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National Institute for Smart Government (NISG) Capacity Building & Knowledge Management

Expression Of Interest (EOI)

Empanelment of System Integrators & Service Providers

e-Learning offering on SaaS Model for

e-Governance related Training Programs for Institutional / Individual Capacity Building

(Ref: NISG CBKM/eLearning EOI/2012)

YSR Bhavan, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Hyderabad 500032, Andhra Pradesh, India (T) +40 66545352 Fax +40 6654 5300

Statement of Confidentiality

The information contained in this Expression of Interest (EOI) Invitation document, all portions thereof, including, but not limited to, any copyright, other intellectual data of this document, at all times shall remain confidential and is subject to Non-Disclosure.

In no event shall all or any portion of this document be disclosed or disseminated without the express written permission of NISG.


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CBKM EOI GOI G2B G2C G2G IA ICT ILT LCMS LMS MMP NeGP NISG PeMT PPP SeMT STeP WBT Capacity Building & Knowledge Management Expression of Interest Government of India Government to Business Government to Citizen Government to Government Implementation Agency Information and Communication Technology Instructor Led Training Learning & Content Management System Learning Management System Mission Mode Project National e-Governance Plan National Institute for Smart Government Project e-Governance Mission Team Public Private Partnership State e-Governance Mission Team Specialized Training for e-Governance Programme Web based Training


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STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY ......................................................................................................................... 2 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS...................................................................................................................................... 3 1.0 BACKGROUND.......................................................................................................................................... 5 2.0 INVITATION............................................................................................................................................... 6 3.0 OBJECTIVE THE EOI ................................................................................................................................... 6 4.0 IMPORTANT DATES..................................................................................................................................... 7 5.0 ABOUT THE NEGP STEP COURSES ............................................................................................................... 7 6.0 SCOPE OF WORK .................................................................................................................................... 11 7.0 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE EOI .................................................................................... 12 8.0 EOI RESPONSE TEMPLATE ......................................................................................................................... 15 9.0 EMPANELMENT PROCESS .......................................................................................................................... 15 10.0 INFORMATION FOR THE BIDDERS ................................................................................................................ 16 11.0 CLARIFICATION ON THE EOI ..................................................................................................................... 17 FORM I: FORM II: COVERING LETTER ..................................................................................................................... 18 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS ENCLOSED ..................................................................................................... 20

FORM III: COMPLIANCE TO ELIGIBILITY FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE EOI ................................................................ 21 FORM IV: DETAILS OF ORGANIZATION ..................................................................................................... 26 FORM V: FINANCIAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 27 FORM VI: A.PROJECT DETAILS REFERRED UNDER SECTION 7.2.1 SUB SECTIONS A AND B ...................................... 28 FORM VI: B. PROJECT DETAILS REFERRED UNDER SECTION 7.2.2 SUB SECTIONS A, B ,C AND D .......................... 30 FORM VI: C.PROJECT DETAILS REFERRED UNDER SECTION 7.2.3 SUB SECTIONS A, B AND C ................................ 32 FORM VII: TECHNICAL RESOURCES (KEY) PROFILES OF THE BIDDERS TEAM............................................................ 34 FORM VIII: APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY TO UNDERTAKE THE ELEARNING PROJECT OF NISG ............................. 35 ANNEXURE A & B ........................................................................................................................................... 36


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Expression of Interest (EOI)

Empanelment of System Integrators & Service Providers e-Learning offering on SaaS Model for e-Governance related Training Programs for Institutional /Individual Capacity Building (Ref: NISG CBKM/eLearning EOI/2012)

National Institute for Smart Government (NISG) is a not-for-profit company, established in 2002 under section 25 of Companies Act 1956, to promote e-Governance in India on a public-private-partnership model, with 51% equity being held in the private sector and 49% in the public sector with NASSCOM, Government of India, Government of Andhra Pradesh as the promoters and ILFS, Government of Chattisgarh, Government of Meghalaya and Vizag Municipal Corporation as the other stakeholders. The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) of the Government of India was initiated to help provide a framework to replicate e-Governance initiatives and provide impetus for long term growth and expansion of e-Governance within the country. NeGP aims at improving the quality, accessibility and effectiveness of government services to citizens and businesses with the help of ICT. The plan seeks to set up the core infrastructure and policies required to implement a number of central, state and integrated Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) covering G2C, G2B and G2G services. The DIT, Government of India has formulated Capacity Building Scheme guidelines for taking National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) forward across the country in all the States & UTs. The scheme is mainly for providing technical & professional support to State level policy & decision-making bodies and to develop specialized skills for e-governance. The Department of Information Technology (DIT), Government of India has entrusted NISG as the program manager for implementing specific training programs for the officials with States/UT Government in the country. Currently NISG is offering a number of such class room based instructor led training (ILT) programs under the STeP initiative to various levels of Government staff. These training programs of 2 to 5 day duration, focus on topics like e-Governance Project Lifecycle, Government Process Reengineering, Business models and PPP for e-Governance Projects, Change Management and Capacity Building for e-Governance Projects, Regulatory framework for e-Governance, Project Management, Information Security Management, Enterprise Applications & Open source for e-Governance etc. Several initiatives are in the pipeline to offer similar or related e-Governance courses both at the Institutional level as well as at individual level. In order to enlarge the reach, NISG, intends to move towards offering the existing (ILT) courses in a blended eLearning model by converting these courses into web based training (WBT) and make them available online around a successfully deployed Learning Management System (LMS)/Content Management solution to the target audience from


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the Government Sector. Funding for the project would be received from Department of Information Technology [DIT], Government of India under National eGovernance Plan [NeGP].


In tune with the direction outlined in section 1.0 above, NISG invites interested Bidders meeting the eligibility criteria (Section 7.0) to respond to this EOI, either singly or as a Lead in a Consortium (where not more than two entities have partnered) and participate in the empanelment process of selecting System Integrators/ Service Providers for the eLearning Projects under Capacity Building Knowledge Management (CBKM) Initiatives. Empanelled Bidders will be considered for participation in the subsequent process to select Implementation agency (IA) for the eLearning project/s of the Capacity Building nature that will be rolled out. The objective of the EOI is specified under Section 3.0 below. To enable bidders to respond with focus and to enable NISG do a comparative assessment of the responses, the STeP (Specialized Training for e-Governance Programme)courses of the CBKM have been presented in detail for Bidders understanding. It is expected that IA will initially work on a project to convert STeP courses (Section 5.0 ) into SCROM 1.2 or above compliant eLearning offerings, develop a training portal integrating the Web Based Training (WBT) modules around LMS/Content Management solution environment and provide hosted services, so that NISG can offer blended eLearning courses to their target audience. The scope of work is elaborated under Section 6.0 of this EOI document. The EOI response must be provided as per the template (Section 8.0) contained in this EOI document. The EOI response completed in all respects and sealed with label Ref: NISG CBKM/eLearning EoI/2012 along with the name of the Prime Bidder prominently showed on the envelope/Packet and must be delivered at the address given below by the date/Time mentioned under Section Important dates (Section 4.0). EOI response bids will be opened for scrutiny on the same day as per schedule indicated in the Section 4.0, in the conference room of NISG, Hyderabad. Address: Mr Piyush Gupta Sr. General Manager (CB & KM) National Institute for Smart Government YSR Bhavan, APIIC Building
Near Wipro Circle, Nanakramguda Hyderabad 500 032


Objective the EOI

The purpose of seeking this Expression of Interest (EoI) is to assess Bidders offerings and experiences, assess capabilities /technical competencies, review project references and validate NISG plans (short term and long term) and short list potential Implementation


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Agencies (IA) for empanelment for participation in the RFPs that may be floated related to the NISGs CBKM or other programs over the next 24 months. NISG wants to look at various options LMS Products/Platforms, hosting options and Bidders specific experiences with the offered platforms/ options before choosing the best and cost effective approach for Web enabling the courses which are currently offered and those which will be announced later. It is targeted that the eLearning environment that gets created through this process will become a focal point for future training programs of NISGs CBKM and other initiatives, for addressing their aggressive Capacity building plans in the e-Governance domain.


Important Dates

EOI Publication on NISG Web site

20th March 2012

Last Date for Submission of EOI response

Closing hours (12.30 Hrs) of 4th April 2012

Opening of EOI Response

14:30 Hrs on 4th April 2012


About the NeGP STeP Courses

The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) in India was initiated to help provide a framework to replicate early successful initiatives in e-governance and provide impetus for long-term growth and expansion of e-Governance within the country. NeGP aims at improving the quality, accessibility and effectiveness of Government services to citizens and business with the help of Information Communications Technology (ICT). In reference to the NeGP implementation in the country, capacity building at Central, State and local Government level has been identified as a key priority. The capacity building programmes and measures undertaken by the Department of Information Technology (DIT), Government of India have focused on creating institutional structures for leading and managing the e-Governance initiatives, building capacities and skill sets for ensuring successful implementation and adoption of the e-Governance initiatives. Under the capacity building scheme, various short duration courses under Specialized Training for e-Governance Programme (STeP) are designed for the stakeholders, to be delivered by various training Institutions across the country Through STeP, it is intended to bring uniformity in the approach and standardization of content for delivering these training courses.


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Over the years, the courses offered as part of the Specialized Training for e-Governance Programs (STeP) have become a kind of bench mark for stake holders from the Government, as an essential building block for enhancing the overall skills in the ICT domain. The Courses currently offered to staff and officials of State and Central Governments under NeGP are presented below: Course Title
a. e-Governance Project Lifecycle

Course Summary
This course is offered either as a 2-day course or a 5 day course on eGovernance Project Development Lifecycle and is designed to equip the participants with a range of emerging practices and example of how eGovernments and e-business services can be undertaken by government/ public sector organizations to strategically plan and transform their organization. For the participants of the five day program the course is designed to guide and support the Government, public sector administration and other related stakeholders to gain deep insights into lifecycle of an eGovernance project, various phases of an e-Governance project development and implementation.

Target Audience
The short duration course is intended for Principal Secretary, Secretary, Commissioner, Additional Secretary, and Jt. Secretary & District Collector. This longer version of the course is intended for Director, Jt. Director, Additional Director, Sr. Officials at HQ & District, SeMTs & PeMTs.


Government Process Reengineering

This course is offered either as a 2-day course or a five day course depending on target audience. The main theme of the course is to present concepts and approaches related to Government Process Reengineering (GPR) and is designed to equip the Government, public sector administration and other related stakeholders with a range of practices and examples of how business process reengineering, optimisation and application of ICT in a business process environment can be undertaken to enhance operational efficiency, improve citizen focus, increase transparency levels and reduce administrative burden on government. The five day version of the course is designed to equip the Government,

The short duration course is mainly intended for Principal Secretary, Secretary, Commissioner, Additional Secretary, and Jt. Secretary & District Collector. The Five day version of the course is intended for Director, Jt. Director, Additional Director, Sr. Officials at HQ & District, SeMTs & PeMTs.


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public sector administration and other related stakeholders with a range of practices and examples of how business process reengineering, optimisation and application. c. Business models and PPP for e-Governance Projects The course is designed to equip the participants with a range of practices and examples on business/ implementation models for eGovernance projects and how Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) can be leveraged in e-Governance to Increase private sector participation, minimize the project risks and maximise the benefits to the stakeholders. The five day course is designed to equip the Government, public sector administration and other related stakeholders with a range of practices and examples on business / implementation. d. Change Management and Capacity Building for e-Governance Projects The Course is designed to equip the Government, public sector administration and other related stakeholders with a range of practices and examples on change management and capacity building The course is designed to equip the Government, public sector administration and other related stakeholders with the deep insights and understanding on the Legal and Regulatory Framework governing eGovernance The course is designed to develop the competencies and equip the officials working in various Central and State/UT government departments across the country with necessary project management knowledge and skills to effectively manage the e-Governance projects The Information Security Management in e-Governance & Enterprise Applications and Open source systems for e-Governance implementation course is designed to equip the This compressed 2-day course is primarily targeted principally at leadership and senior managementlike Principal Secretary, Secretary, Commissioner, Additional Secretary, Jt. Secretary & District Collector- and who plays a crucial role in e-Governance projects. The Five day version of the course is intended for Director, Jt. Director, Additional Director, Sr. Officials at HQ & District, SeMTs & PeMTs.

The course is mainly intended for Director, Jt. Director, Additional Director, Sr. Officials at HQ & District, SeMTs & PeMTs


Regulatory framework for e-Governance

The Regulatory framework for eGovernance course is intended for Director, Jt. Director, Additional Director, Sr. Officials at HQ & District, SeMTs & PeMTs


Project Management

The Project Management course-mainly intended for Director, Jt. Director, Additional Director, Sr. Officials at HQ & District, SeMTs & PeMTs


Information Security Management, Enterprise Applications & Open source for e-

Course is targeted principally for IT Secretaries, Directors and key personnel in the Information Technology Departments at State and Local government level,
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Government, public sector administration and other related stakeholders with a range of practices and standards in relation to information security management for eGovernance projects to support in securing critical information assets of government against loss, theft etc, ensuring data confidentiality, integrity, availability and continuity of the IT services

Project Managers designated for e-Governance initiatives at State/Local government level, Information Officers identified for the Government, members in SeMT/PeMT.

The delivery approach for all of the above courses broadly is: Instructor-led delivery through class room sessions supported by necessary case studies and class room exercises Delivery by experts/ trained individuals with knowledge on processes and standards Participative and discussion oriented programme which encourages participants to deliberate on various implementation aspects Emphasis on putting the learning into practice after the course

These courses have been designed with a view to impart knowledge on the topic, equip on skills required and focus on attitude for becoming successful with the process/ technology. Annexure A provides an overview of two of the courses listed above and Annexure B provides a list of the programs conducted by NISG between Nov 2010 and until Feb 2012. More details of these courses can be obtained from the link The main goals of the eLearning Project are: Offer blended training to target audience through various means including instructor led training (class room / virtual), web-based training, webinars etc. Enhance the overall effectiveness and efficiency of existing and other ILT sessions of NISG in the e-Governance domain by augmenting them with modern web based elearning & tools. Facilitate Course management including Updating/ Customization/ Enhancement, addition/deletion of courses and Administration. Capabilities evaluation: Allow participants to be evaluated prior and post to taking a course, while participating in the course and upon course completion. Centralized learning and content management environment to ensure consistency: Enable providing diverse course content in the area of ICT for e-Governance and provide for content access to registered users from any location. Allow users to view a required learning path, enroll and track progress against the learning path & review records of success.
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Enable building up and tracking of a Capacity /Competency database of staff with eGovernance skills acquired under various eLearning training programs. Provide access to learning compliance data for regulatory purposes.

In order that the delivery is standardized, reach is widened and availing of the courses by participating members becomes flexible, NISG will offer the e-Learning courses in phases starting with the most frequently conducted e-Governance Project Life Cycle course. It is planned to roll out blended e-Learning suite with a mix of web based guided learning coupled with virtual class with domain experts stepping in specific portions. The extent of the mix will be evolved along with the inputs from chosen partner. The phasing for the eLearning project will be broadly as follows: Under Phase 1 the IA will design, develop, test and participate in the acceptance of Pilot the course. The course identified for the pilot is e-Governance Project Life Cycle. In class room mode this course is of 5 days duration and around 30 hours of interactive sessions. During this phase IA will also develop, launch and integrate Learning portal as a window for course offerings. IA will host the course integrating around LMS/Content Management solution for SaaS based offering. NISG plans to launch the pilot course (Phase I) within four months from date of finalizing the IA through an RFP process. Once the Pilot course is launched NISG will observe utilization (in terms of receptivity, acceptability, extent of usage etc) and based on learning effectiveness Phase 2 of the project will be taken up for conversion and launch of the remaining courses based on NISG transition plans. Over the next 24 Months NISG plans to roll out over 250 Hours of eLearning content mostly in blended form and in a phased manner. Bidders are requested to submit their broad plan and approach to achieve the above goals of NISG.


Scope of Work
The IA will be primarily responsible for: a. Design/ customizing course content to make them suitable for Web Based Training (WBT), b. Develop a training portal/s integrating the WBT courses and other Training information including that of STeP, around a proven scalable LMS/ Content management solution environment and c. Provide hosted services on reliable and Secure servers The scope of work, under the project includes converting all or some of the courses listed under Section 5.0 above or any other courses that CBKM team requires to meet their business pans, into eLearning mode for use on the Web/ Intranet/Standalone by the target participants.


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The LMS/Content management environment around which the WBT courses will be developed should be SCROM 1.2 or above compliant and support open standards, provide inter-operability, enable blended learning. The LMS environment offered should be scalable to support over 2000 concurrent users. An illustrative list of the tasks to be under-taken by the IA is presented below: 6.1 Design, Develop Web based learning (Course) modules, create required LMS/Content Management environment for course delivery /administration and content Management. The phasing of the eLearning project has been explained above under this section. Develop/Customize Training portal exclusively as a Window for eLearning programs offered by NISG CBKM team under STeP or any of their other initiatives. Host the courses integrating around a proven LMS/Content management solution and offer usage and support services on SaaS model enabling NISG to provide the courses under their Management and administrative control to their target audience. Provide User /Administrator training on the use of the facility and provide handholding support after the launch of the pilot for a period of three months. Provide Warranty and operational support (SaaS services), Content/SW maintenance services for a period of three years.





7.0 7.1

Eligibility Criteria for participation in the EOI Organization Profile

The bidder should be a Company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 or a registered firm under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932/LLP Act, 2008 and should have an average annual turnover of minimum Rs. 5,00,00,000/- (Rupees Five Crores Only) in the last three financial years. This should be evidenced by copies of the Certificate of Incorporation and audited annual financial statements for each of the last three financial years (2010-11, 2009-10 and 2008-09). The bidder may be a single entity or a Lead Bidder in a Consortium (Not entities coming together) preferably with specialist skills related to the contained in this EOI i.e Competency in providing e-Learning/ Management solutions & having experience in converting ILT courses to corporate clients. more than two scope of work LMS /Content WBT courses to


In case of Consortium the expected role of the Consortium members will be specified and Lead bidder will be fully responsible for the submitted EoI bid for the scope of work and related services. Bidder who is a member of one Consortium will not be eligible to get empanelled separately under this EOI either on his own or through another Consortium.


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The Lead bidder (& Bidder) should have minimum of five years of experience in the field of Systems Integration/ Software development and Services similar to those required for the NISG eLearning project. Bidder to confirm this and attach a separate section in their EOI providing details of nature of System Integration/ Services activities company undertakes with focus on projects worked in the last five years, which are similar to the ones mentioned in the EOI. If the Lead bidder/Bidder has any tie up with LMS/Content Management product vendor/distributor the same must be stated and scope of agreement indicated. Please state Yes/No and provide details.


The Lead bidder (& Bidder) should not be having any litigation/court case on any IT/eGovernment projects, with any Government department or its affiliate organizations implementing such projects. Bidder to confirm the status as part of the EOI response. Also Lead Bidder (& Bidder) should not have been black listed any time by any of the State/Central Government departments/ Undertakings/Agency for any reason. Bidder to confirm the status as part of the EOI response. Lead Bidder Organization must be an ISO 9001certified / CMMI Level 3 or above assessed organization. Documentary evidence must be provided. Lead Bidder must have on their company rolls experienced staff with minimum four years experience in design and development of SCROM 1.2 or above compliant WBT courses from existing ILT courses, customizing/configuring LMS/Content Management products /solutions, SaaS base hosted services. Details of key resources personnel (At least Ten Nos) with stated capabilities must be presented. Bidder is requested to specify names of the projects, which had similar requirements like NISG, on which the candidate has worked with description of role (Form VII).





Bidders must present their approach and methodology to undertake the eLearning project, and present the LMS/Content Management solution / products that they plan to use/deploy for the NISG project, hosting options, Licensing / Pricing model for the services envisaged etc (Form VIII).


Project References
a. The Lead Bidder should have completed at least Five ICT projects involving design/ development/delivery of Learning Management/ Capacity Building related services over the last four years to Corporate clients outside their group Companies. List of these projects must be provided. b. At least two of the above projects must have significant work component of converting (Design and development) ILT course contents to Web based eLearning content and executed over the last three years. The work done under these projects must be demonstrable /in live use. A certificate of project completion, duly attested by the customer


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is to be enclosed. Bidder to provide details of these two projects along with customer contact details. c. Bidder to present for each of the above projects the following information: i. A brief description of the project covering aspects related to development methodology, business model LMS/ Content Management Solution environment including Product/Version No/Supplier Name Extent of content conversion undertaken by Bidder in terms of No of hrs of Class room Content / No of Hrs of e-Learning Content developed, mix of Text, audio, Animation, Video and any other special features. Month/year of start /completion of the project include current status of relationship of the bidder in the project Key Functionality & Features provided by the LMS /Content Management solution Sample Screens, reports, workflow charts if any may be provided to aid in understanding of work done




v. vi


a. Bidder must have developed at least Five Internet/Intranet portals with at least two of them focussing on Training with LMS based Course Management/content Management components and delivery. Provide list of these five projects and specify which two of them had LMS focus. b. Two of these portals must be for external corporate clients which are in operation and in use over the Internet. c. For at least one of these LMS portals, there should be an external user base of > 1000 (Subscribers/ Trainees). Evidence for the same must be presented by way of user certification. Evidence of use must be presented for the last six months, including a description of type of support being provided. d. Bidder to confirm if the web pages developed for which these portals are compatible with all leading browsers viz.; IE, Mozilla, Firefox, Chrome etc and that the portals are W3C compliant. e. Complete contact details of the customers to be provided along with contract data on customer name, customer address, contact particulars of persons who can be contacted for reference, start / end Date of projects, status of relationship now etc.


a. Bidder must present at least two projects where hosted services are being delivered on SaaS model. b. Out of the above at least one project must be related to e-Learning on SaaS model to an external client (Excludes Bidders sister concerns and group companies).


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c. Such service should have been provided at least for a period of 12 months preceding the EOI submission closing date. A description of the scope of the project, pricing model, exact role of bidder (nature of services/ responsibilities) must be presented for each of the projects along with supporting documents Ex. Copies of PO/Agreement must be submitted. Bidder must provide information on the HW/NW environment offered under SaaS, location of server (Domestic/ Global), Security compliances adopted etc


EOI Response Template

Bidder is requested to respond to the EOI as per the template presented below: S. No
1 2 3 4 Covering letter List of Attachments to the EOI Compliance to Eligibility Criteria (Section 7.0) Details of Bidders Organization along with supporting documents (Section 7.1) Financial information along with supporting documents (Section 7.1) Project references (Section 7.2) Individual project Data Profile of Key Resource Personnel at least for 10 Nos (Section 7.1.7) Details Approach and methodology for the project (Section 7.1.8)


Form I Form II Form III Form IV

Form V

Form VI

Form VII


9.0 9.1

Empanelment Process
An internal Committee constituted by NISG will validate EOI responses for completeness, relevancy of project experiences to the NISG requirements. Those response which are incomplete and/or deviating from the format of the EOI and not meeting eligibility criteria will not be considered for any short listing. NISG may request for Product demos / site visits where required to validate bidders submissions. Bidders eligible to participate in the EOI will be asked to present their response to the NISG team at NISG premises in Hyderabad with specific focus on: Organization Profile:
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a. Bidders company profile, track record with reference to projects mentioned/ NISGs
previous projects, where applicable, capacity and approach to undertake the NISGs eLearning project/s both in the short term and the long term.

b. Experience and skill profile of the Bidders team that has been presented (template
Form VII); Experience on similar projects of the named resources. 9.4.2 Project related references:

a. Bidders experience in providing eLearning solutions/ services, experience with

LMS/Content Management products presented and specific experiences in relation to capacity building programs, similar to the NISG requirements.

b. Experience and exposure to Innovative use of Media/Tools in content redesign from ILT
to WBT perspective, by way of project references, which exhibited significant increase in learning effectiveness and performance improvement.

c. Experience on LMS / Content Management solution components proposed and the

features available/deployed. Information on any arrangement up with LMS/Content Management product vendors/ Distributors and the nature of agreement.

d. Experience in developing and supporting portals with specific focus on look, feel and
features of Web pages and the extent of Standards, Security features followed.

e. Experience in providing hosted services on SaaS model, period of services being

provided, extent and criticality of usage etc. 9.5 Based on the EOI response, clarifications provided during presentations, LMS/Content management solution components proposed & bidders experience in deploying them, relevancy of experiences presented, Organization profile and the approach presented to the Project, the Committee will empanel the bidders for future RFP reference as explained earlier in this document.

10.0 Information for the Bidders

10.1 This EOI notice is intended for empanelment of System Integrators/Service providers (Bidders) experienced in providing eLearning LMS/Content conversion & Content management solutions/services for NISGs capacity Building business initiatives. EOI Response template has been presented in Section 8.0 above and Bidders are requested to make note of the same and adhere to the format and sequence of submitting their EOI response. Validity of EOI: The EOI submitted by the bidders shall remain valid for a period of 120 (One Hundred and Twenty) days from the date of EOI closing. Any EOI valid for shorter period may be rejected as non-responsive. All costs incurred by the bidders in the preparation and presentation/site visits of the EOI response shall be borne entirely by the Bidder/s. All supporting document/ Material submitted by the vendor in response to this EOI shall become the property of NISG.
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Any proposal received by the NISG after the EOI submission deadline shall be rejected and returned unopened to the Bidder. The bids submitted by telex/telegram/ fax/e-mail etc. shall not be considered. No correspondence will be entertained on this matter. NISG shall not be responsible for any postal delay or non-receipt/ non delivery of the EOI documents. No further correspondence on the subject will be entertained. NISG reserves the right to modify and amend any of the eligibility / short listing criteria mentioned in this document or on the NISG web site depending upon project priorities vis-vis Business commitments. NISG reserves the right to accept or reject any or all EOI bids or cancel the EOI process at any time, without assigning any reason. Clarification on the EOI Bidders requiring clarifications on this EOI document may contact Shri G S N Prabhu, Sr Consultant Office Tel No: 040 6654 5352 /5354 Mobile: +98499 83946 E-mail: Or at NISG office in Hyderabad any time between 10.00 Hrs. to 16.30 Hrs IST on any business day until one working day prior to the date/time of submission. All requests for clarification must be in writing or on email quoting EOI reference NISG CBKM/eLearning EOI/2012. Information about NISG and the Capacity Building and Knowledge Management programs can be seen on the Organization web site:

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Form I:


(On Lead Bidders Company letter head)


Mr Piyush Gupta Sr. General Manager (CB & KM) National Institute for Smart Government (NISG) YSR Bhavan, Financial District, Nanakramguda Hyderabad 500 032 Sub: Empanelment of bidders - eLearning offering on SaaS model Ref: NISG CBKM/eLearning EOI/2012 Notification on NISG Web site

Dear Sir, With reference to the EOI notification mentioned above, we hereby express our interest to participate as a bidder in the subject empanelment process as a potential Implementation Agency (IA) in any projects/works described here in the EOI or related to Capacity Building business programs of NISG. The enclosed document filled in as per the format and content desired provides complete information about our Organization/ Consortium. Bid being submitted: As a Single Bidder* / Consortium Partner____________________.(*Strike whichever is not applicable), Primary and Secondary contacts for our company are: Primary Contact Name: Title: Company Name: Address: Phone: Mobile: Fax: E-mail: Secondary Contact with Name of the Consortium

We have read the provisions (all sections) of the EOI and confirm that these are acceptable to us. We also confirm that we meet all the eligibility criteria mentioned in the EOI notification. We confirm that the information contained in this response or any part thereof, including its exhibits, and other documents and instruments delivered or to be delivered to NISG is true, accurate, verifiable and complete. This response includes all information necessary to ensure that the statements therein do not in whole or in part mislead the NISG in its short listing process. We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this proposal are true and accept that any misinterpretation contained in it may lead to our disqualification. We fully understand and agree to comply that on verification, if any of the information provided here is found to be misleading the short listing process or unduly favour our company in the short listing process, we are liable to be disqualified from the selection process or shall be terminated from the contract, if selected.
NISG CBKM eLearning EOI P a g e | 18

We agree to abide by this EOI, consisting of this letter, the detailed response and all provided attachments, for a period of 120 days from the date fixed for submission of EOI as stipulated in the EOI. In case short listed we agree to be empanelled and be available for participation in future/ related RFPs that NISG refers to us. It is hereby confirmed that I/We are entitled to act on behalf of our corporation/company/ firm/organization/ Consortium and empowered to sign this document as well as such other documents, which may be required in this connection.

Dated this

Day of



(In the capacity of)

Duly authorized to sign the EOI Response for and on behalf of: Sincerely, [Bidders Name] Name Title Signature Date (Name and Address of Company) Seal/Stamp


I, certify that I am of the , and that who signed the above response is authorized to bind the corporation by authority of its governing body.

Date (Seal here)


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Form II: List of Attachments Enclosed



Remarks (if any)


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Form III: Compliance to Eligibility for Participation in the EOI

Clause No.


Compliance Yes/No

Provide page/Para reference to the EOI Document


The bidder should be a Company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 or a registered firm under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932/LLP Act, 2008 and should have an average annual turnover of minimum Rs. 5,00,00,000/- (Rupees Five Crores Only) in the last three financial years. This should be evidenced by copies of the Certificate of Incorporation and audited annual financial statements for each of the last three financial years (2010-11, 2009-10 and 2008-09). The bidder may be a single entity or a Lead Bidder in a Consortium preferably with specialist skills related to the scope of work contained in this EOI i.e Core competency in providing e-Learning/LMS/Content Management solutions & having experience in converting ILT courses to WBT courses to corporate clients. In case of Consortium the expected role of the Consortium members will be specified and Lead bidder will be fully responsible for the submitted EOI bid for the scope of work and related services.



The Lead bidder (& Bidder) should have minimum of five years of experience in the field of Systems Integration/ Software development and Services similar to those required for the NISG eLearning project. Bidder to confirm this and attach a separate section in their EOI providing details of nature of System Integration/ Services
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activities company undertakes with focus on projects worked in the last five years, which are similar to the ones mentioned in the EOI. If the Lead Bidder /Bidder has any tie up with LMS/Content Management product vendor/distributor the same must be stated and scope of agreement indicated. Please state Yes/No and provide details.

The Lead bidder (& Bidder) should not be having any litigation/court case on any IT/e-Government projects, with any Government department or its affiliate organizations implementing such projects. Bidder to confirm the status as part of the EOI response. Also Lead Bidder (& Bidder) should not have been black listed any time by any of the State/Central Government departments / Undertakings for any reason. Bidder to confirm the status as part of the EOI response. Lead Bidder Organization must be an ISO 9001 certified / CMMI Level 3 or above assessed. Documentary evidence must be provided. Lead Bidder must have on their company rolls experienced staff with minimum four years experience in design and development of SCROM 1.2 or above compliant WBT courses from existing ILT courses, customizing/configuring LMS/Content Management products /solutions, SaaS base hosted services. Details of key resource personnel for at least 10 Nos with stated capabilities must be presented (Form VII) Bidders must present their approach and methodology to undertake the

Provide declaration confirming the same on Company Letter head.


Provide declaration confirming the same on Company Letter head.





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eLearning project, and present the LMS/Content Management solution / products that they plan to use/deploy for the NISG project, hosting options, Licensing / Pricing for the services envisaged etc (Form VIII).

Project references

a. The Lead Bidder should have completed at least Five ICT projects involving design/ development/ delivery of Learning Management/ Capacity Building related services over the last four years to Corporate clients outside their group Companies. List of these projects must be provided. b. At least two of the above projects must have significant work component of converting (Design and development) ILT course contents to Web based eLearning content over the last three years. The work done under these projects must be demonstrable /in live use. Certificate of completion attested by the customer. List of these two projects must be provided along with customer contact details. c. Have you provided complete details for each of the projects mentioned above as requested? (Form VI-A)


a. Bidder must have developed at least Five Internet/Intranet portals with at least two of them focussing on Training with LMS based Course Management/content Management components and delivery. Provide list of these five projects and specify which two of them had LMS focus.


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b. Two of these portals must be for external corporate clients which are in operation and in use over the Internet. c. For at least one of these LMS portals, there should be an external user base of > 1000 (Subscribers/ Trainees). Evidence for the same must be presented by way of user certification. Evidence of use must be presented for the last six months, including a description of type of support being provided. d. Bidder to confirm if the web pages developed for which of these portals are compatible with all leading browsers viz.; IE, Mozilla, Firefox, Chrome etc and that the portals are W3C compliant. e. Have you provided complete contact details of the customers to be provided along with contract data on customer name, customer address, contact particulars of persons who can be contacted for reference, start / end Date of projects, status of relationship now etc.? (Form VI-B)

a. Bidder must present at least two projects where hosted services are being delivered on SaaS model. b. Out of the above, at least one project must be related to e-Learning on SaaS model to an external Corporate client (Excludes Bidders sister concerns and group companies). c. Such service should have been provided at least for a period of 12 months preceding the EOI submission closing date.


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d. Have you provided details for all the above projects as per details requested? Please indicate Yes/No and provide details (Form VI-C).


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Form IV:


Details of the Organization Name Nature of the legal status in India Nature of business in India Date of Incorporation Date of Commencement of Business Address of the Headquarters Address of the Registered Office in India Other Relevant Information like ownership of IPR etc for the proposed application. Bidder companys Web Site Address:

Note: Supporting documents to be attached by bidder: a. b. Certificate of Incorporation from Registrar of Companies (ROC). Relevant sections of Memorandum of Association of the company or filings to the stock exchanges to indicate the nature of business of the company.


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Form V: FINANCIAL INFORMATION Financial Information FY 2008-2009 Revenue (INR in Lakhs) Profit Before Tax (INR in Lakhs) Net Worth of Company Other Relevant Information, if any FY 2009-2010 FY 2010-2011

Note: Auditor Certified financial statements for the last three financial years to be included (Please include only the sections on P&L and the assets, not the entire balance sheet. All the documents must be signed and certified by authorized signatory).


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Form VI: A. Project Details referred under Section 7.2.1 sub sections a and b

Project Details: 1 2 Name of Client: Name of the contact person from the client organization who can act as a reference with contact coordinates: Name Designation Address Phone Number Mobile Number Email ID Is this client part of Lead Bidders /Bidders Group Company or a Sister/ subsidiary company (Yes/No) 4. Is this project included here as a reference to 7.2.1 sub section a or sub section b? Please indicate. Project Details: 5 6 7 8 Project Title@ Start Date (Month/Year): Completion Date (Month/Year): Current Status (In Progress/ Completed) Approximate value of the project (INR in lakhs) Narrative Description of the scope of project (Highlight the components/ services involved in the project that are related to the specific experience, development methodology etc): Solution Environment (Includes SW/HW/NW and LMS /Content Management solution components include Product
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Name, version no, Name of Supplier etc. 12 Provide key Functions and features deployed and being used by the customer in the project. Also attach/ provide link access to sample Screens, reports. Is SaaS based delivery of services being provided. Provide details on Business model. If this project has significant ILT to WBT conversion work, indicate volume of conversion work done in terms of classroom hrs vs WBT hrs of course, no of ILT sessions /screens converted, media mix etc Bidders current role in the project Attach proofs for the Projects? (Contract/Client satisfactory certificate) [Yes/ No]





Note: Use separate sheet for each project. Supporting documents to be attached by bidder: This includes copies of POs/Contract Letters, Project /Portal Web Site addresses if any.


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Form VI: B. Project Details referred under Section 7.2.2 sub sections a, b ,c and d

Project Details: 1 2 Name of Client: Name of the contact person from the client organization who can act as a reference with contact coordinates: Name Designation Address Phone Number Mobile Number Email ID Under which sub section of 7.2.2 this project is being presented. Please indicate. Project Details: 4 5 6 7 Project Title Start Date (Month/Year): Completion Date (Month/Year): Current Status (In Progress/ Completed) Approximate value of the project (INR in lakhs) Narrative Description of the scope of project (Highlight the components/ services involved in the project that are related to the specific experience): Solution Environment (Includes SW/HW/NW and LMS /Content Management solution components Sample Screens of the Portal Attached or links provided? Provide types of eLearning services being provided on the
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portal, with usage details- no of users, No of Concurrent users etc 13 Bidders current role in the project Attach proofs for the Projects? (Contract/Client satisfactory certificate) [Yes/ No]


Note: Use separate sheet for each project. Supporting documents to be attached by bidder: This includes copies of POs/Contract Letters, Project /Portal Web Site addresses if any.


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Form VI: C. Project Details referred under Section 7.2.3 sub sections a, b and c

Project Details: 1 2 Name of Client: Name of the contact person from the client organization who can act as a reference with contact coordinates: Name Designation Address Phone Number Mobile Number Email ID Under which sub section of 7.2.3 this project is being presented. Please indicate. Project Details: 4 5 6 7 Project Title Start Date (Month/Year): Completion Date (Month/Year): Current Status (In Progress/ Completed) Approximate value of the project (INR in lakhs) Narrative Description of the scope of project (Highlight the components/ services involved in the project that are related to the specific experience): Solution Environment (Includes SW/HW/NW and LMS /Content Management solution components Provide details of services being provided under SaaS, where the SW is hosted (Domestic/Global), duration of services being provided, availability of help
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desk (Dedicated /shared), Duration in months under use, Size of database, billing model etc 13 Bidders current role in the project Attach proofs for the Projects? (Contract/Client satisfactory certificate for SaaS arrangements) [Yes/ No]


Note: Use separate sheet for each project. Supporting documents to be attached by bidder: This includes copies of POs/Contract Letters, Project /Portal Web Site addresses if any.


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Form VII: Technical Resources (Key) Profiles of the Bidders team


Name of the Resource & Major Qualification

Indicate Employee or Contracted Staff / Since When (MM/YY)

Years of Experience in SW Development/ICT Services

State which specific skill relevant for the NISG eLearning project the resource would be utilized and mention years of relevant experience in that area

Indicate which project /s referred under section 7.2 sub sections has this person worked and in what capacity, From/To period of working


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Form VIII: Approach and Methodology to undertake the eLearning project of NISG

Approach and Methodology


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Annexure A

Course Details of Two of the STeP Programs Course Title

Course Duration Target Audience

e-Governance Project Life Cycle

5 Days
This course is targeted primarily at leadership and senior management staff, at State and Local government level, who are expected to play crucial role in e-Governance project development and implementation. This course is also targeted at the project leadership/management teams designated for creation/operations/maintenance of eGovernance initiatives

The potential target audience for this course would be Director/Joint Director/Dy Director, Head of Department at the State Government level This course is also targeted at Head of Offices, Head of IT initiatives, Govt. representatives in State/Project eGovernance Mission Teams, Head of Project Management Units and its team members, resources identified for eGovernance projects, Project Managers/Nodal officers for e-Governance initiatives

Course Coverage

Introduction to e-Governance e-Governance in India E-Governance Project Development Lifecycle e-Governance building blocks and role of Share Service Systems/ Centers/ Resources e-Governance Vision and Strategy development Services prioritization and roadmap development for eGovernance implementation Government Process Reengineering in e-Governance Solution Architecture and Standards for e-Governance implementation Information Security management and standards for eGovernance implementation Implementation Approach and Planning for e-Governance projects Change Management and Capacity building in eGovernance Business Models for implementation of e-Governance projects Preparation of DPR and RFP Procurement and Contract Development Legal and policy framework for e-Governance projects Project and Program Management for e-Governance projects


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Monitoring and Evaluation for e-Governance projects Project Documentation, Knowledge Transfer and Exit Management

Course Title
Course Duration Target Audience

Government Process Reengineering

5 days
Course is targeted principally at leadership and senior management staff at State and Local government level, who are expected to play crucial role in eGovernance projects. Course is also targeted at the project leadership/ management teams designated for creation/ operations /maintenance of eGovernance initiatives

The target audience for this course is likely to include Principal Secretary/Secretary, Commissioner, Director/Joint Director/Dy Director, Head of Department at the State Government level

The courses shall also be targeted at Head of Offices, Head of IT initiatives, Govt. representatives in State/ Project eGovernance Mission Teams, Head of Project Management Units and its team members, resources identified for e-Governance projects, Project Managers/Nodal officers for e-Governance initiatives and specific individuals identified for leading/managing GPR engagements.

Course Coverage

Overview of GPR Assessment and Definition of the problems in Current Business Environment Understanding Customer Needs Definition of the Vision for Process reengineering Preparation of process Maps Collecting Data needed for Process reengineering Business process Analysis Identifying Solutions for Business process Environment Optimizing the Business Process Approach to implementing reengineered process Change Management for Implementation Leveraging Consultants in GPR engagement


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Annexure B: List of Courses Conducted by NISG under NeGP Program since Nov 2010- Feb 2012

S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Course Name e-Governance Project Lifecycle Change Management & Capacity Building e-Governance Project Lifecycle e-Governance Project Lifecycle

From Date 22-Nov-10 29-Nov-10 3-Jan-11 17-Jan-11

To Date 26-Nov-10 1-Dec-10 7-Jan-11 21-Jan-11

Location Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Trivandrum

No. of Participants 28 32 33 24

Representing State Govt. of Rajasthan Govt. of Rajasthan Govt. of Rajasthan Govt. of Kerala and Govt of Delhi Gov. Delhi, Govt. of Goa Gov. of CGH MCRHRD Govt. of Kerala Govt. of Rajasthan Govt. of MP Govt .of WB Govt of Chhattisgarh Govt. of Rajasthan Govt. of MP


e-Governance Project Lifecycle Government Process reengineering Change Management & Capacity Building e-Governance Project Lifecycle e-Governance Project Lifecycle e-Governance Project Lifecycle Business Models & Public private Partnership Change Management & Capacity Building e-Governance Project Lifecycle e-Governance Project Lifecycle e-Governance Project Lifecycle -Governance Project Lifecycle Government Process reengineering Government Process reengineering








TVM Jaipur

27 28

7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

09-Feb-11 14-Feb-11 21-Feb-11 28-Feb-11 08-March11 15-March11 21-March11 th 18 April11 25 April-11 25 April-11 02May, 2011 09-May, 11

11-Feb-11 18-Feb-11 25-Feb-11 04-Mar-11 11-March11 17-March11 25-March11 st 21 April11 29 April-11 29 April-11 06 May, 11 Guwhati 13-May, 11 33 Bhopal Kolkata Hyderabad Jaipur 45 25 24 23



12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Guwhati Shillong Kavaratti Guwhati Guwhati

17 31 25 92 51

Govt. Assam Govt.of Meghalaya Govt. of Lakshdweep Govt. of Assam Govt. of Assam

Govt. of Assam



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Government Process reengineering eGovernace Project Life cycle eGovernace Project Life cycle eGovernace Project Life cycle Project Management Training Change Management & Capacity Building Project Management Training eGovernace Project Life cycle eGovernace Project Life cycle eGovernace Project Life cycle eGovernace Project Life cycle Change Management & Capacity Building e-Governace Project Life cycle e-Governace Project Life cycle e-Governace Project Life cycle e-Governace Project Life cycle Communication Assertiveness & Presentation Skills Project Management e-Governace Project Life Cycle Communication Assertiveness & Presentation Skills

Guwhati 09-May, 11 13-May, 11 Hyderabad 16-May, 11 23-May-11 04-July, 2011 05-July, 2011 13-July, 2011 25-July, 2011 01-Aug-11 01-Aug-11 02-Aug-11 20-Aug-11 29-Aug-11 263sep,2011 11-Oct-11 12-Oct-11 13-Oct-11 20 May, 11 27-May-11 08-July, 2011 09-July, 2011 15-July, 2011 29-July, 2011 05-Aug-11 05-Aug-11 06-Aug-11 20-Aug-11 31-Aug-11 30 september,1 1 11-Oct-11 12-Oct-11 13-Oct-11 Kohima Delhi Hyderabad


Govt. of Assam

20. 21. 22. 23.

24 Plus 1 Plus 2 28 27 22

Govt. of Manipur NeGD & NISG Govt. of Nagaland Govt of NCT of Delhi Govt. of Chhattisgarh Govt. of Meghalaya Govt. of Madhya Pradesh Govt. of Meghalaya Govt. of Meghalaya Govt. of Chattisgarh Govt.of Bihar Govt. of MP Govt.of Nagaland Govt. of UP Govt. of UP Govt. of UP






25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Shillong Shillong Hyderabad Patna Bhopal

16 16 16 50 25

31. 32. 33. 34.

Kohima Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow

25 30 32 27






Govt.of M.P Govt.of Meghalya Govt of Manipur

36. 37.

17-Oct-11 31-Oct-11

21-Oct-11 04-Nov-11

Shillong Imphal

24 26






Govt. of MP


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39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57

Project Management e-Governace Project Life Cycle e-Governace Project Life Cycle Government Process Reengineering e-Governace Project Life Cycle e-Governace Project Life Cycle Regulatory Framework for e-Governance e-Governace Project Life Cycle e-Governace Project Life Cycle Government Process Reengineering e-Governace Project Life Cycle Government Process Reengineering Government Process Reengineering e-Governance Project Life Cycle e-Governance Project Life Cycle Project Management e-Governance Project Life Cycle e-Governance Project Life Cycle e-Governance Project Life cycle

08-Nov-11 09Nov-11 11Nov-11 14-Nov-11 5-Dec-2011 15- Dec 2011 20-Dec-2011 21-Dec-2011 22-Dec-2011 10-Jan-2012 11- Jan-2012 12-Jan-2012

12-Nov-11 10-Nov-11 12-Nov-11 18-Nov-11 9-Dec-11 16- Dec 2011 22.Dec-2011 23-Dec-2011 23-Dec-2011 11-Jan-2012 13-Jan-2012 13-Jan-2012

Bhopal Imphal Imphal Shillong Shillong Chandigarh Bhopal Gandhinagar Agartala Kavaratti Raipur Kavaratti

22 17 17 24 23 22 22 26 27 25 25 25

Govt. of MP Govt. of Manipur Govt. of Manipur Govt. of Meghalaya Govt. of Meghalaya Govt,of Punjab Govt.of.MP Govt.of Gujarat Govt.of Tripura Govt of Lakshdweep Govt.of Chattisgarh Govt of Lakshdweep Govt of MP Govt.of Karnataka Govt.of Karnataka Govt. of Rajasthan Govt. of Rajasthan Govt. of Kerala Govt.of Uttarakhand

17-Jan-2012 19- Jan-2012 23- Jan-2012 23-Jan-12 06 Feb-12 06 Feb-12 21- Feb-12

21-Jan-2012 21-Jan-2012 35-Jan-2012 27-Jan-12 10-Feb-12 10-Feb-12 22 - Feb-12

Bhopal Benguluru Benguluru Jaipur Jaipur Trivandrum Dehradun

25 25 25 25 25 25 18


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