. that's true. Neither would there be an organization for him to foolishly join, or would he have been forced to live on an island and away from what is his home... He wouldn't have to die too young, or be forced to live long enough to see everyone else he loves die without him... At least when I had joined with zee, I was prepared to die. I'd sacrificed my old life, and willingly. It is apparent, not many, if any of the humans in your group have. That is that power that demon has, and it can be used to create something horrible. Something that was made with your creater. Even.. if it would mean... my continued loneliness, it does not mean it would have been wrong. <Sanpincha>Bat *He glanced over to Sibbi while he listened to Eztli talk.* I do not regret my choice I've made to join the organization. It was not all a loss, and I'm sure it's the same for others here as well. *He looked back to Eztli.* Sibbi is no exception, he seemed very happy when he spoke of you. You aren't alone, you know. <wonderwart>Dalton: Just as you were given that moment to bond with Zee, we were given ours to meet our partners. Both were ceremonies, the only difference being the time in which they took place. We were prepared to accept this life the moment we signed up for service. This path was our's, Eztli. The regret you hang around your shoulders is an insult to us and not yours to bear. *he sighed and continued to watch the blood user* But this is all in the past. There is nothing you can do about it now. Enjoy the fact you have someone who loves you and don't wish this moment to change. ** cocowoushi has left [connection closed] <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Is very surprised to hear all of that from Eztli. Oh, his kokoro. His voice softens a bit* They're both right, Eztli. We've made our choices. And I, for one, don't regret them for a moment. <Blood-and-Spice> Eztli: I have watched those younger then me before Dalton. I know what I'm talking about and the regret takes time... but you're right, it is what it is, and now it can not be changed. *looks up at sibbi, leaning in to him and giving him a small smile* It's amazing how lucky I was you agreed to such a foolish deal when I'd met you. <Sanpincha>Bat *Is calm again. He began to scratch his eye.* Thank you for spending your time with us, Eztil, and thank you Sibbi for introducing him to us. *He smiled to both of them.* I should get going though... I need to gather food for my partner. <wonderwart>Dalton: *looks over to Bat and smiles- only to swat at the other's hand* I'm getting you a glove. *laughs softly* I'll see you later, hopefully?

<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Beams a happy smile, slipping his arm around Eztli's waist again* We've -both- been amazingly lucky. *Now he's just in a gushy, lovey mood. He leans down to give the other an eskimo kiss lol sorry Bat and Dalton it's love time* <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *he chuckles, cheering up quickly* <3... *looks at the other two* Just don't draw attention to yourself please. I'll not.. tell anyone we've had this talk. * cuddle cuddle* Take care. <Sanpincha>Bat *small pout when his hand was swatted down.* S-sorry... I didn't realize. *He looked to Eztli and nodded.* Understood. I'll do my best. *He looked to Dalton with a smile.* Of course! And next time, with Vesper. ** aomaoe has left [connection closed] ** aomaoe has joined <wonderwart>Dalton: *grins up at bat and stuffs his hands into his pockets, pleased with the idea of them visiting -- and glad that he can look away from the lovebirds* <wonderwart>Bat* <Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Lowers his voice for only Eztli to hear* Come on. I'm going to sneak you into my camp. *Aaand starts to walk off, trying to lead Eztli with him* <Blood-and-Spice>Eztli: *follows after him, all done with drama for tonight and happy for sibbi loves* <wonderwart>Dalton: *is gonna go cook and mope around in his house* <Golly-chan>Dalton go kiss your redneck ) <wonderwart>((NO HE'S GONNA GO MAKE BOOZE AND JAM)) <Blood-and-Spice>and then he's gonna feed it to buck )) <Golly-chan>That is also good ) <Sanpincha>Bat *well that went better than he expected. He headed back towards his hut to go see his partner.* <wonderwart>((Of course he's gonna go feed it to Buck. Buck gets all the foods))

You@All: Sibbi: *Eztli we will discuss this when they're gone excuse me omfg i wanna top* ) Host@All: Eztli: no. You@All: Sibbi: But why. Host@All: Eztli: I can't play the roll of a woman to a man who can be defeated by tickles! You@All: Sibbi: *OFISHGS* i was -not- defeated by tickles! And it is not the roll of a 'woman'! Host@All: Eztli: Is too. You@All: Sibbi: It is not. You have no breasts. *pokes Eztli's non-breasty chest* Not a woman, and neither am I. Host@All: Eztli: I didn't say you were a woman. I said you will be taking the woman's roll from now on. You@All: Sibbi: .....:c.... 8c Host@All: Eztli: Don't give me that face. You@All: Sibbi: 8c *pitiful bork style*

You@All: Sibbi: ...What if I beat you in a spar? Host@All: Eztli: That will take a long time sibbi.. You@All: Sibbi: Then I will do something else! How can I make you stop worrying? Host@All: Eztli: .. ... ... *pondering* ... live with me. You@All: Sibbi: wh--? *Derps* Host@All: Eztli: Then I can watch you more. You@All: Sibbi: *Still derping* But... Bell? What about her? Host@All: Eztli: No bell. You@All: Sibbi: Eztli! I could not leave Bell like that. We are partners... Host@All: Eztli: *frowns and looks away* You@All: Sibbi: ...*omfg* D-don't do that. *Tries to turn his face back!* Host@All: Eztli You don't understand Sibbi. You@All: Sibbi: I do understand, I do! *Cups Eztli face* But to live with you... I will have to think it over, and speak with Bell. Host@All: Eztli: I'm scared Sibbi. You@All: Sibbi: Don't be. I will be fine. I promise! Host@All: Eztli: Every time you return to me, something on you is hurt. I'm worried some day you simply wont return to me. You@All: Sibbi: *Gives the other a serious look, slipping his hands down to take the other's* I will always return to you. No matter what. Host@All: Eztli: *squeezes his hands* You're the best thing I've had in a long time... don't say those things carelessly... You@All: feels why happening ) You@All: Sibbi: I'm not. I mean it, Eztli, there is nothing in this world that could stop me from coming back to you. *smiles a little* If you ever need me, I will be here. So don't be afraid. Jamie@All: ((Dalton: Except Cake.)) Host@All: Eztli: ... *frowns... and clings* You@All: Sibbi: *Squeeeezes. Kisses the top of his head for extra comfortings* You@All: Sibbi: *Thinks that YES A + DATE WAS SUCCEsS* You@All: Sibbi: *10/10 WOULD PARADE EZTLI AROUND AGAIN* Host@All: Eztli: 8c You@All: Sibbi: *Pats* Another time~~ But you did very well. I think they liked you a lot! Host@All: Eztli: I think they liked you. You@All: Sibbi: Well, of course they did. *mings* Everyone loves me. Host@All: Eztli: no offense to your friends sibbi, but I think you are enough company for me. You@All: Sibbi: *Takes that as a compliment!!* I have to admit, I -do- like having you all to myself. But I will probably still take you back someday. It's good to be social with others. *thinks he is so wise* Host@All: Eztli: I make them uncomfortable Sibbi. You@All: Sibbi: I think they took a quick liking to you. And it was only your first meeting with many. Host@All: Eztli: I-I guess... we sense the air differently

You@All: Sibbi: I suppose! But i sense it the most correctly. *Hands on hips, smilesmile* Also, do not mention it to Bell that I brought you home. I don't think she would be happy. Host@All: Eztli: Why? She has invaded my home numerous times.... and killed my bird. You@All: Sibbi: But sweetheart, she apologized for that! Can't you forgive her? Start over again? Host@All: Eztli: No. You@All: Sibbi: :c *sigh* Host@All: Eztli: Don't give me that face You@All: Sibbi: I am not making any face.... :c You@All: Sibbi: <:c Host@All: Eztli: Oh really? *chuckles* Then perhaps I am seeing things. Come closer so I can see your face more clearly. You@All: Sibbi: *Herp derp, scoots closer* Host@All: Eztli: *kissu* You@All: Sibbi: !!!! *Immediate end to pouting! Smooches back*

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