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A combined Analytical and Knowledge based Method for Fault Detection and Isolation

Youssef Nakkabi, Nahil Kahbaj LBB UMR-CNRS 5504 INSA 135, Avenue de Rangueil 31077 Toulouse Cedex 4, France Email: nakkabi, Boutaieb Dahhou, Gilles Roux, J. Aguilar-Martin LAAS-CNRS 7, Avenue du Colonel Roche 31077 Toulouse Cedex 4, France Email: dahhou,roux,

Abstract- Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) methods hssed on analytical and qualitative models play an important task in supervision and modern automatic control. There are two important steps in FDI: residual generation, and residual evaluation. In the first step, several analytical methods are used, the pmcess characteristics play an important role in the choice of the method. The second step is a decision making problem. The methods of qualitative reasoning are more an more used. In this paper a comhined analytical and knowledge based method far fault detection and isolation is presented. The residuals are generated using a set of adaptive observers. For residuals evaluation a heharioural models (under form of decision tree) are extracted by means of a classification technique. This method is illustrated by a simulation example of biotechnological process.

residual generation and a few results have been proposed about residual evaluation. We propose in this paper a combined approach: a set of adaptive observers for residual generation and a classification method for residual evaluation.
In [2], adaptive observers based scheme has been used and FDI was performed through visual inspection of the residuals. Residuals are generated using a set of adaptive observers. However, in presence of measurement noise, the fault effect on residuals is hidden by noise and residual evaluation becomes difficult [3]. To overcome this problem, we propose a-knowledge based approach for residual evaluation.

I. INTRODUCTION Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) a r e the main tasks in diagnosis. Except for control signals, the plant is also affected by faults and disturbances and these are not known to the diagnosis system. Therefore, an important feature of an FDI algorithm is how it reacts upon these unknown inputs. An algorithm that continue to work satisfactory even when unknown inputs vary is called robust. The goal of robust FDI is to discriminate between the fault effects and the effects of any unknown inputs that might confuse the fault detection system. FDI problem as is well-known can he explicitly divided into two stages: residual generation and residual evaluation. In the first step, outputs and inputs of the system are processed by an appropriate algorithm to generate residuals. In the second ster, which is a decision makine. the residuals are examined and a decision rule is then applied to determine if any fault has occurred. Residual evaluation could be a trivial task if the considered system is deterministic and perfectly modelled which is not the case in practice. A stochastic model would be helpful, but for nonlinear systems the stochastic modelling leads to extremely difficult problems as explained in [I].
~ ~~ ~~~ ~~

The related work is then t o combine analytical and knowledge based methods as illustrated in Fig. I . The residuals are defined as being the prediction error of each observer. Based on these residuals a decision making is performed using a classification approach.

Analyticai model based residual generation


Consequently, the statistical proprieties of the generated residuals are generally unknown. Thus, usual statistical decision methods are not helpful. Residual evaluation is very important and becomes delicate in presence of unknown inputs. In literature. most of the papers on FDI deal only with

Fault Detection

Fig. I.

~ n a l y r i c a land knowledge based

methods for fault detection

0-7803-7937-3/03/$17.00 02003 IEEE


11. RESIDUALGENERATION The faults are modelled as changes in the system The fault-free operating parameters fl = (fllflz.. ' mode is characterized by the nominal vector 8 which is supposed to he known. The residuals are generated using a and a set state observer, based on nominal parameters ,'lf of adaptive observers as shown by Fig. 2. Each adaptive observer estimates only one parameter of the supervised system, in addition to the state variables.

will be hidden by the noise To overcome this problem a classification based approach is used for residual evaluation.

Let P(So) he the estimate of y given by the observer based on 8'. The residual may he then defined as being the corresponding prediction error:

Recently, based on the performance of classification and decision tree techniques, many studies are presented in the field of fault detection 141. A fuzzy classification called L4MDA "Learning Algorithm for Multivariate Dura Analysis" is used [51, [6] to extract a Fuzzy Decision Tree (FDT). This FDT is a new model that integrates fuzzy classification and decision tree.

For each supervised parameter Oj>j= 1, ..., m, we have an adaptive observer cf. Fig. 2. Let i ( 8 ; ) he the output prediction given by the adaptive observer, where fl! consists of all the nominal parameter components except the j-th one. By the same way we define the corresponding residual:
"j= i

e(+') - Y



A decision tree is a reasoning process for decision making explicit and easily explicable. The structure of the tree makes decision justifiable and it's very near of the structure used by human reasoning. Many methods have been developed to extract or build a decision tree from classification [7], [SI. In the traditional knowledge engineering approach, a decision tree is generated and modified by knowledge acquisition techniques. The decision tree proposed in this paper is realized from fuzzy classification LAMDA. The main idea is to extract a behavioral model for residuals. This model, in the form of tree decision, can he used after for an automatic residual evaluation.
The different steps applied to extract a FDT from data with means of classification are presented in Fig. 3. In the beginning an unsupervised learning of data is made and number of classes is obtained. This number of classes presents the number of branches from root. Two cases are possible: class or set of classes correspond to a significant state class or set of classes are not equivalent to any significant or real state

Fig. 2.

Adaptive observers scheme

In the absence of faults in the system, and as guaranteed by the design of the observers, all the residuals tend to zero. Consequently, we can consider that all the residuals are practically zero after the transient phase of observers. The occurrence of a fault modifies the behaviour of the various residuals. A fault is detected if any of the residuals "f2 leaves zero. If the fault corresponds to a change in a single parameter, all the residuals except one will persistently diffel from zero. If, after a transient. "ij converges hack to zero. the fault coliesponds to a change in Oj.

Unspewirsd learning

In the absence of noise, we can easily detect and isolate the fault by visual inspection of the residuals. However, this situation may he much more difficult in the presence 01 noise. If the noise is small compared to the effect of faults on residuals, then we can reasonably continue to perform FDI through visual inspection of the residuals. However, if the noise is relatively high, then the effect of faults on residuals

Fip. 3.

Model identification Methodology


If the second situation is chosen, an unsupervised learning is then applied hut just the set of data assigned to this class is considered. Details are presented in [6],[91.

IV. SIMULATION RESULTS The approach proposed in this paper is illustrated through a simulatian example, a biotechnological process described by the following differential equations [IO]:

[ iJ


Fig. 4. Decision making using behavioural models

on multiple data with different noise of variance 0.2, 0.3, 0.5 and 1. The results obtained with variance equal to 1 are
presented. where C ( t ) , ( t ) and P ( t ) represent respectively the biomass, S substrate and product concentrations in the hioreactor, D ( t ) the dilution rate, S, the substrate concentration in the feeding, l L j s and l;j. the yield coefficients. The measurable state is the substrate concentration S(t). The term p[t),represents the growth rate of the biomass, it is described by a simple model like "Monod law":

In Fig. 5 , residuals are generated with p,,, changing from

to 0.40h-'. As guaranteed in the observes design, residuals should leave zero after the occurrence of fault and only y1 converges hack to zero after a transient. Unfortunately, this behaviour is not clearly observed in the residuals y1 and y2 plotted in Fig. 5 due to measurements noise. In this case the composite residuals can be used, but just for fault detection. The residual evaluation using behavioural models allows to detect and isolate fault as shown in the bottom of Fig. 5 by the transient from state I (No fault) to state 2 (fault in ptn).

pm is the maximum growth rate and K , is the "MichaelisMenten" constant.

Our motivation is to supervise the structural parameters of the growth rate. Faults are then modelled as changes in the System parameters 0 = (pm K , ) T . The fault-free operating ' mode is characterized by the nominal vector 8 which is supposed to be known. The generated residuals are uaed in classification to recognize the process state (state 1 : no fault, state 2 fault in p n , or state 3 : fauli in K a ) .Besides, these residuals (y,, we n) propose to use Some composite residuals defined by:

The fault is now simulated by changing the parameter I<, from 5g.l--' to 4.7g.1-' at t = 130h and from 4.79.1-' to 5g.l-' at t = 25Oh. The corresponding residuals are illustrated in Fig. 6. Similarly, the behavioural models based residual evaluation shows clearly the transient from stale I (No fault) to state 3 (Fault in K,) at t = 130h and from state 3 to state 1 at t = 25Oh.


yo -71



= "io


This kind of residuals are very significative and helpful in the classification procedure since they are robust to measurement noise. The goal is to diagnose the kind of fault by evaluating the given residuals. Therefore, two behaviour models (fir1 , M 2 ) are implemented. Each of them is designed to he sensitive to one fault as shown in Fig. 4. These models are generated as explained in Fig. 3. The model outputs ( f ~ , denote the fi) presence or not of fault. For each fault the training data are collected in presence of measurement gaussian noise with zero mean and variance equal to 0.5. The effect of this noise on residuals is very important compared to faults. Thus, residual evaluation is delicate. The validation has been done



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Fault in K ,


No fault




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Fig. 6.

Residuals evaluation with Lulr in K ,

V. CONCLUSION In this paper a combined analytical and knowledge bascd method has been used for fault detection and isolation in a biotechnological process. The residuals are generated using a set o f adaptive observers and a classification based method is used to evaluate the residuals.
The proposed methodology combines the knowledge about process and the information hidden in data to extract a behavioural model under form of decision tree. This model is then used for an automatic residual evaluation. This approach proves to be remarkably robust. Thus, considered faults are detected and isolated even in presence of measurement noise.

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