Marine Fuels

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Marine Fuels and the Environment

Quality of marine fuels ISO 8217:2010 Fuel Regulations and the Environment SOx emission control
by Maria Kyratsoudi
FOBAS Specialist
Hellenic Lloyds SA A member of the Lloyds Register Group

Quality of Marine Fuels ISO 8217:2010

Lloyds Register FOBAS

ISO TC 28/SC 4/WG 6

to develop and maintain an internationally recognised specification for marine fuels achieved by: considering ship safety, engine performance, environmental impact and the mitigation of risk identifying appropriate and scientifically valid test method and specification limits necessitated by environmental legislation, technical developments both on board the vessel and in the production of marine fuels considering the impact of specification limits to ensure worldwide fuel availability identifying issues for future revisions of ISO 8217

ISO 8217:2010
Characteristics added/reviewed for: Both categories of Fuels H2S measurement Acid Number Distillate Fuels only Added minimum viscosity for DMB New DMZ category for a minimum of 3 cSt at 40 deg C Appearance clause modified Oxidation stability Lubricity (for LT 0.05% Sulphur ) Minimum viscosity DMA increased

ISO 8217:2010
Residual Fuels only

Avoidance of unusual viscosity/density relationships by inclusion of (CCAI) Accelerated Total Sediment (TSA) Ash limits reduced for many of the categories Vanadium limits reduced (except RMB30 and RMG380) Aluminium plus silicon limits reduced RMG and RMK grades expanded to include additional viscosity grades while RMF and RMH grades have been removed Sulphur limits removed guided by Sulphur Limiting Zones of operations (ECAs) Sodium limits The criteria for presence of ULO amended

Lubricity for (clear and bright) distillates has been added for < 0.050% m/m sulphur content This parameter has been incorporated in the standard due to the fact that ultra low sulphur distillates may have reduced lubricity properties The lubricity limit of 520 wear scar diameter at 60 oC is based on existing requirements for high speed automotive and heavy-duty industrial diesel engines

Oxidation Stability
Oxidation Stability has been added due to refinery practices which may lead to distillates having limited oxidation stability

Furthermore due to present stringent sulphur controls on distillates + further legislative limiting sulphur controls in the future, the distillate supply chain may be susceptible to bio derived materials (such as FAME) finding their way into the marine distillate stream. This phenomena may also lead to more distillates having limited oxidation stability

Acid Number
Acid Number (AN) has been included in the standard to take into account potential damage to marine diesel engines (primarily fuel injection equipment) Testing for AN can give indication of likely presence of acidic compounds. (Note all fuels have a naturally occurring measurable acid number. For distillates usually < 0.5 mg KOH/g and for residual fuels < 2.5 mg KOH/g) It should be noted that in the event of AN exceeding limits, it may still be fit for purpose pending nature of acid i.e. naturally occurring naphthenic vs alien acids

Proposed H2S limit is 2 mg/kg in the liquid phase, to come into effect 1 July 2012 H2S is not a new issue but it continues to be a global concern H2S initially contained within the liquid can slowly be released into vapour with no proven, predictable or fully understood rules for this tendency. It is simply down to fuel chemistry Industry sources coefficient of partitioning between liquid and vapour is approximately 1:50 and up to 1:100, which means that each 1 ppm of H2S in liquid phase can give rise to approx 50 to 100 ppm in vapour phase in tank head space Due to health and safety issues the correct monitoring of H2S concentrations is of utmost importance

Clause 5 General requirements

Sub-clause 5.3: Fuels shall be free from any material that renders the fuel unacceptable for use in marine applications. Sub-clause 5.4 : The fuel shall be free from the bio-derived materials other than de minimis levels of FAME (FAME shall be in accordance with the requirements of EN 14241 or ASTM D6751). In the context of this International Standard, de minimis means an amount that does not render the fuel unacceptable for use in marine applications.

Fuel Regulations and the Environment SOx emission control

Lloyds Register FOBAS

Sulphur Oxides (SOx)

Regulation 14

Sulphur content on any fuel used on board ships is currently 4.50% m/m World-wide average of sulphur content in residual fuel oil supplied for use on board ships shall be monitored annually Average sulphur content now going into MEPC 62/4 is 2.61%m/m
Distribution of sulphur content in fuel samples

Sulphur Oxides (SOx)

Regulation 14

Maximum sulphur content of fuel in ECA-SOx is 1.00% m/m Ships using different fuel oils to comply inside and outside ECA-SOx - written change-over procedures required Record maintained of date, time, position and quantities of ECA-SOx fuel in each tank on completion (on entry) or commencement (on exit) of change-over

Fuel Oil Quality

Regulation 18

The fuel shall be: Blends of hydrocarbons from petroleum refining Free from inorganic acid Free from any substance that: jeopardizes safety of ships, is harmful to personnel or contributes overall to additional air pollution BDN (bunker delivery note) shall be kept on board for 3 years after the fuel oil has been delivered on board BDN to include: Name and IMO number of receiving ship Port and Date of commencement of delivery Name, address and telephone number of fuel supplier Product name and Quantity Density and Sulphur content Declaration signed by supplier that the fuel oil conforms with Annex VI

Fuel Oil Quality

Regulation 18

Representative sample to be sealed and signed by the suppliers representative and the master or officer in charge of the bunker operation Sample to be kept on board until the fuel oil is substantially consumed but in any case for not less than 1 year from time of delivery Authorities to regulate suppliers to ensure compliance with their responsibilities under MARPOL Annex VI. Representative sample analysis in accordance with the verification procedure set forth in Appendix VI to determine whether the fuel oil meets the requirements of this Annex.

Fuel Oil Availability

Regulation 18

Ship should not be required to deviate from its intended voyage or unduly delay the voyage If not compliant: Present action taken to attempt to achieve compliance Evidence of attempt to purchase Not physically available what action taken Competent authority to take the above into account when considering what, if any, action to be taken

Sampling procedural requirements

Guidelines for the sampling of fuel oil for determination of compliance with Annex VI Resolution MEPC.182(59) Representative sample defined Determination of sampling methods Handling of retained sample

95% Confidence Limit

Frequency of results
Reproducibility, R : The difference between two test results independently obtained by different operators in different laboratories on nominally identical test material. How well can I expect to agree with other laboratories Repeatability, r : The difference between successive test results obtained by the same operator with the same apparatus under constant operating conditions on identical test material How well can I expect to agree with myself 95% confidence = 95% of the time the difference between duplicates can be expected to be less than a certain figure

True Value -0.59xR +0.59xR Results Acceptable Results Fail

x x x x x x x x x x

Variability of test result Infinite results from infinite Laboratories

S Test Accuracy to 95% confidence

MARPOL Annex VI Specified Sulphur Max Limit (% m/m) 4.50 1.00 0.10
The Supplier can consider the result to MEET the regulation with 95% confidence if his single result is < or = to 0.94% m/m

Sulphur Test Method ISO 8754:2003 Lower Limit Supplier 95% 4.28 0.94 0.09 Upper Limit Buyer 95% 4.72 1.06 0.11

The Buyer can consider the sample to FAIL the regulation with 95% confidence if his single result is greater than 1.06% m/m

Best Practices
Supplier should be put on notice and requested to comment on the FOBAS finding as to the sulphur content of the fuel Sample(s) of the subject fuel oil in storage (assuming it has not been mixed on loading) top / middle / bottom - should be tested to confirm the result of the initial bunker drip sample Subsequent to outcomes from 1 and 2 above (as applicable) then flag State and relevant Bunker Supplier Registration Authority and port State(s) should be duly advised and their guidance requested Keep all records such as BDN, log book entries, communications to relevant parties, fuel loading, transfer and change over details in good order

Marine Fuel Sulphur Record Book developed by Lloyds Register

Provides consistency through multi flag fleet Overview of regulations Compliant check lists Letter of Protest form Log 1 Bunker Details Log 2 BDN and MARPOL Sample Log 3 Fuel oil change-over record Log 4 Fuel oils used in ECA-SOx Log 5 EU at berth change over Log 6 Fuel oils used at berth in EU ports Demonstration of compliance to PSC

Deficiencies that may lead to ship detention by Port State Control

Non-compliance within a sulphur oxide (SOx) emission control area >1.00% m/m Check of changeover records Sulphur content of any fuel used on board exceeding 4.50% m/m checked via bunker delivery notes or confirmed by MARPOL sample test MARPOL Sample is not to be used for commercial quantity/quality verification purposes and should be only handed over to Port State Control upon their request The master or crew are unfamiliar with the operational procedures of MARPOL Annex VI

Controlled Sulphur Fuel Oil Change-over

Managing Sulphur Limited Zones (SLZ)

Change-over procedures & calculation of time - FOBAS Calculator Crew awareness training & record keeping Degraded onboard by in-tank or system pipe mixing Charter Party clauses & flexibility Longer periods on low sulphur fuel oil lube oil concerns Compatibility concerns, cleaning effect, over / under heating

Compatibility Spot Test onboard

Rating 1 2 3 4 5


Not Acceptable

FOBAS sample bottle pack compatibility test instruction

EU Directive 2005/33/EC
Jan 2010 At berth requirement Covers all grades of fuels and all types of combustion machinery, including main and auxiliary boilers At berth in this context covers ships at anchor, on buoys or alongside irrespective of whether working cargo or not Changeover as soon as possible after arrival and as late as possible prior to departure Ships which are timetabled to be at berth for less than 2 hrs and certain named vessels will be exempted from the requirements

Regulated California Waters (24 Miles from Californian Coast) Key Elements
Main Engines, Auxiliary Engines & Auxiliary Boilers From 1 July 2009 ISO 8217:2005 DMA grade fuel oil 1.5% m/m max. sulphur or ISO 8217:2005 DMB grade fuel oil 0.5% m/m max. sulphur From 1 January 2012 ISO 8217:2005 DMA or DMB grade fuel oils 0.1% m/m max. sulphur Documentation & Record Keeping required

Legislative overview IMO, European Union and CARB

19 May 2006 Baltic Sea SECA 1.5% 22 November 2007 North Sea SECA 1.5% 1 July 2010 ECA-SOx 1.00% 1 January 2012 Outside ECASOX 3.50% 1 January 2015 ECA-SOx 0.10% 1 January 2020 Outside ECA-SOX 0.50%









11 August 2006 DMB/DMC 1.5%

11 August 2007 North Sea SECA 1.5%

01 Jan 2008 MGO 0.1%

January 2010 0.1% sulphur limit on all marine fuel at berth in EU ports CARB (Phase I): DMA 1.5% DMB 0.5% January 2012 CARB (Phase II): DMA 0.1% DMB 0.1%

11 August 2006 EU Member States laws enacted: 1.5% in Baltic SECA 1.5% for passenger ships between EU ports Use of abatement technology

North American ECA-SOx

North America in force from August 2012

Up to 200 nm from coast

For more information, please contact: Maria Kyratsoudi

T +30 210 4580952 F +30 211 2686 653 W E

Hellenic Lloyds S.A.

A member of the Lloyds Register Group 87, Akti Miaouli Street 185 38 Piraeus

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