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Airports Authority of India

Information Technology Division Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi



TITLE: Establishment of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

Date: 31st October 2012

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S No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Section Section-I Section-II Section-III Section IV Section V Annexure-I Annexure-II Annexure-III Annexure-IV Annexure-V Annexure-VI Annexure-VII

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.


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SECTION I NOTICE INVITING TENDER 1. Airports Authority of India invites sealed Tenders from interested bidders for the Establishment of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) works at 10 Airports under Build Operate Own and Transfer (BOOT) model as per scope of work, qualifying and other technical requirements given in the Tender document. Estimated OPEX cost of the project & the EMD are as given below.
Sr. No. Name of the Work Estimated OPEX Cost (INR) EMD in the form DD/BG (INR) Cost of Tender (INR)


Establishment of Airport Rs.350.20 Cr Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

Rs.3.75 Cr



All the items offered under the scope of work must be standard products readily available in the market, and shall not be assembled to meet the specifications of the Tender.
This tender is called through the electronic tendering process and can be downloaded from the e-tender portal of AAI with URL address A copy of the NIT is also available on AAI website For details on vendor registration/bid submission processes etc., please see the help files made available on the e-tender portal For users convenience, the help desk contact details are also given on the above e-tender portal. Please note that the submission of the tender is only through the e-tender portal The tenders will not be accepted in any other form. Further it may be noted that tenders which are duly submitted on e-tender portal shall only be final and tenders just saved without submission will not be available to the evaluation committee for evaluation purpose.




Cost of tender fee will be required to be paid online through payment gateway of HDFC provided at the e-tender portal itself.


The critical dates for this tender are as given below:


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Sr. No.

Activity From

Date To 30-11-12 09-11-12 30-11-12

Time in IST

i.Download of Tender Document from e-tender portal

31-10-12 31-10-12 14-11-12 -

1000 hours 1600 hours 1100 Hours 1430 hours





iii.Pre-bid Meeting at AAI Premises iv.Online

Submission of Bids (Eligibility, Technical, Financial) on e-tender portal

v.Opening of Eligibility Bids vi.Opening of Technical Bids vii.Opening of Financial Bids


30-11-12 -

1500 hours To be intimated later To be intimated later


AAI may at its discretion, extend/change the schedule of any activity by issuing an addendum or by intimating the Bidders through a notification on the e-tender portal. In such cases, all rights and obligations of AAI and the Bidders previously subject to the original schedule will thereafter be subject to the schedule as extended/changed. Worksites for the project will be Chennai (DC), Kolkata (DR), Ahmedabad, Calicut, Jaipur, Mangalore Pune, Trichy, Trivandrum and Guwahati Airports. Clarification needed if any may be sent through as per the above schedule. PRE-BID CONFERENCE
e-tender portal





AAI shall hold pre-bid conference with bidders on as per the above schedule or as extended if any, in the office of IT Division, Airports Authority of India, Hangar Building, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi, so as to discuss all queries/clarifications received from the bidders related to this tender. Please note that in order to participate in the pre-bid meeting, that tender document must be purchased on-line by the bidders. Bidders must produce the proof of payment made on-line for download of tender document, during pre-bid conference. Bidders must ensure that the points on which clarifications are required by them have already been submitted to AAI in advance through e-tender portal
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of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports as per the above schedule.


Bidder or his authorized representatives will be permitted to attend the prebid meeting. The representatives attending the pre-bid conference must have proper authority letter to attend pre-bid conference and must have authority to take decisions then and there, as no further clarifications will be accepted thereafter and the terms and conditions including scope of work decided as on the date of pre-bid conference will be frozen for all purposes. Bidders are advised to restrict number of representatives to not more than two during pre-bid conference. AAI shall publish the clarifications & their responses made in the pre-bid conference as corrigendum in the e-tender portal subsequently. Please note that AAI expects the bidders to comply with all tender specifications/ conditions which have been frozen after Pre-bid Conference and hence non- conforming bids may be rejected without seeking any clarifications. Non-attendance at the pre-bid conference shall not be a cause either for disqualification of a bidder by AAI or shall be cited as a reason by the bidder for non-compliance on terms and conditions including scope of work decided as on the date of pre-bid conference.


11.6 11.7


GM (IT) Issued On:



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1. Introduction and Definitions 1.1 Airports Authority of India (AAI) is responsible to manage about 125 airports in the country and has taken up the task of infrastructure building for developing & modernizing the infrastructure of various airports under its control. AAI is currently embarking on the project of Establishment of Airport Operations Control Centers at 10 airports at the following 10 airports: 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7 1.2.8 1.2.9 1.2.10 1.3 Chennai Primary Data Centre Kolkata Disaster Recovery Data Centre Ahmedabad Pune Thiruchirapalli Thiruvanathapuram Calicut Mangalore Guwahati Jaipur


To implement the same, AAI has decided that it will engage an IT Implementing Firm that will implement the proposed system as well as maintain it under BOOT model to obtain a range of systems & services for the automation of airport operations as given in this document. It is emphasized that AAI is looking at this engagement where IT Implementing Firm shall procure and install hardware, deploy software and other tools as required and maintain the entire system for a period of seven years from the date of the system Go-Live at the primary Datacenter as indicated in this document. To that end the proposals laid out in this document are indicative whereas the prospective IT Implementing Firm will be expected to focus on the objectives of this project and formulate their solution offerings in a manner that will enable achieving those objectives both in letter as well as spirit. Appropriate service level agreements (SLAs) shall be entered into with the selected bidder to ensure that the airport operational systems remain functional and provides the required level of service throughout the contract period. For all the software, hardware & services covered under OPEX model, payments shall be released in two parts, a one-time payment on acceptance of each airport and a quarterly amount paid over a maximum period of 7 years from acceptance of the Chennai Go-Live for the remainder of the contract on the basis of SLA based performance as detailed later in this document.
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Broadly, AAI is looking for a solution from the bidders for a multiple airport system with a central instance of the database (AODB-Airport Operational Data Base) to be located at Data Center (DC) (Chennai) and identical Disaster Recovery (DR) (100% DR) to be located (Kolkata). The Multi Airports Management solution with an Enterprise Service Bus integration framework will enable the central AODB system to act as a data planner and repository for each connected airport. The solution includes establishment of Airport Operations Control Centers at each airport to be equipped with IT systems infrastructure for collaborative decision-making (CDM). The proposed system will also have reporting tool ability that shall give users various reporting information and configurable dashboard reports. The purpose of this tender is to receive bids from bidders and to select the bestsuited IT Implementing Firm to execute this work. This tender document sets out the terms and conditions, general, operational and qualitative requirements to be met as per specifications given in this document. This tender document includes functional requirements, description of items, dispatch & delivery schedules, support services etc. The instructions given in the tender document are binding on the bidder and submission of the tender will imply unconditional acceptance of all the terms & conditions by the bidder. Bidders shall assume complete responsibility for the solution offered in the Technical bid including the design and performance of the offered equipment/items satisfying all technical and functional/qualitative requirements as described in this document. Bidders shall obtain Quality Assurance/ Control certificates/declaration/ undertaking from OEM(s) or third party test results from renowned laboratories (at contractors cost), stating that their offered bill of material/items are new and meets the technical and functional/qualitative requirements therein.






Definitions: Unless otherwise clearly required by the context, the

following terms, as used in this meanings as defined below: document shall have the respective

1.14 1.15

AAI / The Buyer means the Airports Authority of India. AAI Equipments means the equipment which are owned, leased or rented by AAI and permitted to be used by the IT Implementing Firm to provide Services. Acceptance means substantially conforms to the requirement as laid down in the Acceptance Test Document. Acceptance Test means the acceptance testing in accordance with the Acceptance Test Document. Acceptance Test Document means the document submitted by the IT Implementing Firm and approved by AAI. The procedures for the Acceptance
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Test shall include tests that establish: 1.18.1 Supplies have been installed in accordance with the MSA. 1.18.2 Services are being provided in accordance with the MSA. 1.18.3 Documentation in accordance with MSA is available. 1.19 Affiliate shall mean: 1.19.1 In relation to AAI, any directorate/ regional or sub-regional office directly or indirectly controlled by AAI. 1.19.2 In relation to the IT Implementing Firm, any legal entity that IT Implementing Firm controls or with which IT Implementing Firm is having common control. Control means to own or control, directly or indirectly, over 50% of voting shares. 1.20 Agreement" means the MSA and the Schedules thereto and in the event of conflict between terms of the MSA and that of Schedules, the terms of the MSA shall prevail. Business Day or Working Day means a day, other than Saturday and Sunday or a public holiday, on which banks are open for business in Delhi/Other locations. "Bidder / Vendor" means the individual or firm who participates in this tender and submits its bid. Change of control means new owners assume responsibility for the operations of the business of the IT Implementing Firm. Collusive Practices means a scheme or arrangement between two or more bidders with or without the knowledge of the AAI designed to establish prices at artificial, non-competitive levels. Coercive Practices means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, persons or their property to influence their participation in a selection or procurement process, or affect the execution of an agreement. Confidential Information means any information, including information created by or on behalf of the other Party, whether written or oral (which is confirmed in writing by disclosing party within 15 (fifteen) days of such oral disclosure) , which relates to internal controls, computer or data processing programs, algorithms, electronic data processing applications, routines, subroutines, techniques or systems, or information concerning the business or financial affairs and methods of operation or proposed methods of operation, accounts, transactions, proposed transactions or security procedures of either Party or any of its Affiliates. "Contractor" means the individual or firm taking up the work as defined under the Notice Inviting Tender. Contract means the agreement signed between the Buyer and the Contractor
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1.22 1.23 1.24



1.27 1.28


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as per the terms and conditions contained in the Works Order / Purchase Order.


"Contract Price" means the price payable to the Contractor under the Works Order / Purchase Order for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations. Corrupt Practice means the offering, receiving or soliciting directly or indirectly, or anything of value to influence the action of AAI official in the selection process or in the agreement execution. Designated Agency means a person designated by AAI to undertake such functions as AAI may designate. AAI may designate a person to undertake more than one function or more than one person to undertake a function. Data Centre or DC means the data center which shall be established by IT Implementing Firm in Chennai for and on behalf of AAI. Data Centre Assets means the inventory of assets relating to services and installations needed for the functioning of the DC. facilities,






Disaster Recovery Site or DR means the Disaster Recovery Data Centre site which shall be established by IT Implementing Firm in Kolkata for and on behalf of AAI. Disaster Recovery Site Assets means the inventory of assets relating to facilities, services and installations needed for the functioning of the DR. Documentation shall mean documents, manuals and drawings relating to: 1.36.1 1.36.2 1.36.3 the design, engineering, operation, and maintenance of Equipments; operation, and maintenance of Supplies; Standard Operating Procedures in respect of Supplies and Services.



1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40

Effective Date shall mean the date of execution of the MSA. Equipments means the hardware or machines along with their peripherals and attachments Fraudulent Practice means a misrepresentation or omission of facts in order to influence a selection process or the execution of an agreement. Go-Live Date means target date for each airport to commence operation. This is the date from which the Service Level would be measured.

1.41 IT implementing Firm/Successful Bidder means the individual or firm which has submitted its response and decided to be selected by AAI for award of contract in this tender through competitive bidding. For the purpose of this
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tender, IT implementing Firm, Successful Bidder and Contractor is synonymous. 1.42 IT Implementing Firm Equipments means the equipment of the IT Implementing Firm and used for providing Services. IT Implementing Firm Products means IT Implementing Firm logoed hardware or COTS software provided by IT Implementing Firm or its Affiliates. Industry Best Practice means the exercise of that degree of skill, care, diligence, prudence, foresight and judgment which would reasonably be expected from skilled, experienced and market leading operators engaged in the provision of services similar to the Services. IT Assets means the inventory of assets relating to Information Technology facilities and services such as hardware, software, data, system documentation and storage media including their intercommunication services. IT System means Information Technology facilities including hardware, software, data, system documentation and storage media including their intercommunication services. Material Breach means cases of breach as defined at Para 50.6, 50.10 & 50.15 of Section IV of the tender. Measurement Period means every 3 calendar months period after the completion of the Acceptance of the IT System by AAI till the expiry of contract. During the Measurement Period, IT Implementing Firm will use standard measurement tools to monitor the performance levels for the Services to serve as input for establishing the Service Levels. MSA Schedules means the following Schedules attached to Master Service Agreement(MSA) : 1.49.1 1.49.2 1.49.3 1.49.4 1.49.5 1.49.6 1.49.7 AAI Tender Document Ref No. AAI/CHQ/ITD / AOCC PROJ-2012 Addendum/Corrigendum issued from time to time to the Tender by AAI. Bid Response of Selected bidder to the above Tender. Written communications exchanged from time to time between AAI and the IT Implementing Firm prior to the execution of the contract. Payment Schedule. Service Level Agreement. Works/Purchase order issued by AAI.









Non-responsive Bid means a bid, which is not submitted as per the instructions to the bidders or Earnest Money Deposit has not been attached, or the required data has not been provided with the Bid or intentional errors have been committed in the Bid.


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Office shall mean an Office of AAI Headquarters including regional and subregional offices; or an Affiliate of AAI; Party means AAI or IT Implementing Firm, individually and Parties mean AAI and IT Implementing Firm, collectively. Project Assets means the Equipment/hardware of the IT Implementing Firm and software licensed to IT Implementing Firm and is dedicatedly used for providing Services to AAI and any developed materials copyrights of which may be owned by the IT Implementing Firm or AAI as per the MSA. Project Leader AAI Project Leader means an authorized representative of AAI, who has been entrusted with powers and rights to take appropriate decisions for execution of the provisions of MSA. Project Manager AAI means the AAI executive responsible for signing all documents from AAI side and shall coordinate all the activities of the project with the bidder / contractor. "Purchase Order " means the order placed for the supply of items by the Buyer on the contractor signed by the Buyer including all attachments and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein. Quarter means one of the four three-month intervals in a financial calendar year. For the avoidance of doubt, all the four three-month intervals together comprises the financial year. Quarterly Charge means the charges for a period of a Quarter. For, an interim project (start date falling in between a Quarter) charges will be paid pro-rata from the date on which the system has been accepted by AAI. QCBS means Quality and Cost-Based Selection method through which bid proposals are ranked according to their combined technical and financial scores using the weights as indicated in Para 17 & Para 18 of Section II of this tender document. Required Consents means any consent, clearances and applicable approvals necessary for the IT Implementing Firm to provide the Services under the MSA. Tender means Tenders as issued by AAI for Establishment of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports having Reference No . AAI/CHQ/ITD / AOCC PROJ-2012. Service means the information technology (IT) services expected to be delivered as part of the scope of work defined in MSA. Service Level means the service delivery criteria established for the services specified in MSA/SLA.














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Supply means all tangibles to be supplied and/or installed by the IT Implementing Firm in accordance with MSA and shall include hardware, software and Documentation. Technology Refresh means replacements of components and other upgrades to the systems that increase or modernize performance or capability. Termination means termination of agreement. Transfer Assistance means providing assistance by the IT Implementing Firm to transfer the Services performed (by the IT Implementing Firm and its subcontractors) to AAI or to its nominated third party IT Implementing Firm in an orderly and planned manner as envisaged under Exit management defined in MSA. Training shall mean the training to be provided by the IT Implementing Firm. "Works Order" means the order placed for the supply, installation, testing & commissioning of systems / works by the Buyer on the Contractor signed by the Buyer including all attachments and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein. In the Agreement unless the context demands otherwise: 1.70.1 Words used in singular shall include the plural and vice-versa. 1.70.2 A person includes a legal or natural person or a partnership, firm, trust, government or local authority and shall also include the legal representative or successor in interest of such person. 1.70.3 The words include, includes and including shall be deemed to be followed by the phrase without limitation. 1.70.4 Schedules to MSA may be altered, deleted or replaced by agreement in writing between the Parties. A reference to a Schedule in MSA shall mean the Schedule as altered, deleted or replaced as aforesaid. 1.70.5 Schedules to MSA form an integral part of MSA and will be in full force and effect as though they were expressly set out in the body of Agreement. 1.70.6 Any word or expression used in this MSA shall, unless defined or construed in the Agreement, bear its ordinary English language meaning.

1.65 1.66 1.67

1.68 1.69



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ELIGIBILITY BID CRITERIA: (Bidders shall upload scanned copy of following documents in readable form as Eligibility Bid on AAI e-tendering portal corresponding to each criterion mentioned below) 2.1. Acceptance Letter: Acceptance of all tender conditions in the format enclosed as per Annexure-I of the tender document. Power of Attorney: Power of Attorney authorizing the designated executive to sign all documents for this tender on behalf of the company. The power of attorney shall be on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- in the format given as per Annexure-XI of the tender document. Original Power of Attorney in a sealed envelope shall be submitted by the bidder to AAI within 48 Hrs from scheduled date of opening of the on-line eligibility bid Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of value as given in in Section-I Notice Inviting Tenders of the tender, in the form of Bank Guarantee(BG) or Bank Draft only from Nationalized/Scheduled Banks. In case of BG, the same shall be as per the format given at Annexure-IX of the tender document including the Letter to Bank for issue of EMD (Annexure-X). Original EMD in a sealed envelope shall be submitted by the bidder to AAI within 48 Hours from scheduled date of opening of the on-line eligibility bid. The response of the bidders who fail to submit EMD as per the timelines stipulated above shall be treated as non-responsive and such bids shall be rejected outright. Bidders Organization, Bidders Authorized Person(s), Technical Associate(s) and Consortium Partner(s) Details: The complete details of Bidder Organization as per the format at Annexure-XII of the tender document. In case of Consortium/JV partners/ Technical Associates, their details shall also be given in similar format. A list of clients served (with contact address) shall also be attached. Duly filled in compliance for various components under Table 1, with regard to Organizational Eligibility Requirements is to be submitted as per format given below.
S.No. Qualification Criteria Compliance (Complied/Not Complied) Supporting Document Attached by Bidder Details & ref. Page number of attached document.




2.5. 2.6.


Duly filled in compliance for various components under Table 1, with regard to Experience Requirements is to be submitted as per format given below.


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Qualification Criteria

Compliance (Complied/Not Complied)

Whether Claiming Technical Associate for this category (Yes/No)

Details & ref. Page number of attached document


Proof of Eligibility Requirements: Proof of Organizational Eligibility Requirements against each item (A).1 to (A).5 as required in Table 1 given below. Proof of Experiences requirements & satisfactory service: The proof of experience for each item (B).1 to 1(B).6 as required in the Table 1 given below along with completion certificate from the clients with complete details of the work(s) carried out.


2.10. Non-Disclosure Agreement: Bidder shall submit Non-Disclosure Agreement as per Annexure XIV of tender document. 2.11. Integrity Pact: Bidder shall sign Integrity Pact and comply with all the requirements as mentioned in the Integrity Pact format as per Annexure XV of tender document. If the bidder is a consortium/JV, this Pact must be signed by all the partners and consortium members, or their authorized representatives 2.12. List of documents to be attached with Eligibility Bid: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) Acceptance Letter as per Para 2.1 above. Power of Attorney as per Para 2.2 above. EMD along with letter as per Para 2.3 above. Bidders Organization details as per Para 2.4 above. List of client references with contact details as per Para 2.5 above. Duly filled in compliance for each item at Table 1 as per Para 2.6 above. Duly filled in compliance for each item at Table 1 as per Para 2.7 above. Proof of Eligibility Requirements for each item at Table 1 as per Para 2.8 above. Proof of Experiences for each item at Table 1 as per Para 2.9 above. Service Tax Registration copy of the bidder. Sales Tax Registration particulars of the bidder. PAN copy of the bidder/ consortium/JV. Declaration letter for non-blacklisting as per Table 1 - 1(A).5. Comfort Letter(s) if applicable as per Table 1- Notes (f). Undertaking for Technical associates as per Annexure-XIII where applicable. Non-Disclosure Agreement as per Annexure-XIV as per Para 2.10 above. Integrity Pact as per Annexure-XIV as per Para 2.11 above.
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Table 1: Eligibility Requirements: (Please see carefully the notes given at the end of the table) S.No. Qualification Criteria Supporting Document Required from bidder (A) Organizational Eligibility Requirements Bidder shall be required to meet all the requirements and shall submit relevant documents in support of all the requirements from point (A) (A).5. as given below. (A).1. Prime Bidder shall be a National / International Level IT Company in (i) Work orders confirming year and operation for the last 5 Years as on area of activity. 31.03.2012 and be involved in successful (ii) Memorandum and Articles of development, customization and Associations. implementation of large IT based information processing and management systems and solutions. (A).2. Prime Bidder shall submit Sales (i)Sales Tax/VAT/ PAN/ Service Tax Tax/VAT/PAN/Service Tax Registration No. Registration Number. along with documentary proof of (ii) Documentary proof of registration. registration. (A).3. Prime Bidder shall have average (i) Copy of the audited profit and loss annualized turnover of at least Rs.700 account of the company (not of group) Crores for the last three financial years showing turnover of the company for (2011-12, 2010-11 & 2009-10). Bidder shall last three financial years (i.e. 2011-12, submit audited balance sheet in support of 2010-11 & 2009-10). this. For turn over purpose the turnover of the parent company (registered in India or (ii) Valid Agreement in case of Abroad) of the fully owned subsidiary shall Consortium / JV partner. also be considered. Turnover requirement given in the notes below shall apply in case of Consortium / JV partner. Turnover of any other firms is not accepted. (A).4. Prime Bidder / leader of the Consortium Valid CMMI certificate (Level-3 or shall have at least valid SEI CMMI level 3 more only) needs to be attached. certification. Firms with higher level CMMI certification shall be given weightage under technical evaluation. (A).5. Prime Bidder or any of members of Declaration in this regard from the consortium/JV/Technical Associates shall Company Secretary / CEO / CFO of not be blacklisted as on 30.09.2012 by the Prime Bidder. No declaration from Government of India/State Governments/ others shall be acceptable and non International Agencies e.g. compliance shall be treated as a nonUN/WB/IMF/ADB etc. The bidder shall responsive response. submit a self-declaration to this effect from the Company Secretary / CEO / CFO. (B) Experience Requirements Bidder shall meet all the experience requirements and shall submit relevant documents in support of all the requirements from point (B) (B).6 as given below. Bidders shall provide details in the Eligibility Bid for all the Technical Associates it has tied up along with copy of Agreement document entered between them for collectively working together in this project for entire duration of contract. Bidder shall submit documentation establishing his Technical Associates
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credentials for the corresponding area of experience for which Technical Associates has been taken. The documentation shall be copies of the Purchase/Work Order along with successful completion certificate/undertaking from the end-user client for the respective projects S.No. Qualification Criteria Supporting Document Required (B).1. Bidder shall have implemented at least one (i) Valid Agreement in case of project of value more than or equivalent to 8 experiences claimed that of Technical Crores or two orders each of value more than Associate/Consortium/JV partner. or equivalent to 5 crores or three orders each of value more than or equivalent to 4 Crores (ii) Work & completion orders and shall have completed satisfactory confirming year, value and area of services for Data Centres/Disaster Recovery activity Sites for Central Government and/or Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) and/or Large Private Sector Enterprises in India/Abroad in the last 7 years as on 30.09.2012. (Setting-up Data Centres would mean where the bidder had primary responsibility of deploying the IT and Non-IT components of the data center). (B).2. Bidder shall have experience in at (i) Valid Agreement in case of least one project of value more than or experiences claimed that of Technical equivalent to 1.6 Crores or two orders each Associate/Consortium/JV partner. of value more than or equivalent to 1crore or three orders each of value more than or (ii) Work & completion orders equivalent to 0.80 Crores for providing confirming year, value and area of Facility management services in data centres activity /Disaster Recovery sites for Central Government and/or Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) and/or Large Private Sector Enterprises in India/Abroad in the last 7 years and shall have completed satisfactory services for minimum 2 years of continuous service as on 30.09.2012. (Facility Management Services would mean providing comprehensive operations / maintenance services towards all IT & Non-IT components of the Data Centre/Disaster Recovery Site). (B).3. Bidder shall have experience in at least one (i) Valid Agreement in case of project of value more than or equivalent to 8 experiences claimed that of Technical Crores or two orders each of value more than Associate/Consortium/JV partner. or equivalent to 5 Crores or three orders each of value more than or equivalent to 4 Crores (ii) Work & completion orders and shall have completed satisfactory confirming year, value and area of services in providing IT System integration activity services for projects having implementation at multiple sites for Central Government and/or Public Sector Undertakings(PSUs) and/or Large Private Sector Enterprises in India/Abroad in the last 7 years as on
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30.09.2012. (B).4. Bidder shall have experience in taking up at least one large IT Projects (CAPEX /Outsourced) in India/Abroad for Central Government and/or Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) and/or Large Private Sector Enterprises in India/Abroad in the last 7 years as on 30.09.2012. Large IT Projects would mean Project involving one or all of these areas: (a) Where the bidder has implemented Business Process Automation. (b) Where the bidder has procured installed and commissioned all IT and Non-IT components. (c) Where the bidder has networked 10 or more sites. (d) Where the bidder has developed/ implemented Enterprise Level Applications and provided post implementation support for the same. (e) Where the bidder has provided Facility Management Services. For Large Value Project under CAPEX / OPEX Mode or CAPEX+ OPEX, the minimum order value shall be Rs. 60 Crores or more. If the project is OPEX or CAPEX + OPEX in nature than the bidder shall have successfully completed two years of services as on 30.09.2012. (B).5. Bidder shall have implemented projects for providing AODB & RMS solutions in India/Abroad during last 7 years as specified below:i)

(i) Valid Agreement in case of experiences claimed that of Technical Associate/Consortium/JV partner. (ii) Work & completion orders confirming year, value and area of activity

(i) Valid Agreement in case of experiences claimed that of Technical Associate/Consortium/JV partner.




(ii) Work & completion orders Single project of Multi airport confirming year and area of activity environment having at least 8 Airports with Centralized AODB or 2 projects of Multi airport environment having at least 5 Airports with Centralized AODB. or 3 projects of Multi airport environment having at least 4 Airports with Centralized AODB. or At least 2 Single or Multiple airports AODB projects with total combined
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minimum passenger capacity of 20 Million per annum. (B).6. Bidder shall have implemented at least 2 (i) Valid Agreement in case of projects for providing integration with experiences claimed that of Technical airport IT systems for AOCC at airport in Associate/Consortium/JV partner. India/Abroad during last 7 years. (ii) Work & completion orders confirming year and area of activity Notes: (a) IT Company would mean an entity involved in one or more of the following activities: (a).1 Business Process Automation. (a).2 Development / implementation of enterprise level applications. (a).3 Implementation of mission critical projects for networking infrastructure, datacenter infrastructure and server & storage infrastructure. (b) Project details to be included against experience shall only include completed projects as on 30.09.2012. (c) Minimum cost as asked for the projects at item (B). 4 above shall be against: (i) One order of value more than equivalent to 80 % of the minimum cost as asked for; (ii) Two orders, each of value more than equivalent to 50 % of the minimum cost as asked for ; (iii) Three orders, each of value more than equivalent to 40 % of the minimum cost as asked for; (iv) If the work is carried out in multiple phases duly mentioned in the work order , then cumulative cost of the works accounting various phases may be considered. In case of the only CAPEX works carried out, completed phases will only be accounted for. (d) The vendors submitting documents in languages other than English and Hindi shall submit a certified English Translation of the original.

(e) Self-Attested copies of the Purchase/Work Order shall be submitted along with successful completion Certificate/undertaking from client for the respective projects. Client letter as an undertaking can be considered with relevant details such as date of work order/purchase order, Scope of work, Value of contract & successful completion thereof. Photocopy / scanned copy of the work order/purchase order along with completion certificate/ undertaking issued by clients is required to be submitted.


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In case the experience projected by the bidder is rendered as a subcontract, then completion certificate by the principal contractor shall be provided along with a letter or certificate by the end-user client in favour of principal contractor. For example, say an end-user client X has awarded a work to firm A. If the firm A has further subcontracted the same work to another firm B, then subject to the work having been completed in its entirety, the following will be applicable: (i) If firm A is the bidder for this (AAI) tender, then completion certificate/ Undertaking from the end-user client X will be required to be submitted. (ii) If firm B is the bidder for this (AAI) tender, then in addition to the completion certificate/ undertaking from the firm A, a letter/certificate for the same work regarding completion from X in favour of A shall also be required to be submitted.

(f) Out of 6 categories of project experience requirements mentioned above ((B) (B).6.), bidders meeting all the requirements shall be declared pre-qualified. Bidders not meeting all the requirements shall also be considered provided they have Technical Associates with them for the category for which they do not have experience of their own. However, the prime/Lead Bidder shall have requisite experience in at least 3 categories out of 6 mentioned above. Bidders not having requisite experience in at least 3 categories shall be rejected at eligibility stage. For the purpose of experience internal / external projects can be considered. However, for internal experience an undertaking from the CFO of the bidder's company stating that the claimed work for the values cited as experience has been completed as per financial records of the company. For external projects undertaken by its parent or any of its wholly owned subsidiary or consortium partner are permitted. In such cases, an undertaking in the form of Comfort Letter from the CEO/MD of the bidder's company will be required to be submitted. Such undertaking shall indicate commitment to the quality, timelines and requirements of the Establishment of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports' project of AAI and how the commitments would be fulfilled. (g) In case(s) of alliance with Technical associates as per (f) above, the bidder as part of Eligibility bid, shall submit a copy of a detailed valid agreement to that effect. Bidders may ensure that Technical associates whom they are associating with shall have requisite experience as specified in this tender. Technical Associates found not meeting the requisite experience based on submitted documents will not be considered. Bids of such bidders will result in rejection at Eligibility Bid evaluation stage. (h) Where alliances have been made with Technical Associates/OEMs, implementation activities for those services shall be taken care by the respective Technical Associates/OEMs. However the overall responsibility for all the services shall rest with the prime/Lead bidder. (i) The following will apply for JV companies / consortium of firms: (i).1. Consortium of firms should not comprise of more than two firms. (i).2. Joint Venture firm as a single unit or each member of the consortium should have Permanent Account Number (PAN).


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(i).3. A detailed and valid agreement exists between the consortium members defining clearly the role, responsibility and scope of work of each member along with nomination of leader for these purpose of this work commensurate with their experiences and capabilities and a confirmation that the members of the consortium assume joint and several responsibility. (i).4. Joint Venture Company/Consortium of firms shall not be permitted to have more than two Technical Associates for the category for which they do not have experience of their own (i).5. The leader of the Consortium of firm shall meet 80% of the qualification criteria in respect of experience and turnover requirements and shall accept overall responsibilities of contract obligations for the total scope of work during execution and up to defects liability period and the partner of the consortium/JV shall meet 40% of the qualification criteria in respect of experience and turnover requirement (i).6. Both the Consortium firms should jointly possess the required process/solution tools, skilled manpower, etc. required for execution of the work. (i).7. In addition to (i).1 to (i).5 above, the qualification criteria defined above shall be met fully jointly by both the members of Consortium or as a single unit of joint venture. (j) No single firm shall be permitted to submit two separate bids, as individual as well as in joint venture/consortium or under two different joint venture firms/consortium. (k) In this tender, either the Indian agent on behalf of the Principal / OEM or Principal / OEM itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item / product in the same tender. (l) If an agent submits bid on behalf of the Principal / OEM, the same agent shall not submit a bid on behalf of another Principal / OEM in the same tender for the same item / product. (m) While capability of Technical Associates of bidders would qualify for the purpose of eligibility bid, bidders with their own capability, however, would be given higher weightage under technical evaluation. (n) Missing, incomplete or incorrect supporting documents shall result in non-compliance and the bid shall be liable to be rejected at Eligibility Bid Evaluation stage.


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2.13. TECHNICAL BID CRITERIA: (Bidders shall upload scanned copy of following documents in readable form as Technical Bid on AAI e-tendering portal corresponding to each criterion mentioned below)


Technical Proposal: This document shall include details of the proposed services & deliverables in terms of process/ activities/ SLAs, delivery model, compliance with AAI requirements for this tender, unique selling points, available options and assumptions made if any, etc. The bidder, in the technical bid, should include details of how their proposition will benefit the proposed and future outsourcing program for AAI. Details of the key differentiating factors and value added factors of the proposition that will be useful in evaluating bidders proposition shall be highlighted and brought out. During evaluation of the bids, bidders expertise and experience in the area of scope of work for this tender will be examined to assess the service offering capabilities of the bidder. Bidder therefore shall submit, in the technical bid, a Capability Document as per Table 2 & 3 (where applicable) in this section of this document which will be considered during Technical evaluation of the bids. Documents elaborating on each of information (e.g. Projects detail, Resources, Experience and qualification detail, etc.) as proof of claim shall be attached with the bid for verification. Capability document for each Technical Associate shall also be provided as per Table 3 in this section of this document. The overall Technical proposal shall include Sections and Appendices as explained below: (a) Section 1- Overview of the solution proposed with compliance to tender requirement to be provided in a Presentation Format Document. Section 2 - Proposed Core application solution in detail. Section 3 - Proposed Infrastructure solution in detail. Section 4 - Training schedule as per tender requirement. Section 5- Proposed Program management and services methodology. Section 6- Staffing Schedule. Section 7- Work Schedule. Appendix A- Compliance of as per Section A of Annexure VII of tender document


(b) (c) (d) (e)

(f) (g) (h)


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of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports Appendix B- Compliance as per Section B Annexure VII of tender document Appendix C- Detailed Statement of Work. Appendix D- Deviations, if any. Appendix E- Detailed Bill of Material as per format of Annexure IV of tender document. Bidder shall submit an unpriced Bill of Materials wherein every deliverable including part-wise description of items to be supplied for the proposed solution are clearly indicated with the details such as Make, Model etc. No prices should be mentioned in such Bill of Material submitted along with the technical bid.


(j) (k) (l)

(m) Appendix F- List of supporting documents (n) (o) (p) Appendix G- Compliance to SLA matrix given in the tender Appendix H- Capability document as per Table 2 given below. Appendix I- Capability document as per Table 3 given below (where applicable). Appendix J- Authorization letter along with Quality Certificates (like ISO etc.) for various OEMs whose products have been offered in the bid. Appendix K- Schedules A to E with documents in support of Technical Evaluation Score given at the end of Clause 17 of this section.



Table 2 Capability Document (Bidder/JV/Consortium Partners) Bidder/JV/Consortium Partner Name:

S. No. Field of Activity Number of Projects Undertaken Human Specialist Resources on roll of the Bidder Named Resources with more than 10 Years experience Named Resources with less than 10 years experience Remarks Page number of the bid where proof attached


2. 3.

AODB,RMS, Airport Integration Layer (AIL) AOCC Build AOCC Process Reengineering
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Airport Systems Integration 5. Airport Operations Training 6. Network Note: Documents elaborating on each of information (e.g. Projects detail, Resources, Experience and qualification detail, etc.) as proof of claim shall be attached for verification. Table 3 Capability Document (Technical Associates) Technical Associate: Name: Reference Clause No.
S. No. Field of Activity Number of Projects Undertaken Human Specialist Resources on roll of the Bidder Named Resources with more than 10 Years experience Named Resources with less than 10 years experience Remarks Page number of the bid where proof attached


AODB,RMS, AIL 2. AOCC Build 3. AOCC Process Reengineering 4. Airport Systems Integration 5. Airport Operations Training 6. Network Note: Documents elaborating on each of information (e.g. Projects detail, Resources, Experience and qualification detail, etc.) as proof of claim shall be attached for verification. 2.14. List of documents to be attached with Technical Bid : 2.14.1 Technical Proposals as per Para 2.13 above including all relevant supporting documents. 3. COST OF BIDDING : 3.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the bid. The Buyer, will in no case, be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.



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BID DOCUMENTS 4.1 The required materials, bidding procedures and contract terms are prescribed in the Bid Documents. The Bid Documents include4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.1.7 4.1.8 4.1.9 4.1.10 4.1.11 4.1.12 4.1.13 4.1.14 4.1.15 4.1.16 4.1.17 4.2 Section Section Section Section Section Annexure Annexure Annexure Annexure Annexure Annexure Annexure - I :- II :- III :- IV :- V :-I :-II :-III :-IV :-V :-VI :-VII :(Notice Inviting Tender) (Instructions to Bidders) (General Terms & Conditions of the Contract) (Special Conditions of the Contract) (Functional Requirements) (Acceptance Letter) (Performance Bank Guarantee) (Not Applicable) (Details of Make & Models offered) (Format for intimation of force Majeure) (Application for extension of time) (Specification & Compliance to the specifications) (Not Applicable) Addendum to the Tender document - Letter to be attached with the Technical

Annexure-VIII :Schedule A :Letter Format : Bid Letter Format : - Letter to be attached with the Financial Bid Schedule-B : - Price Schedule Format

The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the Bid Documents. Failure to furnish all information required as per the Bid Documents or submission of bids not substantially responsive to the Bid Documents in every respect will be at the bidder's risk and shall result in rejection of the bid. The bidder will be deemed to have carefully read this tender document including all requirements and the terms and conditions. Any claim on the grounds of failure to read or comply with the requirements, terms and conditions will not be entertained. Clarifications of Bid Documents: 4.4.1 Bidder, requiring any clarification of the tender Document, may submit their clarifications, if any, through provision of e-tender Portal in the format given below (Note: The document type for queries shall be Microsoft-Excel): Name of Bidder Firm: Page S.No Section Number . No. in



Para/Clause No

Existing Provision in Clause

Clarificati on Sought


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4.4.2 Request for clarifications received from bidders not later than the schedule indicated in Section I Para 7 or as extended thereto by AAI if any, will only be considered for replies. Replies to Clarifications by AAI will be uploaded as Corrigendum/Addendum through e-Tender Portal. In order to provide reasonable time to bidders to take the amendments into account for preparing their bids, AAI may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids. The bidders are advised to visit e-tender portal regularly. Request for clarifications should be submitted through E- tender portal only. Request for clarifications received through E-mail / FAX or letter shall not be considered 4.4.3 Clarifications and other documents, if and when issued by AAI, shall be in relation to the tender and hence shall be treated as a part of the tender. AAI makes no representation or warranty as to the completeness of any response, nor does AAI undertake to answer all the queries that have been posed by the Bidders. 5. AMENDMENTS TO BID DOCUMENTS 5.1 At any time, prior to the date of submission of bids, the Buyer may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, modify the bid documents by amendments. The amendments shall be communicated to all prospective bidders as Addendum/Corrigendum on the e-tender portal. Any such Addendum/ Corrigendum shall be deemed to have been incorporated by its reference into this tender and binding on the bidders



DOCUMENTS COMPRISING THE BID : 6.1 The bid prepared by the bidder shall be in two parts to be submitted as per Para D of this Section. Each part to contain the following components: 6.1.1 Eligibility Bid for provision of Name of the work as given in Schedule-A Sl. No. 1 consisting of the following documents. All the relevant documents as asked for Eligibility Bid criteria of the tender. On-line Payment of tender fee through e-tendering portal in accordance with Clause 5 under Section I of the tender. Earnest Money Deposit in accordance with Clause 5 of Section III.


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6.1.2 Technical Bid for provision of Name of the work as given in Schedule-A Sl. No. 1 consisting of the following documents. All the relevant documents as asked for Technical Bid criteria of the tender.

6.1.3 Financial Bid: for provision of Name of the work as given in ScheduleA Sl. No. 1 consisting of the following documents and filled online as per clause 7. Financial Bid Form (to be filled up online).


BID PRICES : 7.1 The bidder shall fill the price schedule as follows: 7.1.1 This Financial Bid shall be filled up online and submitted on the e-tender portal. It may be noted that only duly submitted bids shall be evaluated and bids just saved but not submitted shall not be part of the evaluation process. 7.1.2 The bidder shall quote the rates in Indian Rupees. 7.1.3 The bidder shall give the total composite rate inclusive of all levies and taxes (including service tax), packing forwarding, freight & insurance etc., against the works under the contract. 7.1.4 The Rate (Inclusive of all taxes) shall be used for calculating the total amount in the Financial Bid. 7.1.5 In the event of any errors or Ambiguity in Rate itself, the Price Bid of the Vendor shall be rejected. 7.1.6 The prices quoted by the bidder shall remain firm on the date of submission of the Bid and shall not be subject to variation on any account during the period of validity of the bid. 7.1.7 Each Bidder should submit only one product for each item. Offering products of more than one brand or multiple models of the same brand against one item shall make the technical / financial bid of the vendor invalid and such offers shall be rejected at technical / financial stage wherever such defaults are noticed. 7.1.8 Post offer discount, if any, offered by the bidders shall not be considered. Bidders planning to offer discount shall therefore modify their offers suitably while quoting and shall quote clearly net price taking into account discount, free supply etc. However, such discounts, if any on the basis of post bid negotiations, from the selected bidder shall be considered. Such
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negotiated offers when agreed by AAI & the bidder shall form a part of the financial Bid.







Pursuant to Clause 6, the bidder shall furnish, as part of his bid, documents establishing the conformity of his bid to the Bid document of all Items and services, which he proposes to supply under the Contract. Submission shall be as follows: 8.1.1 The documentary evidence of the Items and services in conformity to the Bid Documents shall be in the form of literature, drawings and data that the Bidder shall furnish. These shall be attached as Annexure to the Compliance Statement as per Clause 8.1.2 below. 8.1.2 Compliance Statement in Annexure-VII shall be in the format given below. Compliance Statement shall be one of the two statements viz. Complied or Not complied. No other remark or comment will be accepted. A detailed description of the compliance or a pointer to the relevant section in the proposal where this can be found need to be provided in the remarks column. Sl .No. Specification Ref (Complied/Not Complied) Remarks Details of compliance & ref. Page number of attached document

8.1.3 In case of deviations, the bidder shall indicate the same in remarks column and give a statement of deviations and exceptions to the provision of the Technical Specifications in a separate document, clearly indicating reasons for deviations, justification of the alternatives and its cost benefit implications if any. 8.1.4 Bidder must attach required technical brochures/literatures/data sheets for all the products asked in the tender to ensure that compliance to all the specifications given in the tender document can be verified. Nonavailability of specifications (as mentioned in the tender document) in the brochure/literature will be treated as non-compliance and no clarifications shall be asked in this regard. If bidder fails to submit the required brochures/literatures along with the tender document, it shall be treated as non-compliance and may lead to outright rejection of bid submitted by bidder. No clarifications in this regard will be sought from the bidder.


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8.1.5 The supporting documents downloaded from websites shall have the complete URL of the page in the header or footer. 8.1.6 Each specifications sought shall be marked or highlighted in the attached brochures / literatures / data sheets. The brochures / literatures / data sheets shall be superscripted with the Item Number and shall be arranged sequentially. The supporting documents shall carry all the required specifications and same shall be marked. 8.1.7 The compliance statement submitted as per clause 8.1.2 shall be duly supported by technical literature, equipment brochures & other related reports / documents from the OEM. The compliance statement not supported by the documentary evidence shall not be considered. Such bids shall be considered as non responsive and may result in rejection on technical grounds. 8.1.8 The products offered by the bidder shall be supported and a letter from the OEM in writing that the product offered is available in the market and will be supplied without any change in specifications & model during the currency of the contract shall be required. 8.1.9 The product/configuration offered by the bidder must be standard and proven. Bidder shall submit a list of clients/locations where similar product/configuration is available. AAI, if so desire, may visit these locations to verify that all the specifications and operational requirements are met as mentioned in the tender document. Any non-compliance observed during such visits shall lead to rejection of bid. 9 9.1 PERIOD OF VALIDITY OF TENDER (BID) The offered Bid shall remain valid for a minimum of 180 days from the date of opening of the Eligibility bid. The bidder shall not be entitled, to revoke or cancel the offer or to vary any term thereof, during the said period of validity without the consent in writing of AAI. In case of the bidder revoking or canceling the offer or varying any term in regard thereof, the bidder's earnest money deposit shall be forfeited. If there is any delay in finalization due to unforeseen factors, all the bidders shall be asked to extend the validity for an appropriate period, specifying a date by which tender is expected to be finalized. However, the tender process shall not be vitiated if any tenderer declines to extend the offer as requested for.



FORMATS AND SIGNING OF BID : The e-Bid (bid submittal on e-tendering portal) shall be digitally signed by the bidder at e-tendering portal duly authorized to bind the bidder to the contract. Written power-of-attorney accompanying the bid shall indicate the letter of authorization. The person signing the e-bid shall sign the bid, except for printed literature. The e-bid submitted shall be clear with regard to the readability of the
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content and shall be duly encrypted as per e-tendering portal requirements. Standard Printed terms and conditions of the company other than the tender conditions shall not be considered. 11. SEALING AND MARKING OF BIDS : The bidders shall digitally sign & encrypt their bid and upload the bid on line at AAI e-Tender portal. If all the bids are not digitally signed & encrypted the buyer shall not accept such open bids for evaluation purpose and treated as non responsive. Such bid shall be liable to be rejected. SUBMISSION OF BIDS : The buyer shall receive the bids on line through AAI e-portal only not later than that the schedule date specified in the tender. The bids shall not be accepted in any other form. The Buyer may, at its discretion extend the deadline for the submission of the bids by amending the bid documents in accordance with Clause 5 above. In which case all rights and obligations of the Buyer and bidders previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended. The bidder shall submit his bid offer on line at AAI e-tender portal only. Digitally signed tender document downloaded from e-tender portal shall be considered. No separate documents shall be valid. Only relevant attachments, if any other than the tender document, shall be listed out for reference.

11.1 11.2

12. 12.1




LATE BIDS : AAI e-tender system shall not permit uploading of bids after the schedule time of submission.



CORRECTIONS / MODIFICATIONS AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS : The bidder may correct, modify his digitally signed bid after submission prior to the deadline, through provisions of e-tendering portal. Subject to Clause 16, no bid shall be modified subsequent to the deadline for submission of bids.




OPENING OF BIDS : The Buyer shall open Bids on line through e-portal as per schedule or as per intimation of Bid Opening Date & Time to bidders. Bidders or his authorized representatives may choose to remain online at the scheduled opening date and time. Bidders or his authorized representatives may attend in person at AAI on the opening date and time if desired. The Bidder's representatives, in which case,
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shall sign the tender opening register. The bidder shall submit authority letter to this effect during bid opening process. 15.2 Maximum of two well-informed representatives of each eligible bidder shall only be allowed to attend the opening of the bids. Representative whose bid is not opened cannot attend the tender opening.

15.3 16

CLARIFICATION / CONFIRMATION OF COMPLIANCE OF BIDS 16.1 The general eligibility criteria shall be evaluated during preliminary stage and the vendors who have not submitted requisite documents shall be asked through AAI e-tendering portal or by email to substantiate their claims with documentary evidence before a given date failing which their bids shall not be considered further for detailed evaluation. It may be noted that enquires / clarifications shall be responded only through etendering Portal. All such queries which have been received on or before the scheduled date of the submission of clarifications by bidders shall only be considered. All queries shall be entertained only through the e-tender portal. The response of AAI after the pre-bid meeting shall be uploaded through e-tendering portal. Written responses and no verbal / telephonic enquiry shall be entertained during the tender process. No individual clarifications / responses shall be sent to the individual bidders.



EVALUATIONS AND COMPARISON OF SUBSTANTIALLY RESPONSIVE BIDS: Preliminary Evaluation: 17.1.1 AAI shall evaluate the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether the documents have been properly signed and whether the bids are generally in order. AAI will determine the substantial responsiveness of each bid to the Bid documents. For purposes of these clauses, a substantially responsive bid is one which conforms, to all the terms and conditions of the Bid Documents without material deviations. AAI's determination of bid's responsiveness is to be based on the contents of the bid itself without recourse to extrinsic evidence. However, the responsiveness of the bid shall be determined at each stage i.e. preliminary, technical or financial as the case may be. A bid determined as substantially non-responsive will be rejected by AAI. The general eligibility criteria shall be evaluated during preliminary stage and the bidders who have not submitted requisite documents shall be asked in writing to substantiate their claims with documentary evidence before a given date failing which their bids shall not be considered further for detailed evaluation.



17.1.3 17.1.4


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The technical bids of only those bidders who have been found to be meeting all general eligibility criteria in the preliminary evaluation shall be taken up for evaluation. The date of opening of Technical Bid shall be intimated by AAI to the bidders found to be meeting all general eligibility criteria.



Detailed Evaluation : 17.2.1 The technical bids shall be evaluated under detailed evaluation stage and the bidders who have not submitted requisite documents shall be asked in writing to substantiate their claims with documentary evidence before a given date failing which their bids shall not be considered further for detailed evaluation The objective of the evaluation is to select a bidder that can provide the desired service with maximum efficiency and quality and can respond to the changes of requirements of AAI in terms of volume of operations and type of services required. Weightage shall be given to solutions which are well established & already implemented at other locations, and to solutions that show valueadd in the features and functionality proposed, technical architecture, scalability and security. The Technical bids of the bidders shall be evaluated for acceptability of technical suitability. The requirements shall be verified against the manuals / technical literature submitted by the vendors. The vendors may be asked to substantiate their compliance submitted in the tender by suitable documentation from OEM wherever the same is lacking. The Technical evaluators on their own may download the information from the websites of the OEM(s) to verify the claims of the vendors. The technical Bids of the vendors who fail to substantiate their claim on meeting the technical requirements even after the above process shall be rejected. AAI may seek performance report on a vendor for other clients whose references are given in the tender. An adverse report from a client shall make the vendor technically unfit leading to his rejection. The process of seeking performance report shall be kept confidential so that the vendor is not able to influence the process. As a part of evaluation, presentation / demonstration of the proposed solution may be conducted. The bidder also needs to make necessary arrangements for reference site visits by AAI Evaluation Team for similar engagements executed by them. In case of deviations and exceptions to the provision of the Technical Specifications indicated by the bidder in the proposal, AAI will evaluate the bid based on the reason and justification of the alternatives submitted
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by the bidder. 17.2.9 The technical bids with deviations shall be liable for rejection in the event of the reasons and justifications provided by bidder is not satisfactory.

17.2.10 Valuation of the Technical bid shall be based on the following parameters and associated marks as per Technical Evaluation Score (given in Table 4 below): The cut-off marks for the bidder to qualify for opening of Financial Bid will be 70 marks. Only those successful at Technical Bid Evaluation stage will be considered for Financial Bid evaluation. The score achieved by a Bidder as above shall be multiplied by the Technical weightage of 70%. This means if (for example) the Technical Evaluation score of a Bidder is 80, the Technical Score with weightage shall be (80* 70%) = 56. This shall be called the Bidder Technical Bid Score. A short-list of bidders qualifying technically shall be drawn and thereafter these short-listed bids shall be treated as per the Bidder Technical Bid Score for the purpose of financial comparison. 17.2.11 In case of necessity on account of technology up-gradation all the bidders qualifying technically shall be given an opportunity to revise Financial Bids by way of submitting supplementary Financial Bids. Table-4
S. No.


Description Marks Documentation Required

Formats to be filled & uploaded by bidder for compliance Bidders would be evaluated and rated based on their experiences and capabilities in each of the following criterion. Please note bidders should substantiate each criteria and/or capability asked with relevant references, documentation and demonstration as appropriate. While capability of Technical Associates of bidders would qualify, bidders with their own capability would be given higher weightage. A Organization Capability
The past performance of the Bidder in providing similar solutions, comparable to total Passenger volumes, total flight movements of all airports in this tender, in terms of quality of work and compliance with performance schedules. Please provide relevant

Self-Attested copies of the Purchase/Work Order shall be submitted along with successful completion Certificate/ undertaking from client for the respective projects. Photocopy /



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S. No.


Description Marks Documentation Required

Formats to be filled & uploaded by bidder for compliance Bidders would be evaluated and rated based on their experiences and capabilities in each of the following criterion. Please note bidders should substantiate each criteria and/or capability asked with relevant references, documentation and demonstration as appropriate. While capability of Technical Associates of bidders would qualify, bidders with their own capability would be given higher weightage.
past experiences. Parameters for evaluation include: scanned copy of the PO along with completion certificate/undertaking issued by clients are required to be submitted. Alternatively, client letter as an undertaking can be considered with relevant details such as date of P.O, Scope of work, Value of contract & successful completion thereof.


IT projects for Data Centers/Disaster Recovery Sites in the last 7 years, with each project being of minimum value of Rupees 4 Crores (Setting-up Data Centers would mean where the bidder had primary responsibility of deploying the IT and Non-IT components of the Data Centre.). Bidder to also provide details of having relevant experience of implementing and managing the entire DC operations including the Server hardware, network equipment, Facilities and the managed services for at least one Data Centre for an external customer. Bidders with experience of 3 projects or more shall be awarded 3 marks. Experience in lesser projects shall be awarded marks on pro-rata basis.
The past performance of the bidder in providing similar solutions in the Airport Space, comparable to total Passenger volumes, total flight movements of all airports in this tender,, in terms of quality of work and compliance with performance schedules. Please provide relevant past experiences. Parameters for evaluation include:

Schedule A (Table -5 given below)

MAX: 9

Self-Attested copies of the Purchase/Work Order shall be submitted along with successful completion Certificate/undertaking from client for the respective projects. Photocopy / scanned copy of the PO along with completion certificate/ undertaking issued by clients is required to be submitted. Alternatively, client letter as an


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S. No.


Description Marks Documentation Required

Formats to be filled & uploaded by bidder for compliance Bidders would be evaluated and rated based on their experiences and capabilities in each of the following criterion. Please note bidders should substantiate each criteria and/or capability asked with relevant references, documentation and demonstration as appropriate. While capability of Technical Associates of bidders would qualify, bidders with their own capability would be given higher weightage.
undertaking can be considered with relevant details such as date of P.O, Scope of work, Value of contract & successful completion thereof.




Implementation Projects (Completed Projects only) for providing AODB & RMS solutions either in multi airport environment with Centralized AODB or in a single airport (With minimum passenger capacity of 10 Million per annum) during last 7 years. Bidders with experience of 2 projects shall be awarded 2 marks. Experience in lesser projects shall be awarded marks on pro-rata basis. Additional 1 mark shall be awarded where experience in at least one multi airport environment (minimum 4 airports with Centralized AODB) has been implemented. Implementation Projects (Completed Projects only) for providing AOCC or equivalent centers in airports each with minimum passenger capacity of 5 Million per annum during last 7 years. Bidders with experience of 3 projects shall be awarded 3 marks. Experience in lesser projects shall be awarded marks on pro-rata basis. Airport Integration experience, in at least three airports where the passenger volume is 5 Million or more and include integration of Airport Systems like AODB, RMS, FIDS, PAVA, CUTE/CUSS, Airlines processing systems etc. Bidders with experience of 3 projects shall be awarded 3 marks. Experience in lesser projects shall be awarded marks on pro-rata basis.
Manpower/Resource Experience & Quality Certifications

Schedule B (Table -6 given below)

Schedule C (Table -7 given below)

Schedule D (Table -8 given below)


No. of technically qualified professionals in networking, systems TENDER NO. AAI/CHQ/ITD / AOCC PROJ-2012 Page 37 of 487

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S. No.


Description Marks Documentation Required

Formats to be filled & uploaded by bidder for compliance Bidders would be evaluated and rated based on their experiences and capabilities in each of the following criterion. Please note bidders should substantiate each criteria and/or capability asked with relevant references, documentation and demonstration as appropriate. While capability of Technical Associates of bidders would qualify, bidders with their own capability would be given higher weightage. integration, and prior experience in providing the Data Centre Infrastructure maintenance services. Marking is based in bidder providing self-certification on company letter head signed by company CFO / authorized signatory provide the number of people who technically qualified professionals as mentioned in this category. The bidder with 1) People > = 500 : 1 mark 2) People < 500 and > = 300 : 0.5 mark 3) People < 300 and >= 100 : 0 mark Number of resources deployed by the bidder having valid BS7799/ ISO27001 certification. One resource with valid certification = 1 More than 1 = 2; Number of resources employed with the bidder having valid ITIL/ISO 20000 certification. One resource with valid certification = 1 More than 1 = 2; Bidder to provide CMMi Certifications - Bidder having 1) SEI CMM level 5 certification: 3 marks, 2) SEI CMM level 4 certification: 2 marks, 3) SEI CMM Level 3 certification: 1 mark.


Self-certification on company letter head signed by company CFO / authorized signatory.


Valid Certificate Copy attested by Board Member/CFO/Company Secretary


Valid Certificate Copy attested by Board Member/CFO/Company Secretary


Valid Certificate Copy attested by Board Member/CFO/Company Secretary


Technical Solution Offered

Core Application & Solution



The solution proposed by the bidder will indicate their understanding of the required application. Bidder is encouraged to propose innovative solutions and approach to the Scope of work. 1. Understanding of Centralized AODB/RMS Application, Business Intelligence & Integration Requirements (Max 3 marks) 2. Design of Proposed Solution keeping


Technical Proposal/ Brochures / Product Literature. CVs from SMEs with experience in areas of 1) Project Director - 1 no, with 18+ year experience 2) Senior Project Manager - 1 no, PMP) Certified with 15+ years experience (3) Page 38 of 487


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S. No.


Description Marks Documentation Required

Formats to be filled & uploaded by bidder for compliance Bidders would be evaluated and rated based on their experiences and capabilities in each of the following criterion. Please note bidders should substantiate each criteria and/or capability asked with relevant references, documentation and demonstration as appropriate. While capability of Technical Associates of bidders would qualify, bidders with their own capability would be given higher weightage. in mind Business Continuity & confirming compliance to standards like SOAP, XML,AIDX,etc.(Max 5 marks) 3. Scalability of Proposed Core Application (To be supported by Client References indicating Airports, Flight Movement & Gates supported) (Max 5 Marks) 4.Implementation Approach & Methodology(Max 5 marks) 5.Training Plan & Methodology (Max 5 Marks) 6.Project Plan(Max 1 Marks) 7. Maintenance & Support Plan(Max 1 Marks) 8. The network products offered in this tender should comply with the information security requirements and should be proven in this regard. Bidders shall consider this aspect in their solution. Technical evaluation will carry 3 marks for this. No marks shall be awarded if the network product(s) they offer is/are affected by Adverse report/Ban in any country. Bidders shall be required to provide an undertaking in the technical bid from their CTO to this effect. 9. Innovative solutions and approach and value-addition to the Scope of work (Max 2 Marks) The AODB+RMS product offered in this tender should have been implemented at minimum 1 MultiAirport AODB projects with combined passenger capacity of at least 15 Million per annum or minimum two separate single airport AODB projects with Passenger Capacity of at least 15 million per annum for each. Marking is based on OEM providing references where the product has been deployed. References of minimum 1 MultiAirport AODB projects with combined passenger capacity =>15 Million per Project Manager - 2 nos with 12+ year experience each , and Certified ITIL Service Manager. Undertaking from CTO as required in point 8 under 1(a)


Schedule E (Table -9 given below)


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Description Marks Documentation Required

Formats to be filled & uploaded by bidder for compliance Bidders would be evaluated and rated based on their experiences and capabilities in each of the following criterion. Please note bidders should substantiate each criteria and/or capability asked with relevant references, documentation and demonstration as appropriate. While capability of Technical Associates of bidders would qualify, bidders with their own capability would be given higher weightage. annum or minimum two separate single airport AODB projects with minimum Passenger Capacity of 15 million per annum for each shall be awarded 2 marks. References in lesser number of projects as required shall be awarded marks on pro-rata basis. Proof of Concept (POC) demonstration on the overall solution proposed to AAI designated team by the bidder. Details about the duration, venue and schedule of the POC shall be communicated to each of the bidder during technical evaluation process.
Infrastructure Solution & Outsourcing Methodology


See Table-10 below for Features expected in POC



The solution proposed by the bidder will indicate their understanding of the Project Governance, Outsourcing Methodology & Infrastructure requirements. Bidder is encouraged to propose innovative solutions and approaches to the Scope of work. 1. Demonstrated level of understanding of Data Centre/WAN, Cabling, Replication, Server/Storage Hardware, etc., requirements (Max 3 Marks) 2. Outsourcing Methodology(Max 3 Marks) 3. Design of Proposed Infrastructure & Disaster Recovery Solution(Max 5 Marks) 4.Scalability of Proposed Infrastructure(Max 3 Marks) 5.Deployment Approach & Methodology(Max 3 Marks) 6.Roll-outPlan (Max 2 Marks) 7.Support & Maintenance Plan(Max 3 Marks) 8. Hardware Refresh Plan(Max 3 Marks)
Manpower & Resource Plan as part of solution MAX:10

Technical Brochures Literature

Proposal/ Product

Airport subject matter experts (SME) Experience: The bidder / technical associate should have at least 10 TENDER NO. AAI/CHQ/ITD / AOCC PROJ-2012 Page 40 of 487

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S. No.


Description Marks Documentation Required

Formats to be filled & uploaded by bidder for compliance Bidders would be evaluated and rated based on their experiences and capabilities in each of the following criterion. Please note bidders should substantiate each criteria and/or capability asked with relevant references, documentation and demonstration as appropriate. While capability of Technical Associates of bidders would qualify, bidders with their own capability would be given higher weightage. experienced Airport SME (Minimum Experience in the relevant category for 5+ years). 1. Airport Operation Consulting 2. AODB & RMS Projects 3.Master System Integration Project Experience. At least 1 CV in each of the areas mentioned category working in the organization as full-time employees as on 30.9.2012 the date of submission of the bid. The bidders meeting 10 SMEs shall be awarded full marks for this. The bidders with 7- 9 SMEs will get 2 marks and with 5-6 will get 1 mark. Experience with less than 5 shall get 0 marks. Airport subject matter experts (SME) Experience: The bidder / technical associate should have at least 3 experienced SME working in the organization as of date of submission bid, who is assigned to this project, till Chennai go-live. The 2 domain experiences required are. Airport Operation Consulting 2. AODB & RMS Projects 3.Master System Integration Project Experience. Bidders/Technical Associate with experience of 3 SME shall be awarded 3 marks. Lesser number of SMEs shall be awarded marks on pro-rata basis. Manpower Proposed: The prime bidder needs to propose a detailed resource deployment plan to manage all the service areas mentioned in the tender. 3 Mark shall be awarded if all modules of the software application are covered as per AAI minimum manpower requirements. Additional 1 Mark shall be awarded if proposal includes additional manpower.
Presentation & Demonstration as part of solution


Relevant CVs for Key Resources to be submitted


Relevant CVs for Key Resources to be submitted




Bidders shall be asked to make presentation on their understanding about the project and solutions


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Description Marks Documentation Required

Formats to be filled & uploaded by bidder for compliance Bidders would be evaluated and rated based on their experiences and capabilities in each of the following criterion. Please note bidders should substantiate each criteria and/or capability asked with relevant references, documentation and demonstration as appropriate. While capability of Technical Associates of bidders would qualify, bidders with their own capability would be given higher weightage. offerings along with salient features before the AAI designated team Quality of the presentation: The presentation would be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria: 1. Understanding of AAI requirement (Max 0.5 Mark) 2. Centralized Solution proposed for 10 AAI Airports(Max 1 Mark) 3. Sharing of previous experience on the integration that was carried out by the bidder or its technical associate (Max 0.5 Mark) 4. Detailing of the team proposed for program management and manpower deployed (Max 0.5 Mark) 5. Detailing of the Project Plan (Max 0.5 Mark) Details about the duration, venue and schedule of the presentations shall be communicated to bidders during technical evaluation process. Training Proposal: The training tools to be provided by the bidder for the various modules of the software application will be evaluated as per AAI training requirements in the tender. 1 Mark shall be awarded if all modules of the software application are covered as per AAI training requirements. Additional 1 Mark shall be awarded if training proposals include training to AAI personnel on any other area over and above AAI requirement
Total Marks




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Schedule A: Bidders Experience in Setting-up Data Centers

S. No. Name & Address, Contact Details of Client Project Cost Year of Executi on Details of testimonial attached Page number where the work order is provide d

IT projects for Data Centers/Disaster Recovery Sites in the last 7 years, with each project being of minimum value of Rupees 4 Crores (Settingup Data Centers would mean where the bidder had primary responsibility of deploying the IT and Non-IT components of the Data Centre.). Bidder to also provide details of having relevant experience of implementing and managing the entire DC operations including the Server hardware, network equipment, Facilities and the managed services for at least one Data Centre for an external customer.

1. 2.


Schedule B: Past performance of the bidder in providing similar solutions in the Airport Space S. No. Name of Project Year of Details of Page number Client Cost Executi testimoni where the work on al order is provided attached Implementation Projects (Completed 1. Projects only) for providing either AODB & RMS solutions in multi airport environment with Centralized AODB) 2. or in a single airport (With minimum passenger capacity of 10 Million per annum) during last 7 years.


Schedule C: Past performance of the bidder in providing similar solutions in the Airport Space Criteria S. No. Name of Project Year of Details of Page Client Cost Executio testimonial number n attached where the work order is provide d Implementation Projects (Completed Projects 1. only) for providing AOCC or equivalent centers in airports each with minimum passenger 2. capacity of 5 Million per annum during last 7 years.


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Schedule D: Past performance of the bidder in providing similar solutions in the Airport Space S. No. Name of Project Year of Details of Page Client Cost Executio testimonia number n l attached where the work order is provide d Airport Integration experience, in at least three 1. airports where the passenger volume is 5 Million or more and include integration of Airport 2. Systems like AODB, RMS, FIDS, PAVA, CUTE/CUSS, Airlines processing systems etc.

Table-9 Schedule E: Past performance of the bidder in providing similar solutions in the Airport Space
Criteria S. No. Name Client of Project Cost Year of Executio n Details of testimonial attached Page number where the work order is provide d

The AODB+RMS product offered in this tender should have been implemented at minimum 1 Multi-Airport AODB projects with combined passenger capacity of at least 15 Million per annum or minimum two separate single airport AODB projects with Passenger Capacity of at least 15 million per annum for each.

1. 2.

Table-10 Features expected from Proof of Concept of Proposed AODB & RMS Solution The Bidder should preferably demonstrate the solution in a Live environment (on development infrastructure if needed) using internet services for evaluation by AAI. The Bidder shall be able to demonstrate that there would be a single data source for clients at all airports, at each of DC & DR locations. The Bidder shall be able to show that all the airports are handled in one single database instance and there shall be no separate virtual system for each airport. The Bidder shall be able to demonstrate handling of various airport resources. The Bidder shall be able to demonstrate integration with airport systems such as FIDS etc The Bidder shall be able to demonstrate Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) compliance. The Bidder shall show features to allow the users to access profiles for individual and groups of airport as per requirement and needs of user. The Bidder shall show features for various kinds of reports/dashboard and capability for user to customize the Operational reports based on his selection. Any value added features of the solution more than the requirement specified in the tender.


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Financial Bids of those vendors who qualify technically shall be opened electronically at AAI e-portal. Time and date of opening shall be notified through e-tendering portal. The bidder shall issue authority letters to their representatives to attend the opening of financial bids if desired to be present at AAI premise. FINANCIAL BID EVALUATION PROCESS




The Financial bids of technically qualified bidders will be evaluated as described below: (a) Bid with lowest price shall be given a score of 100. Rest of the bids shall have score equal to 100xL1/L, where L1 is the lowest price and L is the price of the bid under consideration. (b) The score achieved by a Bidder as above shall be multiplied by the financial Evaluation weightage of 30%. This means if (for example) the financial Evaluation score of a Bidder is 90, the financial score with weightage shall be (90* 30%) = 27. This shall be called the Bidder Financial Bid Score.


FINAL SCORE EVALUATION AFTER FINANCIAL BID PROCESS Under the QCBS model, the Bidder Technical Bid Score and Bidder Financial Bid Score shall be added to derive the Bidder Total Score. The Bidder having the maximum Bidder Total Score shall be termed as the successful bidder / IT Implementing Firm / contractor for AAI for Award of Contract. AAIs decision in the evaluation process shall be final and binding on all Bidders.






Canvassing in any form in connection with the tenders is strictly prohibited and the tenders submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing are liable for rejection. Such rejected bids will not be returned. No bidder shall try to influence directly or through external source, the Buyer on any matter relating to its bid, from the time of publication of NIT till the time the contract is awarded.
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Any effort by a bidder to influence the Buyer in the bid evaluation, bid comparison or contract award decisions shall result in the rejection of the bid, and such actions will be considered as bad performance for future Projects.


AWARD OF CONTRACT : 20.1 The acceptance of the bid will be intimated to the successful bidder by AAI, either by fax or by letter or through e-tendering portal. AAI shall be the sole judge in the matter of award of contract and decision of AAI shall be final and binding.



RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT THE TENDERS : 21.1 The right to accept the tender bids in full or in part/parts will rest with AAI. However, AAI reserves to itself the right to reject any or all the tender bids received without assigning any reason whatsoever. Bids not accompanied with prescribed information or are incomplete in any respect, and/or not meeting prescribed conditions, shall be considered nonresponsive and are liable to be rejected. The Buyer reserves the right to accept or reject any bid or a part of the bid or to annul the bidding process and reject all bids, at any time prior to award of contract without assigning any reason whatsoever and without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders on the grounds for the Buyers action. Pursuant to Clause 21.3 the bid documentation submitted by bidder shall not be returned. AAI also reserves the right at its sole discretion not to award any order under the tender called. AAI shall not pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of any tender. If the bidder gives wrong information in his Tender, AAI reserves the right to reject such tender at any stage or to cancel the contract, if awarded, and forfeit the Earnest Money. Bids that are not accompanied with Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) shall be rejected outright. Should a bidder have a relation or relations employed in AAI in the capacity of an officer or the authority inviting tender, the same shall be informed by the bidder. In the event of failure to inform and in a situation where it is established that the relation or relations employed in AAI has / have tried to influence the tender proceedings then AAI at its sole discretion may reject the tender or cancel the contract and forfeit the Earnest Money.








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The requirements indicated in this tender are the minimum and bids of the firms not complying with these minimum requirements shall be rejected. However, higher than the minimum requirements shall be technically acceptable. Any correspondence after the opening of bid(s), from the bidder(s), regarding the bid unless specifically sought by AAI shall not be considered. Such post bid offers / clarifications may be liable for action as per clause 19 above.



ISSUE OF WORKS ORDER : 22.1 The issue of a Works Order / Purchase Order shall constitute the intention of Buyer to enter into the contract with the bidder. Acceptance of the Works order / Purchase Order will be deemed as effective from the date of issue of Works Order / Purchase Order. All formalities of submission of the Contract Performance Bank Guarantee in pursuant to clause 6 of section-III of tender document in the required format and signing of the contract shall be completed within 15 days of the Work Order. AAI shall be the sole judge in the matter of award of contract and decision of AAI shall be final and binding.




SIGNING OF CONTRACT : 23.1 The issue of Works Order / Purchase Order shall constitute the award of contract on the bidder. The signing of the Contract shall be completed within 15 days of the date of issue of the work order / purchase order acceptance of the Works Order / Purchase Order.


ANNULMENT OF AWARD : 24.1 Failure of the successful bidder to comply with the requirement of Clause 23 shall constitute sufficient ground for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the EMD in which event the Buyer may make the award to any other bidder at its discretion or call for new bids.


QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS : 25.1 The bidder shall submit copies of Valid Certificates to ensure that all works comply with standards specified in the tender requirements.


TRANSFER OF TENDER DOCUMENT : 26.1 Transfer of Tender Documents by one bidder to another is not permissible. Similarly transfer of tenders submitted by one bidder in the name of another vendor is not permissible.


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CONTRACT MONITORING : 27.1 The buyer shall hold regular contract monitoring meetings after the award of the contract to monitor the performance of the contract 27.2 First such meeting shall be hold within one week of award of the contract. The date and time of such meeting shall be intimated to the contractor by fax. / post. The date and time of subsequent meetings shall be decided and recorded in previous meetings. 27.3 The proceedings of each meeting shall be recorded and action as required towards successful completion of the project shall be initiated promptly by both AAI and the contractor. Project review meetings shall be with reference to mile stones and contract performance analysis.


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1. Purpose & Scope 1.1 This document sets out the terms & conditions be met in connection with the provision of Name of the work as given in Schedule-A Sr. No. 1 to AAI for the work as per details given in the notice inviting Tender with Qualitative Requirement/Specifications in Section V & Annexure-VII. This tender document includes details like quantity, delivery, installation, commissioning (including Operating system & other software as tendered for) & support services for maintenance, etc. The hardware & software supplied against this tender must include all the modules, sub modules and items required for installation, smooth performance and crash recovery of the software such as installation kit, CDs, Software Manuals, hardware sub-systems etc. Compliance: 2.1 The unconditional acceptance of all the terms & conditions of the tender has to be submitted through a letter. The format of the letter is attached at Annexure-I. The submission of the bids will imply acceptance of all the tender condition by the bidder laid in tender document including all the Annexure(s) & schedules to the tender document. The compliance to the terms & conditions should be supported by authenticated documentation wherever required. Bid documents having any cuttings / corrections shall be duly signed with stamp by the bidder. The submission of unconditional acceptance as described above is essential for the tender evaluation. The failure to submit the unconditional acceptance statement in the said format shall result in the bids being rejected. Bidders proposal shall clearly specify the deviations proposed by the Bidder to the terms and conditions of the tender document. AAI reserves its rights to consider/reject such deviations while evaluating the proposal.










Language and Currency : 3.1 The bidder shall quote the rates in English language and international numerals. The rates shall be in whole numbers. The rates shall be written in both figures as well as in words. In case of disparity in figures & words, the rate in words will be
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considered. In the event of the order being awarded, the language of all services, manuals, instructions, technical documentation etc. provided for under this contract will be English. The bidders should quote only in Indian Rupees and the bids in currencies other than Indian rupees shall not be accepted. 4. Standard Conditions. 4.1 Standard printed conditions of the bidder to the offer, other than the conditions specified here, will not be acceptable. For the purpose of the tender, the metric system of units shall be used. All entries in the tender shall either be typed or be in ink. Erasures shall render such tenders liable to summarily rejection. The bidder shall duly attest all corrections, cancellation and insertions. Bidder's offers shall be with reference to section and clause numbers given in the tender schedules. AAI may, in its sole discretion, decide not to consider any information which is submitted later than the Closing Date or is otherwise not totally in accordance with the requirements of this Tender. Bidders may be required to provide additional information and / or make a presentation to AAI after the Closing Date. Bidders will receive prior communication of the presentation and proof of concept demonstration date and time. Bidders must respond to this Tender by submitting response in accordance with the terms of this Tender. AAI will not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred by the bidders arising in any way from the preparation and submission of the tender response and any matter concerning the tender is to be at the bidders sole risk, cost and expense.

4.2 4.3







4.10 A tender response will not be deemed to have been accepted and no agreement will arise between any bidder and AAI unless and until the successful bidder and AAI execute an agreement, to that effect. 4.11 Each Bidder acknowledges that it has not relied on any express or implied statement, warranty or representation, whether oral or in writing, or any other conduct, as adding to or amending the terms and conditions of this tender, except for any modification which AAI notifies in writing and specifies as a modification to this tender. 4.12 No guarantee is provided as to the completeness or accuracy of information contained in this tender. The information represents AAIs best knowledge at the time of drawing the tender.


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4.13 It is the bidders responsibility to: 4.13.1 Examine this tender document. 4.13.2 Examine all other information available on reasonable inquiry relevant to the risks, contingencies and circumstances affecting its response. 4.13.3 Satisfy itself as to the completeness, correctness and sufficiency of its response 5. Earnest Money : 5.1 The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) amount of Rs.(a)(As Specified in ScheduleA Sr. No. 3(a))) (Rupees (b)(As Specified in Schedule-A Sr. No. 3(b))) shall be submitted. The E.M.D shall be furnished in the form of a Bank Demand draft or Bank Guarantee from Nationalized / Scheduled Banks in a sealed envelope in favor of Airports Authority of India payable at New Delhi within 48 Hrs after scheduled opening of on line eligibility bid by AAI. The EMD of the technically unsuccessful bidders shall be discharged / returned after the completion of the technical evaluation process. The EMD of the other than the first three bidders having the maximum Bidder Total Score as indicated in Para 18 of Section II of the tender document shall be discharged / returned promptly, after evaluation of financial bids. The EMD of the first three bidders having the maximum Bidder Total Score as indicated in Para 18 of Section II of the tender document shall be returned as soon as the work is awarded. The EMD of the successful bidder will be returned after the bidder provides the performance guarantee, as required in Para 6 of this section of the tender document. The EMD amount shall be forfeited in the following events: 5.6.1 If the bidder withdraws his bid during the period of bid validity specified in the tender. 5.6.2 If the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract with AAI within 15 calendar days from date of the purchase order / work order as specified under clause 23 of section-II. 5.6.3 If the successful bidder fails to submit the performance guarantee as stipulated in Para 6 of this section within 15 calendar days from date of issue of the purchase order / work order. 5.6.4 In the event of not accepting the conditions of the contract even after agreeing to do so and submitting the letter of un-conditional acceptance of terms as per letter in Annexure-I.
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No interest or any other expenses, whatsoever, will be payable by AAI on the EMD in any manner.


Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) 6.1 The successful bidder shall submit within 15 calendar days of the award, an initial Contract Performance Bank Guarantee to AAI for an amount equivalent to 10% of the total awarded cost. The Performance Bank Guarantee shall be as per Annexure-III of the tender and denominated in Indian Rupees duly issued by a Nationalized/Scheduled bank other than Cooperative/Gramin bank located in India with at least one branch office in New Delhi in favour of Airports Authority of India. The amount of the Performance bank guarantee shall be reduced on yearly basis. The PBG to be submitted every year shall be 10% of the outstanding payment due to the vendor for the balance period. The performance guarantee shall be valid initially for fifteen (15) months from the date of award and the validity shall remain extended provisionally thereon on year-to-year basis for period of not exceeding twelve (12) months at a time, till the expiry of the contract. Such year-to-year basis extension may be done either by the successful bidder on its own or on demand by AAI for the provisional extension within the validity period. In case the successful bidder fails to deposit initial Performance Bank Guarantee with in the stipulated period, an interest @10% per annum on Performance Bank Guarantee amount would be levied (non-refundable) for delayed period of submission. The EMD is liable for forfeiture and action will be taken as per terms if the Performance Bank Guarantee is not submitted in time as stipulated above. If the successful bidder fails to extend the validity of the submitted Performance Bank Guarantee as per Para 6.2 above, the same will be liable to be encashed by AAI. The performance guarantee amount shall be payable to AAI without any condition whatsoever and the guarantee shall be irrevocable. The performance guarantee shall be deemed to govern the following guarantees from the successful bidder, in addition to other provisions of the guarantee: 6.7.1 The Hardware, Software and Services supplied under the contract shall be free from all defects / bugs and upon written notice from AAI, the successful bidder shall fully remedy , free of expenses to AAI , all such defects / bug as developed under the normal use of the said hardware / software within the period of guarantee/Warranty. 6.7.2 The performance guarantee is intended to secure the performance of the entire system by the successful bidder as per operation, installation, maintenance manuals and tests after the loading, installation &
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commissioning of systems. The successful bidder will be fully responsible for the guaranteed performance of the supplied systems and warranty obligations. In case of any problem after commissioning and during guarantee period the successful bidder will depute his supervisor(s) to AAI's site within 24 hours of intimation to remove all defects at contractors cost. However, it is not to be construed as limiting the damages stipulated in any other clause. 6.7.3 A fine of an agreed amount calculated @ 1/2% of the total value of the faulty equipment per week or part thereof subject to a maximum value equal to the value of the Performance Bank Guarantee can be imposed in case of delay in rectification of the problem in 72 hours. The acceptance of valid reasons for non-compliance to 6.7.2 above shall rest with ED (IT) and his decision with regard to imposition of the fine shall be final. The fine shall be recovered from the Bank Guarantee. 6.8 The successful bidders failure to renew performance guarantee shall constitute material breach of MSA. AAI in such case may in its sole discretion terminate the Agreement and forfeit any security that the successful bidder may have furnished. AAI may forfeit the Performance Guarantee for: 6.9.1 Any material breach by the contractor as detailed in Para 50 Breach, Rectification and Termination Clause of the Master Service Agreement in fulfilling its obligations under MSA. 6.9.2 Realizing any sum due to it from the contractor including a sum due on account of liquidated damages as detailed in Para 50 Breach, Rectification and Termination Clause of the Master Service Agreement. 6.9.3 Failure by the contractor to provide the technology refresh in upgrading the implemented system at all locations as detailed in Para 36 Technology Refresh Program Clause of the Master Service Agreement. 6.10 In case the contractor satisfactorily performs its obligations under MSA and no sum is due to AAI, AAI shall return the Performance Bank Guarantee to the contractor within 90 (ninety) days from the completion of Transfer Assistance as detailed in Para 61 Exit Management following the expiration or termination of contract Agreement. 7. Correspondence: 7.1 All correspondence would be directly with the bidder and correspondence through agents will not be entertained.



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Extension of Time : 8.1 This work is urgent and hence the completion period as per contract shall be adhered to strictly. However, in case of extraordinary situations which may delay the completion of the project, the contractor shall apply for extension in time as per format contained in Annexure-VI. AAI at its sole discretion may extend the time period for completion of the work without any prejudice to operate the penalty clauses provided for in the Tender Document. Such extension of time and the circumstances leading to the extension of time shall be communicated in writing to the contractor.



Additional Airports: 9.1 AAI also reserves the right to place order, within the tenure of the contract, for additional airports, as add on, for which payment shall be on same lines but subject to price negotiation.


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of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports SECTION - IV



Standards 1.1 All designs, codes, developing platforms, developing techniques and workmanship shall be in accordance with the highest accepted international standards for this type of work. The bidder shall also state, where applicable, the National or other International standard(s) to which the whole, or any specific part, of the system, software, or training complies. The requirements agreed under the contract are firm and no deviation of any kind is acceptable.



Time Schedule 2.1 The work as per the Notice Inviting Tender shall be completed within (As per Schedule-A Sr. No. 4) days of placement of firm order from AAI or as per the schedule submitted by the bidder whichever is less. Time - The Essence of Contract 2.2.1 The time and date of completion of the works as contained in the bidders proposal and as agreed to contractually after modifications, if any, shall be final and binding upon the contractor. It must be understood that the bidder has made the proposal after fully considering all such factors which may have any bearing on the time schedule of the contract and no extension in the schedule whatsoever shall be permitted on these accounts by AAI. 2.2.2 The bidder is expected to submit the detailed project implementation plan within 2 weeks of award of the contract and shall stick to the plan. Detailed project implementation plan shall clearly be spelt out with important mile stones of project the contract execution shall be monitored initially on weekly basis and subsequently on daily basis.


Delay & Non-Conformance 3.1 In case of the above time scheduled including levy of compensation for late delivery of systems as contained in the tender document not being adhered to, AAI has the right to cancel the order wholly or in part thereof without any liability to cancellation charges and procure the goods / software elsewhere in which case the successful bidder shall make good the difference in the cost of goods procured elsewhere and price set forth in the order with the successful bidder.


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4 Payment terms 4.1 No mobilization advance shall be paid. 4.2 The payments shall be released to the Contractor on submission of documents as below: 4.2.1 Bills (Invoices) in duplicate; 4.2.2 Delivery Challan (if applicable) 4.2.3 Receipt from the AAI site for completion of delivery in good condition 4.2.4 Inspection certificate (as applicable). 4.2.5 SLA Report (wherever applicable). 4.3 Payment for each of the services / works to the contractor shall be made in the following stages consistent with the work done and as qualified in the Master Service Agreement: 4.3.1 One-time payment of 20 % of the quoted cost (for the hardware and software components) per airport as per bill of material of the work order shall be released upon Go-Live of systems at each airport after acceptance by AAI. 4.3.2 The balance 80 % of the quoted cost (for the hardware and software components) per airport as per bill of material of the work order shall be payable in equal quarterly installments of respective Airports in 7 years. 4.3.3 The FMS (services) charges as per contract for the services rendered in the last quarter shall be paid quarterly (Quarterly Charge) on per airport basis at the end of each quarter and shall be based on measured SLA performance. 4.3.4 For payment purpose, the expiration date of this contract would be 7 years from go-live at the Chennai (primary DC) for all airports. The 7 year period of all sites to synchronize with the completion of 7 years from the date of acceptance of the Chennai (primary DC) site. This date will be recorded for reference during site acceptance test at Chennai. 4.3.5 All payments shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the tender and the defined Service Level Agreement. 4.3.6 The quarterly payment would become due on satisfactory completion of service every quarter and shall be paid at the beginning of succeeding quarter upon measurement of SLA performance. The First payment shall be made after the end of quarter reckoned from the date of installation and commencement of service at respective airport based on the acceptance reports from that airport. 4.3.7 The Total Quarterly Charge shall be paid at the end of every quarter for the seven years support period and at the end of every quarter for the extended period if any. 4.3.8 All the sites under the scope shall be treated separately for the measurement and payment purpose.
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5 Guarantee / Warranty 5.1 Complete hardware & Software shall be guaranteed against all defects/bugs and for a satisfactory performance, as per all the listed features, for a period of (As per Schedule-A Sr. No. 5(a)) months from the date of supply. 5.2 The bidder shall attend at his own expense and get the defect/bugs removed in the systems as detected by AAI during the period of warranty. 6 Substitution & Wrong Supplies 6.1 Unauthorized/Pirated substitution or materials delivered in error of wrong description or quality or supplied in excess quantity or old versions shall be returned to the successful bidder at his cost and risk. 7. Technical Manual 7.1 The bidder shall supply complete set of technical/ operations and maintenance manuals (as applicable) along with the delivery. The cost of such manuals supplied will be included in the cost of the system. 8. Change of Model 8.1 No change of model after the placement of order shall be entertained unless the alternate model offered are equivalent or higher in specifications and approval of the competent authority has been obtained in writing for such a change of model before the delivery of the product. Delivery of the alternate product without such an approval shall not be accepted and AAI shall not be responsible for any delay in delivery schedule on this account. 9. Sample Testing 9.1 The Buyer may demand a sample product at any stage of tendering for evaluation. AAI reserves the right to reject a Bid at any stage of processing if the sample product is found to be substandard and / or fails to meet the NIT specifications and the bidder shall have no further claims in the tender. 9.2 AAI shall not bear any cost with regard to transportation of the equipment for testing and all such cost with regard to the testing shall have to be borne by the Bidder. 10. Training 10.1 The successful bidder shall provide training to personnel of AAI and any external entities involved in the project and who are required to be trained. Such training shall be in accordance with the latest procedures and processes available in the relevant areas of work.


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11. Reservations 11.1 Issuance of this tender does not commit AAI to pay any cost incurred in the preparation and submission of a proposal or to procure a contract for any services, software and equipment. No materials or labor will be furnished by AAI. 12. Conditions 12.1 Failure to comply with any or all instructions and other specific provisions of the tender shall result in rejection of submitted bids. 12.2 In any event, the submitted bids will not be returned. AAI reserves the right, without qualification, to select a bidder based solely on the content of the bid response and relevant information concerning the bidders records of past performance. It is imperative, therefore, that bid proposal contains the most favorable terms to AAI which the bidder can submit. 13 Third Party Involvement 13.1 It will be the responsibility of the successful bidder to sub-contract the services, if necessary, to a third party in order to fully satisfy the requirements of this tender. Successful bidder must ensure that all critical deliverables are owned by the successful bidder and not of the sub-contracting party. 13.2 In the event of successful bidder sub-contracting the supply of any services, the successful bidder will be contractually responsible for the supply of all services in accordance with the requirements of AAI as well as for the conduct of all subcontractors. However the liability of such sub-contracted services, will be jointly and severally of the successful bidder and the sub-contractor. 13.3 All services to be provided by sub-contractors are to be clearly identified in the tender response. 14 Confidentiality 14.1 Bidders must keep confidential any information received from, or about, as a result of, or in connection with, this tender. 14.2 Bidders must complete and submit the confidentiality agreement as per AnnexureXIV along with the eligibility bid. 14.3 This tender contains confidential and proprietary information. Its reproduction by photographic, electronic or other means is permitted only for the purpose of submitting a response. 14.4 No details of this tender may be disclosed to any third party without the prior written consent of AAI, and such disclosure, if permitted, will be subject to the terms of the confidentiality agreement between AAI and the successful bidder.


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14.5 Without limiting the confidentiality agreement referred to above, the successful bidder, without the prior written consent of AAI, must not make or issue any announcement or statement (including to any third party) in relation to this tender or the tender process. 15 Collusive Conduct 15.1 Bidders and their officers, employees, agents and advisers must not engage in any collusion, anti-competitive conduct or any other similar conduct with any other bidder or any other person in relation to the preparation or lodging of responses. 16 Applicable Law 16.1 The laws applying in the Republic of India apply to this tender and the tender process. Each bidder must comply with all relevant laws and each bidder irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of India at DELHI. 17 Contract Term 17.1 The term of the contract will be for a minimum period of Seven (7) years. The contract can be extended for a maximum period of 3 years on the same terms and conditions after the expiry of the 7 years period at the discretion of AAI. This is also in line with the terms contained in the Master Service Agreement (MSA) given later to be executed between AAI and the successful bidder. 18 Conditions Precedent 18.1 Subject to expressed terms to the contrary, the rights and obligations under MSA shall be effective (at any point of time during the course of the MSA) only upon fulfillment of all the Conditions Precedent set out below in this Clause. However, AAI, reserves the right at any time at its sole discretion to waive fully or partially any of the Conditions Precedent for the IT Implementing Firm. 18.2 The IT Implementing Firm shall have to fulfill Conditions Precedent, which are as follows: 18.2.1 Performance Bank Guarantee terms AAI in accordance with Para 6 of Section III of the tender document. 18.2.2 Provide AAI the certified true copies of requisite documents including board resolutions authorizing the execution, delivery and performance of MSA and the SLA with the AAI. 19 Non-fulfillment of Conditions Precedent 19.1 In the event that any of the Conditions Precedent relating to contractor has not been fulfilled within 15 days of the time limit prescribed for each condition and the same has not been waived by AAI fully or partially, the MSA shall cease to have any effect as of that date.


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19.2 In the event that the MSA fails to come into effect on account of non-fulfillment of the Conditions Precedent, AAI shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever to the contractor and shall forthwith invoke the Performance Bank Guarantee and forfeit the guarantee amount or EMD whichever is available with AAI. 19.3 In the event that vacant possession of any of the project facilities and/or project data has been delivered to the contractor prior to the fulfillment in full of the Conditions Precedent, upon failure of MSA to come into effect, such project facilities and project data shall immediately be reverted to AAI, free and clear from any encumbrances or claims. 20 Master Service Agreement

20.1 The Master Service Agreement is the generic supply and service terms that would be executed between AAI and successful bidder. These generic terms would provide the framework of supply and service delivery for the project Establishment of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports. The same MSA shall also be applicable to all the additional airports where the services will be extended after the completion of the 10 airports covered in the scope of this tender. The MSA shall also cover all the enhancements within one or many airport(s). 20.2 Master Service Agreement (MSA) Schedules : MSA Schedule A- Tender - AAI Tender Document (Ref No. AAI/CHQ/ITD / AOCC PROJ-2012 ) MSA Schedule B Tender Addenda/ Corrigenda - AAI Tender Addenda/Corrigenda MSA Schedule C IT Implementing Firm Response to Tender as bidder - Eligibility, Technical, Financial Bids IT Implementing Firm as response to the tender MSA Schedule D Written Communication between AAI & IT Implementing Firm - All communication between AAI & IT Implementing Firm such as clarifications/work order etc. MSA Schedule E Payment(s) - Payment Schedule shall be as per tender/work order. MSA Schedule F Work / Purchase Order. MSA Schedule G - Service Level Agreement

20.3 Master Service Agreement (MSA) Format is given at the end of this section:


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21.1 The MSA shall operate as a legally binding services agreement specifying the master terms which apply to the Parties under the Agreement and to the provision of the Services by the IT Implementing Firm to the AAI under the duly executed SLA (Service Level Agreement). 21.2 The SLA in respect of the Operation and Maintenance of the IT Systems, other systems and services which are in-scope and are included under MSA is being entered into concurrently with MSA between the IT Implementing Firm and AAI. In respect of any future SLAs entered into between the Parties, each of the Parties shall observe and perform the obligations set out herein. 21.3 In the event of a change of Control by virtue of acquisition or merger of the controlling company of the IT Implementing Firm during the currency of MSA, IT Implementing Firm shall promptly notify AAI of the same and in the event that the net worth of the surviving entity is less than that of IT Implementing Firm prior to the change of Control, AAI may within 60 days of its becoming aware of the change in Control, require a replacement of existing Performance Guarantee furnished by the IT Implementing Firm from a guarantor acceptable to AAI (which shall not be IT Implementing Firm or any of its associated entities). If such a guarantee is not received within 60 days of AAI becoming aware of the change in Control, AAI may exercise its right to terminate MSA within a further period of 60 days by written notice, to become effective from the date specified in such notice which date shall not be earlier than 180 days and not later than 360 days of the date of receipt of the written notice of termination by the IT Implementing Firm. Pursuant to termination, the consequences of termination as set out in Para 50 below will become effective. The internal reorganization of the IT Implementing Firm shall not be deemed to be an event of a change of Control for purposes of this Article unless the surviving entity is of less net worth than the predecessor entity.


Initialization Phase

22.1 Scope of Contract 22.1.1 All the functions under the purview of the Tender shall be provided by the IT Implementing Firm as defined in Section V& Annexure VII of the tender and subsequent corrigendum/addendum issued by AAI and in conformity with the MSA including its Schedules and the SLA. 23 Obligations of AAI

23.1 AAI shall be the recipient of the Services under the MSA and shall fulfill the following responsibilities at no additional cost to the IT Implementing Firm: 23.1.1 AAI shall provide the information, documents, data and resources as needed to the IT Implementing Firm for successful implementation of the project.
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AAI shall allow and provide access to the IT Implementing Firm of all existing airport systems, data in electronic form and process descriptions which have the requirement of interface related to Establishment of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports. AAI shall also conduct workshops for the IT Implementing Firm to explain in detail all AAI functions. This shall be done at the start of the project and as part of the functional requirements specifications phase. AAI shall provide the same or similar access to AAI's workplace services, such as parking and cafeteria facilities, if any, as AAI provides to its employees and Subcontractors. AAI shall also provide access to the use of space, equipment, and support at the AAI locations reasonably necessary for the performance of the Services. This includes:

23.1.3 Raw power for all locations Air-conditioning, uninterruptible power supply (except where the same are not within bidders scope). other similar utilities, office space, secure storage space and equipment staging facilities, coordination of AAI location access due to security requirements, and administrative support to be used by the IT Implementing Firm in support of the Services. 23.1.4 AAI shall constitute appropriate mechanism for regular monitoring and control of the project including project performance. AAI shall ensure timely release of payments to the IT Implementing Firm as per the terms of the MSA. AAI shall depute its staff for training and workshops as per the training plan agreed with the IT Implementing Firm. AAI shall ensure appropriate participation and involvement of its staff so that the new system is adopted quickly and as desired. AAI shall provide the venues and infrastructure required for imparting training. AAI shall conduct Acceptance Testing itself or engage a third party for the same. It shall provide acceptance of the system as per the agreed upon plan, timeline and criteria. AAI shall coordinate with the appropriate agencies within the Government and other external entities to ensure smooth transition to the new system and changed processes.






23.1.10 AAI shall ensure that all the required legal amendments are carried out for the new processes and systems deployed. 23.1.11 Fulfill all other responsibilities as defined in the Tender, the MSA and those agreed with the IT Implementing Firm.
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23.1.12 With respect to software to be provided by AAI Implementing Firm to provide services:

for the use of IT AAI represents and warrants that IT Implementing Firm, during the agreement term, has the right to access and use such software in the manner in which it was using till the Effective Date. AAI hereby grants to IT Implementing Firm, for IT Implementing Firms provision of the Services, the same rights to access and use such software that AAI has with respect to such software, subject in Para 30 (Approvals and Required Consents) herein. 23.1.13 With respect to the Equipments provided by AAI and permitted to be used by the IT Implementing Firm to provide the Services: AAI represents and warrants that, during the Agreement Term, IT Implementing Firm has the right to access and use such Equipments in the manner in which it was using such Equipments as of the Effective Date. AAI hereby grants to IT Implementing Firm, for IT Implementing Firm's provision of the Services, the same rights to access and use such Equipments that AAI has with respect to such Equipments, subject to in Para 30 (Approvals and Required Consents) herein. AAI will ensure that the AAI facilities/locations provide a safe working environment, including complying with any applicable laws. AAI shall remedy any violation of law with respect to any unsafe condition or the presence of hazardous materials. 24 Obligations of the IT Implementing Firm The IT Implementing Firm shall be responsible for deploying the proposed solution/systems as defined in the Tender and/or agreed with AAI. The main responsibilities are listed below: 24.1 The IT Implementing Firm shall perform the services, procure and deploy the physical and technical infrastructure and adhere to the performance parameters as per the agreed SLAs and as described in the Tender and as per this contract. 24.2 The IT Implementing Firm shall establish the IT and non-IT infrastructure in the form of Data Centre, Disaster Recovery Site, networks and other IT infrastructure in accordance with the provisions of the Tender and this contract. 24.3 The IT Implementing Firm shall be responsible for execution of the part of the order related to required Bandwidth, Wide Area Network services and connectivity, incidental thereto as specified in the Scope of Work in the tender and Agreement.


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24.4 The IT Implementing Firm shall pass on the ownership of assets namely, Data Centre assets , Disaster Recovery Site Assets and other IT assets, Application Software (i.e. the solution and bespoke software including the source code) and System Software (in the form of licenses obtained in favor of AAI) to AAI in accordance with the provisions of the Tender and this contract. 24.5 The IT Implementing Firm shall deploy appropriate staff for different activities in the performance of the Services under the MSA, including but not limited to DC and DR setup and operations, infrastructure setup and support, back office operations and project management all in accordance with MSA. 24.6 The IT Implementing Firm shall provide training to such number of AAI staff and staff of any external entities involved in the project and who are required to be trained, as may be agreed under the MSA. 24.7 The IT Implementing Firm shall assign senior resources for project coordination with AAI, as the IT Implementing Firms representatives for key decision making. 24.8 The IT Implementing Firm shall use Industry Best Practices in all areas of implementation, infrastructure, processes and operations. 24.9 The IT Implementing Firm shall comply with agreed quality standards for various activities covered under the Services over the entire period of contract. 24.10 The IT Implementing Firm shall monitor and maintain all aspects of the system as per defined SLAs. 25 Period of Contract 25.1 The MSA shall be valid from the Effective Date till the month ending after the end of 7 (seven) years from the date of acceptance at Chennai (Go-Live) by AAI (Initial Term); The period for all the remaining airports is co-terminus with Chennai Airport Go-Live date. 25.2 AAI may extend at its discretion the tenure by 3 more years beyond the Initial term under same terms and conditions with the IT Implementing Firm. 25.3 If AAI desires to extend the tenure as above, it shall intimate the IT Implementing Firm in writing 180 days before the expiry date of the Initial Term. 25.4 If the IT Implementing Firm is unable to agree for the extension, the IT Implementing Firm shall intimate the same in writing to AAI 120 days before the expiry date of the Initial Term. 25.5 The MSA shall expire on the expiry date of the Initial Term unless the tenure stands extended beyond the initial term as above.


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26 Project Monitoring 26.1 The IT Implementing Firm shall plan various activities and submit the execution schedule within one week of award of the work. 26.2 The above execution schedule should clearly indicate all activities and the time required for completion of each activity taking the total project time as specified in the tender document. Parallel activities and the dependent activities for each activity may be required to be specified in the schedule. 26.3 The IT Implementing Firm would also be required to submit the bar chart for all the activities along with the schedule. 26.4 The project shall be closely monitored with respect to this schedule. The project review & coordination meetings shall be held once in 15 days with respect to this schedule. 26.5 Apart from the regular monitoring meeting at sites the physical progress of the work shall be monitored from time to time as agreed between both the parties in the progress review meetings. 26.6 Any slippage from the schedule in completion of one activity and resultant delay / impact on the overall completion schedule shall be reviewed in each review meeting and the vendor would be required to take corrective actions to bring back the project on schedule. 27 Commencement of MSA 27.1 The MSA shall come into effect on the Effective Date. 28 Scope and Provision of the Services 28.1 The Services shall be performed by the IT Implementing Firm pursuant to terms under the SLA to be entered into in accordance with the MSA 28.2 The IT Implementing Firm represents that it is a competent and efficient provider of a variety of information technology and business process management services. 28.3 The IT Implementing Firm shall perform the Services in a good professional manner using the Industry Best Practices so as to comply with the applicable Service Levels, in accordance with the terms set out in the MSA and the Service Level Agreement (SLA). 28.4 The IT Implementing Firm will keep abreast of the relevant technical, managerial and operational requirements applicable to the provision of the Services and the Industry Best Practices in this area.


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28.5 The IT Implementing Firm will share their knowledge periodically (quarterly) with AAI, regarding matters which would assist AAI, in its use of the Services, provided that IT Implementing Firm shall not be obligated to share other client information or Confidential Information of IT Implementing Firm not relevant to the MSA. 28.6 No Party to the MSA or to the SLA will at any time perform, or omit to perform, any act which they are aware, at the time of performance, will place the other Party in default under any insurance policy, mortgage or lease, governing activities at any location provided by AAI. 29 Commencement and Duration of the SLA 29.1 The commencement and duration of the SLA shall be as per clause Article II Para 1.2 of the Service Level Agreement to be executed between AAI and the IT Implementing Firm. 30 Approvals and Required Consents 30.1 The Parties will cooperate reasonably to obtain, maintain and observe all relevant and customary regulatory and governmental licenses, clearances and applicable approvals (hereinafter the Approvals) necessary for the IT Implementing Firm to provide the Services. 30.2 Unless agreed upon otherwise between the parties the costs of such Approvals shall be borne by the IT Implementing Firm. 30.3 Both parties will give each other all co-operation and information reasonably required to meet their respective obligations under the MSA. 30.4 AAI shall use reasonable endeavours to assist IT Implementing Firm obtain the Approvals. 30.5 IT Implementing Firm shall not be relieved of its obligations to provide the Services and to achieve the Service Levels until the Approvals are obtained if and to the extent that the IT Implementing Firm's obligations are dependent upon such Approvals. 30.6 In the event that any Approval is not obtained, the IT Implementing Firm and AAI will co-operate with each other in achieving a reasonable alternative arrangement as soon as reasonably practicable for AAI. 30.7 The IT Implementing Firm shall continue to process its work with as minimal interruption to its business operations as is reasonable until such Approval is obtained. 30.8 AAI shall assist and provide to the IT Implementing Firm, all Required Consents, which IT Implementing Firm is required to perform the Services.


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30.9 In the event that Required Consent is not obtained, the IT Implementing Firm and AAI will cooperate with each other in achieving a reasonable alternative arrangement as soon as reasonably practicable for AAI. 30.10 The IT Implementing Firm shall continue to process its work with as minimal interruption to its business operations as is reasonable until such Required Consent is obtained. 31 Use and Acquisition of Assets During the Term of the MSA, the IT Implementing Firm shall: 31.1 Take all reasonable and proper care of the entire hardware and software, network or any other information technology infrastructure components used for the Project in terms of the delivery of the Services as per the MSA (hereinafter the Assets) in proportion to their use and control of such Assets. Such Assets will include all upgrades/enhancements and improvements to meet the prevailing needs of the Establishment of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports, as provided by the manufacturers of these Assets. Keep all the tangible Assets, as provided by the manufacturers of these Assets, in as good and serviceable condition as on the date the IT Implementing Firm takes control of or first uses the Assets and during the entire Term of the MSA. Keep the intangible Assets suitably upgraded as on the date the IT Implementing Firm takes control of or first uses the Assets and during the entire Term of the MSA. Ensure that any instructions or manuals supplied by the manufacturer of the Assets for use of the Assets and provided to the IT Implementing Firm will be followed by the IT Implementing Firm and any person who will be responsible for the use of the Assets. Take such steps as may be properly recommended by the manufacturer of the Assets and notified to the IT Implementing Firm or as may, in the reasonable opinion of the IT Implementing Firm, be necessary to use the Assets in a safe manner. To the extent that the Assets are under the control of the IT Implementing Firm, keep the Assets suitably housed and in conformity with current statutory compliances including any changes in statutory requirements from time to time applicable. Provide permission to AAI or its duly authorized representative on notice to enter any land or premises on which the Assets are for the time being sited so as to inspect the same, subject to any reasonable third party requirements. Not knowingly or negligently use or permit any of the Assets to be used in contravention of any statutory provisions or regulation or contrary to law.
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31.10 Use the Assets exclusively for the purpose of providing the Services as appropriate. 31.11 Not sell, offer for sale, assign, mortgage, pledge, sub-let or lend out any of the Assets. 31.12 Use the Assets only in accordance with the terms hereof and those contained in the SLA. 31.13 Transfer the ownership of all the Assets and license to the materials as per the terms of the MSA (not already with AAI, including but not limited to the project documentation which is the work product of the development efforts involved in the Project) as per the Exit Management Plan described in the MSA. 31.14 Ensure the integration of the software with hardware to be installed and the current Assets in scope in order to ensure the smooth operations of the entire solution architecture to provide efficient services in accordance with the Project requirements of AAI in an efficient and speedy manner. 31.15 Replace out dated, obsolete and non-performing Assets with new versions as per the IT Implementing Firms responsibility to refresh technology. Technology refresh shall be made as per the refresh program under in Para 36 herein. Software shall be maintained at N-2 version. 31.16 An approval (i.e. sign off) from AAI at each stage is essential to close each of the above. However AAI agrees not to unduly withhold or deny such approvals. 31.17 IT Implementing Firm shall not be entitled to claim on the revenue earnings of AAI from advertisement and other ancillary sources by the use of these assets. The IT Implementing Firm cannot also make any earnings from these assets without written permission of AAI. AAI decision shall be final and binding on the IT Implementing Firm in this regard. 32 Access to IT Implementing Firm 32.1 For so long as the IT Implementing Firm provides Services from any AAI location on a non-permanent basis and to the extent necessary for the IT Implementing Firm to provide the Services and at no cost to the IT Implementing Firm, AAI, shall, subject to compliance by the IT Implementing Firm with any safety and security guidelines which may be notified by AAI to the IT Implementing Firm in writing, provide the IT Implementing Firm with: 32.1.1 access to office equipment as mutually agreed and other related support services in such location and at such other project location, if any, as may be reasonably necessary for the IT Implementing Firm to perform its obligations hereunder and under the SLA.


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same or similar access to AAI workplace services, such as parking and cafeteria facilities, if any, as AAI provides to its employees and Subcontractors.


Locations and items shall be made available to the IT Implementing Firm on an as is where is basis by AAI. The IT Implementing Firm agrees to ensure that its employees, agents and contractors do not use the location, services and items: 32.2.1 32.2.2 for the transmission of any material which is defamatory, offensive or abusive or of an obscene or menacing character (or) in a manner which constitutes a violation or infringement of the rights of any person, firm or company (including but not limited to rights of copyright or confidentiality).


If AAI relocates a facility, or the portion of a facility used by IT Implementing Firm to provide the Services, AAI will: 32.3.1 Provide the IT Implementing Firm with space and support in the new location similar to the space and support provided in the previous location. Reimburse IT Implementing Firm for any one time or ongoing expenses incurred as a result of the relocation. If the relocation impacts IT Implementing Firm's ability to meet the Service Levels, relieve IT Implementing Firm from the affected Service Levels until the relocation is complete and the Service Levels are appropriately adjusted.




IT Implementing Firm's use of the AAI facilities does not constitute or create any interest.

33 Management Phase 33.1 Governance 33.1.1 33.2 The review and management process of the MSA shall cover all the management aspects as set out in the Tender.

Personnel 33.2.1 Personnel assigned by IT Implementing Firm to perform the Services shall be employees of IT Implementing Firm, its Affiliates or its Subcontractors, and under no circumstances will such personnel be considered employees of AAI. IT Implementing Firm shall have the sole responsibility for supervision and control of its personnel. IT Implementing Firm, its Affiliates or its Subcontractors shall have the sole responsibility towards their employees for payment of entire compensation, including salary,
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withholding of income taxes, compensation, employee and disability benefits etc and shall be responsible for all employer obligations under applicable laws. 33.2.3 IT Implementing Firm shall ensure that sufficient IT Implementing Firm personnel are employed to perform the Services, and also that such personnel have appropriate qualifications to perform the Services. If AAI reasonably determines that it is not in AAI's best interests for an employee of IT Implementing Firm, it's Affiliates, or their Subcontractors to continue performing the Services, AAI shall reserve the right to require the removal or replacement of any IT Implementing Firm personnel performing work under the MSA by providing the IT Implementing Firm with a written notice to remove or replace such employee. Promptly after receiving such notice, the IT Implementing Firm will take appropriate action accordingly. In the event that AAI requests that any IT Implementing Firm personnel be replaced, the substitution of such personnel shall be accomplished as early as possible as but not later than 10 working days from the date of written notice by AAI. The IT Implementing Firm shall also be responsible to train employees of AAI with regard to the Services being provided by the IT Implementing Firm at the beginning of the Services initially and when there are any changes to the Services during the Term of the MSA. The parameters of the training required for these employees of AAI shall be mutually agreed between AAI and the IT Implementing Firm. Such training shall be in accordance with the latest procedures and processes available in the relevant areas of work as may be agreed under the MSA. In the event AAI and the IT Implementing Firm identify any personnel of IT Implementing Firm as "Key Personnel", then the IT Implementing Firm shall not remove such personnel without identifying a suitable replacement which shall be with the prior written consent of AAI under the applicable terms of the MSA and/or SLA which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Except as stated in this Article, nothing in the MSA or the SLA will limit the ability of IT Implementing Firm or any IT Implementing Firm freely to assign or reassign its employees; provided that IT Implementing Firm shall be responsible, at its expense, for transferring all appropriate knowledge from personnel being replaced to their replacements. AAI shall have the right to review and approve IT Implementing Firm's plan for any such knowledge transfer. IT Implementing Firm shall maintain the same standards for skills and professionalism among replacement personnel as in personnel being replaced. Each Party shall be responsible for the performance of all its obligations under the MSA or the SLA and shall be liable for the acts and omissions of its employees and agents in connection therewith.






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34 34.1

Use of Services AAI, or its nominated agencies will undertake and use the Services in accordance with the instructions or procedures formulated by the IT Implementing Firm (the Process Interface Manual for such usage and mutually agreed by the Parties from time to time. IT Implementing Firm will develop a draft of the Process Interface Manual, reflecting the process interfaces for the Services, and provide such draft to AAI within 30 days after the completion of the acceptance at Chennai. Within ten business days following AAIs receipt of the draft Process Interface Manual, AAI will provide to the IT Implementing Firm, in writing, AAIs consolidated comments, questions and proposed changes to the Process Interface Manual and the IT Implementing Firm shall incorporate any changes proposed by AAI. Within 10 Business Days of the receipt of the written comments from AAI, the IT Implementing Firm shall provide AAI with the final version of the Process Interface manual duly incorporating the changes proposed by AAI. During the Term, AAI and the IT Implementing Firm will jointly review the Process Interface Manual on an annual basis or more frequently, as required, and the IT Implementing Firm will update and maintain the Process Interface Manual accordingly. The IT Implementing Firm will provide AAI and his designated access to the Process Interface Manual during the Term for AAI's use, review, and comment. AAI or its nominated agencies shall be responsible for the operation and use of the Deliverables resulting from the Services provided by or on behalf of the IT Implementing Firm. Changes AAI and the IT Implementing Firm recognize that frequent change in the IT System operations ( Operational Changes) is an inevitable part of delivering services and that a significant element of this change can be accomplished by reorganizing processes and responsibilities without a material effect on the cost. IT Implementing Firm will effect Operational Changes without an increase in the terms of payment as stated in the terms of payment schedule and AAI will work with the IT Implementing Firm to ensure that all changes are discussed and managed in a constructive manner, as far as practicable. IT Implementing Firm will: 35.2.1 Obtain AAI's approval before making any unplanned changes that will have material effect to AAI's business operations. Schedule change activities with the goal of minimizing unreasonable interruptions to AAI's business operations.
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Prepare a monthly schedule of planned and on-going changes that will have material effect to AAI's business operations or the services.


With respect to changes made by IT Implementing Firm after approval by AAI as per Para 35.2.1 above, the IT Implementing Firm shall, as soon as possible but not later than five Business Days after such change was made, provide a complete documentation of such changes to AAI. In case AAI desires any change in the scope of the IT Implementing Firms obligations under MSA (Major ) and such change is likely to cause financial hardship to the IT Implementing Firm, the IT Implementing Firm shall convey to AAI the time schedule and cost of the proposed change. AAI shall signify either its approval or disapproval to IT Implementing Firm as soon as possible after receipt of such estimation from the IT Implementing Firm. In case of disapproval by AAI the change request shall be deemed to be cancelled and IT Implementing Firm shall be relieved from all obligations to perform such change. For avoidance of doubt, the parties expressly agree that : 35.5.1 Change Orders shall not be effective and binding unless agreed in writing and signed by both IT Implementing Firm and AAI. 35.5.2 The payment of any additional cost, if any, shall be agreed under Change Orders. 35.5.3 Payment, if any, for the additional scope of work shall be in line with payment terms and conditions of the Tender.



36 Technology Refresh Programme 36.1 The IT Implementing Firm shall plan, keep under review and provide a programme of technology refresh at every airport location involved in the Establishment of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports, for the equipment and Software used by the IT Implementing Firm to provide the Services, to AAI ("Technology Refresh Programme"). Such programme shall be completed within three months prior to expiry of five years period from the date of Chennai Go-Live. 36.2 The Technology Refresh Programme shall set out the policy, strategy and key milestones for the equipment and Software used at all locations and shall be consistent with the prevailing technology taking into account : 36.2.1 36.2.2 36.2.3 36.2.4 industry developments; relevant standards; performance and capacity information related to the services; information relating to service requirements including planned and predicted growth rates;
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The IT Implementing Firm shall ensure that the Technology Refresh Programme that it provides to AAI shall be sufficient for AAI to decide whether any improvement should be implemented. The IT Implementing Firm shall provide any further information that AAI requests to enable AAI to determine this. In accordance with agreed Technology Refresh Programme, following components shall be refreshed by the IT Implementing Firm: 36.4.1 36.4.2 36.4.3 36.4.4 Desktops and support infrastructure such as printers, UPS; Servers hardware/System software; Security Devices and Anti-virus Software Software shall be maintained at N-2 version.



Items not to be covered under Technology Refresh Program include networking equipment like switches, routers, video walls and LCD displays for AOCC. The costs associated with the refresh of components under the Technology Refresh Programme shall be inclusive and AAI will not pay separately.


37 Security and Safety 37.1 The IT Implementing Firm will comply with the standards related to the security and safety that are set forth in the MSA, in so far as it applies to the provision of the Services. 37.2 The IT Implementing Firm shall also comply with Projects information technology security standards and policies in force from time to time which AAI makes the IT Implementing Firm aware in advance so far as the same apply to the provision of the Services at every location. 37.3 All changes to the security and safety standards which are set forth in MSA shall be analyzed by the IT Implementing Firm and any impact of such changes on the Services and the financials shall be informed to AAI and implemented in accordance with the para 35(Changes) of this document. 37.4 The Parties to MSA shall use reasonable endeavours to report forthwith in writing to each other all identified attempts (whether successful or not) by unauthorized persons (including unauthorized persons who are employees of any Party) either to gain access to or interfere with the Project's data, facilities or Confidential Information. 37.5 The IT Implementing Firm shall upon reasonable request by AAI or its nominee(s) participate in regular meetings when safety and information technology security matters are reviewed. 37.6 The Parties under MSA shall promptly report in writing to each other any act or omission by such partys employees which they are aware that could in their
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reasonable opinion have an adverse effect on the proper conduct of safety and information technology security at Projects Facilities. 38 Co-operation 38.1 Except as otherwise provided elsewhere in the MSA or the SLA, each Party ("Providing Party") to the MSA or to the SLA undertakes promptly to provide the other Party ("Receiving Party") with all such information and co-operation which the Receiving Party reasonably requests, provided that such information and co-operation: 38.1.1 Does not require material expenditure for providing the information. 38.1.2 Is reasonably required by the Receiving Party in order for it to comply with its obligations under the MSA or the SLA; and is not Confidential Information. 38.1.3 Is capable of being provided by the Providing Party. 38.2 Each Party agrees to co-operate with the other Party as reasonably requested in order to accomplish the purposes of the MSA. 39 Audit, Access and Reporting 39.1 AAI by itself or through its nominated agency may, after giving thirty days prior notice, carry out periodic audits and inspections of all project/services related prepared documents, data, locations, accounts and information at its own expense and cost; AAI or its nominated agency shall endeavor to conduct such audits with lowest levels of inconvenience and disturbance practicable being caused to the IT Implementing Firm. 39.2 The auditors may carry out non-timetabled audits, which are considered necessary as a result of an act of fraud by the IT Implementing Firm, a security violation, or breach of confidentiality obligations by the IT Implementing Firm. 39.3 The frequency of audits (time tabled) shall be yearly. 39.4 The audit and access rights contained within this section shall survive the termination or expiration of the MSA. 39.5 The IT Implementing Firm shall provide reasonable access to the documents, records and systems required for audit and shall provide all such persons with routine assistance in connection with the audits and inspections. The auditor shall have the right to copy and retain copies of any relevant records at its own expense and cost. The IT Implementing Firm shall extend support to co-operate with them. 40 Verification 40.1 AAI or its nominated agency shall have the right to, as shall be reasonably necessary, to verify:
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The security, integrity and availability of all AAI Data processed held or conveyed by the IT Implementing Firm on behalf of AAI and the users of the IT Systems and documentation related thereto. That the actual level of performance of the services is the same as specified in the Service Level Agreements. That the IT Implementing Firm has complied with the relevant technical standards and has adequate internal controls in place. The compliance of the IT Implementing Firm with any other obligation under the MSA. The audit and access rights contained in the MSA shall survive the termination or expiration of the MSA.





41 Reporting 41.1 The IT Implementing Firm will provide quarterly reports to AAI regarding any specific aspects of the scheme and in the context of the audit and access information as required or such by AAI. 41.2 For the purposes of audit, the IT Implementing Firm shall maintain true and accurate records with the provision of the Services and the IT Implementing Firm shall handover all the relevant records and documents upon the termination or expiry of the MSA. 42 Testing and Inspection The testing and inspection of the equipment / components procured shall be carried out in three stages by AAI namely Factory Inspection (Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)), pre-installation (post Delivery) inspection and postinstallation Acceptance Testing (Site Acceptance Test). All stages may not be applicable to all the components and list of items where factory acceptance shall be carried out shall be decided mutually after the award. However, all components shall mandatorily have post-delivery and post installation acceptance testing. The FAT shall be carried out as per the FAT document submitted by the IT implementing firm and duly approved by AAI. The successful Bidder shall give 10 days written notice of readiness of any material, document for the purpose of Factory Acceptance Test. Such tests shall be to the contractor's account. Factory Acceptance Test documents shall be comprehensive and list all the procedures that shall be used to satisfy inspectors on specifications test results. Factory Acceptance documents submitted by contractor shall be approved by AAI before Tests. Factory inspection of complete equipment may be made by Inspectors nominated by AAI, in accordance to AAI approved / agreed to Test documents. Cost of Such Inspection shall be borne by the contractor. Travel, boarding and lodging
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expenses shall be borne by AAI for AAI nominated Factory Inspection Test (FAT) Inspectors. 42.3 Pre-installation inspection shall be performed at the AAI site at the time of delivery of the equipment and the inspector shall inspect the goods against any physical damage on delivery. The inspector shall also check the goods delivered against the models ordered. The inspector shall reject the items, which are not delivered as per the contract or any subsequent modifications to the contract, in terms of make & model. Post-installation Acceptance Testing shall be performed after the completion of installation of the items and readiness for commencing the Go-Live operations. The inspectors shall verify the component level details during this testing and shall sign the installation report after successful completion of the post installation testing. Defects / shortcomings brought out in this testing shall have to be attended as per the contract within the permitted time schedule. The IT Implementing Firm shall create an Acceptance Testing Plan and Test Cases and submit to AAI at least 30 days prior to the testing which shall, upon approval by AAI, be used for testing adherence to defined requirements. The Test Cases shall clearly identify the items that shall be termed as CategoryA items which are show-stoppers for the purpose of the MSA and which have to be successfully implemented. If any Category-A item has issues, acceptance shall not be provided by AAI. For the sake of clarity, show-stoppers are defined as problems in the applications, infrastructure and operations deployed/ provided by the IT Implementing Firm which do not allow AAI to perform its functions efficiently. If AAI is able to perform the functions to a desirable extent, a Conditional Acceptance Certificate may be given to the IT Implementing Firm for commencement of SLAs and payment thereof; however, the problems shall be resolved and removed by the IT Implementing Firm within a period of one calendar month from the date of the Conditional Acceptance Certificate. The IT Implementing Firm shall request AAI or the Designated Agency to undertake Acceptance Testing. AAI or the Designated Agency will undertake such testing in accordance with agreed time table. On completion of the testing AAI or the Designated Agency shall inform the IT Implementing Firm of the results of such testing. On successful testing, a test certificate (System Acceptance Certificate) shall be issued to the IT Implementing Firm. The IT Implementing Firm, prior to requesting Acceptance Test, shall provide AAI or the Designated Agency with: 42.8.1 42.8.2 42.9 results of tests internally undertaken by the IT Implementing Firm to establish compliance with the Acceptance Test document. the test equipment required for Acceptance Test.






If any system or any part of the system thereof, during the above testing clauses, fails to fulfill the requirements of the contract, AAI shall give the IT
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Implementing Firm notice to undertake Acceptance Testing again within an agreed period of time. The IT Implementing Firm upon which shall make arrangement for the Acceptance Testing again duly setting right the system to make it comply with the requirements of the contract forthwith. Should the IT Implementing Firm fail to do so within this time or unable to demonstrate successful testing, AAI reserves the right to consider as material breach of the MSA on the part of IT Implementation Firm. The testing as per above in any way does not relieve the IT Implementing Firm from any Warranty or other obligations including the levy of Liquidated Damages under MSA. 42.10 The date of System Acceptance shall be the date of successful completion of Acceptance Test procedure as per Acceptance Test Document. 42.11 AAI shall not unreasonably withhold or delay the issuance of acceptance certificate if the Supplies or Services substantially meet the specifications or on account of any minor defects which have no material effect on the functionality of the Supplies or Services. Provided that the issuance of the Acceptance Certificate will not absolve the IT Implementing Firm of its obligations, and the IT Implementing Firm shall remedy the minor defects within reasonable time. 42.12 In case the Acceptance Tests are delayed for reasons attributable to AAI or the Designated Agency, the time available to the IT Implementing Firm for discharging its obligations will be extended by the period of delay. 42.13 IT Implementing Firm & AAI agree that no system, application or service will be put in production use without successful completion of the Acceptance Testing or the Conditional Acceptance Certificate. 43 Payment Schedule 43.1 Subject to the satisfactory discharge of its obligations under the MSA the IT Implementing Firm shall be entitled to the payment as hereinafter provided in MSA Schedule E Payment Schedule for Establishment of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports. 43.2 The payment terms shall be as per Para 4, Para 44, Para 45, Para 46, Para 47 Para 48 of Section IV of the tender and the works order issued by AAI. &

43.3 IT Implementing Firm needs to comply with the project timeline specified in this Tender under Para 2 of Section IV. Liquidated Damages would be applicable for any delays as per Para 50 herein. 43.4 IT Implementing Firm needs to ensure that the SLA Matrix as per respective Table SLA-I & SLA-II is being complied. IT Implementing Firm needs to submit a SLA report along with the quarterly payment invoice. In the event the SLA is not achieved, Service Level Penalty as applicable on the quarterly payment would be charged as per para 50.


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44 Period of Payments 44.1 Subject to the issuance of an Acceptance Certificate or the Conditional Acceptance Certificate for a deliverable and subject to successful fulfillment of its other obligations under the MSA, the IT Implementing Firm shall be entitled to payment as per Para 4 of Section IV of tender. The IT Implementing Firm shall be entitled to payments only for the term of the MSA. No payment shall be due to the IT Implementing Firm after the expiration or termination of the MSA. In case of payments as hereinbefore provided are overdue to the IT Implementing Firm for more than three (3) months continuously, then it shall constitute material breach of the MSA on the part of AAI. The cure period for such material breach shall be 30 days from the date of notice of the material breach.



45 No Other Payment 45.1 The IT Implementing Firm shall be entitled to only the payments described herein before and no other payments.

46 Invoicing The IT Implementing Firm shall raise an invoice as soon as the payment becomes due. The invoices shall inter alia: 46.1 46.2 Disclose the activity and the term for which payment is being claimed. Refer to the Certificate or Test Report (where ever applicable) which entitles the IT Implementing Firm to such payment. In case payment for an activity, in relation to a Milestone, is being claimed for the first time, the IT Implementing Firm shall enclose copy of Acceptance Test Certificate which entitles IT Implementing Firm to payment. Contain a certificate from the IT Implementing Firm stating that Service Levels have been achieved (wherever applicable), along with basis of such certificate or in the alternate stating the shortfalls and the corresponding liquidated damages/Penalty. Indicate the: 46.4.1 46.4.2 46.4.3 46.4.4 Gross amount payable. Deduction towards liquidated damages/Penalty if any. Other deductions, if any. Net amount payable.




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The IT Implementing Firms invoice to AAI shall be inclusive of all duties and taxes. The IT Implementing Firm to depict the item of service tax separately in its invoices to AAI duly indicating the service tax registration number. Service tax shall be deposited by the IT Implementing Firm directly.

47 Set Off 47.1 Any sum of money due and payable to the IT Implementing Firm (including security deposit refundable to him) under this contract may be appropriated by AAI to set off the same against any claim of the AAI for payment of a sum of money arising out of this contract made by the IT Implementing Firm with AAI.

48 Taxes Liability 48.1 The IT Implementing Firm shall pay for all taxes, duties or levies in connection with the provision of Services to AAI under the MSA and SLAs, including, but not limited to, property, sales, use, excise duty, value-added, goods and services, consumption and other applicable taxes, duties or levies. However, as required under the applicable tax laws, AAI shall be responsible for deduction of taxes from the amounts due and payable to the IT Implementing Firm wherever applicable. For all such cases, AAI shall provide IT Implementing Firm with the original tax receipt of any deducted taxes paid by AAI on payments under the MSA. The IT Implementing Firm agrees to reimburse and hold AAI harmless from any fines relating to taxes that are its responsibility under this paragraph. For purposes of MSA, taxes, duties or levies shall include taxes, duties or levies incurred on transactions between and among AAI, the IT Implementing Firm and third party subcontractors of the IT Implementing Firm. In the event of any increase or decrease of the rate of taxes, duties or levies, due to any Act of Parliament or State Legislature or statutory notification/s during the Term of the MSA which increases or decreases the rate of applicable taxes, duties or levies on the Services shall be passed on to AAI as per actuals. The Parties shall cooperate to enable each Party to accurately determine its own tax liability and to minimize such liability to the extent legally permissible. In connection therewith, the Parties shall provide each other with: 48.5.1 any resale certificates. 48.5.2 any relevant information regarding use of out-of-state materials, equipment or services. 48.5.3 any exemption certificates or information reasonably requested by the other Party.
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49 Responsibility Matrix Following table gives the responsibility matrix for both AAI and the IT Implementing Firm at DC / DR and other locations in the scope of this contract:

S.N o


Asset Owner ship

Refreh Owner ship

Support & Operational ownership

1 2 3

All servers and storage required to deliver the scope of RFP Networking devices All cabling as per the scope of work Computing Security devices like firewall, IPS etc as per the scope of this tender. PC, Printers required to deliver scope of work Licenses for the application part of the scope of work Licenses required to deliver some of the services (Helpdesk, NMS etc) All the middleware & Database software FIDS CCTV Essential Power Backup Fire Management System for DC Raw Electrical feed Precision AC Access Control System Rodent Repellent System BMS UPS Water Leak Detection System for DC







5 6







8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19





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Asset Owner ship Refreh Owner ship Support & Operational ownership

S.N o


20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Gas Discharge System for DC ePOS Cargo Management System PAVA IVRS AOCC Infrastructure BHS BRS AIMS VGDS AAI Portal CUTE/CUPPS/CUSS Info Kiosk Any other application of AAI to be interfaced with the AODB system




50 Breach, Rectification & Termination 50.1 Time is the essence of the Contract. AAI expects the IT Implementing Firm to complete the scope of the project as mentioned in the tender within the timeframe specified in Para 2 of Section IV of tender. Inability of the IT Implementing Firm to either provide the requirements as per the scope or to meet the timelines as specified would be treated as material breach/delay of the contract and would invoke the following provisions stated hereinafter without prejudice to any other rights or remedy as may be available to AAI. The IT Implementing Firm shall pay to AAI a penalty in the form of Liquidated Damage (LD) for the delay occasioned on account of: 50.2.1 Failure to meet the project timelines for Go-Live of each airport as per in Para 2 of Section IV of tender Failure to meet the required service levels during the post Go-Live support phase of each airport as detailed in Service Level Agreement Appendix I- SLA Metrics.




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Failure to meet the project timelines for Go-Live 50.3 The IT Implementing Firm shall strictly adhere to the timelines as per Para 2 of Section IV of the tender. If the IT Implementing Firm fails to complete the time line for Go-Live (Acceptance Test) of airports individually within the time specified for each of such airport in the MSA (or as amended/ extended to by the Parties), LD shall be levied equivalent to 0.5 % of the payment payable on acceptance of such airport(s) by AAI for each week or part thereof of delay, until actual completion of the acceptance test of the said airport(s). The maximum liquidated damages for the delay in completion of the GoLive (Acceptance Test) of an airport shall not exceed 10% of the total bid price offered of respective airport(s) by the bidder. Liquidated damages as above shall be deducted on the total project cost of the respective airport and will be deducted from the 20% payment corresponding to the go-live stage for that airport. If the delay continues beyond 22 weeks for the Chennai and Kolkata airports and beyond 30 weeks for other airports, such delay shall constitute material breach of the terms of the MSA.




Failure to meet the required service levels during the post Go-Live 50.7 The IT Implementing Firm shall strictly adhere to the required service levels of each airport as detailed in Service Level Agreement Appendix I- SLA Metrics. The Service Level Penalty (SLP) shall be calculated as below if the IT Implementing Firm fails to meet the required service levels at each airport: 50.8.1 Each of the Service Levels in Schedule (Appendix A: Service Level Matrix) shall have a score (Weightage) assigned to it. The sum total of the score of all the Service Levels shall be 100 at baseline performance. In case the sum score measure across all the service parameters adds up to 100 then there is no SLP to be charged. In case the sum score measured across all the SLA parameter is 70 or lesser, 10% of total quarterly payment of the respective would be charged as SLP. In case the sum score measured across all the SLA parameter is greater than 70 and less than 100, then SLP would be reduced from 10% proportionally as per sample calculation shown (Ref : Service Level Agreement Appendix).






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An additional 10% penalty of total quarterly payment would be charged for every such quarter when the sum score measured across all the SLA parameter continue to remain 70 or lesser for more than one quarter. In terms of Service Level assessment, the Material breach of the terms & conditions of MSA shall occur: 50.10.1 If the sum score remains 70 or lesser for a continuous 3 quarters at the respective airport; 50.10.2 If the service level metric becomes equal or less than the mentioned breach level against any of the defined individual parameter for a continuous 3 quarters.


Compensation for delay in case of justified reasons 50.11 The amount and waiver of compensation for delay in case of justified reasons shall be decided at the discretion of AAI and the same shall be final and binding on the IT Implementing Firm. Time taken by AAI, local statutory authorities for approval of drawings, design, estimate etc., force majeure reasons and any other reasons beyond control of the IT Implementing Firm shall be considered as justified reasons. The amount of compensation may be adjusted or set off against any sum payable to the IT Implementing Firm under this contract. 50.12 The vendor may appeal against the compensation with the competent authority which shall decide on the issue and the decision of the competent authority on appeal shall be final and binding on the contractor. 50.13 Each site will be treated independently for calculating compensation. The delay applicable in the project shall also be site specific. Termination 50.14 In the event of material breach of any terms or conditions of the MSA by the IT Implementing Firm, AAI shall provide the IT Implementing Firm 30 days to rectify or remedy the breach. In the event the IT Implementing Firm unable to rectify or remedy the breach within the aforementioned period, AAI shall have the right to terminate the MSA. 50.15 If AAI fails to fulfill its payment obligation under the MSA, then the Operator may give a 30 days notice for curing such breach and in the event the breach continues, that will be treated as material breach; the IT Implementing Firm shall have the option to terminate the MSA. 50.16 The notice of material breach shall be given within 60 days of the occurrence of material breach. The termination date shall not be prior to 120 days from the date of issue of the termination notice.
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Effect of termination 50.17 Upon either party choosing to terminate MSA for material breach then AAI would pay to the IT Implementing Firm: 50.17.1 The overdue payments after adjusting any applicable penalties (LD etc) till date of termination; The termination charges for transferring ownership of IT Implementing Firm Equipments, the licenses to software and Materials as per MSA. The value of the termination charges shall be an amount equal to the value of supplies at the time of termination as mutually discussed and agreed. In case of any dispute on termination charges the same shall be evaluated by the third party to be appointed by AAI on written reference/request of either party. In case of material breach on part of IT Implementing Firm, AAI reserves the right to accept/deny the aforesaid transfer of ownership. In the event of non-acceptance of transfer of ownership by AAI, termination charges shall not be applicable. In such case the service provider shall be asked to take back their Equipment without any termination charges from AAI.





50.18 In the event of termination of the MSA, by AAI, due to the breach by the IT Implementation Firm, AAI shall be entitled to invoke the Project Performance Guarantee in accordance with Para 6.9 of Section III of the tender document. 50.19 Upon expiration or termination of the MSA the IT Implementing Firm shall take action in accordance with the in Para 61 related to Exit Management. 51 Representations and Warranties The IT Implementing Firm represents and warrants that: 51.1 It is a company duly organized and validly existing under the laws of India and has all requisite legal power and authority and corporate authorizations to execute the MSA and carry out the terms, conditions and provisions hereof; It has in full force and effect all requisite clearances, approvals and permits necessary to enter into the MSA and perform its obligations hereof; The MSA has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by IT Implementing Firm and constitutes valid, legal and binding obligation on IT Implementing Firm.
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The MSA and the transactions and obligations hereof do not contravene any constitutional documents or any law, regulation or government directive and will not contravene any provisions of, or constitute a default under, any other agreement or instrument to which it is a party or by which it or its property may be bound or any of its obligations or undertakings by which it or any of its assets are bound or cause a limitation on its powers or cause it to exceed its authorized powers; It has signed the MSA after having fully acquainted with the local conditions and factors which would have any effect on the performance of the Agreement and obtained all information that may be necessary for the performance of the Agreement. That as of this date there is no pending or likely actions, suits or proceedings affecting the IT Implementing Firm before a court, governmental agency, commission or arbitrator or administrative tribunal which materially or adversely affects the IT Implementing Firm's ability to perform its obligations under the MSA; and nor the IT Implementing Firm have immunity from the jurisdiction of a court or from legal process (whether through service of notice, attachment prior to judgment, attachment in aid of execution or otherwise). All representations and warranties of the IT Implementing Firm set forth in the Agreement are true, complete and correct in all respects to the best of its knowledge. No information given by the IT Implementing Firm in relation to the MSA, project documents or any document comprising security contains any intentionally placed material mis-statement of fact or intentionally omits to state as fact which would be materially adverse to the enforcement of the rights and remedies of AAI or which would be necessary to make any statement, representation or warranty contained herein or therein true and correct. All equipments shall be free from defects in material and workmanship and shall conform to their published specification when used in their specified operating Environments and benefit from their manufacturers guarantees. IT Implementing Firm shall ensure that all hardware and software so procured by it for providing Services carry warranty or AMC commitment from Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) for seven years. The warranties provided herein above are in addition to all other warranties, both express and implied. Transfer all Equipments in accordance with the MSA free from all encumbrances, charges or liens to AAI on the expiration or termination of the Agreement.
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That any data, information or other material provided by IT Implementing Firm to AAI will not infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any third party and IT Implementing Firm shall, at its cost, indemnify AAI against any such infringement claims brought against AAI by any third party. IT Implementing Firm further indemnifies AAI against and undertakes to pay all costs, damages and attorney fees, if any, finally awarded against AAI in any action which is attributable to such claim, and it will reimburse AAI with all costs incurred by AAI in connection with any such action.

AAI represents and warrants that: 51.14 It has full legal right, power and authority to execute the MSA and to enter into and perform its obligations under MSA. The MSA has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by AAI and constitutes valid, legal and binding obligation on AAI. The execution and delivery of MSA with the IT Implementing Firm does not violate any statutory judgment, order, decree, regulation, right, obligation or rule of any court, government authority or arbitrator of competent jurisdiction applicable in relation to AAI, its assets or its administration. AAI warrants that it complies with all the applicable laws and regulations Any modifications to the Services as a result of the change in any laws and regulations will be considered a New Service; That any data, information or other material provided by AAI to the IT Implementing Firm will not infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any third party, and AAI shall, at its cost, indemnify the IT Implementing Firm against any such infringement claims brought against the IT Implementing Firm by any third party, provided that the IT Implementing Firm gives prompt notice to AAI of such claim and AAI controls the defense thereof. AAI further indemnifies the IT Implementing Firm against and undertakes to pay all costs, damages and attorney fees, if any, finally awarded against the IT Implementing Firm in any action which is attributable to such claim, and it will reimburse the IT Implementing Firm with all costs reasonably incurred by the IT Implementing Firm in connection with any such action. That, during the term of the MSA and after the termination/ expiry thereof, the Services availed of and the IT Implementing Firm Equipments that may be acquired by AAI upon the termination/ expiry of the Agreement shall be used solely for AAIs internal purposes including for civil aviation.







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52 Third Party Claims 52.1 Subject to clause 53 below, the IT Implementing Firm (the "Indemnifying Party") undertakes to indemnify the AAI (the "Indemnified Party") from and against all losses, claims or damages that a court finally awards to a third party or which are included in a settlement agreed to by the IT Implementing Firm to the extent arising on account of bodily injury, death or damage to tangible and real personal property arising in favour of any person, corporation or other entity (including the Indemnified Party) attributable to the Indemnifying Party's performance or non-performance under the MSA or the SLAs , for which the IT Implementing Firm is in any manner liable.

53 Indemnity 53.1 IT implementing Firm shall also protect and fully indemnify the AAI from any claims from successful bidder's workmen/employees, their heirs, dependents, representatives etc or from any person(s) or bodies/ companies etc. for any act of commission or omission while executing the order. IT implementing Firm shall be responsible for compliance with all requirements under the laws and shall protect and indemnify completely the AAI from any claims/penalties arising out of any infringements and indemnify completely the AAI from any claims/penalties arising out of any infringements.


54 Limitation of Liability 54.1 Notwithstanding any other term, there shall be no limitation of liability in case of any damages for bodily injury (including death) and damage to real property and tangible personal property due to gross negligence and willful misconduct of the other party. In all other cases not covered by Para 54.1 above the total liability of either party under the terms of the MSA shall not exceed the a maximum of 4 quarters of accumulated quarterly payments and in no event shall either party (including the IT Implementing Firms Affiliates and subcontractors) be liable to the other for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special or exemplary damages, nor for any damages as to lost profit, data, goodwill or business, nor for any reliance or cover damages even it was advised about the possibility of the same. Neither Party shall be liable to the other for delay in discharging its obligations, to the extent that such delay or failure is attributable to the other Party. In case of such delay, the delayed Party shall be entitled to an extension of time to perform its obligations and, unless otherwise agreed, the period of the extension will be equal to the amount of delay. Neither the MSA nor the SLA grants or creates any rights, benefits, claims, obligations or abuses of action in, to or on behalf of any person or entity
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(including any third party) other than between the respective Parties to the Agreement or the SLA, as the case may be. 54.5 Any claim or series of claims arising out or in connection with the MSA or the SLA shall be time barred and invalid if legal proceedings are not commenced by the relevant Party against the other Party within such period as may be permitted by applicable law without the possibility of contractual waiver or limitation.

55 Force Majeure 55.1 Neither Party shall be responsible to the other for any delay or failure in performance of its obligations due to any occurrence commonly known as Force Majeure. Force Majeure is defined as an event of effect that cannot reasonably be anticipated such as acts of God (like earthquakes, flood, storms etc), acts of states, the direct and indirect consequences of wars (declared or undeclared), hostilities, national emergencies, civil commotion and strikes (only those which exceed a duration of ten continuous days) or acts of such nature. If a Force Majeure arises, the IT Implementing Firm shall promptly notify AAI in writing of such condition within 10 days after the occurrence of a case of force Majeure as per Annexure-VI to the tender document and that the IT Implementing Firm considers himself entitled to be excused from performance of his obligations in whole or part as long as such causes, circumstances or events continue to prevent or delay such performance. The IT Implementing Firm shall be required to: Produce evidence of the date of occurrence and the duration of the force majeure in an adequate manner by means of documents drawn up by responsible authorities. Prove that the said conditions have actually been interfered with the carrying out of the contract. Prove that the delay occurred is not due to his own action or lack of action.








Unless otherwise directed by AAI, the IT Implementing Firm shall continue to perform his obligations under the contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event. AAI may grant the IT Implementing Firm permission to excuse from performance of his obligations in whole or part as long as such causes,



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circumstances or events shall continue to prevent or delay such performance. 55.7 In the above cases of permission granted by AAI, the IT Implementing Firm shall not be liable for forfeiture of its performance security, liquidated damages or termination for default, if any to the extent that its delay in performance or other failure to perform its obligations under the contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure.


If a Force Majeure event substantially prevents IT Implementing Firm's performance of the Services necessary for the operation of AAIs critical functions, if any, for more than 30 consecutive days, then, at any time prior to IT Implementing Firms recommencement of such Services, AAI may terminate the affected Services by providing the IT Implementing Firm with a written notice of termination. In such cases of termination, the Parties will mutually cooperate and agree on a reasonable amount of settlement for any assets transferred to AAI as well as agree for appropriate adjustment to the remaining services and charges for the Services to reflect such termination. However, IT Implementing Firm shall be entitled to receive payments for all services rendered by it till the date of termination of the MSA. The Force Majeure does not entitle the IT Implementing Firm to any compensation of damage or loss suffered.



56 Measures to be taken by the AAI against fraud and corruption 56.1 Notwithstanding anything else contained in the Agreement, AAI may terminate the agreement if it determines that the representatives of the IT Implementing Firm, were engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices during the selection process or the execution of the MSA, unless the IT Implementing Firm takes timely and appropriate action to the satisfaction of the AAI to remedy the situation; The AAI may also sanction against the IT Implementing Firm, including declaring the IT Implementing Firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a contract if at any time it determines that the IT Implementing Firm has directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices in competing for, or in executing, an AAI financed contract.


57 Commissions and Fees 57.1 At the time of execution of the MSA, the IT Implementing Firm shall disclose any commission or fees that may have been paid or is agreed to be paid to agents, representatives, or commission agents with respect to the selection process or execution of the Agreement. The information
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disclosed must include at least the name and address of the agent, representative, or commission agent, the amount and currency, and the purpose of the commission or fee. 58 Confidential Information 58.1 Each party shall treat any Confidential Information with the same degree of care as it would treat its own similar confidential information, to protect it against unauthorized disclosure, which degree of care in no case shall be less than reasonable. Each party shall use the Confidential Information only for the purposes of the MSA and not for any other purposes. Each party shall to its employees, subcontractors or agents, give access to / disclose the Confidential Information on a need to know basis and shall bind them by the confidentiality obligations of the MSA. The obligations of confidentiality under this section shall continue to apply for a period of 2 (two) years after termination or expiration of this the MSA. Nothing in this Article shall prevent a Party from treating confidential information as non-confidential, if such information is:





58.5.1 in the possession of, or was known to receiving Party prior to its receipt, without an obligation to maintain its confidentiality; 58.5.2 becomes or is generally known to the public without violation of the MSA by the receiving Party; 58.5.3 obtained by receiving Party from a person (i) who such Party does not know to have violated, or to have obtained such information in violation of any obligation to another person or the other Party with respect to such information, (ii) who does not require such Party to refrain from disclosing such information and (iii) who has the right to disclose it, without the obligation to keep such information confidential; 58.5.4 independently developed by the receiving Party without the use of confidential Information and without the participation of individuals who have had access to confidential information; 58.5.5 required to be disclosed by receiving Party under the compulsion of law, or by order of any court or government or regulatory body to whose supervisory authority the receiving party is subject provided, the receiving Party gives notice of such requirement to the disclosing Party prior to disclosure.


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AAI shall have the right to prevent, stop and if required take the necessary punitive action against the receiving party regarding any unauthorized disclosure of Confidential Information.

59 Intellectual Property 59.1 The copyright in all literary works or other works of authorship, including, but not limited to printed materials like documentation, reports, software programs and code, (except licensed programs and other items available under their own license terms or agreements) (together Materials) developed solely and exclusively for AAI under the MSA that are identified in the Agreement as AAI Material shall vest in AAI subject to corresponding payment made by AAI to IT Implementing Firm. AAI will grant to the IT Implementing Firm an irrevocable, nonexclusive, worldwide, paid-up license to use, execute, reproduce, display, perform, sublicense, distribute, and prepare derivative works based on, AAI Material. The IT Implementing Firm or its subcontractors will own the copyright in all other Materials created as part of services hereunder that are not identified as AAI Materials (IT Implementing Firms Material). The IT Implementing Firm grants AAI an irrevocable, nonexclusive, worldwide, paid-up license to use, execute, reproduce, display, perform, and distribute to AAIs Affiliates and end users only, copies of IT Implementing Firms Material. It is agreed between the parties that each party shall continue to retain all the ownership, the rights title and interests in all its pre-existing Intellectual Property Rights and all new inventions, ideas, developments conceived or developed by it or its consultants/ employees while providing services hereunder. To the extent they are embedded in any Materials, such works are licensed in accordance with their applicable license. All the Intellectual Property Rights in the Third Party Material / software used in providing services including those forming part of or incorporated into the deliverables shall remain with the respective third party owners/IT Implementing Firms licensor and AAI shall have rights to use them in accordance with the End User License Agreement or relevant third party agreement as the case may be. The IT Implementing Firm will defend AAI, its Affiliates, and their respective employees, officers, and directors against any claim by a Third Party that a IT Implementing Firms Product provided to AAI by IT Implementing Firm under the MSA infringes such Third Party's patent or copyright. The IT Implementing Firm will have no obligation for patent or copyright claims pursuant to clause above to the extent such claims is result of modifications of the IT Implementing Firms Products by a party other
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than the IT Implementing Firm or the use of such products in other than their specified operating environment; or AAI's combination, operation, or use of the IT Implementing Firms Products or with products, data, or apparatus not provided by the IT Implementing Firm unless such modification, combination, operation or use was at the direction or request of, or in accordance with the specifications provided by, the IT Implementing Firm. 59.7 If a patent or copyright infringement claim is made or appears likely to be made, AAI agrees to permit the IT Implementing Firm to use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain the right for AAI to continue to use the IT Implementing Firm Product or to modify or replace it with one that is at least functionally equivalent; provided, however, that use of such IT Implementing Firm Product may be discontinued if the IT Implementing Firm Product cannot be modified or replaced, and AAI and the IT Implementing Firm will cooperate with each other to achieve a reasonable alternative arrangement for providing the affected Services with appropriate adjustment to the Services, Service Levels, and charges.

60 Patents, Liability & Compliance of Regulations 60.1 IT Implementing Firm shall protect and fully indemnify the AAI from any claims for infringement of patents, copyright, trademark, license violation or the like. IT Implementing Firm shall also protect and fully indemnify the AAI from any claims from successful bidder's workmen/employees, their heirs, dependents, representatives etc or from any person(s) or bodies/ companies etc. for any act of commission or omission while executing the order. IT Implementing Firm shall be responsible for compliance with all requirements under the laws and shall protect and indemnify completely the AAI from any claims/penalties arising out of any infringements and indemnify completely the AAI from any claims/penalties arising out of any infringements.



61 Exit Management 61.1 Upon completion of the contract period or upon termination of the MSA for any reasons (including IT Implementing Firm Event(s) of Defaults, the IT Implementing Firm shall comply with the following: 61.1.1 61.1.2 Notify to AAI forthwith the particulars of all Project Assets. Deliver forthwith actual or constructive possession of the Project Assets free and clear of all Encumbrances and execute such deeds, writings and documents as may be required by AAI for fully and effectively divesting the IT Implementing Firm of all of the rights, title
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and interest of the IT Implementing Firm in the Project Assets and conveying the Project Assets to AAI. 61.1.3 Comply with the Divestment Requirements set out below in of Clause 61 Exit management. Provide assistance (Transfer Assistance), by utilizing the IT Implementing Firm personnel, to transfer the Services being performed by the IT Implementing Firm and its subcontractors in an orderly and planned manner to AAI or to its nominated third party IT Implementing Firm. The period of Transfer Assistance (Transfer Assistance Period) shall commence from the day after termination notice is issued till the termination date as specified in the termination notice in the event of termination of the MSA or in the event of expiration of the Agreement upon completion of the contract period six months prior to the expiration date of the Agreement. During the Transfer Assistance, all the terms and conditions of the MSA and the SLA shall apply to the Services unless mutually agreed otherwise. During the Transfer Assistance Period, IT Implementing Firm shall provide AAI, its Affiliates, and their Third Parties, as necessary, with reasonable access to the Equipments and Software, provided. Any such access shall not interfere with IT Implementing Firm's ability to provide the Services or Transfer Assistance. Such Third Parties and AAI's Affiliates should comply with security and confidentiality requirements under the MSA.






Subject to Para 61.1 Exit management above, upon completion of the contract period or upon termination of the MSA, the IT Implementing Firm shall comply and conform to the following Divestment Requirements in respect of the Services : 61.2.1 All Project Assets including the hardware, software, documentation and any other infrastructure shall be renewed and cured of all defects and deficiencies as necessary so that the same are compliant with the Specification and Standard set forth in the tender, Agreement and any amendment made during the contract period in such manner that AAI can continue to use the Project Assets The IT Implementing Firm shall deliver relevant records and reports pertaining to the Project including as relevant to its design, engineering, operation, and maintenance, including all operation and maintenance records and manuals pertaining thereto and complete as on the Divestment Date.



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The IT Implementing Firm shall execute such deeds of conveyance, documents and other writings as AAI may reasonably require conveying, divesting and assigning all the rights, title and interest of the IT Implementing Firm in the Project Assets absolutely free from all encumbrances and free of any charge or tax unto the AAI or its nominee. The IT Implementing Firm shall comply with all other requirements as may be prescribed under Applicable Laws to complete the divestment and assignment of all the rights, title and interest of the IT Implementing Firm in the Project Assets free from all Encumbrances absolutely and free of any charge or tax to AAI or its nominee.



During the period of not earlier than 3 (three) months before the expiry of the contract Period or date of termination but not later than 30 (thirty) days before such expiry, or in the event of earlier Termination of the contract, immediately upon but not later than 15 (fifteen) days from the date of Issue of Termination Notice, the Independent Consultant as nominated by the AAI shall verify, in the presence of a representative of the IT Implementing Firm, compliance by the IT Implementing Firm with the Divestment Requirements set forth in Para 61 in relation to the Project Assets and, if required, cause appropriate tests to be carried out at the IT Implementing Firm's cost for determining the compliance therewith. If either Party finds any shortcomings in the Divestment Requirements, it shall notify the other of the same and the IT Implementing Firm shall rectify the same at its cost. Upon the IT Implementing Firm conforming to all Divestment Requirements and handing over actual or constructive possession of the Project Assets to AAI in this regard, AAI shall issue a certificate which will have the effect of constituting evidence of divestment of all rights, title and lien in the Project Assets by the IT Implementing Firm and their vesting in AAI the Project Assets pursuant hereto. AAI shall not unreasonably withhold issue of such certificate. The divestment of all rights, title and lien in the Project Assets shall be deemed to be complete on the date when all the Divestment Requirements have been fulfilled or the Certificate has been issued, whichever is earlier, it being expressly agreed that any defect or deficiency in any Divestment Requirement shall not in any manner be construed or interpreted as restricting the exercise of any rights by AAI or its nominee on or in respect of the Project Assets on the footing as if all Divestment Requirements have been complied with by the IT Implementing Firm. In event of expiration of the MSA, the IT Implementing Firm will undertake to transfer all assets on working condition except normal wear and tear accepted under the MSA at a value of Rupee One(Re.1/-). It is also agreed that all relevant data pertaining to the Project would be considered property of AAI at the time of Exit Management.




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If IT Implementing Firm's Transfer Assistance requires the use of different or additional services or resources beyond that which IT Implementing Firm is then using to provide the Services in accordance with the service baselines and Service Levels, such requirements shall be treated as a change and shall be handled as set forth in Service Level Agreement of the MSA. If the MSA is terminated for AAIs material breach ( non-payment of dues to the IT Implementing Firm), Transfer Assistance shall be provided by the IT Implementing Firm only after AAI has cleared all the dues and pays for the Services and Transfer Assistance in advance. If AAI is unable to complete the transition of Services as of the expiration or termination of the MSA, AAI may elect once to extend the Agreement at the agreed prices for up to six months beyond the then date of the expiration or termination of the Agreement (a Temporary Extension of Services) by notifying the IT Implementing Firm in writing prior to such date and extending the Agreement through an amendment to the contract.



62 Miscellaneous 62.1 For the purposes of the MSA each Party thereto shall be deemed to be an independent contractor and not any other party's agent or employee. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a Joint venture, a partnership or an agency nor shall any similar relationship be deemed to exist between the Parties expect as specifically provided herein. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the IT Implementing Firm shall ensure compliance with all laws relating to employment including the payment of provident fund, employees state insurance and other dues for its employees. In case of default in compliance as aforesaid the IT Implementing Firm shall be solely responsible for the consequences and that neither AAI nor its Affiliates shall in any way be responsible or liable for such default. The IT Implementing Firm indemnifies and promises to keep AAI and its Affiliates indemnified against any and all losses, fines, penalties, claims, damages, costs and reasonable expenses (including, but not limited to attorneys and experts fees, costs of investigation and costs of settlement) which may or are likely to result from the IT Implementing Firms default as aforesaid.





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63 Trademarks, Publicity 63.1 Neither Party may use the trademarks of the other Party without the prior written consent of the other Party. Except as required by law or the rules and regulations of each stock exchange upon which the securities of one of the Parties is listed, neither Party shall publish or permit to be published either alone or in conjunction with any other person any press release, information, article, photograph, illustration or any other material of similar kind relating to the MSA, the SLA or the business of the other Party without prior reference to and approval in writing from the other Party, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

64 Notices 64.1 No notice, acceptance, approval, consent or claim under or in pursuance of the MSA shall be valid unless sent by registered mail or reputed courier to the under mentioned address and received by the other Party: Table C2.2.2-1 - Addressing Notices For AAI: Shri ________________ Designation __________ Address: _____________ For The IT Implementing Firm: Shri ________________ Designation ____________ Address _____________

65 Variations and Further Assurance 65.1 No amendment, variation or other change to the MSA or the SLA shall be valid unless authorized in accordance with the change control procedure as set out in the Change Control Schedule and made in writing and signed by the duly authorized representatives of the Parties to the MSA or the SLA.


Each Party to the MSA or the SLA agrees to enter into or execute, without limitation, whatever other agreement, document, consent and waiver and to do all other things which shall or may be reasonably required to complete and deliver the obligations set out in the MSA or the SLA.


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66 Severability


The Parties hereto agree that in the event of one or more of the articles or provisions hereof being subsequently declared void or invalid for any reason the violability or invalidity or unenforceability of such articles or provisions shall not affect the validity or enforceability of other articles or provisions which can be clearly separated or disunited. In case the provisions or articles declared void or invalid are material to the operation of the MSA, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith articles or provisions to replace the articles or provisions declared void or invalid.


67 Non-Waiver 67.1 Any failure of any party hereto to enforce any of the provisions of the MSA or to require at any time specific performance by the other party of any of the provisions hereof during the term of the MSA, shall in no way affect the validity of the MSA or any part hereof, or the right of either party thereafter to enforce each and every such provision.

68 Compliance with Laws and Regulations 68.1 Each Party to the MSA and the SLA accepts that its individual conduct shall (to the extent applicable to it) at all times comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. For the avoidance of doubt, the obligations of the Parties to the MSA and the SLA are subject to their respective compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

69 Ethics 69.1 IT Implementing Firm represents, warrants and covenants that to the best of its knowledge it has given no commitments, payments, gifts, kickbacks, lavish or expensive entertainment, or other things of value to any employee or agent of AAI, or its nominated agencies in connection with procurement of the MSA and acknowledges that the giving of any such payment, gifts, entertainment, or other things of value is strictly in violation of AAIs standard policies and may result in cancellation of the MSA, and the SLA and blacklisting the organization. IT Implementing Firm shall sign Integrity Pact and comply with all the requirements as mentioned in the Integrity Pact. Format of the Integrity Pact is available as Annexure XV. For implementation of Integrity Pact, AAI has nominated Shri U.D Choubey, Director General-SCOPE (Retd. CMD.GAIL), C2/8,Mangalam Apartments, Vasundara Enclave, New Delhi-110090 Email-: as the Independent External Monitor (IEM) for this project under Project Registration Number IPP-65/2012.
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70 Headings and Schedules 70.1 The headings for each Article in the MSA have been inserted for convenience of reference only, and are not intended to limit or expand the meaning of the language contained in the particular Article. The Schedules to the MSA form an integral part of the MSA and will be interpreted in consonance with the article or provision referring to the Schedule.


71 Entire Agreement


The MSA, all schedules appended thereto and the contents and specifications of the tender, clarifications thereof and the bid constitutes the entire agreement, and supersedes any previous agreements or understandings between the parties relating to the subject matter of the MSA. Each party acknowledges that it has not relied on or been induced to enter into the MSA by a representation or warranty other than those expressly set out in the MSA. To the extent permitted by Applicable Law, a party is not liable to another party in contract or tort or in any other way for a representation or warranty that is not set out in the MSA.

72 Survivability


The termination or expiry of the MSA or the SLA for any reason shall not affect or prejudice any terms of the MSA, or the rights of the Parties under them which are either expressly or by implication intended to come into effect or continue in effect after such expiry or termination.

73 Assignability


AAI may assign the MSA or any rights granted under the MSA to any person with consent of the IT Implementing Firm. The IT Implementing Firm shall not assign the MSA or any rights granted under the MSA without the prior written consent of AAI which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Subject to the aforesaid limitation on assignment, the MSA shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of any successors in interest and assigns of the Parties hereto, who shall expressly assume in writing the performance of all the terms and conditions of the MSA to be performed by the Parties hereto.




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74 Publicity


The IT Implementing Firm shall not use the name of AAI in any of its promotional and advertisement materials without prior written approval of AAI.

75 Insurance 75.1 The IT Implementing Firm shall fully insure the supplies and services against loss or damage, including loss or damage during transportation, storage, delivery or installation. The period of insurance shall be up to the date the ownership and possession is transferred to AAI as hereinafter provided. The IT Implementing Firm with each taking or renewal of insurance shall provide a copy of the necessary insurance policy to AAI or the Designated Agency. The premiums payable on insurance coverage as indicated above, including any costs and expenses incidental to the procurement and enforcement of such insurance coverage shall be borne by the IT Implementing Firm.



76 Disputes and Amendments Governing Law & Dispute Settlement 76.1 The MSA shall be construed, governed and implemented in accordance with the law applicable in India. In case of any dispute or difference arising out of the MSA on any issue, the same shall be settled amicably by the Parties. In case the Parties are unable to settle the dispute within 30 (thirty) days, they shall refer the dispute in the first place to Chairman, AAI who will set up a committee for this purpose. The committee may at its discretion co-opt any other officer who in its opinion may help in resolving the dispute. Either party may refer the decision to Arbitral Tribunal under the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 or any of its statutory modification or enactment thereof for the time being in force. If neither party refers the dispute to the Arbitral Tribunal within 30 (thirty) days of the decision by the committee, committees decision will be final. If the case is referred to the Arbitral Tribunal, both the parties shall appoint one arbitrator each and the arbitrators so appointed shall appoint a third arbitrator who shall act as Chairperson of the Arbitral Tribunal. The award shall be made either in concurrence or as majority award in the proportion of 2:1 amongst the arbitrators. The place of such Arbitration shall be at Delhi.
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The language of the Arbitration proceedings and that of all documents and communications between the Parties shall be in English. The provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 will be applicable and the award made there under shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto, subject to legal remedies available under the law. The Parties agree that any decision or award of the arbitrator pursuant to this clause shall be a domestic award and final, conclusive and binding upon the parties and any person(s) affected by it. The Parties also agree that any court of competent jurisdiction may enforce the arbitration award rendered pursuant to this clause. During any period of dispute resolution as hereinbefore provided, there shall be no suspension of this MSA. However the foregoing shall not prohibit or delay a party from exercising any right to terminate the agreement in accordance with the MSA or delay the natural expiration of the Agreement.






The Parties acknowledge and agree that amendments to the MSA shall be made through mutual agreement between the parties in writing in accordance with the procedure the MSA is executed and signed.

AAI and the IT Implementing Firm have caused the MSA to be executed, in duplicate, by their respective duly authorized officers on the date, month and year and at the place indicated below.

For and on behalf of the AAI Implementing Firm

For and on behalf of the IT (signature) (signature) (Name of the Authorized Signatory) Date Address Location

(Name of the Authorized Signatory)

Date Address Location


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Other Information 77.1 The Bidders may visit the sites if they so desire. AAI shall facilitate such visits. For any coordination in this regard bidders may send a formal request on the e-mail id It may be noted that extension of time on this account shall not be permitted. The vendor should deploy well trained personnel at the site. AAI shall not be responsible for any incident or accident happening at the site due to the negligence of the personnel deployed by the bidder. The bidder shall absolve AAI against all such claims.



Exclusions 78.1 The list of tender clauses not applicable for the present tender is given in schedule A to the Tender for information of the bidders.


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Master Services Agreement (MSA) Agreement No. --------------------Dated: -----------------------------The MSA made on ----------------------------------------------------- Airports Authority of India, a statutory corporation incorporated under Airports Authority of India Act, 1994 having its head office at Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi-110 003 through its General Manager (IT), Airports Authority of India, IT Division, Hanger Building, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi-110 003, hereinafter called AAI which expression shall between include the Administrators, Successor, Executors and permits assigns, on other part and M/s -------------------------------------------------------hereinafter called the IT Implementing Firm/CONTRACTOR which expression shall include the Administrator, Successors, Executors and permitted assigns on the other part. Whereas, AAI is desirous of having ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------with M/s ---------------------------------(hereinafter called WORK) done. And whereas, M/s ----------------------------------------------has offered its services for the above mentioned work through response to the tender no. ------------------------------------------dated -------------------------------and AAI accepted their aforesaid proposal in accordance to tender the document no. -------------------------------& works order No. -----------------------------------------dated --------------------------------to M/s -------------------------------------------as per terms and conditions contained in, and documents referred as therein, which have been accepted by M/s ----------------------------------------resulting into a CONTRACT. NOW THEREFORE THIS DEED WITNESS AS UNDER:

Article 1.0 AWARD OF CONTRACT: Airports Authority of India had awarded the contract to M/s --------------------------------for ----------------------------------------------------- as per the terms and conditions contained in its works order No. ---------------------------------------------------------documents referred to therein. The terms and expressions used in the MSA shall have the same meaning as are assigned to them in the CONTRACT DOCUMENT referred to in this succeeding article. Article 2.0 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS : The contract shall be performed strictly as per the terms and conditions stipulated herein and in the following documents attached herewith (hereinafter referred to as CONTRACT DOCUMENT). MSA Schedule A- Tender AAI Tender Document (Ref No. ) MSA Schedule B Tender Addenda/ Corrigenda
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AAI Tender Addenda/Corrigenda (Ref No. ) MSA Schedule C IT Implementing Firm Response to Tender as bidder Eligibility, Technical, Financial Bids IT Implementing Firm as response to the tender MSA Schedule D Written Communication between AAI & IT Implementing Firm All communication between AAI & IT Implementing Firm such as clarifications/works order etc. MSA Schedule E Payment(s) Payment Schedule shall be as per tender/works order. MSA Schedule F Works / Purchase Order. MSA Schedule G - Service Level Agreement

All the aforesaid contract documents contain detailed terms & conditions and are initialed by both the parties by their authorized representatives. All the aforesaid contract documents shall form an integral part of the MSA, in so far as the same or any part thereof confirm to the conditions and the AAI in its works order. Any matter inconsistent therewith, contrary or repugnant there to or any deviation taken by the contractor in its Proposal not agreed by AAI in its works order shall be deemed to have been withdrawn by the contractor unless justified and mutually agreed by both the parties. For the sake of brevity, the MSA along with its aforesaid contract documents shall be referred to as the AGREEMENT. Article 3.0 CONDTIONS & CO-VENANTS: a) The scope of contract, consideration, terms of payment, period of completion, defects liability period, taxes wherever applicable, Insurance, liquidated damages and all other terms and conditions are contained in the aforesaid contract documents. The contractor shall duly perform the contract strictly and faithfully in accordance with terms of the AGREEMENT.

b) The AGREEMENT constitutes full and complete understanding between the parties and terms of the presents. It shall supersede all prior correspondence to the extent of inconsistency or repugnancy to the terms and conditions contained in the agreement. Any modification of the agreement shall be affected only by a written instruction signed by the authorized Representation of both the parties.


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If a dispute of any kind whatsoever arises between AAI and the contractor in connection with, of arising out of the contract or the execution of the works, whether during the execution of the work or after their completion and whether before or after repudiation or after termination of the contract ,including any disagreement by either party with any action, inaction. Opinion, instruction, determination, certificate or valuation of the project leader or his nominee, the matter in dispute shall , in first place be referred to the Executive Director(IT) AAI, who shall act as the conciliator on the matter. The dispute will firstly be settled by the conciliator, failing which any party may invoke arbitration clause. Unless the contract has already been repudiated or frustrated the contractor shall in every case continue to proceed with the works with all due diligence and the contractor and AAI shall give effect forthwith to every decision of the project leader of AAI or his nominee unless until the same shall be revised , as hereinafter provided , by the conciliator or in Arbitral award. Article 4.1 ARBRITATION & LAW : It is specifically agreed by and between the parties that all the difference and disputes arising out of the agreement of touching the subject matter of the agreement shall be decided by process of settlement and arbitration as specified in Para 76 of Section IV Special conditions of contract and the provision of this contract shall be settled under the rules of Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996.

Article 4.2 NOTICE OF DEFAULT: Notice of default given by either party to the other party under the agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly and properly served up on the parties there to if delivered against acknowledgement, due addressed to the signatories at the address mentioned herein above.

In WITNESS thereof, the parties through their duly authorized representatives have executed those presents (execution thereof has been approved by the competent authorities of both the parties) on the day, month and year first mentioned at New Delhi.
WITNESS: Owners Signature: Printed Name: Designation: Companys Stamp;





Contractors Signature Printed Name: Designation: Companys Stamp:


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Service Level Agreement THIS SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT, hereinafter referred to as Agreement is made BY AND BETWEEN Airports Authority of India, hereinafter referred to as "AAI" (which term or expression, unless excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context, shall mean and include its successors-in office and assigns), of the FIRST PART; AND M/s., hereinafter referred to as "IT Implementing Firm" (which term or expression, unless excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context, shall mean and include its successors and assigns) of the SECOND PART; WHEREAS: 1. AAI and IT Implementing Firm have entered into a Master Services Agreement dated <MSA Date> (the "MSA"). 2. In accordance with the provisions of the MSA, AAI and IT Implementing Firm wish to enter into this Service Level Agreement (SLA) on the following terms.

Article I Definitions and General Purpose 1.1 Definitions

In the MSA, unless the context requires otherwise: a. "Agreement/Service Level Agreement/SLA" means the MSA, together with its Appendices; "Parties" means AAI and IT Implementing Firm for the purposes of this SLA, and "Party" shall be interpreted accordingly; "Service Level" means the service delivery criteria established for certain of the services which will apply to the Services as set out in the MSA, in the form of SLA Metrics, effective during the Term of this SLA; "Term" means the duration of this SLA as defined in Article 2.2 of this SLA; "Terms of Payment" means charges for the Services in accordance with the Terms of Payment Schedule as stated in the MSA. All Appendices and other attachments to this SLA are hereby incorporated as a part of this SLA by this reference. References to any statute or statutory provision include a reference to that statute or statutory provision as from time to time amended, extended, re-enacted or consolidated and to all statutory instruments made pursuant to it.



d. e.




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Words denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and words denoting persons shall include firms and corporations and vice versa. Unless otherwise expressly stated, the words "herein", "hereof", "hereunder" and similar words refer to this SLA as a whole and not to any particular Article, Appendix or other subdivision. The words "include" and "including" shall not be construed as terms of limitation. The words "day" and "month" mean "calendar day" and "calendar month" unless otherwise stated. The words "writing" and "written" mean "in documented form", whether electronic or hard copy, unless otherwise stated. The headings and use of bold type in this SLA are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of any provision of this SLA.



The definitions/terms used in the MSA (including the recitals above and the Annexure hereto) but not defined herein shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the meaning assigned to them respectively in the MSA.


Structure This SLA shall operate as a legally binding services agreement specifying terms which apply to the Parties and to the provision of the Services by the IT Implementing Firm to AAI under this SLA and the MSA.

Article II Initialization Phase 1.1 Objectives and Scope of Contract The IT Implementing Firm hereby agrees to provide Services to AAI, conforming to the specified Service Levels, in accordance with the performance metrics as more particularly described in Appendix A of the MSA. 1.2 Commencement and duration of this SLA This SLA shall commence on the date on which it is executed by AAI and the IT Implementing Firm and shall, unless terminated earlier in accordance with its terms or unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, expire on the date on which this SLA expires or terminates for any reason, which shall be seven years from the date of Go-Live of Chennai. The SLA shall be coterminous with the MSA. Article III Financial Issues 1.0 Terms of Payment and Service Credits In consideration of the Services and subject to the provisions of the MSA and this SLA, AAI shall pay the charges to the IT Implementing Firm in accordance with the Terms of Payment Schedule of the MSA.


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It is clarified here that the AAI can also calculate a financial sum for the liquidated damages and debit the same against the terms of payment or recover as defined in the Financial provision section of the MSA as a result of the failure of the Service Provide to meet the Service Levels as outlined in Appendix A to the MSA, such sum being determined in accordance with the terms of the Agreement Article IV Interpretation 1.1 Applicability of the MSA Apart from the provisions as set out hereinabove, the terms and conditions stated in the MSA shall apply mutatis mutandis to this SLA. In the event of a conflict in interpretation of any Article in the MSA and the SLA, the provisions of the MSA shall prevail. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have by duly authorized representatives set their respective hands and seal on the date first above written in the presence of:

Signed by:


<Designated AAI Authority> Airports Authority of India, (FIRST PART)

Signed by: WITNESSES: 1. 2. <Designated IT Implementing Firm Authority> <IT Implementing Firm Company Name> (SECOND PART)


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Appendix I Service Level Metrics As this project is primarily a service-oriented project, the support phase of the Agreement between AAI and the IT Implementing Firm will be in the form of a Service Level Agreement, as shown in the Master Services Agreement (MSA) in the Tender. The SLA specifies the expected levels of service to be provided by the IT Implementing Firm in different project delivery areas. This expected level is also called the baseline service level. The following table also specifies the limits and metrics for lower performance and breach levels:
Table : SLA-I S.No. Service Level Metrics Chennai & Kolkata airports (Measured quarterly using EMS) SLA Parameter Mainten Baseline Lower Performance ance measured over a Severity quarter level Metric Score Metric Score 1&2 > 99.50% 5 99.50% to 99% 85% to 70% 4 to 10 Seconds 99.75% to 99.5% 3


Metric < 99%

Network Services 1 Network availability between DC, DR and other airports Peak link utilization Average request response cycle time at DC & DR with other airports AOCC LAN Uptime in Chennai & Kolkata

2 3

NA 2

< 70% < 4 Sec

4 4

3 3

>85% >10 Sec


> 99.75%

< 99.5%

Application Services 5 AODB, RMS application and infrastructure uptime 6 AODB, RMS server utilization 7 Reporting infrastructure uptime Integration platform uptime Local Integration platform uptime

1&2 NA 4

> 99% < 70% > 99%

5 4 3

99% to 98.5% 70% to 80% 99% to 98.5%

3 3 2

< 98.5% > 80% < 98.5%

8 9

1&2 1&2

> 99.5% > 99.5%

4 4

99.5% to 98.5% 99.5% to 98.5%

3 3

< 98.5% < 98.5%

End- User Services 10 Manpower availability against agreed deployment Help Desk - Speed of response (% of calls <30 secs) 3 > 99.0% 2 99.0 % to 95.0% 70% to60% 1 < 95.0%






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Table : SLA-I S.No.

Service Level Metrics Chennai & Kolkata airports (Measured quarterly using EMS) SLA Parameter Mainten Baseline Lower Performance ance measured over a Severity quarter level Metric Score Metric Score NA >95% 3 95% to 90% 2


Metric <90%

12 13 14 15 16

Response to Email Requests (% Live person response < 4hours) Call Abandonment Access Request Resolution (< 4hours of request) First Call Resolution (<10 mins) End-user IMACD Timeliness (<24 hours) Incident Response & Resolution (For SLA table below) Problem Management (permanent fix & root cause analysis) Workstation Availability (AOCC) Timely Configuration Updates (5 business days) Adherence to Severity level for resolution time Change Management (changes implemented correctly) Asset Management (correct entry in asset registry) Virus Signature File Updates (distributed within 24 hours to % systems) Information Security Risk Event Notification and Mitigation (escalation within 5 minutes and mitigation within 36 hours) Firewall Security (rules reviewed and approved within 24 hours and implemented within 36 hours) Reporting Timeliness and Accuracy


<4% >90% >80% >90% >90%

2 2 2 2 3

5% to 10% 90% to 80% 80% to 70% 90% to 80% 90% to 80%

1 1 1 2 2

>10% <80% <70% <80% <80%




90% to 75%






99% to 97%


20 21 22 23 24

Common Services NA >90% NA NA >97% >98%

2 2 2

90% to 85% 97% to 95% 98% to 97%

2 1 2

<85% <95% <97%


>98% >99.50%

3 3

98% to-80% 99.5% to 98%

2 2

<80% <98%



98%to 95%





98%to 95%






99% to 95%



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Table : SLA-I S.No.

Service Level Metrics Chennai & Kolkata airports (Measured quarterly using EMS) SLA Parameter Mainten Baseline Lower Performance ance measured over a Severity quarter level Metric Score Metric Score Data Centre Operations 1&2 >99.75% 5 99.75% to 99% 95% to 80% 3 3


Metric < 99% <80%


Data Centre Uptime Disaster Recovery Planning (documented DR plans for individual systems) DR Change over Testing (4 DR tests per year). Disaster recovery test results must show that 100% activities were successful Data Backup, Restore & Retrieval (Server backups successfully completed according to schedule) Data Centre IMACD Timeliness (completed within 24 hours) DC to DR Switch over within 15 minute (outside drills) Total Score NA >95% 3




100% to 98%





98% to 95%





95% to 80%




15-30 minutes Baseline

30-120 Minutes Low

> 120 Minutes



1. Each of the Service Levels in Schedule (Appendix A: Service Level Matrix) shall have a score (weightage) assigned to it. The sum total of the score of all the Service Levels shall be 100 at baseline performance. In case the sum score measure across all the service parameters adds up to 100 or more then there is no penalty to be charged. In case the sum score measured across all the SLA parameter is 70 or lesser, 10% of total quarterly payment would be charged as penalty. In case the sum score measured across all the SLA parameter is greater than 70 and less than 100, then penalty would be reduced from 10% proportionally as per sample calculation shown (Ref Appendix A: Service Level Matrix). An additional 10% penalty of total quarterly payment would be charged for every such quarter when the sum score measured across all the SLA parameter continue to remain 70 or lesser for more than one quarter. If the sum score remains 70 or lesser for a continuous 3 quarters, it shall constitute material breach of the terms of the MSA. Each service level parameter has a breach level metric defined. In case a certain service level parameter metric measure equal or less than the breach level defined continuously for 3 quarters for reasons solely attributable to the IT Implementing Firm, such failure shall constitute material breach of the terms of the MSA.

2. 3. 4.




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Table SLA-II Service Level Metrics For airports other than Chennai & Kolkata (Measured using EMS) S.No. SLA Parameter Maintenance Baseline measured Lower Performance Severity over a quarter level Metric Score Metric Score Network Services 1 Network availability with DC and DR Peak link utilization Average request response cycle time at Local with DC & DR LAN Uptime Local 1&2 > 99.50% 5 99.50% to 99.0% 85% to 70% 4 to10 Seconds 99.75% to 99.0% 99% to 95% 4

Breach Metric < 99.0%

2 3

NA 2

< 70% < 4 Sec

4 4

2 3

>85% >10 Sec


> 99.75%

< 99%

Application Services 5 AODB, RMS application and infrastructure uptime AODB, RMS, server utilisation 1&2 > 99% 5 4 < 95%

6 7

NA 4

< 70% > 99%

3 3

70% to 80% 99% to 90%

2 2

> 80% < 90%

Reporting application & infrastructure uptime 8 Integration platform uptime End-User Services Manpower availability against agreed deployment Speed of Answer (% of calls <30 secs) Response to Email Requests (% Live person response < 4hours) Call Abandonment Access Request Resolution (< 4hours of request) First Call Resolution (<10 mins) End-user IMACD Timeliness (<24 hours)


> 99.5%

99.5% to 95% 99.0 % to 90% 70% to 60% 95%to 90%

< 95%

> 99.0%

< 90%

9 10 11


>70% >95%

4 4

3 3

<60% <90%

12 13


<3% >90%

3 4

3% to 5% 90% to 70%

2 3

>5% <70%

14 15


>80% >90%

4 3

80 to 70% 90% to 80%%

3 2

<70% <80%


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Table SLA-II Service Level Metrics For airports other than Chennai & Kolkata (Measured using EMS) S.No. SLA Parameter Maintenance Baseline measured Lower Performance Severity over a quarter level Metric Score Metric Score 16 Incident Response & Resolution (For SLA table below) Problem Management (permanent fix & root cause analysis) Workstation Availability (AOCC) NA >90% 4 90% to 80% 3

Breach Metric <80%




90% to 70%





99% to 95%


Common Services 19 Timely Configuration Updates (5 business days) Adherence to Severity level for resolution time Change Management (changes implemented correctly) Asset Management (correct entry in asset registry) Virus Signature File Updates (distributed within 24 hours to % systems) Information Security Risk Event Notification and Mitigation (escalation within 5 minutes and mitigation within 36 hours) Firewall Security (rules reviewed and approved within 24 hours and implemented within 36 hours) Reporting Timeliness and Accuracy Total Score NA >90% 3 90% to 80% 2 <80%




97% to 90%





98% to 90%





98% to 85%





99.5% to 98%





98% to 95%





98% to 95%




99% to 90%


26 Baseline 100 Low 70

1. Each of the Service Levels in Schedule (Appendix A: Service Level Matrix) shall have a score (weightage) assigned to it. The sum total of the score of all the Service Levels shall be 100 at baseline performance. Page 114 of 487


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2. 3. 4.



In case the sum score measure across all the service parameters adds up to 100 or more then there is no penalty to be charged. In case the sum score measured across all the SLA parameter is 70 or lesser, 10% of total quarterly payment would be charged as penalty. In case the sum score measured across all the SLA parameter is greater than 70 and less than 100, then penalty would be reduced from 10% proportionally as per sample calculation shown (Ref Appendix A: Service Level Matrix). An additional 10% penalty of total quarterly payment would be charged for every such quarter when the sum score measured across all the SLA parameter continue to remain 70 or lesser for more than one quarter. If the sum score remains 70 or lesser for a continuous 3 quarters, it shall constitute material breach of the terms of the MSA. Each service level parameter has a breach level metric defined. In case a certain service level parameter metric measure equal or less than the breach level defined continuously for 3 quarters for reasons solely attributable to the IT Implementing Firm, such failure shall constitute material breach of the terms of the MSA.



SLA CALCULATION EXAMPLE-SEVERITY LEVEL 1 Calculation Example Respons Resolution Logic e time time (Restore or work around) Within 90 Minutes
Lower performance score Maximum penalty at (100-70)=30 points less Weightage of 1 point If score for a quarter is 'X' (X<100) No. of points below 100

Severity 1 (Critical)

Failure of critical system - 15 Core application ( AODB, Minutes RMS along with Integration platform)
Critical business activities and processes interrupted. A Large number of End Users affected (Complete operation of one or more airports being affected). Degree of impact: Large number of end users whose work is business critical cant work. Consequence for AAI: One or more airports are not operational due to non- availability of IT systems.





10% / 30 X

0.3333% 84



Penalty on Quarterly Charge

(100-X) * 0.3333%



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TABLE: SLA-IV Severity


SLA CALCULATION EXAMPLE-SEVERITY LEVEL 2 Respons Resolution Logic Calculation e time time (Restore or work around)


Severity 2 (Urgent)

Failure of a central, Important system Important business activities interrupted Greater number of End users affected Degree of impact: Greater number of end users unable to work ( Between 10 and 25) Consequence for AAI: Services that are important to AAI but are not business critical. Poor availability, loss or disturbance might cause loss or damage. Longer or frequent disruption might cause severe loss or damage.

Within 2


Lower performanc e score Maximum penalty at (10070)=30 points less Weightage of 1 point If score for a quarter is 'X' (X<100) No. of points below 100





10% / 30 X

0.3333% 84



Penalty on Quarterly Charge

(100-X) * 0.3333%



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TABLE SLA V Severity


SLA CALCULATION EXAMPLE-SEVERITY LEVEL 3 Respon Resolution Logic Calculation se time time (Restore or work around)
1 Hour


Severity 3 (High)

Failure of a normal system Normal business activities and processes interrupted Degree of impact : End users unable to continue their work Consequence for AAI: Services that is not critical to AAI in the everyday work. Poor availability, loss or disturbance might cause disturbance and unnecessary problems.

Within 8

Lower performanc e score Maximum penalty at (10070)=30 points less Weightage of 1 point If score for a quarter is 'X' (X<100) No. of points below 100





10% / 30 X

0.3333% 84



Penalty on Quarterly Charge

(100-X) * 0.3333%



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SLA CALCULATION EXAMPLE-SEVERITY LEVEL 4 Respon Resolution Logic Calculation se time time (Restore or work around)
3 Hours


Severity 4 (Medium)

Failure of a non-critical system or application Non critical business activities and processes interrupted Workaround possible by Service Provider Consequence for AAI : No direct impact on AAI's day to day services.

Within Next
Business Day

Lower performanc e score Maximum penalty at (10070)=30 points less Weightage of 1 point If score for a quarter is 'X' (X<100) No. of points below 100





10% / 30 X

0.3333% 84



Penalty on Quarterly Charge

(100-X) * 0.3333%



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SLA Monitoring The aforementioned SLA parameters shall be measured on a quarterly basis as per the Table - SLA Measurement 1 Systems Measurement of SLAs for systems shall be automatic using reports from appropriate management tools like EMS / NMS etc. 2 Services (a) Measurement of SLAs for services, which are not delivered using a dedicated tool, will be carried out using appropriate and relevant reports from the Service Desk tool for ticket open and close times. For such services, the IT Implementing Firm will create a ticket for every service rendered. (b) For services delivered using dedicated tools, measurement of SLAs will be carried out using appropriate and relevant reports from the respective tools.

Measurement Measurement of SLAs parameters will be carried out on a daily basis Period and signed-off on the quarterly average for all SLAs which are not annual or contingent in nature. individual SLA parameter requirements, through appropriate SLA measurement tools to be designed by the IT Implementing Firm for the purpose as part of the Enterprise Management Solution. If the performance of the system/services is degraded significantly at any given point in time during the contract and if the immediate measures are not implemented and issues are not rectified to the complete satisfaction of AAI or an agency designated by them, then AAI will have the right to take appropriate corrective actions including termination of the Agreement as set out in the MSA.. The SLAs defined herein shall be construed as part of the MSA, and changes to them shall be made on mutually agreed basis between AAI and the IT Implementing Firm.


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of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports SECTION V QUALITATIVE REQUIREMENTS


TERMINOLOGIES 1.1. AODB: The objective of an Airport Operational Data Base (AODB) is to give users and identified integrated systems a single source of shared data, to provide data that are consistent and up-to-date. In addition, it shall provide a data repository, with an appropriate level of security, redundancy and back-up, and flexibility to allow the collection of data from diverse sources and systems, and the manipulation and processing of that data to produce useful information regarding operational and financial activities at the Airport, such as flight information, maintenance and operational information, ground- and air-side activities, among others. 1.2. RMS: The Resource Management System (RMS) shall carry out allocations and provide real-time status of gates, parking stands (non-contact gates) ticket counters, baggage reclaim carousels and baggage makeup-up belts using manual input data and data from electronic interfaces from designated airlines. The RMS objective is that most inputs are provided via an automated fashion. 1.3. FIDS: Flight Information Display Systems (FIDS) provide real-time updates of flight information to all passengers through technology such as legacy Split Flaps, plasma television screens and liquid crystal displays (LCDs). The system provides flight information based on schedule time, estimated time, Domestic or International flag, Arrival or Departure, Terminal/Zone & Airport etc. For the purpose of this tender the scope of FIDS is limited to seamless integration of existing AAI FIDS with proposed AODB/AOCC solution. 1.4. AOCC: Airport Operations Control Center (AOCC) is the nerve center for all coordination within an airport. Designed to cater various operational and service requirements for daily airport management system, the AOCC enables seamless management of the terminals allowing viewing and monitoring the overall operations of an Airport for real time inputs and collaborative operations. 1.5. AIL: Airport Integration Layer (AIL) is an integration bus based on open standards to integrate all airport systems with each other as well as with other airport external systems outside the scope of this project such as Flight Information Display System (FIDS), Public Address & Voice Alarm (PAVA), Building Management System (BMS), Baggage Handling System (BHS) etc.




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With increase in air traffic volume and that multiple stake holders requiring same information, an effective information management at airports has become critical. In its approach to effective information management, the AAI is visioning for an enterprise-wide single approach for management of multiple airports to cater to all sizes and categories of airports under its control, thus drawing the advantages of integrated and cost-effective framework The proposed project for the Multi Airports Solution shall be to network 10 airports across India, namely, Chennai, Kolkata, Ahmadabad, Pune, Trichy, Calicut, Trivandrum, Mangalore, Guwahati & Jaipur, by creating a central Data Centre (DC) in Chennai airport terminal and a Disaster Recovery Data Centre (DR) site in Kolkata airport terminal for data high availability and centralized application support. The solution to be provided by IT Implementing Firm should be able to support additional airports in the near future. The objectives of the project are as follows: 2.3.1 Design and implement processes and applications that help AAI achieve the project vision of Multi-Airport system and drawing the advantages of integrated and cost-effective framework. Bring changes in processes and technology which result in significant improvement in the overall experience of passengers by enhancing the quality of services at AAI airports. Introduce systems that simplify different processes in the airport operations and improve their effectiveness To improve the overall efficiency of operations at an airport through Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) Establish interfaces among key stakeholders that are easy to access and interoperable. Contribution through trend analysis and forecasting Optimization of existing airport resources Increased focus on safety.




2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 2.3.7 2.3.8 3. 2.1

OVERVIEW OF SOULTION REQUIREMENTS Airports, in general, represent a typical environment of business collaboration. Airlines, Ground handlers, concessionaires and governmental authorities each play their part in processing passengers, baggage and aircraft in an environment prone to disruption through unforeseen circumstances like aircraft breakdown, weather, technical
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failure etc. Each stakeholder though having its own business processes and goals, yet usually require identical information in a timely manner. 2.2 The challenges of collaboration at an airport, therefore, vests in the approach to process optimization by implementing innovative integrated solutions for the overall management of airport operations. Establishment of Airport Operations Control Centre (AOCC) at 10 airports is a step in this direction by using the Information Technology to automate key airport business processes through an enterprise-wide single approach concept of multiple airports management for an integrated and cost-effective framework. AAI is thus seeking a long term relationship with an IT partner that will help to achieve this objective of creating and operating an integrated automated airport management system. The key component of Multi Airports Management framework is a centralized AODB (Airport Operational Data Base) that acts as a data repository to improve & optimize airport operations considerably. The new approach in this framework is to provide the AODB at a centralized location for multiple airports through a common shared infrastructure. This approach will also necessitate integration with ATC systems for extracting real time flight information. Airline related information can also be made available with linkages to ATN/AFTN/SITA network. All the processes at the airports will be on-line work flow based (paper less working) and perfectly integrated - adopting latest best of breed practice. This tender is being released to meet the core objective of deploying the multi airports management concept for effective management of multiple airports through enabling technologies to derive the best benefits. While responding to this tender, the Bidder shall describe its overall approach to Automation of Airport Operations by clearly identifying the VALUE to AAI. The scope of work under will be to supply, maintain and operate the necessary IT solution and systems for creation and running of DC/DR/AODB/RMS solution in accordance with the detailed service level agreements (SLAs). There are some legacy systems, and there are some recently developed applications, which shall be integrated. The solution will also include design & provision of management consoles for the Airport Operations Control Centers at all the 10 airports (AOCC). The proposed AOCC implementation would consolidate the real-time coordination, monitoring and control of the different airport-wide spread functions of various stakeholders with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) at hand to provide excellent customer service from end-to-end. The AOCC framework shall integrate existing video surveillance backed by
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tamper proof video data analysis and active archiving capabilities. The deployment shall integrate best practices of AOCC deployed in some of the most modern and advanced airports in the world. 2.9 Thus the AOCC will serve as the nerve center of the entire airport with realtime data being fed into it from diverse departments and Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) process is facilitated Different sections in this tender describe the specific requirements in each of the above areas. All the devices, systems and applications proposed by Bidders must comply with the ICAO and other industry standards. For each device, system and application being proposed, the Bidder shall state the standards being conformed to. The selected bidder shall be responsible for deploying the proposed solution/systems as per AAI requirement. Bidders shall understand and estimate the effort involved in automating the functions (processes) in the scope. They must have a certain level of understanding about functioning of Airports in India and globally. Bidders shall study existing as-is processes of AAI and propose solution to implement to-be automated processes as per AAI requirements. It shall be the Bidders responsibility to analyze each process correctly and completely. The selected bidder is expected to deliver automation to be end-to-end for the various requirements included in the tender. The selected bidder shall ensure superior performance monitoring of systems through Enterprise Management System (EMS).The Service Level Agreements (SLAs) described in this tender shall be monitored by the EMS. The SLA monitoring function of the EMS is by far the most important requirement of this project from the point of view of payment on account of performance to measure the quarterly averages of SLA parameters The solution proposed by bidders must be secure, especially with respect to the external entities interfaces being proposed. The technical infrastructure shall be scalable. Bidders must understand the functional and technical scalability needs of AAI in terms of requirements getting included in future. The selected bidder shall deploy the required DC, DR, networking (WAN and LAN), security, system software and application software infrastructure and maintain it for the entire duration of the contract. Refresh of infrastructure as described in this tender under Technology Refresh Program shall be provided by the selected bidder.
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Upgrade/update of hardware/software and enhancements in capacities to maintain the desired SLAs as defined under the tender shall also be undertaken by selected bidder during the period of the contract. The selected bidder shall deploy appropriate staff for different activities in the project, including but not limited to, application development, DC and DR setup and operations, infrastructure setup and support, back office operations and project management. The selected bidder shall provide training to AAI staff and staff of external entities involved in the project. Bidder shall hold full responsibility for the compliance of all the AAI requirements for works defined herein. Public Cloud solutions with data and software outside AAI are not to be suggested. AAIs requirement is to have this kind of system installed in-house.







Figure 1: Scope of work-Overview


Scope encompasses transform, build, enhance, scale, integrate and manage the defined solutions and services. The scope includes but not limited to the following:



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4.1.1 Complete establishment of Data Centre at Chennai Recovery Center at Kolkata Airport

4.1.2 Applications for process automation including Airport Operational Data Base (AODB), Resource Management System (RMS); 4.1.3 Portal interface for internal and external entities; 4.1.4 Airport Operations Control Centre (AOCC) by integrating all basic Airport systems at 10 airports for a true collaborative decision making among the Airport Operations stakeholders, including ground handlers, airline carriers as well as sovereign functions like Security and customs. 4.1.5 VPN Connectivity at all the 10 airports 4.1.6 IT Cabling and networking relevant to central AODB installation and local integration at 8 airports other than Chennai & Kolkata 4.1.7 Migration of existing data, if any, into the new system, and records (files) digitized; 4.1.8 Airport Operational Information reporting solution to provide MIS reports & Dashboards based on pre-defined KPIs including trend graphs, for analysis by different level of Management and planning personnel. 4.1.9 Proposed solution must be secure and free from threats, virus, worms, malware etc., especially with respect to the external entities interfaces being proposed. 4.1.10 The proposed solution should be based on open architecture and scalable to enable to add new airports easily. 4.1.11 The infrastructure proposed and deployed shall conform to industry standards. 4.1.12 Ensuring superior performance through monitoring by Enterprise Management System (EMS) and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) tools. 4.1.13 Provide Technology Refresh programme, within three months prior to expiry of five years period from the date of Chennai Go-Live., at every airport location for the equipment and Software used to provide the services (as per details given later in this document). 4.2 In summary, an end-to-end solution is being envisaged by AAI, wherein the IT Implementing Firm shall be responsible for technology deployment, management as well as data interface to back-office operations. The


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proposed solution should take into account AAIs requirements of an integrated approach with internal and external stakeholders.

5. 5.0

MULTI-AIRPORTS MANAGEMENT CONCEPT The key component of Multi Airports Management framework is a centralized AODB (Airport Operational Data Base) that acts as a data repository to improve airport operations considerably. The new approach in this framework is to provide the AODB at a centralized location for multiple airports through a common shared infrastructure. This approach will also necessitate integration with ATC systems for extracting real time flight information. Airline related information can also be made available with linkage to AFTN/SITA network. The proposed Multi-Airport Solution will contain the following key areas i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Process Consulting & Optimization AODB/RMS solution Airport Integration Bus Solution Airport Operational Information Reporting Solution Application & Network Security Application Data Replication Application Monitoring Backup & Restore System Integration & Testing Training




A graphical representation of the solution of integrated framework to support existing back office systems such as Billing, Data Warehouse and many more areas is given below:


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Figure 2: Multi Airport Management Architecture 5.4 High level Multi Airport Management Architecture features are: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Complete system shall operate from the Primary Data Centre to be located at Chennai Airport. Similar complete system shall also operate from Secondary Data Centre (DR) to be located at Kolkata Airport. All functions shall be centralized for operation through Primary Data Centre / Secondary Data Centre. DC and DR systems will have built-in redundancies and shall take care of all single point of failure. DC and DR shall support centralized AODB and RMS with an independent integration layer. A specialized product for the integration layer independent of the AODB will be provided. There will be synchronization at integration layer level between the two centers for real time change over in the event of Disaster and also for continuity in airport operations. That is, in the event of total failure of the Primary Data Centre (DC) or its non-availability to one


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or all the airports for any other reason, complete operations will transfer to Secondary Data Centre (DR). (h) The change over from DC to DR operation shall be without any time loss thus ensuring continuity of airport operation at all places. The data available to the airport operation in which case cannot be older than 15 minutes. Similarly, all the operations shall transfer back to Primary Data Centre (DC) as soon as the system connection reverts at Chennai. Multi-mode communication links shall be provided to ensure high percentage of fail free operation, and also to reduce mean time between failures (MTBF). Chennai and Kolkata airports shall have local servers in HA mode to support AODB and RMS functions. All airport IT systems shall be integrated to Central Server through Integration Layer. The replication between central and local environments is performed transparently to the user, and can be performed on realtime basis. Airport keeps working in case of disconnection of central infrastructure. Replication mechanism will ensure that data at both (local and centralized) environments becomes coherent when communication problem is fixed. Application integration shall be provided at all airports. ATC integration Central and Local Users shall be Role based operable from anywhere in the network without having conflicts Central User shall perform Long term or Medium term resource planning Central User shall have control on resource planning for all operations up to the previous day or up to the time operationally convenient. Central User shall be able to plan for single airport or multi-airport affected by the flight schedule change on the next day or to be valid for a period lasting more than one day or there may be a nonscheduled flight operation. All the normally expected functions not limited to the below mentioned functions will be provided for Local User: 1. 2. Uploading schedules. Maintaining schedules.
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(i) (j)

(k) (l) (m)


(o) (p) (q) (r) (s)




TITLE: Establishment

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports Adding non-charter flights. Processing all messages doing revised planning if required. Providing early warning for peak loads, abnormal operations of greater than 2 hour delays for next day. Central control for Security coordination during crisis.

3. 4. 5. 6.




Central Sites (i.e Chennai & Kolkata) 1) All functions shall be from Chennai Data Centre (DC).In the event of failure of Chennai DC, all functions shall be from Kolkata (DR). 2) The AODB, RMS Access will be from Chennai DC for all airports including Chennai & Kolkata airports. 3) In the event of failure of Chennai DC, the complete operations of all airports will fall back on the Kolkata DR and the airport users that were operating with Chennai DC will operate with Kolkata DR and resume the operation for all the centralized systems i.e. AODB/RMS etc. 4) Once the Chennai DC resumes its normal operations, all the airports will switch back to Chennai DC. 5) The data accumulated at the Kolkata DR will be synchronized back with the Chennai Data Centre (DC). 6) The extreme event of failures of both Kolkata & Chennai DC & DR at the same time is unlikely as redundant Central systems (Main & Standby) are contemplated at Chennai & Kolkata.


Non-Central Sites (i.e Other than Chennai & Kolkata) 1) All operations will be normally from Chennai DC. 2) In the event of failure of Chennai DC, the complete operations of Local airport will fall back on the Kolkata DR. 3) The local airport users that were operating with Chennai will operate with Kolkata and resume the operation for all the centralized systems i.e. AODB/ RMS etc. 4) Once the Chennai DC resumes its normal operations, all the airports will switch back to Chennai DC. 5) The AODB & RMS Access will be from Chennai DC for all airports. 6) No local AODB and RMS servers envisaged. 7) In the event of connectivity loss between any local airport and both the Central sites, the local airport will fall back on the local FIDS to continue the smooth operations.


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8) As no local AODB and RMS is envisaged, other central functions such as reports etc. will not be available at the local airport until the connectivity is established with any one of the central sites. 9) Once the Central system resumes its normal operations the local airport users will switch back to Chennai/Kolkata as the case may be. 10) The data (namely local FIDS & local integration) accumulated at the local airport will be synchronized back with the central site. 7. CAPTURING THE BENEFITS MANAGEMENT CONCEPT OF MULTI-AIRPORTS


AAI core objective of deploying the multi airports management concept, for which this tender is being released, is to allow optimum management of multiple airports business processes and enabling technologies and capture benefits given net. MANAGEMENT & OPERATIONAL BENEFITS (a) Plug and Play deployment concept per airport. (b) Standard Process + Training + Implementation + Maintenance. (c) Management Centres for Finance, Airport Operations Control Centre and other areas. (d) Scalable, easy to add new airports based on open architecture. (e) Streamlines data flows. (f) Enables faster processing of key functions, e.g. billing, statistics, and dashboards. (g) Enables a Group-wide view in near real time. (h) Enables measurements of Service Levels Agreements and KPIs. (i) Auditable and accountability across airports. (j) Supports Phased implementation approach. (k) Integrated view of back-office operations. (l) Efficient Airport Operations. (m) Integrated systems for operational performance. (n) Platform for stakeholder collaboration.



COMMERCIAL/FINANCIAL BENEFITS (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Reduced cost due to shared infrastructure and related services. Minimise airport revenue leakages (aviation and non-aviation). Better tracking and visibility of cash flows. Auditable and accountability across airports. Risk Mitigation through shared business risk. Reduce Total Cost of Ownership: OPEX Model. Predictability of IT cost. Control on procurements.
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(i) Integrated systems for financial management. 10. OPPORTUNITIES REVENUES FOR NEW BUSINESS/SOURCES OF


AAI envisages creating a more efficient, integrated and automated Airport management system that will address its operational objectives, provide the required flexibility to react quickly to market changes, using intelligent decision making tools.

11. 11.1

APPROACH TO AUTOMATION OF AIRPORT OPERATIONS AAI has immediate priority business imperatives that must be addressed in the short term with its rapid roll out of services in new airports, as well as longer term strategic issues that need to be addressed in order to establish a strong foundation for future business growth. The Bidder shall describe and include the best practices, processes, tools and techniques it shall bring to bear to its solution, and detail the benefits of such initiatives in continuously improving operational efficiency and productivity. The Bidder shall provide detailed mobilization and rollout plans. These plans shall include: (a) Organization charts and Manpower Deployment Charts (b) Project schedules (c) Risk mitigation plans TRANSFORMATION Transformation consists of those activities necessary for Bidder to evolve from the AAIs existing AS IS environment to the proposed TO BE environment required for AAI to achieve its business objectives and for Bidder to achieve the contracted service level commitments. Transformation objectives are to: (a) Identify Key Business opportunities as a result of the implementation of the systems covered in this tender. (b) Build Implement and integrate new systems as per the proposed TO BE architecture. (c) Integrate existing system functionality in line with TO BE architecture. (d) Identify Process Improvements within scope of this tender. (e) Align Process Improvements to the TO BE Solution.


12. 12.1



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(f) Ensure the AAI business support systems, IT systems and operations covered by the tender are delivered to an enhanced, stable, scalable, flexible and efficient steady state. TO BE SOULUTION PRINCIPLES The following are underlying Application Software solution principles in delivering the IT capabilities to support AAIs business requirements. The Application Software shall be mostly based upon commercial off the shelf (COTS) products and shall be implemented without any major customization but should cater to India specific regulatory and mandatory business requirements. The successful Bidder shall implement Message Broker based solution in the overall Architecture Framework described above. The successful Bidder will provide automation that is aligned to AAIs business processes as defined during the Transformation for COTS Application Software and to meet the needs of AAIs business efficiency and scalability in the normal course of IT Projects and operations. The sequence of implementation of the COTS Application software shall be in terms of AAIs business objectives and the imperative needs of the organization. The COTS Application Software throughout the Term, needs to be supported, covering; a. b. Installing patches and fixes as they become available from the Bidder; Prospective Bidders commitment to maintain Application Software to deliver the required SLAs.

13. 13.1

13.2 13.3


14. 14.1

TRAFFIC VOLUMES The history of annual traffic volumes for the aircraft movements are given below:


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S.N o.

Airport Name

APR-MAR 2006-07

APR-MAR APR-MAR 2007-08 2008-09

APR-MAR APR-MAR APR-MAR 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12



1,15,865 1,15,911


1,10,778 1,20,127


65,687 25,754 19,071

80,703 34,597 24,445

81,831 31,678 25,162

85,696 33,753 26,251

94,375 34,686 26,941

99,843 40,506 28,088



Thiruvanatha puram








16,180 10,548 13,105 5,912 3,143

17,138 18,344 15,263 9,362 5,128

19,188 17,010 19,432 11,120 6,151

21,622 18,458 17,615 10,546 7,225

21,764 14,989 16,690 9,431 7,230

27,110 18,603 16,150 9,363 9,583






(Note: Bidders are strongly advised to visit for verifying above figures and for passenger movement details) 15. 15.1 SCOPE OF WORK The scope of the Bidder will be to supply, maintain and operate the necessary IT solution and systems for creation and running of AODB /RMS solution in accordance with the detailed service level agreements (SLAs). Indicative quantities of hardware components required have been provided in this document. The system (both software and Hardware) shall necessarily support scaling up in line with the traffic volume provided in this section above and of the additional airports expected to be added in the near future, inter-alia meeting the SLA requirements specified in the tender document.


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Bidders shall make their own assessment based on the solution they offer as per AAI requirements and shall provide un-priced itemized Bill of quantities for all the items in the Technical Bid indicating the item description, make, model of the products offered. The technical Bid should only contain un-priced deliverables and shall not indicate any commercial offer. The financial implications of such bill of quantities shall be part of the Financial Bid. Failure to provide un-priced itemized Bill of quantities shall result in rejection of the bid of the bidder. AAI expects the solution to enable centralized management and control over its operations in respect of airports mentioned in scope of this tender. The solution will integrate major processes at the airports by being an event driven process chain. The solution shall have a central integrated infrastructure to be shared by all users, thus contributing to common Airport Operation. This will enable AAI to extract real time flight information due to proper process alignments of AODB and other systems which are part of the scope using a message bus. The geographic scope of this project comprises of the following ten (10) airports: 1. Chennai Primary Data Centre 2. Kolkata Secondary (Disaster Recovery) Data Centre 3. Ahmedabad 4. Calicut 5. Jaipur 6. Mangalore 7. Pune 8. Tiruchirapalli 9. Thiruvanathapuram 10. Guwahati IT SOULTION & SERVICE MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS




16.1 AAI expects the following service areas to be included as part of the overall scope of work of the Bidder: 1. Governance 2. Application Services 3. Infrastructure Services 4. Bandwidth 5. Training 6. Testing 7. Acceptance 8. Maintenance 9. Technology Refresh 10. Transfer Assistance


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16.2 The following diagram provides a simplified view of the core in scope solutions and services required for the multi airport engagement. The Bidder needs to supply, implement and maintain all the required in scope areas for the entire term of the contract.

16.3 The Main components of the solution includes: (a) Implementation and management of an Airport operational database (AODB), Resource Management System (RMS) and Flight Information Management System (FIMS) which is capable of serving multiple airports. This system shall serve as a centralized information repository and management node to service operational downstream systems and also manage and maintain historical data. It shall be integrated with the applications running in AAI relevant to airport management. (b) Supply and implementation of a Reports Module which shall include a Dashboard application. . (c) Supply and implementation of Integration layers at each airport which facilitates communication and data flows between the local servers at each airport and the central airport systems. (d) Implementation and management of a Network Infrastructure for the AOCC and connection of different airport systems that fall under the scope of work of this RFP. The network infrastructure will also be able to provision multiple independent pools / groups in both an intra and inter airport domain. (e) Implementation and management of High availability Data centres at Chennai (as Primary Data Centre) and Kolkata (as Disaster Recovery Centre) to cater to the requirements of the infrastructure used for implementing the solution.
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(f) Implementation and management of a Master clock solution that ensures accuracy of time keeping for all the airports. (g) Implementation and management of IT systems at Airport Operations Control Centres at each airport. (h) Provision and Management of MPLS-VPN with adequate Bandwidth to connect each airport. (i) Managed Services to ensure availability as per SLAs of the IT systems deployed as part of this solution. (j) Training of end users.

17. 17.1

MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK The Bidder shall describe the governance model at various levels to address topics such as overseeing and directing IT strategy, defining and agreeing to business requirements, reviewing and approving IT strategy, setting priorities, work authorization, ensuring outcomes and results are achieved for the business, change control, measurement and metrics, production control, reviewing operational performance on regular basis, escalation process, dispute management, providing overall direction for relationship, reviewing and monitoring other aspects of the relationship as proposed. The Bidder shall provide examples of how extensively the proposed governance model has been deployed in similar projects, and of similar scale. AAI understands that it has accountability for the current IT Systems and Architecture and any future changes, but expects the Bidder to make on going architectural recommendations, as and when required, to realize the Target IT Architecture. In this context AAI shall expect the Bidder to describe and include an Architecture Governance process which provides for timely and efficient architectural changes and supports the spirit of joint accountability on the Architecture. The Bidder shall clearly describe the roles and responsibilities for AAI and the Bidder in this regard. The Bidder shall describe how all the assets associated with the provision of in-scope services, whether owned by AAI or the Bidder, are accounted for throughout the contract duration. The organisation and the minimum resources supporting required to execute the governance process are mentioned in this document. The Bidder also needs to assure AAI of a strong management framework to govern the stated requirement over the period of the contract. The Management framework is expected to address the following areas: 1. Governance
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17.6 17.7 17.8


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2. Program Management 3. Project Planning and Control(s). 4. Project timelines 18. GOVERNANCE


This project requires due adherence by Bidder to its obligations of IT services deliverable over the term, for the effective implementation of the same. The governance structure and process as outlined herein shall facilitate the Bidders achievement of its obligations, and AAIs provision of assistance. One of the primary goals of the governance process is ensuring transparency and free information flow between AAI and the Bidder is to maintain trust and good working relationship. The governance structure and process is to accomplish and direct: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Bidder aligns its efforts and deliverables towards achieving effective implementation over the term. The results are consistent with AAIs expectations and objectives. Effective establishment of a process for communication, escalation and planning. The development of the organizational relationship between AAI and the Bidder for achieving AAIs IT goals and objectives, business goals, performance measurements and improvements, plans and strategies. Effective operating protocols and an expeditious process for resolving escalations and disputes, if any. Periodic management review of the goals, objectives, and strategies of both Parties under the Agreement.


5. 6.


The Bidder is required to provide a detailed description of the proposed governance structure including 1. 2. 3. 4. Roles and responsibilities of the parties, Organizational relationships, Operating protocols Escalation processes.

The structure for all phases over the contract term is to be detailed out.




Program Management will include activities encompassing the overall solution including infrastructure (hardware, network, and system software) and application products and development. Various activities in scope are, including but not limited to the following:


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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Creating and maintaining an overall program plan and schedule Providing solution and services in the areas specified Monitoring the schedule Managing all dependencies Coordinating with all suppliers for their respective services and offerings; this shall include all hardware, infrastructure and software suppliers and their respective offerings Coordinating with the customer for necessary approvals and decisions Organizing periodic management committee meetings Ensuring deployment of best practices of the industry Providing periodic status reports Resolution of issues Risk Management

20. 20.1

CHANGE MANAGEMENT The Bidder shall explain the proposed mechanism whereby AAI business changes will be supported continuously in the services provided. The description shall include: 1. 2. 3.
4. 5.

change process frequency roles structure of changes and how handled effectiveness assessments

21. 21.1

OPERATIONAL CHANGES Operational changes are essentially all changes arising out of or in relation to the day to day operations of the IT Service Delivery (Operational Changes). All Operational Changes are deemed to be included within the scope. Bidders are required to explain the process via which operational changes will be accommodated. MAJOR CHANGES Events may occur which were not envisaged and which cause a significant impact to the Bidders services. Examples of such events are regulatory changes that create a significant structural change to the AAI business or privatization. These would be considered as Major changes and will be addressed through Governance Bidders should outline the proposed change management process for non-operational changes as well.
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23. 23.1

PROJECT PLANNING AND CONTROL All the IT works included in the scope of work shall be managed in composite manner keeping a perfect unison with the building Works. Project Management shall take care of the following points:

1. 2. 3.

Planning respective projects Ensuring compliance to AAI requirements Design and development of application components wherever needed Ensuring quality assurance (validation and verification activities, reviews) Configuration management control for all 3rd party products and bespoke development Ensuring appropriate documentation (design documents, user documents, operations manuals, etc.) availability for infrastructure and application software.







The following high level rollout timelines specified in Section IV is required to be met: 1. Within 5 months of the Contract award date the full solution needs to be commissioned at Chennai (MAA). 2. Within the 8 months from the Contract award date, the solution needs to be commissioned at Kolkata (CCU) along with Disaster Recovery feature. Other 3 airports are also needs to be commissioned with in this period. 3. The solution to be commissioned at the 5 remaining airports within a period of 12 months from Contract award date. The Bidder is required to prepare the schedule of implementation as per the readiness of individual airports and also mutually agreed schedule with AAI. 4. Overall, 10 airports commissioned within 12 months of contract award


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Note: Commissioned means that the solution is delivered, configured, integrated with other existing systems, fully tested and available for Production use by AAI trained staff. 25. 25.1 APPLICATION SERVICES REQUIREMENTS CUSTOMIZATION: The implementation of the various systems requires that these be customized to meet AAIs business and technical needs as described in this tender. The Bidder shall submit a detailed document clearly explaining the functional details for each of the IT system and sub-system to AAI. This document shall become the base for scope to be carried out by the Bidder for IT systems or sub-systems. STANDARD PRACTICES: Bidder shall use industry standard practices and shall follow standard guidelines provided by OEM for customization to the extent possible. In case of any deviation from such a practice, Bidder shall duly inform in writing to AAI project manager for his approval. BASE DATA: The Bidder is also expected to create the base data for the AODB/RMS systems. The Bidder is required to provide standard configuration data for the following (this can be imported from another installation if required): 1. Aircraft Types 2. Aircraft dimensions 3. Aircraft Registrations and names of Airline Operators in India (this should be accurate as of the date of contract award) 4. Other relevant information, if any AAI needs to be coordinated in creating the data for the remaining elements such as: 1. 2. 3. 4. 25.4 Parking Bay identifiers and dimensions at each airport Check-in Counters, Gates, Baggage Belts at each airport Runways, taxiways, Terminals at each airport Detailed Aircraft Operator information (e.g. Address, Billing details)



INTEGRATION PLATFORM: The systems at each airport require integration with each other. The Bidder will be responsible for providing the platform for integration and the framework for integration of all the various systems being implemented at the airport(s). The AODB shall integrate, through the integration layer, with the information from the relevant airport applications in scope and shall provide a wide range of information from /to any client user or system and distribution of selected data via the information broker to any airport system.The integration will include but not be limited to the following:


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1. The solution set should provide Messages Server facility to consolidate and share information across airports/terminals. 2. Ensuring full integration of all COTS components, systems and existing AAI legacy applications specified in the tender. 3. The middleware solution should ensure integration with other external systems at the involved airports. 4. Ensuring dissemination of information to appropriate users of the same (e.g. ATC tower, pilots, other users); rules for information dissemination will be defined during project execution 5. In case of any compatibility issues, the Bidder shall highlight and suggest the necessary remedial steps and AAI will involve necessary system providers/stakeholders for smooth resolution. 6. Integration Philosophy - An integrated environment shall be created by having: a. data network b. Airport Operational Database (AODB) as an integrated database for all the operational systems operating at all the airport under the current scope for ease of exchange of information 7. Systems for Integration (Note: Some of these systems do not exist at all the involved airports): The Bidder shall undertake the responsibility of integrating various systems, sub-systems and applications offered as a part of this solution. These systems may include:(a) Integration of the AODB with existing Public Address/ Voice (PAVA) System and Flight Information IVRS system for automated announcements of Flights status, Gate announcements & Departure/Arrival information (b) PA system to be directly integrated with Fire Alarm system (at all the airports which are in scope) (c) Interface to AAI flight information web portal to provide data for Periodic content refresh of Flights status, Gate announcements & Departure/Arrival information (d) Message server Interface to SITA text, AFTN and also capture and publish weather information from AFTN (METAR)


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(e) Message server Interface to Air Traffic Management System (ATM) automation Systems (provision for a RMS screen at ATC and information pick up form ATM) (f) Interface to AAI existing AIMS package Traffic Billing information of cash customers to AODB Flight information from AODB to AIMS AIMS Integration to Reporting Module dashboard (g) (h) (i) Airport Operational Dashboard Airport operational reports Integration to Visual Docking Guidance System (VDGS) Aircraft details from AODB to VDGS On-block, off-block details from VDGS to AODB (j) (k) Interface of proposed FIDS software solution Interface to CUTE and/or CUPPS feeding relevant data (l) For counter opening and closing data

Interface to existing Baggage Handling System (BHS) Flight schedule & updates information systems to BHS

(m) First bag and last bag information for arriving flights to AODB ) (n) Interface to existing Baggage Reconciliation System (BRS) Flight schedule & updates information systems to BRS


Interface to Fire Detection and Alarm system Integration to AODB for fire specific alarms which would then pass this information to the RMS to make the resource associated with that alarm unavailable


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26. 26.1

INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES REQUIREMENTS The Bidder shall offer facilities management or managed services for the infrastructure implemented to support the AOCC requirement. The Bidder shall provide the following scope of services: 1. Systems Operations Services 2. Systems Security Services 3. Asset Management Services 4. Data Centre Build services 5. Data Centre Management Services 6. Network Management Services 7. End User Services 8. Common Processes The Bidder shall deliver the services using appropriate tools as may be required to manage, monitor and report on the service performance. A brief description of each of these services is given below. The Bidder is required to provide detailed compliance in its bid.



Systems Operations Services:

The scope of the Systems Operations Services includes monitoring and managing Machines that are supplied under this tender. As part of this service, the Bidder is expected to perform the following activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Operations management Advanced Virtualization of the Server Environment Storage and Data Management Services with Replication Maintenance and Technical support services Disaster Planning & Recovery Services These services are expected to be deployed from command centre located at airports. The service provided is required to set up this command centre with all required infrastructure and tools.


Systems Security Services: The airport and its IT infrastructure

are critical assets and must be adequately protected. The scope of the Security Services is to ensure an auditable and thorough security system to ensure adequate levels of protection to the IT assets deployed as part of this tender. As part of this service, the Bidder is expected to perform the following activities: 1. Provide the following minimum IT Security Infrastructure: 2. Network Intrusion Prevention System (NIPS) 3. Server Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS) 4. Network Anomaly Detection System (ADS) 5. Unified Threat Management (UTM) Services 6. Desktop endpoint security 7. Web Security Infrastructure Assessment 8. User Management.


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Asset Management Services:

AAI expects the overall AOCC solution to be operational across ten (10) airports in India. As a result of this geographical spread, it is important that all assets related to the envisaged solution be accurately updated within an asset register. This will facilitate appropriate actions like maintenance, replacement and audits on the deployed assets. AAI expects these activities to be provided as part of the scope of Asset Management Services. As a number of software licenses are also expected to be deployed as part of the solution, AAI also expects that software license management will be covered as part of the asset management scope.


Datacentre Build Services: The Data Centre Build Services will

cater to building a data centre with the following minimum features: a. Data Centre of Tier III or above classification like features such as energy efficiency, capability to support critical technology and business needs. b. 100 Sq.Mt. raised floor, each at the Chennai & Kolkata airports, with a provision to extend it further to 200 Sq.Mt. of the raised floor area.


Datacentre Management Services:

Data Centre Management Services define the activities associated with the administration of dedicated hardware facilities, including raised floor rooms, server rooms, labs and network closets 1. 2. 3. Integrated Infrastructure Management Services Network Operation Centre Data Centre Infrastructure


Network Management Services: Network Management is the

process used for the installation, administration, maintenance, monitoring, troubleshooting, restoration, and documentation of network devices that are part of the scope of current NIT. Some of the details are: 1. WAN (MPLS Network Services at all the airports each with a bandwidth of 2 Mbps each from 2 different service providers from two different routes at last mile i.e One Link should be redundant to other; and also these two links should be from two different Service Providers and these two links should have two different paths altogether). 2. The mode of network connectivity between Service Provider MPLS VPN Cloud to Chennai Data Centre should be on Fibre Optic Cables.


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3. The mode of network connectivity between Service Provider MPLS VPN Cloud to Kolkata Disaster Recovery Centre should be on Fibre Optic Cables. 4. The mode of network connectivity from other airports to MPLS Cloud should be Fibre Optic/Copper Cables or CDMA/3G or RF. Other modes including VSAT as the last mile will not be accepted. 5. Dedicated WAN (Leased Line) between Chennai and Kolkata of bandwidth 8 Mbps each from two different service providers with two different routes at last mile for high availability of AODB redundant connections i.e. there should be two point to point links between Chennai Datacentre and Kolkata Disaster Recovery Centre. These two links should be from two different Service Providers and links should be from two different paths altogether between Chennai Datacentre and Kolkata Disaster Recovery Centre. 6. Fully redundant LAN & WAN Services connecting the systems that have been provided as part of this project at all airports. The project shall include: a. Network Integration Services. b. Network Admin and maintenance for the solution provided as part of this project. c. Structured Cabling & Network Infrastructure for AOCC and connection of airport systems installed at all airports as part of this project. d. Encryption across WAN e. Infrastructure protection is required to protect the infrastructure itself 7. Core/Distribution layer (Redundant mode) 8. Access Layer (Standby path) 9. Server Access Switches (Redundant mode) 10. DMZ Switches (Redundant mode) 11. Test and Development switches. 26.9

End-User Services:

The broad scope of End user services is to provide support services to the IT users in the in-scope airports. These services are expected to ensure a consistent and high-quality computing environment for the IT users. To facilitate such an environment, some of the components of this service are: 1. 2. 3. Customer Service Desk Software Platform Management Services Desk side support


Common Services:

The bidder is expected to bring in industry standard processes like ITIL to deliver the services required to operate and maintain the AOCC solution. These processes constitute the scope of common services. The vendor institute management and control processes whereby the entire in-scope IT infrastructure shall be
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monitored and managed. The Service Provider is expected to report on the operations on the basis of these processes for various performance measurement metrics. The key processes to support each of the service categories defined in this tender are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Incident management Problem Management Change Management Performance management Capacity Management Configuration Management Availability Management

27. 27.1

BANDWIDTH REQUIREMENTS MPLS and internet bandwidth reflected in the tender are minimum and AAI expects the Bidder to recommend the bandwidth required to connect the individual airports, as part of the solution proposal. In case the Bidder, does not have the ISP license to resell bandwidth, AAI will facilitate a tripartite agreement to provision the necessary bandwidth. As network connectivity is fairly well established in India, the bandwidth at each of the airports is expected to be terminated on Ethernet. In addition, AAI expects the bandwidth to be able to support all traffic between the various airports including AODB/RMS and replication. If at some location Network Bandwidth Service Provider provides last mile through other WAN service providers, the total responsibility of Liaising, commissioning, maintaining the link including all the commercials involved should be taken care by the Network Bandwidth Service Provider. The Network Bandwidth Service Provider should have capability to run IPV4 and IPV6 (dual stack) on MPLS VPN links from day 1. Upgrade to IPV6 if required will have to be without any extra cost to AAI The uptime required by AAI from MPLS Cloud to Chennai Datacentre is 99.75% monthly. The uptime required by AAI from MPLS Cloud to Kolkata Disaster Recovery Centre is 99.75% monthly. The uptime required by AAI from other airport locations to MPLS Clouds is 99.5% monthly.

27.2 27.3



27.6 27.7 27.8


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The uptime required by AAI for Point to Point Link from Chennai Datacentre to Kolkata Disaster Recovery Centre locations is 99.95% monthly.

27.10 Uptime (in %) = Total no. of Hours in a Month - Total Downtime (in Hours) in a Month *100/Total No. Of Hours in the Month 27.11 The Latency between Chennai Datacentre and Kolkata Disaster Recovery Centre should not be more than 50 ms and between Chennai Datacentre/Kolkata Disaster Recovery Centre and other airports should not exceed 120 ms when tested with a ICMP packet size of 1024 Bytes. 27.12 The Bidder will be responsible for ensuring the bandwidth adequacy to adhere and also the bandwidth uptime requirements specified above from the Network Bandwidth Service Provider. 27.13 The Bidder quote total bandwidth cost for 7 years including all charges like one time, recurring, tax etc. 27.14 The Bidder will be responsible for installing NMS software for monitoring the WAN links such as Link Availability and link bandwidth usage and the performance of the links. The Bidders uptime/usage/performance report will be final for payment purpose towards bandwidth. 28. 28.1 TRAINING Bidder shall provide training on IT applications provided as a part of this project. Training shall include different level of coverage including Operations Training, Maintenance Training, Configuration training etc. 1. The list of specific Training requirements for specific areas and locations are listed in minimum Bill of material in the tender document In general, the coverage of training will not only include AAI officials but also officials from other agencies including Airlines, Security, Customs, and Immigration etc. as appropriate. AAI will provide training infrastructure in terms of PC, Projectors, space etc., for the training, however training material hand outs to be arranged by the Bidder. Bidder shall prepare the Training material and submit the same for approval by AAI. Bidder shall also incorporate the changes/suggestions provided by AAI. Approved training material shall only be used for the training purposes.





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Bidder shall finalize the training programs in consultation with the AAI officials after the award of work and shall arrange for the training program in line with approved training plan. The Bidder shall be required to organise following training for the AAI personnel: Levels of Training 1) Awareness Session Business Function Heads & HODs of each Airport (To be conducted centrally) SENIOR MANAGEMENT (C Level) 20-25 Persons, 1 Day Session - This training is intended for the Senior Management of AAI which includes Business Function Heads & HODs of each Airport. This training needs to be imparted at AAI CHQ New Delhi. It is the responsibility of Bidder to deliver this training. However, Bidder may deliver the training with the help of their associated product/solution partners. Training curriculum should be designed by the Bidder for all the necessary application software, hardware and network solution components and agreed by AAI. 2) Awareness Session Business Function Heads & HODs of each Airport (To be conducted centrally) MIDDLE MANAGEMENT 2 Batches for 20 persons each, 1 Day Session - This training is intended for the Middle Management of AAI which includes Business Function Heads & HODs of each Airport. This training needs to be imparted at AAI CHQ New Delhi. It is the responsibility of Bidder to deliver this training. However, Bidder may deliver the training with the help of their associated product/solution partners. Training curriculum should be designed by the Bidder for all the necessary application software, hardware and network solution components and agreed by AAI. 3) Core Group Training - Operation Training (Subject Matter Experts) {To be conducted centrally} - This is the operation training for the Core Group of AAI implementation team who are subject matter experts. The core group will include process owners, operations owners, Co-ordinators for data gathering and key users from each airport. This training need to be conducted centrally. Flight Crisis Management operations training also need to be covered for the core group. It is the responsibility of Bidder to deliver this training. However,



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of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports Bidder may deliver the training with the help of their associated product/solution partners. Training will be in areas such as configuration, report customization, etc.

4) Training shall be for different category of users which can be classified as follows: 1. Process Owners 2. Operations Owners 3. Coordinating Data Gathering 4. Key Users from each Airport 5. Local Airport Users - User Level Training {At each individual airport} This is the training for the End Users of AAI. This training need to be conducted at each airport location as per table Annexure VI covering users from various streams, which may include non-AAI users. These training sessions will be required to be conducted before the systems goes live at the respective airports. Comprehensive guidelines on how to accomplish tasks in AAI specific to AODB and RMS, operational aspects must be provided to these users. Given the large number of end-users to be covered, need to repeat training programs periodically post golive and the need to develop training competency internally, AAI wants to adopt Train-The-Trainer approach. In this context, AAI expects the Bidders to provide necessary training materials and methodology they propose to take for training the end-users.

6. Key Users a. Process Owners b. General Users 7. Training for IT Department (At a central location) This is the operation training for the IT department people and covers the areas like


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29. 29.1 29.2

TESTING The Tests to be carried out shall include but not be limited to the following: The Bidder shall be responsible for the testing processes such as planning (includes preparing test plans and defining roles and their responsibilities), preparation (consists of preparing test specification, test environment and test data) and execution (includes testing at various levels like unit level, integration level, system level and production). After mutual consultation with the AAI, the Bidder shall prepare and submit a detail plan containing test schedule, test procedures & the various performance parameters for testing as per industry standards & best practices for conducting various tests, hereinafter referred to as the Test Plan. Necessary instruments, automated testing tools, consumables, personnel and other facilities required for conducting the tests shall be arranged by the Bidder. All acceptance parameters as agreed between AAI and the Bidder will be demonstrated during the tests. The important performance parameters will be decided before executing the testing. Test plans will contain the followings: 1. Roles and responsibilities of test team 2. Approach to testing (Application as well as Infrastructure) 3. Functional testing 4. Security testing/ Penetration testing 5. User interface and reports testing 6. Performance and load testing 7. Test scenarios along with entry and exit criteria 8. Suspension and resumption criteria The Bidder in consultation with AAI should prepare test scenario(s) for various business areas. A test scenario when executed should fulfil a business requirement as per the scope of business functionality. Test scenarios shall include following: 1. Test Specification - In the test specification, the test cases shall be specified. It shall consist of description of the input, process to be executed and a prediction of output results. 2. Test Environment Bidder to arrange various test environments as needed for various type of testing activities such as unit testing, integration testing, performance and load testing, etc. 3. Test Data - Test data needs to be prepared for testing at each stage. The test data shall be prepared in such a way that it covers basic path and every alternate path of the code. The basic path and
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5. 6.


alternate paths are prioritized to capture relevant data. Tools can also be used to generate test data. The following testing steps to be followed for the application testing. The Bidder expected to follow these steps. i. User Acceptance testing ii. Regression testing iii. Performance testing & Load Testing iv. Security testing v. Recovery Testing vi. Go-live Acceptance Testing For Infrastructure components, preliminary acceptance tests and final acceptance test needs to be performed. In case of any functional changes are done in the application system, regression testing needs to be performed before the changes are deployed in the production system. Once the High availability Setup is established between DC and DR, Recovery testing need to be performed and DC-DR drill needs to be conducted once in 6 months

30. 30.1

ACCEPTANCE Acceptance Certificate will be issued by AAI after successful execution of testing for the infrastructure, AODB solution and other software application. ACCEPTANCE TESTING FOR INSTALLATION COMMISSIONING OF INFRASTRUCTURE &



Acceptance tests shall be carried out for the following infrastructure components for Data enter (Chennai & Kolkata) and the other airports separately. 1. Data Centre equipments 2. Hardware equipments 3. Networking equipments including Security appliances


The above infrastructure components shall be collectively referred to as Infrastructure. Preliminary acceptance tests for Infrastructure components:1. Preliminary acceptance test shall be conducted individually for the sampled Infrastructure components. 2. As soon as the installation of individual components with all its auxiliary facilities including its final connections is completed,



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AAI, jointly with the Bidder, shall proceed with preliminary tests to check and ensure that all the units have been properly installed and are fit to be operated. The Bidder shall be responsible for any defective functioning/ workmanship, if any and the resulting damages while conducting the test. Defects found during the testing due to faulty installation shall be rectified by the Bidder at his own cost and to the satisfaction of Owner. 3. All Infrastructure components will be tested for 48 hours of continuous working in confirmation to specifications of the systems. The Bidder shall conduct commissioning test and establish 100% satisfactory performance of the system supplied by him during this period. If the test is interrupted due to any reason attributable to the Bidder, the system has to be started again for 48 hours continuous testing. Any defect/malfunctioning found during this period shall be rectified and defective part if any, shall be replaced immediately without any extra cost to AAI. In such case, the commissioning test of the system shall be demonstrated again for the next 48 hours on a continuous basis. 4. Should the tested Infrastructure component or its system fail to conform to the specification, AAI may reject the System, and the Bidder shall within a period of 30 (thirty) days either replace the rejected System, or make alterations as necessary so that it meets the required performance, without any additional cost to the AAI. 5. As soon as the preliminary acceptance tests have been carried out individually and the results are found to be satisfactory, AAI shall issue the preliminary acceptance certificate for the individual Infrastructure components which will be treated as completion of Delivery milestone. The same are listed below. Such certificate however shall be deemed to be on account and shall in no way relieve the Bidder from the liabilities in respect of the work as a whole. 6. Milestone A: Data Centre delivery at Chennai - Completions of preliminary test for DC build, Server, storage and network, end user equipment and Commissioning of AOCC at Chennai 7. Milestone B: Data Centre delivery at Kolkata & Completions of preliminary test for DC build, Server and storage and network, DR commissioning, end user equipment and Roll out of AOCC at


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Kolkata. Networking and end user equipment at respective airport and Roll out of AOCC at 3 airports. 8. Airport Mile Stones: Networking and end user equipment at respective airport and Roll out of AOCC at balance Five airports in the order as per agreement with AAI 9. Final acceptance test for Infrastructure:1. After the issue of the preliminary acceptance certificate of the sampled Infrastructure components, the Infrastructure shall be ready for the final acceptance test to ensure the integrated operation. The final acceptance test for the Infrastructure shall be carried out during the Go-live acceptance test with the proposed applications running so as to meet the standard of performance parameters as agreed upon between AAI and the Bidder.

2. The Bidder shall use all reasonable endeavours to promptly remedy any defect and/or deficiencies and/or other reasons for the failure of the final acceptance test of Infrastructure as notified by AAI. Once the Bidder has made such remedies, it shall notify AAI, and shall use all reasonable endeavours to promptly carry out retesting of the System.

3. Upon the successful final acceptance test of the Infrastructure, the AAI shall issue the final acceptance certificate for the Infrastructure. 10. Acceptance Tests for proposed AODB solution and other software application implementation:1. Conference room pilot tests of AODB solution shall be carried out through solution prototype to check the fulfilment of functional requirements configured as per accepted business blue print. The prototype validation will go through multiple iterations. The feedback provided to the Bidder after each round of validation / conference room pilot must be documented and signed off by AAI nominated users. Changes to the solution must be presented to the users in next round of solution validation or conference room pilot. This will be an iterative process till the solution prototype is signed off as acceptable by AAI.
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2. Conference room pilot test certificate shall be issued on successful demonstration of all critical functional requirements and at least 80 % of essential functional requirements as per agreed blue print. 3. After finalizing the functional requirements through conference room pilot test, individual application module/ unit will be tested against the functional specifications. Upon completion of the unit test, integration and system test will be performed before going ahead with UAT (User Acceptance Test). 4. User acceptance Tests for the AODB solution and other software application shall be completed by the Bidder as specified in the Test Plan. 5. AAI shall deploy technical personnel/s to enable the Bidder carry out its obligations with respect to various tests. Production use shall not commence prior to the formal User acceptance testing. 6. The User acceptance tests (and repeats of such tests) shall be the primary responsibility of the Bidder, but shall be conducted with the cooperation of AAI before the roll out of the AODB and its associated applications in production environment, to ascertain whether the System(s) conforms to the functional and technical performance requirements. The User acceptance Tests shall be conducted in accordance with the test scenarios provided by AAI. At AAIs discretion, User Acceptance Tests may also be performed on upgrades and new version releases that are added or modified after user acceptance of the System. 7. User Acceptance Test shall be carried out for each identified System of the AODB solution. In this event, the provisions in the Agreement relating to the user acceptance Test, shall apply to each such System individually, and user acceptance certificate(s) shall be issued accordingly for each such System of the AODB application. The issuance of user acceptance certificates for individual Systems shall not relieve the Bidder of its obligation to obtain a user acceptance certificate for the AODB system as a whole once all Systems have been implemented. 8. After successful completion of UAT, AAI will issue user acceptance certificate to the Bidder. 9. After the release of the user acceptance certificates the Bidder will ensure that the Project is rolled out for production environment, hereafter referred to as Go-live, in accordance with the timelines specified in the Project Plan. 10. AAI shall deploy the operating and technical personnel and all materials and information reasonably required to enable the


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of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports Bidder to carry out its obligations under Go- Live as specified in the Project Plan.

11. Once the UAT is performed considering the functional and technical requirements of the system, performance and load testing will also be carried out in a simulated environment before the system is put into production. Any functional and technical changes done in the application will undergo regression testing before it is put into production environment. 12. Upon successful completion of the UAT, the system will be put into production go-live acceptance testing. During go-live acceptance testing, different modules of the application system will be operated in an integrated environment. Upon successful operation of the system in the production environment, Go-live acceptance certificate will be issued. 32. 32.1 MAINTENANCE The bidder will maintain all the applications and the infrastructure for the entire period of the contract with Technology Refresh as defined in Terms and conditions in MSA of the tender document. The following are broad classification: 1. Hardware maintenance 2. Software Maintenance 3. Data Centre Maintenance 4. End User Service

33. 33.1

FRAMEWORK Overall Architecture Framework The overall architecture framework will be guided by the following principles: 1. Multi Airports Management solution framework will have a centralized AODB (Airport Operational Data Base) with shared infrastructure which will act as a data planner and repository for each airport. Applications, systems and infrastructure are to be characterized as service- oriented, component-based & reusable. The system will be modular in design, operations and implementation.
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The Bidder is to ensure adoption of standards used by market leading vendors and products, and adherence to industry standards and open architectures. Systems are to be configured, developed, or enhanced in such a way that business processes; application and infrastructure services and data can be shared across multiple airports and with potential business partners. Application architectures must be highly granular and loosely coupled. This is focused on loosely coupling systems compliant to Service Oriented Architecture to facilitate application recovery. This is to ensure that the failure of one component does not cascade to others. The applications must be capable of running in high availability configuration and should be capable of using XML messages for integrating with the common message based integration platform Applications must be based on industry proven Integration technologies and standards that are provided by the AIL. They must be scalable in capacity and support the following integration specifications: a. Message Specifications including one or more of Web Services (SOAP/HTTP, REST, JMS), JDBC, JMS etc. b. Reliable Messaging c. XML Specifications d. Web Services Management / JMX Management Specifications The applications will access data through business rules i.e. the applications must not access data directly without going through APIs managed by business rules/ validation/workflow. Data should be collected once and used many times. The application portfolio and the IT infrastructure are to be vertically and horizontally scalable and should be capable of virtualization, to meet changing business and technical requirements, thereby enabling AAI to be adaptable to change. Applications need to be designed for manageability using Enterprise Management System including the capability for integration with the EMS deployed at Delhi. This needs to encompass: scheduling, backup and recovery, application, database and network infrastructure monitoring, tuning and remote diagnostic management. Irrespective of the Operation/ Outsourcing option adopted for operation of the system, the ownership and physical possession of the data will always remain with AAI. Applications should have the capability to replace their security and authentication with an enterprise wide authentication system if necessary. The system will be able to grant specific access rights to each login or group of logins, as per the business
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requirement and policy of AAI with unique identify across the enterprise system. 12. 13. 14. System will be required to maintain daily backups of the database on reliable backup media like DAT drives, CDs, tape etc. Bidder will deploy the system as per AAIs strategy of maintaining online operational data and archival policy. The EMS should have provision for network, application, and database monitoring for performance management, tuning, and remote control configuration management features with facility for SLA report generation.

15. The EMS should allow for a graphical interface to view the summary data in MIS reports. This would include trend graphs, graphs indicating how much of the target has been met etc. 34. 34.1 AOCC An airport consists of large number of functional elements which are required to work in a synergised manner for the efficient operations at the Airport and for the safety of public, infrastructure and equipment. The various types of operations that need to be controlled centrally are Operations of ATCs, Runway Control for aircrafts, fuel vehicles, cargo vehicles, passenger/crew vehicles etc, Ground Customer Services, Ground Support Equipment Services, Catering, Cargo and Mail Commercial, Building Management, Access Control at the Airport, Surveillance System at the complete Airport, Public Address System etc. These control centres coordinate with each other, staff in ramp area, airside, landside, customer airlines, authorities, etc. by using many types of communication equipment such as digital trunk radio, office telephone, mobile telephone and teletype messages. While each of these services may have their own Control Centres, there is a need for a Centralised operation by integrating with sub-control rooms. The proposed Airport Operations Control Centre (AOCC) will act as a centralised command and control centre for the multiple operations at the airport. The AOCC of an airport combines the vital non-ATC Airport Operation functions into one cost-efficient centre that aids the airport operator in the day to day management of the airport. The AOCC is responsible for the provision, initiation and monitoring of procedures of the airport as per the standard operating procedures (SOPs) defined. The objectives of the AOCC include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Overall view of the airport processes at a particular airport Coordination and System Control Centres Single Point of control for all stakeholders Definition of Responsibility areas
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5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 34.4

Easy Cross Communication Information availability for enabling Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) Technologically advanced system to sustain airport growth and development Service Level Management Continuous Improvement of Processes

The AOCC will include the following stake holders: 1. The Airport Operation team 2. The Airlines 3. The Ground Handling agents 4. Government Agencies such as CISF etc 5. ATC 6. Other Service Providers


The AOCC shall be designed on the following operational basis: 1. Printers 2. Consoles for Workstations with Single/Dual monitors 3. Emergency phones with direct connection to the ATC Tower and Fire Stations 4. Video wall with interface to mutiple systems installed in the control room 5. Maps, drawings, NOTAMS 6. Provision for charging wireless sets at each console 7. Network provision at each console 8. Intercom connection to each of the primary positions in the AOCC 9. Contact with the Tower and all necessary vehicles such as Follow Me

10. Resource Allocation Functions including: Stand/Gate Bus Gate Check-in Desk
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Inbound Carousel Outbound Bag belt/make up 11. Apron Control Functions including: Airside Inspection Unit Safety Management Reporting Ground Radar VDGS monitoring for on/off block signals FIMS Baggage Handling System control screen 12. Flight Management including: Schedule Management and control (long term and roll out to operational period) Updates to FIMS/AODB Approach radar position Weather monitor Gateway output for: SITA Text AFTN ATC 13. VHF Monitoring station to monitor ATC Tower and aircraft communications View of each type of FIDS monitor output, arrivals, departures, carousel, tug driver information, boarding gate, check-in information etc. Help Desk for Airport wide support. The help desk will be responding to non-public requests for help and assistance.




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The bidder as a part of design for AOCC bidder shall provide the following: Desktop PC/Servers for various systems Workstation/Server furniture Video Walls/Displays wherever specified UPS for Video wall/Displays UPS for Desktop PC/Servers for various systems Printers machines Internal cabling Network points Lighting for control rooms


The following will be provided by AAI as part of the AOCC work. Air-conditioning Raw Power & Electrical cabling as per requirement Any civil work associated with the control centre


The AOCC is expected to have the following sub centres (the requirement of actual sub centres at respective airports will be finalised with AAI) : Apron Control Airport Operation Control Centre (AOCC) Operation Management Centre Resource Management System Flight Slot and Scheduling Centre Building Management Centre Airport and Flight Safety Control Centre Flight Information and PAVA Control Centre Network Operation Control (NOC)


The bidder will provide the IT systems infrastructure and support required for the operation of the various Controls Centres / sub buildings/ areas at the airport. To improve inefficient communication among departments, which cause delay in information exchange and high possibility in inaccurate descriptions, each airport requires a dedicated Communication System to achieve the optimum performance. The AOCC provides Command and Control (C&C) capability to the airport stakeholders to allow Collaborative Decision Making (CDM).
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CDM is a key philosophy driving innovation into the complex and dynamic operational environment faced by airlines, airports, ground handlers and ATC. The objective of the Airport CDM project is to improve the overall efficiency of operations at an airport, with a particular focus on the aircraft turn-round procedures. This is achieved by enhancing the decision-making process by the sharing of up-to-date relevant information and by taking into account the preferences, available resources, and the requirements of those who are involved at the airport (such as airline operators, air traffic control, handling agents, and the airport management).


34.10 The exchange and sharing of timely and accurate information between partners are facilitated through a common platform to achieve common situational awareness. The following requirements are envisaged in CDM environment: a. Data Requirements: AODB flight schedule data ATC flight plan Resource allocations Estimated, target and actual times Flight status information b. System Requirements Joint workspace of CDM stakeholder representatives Defined Interfaces Data links to databases (AODB) Data updates Receiving & sending messages and alerts 34.11 Bidder to offer AOCC collaboration solution based on server / client architecture to allow connections in a networked environment to a multitude of sources such as networked desktops, Intranet, Internet, applications, streaming videos etc., and these sources can be viewed on displays with network connections.

Provision of AOCC is in scope for all airports in this tender. No. Of Positions Required for AOCC Chennai & Kolkata 30 each All other airports 10 each


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Key board, Video- Mouse (KVM) switches to be provided in the workstation set up to enable a single keyboard and mouse to communicate with each of the workstations at the AOCC.


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34.12 AOCC Systems Dependency Matrix The following table lists the generic dependency between AOCC functionality and IT systems providing the same. Where the functionality is to be provided by external system, the system scope is listed as ES (External) and the systems in scope of this tender is given as IT.

Telephony / Intercom

SITA / AFTN / ATC Gateway

Ground / Approach Radar VDGS

Trunked Radio


Master Clock

C&C System

VHF Radio ES X X X X

Video Wall






Functionality / System Scope of System Apron Control Operations Management Flight Management Building Management Airport & Flight Safety Flight Information & PAVA Network Operations Control Command & Control (AOCC)























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34.13 AOCC Systems information Flow Matrix The following table lists the information exchanged between IT systems in the AOCC C&C application in order to provide a CDM environment. Interfacing System CCTV Information exchanged Alarms and CCTV feed Remarks C&C application highlights alarms received from CCTV and displays relevant CCTV feed on the AOCC console C&C application highlights alarms received from BMS. C&C application creates incidents based on configured flight alerts.


Alarms Flight alerts

34.14 AOCC Physical Systems Integration These systems support the AOCC CDM environment by physically integrating with the AOCC workspace (via the KVM infrastructure or otherwise) as described below. This will allow the AOCC operator to have a view of the application on their workspace, but there will not be exchange of data with these applications and C&C application IT System RMS FIDS BHS PAVA Telephony/Intercom Video Wall Integration mechanism RMS client application will be integrated into the relevant AOCC console by sharing the workspace KVM infrastructure and the video wall output. FIDS client application will be integrated into the relevant AOCC workspace by sharing the workspace KVM infrastructure and the video wall output. BHS client application will be integrated into the relevant AOCC workspace by sharing the workspace KVM infrastructure and the video wall output. PAVA client application will be integrated into the relevant AOCC workspace by sharing the workspace KVM infrastructure and the video wall output. The analog telephones will be integrated into the AOCC workspace. The AOCC workspace workstations will be integrated with the Video Wall in order to project their screen onto regions of the video wall.
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IT System AODB/FIMS Slot BMS VHF Monitoring Ground/Approach Radar VDGS SITA/AFTN/ATC Gateway Weather CCTV

Integration mechanism AODB/FIMS client application will be integrated into the relevant AOCC workspace by sharing the workspace KVM infrastructure and the video wall output. Slot client application will be integrated into the relevant AOCC workspace by sharing the workspace KVM infrastructure and the video wall output. BMS client application will be integrated into the relevant AOCC workspace by sharing the workspace KVM infrastructure and the video wall output. The VHF receiver will be integrated into the AOCC workspace Radar client application will be integrated into the relevant AOCC workspace by sharing the workspace KVM infrastructure and the video wall output. VDGS client application will be integrated into the relevant AOCC workspace by sharing the workspace KVM infrastructure and the video wall output. Gateway client application will be integrated into the relevant AOCC workspace by sharing the workspace KVM infrastructure and the video wall output. Weather application will be integrated into the relevant AOCC workspace by sharing the workspace KVM infrastructure and the video wall output. CCTV client application will be integrated into the relevant AOCC workspace by sharing the workspace KVM infrastructure and the video wall output. This will be in addition to the information exchange described in above section.

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34.15 Apron Control This sub-centre is responsible on the day of operation (using a combination of scheduled and estimated/actual flight timings) to 1. allocate parking bays and aerobridges to planned flights 2. match incoming/outgoing flight pairings 3. record landing, on-blocks, off-blocks, airborne times 4. record aircraft registration 5. amend planned bay allocation and flight pairings in real-time as appropriate 6. record towing/shifting of aircraft 7. ensure data captured in timely manner 8. liaise with ATC, Airlines, other stakeholders as appropriate Refer Annexure VII for details on the Apron Control functional requirements 34.16 Operation Management Centre This sub-centre is responsible before the day of operation to Plan the use of nonhuman resources at the airport in an effective and timely manner using the scheduled flight timings taking into account the airport, airline, handling agent and other stakeholder preferences. Such resources may include (but are not limited to): 1. 2. 3. 4. Check-in desks Boarding Gates Baggage Arrival Belts Issue a resource allocation plan at pre-determined intervals to the relevant airport stakeholders 5. on the day of operation, adjust the allocation of the above resources as necessary to reflect the live operational requirements and communicate the same to the concerned stakeholders Refer Annexure VII for details on the RMS functional requirements.


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34.17 Flight Information and PAVA Control Centre This sub-centre is responsible to: 1. Monitor that departure flight information and customer instruction is updated in an accurate and timely manner to ensure that its display on FIDS devices is accurate. Such information includes but is not limited to STD, revised departure times, check-in desk number(s), gate number, Security Check or go to Gate instruction, destinations, flight cancelled, comment where appropriate. Liaise with ATC and other stakeholders as appropriate to monitor accurate ETA is captured and updated in a timely manner. Also ensure flight arrival information is accurate such as flight origin, cancelled where appropriate, arrived etc. Liaise with airlines, handling agents and other stakeholders as appropriate to monitor that check-in open/closed and gate open/closed are correctly recorded in a timely manner. This includes proactive monitoring of the check-in and gate agents where they have access to a facility to record open/closed. Liaise with airlines, handling agents and other stakeholders as appropriate to monitor that baggage arrival belts are correctly recorded in a timely manner. This includes proactive monitoring of the appropriate agents where they have access to a facility to record the same. Monitor that all public address announcements are correctly carried out. Maintain a manual override facility in case of problem. Report technical problems when encountered The offered solution shall provide separate consoles for Fire Control Room and Operations Management Officials. Console meant for Fire Control Room shall also have inputs from Airport & Flight Safety Control Centre. It shall provide access to updated Contingency plans to handle various situations of urgencies and emergencies. The offered solutions shall maintain history details of all the urgencies and emergencies handled at the airport and shall provide suggested approach on the basis of historicity of the events. Bidder shall prepare a detailed process definition document explaining all stages of the activities performed at Flight Information & Pava Control Centre. Bidder shall also provide details how the automation process will be adopted for these activities. Bidder shall also provide alternate work plan in case of non-availability of the automated process





6. 7.




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Refer Annexure VII for details on the Flight Information and PAVA Control Centre functional requirements 34.18 Network Operation Control (NOC) There will be a separate room for the NOC which will be used by IT staff and not operational staff. This centre will be present only for Chennai and Kolkata. The scope of this NOC will be for the AOCC network. This sub-centre is responsible to: 1. Provide the computer network systems for each airport so that they are fit for purpose and are able to sustain the future projected growth. Monitor computer network systems to ensure smooth running of systems, proactively look for problems and fix as appropriate so they do not develop into a major problem. Fix user-reported problems as they arise in a timely and effective manner Maintain history of problems and fixes


3. 4.

Refer Annexure VII for details on the NOC functional requirements


Airport Integration Layer Overview

(a) The connectivity infrastructure between the different systems at the central location and between the systems at the local airports should be managed by the Airports Integration Layer (AIL). (b) AIL at the central location handles the integration between the Central AODB/RMS and the other systems. (c) It should be able to handle high volume events, owing to the constant interactions among the other systems, and the operational information flowing from the local airports from time-to-time. It should also support multiple protocol transformations (standard and non-standard), to take care of integration with varied set of systems in scope of the current requirements and the systems which would be introduced later. (d) Local AIL, should take care of integration within the systems present locally at the airport. This should take care of the low volume messages flowing among the systems, which are typically a few hundred in a day and should be able to scale to high-volume requirements as and when new systems are introduced locally at the airports.

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(e) Bidder should provide the list of high level data flows to interface with the listed systems. As highlighted in the figure above, the systems to be integrated are the following standard airport systems: 1. AODB AODB is a system which includes all the airport operations related data, including resources management at various levels. 2. Aviation Message Server Aviation Message Server is an event based message server which collects and publishes events from telex sources. 3. AIMS - Central Billing AIMS (Aeronautical Information Management System) Is the financial system at the AAI Headquarter at Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi which takes care of all the financial operations. 4. Master Clock Master Clock Is a precision clock that provides timing signals to synchronize slave clocks as part of a clock network at multiple airports. 5. Web Portal Portal is the web portal of AAI, for B2C and B2B operations over the internet. 6. Performance Dashboard Performance dashboard is the reporting tool to be provided for operational and predictive analytics. Dashboard shall be provided both at the Airport level and at the Central location for additional summary reporting. Local Systems 7. FIDS FIDS(Flight Information Display System) is a computer system used in airports to display flight information to passengers, in which a computer system controls mechanical or electronic display boards or TV screens in order to display arrivals and departures flight information in real-time 8. PAVA

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Public Address and Voice Announcement system (PAVA) is a facility having a feature to make automated announcements based on received data for flight and pre-defined scripts. There is also a manual override facility for human announcements. 9. BHS BHS(Baggage Handling System) is a type of conveyor system installed in airports that transports checked luggage from ticket counters to areas where the bags can be loaded onto airplanes. A BHS also transports checked baggage coming from ramp to baggage arrival re-claim or to a transfer area where the bag can be delivered for loading onto another flight. BHS can be Manual or Automated. Several airports in India are developing new Terminals that will have an Automated Baggage Handling System. Whilst the supply of such a system itself is outside the scope of this tender, there is a need for the AODB to provide flight data in predefined format to the BHS at agreed times. The data flow could be two-way between the AODB to the BHS. AODB to BHS dataflow will normally comprise the following: 1. flight schedules for the coming day/week/season 2. changes to schedule/flight data such as flight cancel, flight no-op, extra flight etc 3. notification of the start/closure of check-in 4. periodic refresh of basic data such as airport codes, aircraft types, airline codes BHS to AODB dataflow if present will normally comprise the following: 1. baggage loading point for each flight departure 2. flight open for loading in BHS 3. flight closed for loading in BHS The requirements for the dataflow between BHS and AODB and the method of communication will be established during workshops with the concerned airports after the contract is awarded. 10. BRS

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Baggage Reconciliation System (BRS) is a system which reconciles the passenger checked in bag details with the actual baggage being loaded to the flight to ensure there are no mismatches. Several airports in India are implementing Baggage Reconciliation Systems. Whilst the supply of such a system itself is outside the scope of this tender, there is a need for the AODB to provide flight data in predefined format to the BRS at agreed times. The data flow could be two-way between the AODB to the BRS. AODB to BRS dataflow will normally comprise the following: 1. 2. 3. flight schedules for the coming day/week/season changes to schedule/flight data such as flight cancel, flight noop, extra flight etc changes to actual data fields such as ETA, ATA of incoming flights, ETD, ATD, parking stand, gate, aircraft registration, destinations on line of flight, etc notification of the start/closure of check-in


BRS to AODB dataflow if present will normally comprise the following: 1. 2. baggage loading completed number of bags loaded

The requirements for the dataflow between BRS and AODB and the method of communication will be established during workshops with the concerned airports and BRS vendors after the contract is awarded. 11. Fire Detection and Alarm System FDAS is a computer-based control system installed in buildings that controls and monitors the Fire System. Typically there are facilities to send alerts to pre-defined systems in certain pre-configured circumstances. 12. AOCC Airport Operations Control Centre is a room comprising stakeholder representatives, pre-defined processes/procedures and IT systems that monitors compliance to pre-defined KPIs and SLAs. The AOCC should

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be able to monitor and control the entire airport activities apart from ATC. 13. SOCC Security Operations Control Centre is a room comprising security staff that uses computer-based systems to monitor various activities related to security and surveillance. SOCC can be part of AOCC but would typically be kept in a separate room due to the sensitive nature of the works. Refer Annexure VII for Functional Requirements of AIL.


Proposed Architecture for Networking

36.1 The details given below should be treated as general guideline to implement and deliver the state-of-art Datacentre and Airport Network infrastructure and services.

36.2 The Active Network Components at Chennai & Kolkata Airports in the new terminal buildings have been installed recently and the network at both the airport is three-tier Network System architecture: Core, Distribution and Access-stack to cater as a common shared campus LAN for all stake holders in the airport terminal including airlines. The Core switches to Distribution switches connectivity have been provided on 10 Gb redundant and Distribution switch to Access have been provided on 1 Gb single mode fibre optic. For high availability and resiliency number of port in the Core and distribution layer switches have been distributed across two different slots in chassis. The Core Switches are connected to different distribution switches using 10 Gbps fibre links at wire rate. All the ports of AccessStack is 10/100/1000 supporting IEEE802.3af/IEEE802.3at POE/POE+ on each port simultaneously. All the above network equipment such as Core, Distribution & Access switch-stack, Routers, Firewalls etc are of Juniper Make and the Wireless Controllers and Access points are of Cisco make etc.

36.3 Establishing the Airport LAN for AOCC purpose will be limited to joining the above Airport LAN at Chennai & Kolkata with the proposed DC/DR for Centralized Multi-Airport AODB network under this tender. However establishing the Airport LAN and integration network at the airports other than Chennai and Kolkata will be within bidders scope.

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MPLS Link from SP 1

MPLS Link from SP 2

Internet Link from ISP 1

Internet Link from ISP 2

Existing Airport LAN Chennai/Kolkata

Dedicated Async Replication Links to DR/DC

High Level Proposed DC/DR Diagram

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Indicative Proposed DC/DR Architecture Diagram

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Indicative proposed Local Airport Architecture Diagram (other than Chennai & Kolkata

Refer Annexure VII for Functional Requirements of Networking Components.

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Additional Information for Bidders A. Existing Application Portfolio 1. Airport Information Management System(AIMS) AIMS AIMS is a web based application designed using J2EE environment. This application is running at 45 airports at present and in the process of extension to 31 more airports in future. There exists a separate instance of AIMS for each and every airport. More than one servers are in use to run these instances for various airports to share the load. Servers used for application/web servers are Sun Servers with Sun Solaris as operating system and Sun One as Web/App Server software. Database used for the application is Oracle 10g.


Integrated Finance & Personnel Information System(IFPIMS) This is an enterprise based application handling complete Finance and Personnel portfolio of AAI. This is a web based application designed around J2EE environment. Servers used for application/web servers are Sun Servers with Sun Solaris as operating system and Sun One as Web/App Server software. Database used for the application is Oracle 10g. For reporting requirements, Crystal Report server has been put in place.


GIS Based Land & Asset Management System(GLAMS) GLAMS application has both Web Interface as well as Client Server Architecture. Web Interface is used as access to application to AAI users where as Client Server Architecture is used for management of MIS data into the applications. There exist a GIS Interface also for managing GIS features for the application. Web based interface and client server architecture has been designed around .Net with Microsoft environment. GIS Interface is Geo Media Software as GIS editing tool. Application has been launched using Geo Media Web Server Software. Data base used for this application is Microsoft SQL2005.

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No Objection Certificate Application System(NOCAS) NOCAS is a web based application having GIS Interface. It has been developed under .Net platform with MS SQL as Database. It is using Arc GIS web server for GIS functions. This software is used for calculations of height clearance for building and mast being constructed in areas nearby airport. Maintenance Management Application


Inventory & Package(IAMMAP)

This is an enterprise based application handling complete Finance and Personnel portfolio of AAI. This is a web based application designed around J2EE environment. Servers used for application/web servers are Sun Servers with Sun Solaris as operating system and Sun One as Web/App Server software. Database used for the application is Oracle 10g.


On Line Project Monitoring System(OPMS) This application has been designed around Microsoft Project 2003. This application has both interfaces client-server as well as web based architecture. Client-Server architecture is used for update of project by AAI users both with in intranet as well as intranet, where as web based interface is used for project review and analysis. Database servers used for this application is Microsoft SQL2005.


Infosaarthee - an intranet portal designed around Microsoft Shared Point Server Infosaarthee is an AAI intranet portal for AAI users. This portal is available within intranet and is a web based application. This application has been designed using Microsoft Shared Point Portal and using Microsoft SQL2005 as database and Microsoft Rights Management System for document control system.

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Some Details of existing Airport Systems

Chennai (MAA) Kolkata (CCU) Ahmedabad (AMD) Intl Terminal Honeywell Bacnet Protocl Node Reqd 18 New Dmstic Tmls Dep:Jhonso n&Control York Arr: Siemens Intl Terminal Solari Udine IP Based 2 10 Line 1 5 Line 30 32" TFT LCD 14 42" TFT LCD New Dmstic Dep 3 10 line Split Flap 3 2 line Split Flap New Dmstic Arr 1 10 line Split Flap 7 2 line Split Jaipur (JAI) Mangalore (IXE) Pune (PNQ) Trichy (TRZ) Trivandrum (TRV) Guwahati (GAU) Calicut (CCJ)

BMS (Make,Mod el,BoM ? No.of Nodes Reqd fm IT Intranet ?)


Siemens Nodes Reqd 2

Siemens Nodes Reqd 2

Siemens Nodes Reqd 4

Siemens Nodes Reqd 3

Siemens Nodes Reqd 5

Honeywell Nodes Reqd 7

Not Available

Not Available

FIDs (Make,Mod el,BoM ? Typ.of Display Flap/LCD ? IP based network?)

IDDS IP Based Flapt type: 1 20 line 8 10 line 2 8 line 57 2 line 12 1 line 24 32" LCD 44 42" Plasma

Intl Terminal IDDS IP Based Flapt type 4 5 Lines 1 4 Lines 8 2 Lines 4 42" Plasama 8 50" Plasama 1 46" LCD 4 CRT Dmstic Tml IDDS IP Based Flapt type 8 10 Lines 1 8 Lines 1 3 Lines 14 2 Lines

Solari Udine IP Based 14 42" LCD 28 32" LCD

Solari Udine IP Based 2 10 Line 3 5 Line 16 46" LCD 38 32" LCD

IDDS IP Based 6 10 line 8 LCD

Solari Udine IP Based 2 10 Line 2 5 Line 10 26" TFT LCD 10 32" TFT LCD 11 46" TFT LCD IVRS/SMS/ Voice Synth/Web Server Avbl

Solari Udine IP Based 4 10 Line 36 32" TFT LCD 26 42" TFT LCD

IDDS non-IP Based Flap Type

IDDS IP Based 6 5 line 14 32" TFT LCD 16 46" TFT LCD


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Some Details of existing Airport Systems

Chennai (MAA) Kolkata (CCU) 6 42" Plasama 7 50" Plasama 2 46" LCD 7 CRT Ahmedabad (AMD) Flap 6 42" Plasma 4 29" TV Displays Jaipur (JAI) Mangalore (IXE) Pune (PNQ) Trichy (TRZ) Trivandrum (TRV) Guwahati (GAU) Calicut (CCJ)

FD &AS(low) (Make,Mod el,BoM ? No.of Nodes Reqd fm IT Intranet ?) FD &AS(high) (Make,Mod el,BoM ? No.of Nodes Reqd fm IT Intranet ?)

Appolo in KDT & link Bldg Edwards EST 3 in AIT New Domestic

Intl Terminal Appolo Dom Trml Edwards EST 3

Not Available

Intl Terminal Edwards EST 3 Node Reqd 03 New Dmstic Dep Make:Notifi er Node Reqd 1 New Dmstic Arr Make: Honeywell Node Reqd 1

Seimens Nodes reqd 1 Edwards EST 3 Nodes reqd 1

Not Available

Edwards EST 3 Nodes reqd 1

Edwards EST 3 Nodes reqd 1

Edwards EST 3 Nodes reqd 2-3

Appolo Optical/Ionizati on type(60 series) Nodes reqd Nil

Edwards EST 3 Nodes reqd 1

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Some Details of existing Airport Systems

Chennai (MAA) Kolkata (CCU) Ahmedabad (AMD) New Dmstic Dep Philps Node Reqd 1 New Dmstic Arr Bosch Node Reqd 1 Intl Terminal Not Available New Dmstic Dep Philps 20 Cameras(16 PTZ+4F) Node Reqd 1 Not IP enabled Stge Capacity 500 GB Strage Prd 15 days New Dmstic Arr Bosch 24 Cameras(2P TZ+22F) Node Reqd Jaipur (JAI) BOSCH Node reqd 1 No IVRS support Voice Synth input support Avbl for AFAS Mangalore (IXE) BOSCH Node reqd 1 No IVRS support Voice Synth input support Avbl for AFAS Pune (PNQ) Trichy (TRZ) Trivandrum (TRV) Guwahati (GAU) Calicut (CCJ)

PAVA (Make,Mod el,BoM ? No.of Nodes Reqd fm IT Intranet ? IVRS Supported?)


Intl Terminal Philips

BOSCH Node reqd 1 No IVRS support Voice Synth input support Avbl for AFAS

BOSCH Node reqd 2 No IVRS support voice synth input support avbl

BOSCHPraesideo Node reqd 1 No IVRS support Voice Synth Not Avbl

Philips Node reqd Nil No IVRS support

BOSCH Node reqd 1 No IVRS support Voice Synth input support Avbl for AFAS

CCTV(Mak e,Model,Bo M including diff typ of cameras & qty? No.of Cameras with encoders to support IP ?)

New Dom/Intl Terminal Infinova IP Camera 90 PTZ 481 Fixed

New Intg Terminal Infinova IP Camera 100 PTZ 500 Fixed Intl Terminal Panasonic Camera with encoders for IP:Nil 15 PTZ 10 Fixed Dom Terminal Make: Ultrak Camera with encoders for IP:Nil 12 PTZ 18 Fixed

Not Available

Not Available

(a) New Tmnl BOSCH VIDOS Cameras with encoders for IP:51(16PT Z+25F) 2TB storage 5 days period (b) Old Tmnl INFINOVA Cameras with encoders for IP:43(16PT Z+27F) 320 GB 8 days period

Not Available

BOSCH VIDOS & VIDOS - 5 User/serverc ontrol s/w Cameras with encoders for IP:76 Stge Capacity 20 TB Storage Period depends on No.of Cameras connected

Philips 11 PTZ & 03 Fixed camera with encoders for IP:Nil

BOSCH 37 cameras ITB(22PTZ+1 5F 10 cameras DTB(3PTZ +7F) Camera with encoders for IP:Nil Storage 1.4TB Storage Period 3 days(plans to increase)

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Some Details of existing Airport Systems

Chennai (MAA) Kolkata (CCU) Ahmedabad (AMD) 1 IP enabled Stge Capacity 500 GB Strage Prd 15 days 14 Airlines operating both domestic & international Jaipur (JAI) Mangalore (IXE) Pune (PNQ) Trichy (TRZ) Trivandrum (TRV) Guwahati (GAU) Calicut (CCJ)

Details of Airlines OPR ?

20 Airlines operating both domestic & internation al

20 Airlines operating both domestic & international

10 Airlines operating both domestic & internation al Terminal -1==14 and terminal-2 ==16

4 Airlines operating

8 Airlines operating

6 Airlines operating both domestic & international

17 Airlines operating both domestic & international International 4 Fixed CUTE/ 5 Mobile CUTE Domestic CUTE Nil Bays 12 +7 (NIPTC) Rwy 1 Apron 2 International Total Checkin Counters 21 including Fixed/Mobil e CUTE Domestic

11 Airlines operating

13 Airlines operating both domestic & international


124 counters

130 counters

32 counters International

Not Available

Not Available

International 5 CUTE

Not Available

International 10 CUTE

apron/Bays/ RWY

checkin counter/Boa rding gates/Aerob ridges/Bagg age belts

Bays 70 Rwy 2 apron 3 Total Check-in Counters Old Trml 91(46D+4 5I) Aerobridge

Bays 37(17 int, 15 dom ,5 cargo ) Rwy 2 apron 1 Total Checkin Counters 91(52D+39I ) Aerobridge 4 (3D+1I) Gates

Bays 31 Rwy 1 apron 2 Total Checkin Counters 32 Aerobridge 4 Gates 6 Baggage

Bays 20 Rwy 1 apron 1 Total Check-in Counters 20 Aerobridge 2 Gates 4

Bays 13 Rwy 2 apron 2 Total Check-in Counters 20 Aerobridge 2 Gates 4 Baggage

Bays 8 Rwy 1 apron 1 Total Checkin Counters 30 Aerobridge 2 Gates 4 Baggage Belts 2

Bays 7 Rwy 1 apron 1

Bays 9 Rwy 1 Apron 2

Bays 12 Rwy 2 Apron 1 Total Checkin Counters 21 Aerobridge 3 Gates 4 Baggage Belts 5

Total Checkin Counters 16 Aerobridge 2 Gates 5

Total Check-in Counters 24 Aerobridge 2 Gates 4 Baggage Belts 2

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Some Details of existing Airport Systems

Chennai (MAA) 8 (3D+5I) Gates 12(6D+7I) New Trml 124(62D+ 62I) Aerobridge 9(7D+2I) Gates 15(11D+4I ) Kolkata (CCU) 9(7D+2I) Baggage Belts 7(4D+3I) Ahmedabad (AMD) Belts 5 Jaipur (JAI) Baggage Belts 3 Mangalore (IXE) Belts 3 Pune (PNQ) Trichy (TRZ) Trivandrum (TRV) Total check-in Counters 12 Aerobridge 1 Guwahati (GAU) Calicut (CCJ)



Intl Terminal X BIS( Heimann) 12 Nos Dom Trml X BIS( Heimann) 06 Nos


Interroller Engineerin g Nodes Reqd 1


Interroller Engineering Nodes Reqd Nil

Not Available

PTERIS GLOBAL Not IP enabled Nodes Reqd 03

Gannon and Dunkerlay Nodes Reqd Nil

MH Technology + vandelande + Interroller+ delite Nodes Reqd 3

(Bidders to Note: For latest, Bidders may visit sites if they so desire as indicated in Para 77 of Section IV)

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ACCEPTANCE LETTER (TO BE SUBMITTED IN COVER NO. "A") To, Executive Director (IT) Airports Authority of India Safdarjung Airport New Delhi

Sub: Acceptance of Terms & Conditions of Tender Name of Work : - Name of the work as given in Schedule-A Sr. No. 1
Tender No. : - Tender No. as given in Schedule-A Sr. No. 2

Dear Sir, 1. The tender document for the works mentioned above have been sold to me/us by Airports Authority of India and I / we hereby certify that I / we have read the entire terms and conditions of the tender document made available to me / us in the office of the General Manager (IT) , AAI, which shall form part of the contract agreement and I / we shall abide by the conditions / clauses contained therein. 2. I / We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of AAIs tender document in its entirety for the above works. 3. It is clarified that after unconditionally accepting the tender conditions in its entirety, it is not permissible to put any remarks / conditions (except unconditional rebates on quoted rates if any) in the tender enclosed in Eligibility, Technical & Financial bids and the same has been followed in the present case. In case any provisions of this tender are found violated after opening Eligibility, Technical & Financial bids. I / we agree that the tender shall be rejected and AAI shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy be at liberty to forfeit the full said earnest money absolutely. 4. That, I /We declare that I/we have not paid and will not pay any bribe to any officer of AAI for awarding this contract at any stage during its execution or at the time of payment of bills, and further if any officer of AAI ask for bribe /gratification, I will immediately report it to the appropriate authority of AAI. Yours Faithfully, (Signature of the Tenderer) with rubber stamp

Date: __________________


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TITLE: Establishment

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports Annexure II

FORM OF PERFORMANCE SECURITY (GUARANTEE) BANK GUARANTEE BOND (To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act) (The non-judicial stamp paper should be in the name of issuing Bank) In consideration of the Chairman, Airports Authority of India [hereinafter called AAI] having offered to accept the terms and conditions of the proposed agreement between and ...... [here-in-after called said IT Implementing Firm] for the works .. [here-in-after called the said agreement] vide Order no. ... Dated , having agreed to production of irrevocable Bank Guarantee for Rs (Rupees.only) as a security / guarantee from the IT Implementing Firm for compliance of his obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions in the said agreement. We. (indicate the name of the Bank) [hereinafter referred to as the Bank] hereby undertake to pay to the Chairman, AAI an amount not exceeding Rs (Rupeesonly) on demand by AAI. 2. We(indicate the name of the Bank) do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this Guarantee without any demure, merely on a demand from AAI stating that the amount claimed is required to meet the recoveries due or likely to be due from the said IT Implementing Firm. Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this Guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs.. (Rupees .. only). We, the said bank further undertake to pay to the Chairman, AAI any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the IT Implementing Firm in any suit or proceeding pending before any court or tribunal relating thereto, our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment there under and the IT Implementing Firm shall have no claim against us for making such payment. 4. We(indicate the name of the bank) further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of AAI under or by virtue of the said agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till Engineer-in-charge on behalf of AAI certified that the terms and conditions of the said agreement have been
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fully and property carried out by the said IT Implementing Firm and accordingly discharges this guarantee. 5. We (indicate the name of the bank) further agree with AAI that AAI shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without effecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of terms and conditions of the said agreement or to extend time of performance by the said IT Implementing Firm from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by AAI against the said IT Implementing Firm and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relived from our liability by reason of any such variation, or extension being granted to the said IT Implementing Firm or for any forbearance, act of omission on the part of AAI or any indulgence by the AAI to the IT Implementing Firm or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provision, have effect so relieving us. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the IT Implementing Firm. We.(indicate the name of the bank) lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee except with the previous consent of AAI in writing. This guarantee shall be valid up to ..unless extended on demand by AAI. Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, our liability against this guarantee is restricted to Rs (Rupees ..only) and unless a claim in writing is lodged with us within six months of the date of expiry or the extended date of expiry of this guarantee all our liabilities under this guarantee shall stand discharged. Dated the .(day) of.. . (Month), (Year) For . (indicate the name of bank)




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Annexure III List of Support Staff with qualification background Name of Work: - Name of the work as given in Schedule-A Sr. No. 1
Tender No.: Tender No. as given in Schedule-A Sr. No. 2

Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Name of the Employee Educational

Qualification Professional

Experience (No. of years)

Date of Joining the Firm

Documents Attached

AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE _________________ NAME OF THE SIGNATORY ________________ NAME & ADDRESS OF THE TENDERER OFFICIAL SEAL _________________ Date __________________________
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Annexure IV Details of Make & Models Offered against the Tender to be submitted in the technical Bid

Name of Work: - Procurement of Name of the work as given in Schedule-A Sr. No. 1
Tender No.: Tender No. as given in Schedule-A Sr. No. 2
Sl. No.

Item Description
Database Server AODB, RMS, Enterprise & Network Management Tools, Reporting Servers Integration Servers, DHCP, AV, Web publishing, AAA etc Integration Servers, DHCP, AV, Web publishing, AAA etc SAN Useable 50 TB SAN Switch Virtual Tape Library of useable 50 TB with all Accessories Back Up Software Master Clock system (GPS based) & Accessories Digital Clock Displays 24 Cubes (50) Video Wall with controllers & accessories


Qty. Chennai

Qty. Kolkata

Other Airports

Total Quantity


Model Offered

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos. Nos Nos. Lot Nos. Nos Lot
Lot Nos Nos Nos Lot Nos

2 12 10 1 2 1 1 1 10 1
30 20 10 1 3

2 12 10 1 2 1 1 1 10 1
30 20 10 1 3

24 32 8 80 40 40 8

4 24 20 24 2 4 2 2 2 52 2
8 140 80 60 10

3x2 LCD Display (Minimum 46) with controllers & Accessories Operator Consoles with Furniture & 13. Accessories WorkstationsLatest Config (with twin 21 14. TFT monitors) Workstationslatest Config (with Single 21 15. TFT monitor) 16. KVM Switch arrangement for workstations as per site requirement 17. Laser Printers Colour A4 TENDER NO. AAI/CHQ/ITD / AOCC PROJ-2012

8 16 Page 193 of 487

TITLE: Establishment Sl. No. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

Qty. Chennai 1 8 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 Qty. Kolkata 1 8 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 Other Airports 0 18 80 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 16 32 Total Quantity 2 32 140 2 8 10 10 2 2 10 3 3 3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 4 2 4 16 40 Page 194 of 487 Make Model Offered

Item Description
Laser Printers Colour A3 Laser printerMono A4 Desktop UPS for workstations (1 KVA 20 min Backup) UPS for Video Wall UPS for 3x2 LCD Displays Civil Works in AOCC room Electrical Works for AOCC room Fire Detection and Control System Fire Suppression System Access control System Rodent Repellent System Water Leak Detection System Building Management System Power Distribution System Earthing Lighting & fittings UPS Racks & Accessories Conduits, Raceways, Cable trays etc Civil Works (flooring/ door, interiors etc Precision Air Cooling / Air conditioners as applicable VESDA Datacentre Monitoring and Management tools Structured cabling for Data Centre Electrical Cabling as per site requirement Core Switch (Switch Type I) Core Switch (Switch Type II) Access Switch

Unit Nos Nos Nos Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Nos Lot Lot Nos Nos Nos.


TITLE: Establishment Sl. No. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69.

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

Qty. Chennai 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 50 1 1 Qty. Kolkata 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 50 1 1 Other Airports 16 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 160 160 8 8 Total Quantity 4 16 4 4 4 10 4 4 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 2 2 10 10 2 210 210 10 10 Page 195 of 487 Make Model Offered

Item Description
VPN Router (Type I) VPN Router (Type II) Replication Router Firewall Network IPS HIPS as per solution requirement Server Load Balancer Link Load Balancer Cat 6 UTP structured Cabling components 6 Core SM OFC Cabling Wall Mounted Racks AODB License as per solution RMS License Integration Layer (IL) License Reports License Database License Replication Software licenses System Software with virtualization capability as per solution EMS Software Antivirus Server Software Antivirus Client Software Office Productivity tools - MS Office System Integration and Implementation Services Facility Management Services Infrastructure

Unit Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Lot Nos Nos. Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot lot lot lot Nos Nos Lot Lot


TITLE: Establishment Sl. No. 70. 71. 72.

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

Qty. Chennai 1 Qty. Kolkata 1 1 Other Airports 8 8 Total Quantity 10 10 Make Model Offered

Item Description
Facility Management Services - Minimum Man Power requirement Training requirement Dedicated leased between Chennai & Kolkata (from 2 different ISP) VPN at Chennai & Kolkata VPN at Other Locations

Unit Lot Lot Mbps/p er ISP


73. 74.

Mbps/p er ISP Mbps/p er ISP

18 -

18 -


36 16

AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE _________________ NAME OF THE SIGNATORY ________________ NAME & ADDRESS OF THE TENDERER OFFICIAL SEAL _________________ Date ____________________________

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Annexure V FORMAT FOR INTIMATION OF FORCE MAJEURE OCCURRENCE Information Technology Division, New Admin Block, Airports Authority of India, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi - 110 003. Name of Work
Tender No.

: - Name of the work as given in Schedule-A Sr. No. 1

: - Tender No. as given in Schedule-A Sr. No. 2

Subject: Sir,

Intimation regarding Force Majeure Case:

Pursuant to Master Services Agreement Clause - FORCE MAJEURE, it is for your kind information that a case of force majeure has since occurred. Details are given below: Date of occurrence Detail of Incident Activity affected Likely Delay Requested Extension

We are entitled to an extension in the date of completion as requested above. Bar Chart with revised schedule of activities is attached. Please approve the extension in the time. Evidence of the date of occurrence is also enclosed. It is certified that performance of the Contract has been interfered with. It is also certified that the incident has not occurred due to our own action and that there has not been any lack of action by us in preventing the occurrence. We are only claiming the extension in the date of completion of the activity (ies) and not claiming the loss incurred in the course of the incident. Yours truly, (Project Manager) Enclosures: 1. 2.

Revised Bar Chart. Evidence of the occurrence of the Force Majeure case (.. sheets)

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of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports


1. Name of the Contractor 2. Name of the work as given in the agreement 3. Agreement No. 4. Contract Amount 5. Date of Commencement of work as per agreement 1. Period allowed for completion of work as per agreement 2. Date of completion stipulated in agreement 3. Date of actual completion of work 4. Period for which extension is applied for. 5. Hindrances on account of which extension is applied for with dates on which hindrances occurred and the period for which these are likely to last.
Sl No Name of Hindrance Date of occurrence of hindrance 3 Date of over of hindrance 4 Period of hindrance Overlapping Period Net extension applied for 7 Remarks if any

Total period for which extension is now applied for on account of hindrances mentioned above.

Month 6. Extension of time required for extra work.


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Details of extra work and the amount involved:-

Total value of extra work


Proportionate period of extension of time based on estimated amount put to tender on account of extra work. (b)


Total extension of time required for 10 & 11. Submitted to the Project Manager___________________________.

Signature of Contractor Dated Part II (For Official Use) 1. Date of receipt of application from _____________________________________ Contractor for the work of __________________________________ in the office of the General Manager (IT) _____________________________________. Recommendations of the project Manager as to whether the reasons given by the contractor are correct and what extension, if any, is recommended by him. If he does not recommend the extension, reasons for rejection should be given.



Signature of the Installation In-charge

(To be filled in by the Project Manager) 1. 2. Date of receipt in the Office:Project Managers remarks regarding hindrances mentioned by the contractor. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Serial No Nature of hindrance Date of occurrence of hindrance Period for which hindrance is likely to last

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of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

(v) (vi) (vii) (viii)

Extension of time applied for by the contractor Overlapping period, if any, giving reference to items which overlap Net period for which extension is recommended Remarks as to why the hindrance occurred and justification for extension recommended.


Project Managers Recommendations. The present progress of the work should be stated and whether the work is likely to be completed by the date up to which extension has been applied for. If extension of time is not recommended, what compensation is proposed to be levied under Clause 32 of the agreement.

Signature of Project Manager

Signature of Accepting Authority

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Technical Specifications & Compliance Statement (As per relevant 8.1.2 of section-II of Tender Document)

The requirements listed below are the minimum specifications that are used for different components for which bidders need to comply with.
Sl. No.

Compliance of Bill of Quantity

Unit Qty. Chennai Qty. Kolkata Other Airports Total Quantity Complied/ Not Complied Remarks

Item Description
Database Server AODB, RMS, Enterprise & Network Management Tools, Reporting Servers Integration Servers, DHCP, AV, Web publishing, AAA etc Integration Servers, DHCP, AV, Web publishing, AAA etc SAN Useable 50 TB SAN Switch Virtual Tape Library of useable 50 TB with all Accessories Back Up Software Master Clock system (GPS based) & Accessories Digital Clock Displays 24 Cubes (50) Video Wall with controllers & accessories
3x2 LCD Display (Minimum 46) with controllers & Accessories Operator Consoles with Furniture & Accessories WorkstationsLatest Config (with twin 21

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos. Nos Nos. Lot Nos. Nos Lot
Lot Nos Nos

2 12 10 1 2 1 1 1 10 1
30 20

2 12 10 1 2 1 1 1 10 1
30 20

24 32 8 80 40 Page 204 of 487

4 24 20 24 2 4 2 2 2 52 2
8 140 80


TITLE: Establishment Sl. No.

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

Qty. Chennai Qty. Kolkata Other Airports Total Quantity Complied/ Not Complied Remarks

Item Description
TFT monitors) Workstationslatest Config (with Single 21 TFT monitor) KVM Switch arrangement for workstations as per site requirement Laser Printers Colour A4 Laser Printers Colour A3 Laser printerMono A4 Desktop UPS for workstations (1 KVA 20 min Backup) UPS for Video Wall UPS for 3x2 LCD Displays Civil Works in AOCC room Electrical Works for AOCC room Fire Detection and Control System Fire Suppression System Access control System Rodent Repellent System Water Leak Detection System Building Management System Power Distribution System Earthing Lighting & fittings UPS Racks & Accessories Conduits, Raceways, Cable trays etc Civil Works (flooring/ door, interiors etc Precision Air Cooling / Air conditioners as applicable VESDA Datacentre Monitoring and Management tools Structured cabling for Data Centre


16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.

Nos Lot Nos Nos Nos Nos Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Nos Lot

10 1 3 1 8 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1

10 1 3 1 8 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1

40 8 8 0 18 80 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 -

60 10 16 2 32 140 2 8 10 10 2 2 10 3 3 3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 4 2 Page 205 of 487


TITLE: Establishment Sl. No. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64.

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

Qty. Chennai 1 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Qty. Kolkata 1 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 32 16 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 16 40 4 16 4 4 4 10 4 4 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 2 2 10 10 Page 206 of 487 Other Airports Total Quantity Complied/ Not Complied Remarks

Item Description
Electrical Cabling as per site requirement Core Switch (Switch Type I) Core Switch (Switch Type II) Access Switch VPN Router (Type I) VPN Router (Type II) Replication Router Firewall Network IPS HIPS as per solution requirement Server Load Balancer Link Load Balancer Cat 6 UTP structured Cabling components 6 Core SM OFC Cabling Wall Mounted Racks AODB License as per solution RMS License Integration Layer (IL) License Reports License Database License Replication Software licenses System Software with virtualization capability as per solution EMS Software


Lot Nos Nos Nos. Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Lot Nos Nos. Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot lot lot


TITLE: Establishment Sl. No. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72.

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

Qty. Chennai 1 50 50 1 1 1 Qty. Kolkata 1 50 50 1 1 1 1 Other Airports 160 160 8 8 8 8 Total Quantity 2 210 210 10 10 10 10 Complied/ Not Complied Remarks

Item Description
Antivirus Server Software Antivirus Client Software Office Productivity tools - MS Office System Integration and Implementation Services Facility Management Services Infrastructure Facility Management Services - Minimum Man Power requirement Training requirement Dedicated leased between Chennai & Kolkata (from 2 different ISP) VPN at Chennai & Kolkata VPN at Other Locations


lot Nos Nos Lot Lot Lot Lot Mbps/p er ISP


73. 74.

Mbps/p er ISP Mbps/p er ISP

18 -

18 -


36 16

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Compliance of Detailed Components offered

Description Complied/Not Complied Remarks Details of compliance & ref. Page number of attached document

1. 2. 3.

AIRPORT OPERATIONS DATABASE: Mandatory Requirements: The system shall manage 10 airports. Chennai (MAA) and Kolkata (CCU) airports shall be included. Infrastructure should be scalable to include expected additional airports in India in near future. The system should be resilient and should be able to switch-over to the failover system in the DR in case of a failure of the master system in the DC System should be upgradable within the Technology Refresh policy described elsewhere. The upgrade should not result in a downtime of the system and the routine upgrade should not take more than 1 hour for completion. The Airport Operation Database System shall be proven in a live operational environment at an airport with over 1500 physical flight movements per day. The Airport Operation Database System shall be proven in a live operational environment at an airport with over 120 aircraft parking stands. The solution provider shall be expected to substantiate relevant details of the above requirements from an existing AODB implementation site operational for at least the past 3 years. The System shall provide an efficient method for importing batch data that can update multiple flight records. For bulk data received from different data sources like schedules for
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7. 8.


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e.g. the System shall provide a data compare facility to easily highlight the changes/differences to the operator. Compare may be against the data source and AODB or between two flight data sources 9. 10. General Requirements: The AODB system is at the core of the overall solution architecture and is required for the gathering of data from a diverse set of systems that currently exist or the Airport may choose to implement at a future data. The AODB will not be the long-term data warehouse repository but will be used to collect, store, manipulate and store current and near-future data to provide information to assist the airport operator and its stakeholders. The multiple airport AODB system with a central instance of the database shall host the 10 airports and the architecture shall support adequate scalability. . The system shall identify and maintain a list of airports which the system will manage. The AODB shall comply with recommended ICAO, IATA, ACI standards/guidelines, definition & requirements. This includes relevant provisions of IATA, ACI and ICAO that are applicable to AODB. The AODB should be designed to be flexible, scalable and adaptable to uses over a period of time to address the dynamic nature of the business operations The AODB should have the capability to be accessed over private intranet or public internet networks via AAI provided VPN or
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12. 13.



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similar secure pipe. Suitable security precautions shall be utilized such as SSL and all data messaging should be encrypted. 16. An administrator user shall have the ability to access data for a particular airport where the system has been installed and not restricted to users at a particular airport, for example users at Chennai shall have the ability to access and manage Pune airport. There should be a possibility to restrict this access through an authorization mechanism The AODB system should have a simple and intuitive user interface The AODB system should be easy to administer and should be compatible with the one or more of commonly available database solutions available such as DB2, Oracle, MS-SQL etc. The user interface, manuals and other documentation shall be in English. Training shall be supplied in English language. All software licenses shall be supplied as part of the subcontract works. Renewable or subscription licenses shall not be used. Functional Requirements: Flight Scheduling Centre Functionality The system shall provide schedule management for the individual managed airports. The system shall be capable to receive daily, weekly or seasonal flight schedules from one or more schedule input files or data sources in IATA SSIM format or SCORE or similar standard formats such as csv or excel, each flight will be related (hosted) to
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17. 18.

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

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one of the managed airports. 25. The system shall facilitate the matching of incoming flights with outgoing flights at an airport. It shall be possible to define rules or template to apply a matching rule individually or across all flights for a season (or within defined date range) split by day of week The system shall be able to produce a report of planned resources for a coming time period at an airport, for example as a Daily Plan to be issued the night before the next day operation. AODB Functionality: Telex processing shall include capability to receive, process and display relevant data for IATA/Airline Messages via multiple sources like SITA network, AFTN messages in ITA-2/IA5 formats, ATC interface, NOTAMs and METARs. IATA/AFTN format airline messages from the SITA/AFTN networks will be processed by the system, the system may need to update two flights on receipt of a single message, a departure flight hosted at one airport and an arrival flight hosted at another. An example of this is an MVT message which may state Actual departure time from one airport as well as the estimated arrival at another. Information updates from all sources would update flights at all relevant managed airports. For e.g. assuming a flight is between two managed airports, the system shall use the actual time of departure at the origin airport to realistically calculate the estimated time of arrival at the destination airport. Also, a departure from one managed airport will show the flight status as Previous Station Departed at the destination airport. Similarly upon arrival at
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27. 28.


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destination airport, the flight will show Next Station Arrived on the origin airport. 30. System shall support various standard capabilities of telex handling including but not limited to a) detection/alerts for errors/warnings/discontinuous sequences etc, b) priority based handling when message for same flight is received from multiple sources such priorities being configurable/adjustable at run time, c) rules that can be applied to any incoming message based on any flight attribute to decide whether to auto process, block for manual correction or discard the message, such rules being configurable/adjustable at run time, d) Ability to view extracted flight/message data and the raw message simultaneously e) rules that allow data items to be transformed after being received from a source before they are processed to AODB, f) Unambiguous flight identification and processing messages which may have partial information to ensure a high-rate of processed Telexes, g) GUI features to quickly locate and handle a large volume of Telex and also to view historic Telexes etc Each of the message types/contents shall be processed appropriately based on its applicability one or more of the hosted airports. AODB shall include master data and also airport resource details like airport codes, airline details, aircraft types, handling agents, registrations, check-in desks, baggage belts, gates, runways and equipment System will audit & store ALL the changes made to the airport operational database. For example changes like reference data, operational data, security changes, real-time update etc
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33. 34.

The AODB shall communicate with other pre-defined airport systems via the Airport Integration Layer. AODB shall be flexible to manage and contain all the key information details like Seasonal Flight & Daily Schedules, aircraft & ground movements, pairing of incoming and outgoing flights, bay allocation, all resource information, runway, aircraft details etc. AODB shall archive data to an AODB Archive database, data retention period to be configurable. Bidder is responsible to provide both AODB and Archive AODB. AODB shall be able to extract standard / ad-hoc queries, analysis & reports by configuring / customizing the query / report templates. AODB shall be able to provide near real-time response time to replanning functionality for a specific flight to accommodate realtime changes AODB shall have a backup GUI to allow users to change resource allocations when necessary e.g. emergencies like RMS module unavailable or planned RMS maintenance. System shall have facility to provide Staff Information Pages. Such shall also be accessible via Tablets that have connectivity to the AAI WAN where AODB is deployed. Users shall have the option to set their preference to either IATA or ICAO codes. The system would display airline / airport codes based on the preference chosen.
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Users shall have the option to set their preference to either local time or UTC. The system would display the times based on the preference chosen. Users shall have the option to set their preference for language of operation. The system would interact with the user in the language chosen. The system should be able to track all data changes incrementally and highlight them to the user as incremental changes. This includes using a different color code on the screen against recently changed flight fields that have changed instead of refreshing whole screen, an event log of all changes to a flight in chronological order, alerts to subscribed users of changed data etc So whenever details of any flight like the actual time, route, registration number or stand etc change in AODB, such changes are instantly updated and highlighted on screen to user on the client GUI irrespective of whether other users or system messages triggered such updates It must be possible to assign certain authorized users charge of special flights like VIPs etc and also make them subscribe to a configured set of flight updates. The system should then force these users to acknowledge when they have seen the subscribed changes and also track these for Supervisory control. This allows management to track if a user/group are reacting to special flight handling situations in a timely manner. It should also be possible for flights to be marked as important on a day-to-day operational perspective The system should allow special handling for VIPs in all modules. This includes capturing relevant VIP Personnel details with
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categorizations like VIP/CIP/VVIP, Contact details etc, associating special services required by such VIPs, linking such VIPs to actual flight movements and assigning a ranking, resource allocations rules that are sensitive to such VIP ranking, capturing VIP transactions data for billing and generating special reports relevant to VIP data. 46. The system should allow the airport to maintain an external status for a flight in addition to the usual flight statuses. These external statuses would be usually shared with passenger facing systems like FIDS/PA and are useful in operational situations where the airline/airport wishes to convey a different message to passenger community at large The system should allow bulk update of special flight status like delay, cancelled or diverted etc to a custom selection of flights in one step. This would be used in handling abnormal situations like bad weather or regulatory authority mandated operations that impact a large number of flights. User Access & Security System shall have security features to provision the administrator who shall be able to define various access rights /roles to users The system shall have a security facility to ensure only authorised personnel have access to the data, functions and applications. The system shall have security facilities to restrict users to particular flights at a particular terminal of a particular airport; additionally the user may be restricted to particular data items of particular flights, such as passenger information or parking stand
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48. 49. 50. 51.

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management information. 52. 53. The system shall have security facilities to restrict users to particular resources at a particular airport. The same security facilities shall allow particular users with relevant privileges to access all flights and all resources at all airports. An alerting system shall be provided to alert users of data issues such as missing information on a flight that is about to arrive. Alerts can be configured to be sent to users at a specific airport or users at a central location. Alerts shall be subscription based, support proactive and reactive alerts and can be received on Smart Phones with necessary connectivity to AAI WAN where AODB is deployed. Similarly certain users shall be restricted to reporting information pertaining to a particular airport or particular terminal or other area of an airport, whereas other users shall have the ability to access reporting information at all airports and shall have the ability to compare operations and performance of one airport compared to another. It must be possible to define the various contracts between the entities at the airport and restrict access to data in the AODB based on these defined contracts. For instance, it should be possible to define a ground handler (say for Air India) in the system and this ground handler would only have access to Air India data. Such access control features shall be identifiable with airline/handler contracts at each given hosted airport so that a handler at one
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hosted airport can have full functions access for an airline and its marketing partners and same handler at another hosted airport has view only access to same airlines flights and in a third hosted airport same handler has no access to same airlines flights. Such contracts based access control shall be configurable based on any flight attribute for e.g. handler can handle only 747 of a particular airline and shall protect access of all flight related functions/modules in the system. 57. 58. Reference Information The Airport Operation Database System shall have extensive airline information including:

Airline IATA and ICAO codes Airline name

Automatic boarding control flag for gate open, boarding and last call stages such flag being configurable based on different flight parameters like domestic/international, terminal etc 59. Reporting Requirement (These requirements may be filled either by the AODB itself or by the Dashboard facility. Other standard reports should be available, these examples are indicative): Users must have access to an online reporting tool that shall give users the following reporting information which must show the statistics split into all airports, all arrival, all departure and per passenger or cargo terminal. The information must be available for flights for the current operating day and for configurable periods in the past:
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Number of scheduled flights Number of flights cancelled, diverted, arrival diverted to different airport, departure diverted to different destination after take-off), returned (departure return after airborne, departure return after off stand, arrival returned back to origin), Long staying aircraft etc Average time flights are late Average time flights are early Average time from runway to aircraft parking stand Average time from aircraft on stand to first bag delivered Average time from first bag to last bag delivered Average time from aircraft off stand to airborne


The Airport Operation Database to include extensive audit facilities which must be accessible from users per flight including the following data items:

All time updates including time value when it was applied user or system time received from Stand updates including Stand allocations
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Ground movements (Under own power or towed) Stand hold warnings Adjacent stand hold warnings

Aircraft registration updates including when it was applied user or system received from

Electronic messages including Type of message when it was applied system received from Load details including Passenger numbers split by class (if available) Weight of bags, mail and freight (if available) Number of bags (if available)

62. 63.

Other Requirements The system should be able to integrate through XML or other industry standard formats to the Airport Integration Layer and the other peripheral systems The system should be scalable to address the needs of the growth of the airports being envisaged for the scope of implementation. The AODB should not require a substantial revision / rePage 219 of 487



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implementation of the core architecture to incorporate additional airports. 65. The AODB shall be the central repository for operations data related to schedule flight operations at the Airport. The AODB functions shall include data storage, data distribution, schedule management, maintenance of a central knowledge base, aircraft movement tracking, and resource utilization data for report generation or ad hoc query capability. The AODB shall support rule-based transaction and event management. The AODB shall provide overall data integrity and accuracy. Applications requiring real-time operational data regarding flights, aircrafts and resources shall obtain the data via the AODB services. The AODB shall have the capability to integrate with a SOA framework provide by AIL and allow updates and changes to services easily without adversely impacting performance or requiring equipment replacements. The AODB shall support the integration of other applications in an open systems environment. The AODB shall provide functionality to capture seasonal, 48-hour and real-time flight schedule information to be used for planning. The AODB shall automatically roll down the schedule into a daily schedule for operational planning and management. The AODB OS shall synchronize periodically with the airport master clock and provide a log record. The frequency for synchronization shall be configurable from hourly, daily or weekly.
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72. 73.

The AODB must have the ability to export aircraft and flight event data to support billing or airline payment audit processes. The AODB must have the ability to use future monthly or seasonal operational planning schedules to create and export flight activity counts that can be used for flight and passenger projections for advance billing or projected revenues The AODB must have the ability to track flight OFF-Block (departure airport) and ON-Block times (arrival airport) of the aircraft in order to verify hours worked by airline crew. This information is obtained from the Visual Guidance Docking System and made available to the AODB. All aircraft and passenger movements shall be tracked and registered. This includes recording of the following information: i. Estimated times of arrival and departure ii. Actual times of arrival and departure iii. On and off block times iv.Tows to different parking positions v.Actual resources used vi. Number of Arriving and departing passengers including breakups of transit and transfer passengers on departure flights; vii. The capture of flight taxi time before and after implementing perimeter taxiways; the AODB shall be able to capture the time it takes from wheels down to arrival at the gate for each flight, viii. A timer to reflect the amount of time it takes for an aircraft
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to be in the air after push back from the gate; if this time is > 15 minutes, the AODB should be able to send an alert letting someone know that this aircraft is potentially stranded. 76. Provide for maintenance of the Airport knowledge base including the following: i. Details of en-route airports selectable by International Air Transport Association (IATA)/ International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) airport code ii. Details of Aircraft operators selectable by IATA/ICAO airline code iii. Details of Aircraft operating at the airport selectable by IATA/ ICAO aircraft code iv. Details of specific configurations for Aircraft operating at the airport selectable by aircraft registration number v. Validation of all data according to the knowledge base for manually captured data, as well as data received via interfaces to external systems vi. Audit trail of data received before rules are applied vii.Ability to not update data records if no fields have been updated so as to avoid unnecessary data record files and storage utilization viii. Ability to ensure that all validations and warnings are configurable; administrators will be able to set-up the rules.

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77. 78.

Systems Connected to AODB The AODB will be capable to send/receive data to/from the following systems where applicable (not all interfaces are required for every airport). Some systems to be integrated would be deployed at the central datacentre and some others would be present at the remote airports. The exact detail of the data to be sent will be defined in the ICD (Interface Control Documents) to be created by the Bidder after contract award. As there are many airports involved it is probable that there will be different target systems for the same application across the enterprise to receive the data. An indicative list of all systems to be interfaced to is given below: Systems at Remote Systems at Central Airports Datacenter PAVA PAVA BRS BRS FIDS FIDS CUTE/CUPPS CUTE/CUPPS BHS BHS BMS BMS Fire Detection and Fire Detection and Alarm System Alarm System Air Traffic Air Traffic Management Management System System VGDS VGDS Performance Dashboard
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Web Portal SITA / AFTN Aviation Message Server AODB RMS Reports / Dashboard AOCC AIMS 79. 80. 81. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM(RMS) Mandatory Requirements At a minimum the following RMS planning requirements shall be supported: 1. Analysis of resources, such as existing gates, ticket counters and parking spots for reassignment of locations, reassignment of airlines to Airport gates and ticket counters or preferential use gates, addition of new airlines, and other related planning activities 2. Analysis of proposed new terminal facilities and other facilities with resource allocation capability 3. Analysis of potential aircraft traffic flow and analysis of resource allocations at processing airports based on flight schedule 4. Indirect analysis of support requirements based upon changes in flight schedule, airline mix, and gate or counter resources 5. Ability to export a Microsoft Excel spread sheet workbook
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files with 24 hours of arrival and departure flight information into a simulation database 6. Planning future resource utilization based on seasonal schedules and projected resource availability 7. RMS rules allocations shall have an internal allocation mode and an associated release mechanism when the allocations made during internal allocation are published to AODB and other linked systems in the airport. This helps in planning ahead but just-in-time confirmation of resource assignments in line with operational conditions. Such release mechanism can be on demand for selected flights or can be timer based or for a time range of flights. System shall prompt the user when such internal allocations that ought to have been published are not yet done so, for e.g. flight is to arrive within 30 mts but no carousel is released to AODB. The triggering conditions for such prompt can be configurable and may be different for different categories of flights or resources 8. Ability to save the planning schedule and then retrieve it later for further manipulations. 9. RMS shall support multi-layered resource allocations such that the airport is able to allot parts of airport resources to major carriers/handlers and let them use RMS to manage the day-to-day resource allocations within their managed subset. Airport authority will still retain the overall supervisory role and necessary permissions to overrule any resource allocations done by such carriers/handlers keeping overall interests of all parties involved in mind. The application shall have hard rules that shall be obeyed, and soft
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83. 84.

rules that shall, but may not always, be obeyed. General Requirement Resource Management System will enable airports to utilize resource efficiently and effectively. Managing airport resources is fundamental for the successful management of an airport. Wellstructured Resource Management System should be capable of automatically managing the resources, so the utilization is optimal. RMS management system should be capable of automatically allocating the following core resources: Check-in counters Gate & Stand Allocation I. II. III. IV. V. I. II. Coaching Gates Boarding Gates Terminal Stands Remote Stands Hangars Baggage Carousel Baggage Make-up area (lateral)

Baggage Allocation


All listed RMS functions can be achieved by an independent RMS or an integrated RMS/AODB Client or a combination keeping ease-of-operations in mind. The RMS shall provide real-time status of gates, parking stands (non-contact gates) ticket counters,
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baggage reclaim carousels, and baggage makeup- up belts using manual input data. Alternatively, data from electronic interfaces from designated airlines can be sent to the AODB which in turn would be interfaced to the RMS in order to utilize this information. The objective of AAI is that most inputs are provided via an automated fashion. The RMS shall support a rules-based conflict identification and alerting mechanism. Conflicts can be categorized into different severity levels. The user should then have an option to request allocation alternatives for conflict resolution as well as an option to accept or discard the system proposed alternative(s). The RMS shall allow existing fixed resources at the airport to be managed. The capability shall be provided to the user to define, create and configure these resources with no or minimal software support from the bidder: a) Real-time allocation and status of aircraft parking, cargo parking, and aircraft maintenance parking. b) Short-term allocation planning for gate, counter, and other resources. c) Reporting of flight activity and facility resource utilization (This may be provided using the Reports module).


d) Automatic importing of flight schedules from the AODB. The RMS shall provide the following methods for the scheduling of affected resources: a) Manual input and manipulation of resources and objects on
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the screen. b) Electronic feeds of seasonal schedules. c) Reuse of input templates previously used to allocate resources to objects. d) Input resources and objects and allow the RMS application to automatically allocate the resources. e) Import planned operational schedules and associated rules into operational schedules. f) The RMS application shall b e a b l e t o c a r r y o u t a l l o c a t i o n s b a s e d o n scheduling inputs on a seasonal, monthly, weekly, and a daily basis from the AODB. g) It shall also accept individual manual inputs on an asneeded basis. The application maintains the current weeks schedule in the active mode. The current operating day is the median of the week. As each day rolls off the current active mode, the schedule data is archived, and the next day is automatically imported into the active schedule to maintain one week. The RMS application shall record the use of gates, ramp parking areas, and stands by airline, airline flight number, type of aircraft, and other aircraft details. In addition, it records the use of ticket counters, gate podiums, baggage belts, and baggage carousels by airline and airline flight number. This information shall be archived in the AODB. Based on RMS assignments: 1. The system shall process the request automatically and affect
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the change. 2. If assignment is for a shared resource, the system shall alert the resource controller and present the assignment request for approval. 3. Comparison of scheduled and actual allocations indicating origins of changes. 4. Real-time notification processing and alarm processing due to conflicts and delays. 90. The same tools and user interface look and feel shall be used for each of following planning modes. Planning modes supported shall include: 1. Real-time planning on day of operations 2. Short term planning for next day allocation 3. Strategic planning, allowing the pre-allocation of a future day, for instance a national holiday 4. What-if planning, allowing the configuration of what-if scenarios for future planning such as adding new gates, a new airline, or a reduction in resources/traffic. 91. The RMS shall support multiple reference types. Specifically it shall be able to add new reference data without additional code changes to existing application and exclusively through the User Interface. The RMS shall support both IATA and ICAO codes for data such as airlines, airport and aircraft types. The RMS will allow for the creation of different levels of system
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log-in access profiles. Aside from system administrator access profiles, the system will support both users and profiles. The System Administrator will have capability to grant system usage and rights capability to users. 94. The RMS shall support both aircraft-based and flight-based allocations. The System shall be capable of following the aircraft through the Airport and not fixed on flight numbers. The RMS shall allow users to copy resource allocations for a day based on resource allocations from a past date. For e.g. copy last Fridays allocations to this Friday The RMS shall support export/import of resource allocation rules between different scenarios. For e.g. it shall be possible toe import rules from a future planned scenario to the current operational system The RMS shall be rule-based and shall highlight any capacity constraints during allocations. It shall also be capable of resolving conflicts among those resources it has been deployed to manage. The bidder will define the rules during project execution with the AAI. In addition. the system will allow AAI operational staff to be able to create new rules and edit existing rules without additional codes changes or support from the bidder. The system shall allow for nested rules and the ability to process multiple rules simultaneously to arrive at a decision. Resource allocation recommendations shall be based on rules that are user- tailored to reflect the unique operating conditions at the Airport.
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The application shall have the ability to use different business rules for long- term planning and for operational planning and for operating in real time. Rules shall be easy to access and identify and the application shall have the ability to add, edit and replace rules. Rule additions, edits, and deletions and associated data changes shall be reversible. The application shall allow authorized users to adjust and change rule parameters without any programming. Rule parameter changes and any associated data changes due to the rule parameter changes shall be reversible . Any adjustment or change shall not affect historical data. The hierarchy of the rules and the grouping of the rules into sets shall be operator-definable, changeable and able to be overridden on a real-time basis. The application shall support rules that indicate if an airline has a preference for a gate or parking position. The application must allow the user to quantify the preference assigned to an airline for a gate or parking position. Preference rules in RMS shall be cost/benefit based. Multiple such rules may exist sometimes with overlapping/conflicting preferences and these should be evaluated appropriately by the Optimizer within given time constraints in arriving at a solution that has minimal overall cost / maximum overall benefit and hence represents the best resource utilizations in airport under given circumstances. Optimizer can also be invoked on select allocations (like single flight) to suggest alternatives. Optimizer based allocations shall
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not break hard rules. For instance, if the benefit of assigning an Air India flight to gate 3A is quantified as 7 and the benefit of assigning an Air India flight to gate 4A is quantified as 8 and both 3A and 4A are available, the Air India flight would be assigned 4A since the benefit is higher. The system would consider the benefits assigned to all rules and carry out the allocations in a manner that maximizes the total benefit for the airport. 105. The RMS shall support a score against each allocation that reflects the quality of the resource allocation made. Such score can be viewed in the RMS GUI against allocated tasks The application shall support rules that cluster the flights of one airline together or the flights handled by one ground-handling agent together. The application shall have rules for grouping dependent resources such as gates, counters, baggage belts and baggage carousels. The RMS will allow users to select a set of current resource allocations based on various criteria and save the result as a template. Such a templates can be used to perform resource allocations at a later date The application shall be capable of generating parking position schemes automatically, based on schedule information and the rule mechanism, without any reliance on manual adjustment if that there are no conflicts. The application shall be capable of assigning multiple authorized users simultaneously to one resource if Airportdefined rules allow it.
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111. 112.

The application shall be capable of assigning rules using time parameters with effective date ranges. Application shall include in the user interface a real-time flight data updates. It shall be visually coded so as to allow the user to know which resource is being utilized and if no resource is currently available. Functional Requirement Resource Management System shall include capability to allocate manually all these resources but the system shall provide added functionality as listed hereinafter. i. Automatic Allocation of Resource: For all the above resources system shall have provision to define the business rules and also as per the dynamic business needs system shall have provision to modify / add / delete the business rules. Resource Management System is one of the important elements in integrated airport information system. ii. System shall have an Intelligent Optimizer to use a knowledge base (i.e. business rules, reference data, source inputs) to make intelligent assignment of check-in counters, gates, stands, and baggage carousel etc., resources for flights. iii. The knowledge base shall be a repository of rules and reference data. The application shall use these rules, reference data and realtime information to make automatic assignments and provide recommendations. Some of the common source information shall have direct impact on assignment of resources are:
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1. Domestic versus International Arrivals /Departures 2. Flight schedule and Flight information real time updates like ETA / ETDs. 3. Details of Aircraft type 4. Airline / Carrier preferences 5. Gate Passenger capacity 6. On-pier Stand / Off-pier Stand. 7. Counter preference for any particular airlines. 8. Passenger arrival class and time. 9. Landside common dedicated desks 10.Zoning, grouping of airlines zone wise, hall wise etc. 11.Planning airlines / carriers during peak / non-peak hours. 12.Capacity and load of baggage carousel etc. 13. Any other static attributes / dynamic real-time feeds. Note: Rules can be classified as Hard & Soft rules: Hard Rules are based on conditions and it is mandatory. For e.g. aircraft specification should meet the stand specification. Soft rules could be priorities / preferences and not essential for the allocation of resources. Software should have provision to manually override the system recommendation / decision on resource allocation. There should be
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provision to switch-off the optimizer automatic allocation and handle the RMS in a completely manual mode. Information should be accurate and up-to-date and it should be available instantly on real-time basis. System should have security features to provision the administrator shall be able to define various access rights / roles to users. System will audit & store all the changes made to the applications, changes like reference data, operational data, security changes, real-time update etc 115. RMS will be integrate with following applications & system: a. Airport Operational Database The allocated resources information will be update in the main airport operational database repository There could be separate resource allocator for each resource in the apron management / Airport Control centre. Users shall have the option to set their preference to either IATA or ICAO codes. The system would display airline / airport codes based on the preference chosen. Users shall have the option to set their preference to either local time or UTC. The system would display the times based on the preference chosen. Other Requirements All resource codes like terminals, stands, counters etc shall be unique within a managed airport. One or more passenger and other (cargo etc) Terminals shall be
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associated with a managed airport. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. Aircraft parking stands shall be associated with a managed airport and optionally with a passenger terminal at the managed airport. Departures gates shall be associated with a managed airport and a passenger terminal at the managed airport. Check in desks shall be associated with a managed airport and a passenger terminal at the managed airport. Check in zones shall be associated with a managed airport and a passenger terminal at the managed airport. Baggage halls shall be associated with a managed airport and a passenger terminal at the managed airport. Baggage reclaims shall be associated with a managed airport a passenger terminal and a baggage hall at the managed airport. One or more runways shall be associated with a managed airport. Airport resources planned for use or actually used by a flight must match the host airport of the flight; a flight hosted at one airport cannot use the resources of another airport. MASTER CLOCK SYSTEM The time synchronization at an airport is vital and crucial in the connecting process of the different IT Systems around an Airport and related buildings. In the context of absolute security, the time concept is important and needs a trust on reliable and exact time information on the different transmissions, communications equipment and the Ethernet network. The Master Clock System
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132. 133. 134.

(MCS) is the entities which is responsible for maintaining the time accuracy across the multiple systems at each connected airport and ensure consistency of information. For this tender the Master Clock System shall be centrally located and shall be the time reference for all in-scope systems at all the connected airports. General Requirements The master clock system shall conform to international standards The master clock shall retain information in the case of a power outage and shall automatically correct and synchronize all systems upon resumption of power The system shall provide master clock services for all the airports included in the scope of this solution (also including Primary DC and DR sites), plus must be scalable to add extra airports up to the total number referred to above. The MCS shall provide NTP time distribution over the Ethernet for all so that all servers can synchronise their time with that of the Master Clock System. The MCS shall use CAT 6 structured cabling The Master Clock shall have two or more RJ-45 Ethernet interfaces at 10/100 MBit or higher The MCS shall have Dual redundant GPS antennae and feeder cable The MCS shall have Dual redundant GPS receiver/decoder The MCS shall have Dual redundant active/active time server The GPS antennae shall be of the omni directional plate type; fully
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weatherproofed in accordance with the environmental requirements 142. 143. 144. 145. NTP data output from the MCS should comprise of year / month / day / hour / minute / second Functional Requirement The MCS should be configured in such a way that all systems at each airport are time-synchronized on a regular pre-defined basis. The MCS shall have an Integrated software solution for management and supervision consisting of: o Network Management System (Software for Windows PCs) for the centralized configuration and administration of all components of the Master Clock System including the Supervision Service. o Device Supervision Service to monitor the entire Master Clock System automatically 146. The MCS shall be designed as a modular time distribution system where the individual devices (modules) are connected to a LAN and synchronized by NTP The MCS must consist of a Time reference, usually a GPS-timesignal receiver, to correct the time deviations of the Master Clock. If the GPS signal is unavailable for synchronization, the MCS server shall automatically uses its precision internal oscillator to keep the current time, in accordance with NTP version 3 RFC 1305 Appendix E. The NTP Timescale and its Chronometry stratum one oscillator characteristics tables.
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The MCS shall provide Time Zone Management. Since the time transmission on NTP is defined as UTC, the MCS must calculate specific times for interfaces for time distribution. At least 15 different time zones shall be available All devices of the MCS shall be fully administrated and supervised by SNMP (traps, Set- and Get- command) Access to carry out administration on the Master Clock shall be password protected Smooth time adjustment (adjustable) shall be possible to avoid time leaps in all states of operation, even in redundant operation when commutating between the Master Clocks Time synchronization from GPS receiver or from NTP server. The MCS shall have the ability to connect to multiple NTP servers via IP and multiple GPS via antennae Internal oscillator in order to maintain time accuracy in case of GPS unavailability Visual information on display as: current time and date, synchronization status, IP-address, power and alarm status The following Time server protocols shall be supported: NTP v4 (compatible with v3), (UDP), as per RFC 1305 (Port 123) NTP Authentication with MD5 SNTP (UDP), RFC2030 (Port 123) TIME (TCP/UDP), RFC 868 (Port 37)
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DAYTIME (TCP/UDP), RFC 867 (Port 13) 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. NTP modes of Server, Peer, Broadcast, Multicast. Server and client modes should be possible simultaneously Network remote access for device management shall be possible by SSH or Telnet Potential-free alarm-relay-contact shall be available in order to propagate alarms (with individual alarm masking capability) Permanent non-volatile configuration storage shall be present USB connector for software updates and complete configuration backup and restore shall be possible Mean time between failure (MTBF) shall be at least 250,000 hours Operating temperature -5 to 50C with 10-90% relative humidity (non-condensing) range:

The MCS shall be a Solid State NTP network time server that will connect directly to Ethernet, will be 2U rack mountable for easy installation, with LCD signal strength display, an integrated time display and Ethernet CAT 6 connection Option a) 1) Two independent IRIG-B outputs, Ri < 50 Ohms, output voltage adjustable 0.3Vpp < Uout < 6Vpp 2) Two independent serial outputs RS232, RS422, RS485 (selectable),configurable telegram strings, 300-38400Bauds,7 or 8 Data bits, Parity: no, even, odd,
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Stop bit: 1 or 2, no flow control 3) Two independent current loop (passive) and RS 422 outputs for DCF77 time code or pulse output (selectable), pulse mode: pps, ppm, pph, user defined 1-3600s Option b) 1) 2 physically and logically independent LAN ports, providing precise time information over NTP 166. The GPS receiver/decoders shall be capable of simultaneously receiving a minimum of 12 global positioning satellites, and determining the date and coordinated universal time (UTC) to an accuracy of 1-10 milliseconds, typical GPS: <1 microseconds, relative to UTC and be ready to operate at Secure Stratum 1 AIRPORT OPERATION CONTROL CENTER General Requirement The general layout of the Control Centres will be governed by the role that each will play however the accepted concept will be one supervisor workspace position and various rows of workspaces complete with IT systems workstations and peripherals, e.g. PAVA, BMS, and CCTV etc., are to be provided by the bidder. The workspaces will also have multiple workstation IT system displays. A Video Wall system will be located at the front of the Control Centre faced by all workstations at Kolkata & Chennai. For other airports combination of multiple LCD displays will be used for AOCC purpose. Provision of Video Walls at Chennai and Kolkata
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& LCD Displays at other airports in AOCC room shall be made by bidder and is within the scope of this tender. Generic specification of Video Wall is given in this document. 171. The Video Wall master interface system will provide the supervisor and system operators in AOCC room with the capability to select any video sources to any or all Video Wall Segments. The AOCC would be connected seamlessly with other sub-control centres The solution shall provide an integrated suite of products (Command & Control system) and infrastructure that enable operators and other staff working in the AOCC environment to be able to efficiently access all communication and information resources required to effectively manage operational incidents. The said solution should be designed in a modular form which allows easy expansion, integration and control of new communication and information sources. The system should provide facility for loading the Contingency Plans onto the system that can be invoked when a given type of incident occurs. Functionality Overview The AOCC sub-centre solution should have following features. i. Call Receipt a. The initial telephone call for assistance from the public/stall would be received by the control room operator via a headset. The operator should be able to check details of the callers
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address/location via manual look-up of CLI in a suitable database (for fixed lines). b. Once lookup is initiated, the caller address / location information should be automatically presented on a separate screen in an automatically created new incident challan, prepopulated with the necessary details and verified against the internal gazetteer or database of known locations. Resource Selection


The operator will choose from a list of available resources and assign one or more to the incident. iii. Resource Dispatch

a. The operator will use the radio system to communicate with the resource and dispatch it to the incident. b. The system should provide voice communication with the resources via the same headset as is used for receiving the initial public call. iv. Incident Management a. Throughout the progress of any incident all information and interactions should be monitored by supervisory staff. v. Incident Closure and Review a. The system should have the facility for closure of the incident on receiving the inputs from the selected resources. All historical information relating to the incident should be available for
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duration of three months. vi. Event Management The system should provide facility for important event management, including events like terrorist attack or natural disaster. vii. Public Address System The PA System is an important aspect of any Control Room operation. The system should provide facility for broadcast/selected public announcements, service call announcements, Crew announcements etc. viii. Contingency Plans The system should provide facility for loading the Contingency Plans onto the system that can be invoked when a given type of incident occurs. h. 176. System Functionality Requirements (Mandatory) i. Incident Lookup Functionality a. Gazetteer address search with Soundex matching and non-address locations b. Free text address entry c. Repeat caller/ Duplicate Incident/ Repeat Incident d. Response grade linked to incident type with supervisor alerts e. Colour coded incident log
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Incident Management

a. Ranked incident list b. Sophisticated and flexible allocation of control room staff and to the incidents and resources they manage via control areas c. Master/task incidents d. Scheduled incidents e. Supervisor alerts if the incident is not being progressed within target times iii. Incident Resource Allocation and Dispatch a. Resource list with summary details b. Resource groups one or more officers and related equipment under a single call sign c. Default resource proposal d. Specific resource search facility iv. Surveillance a. Remote CCTV monitoring b. CCTV camera control c. Facility to control large number of IP CCTV cameras d. Ability to display on AOCC video wall the CCTV feeds from selected cameras. e. Airside CCTV to monitor stand and gate allocation
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v. Miscellaneous features a. Ancillary equipment control b. Control room door control vi. Supervisory a. Control room activity overview b. Intrude to assist in critical situations c. Override if the situation is critical 177. 178. 179. Apron Control Functional requirement The System shall provide processing software to facilitate apron allocation to flights based on the airlines schedules and dynamically alter the allocation based the real time flight scenario, and on the flight allocation logic and policy of AAI. Apron control shall have survey camera linked to their system to have a close look of any portion of the Apron and also the Aircraft on the Runways. System should facilitate capturing of Aircraft registration number through the Zoom cameras. An information link with AODB for flight schedules and flight slot allocation information shall be provided through Workstation installed in the Apron for the purpose. The system shall also provide interface for capturing flight information details required for generation of bills.
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183. 184. 185.

Apron Control system shall provide an interface link with ATC for exchange of flight information. Apron Control Console shall be made available for officials working at Apron Control Centre. Bidder shall prepare a detailed process definition document explaining all stages of the activities performed at Apron Control Centre. Bidder shall also provide details how the automation process will be adopted for these activities. Bidder shall also provide alternate work plan in case of nonavailability of the automated process Flight Information and PAVA Control Centre

186. 187. 188. 189.

Functional Requirement 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. FIDS and PAVA shall be fully controlled from the AOCC consoles Network Operation Control Functional Requirements Control over the operation of the AOCC Data Network shall be provided from NOC Display of AOCC network with network operation situation shall be provided with option of zooming into finer details Remote management functions shall be provided
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196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202.

NOC shall be have all the state-of-the art tools for network management In addition to the consoles a wall view of the network shall be available Complete process definition and access to it on-line shall be available Integration with Central NOC shall also be seamlessly available AOCC- Overall Requirement The AOCC will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The AOCC will be situated in a dedicated room supplied by AAI and to be designed and implemented by the bidder with: a. A single integrated system and access to the underlying operational systems such as the AODB (where applicable) b. Visibility and access to the same information through a common platform, and c. Final decision-making powers (in collaboration with the relevant functional areas). This implies that representatives need to be in a position to make final decisions on behalf of their respective functional areas The bidder shall design & deploy the AOCC at all airports. The IT system architecture of the AOCC shall be seamlessly integrated in order to facilitate highest level of Airside operations, Resources Planning & Allocation, Terminal operations & security, allowing various agencies/departments to collaborate real time. AOCC shall be designed to cater various operational and service requirements for daily airport management system, integrating all IT
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206. 207. 208. 209. 210.

systems to manage the terminal and also capable to view and monitor overall operations of Airport for real time inputs and collaborative operations. The framework shall integrate a full range of video surveillance backed by tamper proof video data analysis and active archiving capabilities linked to multiple alarm and access control systems. The deployment shall integrate best practices of AOCC deployed in some of the most modern and advanced Airports in the world The bidder shall completely design & implement the AOCC room to create a best working environment that is ergonomic and suited to the purpose of supporting collaborative working, communications, and the use of IT systems. The design shall include workstation design and layout, Video wall to enable focused information sharing and also design suitable workstation furniture and meeting/discussion spaces along with a range of amenities for airport operational staff comfort. LCD DISPLAY WALL(FOR AOCC ROOMS AT AIRPORTS OTHER THAN CHENNAI AND KOLKATA) Functional Requirements 46" Industrial Design (1366x768) narrow bezel LCD Video Wall 3X2 matrix having following technical performance parameters: Screen Size: 46" or higher The LCDs should have integrated mounting system for front access. It should be possible to access a particular panel in the video wall without disturbing adjacent panels. Built in Thermostatic cooling fans to disperse heat built up in the system for effective heat management in 24X7 usage The display panel should have minimum brightness of 500 cd/m2.
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Contrast ratio Min 3000:1 Screen gap =< 6.7mm Response 8ms The viewing angle should be minimum Horizontal : 178; Vertical 178; Colour Capability of 16.77 Million True Colour or higher Light Source: LED Humidity: 10-90%. Non-Condensing The power consumption per panel should be 320 W Max . Should have PIP/POP Facility Operating temperature of 5 Deg to 4 Deg. Input : VGA, DVI, S-video, CVBS; Output: DVI, CVBS Following authorizations shall be made available from the OEM manufacturer: (a) Technical compliance to the specifications and authorization for participating in the tender on manufacturer's behalf. (b) Authorization that the items quoted by the bidder is in production and would be supported for service for at-least 5 years from the date of tender. (c) OEM Manufacturer should have direct presence across India to ensure efficient & timely after sales support/services. (d) All the core hardware components i.e. LCD & Controller should be from the same OEM manufacturer to ensure compatibility &
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225. 226. 227.

effective after sales service support. All required license software and firmware upgrades should be provided along with the Wall Controller. LCD Wall Controller To make the above display behave as a single logical screen and provide functionalities of display of windows through LAN, RGB and VIDEO inputs as per specifications below Should be based on PC architecture Microsoft Windows XP/Windows Vista or higher Dual Core Intel Xeon 3.0 GHz or dual core intel xeon CPU, 3 GHZ with 2 GB RAM or better. Min 250 GB SATA Hard Disk with RAID 0.1,5supported configuration. Hard disk Capacity should be upgradable LAN, HDD, DVD ROM, Keyboard and Mouse Output: RGB \ DVI RGB Input Resolution per card 640 x 480 upto1400 x 1050 Inputs : 2 RGB and 12 video and 6 DVI Inputs Video Input Line : PAL/NTSC 3.58 Bandwidth :Real Time Display of both RGB and Video Inputs on the Display Wall Dual Hot Swappable Power Supply Dual LAN Connectivity Software For LAN Based Remote Screen Visualisation
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241. 242.

LCD Wall Management Software Software: (a) Should be able to pre configure various display layouts and access them at any time with a simple mouse click or based on the timer. (b) Capable of dynamic image processing, like resizing, positioning, etc across the data wall. (c) Able to simulate different display layouts. (d) Save the layouts for future use (e) Close integration with controller hardware. (f) Support remote access and configuration over Ethernet. (g) The Wall Management software shall allow display of video/data windows inside other graphic windows and it should be possible to configure the video/data windows to always remain on top while the operator works on the windows below. The API of the wall management software shall allow switching the video streams. System Diagnostic Software: (a) The System should be provided by diagnostic software which can help to diagnose various system parameters; (b) Diagnostic Software shall allow commands on wall level or cube level or a selection of cubes : 1. Switching the entire display wall on or off. 2. Setting all projection modules to a common brightness target. 3. Changing the active input (of the two present DVI inputs). 4. Fine tune color of each cube. VIDEO WALL (FOR AOCC CHENNAI & KOLKATA) General Functional Requirement
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247. 248. 249.

250. 251.

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The proposed system at site shall be a Large Video Screen made up TWENTY FOUR Rear Projection Modules (Each of 50 diagonal). The exact configuration of these cubes is to be proposed by the bidder) (Rows x Columns). This system shall be driven by a controller to make them behave like a single logical display. The controller shall be LAN based. The overall resolution of the Display Wall should be 8,400 x 4,200 pixels as a minimal. It should be able to display different inputs on the different cubes or any display one, two or multiple inputs into any display configuration. The system shall make use of a Keyboard and Mouse for operating the Large Video Screen. The operators whose systems are on the same Ethernet should be able to work on the large screen sitting at their own position with their own PCs keyboard & mouse. The screens should be non-reflective and performing well under control room lighting conditions. The proposed system at site shall be a Large Video Screen made up TWENTY FOUR Rear Projection Modules (Each of 50 diagonal). The exact configuration of these cubes is to be proposed by the bidder) (Rows x Columns). This system shall be driven by a controller to make them behave like a single logical display. The controller shall be LAN based. The display wall should be rugged and industrial nature and should be able to work in 24/7 environments. The special features to include High Viewing Angle, High Half Gain Viewing Angle, Continuous Brightness and Colour Uniformity over the entire Display Wall. Data Wall Cubes
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256. 257. 258. 259.

Display Cube: The Nominal Diagonal Size of each Visual Display Unit / Rear Projection Module should be 50. The system should offer 16.7 million colours or more. Brightness: 200 - 500 cd/m2 or better Contrast Ratio: 1,500 : 1 or better Light Source: LED life should be > 55,000 Hrs Maintenance capability: Rear Maintainable Wall. Neither the operators should be disturbed nor should the displayed image be affected while maintaining the wall. Size: The Nominal Diagonal Size of each Visual Display Unit / Rear Projection Module should be 50. The resolution of the Display should be 1,024 x 768 pixels as a minimal. Projection Technology: The Rear Projection Module must be based on Single Chip DLP and should have LED as the light source. Aspect ratio: 4:3 Colour Depth: 16.7 Million Colours or above. LED Light Source RGB LEDs Single or Multiple. Signal Output: The Projector should support Dual DVI-D IN for redundancy Control: Each cube shall have its own Ethernet port and its own IP address to have the access from any PC over the Ethernet and shall communicate to a viewer via Ethernet. Screen: The screen should be a non-reflective screen. The screens should have half gain viewing angle of +/- 35o for horizontal and +/27o vertical or better. The full viewing angle should be 180 deg. The seam between adjacent screens should be less than 1 mm.
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268. 269.

Input Voltage, Freq: 100 to 240 V AC +/- 10 %; 50/60 Hz +/- 1% Environment; Temp 10 deg C to 40 deg C, Humidity 80% or more non-condensing. Power consumption for each Rear Projection Modules should not be more than 350 W. Adjustment: Auto adjustment of brightness & colour of display wall Projection Engine: The Projection Engine should be 100% sealed to keep out dust. OEM Certification: All features and functionality should be certified by the OEM. Wall Controller Basic Function :To make the above display behave as a single logical screen and provide functionalities of display of windows through LAN, RGB and VIDEO inputs as per specifications below Architecture :Should be based on PC architecture Platform: Microsoft Windows XP/ Windows Vista or higher Control Processor : Dual Core Intel Xeon 3.0 GHz with 2 GB RAM or better. Hard Disk :Min 250 GB SATA Hard Disk with RAID 0.1,5 supported configuration. Hard disk Capacity should be upgradable Peripherals: LAN, HDD, DVD-ROM, Keyboard and Mouse Output signal: RGB \ DVI RGB Input Resolution per card: 640 x 480 upto 1400 x 1050 or better Inputs: 8 RGB and 16 video and 2 DVI Inputs or more Video Input Lines: PAL/NTSC 3.58
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284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295.

Bandwidth Real Time Display of both RGB and Video Inputs on the Display Wall Power Supply:Dual Hot Swappable Power Supply LAN:Dual LAN Connectivity Visualisation: Software For LAN Based Remote Screen Visualisation Wall Management Software Should be able to pre configure various display layouts and access them at any time with a simple mouse click or based on the timer. Capable of dynamic image processing, like resizing, positioning, etc across the data wall. Able to simulate different display layouts. Save the layouts for future use. Close integration with controller hardware. Support remote access and configuration over Ethernet. The Wall Management software shall allow display of video/data windows inside other graphic windows and it should be possible to configure the video/data windows to always remain on top while the operator works on the windows below. The API of the wall management software shall allow switching the video streams. The system shall perform a diagnostic test for various system parameters. Diagnostic Software shall allow commands on wall level or cube level or a selection of cubes : a. Switching the entire display wall on or off. b. Setting all projection modules to a common brightness target.
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299. 300.

c. Changing the active input (of the two present DVI inputs). d. Fine tune color of each cube. OEM (a) Should have local presence in India. (b) Cube, Controller & software from same OEM. (c) Support to be provided directly by OEM WORKSTATIONS ( SINGLE / DUAL MONITORS ) Intel i7-3770 processor or better, 3.0 GHz or more, 8 MB L3 cache or more, compatible motherboard with Intel chipset; minimum 4-GB DDR3 (1333MHz or more); Minimum 500-GB SATA III (7200rpm) HDD. Support for RAID 0 & 1; NVIDIA Quadro 600 with 1 GB DDR3 Video RAM or equivalent (of another make) ; Minimum USB 2.0/3.0 6 , serial - 1 standard, parallel 1; Network -1GB ; Minimum 4 PCI including 1 PCI Express X16;DVD RW 8X; Single / Dual Monitors (as per requirement in the tender) with Minimum19 LED TFT with In Plane Switching (INP) 1920x1200 resolution at 60Hz; Standard keyboard; Optical Mouse ; 64-bit OS; Five Years on-site warranty; OEM -DELL, HP, HCL, WIPRO, FUJITSU IBM etc. PRINTERS (A4 MONO, COLOR & A3 COLOUR) a. b. A4 size Monochrome Laser Printer with Duplexer: Network; Minimum 20 ppm or more; 600 x 600 dpi; A4 size Colour Laser Printer with Duplexer: Network; Minimum 25 ppm or more; 600 x 600 dpi;Minimum12 MB memory; A3 size Colour Laser Printer with Duplexer: Network; Minimum 20 ppm or more; 600 x 600 dpi; Minimum 70 MB memory;
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303. 304.

UPS FOR VIDEO WALL Certifications : ISO 9001 and 14001 Certified OEM Technology : Rectifier & Inverter both with IGBT based DSP Design, Double Conversion True Online UPS Input Voltage Range: 140 460 V AC Three Phase on full load Input Frequency Range : 45 to 55 Hz Output : 10.0 KVA O/p Voltage: 220/230/240 VAC 3% (User settable) Output Frequency regulation: Free running Mode 50Hz 0.5Hz O/p Voltage Distortion: < 5% (Nonlinear load) ; < 2% (linear load) Output Waveform: Pure Sine wave Output PF: 0.9 Battery Backup: 2 Hours Battery Type: SMF 12V LCD Display: Inbuilt Overload: 120% for 5 min & 150% for 60 sec UPS FOR LCD DISPLAYS Certifications : ISO 9001 and 14001 Certified OEM Technology : Online UPS Input Voltage Range: 160 VAC 300 VAC @ 100% Load, Input Frequency Range : 40 to 70 Hz Output : 3.0 KVA O/p Voltage: 220/230/240 VAC 3% (User settable) Output Frequency regulation: 47.5 ~ 52.5 Hz ( Synchronized with Bypass) 0.5Hz(Free running) O/p Voltage Distortion: < 6% (Nonlinear load) ; < 3% (linear load)
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Output Waveform: Pure Sine wave Output PF: 0.9 Battery Backup: 30 Min Battery Type: SMF 12V LCD Display: Inbuilt Overload: 110% - 130% for 12 sec ; >130% for 1.5 sec 307. 308. Certifications : ISO 9001 and 14001 Certified OEM Technology : Line Interactive Input Voltage Range: 180-260 VAC Input Frequency Range : 47 53 Hz Output : 1.0 KVA O/p Voltage: 220/230/240 VAC 3% (User settable) Output Waveform: Sine wave Battery Backup: 20 Min Battery Type: SMF 12V 309. 310. 311. 312. CONSOLES Shall coordinate with AAI for actual space planning and console to obtain project level approval Bidders submit a floor plan to scale, showing each item being proposed. Elevation and section drawings will be required with dimensions of height, width, and depth in order to determine compliance with the specifications.
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313. 314. 315. 316.

All accessories being proposed need to be shown in drawings. The Console System shall have a proven record of use within the 7x24 mission critical environment, specifically of similar size to this request. Vendor shall demonstrate ISO 9001:2008 certification as a measure of consistent quality and performance Samples of the following material components, which demonstrate workmanship shall be provided upon request: a. Work surface sample with ergonomic nosing. b. Sample panel construction and finish materials. Modules shall be able to be assembled using standard tools . Modules shall be rigid and self-supporting to permit individual removal, relocation or modification of adjacent modules. The Console System shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship and shall carry Life Time Warranty for structural frames, adjustable, sliding or hinged mechanisms or parts etc. REPORTS MODULE Overview: Airport management requires access to accurate, detailed and timely statistics of the airport and air traffic control (ATC). Airport managers and directors need summaries of critical operational metrics. The Reports Module (RM) should provide airport managers with the information and insights they need, organized and processed in a way that supports intelligent and informed decision-making, strategic planning and analysis, and tactical responses to changing conditions. Reports Module must be a comprehensive and integrated suite of Analytical Solutions designed to bring greater business insight to
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broadest audience of users allowing them to have web based selfservice access to relevant and actionable intelligence from relevant airport systems. The solution should support Query, Reporting, Score carding, Dash boarding, and dissemination of information through email. All these need to be provided from a single platform and should be available as a web application 1. The solution should be capable of reading data from a centralized consolidated AODB. This data can be loaded after possible transformation to the reporting database. The solution will be deployed covering all airports in scope. The RM shall cater to optimum number dashboards covering a various reports for analysis including statistics such as (but not limited to): a. all arriving /departing flights, b. baggage handling, c. gate utilization, d. runway utilization, e. passenger volume,


f. traffic analysis,
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g. operation & quality statistics, h. trend analysis of above 3. The Dashboard feature and further requirements are given in the end of this section which the bidder shall fulfil. The reporting solution should be capable of generating consolidated dashboard for airport operations such as average taxi time, airport bay utilization, current bay congestion, aircraft turnaround time, etc. for any particular airport. The system should have provision for displaying consolidation of all these information across configurable no. of multiple airports. The reporting solution should provide various types of analysis of flights adherence to schedule timings like how many flights are on time, how many are delayed by less than 15 min and how many is delayed between 15 min to 1 hour or more. This kind of report is needed per airport as well as across configurable no. of multiple airports. Reporting should include solutions for trend analysis for the above points over a configurable amount of time and airports. The reporting solution should have the capability of providing consolidated Airport Ground Operations Dashboard snapshots like Traffic visualization, runway status, weather conditions,
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etc. 8. In case of RM failure at primary location, it should be available at the secondary location. To eliminate unforeseen load to the AODB, the Reports Module database would be a separate database that contains a copy of the data in the AODB and synchronized at a pre-set frequency interval



The Reporting Module(RM) Platform should be based on an out of the box industry standard reporting tool with industry proven industry acceptance. The solution should provide the ability to create reports based on the business needs of the airports, Dashboarding and Score carding. The reporting application should allow the end users to access on a web browser. The solution should allow end users to visualize logical view of information creating charts, pivot tables, reports, gauges, dashboards etc. The tool should allow users to create reports where they can display rolled-up values. The solution should allow the calculation of the time based special categories eg YTD, QTD, Current Year, Last Year The solution should support the calculation of derived data like
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ratios that is not available in the data source for the purpose of comparison or analysis like Arithmetic (sum, difference, round up or down, etc.), Percentage (% difference, % total, etc.), Analytic (Max, Min, average, etc). 328. 329. The solution should also allow the rollup of the calculated measure after or before calculation eg sum(x/y) and sum(x)/sum(y) The solution should provide the ability to define their own measures for columns when designing a report based on values present in the database. For instance, a report can have a list of all flights operating from an airport and a column that shows the percentage of on-time performance based on a formula that involves ATD, STD and a threshold of tolerance defined by the airport for on-time performance. The solution should support the sharing of a report. It should be possible to export the data or report to spread sheets including graphics and to flat file. The platform should allow the export of the reports into CSV, PDF, XLS, HTML formats. The platform should support the printing of a report on a LAN printer / personal printer. The solution should provide the capability for the users to interact with the RM using rich, interactive, role based, easy to understand web based dashboard providing access to live reports, prompts, charts, tickers, pivot tables and graphics. The RM application should have the capability to create dashboards based on the business needs of the airport
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335. 336.

The platform should support printing of the displayed dashboard as a report. The RM should allow the administrator to manage and monitor the health of the application in the form of reporting & dashboards for the administrator. The dashboard facility should provide for graphical analysis like Metric Dials, Graphs and Charts etc for analysis and monitoring of the metrics. The platform should support for Multi-Channel Report Publishing provided. e.g the solution should provide a scalable reporting server capable of generating richly formatted reports from the database The drill path should be based on business hierarchies that are not necessarily organized in the same manner as in the physical representation in the database. By default, when users drill down, the system must automatically drill to the next level in the business hierarchy. If available in the designed report, users may also select a different drill path to other hierarchies. The platform should support Sorting & Filtering. The platform should allow different levels of nesting to integrate several rows and columns of data. e.g. build analysis by geography and allow to nest analysis by entity and time within a geography It should allow creation of logical grouping of data based on user defined criteria. e.g. pattern matches, value thresholds. The platform should provide scorecards capability.
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344. 345. 346. 347.

It should provide metrics and scorecard facility at a team, function and enterprise level. It should provide dashboard facility with visual features like Metric Dials, Graphs, etc for display and track of metrics It should allow users to easily view the history of both target and actual for each metric. The end user should be able to intuitively interact with the system using multiple delivery channels. This means end users can access relevant analysis channels like web based and mobile access. The platform should provide mission critical scalability and performance with data source specific optimized request generation, optimized data access, intelligent caching and clustering support. The platform should have the ability to authenticate as well as authorize within the application. It should support the reports to be scheduled on basis of time. The Mobile support should be enabled. List down the supported mobile devices. The reports may be scheduled on the basis of occurrence of a business event / business threshold being breached and delivered on mobile devices Dashboard Features i. One of the main requirements of the AODB is to improve the operational management and efficiencies at the airport. AAI understands that the Airports efficiency can only be improved through flexible management of its key
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performance indicators (KPIs) and having an improved awareness of its operational activities. ii. Dashboards provide a centralized, easy-to-handle view of the airports situation, with integrated alerts and communication. As a result the bidder shall develop a dashboard capable of monitoring a complete set of airport Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) using visual graphics and colour-coding techniques. The dashboard will make extensive use of the related airport operation data contained in the AODB and off the shelf dashboard/report generating software. The dashboard shall serve to highlight specific data and allows the user to drill down and inspect specific items. The Dashboard shall have a Graphical User interface which will allow for a browsing style of user interaction in addition to the usual menu-based navigation The Dashboard shall compare current and historical values. The dashboard shall allow for hundreds of users to access the application in parallel without performance degradation of the application. The Dashboard shall provide tools to create additional KPI
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vi. vii.


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and dashboard elements from the AODB. ix. The Dashboard shall have the ability to export the images and data tables. The Dashboard shall have the ability to print the reports with report generation software and off- the shelf standard reports. The bidder shall develop during the project prototype graphical user information (GUI) screens of the dashboard with complete nested drill down views for all of the KPIs and present them as drafts during the Preliminary Design Review (PDR). All final screen views will be finalized and mutually agreed on by the bidder and AAI. A summary of operational and financial dashboard is provided below which are purely indicative in terms of dashboard requirements. Bidder shall offer to develop a dashboard with complete set of KPI areas more than what is given here.




353. 354. Operational Dashboard Delay Analysis by Airline (for both Domestic & International Flights) - Top 3 Delayed Airlines Arrivals; - Top 3 Delayed Airlines Departure Passenger Traffic Trend Analysis Airline wise on-time performance (Actual vs Scheduled) Airline wise Aerobridge Utilization
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355. 356. 357.

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358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376.

Airline wise Flight Cancellation Analysis Time-wise No. of Landings (Morning, Evening etc) Unscheduled Landings Analysis No. of Departures by Airlines Aircraft Turnaround Time - Plan vs. Actual Peak-time Capacity Utilization - Aircraft Turnarounds per hour Baggage Handling Performance Analysis - First Bag/Last Bag Movements per airline and aircraft type Peak Hours and Passenger Counts Security Analysis Contracts Analysis Financial Dashboard Revenue Distribution (Aero, Non-Aero) Airline-wise Revenue breakup Airline/Customer wise Outstanding Payments Top 10 Customers by Revenue Customer Aeging overlaid with Total Revenue Revenue Comparison based on year to year/ quarter to quarter and current month vs previous year month Resource-wise Revenue Analysis (Parking Stand, Aerobridge)
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377. 378. 379. 380.

Space Utilization for Non-Aero Business AIRPORT INTEGRATION LAYER/INTEGRATION LAYER Note: AIL(IL) in the below specifications denotes the product being offered for the Airport Integration Layer. The IL shall be based on an established COTS ESB product. (Please list some client references where the product has been implemented, at least 2 Airport references should be provided). The IL shall have multi-platform support (Windows, Linux, Unix and AIX) The IL shall be based on industry-accepted open standards like Web services (REST and/or SOAP), HTTP, JMS, JDBC etc. (Please elaborate on the standards supported.) The IL shall include a Messaging Oriented Middleware (MOM) supporting multi-platform (Windows, Linux, Unix and AIX) The IL shall support easy and flexible build of new integration components (Describe and rate on a scale of 1 being simple and 5 being difficult how easy it is to use your IL. Consider the amount of coding versus configuration and visual development capabilities utilized within your IL. What types of skills are required?) The IL shall publish version release schedules and notes from time to time. (Describe how often version enhancements to the product are marketed. What is the policy regarding support of older versions once a new version becomes available? Please include a copy of the release notes from your last major release with your response.)
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381. 382.

383. 384.



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The IL shall support high volume transactions, with HA capabilities. (Explain, giving insights into the statistics from production instances) Integration The IL shall natively support web services The IL shall have the capability to support a hub-and-spoke like implementation. The IL shall support connectivity at the protocol level. (Please elaborate on the list of protocols supported) The IL shall support connectivity through JCA adapters (Please list the adapters supported) Messaging shall be supported by the IL (List the types supported (e.g. synchronous, asynchronous, pub/sub, multicast, etc)) The IL shall be capable of supporting a topic based pub-sub architecture or equivalent. The IL shall support routing to multiple recipients. Messages will be delivered on a priority based order followed by a FIFO order for all messages that have the same priority. The IL shall support event-based messaging and triggers. The IL shall support database integration ( List the types of integration with the databases supported) The IL shall support FTP (inbound & outbound) based integration. The IL support email integration.
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387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394.

395. 396. 397. 398.


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399. 400. 401. 402. 403.

The IL shall support file processing, parsing and file based integration. Mediation & Transformation The IL shall support non-XML Message formats, in addition to the XML message formats (List all the formats supported) The IL shall support message transformations The IL shall support XML transformation without the need for coding (through mapping tools). (Please elaborate on how this is achieved) The IL shall support protocol transformation (Please explain the different protocol transformations supported without the need for coding.) The IL shall support the transformation of structured data. The IL shall have support for XPATH The IL shall have support for XQUERY The IL shall handle static, content-based and rule-based message routing.(Please elaborate on how this is supported). The IL shall support message mapping without the need for coding and shall support visual mapping. [ Is the mapping tool sophisticated enough to deal with XML schemas, database table definitions, etc.? Explain. The IL shall at least support XSLT, XQUERY/XPATH based message enrichment. (Including but not limited to: Addition to and
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405. 406. 407. 408. 409.



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editing of message data field values based on rules-based etc.) 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. The IL shall support logging of messages without the need for coding. The IL shall support integration with SCADA based systems. Quality Of Service The IL shall support transaction management (e.g. roll-back ) The IL shall support automatic restart and recovery (i.e. for failed transmissions, in case the recipient is down when the message/ response is being sent) The messaging component within the IL shall have the ability to persist and retransmit data in case of a failed transaction. Integration tooling for development, monitoring & management of IL components The IL shall provide a development toolkit to build new integration components. The toolkit shall provide an integrated testing tool with an integrated test IL runtime to test the integration components developed. The toolkit shall support breakpoints for debugging. The toolkit shall support changing the values at a breakpoint for testing purposes. The IL shall provide accounting and statistics data information that can be collected to record performance and operating details of the
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416. 417. 418. 419.

420. 421. 422.

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integration components execution. (Please elaborate on the support in your IL). 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. Administration, Configuration and Maintenance The IL shall provide graphical user interface for administration and configuration. The IL shall support exporting and storing of the configuration and deployment artefacts in a third party Version Control tool. High Availability The IL shall support both software-based and hardware based HA.(Please elaborate on what features or supported configurations (software based) are available or feasible with the IL in order to realize high availability in a production environment) Security The IL shall support these aspects of security: Authentication, Authorization and Auditing. (Describe the ESB security model exclusive of a separate Security component. Is security administration separate from the IL component?) 430. The IL shall support access to specific functionality, restricted by user roles or identities. (Please explain the hierarchy and how many levels are available. If security is maintained in the application itself, please provide details on any APIs/tools for provisioning the users and roles into the system.) The IL shall support encrypted transmission of messages (Please
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elaborate on the encryption types supported). 432. 433. 434. Integration Compatibility The IL shall provide a framework for developing a comprehensive SOA architecture. The IL shall allow for the development (production of) of web services and minimal coding shall be involved. (Please explain with comments, as to how this is achieved) The IL product used shall have the capability to support design, editing and manipulation of WSDL, through an integrated tooling The IL shall support SOAP based integration, including SOAP/HTTP, SOAP/JMS and SOAP/HTTPS. The IL shall support a topic based publish subscribe architecture. The IL shall support integration with SCADA based systems. NETWORKING INFRASTRUCTURE Generic Requirements Network should meet requirements for various kinds of internal & External airport users at Airport Terminals. Airport Operations: The Airport Operations will have people like as follows: Immigration, Airlines, Surveillance, Passengers etc. All routers, switches and firewall should be from single OEM All routers, switches and firewall should be common criteria EAL3 or higher certified by an international agency.
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445. 446. 447.

Data Center Architecture DC & DR should be state of art design incorporating all the modern technologies and should be highly-available DC & DR sites should be designed to cater the growing need and it should be easily scalable and sustainable as the number of new airports might increase For storage replications between DC and DR site, AAI plans to use Async replication. DC and DR switching architecture should support Servers with 10G and 1G LAN connectivity. Airport LAN Architecture Network Architecture shall be highly reliable to offer 99.9 % uptime with Tier-2 architecture Network should have high performance and low latency (latency number) with Core cum Distribution offering distributed/centralized switching. All the critical network equipment as Core cum Distribution & Access switch-stack, Routers, Firewalls etc. should be offered with Integrated redundant power supply. All these equipment should get feed from alternative power source/ups/power socket. Network should be two-tier Network System architecture: Core cum Distribution and Access-stack. Network system infrastructure should be based on converged IP & VRF technology from the core cum distribution layer and should
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448. 449. 450. 451. 452.


454. 455.


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support MPLS. To support applications like Video,IP surveillance, Voice and other applications the underline network should support Full multicast features like PIM Sparse mode V2 and bidirectional PIM Routing Network system supporting multiple VLANs & VRFs for various categories i.e. Tenant access, Monitoring and Management, Production: Staging, Test and Development, VPN etc. Core cum distribution switch connectivity shall be provided on minimum 1 Gb single mode fiber optic to support up to 10 Km of distance between 2 points at each stage. The proposed Stackable access switch should also support 10G uplink ports for future scalability. For high availability and resiliency number of port asked in the Core cum distribution layer switches should be distributed across two different slots in chassis. Core Switchs should be connected to different distribution switches using 10 Gbps fiber links at wire rate Core switch should support 802.3af PoE Core cum Distribution switch using minimum 1 Nos. of 1 Gbps fiber links to access switches/Switch Stack to offer minimum 2 Gbps connectivity at wire rate Switches shall provide static/dynamic load balancing on the uplinks. All the ports of Access-Stack should be Gigabit (10/100/1000) . The switch port shall be able to dynamically manage power and should
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459. 460.



463. 464. 465.


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provide only the amount of power that is required by the device connecting to it. 466. 467. 468. 469. All the Access-switches should stackable and should be provided with Internal Redundant Power supply. Core switches should be connected multiple/redundant 10 Gig links. to each other using

Access switches should be stacked to each other using dedicated stack cable on dedicated stack port. The Network system shall provide redundant connectivity with recovery and rerouting due to a link or switch failure of less than few seconds. Connectivity between end user equipment and access layer switches over Cat-6 UTP cabling at 1 Gbps. Management The element managers should be provided for respective products that should be able to integrate with leading helpdesk tools. CORE SWITCH - TYPE I The switch should be modular chassis based switch. Should be modular chassis based switch with sufficient Line/payload slots with redundant CPU/Switch fabric. Performance: Dual Redundant Switch Fabric/CPU should offer minimum 2 Tbps switch fabric capacity per switch. There should not be any performance
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478. 479.

480. 481.

degradation in case of any switching/routing engine failure In the event of failure of one switching/routing engine, forwarding should not stop and failover from one engine to other should be stateful The proposed switch should support simply the changes through InService OS upgrade mechanism with a minimal disruption of traffic through upgrade process. Should have in built capability of IP SLA or equivalent functionality The proposed switch should support Netflow or J-flow or equivalent. If it is given as services on a module, at least two of those modules shall be quoted to ensure redundancy of the solution. Should have minimum 650 Mpps forwarding rate Should be capable of 80 Gbps of switching capacity per slot Shall support multi-layer switching, Layer 2 (MAC), Layer 3 (IP address) and Layer 4 (TCP UDP port) switching. . Shall support minimum 4 hardware queues per port for classification and scheduling of network traffic on a packet-by-packet basis Shall support Hot-swappable power supplies, switching modules Layer 1 Features Support for 10/100/1000 BASE-T, 1000 BASE-SX, LX, LH ,ZX GBIC/SFP and 10-Gig SR/LR/ZR Layer 2 Features Shall have Layer 2 switch ports and VLAN trunks Shall have IEEE 802.3 ad Link aggregation and port Trunking across line cards Shall have IEEE 802.1Q VLAN encapsulation with QinQ support.
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of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports Complied/Not Complied Remarks Details of compliance & ref. Page number of attached document



493. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498.

Should support VTP or equivalent protocol to reduce administrative burden of configuring VLANs on multiple switches Should support LLDP( Link Layer discovery protocol ) Should support a mechanism to detect connectivity issues with both fiber and copper cabling. Should support extensive debugging including layer 2 debugging for troubleshooting Should support display and clear MAC address information in MAC Address Table Shall have IEEE compliance for 802.1Q VLAN, 801.2p, 802.1d STP, 802.3ad, 802.1w RSTP, 802.1s MSTP, 802.3ad LACP, IEEE 802.1ab Link Layer Discovery Protocol, 802.1ag, y.1731 Shall have 128,000 MAC addresses Shall have minimum 4000 active VLAN support Layer 3 Features Shall have basic Routing-Static IP routing, RIP v1/v2, RIPng and policy based routing Shall have hardware enabled advance IP routing protocols OSPF, OSPFv3, BGPv4 etc. Shall have VRRP or equivalent for redundancy Shall have IGMP v1, v2, v3 Shall have IP multicast routing protocols PIM Should support multicast features like PIM RP accept filter, PIM neighbor filter, multicast route limit . Should support minimum 64K IPv4 and IPv6 multicast entries
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508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523. 524.

Should support MPLS Provider/Provider Edge functionality Should support MPLS VPN, m VPN, MPLS Class of Service (CoS), VRF-Aware Services Support IPv4, IPv6 VR for both unicast and multicast. MLD Snooping/v1,v2 in hardware QoS Features Shall have sophisticated QoS and Traffic Management Shall have Per-port QoS configuration Support for IEEE 802.1p QoS policies. Support for Diff Serv QoS on all ports Shall support minimum four queues per port in hardware Shall have priority queuing Shall have IP differentiated service code point (DSCP) and IP precedence Shall have classification and marking based on full Layer 3, 4 headers Shall have input and output policing based on Layer 3, 4 headers. Shall support Congestion Avoidance feature High Availability Should be provided with Dual Switching Fabric and any failure of one CPU/Fabric should not result in loss of capacity to 2 Tbps and 650 Mpps per switch 1+1 Redundant Power Supply from day one
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526. 527. 528. 529. 530. 531. 532.

Hot Swap ability on all modules and Power Supply Hot Swappable Fan tray Security: Shall have Filters/Access-List on all ports Shall have 802.1x user authentication Shall have 802.1x accounting Should support port mirroring across the switches to remotely monitor ports in a Layer 2 switch network from any other switch in the same network Should support DHCP snooping to allow administrators to ensure consistent mapping of IP to MAC addresses Should prevents IP spoofing by forwarding only packets that have a source address consistent with the DHCP Snooping table Should be able to shut down Spanning Tree Protocol PortFast-enabled interfaces when BPDUs are received to avoid accidental topology oops Should be able to prevent edge devices not in the network administrator's control from becoming Spanning Tree Protocol root nodes Shall have TACACS+/RADIUS enabled. Shall have SSHv1 , SSHv2, SNMPv1, SNMPv2, SNMPv3 , NTP support Shall have Management Access Filter (Access Policies) Minimum Configuration deliverable 1. Should have minimum 48 x 10/100/1000 Mbps Base-T ports
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533. 534. 535. 536.

537. 538. 539. 540. 541.


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542. 543. 544. 545. 546.

2. Should have 64 Nos. of 10 Gig fully populated with 10G LR non-blocking ports CORE SWITCH-TYPE II Modular chassis based switch. Should be modular chassis based switch with sufficient Line/payload slots with redundant CPU/Switch fabric Performance: Dual Redundant Switch Fabric/CPU should offer minimum 500 Gbps switch fabric capacity per switch. There should not be any performance degradation in case of any switching/routing engine failure Switch should have redundant switching/routing engine, In the event of failure of one switching/routing engine, forwarding should not stop and failover from one engine to other should be state full. Failure of one switching/routing engine should not cause performance degradation of the switch. The proposed switch should support simply the changes through InService OS upgrade mechanism with a minimal disruption of traffic through upgrade process. Should have in built capability of IP SLA or equivalent functionality The proposed switch should support Netflow or J-flow or equivalent. If it is given as services on a module, at least two of those modules shall be quoted to ensure redundancy of the solution. Minimum 200 Mpps forwarding rate Should be capable of 48 Gbps of switching capacity per slot Shall support multi-layer switching, Layer 2 (MAC), Layer 3 (IP address) and Layer 4 (TCP UDP port).
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549. 550.

551. 552. 553.


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554. 555. 556. 557. 558. 559. 560. 561. 562. 563. 564. 565. 566.

Shall support minimum 4 hardware queues per port for classification and scheduling of network traffic on a packet-by-packet basis Layer 1 Features: Support for 100 BASE-FX, 10/100 BASE-TX, 10/100/1000 BASE-T, 1000 BASE-SX, FX,LX, LH GBICs/ SFP and 10-Gig SR/LR/ZR. Layer 2 Features: Shall have Layer 2 switch ports and VLAN trunks Shall have IEEE 802.3 ad Link aggregation and port trunking across line cards Shall have IEEE 802.1Q VLAN encapsulation with Qin Q support Should support VTP or equivalent protocol to reduce administrative burden of configuring VLANs on multiple switches Should support LLDP( Link Layer Discovery Protocol) Should support a mechanism to detect connectivity issues with both fiber and copper cabling. Should support extensive debugging including layer 2 debugging for troubleshooting Should support display and clear MAC address information in MAC Address Table for troubleshooting Shall have IEEE compliance for 802.1Q VLAN, 801.2p, 802.1d STP, 802.3ad, 802.1w RSTP, 802.1s MSTP, ,802.3ad LACP, IEEE 802.1ab, Link Layer Discovery Protocol. Shall have 50,000 MAC addresses Shall have minimum 4000 active VLAN support Layer 3 Features:
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570. 571. 572. 573. 574.

Shall have basic Routing-Static IP routing, RIP v1/v2, RIPng and Policy Based Routing. Shall have hardware enabled advance IP routing protocols OSPF, OSPFv3, BGPv4 etc. Shall have VRRP or equivalent for redundancy Shall have IGMP v1, v2, v3 Should support multicast features like PIM RP accept filter, PIM neighbor filter, multicast route limit . Should support minimum 16K IPv4 and IPv6 multicast entries Support Ipv4 and Ipv6 VR for both unicast and multicast IPv4 and IPv6 support in hardware, providing wire-rate forwarding for IPv6 networks. Should support minimum 512K IPv4 and IPv6 entries. MLD Snooping/v1,v2 in hardware QoS Features: Shall have sophisticated QoS and Traffic Management Shall have Per-port QoS configuration Support for IEEE 802.1p QoS policies. Support for Diff Serv QoS on all ports Shall support minimum 4 queues per port in hardware and 32K Security and QoS Hardware Entries Shall have priority queuing. Shall have IP differentiated service code point (DSCP) and IP precedence
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586. 587. 588. 589. 590.

Shall have classification and marking based on full Layer 3, 4 headers Shall have input and output policing based on Layer 3, 4 headers. Shall support Congestion Avoidance feature High Availability Features: Should be provided with Dual Switching Fabric and any failure of one CPU/Fabric should not result in loss of capacity to 500 Gbps and 200 Mpps per switch 1+1 Redundant Power Supply from day one Hot Swap ability on all modules and Power Supply Hot Swappable Fan tray Security: Shall have Filters/Access-List on all ports Shall have 802.1x user authentication Should support Port Mirroring based on port basis / vlan basis to support intrusion prevention system deployment in different VLANs. Should support port mirroring across the switches to remotely monitor ports in a Layer 2 switch network from any other switch in the same network Should support DHCP snooping to allow administrators to ensure consistent mapping of IP to MAC addresses. Should prevents IP spoofing by forwarding only packets that have a source address consistent with the DHCP Snooping table Should be able to shut down Spanning Tree Protocol PortFast-enabled interfaces when BPDUs are received to avoid accidental topology oops
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591. 592. 593. 594. 595. 596. 597.

598. 599. 600.


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602. 603. 604. 605. 606.

Should be able to prevent edge devices not in the network administrator's control from becoming Spanning Tree Protocol root nodes Shall have TACACS+/RADIUS enabled. Shall have SSHv1 , SSHv2, SNMPv1, SNMPv2, SNMPv3 and NTP support Shall have Management Access Filter (Access Policies) Minimum Configuration deliverable 1. Should have minimum 48 x 10/100/1000 Mbps Base T ports 2. Should have minimum 12 Nos. fully populated 1000 Base LX SFP based ports ACCESS SWITCH Switch should be 1 RU rack mountable stackable in nature with minimum of 8 switches in a stack with single IP management and should have 48 x 10/100/1000 TX ports plus four 1 Gig SX uplinks Minimum Switching capacity of the device should be 136 Gbps. Shall have minimum 101 Mpps throughput Switch should provide stacking speed of 64 Gbps All SFP based ports should be hot swappable Switch should be upgradable to 2 x 10-Gig SR, LR or LRM ports in future which should be hot swappable Switch should support Internal Redundant power supply and hot swappable fan tray. Power supply and fan should be field replaceable. In case of power supply failure single power supply should be able to
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607. 608.

609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614.


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616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. 623. 624. 625.

handle the complete load. Switch should support IEEE Standards of Ethernet: IEEE 802.1d, 802.1s, 802.1w, 802.3ad, 802.3x, 802.1D, 802.1p, 802.1Q, 802.3, 802.3u, 802.3ab, 802.3z, 100Base-T, 1000BASE-T, 1000BASE-X (mini-GBIC/SFP), 1000BASE-SX, 1000BASE-LX/LH, 1000Base-ZX, 10G Base SR, LR, LRM Should support IEEE 802.1Q VLAN encapsulation and up to 255 active VLANs per switch Should support VTP or equivalent protocol to reduce administrative burden of configuring VLANs on multiple switches. Should support LLDP( Link Layer Discovery Protocol) Should support a mechanism to detect connectivity issues with both fiber and copper cabling. Should support extensive debugging including layer 2 debugging for troubleshooting Shall have minimum 8000 MAC Address support Should support DiffServ / TOS Marking & Policing Shall have at least 4 Queues to differentiate and prioritize different applications (Voice / Video / Data) Should Support for IGMP v1, v2 and v3 and IGMP Snooping IPv6 MLDv1 & v2 Snooping, IPv6 Host support (- IPv6 support: Addressing; IPv6: ICMPv6, TCP/UDP over IPv6; Applications: Ping/Traceroute/VTY/SSH/TFTP, SNMP for IPv6 objects), HTTP and HTTP(s) over IPv6, SysLog over IPv6 Should support IEEE 802.1x to allow dynamic, port-based security, providing user authentication
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627. 628. 629. 630. 631. 632. 633. 634. 635. 636.

Should support MAC Address Based Security on per port basis. Should support IEEE 802.1x with VLAN assignment for a dynamic VLAN assignment Should support IEEE 802.1x with voice VLAN permits an IP phone to access the voice VLAN Should support IEEE 802.1x with an ACL assignment for specific identity-based security policies Should support Port-based ACLs (PACLs) for Layer 2 interfaces allow application of security policies on individual switch ports Should have the capability to display and clear MAC address information in MAC Address Table Shpould support unicast MAC filtering to prevents the forwarding of any type of packet with a matching MAC address. Should support SSHv2 , SNMPv3 and NTP to provide network security Should support TACACS+ and RADIUS authentication Should be able to shut down Spanning Tree Protocol PortFast-enabled interfaces when BPDUs are received to avoid accidental topology loops Should be able to prevent edge devices not in the network administrator's control from becoming Spanning Tree Protocol root nodes Should support DHCP snooping to allow administrators to ensure consistent mapping of IP to MAC addresses. Should support multilevel security on console access to prevent unauthorized users from altering the switch configuration Should support 4 Groups of RMON I
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638. 639. 640.


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643. 644.

Should support Port Mirroring based on port basis / vlan basis to support intrusion prevention system deployment in different VLANs. Should support port mirroring across the stack switches to remotely monitor ports in a Layer 2 switch network from any other switch in the same network. Management: Switch shall have out of band management port for configuration and diagnostic purposes and Should support accessibility using Telnet, SSH, Console access, easier software upgrade through network using TFTP etc. Configuration management through CLI, GUI based software utility and using web interface. Minimum Configuration deliverable 1. Should have minimum 48 10/100/1000 Base-T ports with additional 4 Nos. of SPF ports populated with minimum 2 nos. LX/LH modules. 2. Minimum 2 dedicated stacking ports with all accessories for stacking purpose. VPN ROUTER-TYPE I General Specifications: Chassis based & modular architecture with multicore processor for scalability and should be a single box configuration for ease of management. Should support complete Firewall features Should have integrated USB port/flash to provide console and storage for configuration/image Routers should have at least 4 open slots for LAN/ WAN modules

645. 646. 647.

648. 649. 650.

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Routers should support large selective of modular LAN and WAN connectivity options including Gigabit Ethernet and Fast Ethernet, T1/E1, V.35/G.703 Serial, E3 interface modules. Should have extensive debugging capabilities to assist in hardware for problem resolution Should support hardware assisted VPN acceleration. Routers should have integrated redundant power supply Routing protocols should support : IPv4, IPv6, VRRP, Static Routes, RIPv1, RIPv2, OSPFv2, OSPFv3, IS-IS, BGP, BGPv4+, BFD, Policy based routing, IPv4 and IPv6 tunnelling Other Features IGMP v1/v2/v3, PIM-DM/PIM-SM, Source Specific Multicast (SSM) Routers should support AAA using RADIUS or TACACS Routers should support Packet Filters like: Standard ACL and Extended ACL Routers should support Tunnels (GRE, IPSec) Routers should support DES, 3DES, AES encryption Routers should support MD5 authentication
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653. 654. 655. 656.

657. 658. 659. 660.

661. 662. 663.


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664. 665. 666. 4.1. 667. 668. 669.

Routers should support generation of SNMP traps and syslog Routers should support Network address translation (NAT) Quality of Service (QoS) requirements Routers should support Class-based queuing Routers should support marking, policing and shaping Routers should support Voice traffic optimization with features like WRED and QoS Performance Numbers The router should have a minimum performance of 1.8Mpps The router should have a minimum forwarding performance of 200 Mbps with IPSec and firewall features enabled Should support other IP Services like GRE tunneling, ACLs, IPSEC VPNs, Firewalling services Management Features Routers should support Configuration rollback Support for accounting of traffic flows for Network planning and Security purposes
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670. 671. 672.


674. 675. 676.


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Should support extensive support for SLA monitoring for metrics like delay, latency, jitter, packet loss Routers should support Software upgrades Routers should support SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 Extensive debugs on all protocols Shall support Secure Shell for secure connectivity Should have to support Out of band management through Console and an external modem for remote management Pre-planned scheduled Reboot Facility Real Time Performance Monitor service-level agreement verification probes/alerts Minimum Configuration deliverable 1. Should have minimum 4 x 10/100/1000 Base-T ports with an option of 1000 Base-X SFP based ports in minimum of 2 nos. of ports VPN ROUTER-TYPE II General Specifications: Chassis based & modular architecture with multicore processor for scalability and should be a single box configuration for ease of
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678. 679. 680. 681. 682.

683. 684.

685. 686.

687. 688. 689.


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690. 691. 692. 693.

management. Should support complete Firewall features Should have integrated USB port/flash to provide console and storage for configuration/image Routers should have at least 2 open slots for LAN/ WAN modules Routers should support large selective of modular LAN and WAN connectivity options including Gigabit Ethernet and Fast Ethernet, T1/E1, V.35/G.703 Serial, 3G Wireless (Both HSPA and CDMA) interface modules. Should have extensive debugging capabilities to assist in hardware for problem resolution Should support hardware assisted VPN acceleration. Routers should have integrated redundant power supply Routing protocols should support : IPv4, IPv6, VRRP, Static Routes, RIPv1, RIPv2, OSPFv2, OSPFv3, IS-IS, BGP, BGPv4+, BFD, Policy based routing, IPv4 and IPv6 tunnelling Other Features IGMP v1/v2/v3, PIM-DM/PIM-SM, Source Specific Multicast (SSM) Routers should support AAA using RADIUS or TACACS


695. 696. 697. 698.

699. 700. 701.

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Routers should support Packet Filters like: Standard ACL and Extended ACL Routers should support Tunnels (GRE, IPSec) Routers should support DES, 3DES, AES encryption Routers should support MD5 authentication Routers should support generation of SNMP traps and syslog Routers should support Network address translation (NAT) Quality of Service (QoS) requirements Routers should support Class-based queuing Routers should support marking, policing and shaping Routers should support Voice traffic optimization with features like WRED and QoS Performance Numbers The router should have a minimum performance of 280 Kpps The router should have a minimum forwarding performance of 10 Mbps with IPSec and firewall features enabled Should support other IP Services like GRE tunneling, ACLs, IPSEC
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703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 4.2. 709. 710. 711.

712. 713. 714.



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VPNs, Firewalling services 716. 717. 718. Management Features Routers should support Configuration rollback Support for accounting of traffic flows for Network planning and Security purposes Should support extensive support for SLA monitoring for metrics like delay, latency, jitter, packet loss Routers should support Software upgrades Routers should support SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 Extensive debugs on all protocols Shall support Secure Shell for secure connectivity Should have to support Out of band management through Console and an external modem for remote management Pre-planned scheduled Reboot Facility Real Time Performance Monitor service-level agreement verification probes/alerts Minimum Configuration deliverable
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720. 721. 722. 723. 724.

725. 726.


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729. 730. 731.

2. Should have minimum 2 x 10/100/1000 Base-T onboard ports 3. Should have minimum 2 x 10/100 Base-T ports REPLICATION ROUTER General Specifications: Chassis based & modular architecture with multicore processor for scalability and should be a single box configuration for ease of management. Should support complete Firewall features Should have integrated USB port/flash to provide console and storage for configuration/image Routers should have at least 4 open slots for LAN/ WAN modules Routers should support large selective of modular LAN and WAN connectivity options including Gigabit Ethernet and Fast Ethernet, T1/E1, V.35/G.703 Serial, E3 interface modules. Should have extensive debugging capabilities to assist in hardware for problem resolution Should support hardware assisted VPN acceleration. Routers should have integrated redundant power supply Routing protocols should support : IPv4, IPv6, VRRP, Static Routes, RIPv1, RIPv2, OSPFv2, OSPFv3, IS-IS, BGP, BGPv4+, BFD, Policy based routing, IPv4 and IPv6
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732. 733. 734. 735.


737. 738. 739. 740.


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741. 742. 743. 744.

tunnelling Other Features IGMP v1/v2/v3, PIM-DM/PIM-SM, Source Specific Multicast (SSM) Routers should support AAA using RADIUS or TACACS Routers should support Packet Filters like: Standard ACL and Extended ACL Routers should support Tunnels (GRE, IPSec) Routers should support DES, 3DES, AES encryption Routers should support MD5 authentication Routers should support generation of SNMP traps and syslog Routers should support Network address translation (NAT) Quality of Service (QoS) requirements Routers should support Class-based queuing Routers should support marking, policing and shaping Routers should support Voice traffic optimization with features like WRED and QoS Performance Numbers
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745. 746. 747. 748. 749. 750. 4.3. 751. 752. 753.



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755. 756.

The router should have a minimum performance of 1.8Mpps The router should have a minimum forwarding performance of 200 Mbps with IPSec and firewall features enabled Should support other IP Services like GRE tunneling, ACLs, IPSEC VPNs, Firewalling services Management Features Routers should support Configuration rollback Support for accounting of traffic flows for Network planning and Security purposes Should support extensive support for SLA monitoring for metrics like delay, latency, jitter, packet loss Routers should support Software upgrades Routers should support SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 Extensive debugs on all protocols Shall support Secure Shell for secure connectivity Should have to support Out of band management through Console and an external modem for remote management


758. 759. 760.


762. 763. 764. 765. 766.

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767. 768.

Pre-planned scheduled Reboot Facility Real Time Performance Monitor service-level agreement verification probes/alerts Minimum Configuration deliverable 1. Should have minimum 4 x 10/100/1000 Base-T ports with an option of 1000 Base-X SFP based ports in minimum of 2 nos. of ports FIREWALL Architecture: The appliance based security platform should be capable of providing firewall and VPN functionality simultaneously. The security appliance should have at least 8 GE interfaces and should have at least 2 nos. of 10 GE S Should have a minimum 2 nos.10/100/1000 Base-T interface for outof-band management purpose. Should also have a USB port for storage of configuration and security credentials. The platform should be based on real time, secure, embedded operating system The appliance should have in-built support for IPSec VPNs with DES, 3DES, AES (128 & 256bit) encryption. High Availability Support Requirements: The platform should support Stateful failover to prevent session losses for firewall operation. Should support Active/Standby or Active/Active failover mode.
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769. 770.

771. 772. 773. 774. 775.

776. 777. 778. 779. 780.


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782. 783. 784.

785. 786. 787. 788. 789. 790. 791. 792. 793. 794. 795.

Should support LAN based failover option to support geographic separation of the appliance within the campus for higher availability using standard based VRRP.. On power up the platform should use built-in system monitoring & diagnostics before going online to detect failure of hardware. IKE keepalive should be supported that allows the devices to detect a dead remote peer for IPSec redundancy. The software on the platform should support online software reconfiguration to ensure that changes made to a platform configuration take place with immediate effect. It should have redundant power supply. Performance Requirements: The security appliance should support firewall throughput of at least 10 Gbps .The appliance should support VPN throughput of 2 Gbps Should support at least 2,000,000 concurrent connections scalable to 6,000,000. Should support at least 100,000 connections per second Should support VPN performance of atleast 10 Gbps and should support upto 7000 tunnels. The security appliance should support at least 255 Virtual LANs. The security appliance should support virtual firewalls for logical segregation of traffic flows. Feature Requirements: Should support RIP Version 2, and OSPF routing protocols. Should support MD5 based authentication for both RIP and OSPF
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796. 797. 798. 799. 800. 801. 802. 803.

Should support DHCP server & DHCP Relay Agent functionality The platform should support for Static & Dynamic Network Address Translation and also Port Address Translation Should support NAT Transparency Should support AES 128, 192 and 256 bit key sizes The appliance should support VLAN and 802.1Q Tagging Should have IPv6 networking feature. Should support dual stack of IPv4 and IPv6. Should support IPv6 ACL to implement security policies for IPv6 traffic. Should support layer 2 transparent firewall modes where both side of the firewall should belong to the same IP subnet, While the firewall is working in layer 2 transparent mode, it should still provide layer 2-7 security services and should protect the system from network layer attacks. Should support access control based on layer 2 ether type field to enable security implementations at layer 2. Should support IP Multicast through IGMP and PIM to support secure real-time multicast application which will have to pass through the firewall. The firewall will have to provide QoS service to ensure guaranteed bandwidth, delay and jitter for real-time and mission critical traffic like voice over other non-mission critical traffic. Should support dynamic downloading and enforcement of ACLs on a per-user basis once the user is authenticated with the device . The security appliance should be able to protect the port-80 misuse to block applications such as Instant Messaging like yahoo messenger,
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804. 805.


807. 808.


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809. 810.

MSN messenger etc. Should be able to block popular peer-to-peer applications like Kaaza. Should be able to inspect HTTP and FTP traffic when these are deployed using non-standard ports i.e. when HTTP is not using port TCP/80 and FTP is not using port TCP/21. Should support the following HTTP security services - RFC compliance, protocol anomaly detection, protocol tracking, Should support the following FTP security services - protocol anomaly detection, protocol tracking, NAT and PAT support, and dynamic port opening & closing. The appliance should have the capability to enforce what operations users and groups can perform within FTP sessions. Should support IPv6 application inspection for HTTP,FTP Should support the following H.323 security services/alg H.323 v3 & v4 with Direct Call Signaling, NAT & PAT support for H.323 services. Should support the following SIP security services/alg ability to secure both UDP and TCP based SIP environments, NAT & PAT based address translation support for SIP phones. Should support inspection of H.323 and SIP voice traffic Should support TCP stream reassembly and analysis, TCP traffic normalization, flag and option checking, TCP packet checksum verification services. Should be able to protect ARP spoofing attacks at layer 2 by ARP inspection to prevent malicious users from impersonating other hosts. Should support HTTP, HTTPS and FTP filtering. Should support Java and Active-x filtering. Should support time based access list to control the usage of application and resources based on time parameters.
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811. 812.

813. 814. 815.

816. 817.

818. 819. 820.


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823. 824. 825. 826. 827.

Should support checking of incoming /outgoing connections against a dynamic database of known bad domain names and IP addresses, and then logs any suspicious activity. Appliance should support SNMP v3 for secure network management and Netflow / Jflow (or equivalent) to provide administrators with more comprehensive event logging information Should be EAL3 or above certified Minimum Configuration deliverable Should have minimum 4 x 1 GE ports and 2 x 10 GE ports AAA SERVERS AAA Server should provide authentication services to all the users connecting to the network, should enforce security policies on the end stations. Should offer centralized command and control for all user authentication, authorization, and accounting from a Web-based, graphical interface, and distribute those controls to hundreds or thousands of access gateways in the network. Should provide the manageability and administration of user access through network devices like: routers, switches, firewalls, VPNs, voice over IP (VoIP) and wireless solutions using IEEE 802.1x access control Should control administrator access and configuration for all RADIUS enabled network devices in network. AAA server should provide Automatic service monitoring, database synchronization, and importing of tools for large-scale deployments. Should have support for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and Open
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832. 833. 834. 835. 836. 837. 838. 839. 840.

Database Connectivity (ODBC) user authentication Support Flexible 802.1X authentication type, including Extensible Authentication Protocol Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS), Protected EAP (PEAP), LEAP, EAP-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling (EAP-FAST), and EAP-Message Digest Algorithm 5 (EAP-MD5) Support downloadable access control lists for any Layer 3 device, including Routers, Firewalls, and VPNs Support restrictions such as time of day and day of week, as well as user and device group profiles. Device command set authorization Network access restrictions User and administrative access reporting Restrictions such as time of day and day of week User and device group profiles Should have a Web-based user interface to simplify and distribute configuration for user profiles, group profiles. Should be able to support large networked environments with support for redundant servers, remote databases, and user database backup services Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) authentication forwarding support for authentication of user profiles stored in directories from leading directory vendors, including Sun, Novell, and Microsoft Windows Active Directory and Windows NT database support to consolidate Windows username and password management and uses
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844. 845. 846.

the Windows Performance Monitor for real-time statistics viewing. Different access levels for each AAA Server administrator-and the ability to group network devices-enable easier control and maximum flexibility to facilitate enforcement and changes of security policy administration over all the devices in a network. The proposed AAA Server should be used across virtually any network access server from the same vendor. Router/Switch Software command authorization Should offer token server support for any One-Time Password vendor that provides an RFC-compliant RADIUS interface (such as RSA/Secure Computing) Should also provide dynamic quotas for time-of-day, network use, number of logged sessions, and day-of-week access restrictions Should act as a policy decision point in Policy Control deployments using an external device. Using policies that are configured, it should evaluate the credentials sent to it by Host Agent, determine the state of the host, and send the AAA client ACLs that are appropriate to the host state. Evaluation of the host credentials should enforce many specific policies, such as OS patch level and antivirus DAT file version. Policies should be evaluated locally by AAA Server or can be the result returned from an external policy server to which the AAA Server forwards credentials. Should allow administrators to classify access requests according to network location, membership in a network device group, protocol type, or other specific RADIUS attribute values sent by the network device through which the user connects. Authentication, access control, and authorization policies should be mapped to specific profiles. It should either be an appliance based solution or a software based
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847. 848.




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851. 852. 853. 854. 855. 856. 857. 858. 859. 860.

solution installable on a server NMS General Specification The NMS should be capable of managing a large network of Wide Area networking devices. It should provide for the following functions: WAN/MAN monitoring Troubleshooting Traffic management Access control Device View Complete topology of network in single window It should give a graphical Web-based view for managing all network node elements and provide for real time device status and operational and configuration functions, all from a standard Web browser. Should be capable of managing networks including Layer 2 device and connectivity discovery, workflow application-server discovery and management, detailed topology views, virtual and end-station tracking, Layer 2 and 3 path-analysis tools, and IP phone user and path information Should quickly identifies the port level discrepancies and provide the ability to automatically fix the problem. Should allow the user to customize views into network management application functionality or choose one of default. Provide real-time, detailed fault analysis with trap forwarding, trap generation, and email notifications capabilities.
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862. 863. 864.


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865. 866. 867.



870. 871. 872. 873. 874.

Should be able to configure, manage and monitor VLAN for the access location LAN with the switches and routers. Should support automated updates for device software and configuration changes on a scheduled basis It should provide analytical information about when WAN characteristics are not being achieved and help administrator take corrective action for the same. It should provide for graphical reporting of real-time and historical trends for WAN networks along with sophisticated analysis of network usage, performance, and application response times. It should provide for important inventory baseline information including memory slots, software versions, and boot ROMs needed to make decisions about the network. It should provide for a comprehensive change-monitoring log for the purpose of recording users and applications active on the network. Should support management of the configuration of network Should be able to be integrated with other NMS applications Single installation of the NMS must support at least 5000 networking devices. Should be able to implement application-based policies defined based on an applications requirements such as latency tolerance or time-ofday/day-of month requirements. Application to be identified by information within a traffic flow Differentiation can be based on: Ether-type, VLAN ID, 802.1p, Soursc of Destination Port Number, Source or Destination IP Address, Pre-marked DSCP, Protocol Type, Type of Service, URL, and Deep Packet Filters. Complete reporting status for policies deployed throughout.
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877. 878.

879. 880. 881.

Should support User Based Policies, Policies specifically configured to control user network access and resource access at the entry point of the network. User Based policies may be QoS and/or security policies. User based policies can be applied on an individual user or on a group/ department of users. Should be able to define how much bandwidth an application should be allowed in terms of a committed rate and burst size. Should provide scalability and reliability for large networks and interoperate with various management standards, including DiffServ, IEEE 802.1p, COPS-PR and LDAP. A close-loop analysis function should help verify that the policies are delivering desired results. Supports policies for access control, based on user profile and RADIUS authentication. Centralized Access Point Management: Provides networking security, QoS, RF management and roaming for controlled access points, Centralized Software updates, RF prediction, policy provisioning, network optimization, troubleshooting, user tracking, security monitoring, capability to create customizable attack signature files that can be used to rapidly detect common RF-related attacks, such as denial of service (DoS), Netstumbler, and FakeAP, and wireless LAN systems management. Policy creation and enforcement - to easily create virtual LAN (VLAN), RF, quality of service policies, security policies, network topology maps, Customized reports etc Support Indoor and Outdoor Mesh APs using single Controller and NMS and Access Points listing by location or SSIDs
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Should support power management to turn on / off access point radios periodically at scheduled intervals while leaving the access point powered Flexible Topology: Access points connect to the WLAN Security Switches at Layer 2 or 3. Should support tools to show the Air Quality at the access point and identify the RF interferes that are affecting the client device. Should support a customised dashboard that displays current / historical information about wireless air quality, RF interference events, and security alerts. The dashboard should include: Air Quality summary Network areas with the worst RF conditions Recent security risk interferes Power over Ethernet: 802.3af compliant to provide power to access points directly connected to the switch. Latest Security Standards: Supports standards such as WPA, WPA2, BO2, 111/802.1x with WEP, Dynamic: WEP, TKIP, CCMP, EAPTLS, TTLs and PEAP, PEAP-TLS. User-based Policies: Enforces security and QoS policies based on individual user or group identify not their device, initial access point or physical port. Virtual Service Groups: Can support up to 32 independent service domains over a single infrastructure. Each service group can have its own VLAN, subnet, AAA server(s), security and QoS policies,
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885. 886. 887.

888. 889.




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Captive Portals: Each virtual service group can be assigned their own authentication portal that can be customized with unique messages or advertisements. Guest Access Provisioning: A streamlined application equips front desk personnel with the ability to quickly issue temporary guest IDs. AAA Management: Can enforce multiple authentication options including client MAC address, 802.1x or web-based authentication with local or RADIUS based AAA. Plug-in-lay/Plug-in-Grow: Recognizes new access dynamically incorporates them into the WLAN system. points and

893. 894.

895. 896. 897. 898.

Performance report of controller, location server, radio utilization and transmit power and channel. Monitoring and Reporting: Provides detailed statistics on RF and user activity. Rogue Access Point protection: In addition to identifying, classifying and locating rogue APs, the system an alert administrators, monitor to APs activity and even contain the threat by orchestrating an RF attach from neighbouring access points. Wireless Threat Protection: Protects against RF attacks using a built-in signature database. If a threat is identified, administrators are alerted along with the location of the threatening device. Management system should automatically discover individual devices within a wireless network. This eliminates the need for manual database configuration and maintenance, and provides accurate
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information for capacity planning and troubleshooting purposes 901. 902. 903. 904. 905. 906. 907. 908. 909. 910. LINK LOAD BALANCER Hardware Should be appliance based solution with purpose built hardware and dual power supply. Intel based Quad core CPU with 8 GB RAM to support multiple features and load balancing functions. The appliance should have minimum 4 triple speed gigabit 10/100/1000 copper ports. The appliance should have 3 Gbps of system throughput and scalable to 4 gbps on same appliance. Should provide 2M concurrent connections and sclable to 4M. Load balancing Features Support for multiple internet links in Active-Active load balancing and active-standby failover mode. Should support Outbound load balancing algorithms like round robin, Weighted round robin, shortest response, target proximity / dynamic detection. Should support inbound load balancing algorithms like round robin, Weighted round robin, target proximity /dynamic detection. Should support Static NAT, Port based NAT and advanced NAT for transparent use of multiple WAN / Internet links. IPV6 support with IPv6 to IP4 and IPv4 to IPv6 translation and full IPv6 support. In case of link failure, device should detect it in less than 30 seconds and divert the traffic to other available links.
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911. 912. 913. 914.

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916. 917. 918. 919. 920. 921. 922. 923. 924.

Shall provide individual link health check based on physical port, ICMP Protocols, user defined l4 ports and destination path health checks. Should provide mechanism to bind multiple health checks, support for Application specific VIP health check and next gateway health checks. Should support persistency features i.e. RTS (return to sender) and ip flow persistence. High Availability and Cluster Should provide comprehensive and reliable support for high availability based on Per VIP based Active-active & active standby unit redundancy mode. Statefull session failover with Connection mirroring support Appliance should not have any limitations for connection mirroring Should support USB based FFO link to synchronize configuration at boot time of HA Support for multiple communication links for real time configuration synchronizations including HA group, gateway health check, decision rules, SSF sessions etc.. and heartbeat information Must have support for secondary communication link for backup purpose Should support floating IP address and group for statefull failover support. Appliance must have support 256 floating IP address for a floating group should support built in failover decision conditions including unit failover, group failover and reboot should also have option to define customized rules for gateway health check - the administrator should able to define a rule to inspect the
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925. 926.

927. 928.


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929. 930.

931. 932. 933.

status of the link between the unit and a gateway Configuration synchronization at boot time and during run time to keep consistence configuration on both units. Should support global load balancing algorithms like global round robin (grr), VIP based weighted global round robin, global connection overflow, global least connections, IP overflow, Proximity etc., Security and Application Performance Should provide performance optimization using TCP connection multiplexing, TCP buffering and IEEE 802.3ad link aggregation. should support TCP optomization options including windows sacling, timestamp & Selective Acknowledgement for enhanced TCP transmission speed. TCP optimization option configuration must be defined on per virtual service basis not globaly. optional software based compression for HTTP based application,SSL acceleration and high speed HTTP processing on same appliance. Should support QOS for traffic prioritization, CBQ , borrow and unborrow bandwidth from queues. Should provide QOS filters based on port and protocols including TCP, UDP and ICMP Protocols. Should support rate shaping for setting user defined rate limits on critical application. should support integrated firewall module to protect the device itself from network based DOS and DDOS attacks. Appliance should have security features like reverse proxy firewall, Syn-flood and dos attack protection features from the day of installation .
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934. 935. 936. 937. 938. 939. 940.


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941. 942. 943. 944. 945. 946.

Centralized Management Must provide single window centralized management for SSLVPN, Application load balancer and link load balancer. Must be appliance based centralized management solution in HA mode not software based . Management appliance should have 4GB memory and 4*10/100/1000 copper ports Visibility to quickly identify and isolate performance problems in the application, device or network problems Real time monitoring, over 30 different types of Layers 2-7 system status and traffic graphs with simultaneous views of multiple graphs for each managed device Perform software upgrades, rollback and patches on one or more devices. Reuse configuration templates between similar devices or device groups should provide role based administration with different privilege levels with audit logs for troubleshooting and compliance The appliance should provide detailed logs and graphs for real time and time based statistics load balancer appliance must support multiple configuration files with 2 bootable partitions for better availability and easy upgrade / fallback. The system should support led warning and system log alert for failure of any of the power and CPU issues SERVER LOAD BALANCER Hardware Should be appliance based solution with high performance purpose built hardware.
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948. 949. 950. 951. 952. 953. 954.


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955. 956. 957. 958. 959.

960. 961. 962.

The appliance should have 4 GB RAM for support for multiple load balancing functions The appliance should have minimum 4 triple speed 10/100/1000 Mbps gigabit copper ports The appliance should have 1.5 Gbps of throughput and scalable to 2.3 Gbps without any additional hardware Should have minimum 500,000 concurrent connection and scalable to 1M on same appliance. Appliance should provide full ipv6 support and OEM should be IPv6 gold-certified. OEM should be listed vendor for ipv6 phase-2 certification. Load balancing Features The appliance should support layer 2 to layer 7 load balancing The appliance should support server load balancing algorithms i.e. round robin, weighted round robin, least connection, Persistent IP, Hash IP, Hash Cookie, consistent hash IP, shortest response, proximity, snmp, SIP session ID, hash header etc. Should support one arm, reverse and transparent proxy mode deployment scenarios and should support nested layer7 and l4 policies. Should maintain server persistency based on source ip and destination IP, http header, URL, cookie and SSL ID. The appliance should support multi port, scripted and custom health check with content verification Should provide application & server health checks for well known protocols i.e. ARP, ICMP, TCP, DNS, RADIUS, HTTP/HTTPS, RTSP etc.. The appliance should have and/or relationship to check various
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963. 964. 965. 966.



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968. 969. 970. 971. 972. 973. 974. 975. 976. 977.

dependencies for the application delivery should support layer4 and layer 7 load balancing for HTTP/HTTPS, FTP/FTPS, SIP, RTSP , RDP, TCP, TCPS and UDP protocols Should support grace full shut down of real services Clustering and failover Should provide comprehensive and reliable support for high availability based on Per VIP based Active-active & active standby unit redundancy mode. Statefull session failover with Connection mirroring support Appliance should not have any limitations for connection mirroring Should support USB based FFO link to synchronize configuration at boot time of HA should have support for secondary communication link for backup purpose Support for multiple communication links for realtime configuration synchronizations including HA group, gateway health check, decision rules, SSF sessions etc.. and heartbeat information Should have support for secondary communication link for backup purpose Should support floating IP address and group for statefull failover support. Appliance should have support 256 floating ip address for a floating group should support built in failover decision conditions including unit failover, group failover and reboot should also have option to define customized rules for gateway health check - the administrator should able to define a rule to inspect the
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978. 979.

980. 981.


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982. 983. 984.

985. 986.

status of the link between the unit and a gateway Configuration synchronization at boot time and during run time to keep consistence configuration on both units. The appliance should have software based site selection feature to provide global load balancing features on same appliance Should support global load balancing algorithms like global round robin (grr), VIP based weighted global round robin, global connection overflow, global least connections, IP overflow, Proximity etc., SSL Features should provide Secure online application delivery using hardwarebased high performance SSL acceleration with minimum 700Mbps of SSL throughput and 5,000 ssl TPS The appliance should support Certificate format as "OpenSSL/Apache, *.PEM", "MS IIS, *.PFX", and "Netscape, *.DB". The appliance should have additional hardware card to perform the SSL offloading / acceleration for 1024 and 2048 bit certificates. The appliance should support use of password protect Certificate/Private Key backup/restore to/from local disk or remote TFTP server, and through WebUI The appliance should support Self generates CSR (Certificate Signing Request), self-signed Certificate and private key for specified host. The appliance should support customization for SSL Error pages. The appliance should support HTTP to HTTPS location header rewrite for enhanced application delivery support The appliance should have end to end ssl support to act as a SSL Server and/or as SSL Client Should support client certificate verification, certificate bases access
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987. 988. 989.

990. 991. 992. 993. 994.


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995. 996. 997.

control, CRL's (HTTP, FTP ,LDAP) and OSCP protocol Security and Application Acceleration Should provide performance optimization using TCP connection multiplexing, TCP buffering and IEEE 802.3ad link aggregation. should support TCP optimization options including windows scaling, timestamp & Selective Acknowledgement for enhanced TCP transmission speed. TCP optimization option configuration should be defined on per virtual service basis not globally. Appliance should provide real time Dynamic Web Content Compression to reduce server load. should provide selective compression for Text, HTML, XML, DOC, Java Scripts, CSS, PDF, PPT, and XLS Mime types. should provide have provision to define policy to skip compression for selected trouble URL (RegEx, Web Objects) for the specified Virtual. should provide Advanced high performance memory/packet based Web cache; fully integrated with HTTP/HTTPS should provide support for customized cache rules including max object size, TTL objects, refresh time interval etc.. should provide detailed cache access statistics based on ip or http hosts should support cache refresh with CLI, XML-RPC input commands and "PURGE" request The appliance should support transparent, layer 7 proxy and triangular mode support The appliance should support L7 rule based application firewall to protect the internal applications within base license
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998. 999. 1000. 1001.

1002. 1003. 1004. 1005. 1006. 1007.


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1009. 1010. 1011. 1012. 1013.

Appliance should have security features like reverse proxy firewall, Syn-flood and dos attack protection features from the day of installation . Centralized Management should be purpose built appliance based management and monitoring solution not software based Management appliance should have 4GB memory and 4*10/100/1000 copper ports Visibility to quickly identify and isolate performance problems in the application, device or network problems Real time monitoring, over 30 different types of Layers 2-7 system status and traffic graphs with simultaneous views of multiple graphs for each managed device Perform software upgrades, rollback and patches on one or more devices. Reuse configuration templates between similar devices or device groups should provide role based administration with different privilege levels with audit logs for troubleshooting and compliance The appliance should provide detailed logs and graphs for real time and time based statistics load balancer appliance should support multiple configuration files with 2 bootable partitions for better availability and easy upgrade / fallback. The system should support led warning and system log alert for failure of any of the power and CPU issues KVM It should have a minimum of 16 ports.
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1015. 1016. 1017.

1018. 1019. 1020.


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1021. 1022. 1023. 1024. 1025. 1026. 1027. 1028.

It should support minimum of two remote users and one local user at each switch. This switch should have the following functionalities. It should take control of servers at BIOS Level It should facilitate both in-band & out-of band access. It should have dedicated 2 ports to integrate with intelligent power strips to reset power of remote device at port level. Remote console level access of both Servers and serial devices such as routers.. Should support IPV6 It should have facility to integrate with secure management devices. It should support Virtual media enables remote USB connections and support for smart card/CAC readers. Shall have 2 gigabit Ethernet ports and support 10/100/1000Mbps. Virtual Media Support of multiple media including .iso image files Shall have redundant power supplies installed. 19 inch rack mountable design. Browser based Management for both remote and local using standard browsers on Windows and/or Linux. Should support display resolution of 1600 X 1200 or better. Single window access to all the equipment connected to the switch, equipment access logs, and event history and should send email alerts based on log details as triggers. Absolute mouse synchronization.
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1029. 1030. 1031. 1032. 1033. 1034. 1035.



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1037. 1038.

1039. 1040. 1041.

To connect all the ports of the supplied KVM switches to servers / network elements, the required cables / accessories should be provided. The connectivity between the KVM and servers should be UTP using a compatible server interface module with dual USB and has to support BIOS level virtual media. Compliance from Approved Agency: UL, FCC, cUL, CE, VCCI,CTick, CB Management Software The management software should provide unified, secure access to KVM, serial and power ports of Data Centre devices via a Web browser. The centralized management software can be installed on dedicated Physical or virtual server having specific operating system providing the administrator to put restrictions onto the server as per policies and manage it. The software should work have open editable database. Centralized management software should provide Hub and Spoke architecture allows for high availability and distributed access across locations. Hub and spoke architecture based solution for failover and replication of management database across locations It should provide policy and security based management of users and devices connected to KVM It should be able to assign specific node access to a specific user. It should allow the administrator to access, manage and view all equipment, users and access permissions from a single remote device. It should be able to integrate and manage the Virtual infrastructure.
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1043. 1044.

1045. 1046. 1047. 1048.


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1049. 1050.




1054. 1055.

Should allow to integrate the RDP,VNC viewer, telnet and SSH services to access the target servers and network appliances over IP. The system should provide the ability to monitor and measure the power consumption of the datacenter. Generate reports on the power consumption, comparative reports between individual racks, rows of racks or a data center as well. Also The system should provide the ability to calculate the cost of power consumption by a rack, a row of racks or the data center as a whole in different currency values like US$ and INR The Management software should natively integrate with ESX servers, VMware Virtual Infrastructure, including Virtual Centre and Virtual Machines and Citrix Zen virtual servers provide the ability to manage them. It should provide a federated view of the virtual servers The system should easily integrate with the existing security infrastructure, authenticating against our internal or external standardsbased services. Integration with LDAP, NT /AD, TACACS+, RADIUS and RSA Secure ID is required It should support Virtual Media Deny, View and Control access policies. Centralized management software will provide Access Control List (ACL) and role segmentation for target equipment including Virtual media access to individual server. Should be able to create unlimited users and allow a minimum of ten concurrent users. It should log user activities (login/logout, connect/disconnect), configuration changes at both appliance and managed devices, and status changes of the connected appliances. All of these logs should be forwarded to a network management system or enterprise notification system via SNMP or syslog.
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1056. 1057. 1058. 1059. 1060. 1061. 1062. 1063.

Shall have security features that enable integration with Active Directory or any other external authentication tools. Flexible session time-outs. It should allow: TCP/IP, HTTP/HTTPS, SSL, DNS, and LDAP/LDAPS through network interfaces. It should be able to do Auto-discovery with devices connected for their availability status, and alarms. Shall have flexible logging and reporting options with audit trails for diagnostics and troubleshooting. Shall support viewing and management of active user sessions and active ports in real time. Shall support authentication mechanism in active-active mode on a hub and spoke architecture. The system should have the ability to measure and collect historic data per rack, based on power consumed over period of time with graphical reports on Kilowatt per hour. Should allow clients with all standard operating systems including Windows 2003/2008 Server/XP, Windows Vista, RHEL AS 5.0 and Fedora Core 4 NIPS General/Architecture NIPS shall be appliance based. No external Load balancers should be required The NIPS shall detect unauthorized internal/external intrusion attempts into the data centers of Chennai & Kolkata site and shall be able to drop attack packets so as to prevent such attacks. Should allow stopping internet devices known to have malicious code
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1065. 1066.




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1069. 1070. 1071.


1073. 1074. 1075.

1076. 1077. 1078.

from accessing their internal networks. It can also prohibit access from internal assets to known malware depots, based on DNS or IP address intelligence The NIPS should provide Zero-Day-Threat-Coverage protection against new threats before vulnerabilities are disclosed to the public NIPS system should provide protection for minimum 4 Gigabit inline Segments in a single Device The NIPS shall be capable to operate in a highavailability mode. The HA should support active-active as well as active-passive configurations. In the event of full power loss to the NIPS Platform, the interfaces should switch over to the internal (where available) or external relay allowing all traffic to pass unimpeded NIPS system should support MPLS and 802.1 Q tagged VLAN environment. IPS system should be capable to scan VLAN tagged frames bi-directionally for malicious content. NIPS Device should have minimum 8 X 1GE copper/Fiber Ports and 6 x 10 G port or more The appliance should have separate dedicated Ethernet interface for management console. None of the monitoring ports should be used for this purpose. Should have out-of-band management NIPS device should support redundant power supply Performance NIPS Device should have minimum 5 Gigabit IPS (Signature Inspection) performances and should be capable of scaling up to 10 Gb/s on single device. NIPS throughput should be measured in Blocking mode not in forwarding mode
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1080. 1081. 1082. 1083. 1084. 1085. 1086. 1087. 1088. 1089. 1090. 1091. 1092. 1093. 1094. 1095. 1096.

The NIPS should support 1.5 Million concurrent Sessions or more The proposed IPS should provide intrusion prevention functionality out of the box, with 1500 plus filters enable in blocking mode by default The IPS should be capable of passing packets through a complete packet inspection at Layers 2-7 with a latency of less than 100 msec. Network protections Protect against DoS / DDoS flood attacks using behavioral analysis technology NIPS system should have Signatures for Virus, worms, backdoors, Trojans & malwares signatures developed in-house to avoid dependency on third party for signatures updates NIPS should have SYN flood protection NIPS should have protection for Zero day attack mitigation Protect against zero-minute malware spread Protect against port scanning, host scanning and ping sweeps It should have reputation engine inside with malware URL feed Should be able to correlate threat data from IPS with web app vulnerability data from web application assessment tools.. NIPS should have data leakage features and inspect and block unwanted and sensitive content disclosure across multiple protocols. The NIPS should have inbuilt signatures for this purpose. NIPS should employ full seven-layer protocol analysis of over 150 internet protocols and data file format. Must be able to detect IPv6 attacks. NIPS should recognize/ cover both IPV 4 and IPV 6 addresses NIPS should have provision for prevention against SSL based Attack Should provide protection against shell command injections in content types like PDF, Ms Word, Excel, Power point and MS Dot net
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1097. 1098. 1099. 1100. 1101. 1102. 1103. 1104. 1105. 1106. 1107. 1108. 1109. 1110. 1111. 1112. 1113.

intermediate language DLL file. Zero day attack protections Protect against HTTP Page flood attacks Protect against Brute force attacks Protect against web application vulnerability scanning Protect against VoIP service misuse attacks Protect against connection flood attacks NIPS system should have Access control list, which can define black and whitelist. Should provide Web application security and Web Browser Exploit Prevention. Should be able to identify and pre-empt injection attack by totaling and scoring specific key words and symbols in web request. This scoring should be customizable Has a built-in Injection Logic Engine Block attacks on SQL injection, LDAP injection, XML/Path language injection, JAVA script object notation (JSON) hijacking, Cross site request forgery attacks. (CSRF). Should provide protection against shell command injections in network protocols like HTTP, SMTP, IMAP, POP, IRC, FTP, DNS, Finger and RPC Security policies Security policies per segment Security policies per VLAN Security policies per Source/ Destination subnet Actions on Attack Detection
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1114. 1115. 1116. 1117. 1118. 1119. 1120. 1121. 1122. 1123. 1124. 1125. 1126. 1127. 1128. 1129. 1130. 1131.

Block attacks in real time Drop Attack Packets Reset Connections Packet Logging Bandwidth Management Integrated bandwidth management and traffic shaping to provision dedicated bandwidth and burst bandwidth, enabling full control and optimization of application performance and SLAs. Rate shaping capability for provisioning Guaranteed and burst bandwidth Alerts Alerting SNMP Log File Syslog E-mail Security Maintenance NIPS Should support 24/7 Security Update Service NIPS Should support Real Time signature update NIPS Should support Automatic signature synchronization from database server on web NIPS Should support large number of Provision to add static own attack signatures Device Management & Reporting
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1132. 1133. 1134. 1135. 1136. 1137. 1138. 1139. 1140. 1141. 1142. 1143.

NIPS system should have Centralized configuration, management & Reporting Management station should provide extensive event logging. Should provide GUI interface for configuration & reporting Should provide HTTP / HTTPS interface management Should provide SSH / Telnet / CLI interface Should support SNMP V1, V2c, V3 OEM's Base & Warranty NIPS OEM Should be present in India for min. 5 Yrs NIPS OEM should have their own Technical Assistant Centre 24/7 online Tel./remote support in India/abroad and R&D Center in India/abroad. NIPS OEM should have of certified engineers in India for Onsite support HIPS Support available for the following operating systems: Microsoft Windows Solaris(SPARC) Red Hat Enterprise Linux SuSE Linux Enterprise Server HP-UX AIX


Supports installation in VMware ESX guest OS

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1145. 1146. 1147. 1148. 1149.

Supports automated/remote agent installation & upgradation Employs full, seven-layer, state-based protocol decoding and analysis Protects Web applications by inspecting SSL-encrypted HTTP traffic streams before they reach the application WEB SECURITY Solution should be appliance based for Web Proxy, Caching, Web based Reputation filtering, URL filtering, Antivirus and Antimalware in a single appliance Appliance should at least have Quad Core CPU, 4GB of RAM, 1.8 Tera Bytes of disk space and redundant power supply. Should be scalable up to 15,000 users Operating system of appliance should be secure from vulnerabilities and hardened for web proxy and caching functionality. Should support explicit forward proxy mode and transparent mode of deployment Should support configuration to use Split DNS. It should be able to refer to different DNS for Different Domains e.g. (root dns for all external domains and internal DNS for organization domain Should have facility to do IP spoofing. Should have provision of High Availability Unburdened performance of the appliance should be at least 3500
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1150. 1151. 1152. 1153. 1154.

1155. 1156. 1157.


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HTTP request per second considering 5 or 10 % user count & 1200 http requests per second under burdened environment. 1158. 1159. 1160. Average Latency should not be more than 5-15 milliseconds Should be a Fast Web Proxy and should support HTTP, FTP and HTTPS proxy. It should also support HTTPS decryption and scanning Should be capable of blocking specific files downloads and based on size and per user group basis. It should also provide option to block object using MIME File types. Should allow administrator to define access to internet based on IP addresses, range of IP addresses, subnet and CIDR basis. It should also support to be forced for Authentication from Specific IP addresses, Subnet or CIDR's Should support integration with active directory and/or LDAP. This should allow administrator to define user or group based access policies to Internet Should support Multiple Auth Servers / Auth Failover using Multi Scheme Auth (NTLM and LDAP). It should also support authentication exemption. Should support granular application control such as blocking specific version of Internet Explorer, etc. Protocol blocking option should also be available. Should detect and/or block Phone Home attempts and while scanning 65,535 network ports for all protocols on wire speed
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Should support policy based HTTPS decryption based on URL Categories and/or Web Reputation scores in order to enforce acceptable use and security policies on decrypted data. Should Have Inbuilt Caching Mechanism with 100 GB of Caching capacity and cache up to 1 GB of a single object. Appliance should have an inbuilt Anti Malware and Anti-Virus engine that can scan HTTP, HTTPS and FTP traffic for all threats. Should provide Web Reputation Filters that examine every request made by the browser (from the initial HTML request to all subsequent data requests) including live data, which may be fed from different domains. Should support Reputation system which provides botsite protection, URL Outbreak Detection, Exploit Filtering, Cross-site Scripting, SQL Injection and invisible I-Frames. Should support Web Reputation Filters with capability to analyze more than 200 different web traffic and network-related parameters to accurately evaluate the trustworthiness of a URL or IP address Should have customizable setting in the Web Based Reputation Services, like Allow, Scan and Block based on the scoring settings by the Administrator. Should scan for Incoming and outgoing traffic. Should have an inbuilt URL filtering functionality with multiple predefined categories and also support creation of custom URL categories for allowing/blocking specific destinations as required by the
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1167. 1168. 1169.




1173. 1174.


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organization. 1175. 1176. 1177. Should have provision to enable Real Time Dynamic categorization Should have facility to inform end user with notification with a valid reason as to why they have been blocked Support portal which give facility to end user to check URL category, report mis-categorization in URL Category and also submit new URL for categorization. Should support integration with dedicated off-box Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solutions for deep content inspection for regulatory compliance and intellectual property (IP) protection, incident severity definition, case management and performance optimization. Remote support from principal company should be available via India Toll Free and Email. The Support Portal access should be provided for Case management, knowledgebase, new version information, tools etc. The Support Engineers should be able to login to appliance using secure tunneling methods such as SSH for troubleshooting purposes Should have diagnostic network utilities like telnet, traceroute, nslookup and tcpdump/packet capture. Should provide seamless version upgrades and updates Should be manageable via HTTP or HTTPS and via command line using SSH and For emergency, the appliance should have serial console access Should have provision for separate Ethernet for managing the
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1180. 1181. 1182.


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appliance 1184. Should have highly scalable Proxy Log. The log formats shall include Apache, Squid and W3C and the retention period should be customizable Should provide Informative and exhaustive set of reports on User Activity and URL filtering activities (GUI to report past activity, top usage users and top malware threat) Support Reports on Bandwidth Consumed / Bandwidth saved Should provide off box reporting software for detailed reporting activity Detailed report on IP basis should be provided on the L4 traffic monitoring / Network Layer Malware Detection Support should cover all upgrades for the time period the licenses and support purchased from principal vendor ANTI-VIRUS (SERVER & END POINT PROTECTION) Shall provide real-time/ on-access virus scanning services for the following platforms (please indicate supported versions): (i) 32bit x86 Processor (ii) Intel x64 or AMD x64 Processor (iii) windows 2k, XP, 2003, Vista (32bit) (iv) windows XP, 2003, Vista (64bit) (v) Certified for Windows Vista. To leverage security functionality
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1186. 1187. 1188. 1189. 1190. 1191. 1192. 1193. 1194. 1195. 1196.

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built into Vista such as the Window Security Center. 1197. 1198. 1199. 1200. 1201. 1202. 1203. Product should support Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 HyperSupport for Windows 7 , Windows 2008 , Comprehensive Protection Solution should have cloud-based threat intelligence combined with traditional endpoint security technologies residing on the endpoint Solution should use correlated threat intelligence to determine if threat activities are malicious Solution must provide real-time protection against opening or saving malware files on the protected system Solution should provide proactive protection from malicious and potentially dangerous websites to the endpoint Solution should protect client system against accessing malicious websites whether the client system is on or off the corporate network Solution shall provide continuous Virus protection and should be able to perform updates regardless of whether the client is connected to the management server or not Shall offer Web Reputation to prevent access to malicious websites with accurate and comprehensive rating algorithm. Shall offer support of approved list Shall offer web threat protection for roaming users 'on the network' and 'off the network'
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Solution should be integrated client/server security solution which can protect networks from viruses, Trojans, worms, hackers, network viruses, spyware, rootkits, and mixed-threat attacks Solution should have inbuilt capability to prevent malware outbreak as service. Should support behaviour monitoring to cater unknown malware Provides immediate protection for endpoints, on or off the corporate network Should have integrated or plug in Host Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS) to prevent vulnerability exploits inside communications allowed by the firewall Scanning capabilities Shall support performance multi-threading scan engine for maximum

1208. 1209. 1210. 1211.

1212. 1213. 1214.

Product should support intelligent scanning methods which identifies true file type and scans only files that are vulnerable to infection hence improving overall performance on the client Shall be able to perform different scan Actions based on the virus type (Trojan/ Worm, Joke, Hoax, Virus, other) Solution should be able to scan ADS Files Safeguards endpoint mail boxes by scanning incoming POP3 email and Outlook folders for Threats Powerful Detection & Cleaning
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1215. 1216. 1217. 1218.


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1219. 1220. 1221. 1222. 1223. 1224. 1225. 1226. 1227.

Able to detect and remove Spyware and Adware even after it is installed and running on the computer. Shall terminate memory- resident virus processes Shall offer Enhanced Malware Cleanup Technologies - Intellitrap and Generic Clean Shall offer detection and cleaning of rootkits Should have capability to control devices as Device control feature Must have Damage Cleanup Services to automates cleanup capabilities Shall offer Anti-rootkit Technology with alternate kernel API to handle active and hidden rootkits. Shall be able to restore spyware/grayware Shall offer Real-time lock down of client configuration allow or prevent users from changing settings or unloading/uninstalling the software. solution shall be able to quarantine infected files automatically Improved performance Product should support incremental updates for virus pattern files, damage cleanup services templates and engine, firewall rules, spyware & greyware scan, cleanup patterns, client software. ( save bandwidth ) Should have strong technology to minimize client footprint and have some mechanism o keep updates minimum at client PC for better
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1228. 1229. 1230.



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performance 1232. Product offered should be true hybrid technology for anti rootkit , powerful firewall , malware cleaning with high performance and defining reputation of what is send and received Shall support "resume download" technology where interrupted downloads continue from the last segment rather than resending the complete file. Solution should have feature to offloads the bulk of patterns needed for malware detection to a central scan server rather than distributing patterns to every individual endpoint. Centralised management & control Shall provide a Web-based management console with SSL-based encryption support for secure browser access Solution should have web based management console to set coordinated security policies and deploy automatic updates on every client and server. Shall support centralized Spyware and Adware detection and automatic removal from the same console as the desktop antivirus servers. Should automatically Integrate with Central monitoring / reporting feature for Management Shall support centralized deployment of pattern file and roll-back from the centralised management server. Shall be able to revert to previous pattern files if there is a problem with the new file.
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1235. 1236. 1237.


1239. 1240.

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1241. 1242. 1243. 1244. 1245. 1246. 1247.

Shall offer centrally managed Client Firewall and IDS Enables centralized management with a single, web-based console Integration Capabilities Shall offer support for HCAP protocol or equivalent. Easily integrates with Active Directory to retrieve and synchronize information on endpoints and report on policy compliance Modular Architecture Shall offer Plug-in-architecture to support deployment of new security functionalities without having to repackage and reinstall the entire client. Deployment/Administration Ease Shall offer multiple deployment methods - internal web page, login script setup, client package, windows remote install, client disk image, automated installation by network scanning and Microsoft systems management server Shall support grouping of clients into domains for easier administration Establish separate configuration for internally versus externally located machines ( Policy action based on location awareness ) Alerts / Notifications Shall offer customizable & standard notifications via - SMTP, SNMP, Pager, NT Event Log
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1248. 1249.

1250. 1251. 1252. 1253.


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1254. 1255. 1256. 1257. 1258. 1259. 1260. 1261. 1262. 1263. 1264.

Virtualization Support Solution should work in virtualized environment SERVERS SPECIFICATIONS


The latest server line from the vendor shall be quoted. All servers shall be Blade / Chassis based configuration All database servers shall be capable of being partitioned into minimum of 2-4 partitions. All database servers quoted shall have same processor. All database servers should be of the same make and model The server roadmap needs to be submitted.

1265. 1266. 1267. 1268. 1269.

The latest version of 64-bit, high performance RISC or EPIC or X-86 architecture processors (Based on solution offered by the bidder) at the time of submission shall be offered. Minimum clock speed to be offered will be as per latest speed with the OEM in the offered servers / processors. The largest cache available at the time of submission in the model shall be quoted. The processor roadmap needs to be submitted. The server should be scalable to at least 4 processor and 24 cores. Each server should be populated with minimum of 2 processors and 12 core

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The performance per core in terms of tpmC / SPECint_rate2006 will be calculated based on the published benchmark result for the server. The benchmark should be for the same processor (version, generation, clock speed & cache) as proposed. The published benchmark result(s) certificate need to be submitted. If extrapolation is used then the formula and values used must be provided along with the published benchmark result(s) certificate for base values used in the extrapolation. AAI shall consider the performance parameters in Technical evaluation.

1272. 1273. 1274. 1275. 1276.

Memory - minimum 8.0 GB per core DDR3 /FBDIMM memory with ECC or equivalent memory protection (with latest speed).


1278. 1279. 1280.

The server / partition(s) shall be booted from internal disks or SANattached disk (Additional Capacity than minimum specified in the tender need to provisioned by the bidder for SAN Boot). Each partition should have minimum two or more number of SCSI/SAS/FC Disks for storing OS, DB binaries and memory swap (twice the RAM in the partition). Disk spindles of minimum 600 GB, 10000 rpm, Hot Swappable type should be used for this purpose. The higher no of Disks shall be provisioned based on solution The boot disks shall be mirrored. I/O Subsystem 4x8 Gbps FC Ports per Server
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1282. 1283.

4 x 10 Gigabit Full Duplex Ethernet ports with need based support for 1000 Mbps using suitable TX/RX modules to be offered with the solution. Partitioning & Virtualization Virtutualization should be OS based without using any 3rd party application. OEM based partitioning tools Hardware Partitioning and Virtualization can be used. Each partition shall have its own operating system instance (kernel) which can be updated independently of other partitions. Each partition should be able to dynamically (without rebooting the partition) add and remove system resources - processors, memory and I/O adapters. Software faults on one partition should not impact other partitions. An error/fault in one partition should not bring the entire system or other partitions down. Each partition shall have the capability to start-up and shut-down independently without affecting any other partition on the same server. Partitions should have security isolation from one another. Miscellaneous System management should be through a dedicated adapter / integrated system management port. Fully redundant and hot swappable power supply units and cooling fans in the chassis. Power Supply & Fan redundancy should be for Maximum Configuration. Operating System Latest generation of 64-bit UNIX / Linux / Windows operating system as per solution requirement.
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1284. 1285.


1287. 1288. 1289. 1290. 1291.

1292. 1293.


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1295. 1296. 1297.

The OS should support Virtualization & Clustering. The solution will use either the OS based Clustering or Database Based Clustering. Any 3rd Party Clustering tool if used should be licensed and maintainable during the complete contract period. The OS licensing should be as per Site requirements. System Management Capabilities Partition management software having dynamic configuration feature with GUI/ Web interface. Management console, if required, for the same to be provided System management software with capabilities to Discover systems including physical and network components,


Collect comprehensive platform and operating system inventory data, Monitor health and system status, Manage system alerts, Perform remote access, including transferring files, to servers Perform power management function on servers Monitor processes and resources, and set critical thresholds send notifications when triggered Manage operating system resources and processes


Manage updates for maintaining current versions of OSes, device drivers, firmware BIOS, and server code. Form Factor
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1300. 1301. 1302. 1303. 1304. 1305.

Blade / Chassis Based as per solution Other features Support persistant storage (WWN) and network (MAC Add) identities, equipping datacentre to handle predictable and unplanned change SD Card Access for fast deployment Each Server Unit shall have access to DVD-ROM drive to be provisioned in the solution. AODB, RMS, ENTERPRISE & NETWORK MANAGEMENT TOOLS, REPORTING SERVERS & INTEGRATION SERVERS, DHCP, AV, WEB PUBLISHING, AAA ETC (FOR DC/ DR AT CHENNAI & KOLKATA) The latest server line from the vendor shall be quoted. All servers shall be Blade / Chassis based configuration All Application servers shall be capable of being partitioned into minimum of 2-4 partitions. All Application servers quoted shall have same processor. All Application servers should be of the same make and model The server roadmap needs to be submitted Processor The latest version of 64-bit, high performance RISC or EPIC or X-86 architecture processors (Based on solution offered by the bidder) at the time of submission shall be offered. Minimum clock speed to be offered will be as per latest speed with the OEM in the offered servers / processors. The largest cache available at the time of submission in the model shall
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1306. 1307. 1308. 1309. 1310. 1311. 1312.

1313. 1314.


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1315. 1316.

be quoted. The processor roadmap needs to be submitted. The server should be scalable to at least 4 Processors and 16 cores. Each server should be populated with minimum of 2 Processors and 8 core Performance The performance per core in terms of tpmC / SPECint_rate2006 will be calculated based on the published benchmark result for the server. The benchmark should be for the same processor (version, generation, clock speed & cache) as proposed. The published benchmark result(s) certificate need to be submitted. If extrapolation is used then the formula and values used must be provided along with the published benchmark result(s) certificate for base values used in the extrapolation. AAI shall consider the performance parameters in Technical evaluation. Memory Memory - minimum 4.0 GB per core DDR3 /FBDIMM memory with ECC or equivalent memory protection (with latest speed). Disk The server / partition(s) shall be booted from internal disks or SANattached disk (Additional Capacity than minimum specified in the tender need to provisioned by the bidder for SAN Boot). Each partition should have minimum two or more number of SCSI/SAS/FC Disks for storing OS, DB binaries and memory swap
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1317. 1318.


1320. 1321. 1322. 1323. 1324.



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1326. 1327. 1328. 1329.

(twice the RAM in the partition). Disk spindles of minimum 600 GB, 10000 rpm, Hot Swappable type should be used for this purpose. The higher no of Disks shall be provisioned based on solution The boot disks shall be mirrored. I/O Subsystem 4x8 Gbps FC Ports per Server 4 x 10 Gigabit Full Duplex Ethernet Ports with need based support for 1000 Mbps using suitable TX/RX modules to be offered with the solution. Partitioning & Virtualization Virtutualization should be OS based without using any 3rd party application. OEM based partitioning tools Hardware Partitioning and Virtualization can be used. Each partition shall have its own operating system instance (kernel) which can be updated independently of other partitions. Each partition should be able to dynamically (without rebooting the partition) add and remove system resources - processors, memory and I/O adapters. Software faults on one partition should not impact other partitions. An error/fault in one partition should not bring the entire system or other partitions down. Each partition shall have the capability to start-up and shut-down independently without affecting any other partition on the same server. Partitions should have security isolation from one another. Miscellaneous
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1330. 1331.

1332. 1333.


1335. 1336. 1337.


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1338. 1339.

1340. 1341. 1342.

System management should be through a dedicated adapter / integrated system management port. Fully redundant and hot swappable power supply units and cooling fans in the chassis. Power Supply & Fan redundancy should be for Maximum Configuration. Operating System Latest generation of 64-bit UNIX / Linux / Windows operating system as per solution requirement. The OS should support Virtualization & Clustering. The solution will use either the OS based Clustering or Database Based Clustering. Any 3rd Party Clustering tool if used should be licensed and maintainable during the complete contract period. The OS licensing should be as per Site requirements. System Management Capabilities Partition management software having dynamic configuration feature with GUI/ Web interface. Management console, if required, for the same to be provided System management software with capabilities to Discover systems including physical and network components,

1343. 1344. 1345.


Collect comprehensive platform and operating system inventory data, Monitor health and system status, Manage system alerts, Perform remote access, including transferring files, to servers Perform power management function on servers
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Monitor processes and resources, and set critical thresholds send notifications when triggered Manage operating system resources and processes

1347. 1348. 1349. 1350. 1351. 1352. 1353.

Manage updates for maintaining current versions of OSes, device drivers, firmware BIOS, and server code. Form Factor Blade Based as per solution Other features Support persistant storage (WWN) and network (MAC Add) identities, equipping datacentre to handle predictable and unplanned change SD Card Access for fast deployment Each Server Unit shall have access to DVD-ROM drive to be provisioned in the solution. INTEGRATION SERVERS, DHCP ETC (FOR 8 LOCATIONS AT AHMEDABAD, GUWAHATI, TRIVANDRUM, CALICUT, JAIPUR, PUNE, MANGALORE & TRICHY) The latest server line from the vendor shall be quoted. All servers shall be Rack based configuration All Application servers shall be capable of being partitioned into minimum of 2-4 partitions. All Application servers quoted shall have same processor. All Application servers should be of the same make and model The server roadmap needs to be submitted Processor
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1361. 1362. 1363. 1364. 1365. 1366.

The latest version of 64-bit, high performance X-86 architecture processors (Based on solution offered by the bidder) at the time of submission shall be offered. Minimum clock speed to be offered will be as per latest speed with the OEM in the offered servers / processors. The largest cache available at the time of submission in the model shall be quoted. The processor roadmap needs to be submitted. Each server should be populated with minimum 2x6 Core Processors Performance The performance per core in terms of tpmC / SPECint_rate2006 will be calculated based on the published benchmark result for the server. The benchmark should be for the same processor (version, generation, clock speed & cache) as proposed. The published benchmark result(s) certificate need to be submitted. If extrapolation is used then the formula and values used must be provided along with the published benchmark result(s) certificate for base values used in the extrapolation. AAI shall consider the performance parameters in Technical evaluation. Memory Memory - minimum 4.0 GB per core DDR3 /FBDIMM memory with ECC or equivalent memory protection (with latest speed). Disk The server / partition(s) shall be booted from internal disks.
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1368. 1369. 1370. 1371. 1372.


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1374. 1375. 1376. 1377. 1378.

Each Server should have minimum Eight (8) or more number of SAS Disks for storing OS, DB binaries and memory swap (twice the RAM in the partition). Disk spindles of minimum 900 GB or more, 10000 rpm. The higher no of Disks shall be provisioned based on solution. The RAID controller should be with 1GB Cache. The boot disks shall be mirrored. I/O Subsystem Ethernet Adapters 2x10/100/1000 Full Duplex Partitioning & Virtualization Virtutualization should be OS based without using any 3rd party application. OEM based partitioning tools Hardware Partitioning and Virtualization can be used. Each partition shall have its own operating system instance (kernel) which can be updated independently of other partitions. Each partition should be able to dynamically (without rebooting the partition) add and remove system resources - processors, memory and I/O adapters. Software faults on one partition should not impact other partitions. An error/fault in one partition should not bring the entire system or other partitions down. Each partition shall have the capability to start-up and shut-down independently without affecting any other partition on the same server. Partitions should have security isolation from one another. Miscellaneous Fully redundant and hot swappable power supply units and cooling fans
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1379. 1380.


1382. 1383. 1384. 1385.


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1386. 1387. 1388.

in the chassis. Power Supply & Fan redundancy should be for Maximum Configuration.. Operating System Latest generation of 64-bit Linux / Windows operating system as per solution requirement. The OS should support Virtualization & Clustering. The solution will use either the OS based Clustering or Database Based Clustering. Any 3rd Party Clustering tool if used should be licensed and maintainable during the complete contract period. The OS licensing should be as per Site requirements. System Management Capabilities Partition management software having dynamic configuration feature with GUI/ Web interface. Management console, if required, for the same to be provided System management software with capabilities to Discover systems including physical and virtual servers and storage systems and network components,

1389. 1390. 1391.


Collect comprehensive platform and operating system inventory data, Monitor health and system status, Manage system alerts, Perform remote access, including transferring files, to servers Perform power management function on servers Monitor processes and resources, and set critical thresholds send
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notifications when triggered

Manage operating system resources and processes

1393. 1394. 1395. 1396. 1397. 1398.

Manage updates for maintaining current versions of OSes, device drivers, firmware BIOS, and server code. Form Factor Rack (2U) Other features Each Server Unit shall have access to DVD-ROM drive to be provisioned in the solution ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT TOOL AAI has procured a centralized EMS system with the following management modules from CA: CA Spectrum Network Fault Manager Suite CA Ehealth Network Performance Manager Suite Unicenter Network Systems Management Unicenter Management For Microsoft Exchange CA Insight For Database Performance Management CA Wily Introscope Suite CA Access Control General Requirements The proposed tools for this EMS solution should tightly integrate with the above mentioned monitoring systems and extend management consoles to provide a unified view of AAI infrastructure components. The Enterprise Management solution should be deployed at primary
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1399. 1400.



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1404. 1405. 1406. 1407. 1408.

Datacenter. Bidders solution should include SLA & Contract management to support defining and calculating SLA Parameters based on clauses in SLAs including Penalty in SLAs.. The bidder should propose solution to manage service availability of the entire infrastructure by identifying critical services, the infrastructure they depend on and the business processes they support. Identify all the components for each service including: Network Systems Database and Applications


1410. 1411. 1412.

The EMS needs to aggregate events and performance information from the domain managers and tie them to service definitions. This capability is critical to having complete view of the performance and availability of the service being managed. The EMS should automatically document problems and interruptions for services and integrate with service level management for reporting on service level agreements (SLAs). The proposed Enterprise Management Solution should provide monitoring of the infrastructure and performance reporting. The basic components for this solution are given in subsequent paras Solution Component Details Network Fault Management to provide fault management of the network Infrastructure Performance Management Provide performance management across key parts of the infrastructure. The s o l u t i o n s h o u l d
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1413. 1414.

1415. 1416. 1417.

integrate network, system and database performance information. It should allow identifying trends in performance in order to avert possible service problems. Systems Management providing monitoring of server and database environment that supports critical services. Application Performance Management for analyzing critical performance parameters of web applications based on monitoring live transactions Data Base Management REQUIREMENTS FOR NETWORK FAULT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The proposed Network Fault Management System should provide management capabilities for number of devices proposed under the Bidders solution proposal. The proposed solution should provide the following features: The Network Management System (NMS) must be capable of automatically discovering manageable elements connected to the network and mapping the connectivity between them. The system should provide discovery & inventory of heterogeneous physical network devices like Layer-2 & Layer-3 switches, Routers and other IP devices and do mapping of LAN & WAN connectivity with granular visibility up to individual ports level. The modeling of network connectivity must be performed using standard or vendor-specific discovery protocols to ensure speed and accuracy of the network discovery The system must be able to support mapping and modeling of the infrastructure grouped by network connectivity, physical location of equipment and user groups or departments
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1418. 1419.





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The system should support maps grouped by network topology, geographic locations of the equipment and user group/departments. These should help in understanding physical Network, virtual Network services and the relationships between them. It shall be possible to reduce the set of displayed devices in the topology views by flexible rules, based on the attribute contents stored with each device. The system must also support manual modeling adjustments to allow administrators to customize the structure, the layout and relationship between modeled elements The system must provide visualization tools to display network topology and device to device connectivity. The system must also be able to document connectivity changes that were discovered since the last update. The system must leverage vendor-specific protocols to ensure network discovery and mapping are performed with high accuracy, speed and efficiency The system must provide a user-configurable event to alarm mapping system that sets a differentiation that events do not necessarily need an alarm to be generated The proposed solution should provide out of the box root cause analysis with multiple root cause algorithms inbuilt for root cause analysis. The system must use advanced root-cause analysis techniques like Inductive modeling technology as well as Model-based and Policy-based condition correlation technology for comprehensive analysis of network faults. It should provide an intuitive User Interface for defining conditional correlation of the events.
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1432. 1433. 1434.



1437. 1438.

1439. 1440.

It should have a strong event correlation engine which can correlate the events on the basis of event pairing. The system must have a fault-tolerance feature built-into the primary management server to meet high availability requirements. The network database must be stored in a duplicated copy fully synchronized automatically between the primary and secondary system to ensure high level of readiness for the secondary server to assume management responsibility. The system must have intelligence and ability to understand impact of devices under maintenance and do not generate alarms for outages introduced by the maintenance work The system must not generate multiple alarms of the same type for the same device but only show the number of repeated occurrences. This is to reduce the number of alarms that needs to be managed at the operations centre The system must be able to filter-out symptom alarms and deduce the root cause of failure in the network automatically The system must provide an auto-calculated impact analysis of individual element failure to provide the operator and administrator understanding of the impact of the failure onto other elements in the network The system must support outgoing notification integration to helpdesk or trouble ticketing system The system should support creating and monitoring of rising or falling thresholds with respect to basic key performance indicators for network, system and application infrastructures and provide immediate notification when service metrics fall outside the baselines.
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1442. 1443.

1444. 1445.



1448. 1449.

The system needs to support concurrent multi-user access to the management system, enabling multiple read-write access to different areas of the management domain The system should have self-certification capabilities so that it can easily add support for new traps and automatically generate alarms The system should support secure device configuration capture and upload and There by detect inconsistent running and startup configurations. The system should be able to clearly identify configuration changes as root cause of network problems The tool should provide sufficient reports pertaining to asset and change management, alarms and availability of critical network resources as well as network response times for critical links The tool should provide a detailed service dashboard view indicating the health of each of the departments / offices in the organization and the health of the services they rely on as well as the SLAs. The system should provide an outage summary that gives a high level health indication for each service as well as the details and root cause of any outage. REQUIREMENT FOR PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The proposed Performance Management System should be capable of analyzing the performance of the network as well as the systems in the infrastructure. The solution should monitor network, system and database performance and ensure consistent availability and performance of the network and other intranet services across the infrastructure. The proposed solution should enable multiple tasks such as ensuring the availability and
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1451. 1452.

performance of the network, documenting service levels, managing capacity and accurately planning for future growth. It should isolate the source of performance degradation throughout the network and provide consistent reporting across a heterogeneous network and system infrastructure. The proposed Network Performance Management System should provide performance management and reporting capabilities for number of devices proposed under the bidders solution. The Proposed Network Performance Monitoring solution should: Collect, analyze and summarize management data from LAN/WAN, MIB-II interfaces, various systems and services for performance management. Diagnose performance problems using recent and historical data and help in taking corrective measures before user service quality goes down. Identify over-and under-utilized links and assist in maximizing the utilization of current resources. Provide availability, service levels, response time and throughout of various Internet/web Services e.g. DNS, HTTP, SMTP etc. Provide easy to read representations of health, utilization, latency and availability. Provide Real time network monitoring and Measurement offendto-end Network/system performance & availability to define service levels and further improve upon them. Identify how device resources are affecting network performance, document current network performance for internal use and service
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1454. 1455.

1456. 1457.



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1459. 1460.

level agreements (SLA). The following performance reports shall be produced. Executive Summary report that gives an over all view of a group of elements, showing volume and other important metrics for the technology being viewed. Capacity Planning report which provides a view of under-and-overutilized elements. Service Level report that shows the elements with the worst availability and worst response time-the two leading metrics used to monitor SLAs. Enable customization flexibility of performance reports. Provide a live trend diagram displaying the various resource utilization levels of various critical devices and links in the managed infrastructure. Provide a live exceptions diagram displaying the various health and threshold exceptions that are occurring in the managed infrastructure. Capability to configure different polling speeds for different devices in the managed infrastructure with capability to poll critical devices using 30 second poll periods. Monitor and report on availability, delay of target IP nodes i.e. router interfaces and also monitor and provide reports on historical utilization of CPU, memory of critical monitored servers running SNMP and system agents. Auto-calculate resource utilization baselines for the entire managed systems and networks and allow user to set corresponding upper and lower threshold limits.
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1461. 1462.

1463. 1464.






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1469. 1470. 1471. 1472. 1473.

Provide Latency (both one way and round trip times) report for critical devices and links. Provide reports on the basis of intelligent algorithms like Time Over threshold (TOT) and Deviation from Normal (DFN). REQUIREMENTS FOR SERVER PERFORMANCE MONITORING SOLUTION The Proposed Server Performance Monitoring solution should: Monitor various operating system parameters such as processors, memory, files, processes, file systems, etc. where applicable, using agents on the servers to be monitored. Configure the operating system monitoring agents to monitor based on user-defined thresholds for warning/critical states and escalate events to event console of enterprise management system. Integrate with enterprise management system and support operating system monitoring for various platforms including Windows, UNIX and Linux. Monitor various operating system parameters depending on the operating system being monitored yet offer a similar interface for viewing the agents and setting thresholds. Should provide SNMP-based monitoring for the following: System Performance Statistics like CPU, Memory, Partition, Processes etc. Platform Configuration information including Hardware and Software Configuration System Self-monitoring capabilities using OID self-monitoring Remote Monitoring and Alarming through polling and support for Traps
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1477. 1478. 1479. 1480. 1481.


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1482. 1483.

1484. 1485.

Application extensions for specific monitoring (like Service Response, Mail and Database etc.) Should be a light-weight agent with negligible impact on the system load (less than 10 MB system RAM and not more than 50 MB disk space for the base agent) Support monitoring the following server parameters: Processors: Each processor in the system should be monitored for CPU utilization. It should compare Current utilization against user specified warning and critical thresholds. File Systems: Each file system should be monitored for the amount of file system space used, which should be compared to user-defined warning and critical thresholds. Files: File attributes, such as overall file size, time-stamp change, and file growth between intervals should be monitored. Log Files: Logs should be monitored to detect faults in the operating system, the communication subsystem, and in applications. System agents should also analyze log files residing on the host for specified string patterns. System Processes: System agents should provide real-time collection of data from all system processes. Using this it should help identify whether or not an important process has stopped unexpectedly. It should provide an ability to automatically restart Critical processes. Memory: System agents should monitor memory utilization and available swap space and should raise an alarm in event of threshold violation. DATABASE MANAGEMENT SOLUTION REQUIREMENTS Database Management solution should be able to provide a comprehensive monitoring, diagnostic and performance
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1487. 1488.



1491. 1492.


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1493. 1494.





1499. 1500.

management. It should provide real-time and historical operational database monitoring, diagnostic troubleshooting and end-to-end performance management of database internals, capture of SQL transactions, CPU, Memory and I/O usage. It should be able to automate monitoring, data collection and analysis of performance from single point. It should also provide the ability to set thresholds and send notifications when an event occurs, enabling database administrators (DBAs) to quickly trace and resolve performance-related bottlenecks. With respect to user-defined parameters, the tool should report conditions that exceed thresholds and automatically takes corrective actions. The event management system must send alerts for an array of server conditions, including inadequate free space, runaway processes, high CPU utilization and inadequate swap space. The tool should have the ability to create real-time or historical custom graphs and stacks for comparison, correlation and trending across any collected database or database server. The database performance management solution must support historical archive store for performance information in a compressed time-series form. DBAs should be able to drill down through layers of data to discover the cause of a condition occurring with the databases, operating system or network. These historical reports must also be usable to perform trend analysis and capacity planning. The database performance management solution must be able to trace, analyze and tune resource-consuming SQL statements. The database performance management solution must have a console to enable users to monitor, analyze and take corrective
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1501. 1502.

1503. 1504.



action from a centralized point. It should also include a platformindependent, browser-based console to monitor performance from remote locations. APPLICATION PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SOLUTION REQUIREMENTS Application Performance Management solution should identify, prioritize and resolve defective transactions or problem incidents to ensure applications deliver consistent value its users. The proposed solution should have near-zero overhead approach and flexibility to monitor the end-to-end performance of complex web applications. It should provide comprehensive view into application allow to identify performance problems whether inside the application itself, the application server, or in back-end transactional and supporting systems. It should allow you to isolate bottlenecks in the application all the way down to individual Servlets, JSPs, EJBs, Classes, Methods, and more. The proposed solution should be able to monitor any Java / .NET based application. The proposed solution should monitor live production application components, J2EE services, and JVM resources from inside the Java application without the need for deploying outside the application server. The proposed tool should use live transactions instead of simulated synthetic testing approach to generate application performance reports and data. The proposed solution should determine if the cause of performance issues is inside the Java application, in connected back-end systems or at the network layer.
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1509. 1510.

1511. 1512.

1513. 1514. 1515. 1516. 1517.

The proposed solution should provide deeper end-to-end transaction visibility by monitoring at a transactional level from within the application, thus eliminating the need to install extra agents on the application infrastructure. The proposed solution should quickly pinpoint the cause of performance bottlenecks through component-level interaction monitoring The proposed solution should be able to give a presentation of slowest n calls in the call stack or blame stack. The proposed solution should provide fast, automatic discovery and monitoring of the web application environment with zero configurations Out-of-the-box. The proposed solution should proactively identify the potential cause of memory leaks. The proposed solution should determine whether web application performance issues are related to the database and collaborate with database administrators so that problems can be detected, isolated and eliminated quickly. The proposed solution should monitor application server resources, like thread pools, connection pools, thread usage etc. The proposed solution should expose performance of individual SQL statements The proposed solution should measure the performance of live production applications The proposed solution should see method level response times based on different call parameters The proposed solution should have a flexible, intuitive user interface (including web based access) that can be used by anyone in the organization including operations personnel and
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1521. 1522.


1524. 1525.

1526. 1527.

business managers The proposed solution should sift through thousands of metrics easily and view only the relevant data, thus enabling users to graph and correlate multiple metric values on the fly The proposed solution should be able to monitor multiple applications with one dashboard and enable production monitoring more quickly in your organization The proposed solution should not need to physically distribute the software to each user to enable faster implementation of the solution to more people in the organization The proposed solution should get real-time reports of the worst SLA or response time The proposed solution should share critical application information across the enterprise enabling instant 24x7 monitoring for authorized users anytime, anywhere The proposed solution should view instantly the current value of any metric of any component providing instant real-time performance view The proposed solution should integrate Java application performance data with existing management frameworks. The proposed solution should provide one or more actions based on measurements exceeding user-set thresholds, like Emails, pop-ups, scripts etc. The proposed solution should send alerts to SNMP manager via traps or native The proposed solution should provide anytime viewing of all historical data for problem solving, trend analysis and capacity planning.
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1531. 1532. 1533.

The proposed solution should ensure that historical data is available anytime for problem diagnosis, trend analysis, etc. and can be shared easily with other members of the team The proposed solution should share critical application performance data quickly and easily by providing out of the box reports The p r o p o s e d solution should monitor third-party (purchased, consultant, etc.) applications without any source code requirements. The proposed solution should allow data to be seen only by those with a need to know and limit access by user roles DATA CENTRE The data centre design should include the following, but is not limited to; Floor plan with design layout and detailed drawings of Data centre with associated HVAC AHU room, Staging room Raised floor (as per site requirement) and false ceiling layout Electrical diagrams (Including UPS/DG Set) HVAC system Structured Cabling Fire detection plan Access Control plan Surveillance camera Earthing pit Data Center lighting
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1534. 1535. 1536.

Environment Monitoring The data centre is expected to have a raised floor of 100 sqm. DATA CENTRE REQUIREMENT AT CHENNAI & KOLKATA The system integrator would be responsible, but not limited, to perform the following activities: Material delivery to site, bonding/de-bonding and all related activities. Check ordered v/s delivered material and keep track of the inventory Safe-keeping of all the delivered material Checking site readiness for integration Meet all plans, specifications and applicable codes and regulatory requirements. Following activity shall be carried out during the installation: Design, Supply & Installation of all the cable pathways/conduits etc UTP Cable laying rack installation Bunching and dressing of the cable Supply & Installation of enclosures for mounting the Server Cabinet side Jack Panels/ LIUs Termination, Labelling Testing of all points (no sampling) Patching Documentation
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Project Sign off Certification Develop and implement a quality control system for all telecommunication contractor activity. Coordinate with the architect and all other subcontractors to ensure that the project design and schedule is met. Coordinate with the General Contractor (and all other appropriate groups) on any infrastructure issues arising during construction, including: scheduling, finishes, clarifications, and identified deficiencies. Adherence to design specifications, in case of any deviation the same has to be conveyed to design team Coordinate with CUSTOMER design team for all design related queries Submit regular progress reports to CUSTOMER project management team Adhere to quality of work during the implementation. Establish and maintain on site a complete file of all shop drawings and items submitted. Distribute meeting minutes following each progress meeting. These submissions shall include digital photographs of all locations Coordinate the preparation of punch lists and ensure that all items are completed on a timely basis. Adhere to all safety measures at site during implementation. The successful Bidder will be further briefed with the guidelines for implementation methodology and other vital practices, once the
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1538. 1539.

award is issued. The guidelines will be on the following headings: Guidelines for implementation of structured cabling Guidelines for Testing and Certification Copper Cabling Testing Optical Fiber Cabling Testing Certification Numbering Scheme Documentation BUILD-details The vendor is expected to build the entire data centre infrastructure, which should deliver an average Power usage effectiveness (PUE) of less than 2 measured over a year on a real time and online basis for loads varying from 30 % to 100 % for which power consumption details shall be taken from the input side of main electrical panels , HVAC Panels, UPS etc. The activity will include the following, but is not limited to; Civil and Interiors of the data centre (including, civil works, raised floor, false ceiling, etc) Electrical work (panels and cabling) UPS power point wiring and cabling AC wiring circuit Main circuit Point wiring
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1540. 1541. 1542. 1543. 1544.

Lighting fixtures UPS Distribution System Precision Air Conditioning System and Comfort Air Conditioning System Physical security (access controls) Water Leak Detection and Rodent repellent System, Intelligent Structured Cabling for Data Centres at Chennai & Kolkata The vendor shall be responsible for the installation of all the systems and shall provide a suitably experienced and qualified project manager to oversee this. The vendor shall provide a full description of the project managers role, names of the person(s) proposed for the role, and a summary of their experience and qualifications. The vendor shall state how they will manage the installation, testing and hand over of all systems. The vendor shall state exactly what areas they will assume responsibility for and what areas they expect AAI to accept responsibility for. Raised Floor (As per site Requirement) Raised flooring to be done for the Server room and staging area if required. The Electrical room may have (as per design) a partial raised floor for ease of cable movements. All cabling shall be over head. The floor tiles are removable and hence allow free unrestricted access to the entire floor void below. Use a 2 ft x 2 ft (or 600 mm x 600 mm) grid access flooring system.
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1545. 1546. 1547.

1548. 1549.

1550. 1551.

1552. 1553. 1554.

Access floor system should have high point load bearing of 1350 Kgs/Sq.Mtr.capacity. Flooring tiles to be of fire retardant material and have anti-static laminate on the top. The tiles should be supported on jacks. These jacks to be interconnected by bolted stringers to make the system strong and stable. The metallic support system to be interconnected using an insulated 8 swg copper wire and terminated at the electrical earth bus The height of the access flooring should be such that it provides approximately 1.5 ft.of clearance between hard floor and the bottom of the access floor tile Access floor tiles should be laid out such that maximum number of full tiles is accessible in alley spaces The tiles should be constructed of or encased in, galvanized or painted steel or cast aluminium tiles while carpeted tiles are not to be used No waxes or insulated coating should be used on tile surface The exposed cut edges of all cut outs for cable or air passage should be capped with protective trim Provide adequate aisles space to allow for unobstructed passage, and to allow replacement of cabinets within a string without interference to neighbouring units The access floor system shall provide for adequate fire resistance, acoustic barrier and air leakage resistance
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The system shall be able to withstand a UDL of 1350 kgs/ and a point load of 450 kgs. The under structure should be able to accept a pedestal Axial load of 2200kgs Panels shall be made from steel. The bottom of the panel shall be embossed in hemispherical shape to give strength and flexural rigidity The top shield shall be plain and resistant welded at various locations after the top and bottom sheets have been degreased and phosphated. The panel shall have an infill of light weight cementious material. The entire panel shall be coated with epoxy on the exposed surface The top surface shall have factory pressed Antistatic PVC/ Laminate with 6mm beading on all sides for edge protection. panels shall remain flat and stable, unaffected by humidity and fluctuation in temperature throughout its normal working life. Panels shall provide for impact resistant top surface & minimal deflection corrosion resistance properties and shall not be combustible or aid surface spread of fire. Panels shall be insulated against heat and noise transfer. Panels shall provide quantities of concrete slabs Panels shall be of size 605x605mm fully interchangeable with each other within a range of a specified layout. Panels shall be freestanding onto the understructure with stringers Pedestal design shall confirm speedy assembly and removal for relocation and maintenance. Pedestal base to be permanently secured to the position on the subfloor. Pedestal assembly shall provide for easy adjustment of leveling and accurately align panels to ensure lateral restrain. Pedestal shall support an axial load of 2000 kgs without permanent deflection and an ultimate load of 3500 kgs.
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1564. 1565. 1566. 1567. 1568. 1569. 1570.

The system shall be all steel with heavy-duty aluminum die cast pedestal head. All supports shall be Hot Dip galvanized Stringer system is all steel construction; rectangular channels with snap lock pre punched counter sunk holes at both ends for securing the stringers onto the pedestal head ensuring maximum lateral stability in all directions. The grid formed by the pedestal and stringer assembly shall receive the floor panel Pedestal base to be permanently secured to position on the sub floor by mechanical fastening. For prevention of corrosion, pedestals must be either powder coated or zinc electroplated as required False Ceiling Modular false ceiling to be used The false ceiling board panel size should be 2 ft. * 2 Ft. panel The clearance between the access flooring and the false ceiling in the computer room should be at least 8 ft 6 inches False ceiling made of concealed grid J hangers made of AI/GI fixed to the RCC slab No false ceiling may be required in utilities area (Electrical and Storage room) vendor to recommend Minimum standards: Moulded aluminium or steel panels for false ceiling False ceiling system 2Jx2J Trac/unimate with exposed T grid Acoustical felt treatment above the false ceiling Real Floor
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1573. 1574. 1575.

The real floor below the raised flooring area should be thermally insulated using suitable material of rubberized nature with fire retardant properties. The thermal insulation will also avoid heat loss into the below floor and avoid inter floor sweating Rest of the hard flooring area must be covered with antistatic PVC flooring material Walls & Ceilings All walls and ceilings need to be intrusion resistant and minimum of 1 hours fire resistant due to the exposed area and all materials used shall bear non combustible characteristics All internal walls / partitions enclosing the Server room to be of 1 hour fire resistance rating and should be full height (i.e. up to the ceiling) All internal partitions / walls enclosing man areas may be half height toughened glass. The partition / wall to be of fire retarding material Doors All doors for critical areas to be of Metal and fire resistant type All doors to have a toughened glass-viewing panel. The size of the panel may differ depending upon the area where the door is installed They should be mounted using heavy-duty hinges on to metal door frames All doors to have electronic locks, magnetic contacts. The electronic locks to operate only on production of a valid proximity based access card on the card reader for that door. All doors to use UPS power only for the electronic locking systems
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1577. 1578. 1579. 1580. 1581. 1582.


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1583. 1584. 1585. 1586. 1587.

All the doors to have suitable heavy-duty automatic door closers All doors within the secured zone may have 1 hour fire resistance rating Electrical System (Main Panel) The panel shall be made out of 14 and 16 SWG sheet steel with Power coated floor mounting type All bus bars shall be of copper with tinning. The RYBN indication shall be provided for BUSBARS with sleeves support with DMC/FRP/SMC All ACB should be provided with Microprocessor based release with NO/NC contact for status monitoring. The outgoing feeders should have DLM meters to record and read the parameters like KWH, Amps etc Electrical System (Cables) All Main cables up to UPS incomer panel shall be XLPE armoured aluminium cables All Cables from the UPS output panel to the UPS and upto the rack shall be Copper cable The interconnection cable between UPS input and output shall be single core copper to make easy termination The bus bars in outgoing panel also need to follow the same. All remaining cables like PAHU, CAHU, shall be armoured type with copper conductor Electrical System (Earthing)
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1589. 1590. 1591. 1592. 1593.



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1595. 1596.


1598. 1599. 1600. 1601. 1602. 1603.

Separate earthing should be maintained for UPS, IT equipments and Non-IT equipments Standards: IS 3043: Code of Practice for earthing Guidelines: IEEE -1100 2005 All the earth pits should be interconnected at Ground level as per the IS and IEEE. It is recommended to take insulated cables for all IT Equipments and UPS depending on the sizing Electrical System (Panel and Distribution Boards) Separate panel board shall be provided for Lighting, Comfort AC, PAHU, small powers etc PAHU panel should be designed to take care of the entire PAHUs. All lighting circuits and small power circuits shall be provided with ELCB and it should be from phase segregation DB's Electrical System (Lighting, Wiring, Switches etc.) All wiring should be carried out only in MS conduits. The light level inside the substation will be 250 - 300 lux and to be positioned in between two rack space Electronic chokes are not recommended for light fittings to avoid harmonics. The switches shall be modular type MK/ROMA/Legrand makes are acceptable. All the switches should be fixed with suitable MS base box only UPS Power Distribution A True On-Line , modular and scalable UPS to be used for the UPS
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1605. 1606.


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1607. 1608. 1609. 1610.

power requirement Redundant intelligent bus distribution is recommended. All racks will get power feed from two independent UPSs Degree of Protection for UPS Enclosure should be IP 20 UPS overall efficiency should be min 95 % for loads from 25%to 100% Input Total harmonic Distortion THDi should be less than 6% at all load levels from 25% to 100% with out any additional harmonic filters Each UPS to have its separate battery rack capable of feeding full load power for 10 minutes. The batteries should be hot swappable & user replaceable VRLA, Sealed Maintenance Free (SMF) type and requiring minimum maintenance. It should possible to add or replace battery modules without switching the load to bypass source. The bank of batteries shall comprise of required Nos of batteries connected in series and there should be multiple banks connected in parallel to provide redundancy. The UPS should monitor and annunciate the status of individual battery modules and perform temperature compensated charging depending on environment temperature. Notification should be provided on the UPS integrated display for add or removal of Battery module UPS system should have the capability for remote monitoring The noise generated by UPS system shall not exceed 70 DBA measured at 1 meter away from the UPS cabinet UPS system manufacture should be ISO 9001 , certified and UPS shall be manufactured to standards of IEC, EN, TU/GS, VDE
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1612. 1613. 1614.


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1615. 1616. 1617.

Each UPS bank should have separate input and output panels in the system UPS Specification UPS shall utilize a 2(N+1) redundant, scalable architecture. The system power train shall be comprised of hot swappable / user replaceable UPS and battery modules of the same make , which shall operate in parallel, and be configured for N+1 redundant operation at rated load. Each UPS module contains a full rated input rectifier / boost converter (hereafter referred to as Input Converter), full rated output inverter, and 10% battery charging circuit. The system shall also comprise of a user-replaceable continuous duty bypass static switch module, hot swappable / user replaceable battery modules, redundant control modules, redundant logic power supplies, and LCD interface display. System static switch shall be capable of being fed from the same input as the rectifier or a separate input. All of the above system components are housed in standard 42 U Racks. 3 phase, 400 V power modules of minimum 15 KVA =15 KW of 3U each with self-testing capability. Active Power Factor Correction shall be built in to the power modules. System capacity 45 KVA / 45 KW per UPS with scalability atleast upto 75 KW.Type of redundancy : 2(n+1) The ups system shall comprise of redundant main controller modules, redundant logic power supplies, which can be swapped with out switching off any ups modules when required. Each ups modules contains a full rated input rectifier full rated output inverter (KVA=KW), and battery charging circuit. UPS shall be comprised of hot swappable / user replaceable ups
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1618. 1619.

1620. 1621.


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1622. 1623. 1624.

1625. 1626.

modules, which shall operate in parallel, and be configured for N+1 redundant operation at rated load. It should possible to add or replace power modules without switching the load to bypass source. Notification should be provided on the UPS intergrated display for add or removal of Power module The system shall comprise of a user-replaceable continuous duty single bypass static switch module. The ups units & the batteries shall be scaleable with out shutting down the mission critical Data Centre load. The UPS manufacturer shall provide an output distribution system to distribute quality uninterrupted power for mission critical, data centre load. This distribution system should be installed out side the ups modules along with input, output & manual bypass switches in a metal enclosure which is in a rack form factor. Output distribution shall happen through 3phase & neutral bus-duct. It should possible to add or replace circuit breaker modules without switching OFF the complete load bus. Each breaker module should have be capable of branch circuit monitoring. Modes Of Operations Normal: The input converter and output inverter shall operate in an on-line manner to continuously regulate power to the critical load. The input and output converters shall be capable of full battery recharge while simultaneously providing regulated power to the load. Battery: Upon failure of the AC input source, the critical load shall continue being supplied by the output inverter, which shall derive its power from the battery system. There shall be no interruption in
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1631. 1632. 1633. 1634. 1635. 1636. 1637.

power to the critical load during both transfers to battery operation and retransfers from battery to normal operation. Recharge: Upon restoration of the AC input source, the input converter and output inverter shall simultaneously recharge the battery and provide regulated power to the critical load. Static Bypass: The static bypass shall be used to provide transfer of critical load from the Inverter output to the bypass source. This transfer, along with its retransfer, shall take place with no power interruption to the critical load. In the event of an emergency, this transfer shall be an automatic function. Maintenance Bypass: The system shall be equipped with an external make-before-break Maintenance Bypass to electrically isolate the UPS during routine maintenance and service of the UPS. The MBC shall completely isolate both the UPS input and output connections. System Characteristics System Capacity: The system shall be rated for full kW output. AC Input Nominal Voltage: 400 V, 3 Phase, 4 wire + G, 50 Hz. AC Input Voltage Window: 340Volts to 470Volts. (While providing nominal charging to the battery system). Frequency Range: 40-60Hz Input Power Factor: > .96 at 50% load & > .99 at 100% load Input Current Distortion: The input current THDI shall be held to 6% or less at full system, while providing conditioned power to the critical load bus, and charging the batteries under steady-state operating conditions. This shall be true while supporting loads of
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1639. 1640. 1641. 1642. 1643. 1644.

both a linear or non-linear type. This shall be accomplished with no additional filters, magnetic devices, or other components. Soft-Start: As a standard feature, the UPS shall contain soft-start functionality, capable of limiting the input current from 0-100% of the nominal input over a default 15 second period, when returning to the AC utility source from battery operation. AC Output Nominal Output: 400V, 3 Phase, 4 wire + G, 50 Hz. AC Output Voltage Distortion: Max. 3% @ 100% Linear Load. AC Output Voltage Regulation: +/- 1% For 100 % Linear or Nonlinear Load Voltage Transient Response: +/- 5% maximum for 100% load step Voltage Transient Recovery within <60 milliseconds Output Voltage Harmonic Distortion: a. <2% THD maximum and 1% single harmonic for a 100% linear load. b. <5% THD maximum for a 100% non-linear load Overload Rating : Normal Operation: 1) 150% for 30 seconds 2) 105% continuous Bypass operation: 125% continuous 1000% for 500 milliseconds
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1648. 1649.

1650. 1651. 1652.

Output Power Factor Rating: The UPS output shall not require derating for purely resistive loads (PF of 1). The potential kW and kVA ratings of the UPS output shall be equal. For loads exhibiting a power factor of .8 leading to .8 lagging, no derating of the UPS shall be required. Battery Protection: The inverter shall be provided with monitoring and control circuits to limit the level of discharge on the battery system. CHARGING: The battery charging shall keep the DC bus float voltage at +/-1% of tolerance The battery charging circuit shall contain a temperature compensation circuit, which will regulate the battery charging to optimize battery life. The battery charging circuit shall remain active when in Static Bypass and in Normal Operation Batteries The UPS battery shall be of modular construction made up of user replaceable, hot swappable, fused, battery modules. Each battery module shall be monitored for voltage and temperature for use by the UPS battery diagnostic, and temperature compensated charger circuitry. The battery jars housed within each removable battery module shall be of the Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) type. The UPS shall incorporate a battery management system to continuously monitor the health of each removable battery module. This system shall notify the user in the event that a failed or weak
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1653. 1654.


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1655. 1656.

battery module is found. Unattended Shut Down The UPS, in conjunction with a network interface card, shall be capable of gracefully shutting down one or more operating systems during when the UPS is on low battery condition The UPS shall also be capable of using an RS232 port to communicate by means of serial communications to gracefully shut down one or more operating systems during a low battery situation. Display Units A microprocessor controlled single display unit shall be located on the door in front of the ups system & out put power distribution unit. The display shall consist of an alphanumeric display and a keypad. Metered Data: Data of all the input ,out put & battery parameters shall be available on the alphanumeric display: Event log: The display unit shall allow the user to display a time and date stamped logs. Controls: All the ups controls or programming functions shall be accomplished by use of the display unit. Pushbutton membrane switches shall facilitate these operations Remote Monitoring Web Monitoring: Remote monitoring shall be available via a web browser such as Internet Explorer. RS232 Monitoring: Remote UPS monitoring shall be possible via either RS232 or contact closure signals from the UPS. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP): Remote UPS
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1658. 1659.

1660. 1661. 1662.

1663. 1664. 1665. 1666.


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1667. 1668. 1669. 1670. 1671. 1672. 1673. 1674. 1675. 1676. 1677. 1678. 1679. 1680. 1681. 1682.

Monitoring shall be possible through a standard MIB II compliant platform. The UPS manufacturer shall have available software to support graceful shutdown and remote monitoring Environmental Operating Ambient Temperature: 0C to 40C Relative Humidity: 0 to 95% Non-condensing Standards A.UL 1778 - Uninterruptible Power Supply Equipment B. UL 891 - Dead-Front Switchboards C.UL 1558 - Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear D. UL60950 - Information Technology Equipment The UPS shall also be designed in accordance with publications from the following organizations and committees NFPA- National Fire Protection Associations NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration IEEE 519-1992 Standard Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems. ISO 9001 ISO 14001
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1683. 1684.

General Standards All switchboards should be designed to support non-linear load with neutral conductors at least 1.7 times or 2x phase/line conductors. This is as per IEEEll00-1999 specifications Panel boards should be divided into two, one for UPS outputs and another for AHU/Lighting and connected loads. These panels should be installed separately in their respective zones Surge protection should be installed at switchboard to suppress surge and EMI conforming to IEEE62.41 and UL1283 Surveillance equipment, telecom equipment, access control, lighting and monitoring desktops on the DC floor should be on generator power/UPS in case of failure Downstream Cabling up to Rack Level All downstream cabling should be taken through covered cable boxes under the floor Each source should be taken in a separate trunk box to maintain the redundancy level. This cable should be unarmored copper cable to suit the load requirements Each sources terminated at suitable rating of sockets under the false flooring. These sockets should have EN/BS standard with earth pin Pathways for Electrical System Two pathways - one active and one passive have to be considered in the power system to enable the data centre to be concurrently maintainable Separate trays should be provided for both Data and Electricals.
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1686. 1687.

1688. 1689. 1690.

1691. 1692. 1693.



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1695. 1696.

Common trays are not allowed either above ceiling or below ceiling Maintenance Bypass The power system design should provide the means for bypassing and isolating any point of the system to allow for maintenance, repair or modification without interruption to systems operations. The system should be designed to avoid all single points of failure Emergency Power Control Within the data center, a single point of disconnect for all electronic systems is required at each point of entry. Multiple disconnect means for these power systems are also acceptable, but in either case, the switches must be unobstructed and clearly marked Protective covers may be placed over the buttons to avoid accidental contact, but access cannot be locked out This switch should disconnect power to all computer systems, HVAC, Since the UPS and batteries unit is located remotely, the disconnecting means must stop the supply from this unit to the room HVAC SYSTEM Outdoor Design Conditions: Chennai & Kolkata Indoor Design Conditions: Dry Bulb Temperature Server Area: 23 1 deg C Staging Room: 23 1 deg C Relative Humidity Server Area: 50 5 %
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1697. 1698.

1699. 1700.

1701. 1702. 1703.


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1704. 1705.

Staging Room: 60 10 % Precision Air Conditioning System 24 X 7 Operations Window . The design of Precision Air-conditioning units shall ensure that their devices will function properly by maintaining the minimum and maximum operating temperature at the server intake, and the quantity of airflow measured in Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM) required at the servers intake. Bypass of airflow (conditioned air supplied from the precision air conditioning units is delivered directly back to the air conditioners intake) like penetrating of air through cable cut-outs, holes under enclosures, or misplaced perforated tiles etc shall be completely blocked. Bidders to consider IT rack arrangement through a Close Couple cooling system Air leakage through holes / windows in the server room perimeter walls and non-sealed doors shall be avoided. Proper sealing of server room shall be mandatory. Recirculation of air (hot air exhausted from the rack-mounted computing device is fed back in to its own intake) shall be competed avoided. Design shall be based on the latest design technologies like closed coupled cooling with closed couple based units to minimize the recirculation of air to avoid potential overheating and damage to computing equipment which may result disruption to mission-critical services in the data center. From the criticality perspective, UPS , PAC, Datacentre Infrastructure Manager , and PDU should be from single and same OEM. Air stratification (layering effect of temperature from the bottom to the
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1706. 1707. 1708.

top of the enclosure) shall be completely avoided in proposed design. Positions of Indoor units shall be done wisely to reduce the distance of return air path from hot aisle to hot-air in-take of cooling units. Cooling units shall be positioned as closer to the heat load, so that any kind of recirculation of air can be avoided. Servers located at the highest points of a high-density enclosure shall receive the required amount CFM calculated based on Delta T. Temperature available across the entire face of sever enclosures shall maintain with in minimum and maximum operating temperature & relative humidity range. Temperature shall be maintained at 23 deg C + /-1 deg C Relative Humidity shall be maintained at 50% RH +/-5% Horizontal row cooling units design shall be based on the Heat loads of various server racks. Production areas have these units with N+1 configuration Bidder to recommend HORIZONTAL THROW/PAC units having horizontal air flow in front of the IT Racks with no air-stratification across the face of the server racks, using DX based / Water type ( for chennai ) and Water type cooling ( for Kolkata ). Pls note only water type is feasible for Kolkata. The closed cold / hot aisle cooling system can also adopted to achieve more efficient and economical cooling Precision Air Conditioners complete with RS485 communication port with Modbus RTU protocol to integrate with BMS ON / OFF status Trip status
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1710. 1711.


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1713. 1714. 1715. 1716.

Supply air and return air temperature monitoring Relative Humidity monitoring Water leak detector Ideally a Server Room cooling system should have sensible ratio of 1: 1, most precision systems have between 85% to 100% sensible cooling Server Room should be isolated from contaminants Server Room should be free from water ingress The roof should also be insulated with under deck insulation if the above floor is non air-conditioning Any kind of openings or punctures in masonry of Server, network rooms, AHU & electrical rooms to be sealed properly - to make it air tight to ensure that in case of fire, the fire does not spread to other areas High Density Cooling: Bidder need to define a cooling such that it provide an open architecture for the placement of high densiy racks at any desired location by AAI UPS for Horizontal row / PAC Units: As this data centre will house medium and high density racks, the horizontal row cooling units should be powered through IT UPS only in case of chilled water based cooling units. Cooling Unit Fans: The unit shall be configured for draw-through air pattern to provide uniform air flow over the entire face of the coil Variable Speed Fans: Fans shall be variable speed capable of modulating from 30-100%. Fans shall soft start to minimize in-rush
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1724. 1725.


current when starting Compressors shall be VFD ( Variable frequency Drive ) driven in the case of DX based horizontal units. Referegent shall be R407C/R410A only. The master display shall allow monitoring and configuration of the air conditioning unit through a menu-based control. Functions include status reporting, set-up, and temperature set points GROUP CONTROL FUNCTION OF COOLING UNITS: The group control for the multiple cooling units shall be provided. Each unit shall be loaded with logic software to equalize the running of each unit, controlling the RPM of the fans to deliver the desired cooling capacity in to the Data Center. Upon failure of one of the units, the other units shall automatically increase the cooling capacity to maintain the desired CFM for Severs in racks. In case of Chilled water based solution, chillers supply shall be in bidder scope. Scope of Work for the chiller includes: Supply, installation and commissioning of MS pipes with proper insulation from chiller units, to central chilled water distribution unit to individual cooling units and necessary pumps, pressurization tank and required hardware / accessories for the successful installation of chiller units. In case of chilled water based solution, Chiller capacity shall be calculated by the bidder. Chiller compressors shall be Scroll type with VFD, Bidder need to design the chiller in one working , one standby mode. One additional Primary pump and one additional VFD driven secondary pump has to supplied with 2 numbers of chillers.
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1727. 1728.

Both the chillers should be operated in automatic sequencing. The standby chiller has to be in automated mode whenever the working chillers goes down. The valve closing of non-working chillers and valve opening of working chillers has to be in automated mode. Chiller should provide a chilled water at temperature suitable meet the cooling unit requirements. Isolation valves shall be provided on all connections to compressor to allow servicing / replacement of one compressor while the other is working. Microprocessor based interactive control console in a locked factory mounted (directly on the unit), pre-wired with all operating and safety control and instruments. It shall provide start, stop, safeties, interlocks, capacity control and indications for operation of chiller unit. It should be possible to operate chillers in auto as well as manual mode. The chillers should operate in full load and part load conditions. It should be possible to view the cause of shutdown, to change digital programmable essential set points and type of restart required. Safety shutdowns shall include low oil pressure, high compressor discharge pressure, low evaporator pressure, low refrigerant temperature, motor controller fault and sensor malfunctions. Comfort Air Conditioning System Comfort AC is required for different time durations for different
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1729. 1730. 1731. 1732. 1733. 1734. 1735.

manned areas. There is need for 24 x 7 on demand air-conditioning service The System can be Chilled Water type or DX type for efficient operations Temperature shall be maintained at 25 deg C + /-1 deg C Relative Humidity should not exceed 60% Fresh Air Intake: 20 cubic feet per minute per person Floor mounted / Ceiling suspended type AHU can be used if chilled water is available Acoustic insulation of ducting shall be Nitrile Rubber foam. The material should be fibre free Thermal Insulation of ducting shall be 9mm thick closed cell nitrile rubber temperature range from -10QC to +60QC, Class 0 fire category Powder coated square / rectangular / circular diffuser with removable centre core and volume control damper for better air balancing Storage room may be given only a small bleed from the aircon system to keep it cool enough. There will be no heat source within the room except for the fabric load The fresh air intake louvers shall have volume control damper, vermin netting and 45 deg angle suitable for protection against splashing rain water fixed in a powder coated Aluminium angle mount frames Drain piping shall be Class B -GI pipe with 13 mm thick nitrile
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rubber insulation covered with 24 gauge aluminium cladding The vendor is expected to include all auxiliary works like ducting, inlet and drain piping, piping between indoor and outdoor, cabling, acoustic and thermal insulation (Duct and floor for server room volume control dampers, supply and returns air grills, stands for indoor and outdoor units with related civil works etc. as per the site requirements General Standards: The outdoor unit must consist of the condenser coil, propeller fan with IP55 motor, HP / LP switch all housed in a powder coated casing. The fan must be for low noise and must be provided with fan guard The indoor unit must comprise the compressor, cooling coil, evaporator blower and cleanable filter all housed in a powder coated sheet metal cabinet of robust construction. The entire unit must be acoustically insulated with 25mm thick fiberglass covered with RP tissue. The unit must be provided with Expansion valve, liquid line strainer, catchall drier, thermostat, etc., the unit must be provided with an Electronic panel housing all starters and display of status for evaporator, compressor, and condenser motors. The unit status, the return air temperature and the set point temperature shall be displayed. The panel shall have auto restart feature in case of power failures and shall trip the condenser fan motor when the compressor trips on low load The necessary framework supporting the condensing must be included. 30RM of refrigerant piping between the indoor unit and the condensing unit must be included
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1743. 1744. 1745.

Colour and make of the materials may be symmetrical with the overall interiors of the Data Center and should ensure the aesthetic aspects of the ambience Fire Detection, Alarm and Fire Suppression System The fire alarm system should be integrated with the access control system Scope: The system shall be in full compliance with National and Local Codes. The system shall include all required hardware, interconnecting wiring and software. All equipment furnished shall be new and the latest state of the art products of manufacturers, engaged in the manufacturing and sale of intelligent fire detection devices for over 5 years. Standards & Codes: The publications listed below form a part of this publication to the extent referenced. The publications are referenced in the text by the basic designation only. The latest version of each listed publication shall be used as a guide unless the authority having jurisdiction has adopted an earlier version. Factory Mutual (FM) FM AG Approval Guide. Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL) Appropriate "UL" equipment standards "UL" 864 Control Panels
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"UL" 268 Smoke Detectors. "UL" 268A Smoke Detectors (HVAC). "UL"1076 Security. "UL" 1971, Standard for Visual Signalling Appliances. System Requirements: The system shall be a complete, electrically supervised fire detection and notification system, microprocessor based operating system having the following; capabilities, features and horizontal row / capacities: The local system shall provide status indicators and control switches for all of the following functions: Audible and visual notification alarm circuit zone control. Any additional status or control functions, including but not limited to; emergency generator functions, fire pump functions, door unlocking and security with bypass capabilities. Each intelligent addressable device or conventional zone on the system shall be displayed at the Central Alarm Receiving Terminal and the local fire alarm control panel by a unique alphanumeric label identifying its location. Control Panel The fire alarm control panel shall be microprocessor based using the multiple microprocessors throughout the system providing rapid processing of smoke detector and other initiation device information to control system output functions. There shall be a watchdog circuit, which shall verify the system processors and the software program. Problems with either the
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processors or the system program shall activate a trouble signal, and reset the panel. All module wiring shall be to terminal blocks, which will plug into the system card cage. The blocks shall be color coded to prevent accidental crossing of wiring Power Supply The system Power Supply/Charger shall be backed up with battery charger. The power supply shall be filtered and regulated. The auxiliary power supply module shall share common batteries with the primary power supply. System Enclosures Provide the enclosure needed to hold all the cards and modules with at least spare horizontal row for two cards. System enclosure doors shall provide where required ventilation for the modules or cards in the enclosure Intelligent Initiation Devices All initiation devices shall be insensitive to initiating loop polarity. Specifically, the devices shall be insensitive to plus/minus voltage connections on either Style 4 or Style 6 circuits. The smoke detector shall be an intelligent digital photoelectric detector with a programmable heat detector. The system controlled output functions shall be from an individual or unique input of smoke obscuration, a thermal condition or a combination of obscuration and thermal conditions. The detector shall support the use of a relay and LED remote indicator at the same time. Detector wiring shall not require any special shielded cable. Thermal Detectors shall be rated at ~135 degrees fixed temperature
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1754. 1755.

and 15 degrees per minute rate of rise. Detectors shall be constructed to compensate for the thermal lag inherent in conventional type detectors due to the thermal mass, and alarm at the set point of 135 degrees Fahrenheit. The detectors furnished shall have a listed horizontal row / spacing for coverage up to 2,500 square feet and shall be installed according to applicable standards for open area coverage. Provide single action addressable manual stations containing the intelligence for reporting address, identity, alarm and trouble to the fire alarm control panel. Fire Detection System The Aspirating Smoke Detection System shall be complete with high sensitive 3 stage filtration LASER-based Smoke Detectors with aspirators connected to network of sampling pipes Fire Suppression System Automatic fire detection and extinguishing system A fast acting, human and should be only clean, environment friendly Inert gas based suppression system such as Inergen or Argonite. The Fire Extinguishing System shall be proposed for the Mux/Entrance Room, Server Room with adequate redundancy as per NFPA 2001 Access Control Proximity based access control systems to be deployed at: Server Room Staging Room HORIZONTAL ROW/PAC and Electrical, BMS Room
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1760. 1761.



The entire secured zone should have only one access point for routine entry / exit from the security perspective. Additionally there should be one or more emergency exits. There should be additional access points for large material movement into the area. This should be normally secured and entry allowed only under strict security control The entry point of the secured zone should have a Security Guard desk. All entry/exit at this point should be after authentication only. Use of heavy duty access control based turnstiles and doors should be made at this point Two access controlled turnstiles with anti-pass back featured to be located at this point for entry & exit separately. These turnstiles to operate on presentation of valid proximity card at the access card reader. All entry beyond this point has to be after approval/authentication only Beyond the turnstile entry point, each of the blocks defined above should have a separate entrance. Only authorized persons to have access to each of these blocks A proximity card based access control system is required for use on all doors The access card system should be configurable to restrict access to any particular room / partition, on any particular day / days and for particular time zone or zones The various door lock / release controllers should be connected to a remote PC based monitoring and control system using suitable software Water Leak System
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1764. 1765. 1766. 1767. 1768. 1769. 1770. 1771. 1772. 1773.

Detection of leaks in the sub floor Detection of leaks from air conditioners or support piping Integration with monitoring system Use of distance-read systems (cable type systems) in rooms with large raised-floor areas Water leak detection cable should be placed in serpentine pattern on the sub-floor, around all possible leak sources The proposed system shall be Digital type The System shall be integrated with BMS on MODBUS RTU Rodent Control System Ultrasonic Rodent repellent system to be used The antennae / transmitters to be placed at defined distances and fixed at an angle so that the sound waves will bounce and cover the entire area System emits high frequency ultrasonic waves through special antennae / transmitters (well above 20 KHz, the human audible range) Server Racks General Specifications. The unit shall be designed to provide a secure, managed environment for server and networking equipment. The unit shall conform to EIA-310 Standard or Indian equivalent The unit shall be available with a vertical equipment mounting space of
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1775. 1776. 1777. 1778. 1779.


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1780. 1781. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1785. 1786. 1787.

42U or (1U=1.75 or 44.45mm). Physical Specifications The unit shall have 42U height with minimum 1000 depth. Width will be 600MM for server racks & 750mm for network racks. The 42U and units shall support a static load of 1200KG. The front door of unit shall be reversible so that it may open from either side. The units shall have 3/2 perforated front door, perforated split rear doors, and removable side panels All racks shall have IP20 protection and shall be inherently earthed or grounded directly to the frame. The unit shall provide adequate ventilation to provide airflow required by the major server manufacturers. The unit shall have clearance for wiring access of at least 3 between the inside surface of the front door and front mounting face of the vertical mounting rails. The unit shall have clearance for wiring access of at least 1.5 between the side panel and the vertical mounting rails. The unit shall include front door lock, rear door lock and side panel lock that are keyed the same The unit shall have mounting provisions for optional door alarm switch to monitor access to the enclosure doors. Power Distribution Strips General Specifications. Rack power distribution should have at least 20 C13 outlets.
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1794. 1795.

1796. 1797. 1798. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802.

rack power distribution offerings meet the needs a way to monitor the current draw at each rack The rack power distribution units shall be a zero U mounting unit, the same shall be provided with factory fitted IEC 309 mail connectors. Power cables from ups out put distribution shall be connected to the racks level PDUs through IEC 309 connectors only. It shall Monitor the aggregate current draw; avoid overloaded circuits; balance loads User Interface & digital load indicator (kVA & KW) shall be provided. Units have a digital display and network connections in built in PDU & it should enable the user to mange (on/off) each sockets remotely. PDU should Indicates overload and warning conditions based on the user-defined alarm thresholds. The PDU should provide alarms & alerts to user about potentional problems. STANDARDS & REGULATORY APPROVALS CCC,CE,VDE Data Center Infrastructure Management Systems (with necessary hardware & software) A centralized physical infrastructure monitoring system which is capable to record historical data, events and send event details through email shall been provided to monitor & maintain the maximum up time for all the components inside the Data Center. The device shall be SNMP compatible & can browser accessible which can monitor multiple parameters of all the IP based equipment in Data Center infrastructure, like uninterrupted power supply units, PACs, power distribution units, rack level PDUs, Environment monitoring units.
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1805. 1806. 1807. 1808. 1809.




Device Level Monitoring - Lowest level management at the device, access through Network Management Cards Centralized Monitoring - Vendor-neutral SNMP enabled device support, with a live & unified view. Inventory Management providing an overview of the entire data center inventory & SNMP enabled assents in AAIs LAN. Predictive Simulation & Modeling providing accurate simulation of live data and the capability to create what-if scenarios This management solution, shall be an IT-ready, scalable monitoring system which should collects, organizes, and distributes critical alerts to selected modes anywhere in AAIs s LAN / WAN. This solution shall be capable of providing a centralized repository for critical power, cooling, environmental, and surveillance data and events. This centralized software solution can be accessed by multiple users, from anywhere on the network. It shall be cable of real-time monitoring, generating user-defined reports and graphs, and instant fault notification and escalation, which shall enable quick assessment and resolution of critical issues by AAI. The proposed infrastructure management software should allow the user to predict the optimal location for new IT hardware adding in to the Data Center on demand. This selection shall be based on the availability and requirements of physical infrastructure capacity; and user defined requirements such as redundancy, network and business use grouping. The proposed data center manager software should allow the user to optimize the use of the physical infrastructure and avoids unplanned downtime. The capacity simulation shall be based on live data, and it should analyze the impact of IT hardware changes & it should alert the user whether the present infrastructure, rack wise is having the
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1816. 1817.

required capacity of power, cooling, free U space & load bearing capacity to accommodate the proposed IT hardware additions. The proposed data center infrastructure management shall provide the current and historical Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) values for enabling the user for a fact-based understanding of how much power is devoted to driving the installed IT-equipment compared with the total facility consumption. It should give an insight to customer how effectively energy is utilized down to subsystem level, as well as an understanding of how the customer can improve energy efficiency. The proposed solution shall have a web-based dashboard to view efficiency data on current and historical PUE, as well as detailed subsystem cost analysis. The proposed solutions should provide an overview of the power path through the facility, including a hierarchical breakdown of the power flow from the main HT panel down to the main Power Distribution Unit (PDU) in side the Data Center Racks. The solution should enable different levels of access through multiuser login and pre-defined user roles to allow the data related to the critical infrastructure to reach the respective teams / members of the facility & DC operations. Rack Manager / Panel Manager Detail Specifications Rack Manager / Panel Manager / Network manager / Satellite Scanner / Real Time System Monitor The Intelligent Infrastructure Control System is a device that performs the following functions: Communicate with intelligent patch panels Provide power to intelligent patch panels on a rack Record connectivity information
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1819. 1820.

1821. 1822.

Communicate to other System Controllers Communicate to Intelligent Infrastructure Operations Software via Ethernet Display electronic work orders and guide the technician with visual and audio alerts Display trace and connectivity information Monitor all patch panel connections and disconnections Patch panels should have a button and an LED on top of each and every port and should be able to sense the patch cord movement through IR rays easy monitoring Rack Manager / Panel Manager should support either 960 or 1080 port configuration in 1 U rack space Rack Manager / Panel Manager should have capability of Master or standalone configuration conversion and should be able to daisy chain up to 99 device together Should be available in 1 U Rack size and monitor up to 1080 ports Have LCDs to guide the technician with trace details and connection and disconnection information with every port having LED display for visual guidance & Alarm, Job notification & trace details to help field engineers to identify the work order issued by the manager immediately Should be able to manage 106920 ports in a single patch zone The INTELLIGENT ready patch panel should be upgradable to fully intelligent panels without any single minute of downtime during future upgrade.(No patch cord removal required)
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1825. 1826.





1831. 1832.


Panels should be available in straight versions with modular jacks in Cat5E,Cat6 or Cat6A on UnShielded Platform Intelligent copper patch panels shall be compatible with standardscompliant 60603-7 (RJ45) plugs, and shall detect the insertion and removal of any compliant plug into a patch panel port The RJ45 plug on each end of the cord makes contact with each port through IR sensing or Micro switch mechanism, creating a circuit connection This circuit connection enables the patch cable connect/disconnect tracking system of the INTELLIGENT Rack Manager / Panel Manager LED and a BUTTON on each and every port to help easy trouble shooting, Tracing Connection & Visual Guidance in conjunction with Rack Manager / Panel Manager functionality When a patch cord is inserted or removed from a port, the Rack Manager / Panel Manager discovers the connect/disconnect and communicates the port ID information to the intelligent management software over a TCP/IP connection The intelligent panels immediately notify the software database to update and document the change in connectivity Rack Manager / Panel Manager should be of Low power consumption, Low heat dissipation, High packing density, , Fault resilient design, High visibility display ( 8 lines, 40 char) and Multifunction Push Buttons 1 height unit in a 19(48.26cm) cabinet, 15.24cm (6 inches)mm depth
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1834. 1835. 1836.

Provides TCP/IP link between Rack Manager / Panel Manager and Server with normal RJ 45 cable using 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port Connector format is unshielded RJ-45 in rear of unit LED Indicators for: Power: Indicates that the Rack Manager / Panel Manager is receiving power Pulse: The heartbeat of the Rack Manager / Panel Manager. A properly functioning Rack Manager / Panel Manager will blink on/off RX (Receive): Indicates the Rack Manager / Panel Manager is receiving information TX (Transmit): Indicates the Rack Manager / Panel Manager is transmitting information Climatic: Operating Range 0C to 9C (10F to 40F) Storage Range 20C to +70C (4F to 40F) Humidity 5% to 95% non-consideration following climatogram in ETS300-019 Class 3.1e Power: Voltage 110-240V AC (50-60HZ) Current less than 0.5A Power consumption < 7W fully loaded. 9 Watts max., 6 Watts nominal



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DATA CENTRE REQUIREMENT AT 8 AIRPORTS AHMEDABAD, GUWAHATI, TRIVANDRUM, CALICUT, JAIPUR, PUNE, MANGALORE & TRICHY 1. Site preparation should be done in the area of at least 120 Sq ft. with civil , interiors, electrical, and other related works. 2. This will include gypsum partition with glass panels for making dust free enclosure for the server. 3. Precision Air-conditioning in server room will have to be provided through 1 numbers of PAC of Min 10 KW capacity each. 4. This will also include necessary wiring and power points for UPS, PAC and server etc. 5. Adequate lighting arrangements are also required inside the server room and UPS enclosure. UPS as per the specifications below will be placed within the server room. 1. IT racks 2 numbers ( specifications same as above ) 2. Security and safety such as access control /fire suppression / detection/ VESDA/ Water leak detection / rodent repellant to be provided .

1841. 1842.

UPS with Accessories Uninterrupted power supply units shall be designed to provide reliable operation for continuous 7x24x365 days. The ups shall be true on-line double conversion UPS system using IGBT based technology i.e. the IGBT based Rectifier of the UPS system converts the input AC power to DC and then the IGBT based inverter converts
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the DC into clean AC power. UPS solution shall be N+1. Continuous duty, three phase, solid state, static UPS is required for the server racks with peak load of 15 KW. Both UPS and batteries should be in rack form factor and should be hot-swappable, scalable , and user replaceable and should be of the same make as the UPS module. Redundant & hot swappable intelligence modules, power modules, battery modules in draw out fashion , with single display unit and should have hot-swappable static switch. UPS should be unity power factor corrected at the output. The UPS, in conjunction with a network interface card, shall be capable of gracefully shutting down one or more operating systems when the UPS is on low battery condition, and should be integrable with the datacentre infrastructure management software. The specification describes the operation and functionality of a continuous duty, three-phase, solid-state, static Uninterruptible Power system (UPS) hereafter referred to as the UPS. The UPS shall utilize a (N+1) redundant, scalable architecture. The system power train shall be comprised of hot swappable/ user replaceable UPS and battery modules of the same make, which shall operate in parallel, and be configured for (N+1) redundant operation at rated load. Each UPS module contains a full rated input rectifier/ boost converter (hereafter referred to as Input Converter), full rated output inverter, and battery charging circuit. The system shall also comprise of a user-replaceable continuous duty bypass static switch module, not swappable/ user replaceable battery modules, redundant control modules, redundant logic power supplies, and LCD interface display. System static which shall be capable of being fed from the same input as the rectifier or a separate input. 3 phase, 400 V power modules of minimum 15KVA with self testing capability. Active Power ac or Correction shall be
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1843. 1844. 1845. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852.

built in to the power modules. UPS. Redundant intelligent bus distribution is recommended. All racks will get power feed from two independent UPSs having UPS efficiency of min 95% from loads varying from 25% -100 % The UPS manufacturer shall provide an output distribution system to distribute power for mission critical, data centre load. This distribution system should be installed out side the ups modules along with input, output & manual bypass switches in a metal enclosure which is in a rack form factor. Output distribution shall happen through 3 phase & neutral bus-duct. It should possible to add or replace circuit breaker modules without switching OFF the complete load bus. Each breaker module should have be capable of branch circuit monitoring. UPS should confirm to the following standards : A.UL 1778 - Uninterruptible Power Supply Equipment B. UL 891 - Dead-Front Switchboards C.UL 1558 - Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear D. UL60950 - Information Technology Equipment The UPS shall also be designed in accordance with publications from the following organizations and committees NFPA- National Fire Protection Associations NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration IEEE 519-1992 Standard Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems.
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1853. 1854. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859.

ISO 9001 OEM should have toll free number for services. OEM should be having minimum 1 manufacturing plant in India. ISO 50001 ISO 14001 Precision Air Conditioning (PAC) Cooling Air-conditioning units shall be designed to achieve the specific environmental operating requirements published by the OEMs. The design shall ensure that their devices will function properly by maintaining the minimum and maximum operating temperature at the server intake, and the quantity of airflow measured in CFM required at the servers intake. Bypass of airflow (conditioned air supplied from the precision air conditioning units is delivered directly back to the air conditioners intake like penetrating of air through cable cut-outs, holes under enclosures, or misplaced perforated tiles etc shall be completely blocked. Air leakage through holes/windows in the computer room perimeter walls and non-sealed doors shall be avoided. Proper sealing of computer room shall be mandatory Recirculation of air (hot air exhausted from the rack-mounted computing device is fed back in to its own intake) shall be competed avoided. The vendor shall submit the airflow analysis or CFD analysis to support their layout being designed will avoid all kinds of recirculation of air from top of the rack or through the vacant U
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1866. 1867. 1868.

1869. 1870.

space inside the racks. Design shall based on the latest design technologies like closed coupled cooling with in row based units to minimize the recirculation of air to avoid potential overheating and damage to computing equipment which may result disruption to missioncritical services in the GSOC. Air stratification (layering effect of temperature from the bottom to the top of the enclosure) shall be completely avoided in proposed design. Positions of Indoor units shall be done wisely to reduce the distance of return air path from hot aisle to hot-air in-take of cooling units. Cooling units shall be positioned as closer to the heat load, so that any kind of recirculation of air can be avoided. Also horizontal airflow in the front of the racks should ensure uniform CFM cross the entire face of the racks. Servers located at the highest points of a high density enclosure shall receive the required amount CFM calculated based on Delta T. Both UPS and PAC should be of the same OEM to ensure uptime at all tim Temperature available across the entire face of sever enclosures shall maintain with in minimum and maximum operating temperature & relative humidity range UTP and Fibre Patch Cables Cat 6 Structured cabling is required to be provided to meet the AOCC requirement at different locations. All CAT 6 accessories are to be suitably provided. The scope will cover supply and laying of
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all components. The products should comply to the TIA / EIA (T568A/T568B) (wherever applicable), ISO 9001& ISO14001CE Certified (wherever applicable) All components wherever applicable should be Tested to 550 MHz. Standard Lengths and ports as per OEM specifications are to be provided. The Guarantee / Warrantee of the Structured Cabling components should be at least 20 years. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 6-core, Single Mode, Armoured OFC Cabling meeting all the International standard. 12U / 15U or 18 U Wall Mount Racks as per site requirements STORAGE SPECIFICATIONS FOR DC/DR Storage Controller The Storage system must have at least two controllers running in an active-active mode with automatic failover to each other in case of one controller failure. Cache required The system should have 64 GB cache across the two controllers upgradable to more than 128 GB without changing the controllers with an ability to protect data on cache if the system fails and it results into controller failure. Additional Cache if required due propriety array architecture/design should be proposed separately as adequate by following the documented best practices. It shall
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1876. 1877.

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support data protection feature in case of power failure irrespective of the duration of power loss 1878. 1879. Protocols Supported The storage shall be able to provide FC, iSCSI, NFS,CIFS, FCoE protocols for use with different applications optionally natively or using a external gateway. If external gateway is configured, at least two of them in active-active configuration with failover capabilities between them. Storage Capacity The storage shall support high performing SSD drives , FC/SAS drives and low performing SATA Drives simultaneously. The storage shall be supplied with 50 TB of net usable for each site with approximately 3% of Flash Memory. The Balance storage is to be divided into 50% configured on 600 GB 10K RPM SAS disks and 50% configured on 1 / 2 TB 7200 RPM SATA disks after removing the drives required for (a) Parity/Mirror, (b) hot spares. The raid group used to configure the usable space should be able to provide dual disk failure protection in a single raid group. The above does not include the sizing & performance impact of other features like replication, point-in-time-images and clones for which excess usable capacity and disks as required should be provisioned and offered separately. The Bidder needs to furnish the details of the same in its offer with full disclosures on calculations failing which the bid shall be treated as incomplete and can be rejected. The Storage array should support encryption. 1882. Front-End & Back-End connectivity
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Front End -The storage shall support FCP for connection to Front End SAN and backend disk communication. The storage array shall be configured with 32 x 8 Gbps FC front end ports. Backend-Total offered backend port should be 16 scalable to 32. RAID configuration Intelligent hardware RAID controllers to implement hardware mirroring at storage controller level. The storage shall support RAID levels which provide mirroring, single disk failure and dual disk failure protection in a raid group. Mix and match of disks & RAID levels shall be supported. Storage Scalability The storage shall be scalable to more than 200 drives by adding extra Disk Array Enclosures Hot spare disks The number of hot spares should be as per the best practices of the vendor. However there should be a minimum of 4 hot spare disks for SAS and minimum of 2 hot spare disks for SATA. The functionality should be such that the replacement drive can be designated as the new hot spare instead of rebuilding of data on the replacement drive. Storage built-in functionality The storage shall have the ability to combine multiple RAID Groups into a single entity so as to create LUNS/Volumes using Multiple RAID Groups and hence from the single entity to give maximum performance to all the applications being served from these disks.
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1884. 1885.

1886. 1887. 1888. 1889.

1890. 1891.


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1892. 1893.

The storage shall have the ability to expand LUNS/Volumes on the storage online and instantly. The storage shall have the ability to create logical volumes without physical capacity being available or in other words system should allow over-provisioning of the capacity. The license required for the same shall be supplied for the maximum supported capacity of the offered storage model. The storage should support intelligent algorithms for optimizing the resource utilization according the application demand at any point of time The storage shall support logical partitioning of controllers in future such that each partition appears as a separate storage in itself. The storage shall support standard storage security features. System should have redundant hot swappable active and passive components like controllers, disks, power supplies, fans etc. Clones The storage shall also support creation of copy of volumes (clones). This is for use in development environment, for running reports and for DR drills. Point-in-times images The storage shall have the ability to create instant, online and consistent point-in-time images of the data including databases so that these images can be used as online backups for instant restores. The system should be able to keep at least 14 (twice a day) copies of
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1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899.

1900. 1901.


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these images per LUN/volume online for at least one week on the storage for restores, if required, without affecting the performance of the system 1902. 1903. Data Deduplication To improve the TCO, the storage system shall have built-in support for removing redundant blocks through block level deduplication/ compression on the primary storage system for all SAN RPO & RTO on the primary storage The replication between DC & DR should be atleast once in 15 min and the data loss cannot exceed 15 minutes.The primary storage shall guarantee local capability for the airport functions to remain for at least the last 72Hrs. Maximum data loss in any case will not exceed 15 minutes Disaster Recovery Support The solution shall have FC-IP converters either built-in or supplied separately in redundant/NSPOF mode for both Primary as well as DR site. The solution shall have enabled Synchronous and Asynchronous replication on it for the full supported capacity of the system. The storage shall support block level incremental replication in case of Asynchronous replication. The storage shall support check point based replication and shall not require re-transmit of baseline data in case of normal link interruption
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1904. 1905.

1906. 1907.

1908. 1909. 1910.

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The replication solution on storage shall support failover to DR storage and fallback as and when required with only incremental transfer required at the time of resync. The failover to the DR site shall be controlled from the Storage manage GUI and should include the functionality to execute any custom post-processing scripts to make sure the complete process is automated.The replication management GUI either third party or from the OEM shall also have provision to test the failover scripts without actually doing the failover. The storage replication software should maintain multiple restore points on the DR site so that in the event of corruption on the Primary Storage spreading to the DR storage, the user should have an option to restore to a previous copy of the data It should be possible to run DC-DR Drills and reports on the system when operating as a DR storage without interrupting the ongoing replication. Any additional capacity required for the same shall be provided with the offer. Licensing All the licenses on the storage system must be provided for an entire capacity supported by the system from day one Upgradeability/ Investment Protection The Storage Solution system must provide the ability to natively expand storage on-the-fly (i.e. without reboot or suspension of processing), and expand and reduce volume sizes on-the-fly without requirement to copy data between volumes in order to resize. This includes: Addition of disks to the storage system capacity on-thePage 417 of 487



1914. 1915. 1916. 1917.


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fly; Physical storage system expansion by adding entire disk shelves (in turn using them to expand the array as mentioned above); Volume expansion and reduction without requirement to entirely rebuild or copy data from a larger volume to a smaller volume; All of these operations will provide the ability to expand storage by megabytes up to hundreds of gigabytes and/or terabytes without the use of any third party software, without operational impact (zero downtime) and without performance degradation. Expansion and reduction requires no data or parity re-striping or recalculations 1918. 1919. Management Easy to use GUI based and web enabled administration interface for configuration, storage management. The Storage GUI should report any the lag between the primary and the DR storage in addition to sending alerts in case the lag exceeds a particular threshold. OS support Support for industry-leading Operating System platforms including: LINUX, Microsoft Windows, HP-UX, SUN Solaris, IBM-AIX, etc. It shall support connecting of at least 500 hosts over fiber channel and iSCSI and shall be supplied with any Multipathing software if required with the solution. Remote Diagnostics The proposed system should support Web based, Email facility for remote service & also support dial-in / dial-out to report errors and warnings AC Power
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1920. 1921.

1922. 1923.


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1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929.

200-240VAC,50Hz Rack Mountable The proposed system must be rack mounted SAN SWITCH AT DC/DR Minimum 30 Active ports within same switch upgradeable to 40 ports or higher. Hot Plug SFPs Port speed: 8, 4, and 2-Gbps autosensing with 8 Gbps of dedicated bandwidth per port Minimum Aggregated platform bandwidth of 300 Gbps or higher Virtual output queuing to help ensure line-rate performance on each port, independent of traffic pattern, by eliminating head-of-line blocking Should have capability of ISL trunking aggregation of 16 ports Should support multiple OS Should have Hot-swappable dual Fans and Dual power supplies Should have web based management software for administration and configuration Switch shall support in built diagnostics, power on self-test, command
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1931. 1932.

1933. 1934. 1935. 1936.



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level diagnostics, online and offline diagnostics. 1938. Should support VSANS supporting Per-VSAN fabric services or equivalent Should support the following diagnostics: Online Diagnostics Internal Loopbacks SPAN FC Debug Syslog Power on self test (POST) diagnostics 1940. Security Features VSANs Zoning Hardware-enforced zoning Logical-unit-number (LUN) zoning and read-only zones


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FC-SP for host-to-switch and switch-to-switch authentication Port security Management access SSHv2 , SNMPv3 ,IP ACLs 1941. Availability features Non-disruptive software upgrades Stateful process restart Per-VSAN fabric services Redundant hot-swappable power supply and fan trays Hot-swappable SFP optics Port-Channels aggregating up to 16 ports Online diagnostics 1942. Serviceability features Configuration file management Call Home Port beaconing

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System LEDs 1943. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. 1948. 1949. 1950. 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954. 1955. 1956. SNMP traps for alerts VIRTUAL TAPE LIBRARY SPECIFICATIONS FOR DC/DR Should be able to interface with different server platforms and operating systems simultaneously via NFS v3, CIFS and FC. Should support LAN, SAN & NDMP backup solutions simultaneously Must support Inline data duplication technology at block level using variable block length technology Must support VLAN tagging. Must support both LAN D2D backup and VTL backup at the same time Must support single management pane for multiple storage arrays for ease of management Must have the ability to perform different backup or restore jobs simultaneously. Must support for de-duplicated and encrypted Replication of data over Local or Wide Area Networks Must support 10Gb ethernet connectivity Must support point-in-time copies of a LUN or volumes with minimal performance impact Must supports communications and data transfers through 8GB SAN, 10 Gb & 1 Gb ethernet LAN Should support capacity on demand feature that allows the storage allocation associated with a virtual tape cartridge to be consumed upon write, and not creation
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1957. 1958. 1959. 1960. 1961. 1962. 1963. 1964.

Should support auto support remote health check for OEM to monitor the system health. Should support above 2 TB/hr backup throughput. Should support single storage pool and load balancing across multiple storage controllers Should support different retentions for primary and DR backup storage Must support global and target based de-duplication which should also support de-duplication at backup server level. Must protect against lost data in power fail and software crashes Must support Data compression using lz, gz or gzfast or any other equivalent technology Must support selective replication to sub share level replication, must support schedule throttle of network bandwidth depending on the utilization of the WAN bandwidth Must support simultaneous replication process while backup is running Replication Should support bi-directional, many-to-one, one-to-many, and one-to-one replication Should support recovery from replica. Must support ACL for CIFS / NFS/ telnet/ http/ https/ ftp/ ssh Must support 64 virtual tape libraries, 128 virtual drives Should support Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) Should have SNMP and command line support. Should have min 50TB usable capacity (physical) with Hot Swap drive scalable to 100TB Usable Capacity using only capacity expansion
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1965. 1966. 1967. 1968. 1969. 1970. 1971. 1972.


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1973. 1974. 1975. 1976. 1977.

shelves and disks. Should support 256 bit AES encryption at rest. Should support retention lock feature which ensures that no data is deleted accidently. Should have inbuilt NDMP tape server. BACKUP SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS FOR DC/DR The proposed Backup server Solution shall be available on 64 bit OS platforms and shall have the capability to support for all major Operating systems. Backup software shall support and configured Scheduled automated restores to perform periodic restore drills. The backup software must provide near real time monitoring and reporting of the backup environment. It should provide a graphical representation and monitoring of trends and current status. Software shall support event notification to notify backup administrator about events like Job Failed or Job aborted etc Backup software shall Provide LAN FREE backup of servers in SAN environments. Software shall offer centralized management console to remotely monitor backups Software shall support Raw device backup of Windows/Linux/UNIX based system Ability to perform Hot-Online backup for different type of Databases such as Oracle, MS SQL, DB2 etc. on various platforms. Also supports the SAP DB backup/restore on heterogeneous platform & must be certified by SAP The backup software must be capable of supporting online backup of
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1978. 1979.

1980. 1981. 1982. 1983. 1984.



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1989. 1990. 1991. 1992.


1994. 1995.

MS Exchange & Lotus Domino mailing systems The Backup software must have an integrated RDBMS as the catalogue and must not use Flat file system to store the backup data. This must be grow dynamically / automatically based on the requirement The backup software should have capability to configure automated backups with customized frequency based scheduling based on the backup policy. In addition the software should also have capability for user-initiated backup The Backup Software shall provide LAN & SAN based data backup and should be able to collocate the data on to separate set of tapes as per the system or group of systems The Backup Software shall provide web / Java based client interface, which can be accessed from any location The software should support for ever incremental backup & there should not be a need to do a Full back up again. The backup software must be licensed to use disk, LTO Tape libraries and Virtual Tape Libraries for backups via SAN or through NDMP. Should have the ability to retroactively update changes to data management policies that will then be applied to the data that is already being backed up or archived The proposed backup software must support electronic vaulting to avoid the tape medias to be sent offsite. It allows copying the entire backed up data to DR TSM server. Bidder must quote this functionality if additional licence is required SERVICES IT Help Desk
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1996. 1997. 1998. 1999. 2000.

IT Helpdesk (To be set up at Chennai Airport) Vendor will provide following under Helpdesk services Provide, program and maintain the automatic call distribution equipment required to provide the Services receive, log and dispatch or transfer Calls, as appropriate open a Call record to document Calls. A Call record may include information such as End User information, Call record number, date and time opened, service requested, problem description or symptoms, Call assignment (for example, Level 2, Level 3), Call status, and Call resolution and closure information prioritize Calls in accordance with the Severity Codes perform problem analysis, including identification of the source of the problem provide Call status as the End User requests dispatch or arrange for on-site support, if required, for problem determination and/or resolution notify the Focal Point of systems or equipment failures, or of an emergency, according to the Process Interface Manual provide a systems status recording for in-scope systems with status information such as known Major Incidents and estimated recovery times interface with and coordinate problem determination and resolution with the Focal Point and/or Third Party service providers, as
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2001. 2002. 2003. 2004. 2005. 2006.



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appropriate 2008. monitor problem status to facilitate problem closure within defined Service Level criteria or escalate in accordance with the escalation management process Procure and maintain relevant hardware and software needed for Helpdesk as defined by BoM Network Services Vendor will provide following under Network Services: provide all Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 support for the Machines and Software assess and implement network architecture and strategy define, document and review thresholds, filters, traps and alarm parameters for LAN Devices, WAN Devices and Firewall Devices evaluate, document and provide alternatives (i.e., new network technology) to network architecture and strategy and implement, as appropriate provide recommendations performance and plans to optimize network

2009. 2010. 2011. 2012. 2013. 2014. 2015.

2016. 2017. 2018. 2019.

review and execute the back-up and recovery processes for the Data Network environment procure LAN Devices, WAN Devices and Firewall Devices setup, configure, test, install and maintain the LAN Devices, WAN Devices and Firewall Devices and Software
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2020. 2021. 2022. 2023. 2024. 2025. 2026. 2027. 2028. 2029. 2030. 2031. 2032. 2033.

establish and maintain an inventory of LAN Devices, WAN Devices and Firewall Devices manage and track network problem tickets assign ownership and priority to network problems perform initial diagnostics to isolate and repair problems perform root cause analysis, as required maintain backup and archive of configuration data for LAN Devices, WAN Devices and Firewall Devices maintain and track the remote access services users and user licenses design and document fail-over for defined redundant network environments control the network operating system security and administrative User IDs Procure and maintain necessary hardware and software necessary as per the BoM Desk Side Support Deskside Support Services (Seating for the support personnel will be provided at each Airport) Vendor will provide following under deskside support services provide problem source identification, problem impact validation, and problem determination
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Implement the deskside support Services operational procedures including the criteria for deployment of deskside support Services personnel provide deskside support Services for Supported Desktop Standard Products at the End User's work location within a Facility in accordance with the established procedures manage the problem to resolution or closure, as appropriate update the status of the desk side support Services call to the Help Desk through to completion provide a monthly standard report using available problem management data summarizing the deskside support Services provided during the prior month provide hardware support for Maintained Equipment including the repair or exchange of such Maintained Equipment, as appropriate implement the hardware maintenance Services operational procedures including the criteria for deployment of hardware maintenance Services personnel coordinate and schedule maintenance activities dispatch hardware maintenance service personnel in accordance with the established procedures provide hardware maintenance for Maintained Equipment in accordance with the equipment manufacturer's specifications coordinate warranty repair service with the appropriate equipment manufacturer
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2036. 2037. 2038.

2039. 2040.

2041. 2042. 2043. 2044.


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2045. 2046. 2047. 2048. 2049.

track and report observed failure trends for Critical Functions update the status of the hardware maintenance Services calls to the Help Desk through to completion coordinate and perform Install Move Add and Changes (IMAC) for the Standard Products requests for IMAC Services via the established procedures and create the required documentation before the scheduled IMAC date, communicate to the Focal Point any IMAC prerequisites and any procedures that need to be followed after the IMAC is completed perform the IMAC Services for desktop Standard Products according to the criteria specified in the IMAC checklist prepare displaced hardware and software and, if applicable, move to a designated staging area within the Facility for removal update the status of the IMAC Services call to the Help Desk through to completion provide a monthly standard report summarizing the IMAC Services Establish Electronic Software Distribution (ESD) processes and procedures establish a distribution plan before each ESD communicate to the Focal Point any ESD prerequisites and post install procedures that need to be completed by End Users schedule and coordinate ESD activities
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2050. 2051. 2052. 2053. 2054. 2055. 2056. 2057.


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develop the how-to procedures End Users will follow to download the distributed software Standard Products from a Supported Server to the Supported Desktop and provide an electronic change notice to all End Users regarding upcoming distributions prior to the distribution itself before an ESD, configure and test the software Standard Products (new or upgrades) included in the ESD to verify compatibility with existing Supported Server and Supported Desktop hardware and software configurations and directory structures Procure and maintain necessary hardware and software necessary as per the BoM Server System Support Vendor will provide following under Server Systems support provide all Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 support for the Machines and OS Software monitor, measure, analyze and tune system performance to meet agreed upon Service Levels recommend changes (i.e., hardware and/or software upgrades) to maintain agreed upon system performance levels define performance indicators and monitor Supported Server performance against such indicators establish a schedule for performing Supported Server maintenance (for example, virus detection, backup, disk space cleanup, and testing such as defragmentation) and modifications and
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2060. 2061. 2062. 2063. 2064. 2065. 2066. 2067.


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enhancements so as to minimally impact End Users 2068. 2069. 2070. 2071. provide standard performance reports monitor and document workloads and provide the information for determining future capacity requirements recommend system configurations or modifications necessary to enable the vendor to maintain acceptable resource utilization notify when any Supported Server resource reaches the mutually agreed critical usage levels and that additional capacity is required to perform the Services in accordance with the Service Levels perform problem management tasks including real-time monitoring of Supported Servers, problem identification, reporting, logging, tracking, resolution, communication and escalation for problems define problem priority levels and associated escalation procedures establish backup and recovery processes and procedures for Supported Servers identified as Critical Functions define alert and paging processes and procedures, including escalation procedures develop and maintain a plan that enables the recovery of data due to unplanned operational types of failures, such as equipment malfunction, temporary power disturbances and abnormal termination install, configure, maintain Supported Server Standard Products,
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2073. 2074. 2075. 2076.


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including the operating system and operating system utilities 2078. 2079. 2080. 2081. 2082. 2083. 2084. 2085. 2086. 2087. 2088. 2089. 2090. 2091. 2092. establish a test and implementation plan before each operating system version upgrade schedule and coordinate operating implementation with the Focal Point develop an availability plan track, analyze and report on availability provide hardware maintenance for Supported Servers in accordance with the equipment manufacturer's specifications provide required support procedures to the Focal Point recommend availability improvements define the frequency and types of required data backup as well as the retention periods for the data perform file Supported Server data backup and recovery Procure and maintain necessary hardware and software necessary as per the BoM Database Operation/Administration Vendor will provide following services of Database Management install, upgrade and maintain the Database Systems Software manage database subsystem resource availability execute recovery procedures, as required, for database subsystem resources
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2093. 2094. 2095.

provide database subsystem status, as requested provide physical support of the application databases (eg. Creation of DB objects, management of physical files etc). maintaining mutually agreed database backup procedures, to recover from a database outage or corrupted database in accordance with the mutually agreed schedule maintaining and implementing mutually agreed database archive processes and procedures monitoring and reporting of database performance and space utilization recommending modifications for improved performance and implementing setup and retain exclusive use of DBMS system administration IDs and privileges perform access grants to database objects as requested Storage Services Vendor will provide following Storage management services provide all Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 support for the Machines and Software manage files on the Machines keep files under control, current and available during scheduled access times
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2096. 2097. 2098. 2099. 2100. 2101. 2102. 2103. 2104. 2105.


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2106. 2107. 2108. 2109. 2110. 2111. 2112. 2113. 2114. 2115. 2116. 2117. 2118.

initiate and complete required data processing activities concerning data integrity verify the receipt of incoming files and the processing and transmission of outgoing files conduct routine monitoring and corrective action according to procedures verify availability of adequate file space for processing report disk space utilization and requirements for capacity planning purposes manage storage space through the implementation customization of storage management software manage space and utilization rate of storage hardware verify availability and sufficient capacity of file systems during scheduled service times provide periodic reports of space utilization at a logical disk or DASD level document, maintain and, as appropriate, update and execute mutually approved file backup and recovery procedures provide a recovery procedure for restoring the data image to a previous level within a mutually agreed time frame conduct regularly scheduled backup and recovery processes as specified in the process manual provide recommendations regarding backup and recovery
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considerations 2119. 2120. 2121. 2122. 2123. Security Services Vendor will provide following under Security Services provide all Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 support for the security devices and Software perform a gap analysis between the security controls currently in place and the IT Security Controls Document provide an initial threat identification summary based on the gap analysis and update the threat identification summary every 18 months thereafter develop and implement the security document that is used to capture the security policies and technical controls define and document the privileged User IDs in the platform specific technical specifications set forth in the IT Security Controls Document on a periodic basis, review the IT Security Controls Document perform periodic security reviews to validate compliance identify and manage security risks and exposures as part of the Services perform risk and issue management communicate the security procedures to End Users (for example, login procedures, password requirements, use of anti virus programs, data and equipment security procedures)
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2124. 2125.

2126. 2127. 2128. 2129. 2130.

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monitor and support the IT Equipment using specific Security Systems products (i.e., firewall, VPN, intrusion protection sensors, content filtering, anti-spam, anti-virus) to assist in protecting from Internet threats monitor, manage and configure network intrusion prevention sensors escalate security events via e-mail or the web portal, as appropriate collect security or log data archive, analyze, correlate and trend events and logs, while managing response and remediation workflow provide security events and log data online for one year; analyze security events from select intrusion detection and intrusion prevention devices and provide alerts develop, implement and maintain the e-mail security policy scan inbound e-mail for spam provide the capability to create filters to prevent spam and allow email provision and manage User IDs and passwords for end users maintain audit records for User ID approvals, verifications and revalidations and retain such records for two years IT DR Services Vendor will provide following under IT Disaster recovery Services:
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2132. 2133. 2134. 2135. 2136. 2137. 2138. 2139. 2140. 2141. 2142. 2143. 2144.


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2145. 2146. 2147. 2148. 2149. 2150.

the agreed recovery times for each Critical Function identification of recovery teams Define recovery scenarios criteria for Disaster declaration, recovery and testing the location and schedule for the periodic tape backup of Critical Functions the location and schedule for off-site storage of the tape backups

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Bank Guarantee Format for EMD

(To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act) (The non-judicial stamp paper should be in the name of issuing Bank)

Bank Guarantee
The Chairman, Airports Authority of India, CHQ, Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi 110 003, INDIA Dear Sir, We (full name of the banker) hereby refer to the tender for Establishment of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports between the Airports Authority of India as purchaser and M/s (fill in the name of tenderer) as tenderer providing in substance for Establishment of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports as particularized in said tender, to which specific reference is made. Under the terms of said tender, the tenderer is required to provide a bank guarantee in a form acceptable to the purchaser for the amount of Rs.3,75,004,000/-(Rupees Three Crores Seventy Five Lakhs & Four Thousand only) on account of EMD. In view of the foregoing and pursuant to the terms of the said tender, which tender is referred to and made a part thereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length hereon, we hereby absolutely and unconditionally guarantee to the purchaser, performance of the terms and conditions of the said tender. The guarantee shall be construed as an absolute, unconditional and direct guarantee of the performance of the tender without regard to the validity, regularity or enforceability of any obligation of the parties to the tender. The purchaser shall be entitled to enforce this guarantee without being obliged to resort initially to any other security or to any other remedy to enforce any of obligations herein guaranteed any may pursue any or all of its remedies at one or at different times. Upon default of the tender, we agree to pay to the purchaser on demand and without demur the sum of Rs.3,75,004,000/-(Rupees Three Crores Seventy Five Lakhs & Four Thousand only) or any part thereof, upon presentation of a written statement by the purchaser that the amount of said demand represents damages due from the tenderer to the purchaser by virtue of breach of performance by the tenderer under the terms of the aforesaid tender. The determination of the fact of breach and the amount of damages sustained and or liability under the guarantee shall be in the sole discretion of the purchaser whose decision shall be conclusive and binding on the guarantor.



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It is mutually agreed that the purchaser shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any manner our obligation hereunder with or without our consent to vary any of the terms of the said tender or to extend the time for performance by the tenderer, from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the purchaser against the tender and either to forebear or on force any of the terms and conditions relating to the said tender and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reasons of any variation of any extension being granted to the tender or for any forbearance act or commission on the part of the purchaser or any indulgence by the purchaser to the tenderer or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to the sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving our obligation. This guarantee is confirmed and irrevocable and shall remain in effect until (the validity shall be nine months from the date of schedule Opening of Eligibility Bids) and such extended periods which may be mutually agreed to. We hereby expressly waive notice of any said extension of the time for performance and alteration or change in any of the term and conditions of the said tender. Very truly yours, (Authorized Signatory of the Bank)



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Format for Letter of Understanding from Bidder to Bank

(Letter of understanding from the Bidder to Bank to be submitted along with EMD to Airports Authority of India)

The Branch Manager, .................... Bank, .......................

Subject: My/Our Bank Guarantee bearing No.................................. dated........................ for amount .............................. issued in favour of Airports Authority of India.


The subject Bank Guarantee is obtained from your branch for the purpose of Earnest Money on account of contract awarded/ to be awarded by M/s AAI to me/us. I/We hereby authorize the Airports Authority of India in whose favour the deposit is made to close the subject Bank Guarantee before maturity/on maturity towards adjustment of dues without any reference/consent/notice from my/our side and the bank is fully discharged by making the payment to Airports Authority of India.

Signature of the Depositor Place: Date:



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Annexure-XI Power of Attorney Format for the Authorized Person(s)

(Bidder shall submit irrevocable power of attorney on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- signed by authorized signatory as per Memorandum of Articles authorizing the persons, who are signing this bid on behalf of the company) POWER OF ATTORNEY BY THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY executed on _________________we ____________________________________________________, a Company incorporated under the provisions of companies Act, 1956 having its Registered Office at ______________________________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the Company) do hereby severally appoint, constitute and nominate_______________________________________, official(s) of the Company, so long as they are in the employment of the Company (hereinafter referred to as the Attorneys) to sign agreement and documents with regard RFP No.__________________________ due on _____________________ received from Airports Authority of India , Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Civil Aviation, Safdarjung Airport, New Admin Block, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi 110 003 for Establishment of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports and to do all other acts, deeds and things the said Attorneys may consider expedient to enforce and secure fulfilment of any such agreement in the name and on behalf of the Company. AND THE COMPANY hereby agrees to ratify and confirm all acts, deeds and things the said Attorneys shall lawfully do by virtue of these authorities hereby conferred. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this deed has been signed and delivered on the day, month and year first above written by Mr. ______________Secretary of the Company/Authorized Signatory, duly authorized by the Board of Directors of the Company vide its resolution passed in this regard. By order of the Board For _____________________ ( ____________________________) Company Secretary/Authorized Signatory Witness: 1. 2. Attorney Signature of Mr_____________ ---------------------------------------------Attorney Signature of Mr_____________ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Attested) ( ____________________________) Company Secretary/Authorized Signatory



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Bidders Organization Details

Company Name Registered Office Telephone Fax Company Status (public, private) Incorporation Date ROC Number Total Employees Company Website URL

Details of Bidders Authorized Person(s)

Name Address Telephone: Fax: Email: Mobile Phone:

Technical Associate / Consortium Partner Organization Details

Company Name Registered Office Telephone Fax Company Status (public, private) Incorporation Date ROC Number Total Employees Company Website URL



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Undertaking for Technical Associates

To Executive Director (IT), Airports Authority of India, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi-110003 Subject : Undertaking for Technical Associates/OEM Agreement Dear Sir We, the undersigned, hereby submit that we are not having required experience for the following categories as asked by AAI in the tender as a part of Eligibility Bid for Establishment of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports: (a) (b) (c) We undertake that we have a formal alliance with Technical Associates are having requisite experience as per tender for the technical solution or with the OEM of the solutions being offered by us. Relevant documents in support of experience and formal agreement have been submitted by us. We also submit that overall responsibility for all the services shall rest with us. We agree that in case the documents submitted by us for experience and technical alliance are found unacceptable to AAI, our bids shall be rejected.

Yours sincerely, (Name & Designation of Authorized Signatory) Address: Date Seal/Stamp of Bidder



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451 OF 487

TITLE: Establishment

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

ANNEXURE-XIV Non-Disclosure Agreement (To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act) The Non-Disclosure Agreement (hereinafter called the NDA) is made on the [day] day of the month of [month], [year], between, Airports Authority of India, on the one hand, (hereinafter called the Purchaser) and, on the other hand, [Name of the bidder] (hereinafter called the Bidder) having its registered office at [Address] WHEREAS 1. the Purchaser has issued a public notice inviting various organizations to propose for hiring services of an organization for provision of Information Technology Services(hereinafter called the Project) of the Purchaser; 2. the Bidder, having represented to the Purchaser that it is interested to bid for the proposed Project, 3. The Purchaser and the Bidder agree as follows: In connection with the Project, the Purchaser agrees to provide to the Bidder a Detailed Document on the Project vide the tender document contained in different sections with Annexures. The Tender contains details and information of the Purchaser operations that are considered confidential. The Bidder to whom this Information (Tender document) is disclosed shall: 1. 2. hold such Information in confidence with the same degree of care with which the Bidder protects its own confidential and proprietary information; restrict disclosure of the Information solely to its employees, agents and contractors with a need to know such Information and advise those persons of their obligations hereunder with respect to such Information; use the Information only as needed for the purpose of bidding for the Project; except for the purpose of bidding for the Project, not copy or otherwise duplicate such Information or knowingly allow anyone else to copy or otherwise duplicate such Information; and undertake to document the number of copies it makes Tender for Establishment of Airport Operations Control Centres (AOCC) at 10 Airports. on completion of the bidding process and in case unsuccessful, promptly return to the Purchaser, all Information in a tangible form or certify to the Purchaser that it has destroyed such Information.

3. 4.

5. 6.

The Bidder shall have no obligation to preserve the confidential or proprietary nature of any Information which:



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2. 3.

was previously known to the Bidder free of any obligation to keep it confidential at the time of its disclosure as evidenced by the Bidders written records prepared prior to such disclosure; or is or becomes publicly known through no wrongful act of the Bidder; or is independently developed by an employee, agent or contractor of the Bidder not associated with the Project and who did not have any direct or indirect access to the Information.

The NDA shall apply to all Information relating to the Project disclosed by the Purchaser to the Bidder under the NDA. Nothing contained in the NDA shall be construed as granting or conferring rights of license or otherwise, to the Bidder, in any of the Information. The NDA shall benefit and be binding upon the Purchaser and the Bidder and their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, successors and assigns. The NDA shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Indian laws. For and on behalf of the Bidder (signature) (Name of the Authorized Signatory) Date Address Location



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of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

ANNEXURE-XV INTEGRITY PACT This Pact made this day of...between Airports Authority of India, a body corporate constituted by the Central Government under the Airports Authority of India Act, 1994 and having its Corporate Office at Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi, and offices at India, hereinafter called the Authority (which term shall unless excluded by or is repugnant to the context, be deemed to include its Chairman or Member, Executive Directors, Airport Directors, Officers or any of them specified by the Chairman in this behalf, and shall also include its successors and assigns) of the one part AND represented by of the other part, hereinafter called the Bidder (which term shall unless excluded by or is repugnant to the context be deemed to include its heirs, representatives, successors and assigns of the bidder) WHEREAS the Authority intends to award, under laid down organizational procedures, tender /contract for Establishment of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports. The Authority, while discharging its functions on business principles, values proper compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, and the principles of natural justice, ethics, equity, fairness and transparency in its relations with the bidder; WHEREAS the Authority is desirous to make its business mechanism more transparent, thus to ensure strict adherence of the aforesaid objectives/goals, the Authority hereby adopts the instrument developed by the renowned international non-governmental organization Transparency International (TI) headquartered in Berlin (Germany). The Authority will appoint an External Independent Monitor (EIM) who will monitor the tender process and the execution of the contract for compliance with the principles mentioned above; AND WHEREAS the bidder is submitting a tender to the Authority for Establishment of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports in response to the tender dated 31/10/2012 . NOW, therefore, this indenture witnessed herewith: SECTION 1: Commitment of the Authority 1.1 That the Authority commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption and to observe the following principles: (i) No employee of the Authority, personally or through family members, shall in connection with the tender for, or the execution of a contract, demand, take a promise for or accept for him/her or third person, any material or immaterial benefit, which he/she is not legally entitled to. The Authority will, during the tender process treat all Bidders with equity and reason. The Authority shall in particular, before and during the tender process, provide to all Bidders the same information and will not provide to any Bidder confidential/additional information through which the Bidder shall obtain an advantage in relation to the tender process or the contract execution.




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(iii) The Authority will take all measures to exclude all known prejudiced persons from the tender process. 1.2 That if the Authority receives information on the conduct of any of its employee which is a criminal offence under the relevant anti-corruption laws of India, or if there be a substantive suspicion in this regard, the Authority will inform its Vigilance Department to initiate appropriate action.

SECTION 2: Commitments of the Bidder 2.1 That the Bidder commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption. Further he commits himself to observe the following principles during his participation in the tender process and during the contract execution: (ii) The Bidder has not offered, promised or given and will not, directly or through any other person or firm, offer, promise or give to any of the Authoritys employees involved in the tender process or the execution of the contract or to any third person, any material or immaterial benefit which he/she is not legally entitled to, in order to obtain in exchange any advantage of any kind whatsoever during the tender process or during the execution of the contract. The Bidder has not entered and will not enter with other bidders into any undisclosed agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal. This applies in particular to prices, specifications, certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission or non-submission of bids or any other actions to restrict competitiveness or to introduce cartelization in the bidding process. The Bidder has not committed and will not commit any offence under the relevant Anti-Corruption Laws of India. Further the IT Implementing Firm will not use improperly, for purposes of competition or personal gain, or pass on to others, any information or document provided by the Authority as part of the business relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and business details, including information contained or transmitted electronically. The Bidder shall, when presenting his bid, disclose any and all payments he has made, is committed to or intends to make to agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with the award of the contract. The Bidder will inform the External Independent Monitor: a. If he receives demand for an illegal/undue payment/benefit. b. If he comes to know of any unethical or illegal payment/benefit. c. If he makes any payment to any Authoritys associate(s). The Bidder(s) will not submit a frivolous/ false/bogus complaint with malafide intention.







That the Bidder will not instigate any person to commit offences mentioned in Clause 2.1 above or be an accessory to such offences.



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of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

SECTION 3: Disqualification from tender process and exclusion from future contracts 3.1 That if the Bidder, during tender process or before the award of the contract or during execution of the contract/work has committed a transgression in violation of section 2 or in any other form such as to put his reliability or credibility as Bidder into question, the Authority is entitled to disqualify him from the tender process or to terminate the contract for such reason. That if the Bidder against whom any action in terms of Section 3.1 above has already been taken in any other tender process, again commits a transgression in violation of section 2 such as to put his reliability or credibility into question, the Authority is entitled also to debar the bidder from future tender processes. The imposition and duration of the debarment will be determined by the severity of the transgression. The severity will be determined taking into consideration the circumstances of the case, in particular the number of transgression, the position of the transgressor within the company hierarchy of the bidder and the amount of the damage. The debarment will be imposed for a period minimum of six months and maximum of five years. That the bidder accepts and undertakes to respect and uphold the Authoritys absolute right to resort to and impose such debarment and further accepts and undertakes not to challenge or question such debarment on any ground. That if the bidder applies to the Authority for premature revocation of the debarment and proves to the satisfaction of the Authority that he has installed a suitable and effective corruption prevention system and also restored/recouped the damage, if any, caused by him, the Authority may, if thinks fit, revoke the debarment prematurely considering the facts and circumstances of the case, and the documents/evidence adduced by the bidder for first time default. That a transgression is considered to have occurred if the Authority is fully satisfied with the available documents and evidence submitted along-with External Independent Monitors recommendations/ suggestions that no reasonable doubt is possible in the matter.





SECTION 4: Previous transgression 4.1 That the bidder declares that no previous transgression occurred in the last five years with any other company in any country or with any other Public Sector Enterprise in India conforming to the TI approach that led to debarment/ disqualification and could justify his exclusion from the tender process. That if the bidder makes incorrect statement on the subject, he can be disqualified from the tender process or the contract, if already awarded can be terminated for such reason and he may be considered for debarment for future tender/contract processes.




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of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

SECTION 5: Compensation for damages 1.1 That if the Authority has disqualified/debarred the Bidder from the tender process prior to the award under section 3 or 4, the Authority is entitled to forfeit the earnest money deposited/bid security. That if the Authority has terminated the contract under section 3 or 4, or if the Authority is entitled to terminate the contract under section 3 or 4, the Authority shall be entitled to demand and recover from the contractor damages equivalent to 5% of the contract value or the amount equivalent to security deposit or performance bank guarantee, whichever is higher. That the bidder agrees and undertakes to pay the said amount without protest or demur subject only to condition that if the bidder can prove and establish to the satisfaction of the Authority that the disqualification/ debarment of the bidder from the tender process or the termination of the contract after award of the contract has caused no damage to the Authority.



SECTION 6: Equal treatment of all Bidders/Contractors/Sub-contractors/ associates 6.1 That the bidder undertakes to get this Pact signed by the sub-contractor(s) and associate(s) whose value of the work contribution exceeds Rs. 5 (Five) crores, and to submit the same to the Authority along-with the tender document/ contract before contract signing. That sub-contractor(s)/ associate(s) engaged by the Contractor, with the approval of the Authority after signing of the contract, and whose value of the work contribution exceeds Rs.5 (Five) crores will be required to sign this Pact by the Contractor, and the same will be submitted to the Authority before doing/ performing any act/ function by such subcontractor(s)/ associate(s) in relation to the contract/ work. That the Authority will disqualify from the tender process all Bidder(s) who do not sign this Pact or violate its provisions or fails to get this Pact signed in terms of section 6.1 or 6.2 above. That if the Contractor(s) does/ do not sign this Pact or violate its provisions or fails to get this Pact signed in terms of section 6.1 or 6.2 above, Authority will terminate the contract and initiate appropriate action against such Contractor(s).




SECTION 7: Allegations against bidders/contractors/sub-contractors/ associates. 7.1 That if the Authority receives any information of conduct of a Bidder, Contractor or Subcontractor, or of an employee or a representative or associates of a Bidder, Contractor or Sub-contractor which constitutes corruption, or if the Authority has substantive suspicion in this regard, the Authority will inform the Vigilance Department for appropriate action.



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SECTION 8: External Independent Monitor(s), number depending on the size of the contract to be decided by the Chairman of the Authority. 8.1 That the Authority will appoint competent and credible External Independent Monitor(s) for this Pact. The task of the Monitor is to review independently and objectively, whether and to what extent the parties comply with the obligations under this Pact. He will also enquire into any complaint alleging transgression of any provision of this Pact made by the bidder or Authority.

8.1 That the Monitor is not subject to any instructions by the representatives of the parties and would perform his functions neutrally and independently. He shall report to the Chairperson of the Board of the Authority. 8.3. That the bidder accepts that the Monitor has the right to access without restriction to all project documentation of the Authority including that provided by the bidder. The bidder shall also grant the Monitor, upon his request and demonstration of a valid interest, unrestricted and unconditional access to his project documentation. The same is applicable to sub-contractors and associates. The Monitor is under obligation to treat the information and documents of the Authority and bidder/Sub-Contractors/ Associates with confidentiality. 8.4. That the Authority shall provide to the Monitor sufficient information about all meetings among the parties related to the project provided such meetings shall have an impact on the contractual relations between the Authority and the bidder. The parties offer to the Monitor the option to participate in such meetings. 8.5. That as soon as the Monitor notices, or believes to notice, a violation of this Pact, he shall so inform the management of the Authority and request the management to discontinue or heal the violation, or to take other relevant action. The Monitor shall in this regard submit his recommendations/ suggestions. Beyond this, the Monitor has no right to demand from the parties that they act in a specific manner, refrain from action or tolerate action.

8.6. That the Monitor shall submit a written report to the Chairperson of the Board of the Authority within 2 weeks from the date of reference or intimation to him by the Authority and, shall the occasion arise, submit proposals for correcting problematic situations. 8.7. That if the Monitor has reported to the Chairperson of the Board a substantiated suspicion of an offence under relevant Anti-Corruption Laws of India and the Chairperson has not, within reasonable time, taken visible action to proceed against such offence or reported it to the Vigilance Department, the Monitor shall also transmit this information directly to the Central Vigilance Commissioner, Government of India. 8.8. The word Monitor would include singular and plural.



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of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

SECTION 9: Pact duration 9.1 That this Pact comes into force when both the parties have signed it. It expires for the bidder 12 months after the final payment under the respective contract, and for all other Bidders 3 months after the contract is awarded. That if any claim is made/lodged during this period, the same shall be binding and continue to be valid despite the lapse of this Pact as specified herein before, unless it is discharged/determined by Chairman of the Authority.


SECTION 10: Miscellaneous provisions 10.1 That this Pact is subject to Indian Laws. Place of performance and jurisdiction is the Corporate Headquarter/the Regional Headquarter/ offices of the Authority, as applicable. That the changes and supplements as well as termination notice need to be made in writing. That if the bidder is a partnership or a consortium, this Pact must be signed by all the partners and consortium members, or their authorized representatives. That should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid, the remainder of this Pact remains valid. In this case the parties will strive to come to an Agreement to their original intentions.




---------------------------For the AAI Place --------Date --------Witness Witness

-------------------------------for the Bidder 1: -----------------------. 2: -----------------------



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461 OF 487


Bill of Quantities
Quantities of servers given are minimum. Bidders shall assess requirement of servers as per AAI solution requirements and indicate in the bill of material for appropriate quantities and include the financial implications in the financial bid. However servers quoted shall meet the AAI specifications and SLA s as given in the tender and shall be covered under warrant support as per tender requirements. Bidder shall also include associated items for servers such as Operating System etc.

Server Infrastructure
S.No 1 Item Database Server AODB, RMS, Enterprise & Network Management Tools, Reporting Servers Integration Servers, DHCP, AV, Web publishing, AAA etc UOM Nos. DC / Chennai 2 DR / Kolkata 2 Ahmedabad 0 Guwahati 0 Trivandrum 0 Calicut 0 Jaipur 0 Pune 0 Mangalore 0 Trichy 0







Bidder need to quote in Lot for each category


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of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

ANNEXURE-XVI (continued)

Storage Infrastructure
S.No Item SAN Useable 50 TB (RAID 5) (SATA (2TB Spindles), SAS (600GB) & Flash Disk)) 3 % of Flash capacity and remaining storage in the Ratio 1(SATA):1 (SAS) Capacity
SAN Switch


DC / Chennai

DR / Kolkata












Should have minimum 30 Nos. of FC ports Virtual Tape Library of useable 50 TB with all Accessories Back Up Software








463 OF 487

TITLE: Establishment

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports ANNEXURE-XVI (continued)

Master Clock System

S.No Item Master Clock system (GPS based) & Accessories Digital Clock Displays (Medium Size at AOCC Room, Data Center, NOC etc.) UOM DC/ Chennai 2 DR / Kolkata 2 Ahmedabad Guwahati Trivandrum Calicut Jaipur Pune Mangalore Trichy







464 OF 487

TITLE: Establishment

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

ANNEXURE-XVI (continued)

S.No Item 24 Cubes (50) Video Wall with controllers & accessories 3x2 LCD Display (Minimum 46) with controllers & Accessories Operator Consoles with Furniture & Accessories WorkstationsLatest Config (with twin 21 TFT monitors) Workstationslatest Config (with Single 21 TFT monitor) KVM Switch arrangement for workstations as per site requirement Laser Printers Colour A4 Laser Printers Colour A3 Laser printerMono A4 UOM Lot 1 Lot 0 Nos 30 Nos 20 Nos 10 Lot 1 Nos Nos Nos 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 20 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chennai Kolkata Ahmedabad Guwahati Trivandrum Calicut Jaipur Pune Mangalore Trichy







7. 8. 9.

3 1 8

3 1 8

1 0 3

1 0 3

1 0 3

1 0 3

1 0 3

1 0 3

1 0 3

1 0 3



465 OF 487

TITLE: Establishment

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

S.No Item Desktop UPS for workstations (1 KVA 20 min Backup) UPS for Video Wall & 3x2 LCD Displays at point 1 & 2 above capacity as per site requirement Civil Works in AOCC room (flooring/ door, interiors, wall panelling etc) as per site requirement Electrical Works for AOCC room Additional A/C, Power extension etc as per site conditions & requirement UOM Nos 30 Lot 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Chennai Kolkata Ahmedabad Guwahati Trivandrum Calicut Jaipur Pune Mangalore Trichy



Lot 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1






466 OF 487

TITLE: Establishment

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports ANNEXURE-XVI (continued)

Data Center / Disaster Recovery Center Build

S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Item Fire Detection and Control System Fire Suppression System Access control System Rodent Repellent System Water Leak Detection System Building Management System Power Distribution System Earthing Lighting & fittings UPS Racks & Accessories Conduits, Raceways, Cable trays etc Civil Works (flooring/ door, interiors etc Precision Air Cooling / Air conditioners as applicable VESDA Datacenter Monitoring and Management tools Structured Cabling Electrical Cabling as per site requirement UOM Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Nos Lot Lot DC / Chennai 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 DR / Kolkata 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Ahmedabad 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Guwahati 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Trivandrum 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Calicut 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Jaipur 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Pune 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Mangalore 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Trichy 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1



467 OF 487

TITLE: Establishment

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

ANNEXURE-XVI (continued)

Quantities of Network given are indicative and minimum. Bidders shall assess requirement of network components as per AAI solution requirements and indicate in the bill of material for appropriate quantities and include the financial implications in the financial bid. However network components quoted shall meet the AAI specifications as given in the tender and shall be covered under warrant support as per tender requirements. Bidder shall also include associated items for network components as appropriate etc.

Active Network
S.No Item Core Switch (Switch Type I) UOM DC / Chennai DR / Kolkata Ahmedabad Guwahati Trivandrum Calicut Jaipur Pune Mangalore Trichy

Should have minimum 48 x 10/100/1000 Mbps Base-T ports 1 Should have 64 Nos. of 10 Gig fully populated with 10G LR nonblocking ports Nos. 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



468 OF 487

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of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

Active Network
S.No Item Core Switch (Switch Type II) UOM DC / Chennai DR / Kolkata Ahmedabad Guwahati Trivandrum Calicut Jaipur Pune Mangalore Trichy

1.1 Should have minimum 48 x 10/100/1000 Mbps Base T port 1.2 Should have minimum 12 2 Nos. fully populated 1000 Base LX SFP based ports Should have minimum 2 Nos. of 10 Gig ports fully populated with 10G LR nonblocking ports Nos. 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2



469 OF 487

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of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

Active Network
S.No Item Access Switch UOM DC / Chennai DR / Kolkata Ahmedabad Guwahati Trivandrum Calicut Jaipur Pune Mangalore Trichy

Should have minimum 48 10/100/1000 Base-T ports with additional 4 Nos. of SPF ports populated with minimum 2 nos. 1G LX/LH modules. Minimum 2 dedicated stacking ports with all accessories for stacking purpose.
VPN Router (Type I)


Should have minimum 4 x 10/100/1000 Base-T on board ports with an option of 1000 Base-X SFP based ports in minimum of 2 nos. of ports




470 OF 487

TITLE: Establishment

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

Active Network
S.No Item VPN Router (Type II) UOM DC / Chennai DR / Kolkata Ahmedabad Guwahati Trivandrum Calicut Jaipur Pune Mangalore Trichy

Should have minimum 2 x 10/100/1000 Base-T on board ports Should have minimum 2 x 10/100 Base-T ports
Replication Router


Should have minimum 4 x 10/100/1000 Base-T on board ports with an option of 1000 Base-X SFP based ports in minimum of 2 nos. of ports


Should have minimum 4 x 1 GE ports and 2 x 10 GE ports




471 OF 487

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of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

Active Network
S.No Item Network IPS UOM DC / Chennai DR / Kolkata Ahmedabad Guwahati Trivandrum Calicut Jaipur Pune Mangalore Trichy

Should have minimum 8 x 1 GE ports

HIPS as per solution requirement Server Load Balancer





Should have min 4 x 10/100/1000 Base T ports

Link Load Balancer



Should have min 4 x 10/100/1000 Base T ports




472 OF 487

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of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports ANNEXURE-XVI (continued)

Passive Network S.No Item UOM DC / Chennai DR / Kolkata Ahmedabad Guwahati Trivandrum Calicut Jaipur Pune Mangal ore Trichy




Cat 6 UTP structured Cabling components (including laying, certification etc) as per site requirement and for servers & workstations mentioned in this tender 6 Core SM OFC Cabling (including digging, laying, certification etc) components as per site requirement to be assessed by the bidder Wall Mounted Racks with accessories as per site requirement






473 OF 487

TITLE: Establishment

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports ANNEXURE-XVI (continued)

Software S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Item AODB License as per solution RMS License IL License Reports License Database License Replication Software licenses System Software with virtualization capability as per solution EMS Software Antivirus Server Software Antivirus Client Software Office Productivity tools - MS Office as per site requirement UOM Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot DC/ Chennai 1 1 1 1 1 1 DR/ Kolkata 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ahmedabad 1 1 1 0 0 0 Guwahati 1 11 0 0 0 Trivandrum 1 1 1 0 0 0 Calicut 1 1 1 0 0 0 Jaipur 1 1 1 0 0 0 Pune 1 1 1 0 0 0 Mangalore 1 1 1 0 0 0 Trichy 1 1 1 0 0 0

7. 8. 9. 10.

Lot Lot Lot Nos

1 1 1 50

1 1 1 50

1 1 0 20

1 1 0 20

1 1 0 20

1 1 0 20

1 1 0 20

1 1 0 20

1 1 0 20

1 1 0 20















474 OF 487

TITLE: Establishment

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports ANNEXURE-XVI (continued)

Quantities of Bandwidth given are indicative and minimum. Bidders shall assess requirement of bandwidth as per AAI solution requirements and indicate in the bill of material for appropriate quantities and include the financial implications in the financial bid.

Network Bandwidth
S.No Item UOM DC / Chennai DR / Kolkata Ahmedabad Guwahati Trivandrum Calicut Jaipur Pune Mang alore Trichy

Dedicated leased between Chennai & Kolkata (from 2 different ISP) VPN at all 10 airports (from 2 different ISP)

Mbps/pe r ISP

Mbps/pe r ISP



Services S.No Item UOM DC / Chennai DR / Kolkata Ahmedabad Guwahati Trivandrum Calicut Jaipur Pune Mangalore Trichy

System Integration and Implementation Services Facility Management ServicesInfrastructure





475 OF 487

TITLE: Establishment

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports ANNEXURE-XVI (continued)

Facility management Services-Minimum Man Power requirement (for total duration of the Contract)
1 1.a 2

Network (per Shift) General AOCC Desk Side Support (per Shift) Server & Storage (per Shift) General Application (per Shift) General Service Desk: (Per Shift) Supervisor Agents

Skills & Qualifications

Chennai 2 1 2 2

Kolkata 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 0 0

Ahmedabad 1 0

Guwahati 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

Trivandrum 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

Calicut 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

Jaipur 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

Pune 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

Mangalore 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

Trichy 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

3 3.a 4 4.a 5 5.a 5.b

1 0 1 0 0 0

See note bleow

1 2 1 1 2


Manpower shall be available round the clock on 24x7 basis . Shift operation shall be covered under three shifts of eight hours each. Deployment of Help Desk Officials shall be made immediately after the start of operations. 1. Minimum Qualification and Experience Help Desk Officials Graduate with Diploma in Computers hardware and networking preferably MCSE certifications. Minimum one year of experience in Help Desk management services, in Facility management/ application management preferably in Data Centre. Good Communication and Interpersonal skills 2. Minimum Qualification and Experience Data Centre Infrastructure, Network & applications Management L1 Graduate with Diploma in Computers hardware / software / networking with 2 - 4 Years of experience.


476 OF 487

TITLE: Establishment Onsite

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

Minimum 3+ years of experience with Networking products Experience with Routers Experience of working with Switches Experience of working with Firewalls Experience with delivery with virtual teams. Knowledge of data networks with experience in IP, VLANs, VPNs, Routing protocols like OSPF,BGP, RIP, MPLS, VPLS,VRF

L2 Onsite

Graduate with Diploma in Computers hardware / software / networking with 5 - 7 Years of experience. Minimum 5+ years of Hardcore experience in Networking technologies Excellent Communication skills would be expected as he would need to work with Global Product Support Teams in some cases. Experience with Routers, Switches, Firewalls Experience of working with IP, VLANs, VPNs, Routing protocols like OSPF, BGP, RIP, MPLS,VPLS, VRF Experience with delivery with virtual teams would be an advantage. Need to work closely with the NOC Team & Product SMEs to ensure give High Quality of Service to the End User. Experience in managing voice platforms like PBX (IP based) is preferred


Off Site Arrangement Keeping in view the requirement of SLA, necessary arrangement at back end shall be made to ensure availability of system to the SLA Level. The bidder shall submit a detailed action plan describing the implementation strategy.



477 OF 487

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of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

ANNEXURE-XVI (continued)

Training requirement (to include

S.No Module UOM Lot Chennai

both operations and maintenance of each module) Guwahati










1. Airport Operations Data Base (AODB) 2. Resource Management System(RMS) 3. Integration Layer (IL) 4. Operations Management Centre 5. Airport Operations Control Centre 6. System Administration 7. Database Administration

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Lot Lot Lot

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1





478 OF 487

TITLE: Establishment

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

both operations and maintenance of each module) Guwahati Trivandrum Calicut Jaipur Pune Mangalore Trichy

Training requirement (to include

S.No Module UOM Chennai Kolkata Ahmedabad

8. Enterprise Management Tools including Network Fault & Performance Management, Applications Management, Database Management, and other tools covered under the proposal 9. Data Centre Infrastructure Management 10.Video-wall Training 11.LCD Training


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Lot Lot









Trainings may be organised as per site requirements and some of the training can be consolidated at Central Site.



479 OF 487



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of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

Schedule-A Name of Work: - Procurement of Name of the work as given in Schedule-A Sr. No. 1
Tender No.: Tender No. as given in Schedule-A Sr. No. 2

Note: To be read in conjunction with the Terms & conditions (Section-I, Section-II, Section-III, Section-IV& Section V of the Tender against the sections referred below.

Sr. No. 1.

Section II III Annexures Annexures III

Para No. 6, 11 1

Sub-Para No. Text to be read as 6.1.1, 6.1.2, Establishment of Airport Operations 11.1 Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports 1.1 AAI/CHQ/ITD/AOCC PROJ-2012 a) Rs.3,75,20,000/a) Rupees Three Crores Seventy Five Lakhs & Twenty Thousand only. a) Chennai Go-Live -On or before 5 months from the contract award date. b) Kolkata Go-Live plus three airports On or before 8 months from the contract award date. c) Remaining five the airports Go-Live On or before 12 months from the contract award date. d) Operation / Post Go-live Support Services period- 7 years from Chennai Go-Live date and are coterminus for the remaining airports. e) Technology refresh- To be completed within three months prior to expiry of five years period from the date of Chennai Go-Live., at every airport location. 60 Months from the date of Chennai Go-Live or 48 months from the date of tenth airport to Go-Live whichever is earlier. NIL

2. 3.











General Manager (IT)



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TITLE: Establishment

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports




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Financial Bid Format

(to be filled up on-line) Name of Work: - Procurement of Name of the work as given in Schedule-A Sr. No. 1
Tender No.: Tender No. as given in Schedule-A Sr. No. 2
Sl. No. (1) Description Unit Qty Unit Rate (Opex) (Inclusive of Taxes) Amount



(4) (5)


Chennai 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Kolkata 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Server Infrastructure Chennai (as per details in Annexure XVI) Storage Infrastructure Chennai (as per details in Annexure XVI) Master Clock System Chennai (as per details in Annexure XVI) AOCC Infrastructure Chennai (as per details in Annexure XVI) Data Center Infrastructure Chennai (as per details in Annexure XVI) Active Network Infrastructure Chennai (as per details in Annexure XVI) Passive Network Infrastructure Chennai (as per details in Annexure XVI) Software Infrastructure Chennai (as per details in Annexure XVI) System Integration and Implementation Services at Chennai (as per details in Annexure XVI) Facility Management Charges Infrastructure at Chennai (as per details in Annexure XVI) Facility management Charges - Minimum Man Power requirement at Chennai (as per details in Annexure XVI) Training & Documentation Chennai (as per details in Annexure XVI) Server Infrastructure Kolkata (as per details in Annexure XVI) Storage Infrastructure Kolkata (as per details in Annexure XVI) Master Clock System Kolkata (as per details in Annexure XVI) AOCC Infrastructure Kolkata (as per details in Annexure XVI) Data Center Infrastructure Kolkata (as per details in Annexure XVI) Active Network Infrastructure Kolkata (as per details in Annexure

Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Page 483 of 487

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


TITLE: Establishment Sl. No. (1) Description

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

Unit Qty Unit Rate (Opex) (Inclusive of Taxes) Amount



(4) (5)


XVI) 19. Passive Network Infrastructure Kolkata (as per details in Annexure XVI) 20. Software Infrastructure Kolkata (as per details in Annexure XVI) 21. System Integration and Implementation Services at Kolkata (as per details in Annexure XVI) 22. Facility Management Charges Infrastructure at Kolkata (as per details in Annexure XVI) 23. Facility Management Charges Minimum Man Power requirement at Kolkata (as per details in Annexure XVI) 24. Training & Documentation Kolkata (as per details in Annexure XVI) Other Locations 25. Server Infrastructure Other (8) Locations (as per details in Annexure XVI) 26. Master Clock System Other (8) Locations (as per details in Annexure XVI) 27. AOCC Infrastructure Other (8) Locations (as per details in Annexure XVI) 28. Data Center Infrastructure Other (8) Locations (as per details in Annexure XVI) 29. Active Network Infrastructure Other (8) Locations (as per details in Annexure XVI) 30. Software Infrastructure Other (8) Locations (as per details in Annexure XVI) 31. Passive Network Infrastructure Other (8) Locations (as per details in Annexure XVI) 32. System Integration and Implementation Services at Ahmedabad (as per details in Annexure XVI) 33. 34. 35. System Integration and Implementation Services at Guwahati (as per details in Annexure XVI) System Integration and Implementation Services at Trivandrum (as per details in Annexure XVI) System Integration and Implementation Services at Calicut (as per details in Annexure XVI)


Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



484 OF 487

TITLE: Establishment Sl. No. (1) Description

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

Unit Qty Unit Rate (Opex) (Inclusive of Taxes) Amount

(2) System Integration and Implementation Services at Jaipur (as per details in Annexure XVI) System Integration and Implementation Services at Pune (as per details in Annexure XVI) System Integration and Implementation Services at Mangalore (as per details in Annexure XVI) System Integration and Implementation Services at Trichy (as per details in Annexure XVI)


(4) (5)


36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Lot Lot Lot Lot

1 1 1 1

Facility Management Charges Infrastructure at Other (8) locations (as per details in Annexure XVI) 41. Facility Management Charges - Minimum Man Power requirement at Other (8) locations (as per details in Annexure XVI) 42. Training & Documentation at Other (8) locations (as per details in Annexure XVI) Network Bandwidth Requirement 43. Network Bandwidth - Dedicated leased between Chennai & Kolkata (as per details in Annexure XVI) 44. Network Bandwidth - VPN at Chennai & Kolkata (as per details in Annexure XVI) 45. Network Bandwidth - VPN at Other (8) Locations (as per details in Annexure XVI)

Lot Lot

1 1

Lot Lot Lot

1 1 1

Total:- Rs. _____________________ (In words Rs. _____________________________________________________________________)

Note 1: Form D for concessional duty shall not be applicable for AAI for exemption or reduction in Govt. Duties. Note 2: Use of erasers, over writing and or corrections in the price Bid should be avoided. However, in case it becomes unavoidable to use any of these for correction, the same must be authenticated by the person signing the bid with his signature. Note 3: Change in nomenclature of schedule and added optional items in this schedule attracts action as per clause 7.4 of section-II.

The bidders are to quote in Opex mode for the 7 years duration in the financial Bid The quarterly deliverable costs at each site for hardware and services shall be calculated later.

485 OF 487

TITLE: Establishment

of Airport Operations Control Centers (AOCC) at 10 Airports

The Total Manpower cost is to be bid for complete lot over a period of 7 years. Quarterly manpower cost will be calculated later for each site


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