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Jacket Copy (Genre : Romance)

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Logan Vittorio's life is torn apart when his bride of eight months desserts him without so much as a farewell note. Now he's on a mission to find Shelby and unravel the mystery that led to her hasty departure and to bring his runaway bride back home where she belongs.

Logan groaned as his mouth crushed down on hers, greedily taking the love she offered and exalted by the rush of emotion that filled his heart as he gave it back. Shelbys words had unleashed something primal inside him, something hed kept carefully guarded since the first time his heart had been bruised by a woman and hed understood the vulnerability of setting it free. But he let loose of it now, making love to her with a fierceness that should have frightened them both. Logan gave Shelby everything; his body, his heart, his soul, and with that final devastating explosion of sensations he also gave her the power to hurt him. VITTORIO'S RUNAWAY BRIDE by: Kimberley Reeves Chapter 1

There were limits to how much pain one heart could take and Shelby McBride had passed that limit nearly six months ago. She was nothing more than a hollowed out shell; cold and empty inside, like an arctic wasteland where nothing grew and the bleakness of day and night melted together as one. The numbness should have been a blessing; at least she didnt burst into tears at the drop of a hat anymore, but shed also lost her smile and it wasnt likely shed get it back any time soon. God, shed made such a mess of her life. But there was no turning back; shed burned her bridges and now there was nothing to do but try and pick up the pieces and move on.

Move on, she snorted, her eyes wandering around the small room shed converted into a studio.

How could she move on when every canvas was filled with the same image? Hair as dark as midnight, eyes that pierced her heart with their intensity, lips that had

once caressed her skin and taken her to heights she never dreamed possible; shed captured the perfection of him in dozens of different poses and still she couldnt stop painting him. Because she loved him, had loved him from the first moment hed taken her hand and introduced himself, and because no amount of time or distance would make her love him any less than she did now.

Move on? Not a chance in hell. Shelby was stuck in this God awful limbo, suspended somewhere between life and death and not really caring about anything. She was just going through the motions; eating when she remembered to, sleeping most of the day away, then spending half the night in her studio painting the man who haunted her no matter how hard she tried to drive him from her mind. Shelby was obsessed, she knew this, and yet she was helpless to do anything about it. That it was a prison of her own making did little to alleviate the hopelessness that was her only companion these days.

Shelby dabbed her brush into the olive colored paint and swept it over the canvas, adding a darker shade here and there to add depth to the features of his handsome face. Logan Vittorio had once been the center of her universe and in a perverse sort of way, he still was. With every breath she took he consumed her, just as hed always done back when Shelby had been so sure of his love. It was a fantasy she thought dismally, an illusionary world where a man like Logan could actually love a shy, unobtrusive woman who had nothing to give but her heart and undying devotion. But it hadnt been enough for him and less than a year after vowing to love and honor her for the rest of his life, her husband had betrayed her with another woman.

She hadnt confronted Logan or the woman he was with. Shed been too shocked to move, too consumed with the raw pain of it to do anything but stand there and watch as her husband escorted the woman from the posh hotel and helped her into his limousine before ducking inside himself. Shelby hadnt cried though, there would be time enough for tears later. Shed simply gone back to the elegant mansion where she and Logan had lived as husband and wife and packed as quickly as she could. She even managed to produce a smile for their housekeeper, Alba, along with a story that she was going to visit a friend for a few days.

Shed driven away in the car Logan had bought her as a wedding gift and taken the first highway out of town. She hadnt left a note, offered no explanation for leaving or gave any indication where she was going. He was an intelligent man, hed figure it out soon enough, and if he didntwell, the divorce papers would spell it out for him. Except Shelby had balked in the end and rather than announce to the world her husband had been unfaithful to her, shed filed for a divorce listing the reason as irreconcilable differences.

Shed signed the papers in a hand that wasnt quite steady and mailed them back to her attorney so he could forward them to Logan, then shed taken off on a trip up the coast hoping to forget shed ever met Logan Vittorio. Two days and a few hundred miles later she spotted the For Sale sign for the beachside cottage and veered off to the highway to take a look. It hadnt really mattered where she wound up, but something about the cozy cottage drew Shelby to it and shed called the realtor from her cell phone right then and there.

Shed paid cash for the cottage and within a week, shed hired a contractor to do repair work and slap on a new coat of paint both inside and out. While the renovations were being done, Shelby filled her time picking out furniture and appliances and had the place completely furnished in no time at all. She even purchased new art supplies and set up her studio with the idea that shed try her hand at painting the fantastic view of the ocean.

Shed been halfway through the first painting before she realized the dark figure shed absently brushed onto the canvas was Logan. He was facing the ocean, but there was no mistaking those broad shoulders, impossibly long legs, or the dark windswept hair. What spooked her most was that she didnt even remember doing it and though shed attempted to paint views of the ocean several more times, they all ended up with Logan in them somewhere. Sometimes he was standing, sometimes sitting, and sometimes he was nothing more than a silhouette against the waning light of a setting sun. But he was always there.

The first few weeks after settling into the cottage had been the hardest because there had been no more contractors to deal with or shopping for furnishings to occupy her mind. Isolated as she was, Shelby didnt have to worry about anyone hearing her when she cried herself to sleep or witness the meltdowns when she stood on the beach letting the sound of the waves drown out the harsh sobs that were wrenched from her body. Gradually, the emotional outbursts gave way to a listless acceptance that the loneliness would never go away, and now she was able to get through most days with only an occasional round of tears.

Maybe she should have confronted Logan, it might have given her some closure. But shed taken the cowards way out and left without a word. The only backbone shed shown at all was when she filed for divorce and she might not have even done that if shed had to face him. Against her lawyers advice, Shelby had forfeited her right to alimony, joint bank accounts and any property theyd acquired since their marriage. She didnt want Logans money, she didnt want any ties to him at all, and the fact that she had the financial means to support herself had made the decision just that much easier.

The only thing shed hung onto besides the car was her wedding ring. Shelby set the brush down and lifted her hand, staring at the ring that had once symbolized Logans love for her but now only served as a reminder of broken dreams and promises. Why had he even married her if he had no intention of honoring his vows? Shed already given up her virginity to him and shed certainly never issued any ultimatums about marriage, not that Logan would have folded to pressure from her anyway.

Was it because he was anxious to start a family and decided he needed a nice, docile wife who would forgive his indiscretions? Granted, Shelby wasnt confrontational and even when she did disagree with Logan, there were never harsh words or hysterical crying on her part. Shed been as innocent as a woman could be when shed first slept with Logan, was it possible hed hoped that innocence would keep her blind to his unfaithfulness? Perhaps shed still be married to him, breezing through each day believing he loved her, if only it hadnt taken longer at the hairdressers than shed anticipated that day. Sometimes Shelby wondered if she

wouldnt have preferred living in blissful ignorance rather than the empty existence she endured now.

If she was smart, she would have taken the ring off and left it on the nightstand where Logan could find it. Then again, if shed been smart she never would have married him in the first place. Inexperienced or not, at twenty-four she should have known it couldnt possibly last. Logan was rich and powerful, devastatingly handsome and wholly male in every sense of the word, and there probably wasnt a woman alive from sixteen to sixty who wouldnt sell their soul for one night with him. They wouldnt have been sorry for having done it either, she thought with a sad smile, because as much as it hurt to know Logan never really loved her, Shelby couldnt regret a single night shed spent in his arms.


Dont look now, but hes coming our way.

Shelbys breath caught in her throat. Hes not! Oh God, Maggie, tell me youre just teasing.

But Maggie hadnt been teasing and the handsome Italian stranger shed been practically drooling over all evening had weaved his way through the crowd and introduced himself. He addressed Maggie first, telling her how honored he was to meet her and how much he was looking forward to working with her father. Then he turned those dark, sexy eyes to Shelby and she nearly fainted from the serious lack of oxygen in her lungs. Her heart jack hammered in her chest when Logan took her hand with a knowing smile and ran his thumb in a seductive sweep over her wrist.

Bellissimo, he murmured. Such a beautiful young woman should be out on the dance floor, do you agree?

Iyes, she managed to squeak out.

A soft blush began to work its way up her neck as Logan led her to the dance floor and by the time he swept her into his arms, Shelby was positive her cheeks had to be blazing because she suddenly felt as if shed stepped beneath a heat lamp. Shed been to more charity balls than she cared to count and shed danced at every one of them, but never had her body responded to a man the way it was doing now. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach and her knees were so weak she would have fallen in a spineless puddle at his feet if Logan hadnt tightened his arm around her waist and kept her pressed firmly against him.

Shelby is an unusual name, he said, expertly twirling her around the dance floor.

Itit was my mothers maiden name.

And does your mother have the same beautiful green eyes?

Actually, it was my father who had green eyes. Its the auburn hair I got from my mother.

Are they here tonight?

Shelbys eyes clouded. No. I never really knew my mother, she passed away when I was only two. My father died last year.

So young to be without your parents, he said solemnly. Have you any brothers or sisters?

Unfortunately, no. My father never remarried and I was their only child. What about you, Logan? He smiled down at her and Shelbys stomach did a wild flip.

I like the way you say my name. Logan chuckled when she looked away. I also like the way you blush, cara mia, it has been a long time since I have met a woman with modestly and who does not flirt outrageously.

Im sure Id turn ten shades of scarlet and have my tongue tied in knots if I even tried to flirt. But we were talking about your family, she steered the conversation into safer waters.

After what you have told me of your family, I almost feel guilty telling you about mine. Both of my parents are still alive and causing havoc with their children. I have one older brother, Simon, who just recently married and one sister, Milana, who also just got married. I have three younger brothers; Dante, Raffaele, and Gianluca, all of which are single at the present time.

Are you all close?

A little too close sometimes, he grinned. My brothers and I share the responsibility of running the family business and we do not always agree on how it should be done.

I can imagine. With five Italian males the arguments are bound to be quite passionate. Shelby felt herself blushing once more. What I mean iswellits just that Ive heard

That Italian men are passionate?

Yes, she mumbled, her cheeks flaming.

Logan pulled her closer, lowering his head so he could whisper in her ear. It is true you know, and I should like very much to prove it to you.

Shelby let out an audible gasp when the muscles in her abdomen suddenly clenched, accompanied by a rush of heat that made her skin tingle. She tilted her head back, fully intending to tell Mr. Logan Vittorio that his proposition was both inappropriate and unwelcomed, but the moment her eyes met his Shelby lost herself in their bottomless depths and couldnt seem to utter even a single word of protest. Her heart was racing at a furious pace and her body temperature shot up as he lowered his mouth to hers and took advantage of her parted lips.

It was intoxicating to say the least and she may as well have downed several glasses of wine because the effects were just the same. Shelbys head was spinning, her knees suddenly so weak she all but melted into him. If the world went on around them she wasnt aware of it, she wasnt aware of anything except the feel

of his warm lips on hers and the strange sensations his kiss was eliciting. When he finally lifted his head, Shelby could do little more than gaze up at him with an inane smile and eyes that were clouded with desire.

Logan rested his forehead on hers and drew in a ragged breath. Mio Dio, the things I want to do with you right now.

Shelby closed her eyes, only vaguely aware their bodies were still swaying to the music. Logan, II barely know you.

Then let us get to know one another better. Spend the night with me Shelby, let me make love to you.

Icant. I dont sleep around, Logan.

But you want to be with me tonight, he said huskily. Your body is trembling, aching for my touch. Say it, cara, admit that you want me as much as I want you.

Yes, she whispered faintly.

But not tonight?

She shook her head slowly, regretting her answer the minute it was out of her mouth. No.

Then we will wait until you are ready.

She shivered in response, as everything feminine inside of her begged her to change her mind and tell him she was ready now. Shed never been fascinated by sex in her teens as all of her girlfriends had been, and even as she got older it hadnt held that much appeal. The thought of getting naked in front of a man was so abhorrent shed never let any relationship develop beyond kissing, so she was stunned to realize that she wasnt the least bit appalled at the idea of undressing for Logan. In fact, Shelby was so turned on by the image of her lying beneath his gloriously masculine body she felt a sudden rush of heat pool deep in her abdomen and a rather disconcerting moistness between her thighs. Startled by her own reaction to him, she tried to pull away but Logan held in her a vice like grip, obviously intent on keeping her from fleeing.

You look frightened, mia tesoro, he said softly. Is it me you are afraid of or is it the way I make you feel?

Im not afraidof you. His hand glided slowly up her spine making her whole body quiver. Logan, she choked, you have to stop.

The corner of his mouth twitched as if he found something greatly amusing. Stop what, cara? I am merely dancing with you.

Shelby rarely got angry, but the Irish blood in her instantly shot to the boiling point when she realized he was toying with her. Hed been seducing her from the first moment his hand held hers and she was horrified at how easily shed fallen prey to him. He was laughing at her, she could see it in his eyes. Had she honestly believed a man like Logan Vittorio would find her attractive? It was obvious hed just

gone for the easy kill because quiet, shy little Shelby couldnt possibly withstand the onslaught of such alluring charm, could she? It was humiliating to know shed nearly given in and though a small part of her fervently wished she could have spent the night with him, a greater part of her resented Logan for making her feel like such a fool.

Her eyes blazed in total opposition of the iciness in her tone. As tempting as your offer is, I think Ill pass. But dont worry; Im sure there are any number of women here who would be more than happy to warm your bed.

Logans brows drew together. If that is all I was looking for, I am sure you are right, but I do not want a one night stand with you, Shelby. When I said you were different from any woman I have met, I meant it.

Different how? Because Im plain and boring and gullible enough to think a man like you would be interested in me? I know its probably just a game to you, but I think its just plain cruel.

Madre di Dio, what are you talking about?

Shelbys eyes misted with tears in spite of her effort not to cry. You know what Im talking about. You picked me because you thought Id be anan easy conquest.

Logan looked genuinely baffled. An easy conquest?

Yes, she replied tearfully. You probably took one look at me and figured Id be so flattered by your attention Id jump at the chance to tumble into bed with you. Shelbys voice caught in her throat but before she could regain her composure, Logan whisked her off the dance floor and out through a set of French doors leading into a flower garden. Wh-where are you taking me?

Do not worry, cara, I only want to find someplace more private so we can talk.

She should have been at least a little bit afraid as he pulled her down a winding path, especially since he seemed to be taking her farther and farther away from the other couples who were strolling through the gardens. But for some inexplicable reason, Shelby trusted him. Maybe it was because hed looked as if he really didnt understand why she was so upset, or maybe it was because he hadnt turned around and left her on the dance floor and gone in search of a more willing female companion.

In here, Logan said as he ducked into a small alcove and led her to a stone bench.

Shelby sat down beside him, desperately trying to quell the flutter of butterflies in her stomach when his thigh brushed against hers. She was painfully aware that Logan was looking at her and imagined he was wondering why he was wasting his time out here when there were dozens of beautiful women inside whod been vying for his attention all evening. When he finally spoke, his voice was so soft and gentle it instantly dissolved her determination to remain angry at him.

Forgive me, carissima, I have obviously upset you. I know you have no reason to believe me, but I am not in the habit of inviting women Ive just met to share my bed and if I have insulted you by doing so then I am sorry.

It wasntthat. Shelby kept her gaze focused on the greenery around them, afraid that if she looked at him shed lose the nerve to speak her mind. I suppose its my own fault. I wanted to believe you were attracted to me, and when you asked me to spend the night I feltdesirable. Ive never felt that way before and I guess I got caught up in the fantasy.

What fantasy? Shelby, I am extremely attracted to you, why else would I have kissed you?

Logan, please stop, she choked out. I may have fooled myself into believing that for a few minutes, but we both know its not true.

Logan reached up and cupped her chin, gently forcing her head up so she had to look at him. Those things you said back there about me thinking you were an easy conquest because you are plain and that it was just a game to me, do you really believe that is true?

Tears pooled in her eyes. Isnt it? Why else would you have chosen me when there were so many beautiful women in there?

Mio Dio, he said with surprise, you outshine all of them. How could you not know that?

You dont have to try and spare my feelings, Logan, I have no illusions about the way I look.

Then perhaps you have not looked at yourself lately, cara mia. He brushed away a stray tear with the tip of his finger then pressed a soft kiss to her lips. Let me tell you what I see when I look at you. Eyes the color of jade that reflect every emotion, every desire that is in your heart. His hand glided down her arm. Flawless skin that makes a man long to touch it just to see if it is as soft and silky as it looks.

Shelby drew in a stilted breath when he took her hand and held it in his, studying it for a moment before lifting it to his lips. Logan

Your hands are so small, so delicate, yet the lightest touch makes my heart pound in my chest. He let her hand go and lifted one of the long strands of hair from her shoulder. When the light hits your hair, it shimmers like fire and I try to imagine what it would look like splayed across my pillow. His gaze shifted to her mouth. So soft and warm, Logan murmured, so undeniably kissable.

Shelby closed her eyes, her lips parting as Logans mouth closed over hers. Two strong arms enveloped her and pulled her closer, the friction of his muscular chest against her breasts so sinfully delicious she could have cried from the sheer joy of it. Her fingers curled around the material of his jacket, a low moan vibrating in the back of her throat when Logan slanted his head and deepened the kiss, his mouth hard and hungry. He could have taken her right there and Shelby wouldnt have uttered a single word of protest but he did nothing more than ply her with more devastating kisses before drawing his head back with a satisfied smile.

This is what I have wanted from the first moment I saw you. I wanted to see your eyes dark with desire, your lips full and moist from my kisses, your skin flushed with color. Mio bello, he sighed, you have no idea what you do to me.

Shelbys heart surged. You werent lying, she said with wonder. You really dowant me.

I do not lie, that is one thing you can always be sure of. I am a man of my word, cara, and you shall never hear anything but the truth from me.

Shelby closed her eyes against the sting of tears, forcing back the poignant memories of the scorching kiss that followed. Shed fallen hopelessly in love with him that night and shed discovered in the months that followed that he was steadfast in his belief that telling the truth, regardless of the consequences, was always the right thing to do. She realized now why she hadnt confronted Logan about the woman shed seen him with. He wouldnt have lied to her, and hearing the truth from his own lips would have crushed the life from her.
Chapter 2

Madre di Dio, Logan ground out, it has been almost six months, surely one of those incompetent fools has stumbled across at least one clue as to where she is.

Grady Thorpe, Head of Security at Vittorio Enterprises, offered what little encouragement he could. Shes obviously taken precautions so she couldnt be tracked down. There hasnt been any activity on her charge cards although she withdrew a substantial amount of money from her bank account shortly after A

sharp glance from Logan stopped Grady from finishing his sentence. What Im trying to say is that your investigators assumed she withdrew the money to live off of so they never pursued the other avenue.

And what avenue is that? Logan asked irritably.

That she bought a house, presumably one that is isolated in some manner like a mountain cabin or a beach house.

Beach house. My wifeShelby loves the beach.

Ive already got some men checking into houses purchased within a three hundred mile radius during the first two months, but if you think shed go for a house on the beach well start the search there.

After all the months of having nothing at all to go on, Logan finally felt they might be getting somewhere. Maybe I should have hired you to go find her. Tell me, Grady, why only a three hundred mile radius and the first two months? How do you know she didnt buy a house half way across the country three or four months after she left?

A few reasons. Three days after she left, Shelby withdrew the funds. Since she has her car, three days of driving could put her as far as three hundred miles away. Going with the assumption she used the money to buy a house

The sale of the house would have closed within sixty days, Logan finished for him. All this time and she was only a few hundred miles away.

I could be wrong. Id hate for you to get your hopes up only to find out I sent the men on a wild goose chase.

Logan rose from his desk. No, you are right. It makes perfect sense, I just wish He turned away from Grady and tried to make his stroll to the window look casual. I wish I would have gotten you involved earlier.

Well find her, but itll be up to you to bring her home.

I know, Logan replied, careful to keep his voice even.

Grady tactfully left him alone and only then did Logan allow himself to surrender to the emotions churning inside of him. The mask of granite he wore in front of others slipped, replaced with a look of utter desperation. He had to find her and bring her back home. If he didnt, the empty ache in his chest would never go away, and what little remained of the heart shed shredded when she left would wither and die. Logan had never known such pain, and the fact that he was totally clueless as to why Shelby had left only made it worse. The idea that there might be another man involved was too unbearable to think about and he shoved it away, praying it was nothing more than a misunderstanding they could clear up and this would all be over soon.

Logan stared out the window, but it wasnt the bustling city below he saw, it was Shelby. Adoring green eyes looked up at him as he slipped the glittering engagement ring on her slender finger and his heart squeezed as it always did when

he realized she was really his. She flung her arms around his neck, a brilliant smile lighting her face.

Im madly in love with you, Logan Vittorio, and I cant wait to be your wife.

Neither can I, cara mia, he said with a husk in his voice, because I will finally have you in my bed where you belong.

Oh, I see how it is, she teased. You think I wont sleep you with unless you marry me first.

What I think, Logan pulled her closer, is that we should have a very short engagement or I shall very likely lose my mind.

Oh dear, I would be riddled with guilt for the rest of my life if that happened. Lucky for you, I have a solution that I think will make us both very happy.

And what is that, carissima?

Shelbys hands slipped from around his neck and made a slow seductive trail down his chest. She looked up at him with eyes that were as soft and sexy as her voice. I think you should make love to me now.

Logan, who had never been anything but confident when it came to bedroom activities, felt a tremor run through him. For three months he had dreamed of nothing else but loving Shelby with his body, but hed been willing to wait because he knew she wasnt ready and he wanted their first time to be special. That in itself was a

novelty for Logan, because hed never really given any thought as to whether the woman he was with would be satisfied or not.

He knew he was good in bed, knew that the attention he languished on his lovers body brought them pleasures beyond their wildest imaginations, but Shelby was different. It wouldnt be enough for her to have just his body; she wouldnt be completely fulfilled unless she had his heart too. So the waiting hadnt only been because she wasnt ready, but because Logan had wanted to be sure of his feelings first.

Hed never been in love before and the truth was hed been a little concerned that he was even capable of the kind of love that would last a lifetime. Being tied to just one woman had not been something that appealed to him and leaving himself vulnerable by allowing his heart to get involved was just as distasteful. Shelby had changed all that, shed changed everything.

Are you sure you want to do this, because we can wait

Im sure. Her hands inched up and disappeared beneath his jacket. You see, she pushed it off his shoulders and let it fall to the floor, if you make love to me now I wont have to wonder if you married me just to get me into bed. Shelby loosened his tie and flung it over her shoulder then reached for the first button on his shirt. It will also insure your mind stays intact and

Logan ended her slow moving torture by sweeping her up into his arm and planting a long, hard kiss on her lips. He was glad hed brought her to his house to give her the engagement ring instead of going back to her place as hed originally

planned. Too many of his day dreams about Shelby had been centered around making love to her in his own bed and now those dreams would become a reality. Logan carried her to his room, already so aroused he didnt think there was much chance the first round would last long.

He set Shelby down beside the bed, leaving her just long enough adjust the lights so the room was bathed in a soft glow. Her timid smile tugged at his heart, but it was those incredible green eyes gazing up at him with such trust that took his breath away. Logan took his time undressing her, feathering soft kisses down her neck as he lowered the zipper on her dress and slipped the thin straps over her shoulders. Hed admired the silky material and had been thoroughly turned on by the way it clung to her gentle curves, but watching it slither down the length of her body and pool at her feet was enough to make him break out in a cold sweat.

With trembling fingers Logan unhooked her bra, letting it follow the dress to the floor. A low, throaty moan whispered through Shelbys parted lips when he cupped the velvety smoothness of her breasts in each hand and raked his thumbs over the peaks. The temptation to take her in his mouth was too much and for a few minutes he did just that, nipping and sucking then swirling his tongue around until her wild gasps nearly did him in. Logan didnt think hed ever been this hard in his life, and hed sure as hell never felt such a desperate need to bury himself inside a woman before. Dragging his head up, he framed her faced with his hands and kissed her.

Sono spiacenteI am sorry, my darling. I had such great plans to take my time exploring every delectable inch of you, but if I dont make love to you soon

Dont apologize, Shelby said, her voice thick and raspy. I need you now, Logan. I feel like Im going to explode if you wait even another minute.

Desire speared through him but he didnt dare touch her for fear hed lose control. What he really wanted to do was toss her on the bed, rip her panties off, and pounce on her, but he didnt think she was ready for the kind of tenacity he was capable ofyet. Yanking the covers down on the bed, Logan told her to lie down. Shelby moved hesitantly to the bed and sat down on the edge.

Youyou want me to lay down with my shoes and hose still on?

Logans mouth quirked. Do not worry, cara mia, I do not have a shoe fetish, I merely wish to undress you myself.

Her eyes widened and colored stained her cheeks. Oh, was all she managed to say, then obediently moved to the center of the bed and laid down.

He undressed quickly then stretched out beside her, a little disconcerted to feel the tension in her body the instant he drew her into his arms. Confused by Shelbys sudden nervousness but determined to rekindle the raging fire that had been dangerously close to consuming them both only moments ago, Logan lavished her mouth with a slow, seductive kiss. It didnt take long to get lost in the heady taste of her or to find his own body aching with need as his hands moved over the silky smoothness of her skin.

She was incredibly sensitive to even the slightest of touches and Logan was deriving a great deal of pleasure in discovering which soft caress elicited the biggest response. Trialing kisses along her neck and down to the swell of her breasts had her breathing in short, ragged gasps that turned into the most delicious little moans once hed drawn one of the taut peaks into his mouth. He continued the journey downward, using both his tongue and lips to blaze a moist pathway over her stomach to the lacy top of her panties, stopping only because Shelbys entire body was quivering and he knew how close she was to climaxing. Logan had every intention of giving her the release she was softy begging him for, but not just yet.

Rising up on his knees, he slipped off her shoes and the thigh high nylons then watched her eyes darken when he reached for her panties and drew them slowly down then tossed them to the floor. There was just the slightest resistance when he gently spread her legs then leaned forward and kissed his way up to the dewy juncture between her thighs. He heard the sharp intake of breathe just a fraction of a second before he dipped his head and pushed her over the edge with one skillful flick of his tongue. Shelby bucked against him then let out a guttural moan as the first wave of spasms thundered through her.

It was too much for Logan; watching Shelbys breasts jut up as her back arched, seeing the dazed look on her face as the climax hit its peak and then the helpless whimpers as it began to subside. It fueled the burning need in his own body, a need that could only be satisfied by burying himself in her feminine warmth. He maneuvered himself over her, thrusting hard and deep, clenching his teeth against the incredible tightness as her muscles clamped around him and sent a violent shudder coursing through him. Hed never known such triumph, such glory in

claiming a woman before, but he hadnt expected her to be a virgin and he was elated to know he was her first, her only.

Mio Dio, he muttered, lifting his hips and surging into her once more. If hed thought the first penetrating thrust had been exquisitely pleasurable, the second one was equally so, and for a moment he was unable to move as Shelbys internal heat mounted, wrapping itself around his throbbing flesh in a torturous form of ecstasy. Her slender fingers dug into his shoulders when he finally drew back then slowly impaled her, repeating the motion over and over until she was writhing beneath him, her eyes raw with hunger.

I want it all, she whispered hoarsely. Give me what I want, what I need. Everything, Logan, everything.

Logan groaned as his mouth crushed down on hers, greedily taking the love she offered and exalted by the rush of emotion that filled his heart as he gave it back. Shelbys words had unleashed something primal inside him, something hed kept carefully guarded since the first time his heart had been bruised by a woman and hed understood the vulnerability of setting it free. But he let loose of it now, making love to her with a fierceness that should have frightened them both. Logan gave Shelby everything; his body, his heart, his soul, and with that final devastating explosion of sensations he also gave her the power to hurt him.


Are you sure you want to do this, Logan? She walked out without an explanation and divorced you, and if what you suspect is true then she has also been unfaithful.

Logan didnt even spare a glance for his brother. I am doing this, Simon, with or without the familys support. He snapped the suitcase shut and set it beside the bed. And if you must know, we are not divorced.

What? But you said her attorney sent you the papers to sign months ago.

Logan picked up the suitcase, grabbed his garment bag and headed downstairs with Simon following on his heels. I did not sign them. As part of the divorce decree, Shelby was to give up all property purchased during our marriage and she has not done that yet.

You must be joking, Simon replied in obvious disbelief. Have you really become so bitter and vindictive that you would take her car? She left everything else behind; her clothes, her jewelry, even the bank account you had set up for her. Why would you begrudge her a car you have no need for?

Logan stopped in the foyer and faced his brother. It was the only way I could stop the divorce from going through.

What about her affair with another man, how will you be able to move past that?

There is no proof of an affair, Logan said with a challenging lift of his chin. Grady has had someone watching her house for a week now and there has not been one visitor.

Simon ignored the warning look Logan shot him. It has been six months, perhaps they are no longer together. A woman who professes to love you then leaves without He stopped abruptly, shaking his head.

So big brother, you are thinking about your own wife and the misunderstandings that almost separated you for good?

I guess you are right, Simon conceded. If you truly love her then you must find a way to make it work.

Shelby is my heart, Logan said, but there was no life in his voice.

He turned and left his brother standing there, too concerned with what lay ahead of him to even notice the worried frown on Simons face. Grady made the trip with him but didnt offer his opinion on whether Logan was doing the right thing or not. Logan had been careful not to expose his emotions whenever he was around his family; it was bad enough that they knew he was hurting without giving them proof positive he was being torn apart by Shelbys desertion. But Grady had been there for him, a staunch friend, not judging or asking any questions during those first few weeks when Logan had been barely functional.

I left the name of the hotel and my room number in the glove box, Grady said after theyd driven in relative silence for over two hours. Of course you can

always reach me on the cell phone, but I thought Id stick around for a few days and soak up some sun.

I thought you were driving back withwho did you say is watching Shelbys house?

Mason. And yes, I am going to drive back with him, but not until Sunday.

Logan didnt take his eyes off the road. You think she is going to refuse to come home and I willnot handle it well.

I want to be here if you need a friend, thats true, but its not because Im convinced youll fail with Shelby. Ive known you a long time, Logan, and Ive never seen you lose when you went after something you really wanted.

But we are not talking about what I want, are we? What I want will not matter if Shelby does not want it too.

Thats just it. I think Shelby does want to be with you. I also think she loves you and that she never stopped.

Something deep in Logans gut wrenched. If only he could believe that. Then why did she leave?

That, my friend, is what I believe is the real issue. If you can figure that out, I think youll have a fighting chance of saving your marriage.

So you do not believe she left because she did not love me or because of another man?

No, I dont, Grady said firmly. Ive never seen any woman look at a man the way Shelby looks at you, as if the sun rises and falls on that pretty face of yours. And just for the record, Id bet my life she hasnt been unfaithful, its not in her nature.

Logan arched a brow. And just what would you know about my wifes nature?

Grady chuckled. Spoken like the jealous husband you are. Were almost there so if theres any other words of advice you need, better ask me now.

Much as I hate to admit it, talking about it has helped.

Twenty minutes later, having dropped Grady off at the hotel, Logan was on his way to Shelbys house. It couldnt have been more than ten miles up the road, but even that short of a drive seemed to take an eternity. He wasnt sure what he was going to say once he got there, he only knew he wasnt going to leave without her.


Shed fantasized about Logan driving up to her house so many times that Shelby didnt think anything of it when his black Aston Martin pulled into the driveway and came to a stop. It didnt even start to register that she wasnt imagining the door opening and Logan stepping out until he glanced up and saw her standing on the

deck. Even then she might not have believed her own eyes if he hadnt looked so different.

Hed lost weight and the formidable air that made Logan seem so intimidating to others was missing. His gait, which had always been purposeful and confident, faltered after the first few steps as if he wasnt quite sure of where he was going. But it was the stony expression he wore that concerned her the most because the Logan Vittorio she knew had never been able to look at her without showing some sort of emotion. Even on those few occasions when theyd had a disagreement, hed never turned that hardened look on her and for the first time since shed met him, Shelby felt a small tremor of fear.

She stood rooted to the spot, her heart pounding at an alarming rate as he made his way up the stairs leading to the deck. It seemed to take forever before he reached the top and for a few breathless moments they simply stared at each other before Logan closed the distance between them, stopping only when he was so close she had to tip her head back to look at him.

Are you well, cara?

The sound of his voice swept over her like a warm caress making her shiver in spite of the afternoon heat. Shelby nodded mutely, unable to dislodge the enormous boulder in her throat. It didnt help that he seemed at a loss for words too, or that his fathomless dark eyes held her spellbound and breathless making it impossible to form a single thought other than how much she still loved him. She

was still gazing up at him when something in Logans expression suddenly shifted and Shelby hastily looked away. Shed forgotten how easily he read her emotions.

You shouldnt have come, Shelby said, hating how feeble her voice sounded.

So I could spend the rest of my life wondering why my wife left me? No, carissima, you and I have great deal to discuss.

A familiar searing pain settled deep in her chest, the one that had started the day she witnessed Logan escorting his lover from the hotel. Along with the pain came the bitterness and jealousy, and the memory of the all the tears shed cried, and the endless nights when shed ached for him knowing hed probably wasted no time in finding solace in the arms of someone else. Holding fast to those memories she looked up at him, her eyes as cold as her heart.

What difference could it possibly make now? Its over, Logan. Were divorced and

There was no divorce, Shelby.

Wh-what? What do you mean there was no divorce? I signed the papers and forfeited my rights to everything, there wasnt any reason for it not to be granted.

You did not fulfill your part of the decree so I did not sign it.

Thats not true and you know it. I didnt take anything when I left so how can you say I didnt fulfill my part?

You took the car, Logan said, bracing himself for the angry words that were sure to come.

Shelby gave him a blank stare. You cant be serious.

Believe me, cara mia, I am very serious.

But you gave it to me as a wedding gift! I cant believe youre being so petty, Logan. Im just surprised you didnt ask me to return my wedding ring, after all you gave that to me too. Shelby instantly regretted mentioning the ring when Logan glanced at her hand then turned his gaze back to her.

You still wear it?

Logans heart soared. If she was still wearing his ring it had to mean shed never stopped loving him, didnt it? Keeping the car was understandable since it was the only one she had and he owned four others, but there was no reason to keep the ring unless it meant something to her. The fact that shed not only kept it but was still wearing it even after she thought the divorce had gone through was highly significant. Whatever Shelbys reasons for leaving, it wasnt because shed fallen out of love with him.

Logan cupped her face in his hands so she couldnt look away from him. You never took it off, did you?

Shelby desperately searched her mind for a reasonable excuse but nothing came to her. She couldnt tell him the truth, that it would be like twisting the knife in an open wound, but there was no plausible lie she could think of and with his eyes locked to hers, Logan would see right through it anyway. Stuck between a rock and hard spot, she gave the simplest answer she could.


Why not?

Shelby would have done anything at that moment to get away from Logan so she wouldnt have to answer his questions but shed seen that look of determination on his face before and knew he wasnt going anywhere until he got what he wanted. The problem was, she didnt know what he wanted. Had he broken it off with his lover and decided reconciliation with his wife was in order? Or had he simply folded under the pressure he must be getting from his family?

His traditional Italian parents would have frowned on a divorce and counseled him to work it out. The sad part was they would never understand why shed walked away because no matter how much she was suffering for it, Shelby loved Logans family and would never break their hearts by letting them know what hed done. Besides, she carried just as much of the shame as Logan did. If shed been the wife he needed, he wouldnt have gone looking for another woman, though she wasnt exactly sure what she could have done differently to prevent it.

Shelby, I am waiting for an answer. Why have you never taken it off?

Her eyes stung from unshed tears and there was a quiver in her voice when she spoke, but somehow she managed to answer him. You know why, Logan. I love you, I always have.
Chapter 3

Mio bello, Logan murmured, slanting his mouth over hers.

This was the part where Shelby was supposed to push him away and tell him it didnt make any difference, that it was still over. Except that when she put her palms on his chest she could feel how fast his heart was racing and it made her own pulse jump. Shelbys eyes closed of their own volition, her lips parting as he claimed her mouth in a slow, seductive kiss. If the sensations Logan aroused in her had crept up on her slowly she might have been able to maintain at least a small amount of indifference, but of course that was impossible. They slammed into her all at once, just as theyd always done whenever he kissed her.

The heat of his body seeped into her skin, chasing away the chill that had become such a part of her life. She filled her lungs with his masculine scent and let it breathe new life into her while the taste of him fed her starving heart. Shelby couldnt get enough of him and when Logan wrapped his arms around her and crushed her to his chest, her body exploded in a kaleidoscope of heat and desire and an aching need so powerful she would have let him take her right there without even the slightest resistance.

She wanted him, wanted to feel him sink into her body so desperately she lost sight of everything, including the reason shed fled their marriage to begin with. Shelby molded herself to him, gently moving her hips from side to side until he

was so hard she could feel him even through the thick denim of his jeans. She sifted her fingers through his hair, pulling Logans mouth down hard against hers, telling him in every way she knew how just how much she needed him. For a few glorious moments Shelby felt his love wrap around her like a protective cloak before it was abruptly snatched away from her.

Logan yanked his head back as if hed been struck, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. Just where in the hell did you learn moves like that?

Still caught up in the drunken effect he had on her, it took Shelby several seconds to catch on to what he was implying. What is that supposed to mean?

You know what it means, he said gruffly. I want to know who has been giving my wife lessons in seduction.

Stung by his accusation Shelby tried to wriggle out of his grasp but she was no match for his strength, and with ridiculous ease he subdued her by pulling her even closer. Pinned as she was between his powerful arms and broad chest, she could do little more than glare at him. What right did he have to question her fidelity? From the moment hed taken her hand and led her out onto the dance floor, shed thought of no other man but Logan. And while hed probably been enjoying his freedom the past six months, Shelby had spent her days and nights crying her eyes out and nursing a broken heart that didnt have a chance in hell of healing itself.

What he deserved to hear was that shed found someone else whod taught her not to be afraid of the passion inside herself and that she wanted him to leave. He deserved to feel the life being crushed out of him by the image of his wife

in another mans arms, to have his entire world shattered by the knowledge that she hadnt loved him enough to remain faithful. Then maybe hed experience a little of the hell shed been going through.

But somewhere between the time she decided to blast him with lies that would tear him apart and the time she opened her mouth to let them fly, something behind those dark eyes of his wavered. It didnt last long, a fraction of a second at best, but it was long enough for Shelby to see a vulnerable side of Logan shed never known existed. Maybe he didnt love her in the same way she loved him but she was his wife, and if Logan believed shed so much as let another man touch her, that masculine pride that was so much a part of him would be completely destroyed.

She was his, she belonged to him, and Shelby knew with undying certainty that Logan would never make love to her again if he thought shed been unfaithful. Not that there much chance hed want to anyway considering shed run out on him, but there was still one small, very foolish part of her that wanted to believe shed fight her way out of this nightmare and get her life back. If only she could be sure hed never cheat on her again, or at least understand the reasons hed done it to begin with so she would know how to be a better wife, a better lover, the kind of woman who could hold on to her man.

Shelby met his piercing gaze with a fearless determination to make him see the truth in her own eyes. My reasons for leaving had nothing to do with another man. Theres never been anyone for me but you and I would never, never betray you that way.

Even though you thought we were divorced?

Logan, I love you, she said softly. Do you honestly think I could be with someone else when my heart belongs to you?

Logan studied her face for a moment, fervently praying he wouldnt find any signs of deception. The gnawing fear that his sweet, beautiful Shelby had been lured away from him by another man slowly began to subside. Still, some lingering doubt remained because he was finding it difficult to dismiss behavior that was so uncharacteristic of the woman hed married. Never in all the countless times theyd made love had Shelby taken the initiative in such an assertive manner.

Admittedly hed been aroused, excruciatingly so, but who could blame him when she was grinding those slender hips against him as if she wanted him to make love to her right there? But it wasnt just Shelbys behavior that had shocked him, it was his own behavior as well. Shed gotten him so worked up, so damn hot for her that hed nearly lost control and given her what she so obviously wanted. It scared him, shook him to the core because he was always so mindful of the differences in their size. Shelby was so small, so delicate; it terrified him to think how easily he could hurt her if he made love to her with anything but the greatest of care. The first time theyd made love hed allowed his control to slip, but even then he hadnt unleashed the full power of his passion on her.

Its the way I was acting that makes you suspicious, Shelby continued when he didnt say anything. Logan, Im sorry. I lost my head and couldnt seem to stop

myself. Its just thatits been so long and I wanted you to know She shook her head, overcome with emotion and a longing for something that could never be.

Wanted me to know what, cara mia?

Tears pooled in her eyes. That I still love you, she said in a strangled whisper.

If that is true, and he prayed to God that it was, then why did you leave me?

She blinked and the unshed tears slid down her face. Because Im not what you need in a woman.

Logans brows drew together. Not what Imio Dio, what makes you think that?

Shelby lowered her eyes and stared at his chest, feeling as if her heart were being torn out all over again. The woman hed been with was her complete opposite; blond hair with a full, curvaceous figure and a sultry air about her that told anyone who took even a passing glance that she was very much aware of just how sexy she was. This was a woman who wasnt afraid to go after what she wanted and shed use whatever feminine wiles she had to get it. Logan wouldnt have held back his passion with her as he did with Shelby, his blonde lover wouldnt have allowed it. Which was probably what had lured him away, she thought miserably, because his nave virginal bride hadnt been able to satisfy him.

Its not that I didnt want to be the perfect wife for you, she chose her words carefully. For a while I even fooled myself into believing I could make you happy just because Id learned how to manage running the house and be a gracious hostess and because I was so in love with you. Shelby drew in a shaky breath. But it wasnt enough.

It was enough for me, carissima.

He sounded so sincere she almost believed him, but just being this close to him, feeling the intense sexuality that seemed to exude from every pore in his body, Shelby knew she was just fooling herself again.

Were just too different, Logan. Youre a powerful man, so sure of yourself, so confident in everything you do and you have a magnetism that draws people to you. Doesnt it bother you that your friends and business associates must think youve lost your mind to have married someone like me?

Shelby, look at me. Logan waited until she lifted her head and then almost wished she hadnt because the pain and fear on her face was so stark it wrenched his gut. I do not know why you cannot see how immeasurably beautiful you are, but I see it and so do my friends and business associates. Do you want to know what they say about you, cara, about us?

Logan she shook her head.

I will tell you anyway. They envy me, Shelby. You are elegance and grace, with a quiet beauty that has brought peace to my heart. They see this and they want

it for themselves. I am a lucky man, they tell me, and they would give anything to have a woman like you; a woman who looks at me as if I am the only man in the world and does not demand anything but that I love her in return.

And yet they all have wives or girlfriends who look like movie stars, she said with a touch of cynicism. It seemed more like a beauty pageant whenever we entertained, Logan, but it was the men who competed. It was a contest to see who could obtain the most beautiful woman, decking them out with the finest clothes and the most expensive jewelry and strutting around like proud peacocks because their woman was the sexiest or the most desired by other men. I felt like the ugly duckling in a pond full of swans, Shelby said miserably, and I always knew it was just a matter of time before you saw it too.

You are so wrong, cara mia. Logan brushed a soft kiss to her lips. I saw only you and I was proud that my wife did not need any of those things to enhance her beauty. You are like a delicate flower, so soft, so sweet.

His eyes moved slowly over her face, settling on her trembling lips. In all the time theyd been married, hed never once seen her look so desolate, not even on those rare occasions when they had a disagreement. Shelby always had radiant smile ready for him when he returned home from work or a business trip, her eyes lighting up as she launched herself into his arms. No matter how bad his day had been, Logan could brush it off knowing his wife would be waiting at home for him, waiting to be swept up into his arms and kissed until her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were soft and dreamy.

Hed loved that part of each day and come hell or high water, he was going to fix whatever was wrong so he could go home without feeling as if his heart was being ripped out because she wasnt there to greet him. Logan could see that Shelby was hurting too, but she obviously wasnt ready to tell him the real reason shed left. Maybe it was true that shed felt out of place among all the powdered and perfumed wives and girlfriends but that wasnt what made her run out on a marriage that was as solid as theirs had been. No, something happened after hed left for work that day, something so traumatic Shelby would rather leave than come to him with it.

We can work through this, he told her. If entertaining and being hostess is too uncomfortable for you, I swear we never have throw another party again.

I couldnt ask you to do that, its too important for your business.

I do not care, Logan said vehemently. The only thing I care about is making you happy. Cara mia, I need you.

Shelby closed her eyes, feeling herself weaken. You dont need me. You need a woman Her eyelids snapped open when the blonde womans image swam before her, cruelly demolishing the small bud of hope that his words had planted in her heart.

What I need is my wife, he insisted.

Please dont do this Logan, she pleaded wearily. Ive made my decision and II want you to leave.

His chest tightened. You do not mean that. We will go inside and talk

No. Shelby blocked out that pain that was constricting her heart. Ill give you the car so you wont have any reason not to sign the papers.

I have every reason not to sign it, Logan argued. I do not want a divorce now or ever. We made vows to love and honor each other, until death do us part, or have you forgotten that?

She gaped at him in disbelief. Me? Im not the one who

She clamped her mouth shut, shaking her head. No, she wasnt emotionally equipped to discuss his affairor affairs. After all, how did she know for sure the woman shed seen had been the only one hed slept with? All those times when Logan said he was working late or had to fly off somewhere on the spur of the moment to meet with a client could have been a cover up for what was really going on. Despair rolled through her in waves as her mind continued to torture her with images she wasnt nearly strong enough to deal with.

I cant, Shelby choked out. Im sorry, Logan, but I just cant stay married to you.

She tore herself from his arms, desperate to get away before he could try to change her mind. Just where she thought she was going when she bolted for the stairs, Shelby didnt know. It wasnt as if there was any place to hide, and even if there had been, she didnt have a prayer of outrunning Logan. But none of that seemed to matter. Wind whipped through her hair as she raced towards the beach

and though she was sure Logan had followed after her, she didnt know how close he was because the soft sand muffled his footsteps so she pressed herself even harder.

Shelby had walked this beach countless times so she knew there were jagged boulders jutting out of the sand and just how dangerous it was to be running so fast. It was doubly reckless considering the thin sandals she was wearing and the fact she could barely see where she was going through the blinding tears, but she couldnt seem to stop herself. Shed nearly made it to the shoreline and was frantically trying to work out an escape route that didnt include plunging into the ocean when Logans fingers curled around her arm.

Instinctively Shelbys head turned towards him, a move she recognized as a huge mistake the moment she did it. Her footsteps faltered and though she wasnt in any danger of falling, the firm grip Logan had on her and the sudden lurch forward pulled him off balance. Even that might not have caused them to fall if she hadnt swerved to try and avoid one of the boulders buried in the sand because it placed her right in Logans path. He was moving too fast to stop himself from slamming into her back and they both went down like a ton of bricks with Shelby taking the worst of it when he landed on top of her.

It all happened so fast she barely had time to register the agony of one injury before another was inflicted. A sharp, stabbing pain shot through her ankle followed by a jarring pain in her knees as she hit the ground. Shelby threw her arms out in front of her to break the fall and succeeded not only in tearing the skin off the balls of her hands but from her elbows as well. Then she nearly lost consciousness when

Logans body came down hard over hers and forced the air from her lungs with a loud whoosh.

Logan rolled off her, terrified that hed crushed the life from her when she didnt move. His stomach twisted into a painful knot as he stretched out a shaky hand and gently turned her over. He brushed the hair from her face, fighting back the wave of fear that rushed through him when Shelbys beautiful green eyes stared up at him unblinkingly. Her face had gone deathly pale and for a moment Logan thought he really had killed his wife.

Tesoro, my darling, talk to me, he whispered hoarsely.

Shelbys eyes flickered at the sound of his voice, her back arching as she dragged in much needed air. Her lungs felt as if they were on fire, in fact there didnt seem to be a spot on her body that didnt burn and for several minutes she was too stunned to do anything but lay there listening to Logans soft words of assurance that she would be okay. As her breathing gradually returned to normal, Shelbys mind began to clear. Her gaze moved to Logans anxious face and she was instantly overcome with shame and remorse for how foolishly shed behaved. Tears sprang to her eyes and slid down the sides of her cheeks.

I-Im s-sorry, she managed to say before the dam broke and she burst into tears.

Logans throat constricted at the look of utter misery on Shelbys face. Rising to his knees, he scooped her up in his arms then got to his feet and stood there for a moment cradling her to his chest and trying to calm her down. Only when the harsh

sobs had subsided and shed buried her face in his neck did Logan start back to the house. Even through his concern for her injuries he was conscious of the fact that shed lost weight she certainly couldnt spare.

He hadnt noticed it before because of the oversized t-shirt she was wearing but holding her in his arms as he was now, he could tell she weighed next to nothing and obviously hadnt been taking care of herself. A dark scowl marred his face when he thought of all the incompetent fools hed employed over the months to find her. He was angry at them and even angrier at himself for not realizing something was wrong to begin with. He was usually so in tune with Shelbys feelings but hed been working so many long hours in the weeks leading up to her departure he must have missed all the signs. Still, how could he have failed to notice that she was so unhappy?

Logan took the steps up to the deck and slipped in through the open French doors. The place was decent sized but it didnt take more than a cursory glance around to determine the hallway off to the left would lead to her bedroom. He carried Shelby in and attempted to lay her down on the bed but she was clinging to his neck as if her life depended on it and wouldnt let go. A tenderness like nothing hed ever known before welled up inside him, melting away all the anger and pain and bitterness that had followed in the wake of Shelbys desertion. All he wanted to do now was take care of her and protect her from ever being hurt again. Whatever hed done, he was determined to atone for it so he could reclaim his wife.

Logan sat down on the edge of the bed with Shelby in his lap. She was so still and silent he would have thought shed fallen asleep if it hadnt been for the delicate

arms wound so tightly around his neck. Pressing his cheek to hers, he stroked her hair, inhaling the familiar scent of her shampoo. How had he survived all those months without her? How had he gotten through the long, lonely nights when hed tossed and turned, his stomach churning because he couldnt get the image of his wife in another mans arms out of his head? Logan brushed a soft kiss to her temple. He knew the answer to that now. Even though his mind had tortured him with thoughts and images of her betrayal, his heart had never really believed it.

I need to look at you, cara mia, to see for myself that you are not hurt.

Shelby pressed herself even closer. Areare you angry with me?

No, tesoro, but I am worried about you.

I h-hurt my hands and elbows, she admitted shakily. I twisted my ankle too, and II think my knees got skinned up.

I will take care of you, he promised, but you must let loose of me first, my darling.

She hesitated for a few minutes, lamenting the loss of his warmth once shed let her hands slide away and hed deposited her onto the bed. Shelbys eyes never left his face as he examined her injuries, the furrow between his brows growing more pronounced with each new discovery. Foolishly, her heart leapt at the thought he genuinely cared for her, that the gentle way he slipped her sandals off and held her swollen ankle was an indication that his concern was borne out of his love for her. But that illusion was quickly shattered when he suddenly shot to his feet and

towered over her with his lips pressed into a grim line and his dark eyes flashing with anger.

What the hell were you thinking running off like that? Raking his fingers through his hair, Logan turned away from her and took a few halting steps before whirling on her again. Your injuries could have been much worse, he rebuked sternly. Madre di Dio, you might have hit your head on one of those stones. You could have suffered a concussion or fractured your skull, you might even have been killed.

Shelbys lips trembled. Never in all the time theyd been together had he spoken to her in such a harsh tone. Oh, she knew that steely voice, shed heard him use it when dealing with business and something wasnt going exactly as hed planned it. She knew Logan could be ruthless, he had to be with so many people depending on him to keep the business operating smoothly, but hed never been anything but gentle with her before and it sliced through her already fragile heart, bringing fresh tears to her eyes.

Im perfectly fine, she lied, grinding her teeth against the painful task of sitting up and inching her legs over the side of the bed.

You are not fine, he snapped. You can barely move, your arms and hands are all scraped up, and your ankle has already swollen twice its normal size. Perhaps now you will see that behaving so childish and running away from me only causes pain.

Shelby inhaled sharply. If Im so much trouble, maybe you should go find yourself a wife whos all grown up so you dont have take time out of your busy schedule to go find her.

Maybe I should, he said softly, his anger spent. Maybe it was a mistake to marry someone so young.

Youre not that much older than me for Petes sake.

Eight years seems like a huge gap right now. I am ready to settle down and have children while you have barely graduated into adulthood.

Shelbys shoulders slumped. So that was why hed sought the company of the blonde woman, Logan had decided he wanted someone closer to his age. How could she compete with that? The painful truth was she couldnt, but wasnt that the reason shed taken off and filed for divorce in the first place? She was his wife, she shouldnt have to worry about competing with anyone.

Go away, she said dully. Im obviously not what you want or need. I dont know why you even came here, Logan. All you had to do was sign the divorce papers and you would have been free to m-marry her.

Her? Is that what you think, Shelby? You think I have some other woman in mind to replace you with? Logan frowned at the almost imperceptible nod of her head. If that was true then I would have signed the papers.

She looked up at him in utter confusion. I dont understand you at all. You go to all the trouble to find me and say you dont want a divorce and then you tell me it was a mistake to marry me because Im too young for you.

Logan muttered a string of expletives in Italian before dropping down beside her on the bed. This is not how I envisioned our reunion; both of us saying things we do not mean. He caught sight of her bloodied hands and grimaced. Let me take care of your wounds firstthen we shall start over.
Chapter 4

Shelbys gaze fell longingly on the dark head that was bent over her hand. Logan was so intent on cleansing her wounds as gently as possible he hadnt looked up from his careful ministrations for several minutes, giving her a few precious moments to feast on the pure perfection of him. The white button down shirt hed worn strained across his broad shoulders, shaping itself to the contours of his back muscles and she ached to reach out and run her fingers over the taut sinews. Hed carried her to the kitchen after procuring the first aid kit from the bathroom and was facing her now with their chairs so close together her legs were nestled between his. Every now and then Logan would lean forward and the warmth of his thighs brushed the outside of her legs sending a jolt of electricity coursing through her body.

Shelbys eyes migrated to his big hands and watched in fascination as his dexterous fingers removed every minuscule particle of sand with painstaking tenderness. When that was done, he swabbed each hand with disinfectant and applied an antibacterial cream then carefully bandaged them. Shed changed into a robe to make it easier for him to tend to her, and Shelbys breath caught in her throat

when he scooted his chair back then knelt down in front of her and parted the material so he could inspect the damage to her knees. For one heart stopping moment his hand lingered on her thighs and she had to resist the urge to clamp her legs together to ease the painful ache he aroused in her.

Logan cleared his throat and reached for the first aid kit. It is lucky you were wearing jeans, there are only minor scraps on your knees. With no sand to remove, he was done applying the cream and bandages in matter of minutes and moved on to her ankle. I think I should take you to see a doctor, he said with a grimace. It is probably just a bad sprain, but I want to make sure you do not have any fractured bones.

Thats not necessary, Logan. All I need is a cold pack and a bandage and maybe keep it elevated for awhile.

Logan eyed the tiny foot that was propped against his thigh as he lightly grazing her bruised skin with his fingertips. I will not take any chances. There could be permanent damage if it is not tended to properly.

Shelby sighed in exasperation. Im sure its not as bad as it looks. At any rate, its too late in the day to make an appointment with a doctor and Im too tired to spend God knows how many hours in the emergency room waiting to be seen.

He gently lowered foot to the floor then stood up, his expression unyielding. You will see a doctor.

Shelby crossed her arms, glowering at him. You never used to be such a bully, she huffed.

And you, mia bella, never used to challenge my every word.

I she lowered her eyes, ashamed that she was once again acting like a petulant child. Im sorry. Youre right, I should have a doctor examine it.

He reached out and caressed the side of her face. I will see to everything, mia moglie.

Shelby choked back the tears that were threatening to spill. Moglie. Wife. Hed call her his wife.


She didnt bother to ask how Logan managed to wheedle an appointment for her so late in the day at a doctors office where she wasnt even an established patient. He could be very persuasive when he wanted to be and getting her in to see a doctor on such short notice had proved to be no exception. And even though there had been no fractured bones, Shelby was glad hed taken her in because the throbbing pain in her ankle had gotten considerably worse by the time they arrived there.

The doctor had carefully examined her foot, exchanging an amused glance with Shelby when Logan demanded that he double check for broken bones. After diagnosing her with a badly sprained ankle and bandaging it up, he gave Logan

instructions on how to tend her injury then wrote out a prescription for painkillers and sent them on their way. She waited in the car while he ran in to fill the prescription, obediently taking one of the pills as soon as he returned, and had nearly nodded off by the time they got back to the cottage.

Shelby burrowed her face in Logans neck as he carried her inside, offering him a groggy smile when he lowered her onto the bed and started to undress her. His face was a mask of granite as he peeled off her jeans and t-shirt. He even managed get her bra off with just a minor twitch in his jaws, but when he reached to remove her panties his hands faltered. Shelby, who was starting to feel a little loopy from the painkillers, let out a little giggle.

Logan withdrew his hands with a grunt and hastily pulled the covers up to her neck. Apparently she found it highly amusing that hed stopped at taking off her panties because she was sporting a broad grin and doing nothing to hide the laughter in her eyes. The desire hed felt only moments ago was shoved aside by a far greater emotion as his heart swelled with love for his beautiful bride. For the first time in months, the dull ache in his chest was absent and Logan was able to draw in a breath that didnt hitch in his throat.

Logan arched a brow. Would you like to explain what is so funny, cara?

You are, she quipped. I dont recall you ever having a problem undressing me before.

Do not tempt me Shelby, you are in no condition to endure the things I want to do to you right now. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. Be a good girl and go to sleep.

Shelby reached up and touched his cheek. Im sorry for being so much trouble. Willwill you come back tomorrow?

Come back? He straightened up, a slight frown forming on his face. I am not leaving you alone. I will stay in the spare bedroom and keep the door open in case you need me.

Shelby giggled again. That could be a problem since I dont have a spare bedroom.

What about the room next to yours?

I turned it into an art studio.

Then I will spend the night on the sofa.

Oh Logan, she laughed, your feet would hang over the edge and you wouldnt get a minute of sleep!

I am not leaving, he said obstinately. If I have to sleep on the floor then I will do so.

Dont be silly. If you insist on staying here, you can sleep with me.

Madre di Dio, he muttered, I am not made of stone. Do you think I could lie in the same bed and not touch you?

Shelbys hazy mind pondered that for a moment. Would it help if I wore a nightgown?

Logan groaned. Cara, I want to hold you. With or without a nightgown, it would still be torture I if could not sleep with you in my arms.

Okay, she said with a bright smile.


He couldnt believe shed given in so easily, but when Shelby threw back the covers and told him to hop in he realized it had to be the medication talking. Maybe it was wrong to take advantage of the situation but as his eyes swept over the gentle curves of her hips up to the fullness of her mouth watering breasts, he knew there wasnt a chance in hell he would turn down her invitation. Logan turned off the light and wasted no time stripping off his clothes and climbing into bed with her.

Shelby curled into his warmth, letting out a contented sigh when his strong arms pulled her even closer. This was where she belonged. With her head nestled on his shoulder, she could hear the strong, rapid beat of his heart and her own heart quickened in response. She inhaled slowly, breathing in his masculine scent and filled her lungs with it. Her hand moved tentatively across his chest and then more boldly as his bare flesh shuddered beneath the feathery touch of her finger tips.

Cara mia, he whispered hoarsely, you are killing me.

Shelby tilted her head back and nibbled along his jaw line, a heady sense of triumph surging through her when a low, needy moan vibrated in Logans chest as his mouth hungrily turned to hers. The dull pain in her ankle forgotten, she matched his ardent kisses with a fierceness of her own, devouring him, arching herself into him with wanton abandon until at last Logans damnable control broke. He made a grunting sound deep in his throat that was more animalistic than human as he rolled on top of her and pinned her arms above her head. It was intensely erotic being helplessly trapped beneath his muscular body, captivated by the sexual desire in his eyes as he drove himself into her.

Shelby wound her legs around his waist as a second powerful thrust followed the first, her body humming like a live wire as Logans slick heat filled her over and over until the heavy coiling in her abdomen was so taut she thought she would explode. Thisthis was the passion shed longed to unleash in her husband, the passion shed longed to set free in herself. Shelby writhed beneath him, welcoming the merciless hammering even as her feverish body ached to be released from this exquisite torture.

Her heart slammed into her ribs as his mouth descended on hers and inanely she thought this is what it must feel like to get broadsided by a two ton pick-up. It was Logans searing kiss that finally sent her tumbling over the edge. One devastating, bone melting kiss and the muscles in her abdomen clenched then spasmed, the waves of pleasure thundering through her with all the grace of a tidal wave.

Shelby had never felt so deliciously ravaged or so intensely aware of her own sensuality and the power she had to drive Logan wild. She enticed him with her kisses, attacking his mouth with the ferocious appetite of a woman who had been deprived of his taste for far too long. It was intoxicating, the sounds she was able to coax from him; primal grunts and throaty moans that excited her and made her pulse race. Shelby arched her back and tilted her hips, driving him even deeper and shattering what little was left of his self restraint.

Mio bello, Logan ground out with a violent shudder.

Logan buried his face in her neck, his breath billowing in and out as the tremors continued to make mincemeat of every muscle in his body. His mind wasnt faring much better and it was quite some time before the fog began to lift and he was able to pull his disjointed thoughts together. From the first time hed made love to Shelby hed believed no woman could ever bring him more pleasure or satisfy his sexual needs the way she did, but now he realized just how wrong hed been.

Logan pressed his lips to her neck and kissed his way back to her mouth, possessing it with all the love and tenderness in his heart. This woman, the one who had gone wild in his arms and taken him to heights hed never known before, she was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Until that moment Logan thought he couldnt have been more in love with his wife than hed been on the day he married her, but the depths of his feelings now went beyond that, beyond anything he could ever have imagined. Even now, after shed drained him of every ounce of energy, Logan could feel the stirrings of renewed desire.

Io vogtio te, he whispered, I want you. Lifting his head, he saw the answering hunger in her eyes even before she spoke.

Then take me, Logan, take me


Logan put the omelets hed made in the oven to keep them warm then went to retrieve his cell phone while he waited for the coffee to finish brewing. He smiled to himself, still feeling the heat of last nights passion warming his bloodand his heart. Hed wanted to make love to Shelby again this morning but shed looked so serene, so breathtakingly beautiful as she slept he didnt have the heart to wake her. Hed contented himself instead with making breakfast and reliving their night together as he cooked before deciding it was time to give Grady a call to let him know hed be bringing Shelby home as soon as her ankle was better.

Grady, would you mind having Mason drop you off here so you can pick up Shelbys car?

Does that mean shes coming home with you?

We have not discussed it yet, Logan admitted, but after last night he didnt finish the sentence, letting Grady draw the obvious conclusions.

Im really happy for you, Logan, and for Shelby too. Mason said shed lost weight and spent hours sitting on the beach just staring out at the ocean. Id say she was just as miserable without you as youve been without her.

We have not had much time to talk about why she left but we are going to stay here for a few more days so there will be plenty of time to get everything straightened out before we return. Shelby had a bit of an accident yesterday and twisted her ankle so at least I know she cannot run away while we iron things out.

You sound confident, Grady commented.

As confident as any man could be when dealing with an emotional woman, he chuckled.

Which is why I keep all my relationships short and sweet. So when do you want me to pick up her car?

Right now, if it is not too much trouble. Shelby is still sleeping so you could be here and gone before I wake her for breakfast.

Were on our way. Oh, and just so you know; Ill be expecting a big, fat bonus on my next paycheck.

Grady hung up before he could reply but Logan wouldnt have told him about the hefty sum Accounting had been authorized to add to Gradys paycheck anyway. Grady would understand the depth of his appreciation when he saw the check so there was no need to discuss it. Less than fifteen minutes later Logan was handing Grady the spare keys he still carried on his key ring and sending him on his way. After setting out plates and silverware on the cozy table on the deck, he hurried

upstairs to get Shelby, suddenly feeling anxious to assure himself she hadnt disappeared on him again.

The tightness in his chest didnt ease until Logan had perched himself on the edge of the bed and leaned down to give her a kiss. Shelbys lips parted invitingly, a contented purring sound vibrating softly in the back of throat when Logan teased her mouth open with his tongue. He was instantly aroused by the sweet taste of her and the way the musky scent of their love making still lingered on her skin, but he drew back with a regretful sigh. She wasnt used to the relentless pounding hed given her the night before and would need some time to let the soreness fade.

You came back, Shelby said with a sleepy smile.

Logan returned her smile with an amused chuckle. Of course I did, cara mia, but it was to offer you a meal not to climb back into bed with you. Not that I would mind going another round, but I think you have missed enough meals already.

Shelbys eyes widened. Now fully awake, she was suddenly acutely aware that she was not only completely naked but that her body feltwickedly satiated. Color bloomed in her cheeks as hazy snippets of their night together flitted in and out of her memory. Hot, searing kisses, sweat soaked bodies straining against each other, the warmth of his hand gliding over her skin as she quivered in pure ecstasy beneath him.

Oh, she gasped, her eyes growing even bigger. Itit wasnt a dream, it really happened!

Logans brows drew together. Are you telling me you do not remember making love to me last night?

Well II think the medication might have had something to do with it. It just seems kind of surreal but I

Logan stood up abruptly, thunder brewing in his eyes. Surreal, he bit out caustically. You certainly seemed to have all your faculties about you when you were grinding your hips into me and attacking my mouth like a sex starved nymphomaniac! Logan saw her flinch but was too angry to stop himself. Or is it that you are so shocked by your own behavior you would rather pretend you do not remember anything rather than admit it was the most mind-blowing sex we have ever had?

Shelby sat up, careful to keep the sheet tucked up under her arms. Still stinging from his cutting remarks she was tempted to lash out and accuse him of taking advantage of her while she under the influence of the medication and obviously not acting normal. Except that last night was the first time shed actually been able to shake off all her inhibitions and give freely of herself. That was the true Shelby. Looking up into his angry eyes she understood why hed reacted so harshly to her admission that she thought it was a dream at first. After all, how would she have felt if Logan had told her he couldnt remember whether it had been real or not?

The medication did cloud my mind a little, she said softly, but I remember everything, Logan. Her smile was teasing as she reached out and slipped her hand

into his. I dont think I qualify as a nymphomaniac, but youre right about it being the most mind-blowing sex weve ever had.

The tension left his body, ebbing away as smoothly as waves rolling out to sea and Logan realized it wasnt anger hed felt when Shelby said she thought it was dream, but raw fear. Fear that what theyd shared last night hadnt been shared at all; fear that the ground he thought hed gained would be lost again; fear that Shelby was pretending she didnt remember because she realized she didnt love him after all. Dio, he truly needed to get control of his emotions before it destroyed him. But even as he vowed to steel himself against her, Shelbys smile faltered and his heart instantly melted.

Logan gave her hand a gentle squeeze. Are you hungry?

Starving, Shelby beamed up at him.

Let me get your robe then. I have breakfast warming in the oven and have set the table on the balcony so we can enjoy the early morning sun.

You made breakfast?

Do not sound so surprised, carissima, not all of my talents lie in the bedroom.

Shelby let out a despondent sigh as her eyes followed Logan across the room. No, not all of his talents were confined to the bedroom, some of them strayed to a hotel room and a woman who wasnt his wife. She gnawed at her lip, wondering

if she could ever forgive him or even if she should. If only he would confess what hed done and give her his word it wouldnt happen again she might be able to move past it. But Logan had to come to her on his own, without any coaxing from her, or shed never know if he was truly remorseful for being unfaithful or simply saying he was because shed confronted him about it.

Logan held the robe out. Let me help you get this on then Ill carry you downstairs.

Shelby threw the covers back and slid her legs over the side of the bed. Dont be silly, Im perfectly capable of walking by myself. To prove her point she stood up then let out a harsh gasp as pain stabbed through her ankle then shot up her leg. Logan The color leached from Shelbys face as her ankle gave out.

I have you, cara. Logan caught her up in his arms, a worried frown on his face. Maybe I should bring your breakfast up here. Once you have something in your stomach I can give you a painkiller.

But you already went to the trouble of setting the table, Shelby protested.

It does not matter, you need to be in bed.

It does matter, she insisted. It was so sweet of you to do it and I would feel even worse for ruining your plans. Besides, I think the fresh air would do me good.

Logan took in the pallor of her skin and had to agree. Perhaps you are right. He lowered Shelby onto the bed and helped her put her robe on then scooped

her back into his arms and headed downstairs. I will find something to keep your foot propped up first. The omelets are warming in the oven so all I have to do is make some toast and pour the coffee.

After hed settled her in front of the table and retrieved the footstool she kept in the pantry for reaching the top shelves, Logan hurried off to get their breakfast. Shelby tipped her head back, breathing in the fresh ocean air and letting the sun warm her face. Even with her ankle throbbing and the uncertainty of her relationship with Logan looming over her, she had to admit she felt better now than she had in months. The emptiness was gone, vanquished in the night by her husbands possessive love making.

I will be back with the coffee, Logan promised as he set the food laden tray on the table.

Shelby kept her eyes closed, reluctant to give up the warm glow enveloping her at the moment. I take mine with cream, she said absently. There was a rustle of movement before his shadow fell over her and he planted a bone melting kiss on her lips.

I know how you take your coffee, cara mia. He spoke softly, drawing his head back just enough so he could see into her eyes. It seems like an eternity since we were together but I remember everything about you.

Like what? She said in a breathless whisper.

Like the way you butter your toast.

Shelby laughed. You noticed how I butter my toast?

I find it amusing that you will not eat it unless the butter covers every inch of it. And you have a quirky way of eating a meal, always starting with the vegetables first and consuming them completely before moving onto the next item on your plate and ending with the meat, which you never eat more than half of.

Thats it? You remember my strange eating habits?

Logan stood up, his gaze sweeping over her body before returning to her face. Oh no, carissima, I remember a lot of other things, like the way you look in the morning when you first wake up, all soft and dreamy eyed, and the slow smile that you save only for me. And I remember how your face would light up when I came home and the feel of your body pressed to mine. He paused for a moment, a heavy sadness hovering behind his eyes. But what I remember most is the way you kissed me good-bye that morning. I wanted to take you back upstairs and spend the rest of the day in bed with you. I almost stayed home, did you know that?

Shelbys throat constricted. If only you had, she choked out.

Would it have changed anything, or would you have left me eventually anyway?

I dont know, she replied despondently, I honestly dont know. Tears filled her eyes when he nodded slowly then turned and walked away.
Chapter 5

Logan poured the coffee then added a dab of cream to Shelbys cup of the steaming brew. There will be no divorce, he said in a voice meant to deter any further discussion.

A separation then, Shelby braved a reply.

He speared a piece of omelet, chewing it thoroughly before shaking his head. No. We have been separated for six months and it did not work out for either of us.

Maybe it didnt work out for you, but I was doing just fine, she lied.

Logans expression remained impassive. I think not, cara mia. You have lost weight, a sure sign of depression, and you spend your days staring out at the ocean or not bothering to get out of bed at all.

Shelbys fork slipped from her fingers and clattered onto her plate. Howhow could you know that? Her eyes widened in disbelief. Youve had someone watching me?

Only for the past week. Until last Monday, I did not know where you were.

Why did you wait to come here yourself?

Logan polished off his omelet then leaned back in his chair, eyeing her over his cup of coffee. I wanted to make certain you did not have avisitor staying with you.

A lover you mean.

Yes, a lover.

And are you convinced I dont have one?

I would not be here if I thought otherwise.

Shelby picked up her fork and concentrated on finishing her omelet. So it was okay for him to have an affair but not the other way around? Obviously, he thought she was clueless as far as his blonde bimbo went or it would have dawned on him why shed run off and filed for divorce. Being unfaithful was the one unforgiveable sin shed once told him, and fool that she was, Shelby had soaked it up like a sponge when Logan pulled her into his arms and swore on his life that she was the only woman he ever wanted to make love to. But that was right after theyd gotten married so maybe he just hadnt gotten bored with her yet and actually believed what he was saying.

And yetshe couldnt dismiss the way Logan looked her when he let his guard down long enough for her to see his heart in his eyes. There was a tenderness there that couldnt be denied, but was it love? Shelby rewound all the intimate moments theyd shared and was numbed by the realization that Logan had never once said he loved her. Oh, hed shown her in a million different ways how much he cared for her, but hed never actually said the words.

Hed told her he wanted her and needed her, that he loved being with her and even that she was sexually desirable but she couldnt recall a single time hed come right out and said I love you. Did that mean he didnt love her or only that he was incapable of saying it? Surely it was more than pride or pressure from his family that had kept Logan from signing the divorce papers. Shelby wanted so badly to believe he loved her so she could put an end to the lonely, barren life shed endured over the past six months and go back to being the insanely happy woman shed once been, but how could she when there were so many doubts crowding her mind.

Shelby pushed her plate away, surprised to find shed eaten every last bite. She reached for her coffee and took a few sips before stealing a quick glance at Logan then nearly dropped the cup when she caught the intensity of his gaze. It was the same calculating look he wore when that sharp edged mind of his was figuring out the best way to manipulate a business deal so that everything worked to his advantage. It was unnerving to have that shrewd intellect directed at her, especially knowing that failure was not a word in Logans vocabulary. Shelby carefully set her cup down and forced herself to look him in the eyes, determined to find out what he was plotting.

I wont be bullied into going back with you Logan.

I have no intention of bullying you, he said smoothly.

Then what are your intentions?

To find out why you left and toconvince you that we belong together.

Ive already told you why I left.

No, cara, you only told me part of the story.

What about your story, she steered the conversation in a different direction, why did you really come after me?

Logans calm demeanor faltered. What kind of question is that? You are my wife.

Only because you refused to sign the papers.

Papers that should never have been filed in the first place, he said heatedly.

Shelby rubbed her temple. This is getting us nowhere, Logan.

You are right, neither of us is ready to talk yet. He rose from his chair and scooped her up in his arms then strode purposefully back into the cottage.

Shelbys insides trembled when he headed down the hallway towards her bedroom. Wh-what are you doing?

What I should have done on the day you left me, taking you back to bed.

Logan, this wont solve anything, she said in a shaky voice.

He lowered her onto the mattress and tugged at the tie on her robe then drew the material away, letting his eyes feast on the perfection of her nakedness. On the contrary, carissima, it will solve a very big problem.

Shelbys breath caught in her throat when he reached for the zipper on his jeans and slowly dragged it down, the soft scraping of the metal as tantalizing as a seductive caress. Somewhere in the back of her mind a protest was uttered but it was feeble at best and easily ignored, the little voice of reason gradually fading and growing silent altogether as Logan removed each article of clothing then lowered his gloriously naked body down onto hers. A soft moan escaped her lips as he eased himself inside of her, submerging Shelby in the same passionate heat theyd shared the night before.

It wasnt until much later she as lay in his arms listening to the steady rhythm of his breathing that she realized Logans sudden desire to take her to bed hadnt exactly been spontaneous. Hed deliberately set out to weaken her defenses against him, which would have upset her if she wasnt already perfectly aware shed been completely at Logans mercy from the moment hed stepped out of his car and back into her life. And she realized something else too. No matter what hed done in the past she had no choice but to forgive him, because a life without Logan was no life at all.


Logan slowly scanned the room. If there had ever been any doubt in his mind that Shelby loved him, there was none now. Grady had told him sometimes the lights

didnt go out until the wee hours of the morning and now he knew what shed been doing to fill the hours. He stepped closer, scrutinizing the paintings and admiring how well shed captured his likeness in each one of them. They were beautifully done, but there was a sadness about them, a loneliness that made his heart ache and rejoice at the same time. Grady was right; Shelby had been just as miserable without him as hed been without her.

Logan closed the door behind him when he left, glancing down the hallway towards the bedroom where Shelby was still sleeping and considered waking her up. It was eating him up inside not knowing why shed run away, and the not knowing is what made him feel so helpless right now. He was a powerful man in the business world, making and breaking multi-million dollar deals with every confidence that he would always come out on top and that no one, no one, could beat him at his own game. And yet Shelby, his sweet, unassuming little wife had brought him to his knees and left him as weak and vulnerable as a newborn kitten.

He headed for the kitchen to get the coffee started then changed his mind and turned around. Whatever was wrong between them had to be hashed out and dealt with so he could stop feeling as if his world was going to come crashing down around his shoulders any minute now. Logan didnt even make it to the hallway before his cell phone went off. He hurried into the living room, cursing under his breath when he couldnt find the blasted thing and finally located it on the fireplace mantel where he must have left it after talking to Grady earlier that morning. Logan checked the caller I.D., cursing again before answering it.

Shelby was just pulling on her robe when she heard the incessant ringing of Logans phone. Heaving a sigh, she hobbled into the bathroom to relieve herself and run a brush through her hair. She knew what an enormous responsibility it was to run a corporation the size of Vittorio Enterprises but sometimes she really had to fight the urge to take that obnoxious phone and flush it down the toilet. It didnt seem to matter what time of day or night it was, Logan always made himself available to calm whatever storm was brewing.

She couldnt even begin to count how many romantic dinners or nights at the theatre had been cut short because he had to take a call. For the most part she really hadnt minded the interruptions because she was proud that her husband was such an important man and shed also genuinely enjoyed listening to his strong, authoritative voice as he worked out how to avert the most recent crisis. Still, there were times when she wished she had him all to herself without having to worry when the inevitable phone call would come.

Shelby shuffled down the hallway, careful not to put too much weight on the injured ankle. Shed done some serious thinking before shed nodded off to sleep and had come to the conclusion she needed to scrape up the courage to come right out and confront Logan about his affair. It wasnt going to be easy to hear him confirm it but if everything was out in the open theyd at least have a chance of repairing the damage that had been done. Shelby felt good about her decision and was anxious to get it over with but the sound of Logans deep voice coming from the living room told her he was still on the phone.

She started for the kitchen to put the coffee on and decided to peek her head into the living room first just to let him know she was awake. Considering shed eaten the entire omelet hed made for her earlier, she was surprised to find that she ravenous. Shelby smiled to herself. No doubt the amorous love making had something to do with the sudden increase in appetite. She stood just inside doorway, admiring the sleek muscles in his bare back as Logan stared out the window and continued his conversation, unaware that he was being watched. Her heart fluttered and for a moment she was so overwhelmed by the enormous rush of love she felt for him she could barely breathe.

Shelby lingered for a few more seconds then started to back out of the room. She hadnt really been paying attention to what Logan was saying but she could tell by the way he was talking that it wasnt business. It had to be his mother or his sister, Milana, because his voice always took on a calmer, gentler tone whenever he spoke to the female members of his family. Shed always found it endearing the way the Vittorio men treated their women, as if they were made of glass and needed to be handled with the greatest of care.

Not wanting to intrude on a private conversation, Shelby turned to go when something he said caught her attention. With a sinking heart, she inched close enough to hear and immediately wished she hadnt. It wasnt his mother or sister Logan was talking to but some woman named Alicia, and by the sound of it she was upset with him for breaking off a date. That same agonizing pain shed felt when she saw Logan and his mistress leaving the hotel viciously ripped at her heart, and though her mind screamed at her to leave so she didnt have to hear anymore, her legs stubbornly refused to move.

I know what I told you, Logan said evenly, but my circumstances have changed and I am no longer free to escort you to the ball. I am sorry, but you will just have to find someone else to take you or attend by yourself. There was a moment of silence as he listened to Alicias pleading. No, I cannot stop by to discuss it, Alicia, I am not even in town. I have some business to finish up that may take a few more days

Business, Shelby croaked.

Logan whirled around to find a visibly shaken Shelby looking at him as if he was some sort of monster. I have to go, he muttered into the phone before tossing it onto one of the chairs. Cara, it is not

Thats all I am to you, business?

He took a step towards her. That is not what I meant. I just did not see any reason to involve her in my personal affairs.

Affairs, she bit out, what an interesting choice of words. Its her, isnt it? Alicia is the blonde youve been seeing behind my back.

Logan drew in a sharp breath. How did you know she was a blonde?

Shelbys face crumbled. So its true, you admit that youve been having an affair with her. Oh, Logan, how could you? How could you come here pretending you wanted to save our marriage when youre still involved with that woman?

Per lamor del Dio, he said with a shake of his head. I admit to no such thing. I merely asked how you knew she was blonde and from that you conclude I am carrying on an affair?

Shelbys voice came out as little more than a squeak. I saw you with her.

Now Logan was really confused. I do not understand. I took her once to Mancinis a few weeks ago and to an art exhibit last month, are you saying you were at one of those places?

She stared at him in disbelief, the rolling pain inside her so acute she clutched at her stomach. You took her to our restaurant where people we know were sure to see you?

The pieces of the puzzle werent quite coming together and Shelby looked so distraught he was concerned about her getting physically ill. Logan went to her and led her to the sofa insisting that they talk this out in spite of her protests that she was done talking and wanted him to leave. He could see the tears pooling in her eyes and the way her chin quivered, and if he wasnt so sure shed fight him like a wildcat he would have taken her in his arms and held her there until that horrible look of desolation left her beautiful face. Instead he had to content himself with holding one small hand in his.

Now, we shall start from the beginning. First of all, I am not having an affair with Alicia.

I heard what you said on the phone, Logan. You had plans to take her to a ball and you admitted yourself that you had been out with her before.

As a friend, he said insistently, nothing more. Her husband is an old college friend and an important client that I acquired shortly before you left. His business in Italy has kept him out of the country for over a month now and she asked me to accompany her to a few engagements she had already obligated herself to so that she would not have to go alone. Shelby, look at me, he said softly. When her green eyes lifted to his, Logans chest tightened. Mio bello, do not look at me as if you do not believe a word I am saying.

How can I believe you, she cried, I saw you with my own eyes. I saw you and thatthat woman!

When, cara mia?

The day I left you, Shelby replied, unsuccessfully trying to blink back the tears.

Logan searched his mind but had no recollection of having been alone with Alicia that day. You must be mistaken. Richard Delatorre, her husband, was still in the country at that time. I had a late lunch with him and Alicia Logan stopped, a sudden and very vivid memory flashing before his eyes. Oh, mia tesoro, he said tenderly, my poor darling, you saw us coming out of the hotel, didnt you?

Shelby nodded. You had your arm around her, she said in trembling voice. I saw you leave the hotel and get in a limousine with her and II was so hurt, so heartbroken to know youd slept with another women.

Shelby, I

No, you have to let me say this. I blamed myself too because I realized you wouldnt have turned to her at all if Id been able to Shelbys voice faltered as a new round of tears flooded her eyes. She drew in a deep breath and finished. If I had been able to satisfy you in bed you wouldnt have felt the need to find someone who could.

Mio Dio, he rasped hoarsely, you thought you did not satisfy me? Logan scooped her up and set her on his lap so fast she didnt get the chance to protest. Listen very carefully, Shelby. I went to the hotel to pick up Alicia at her husbands request because he was running late for our lunch date, and the only reason I had my arm around her is because she was wearing a pair of ridiculously high heels and I was afraid she would fall down the stairs and break her neck.

Shelby looked at him with uncertainty. Shes a beautiful woman and youve been spending time with her. Maybe what I saw was perfectly innocent, but what about the other times you were alone with her?

I was not alone with her, cara. The dinner at Mancinis was with three other couples, all mutual associates of mine and Richards. The art exhibit was a showing for one of Alicias friends and I only went with her because she begged me to. I felt sorry for her because Richard was supposed to have been back by then.

And the ball?

A charity event that I did not particularly care to attend but felt obligated to. Alicia was practically in tears because she did not want to go alone and since I was already going, I agreed to be her escort.

Are youattracted to her?

Logans lip twitched in amusement. Attracted to a woman who flaunts her body and bats her eyelashes at every male she comes in contact with? Not likely. Besides, why would I want a woman like that when I have you? You are the one I want, Shelby, the only woman I want sharing my life and my bed.

Shelby threw her arms around his neck and let out a painful sob. Oh Logan, how can you ever forgive me for the horrible way Ive behaved?

Logan hugged her to him. Just say it is over so we can go home. I have missed you so much, mia moglie, it was a struggle to get through each day and ten times harder to get through the long nights.

It was the same for me.

Promise me you will never do anything like this again. If something upsets you, you must tell me so we can work it out together.

Together, she repeated with a happy sigh. I love you, Logan, with all my heart. She tipped her head back, hoping to hear those same words pour from his lips.

Thank God, Logan said on a sigh as he lowered his head and kissed her.


Logan poured a glass of wine and went out on the deck to watch the sunset while Shelby took a shower. He tried to convince himself he had nothing to feel guilty about. Shed believed what hed said about Alicia because he really was being honest when he told her he wasnt attracted to the woman. It was what he didnt say that nagged at him and made Logan wonder if hed done the right thing in keeping the whole truth from Shelby.

Hed gone to college with Richard Delatorre but hadnt seen him for years, so when Logan ran into him about eight months ago hed been excited about acquiring his business and renewing an old friendship. Theyd met a couple of times, worked out the contracts, and agreed it would be nice to get together for dinner with their wives and celebrate. Richard was a good man with a pleasant sense of humor even if he was a bit on the conservative side, thats why meeting Alicia for the first time had been such a shock to Logan.

It was the week before Shelby left him and hed arranged to stop by Richards house to drop off a copy of the final contracts, but when he arrived he was told by the housekeeper that Richard wasnt home yet. She showed him into the sitting room

then apparently informed Alicia he was there because he hadnt been waiting more than a few minutes when she swept into the room.

Shed obviously been sunning herself by the pool because she was wearing one of the skimpiest bikinis Logan had ever seen and hadnt bothered to cover up although she had a robe draped over her arm. He remembered standing there, careful to keep his eyes locked on her face, warning bells clanging inside his head as Alicia dropped the robe across the back of the sofa and sauntered over to introduce herself. Never in a million years would Shelby greet a guest dressed so scantily, not unless she was caught unaware and not without blushing all the way from her toes to the top of her pretty head.

Richard said youd be stopping by and Ive just been dying to meet you, she cooed and held out a perfectly manicured hand. He hesitated just a fraction too long and Alicia laughed. I dont bite, she batted her lashes, unless you want me too, that is.

Logan stuck out his hand. It is nice to meet you, Signora Delatorre, he said formally.

Her fingers curled around his palm, squeezing ever so slightly. Call me Alicia. After all, any friend of Richards is a friend of mine.

Logan extracted his hand, feeling as if a snake had just coiled itself around it and had to resist the impulse to wipe it off on his trouser legs. He took a step backwards and glanced around, commenting on how beautiful the place was and asked if shed been involved with the decorating. His ploy to put some distance

between them worked for all of two seconds before Alicia moved in on the pretext of straightening a floral arrangement on the coffee table.

She peered up at him in what Logan assumed was supposed to be a seductive manner but her bedroom eyes and pouty lips only revolted him. I begged Richard to let me redo the whole house and add some color to the drab furnishings but he insisted my taste was too flamboyant, especially since a lot of his business associates are as uptight as he is. She gave a little shrug and curved her lips into a sexy smile. He said my talents were best confined to the bedroom and I could hardly argue with that now, could I?

So he let you decorate the bedroom? Logan asked, knowing full well the sexual innuendo was intentional.

Yes, and Id love to show it to you sometime but I think I heard Richard coming in.

Instead of going around the sofa to retrieve her robe, Alicia leaned across it with exaggerated slowness to insure her bottom was presented to him in what could only be construed as an invitation. Logan wasnt the least bit tempted and he suddenly felt doubly blessed that he had a wife who didnt have eyes for anyone but him. At the thought of Shelby who had seduced him with nothing more than a shy smile, his expression softened. It was his misfortune that Alicia stood up at that precise moment and interpreted the look on his face as one of acceptance to her less than subtle proposition that he sleep with her.
Chapter 6, Part 1

It hadnt been a problem as long as her husband was around. It was amazing to watch really, the transformation that took place the moment Richard entered the room. Alicia instantly became the adoring wife, latching onto his arm like a limpet as if she was afraid there was some evil plot brewing to tear her away from him. How an intelligent man like Richard could have been duped by this woman was beyond Logans comprehension but it was obvious the man was crazy about her and thrived on the clinging vine routine.

Logan decided it wasnt his place or his responsibility to point out Alicias short comings and since he was confident hed never be tempted to sample whatever goodies she was offering, he didnt want to upset Shelby by telling her what happened whenever he found himself alone with Alicia for any length of time. Hed never given Shelby any cause to be jealous or feel insecure and for the most part he thought she was confident in their love for each other and their marriage. But that didnt mean someone like Alicia couldnt stir up the pot by giving him suggestive glances in front of Shelby and putting doubts in her head. No, hed thought it best at the time not to worry his wife and because of that hed nearly lost her.

Logan had escaped his first encounter with Alicia because Richard happen to get home before she could make any further advances, and once hed seen how she acted around her husband he thought maybe hed read her wrong or over reacted. The second incident wasnt dismissed so easily, nor was any of the others. Richard was supposed to come to Logans office around five thirty for a late meeting so it didnt surprise him when there was a tap on the door just a few minutes before the appointed time. He was, however, extremely agitated to see Alicia

Delatorre slip through the doorway and lock it behind her before sauntering across the room.

He didnt need to ask what she was up to; that was pretty evident from the plunging neckline of her slinky scarlet dress down to the matching stiletto heels. Her unnaturally blonde hair was swept back into a French twist, her make-up done to perfection, and she made quite a production of swinging her curvaceous hips provocatively as she made her way towards his desk. Logan rose to his feet, thoroughly shaken by the alarming certainty that Alicia intended to plop her fanny down onto his lap if he remained sitting.

Where is Richard? He demanded in a voice that was as cold and rigid as the expression on his face.

Alicia stopped short, poising her lips into a sultry pout. Arent you glad to see me?

My meeting was with Richard, where is he?

He got called out of town unexpectedly and asked me to convey his apologies.

Logans eyes narrowed. He asked you dress up like a call girl and come to my office in person to tell me he would not be able to make it?

Alicia visibly bristled. This is a designer original, she said icily, and I assure you no one would mistake me for a high priced call girl!

I do not believe I said anything about being high priced, Logan replied.

A slow smile spread across her face. Whats the matter, Logan, are you afraid you wont be able to handle a night with me?

I think the point here is that I have no desire to spend the night with you, Mrs. Delatorre.

Alicia ran her hands slowly up her body and cupped her own breasts. You honestly expect me to believe you dont want to touch me right now? She licked her lips and moved one hand down between her thighs. I ache for you, Logan. I want to feel you deep inside my hot, wet

A low growl rumbled in his chest as he gripped her arm and propelled her towards the door. I am a married man, and unlike you I take my vows very seriously. He flipped the lock and yanked the door open then shoved Alicia out of his office. I love my wife and I respect Richard; that alone would keep me from taking you to bed. But just for the record, I do not find you sexually attractive and would not sleep with you even if both of us were single. He nodded towards the elevators. I am sure you can find your way out.

He didnt wait for her outraged reply, though he heard enough of the very unladylike sputtering through the door after slamming it in her face. Hed waited until he was sure she was gone before leaving his office and then driven around for a good half hour before heading home. Hed needed the time to calm himself and to

figure out how in hell he was going to avoid being alone with Alicia again without throwing up any red flags that might raise suspicion with Richard.

He remembered how agitated hed been on the drive home even after stalling for time but the minute he stepped inside, Shelby was in his arms, the heat of her kisses melting the tension of the day and making him forget everything except how very fortunate he was to have her as his wife. Shelby was the balance in his life. What other people took from him, she replenished with nothing more than a smile or a touch, and only Shelby could make him laugh when he felt weighted down by all of his responsibilities. Her love was pure and unconditional, and shed brought him more happiness than any one man had a right to.

Logan set his glass down when he heard the soft padding of bare feet and turned around just as Shelby stepped outside. She stood there for a moment looking uncertain and incredibly vulnerable but the instant he held his arms out she came to him, a radiant smile lighting her face. She pressed herself close, resting her cheek against his chest while Logan gently stroked her hair.

I dont understand why youre not furious with me, she said in a wobbly voice.

I am angry with myself, cara mia, not with you.

She tipped her head back. But you did nothing wrong! I was the one who let my insecurities come between us and then left without even giving you a chance to explain.

Logan cupped her face in his hands. And if I had not left you alone so much or at least made sure you knew how very much I love you, then you would not have had any insecurities to begin with.

Shelby's heart did a wild flip. Youyouve never said that before.

I should have, he said remorsefully. I should have told you a hundred times a day how I felt. I love you, Shelby. Logan lowered his head and kissed her, softly at first and then with such fierce intensity he could feel her quivering against his own trembling body. I love you, he whispered, repeating the words over and over as he carried her back to the bedroom.
Chapter 7:- Chapter 6, Part 2

If it was possible to die of happiness, Shelby wouldnt have survived the night. As it was, she felt like she was soaring above the clouds because Logan was taking her home today. While he and Grady loaded up her car with the things shed packed so far, Shelby hurried into the room shed converted into a studio and shuffled all the paintings into the closet. She hadnt given them a thought the whole time Logan was here but she didnt want him checking the rooms to make sure she hadnt forgotten anything and run across them.

It was a shame to hide them away really because she thought they represented some of her best work, but they were also a sad reminder of how closely shed come to destroying her marriage with petty, unfounded jealousy. She stopped for a moment to study the last painting before tucking it away with the others and decided the next time she put Logan on canvas shed paint herself right there beside him where she belonged! Shelby closed the closet door and turned

around, letting out a startled yelp when she found herself pressed up against Logans broad chest.

You scared the life out of me, she said with a nervous laugh.

Logans eyes shifted past her to the closet door. You are leaving your paintings and art supplies here?

The paintings were more for myself really, and I thought it would be more convenient to leave the supplies behind rather than packing them up again when I come back here. Besides, its not as if I dont have plenty of supplies at home and Shelbys voice trailed off when Logans expression suddenly hardened. Oh, I see now, she attempted a smile, you didnt keep my things. Not that I blame you, Shelby rushed to assure him, though in truth she was terribly hurt by it.

Shelby, I did not get rid of your things, he replied irritably. It is what you said about coming back here. I will not have you running off every time we have a difference of opinion or you get some silly notion in your head that I have a lover stashed somewhere.

Shelby couldnt help laughing in spite of the dark scowl on his face. Im sorry, she slipped her arms around his waist. I should have told you I decided to keep the cottage for us.

For us, Logan repeated skeptically.

Yes, I think it would be nice to have a place we can sneak off to for a few days. No family or friends dropping by unannounced or business calls interrupting at the most inopportune times. It would be just you and me, doesnt that sound wonderful?

But Logan didnt look as if he thought it was wonderful. The corners of his mouth tilted down slightly as if shed just told him something terribly disappointing and he was trying not to let it show. Her spirits plummeted to the ground. He didnt want to spend time alone with her, at least not in an isolated beach cottage that offered no escape route when he got tired of her company. An old, familiar ache began to settle in the pit of her stomach, one shed almost forgotten during the endless months theyd been apart.

Cara mia, he said with an indulgent smile, you know how difficult it is for me to get away, just as you know my management team has to be able to reach me when they need to.

You have four brothers, Logan. Surely one of them could cover for you every now and then so we could have time alone.

Simon has relinquished the helm to me and it is my responsibility to keep the company running smoothly. It requires a lot of time and dedication, and it is not something I can shuffle off to someone else whenever I feel like it. You have known this from the beginning so I do not understand why you suddenly feel the need to hide away where no one can find us.

You found time for me when were dating, she argued.

Logan drew in a long breath, desperately trying not to lose patience with her. Shelby, it is different now that we are married. I work longer hours so I can spend my evenings and nights with you. When we were dating I used to go home and put in at least two or three more hours of work after I left your place."

Shelby pulled away from him. But thats just it, dont you see? Even when you are at home, our evenings still get disrupted by business calls and inevitably there's family around so we never really get any quality time together.

His brows furrowed. Are you saying my family is not welcome in our home?

No, thats not what Im saying at all. Its just that youre away all day and most of the time our evenings are spent in the company of others. I miss being alone with you, Logan.

We were alone every night in our bed, carissima.

The husky tone of his voice brought back vivid memories of those incredible nights; bodies entwined beneath a tangle of sheets, the heat, the passion, the

Stop trying to distract me, Shelby chided, even as her heart leapt when Logan pulled her back into his arms. Wewe need to talk about this, she said faintly.

Later, he murmured against her lips.

Shelby tried to resist him, she really did, and for all of two or three seconds she was a pillar of strength. But when Logan slanted his head and deepened the kiss, his arms crushing her to his magnificent chest, that pillar crumbled like sawdust and was swept away in a whirlwind of ravaging desire. All those cruel months when her senses had been deprived of anything but pain and sorrow melted into oblivion as he continued to plunder her mouth, and if it hadnt been for Gradys untimely intrusion she probably would have blindly followed Logan to his car without finishing their conversation.

Grady bounded into the room. I think thats everything so ifoops, sorry about the interruption, he grinned sheepishly.

Logan lifted his head but kept Shelby imprisoned in his arms. There are two more suitcases in the bedroom but we will put them in my car. Go ahead and take off, we will not be far behind you.

Grady wait, Shelby managed to squeak out just as he turned to go. The look of displeasure from Logan made her stomach churn but there was too much at stake to let him whisk her away before she was ready.

Grady cast an uncertain glance at Logan before asking, Was there something else you needed me to take?
Chapter 8:- Chapter 6, Part 3

The tension in Logans body would have been obvious even if she hadnt still been locked in his arms. Pressed as close as she was, Shelby could feel every taut muscle from shoulder to thigh but it was the glacial expression on his face more than anything that revealed the emotions he was so staunchly trying to hide. It hit her hard

because until this moment, shed never even considered that Logan might be feeling just as vulnerable and scared as she was. Shelby smiled up at him before answering Grady.

No, I just wanted to thank you for all your help. Logan and I have a few things to discuss before we leave but like he said, we wont be far behind you.

Logan didnt say anything for several minutes after Grady left. He stared into those fathomless green eyes trying to discern what was going on in that pretty head of hers. His stomach was still in knots, though the pain wasnt nearly as intense as it had been when shed told Grady to wait. Somehow hed known what she was about to say; that she wasnt going with him after all. Hed been floored. No, worse than that, it was if hed been hurled back in time to that God awful moment when hed first realized Shelby had left him and wasnt coming back.

Please dont look at me like that, Shelby finally broke the silence. I didnt mean it to sound so ominous and if I hurt you, Im sorry. Its just thatI think there are some issues we need to resolve first.

I was under the impression we had already done that.

You know we havent, Logan. We set the record straight about Alicia but it made me wonder. Would I have handled the situation differently if things had been right between us?

Logans scowl deepened. I was not aware there was anything wrong between us. Did I not give you everything your heart desired, cara?

Shelby framed his face in her hands. You gave me all the material things a woman could want and then some, my darling, but you didnt give me my hearts desire. Its you, Logan. All I ever needed was you.

You talk as if I was never around, as if I only placated you with jewelry and clothes you apparently never even wanted just to make up for it.

He looked so much like a petulant little boy at that moment Shelby couldnt help but smile. I didnt mean to infer the gifts you gave me werent appreciated because they were. I know it was a way of expressing your affection for me and I adored you for taking the time to pick out something you thought I would like. But what I really wanted, what I needed was to hear you say you loved me and to prove it by spending time alone with me.

You think I do not regret the time I have to be away from you? Mio Dio, I would like nothing better than to shirk my duty and leave work whenever I wished or shoo my family off without regard to their feelings but I cannot.

Shelbys smile faded. You make me sound selfish for wanting to be with my husband. She tried to pull away from him, but Logan would have none of it.

No, mio bello, he kissed her lightly on the lips, you do not have it in you to be selfish, but you are perhaps a little nave when it comes to marriage and all it entails. There are certain sacrifices that must be made

No, she said with a stubborn lift of her chin, I dont believe that for a minute. Compromise is inevitable but sacrificing means giving up something thats important to one or both of us. I wont do it, Logan, so I suggest you come up with a compromise we can both live with.

Compromise, he said as if hed never heard of the word before.

Negotiate, give and take, find the middle ground

I know what it means, he cut her off, but I am at a loss as to how I can negotiate time I do not have to spare.

Shelbys eyes misted with tears. If it was important enough, youd find a way.

Logan crushed her to his chest. Make no mistake, mia moglie, he said fiercely, nothing is more important to me than you are. I will do whatever it takes to make you happy.

Promise me, she pleaded.

His head dipped so they were cheek to cheek. I promise, mio amore, I promise.
Chapter 9:- Chapter 6, part 4

Logan glanced at his wife before turning his attention back to the road. Her cheeks were flushed with color, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she tossed out one idea after another in a tone that relayed with vivid clarity just how happy she

was. He couldnt help getting caught up in her enthusiasm and in truth, he was thrilled to death at the prospect of stealing even a few extra minutes a day with her.

I am sorry I did not think of it myself, he told her when she stopped to catch her breath.

Shelby stretched her hand out and slipped it into his. Im just happy youre listening and agreeing with some of my suggestions. You really like the idea of me setting up a studio in the Penthouse suites?

The Penthouse was on the top floor of Vittorio Enterprises and Logan used it whenever he needed a place to change clothes for a dinner appointment or just wanted to get away from the office for awhile. He visualized taking a few leisurely lunch hours during the week with Shelby, although sharing a meal with her wasnt the only thing he had in mind. What better way to relieve the tension of the day than to bury himself in his wifes delectable body? A slow smile spread across his face as he pictured her lying naked and waiting for him in the king size bed.

I know that look, Logan Vittorio, Shelby chastised, and if you think this is all about sex youre wrong.

Logan chuckled and raised her hand to his lips. Do not worry, carissima, I will make sure you are fed afterwards.

Oh, youre impossible, she snatched her hand away.

Are you saying you have not imagined a stolen hour of intimacy with me in the middle of the day?

Her cheeks burned a glorious shade of scarlet. It never crossed my mind. His laughter brought a smile to her lips. Okay, so maybe I did think of it briefly but thats not all I want to do whenever you can manage to slip away to see me.

You will not be disappointed when there are days I cannot get away at all?

Of course Ill be disappointed, but I wont be unhappy because it will make those days you can see me so much more special. Ill have my painting to keep me busy and without Alba around to scowl at me whenever I invade her kitchen Ill be able to make lunch for you. And if you have to stay late I can bring you dinner or maybe even help you with your work.


Please dont say no before you even give me a chance to prove I can be useful. I know you think I have my head in the clouds because the only thing Ive ever wanted to do is paint but Im very good with computers and I can type seventy words per minute. And you forget I took business courses in college so Id know how to keep my own books and I do so want to be involved with your work so Im not completely lost when you talk about your ventures

Okay, okay, he laughed, I will give you a chance to prove yourself. If you like, I can have my Personal Assistant, Margaret, train you. If things work out, perhaps you can fill in for her when she takes time off.

Oh, Logan, that would be wonderful!

I warn you, I am not going to be easy on you. Margarets job is very demanding and the only reason she has lasted as long as she has is because she does not let my moods affect her. She knows I can be abrupt and does not take it personally. I cannot have you falling to pieces if I seem harsh at times.

I wouldnt expect any favoritism and I promise you can fire me on the spot if I dont measure up to your standards.

I can trust you not to be angry with me if I find it necessary to fire you?

No tantrums, I swear.

We will give it a trial run then, but if Margaret does not think you can handle it I will have to accept her opinion and expect no argument from you.

Shelbys high spirits took a slight dip. You dont think I can do it, do you?


Dont you sweetheart me, Logan Vittorio, she admonished, you think Im going to fail.

Logan chose his words carefully. I am confident you will do your best but it is a tough job and I do not want you to be upset if it does not work out.

Im not as fragile as you think I am.

Perhaps not, but I am worried about the strain it may put on our relationship.

He turned onto the private road leading to their house, not at all happy with the path their conversation had taken. He shouldnt have given in so easily or tried harder to talk her out of working with him. Logan was under no illusions about how difficult he could be and though he considered himself to be a fair and generous boss, he was also extremely demanding and often sounded rather abrupt, especially when he was up against a tight deadline. He waited until theyd passed through the wrought iron security gates and was halfway to the house before stopping the car.

I am afraid we will not have the house to ourselves tonight, he confessed with an apologetic smile. When I told my parents I was bringing you home, my mother insisted on getting the family together to welcome you back.

Shelby brushed aside what hed said with a dismissive wave of her hand. I expected that she would. LoganI know you have reservations about us working together but its not because you think I cant do the job, is it?

No, cara mia, he answered softly.

Then what is it?

I just do not want anything to come between us and

Logan shifted his gaze and stared out the windshield. How could he look into those already troubled eyes and tell her what he was really thinking when he knew it would distress her even more? Hed let Shelbys enthusiasm about working for him and his own desire to be with her cloud his judgment but if he told her that hed changed his mind

You dont want me there, Shelby said with a sinking heart. Youre perfectly happy to let things go back to the way they were, arent you?

It is not like that, cara.

Then youd better tell me what it is like, Shelby shot back, otherwise you can just turn this car around and take me back to the cottage!
Chapter 10:- Chapter 7, Part 1

You cannot mean that, Logan finally said once hed managed to drag enough air back into his lungs to speak. He still wouldnt look at her, but Shelby didnt need to see his eyes to know shed hurt him. I dont think this is going to work, she said in a subdued tone, not when we cant even talk to one another openlyor look at each other. Logan nodded slowly. You are right, this is not going to work. Shelby drew in a stilted breath, desperately fighting back the panic that was welling up inside of her. II didnt mean we wouldnt work. It was horrible of me to tell you to turn the car around andoh Logan, please forgive me! We have lost something, carissima, he said woodenly. We are both afraid to say what we feel and there is so little trust between us. We can get it back, she cried passionately, I know we can. I want to believe that Logan started, but before he could say another word, Shelby had unfastened her seatbelt and maneuvered herself onto his lap.

Dont you dare start doubting us now, she said fiercely, not after you refused to sign the divorce papers and searched for me for months and convinced me that what we have together is strong enough to endure anything. Threading her fingers through his dark hair, Shelby drew Logans mouth down to hers. I love you, she whispered, just before he crushed her lips with a savage kiss. Say it again, Logan pleaded softly when he finally lifted his head. I love you, Logan Vittorio, with all my heart. And I love you, cara mia, but I meant the part about being able to endure anything. What we have is strong enough, she said vehemently, but we have to be open with each other and right now I feel as if youre holding something back. The tenderness in his eyes faded but it didnt deter Shelby from coaxing an explanation from him. Logan, if you really want this marriage to work, you have to trust me. Just as you trusted me? He asked cruelly. Shelby ignored the stinging sensation that shot through her. I was wrong not to have faith in you and weve both paid the price for that mistake. Pleasetell me whats bothering you. Whatever it is, I promise well work it out together. Very well, he agreed reluctantly. I am not the same man at work that I am with you and the truth is I do not think you would like what you see. I havedoubts about your ability to keep our relationship at the office separate from our relationship as husband and wife. Oh Logan, dont you think I know your responsibilities at the office dictate that you be demanding? Ive heard you on the phone talking business and you dont sugar coat anything. I respect that, I honestly do, and I dont expect or even want you to go easy on me. You say that now She silenced him with a kiss. I trust you, Logan, and if you can find it in your heart to trust me again then the only thing weve lost is time. Time we can never get back, cara. Thats true, but maybe we could find a way to make up for it? Luminous green eyes reflected every emotion Shelby was experiencing, just as hed known they would. Whatever else had changed between them, she still couldnt look at Logan without the love she felt for him shinning through. Shed nearly broken him when shed run away and even though he understood her reasons for doing it now, he had to question whether he was strong enough to endure the pain if she left him again. And yet, he had only to touch her or breathe in the alluring scent of her skin to know he didnt have a shot in hell of guarding his heart against her. Very well, he finally said, I will agree to convert a room in the penthouse into a studio for you, and I will let you work for me on a trial basis. But, he gave her a

stern look, I still expect you to manage running the house and you will be at my side when there is a social or business event. Shelby wasnt intimidated in the least by his austere expression but right now what Logan needed most was to know he was in control. Shed taken that away from him and she despised herself for it. Her husband was the epitome of the alpha male; strong and self-assured, arrogant in many ways but always with such an air of unquestioning authority he dominated a room and everyone in it from the moment he walked in. There was never any doubt in his mind he could do exactly what he promised and it was that more than anything that made people believe in him. Shelby lifted adoring eyes to his. Of course Ill be there, Logan. My place is with my husband. And if you discover your husband is not the man you thought he was? She smiled softly. I know your heart and as long as that never changes Ill be the happiest woman in the world. Mia amore, he whispered as he caught her up in a passionate kiss. This was what she had longed for during those dark, lonely days without him; Logans arms wound possessively around her, his lips devouring her, sending her emotions into such a wild tailspin she could barely catch her breath. She loved him more than ever, not just because hed given her a second chance to make their marriage work but because hed given back her life. Shed been lost without him and she didnt care if he did turn into a tyrannical ogre at work because at the end of the day shed be right where she was now; in her husbands arms where she belonged.
Chapter 11:- Chapter 7, Part 2

There is something I need to tell you, Logan told Shelby as he helped her from the car. Only the immediate family knows that we have beenseparated, and I confided in Simon that you filed for divorce but no one else. The knots in her stomach loosened a little. Im gladbut, how did you explain my absence to our friends and your business associates? I told them you had taken a sabbatical so you could concentrate on your artwork. I have attended only those functions that were imperative to the business so everyone just assumed I was spending time with you whenever I could. Shelbys throat constricted. Ive put you through so much, how can you ever It is over and done, he said firmly. We are together now and that is all that matters. Logan gripped her shoulders, locking eyes with her. The divorce was never going to happen, Shelby. I understand. No one knows but Simon. No, you do not understand. Those papers meant nothing, that is why I tore them up. I would not have allowed you to divorce me.

Even the fierceness of his tone couldnt keep her from smiling. What would you have done, Logan? Were you going to tie me up and lock me away in a closet? Careful, cara mia, I am still not entirely sure we are on solid ground yet and you are giving me ideas that are rather tempting. Shelby laced her arms around his neck, her expression suddenly very solemn. I know Ive hurt you, and I know Ive shaken your trust, but I love you with all my heart and I swear Ill never leave you again. I was miserable without you, Logan. It was like something inside me died, and if you hadnt come for me when you did Her voice hitched in her throat and she couldnt seem to get the rest of the words out. Logan enfolded her in his arms and just held her. He knew exactly what Shelby meant when she said something inside her died because hed felt the same way. Maybe it wasnt wise to give so much of your heart to someone else, not when it meant losing a part of yourself in the process. But would he have passed up the chance to share his life with Shelby if hed known the kind of utter devastation hed suffer this past six months? Logan closed his eyes for a moment. She felt so small, yet having her in his arms warmed his entire body. He buried his face in her neck, breathing in her familiar scent, and tried to remember if hed ever felt this alive before hed fallen in love with Shelby. Oh, there had been plenty of women whod stimulated him sexually, but none whod ever driven mad with desire like his wife. Hed thoroughly enjoyed the company of the women hed chosen to be his companion for more than a night or two, but hed never found himself daydreaming about them in the middle of an important meeting like he did Shelby. Logan feathered kisses up the side of her neck, blazing a moist trail across her satiny cheek to her lips. He loved the way she melted into him when he kissed her and how perfectly her body conformed to his in spite of the difference in their size. And he loved how soft her skin felt against his when they were making love and the way his heart tripped whenever she smiled or laughed or slipped her hand into his when they were walking together. He got butterflies in his stomach driving home for Gods sake, and that was certainly not a response any other woman had been able to elicit from him. Logan drew her closer and deepened the kiss. It was worth it. Whatever hell hed endured during those long, lonely months after shed left him, it was worth it just to be able to hold her and touch her again. If he was a fool for loving her as much as he didwell, that was okay as long Shelby kept on loving him too.
Chapter 12:- Chapter 7, Part 3

We were starting to wonder if Logan was going to drag you off to the boathouse to make out before he brought you in. Shelby blushed profusely as she gave her sister-in-law a hug. Youll never change, Milana, she laughed. You always say whats on your mind no matter how outrageous it is. Milana arched a brow. Outrageous? You and I both know that if there wasnt a house full of people right now, Logan would have carted you straight to the bedroom.

Shelby eyed Milanas expanding waistline pointedly. It looks like you and Luc have been spending your fair share of time in the bedroom. Logan didnt even tell me you were pregnant. When is the baby due? Four months and sixteen days, not that Im counting. A light tremor raced up her spine when Logans arm slipped around her own trim waist. She smiled up at him and another tremor coursed through her entire body. Would there ever be a time when she could look at her husband and not want him to cart her off to the nearest dark corner and have his wicked way with her? Not in this lifetime, she thought when he hitched her more snuggly to his side then leaned down to plant a soft kiss to her lips. Perhaps we will have news of our own to share soon, Logan told his sister. Milana let out a squeal of delight. Im so happy for you both. I hope you get pregnant right away, she beamed at Shelby. It would be wonderful to have our babies so close together, dont you think? Feeling a bit shell shocked by Logans announcement that they were trying to have a baby, Shelby could do little more than nod mutely. She was glad the conversation shifted when Luc joined them and started talking about the new house he and Milana were having built because it gave her time to assimilate a few things. Like the fact Logan hadnt used protection when theyd made love. Not that she expected him to take all the precautions, especially since shed gotten on birth control pills right after her first night with Logan shortly before they were married. But how could he know that shed stopped taking them shortly after shed left him, and more importantly, if he knew she wasnt on the pill why hadnt he used condoms? Was he hoping their relationship would be stronger if they had a child together or was it simply his way of binding her to him so she wouldnt run away again? Of course she knew Logan wanted children eventually, but theyd agreed to put it off for a few years because the company consumed so much of his time. An unhappy frown began to form on Shelbys face. If he thought she was going to be content to stay home and raise a child on her own while he continued to spend all his time at the office or away on business trips, hed better think again. It wasnt that she didnt want to have his baby because she wanted it very badly, but she needed to be secure in her role as his wife first. She wasnt ready to share what little time she had with Logan, which probably sounded incredibly selfish but it was the truth and there was no use lying to herself about it. Cara mia, Logan said softly, the party is moving to the dining room. Shelby blinked, suddenly aware that she and Logan were all alone in the salon. Im sorry, I guess my mind was wondering. He smiled indulgently and took her hand, intent on following the others, but she didnt think she could make it through an entire meal with so many questions swirling around in her head. Wait, Shelby tugged on his hand. Logan, what you said to Milanaabout having a baby. His dark eyes were piercing and she struggled for the courage to say what

was on her mind. Its just thatIm not sureI mean, we never talked about it and She turned her head away, irritated with herself for never being able to find the right words when she needed them. Logan cupped her chin and gently forced her to look at him. I know we have not discussed it, but there is a very good chance you may already be pregnant. I admit it would make me very happy if you were, but I did not plan it. Then how did you know there was even a possibility I could be? When you left me, I followed every conceivable trail that might lead me to you; charge cards, bank activityprescription renewals. Thenhow can you say you didnt plan it when you knew I wasnt on the pill any longer? Cara, that was months ago. I did not give it any thought until I was helping you pack up by cleaning out your things from the bathroom. That is when it occurred to me you had not bothered seeking out another physician to prescribe the pills. So it doesnt upset you that I stopped taking them or that I might have gotten pregnant even though we decided it would be better to wait a few years? Logan drew her into his arms. That fact you did not get another prescription only reinforces that you had no desire to be with anyone else. As for waiting he dipped his head and kissed her lightly on the lips, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but when I think of my child growing inside of you it fills me with such happiness I can barely breathe. All of her reasons for not wanting a baby right now seemed doubly selfish after hearing the longing in his voice and seeing the truly euphoric expression on his face. How could she take that away from him? Any concerns she had about him being there for her and the baby could be addressed later and they would work it out somehow. Shelby wound her arms around his neck and pulled his mouth down onto hers. If Logan wanted a baby then she would give him one. Logan lifted his head, studying her face for a moment before drawing in a stilted breath. Tell me, mia moglie, he said softly, does this mean you are as happy as I am about having a baby? I would be elated, Shelby answered and meant it. How soon before you know? Im not sure, she laughed, Ive never had any reason to ponder that question before. I could get one of those early pregnancy tests tomorrow if you like. I would like that very much, though it will be very disappointing to discover you are not pregnant. Shelby smiled up at him, a wicked gleam in her eyes. If it comes back negative then we will just have to double our efforts, wont we?

Cara, he whispered on a sigh as he pulled her up tight against his chest and crushed her lips with a heated kiss
Chapter 13:- Chapter 7, Part 4

Shelbys eyes wandered around the dinner table, happier than she could ever have imagined to see Logans family gathered in their home. No, she thought with a smile, this was her family too and she loved them with all her heart. Shed hurt them all when shed left Logan, yet theyd welcomed her back as if shed been a lost sheep that had finally found its way back into the fold. Logans mother, Ravenna, was in her element as her children chatted back and forth and more than once shed settled her gaze on Shelby, a warm smile lighting her beautiful face. It was hard to imagine there was a time when Shelby had been utterly petrified of the woman, but she was literally trembling the first time Logan took her to meet his parents. Shed seen pictures of Ravenna beforehand, but they hadnt done her justice, and the regal air that had been so evident in the photos was even more intimidating in person Logan had given her a reassuring smile as he led her across the elegant salon where Ravenna was waiting to meet her future daughter-in-law, and it took every ounce of courage she had to keep her feet moving in a forward motion. Shelby hadnt even noticed Logans father was in the same room until he rose from beside his wife and held out his hand as if Ravenna was weak as a kitten and needed help getting up. Her dark eyes had swept over Shelby before turning to her son, assessing Logan in a manner that should have been reserved for the woman hed brought home for his mother to meet. Shelbys stomach was churning when she tipped her head back, certain that shed see remorse on Logans handsome face for believing she could ever measure up to his mothers standards. But thats not what she read in his eyes or the soft curve of his mouth when she gazed up at him. Without speaking a word, he told her just how much she meant to him, that he adored her just as she adored him and that he meant to keep the promises hed made about building a life together. His smile broadened as he lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to the fingers that curled around his. Color bloomed in her cheeks, the heated rush of knowing that soon she would be his wife warming her from the inside out, and for a moment she forgot they werent alone. Just as a moth is drawn to an open flame, heedless of the fire waiting to consume it, Shelby was lured by the tender look in his eyes and leaned into him. Shed been jarred out of the dream like trance his hypnotizing gaze had enticed her into by Ravennas soft, melodious laughter and the amused chuckle from Logan that followed. Is she not everything I said she was, Madre? She has captivated me so that I cannot see anything but Shelby when we are together. His mother arched a dubious elegant brow. Only when you are together? Ravenna turned a radiant smile on Shelby. My darling Shelby, Logan can speak of nothing else but what an extraordinary young woman you are.

Shed blushed profusely; not because of the compliment but because she was embarrassed by the fact there was nothing extraordinary about her. Mundane would have been a more apt description as far as she was concerned but Logan could hardly tell his mother hed gotten involved with a woman who didnt have a tenth of the social grace Ravenna Vittorio had. Thats when Shelby had been hit with such an enormous wave of insecurity she felt physically ill from it. Ravenna had given her a warm smile. I can see you do not hold yourself in the same high esteem my son does. Her gaze shifted to Logan. Be a darling and go tell Esme to serve lunch outside while I give Shelby a tour of my flower garden. Logan gave her hand a reassuring squeeze but it did little to quell the uneasiness in the pit of her stomach. This was it, she thought with dread. Ravenna was sending her son off so she could tell Shelby just how unsuitable she was for Logan. And Shelby wouldnt be able to refute anything his mother said, not when she had her own doubts about her ability to hold onto him. No matter how many times Logan told her she was beautiful or how deeply he cared about her, she paled in comparison to the type of woman he could have with little more than an encouraging smile. Ravenna looped her arm through Shelbys as they strolled through the fragrant gardens. I think there are some things you should know about my son and I hope you understand the significance. Im sure you realize Logan has had his fair share of female companionship; extremely sophisticated and beautiful young women who complimented his own good looks and social status. Mrs. Vittorio, I Please, my dear, do not demean yourself by apologizing for any shortcomings you may believe you have. Sit with me, she said when they came to a stone bench. Shelby couldnt help feeling despondent over the speech she was sure to follow. She knew how much Logan loved his mother and that he valued her opinion, so it was really only a matter of time before Ravenna convinced him Shelby was all wrong for him. Oh, he might hold out for a while but what man wants to marry a woman his mother disapproves of? She sat down and clasped her hands together, bracing herself as best she could against the humiliation of being told she wasnt good enough for Logan. He never loved them, Ravenna said, not any of them. Each woman was merely a distraction until another one caught his eye, and his feelings for them never ran deeper than the flawless skin on their beautiful faces. Shelby drew in a sharp breath. Was Ravenna saying that Logans feelings for her were as shallow as what hed felt for the countless other women before her? Her self esteem dropped another couple of notches. And yet in spite of the utter desolation ripping through her at that moment, the need to fight for the man whod so completely stolen her heart sparked something rebellious inside her Im sorry, Mrs. Vittorio, but II just have to say something. I know I couldnt possibly compare to any of the women Logan has brought to meet you and Im not even going to pretend to understand what he sees in me. All I know is that when he

looks at me like Im the most beautiful, fascinating woman in the world, he makes me believe I truly am. Tears misted her eyes and she made a valiant effort to blink them back. I love him with all my heart, Mrs. Vittorio, and I justI want to make him happy. Oh you poor thing, Ravenna exclaimed, you really have no idea how much influence I have with my son, do you?
Chapter 14:- Chapter 8, Part 1

The color leeched from Shelbys face. Im sure you have a tremendous amount of influence, she said thinly. Ravennas eyes sparkled with amusement. Quite the opposite, my dear girl. Logan is respectful enough to listen when I voice my opinion, but his mind is very much his own. I dont think I understand. That is because I have explained it so poorly. What I am trying to tell you is that Logan has never been interested in any woman enough to even mention her name to me let alone bring her home to meet me. It says a great deal that you are here. My son must care deeply for you, Shelby, and I am elated that he has finally found someone who loves him for the wonderful man he is and not for the power and wealth he possesses. Shelbys eyes had widened in genuine astonishment. How could they be impressed by those things when Logan is so kind and loving and just about everything a woman could ever dream of? Ravenna beamed at her. I believe you have just given the best explanation possible as to why Logan finds you so different from any of those other woman. You love him simply for who he is inside, and despite your own misguided notion that you are not pretty or sophisticated enough, I think you will grace his arm as no woman ever could. Thank you, Shelby murmured because she didnt know what else to say. You still wonder why Logan chose you when he could have had his pick of women, Ravenna said more as a statement than a question. Perhaps it would help you to know that I suffered through those same doubts and insecurities when I fell in love with his father. Its not the same, Shelby replied. Youre everything Im not; beautiful, elegant in a way I could never hope to be, and I cant imagine you ever getting tongue tied in a social setting or turning ten shades of red because of it. Maybe it is difficult to imagine now, but when I first met Cesare I was as nave and uncultured as a young woman could be. What Cesare saw when he first looked at me couldnt have been much. I was working for a catering company that was hired for a party he attended and was I wearing the most unflattering uniform ever stitched together.

Ravenna sighed wistfully. I was tall and thin with hair as wild as a gypsys, and I was painfully aware of just how plain I was compared to the women whod practically been throwing themselves at him all night. So when Cesare began paying attention to me, I was so flustered I could not have strung together an intelligent sentence to save my life. Thats how it was with Logan too. It must be that Vittorio charm, Shelby laughed, because I couldnt think of anything but how incredibly handsome he was, and I was so shocked that he even noticed me I could barely speak. They are a lot alike, my boys and my husband. They guard their hearts tenaciously but when the right woman comes along it is as if a floodgate has been opened up and they hold nothing back. She smiled warmly at Shelby. Overcome your selfdoubts, my dear, they serve no purpose. Logan is his fathers son; he will love only one woman in his lifetime.
Chapter 15:- Chapter 8, Part 2

He will love only one woman in his lifetime. Shelby had found a great deal of comfort from those words and shed been grateful to Ravenna for being so kind. As her gaze moved around the table from Logans parents to each of his siblings, she was overwhelmed by how warmly theyd all welcomed her back home. Even Simon, who knew shed filed for a divorce, had given her a hug and told her how happy he was that she was back. She should have been relieved at how easy theyd made it for her tonight, instead the shame she felt for what shed put Logan and his family through only gnawed at her even more. Shed been so unfair to Logan, so distrusting of the man shed promised to love and honor for the rest of her life. Tears stung her eyes as she shuffled food around on her plate, desperately trying to pull herself together. Logan wasnt oblivious to the shimmer of tears Shelby was trying to hide or the way shed been studying each member of his family only moments before. Maybe he should have insisted that his mother hold the dinner party until tomorrow but at the time she suggested it, hed been so happy that Shelby was coming home with him hed wanted to share that with his family. He hadnt considered how it would make her feel to face them all at once, especially now that she knew shed been totally unjustified in her reasons for leaving him. Hed known, of course, that none of them harbored any ill feelings toward her but Shelby didnt know that. He should have told her that when shed left him, hed concocted a story for his family that placed the blame for her desertion totally on his own shoulders. At the time, Logan wasnt quite sure why hed done it but now he understood it was just his way of protecting her. He couldnt tolerate the idea anyone would think poorly of Shelby even when his own bitterness had been so venomous it threatened to consume him. Hed been hurt and angry when shed run off with no explanation, but his love for her had overridden the harsher emotions and hed told his family hed lost his temper and said something cruel to her during an argument. Only Simon had seen through his story, or maybe the others had too and just hadnt confronted him with it. He glanced over at his mother whose own gaze shifted to Shelby for a moment before returning to him. As hed hope, her usual perceptiveness alerted her to the

emotional turmoil that Shelby was going through as well as Logans need to get his wife alone for a few minutes so he could comfort her. His mother nodded almost imperceptivity before coming to the rescue. It is such a beautiful night I think it would be nice to have dessert served outside. Logan, be a dear and take Shelby upstairs to freshen up then meet us out by the pool in a few minutes. I am sure she could use the respite after the drive home and it will give me time to prepare the little surprise I have for her. Shelby shot Ravenna a grateful smile and somehow managed to maintain her composure as everyone rose from the table and began migrating towards the French doors that led out to the pool area. Slipping her hand into Logans, she let him take her upstairs but once they reached the bedroom, the memories of all the passionate nights theyd spent together assaulted her already overwrought emotions and the puddle of tears spilled over in a salty stream. Mia bello, do not cry, Logan whispered as he gathered her in his arms. Shelby lifted her eyes to his, the ache in her heart so strong it wrenched a painful sob from her throat. Oh Logan, how can you still look at me as if I mean the world to you when Ive hurt you so badly? Because you do mean the world to me, mia moglie. The tenderness in his voice only made her feel worse. I dont deserve you, Logan. I dont deserve your forgiveness or your love or Logan silenced her with a long, very thorough kiss. Never say that again, he growled softly, then devoured her lips hungrily until she was soft and pliant in his arms and making the most delicious sounds in the back of her throat. Io vogtio teI want you, he rasped hoarsely. I want to lay you back across our bed and spread your lovely thighs Logan, stop, she pleaded. Why, my darling, when you so obviously want it too? Shelby let out a soft sigh as his lips trailed down the side of her throat. I do want you, she said breathlessly, but we have a house full of guests waiting for us. Logan lifted his head, locking his eyes to hers. Family, Shelby. They are your family as well as mine and they love you. He pressed a kiss to her lips. They were worried about you, cara. Yes, they were concerned for me but only because they knew how much I missed you, and I promise you if there was any anger on their part it was only because they didnt understand why you left any more than I did. Did you tell them? Shelby, I his voice faltered for a moment. Hed never lied to her before, at least not until his omission about Alicias sexual advances, but hed already decided to address that issue with her later. Hed felt guilty enough telling his family the little white lie about why Shelby had left him, but

that one he could live with. If he and Shelby were ever going to regain the trust theyd once had in each other, hed have to confess what hed done. Shelby, he started again, I think there is something you should knowabout what I told my family when you left. I may haveno, I purposely led them to believe it was my fault. Shelbys eyes widened. Why would you do that? Do not be angry with me, cara mia, I only meant to protect you. Angry? Logan Vittorio, you are the most honorable man Ive ever know and going against your own principles so your family wouldnt be resentful towards me is just about the sweetest thing youve ever done. Does this mean you are ready to go back downstairs and join the family? Not quite, she said with a sexy smile. Madre Di Dio, have mercy, he muttered when Shelby unzipped her dress and let it drop to the floor.
Chapter 16:- Chapter 8, Part 3

If there had ever been a time when she looked more beautiful, Logan couldnt remember it. Sitting at the one of the round tables that was perched close to the pool, laughing at something Milana had said, she looked truly happy. Her cheeks were still flushed with color from their very abbreviated, albeit extremely ardent lovemaking session, and her lips were slightly swollen from the passionate kisses theyd shared. Her eyes kept wandering back to him, making promises he fully intended to make her keep later when they were alone. And every time her elegant fingers closed around the glass of wine, Logan had to bite back a groan at the memory of them curling around his heated flesh as she guided him into her moist opening. It does not fade with time, his brother Simon said as he followed Logans gaze. The love I have for my wife? No, that will only continue to grow stronger. Simon smiled warmly at his own wife, Lilly. I was talking about that helpless feeling you get when you look at her, as if you are drowning and have forgotten how to swim. It is not a feeling I am at ease with, Logan admitted. It scares me sometimes, loving her so much that I am lost without her. Then you need to find out what made her leave you and make sure it does not happen again. I know why she left. Shelby saw me coming out of the Grand Marquis with Alicia Delatorre and thought I was having an affair. Logan rushed to explain when Simons eyes narrowed in silent accusation. It was a complete misunderstanding, I swear. I was meeting Richard, for lunch and he asked if I could stop by the hotel and pick her up on the way.

Shelby should have asked you about it instead of running away without giving you the chance to explain. Logan looked at his brother with the same accusatory expression Simon had given him. You mean the way Lilly waited around for your explanation when she thought you were having a fling with Gabriella? Is it my fault women tend to respond with emotion, not logical thinking, Simon said with a touch of self-righteousness. No, but I did not deliberately set out to make Shelby jealous as you did with Lilly. At least you were able to convince your wife it was simply a foolish ploy on your part to make her see how much she loved you. It was foolish, Simon grimaced, and it was game that nearly destroyed what we had together. I think I have done something even worse and now I am afraid it is going to come back to haunt me. I was not entirely honest about Alicia Delatorre. You did not tell her about escorting Alicia to the art gallery and a business dinner? Logan, how could you omit something like that after she told you that seeing you and Alicia together was the reason she left? I did tell her about it. What I neglected to tell her was that Richards wife has been coming on to me since the first time I met her. She even came to my office and propositioned me. Mio Dio, Simon groaned, why did you agree to escort the woman anywhere after she pulled something like that? It was stupid, I know, Logan said miserably. I had hoped that by showing her I had no interest in having an affair with her, she would stop trying to seduce me and we could have an amicable relationship. I did not want to lose Richards friendship or his business and I was concerned that if Alicia and I could not be in the same room without feeling uncomfortable with each other, Richard would begin to question it. But she has not gotten the message? No, and now I am worried she will do or say something to make Shelby think her suspicions were valid. Then you have to head it off at the pass, Logan. Tell Shelby what this woman has done so she has no reason to believe you are hiding something. Logans eyes wandered back to Shelby. Tell her Alicia came to my office and all but begged me to have sex with her? Madre di Dio, how could any woman hear something like that and not question whether I had given Alicia reason to believe I wanted it too? Did you?

Siete insano? Logans temper flared. Have you completely lost your mind? The woman makes my skin crawl! Even if I was attracted to her, I love my wife and would never hurt Shelby that way. Then tell her, Logan. Tell her everything you have told me and so she has nothing to worry about. I do not want to her to give her any reason for doubting me again, Logan agreed. So you will tell her? Yes. When? Logan shot his brother a wilting glare. Tomorrow, is that soon enough to suit you? Simons eyes turned to his wife, Lilly. See to it that you do not delay having the conversation. Trust me on this, Logan. The longer you put it off, the greater chance you take of losing her again.
Chapter 17:- Chapter 8, Part 4

He couldnt do it. How could he tell Shelby about Alicias attempts to seduce him when hed neglected to say anything about it before theyd left the beach house? It was especially damning to have remained silent after shed overheard him talking to Alicia on the phone. To make matters worse, last night as they were getting ready for bed, shed apologized again for not trusting him. In his own defense, Logan had attempted to tell her but hed gotten a little sidetracked. I have something I need to talk to you about, hed said as Shelby was turning down the bed covers. Apparently, she had no desire to talk. In response, shed given him a sexy smile then untied her robe and let it drop to the floor. His eyes followed her feline movements as she crawled onto the bed and stretched out, her glorious mane of hair splayed across the pillow. It took Logans breath away to see his wife offering herself up to him so wantonly, and every male hormone in his body ached to claim her in a most uncivilized manner. You are not making this very easy, he said as he slipped between the sheets. He turned on his side, propping himself on one elbow. We really do need to talk, he made a second attempt. Shelby stuck out her bottom lip in a pretty pout as she feathered one hand across his chest. I thought you wanted to make a baby, she said in a husky whisper. Logan had no defense against her words and an even greater weakness for the seductive way she pressed her hips into his. But it was the soft purring sound she made in the back of her throat as she nuzzled her nose into his neck that threw him over the edge. Shelby let out a surprised squeak when he rolled on top of her and roughly kneed her legs apart then plunged into her with a primal growl. He possessed her in a way he never had before, driving himself into her, each forceful stroke branding her as his, only his.

Shelbys heart soared because she knew exactly what he was doing. Logan was binding her to him in the most intimate way possible and she exalted in his ardent love making and the intensely fierce expression on his handsome face. She smiled to herself as she matched each furious thrust of his hips with a fury of her own. He was so deeply masculine, her passionate husband, so completely convinced that the only way to prove she belonged to him was through the physical joining of their bodies. She accepted his need to claim her, not just because it satisfied something in his own heart and soul but because it fulfilled something deep inside her as well. Maybe it was a silly old fashioned notion but she liked the idea that she belonged to her husband and that he considered her his prized possession. What made it right in her eyes was that Logan somehow tempered that possessive streak by allowing her the freedom to be herself too. And that, Shelby was finally beginning to understand, was the reason she and Logan were so perfect together, why their love for each other burned just as strong now as it ever had. I love you, she whispered, after their passion had been spent and she lay in his arms. You have changed, Logan said, pulling her more snuggly to his side. The way you make love now isdifferent. Why is that, cara mia? Different, yes, she agreed, but its better now, isnt it? I have no complaints about how good it was before, Shelby. Nono complaints, she said softly. Its never been anything but wonderful between us, but there was always a small part of me that I held back because I was afraid. Afraid of what, carissima? The same thing you were afraid of, Logan. I thought if I gave you everything, if I let myself go and loved you like I really wanted to, Id lose a part of myself. And I was terrified there wouldnt be any hope of picking up the pieces and going on with my life if our marriage didnt work out. I was never afraid our marriage would not last, he said with total conviction. No, but you were afraid that youd lose a part of yourself. Youre always in such control, Logan, and I know it was much harder for you to give that up than it was for me. But you did it. That first night at the beach house, I felt it. I could not keep it from you any longer, he admitted. When I realized I had not lost you, that you still loved me, I knew it was useless to even pretend there was any part of me that did not already belong to you. Its the same for me. It seems so silly now, doesnt it; believing we were holding onto something that wed already given each other long ago? I was lost from the first moment I laid eyes you, mio bello.

I dont think I ever quite believed that. But you do now? Well, she pressed herself more firmly to his side, lets just say it gets easier every time you make love to me like you did tonight. You need more convincing, do you? Mmmmm, she purred when his hand glided up her side to cup her breast. Do not take this the wrong way, Logan murmured as he nibbled his way from her neck to her mouth, but I hope it takes all night to convince you. *** Simon sat across from his brother looking thoroughly disappointed. You did not tell her. I tried last night butit was the first time in over six months we were alone in our house, our own room and Logan shrugged, certain Simon could figure out the rest without going into details. And this morning before you left for work? You had time then. What about when you went home for lunch? Or did you end up alone in your room again and get distracted by something moreenticing? She was still asleep when I left this morning, Logan replied stiffly, and I did not go home for lunch. I promised Shelby I would go with her to the doctors office, and afterwardsafter we found out she was not pregnant, I did not have the heart to talk to her about Alicia. I am sorry, Logan. I remember how crushed Lilly was when she thought she was pregnant only to discover she was not. I am afraid Shelby took it better than I did, he said grimly. I was so sure Logan rose from his desk and wandered over to the glass wall that looked out over the city. Shed taken it much harder than hed expected her to, but when the doctor told them she wasnt pregnant it felt as if something deep inside of him had been wrenched out and shredded. Hed been strong for Shelby of course, assuring her they would keep trying, but hed driven around for over an hour after dropping her off at the house because hed been so deeply disappointed. When the time is right it will happen, Simon promised. Logan turned around. You have omitted to say that it can never be right while there are still secrets between us. It was not an omission, little brother, I simply saw no need to point out what you already know to be true.
Chapter 18:- Chapter 9, Part 1

Shelby threw her arms around Logans neck. I love it, she beamed up at him. But how did you get it done so fast?

Logan arched a brow. You have to ask? I imagine it was a mixture of money and charm. I do so love you, Logan Vittorio. Youve managed to come up with the one thing that could chase my blues away. Shelby gave him a quick kiss before venturing across the room to examine all the brand new art supplies hed had delivered to the Penthouse suite. The room that had once been a small study had been converted into an art studio and hed furnished it with every conceivable artist tool she could imagine. And hed accomplished it in only one day. For her. Shed been so upset after the doctors appointment the day before, shed gone up to their room after Logan dropped her off and cried herself to sleep. Shed been bitterly disappointed to find out she wasnt pregnant but it wasnt just because she knew how much Logan wanted it. Shelby hadnt even realized just how much shed had her heart set on having a baby until she discovered she hadnt conceived. She felt even worse now because Logan had tried so hard the night before to pull her out of the depression shed allowed herself to sink into. Hed asked Alba to make her favorite dinner and hed been so sweet and attentive both during the meal and afterwards when hed coaxed her into taking a walk in the flower gardens. Even after all that, Shelby had turned her back on him when theyd gone to bed, making it clear that she didnt want to make love. He hadnt attempted to change her mind as shed expected him to, but had merely curled himself around her and held her close. It must have been doubly painful for him; learning that she wasnt pregnant and then having her place both physical and emotional distance between them. But hed pushed his own feelings aside and made arrangements to have the studio put together in an effort to lighten her mood and take her mind off her own worries. How could she not love a man who was so kind and caring, who always placed her needs above his own? Shelby crossed the room and all but launched herself in his arms. You are the most amazing husband, she whispered as she pulled his mouth down onto hers. Logan lost himself in the warmth of her kisses, shoving aside thoughts of the talk he knew he couldnt put off much longer. Hed been incredibly hurt last night when shed turned away from him, but shed managed to erase it all with just one radiant smile when hed opened the door and shown her the studio. And he could tell by the way Shelby had looked at him that she knew he hadnt passed the task on to his Personal Assistant but had actually gone down to one of the finest art supply stores in the city and made all the purchases personally. It had actually worked as balm to his own aching heart to do something he knew would bring her happiness. Shelby had always found solace in her artwork and hed felt certain it was just what she needed to get over the disappointment of not being pregnant. But he would remedy that unhappy situation soon too, he thought as he pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. Hed be on her every chance he got, and hed enjoy every single moment of it. Starting right here, right now.

Oh, Logan, she said on a sigh as he swept her up into his arms and carried her to the bedroom.
Chapter 19:- Chapter 9, Part 2

A small giggle bubbled up in her throat as Shelbys brush swept across the canvas. How Logan expected to get any work done was beyond her. Hed already made up fictional appointments twice this afternoon so he could sneak up to the Penthouse and have his wicked way with her, and that was after hed made love to her earlier this morning when hed first shown her the studio. The man was insatiable and Shelby was beginning to wonder if he hadnt made a raving nymphomaniac out of her because shed practically ripped his clothes off the second time hed sauntered in with a sexy grin on his face. Of course things wouldnt always be like this but she intended to soak up every second of attention she could while it lasted. Eventually hed have to get back into his daily routine at work and his visits wouldnt be nearly as frequent, but she was okay with that. She wasnt a clingy person by nature which Shelby knew was one of the things Logan admired most about her. She didnt hound him about where he was going or when hed be back even though she missed him terribly when they were apart because she understood he needed to maintain some independence outside their marriage just as she did. She adored him for letting her spend hours on her painting and though it had to annoy him to some degree that she often got so involved in her work she forgot a dinner engagement or party they were to attend, he never showed it. He would just smile in that indulgent way he had when he came home to find she wasnt ready. Hed give her a kiss and tell her to hurry so they wouldnt be late but he never really got upset with her for it. Shelbys brush froze over the canvas. Logan never disturbed her while she was locked away in her studio because he knew how important her artwork was to her. It was a part of her, a part of who she was, but it was something she had to do alone. His presence would only distract her or make her so self conscious she probably wouldnt be able to paint a stroke. Was that one of the reasons hed balked at having her work with him at Vittorio Enterprises? Would she hinder his ability to do his job if she was around? She set the brush down and wandered to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water. Logan was a powerful man in the industry and she knew there were times when he had to be ruthless in his business dealings. It was a side of her husband Shelby wasnt used to seeing, a side of himself he obviously didnt want her to see. Shed been unfair to him, she realized. Hed only agreed to let her come and work with him because he loved her and because Logan was rarely able to deny her anything, especially when he knew it meant so much to her. Maybe she wasnt asking a lot; after all shed only be helping out a little or filling in for his Personal Assistant now and then. But it was still an invasion into his business world, no matter how slight. Hed built up Vittorio Enterprises through sheer determination and hard work and he deserved to keep it to himself if he wanted to. She had no right to ask him to give up any part of it and she felt horribly selfish now for taking advantage of his desire to make her happy no matter what the cost to himself. It was just another example of

how soft hearted Logan was when it came to her, and for that reason Shelby decided to tell him shed changed her mind about working with him. She rinsed out her glass and set it in the dish washer then went back to the studio to clean her brushes and tidy things up. Shed thought working with Logan was a grand idea when shed first considered it but now she realized it had just been a way of trying to wheedle more time with him. Everything will be okay, she promised herself. Even when his visits to the Penthouse became less frequent, shed still have more precious time with him than shed had before. No, she wouldnt become a clinging vine and have him end up despising her for it. Shed make the most of their time together and be happy with it because nothing, nothing was going to keep her from being the wife Logan deserved.
Chapter 20:- Chapter 9, Part 2

A small giggle bubbled up in her throat as Shelbys brush swept across the canvas. How Logan expected to get any work done was beyond her. Hed already made up fictional appointments twice this afternoon so he could sneak up to the Penthouse and have his wicked way with her, and that was after hed made love to her earlier this morning when hed first shown her the studio. The man was insatiable and Shelby was beginning to wonder if he hadnt made a raving nymphomaniac out of her because shed practically ripped his clothes off the second time hed sauntered in with a sexy grin on his face. Of course things wouldnt always be like this but she intended to soak up every second of attention she could while it lasted. Eventually hed have to get back into his daily routine at work and his visits wouldnt be nearly as frequent, but she was okay with that. She wasnt a clingy person by nature which Shelby knew was one of the things Logan admired most about her. She didnt hound him about where he was going or when hed be back even though she missed him terribly when they were apart because she understood he needed to maintain some independence outside their marriage just as she did. She adored him for letting her spend hours on her painting and though it had to annoy him to some degree that she often got so involved in her work she forgot a dinner engagement or party they were to attend, he never showed it. He would just smile in that indulgent way he had when he came home to find she wasnt ready. Hed give her a kiss and tell her to hurry so they wouldnt be late but he never really got upset with her for it. Shelbys brush froze over the canvas. Logan never disturbed her while she was locked away in her studio because he knew how important her artwork was to her. It was a part of her, a part of who she was, but it was something she had to do alone. His presence would only distract her or make her so self conscious she probably wouldnt be able to paint a stroke. Was that one of the reasons hed balked at having her work with him at Vittorio Enterprises? Would she hinder his ability to do his job if she was around? She set the brush down and wandered to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water. Logan was a powerful man in the industry and she knew there were times when he had to be ruthless in his business dealings. It was a side of her husband Shelby wasnt used to seeing, a side of himself he obviously didnt want her to see.

Shed been unfair to him, she realized. Hed only agreed to let her come and work with him because he loved her and because Logan was rarely able to deny her anything, especially when he knew it meant so much to her. Maybe she wasnt asking a lot; after all shed only be helping out a little or filling in for his Personal Assistant now and then. But it was still an invasion into his business world, no matter how slight. Hed built up Vittorio Enterprises through sheer determination and hard work and he deserved to keep it to himself if he wanted to. She had no right to ask him to give up any part of it and she felt horribly selfish now for taking advantage of his desire to make her happy no matter what the cost to himself. It was just another example of how soft hearted Logan was when it came to her, and for that reason Shelby decided to tell him shed changed her mind about working with him. She rinsed out her glass and set it in the dish washer then went back to the studio to clean her brushes and tidy things up. Shed thought working with Logan was a grand idea when shed first considered it but now she realized it had just been a way of trying to wheedle more time with him. Everything will be okay, she promised herself. Even when his visits to the Penthouse became less frequent, shed still have more precious time with him than shed had before. No, she wouldnt become a clinging vine and have him end up despising her for it. Shed make the most of their time together and be happy with it because nothing, nothing was going to keep her from being the wife Logan deserved.
Chapter 21:- Chapter 9, Part 3

Hed put it off much longer than he should have and now as Logan stepped in the Penthouse suite, his stomach churned nervously; another alien sensation that had made its appearance when Shelby waltzed her way past the concrete barriers hed built around his heart. If there was ever a time when hed been hit with a bout if jittery nerves before his sweet young wife had captivated him with those expressive green eyes of hers, he certainly couldnt remember. Like all of his brothers, Logan had been taught that a man should always be confident without being arrogant and that he never gave away his hand before all the cards had been laid out on the table. Weaknesses were to be overcome and fears conquered before they had a chance to infiltrate the perfect order of his life. And though his father had taught them women should be treated with kindness and respect, real men did not wear their hearts on their sleeves for all the world to see. And yethow many times had Logan caught Cesare Vittorios gaze linger on his mothers graceful form as if she was the most beautiful creature hed ever laid eyes on? That Ravenna held her husbands heart in her hands was no secret, it was evident in the way his fathers normally commanding voice softened when he spoke to her and the way his hardened faade slipped away when she was anywhere near him. Growing up, Logan had never quite comprehended the transformation that took place when Cesare was in his wifes presence, but he fully understood it now. Because the same thing happened to him whenever he even thought of Shelby. Something deep inside him shifted, became calmer, gentler, and the truth was that Logan liked that place she took him to because he felt more like a man

when he was showing his wife kindness and tenderness than he ever had when he was barking orders or bulldozing over someone to get what he wanted. From the doorway of the studio, he watched Shelby primly placing each artist tool in its assigned spot and already he could feel the hunger rising inside of him to take her again. So proper and refined his wife was, but when she was in his arms, his bed, it was as if something wild and very unladylike was unleashed. It had been that way right from the beginning but even more so since theyd reunited, and he loved it, loved that he could make her writhe beneath him with wanton abandon and that he could coax the most arousing little sounds out of her. Shelby turned just as he started across the room. Her eyes widened and a small, helpless whimper whispered from between her parted lips when she saw the determined look on his face. Color bloomed in her cheeks as he reached for her, drawing her in for a long, hard kiss. She didnt say a word when he gently gripped her shoulders and turned her around, nor when his hands glided up her bare thighs and disappeared beneath her sundress. There was only the ragged sound of her breathing and an almost inaudible moan as he lowered her panties then freed his erection and slipped inside of her. Oh God, she cried out when Logan pulled back then thrust into her once more. Shelby leaned forward, stretching herself across her drafting table, her fingers curling around the edges as he filled her again and again and again. By the time Logan exploded inside of her, shed been reduced to little more than a quivering mass of jello. She managed to stand on wobbly legs as Logan guided her panties up over her hips and smoothed her dress back down but she didnt dare loosen her grip on the drafting table. Cara mia, Logan whispered, winding his arms around her waist and pulling her back against his chest. You excite me as no woman ever has. I have only to look at you and I want to bury myself inside your soft body. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to her neck. I am not wearing you out, am I? I do not you to grow tired of making love with me. Shelby let out a breathless laugh. How could I ever grow tired of being so intimate with you Logan? Im afraid Im becoming a bit of an addict where youre concerned; my body craves your touch and I get the most annoying ache when I go too long without you. An ache, you say? His hands glided up her body to cup her breasts. Is this where you ache, mio tesoro? Mmmmm, one of the places, she murmured. There are more? Many, many more. Logan turned her in his arms and pulled her close. I think I am going to enjoy learning where all of these places are so I can help alleviate your suffering. Such a humanitarian, she teased.

Only with you, carissima. Shelby locked her eyes to his. I know that now, she said thickly. I cant believe I was stupid enough to think youd ever be unfaithful to me. I justcouldnt think rationally after I saw you with that woman. Logan heaved a resigned sigh. There could be no more stalling, no more excuses; he had to tell her about Alicia. After giving her a long, lingering kiss, he asked her to join him in the living room. She gave him a curious look but didnt say anything until they were seated on the sofa. You look worried, she said in a subdue tone. I am not quite sure how to broach this. Shelby He took one of her hands and lifted it to his lips. I love you so very much and I hate knowing that you may feel hurt by what I am about to tell you. Logan, what is it? He drew in a deep breath and started from the beginning when hed first met up with Richard Delatorre and his subsequent encounter with Alicia when shed pranced around in a bikini. He told her everything; Alicias attempt to seduce him in his office, the sexual innuendos and suggestive clothing. He told her why hed escorted Alicia to dinner and the art gallery, and how he now realized what a mistake it had been. I am embarrassed to say it was Simon who pointed out how foolish I was to believe she would lose interest once she understood I had no desire to sleep with her. Shelby had listened quietly while Logan told her all about Alicia Delatorre and though she was a little hurt that hed waited so long let her know what had been happening, she was also elated that hed come to her with it even knowing it might revive old suspicions. It was obvious he thought she was going to fall to pieces on him or, at the very least, question whether he had ever encouraged Alicias behavior. It was the worried frown and the way his eyes searched hers, begging her to believe him, that convinced Shelby hed never felt anything but distain for the woman. Well, she finally said, what do you think we should do about it? Logan drew in a stilted breath. We? Of course. Obviously this woman doesnt believe youre not interested in carrying on an affair with her, so we need to figure out a way to convince her. He eyed her skeptically. You do not think I hold any blame in her infatuation with me? How can it possibly be your fault? Logan, she said with a soft smile, you are an incredibly handsome man and I can certainly understand why shes attracted you. I admit, it would have been difficult for me not to be suspicious if Id found out about it from someone else, but I trust you andIm glad you trusted me. I should have told you that day at the beach house when you overheard me talking to her.

No, she disagreed. If you had told me then Im not sure I would have believed that you hadnt at least considered having an affair with her. I was far too emotional and uncertain of our relationship at that point to handle this. And you are certain of our relationship now? Yes. Logan drew her into his arms. Mio amore, you have no idea how much it means to me to hear you say that. I love you, Logan, and I wont make the same mistake twice. I should have trusted you before and I nearly destroyed our marriage because I didnt have enough faith in you, in us. So what do propose we do about her, my little wild cat? Shelby climbed onto his lap, giggling as she nestled her head against his chest. I think I like that; turning into a wild cat in order to protect whats mine. Do not underestimate her, cara. Alicia Delatorre is a devious creature who will go to any lengths to get what she wants and not suffer a moment of remorse no matter who she hurts. Im not afraid of her. Shelby tipped her head back. I know Im probably just wasting my breath, butdont worry about me, Logan. Im not a confrontational person, you know that, and I have no intention of just waltzing up to her and telling her to keep her claws out of my man. Logan couldnt help laughing at the image that created. Somehow I think that might actually do the trick. Alicia has been around enough of my colleagues to know what a sweet nature my wife has it would probably throw her for a pretty good loop to have you say something so bold. Shelby smiled. Well then, Ill keep it as a backup plan. No, he said softly. No, Mrs. Vittorio, I love you just the way you are. And how is that, Mr. Vittorio? Sweet, gentle, kind-hearted. Youre saying you prefer me as a docile house cat then? Wellperhaps there are a few exceptions to that rule, he said as he eased her back onto the sofa.
Chapter 22:- Chapter 9, Part 4

I dont understand it, Shelby said miserably. Both Logan and I have seen our physicians and were assured there was nothing preventing me from getting pregnant. Logans sister put a comforting arm around Shelby. It will happen, I promise you, but you have to give it some time.

How much time? Weve been trying for three months now, Milana. Three months isnt so long, not really. It is when I have to see the disappointment in Logans eyes when I tell him my cycle started. And emotionally, its tearing me apart as well. Its difficult to enjoybeing intimate because I cant help worrying if maybe Im doing something wrong and thats why I cant conceive. Milana couldnt quite keep the laughter from her voice. Shelby, youre not doing anything wrong. Im sure I dont have to tell you my brother is an overachiever. Hes never given up on anything in his life, not when hes determined to have it, and hes determined to have a baby with you. I know youre right. Its just that I feel like Im failing him somehow. Have you considered that maybe Logan feels hes the one whos failing you? But hes not, Shelby said vehemently. How could he possibly think that when hes soso Diligent? Milana supplied with an amused grin. Extremely diligent. Thats why I dont understand why I havent conceived yet. Maybe both of you just need to forget about having a baby right now and Forget about it! How can you even suggest that when you know how much it means to us? Calm down, Milana said in a consoling tone. What I meant was that you should stop worrying so much about making a baby together and just concentrate on beingwell, together. Shelby had to agree. It would take an awful lot of the strain off our relationship if I wasnt so concerned about it every time weyou know. Milana laughed and gave Shelbys shoulders a squeeze. I swear Ive never seen anyone shy away from the word sex like you do. Youre married, honey, its okay to admit you have sex with your husband. In spite of her efforts to keep from blushing, Shelby could feel the heat of it working its way up her neck and into her cheeks. She was an adult, for crying out loud. Surely she could say the word sex without turning ten shades of red, and it wasnt as if she was talking to a man about it. On the other hand, Milana was Logans sister which made talking about their love life a little uncomfortable. Shelby smiled thinly. Talking about my sexual relationship with my husband isnt the problem, its talking about the intimacy I share with your brother that makes it a little difficult. Ah, well now I understand but believe me, Im certainly not interested in hearing any of the details. All Im saying is that you cant lose sight of whats important; your love for each other.

Youre right, she said with a remorseful sigh. Logan has been so attentive to me that Ive completely neglected him. Thank you, Milana. I knew I could count on you to help me get my head on straight. Feeling as if a tremendous weight had been lifted off her shoulders, Shelby sprang to her feet. Im going to talk to Alba right now and ask her to make something really special for dinner and Ill set the table myself with candles and the good china and she gave Milana a conspiratorial smile, Im sure you wont mind if I leave out the intimate details for what else I have planned. *** Logan loosened his tie as he got out of the car, anxious to get inside the house where he knew Shelby was waiting. It had been a long, hard day full of conference calls and meetings and he hadnt even been able to squeeze in a few minutes to escape to the Penthouse and spend time with his wife. Hed liked the idea of having her so close he could go see her during the day and thought hed even be able to manage a couple of intimate lunch hours throughout the week. It would satisfy Shelbys need to be with him more often as well as his own desire to spend more time with her, but it would also go a long way in relieving the tension that came with running a corporation as huge as Vittorio Enterprises. The only problem hed foreseen was that Shelby would be disappointed more often than not when he wasnt able to get away as much as shed like him to. But the truth was, shed been blissfully happy with the few stolen moments and the occasional hour he could spare, and it had been Logan himself whod become dependent on seeing her during the work day. The first thing hed do when he got to the office was check his calendar to see whether he could wheedle out of a meeting or appointment or even reschedule altogether. If that didnt work, hed decide who would be least offended if he called and told them he was running late then race up to see his wife. Of course, all of their time wasnt spent between the sheets because of the time constraints, but he sure as hell took advantage of it if he was able to grab an hour or two. Sometimes, they did nothing more than have lunch together or sit on the sofa and talk. And sometimes, the really special times, were spent quietly watching Shelby work her magic with a canvas and brush. But today had been doubly rough, not just because hed been so busy but because one of his meetings had cut out twenty minutes earlier than expected and hed raced back to the office and up to the Penthouse Suite only to find shed already gone home. Now all he could think about was holding her in his arms and letting the softness of her body melt away the stress of the day. He needed to feel his mouth on hers, to taste her, touch her; even more than his next breath, he needed to bury himself inside his wife and show her how much she meant to him. Thats why he was so disappointed when he was greeted at the door by Alba instead of receiving the enthusiastic welcome he always got from Shelby when he walked through the door. His disappointment was shoved aside to be replaced by concern

when he was informed that Mrs. Vittorio was up in her room with a headache and had asked that dinner be served an hour later than usual so she could sleep it off. Logan hurried up the stairs, peeling off his tie and jacket as he went and tossing them both on a chair in their sitting room as he passed through it on the way to their room. Shelby? He said hesitantly when he entered the bedroom and found the bed empty. Logan shut the door behind him, his eyes bouncing around the room as if hed never seen it before. Both the lamps on their matching nightstands had been switched on, but a filmy piece of turquoise material had been draped over each one and it gave the room a romantic glow. The covers on the bed had been turned down and even from where he was standing he could see that the cotton sheets had been exchanged for silk ones. An exotic scent filled the room and he could hear the soothing strains of his favorite classical music filtering through the built-in speakers. His eyes moved in response to a soft rustling off to his left and thats when every ounce of blood in his head raced south and pooled in his loins. Shelby was poised in the doorframe of the bathroom dressed in a short, filmy nightie that was even more sheer than the material shed placed over the lamps. The only other thing she wore was a soft, sexy smile that made his gut tighten. Her long mane of hair fell in waves over her shoulders, shimmering like wildfire. Logan couldnt move, couldnt breathe, couldnt do anything but stare at his wife as she sauntered across the room and started unbuttoning his shirt. She looked up at him from under her lashes with that same sexy smile and it wasnt just the stress of the day that melted away, but the world and everything in it as well. Ive drawn you a nice hot bath, she purred. Abath? My poor darling, Shelby said as she pushed his shirt over his shoulders and let it drop to the ground. I can tell youve had a rough day, but I promise it will only get better now that youre home. She reached for his belt, quite pleased with herself when she heard him draw in a ragged breath. I have it all planned out, she continued in a sultry voice. First Im going to bathe you, she lowered his zipper, then Im going to make love to you, she guided his slacks over his hips, and then we will enjoy the wonderful meal Alba has prepared for us. How does that sound? Like hed died and gone to Heaven, Logan thought as Shelby finished undressing him then took his hand and led him towards the bathroom. Hed always preferred the convenience of showering rather than going to all the trouble of drawing a bath. But that was before Shelby climbed into the tub with him and took over the task of bathing him. Shelby leaned into him, feathering kisses along his strong jaw line to his ear. Now its my turn to take care of you, my love, she whispered. Madre di Dio, he muttered when she straddled his thighs and let the cloth slip out of her hands.
Chapter 23:- Chapter 10, Part 1

Shelby couldnt quite suppress the happy giggle that bubbled up in her throat as she left the doctors office and stepped out into the bright sunshine. Shed suspected it for a few weeks now but had been too afraid to take another home pregnancy test only to have it prove she still hadnt conceived. But this morning, Logan had unwittingly given her the perfect excuse for making a doctors appointment when hed commented that she looked a little pale and asked if she was coming down with a bug. I have been feeling a little run down, she admitted. Hed looked at her from across the breakfast table then pulled out his cell phone and set an appointment for later that morning. Shelby had felt such a rush of love for him at that moment she wanted to cry. He was taking care of her, just as he always had, and she adored it that Logan felt this need to protect her from anything that could harm her, including something as minor as a flu bug. I can cancel a few appointments and take you, he said as soon as hung up. Im not completely helpless, you know. Cancelling appointments means youll just have to try and squeeze them in somewhere else or work late one day this week. I think I can handle finding the doctors office by myself, and I promise to call you if theres anything seriously wrong. Are you sure? Because I could Im sure, shed jumped in. Now, go finish getting ready for work while I grab your briefcase from the study. Even though he hadnt tried to change her mind about letting him drive her to the doctors office, she could tell he wasnt very happy about it. Regardless of her assurance it was nothing but a bug, Logan would worry about it until she called to let him know everything was okay. The problem now was that she didnt want to call him because she wanted to see his face when she gave him the good news. Shelby climbed into her car and just sat there for a few minutes with her hand pressed against her belly. A baby. No, not just a baby but Logans baby, the one hed planted inside of her the night hed come home to find her waiting for him in that skimpy little nightie. Well, she giggled out loud, the sales lady had been right about one thingher husband hadnt been able to keep his hands off of her. She fired up the engine but she didnt head back home as shed planned. Logan would no doubt be too busy to talk to her if simply showed up at his office, but if she went to the Penthouse suite and called to let him know she was there maybe he could find some time to come up and see her. Even if he could only get away for a few minutes, it would still be better than having to wait until he got home this evening. Shelby was still floating on a cloud when she pulled onto the highway leading to Vittorio Enterprises.
Chapter 24:- Chapter 10, Part 2

Logan leaned back in his chair, the grim expression on his face leaving no doubt in either of his brothers minds just how disturbed he was by the information theyd just laid before him. After attending the charity ball with Shelby over two months ago and making it quite obvious to anyone who was watching, namely Alicia Delatorre, that

he was very much in love with his wife, he would have bet his vast fortune there would be no more trouble from that quarter. Hed been even more convinced Alicia had given up her pursuit of him when shed stopped calling and showing up announced at his office. That was before Gianluca and Dante had requested a meeting this morning and proved just how wrong hed been to let his guard down. We have a little problem, Dante informed him after he and Luca had seated themselves in front of Logans desk. Since when do either of you come to me when there is a little problem? Since in involves Alicia Delatorre, Luca replied as he tossed a file in front of Logan. That is a report from a private investigator we hired two and half months ago to keep an eye on Alicia. And these, he tossed a manila envelope on top of the file, are photographs taken by the investigator along with several Vittorio Enterprises security disks for the same time period. Logans brows drew together. Why are you having Alicia followed? She has not attempted to contact me at all since the charity ball, and even then she did nothing more than nod her head to acknowledge me when Shelby and I first arrived. It was Simons idea, Dante told him. He told us about her visit to the office and how obsessive Alicia had become and asked if we believed a woman like that would stop hounding you simply because she had seen how happy you are with Shelby. Even Raffe agreed it was not likely, Luca interjected. Logan glanced from one to the other. So all of my brothers banded together and decided to have her followed without bothering to ask whether or not I approved? We did not want to concern you unnecessarily if our suspicions were unfounded, Dante replied. Perhaps we were wrong not to bring this to your attention before now, but we were right to have kept a close watch on her. As much as Logan loved his brothers and appreciated their efforts to keep Alicia from complicating his life, he wasnt at all happy about being left out of the loop. What if shed discovered she was being watched by this private investigator and that Vittorio Enterprises was footing the bill? Shed think it was Logans doing and who knows what Alicia would make of that? Besides, he didnt care if she was spying on him as long as she kept her distance as shed been doing. I am sure the report will make for very interesting reading, he said indifferently, but I have no desire to know how Alicia Delatorre spends her days, nor do I care to look at pictures of her. So, if one of you would be kind enough to give me a brief summary, maybe we can all get back to our jobs. Very well, Dante said, you can look through everything later if you wish. The reason Alicia left you alone for nearly a month after Shelby returned was because she flew off to join her husband in the south of France. She came back to the states alone and immediately started asking questions about your marriage.

The investigator told you this? No, this was before we hired him. I caught wind of it from one of myfemale companions so I asked a few others who run in the same circles as Alicia and they all said the same thing. Logan didnt bother to ask how many female companions Dante had, but he would venture to guess there were at least half a dozen. So she wanted to find out if my marriage was shaky, that is not surprising and hardly a reason to hire an investigator. If that was all she wanted to know then I might not have even mentioned it to Simon. It wasnt you that Alicia was gathering information about. Logan, she was asking questions about Shelby. Logans stomach knotted. What kinds of questions? The kind that make you worry about what she is up to, Luca said. Things like whether she works, Dante added, and if she has any activities outside the home, what kind of car she drives, where she gets hair done, her favorite place to shop and I get it, Logan snapped, then immediately apologized. I do not mean to take it out on either of you, but the woman is unbalanced and what you are telling me has me very concerned for Shelbys welfare. If Alicia manages to catch her alone and feed her lies about having an affair with me That is why I approached Simon about it, Dante said. I know you confide in him more than the rest of us and thought he could tell us more about this woman and whether she was a threat to Shelby. It made him uneasy to know Alicia was asking about Shelby, but even more so because he knew she had stopped chasing after you. It made no sense unless Unless she was planning some sort of attack on Shelby, Logan finished for him. It will do her no good, he said confidently. If she is looking for dirt on Shelby, I assure you she will not find any. There is more, Luca cast a sidelong glance at Dante. We felt it was necessary to tell Grady about it since he is head of security here. With Shelby spending so much time in the Penthouse Suites, we wanted him to make sure there was someone posted by the elevator to make sure no one but you gained access. Mio Dio, Logan shook his head in disbelief. You honestly believe Alicia is capable of physically harming Shelby? Luca drew in a deep breath before relaying the worst of it. The investigator alerted us first, and Grady confirmed it after reviewing security tapes on the days Shelby went to the Penthouse. Alicia has been following Shelby, and not just when she leaves the house to come here, but to other places as well. What other places?

Any place, every place your wife goes. Dante watched as a storm began to brew behind his brothers eyes but did nothing to try and calm him. You are angry, and rightly so. If Shelby was my wife, I would be furious if I knew someone was following her around. Maybe it is all harmless and Alicia will grow tired of this game, but approaching Shelby with a mouthful of lies is not the only thing that could lead to trouble. Madre di Dio, Logan ground out, what could possibly be worse than that? The private investigator we hired, Dante explained. It is a double edged sword, Logan. If Alicia discovers he is in the employ of Vittorio Enterprises, she may want to extract revenge, or her warped mind may construe it as a sign you desire her and want to know if she has taken another lover. But if Shelby finds out and we have not let her know the reasons for having Alicia followed, she may wonder if you are simply trying to make sure your lover and your wife do not cross paths. Then I will tell her, Logan said grimly. But first, I shall have a nice long talk with Alicia Delatorre about the consequences of her actions if she does not leave Shelby alone. You said Grady provided you with security disks, does that mean he as seen Alicia here at Vittorio Enterprises? Luca nodded. She follows Shelby here but since she cannot get into the private section of the underground garage, she parks outside. Most days, she sits in her car for awhile then leaves and returns just before five oclock when you and Shelby usually leave. But sometimes, she comes inside the building and just stands there staring at the portrait of you that hangs in the lobby. Occasionally, Alicia wanders through the building and has even been up to the Executive floor, though she has made no attempt to see you. Some of the color leached from Logans face. Do you think she is trying to find a way to slip past security so she can obtain access to the Penthouse? We think so, Dante replied, but we have no proof. Technically, she has done nothing wrong. And since her husband does business with Vittorio Enterprises she has an excuse for being here, feeble as it may be. Logan was thoughtful for a moment. I value Richards business, but not at the expense of my marriage or Shelbys peace of mind. I will arrange to meet with Alicia and let her know we are aware of what she is doing and warn her that if it does not stop I will be forced to inform Richard. Then I will tell Shelby what has been going on. Maybe it would be wiser to tell her before you confront Alicia, Dante suggested. Yes, I suppose it would, Logan agreed, but that would mean putting it off for another day because Shelby has a doctors appointment this morning so she will not be coming to the Penthouse today. So you delay it one day, Dante said, what possible difference could that make? Logans expression hardened. Perhaps none, but I am not willing to take the chance this mad woman will do something to hurt Shelby. She has already

demonstrated her thinking is irrational, and her obsession with me when I have given her no cause is certainly not normal. No, the sooner I put an end to this, the better. Meeting with Alicia is a bad idea, Luca said with worried frown. Call her instead so there is no possibility she will make a scene. If I call, what is to keep her from hanging up before I have finished what I have to say? Besides, I want her to see my face when I speak to her so she will know just how serious I am. But you are right about avoiding a scene, which eliminates meeting anywhere public or even here at my office. Dante leaned forward, looking even more concerned than Luca. Tell me you are not planning to meet this woman in her own home. And make it easier for her to claim we are having an affair? Logan shuddered at what would happen if Shelby found out hed gone to Alicias house while Richard was out of the country. Not a chance in hell. I think it would be best if we met in the Penthouse. That way, no one will overhear if she decides to get too vocal. Dante shook his head. And if she does more than angry and rants and raves? What if she has a crying fit, women tend to do that when their heart is involved. Logans laugh was bitter. Alicia Delatorre has no heart. Any tears she sheds would be purely for show. Still, whether it is an act or not, it would not look good if someone saw her leaving here in tears. I will not put this off, Logan ground out. I am not suggesting that you do, Dante replied. What I am asking is that you allow Luca or me to escort her out the back way once she leaves the Penthouse. That seems a littleextreme. Logan raked his fingers through his hair irritably. I do not want to make her so angry she retaliates, but what else can I do? Per lamor del Dio, do I not have enough to deal with? Very well, one of you can wait by the elevator and escort her out. You will have to meet with her before two-thirty, Luca reminded him. It is imperative that we all attend the Lombardi conference, but you can count on both of us to be at your disposal prior to that. Logan waited until theyd gone before placing the call to Alicia Delatorre. He should have been relieved when she so readily agreed to meet later that morning, but it only served to put him more on edge than before. He was a shrewd businessman and knew the time to be wary wasnt when things were going according to plan but rather when it seemed too easy and was moving along without a single hitch. Something in his gut was telling him to go as his brothers urged and let Shelby know he was meeting with Alicia beforehand. He glanced at the clock and realized she was probably still at the doctors office and would have turned off her cell phone while she was inside. A meeting with his management team would be starting in

fifteen minutes and was scheduled to run for an hour, which meant shed be on her way home by the time he got out. Given the limited option, Logan made the best decision he could. He could only pray it was the right one.
Chapter 25:- Chapter 10, Part 3

Shelby drew in a couple of deep breaths as she pulled into the private parking garage and eased into the spot next to Logans car. Shed had to fight the urge to head straight for Vittorio Enterprises once she left the doctors office because she wanted everything to be perfect when she told Logan. One look at her face and it wouldnt have taken him two seconds to figure out why shed made the impromptu visit. To give herself time to get her emotions under control, shed taken a couple of detours and purchased a few things, including the clingy blue number she was wearing right now. Once her tummy started bulging she wouldnt be able to wear dresses like this and she wanted to give her husband something to remember in the months that followed when her figure was obscured by her expanding waistline. She plucked the small gift box from the seat beside her and couldnt help sneaking just one more peek before she presented it to Logan. Two miniature white booties lay on a bed of blue and pink pinstriped tissue, no doubt the first of many articles of clothing shed buy for their baby, but this one would be the most significant purchase. Shed considered all the things she could say to Logan, which words would be the right ones, and had finally chosen the tiny knitted booties to do all the talking for her. Hed open the box and know immediately what it meant; no words could ever say it better. After he left to go back to work, shed call Alba and have her start preparing a special meal, though Shelby intended to begin their night of celebration long before dinner time. She thought it was only appropriate to have a repeat performance of the events that had led up to the conception of their baby, with a few minor changes to spice it up a bit, of course. She was still smiling when she stepped into the elevator and hit the button for the Executive Suites then slipped the gift box into her purse. Shed planned on calling him from the Penthouse to let him know she was there and to ask if he could spare a few minutes, but it seemed silly when she could just stop by his office. If he was available, shed go in personally and entice him to joining her as soon as he could. And if he wasnt available, shed have his assistant, Margaret, let him know that shed be waiting for him. As it turned out, Logan had been called away unexpectedly but wasnt expected to be gone long. Oh well, she thought as she made her way towards the elevator to the Penthouse, it would just give her that much more time to calm herself so she didnt give it away the second he walked through the door. Shelby was humming a happy little tune as she approached the elevator, exchanging it for a broad smile when she saw Dante standing like the Queens guard just a few feet away from the doors. His rigid composure morphed into genuine surprise when he saw her; a bit curious since he knew shed been spending a lot of time there. Shelby, what are you doing here?

Dont worry, I have permission from the boss, she teased. Dante glanced at the elevator then back at her. No, what Iuhwhat I meant was that Logan said you would not be here today. Im surprising him. So what are you doing loitering around the halls, or has Grady commissioned you play security guard? Justtemporarily. You know, Logan should be back in his office in about twenty minutes. You could wait for him there if youd like. Shelby laughed. Now why would I wait in his office when I have luxury suites just an elevator ride away? She started to move around him but Dante shifted just enough to block her way. Shelby listen, he said solemnly, I really think it would be best if you waited in his office. Something twisted in her stomach; intuition, suspicion, whatever it was, she didnt like it much. Whats going on, Dante? Why are you trying to keep me from going up to the Penthouse? Logan can explain when he sees you. If you would just wait Shelbys voice came out as little more than a whisper. Hes up there, isnt he? Dante grimaced. Yes, but Hes not alone. It wasnt a question but Dante responded as if it was. No, he is not alone but I swear to you it is not what it looks like. Not what it Shelbys stomach lurched. Its her, isnt it? Anger overrode all other emotions when he only stared at her. Dont you dare lie to me, Dante Vittorio! Logan is up there with Alicia Delatorre, isnt he? Her world came crashing down around her shoulders when Dante answered, Yes.
Chapter 26:- Chapter 10, Part 4

Logan was careful to keep his eyes leveled on Alicias face instead of migrating south where she obviously wanted to divert his attention. He hadnt been surprised when hed opened the door to find her wearing a dress that showed more of her breasts than it hid, or that it skimmed over her hips like a second skin. He hadnt even been surprised when shed draped her arms around his neck the moment the door was closed and tried to kiss him. What had thrown him a little was that shed openly admitted to everything he accused her of. Once he managed to disentangle himself from her arms and avoid the kiss she was so intent on giving him, hed hustled her into the living room and ordered her to sit down. Alicia perched on the edge of the sofa and crossed her legs. I knew if I stayed away youd realize how much you wanted me, she said with a sexy drawl.

That is not why I asked you here, he shot back with barely contained anger. Really, she arched an elegant brow, then why invite me to your private suites in the middle of the day? You want me, Logan, youre just afraid to indulge in an affair because you dont want to jeopardize your marriage. You are right, I do not want to jeopardize my marriage, but that is not the reason Oh, you dont have to explain. I know how much everyone adores that mousy wife of yours so I dont blame you for wanting to keep up the illusion youre both madly in love with each other. Although, she said with a disdainful laugh, Im sure its not an act on her part. Anyone with two eyes can see she thinks the sun rises and sets at your command. Logans jaw flexed. It is no illusion, I do love my wife, and I have no intention of letting you or anyone else interfere with our relationship. Apparently, you have forgotten our discussion in my office. I do not now, or ever will, want to have an affair with you. Alicia stood up and crossed the room, planting herself in front of him. So this is it then? This is how you want it? Yes, he said firmly, this is how I want it. Well, she sighed as she curled her fingers around his neck and pressed herself closer, Ill take what I can get. If all you want is a onetime roll in the sack then Ill just have to see to it that I leave a memorable impression. A low growl rumbled deep in his chest. That is not Both of their heads whipped around when Shelby stormed into the room. Hopping mad and looking as if she was out for blood, she skewered Logan with her eyes and then Alicia. Shed slipped through the doorway just a few minutes before and only caught the tail end of their conversation, but it was enough to tell her what she needed to know.
Chapter 27:- Chapter 11, Part 1

Mrs. Delatorre, Shelby said icily, Ill thank you to get your hands off my husband. Shelby, this is not Logan started, but she stopped him with a glacial stare. As for you, Logan Vittorio, what the hell were you thinking when you invited this barracuda up here? How dare you, Alicia ground out. Me? How dare you, Shelby hissed. She stomped across the room and yanked Alicias arm from around Logans neck. How dare you try to seduce my husband when hes made it perfectly clear he has no interest in you whatsoever. With her spiky heels on, Alicia was a good six inches taller than Shelby but it didnt keep her from slapping her palms against the womans shoulders and giving her a good, hard shove. Alicia stumbled back a few steps, her eyes widening with surprise. Shelby was in a full blown rage now and didnt hesitate to close the

distance between them and plant herself in front of Alicia. Her eyes were flashing dangerously as she jabbed one manicured finger at the womans chest. How mousy do you think I am now, Mrs. Delatorre? Logan just stood there with his arms at his sides, completely dumbfounded as his sweet, docile wife lit into Alicia with a string of expletives that shocked him even more than they shocked Alicia. He supposed he should be doing something to stop the altercation, especially since Shelby looked as if she was going to launch herself at Alicia any second now, but the truth was he couldnt help the rush of sheer happiness that raced through him as Shelby continue her tirade. She was fighting for him, for them, how could he be anything but elated by that knowledge? Even when Dante came hustling into room with Luca right on his heels, Logan merely arched a brow at them and let Shelby do her damage. Neither of the women seemed aware of the fact they had an audience but he doubted it would have made much difference. Alicia had finally gotten her dander up and was snapping back but her biting remarks werent fazing Shelby one bit. Madre di Dio, Dante muttered, I expected to find your wife in tears, not he shrugged, looking every bit as perplexed as Logan was by Shelbys uncharacteristic behavior. I did not think she even knew how to raise her voice, Luca said with a hint of awe. Logan glanced at his brothers. Do you think I shouldintervene? Only if you wish to have your eyes scratched out, Dante replied, then shook his head. And to think I was concerned what it would do to her when she found you with Alicia. What do you mean, found me? Logan demanded. Tell me you did not let her come up without explaining why Alicia was here! I tried, but she would not listen. When she arrived unexpectedly and I attempted to persuade her to wait in your office, she guessed you were up here and who you were with. She must have gotten my message then, Logan said more to himself than to his brothers. He grimaced when Alicia made a snide comment about the time shed spent with him during Shelbys six month absence. But when his wife was able to recount where hed taken Alicia and who else had been in attendance, it took the wind out of Alicias sails. Shed apparently assumed Logan had kept their outings a secret and had hoped to broadside Shelby with it. For a moment, the two women simply glared at each other and Logan bravely took a step towards them, intending to put an end to it, but Shelby beat him to the punch. Youre a married woman, for Gods sake act like it! I want you out of here, out of our lives, and if you so much as bat an eyelash Logans way again Ill run straight to your husband and tell him what youve been up to.

Alicias eyes narrowed. Try it and Ill rip you to shreds. Shelbys smile was lethal. Keep stalking my husband and well see who welds more power. I am a Vittorio, she said proudly, and no one messes with family. Alicia had remained relatively unaffected by the things Shelby said to her up until then, but that certainly seemed to rattle her. She opened her mouth then clamped it shut again, settling for a haughty flip of her head as she stepped around Shelby to make her exit. It was the audible gasp as much as the abrupt halt Alicia came to that made Shelby turn around. They looked liked mountains, the three Vittorio brothers standing side by side, and if she didnt know any better, the dark scowls they were all wearing would have scared the hell out of her. Alicia took another faltering step before mustering enough courage to speak. Id like to leave now, so if you dont mind? Not at all, Luca said with a smile that didnt quite reach his eyes. As a matter of fact, it will bring my brother and me a great deal of pleasure to escort you to your car. That wont be necessary, she sniffed indignantly. I assure you it is quite necessary, Dante told her as he lightly gripped her arm and ushered her towards the door. Luca paused long enough to flash a genuine smile at Shelby. I have never had occasion to be envious of my brother until this moment. You are an amazing woman, Mrs. Vittorio. The minute the door closed and they were left alone, Logan turned to Shelby. Hes right, you are an amazing woman. Shelby crossed her arms. Dont even think about trying to sweet talk me. Im very angry with you right now. Just let me explain Oh, Logan, you dont have to explain. I know you probably brought her here to avoid a public scene, but did you honestly think shed listen to reason or concern herself with threats to tell her husband? What upsets me most is that you kept it from me. If youd only told me shed started coming on to you again, we could have What? Logan went to her then, enfolding her in his arms before she could offer a protest. You thought she was after me, that this meeting was to warn her off with threats to expose her to Richard? Shelbys brows drew together. I just assumedI mean, why else would youand then when I saw the way she was dressed she swallowed hard, the first tiny thread of doubt beginning to wind its way through her head. Im afraid I dont understand then, she said feebly. It is I who do not understand, cara mia. I thought you came here because of the message I left on your cell phone.

No, I came here becausewell, it doesnt matter now. I didnt get the message, Logan. I was running a little late for my doctors appointment and accidentally left without my phone. Thats why I didnt call before I got here. I stopped by your office first but Margaret said youd been called away for a short meeting and then when Dante was trying so hard to keep me from going up, I just knew you were here with that woman. You presumed it was because I was trying to talk some sense into her? Well, II might have had one tiny moment of concern You really did not get my message? Why do you keep asking me that? And why does it sound like there was a different reason for Alicia Delatorre being here? Ah, carissima, he laughed, there is no reason for that frown on your pretty mouth. I will explain everything, but there is something I must do first. Shelbys frown deepened. What is so important it cant wait until you explain whats been going on? This, he whispered. It was like stepping out into the sunshine after being locked in a cold, dark basement for days. His mouth came down hard and hungry, spreading the warmth from her lips to every part of her body and bathing her its delicious glow. Locked safely in his arms nothing could touch her, not even that horrible woman and her insane claim that shed been more intimate with Logan than he wanted Shelby to believe. In spite of Alicias outward beauty, Logan would never have been drawn to someone so selfabsorbed and superficial. Not even for a onetime roll in the sack.
Chapter 28:- Chapter 11, Part 2

Logan dragged his head back grudgingly. I am sorry, mi amore, we shall have to continue this later. I will explain in greater depth tonight when I get home but right now I must make it brief because of a conference I cannot get out of. Shelbys disappointment showed on her face but she couldnt help it. Shed envisioned his reaction to being told he was going to be a father along with the joy theyd share and the passionate kisses that would undoubtedly follow. It wasnt fair and she resented having to shove the news of her pregnancy aside. She pulled away from him and sat down on the sofa, childishly thinking it would serve him right if she kept it a secret until he could spare time for his wife. Logan seated himself next to her, arching an amused brow. You are irritated with me because I do not have time to tell you everything. He reached out and cupped her chin, gently but firmly forcing her to look at him. May I remind you, Mrs. Vittorio, that had you not gotten into a cat fight with Alicia I would not be so pressed for time right now. She deserved it, Shelby said defensively. More than you think, he said with heavy sigh.

For the first time since shed walked in, Shelby saw just how deeply upset he was. Well, maybe upset wasnt the right word, not for a man like Logan, but he was definitely worried and she had the unsettling feeling it was more than just Alicias obsession with him. The lines that were etched in his forehead coupled with the obvious tension in his broad shoulders was enough to cause her some concern but it was the carefully guarded expression on his face that really alarmed her. Logan, what is it? It is nothingno, that is not true. I was very proud of the way you stood up to Alicia, it is important for you to know that, but when you first walked in and found her hanging all over me he stopped and drew in a deep breath, expelling it slowly. Shelby, I have to admit that I was terrified you would turn around and run, that you would leave me again. Oh Logan, her voice was tinged with sadness, havent I proven yet that I trust you? I suppose you have, he agreed, but I want you to understand something, Shelby. When you left me before, it almost killed me and I cannot go through that again. As much as I love you and need you in my life, if you run away from me a second time, I will not go after you. Logan took her hand when he saw her eyes misting with tears. I do love you, cara mia, with all of my heart and soul but if we cannot trust one another then we have nothing. I know it hurts you to hear me say this but it must be said. I will not spend my life chasing after a woman who is so unsure of my love for her that she bolts without giving me the chance to waylay her fears. But isnt that what I did today, Logan? Didnt I push past my fear of losing you and see things for what they really were? Im still here, she said softly. After finding you alone with Alicia and getting next to no explanation as to why, Im still here. Doesnt that tell you how much I love you and that Ill never make the mistake of leaving you again? Logan lifted her hand to his lips. Yes it does, my love, and now I owe you an apology as well as an explanation. The reason I asked Alicia to come here was because I discovered she has been following you. Me? Why on earth would she want to follow me? That is precisely what I intended to find out. Unfortunately, we had not gotten that far into our conversation when you arrived. I wanted to tear her heart out when I saw the way she was cozying up to you, Shelby said venomously. Ill take what I can get, she mimicked. She deliberately misconstrued what you said as an excuse to press up against you. I am sorry you had to see that, cara. If any man had done that to you his eyes blazed with the very idea of another man putting his hands on Shelby. Maybe now shell leave us alone, she offered hopefully.

Who knows what a woman like that will do? She is unbalanced to say the least so until I am sure she is going to maintain her distance, I will continue to have her watched. Continue? But you saidoh, I see. Thats how you knew she was following me. Shelby tilted her head. Waitwhy were having someone watching her? Simon hired a private investigator. I know this is confusing, he said before she could ask any more questions, but there is no time to explain everything right now. Just promise me you will go straight home and stay there until I get off work. Shelbys eyes widened. You think she might try something? I do not know, justpromise me. Okay, I promise. Good. I could not conduct a conference if I did not know you were safe at home. And now, he leaned over and kissed her, I must go, tesoro. Bitter disappointed washed over her in droves when he got up and headed for the door. The worry lines were still evident, although her promise to go straight home had alleviated some of them, and the smile that he gave her just before he left the room was tinged with concern. Would telling him about the baby make it better or worse? She rose to her feet, uncertain as to what she was going to do until the slap of her purse against her thigh reminded her of the small box inside. Gripping the shoulder strap to keep it from flying off, Shelby raced after Logan as fast as her high heels would allow. Logan, wait, she shouted, then expelled a soft whoosh when their bodies collided. Strong arms held her close as she lifted an exalted face to his. You were coming back, she breathed. For this, he said, before slanting his head and giving her a passionate kiss. I could not leave without telling you how much I love you. Shelbys smile was radiant. And I couldnt let you leave without telling you Tell me what? He eyed her curiously when she pulled away from him and dug a small gift box from her purse. You bought me a present? It didnt even matter what it was, the thrill he got from knowing shed been thinking of him when she purchased it was enough. He bought her things all the time, not just because he enjoyed showering his wife with gifts that expressed his love, but because he was rewarded with an adoring look that made his heart swell each time he surprised her with something new. Whether it was an expensive piece of jewelry or a book he thought she might like to read, she loved them all simply because they came from him. But Shelbys gifts to him had been given sparingly, after all what do you give a man who has the money to buy whatever he wants and never hesitates to do so? Logan held the box in his hand for a moment, relishing her obvious anticipation almost as much as his own. He teased her by inching the lid back slowly, his heart

slamming against his rib cage when the lid fell away and he saw what was inside. His fingers were shaking as he lifted the snow white booties out and let the box drop to the floor. Logan held them in the palm of his hand, a maelstrom of emotions hitting him all at once because now he truly had everything hed ever wanted. His fingers curled around the knitted booties, his gaze shifting to his beautiful wife. She was gnawing at her bottom lip, her slender body trembling as her troubled eyes met his. Dios, she was worried that he wouldnt be pleased? How could she think otherwise, he berated himself, when hed been standing there just gaping at the booties and no doubt looking as if hed been sucker punched. Indeed, it did feel as if the wind had been knocked out at him because even now he couldnt seem to force any words out. So he showed her instead. Logan grabbed her around the waist and twirled her around, showering her face with kisses, his joyous laughter half muffled because he couldnt stop kissing her long enough to let it all out. When he finally set Shelby back on her feet, she cupped his face in her hands and drew him down for a much longer, thorough kiss that had him panting and aching to strip her naked right where they stood. Somewhere in the back of his mind, responsibility beckoned but it was drowned out by the thunderous beating of his heart and the throbbing ache deep in his belly. I do not have much time, cara mia, he whispered. I know, Shelby rasped out even as she reached to loosen his tie.
Chapter 29:- Chapter 11, Part 3

All four of Logans brothers cornered him outside the conference room where Jameson Lombardi waited with his executives and attorneys. With only three minutes to spare, hed shown up looking a little disheveled and had to stop and put his briefcase down so he could make himself presentable. His brothers emerged from the conference room just as he was attempting to straighten the tie that had been hastily draped around his neck by a giggling Shelby while his trembling fingers had fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. I take it your talk with Shelby went well after we left, Dante said with a knowing grin. Logan responded with a grin of his own. I managed to give her a brief account of what was going on before moreurgent matters needed to be dealt with. Luca, who spared little time for anything but business, fixed his brother with a reproving stare. You seem to have forgotten that you are leading this conference and should have been here before Lombardi arrived. As for Shelby, perhaps you should have been more concerned about her emotional state of mind rather than your own physical needs. Logan raked his fingers through his hair and grabbed up his briefcase before replying. Believe me, little brother, I left my wife with a smile on her face and a mind that was blissfully blank of all worries. Luca snorted but the other three were chuckling as they followed Logan into the conference room. He managed to keep the silly grin off his face during the introductions and even maintained his focus during the first thirty minutes of the presentation. It was only when Jameson interrupted to ask a question that Logans

train of thought derailed. Absently shoving his hands into his pockets, his fingers brushed against something soft and fuzzy. Without thinking, he pulled the foreign object out and once again found himself gaping in wonder at the baby booties. Logan? Logan, are you okay? He lifted his head, glancing from one concerned face to another because in truth, he wasnt quite sure who had spoken to him. He should have been disturbed by his lack of professionalism, and perhaps later when he recalled how silent the room had grown and the way Jameson looked to his brothers for an explanation he would admonish himself for it. But right now, Logan couldnt feel anything but an overwhelming desire to be with his wife. He wanted to climb into bed with her and run his hand over Shelbys flat belly while he basked in the knowledge that his child was growing inside the warmth of her body. My apologies, gentlemen, I cannot seem to keep my mind from wandering. You see, he held the booties up, my wife gave me these just before the meeting andandmadre di Dio, I am going to be a father, he said weakly. Logan was suddenly surrounded by a dozen men offering their congratulations and shaking his hand while he puffed up his chest like a proud rooster. It seemed easier to conduct the meeting now that hed had the opportunity to share the joy of his impending fatherhood. Not that his voice didnt falter now and then, but everyone took it in stride and ribbed him for being so awestruck he couldnt stayed focused. They closed the deal, as he knew they would. How could they fail with all the Vittorio brothers banding together to get the job done? Once he returned to his office, Logan immediately called Margaret back so he could dictate a few letters and have her get started on the contracts for Lombardi before she left for the day. As soon as they were finished, Logan reached for the phone to call Shelby and couldnt quite hide his irritation when Dante came barging into his office without so much as a courtesy tap on the door. Make it quick, he said sharply. It has been a long day and I want to go home and celebrate with my wife. This cannot wait. Dante stopped in front of Logans desk, his expression somber. When Luca and I were escorting Alicia out of the building I warned her we would not hesitate to press charges for stalking if she did not stay away from Shelby. She was already furious because we took her out the back way, but her temper really blew when I said that. So she was angry, Logan shrugged indifferently, I did not expect that she would be happy after being lit into by Shelby. She was not just angry, Dante said grimly, she was so livid she was shaking. She swore she would get even you and Shelby for humiliating her and I do not think she was making idle threats. She has left me with no choice but to call Richard, he sighed wearily. In the meantime, I will have Grady arrange for more security at the house. Ask Simon to hire on a second private investigator as well so there is someone watching Alicia twenty-four hours a day, at least until I can talk to Richard and see if he can

It is too late to bring in a second man, Dante interceded. Logans spine went rigid. What do you mean it is too late? Alicia must have figured out we were having her followed. I just received a call from our investigator, Marcus Browne, informing me that she gave him the slip. Gave him the slip, Logan repeated woodenly. After she left here, Alicia stopped at a nail salon. Since it was not unusual for her to spend an hour there, Browne did not get suspicious until another half hour passed and she still had not come out. When he went inside to look for her, he was told she had stayed only long enough to call a cab and had exited out the back way. The bottom dropped out of Logans stomach. She is probably just playing games, he told his brother, but there was a serious lack of conviction in his voice. Even if she did intend to follow Shelby, she could not have gotten back here before Shelby left so there is nothing to worry about. Shelby is at home? Yes. I made her promise not to stop anywhere on the way there, but I think I would feel much better if Grady sent out a few extra security guards. Dante nodded in agreement. Just as a precaution, maybe you should tell Shelby not to wander around on the grounds Logan was reaching for the phone before Dante even finished, the acid in his stomach churning harder with each successive ring. When Alba finally did pick up, he was wound so tight he barked at her for taking so long then ordered her to get Shelby on the phone. Never in his life had he spoken so harshly to the poor woman and it took him several minutes to calm her down enough to make her listen to him. Perdonarmi, I am sorry, Alba, but is very important that I speak with Shelby. You wish me to wake her? The relief that washed over Logan was so enormous, he nearly dropped the phone. No, let her sleep, she needs her rest. I will be home shortly. Go home to your wife, Dante said as soon as he hung up. I will talk to Simon and Grady about the extra security. There were no words to express his gratitude so Logan didnt even try. He wasnt sure what Alicia was capable of and he didnt want to find out. If it meant keeping Shelby by his side twenty-four hours a day until he could reach Richard and have him put a stop to all of this, then that was precisely what he would do. The woman was even crazier than he thought if she believed for one minute that hed let her get close enough to hurt Shelby. Logan pushed the speed limit all the way and didnt even take the time to pull his car into the garage. He parked in the circular driveway as close to the front door as he could get then all but ran up the walkway and into the house. He took the stairs two

at a time and hurried down the hallway, pausing just outside their bedroom in order to calm himself. Easing the door open so he wouldnt wake Shelby, he slipped into the darkened room and stood over the bed. Light spilled in from the hallway but she had her back to him so he couldnt see her face. She must have been so worn out shed taken a shower then lay down to rest and fallen asleep with the towel still wrapped her head. There was a soft rustling as she turned over to lie on her back, a sexy smile playing on her lips. Darling, what took you so long? Ive been waiting for hours. Logan stumbled backwards, clutching at his chest. What the hell are you doing here? He choked out. Funny, Alicia laughed as she sat up and pulled the towel off her head, thats exactly what your wife said when she found me in your bed.
Chapter 30:- Chapter 12, Part 1

It took every ounce of self-restrained he possessed not to curl his fingers around Alicias throat and strangle the life out of her. And maybe on some level she understood that because she chose to climb off the opposite side of the bed and remained there while Logan visibly fought to control his temper. Raw fear clawed at his chest when he thought of what this maniac might have done with his wife but he didnt dare reveal just how scared he really was. When he finally spoke, his voice was low and even, though his insides were shaking so hard it was a wonder he could talk without his teeth rattling. Where is she? Alicia shrugged. How should I know? I am not in the mood for games. Tell me where she is. She could be anywhere by now, Alicia said indifferently. When she found me in your bed and demanded to know what I was doing here, I told her youd given me the key to the house and asked me to wait for you here. She would not have believed your lies, Logan said with firm confidence. Oh, she didnt at first. But when I told her what a fool shed been to believe that staged performance this afternoon, she couldnt get out of here fast enough. His eyes narrowed into slits. Shelby would not have left unless she intended to come straight to me. Well, Alicia grinned slyly, maybe I did elaborate a little more than I should have. The poor thing was in tears when she ran off, and she looked so lost I almost felt sorry for her. Logans stomach lurched. You are lying, he croaked. Really, she drawled, then how do you explain her absence?

You have taken her somewhere, or maybe you have locked her in the closet. He glanced hopefully towards the closet but his spirits plummeted when he saw the door standing open. I am warning you, if you do not tell me what you have done with Shelby, I will call the police and let them get it out of you. Alicias laugh was venomous. I dont think you want to do that, Logan. As I told your brothers when they threw me out of your building, I want revenge for the humiliation I suffered and I intend to get it. If you have hurt Shelby in any way Dont worry, my darling, your precious wife has not suffered any bodily harm, though her mental state was pretty precarious when she went flying out of here. The thought of Shelby being so crushed by Alicias cruelty that she fled the house in tears enraged him. A primal growl tore from Logans throat as he lunged across the bed and caught Alicia by the wrist before she had time to react. She struggled to free herself but hed gotten a firm grip and held on tight while he maneuvered himself over the side of the bed and stood up. Grabbing the other wrist, he twisted both arms behind her back, effectively putting an end to any hopes she had of getting away. I am going to ask you one more time and so help me God, if you do not tell me where my wife is I will kill you with my bare hands. Alicias bravado slipped several notches. II cant tell you because I dont know. Did she say anything before she left? Did she mention a cottage or if she was going to come and see me? She didnt say anything. She wasnt so brave without you standing behind her, Alicia said with disdain. She started crying then turned around and ran just like she did the last time. She doesnt deserve a man like you, Logan What did you say? Logan dropped his hold on her wrists and gripped her shoulders. What do you mean, just like she did the last time? Now Logan, dont be angry with me. I was only trying to prove she wasnt worthy of you. And I was right, cant you see that? She deserted you without even confronting you about our affair, and if she really loved you Our affair? There was no affair, he ground out, there was never anything between us but what you imagined in that crazy head of yours! Mio Dio, how long have you plotting thisthis destruction of my life? Alicias eyes widened. What are you talking about? Logan, I did it for you, for us. I love you, and I know I could make you happy if youd just give me the chance. Siete insano, you have lost your mind! I have never said or done anything to make you believe I wanted an intimate relationship with you. But you did, she cried. That first time we met, I knew you wanted me. Maybe you didnt come right out and say it but I saw it in your eyes when you looked at me.

I was thinking of my wife, he said sharply then drew in a deep breath before attempting to reason with her. Listen to me, Alicia. I swear on my life if you just tell me where Shelby is and promise to leave us alone, I will forget any of this ever happened. Please dont say that, she choked out. I want to be with you, Logan. Why cant you see how perfect wed be together? You need a wife whos sophisticated and at ease with the type of people you associated with, not some shy little wallflower. And I would never run out on you the way Shelby did She did not run out on me, he said between clenched teeth, you drove her away with your lies. If she really loved you she wouldnt have believed my lies, Alicia shot back. Shes gone, Logan, and shes not coming back. She smiled up at him, her demeanor instantly changing. Everything is working out just like I planned, please dont spoil it. The woman was delusional, there was no doubt in his mind about that. What he didnt know was whether Alicias obsession with him had have driven her to physically hurt Shelby or if she really had run her off with wild fabrications about having an affair with him. The most important thing right now was finding out exactly what happened so he could determine his next move. Until he knew for sure that Shelby safe hed have to keep up the pretense that he was at least tempted by Alicias offer to become lovers. Logan gentled his grip on her shoulders. Perhaps you are right, mia bella. I deserve a woman who does not run like a frightened rabbit every time she hears rumors of my infidelity. I amintrigued by your cleverness in chasing her off not once, but twice. With a faint smile, he steered her towards the loveseat in the sitting area. Come sit with me. I want to hear every fascinating detail.
Chapter 31:- Chapter 12, Part 2

Shelby squeezed her eyes shut against the pain. But it wasnt the ropes Alicia had used to bind her with that was causing this God awful ache inside her, it was the knowledge that Alicia Delatorre was going to get exactly what shed been scheming for; Logan. She would have bet her life that Logan would never succumb to that horrible womans attempts to seduce him. The fact was, she had bet itand shed lost, because right now Logan was convinced that his wife had run out on him again and was seeking comfort in the arms of the woman whod made him believe it was true. What hurt even more was that Shelby had practically handed him over on a silver platter, her blind faith in her husband making it impossible to see just how good Alicia was at playing everyone around her, including Logan. How stupid and nave shed been to think that Alicia would do as she promised and disappear from their lives if Shelby could prove that Logan would remain faithful no matter what lies he was fed. And now here she was, helpless to do anything to stop what was happening just one floor above her. It was worse than any torture she could imagine; listening through the intercom while her heart was slowly being shredded by the conversation taking place between

Logan and Alicia. Oh yes, Alicia had been clever, diabolically so, because shed not only placed Shelby in the one room that would insure her screams couldnt be heard, but the acoustics were so good Shelby could hear every word that was spoken in both her bedroom and the adjoining sitting room with perfect clarity. Perhaps you are right, mia bella. I deserve a woman who does not run like a frightened rabbit every time she hears rumors of my infidelity. Oh God, would she ever be able to drown out the sound of Logans voice or the horrendous pain that washed over her when his words replayed themselves in her head? And the horrible lies Alicia was tellingit made her stomach turn to think shed fallen prey to such a vile creature. Except for the part about finding Alicia in their bedroom, everything else had been a work of fiction. Shelby had come home to an empty house, but she hadnt been concerned since Alba often went to the market for fresh fruit and vegetables because she insisted she needed to get for a while. The truth was that Alba adored Logan and only the crispest salads and firmest fruits were good enough for him. So she hadnt given it a second thought when shed found the kitchen empty and had stopped just long enough to write a quick note about what she wanted Alba to prepare for dinner that night before shed gone up to her room. Contrary to what Alicia told Logan, she hadnt been in their bed when Shelby walked in. Shed been perched on the window seat looking docile as a kitten and had jumped to her feet when Shelby strolled absently into the room. The quick movement had scared Shelby half to death and shed let out a startled yelp before anger overrode the momentary rush of fear. What the hell are you doing here? Shelby demanded as she strode across the room. PleaseI know I shouldnt be here, but I just had to apologize, Alicia said, looking genuinely contrite. As much as I appreciate the sentiment, Shelby replied caustically, breaking into my house and invading the privacy of my bedroom is hardly the way to go about it. I know, and Im sorry about that too. Its justI knew if I waited until Logan came home hed refuse to let me talk to you, and I was afraid that if I came to the front door youd turn me away without hearing what I had to say. You would have been right on both counts, she crossed her arms. Ill give you five minutes to say what you came here to say but I warn you, Mrs. Delatorre, if you so much as raise your voice to me Ill call the police and have you arrested for breaking and entering. I wont cause any trouble, I swear. I only wanted to apologize for my abominable behavior and to explain why I did all those horrible things to you and Logan. You see Both of them glanced towards the doorway when they heard the faint strains of someone humming a song as they came down the hall. Shelby turned back to Alicia and was surprised to find she looked nervous.

Its only Alba, our live-in cook and housekeeper. I would prefer it if no one else knew I was here. If word got out to Richard Alicias voice trailed off, but her eyes continued to plead with Shelby to keep her visit a secret. Shelby hurried across the room and stuck her head out the doorway. Alba, Im going to take a short nap before dinner. I left a note in the kitchen to let you know what Id like you to make tonight. All of Logans favorites, I see, Alba beamed. Does this mean there is something special to celebrate? Very special, Shelby returned her smile. Im sure he would love it if you whipped up one of your fabulous cobblers for dessert too. Si, I will start on it right away. Thank you, she called after Alba, who was already heading back downstairs. A celebration? Alicia asked after Shelby closed the door. Logan closed an important deal today, she lied. Now what were you saying? Alicia glanced at the door then back at Shelby. Is there someplace else we could talk? A spare bedroom maybe where no one will interrupt us? I know its a lot to ask, she rushed on before Shelby could refuse, but I dont want to take the chance well be overheard. I feel so guilty for the awful things Ive said and done and its going to be hard enough to explain myself without worrying about Alba or one of your other servants listening in. Shelby bristled. First of all, Alba isnt a servant, shes practically part of the family. And you dont have to worry about the other people we employ here because theyve all gone home for the night. Im sorry, I didnt mean to sound so arrogant. She gave Shelby a tentative smile. Im afraid the people Richard employs are quite so respectful of my privacy, but if youre sure she wont come back, this will be fine. Shelby hadnt suspected a thing. It didnt even enter her mind that she was being manipulated so that it seemed like it was her own idea to move to a more secluded part of the house. Shed blithely confessed that she knew Alba checked on her whenever she wasnt feeling well or if she remained in her room or studio too long. The older woman clucked over both her and Logan like a mother hen so there was a good possibility shed at least peek her head into the room to make sure Shelby was all right. Theres really only two rooms Alba doesnt go into on a regular basis, she told Alicia. Logan has a workout room on the first floor and just down from that is a small music studio. Its completely sound proof and the only way anyone could hear us is if they switch on the intercom for that particular room. It sounds perfect, Alicia agreed with a warm smile. Can we reach it without being seen?

That shouldnt be a problem. Im sure Alba is in the kitchen baking her heart out for Logan. What if she comes to check on you and youre not here? That could be a problem, Shelby admitted, knowing Alba would scour the entire house if she was missing. I have an idea she hurried into the bathroom and emerged a few minutes later. I turned the shower on. If Alba does come to check on me, shell hear it running and think Im in the bathroom. Perfect, Alicia said again. Shelby tossed her purse on the vanity. Lets go then. Logan will be home shortly and he wont be at all happy if he finds you here. So theyd sneaked down the stairs to the back of the house and locked themselves inside the music studio. Ironically, it was Shelby whod insisted Logan add it to the floor plans when hed had the house built because she played the piano herself and hoped that one day their children would share her love of music and want to take up an instrument. As always, hed indulged in her wishes had now she was entombed in the only room in the house that no sound could escape from.
Chapter 32:- Chapter 12, Part 3

Shelby seated herself in the overstuffed armchair Logan had purchased so hed have someplace comfortable to sit while he listened to her play. She sank down onto the cushion while Alicia paced nervously and was actually feeling sorry for the woman. How lonely her existence must be if she felt the need to pursue a married man, and how awful to have to face that mans wife and confess all the horrid things shed done. Even so, she was starting to get impatient when Alicia suddenly stopped pacing and turned to face her. I think its only fair to tell you everything right from the beginning. The first time I met Logan was at my house. Hed come to talk to Richard but was a little early so I came in from the pool to greet him. He took my breath away but it wasnt just his looks that attracted me to him. Its the way he dominates a room just by being in it and the image of and power and strength he portrays so effortlessly. Alicia Oh, dont get your feathers ruffled, Im merely explaining what it was that made him different from other men. I know what makes him different from other men, Shelby said icily, I certainly dont need you to tell me. No, I dont suppose you do. At first, it was just a fantasy to become Logans lover but every time I saw him I wanted him even more. I realized, of course, that to make my fantasy come true I had to get rid of any obstacles standing in my way, namely you and Richard. Shelby couldnt believe what she was hearing. Are you telling me youve been plotting to break us up even before she stopped abruptly when she realized what

shed been about to say but Alicia was nodding slowly as if to confirm her fears. Oh my God, her voice shook, you couldnt possibly Oh, but I did, Alicia smiled proudly. Once I decide to do something I dont let anything dissuade me. I hired someone to follow you and learned your routine. I even became a regular at the same hair salon you use and discovered you had an appointment on the same day Richard and I were meeting Logan for lunch. I convinced Richard to spend a romantic evening with me at the hotel across from the salon then suggested it might save time if he asked Logan to pick me up on the way to the restaurant. But you couldnt have known Id be running late and see you coming out of the hotel or even how Id react to it even if I did. Oh Shelby, she laughed, you really are as nave as you seem, arent you? Ill bet youve never done anything even slightly deceptive in your life no matter how strong the temptation. I, on the other hand, have had years of practice, and making other women green with jealousy is something Im very good at. You couldnt have orchestrated all of that, Shelby insisted, it was pure luck I happened to be leaving the salon when you and Logan walked out. It wasnt that difficult, believe it or not. I knew what time your appointment was and about how long it would take. I also knew Logan wouldnt be late picking me up so I needed to make sure you were late leaving the salon. It was easy enough, she boasted, all I had to do was wait until youd gone inside then make a quick call to your hair dresser and keep him on the phone for ten minutes. From the lobby I had a clear shot of the salon entrance so I stalled Logan by pretending to adjust the strap on my heels until I saw you coming out. Shelby stood up slowly, her whole body shaking with rage. So you knew I saw you together and you convinced Logan he needed to help you down the stairs because of the heels you were wearing. What kind of monster are you? Didnt it bother you at all to know you were destroying the life of someone you didnt even know? What if I hadnt jumped to the wrong conclusions, what would you have done then? Alicia smiled, but there was nothing but cold disdain in her eyes and her voice. I am not a monster; Im merely a woman who saw what she wanted and went for it. And there was no question as to whether youd be jealous when you saw your husband with his arm around another woman, not when we were coming of a hotel in the middle of the day and not after Id taken so much trouble to look the part of a seductress. If only Logan had been as easy as my other conquests, this all could have been avoided. Conquests? Is that how you see all men, as conquests? Of course, she replied with a shrug. I have a good thing with Richard but hes gone so much of the time I get bored. When I dostray from my marital vows its never for more than one night. If Logan had slept with me all those months ago I would have left you both alone and moved on to another challenge. Shelbys eyes narrowed suspiciously. But he didnt sleep with you and he never will, so why bother telling me all of this if youve given up on him?

Alicia arched a brow. Who said Ive given up? When I found out you were back, I knew Logan would be even more resistant to sleeping with me than before so I had torethink my game plan. Making him believe youd left him again might work, but then again it failed the first time so it probably wouldnt work this time either. But, she said with a sly smile, if he thought I had something to do with your disappearance and that some harm might come to you unless hecooperated, I think hed fold fast enough. My God, you really are insane! Youll never pull this off, Shelby hissed. Logan loves me and no matter what lies you tell him, hed never betray me that way. You think not? Would you care to wager on that, Mrs. Vittorio? Id bet my life on it, she said with bold confidence. Alicia eyed Shelby with grudging admiration. I think maybe I did underestimate you, she admitted, "but it won't change anything. So heres the deal. Youre going to disappear for forty-eight hours. If I convince Logan to sleep with me during that time, you runaway for good this time and you file for divorce so I dont have to deal with any guilt on his part for committing adultery. This is ridiculous. I refuse to play this game with you, and I refuse to stand idly by while you try to seduce my husband. Afraid youll lose? Alicia taunted. I told you, Id bet my life hed never cheat on me. And even if I was stupid enough to go along with this, how do I know you wouldnt just add to your pile of lies and tell me you slept with him whether you did or not? You do have a point there, Alicia conceded, but it wouldnt be very sporting of me to lie about it. Besides, I have an idea how you can witness the whole thing without Logan knowing. She nodded to the panel on the wall. "Youll be able to hear everything that goes on in your bedroom from that intercom so there wont be any doubt in your mind as to whether Im telling the truth or not. Have you lost your mind? Shelbys temper exploded. Im not going to stay here and listen to you try and get my husband into bed! Im afraid you have no choice in the matter, Alicia replied calmly as she reached into her purse. Shelby just stood there, gaping in horror as Alicia drew out a small handgun and aimed it at her heart.
Chapter 33:- Chapter 13, Part 1

Logan listened intently to every word Alicia said, careful to keep a wooden smile pasted on his face. Devious didnt even begin to describe the workings of this womans mind and he was having a hard time grasping how anyone could do the damage shed done without a stitch of remorse. Obviously, Alicia was responsible for driving Shelby away this time, but he never would have suspected it was her handiwork that had cast doubts in his wifes head the first time Shelby ran out on him.

While Alicia continued her sordid tale, the gut wrenching fear that hed lost Shelby for good this time made him want to bolt from the room and go find her. What had he told her this afternoon? If you run away from me a second time, I will not go after you. After finding Alicia in their bed, how could he blame her for leaving him? Despair washed over him in waves. Shed never believe Alicia had managed to sneak past the gardener and slip into the house through the patio doors. And shed never believe Alicia got past two maids and Alba then somehow found her way to their bedroom without any guidance from him. If only he knew she was safe. It tormented him to think of Shelby driving around in the state of mind she must surely be in. What if she got in a wreck and was seriously injured or lost their baby? Logans heart sank even lower. Hed thought of nothing else on the way home but the thrill of watching Shelbys body change during her pregnancy. Dio, he wanted her back in his arms. He needed to touch her, taste her, breath in her feminine scent. I know this is a lot to take in all at once, Alicia was saying, but now that you know the lengths I went to so that we could be together, you cant possibly be angry with me. Logan forced a tenderness to his voice, though it sickened him to do so. Of course not, how could I be angry? I am a littleconcerned about Shelby though. Alicia waved her hand dismissively. Shes perfectly safe, and you dont have to worry about her coming back while were getting to know one another on a moreintimate basis. How can you be so sure? If nothing else, she may return to get some of her things. Theres no chance of that. Its just you and me now, Alicia said in a sultry voice. Take me to bed, Logan. I want you to forget that little nothing of a woman ever existed and make love to me. Logans nostrils flared but he refused to let anger cloud his thinking. He put his arm around her and pulled her close so that her head rested on his shoulder. It was the only thing he could think of to eliminate any chance shed see the mixture of fury and fear on his face. His eyes darted around the room while his mind searched for a way out of this that didnt end with taking Alicia to bed just so he could find out what shed done with Shelby. Patience, he said out loud then clamped his mouth shut, silently berating himself. Patience? Alicia repeated. Youre right, my darling, our first time shouldnt be rushed, not after weve waited so long to be together. Stall. Thats what he had to do. Stall her until he could sort a few things out in his head. Logans gaze landed on Shelbys vanity table, and for a moment the poignant memory of watching her comb out her glorious mane of hair was so vivid he couldnt breathe. Vaguely, it registered that Alicia was talking to him but his attention was focused on the small beaded handbag poised on the end of the table.

It was hanging half on and half off, as if shed thrown it there without any regard as to where it landed. Hed seen her do it countless times and had always found it rather amusing because she was so meticulous about putting her things away. It was almost as if she had to prove to herself that she could rebel against her own compulsion for neatness if she really wanted to. It was such a minor thing, one small purse sitting on the vanity, but was a very major mistake on Alicias part to have overlooked it. Even in a highly emotional state, Shelby wouldnt have left the house without her purse because it contained her car keys and pocketbook; two things that would be essential if she intended on leaving him for any length of time. The only conclusion he could draw was that shed been forcibly removed from the house, and that meant Alicia had either taken Shelby somewhere nearby or she had someone else do it. Logan immediately dismissed the idea that anyone but Alicia was involved in Shelbys disappearance. It would have been difficult enough for Alicia to slip past a few people unnoticed but it would have been nearly impossible for a second person to pull it off, especially since theyd have to avoid being seen a second time when they left with Shelby. All kinds of horrible scenarios began to play in his mind. Had she been forced to leave at gunpoint? Was she locked inside a dark room or had she been crammed into a small space that didnt allow any movement? Was she bound and gagged, scarred half out of her mind because she thought he wouldnt even be looking for her? The pain inside his chest was agonizing and it was only the belief that he would find Shelby and bring her home again that made it bearable. Somehow he had to get Alicia to tell him the truth about what had happened. Shed told nothing but lies from the moment hed walked in and he had to wonder if she was even capable of distinguishing between reality and the fabrications shed created. Youre not still worrying about her, are you? Alicias acidic tone broke into Logans thoughts. Why should I concern myself about Shelby when she obviously doesnt care about me? Actually, he said, an idea beginning to form, I was worried about you. Alicia tipped her head back, a happy smile lighting her face. Youre worried about me? Logan smiled back, and the man who prided himself on his honesty let loose a string of lies that would have made him cringe if his and Shelbys lives didnt hinge on making Alicia believe every last word. Of course I am worried about you. It must have taken quite a toll on your emotions to confront Shelby, not to mention what a strain it must have been to know you had done all of this for a man who might not even recognize the sacrifices you have made for him. You really do understand, she said on a sigh.

Logan reached up and caressed the side of her face with his fingertips. You look tired, he said softy. It is my fault you have been under such tremendous stress. If only I had given into my desires and admitted how much I wanted you Oh Logan, she cried, you dont know how long Ive waited to hear you say that. Forgive me for denying us both the pleasure of being together. Our union was inevitable and I can see now that I have only hurt us both by pretending otherwise, but I promise I will make it up to you. She pressed her cheek into his palm. Does that mean youre going to make love to me now? You have no idea how much I want to take you to bed right now, mia bella, but I am afraid it will have to wait. Alicia pulled away from him, her expression cold as ice. What do mean we have to wait? You said you wanted me I do want you. Listen to me, Alicia. I have an important business meeting in less than an hour that I cannot get out of. I only came home to change clothes and eat dinner. Logan cupped her chin and leaned forward, brushing her lips with a brief kiss. When I make love to you, I do not want to be rushed. Be patient, I promise you it will be worth the wait. Alicias anger began to melt under his intense gaze. How long will you be gone? I cannot be sure, but it may be pretty late. This is what I want you to do while I am gone. First, you will need to eat because you will need your strength for later. I will have Alba bring up something for dinner before sending her off to visit her daughter for the night. Then you will take a nice long bath, after which you will crawl into bed and sleep until I wake you with soft kisses. And after that? Alicia asked in a breathless whisper. Logan smiled. After that, I will make love to you until you are too exhausted to move. Chapter 34:- Chapter 13, Part 2 Shelby stared blankly at the wall. Her head ached, but the dull throbbing was nothing compared to the raw pain that was tearing at her heart right now. If we cannot trust each other then we have nothing. Wasnt that what hed told her after Dante and Luca had skirted Alicia out of the Penthouse? And she had trusted him; shed trusted him so much shed mocked Alicia for believing he would even consider being unfaithful. She would have given anything to be able to press her hands to her ears and drown out the sound of their voices as they planned their night of adulterous activities, but of course she couldnt. Alicia had been vicious when shed taken the length of baling twine and bound Shelbys wrist to each arm of the chair. The twine had been pulled so tight the circulation had been cut off and her fingers had started to turn blue by the time Alicia had roped her ankles to the legs of the chair. Shelby would have bitten off her own tongue before begging Alicia to loosen

them, but as it turned out, Alicia must have had a brief twinge of conscious and loosened them herself. The woman had certainly come prepared. Even if Shelby had been willing to risk her own safety and tried to get past Alicia and her gun, she couldnt endanger Albas life. Besides the gun, Alicias purse had also contained a ball of twine and duct tape. Shed lucked out, Alicia had told her; covering her mouth with the tape was unnecessary because the room was sound proof. Maybe she should take advantage of that and scream her lungs out because right now thats what she really wanted to do. Shelby clenched her jaws to keep from crying out at the sharp stab of pain that shot through her when Logan told Alicia that being with her had been inevitable. Desperate to keep from hearing anymore, she started reciting the words to poems and songs, anything she could think of. And it worked for a few minutesuntil she paused to take a breath of air. After that, I will make love to you until you are too exhausted to move, Logans voice came through the intercom, loud and clear. Shelby did scream then. She screamed out of anger and frustration, screamed because her husband was betraying her with a woman who was holding her captive in her own house. She screamed until her lungs burned and her throat was raw and the hot tears scalded her pale cheeks. When she finally stopped, her head fell forward in defeat. She was tired, so incredibly tired she couldnt have moved even if shed been able to. Shelby fought it for as long as she could but exhaustion overtook her and eventually she dozed off. She moved in and out of hazy dreams and nightmares, sometimes aware of where she was when she woke, and sometimes not. She dreamed of Logan and the way hed looked at her after hed discovered she was pregnant, and she dreamt of passionate kisses and warm caresses and love making that had sometimes lasted until dawn. The nightmares came sporadically, always with Alicias image intertwined, laughing at her, taunting her as she led Logan to the bedroom and stretched out on the bed. As soon as shed reach for him, the nightmare would end and Shelby would wake up with tears in her eyes and her insides shaking. How long it went on, she wasnt sure but the knotted muscles in her neck told her it had to have been quite some time. She was rotating her neck to try and work out some of the kinks when there was a soft click and the door eked open. If shed been fully awake, she might have had the presence of mind to scream so Logan could hear her, but Alicia was already through the door and had closed it firmly behind her before Shelby could even open her mouth. I brought you water and something to eat, Alicia said pleasantly as she drew up another chair and sat down in front of her. Thats my robe, Shelby croaked, her voice so hoarse she could barely speak. I just finished showering and didnt want to put my clothes back on. Drink, she ordered, holding the bottled water to Shelbys lips.

She gulped the water down greedily until nearly half of it was gone. Why the sudden burst of compassion? Alicia plucked a piece of pineapple from the small bowl of fruit shed brought with her and popped it into Shelbys mouth. I dont want you physically harmed, she said with a shrug. Just mentally beaten? Alicia smiled and brought a ripe strawberry to Shelbys lips. Eat it, she said harshly, then smiled again when Shelby obeyed. Yes, as a matter of fact I do want you beaten down mentally. Having you here, knowing youre listening to everything thats going on in your bedroom has added a delicious excitement to my plan to extract revenge from both of you. Oh, I know Logan loves you regardless of his attempt to make me think otherwise, but that just makes it so much sweeter. Shelby swallowed down the strawberry. Do you mean all those things you said about wanting to be with him was just more lies? Of course, she laughed, thrusting another piece of fruit into Shelbys mouth. I told you, all I want is one night with him. One night with you listening to the sounds of us making wild, passionate love in your bed and Ill have killed two birds with one stone. Ill have conquered Logan and gotten him to have sex with me, and Ill have destroyed your marriage in the process. Maybe not, Shelby said with a defiant lift of her chin. How do you know we wont salvage our marriage once youve gone? Alicia gave her another sip of water before replying. You wont, and Ill tell you why. You love him so much youll want to forgive him, but you wont be able to. Every time he reaches for you, the pain of knowing hes been with me will stand between you. Youll imagine your husband kissing me, running his hands over my body, and youll wonderis he comparing the two of us? And Logan, the poor manhell never be able to forgive himself for being so weak or for hurting you. The guilt will eat him alive and eventually youll both stop trying to pretend youve moved past it and the marriage will be over. Shelby shook her head. And youll go on with your life without feeling an ounce of remorse for what youve done. Guilt is a wasted emotion. Ill join Richard in whatever country he happens to be in right now and Ill find a new game to play. Oh dont get me wrong, I imagine one night with Logan will leave me wanting more but I am much stronger than he is and Ill be able to resist the temptation to stick around for a full blown affair. Youre a vile, evil person, Shelby spit out. Logan and I will get past this horrible night because our love for each other cant be broken by you or anyone else. She sat up straight as a warm glow began to spread from her chest outward. They would survive this, just as theyd survived the months of separation, and shed help him see that guilt really was a wasted emotion. Hed been played, just as she had and together they could repair whatever damage this charade of Alicias had

caused. This baby growing inside of her would have both a mother and a father and theyd love it as fiercely as they loved each other. Alicia leaned forward, her face contorting into an ugly mask of contempt. We shall see how long those convictions hold once Logan returns tonight and slips into bed with me. Shelby pressed her lips together, careful to keep her own face expressionless. Logan was gone? Her heart leapt to her throat. Was he out looking for her? Had he figured out what Alicia was up to? If so, then he must know Alicia couldnt have taken her too far away, given the small amount of time that had passed between her departure from the Penthouse and the time hed gotten home. The veil of pain began to lift and suddenly Shelby saw everything with perfect clarity. He must not be as enamored of you as youd like to believe, Shelby smirked. Just because he had a business meeting he couldnt get out of? Apparently you werent listening very closely or you would have heard the concern in his voice when he told me to rest up while he was gone. You do look a bithaggard, she said agreeably. Alicia stood up. I dont blame you for wanting to lash out at me; after all Ill be sleeping with your husband in a few hours. Her lips twisted into a cruel smile. Maybe sleeping wasnt the right word to use for what well be doing. This is going to be the longest night of my lifebut then I imagine you were thinking the same thing about yourself. Shelby didnt say a word. She just sat there, stone faced and mutinously silent until Alicia finally turned around with a huff and stomped out of the room. Only then did she allow herself to smile.
Chapter 35:- Chapter 13, Part 3

Logan checked his watch for the tenth time in as many minutes. Even knowing how vital it was to remain patient, every second that ticked by grated on his already frayed nerves. Hed been on an emotional rollercoaster ever since hed left the house earlier that evening so it wasnt surprising that the light tap on his window nearly sent him over the edge. Logan climbed out of his car, his expression grim as he shook hands with the man before him. Youre sure shes still inside? Logan nodded. I found her car about a quarter of a mile down the road when I left the house. I stayed there until Simon arrived to keep an eye on it. My men are in position so it wont be long now. He handed Logan a square device that fit neatly in the palm of his hand. Its an electronic pager, he explained. When youre ready for us, just press the button in the middle. Its set to vibrate so you dont have to worry that shell hear it beep if one of us happens to be close by. It will alert all of you at the same time? Everyone is on the same frequency so, yes, itll be simultaneous. Logan pocketed the pager. I am ready.

Youre sure about this, Logan? My men can have every room in the house searched in less than fifteen minutes No, he said firmly, I cannot take the chance that Alicia is roaming around and might see one of them. We will stick to the plan. My brothers will follow me in and wait until she isdistracted before they begin searching for Shelby. And if Shelbys not in the house? Logan wouldnt even consider the possibility he was wrong. She is in there. Just have your men ready to catch Alicia if she tries to get away. *** Shelby had been staring at the panel on the wall for so long her vision was beginning to blur. The only noise shed heard in the past few hours was the muffled sound of Alicia mumbling in her sleep now and then. She had no way of knowing what time it was or how long shed been strapped to the chair but her muscles ached from remaining immobile for so long and she was so tired she could barely keep her eyes open. Battling fatigue wasnt the only problem. Shed been in dire need of the bathroom facilities for quite some time now and it hadnt helped that she was so thirsty all she could think of was gulping down a gallon of ice water. She also worried about what the stress on her body was doing to her baby. To keep her mind off the terrifying idea that she could lose the child growing inside of her, Shelby tried to envision how she wanted to decorate the nursery. Shed gotten as far as choosing the color scheme and was thinking about the murals shed like to paint on the walls when she heard the soft rustling of someone moving around in the bedroom filter through the intercom speaker. She held her breath, straining her ears and had almost convinced herself shed only been imagining it when Alicias groggy voice confirmed Logan had finally come home. I thought youd never get here, Alicia cooed. There was the unmistakable sound of clothing being removed then a soft sigh from Alicia followed by even softer moans of pleasure. The bitter taste of jealousy burned in the back of Shelbys throat when a deeper masculine moan sifted through the speaker. Was this Logans plan; sleep with Alicia in the hopes shed tell him where shed stashed his wife? Bella donna, he murmured, Io vogtio te Shelby squeezed her eyes shut. How many times had Logan whispered those same words to her? Beautiful woman, I want you. The string of Italian endearments were followed by the rustling of sheets and more throaty moans from the pair of them as things heated up in the bedroom. There was no way to block out the sounds and despite the bile that churned in her stomach from being forced to listen, Shelby slowly opened her eyes and focused on Logans voice.

She tilted her head, intent on hearing every muttered word he spoke. Gradually, the anger and pain and jealousy began to ease just as the first giggle bubbled up her throat and caught for a moment before erupting. She imagined Logan would think shed lost her mind if he stepped into the room at that moment because that one rebellious giggle was followed by another and then another until she was laughing so hard her sides ached and tears streaked down her face. The acoustics in the room made it sound much louder than it was, which only made her laugh harder. Maybe that was why her rescuer slipped through the doorway so fast and made sure it was securely closed behind him; he didnt want anyone to know shed gone off the deep end. Chapter 36:- Chapter 14, Part 1 The first call Logan made after hed left the house was to his brother, Simon. Hed been in the middle of recounting everything Alicia had told him when hed spotted her car and pulled over. At his request, Simon had shown up less than twenty minutes later and had surprised him by bringing Dante along. Theyd barely had time to get out of Simons car when his other two brothers, Luca and Raffaele pulled in behind them. We have a plan, Luca said before Logan could ask why they were all there. I hope you do not mind that I called them, Simon said. If I had been thinking straight I would have asked you to do it. His gaze migrated from one brother to another as he spoke. I assume Simon told you that I believe Shelby is still in the house somewhere, but if I am wrong I cannot take the chance of spooking Alicia or making her so angry she will not tell me where she has taken her. We will do whatever you ask, Raffe spoke for all of them, but you have to consider that we have no authority to detain Alicia if she wishes to leave. If Shelby is not in the house, Alicia could easily claim she knows nothing about her disappearance and is just crazy enough to file charges against us for holding her against her will. Logan nodded thoughtfully. I could call Jake Striker. He heads the Homicide Division now but if I am not mistaken, kidnapping is handled by that department. He would be discreet and I cannot think of anyone outside the family that I trust more. He and Jake had been friends for years though they hadnt seen much of each other lately because of their busy schedules. The last thing Logan wanted was for the media to get wind of what was happening and he knew he could count on Jake to keep it quiet. With the police on the scene to bear witness to the fact Alicia was waiting for him at the house and hadnt been a victim of kidnapping herself, he wouldnt have to worry about his brothers getting into trouble with the law. And once they did find Shelby, it would be a good idea to have Jake there to arrest Alicia. Do we all agree that Jake should be called in? After receiving their approval, he expressed his other concerns. She has either gagged Shelby so she cannot scream or she has drugged her. Besides being worried that Shelby has been without food and water for hours already, if she has been drugged it could harm the baby. I do not want to take any longer than necessary to get Shelby out of there.

We all understand how worried you are, Simon assured him, but you have obviously considered the risks of simply detaining Alicia while we search the house. Rushing in without a plan as well as a back-up one could be just as risky. I know, I know, Logan said irritably, but she could be hurt. Part of me wants to play it safe and have a carefully laid plan to execute but another part of me wants to race in there and tear the house apart until I find her. Luca placed a comforting hand on Logans shoulder. You cannot think with your heart right now, fratello. Listen to what we have to say, then we will call Jake and in a few hours time you will have your wife safely back in your arms. Logan had relented and after listening to his brothers and adding the few ideas hed come up with, he made the call to Jake. Theyd met up just outside the security gates leading up to the house and after going over their plan with Jake, the two men hed brought with him as well as Logans brothers had used the cover of darkness to make their way by foot up to the house. Once they were all in place Jake followed, leaving him behind. Hed waited ten minutes then climbed into his car and headed up the driveway. Dante and Raffe were waiting in the shadows just outside the front door; the others were positioned on each side of the house to prevent Alicia from escaping, though he doubted shed even make the attempt. If she hadnt left the house by now, shed either be waiting up for him in next to nothing or shed be asleep in his bed, naked as the day she was born. The thought of Alicia lying on Shelbys pillow drowning out the sweet scent of his wife with her exotic perfume made his stomach turn. Logan went in first to make sure Alicia wasnt lurking around then motioned for Dante and Raffe to follow him inside. With a nod of his head, Raffe veered off to the right to begin the search. The house was monstrous and there were so many rooms, so many closets Alicia could have hidden Shelby in. And if a search of the house came up empty, there was still the garage and the stables and storage shedsbut he couldnt think of that now. The most important thing at the moment was to make sure Alicias attention was focused solely on the man in her bed so she wouldnt suspect what was going on. Logan drew in a deep breath and started up the stairs. When he reached his bedroom door he just stood there for a moment and sent up a silent prayer that the decisions hed made were the right ones. He wished there was another way, but theyd all agreed that his continued absence might encourage Alicia to wander around the house if he didnt show up. Squaring his shoulders, he set his chin determinedly and proceeded with the plan theyd devised.
Chapter 37:- Chapter 14, Part 2

Shelby knew she sounded hysterical but she couldnt help it. Even the frightened look on his face as he untied the ropes on her ankles and then on her hands didnt make her stop. Kneeling before her, he gripped her shoulders, searching her eyes for a moment before leaning forward and silencing her laughter with a long, hard kiss. I knew youd come for me, she said in a breathless whisper when he drew his head back. Shelby cupped his face in her hands, her eyes dancing with amusement. Its Dante, isnt? Hes been keeping Alicia occupied while you looked for me.

Logan stared at her in astonishment. Yes, but how did you he stopped abruptly, suddenly aware of the muted voices that were coming from the intercom system. Madre di Dio, tell she has not made you listen to everything that has been said! Her smile faded. She said it would add to the excitement to know I could hear the two of you At the stricken look on his face she locked eyes with his, careful to keep her voice firm. You listen to me, Logan Vittorio, whatever you said and did in that room with her was done because you were trying to protect me. I wont allow her to destroy the trust we have for each other and neither will you, do you hear me? Logans throat constricted. Shelby, II kissed her. I had to convince her Shelby silenced him in the same manner hed quieted her hysterical laughter. There, she whispered, now Ive erased that horrid womans mark on you. Besides, its poor Dante whos sacrificed the most through this whole ordeal. Logan arched a brow. Judging by the sounds coming from our bedroom I would have to say he does not think of it as much of a sacrifice. Well have to replace the mattress, she laughed. It was time anyway, he grinned. These past few months it has taken its fair share of abuse. I do so love you, Logan. La mia vita, moglieyou are my life. What do you say we get out of here and let the police do their job? You called the police? It is just Jake and a few of his men. They are outside with my brothers waiting for me to signal them to come in. Before you do, could you help me to the bathroom? Ive been sitting here so long Im not sure I can stand on my own. Logan took her hands, scowling at the angry red marks that had been left by the twine. I have a good mind to go upstairs and toss Alicia out the window for what she has done. Perhaps landing in those prickly rose bushes that Alba loves so much would pay her back in some small way for marring your beautiful skin. Maybe we should just let Jake handle it, Shelby said as Logan helped her up. I will, he promised, but only because I do not intend to leave your side until she has been removed from our house. Grateful that the bathroom joining this room with Logans workout room wasnt more than a few feet away, she quickly relieved herself then downed two full glasses of water before giving Logan the okay to signal the men. Weak from both hunger and being tied to the chair for so long, she managed to make a few faltering steps on her

own before Logan swept her up in his arms and carried her down the hallway toward the main entrance. Shelby clung to Logans broad shoulders, letting his warmth envelope her as the tension in her body slowly melted away. Theyd just reached the foyer when the door opened. Jake Striker was the first to enter but Luca, who was close on his heels, paused just long enough to flip on the foyer light before hurrying over to them to see if she was all right. Im just tired, she assured him, then had to smile when he looked to Logan for affirmation. Is Alicia still upstairs with Dante? Jake asked. Actually, Dante answered for himself as he descended the staircase, she is alone at the moment. I promised to bring back a bottle of wine and some fruit and she was quite content to lounge out on the terrace until I returned. Shelbys eyes widened. Dante, you didnt! His lips curved into a satisfied grin. A man should always accommodate a ladys wishes, my dear sister, and I was merely doing to her what she was attempting to do to your marriage. I dont know whether to thank you or give you a thorough lecture, she told him. Dante finished tucking in his shirt before leaning forward to kiss her on the cheek. You are far too tired to conduct a lecture so I will accept your thanks. What now? Logan asked Jake. Jake pulled out the electric pager and depressed the button. One of my men will accompany me upstairs to arrest Alicia Delatorre and inform her of her rights. Shell be taken to jail and charged with kidnapping and assault but I imagine one call to her husband and shell be released first thing in the morning. Shelbys brows drew together. Will the kidnapping charge stick since I was never taken outside my own house? Jake gave her a sympathetic smile. I have to be honest with you, theres a good shot shell get out of it. Itll be up to the judge, of course, but the definition of kidnapping is just vague enough to allow her to wheedle out of the charges. He nodded to the marks on her wrists. Well have better luck with the assault charges but even that will probably get reduced to one of causing bodily injury. But she pulled a gun on me, Shelby protested. Easy, carissima, Logan crooned softly, Jake will see to it that she does not get off lightly. You can count on that, Jake replied. Assault with a deadly weapon is a very serious charge, one she wont be able to get out of so easily. Do you know where the gun is now, Shelby?

In her purse, I assume. After she tied me up I saw her put it back in her purse. Jake unholstered his own gun just as one of his officers entered the house. Wait here, he told them. Well read Mrs. Delatorre her rights then give her long enough to get dressed before taking her to the station. Dead silence followed his departure, until Raffe came bounding through the door a few minutes later. Shelby, thank God, he said as he hurried across the foyer to press a firm kiss to her cheek. When Simon told us what had happened we were worried sick about you. His expression darkened when he spotted the rope burns on her wrists. We will take you to see a doctor about your injuries as soon as Jake has taken that fowl woman out of here. He let out a string of expletives in Italian when he spied the same marks on her ankles. Shelby was touched by his genuine concern but the injuries were minor and she had no desire to spend an hour in the emergency room just so they could apply antibiotic cream and send her on her way. I dont need to see a doctor. Logan can put some ointment on them and then I want to sleep for at least two days. No, cara, Logan said with a frown, you will see a doctor even if you sleep through the examination. She opened her mouth to argue then closed it again when she remembered how far shed gotten the last time she refused to see a doctor. Nestling her head back against his shoulder, Shelby thought there was a very good chance she really would sleep through the examination. Apparently satisfied she wasnt going to offer any further protests, Logan conversed with his brothers in Italian while they waited for Jake to escort Alicia from their home. Shelby shook off the drowsiness that was threatening to draw her into a deep sleep when she heard the clipped echo of Alicias heels against the marble staircase. Far from looking angry when she was brought to stand before them, there was a triumphant gleam to her eyes. They wont be able to hold me for long, you know, she said to Shelby. At any rate, a few hours in jail is a small price to pay for the time I spent in bed with your husband. Her gaze turned to Logan. Youre a wonderful lover, she purred. My expectations of you were high and I was not disappointed. I would even venture to say that you were the best lover Ive ever had. Logans voice was tinged with amusement, though his expression held nothing but contempt. I believe that is the first honest statement you have made since stepping foot in my house today, but I am afraid you have bestowed the honors upon the wrong man. Alicias eyes flickered for a fraction of a second before turning to Luca then Raffe, and finally Dante. In the dim light any of them could have been mistaken for the other; in the dark it would have been impossible to tell them apart. Unless you were madly in love with one of them and knew his body intimately, Shelby thought as she gazed up at Logans handsome face.

Maybe shed been fooled momentarily when Dante had murmured those first endearments to Alicia, but even if he hadnt spoken another word she would have figured out it wasnt Logan. For months shed lain awake at night wishing she could hear that deep, throaty moan he always made when he first sank into her. Since her return, Shelby had much more than past memories to rely on. She knew every sound, every nuance and what it meant, even the way his breathing changed as their rhythm quickened and the passion between them escalated. Im not sure I would have chosen you after all, Alicia said to Logan when it became obvious none of them was going to confess who it was shed actually slept with. One Vittorio is just as delicious as the other, she drawled as her gaze swept over them one at a time, and for what its worth, I must commend you Shelby. If Logan is half as good as his stand in, Im not sure I would have survived an entire night with him. Youre being extremely gracious for a woman whos facing kidnapping and assault charges, Shelby replied. Alicia shrugged. Its not the first time Richard has had to bail me out of a scrape and Im sure it wont be the last. Logans eyes narrowed. You expect us to believe Richard not only knows about the games you play with other peoples lives, but that he pays to get you out of it? I do not buy that for a minute. Believe what you want, she said indifferently. Richard doesnt want the stigma of a failed marriage. He detests failure of any kind and hes well aware that I would never allow a quiet divorce to take place. He turns his head to my affairs just as I do to his, and though hes not very happy when something like this happens, he does enjoy how incredibly grateful I am to him for digging me out. I feel sorry for you, Shelby said earnestly. Alicia merely smiled as Jake and his men led her away. Shelbys head fell back on Logans shoulder and whether he was conscious of it or not, his arms tightened around her making her feel safe and warm. There was still the matter of seeing a doctor and somewhere along the way Logan would coax her awake long enough to make her eat something, but she didnt mind. Since neither of them wanted to sleep in their own bed tonight, theyd probably have to make the drive to Vittorio Enterprises and spend the night in the Penthouse, but she didnt mind that either. They were together and Logan would do what he loved most; hed take care of her. As for herself, Shelby would do what she loved most; shed let him.
Chapter 38:- Chapter 14, Part 3

Shelby lay back against the hospital bed, exhausted but blissfully happy. We make beautiful babies together, she said as Logan laid their daughter in her arms. She is almost as exquisite as her mother. Logan leaned down and brushed his lips across the babys forehead then kissed his wife as well. She is perfect, cara mia, perfect. Youre not disappointed I didnt give you a son?

His heart swelled as he stroked the side of his little girls face with his fingertips. I adore her already, how could I possibly be disappointed? How is it possible to love someone so much when she has only been a part of my life for a few hours? Because shes a part of us, thats how. It was our love that created her. Logan grinned. And all this time I believed it was the endless hours we spent in bed together that gave her life. Im not even going to dignify that with an answer, Shelby quipped. Now be a good husband and tell me what youve decided to name your daughter. You honestly trust me to choose her name by myself? Why do you look so surprised? I trusted you with my heart and look how wonderfully that has turned out. Logan reached out to smooth back a stray curl. That is two precious gifts you have given me. His attention shifted to the baby in her arms. He would have loved it if their daughter had inherited Shelbys hair color, but his baby girl looked every inch a Vittorio. Thick, dark hair framed her angelic face and she had his eyes, but her lips were definitely Shelbys and so were her delicate features. She was going to be a heartbreaker that was for sure. Chelsea, he finally said. Tears misted Shelbys eyes. After my mother, she said in a strangled whisper. Thank you, Logan, that means a lot to me. For a several minutes they simply looked at each other, saying with their eyes what was embedded so deeply in their hearts. But it wasnt enough, looking but not touching, and it wasnt long before Logan kicked off his shoes and crawled into bed with her. Easing his arm beneath her head, he held Shelby close to his side with Chelsea safely nestled between them. This is Heaven, he sighed. You always say that when were in bed together, she teased. Because it is true. But that wasnt what you meant. No, carissima, it is not what I meant. Shelby tilted her head back. Its because were a family now. Having a baby together has bound us together as nothing else ever could. It is just one of the many things that bind us together, mi amore, but I am glad you understand how I feel. Everything will be different now.

This is just the beginning of many changes in our lives. There will be more children, then grandchildren, and if we are lucky enough we will be around to see our great grandchildren born. Justpromise me that one thing will never change between us, Logan. What is that, my beautiful wife? That we will always love as we love now? Shelby drew his mouth down to hers. I already know that will never change, she whispered against his lips. What else is there to promise? She didnt answer right away. She kissed him first, kissed him until his heart was hammering in his chest and she could feel the heat of passion rising higher and higher. She kissed him until she was drowning in the taste of him, until their bodies were trembling so bad they were forced to stop for fear of waking the baby. Promise me that all our children will be conceived the same way Chelsea was. Out of our love for each other? No, Shelby said with a sexy smile, from the endless hours spent together in bed. Trust me, cara mia, Logan whispered as he pulled her closer, that is one promise I shall have no problem keeping. Shelby did trust him. Because he was a man of his word, and because Logan's promises were as golden as his heart. The End

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