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If f is continuous on an open interval I containing a, then, for every x in the interval, d x [ f (x) dt] = f (x) dx a Proof: Begin by dening F as

F (x) =

f (t) dt.

Then, by the denition of the derivative, you can write F (x + x) F (x) x0 x

x+x a x

F (x) = lim

= lim

1 [ x0 x 1 [ x0 x

f (t) dt

f (t) dt]


= lim

f (t) dt +
a x

f (t) dt]

= lim

1 [ x0 x

x+x x

f (t) dt].

From The Mean Value Theorem for Integrals (assuming x > 0), you know there exists a number c in the interval [x, x + x] such that the intergral in the expression above is equal to f (c)x. Moreover, because x c x + x, it follows that c x as x 0. So, you obtain F (x) = lim [

1 f (c)x] x

= lim f (c)

= f (x) 1

A similar argument can be made for x < 0 The Mean Value Theorem If f is continuous on the closed interval [a, b] and dierentiable on the open interval (a, b), then exists a number c in (a, b) such that f (c) = f (b) f (a) ba

Suppose the equation of the secant line that passes through the points (a, f (a)) and (b, f (b)) is f (b) f (a) ](x a) + f (a) y=[ ba . Let g(x) be the dierence between f (x) + y. Then g(x) = f (x) y =f (x) [ f (b)f (a) ](x a) f (a). ba By evaluating g at a, b, you can see that g(a) = 0 = g(b). Because f is continuous on [a, b]. Furthermore, because f is dierentiable, g is also differebtiable, and you can apply Rolless Theorem to the function g. So, there exists a number c in (a, b) such that g(c) = 0, which implies that 0 = g(c) =f (c)

f (b)f (a) . ba

So, there exists a number in c (a, b) such that f (c) = f (b f (a) . ba

Rolless Theorem Let f be continuous on the closed interval [a, b] and dierentiable on the open interval (a, b). If f (a) = f (b) then there is at least one number c in (a, b) such that f (c) = 0 Proof: Let f (a) = d = f (b). Case 1: If f (x) = d for all x in [a, b], f is constant on the interval and, d [c] = 0, f (x) = 0 for all x in (a, b). dx Case 2: If f is continuous on a closed interval [a, b], then f has both a minimum and a maximum on the interval. Suppose f (x) > d for some x in (a, b), f has a maximum at some c in the interval. Moreover because f (c) > d, this maximum does not occur at either endpoint. So, f has a maximum in the open interval (a, b). This implies that f (c) is a relative maximum and, c is a critical number of f because f has a relative maximum at x = c. Finally, because f is dierentiable at c, you can conclude that f (c) = 0. Case 3 : If f (x) < d for some x in (a, b), you can use an argument similar to Case 2, but involving the minimum instead of the maximum.

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