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Activity Log January 1, 2013

Doing the Baby Math

Last week when we were setting out the stockings as a part of our Christmas decorations, it dawned on me that were going to need a new way to hang them up on our bookshelf. For as long as I remember, weve used a set of weights shaped like letters to hang up our four stockings. The letters spell Noel, so there are just enough for our family of four. But, sometime between January and the middle of February we are going to become a family of five, so Noel wont work for us.

My Feliz Navidad from the Past

This was a piata that I created as a project for Spanish class in high school. My mom set it out in my room so that I could "enjoy it" and "so that I could figure out what to do with it since it was just in the attic taking up space." Hmm, I thought she was displaying a treasured artifact from my youth.

Christmas 2012
This was a big year for us. As I remarked to Theresa just this morning, this was the first Holiday Season we have celebrated while she was pregnant. One year from now, we will be celebrating Christmas with a little tyke still not old enough to understand what Christmas is all about or who Santa Claus is. Im sure that his older brother and sister will be eager to teach him.

Introducing IOS Enthusiasts

The wrapping paper has been cleared, the food has been eaten, and now you re finally getting the chance to dig deeper into that new Apple device that you received for Christmas. Whether youve been given a new iPod Touch, an iPhone, or the latest iPad or iPad mini, this page is here to help you learn about all of their capabilities.

Looking Back at 2012

Ive been reflecting a lot upon the last year and trying to identify any events or developments in Shepherd which could be considered to be highlights for the community. Ive thought of a couple, and hoped that everybody else would be able to add their thoughts.

2012 Holidays
Here are photos from our visits to family for the holidays. We spent the weekend before Christmas in Marlette visiting with my in-laws, and then made the trip down to see my parents on Friday. Kayla and Theresa were going to go skating Saturday night, so we left in the morning. Normally, we might stay at my parents house until New Years Day, but this year were celebrating the new year at home.

2013 The Good Year

This is a story about 2013 which will be weaved together from the personal accounts of anybody who contributes. Yes, in short, this is a story about you and what happens to you from January 1 to December 31, 2013. This might seem daunting, or this might seem redundant considering that social media already lets us talk about just about everything that happens in our lives. I wanted a way to take the social entergy of a crowd and focus it around the goal of telling a story about the most important things that happen to us during the next 12 months. Some of it will be bad, and hopefully most of it will be good.

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